Pork kidneys recipe. Stewed pork kidneys with vegetables, recipe with photos. How to cook odorless kidneys. What to do if you didn’t know how to cook pork kidneys correctly and odorlessly

Not everyone knows how to cook pork kidneys, and this product is not particularly popular. But if you nevertheless master the technique of their correct pre-processing and stock up on a successful cooking recipe, then without any doubt your opinion about this by-product will change for the better.

How to cook pork kidneys stewed in sour cream - recipe with mushrooms


  • pork kidneys – 780 g;
  • fresh mushrooms – 230 g;
  • salted or – 155 g;
  • onions – 260 g;
  • large cloves of garlic – 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 250 g;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • Refined sunflower oil – 65 ml;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper – 1-2 pinches;
  • dry bay leaves – 1-2 pcs.;
  • allspice in peas – 2-3 pcs.


Before you begin directly preparing a dish from the kidneys, they must be properly prepared, namely, to get rid of the unpleasant odor that accompanies this product. This can be done by soaking it in milk or vinegar and then boiling it. We will tell you in more detail how to perform this procedure.

If you decide to use milk as an odor neutralizer, then you need to pour it into pre-washed, cut in half and de-ducted pork kidneys and leave for three hours. When using white vinegar, mix it in the amount of one glass with a tablespoon of salt and soak the prepared kidneys in this substance for an hour. After an acidic environment, additional rinsing of the kidneys under running water will be required for twenty minutes. After milk, the product can simply be rinsed well twice.

Whatever the pork kidneys are soaked in, they must be further boiled. To do this, fill the product with clean water, bring to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes, and change the water to new one. Let the water boil again. We repeat this procedure three times, and only after that we begin to extinguish.

Cut the kidneys into cubes or cubes and brown them in hot sunflower oil, adding the onion cut into half rings in the process. In seven minutes, add pre-washed and chopped champignons and after another seven minutes, grated or cut into strips pickles. We also send sour cream there, throw in dry bay leaves, allspice peas, one or two pinches of ground black pepper and salt. Mix everything, let it boil and simmer the dish under the lid for ten minutes, reducing the heat intensity to minimum. Now we throw finely chopped greens and squeezed garlic cloves into the container with the kidneys, let the dish brew for ten minutes, and we can serve it, adding

We are glad that you stay with us and continue to delight and surprise your loved ones with dishes prepared according to our recipes.

Today we will talk about offal and share with you recipes for their preparation. We'll start with pork kidneys; later I'll talk about other offal products and methods of preparing them. So I advise you to subscribe, but new recipes, and then you definitely won’t miss an interesting, affordable and tasty recipe.

Pork kidneys are one of the most common offal and if you know how to cook them correctly, they can easily replace meat on your table. And so I present to you the recipe for pork kidneys, but first, check out the short video about the correct choice of offal on our shelves.

First of all, I present to your attention a delicious and satisfying lunch.

Pork kidneys – 500 g;
Onions – 1 piece;
Pickled cucumber – 3 pcs;
Sour cream – 3 tbsp.
Butter – 3 tbsp;
Flour – 1.5 tbsp;
Vinegar – 1 tbsp.
Salt, pepper to taste;

Cooking process:

The first step is to soak the pork kidneys. To do this, cut the kidneys in half lengthwise, remove the film and all the excess fat that is sometimes present on them, rinse them well, put them in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Soak the kidneys for at least 5 hours, changing the water every hour.

Next, drain the water from the kidneys, fill with new cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove, then drain the water again, fill with new water and bring to a boil again and remove. Drain the water again, add new water, bring to a boil and cook for one hour (I don’t know why they pour and drain the water so many times, it seems to me that once would be enough, but it’s not worth the risk, that’s what my Grandmother did).
Then remove from heat, pour the broth into a separate container, let the kidneys cool and cut them into small pieces.

Place a deep frying pan or other vessel for stewing the kidneys on the fire, melt the butter in the frying pan, add flour, stir until smooth, then, stirring, pour in 300 milliliters of the broth in which the kidneys were cooked, stir everything again until smooth. Let the sauce boil, turn the heat to medium and cook the sauce at a low simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Peel the onions and cut into thin half rings or quarters, cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes. Add chopped ingredients to the sauce, as well as chopped kidneys, sour cream, if desired, you can throw in 3-4 black peppercorns, as well as a couple of bay leaves, mix everything, bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat under a lid for about 20-25 minutes.

At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste, stir, remove from heat and let the kidneys brew under the lid for another 15 minutes.

That's all, these stewed kidneys can be used with absolutely any side dish or as an independent dish. Bon appetit!

The second method is very simple, but the snack turns out simply excellent and amazing, try it and your loved ones will like it, no doubt.

To prepare we will need:

Pork kidneys – 500 g;
Egg – 1 piece;
Vegetable oil;
Salt, pepper to taste;

Cooking process:

Wash and clean the pork kidneys, do all the manipulations with them that are described in the first recipe and also do not forget to boil them several times, changing the water. Then boil for an hour.

There is a faster way to soak the kidneys, just make cuts on them and soak the kidneys for an hour in milk, the younger the pig, the less you need to soak the kidneys. But we cannot always determine or find out the age of the pig, so for this it is better to use the first method and do everything described above with the kidneys before cooking.

Then we cut the kidneys into slices at your discretion, salt and pepper to taste, dip them first in a beaten chicken egg, then in breadcrumbs. Fry in a frying pan with preheated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

We put it on a dish, decorate it with herbs if desired and serve it to the table, such an appetizer will instantly disappear from your table, try it and see for yourself. Then remember my words. Bon appetit!

If you are not a fan of offal, but prefer dishes made from pork, then just go to the all blog articles section and find a recipe that suits your taste. Or I advise you to pay attention to the recipes presented below.

The most popular pork tenderloin dishes.

Homemade pork.

In the modern era of fast food, kidneys, as a special by-product, have become a superfood that is beginning to receive more and more attention. And this is well deserved, since they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. In the specialized literature on healthy nutrition, it is difficult, and even almost impossible, to find any information about the benefits of pork kidneys. But in many culinary reference books they are given a place of honor. Their benefits can only be learned from tables, from which, no matter how hard the compilers try, it is impossible to throw away the valuable information that makes the preparation of pork kidneys popular in dietary and special cooking. In addition, any national cuisine in the world has a variety of different dishes in its golden collection. In Russia, we really like rassolnik with them.

For example, let's take B vitamins. The best source of them is kidneys, which can compete with meat. They contain a huge amount of selenium. But at the same time, kidneys are several times lighter than meat. This is despite the fact that they contain a large amount of proteins. The protein in the kidneys is about 12.5 g, and the fat is 1.8 g, and the total calorie content is only (!) 66 kcal. Those who want to stay slim without sacrificing their health should remember this!

How to cook pork kidneys so that they do not have the specific smell that is characteristic of this type of offal? Each housewife uses her own methods. Someone pours milk on them, sprinkles them with soda, and soaks them in water and vinegar. But true culinary masters advise: before cooking pork kidneys, they need to be soaked in plain cold water for several hours. It is recommended to change the water at least twice. The offal prepared in this way can be stewed or fried, or boiled and added to a salad. But it is necessary to boil the kidneys separately from other products, and it is better to pour out the broth from them.

So, I propose to try a truly Russian recipe for preparing pork kidneys, “Rassolnik with kidneys.”

You will need: 500 g brisket, 500 g kidneys, 100-150 g pearl barley, 1 carrot, 150 g parsley root, 2-3 medium-sized pickles, 4-6 potatoes, onion, vegetable oil, bunch of herbs, pepper, salt.

Preparation: cleaned from the pelvis and ureters, prepared, pre-soaked kidneys, rinse well and boil. After draining the primary broth, pour cold water over the kidneys again, bring to a boil and cook until tender. Remove, cool, cut into small cubes. Put the pan with water back, and when the water boils, put the brisket and parsley root in it, and cook the meat. After an hour, throw the chopped kidneys, potatoes, and pearl barley into the pan. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil and add to the soup at the end of cooking along with finely chopped cucumbers. Leave the pan on low heat, let the pickle boil slightly, turn off the heat and add the greens.

There are also many recipes for cooking pork kidneys on a grill or open fire, like a shish kebab. To fry this offal on the grill, it is first soaked, cut in half, seasoned with spices, rubbed with salt and fried in a convection oven or over coals. The finished kidney is placed on a dish along with fresh tomatoes or potatoes roasted over a fire and decorated with herbs.

Kidneys stewed with mushrooms or topped with mushroom sauce are very tasty. To prepare this dish, the kidneys are first boiled and, cut into pieces, fried over high heat in butter or margarine. Mushroom sauce is prepared from any mushrooms in meat broth, with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of dry white wine. Stewed until tender and thickened with wheat flour, seasoned with spices and served along with fried kidneys.

Now you know how to cook pork kidneys deliciously and quickly. And besides, without spending a lot of effort. Enjoy your meal!

Kira Stoletova

Today, animal entrails, especially pork kidneys, are very popular.

What is the product

Pork kidneys are a complete offal, smooth and even in structure. Most people compare them to beans due to their relatively small size. Pork kidneys weigh approximately 150 g. A product that is considered high-quality meat should not have any cracks, cuts, tears, or foreign stains. At the same time, green and yellow spots are the norm: they indicate that the product has not been properly cleaned of the spleen and fluids in the animal’s body.

Good products should have a brown tint: this indicates that the pig was well fed and was completely healthy. If you do acquire buds with yellowish spots, you should immediately clean them at home.

Most experts claim that the kidneys of young animals are much softer and tastier compared to the product obtained from an old pig. Lighter buds indicate that their owner was no more than 1-2 years old at the time of slaughter, darker ones indicate that they either belonged to an old pig or had lain on the counter for more than 24 hours.

Positive properties of pork kidneys

We can say with complete confidence that such a product carries many positive properties for the human body. People suffering from kidney disease can safely include the described pork product in their menu: it will help improve their health. This by-product includes B vitamins necessary for the human body, which affect the good functioning of the entire digestive system and the normal functioning of all systems of the human body. In addition, pig kidneys are rich in the following positive substances:

  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine.

Doctors include this product in the diet of people who have problems with blood formation, the passage of capillaries, stagnation in the blood and the possible presence of blood clots. The substances that make up pork kidneys have a positive effect on blood flow in the body, causing microelements to move faster. In addition, such an amazing offal contains a small amount of calories, so it can be eaten even by people who are on a diet. At the same time, they will be able to get all the necessary substances.

Negative characteristics of the product

As most experts assure, today there are no special contraindications. In addition, there have not been any cases of overdose or death from pork kidneys. At the same time, one should not lose sight of a person’s possible intolerance to such a product - an allergy.

In all other situations, kidneys are an absolutely safe and healthy product that contains many different useful substances. Of course, we should not forget that we must still adhere to the norm, since oversaturation with any product can lead to at least an upset stomach.

Helpful information

The product does not have the most pleasant smell, but does not affect its quality. This is the natural “aroma” of the bud. To prevent the product from causing harm, it must be washed well and then soaked in milk.

Kidneys can be used to make both first and second courses; they can be boiled or fried, although in the latter case most of the beneficial substances evaporate. The main rule is that under no circumstances should you combine kidneys with any other offal, as they do not interact well with each other. In general, doctors and chefs advise that absolutely all offal products should always be cooked separately and used in different dishes.

Pork kidneys are a very healthy and high-quality product that will be a good addition to your diet. Most experts recommend that every person consume them at least once every 3 days: this will have a good effect on the functioning of all body systems.

How to cook kidneys correctly

Most people are absolutely sure that pork kidneys are tasteless meat that should be thrown away. The problem is that not everyone knows how to properly cook pork kidneys. The first and main thing to do is to soak them in water, in milk. You need to soak it properly, about 30-50 minutes, to completely remove all the smell and even make the taste a little different.

It is important to endure these 30-50 minutes. If you soak the offal in milk or water for a shorter amount of time, this will not help remove either the smell or the slightly bland taste. Only after this procedure can the product begin to be cut for cooking.

You can cook anything from the kidneys. They can be stewed, boiled, steamed and fried.

How to cook odorless pork kidneys. Quick and easy recipe!!!

Harm to PIG kidneys? This is true?

Beef kidneys. Offal on our table

Butter is used for frying, salt can be added to taste. The kidney dish looks very tasty and cute. Creamy sauce goes perfectly with this product. You can trust the cooking to cookbooks or experiment on your own.


So, you can be absolutely sure that pork kidneys will not cause any harm to the body. The main thing is to soak them immediately after purchase: milk or water neutralizes the heavy odor and removes the slightly bland taste.

Pork kidneys are one of the most common by-products. True, in terms of iron content in them, the kidneys lag somewhat behind. But the content of vitamin B is the same. You shouldn’t frown in disgust at this. After all, if pork kidneys are cooked correctly, there will be no smell of urea at all, and this offal itself has a unique, rather pleasant taste. There are many recipes for cooking pork kidneys.

Boiled-fried kidneys

To prepare this simple but very interesting dish you need to have:

  • Pork kidneys – 500 grams
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Breadcrumbs, sunflower oil
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Rinse and clean the kidneys thoroughly beforehand. After this, cook them in broth and cool. Then cut into slices, dip in beaten egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in oil.

Pork kidneys stewed

To prepare this simple dish you will need:

  • Pork kidneys – 500 grams
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 1 glass
  • Bay leaf, salt, flour - to taste

Prepare the kidneys by boiling and washing them. After which they need to be cut into slices and then rolled in flour. We begin to simmer the kidneys in a frying pan with the already stewed onions. In this case, you need to add a little water or broth. Next, add a bay leaf, and when the buds become soft, pour in a glass of sour cream, stir, then boil and add salt. Before serving, be sure to decorate with dill.

For many housewives, the question immediately arises: “What is the best way to serve pork kidneys?” The answer is very simple! The best option is potatoes. You can cook, for example.

You can also prepare an appetizer from pork kidneys. The following ingredients will be useful for this.

  • Pork kidneys – 300 grams
  • Green salad – 2 bunch
  • Soy sauce, vinegar, vegetable oil - 50 grams each

Rinse the kidneys thoroughly (pre-soak in water or milk) and boil. Then peel the kidneys from film and fat, rinse and cut into strips. Cut the green salad, place the kidneys on top, pour over soy sauce, which is mixed with vinegar and vegetable oil.

Pork kidneys in delicious sauce

  • Pork kidneys – 500 grams

To prepare the sauce you will need:

  • Flour – 1 tablespoon
  • Butter – 3 tablespoons
  • Onions – 2 pieces
  • Pickled cucumbers – 3 pieces
  • Salt, peppercorns, bay leaf - to taste

To prepare this dish, you need to prepare the pork kidneys especially carefully to get rid of the smell of urea. There are various ways to do this. You can soak the kidneys in milk. Or you can do it in cold water for 24 hours, placing them in the refrigerator. The water needs to be changed approximately once every 6-8 hours. But before the kidneys are immersed in water, they should be thoroughly washed, cleaned of fat and films, and cut in half. The last time you change the water in the refrigerator, you should pour a little vinegar into it.

After the kidneys have been soaked, they must be placed in a pan of water, brought to a boil for the first time, and then drained. Dial again and put on fire again. After this, leave the kidneys to cook for one and a half hours.

Once the kidneys are cooked, they should be cooled and cut into slices. And then you need to move on to preparing the sauce. To do this, fry one tablespoon of flour in a frying pan in three tablespoons of butter. Then pour either half a glass of broth or water into this flour. All this should be boiled for five minutes.

Finely chop the onion and fry it in a cauldron in sunflower oil until golden brown. Cut into small cubes and also add to the cauldron. Salt and pepper. Pour flour sauce over it all, throw in a few bay leaves and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour the sauce over the chopped kidneys and serve hot.

Pork kidneys in tomato sauce

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • Pork kidneys – 600 grams
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste – 100 gr
  • Salt, spices - to taste

This dish is very simple, but at the same time delicious. The only thing is that it can take quite a long time to prepare. However, according to experts, if the pig was young, then the kidneys can be soaked for 2-3 hours. But for an old pig it can take a whole day. But it is very important to prepare the kidneys well first so that the smell of urea is not felt in the dish.

After the kidneys are soaked, they should be boiled in three waters, each time for 2-3 minutes. Then cool and cut into small pieces. Place a frying pan over high heat and fry the kidney pieces. After they have browned, reduce the heat and immediately add finely chopped onion to the pan. Salt and add spices to taste. Once the onions turn golden, add some water to the pan. And immediately - tomato paste. After this, cover the kidneys with a lid and simmer for an hour. Moreover, it is necessary to monitor so that the kidneys do not burn.

Of course, kidneys are not the product that is served. But if you soak them correctly, then from this offal you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy recipes that your loved ones will be happy to try.

Try also making pickle soup with pork kidneys for your first course: