Why does the weight increase when taking hormonal drugs? Unusual causes of weight gain. What to do? Myths about hormones

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Weight gain occurs when the intake of calories from food for a long time exceeds the body's energy requirements.

Also, weight gain can be caused not by the deposition of fat, but by fluid retention in the body due to poor kidney, heart or hormonal disorders.

If weight gain is caused by regular overeating, then the reason for this is often emotional factors - depression, anxiety, guilt, etc.

In older people, weight gain is usually observed against the background of normal eating habits, but a reduced metabolism. Pregnancy is a common cause of weight gain among women.

Weight gain is a common occurrence with forced restriction of physical activity - cardiovascular disease, lung disease, etc. Also, obesity can be the result of treatment with certain drugs (hormones).

Medical reasons for weight gain include:

1. Acromegaly. This condition can cause moderate weight gain. Other symptoms of the disease include: changes in facial features, prognathism, hirsutism, enlarged hands and feet, sweating, oily skin, deep voice, joint pain, drowsiness, and heat intolerance.

2. Cushing's syndrome (increased production of adrenal cortex hormones). In such patients, severe weight gain may be observed, fat accumulates around the shoulders (the effect of corticosteroids). Other signs include: moon face, weakness, emotional lability, susceptibility to infections, hirsutism, acne, gynecomastia in men, irregular periods in women.

3. Diabetes mellitus. The increased appetite in diabetes mellitus leads to obesity, but in some patients, despite the increased appetite, weight loss is observed. Other symptoms include: increased urine output, weakness, drowsiness, and intense thirst.

4. Heart failure. Despite anorexia in heart failure, weight gain in patients may be associated with edema (accumulation of fluid, but not fat). Other typical signs include shortness of breath, weakness, exercise intolerance.

5. Hyperinsulinism (increased insulin levels). This disease causes an increased appetite. Patients also have emotional lability, tachycardia, visual disturbances, and sometimes loss of consciousness.

6. Hypogonadism (insufficient function of the gonads). Weight gain is common in this condition. Hypogonadism can manifest itself in various forms. For prepubertal (pre-puberty) hypogonadism, underdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics is characteristic. With postpubertal (after puberty) hypogonadism, impotence and infertility are possible while maintaining secondary sexual characteristics.

7. Dysfunction of the hypothalamus. A disease such as Lawrence-Moon-Biedl syndrome causes an increase in appetite, impaired thermoregulation and sleep rhythms.

8. Hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function). With this disease, weight gain is observed. In such patients, fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, uterine bleeding, lethargy, dry and cold skin, dry hair, impaired nail structure, muscle pain, bradycardia and other symptoms are possible.

9. Metabolic syndrome. This syndrome, also referred to as "metabolic syndrome X" or "insulin resistance syndrome", consists of a group of different metabolic disorders.

Obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, changes in carbohydrate metabolism, insulin resistance, etc. are characteristic. Such patients have a very high risk of stroke, heart attack, diabetes mellitus and other serious complications.

10. Nephrotic syndrome. In this syndrome, the kidneys cannot cope with the removal of fluid from the body, and weight gain occurs due to the accumulation of fluid (edema). Severe edema (anasarca) can increase body weight by 50% or more. Nephrotic syndrome is a serious kidney disorder that requires treatment.

11. Tumor of insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. This type of tumor causes constant hunger, which leads to obesity. Other symptoms include: emotional lability, weakness, fatigue, anxiety, sweating, tachycardia, blurred vision, etc.

12. Preeclampsia in pregnant women. In this condition, weight gain is faster than normal pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, hypertension, blurred vision, double vision are observed.

13. Sheehan's syndrome. The syndrome usually develops in postpartum women with severe gynecological bleeding. In this syndrome, weight gain is caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland.

14. Medicines. Corticosteroids (dexamethasone), phenothiazines, and tricyclic antidepressants can cause fluid retention and increased appetite. Oral contraceptives (COCs) cause fluid retention. Drugs such as lithium (for psychosis) can provoke hypothyroidism (see cause # 8).

Weight gain in children can be the result of severe endocrine disorders, Cushing's disease, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, Werdnig-Hoffman disease, advanced muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, and other serious illnesses.

Patients suffering from weight gain for an unknown reason, it is advisable to undergo:

1. Tests for the level of thyroid hormones.
2. Tests for cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
3. Tests for blood sugar levels.

: Master of Pharmacy and Professional Medical Translator

Psychologists around the world claim that human happiness does not depend on weight, height, or other physical parameters. But we stubbornly continue to strive for beauty standards and when this process for some reason stalls, we panic. In most cases, weight gain is triggered by overeating and lack of physical activity. But sharp unmotivated fluctuations in weight, which, of course, upset any woman, indicate various malfunctions in the body.

The reasons can be different: a change in eating behavior, the onset of a disease, taking medications, various deviations in the work of body systems. In such cases, the problem can be avoided only by eliminating the cause. Consider the reasons for the dramatic weight gain in women and how to eliminate it.

Hormonal disorders

According to experts, the largest number of cases of sudden weight gain occurs as a result of hormonal disruption triggered by any disease. Such a picture can, for example, be observed with polycystic ovaries. The sharp jump in the level of the male hormone testosterone, provoked by the disease, is the reason for the rapid weight gain in women. Which doctor should I go to? This question interests many, because you cannot self-medicate. First, make an appointment with your gynecologist. With the elimination of polycystic disease, the weight can be returned to normal, but not immediately.

The reasons for the sharp weight gain in women at the age of 25 are discussed below.

It is also necessary to remember about the early diagnosis of diseases of this kind. If you notice some symptoms (hair loss and brittleness, the appearance of vegetation in atypical places, acne, irregular menstruation, inability to get pregnant), you should consult a doctor. In this case, there is a chance to avoid the development of the disease and cure it at an early stage, before weight problems arise. With strict adherence to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, the normal structure of the ovary is restored in about a year. This, of course, will not lead to weight loss, but it will stop its further weight gain. Getting rid of extra pounds, as in all other cases, is possible only by following a diet and daily physical activity. Losing weight also has a beneficial effect on the restoration of hormonal levels in women with a sharp weight gain. The reasons are always interrelated.


A disease such as hypothyroidism can also trigger weight gain. This ailment occurs as a result of disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland, or rather, due to its low activity and insufficient synthesis of thyroid hormones, which are the main regulators of metabolic processes in the body. A deficiency of these hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and this, in turn, provokes an increase in body weight.

The root cause in this case is usually a lack of iodine. It is he who is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The characteristic symptom of the disease is not only weight gain, but other signs as well. They can be expressed in a constant feeling of coldness, brittle hair and nails, excessive dryness of the skin. If you notice something like this, you need to consult an endocrinologist for advice. After appropriate treatment, thyroid hormones return to normal, and excess weight gradually begins to go away. However, one must take into account the fact that if the body weight has increased by more than 10 kg, then the thyroid gland is hardly the only one to blame. The problem must be looked for in something else.

What else could be the reason for the rapid weight gain in women?

Excess fluid in the body

Excess fluid in the body can initiate an increase in extra pounds. Water accumulates in the cells and between them, which provokes the appearance of edema, cellulite, and the accumulation of excess weight. To determine the presence of edema, you can resort to the simplest procedure: press on the skin with your finger and release. If, after pressing, a dimple remains, then this means that edema is present. Any woman is familiar with this problem. Before the onset of menstruation, all women have edema, which disappears without treatment with the onset of menstruation.

However, if puffiness constantly bothers you, then this indicates rather serious pathologies. The cause may be cardiovascular disease or kidney problems. Untimely treatment of these pathologies can lead to disability, and sometimes even death. Accordingly, if you undergo a course of treatment and eliminate edema, then the weight will quickly return to normal. The reasons for the sudden weight gain in women at the age of 25 may differ from those in women who are over 40-50 years old. People under 25 have a very good metabolism, but with age, against the background of hormonal changes in the body, all processes, including metabolic processes, slow down. Therefore, losing weight for a woman aged 35-40 can be more difficult.


Sometimes it occurs due to the appearance of neoplasms in the abdominal cavity. Such diseases do not happen so often, but you should not lose sight of this scenario. The development of a tumor in this case is provoked by the so-called dermoids, consisting of various types of tissues. They grow very quickly and multiply actively in the abdominal cavity. In some cases, the neoplasms gave a weight gain of more than 30 kg. The slightest disproportionate increase in tissue in the abdomen should alert you and serve as a reason to see a doctor.

Antidepressant action

Weight fluctuations can also occur as a result of exposure to certain medications, such as antidepressants. The most typical drug with this effect is Paroxetine. Its use in most cases leads to a sharp increase in weight. Another drug in this group is Prozac. It only causes obesity with prolonged use. The same can be said about Setralin. Experts say that taking antidepressants provokes obesity only in the case of prolonged (more than 12 months) use.

Diabetic drugs

The drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes, which usually develops as a result of a strong increase in body weight, can also provoke even more weight gain. A kind of vicious circle is formed, from which it is not so easy to get out. Modern remedies for diabetes, according to the latest medical data, can prevent this cause of rapid weight gain in women. Which doctor should I go to? Let's figure it out.

If there is a hormonal failure in the body, then it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, but it will not be superfluous to visit a gynecologist and other narrow-profile specialists. You will also need a dietitian consultation.

The drug "Siofor", which has a double effect, belongs to the means of the new generation. It helps to lower blood sugar levels and normalize the body's metabolic processes, which prevents the accumulation of extra pounds. But do not ignore the classic ways to help lose diet and exercise. In this regard, it should be recalled that nutritionists strongly object to the use of drugs that promote weight loss by inhibiting the absorption of fat. Such medicines are taken only when absolutely necessary and only on the recommendation of a doctor.


Steroid hormones can also cause dramatic weight gain in women. How to treat in this case without them bronchial asthma, skin tuberculosis, inflammation of some internal organs? After all, the intake of steroid hormones is often due to the vital necessity. Experts say that short-term use of steroids does not increase weight much, but even in the case of a strong weight gain, when the drug is canceled, it quickly returns to normal. Long-term use of drugs in this group is not recommended; alternative means should be considered.

What to do

Whatever the reason for the sharp weight gain in women after 35 years, it should be actively combated, since its presence leads to the development of serious pathologies. In obese people, in most cases, cholesterol is elevated, which provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases. Obesity has a beneficial effect on the development of diabetes. In addition, the load on the liver increases, since it is she who is responsible for the process of processing and utilizing fat. The risk of developing various pathologies also arises for the kidneys, pancreas, and digestive organs. Fat located on internal organs is especially dangerous, it is very difficult to eliminate it. This condition provokes the accumulation of toxins, toxins and the appearance of stagnant foci. Overweight people have a significantly higher risk of developing certain types of malignant tumors, including colon cancer, endometriosis, and breast pathologies. An increase in the load on the skeleton and joints entails damage to the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis).


In this article, we examined the main causes of rapid weight gain in women. In order to avoid all these negative consequences, you need to monitor your weight, and with a steady change in body weight indicators, you need to consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

It is no secret to anyone that eating fried foods, various desserts, alcohol and sugary drinks leads to weight gain.

It is always clear that if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not eat properly, then he is gaining weight.
But how can you explain the fact that weight gain is associated with an active lifestyle, including regular exercise and a calorie-controlled diet?

Well, isn't it a shame to gain weight in this case, especially if you really don't understand why the arrow of the scale is constantly creeping up?
If you are constantly monitoring your calorie intake and are physically active, and despite this, your weight is growing, there are several things to consider. Most likely, this is a number of reasons that, as a result of interaction with each other, lead to weight gain.

1. What's with the weight?

It seems that the rules for losing weight are quite simple: eat less, move more. Then why millions of people around the world continue to fight overweight and do not lose weight the way they want?

If you start eating more calories than usual, or cut back on physical activity, the increase in body weight will not surprise you. But what if you are doing everything the same way as before, and your weight suddenly crawled up? Apparently, the time has come to go deeper into the search for the cause of this undesirable process.
In order to understand why you are fat, you should know a lot about yourself and your health. Consider what the problem of excess weight may be. Perhaps these are the reasons that prevent you from losing weight.

2. Lack of sleep

The body functions normally only when it gets good rest. Lack of sleep leads to increased calorie intake.

There are two possible reasons for weight gain due to lack of sleep.

The first is intuitively clear: fatigue leads to stress and people often resort to excessive consumption of various foods as an adaptation to stressful loads. Moreover, it is not uncommon for excess calories to accumulate as a result of nighttime snacks. Some people think that this kind of food helps them sleep, but it only adds extra calories to your daily diet.
Another biochemical reason is that when you are sleep deprived, the change in hormone levels leads to an increase in appetite, as well as feeling hungry after eating.
Fatigue, apathy, constant drowsiness, and irritability can be symptoms of overwork. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

Sleep 15 minutes longer and see how you feel. Continue adding 15 minutes at a time until you determine the time that is right for you. If you exercise regularly and devote as much time to sleep as your body needs, you will sleep better.

3. Stress

We live in a society that requires us to work longer, achieve more, and never stop there. Stress keeps us moving forward and helps us survive, but it also affects our mental state and emotions.

The body's response to stress is the launch of biochemical processes characteristic of survival in a given situation. Our body stores energy, slows down metabolism, and releases chemicals (cortisol, leptin and other stress hormones that increase appetite) into the bloodstream, which are most likely to cause the accumulation of fatty deposits in the abdominal region

For many people, food is a stress reliever. But, naturally, this cannot go on forever. Food is a temporary obstacle to stress, but not a way to remove it ...
During times of stress, people tend to prefer foods rich in carbohydrates, as such foods increase serotonin levels in the brain, which has a calming effect.
That is why, during times of stress, we can easily exceed the normal level of consumption of high-calorie foods.

4. Taking antidepressants

Taking antidepressants can lead to weight gain

Weight gain is a side effect of some antidepressants. Talk with your doctor about making changes to your depression treatment plan if you suspect your antidepressant is causing weight gain. Never stop taking medication prescribed by your doctor or change them as you see fit. Be aware that some people gain weight after starting medication simply because they feel better and this leads to increased appetite. Moreover, depression itself can lead to weight changes.

5. Anti-inflammatory steroid drugs

Anti-inflammatory steroid medications can lead to weight gain

Anti-inflammatory steroid drugs such as prednisone are notorious for weight gain due to fluid retention and increased appetite. The severity of this side effect depends on the dose and duration of the drug. Some people taking these drugs may also temporarily redistribute fat in places such as the face, neck, and abdomen.

6 other drugs that can lead to weight gain

Certain blood pressure and diabetes medications cause weight gain

Some medications for epileptic seizures, headaches, diabetes and blood pressure normalization can cause a patient to gain at least 3-4 kg of weight per month.
Certain steroids, hormone replacement therapy, and even oral contraceptives can cause gradual weight gain. If you gain 2 or more kilograms per month, provided that your lifestyle has remained unchanged, the reason is drugs.

Experts say that the following groups of drugs can cause weight gain: steroids, antidepressants, antipsychotics, epilepsy drugs, diabetes drugs, antihypertensive drugs, and heartburn drugs.

7. Don't rush to blame birth control pills

Taking birth control pills does not lead to sustained weight gain

Contrary to popular belief, there is currently a lack of evidence that taking birth control pills (estrogen plus progestin) causes sustained weight gain.
Some women taking these combination pills may experience some of the weight gain associated with fluid retention, but this is usually short-term.
If you are still concerned about this possible sustained weight gain, talk to your doctor.

8. Hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland

If the thyroid gland (a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck) does not produce enough of a specific hormone (hypothyroidism), then the person feels tired, weak, cold, and weight gain may occur.

Without enough thyroid hormones, your metabolism slows down, leading to an increased likelihood of weight gain. Weight gain can be caused by even a slight decrease in thyroid activity.
Treating hypothyroidism can reduce excess weight.

9. Don't Blame Menopause

A healthy lifestyle also helps with menopause

Most women gain some weight during menopause, but hormones are likely not the only reason for this. Aging slows down metabolism, so fewer and fewer calories are burned in an aging person, and lifestyle changes (for example, decreased physical activity) also occur, which also plays a role.
But if you gain weight also in connection with menopause, then fat does not accumulate on your hips, but around your waist.

10. Cushing's syndrome in men

Weight gain is a common symptom of Cushing's syndrome, a condition in which there is too much of the hormone cortisol in the body, which causes weight gain and other disorders.

Cushing's syndrome can occur if you are taking steroids for asthma, arthritis or lupus, or your adrenal glands are producing too much hormone, or if you have a tumor.
This weight gain may be most noticeable around the face, neck, upper back, or waist.

11. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal problem in women of childbearing age.

Most women with this syndrome develop numerous small cysts on the ovaries. This condition leads to hormone imbalances that affect a woman's menstrual cycle and can lead to excessive body hair growth and acne.
Women with this condition usually have insulin resistance (prediabetes), which can lead to weight gain. In this case, fat usually builds up around the belly, increasing the risk of heart disease.

12. Quitting smoking

The stronger a person's addiction to nicotine, the more kilograms he can gain when trying to quit smoking. However, this phenomenon is temporary and should not stop smokers.

People who quit smoking gain on average up to 4 kg of weight. Why? Because without nicotine, you can:

Temporarily increase appetite (it will return to normal after a few weeks)

Decrease your metabolism without reducing your calorie intake

You often have a desire to eat something tastier, which can lead to overeating

Frequent desire to drink more alcohol with fatty and sweet snacks

If you are gaining weight ...

for reasons beyond your control, try to follow these rules:

13. Believe in the healing power of medicine

A few extra pounds is a small concession for the overall health of the body as a result of taking these drugs. Moreover, even if the drugs you are taking are causing your weight gain, you should still be mindful of eating well and exercising regularly.

Do not stop taking any medication without first consulting your doctor. Believe in the healing power of the medicine you are taking. This can be critical to your health.

14. Consult your doctor, not friends or other patients

Don't compare yourself to other people taking the same medications.

Not all people experience the same side effects with the same drug. Even if a certain drug caused someone to lose weight, you may not have the same effect. Always consult your physician.

15. If you gain weight from water retention, reduce your salt intake

Do not worry if you have experienced weight gain, perhaps it has arisen from water retention in the body, then this is a temporary phenomenon.

As soon as you stop taking the drug or your illness is under control, the swelling from fluid retention may stop. Eat a diet low in table salt at this time.

16. The doctor must prescribe the drug without the side effect of weight gain.

If you think that the reason for the increase in your body weight is taking any medications, then consult with a specialist about the possibility of replacing them with others.

Talk to your healthcare provider about other drugs you can take. In many cases, your doctor may switch you to another drug that may not have the side effect of weight gain.

17. Take Action to Increase Your Metabolism

If the waist size is higher than 80cm for women and 94cm for men, this means that obesity is already present, metabolism is reduced, and there is a high risk of developing further metabolic disorders, which leads, if no measures are taken, to the development of the so-called. metabolic syndrome

Be sure to find out if your weight gain is a consequence of a decrease in metabolism from the occurrence of some disease or taking any medication.

And if so, then take the time to take action to boost your metabolism. Go ahead, don't sit still!
And help you

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You were prescribed hormonal medications ... And you look at the doctor with horror: after all, this is a sentence to a figure, getting fat from hormones is a piece of cake! The treatment itself, its effectiveness, the healing process fade into the background. There is a more important concern - weight! And you're seriously considering ignoring your doctor's advice and giving up hormones in favor of your figure. Sorry, but what about the disease, what to do with it? Especially if it's gynecology?

Problems in gynecology occupy the main place among all the ailments that women suffer from. And many of these problems are solved with hormonal drugs. The average duration of the course of treatment is 6 months (but, of course, situations are different, depending on the ailment)

says the gynecologist of one of the Kiev clinics Natalia Ivanenko

The possibilities of hormonal drugs, contrary to the "duty" opinion that hormonal pills work only as an oral contraceptive, have a fairly wide spectrum of action. For example:

  • to regulate the amount of sex hormones;
  • with a "confused" menstrual cycle;
  • with premature menopause, that is, the "loss" of menstruation, not associated with pregnancy (as a rule, this often happens in girls and women who exhaust themselves with diets, "constantly lose weight", patients with anorexia, etc.);
  • with various problems with the ovaries (for example, ovarian hypofunction) and the uterus (for example, a sharp decrease, the so-called drying out);
  • with painful menstruation (pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, accompanied by dizziness, loss of consciousness, etc.);
  • with complications after childbirth;
  • for skin problems (acne, acne);
  • when excess body hair appears.
The doctor makes a decision on treatment with hormonal drugs only on the basis of tests (as a rule, this is a set of tests - checking each hormone for normalcy) of the patient. And the most common questions are, as a rule, "How much will I gain?", "How not to gain weight?", "Is it possible to replace hormones with something else to avoid the problem of weight gain?" - In fact, the risk of gaining weight with modern hormone pills is very low. The main thing is to closely monitor changes in body weight, your emotional state and well-being, and at the slightest deviation from the norm, immediately inform your doctor

- says Natalia Ivanovna.

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Pay special attention to the fact that you should not endure pain (for example, a migraine), put up with discomfort or wait until you gain 10-15 kg, but persistently finish the course of treatment ... These deviations indicate that the drug is not suitable for you. Therefore, you need to immediately go to the gynecologist who will prescribe you an analogue of the drug (that is, tablets with a similar composition, aimed at treating your ailment, only with a different name and another manufacturer).

The hormonal agent should not cause side effects - a sharp weight gain, painful sensations during menstruation, migraines, puffiness. The possibility of the appearance of all this is indicated in the instructions, but you cannot put up with it! It is necessary to try, to look for "your" drug, to select. Today this is possible thanks to a wide variety of hormonal medications. One of my patients gained an extra 15 kg for 6 months, and then, naturally, came with a complaint. But who's to blame: she calmly watched all 6 months, how the weight increased, and did not bother to come to the doctor. If she had switched to another drug in time, such a catastrophe with the figure would not have happened.

explains Natalia Ivanovna.

Afraid of hormones as a figure executioner? Observe the following rules:

  1. Weigh yourself regularly (buy a bathroom scale and weigh yourself at least twice a week, if you wish, every day).
  2. Observe the diet (perhaps hormonal drugs are not to blame for weight gain, but your habit of visiting the refrigerator at night).
  3. Include physical activity in your daily routine (aerobics, shaping, running, pilates, yoga, walking, etc.).
  4. Carefully and strictly control your menu: often taking hormones provokes an increase in appetite, keep it under control! The motto "Beauty requires sacrifice" in this situation is quite appropriate, especially if the victims are cakes, pastries, chocolate, pasta, fried potatoes, hamburgers, etc.
In some cases, even if all the rules are followed, the weight still increases by 1-3 kg. The reason for this may be the accumulation of fluid in the body, on the molecules of which fat accumulates. In this situation, after consulting your doctor, you can drink herbal diuretic teas (sold in pharmacies labeled "diuretic" or "kidney") or chamomile infusion (pour chamomile flowers with boiling water, after 15 minutes strain through a strainer and drink like tea).

explains Natalia Ivanovna.

Do you want to get fat? Limit or exclude altogether:

  1. Fatty foods - contributes to the rapid increase in body weight.
  2. Salt - retains fluid in the body.
  3. Snacks (chips, nuts, croutons) - contain a lot of fat, preservatives and dyes.
  4. Flour products (buns, pies, pastries, cakes) - even if not for hormonal drugs, you know perfectly well how they affect the figure.
  5. Sweets (candy, chocolate, ice cream) - increase the amount of glucose in the blood.
  6. Legumes (peas, beans, asparagus beans) - causes bloating.
  7. Potatob - due to the high starch content, it promotes rapid weight gain.
  8. Carbonated drinks (especially lemonade and all its brethren) - contribute to weight gain. This means that even Diet Coke will have to be abandoned!