Why are pliers so called. Pliers and pliers: the difference and features of using the tool. General concept of a pliers tool

Pliers and pliers belong to pliers, another name for which is pincers. All of them are designed to manipulate objects, as well as to perform various operations, up to the extraction of teeth. Moreover, even dental pliers are diverse. The situation is similar with such household tools as pliers and pliers, the difference between which exists, although not obvious to everyone. About what these items are, for what purposes they are used - will be discussed in this article.


This instrument comes from our childhood. A large encyclopedic dictionary of technical terms defines pliers as a hand-held metalwork and assembly tool, equipped with rectangular-section pyramidal sponges, used to grip and bend small metal parts. From the definition it can be seen that with pliers you can:

  • hold an object (metal strip, washer, nail, electric wire);
  • bend a metal strip, wire.

That is, their main purpose is capture and manipulation. The tool can only hold and bend. It is not for nothing that among its many relatives - pliers - it is now extremely rare in the windows of tool stores. Domestic pliers must comply with GOST 7336-93, according to which they are:

  1. With short (25–55 mm) or long (50–63 mm) jaws. By the way, the criterion for belonging to a particular type is not the length of the jaws, but the ratio of their linear dimensions to the dimensions of the clamping handles.
  2. With plain or insulating handles. The latter are manufactured in accordance with GOST 11563-94, which regulates the requirements for hand tools for performing work under high voltage.

Available instrument sizes: 125–220 mm (total length).

Domestic tools are made from U7A carbon tool steel with volumetric hardening up to 45 HRC units. A decorative coating for corrosion protection is applied in one of 3 ways:

  • chemical oxidation. Color of a covering - dark gray with black outflow.
  • chemical phosphating. The surface of the instrument is matte gray, of various tones (from light to dark gray).
  • Chrome plating. This coating is the most durable and corrosion resistant.

Pliers. Everything is captured

If you put pliers and pliers next to each other, the difference will become noticeable. Next to their modest relative, pliers look more solid, and they are capable of more in work. If the pliers can only lightly grab the object being held, then the pliers will clamp it much more securely. This is especially good when gripping cylindrical parts (bars, studs, bolts), thanks to the jaws, which are equipped with special grooves with a large notch. Some models have two pairs of grooved grooves of different depths, and sometimes they make an additional semicircular groove located on the side of the handles (it can perform the crimping function). At the end, the sponges are made flat, equipped with the same notches as those of the pliers. Sometimes pliers are supplied with additional corrugated elements made on the inside of the handles, next to the hinge, a lever of the second kind is obtained.

As standard, all pliers have cutting blades (side cutters) located next to the hinge, which can be used to cut thin metal strips, electrical wires. Wire and thin nails can be cut with two cutouts on one side of the tool, which work on the principle of a guillotine. At the same time, the cutting force pinches the part in the grooves, so that you can squeeze the handles with both hands. The force increases even more due to the increased ratio of the lever arms - the cutting grooves are located close to the axis of rotation. Due to the additional working functions, pliers are often called combination pliers. Usually they have one (fixed) axis of rotation of the handles. There are designs with an adjustable joint - two- or multi-position, which expands the clamping range of the tool.

Pliers are made of stronger steel than pliers. Usually chrome molybdenum or chrome vanadium steel is used. The gripping jaws are hardened up to 53 HRC, and the edges of the side cutters are hardened up to 60 HRC. A little about handles. The amount of force applied depends on their shape and material. For this purpose, ergonomic pads are used to increase the comfort of the grip. The material is rubber or a two-component coating (eg thermoplastic rubber with santoprene linings). Dielectric handles (made of plastic) must have a confirmation inscription: work under voltage up to 1000 V.

Find 6 differences

So, pliers and pliers. The difference between them is in purpose and functionality. Consider the main distinguishing features of the two tools. The presence of at least one sign means belonging to a particular class.

  • Pliers - highly specialized, pliers - a multifunctional bench tool;
  • The jaws of the pliers are flat, with a fine notch along the entire length;
  • For pliers, the flat part of the jaws is shorter, and to capture cylindrical parts, they are equipped with figured (radius or triangular) notches with a large notch;
  • Pliers have cutting edges (nippers or side cutters), as well as transverse cutters for cutting wire or nails;
  • Can be equipped with an adjustable swivel joint;
  • Pliers are made of stronger and highly hardened steel.

Summing up, we can say that pliers are a single tool, and pliers are multifunctional, replacing a small hand vise, side cutter and end cutters. Buying pliers today is more appropriate. And pliers, most likely, will be found in everyone in their father's or grandfather's tool.

In the home workshop, there are always pliers and pliers, or, in extreme cases, one thing. This is a tool that is difficult to do without when performing virtually any type of work, both plumbing and electrical, mechanical, repair, etc.

Many consider pliers with pliers to be different names for the same tool, but this is absolutely not the case. They have different functions, moreover, in state standards they have different requirements.

Types of pliers

The first pliers tool can be considered blacksmith tongs, or perhaps a similar device, with which something was pulled out of the fire. The names of the authors of such a valuable invention, as well as its date, are hidden in the mists of time.

There are five main types of pliers. It:

  • Ticks. They pull out nails, hold metal blanks.
  • Wire cutters. This tool is designed, as the name suggests, to cut something, such as wire.
  • Round nose pliers. Convenient for working with cable cores.
  • Pliers. Clamping of any materials, bending, holding, etc. are used.
  • Pliers. They are used for the same as pliers, plus they have many additional functions.

The classification is rather conditional, because, if desired, garden shears, scissors for cutting tin, etc. can be attributed to it. In addition, species necessarily have subspecies, and so on ad infinitum.

Pliers, their features and applications

To understand how pliers differ from pliers, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the structure of both. Pliers are pretty simple. As you might expect, this is a pair of flat lips, notches on them, handles and a hinge as a connection. It is convenient to work with wire, wire, sheet metal with such a tool, hold metal, wooden or plastic parts suitable for exchange, even tighten nuts if there is no wrench at hand.

Pliers come in different sizes, and most importantly, with different shaped lips. They can be elongated, narrow, curved in any direction. It all depends on the area of ​​application. For example, pliers with curved or thin long lips are highly valued by radio engineers and electricians, since it is easy to get into hard-to-reach places with such a tool. Without electrical insulation on the handles, pliers are practically not produced. Usually, the insulating layer indicates how much voltage it can withstand.

Pliers: multitasking and versatility

Between pliers and pliers, the difference is fundamental in terms of functionality. Pliers are pliers plus side cutters, cutters for cutting wire or wires of various diameters, an additional grip placed after the swivel.

Side cutters can cut wires and wire, it is good to hold round objects of various diameters in the recesses, etc. There are modifications of pliers in which it is possible to adjust the compression force by moving the swivel rod into special grooves.

Several conclusions should be drawn from what has been written. If no one confuses wire cutters or pliers, then not everyone sees the difference between pliers and pliers. You just need to remember one thing - if the lips are only notched - these are pliers. If not only - pliers.

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The most popular tool in the household are pliers. Although professional craftsmen also cannot do without this universal tool. Mechanics, locksmiths, electricians and other workers cannot do without them. With a large assortment of tools in the distribution network, there is probably no more necessary and universal thing.

Consider the existing types of pliers, their design features and differences from other similar tools, how to use them correctly, and how to make the right choice when purchasing.

Design features

Pliers refer to a pliers tool used for various electrical installation, plumbing and other work. Pliers can capture parts of various shapes, as well as thin pipes.

This product combines the design of two tools: wire cutters and pliers. This versatile device is very convenient when doing small household work by a home master. Pliers usually cut wires only from soft metal, since the cutting edges are deformed from hard material and quickly become unusable.

A special notch is applied to the jaws of the tool, the shape and size of which determines the reliability of holding the captured part. The notch also happens on the other side of the hinge axis, which is closer to the handles. This makes it possible to capture the part with any side of the pliers to choose from. The geometric shape of such a tool in different versions is almost the same, except for the dimensions. The longer the product, the greater the force on the jaws can be created. All other parameters and dimensions have minor differences.

Sharpening of the cutting parts plays a big role. When improving tools, manufacturers create various new qualities: sharpen sharp edges at special angles, harden them in a special way, etc.

The assembly of a product largely determines its quality. Ideally, there should be no gaps and backlashes in the swivel joint, and the handles of the pliers should be moved apart with the fingers of one hand without much effort. A slight gap between the jaws in their compressed state is allowed (a few tenths of a millimeter).

Good quality pledge

In order to indirectly evaluate this tool for quality, it is enough to look at the end of the compressed jaws. If you see two equal rectangles of the correct shape, then most likely you are dealing with a quality tool. In the manufacture of this feature, almost no attention is paid, and the correctness of the forms of the sponges indicates the accuracy of the assembly. Well-known manufacturers of high-quality tools create an original hinge design that allows you to extend its life.


Steel for the manufacture of pliers determines their performance. When manufacturing at the factory, the composition of the material must be maintained, and a special heat treatment technology must be used to impart the necessary hardness and strength to the tool elements. In order for the swivel to serve for a long time, the hardness of the axis and the outer part must be equal. Cutting edges and sponges of expensive products, in addition to heat treatment, are usually additionally hardened with high-frequency currents.


Another important factor is the application of a special composition to the surface of the tool to prevent corrosion. Otherwise, after moisture gets on the instrument, they will quickly rust and become unusable. A simple coating is surface burnishing, which consists in placing the part in hot oil vapor, followed by coating with a protective varnish.

This treatment is also called oxidation. This is not enough quality protection when working with high humidity, so this tool is only used for indoor work. In order to be able to work without problems outdoors, a better finish, such as chrome plating, is needed. It imparts a beautiful steely sheen, especially if the finish is carefully polished.

Zinc coated pliers are quite rare. This coating is practically not inferior to the previous type, and in terms of resistance to mechanical shocks, it even surpasses it. However, in appearance, the zinc coating is clearly inferior.

To ensure the convenience of working with pliers, the handles of the tool are enclosed in plastic. There are several types of handle insulation:
  • Ordinary. They are made only of plastic that does not contain substances harmful to humans. They have a low cost.
  • Ergonomic equipped with rubber pads. Rubber elements increase the convenience of work, however, with poor-quality rubber during contact with the palm, a person may experience an allergy.
  • Electrical insulating, made of more rigid plastic for high-quality electrical insulation, ensuring the safety of the worker when working up to 1000 V.

An important factor is the reliable fixation of the overlays. On low-quality Chinese pliers, plastic handles can turn and slide off the tool, which greatly complicates their use. A simple way to attach plastic handles is to glue them. A more modern fixation method is to fit the handles “hot”, that is, they are put on in a hot state, when they cool, they shrink, and they are securely fixed on the instrument. In rare cases, handles are fastened with metal pins.


There are several types of pliers, each designed to perform certain types of work.

Dielectric pliers

In terms of functionality and appearance, such a tool is similar to conventional combined pliers, but has special insulating handles for performing electrical work on connecting live electrical equipment, replacing metering devices (with permission and certain skills).

Soft handles of a convenient form allow you to safely and comfortably perform all the necessary work. The plastic of the handles can be reinforced with fiberglass for increased strength. The insulation material does not allow electric shock to a person. The surface of the handles is ribbed, which prevents the hands from slipping during operation. The jaws of the tool have special teeth to ensure a secure grip. The weight and overall dimensions of the tool are small, working with it for a long time does not create much fatigue.


This is a common tool for the home craftsman. In the manufacture of curtains and curtains, a plastic or metal ring with a diameter of up to 7 mm, which is called an eyelet, is often used. Thanks to specially designed pliers for eyelets, their installation is very fast. This procedure is greatly simplified: it is enough to apply a few forces on the handles, and the rings are completely fixed on the material.

Combined pliers

Such pliers can perform several functions of various plumbing fixtures and tools: side cutters, wire cutters, pliers, etc. They, like other models, are made of durable carbon steel, sharp edges are hardened to increase their service life. Metal elements are coated with a special coating and polished.

There are special versions of combined pliers that can even grip pipes, as they have the ability to adjust the size of the opening of the jaws. They are also called pipe or adjustable. They are also used to grip various large parts, thick cables, as a wrench.


This is one of the varieties of pliers with flat jaws.

By the name of this tool, the shape of their sponges becomes clear. They are notched, there are handles and a swivel. Pliers are a handy tool for various electrical and plumbing work. Their flat jaws make it easy to hold parts of various shapes. Pliers usually bend the cores of wires, cables, as well as metal and steel wire.

The dimensions of the parts that can be clamped with pliers are determined by the dimensions of the tool itself (usually no more than 200 mm). Quite often, such a tool is used instead of a wrench, since flat jaws repeat the edges of the key. Of course, pliers cannot completely replace a wrench, but in extreme cases, when there is no necessary tool, they are quite justified.

There are some types of pliers that differ in the type of working sponges:
  • Narrow long lips for work in hard-to-reach places.

  • curved jaws, which also serve for hard-to-reach places, or during the installation of radio-electronic equipment.

  • round nose pliers are mainly used for electrical work.

  • "Platypuses". In fact, they are an analogue of tweezers, characterized by greater compressive strength.

  • With various nozzles for the convenience of working with delicate and fragile materials.

To use pliers for live electrical installation, there are special insulated models. On plastic handles, the highest voltage value for which the insulation is designed is indicated. Most often, this value does not exceed 1000 volts. If this parameter is not specified, then the use of such a tool for working under voltage is strictly prohibited. Most likely, these are ordinary locksmith pliers, not designed to protect a person from electric shock.

Many people are mistaken in believing that pliers and pliers are one and the same. However, these tools have several differences:
  • The shape of the surface of the jaws of the pliers is flat and does not have a notch.
  • Compression force. By design, pliers are designed for high compressive force. Accordingly, steel for them is used more durable.
  • The ability to adjust the amount of opening of the jaws is available only for pliers (by moving the hinge).
  • Functionality. Pliers are less functional as they don't have side cutting edges.
  • If you have enough money, it is better to purchase a professional tool model, as it is much better and more reliable in operation. If your purchase does not turn out to be a fake, then such a tool will last almost a lifetime.
  • The play in the hinge indicates the low quality of the product, as well as biting and jamming when the jaws are moved apart. It is better to refuse such a tool.
  • It is not allowed to move the plastic handles on the tool, especially if these are dielectric pliers.
  • Gaps in closed jaws, and their uneven fit also indicate poor product quality.

Pliers - this is the name of a tool belonging to the pliers type. With its help, various manipulations with objects are performed, and their scope extends from construction to medicine. For example, in dentists, teeth are removed with pliers. In everyday life and during repair work, such types of ticks as pliers and pliers are used.

The difference between them is not obvious to many. However, they differ not only in appearance, but also in their functional purpose. Each type of work requires certain devices.


In almost any kind of locksmith work, these tools are used. All of them consist of a head, a handle and a movable axial joint.. Since ancient times, blacksmiths have used large tongs in their work, with the help of which they held the workpiece on the anvil.

Over time, society, craft and tools have changed. Simple ticks have been reborn into a range of multifunctional and useful devices. There were round-nose pliers, wire cutters, pliers and pliers.

Main features and differences

GOST defines pliers as a tool for clamping and gripping pipes, as well as parts of various shapes. In appearance, they are very similar to pliers. In addition to the working area, they have flat jaws, which are a continuation of the area for gripping pipes or bolts. Often this tool is equipped with side cutters for stripping insulation and cutting wire of small diameter.

Main differences:

  • Pliers are a multifunctional tool, pliers are designed to perform one action.
  • Pliers have flat working elements, with a notch along the entire length.
  • The pliers have cutters for cutting thin wire and cavities for clamping tubes, and durable steel is used in their production.

Pliers allow you to solve more problems in the process of various household works. In many ways, they are able to replace end cutters, small household vise or side cutters, and capture almost any small object.


Pliers are related to metalwork and assembly tools. With the help of sponges of rectangular section and pyramidal shape, they capture various objects or bend wire, metal parts.

Due to the low functionality for household work, this device is the least popular among tool buyers, who in most cases prefer pliers.

According to GOST, domestic-made pliers are available in two versions:

  • with short jaws from 25 to 55 mm and long (from 50 to 63 mm);
  • with simple handles and insulating, for work under high voltage.

The total length of the tool is in the range of 12–22 cm. In production, U7A tool steel is used with hardening up to 45 units. The finished product is subjected to anti-corrosion treatment in one of several ways.:

  • chemical oxidation;
  • chrome plating;
  • chemical phosphate.

The color of the product directly depends on the processing method and can be black, matte gray or metallic.

In addition to standard samples, you can see on sale their other varieties, designed for a certain type of work. For example, "platypuses" are pliers with elongated jaws resembling tweezers. However, due to the powerful handles, they have a greater grip force. Or pliers with bent jaws - for working in hard-to-reach places.


If you take pliers and pliers in one hand, the difference between them will become obvious. The pliers stand out with a solid appearance due to a more powerful design and additional functions. They will more reliably hold almost any part, confidently capture the surface of a cylindrical shape, nuts, bolts or studs.

Some modifications may have grooved hemispherical recesses on the inside of the handles, which can be used as crimps.

For the production of this tool, chrome vanadium and chromium molybdenum steel are used, which makes it more durable than pliers. The handles are made of dielectrics that allow you to work under voltage up to 1000 V. However, before starting such work, you must make sure that the pliers are marked accordingly.

The pliers of some models allow adjustment of the clamping force of the jaws. By rearranging a special hinge in the desired groove, you can increase or decrease the width of their disclosure. This is required to grip much larger parts than standard tools can handle.

To help modern craftsmen, many different tools are produced, both electrical and mechanical, manual. The undoubted leader in the latest classification is the hammer, which everyone knows, and everyone, at least once in their life, held in their hands. This percussion instrument is slightly inferior to the pliers, that is, its popular representatives are pliers and pliers. These master's assistants have also been in the hands of many. They are used in repair work to capture, support, twist parts and consumables.

Pliers or pliers - what to choose for work

Almost every home has a toolbox, even if the owner rarely repairs anything himself. There will still be a mandatory set, consisting of:

  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers or pliers.

And if the first two tools are familiar to everyone and the scope of their application is clear, then with the last one everything is not so simple, since it is rare where both tools are available at once. At first glance, it will seem to a simple layman that pliers and pliers are no different. For a professional, this is not the case. A craftsman will immediately name the main differences between pliers and pliers.

On a detailed examination of one and the second instruments, the external difference is obvious. They have the same only the structure of the handles, and the working part of the pliers and pliers, which is called the lips, is completely different and depends on the purpose.

When pliers are needed

By the name, you can guess that the working part of the pliers is flat, there are only a few notches. The tool consists of lips, handles and a swivel joint. For ease of use, some manufacturers produce pliers with a collapsible hinge. It can be disassembled for lubrication or troubleshooting if necessary. The notches applied to the lips perform the main working functions: holding and gripping. This helps the masters to cope:

  • with twisting of wires and sheets of metal;
  • with the unwinding of screws, bolts and nuts;
  • with bending wire and other consumables.

With the help of pliers, various locksmith and installation work is performed with parts of different sizes. For the convenience of using the tool, the industry makes several modifications:

  1. With elongated narrow jaws, making it possible to work in places with limited access.
  2. With angled jaws to help you get to the right part in electronics or other hard-to-reach mechanisms.
  3. With elongated long jaws designed for a strong grip on components and material.
  4. With a set of nozzles that allow you to perform repair operations on delicate and fragile parts. Pliers are also divided by size (maximum part diameter - 200 mm) and by the presence of special insulation on the handles. When buying, you should pay special attention to the last factor. If special insulation is present and the corresponding markings (1000 V) are applied to the handles, then with such pliers you can perform various electrical installation and electrical repairs. In the absence of an insulating layer and markings, the tool is suitable only for plumbing, and it is already life-threatening to approach electricity with it.

The difference between pliers and pliers is obvious when listing working functions. The range of application of the second tool is much wider than that of the first. Pliers are often called the older or younger brother of pliers, or, with humor, tuned pliers. The shape of the notched lips and the adjustable swivel increase the possibilities of the tool.

With the help of pliers you can:

  • capture and hold parts of different volumes by adjusting the hinge;
  • strip and cut insulated wires;
  • work with round parts.

Depending on the presence or absence of special recesses, cutters and notches, several tool models are produced:

  1. Combined, perfectly suitable in everyday life for assembly and plumbing work.
  2. Combined adjustable ones expand the range of applications by the possibility of working with pipes and rounded objects of different diameters.
  3. Dielectric have special insulation on the handles and markings. They are used for work with electrical equipment and wires.
  4. Pliers for eyelets are convenient for installing rivets, rings and various holders.

The choice of pliers model depends on what the tool will be used for. For the home, the first two are perfect.

What to buy: pliers or pliers?

Pliers and pliers are a bit similar both in appearance and in application. The choice of one of these two tools depends on the future use. After all, the difference between pliers and pliers is:

  • different forms of working surfaces;
  • multifunctional use of pliers due to additional recesses, notches and cutting edges;
  • the presence of an adjustable swivel for pliers and a fixed one for pliers.

As experts suggest, the ideal option is to buy both tools, and even in a professional version, if finances allow. If money is not very good, then for infrequent home use, you can opt for pliers. Just do not forget when buying them, as in the case of purchasing pliers, some rules:

  1. The tool should be comfortable for the hand.
  2. There must be no play in the swivel joint.
  3. Gaps between closed parts are not allowed.
  4. The attachment of the handles must be reliable - without slipping and twisting.
  5. The tool should be light, so that when used, the hands do not get tired from heaviness, but not due to the unsuitable quality of the material.
  6. You should not chase cheapness, a quality tool does not cost three kopecks, and very rarely falls into the category of promotional goods.