Why is it so important to consider the dimensions of aluminum radiators? Dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators: methods of calculating the number of sections What are the dimensions of aluminum radiators


When arranging a heating structure in their own apartment or house, their owners need to resolve the issue of buying batteries, while taking into account the size of heating radiators.

In this case, the following basic parameters should be taken into account:

  • the degree of heat transfer of one section;
  • the maximum working pressure for which these devices are designed.
Among the products on the modern market, the range of basic parameters for batteries is quite large, since they are presented in a wide range.

Dimensions of heating radiators

The standard height of the most popular models of heating devices with a center distance along the connections is 500 millimeters. It is precisely such batteries that in most cases could be seen about two decades ago in city apartments.

Cast iron radiators... A typical representative of these devices is the MC-140-500-0.9 model.

The specification for it includes the following overall dimensions of cast iron heating radiators:

  • the length of one section is 93 mm;
  • depth - 140 mm;
  • height - 588 mm.
It is not difficult to calculate the dimensions of a radiator from several sections. When the battery consists of 7-10 sections, add 1 centimeter, taking into account the thickness of the paronite spacers. If the heating battery is to be installed in a niche, the length of the flushing valve must be taken into account, since cast-iron radiators with side connections always require flushing. One section provides a heat flux of 160 watts at a temperature difference between the hot coolant and the air in the room equal to 70 degrees. The maximum working pressure is 9 atmospheres.

Aluminum radiators... For aluminum heaters on the market today, with the same center-to-center spacing of the connections, there is a significant variation in the parameters (in more detail: "").

The following dimensions of aluminum heating radiators are typical:

  • the length of one section is 80 millimeters;
  • depth 80-100 millimeters;
  • height - 575-585 mm.
The heat transfer of one section directly depends on the area of ​​its finning and depth. Usually it is in the range from 180 to 200 watts. The working pressure for most models of aluminum batteries is 16 atmospheres. Heating devices are tested with a pressure that is one and a half times greater - this is 24 kgf / cm².
Aluminum radiators have the following feature: the volume of the coolant in them is 3, and sometimes 5 times less than in cast iron products. As a result, the high speed of movement of hot water prevents siltation and the formation of deposits.

Bimetal radiators... The steel core in such devices does not in any way affect their appearance and the dimensions of heating radiators, but the maximum value of the working pressure increases significantly. Unfortunately, the increased strength of the bimetallic battery results in high costs. And the price of such a product is already inaccessible to a wide range of consumers.

Bimetallic heating radiators section dimensions are as follows:
  • length 80-82 mm;
  • depth - from 75 to 100 millimeters;
  • height - minimum 550 and maximum 580 millimeters.
In terms of heat transfer, one bimetallic section is inferior to the aluminum one by about 10-20 watts. The average heat flux is 160-200 watts. Due to the presence of steel, the working pressure reaches 25-35 atmospheres, and during tests - 30-50 atmospheres.
When arranging a heating structure, pipes should be used that are not inferior in strength to radiators. Otherwise, the use of durable devices becomes meaningless. For bimetallic radiators, only steel liners are used.

Low batteries

Radiators with a small center distance have the following advantages:
  • they can be placed under a low sill;
  • they have maximum heat transfer per unit area.
Cast iron radiators.

The dimensions of the MC-140M-300-0.9 heating radiator sections are:

  • length 93 mm;
  • depth - 140 mm;
  • height - 388 mm.
Due to its smaller dimensions, it is reduced - it is equal to 106 watts from one section at an operating pressure of 9 kgf / cm². Among foreign analogues, there are cast iron products with an inter-axle distance along the connections equal to 200 and 350 millimeters, of this type is much higher.

Aluminum radiators... For low batteries made of aluminum, both domestic and imported, the range of center distances is quite large. You can find 150, 300 and even 450 millimeters. Since the possible section length starts from 40 millimeters, the device looks compact and unusual. Low aluminum heating radiators have height dimensions starting from 200 millimeters. The depth of many models compensates for the lack of the other two parameters and is 180 millimeters.
With regard to thermal power, it varies from a minimum of 50 watts per section to a maximum of 160 watts. The determining factor is the ribbed area of ​​one section. At the same time, the change in dimensions does not significantly affect the working pressure - low aluminum devices are designed for 16 atmospheres, and when testing for 24 atmospheres.

Bimetal radiators... All sizes of radiators that they have are also typical for aluminum radiators. Thermal power is within the same range. On sale you can find low aluminum radiators, which have a heat transfer of 80 and 140 watts per section. The working pressure is 25-35 atmospheres.

Bimetallic low radiators, such as in the photo, have two nuances:

  • among heating devices, there are batteries not with solid steel cores, but with steel tubes placed between aluminum collectors. Their working pressure, indicated by the manufacturers, is usually 12 or 16 atmospheres;
  • they often do not have vertically located channels and, in the case of lateral connection, can be warmed up from the collectors due to the thermal conductivity of aluminum. The circulation of the coolant is provided by the last section, since it is flow-through.

High radiators

When the size of the radiator is limited due to lack of space for placing a standard device, preference is given to tall and narrow batteries, since these models have a limited width.

Cast iron radiators. Unlike domestic products made of cast iron of standard dimensions, among foreign products one can find designer devices, the height of which is unusual for Russian consumers. For example, the Demrad Retro line of cast iron radiators.

Their sizes are as follows:

  • the height of the section with a width of 76 millimeters varies from 661 to 954 millimeters;
  • depth - 203 mm.
Working pressure - 10 atmospheres, they are tested at 13 atmospheres.

In the largest sections, the thermal power reaches 270 watts. At the same time, narrow heating radiators can have dimensions in height of 2400 millimeters. Working pressure is limited to 6 atmospheres. High altitude contributes to a solid one: with a temperature delta of 70 degrees, it even reaches more than 433 watts.

Aluminum radiators... Usually, for tall aluminum radiators, the eyeliner is located at the bottom to make the pipes invisible.

Bimetal radiators... Basically, the models of high and narrow bimetallic radiators are original design designs, and therefore all sizes of them are non-standard. Basically, these products are rarely sectional - they are usually monolithic.

An example of such heating devices is the Sira RS-800 BIMETALL radiator, which has the following parameters:

Before calculating the size of a heating radiator, it is necessary to determine the model of a specific heating device for a room for a specific purpose and area. It should be remembered that the heat transfer is influenced not by the size, but by the power of the individual sections, which are collected in one battery.

The choice, given the size of the heating radiators, details on the video:

Aluminum- lightweight material that is widely used.

Among other things, radiators are made from it.

In their creation, it is very important calculation of characteristics.

Influence of the size of an aluminum radiator

Aluminum batteries are made in a wide range of sizes. Length has a primary effect on power.

Accordingly, to achieve the required heating, you need increase the number of sections. The total length of the battery depends on the calculations.

Depth and height also change metrics as they affect volume. Unlike the length, these two meanings- variable, due to which there are many different models.

The next indicator is center distance... It is responsible for the heating rate of the radiators, since it means the gap between the supply and return pipes.

The working method is also influenced by the manufacturing method:

  1. Metal ebb increases the strength and durability of the device. In this case, each section is an integral unit from which the device is assembled. This is done in a certain sequence: first, the upper parts are welded, then the lower ones.
  2. Extrusion method provides for forcing heated aluminum through a lattice metal plate. Due to this, a profile of a given shape is obtained, which is divided into parts and assembled into a radiator.

    Attention! Such heating devices are rarely found, but are usually made to order. It's connected with impossibility to make changes into the design after the end of production.

Center distance

The indicator is the gap between the axes of the radiator. They are arranged symmetrically, one on top, one on the bottom. They are adjoined by pipes through which they are connected to the heating circuit.

Photo 1. Aluminum radiator model 350/80, center distance 350 mm, manufacturer - "Oasis", China.

Depending on the manufacturer, the value fluctuates in the range of 150-2000 mm. For most devices, this indicator is made equal to 500. This is due to heating systems in apartment buildings: in old buildings, calculations are made for cast iron radiators. When replacing batteries, the cost of digesting the pipeline is undesirable.

Reference! The name of most of the models contains number indicating the center distance.


Depends on the battery material. The minimum value is 52 mm... It is enough to generate high power in small sections. Maximum rate - 180 mm. It is quite rare and requires strength. There are models with greater depth, but their use is impractical due to insufficient heating.

Determining the volume of a section

To calculate, you need to know the value described above, as well as the length and height. First value, visually - width.

She makes 80 or 88 mm, what is indicated in the passport.

Second- variable. Usually the vertical component of the section dimensions is 570 mm.

To find the volume, it is enough multiply three indicators.

Section calculation method

To determine the required number of elements, you need to determine the power. There are several rounded values ​​calculated for a room with ceiling height 2.7 meters:

  1. For a standard room you need 100 watts.
  2. For each window add by 10.
  3. If it is angular, the value multiply by 1.2.
  4. If the ceilings are higher or the windows are larger than normal, add 10%.
  5. Heating is weakened from the upper floors to the lower, so each is followed by add another 2% each.

Received standard power multiply by the area of ​​the room... As a result, the total value is calculated with a margin.

Then the number is divided by passport index of one section rounding up. An approximate calculation is as follows:

  1. (100 + 10) * 1,2 * 1,04 = 137,28 where the extreme factor is chosen for the apartment on the third from the top floor.
  2. 137.28 * S = 151 * 18 = 2471, where S (18)- square.
  3. 2471 / 190 = 13. In this case, at power one section of 190 watts will need 13 pieces.

Radiator weight

Aluminum is a light metal. Products made of this material are lightweight, which makes them easier to move, reduces the need for installation strength... It should be noted that in the manufacture of batteries, the metal is fused with silicon. This increases the severity slightly.

The average weight of one section is 1.25 kg. The value varies between from 1 to 1.35, which depends on the dimensions and wall thickness. For example, for mounting a radiator of 10 units with a small margin, enough mounts 15 kg.

Important! Of all types of radiators, aluminum the lightest. This makes it easy to transport them.

Height and width of a non-standard radiator

There are batteries of an unusual kind. You can create a device from metals up to three meters high, up to two wide.

Dimensions (edit) radiators define coolant amount that they are able to accommodate.

This determines the power of the heating batteries.

Standard sizes of radiators

V GOST 26645-85 the tolerances are described at nominal intervals.

The radiator has three linear dimensions responsible for the volume of the section.

Width: thin or thick

This is the distance between the outer walls of the battery. Quite variable indicator.

The depth is usually 75-140 mm, depending on material and manufacturer.

In rare cases, larger items are found.


Visually - length. This is the gap from the left to the right side wall. The indicator is taken equal 80 mm when creating order 95% of devices. In other cases, a little more, maximum - 88 mm. Any other radiators are made to order. This does not apply to cast iron devices: they are wider.

Minimum height

The most variable value, which is the vertical component of the section.

Usually it is 380-420 or 540-580 mm.

There are special types of batteries, the length of which is in the interval from two to three meters.

Such devices are placed in bathrooms.

Important! Axial distance is often mentioned. This is the gap between the connection points of the supply and return pipes. Standard sizes - 350 and 500 mm... But there are also other options, especially among aluminum products.

How to choose the right size of radiator sections

Determination of the dimensions of the sections and their number - the most important step in creating a classic heating system.

With standard layout

The power that they are able to develop depends on the size of the batteries and the material.

The length is almost always the same and is 80 mm. First, determine the height. To do this, choose an installation location, on which the available space depends.

And design also plays a big role. These parameters determine the vertical component. Usually decide between 350 and 500 millimeters.

Depending on the characteristics of the room, you can purchase devices from 200 mm. If a radiator is purchased for a bathroom or a bathroom, a narrow model is recommended that can completely cover the space between the floor and the ceiling. Height devices have different variations from one and a half to three meters.

Having defined two linear characteristics and material, proceed to calculating the depth and number of sections. The number of the latter is usually taken equal to 10 , but there are others. The thickness is found from the volume. The cubic value is divided by the length and the height. The definition of power is also closely related to these indicators: knowing the required, you can find the number of sections.

With the original interior

To create designs, manufacturers often donate technical characteristics.

First of all this applies to cast iron products. Domestic radiators look serious, while they are simply covered paint.

European ones are more elegant, but weaker in heating. In any case, it is necessary to find out from the documentation about the power that they are able to develop, since you need to choose devices for heat transfer.

Reference! There are "retro" style batteries. They are nice looking but expensive.

Aluminum have the same shape, with the exception of custom-made ones, but differ in a variety of colors. In addition, a wide range of sizes helps to fit them into almost any part of the room.

Bimetallic radiators, unlike analogs, are performed not only straight, but also curved. This makes them look good in rooms with smooth corners.

Regardless of the material chosen, before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the technical documentation and find out the dimensions of the internal parts of the sections containing the coolant.

This will help determine the batteries not only by their external features, but also by their heating ability.

Should remember the possibility of combinations... So, if a certain device suits the design, but its power is not enough, you can install additional heating, hiding it behind the side panel. Or combine radiator heating with underfloor heating.

A good option for guest rooms will become fireplace installation... Although the latter often serves as a decorative role, it is also able to reduce the number or size of sections installed in a room. Sometimes it's better to sacrifice beauty than freezing every winter.

If there is a desire create a special design, the battery manufacturers should be consulted. They will help you complete the calculations. Thanks to this, the finished product will look beautiful and fulfill its direct function.

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What sizes are

There are radiators of the following sizes.

Cast iron

According to the specification, standard dimensions:

  • Width - 93 or 108 mm.
  • Depth from 85 to 140 in steps of 5.
  • Height - 588.

Custom made sections can be of almost any size.

Knowing the length, the dimensions of the assembled device are determined, since a paronite gasket is placed between the parts 1 cm thick.

If installation is carried out at a point with a lack of space, add the size of the flush valve.

Important! The distance between the axles is usually 500 mm. Small batteries with a value 350 are rare.

Each section is capable of delivering from 160 W, if the average daily temperature of air and heat carrier differs 70 degrees. Cast iron withstands working pressure up to 9 atm.


Different models have similar internal dimensions. Width make up t 80 or 88 mm. Depth varies in the range 10-90 mm. Height is 50 or 35 cm... Bathroom models achieve three meters long.

Photo 1. Aluminum radiator of the Indigo 500/100 model with side connection, section power 196 W, manufacturer - "Royal-Thermo", Russia.

Correctly selected dimensions of aluminum radiators affect the efficiency of heating, the need for changes in the pipes through which the coolant flows.

What should be the dimensions

In order to be able to give off maximum heat, the dimensions should be as follows:

  1. The length should be more than 70-75% of the width of the window opening.
  2. The height should be such that there is 8-12 cm between the floor and the battery, and 6-12 cm between the window sill and it.

When the length is less than 70% of the width of the window opening, the battery will not be able to create a thermal curtain that can block the movement of cold air entering through the window. Cold and warm zones will appear in the room. The windows will be permanently covered with steam.

If the window is 2 m wide, the battery must be at least 1.4 m long.

Main dimensions

Dimensions mean:

  1. Center distance.
  2. Height.
  3. Depth.
  4. Section width.

The center-to-center distance (it is also called the inter-nipple or center-to-center) should not be confused with the height of the heating battery. The first indicator indicates how many centimeters are between the upper and lower collectors (holes). Height is the distance between the lowest and highest point of a section.

Aluminum heating radiators have the following dimensions:

  1. The center-to-center distance ranges from 150 to 2000 mm... Very tall batteries are rare. The most popular are radiators with an inter-nipple distance of 500 mm because the current pipe system of the heating network was created for cast-iron batteries, which have the same center-to-center distance. This indicator is very important, and therefore the manufacturers indicate it in the name of the battery (RAP-500, Rococo 790, Magica 400, etc.).
  2. Height is within 245-2000 mm... By this criterion, batteries can be classified into low, medium and high.
  3. Section depth ranges from 52 to 180 mm.
  4. Section width is 40-80 mm.

Read also: Calculation of the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators

Low aluminum radiators

Such devices for space heating have a height of 200 to 450-500 mm. The lowest representatives have a center-to-center distance of 150 mm. The smallest section width is 40 mm. The depth is significantly different from the medium to high heights. Sometimes it can reach 0.18 cm. This is done to compensate for the lack of heat output due to the low height.

Few manufacturers produce radiators with a center-to-center distance of 150-250 mm. The main ones are Sira, Global, Rifara. The smallest products are the first to have a height of 245 mm. The inter-nipple distance is 200 mm. The depth depends on the model. Alux is 8 cm deep and Rovall is 10 cm deep. The smallest convectors from the other two manufacturers have almost the same dimensions.

If we consider heating radiators with a center distance of 300 mm or more, then they are produced by almost all companies.

Standard or medium batteries

Their features are as follows:

  1. Height - 0.57-0.585 cm.
  2. The most common width is 80 mm.
  3. Depth 52-100 mm. Standard dimensions in this regard are 80-100 mm.
  4. The center-to-center distance is 500 mm.

Medium-height aluminum batteries are standardized across all battery types. For comparison, the fluctuations in the height and depth of cast iron heating devices are much greater. Only the depth varies within 90-140 mm.

Heating system design is not an easy task. There are many nuances to consider: even choosing the size of a radiator requires certain knowledge.

What should be the dimensions of the radiators

The choice of the dimensions of heating devices is not based on aesthetic considerations. Heat transfer plays the main role here. This is especially true if a model is selected for installation under a window. You need to choose a model in such a way as to meet several requirements at once:

Only under such conditions will the heat transfer of the heating device you choose be normal: it will give out the number of watts declared by the manufacturer.


Often in the descriptions and specifications there is the concept of "center distance". Sometimes the term "inter-nipple" and "inter-center" or connecting dimensions is found. These are different names for the same size. It is defined as the distance between the centers of the inlet holes of a section or a radiator.

This parameter is important if the supply pipes are in good condition and there is no need to change them. In this case, in order not to digest the liner, you can choose a model with the same center distance as the old radiators.

The overall dimensions of the section itself or the radiator are described by the following parameters:

  • mounting height;
  • depth;
  • width.

If the radiator has a sectional structure, then the depth and width refer to the dimensions of the section. Moreover, the depth of the radiator will be the same, and the width of the battery depends on the required number of sections (you need to add about 1 cm more for the gaskets that fit for tightness of the joints).

The names of radiators often contain numbers: RAP-350, Magica 400, Rococo 790 or RAP-500. The numbers are the center distance indicated in millimeters. This makes it easier for both the buyer and the seller to navigate. The fact is that with the same center distance, the mounting height can differ significantly. Therefore, the specification is set to the most accurate value.

An example of technical characteristics. This is the Revolution Bimetall model

The parameters of the radiator, which may need to be taken into account, include the volume of water in the section. For apartments connected to centralized heating, this characteristic does not affect anything, but for individual systems it is important: when it is necessary to calculate the volume of the system (to determine the boiler performance or pump characteristics).

And the most important, perhaps, parameter is thermal power. It should be noted that the highest power is not always necessary. Increasingly, in apartments and houses with good thermal insulation, heating devices of medium power are required, and not huge.

When selecting the thermal power of one section, it must be remembered that the radiator under the window must cover at least 75% of the width of the window opening. Then the room will be warm, there will be no cold zones and the glass will not "sweat". Therefore, it is better to take 10 less powerful sections than 6 pieces with high heat output.

The standard window width is 1100-1200 mm. Accordingly, 75% is 825-900 mm. This is the length or more your battery should be. Running a little ahead, let's say that the average width of one section is 80 mm, which means that you will need 10-12 sections.

Standard height

When talking about the standard height, they mean a center distance of 500 mm. These are the connecting dimensions that the well-known cast-iron "accordion" of Soviet times had. And since they have a long service life, these batteries are still in heating networks. Only now they are being replaced with new ones. Moreover, they often do not want to redo the system, so they are looking for heating devices of the same size. What's good: they are in almost every group.

Cast iron

Today, not only the "accordion" is made of cast iron, although it exists, and it is a success. There are also retro-style radiators with a center distance of 500 mm, made in a modern style:


Steel panel batteries as standard come in heights up to 900 mm. But there are also special models that can reach two meters and more. For example, Kermi has two models Verteo Plan and Verteo Profil - they can be maximum up to 2.2 m. There are giants and Kos V, Faros V, Tinos V, Narbonne V and VT, Paros V. They differ in the type of front panel (smooth or profiled) and depth. But they all have only the bottom connection.

Steel tubular radiators are available up to 3000 mm high. Moreover, if necessary, some manufacturers can do higher. There are high models from any manufacturer: everyone who is present on the market offers such non-standard options "on order". Here we list only the most interesting in terms of design: Entreetherm, Planterm from Arbonia, Dekor series from Kermi, Harmony from Russian KZTO,.

In other types, there are no tall radiators. The choice, and so, I must say, is considerable. I would not be at a loss.

All heaters, the center distance of which is less than 400 mm, can be considered low. And here they offer many different models.

In the cast iron group, the minimum center distance for the BOLTON 220 model with an installation height of 330 m is slightly higher than the Hellas 270 from Viadrus: it has an installation height of 340 mm. All others are taller - with a center distance of 300-350 mm or so.

Among the aluminum radiators, the company has the smallest with their mounting height of 245 mm, and the center-to-center height is 200 mm. These are the Alux and Rovall models with a depth of 80 mm and 100 mm. Similar dimensions are available from another well-known manufacturer (Global) - the Gl-200/80 / D model, and from the Russian one - these are "Base 200" and "Forza 200".

All manufacturers have slightly larger aluminum batteries (with a center-to-center 300 mm and more). There is a wide choice.

The same Rifar and Sira have bimetallic ones: the height is 245 mm and 264 mm, respectively. But most of all models have 350 mm connecting dimensions. Any manufacturer has them. This distance, in fact, can also be attributed to the standard - everyone has it.

There is even more choice in the group of steel radiators. The smallest panel panels are produced by Purmo - Purmo Planora and Ramo Compact - their center-to-center distance is 150 mm, and their height is 200 mm.

For all other manufacturers, the height starts from 300 mm. Moreover, the length can be up to 3 meters (the step of its change is 100 mm).

Floor radiators are the lowest possible

Tubular radiators are also very small: from 150 mm Delta Laserline sizes (manufactured by Purmo). In Arbonia, the height of all models of tubular radiators starts from 180 mm, in Zehnder from 190 mm (Charleston model), in the Russian KZTO from 300 mm.

There are low radiators. They are mainly produced in small dimensions - they have great power, and the price is also rather big. The lowest models are as follows: Ukrainian "Thermia" - height from 200 m, Polish Regulus-sistem - all models with height from 215 mm; Russian "IsoTerm" - from 215 mm; Chinese Mars (sectional type) with a height of 385 mm.

And the lowest can be considered. They do not protrude above the floor level at all, but are placed for heating solid glazing, or built into the window sills of panoramic windows. There are they of different power and purpose, they can be used as additional or main heating.

Flat radiators

In some cases, it is not the height, but the depth of the radiators that plays a role: flat batteries are needed. Here the choice is not very large.

Shallow depth. Their RAP 500 and RAP 300 models have a depth of 52 mm, while the thermal power is decent - 161 W and 105 W.

A small depth happens in tubular steel radiators: two-pipe radiators are made with a thickness of 50 mm, three-pipe ones from 100 mm to 110 mm, all the others are already more solid - from 135 mm and more.

Neither bimetal nor, especially cast iron, is flat. But there is a very good and perfect flat type of heating - With such a system, heating devices are located along the floor around the perimeter. At the same time, their dimensions are about 30 mm in depth and 100-120 mm in height.


A variety of heating devices allows you to choose an option for any conditions: there are not only standard sizes, but also low, high, flat ones. For every taste and color.