Suppress the Jew in you. Zakhar Prilepin's friendly family Film adaptations of Zakhar Prilepin's works

Zakhar Prilepin- Russian writer, philologist, journalist.

Zakhar Prilepin- Member of the National Bolshevik Party since 1996. Was born Zakhar Prilepin July 7, 1975 in the village of Ilyinka, Skopinsky district, Ryazan region, in the family of a teacher and a nurse. He began his career at the age of 16. Zakhar Prilepin Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N. I. Lobachevsky and the School of Public Policy. Zakhar Prilepin worked as a handyman, a security guard, served as a squad leader in the riot police, took part in the hostilities in Chechnya in 1996 and 1999.

Birth name: Evgeny Nikolaevich Prilepin
Aliases: Zakhar Prilepin
Date of birth: July 7, 1975
Place of birth: village of Ilyinka, Skopinsky district, Ryazan region, RSFSR, USSR
Citizenship: Russia
Occupation: Russian writer, philologist, journalist
Years of creativity: since 2003
Direction: realism

In 1999, due to financial difficulties, Zakhar Prilepin leaves the service in the riot police and gets a job as a journalist in the Nizhny Novgorod newspaper Delo. Published under many pseudonyms, the most famous of which is "Eugene Lavlinsky".
In 2000 Zakhar Prilepin becomes editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Parallel Zakhar Prilepin begins work on his first novel, Pathologies.
“The newspaper, however, was yellow, terrible, in some places even Black Hundred, although it was part of the holding of Sergei Kiriyenko. And I realized that I was wasting my life for nothing - and began to write a novel. At first it was a novel about love, but gradually (I worked for three or four years) it turned into a novel about Chechnya as my most powerful life experience - as they say, no matter what we do, a Kalashnikov assault rifle comes out.

First works Zahara Prilepina were published in 2003 in the newspaper Day of Literature.
Artworks Prilepin were published in various newspapers, including Literaturnaya Gazeta, Limonka, On the Edge, General Line, as well as in the magazines Sever, Friendship of Peoples, Roman-newspaper, Novy Mir ”,“ Snob ”,“ Russian Pioneer ”,“ Russian Life ”.
He was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper of the National Bolsheviks of Nizhny Novgorod "People's Observer". Zakhar Prilepin participated in the seminar of young writers Moscow - Peredelkino (February 2004) and in IV, V, VI Forums of young writers of Russia in Moscow.

Zakhar Prilepin- a convinced National Bolshevik, at different time intervals - a consistent supporter of the NBP coalition "The Other Russia", took part in the organization of the March of Dissenters in Nizhny Novgorod on March 24, 2007.
In 2007 Zakhar Prilepin became a co-founder of the national-democratic movement "People". On June 23-24, 2007, the founding conference of the movement and the first meeting of its political council took place in Moscow. Sergei Gulyaev and Zakhar Prilepin became co-chairs of the movement. Subsequently, the People movement was supposed to join the Other Russia coalition, but this did not happen.

March 10, 2010 Zakhar Prilepin signed the appeal of the Russian opposition "Putin must go." In an interview published on March 16, 2010, he said in response to a question about the goals of the campaign:
“Putin is a system, and the whole system needs to be changed. An open political space is needed. First of all, the country must be brought out of the political freeze. This requires a free parliament, discussion, and an independent press.”

Currently Zakhar Prilepin works as editor-in-chief of the Political News Agency - Nizhny Novgorod, general director of Novaya Gazeta in Nizhny Novgorod. Since July 2009, he has been the host of the No Country for Old Men program on the PostTV channel. Member of the Civil Literary Forum of Russia.
July 1, 2012 Zakhar Prilepin Together with Sergei Shargunov, he headed the editorial office of the Free Press website. Shargunov became editor-in-chief, and Zakhar Prilepin became editor-in-chief.

Zakhar Prilepin successfully and happily married. Has four children.

Zakhar Prilepin's awards

Winner of the Boris Sokolov Prize (2004)
Laureate of the Literaturnaya Rossiya newspaper award (2004)
Zakhar Prilepin- Laureate of the "Roman-newspaper" award in the "Discovery" nomination (2005)
Eureka Award Diploma (2006)
Shortlisted for the National Bestseller Award in 2005 and 2006 (2005, 2006)
In 2006, he became a finalist for the Russian Booker Prize.
Winner of the All-China International Literature Award "The Best Foreign Book of 2006" (2007)
Laureate of the annual literary prize "Yasnaya Polyana" named after Leo Tolstoy (nomination "XXI century") for the novel "Sankya" (2007)
Zakhar Prilepin- Laureate of the literary award "Faithful Sons of Russia" named after Alexander Nevsky for the novel in the stories "Sin" (2007)
Laureate of the All-Russian award of the Institute of National Strategy "Soldier of the Empire" (2008)
Winner of the National Bestseller Award for the novel in the stories "Sin" (2008)
Silver medal of the Bunin Prize for the book "TerraTartarara: It concerns me personally" (2009)
Winner of the "Super National Best" award, the novel "Sin" is named the best book of the decade (2011)
Winner of the Russian Booker of the Decade Award (2011)
Zakhar Prilepin- winner of the "Bronze Snail" award in the "Large Form" nomination for the best fantasy novel of the year - "Black Monkey" (2012).

Books by Zakhar Prilepin

"Pathologies" (novel) - 2004 ed. "St. Andrew's Flag"
Sankya (novel) - 2006 ed. "Ad Marginem"
"Sin" (novel) - 2007 ed. Vagrius (Super-National Best Award, 2011)
"Boots Full of Hot Vodka" (collection of short stories) - 2008 ed. "AST"
"I came from Russia" (collection of essays) - 2008 ed. "Limbus Press"
Terra Tartarara. This concerns me personally ”(collection of essays) - 2009 ed. "AST"
"Leonid Leonov: His game was huge" (biography) - 2010 ed. "Young Guard", series Life of Remarkable People
"Black Monkey" (novel) - 2011 ed. "AST"
"Eight" (collection of stories) - 2012 ed. "Astrel"
"Knigochet" (a manual on the latest literature) - 2012 ed. "Astrel"

Compilations by Zakhar Prilepin:

"What Day of the Week Will Happen" (collection of selected stories from the books "Sin" and "Boots Full of Hot Vodka") - 2008 ed. "Yasnaya Polyana"
"Sin and Other Stories" (collection of stories including the books "Sin", "Boots Full of Hot Vodka" and 2 stories not included in these books) - 2011 ed. "Astrel"
“Peresvet is coming to us” (a collection of essays based on the books “I came from Russia” and “It concerns me personally” with the inclusion of several new essays) - 2012 ed. "Astrel"
"Road in December" (collection of prose in one volume; with the exception of the collection "Eight") - 2012 ed. "Astrel"

Now Zakhar Prilepin is known as a writer and columnist, actor and TV presenter, musician and politician. He writes for LiveJournal, maintains a Youtube channel and edits the Free Press website. At the same time, he does not suffer from the pangs of creativity and "does not know what inspiration is." The main chagrin is the lack of time: children grow up, and the moments of their growing up are missed.

In such a cycle, Prilepin draws strength from the fact that he has no "pretensions to life."

“I’m always happy with everything. I’ve been like this since childhood. And the logic of the higher forces that bestow us with all this is probably the following: if you are happy, then go on, here’s a little more strength for you.”

Childhood and youth

Zakhar Prilepin was born in July 1975 in the village of Ilyinka, Ryazan Region. At birth, the boy was named Eugene. The Prilepin family was not rich: father Nikolai worked as a history teacher at school, and mother Tatyana worked as a nurse in a hospital. Therefore, the future writer had to start working from an early age.

Close people, Zakhar later recalled, are so colorful and he loved them so much that he endowed the heroes of the works with their inherent features. In the story "Forest", the father is written off from Prilepin Sr., the grandfather from "Sin" is the author's grandfather, Semyon.

In 1986, the family moved to the Nizhny Novgorod region, to the city of Dzerzhinsk, where the parents were given an apartment. Prilepin's mother got a job at the Korund chemical plant. At the age of 16, the boy began working as a loader in a bakery. A year later, his father died, after his death, the guy had a hard time. After graduating from school, he changed his place of residence to Nizhny Novgorod, after which he joined the army in 1994, but was subsequently discharged.

Then Prilepin entered the police school - tall (185 cm), a strong young man served in the riot police.

In parallel with the work, the future writer studied at the philological faculty of the Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod. However, it was not destined to continue his studies then - in 1996, Prilepin was sent to Chechnya. After another 3 years, Zakhar took part in the hostilities already in another Caucasian region - in Dagestan.

In the 90s, Prilepin did not have enough riot police salary, and he worked as a security guard in nightclubs. He worked as a security guard and a handyman. In 1999, the man graduated from the university and left the OMON.

Books and creativity

In 2000, in Nizhny Novgorod, Prilepin began working in the local newspaper Delo, after which he quickly became a fairly popular journalist. A year after being hired, Zakhar became the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

The first opuses of Prilepin the writer began to appear in 2003, then they were poetic works. At this time, the first novel "Pathology" was written, in which the theme of the Chechen war runs like a red thread. At first, it was printed piece by piece in magazines, and was published as a separate book in 2005.

Since 2006, various publishing houses have published the works “Sankya”, “Sin”, “Boots full of hot vodka”, “I came from Russia”, “Terra Tartarara. This concerns me personally” “Name day of the heart. Conversations with Russian Literature.

Prilepin was educated at the School of Public Policy, which was founded by the Open Russia Foundation. In 2007, the writer became one of the co-founders of the "People" movement, whose ideology was "democratic nationalism".

In the same year, Zakhar Prilepin started a blog on the open platform LiveJournal. Here the writer boldly covers topics of interest to him, writes about his personal work, literature and politics. Zakhar does not hide his firm position on many acute political issues.

The year 2009 was marked for Prilepin by receiving the silver medal of the Bunin Prize for the collection “TerraTartarara. This applies to me personally." Then Zakhar was appointed secretary of the Russian Union of Writers. In addition, he began his career as a TV presenter, working in the PostTV program.

In 2010, Zakhar Prilepin signed an appeal to the Russian authorities from the opposition and in an interview explained that he considers the system, and "the whole system needs to be changed in order to get an open political space." The activist met with the President of Russia personally more than once, talking with him on various topics, including political ones.

Zakhar loves Russian rock and sometimes writes music himself. In 2011, he made his debut with the album "Seasons", recorded with his own group "Elefunk" on the label "Midday Music".

Singer and musician Zakhar Prilepin

In the same 2011, the well-known men's magazine GQ named Prilepin the writer of the year. At the same time, the author was awarded the Bronze Snail Prize for the novel The Black Monkey.

In 2012, Zakhar wrote a manual on modern literature "Book Reader" and published stories in the collection "Eight".

In 2014, the novel The Abode brought Zakhar Prilepin the prestigious Big Book Award, established by Russian business circles. The winners are selected by a jury of 100 people, including scientists and artists, journalists and public figures.

In 2015, the writer continued his television career. Zakhar undertook to host the musical show "Salt" on the REN TV channel, where he talked with popular Russian musicians on important social topics. 65 episodes went on the air, and at the beginning of 2016, Prilepin opened a new author's program "Tea with Zakhar" on the Orthodox channel Tsargrad TV. This project closed after a year.

“My programs on the channel were the most rated. That is why they tolerated me, with all my leftist agenda.”


Politics is a tedious business, says Zakhar, people are tired, and few people want to plunge into this swamp, but they feel that they are obliged. Prilepin's main interest was the Ukrainian question. The writer's blogs are mainly devoted to the situation in the Donbass.

In 2015, Prilepin took the post of adviser to the head of the Donetsk People's Republic, in 2016 he began to participate in military clashes. The man became deputy commander of a special forces battalion for work with the personnel of the DPR army, where he later rose to the rank of major.

In the same year, Prilepin took part in a public discussion of political and social issues at the site of the Trend discussion club in St. Petersburg. Together with Zakhar, the famous translator spoke. Speakers agreed on many issues.

Zakhar Prilepin shared his views with Altai readers during joint press conferences with journalist and writer Sergei Shargunov in Barnaul.

In 2017, the media reported that Prilepin was tired of simply delivering humanitarian aid to the Donbass. The Russian writer gathered a battalion of local residents, "whom he knew where to look for." It was not without accusations of promoting mercenarism, when in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda the words were heard that "there is a turn of guys from Russia."

Prilepin responded to the press on LiveJournal that he did not announce conscription into the DPR army and did not invite people to the battalion, especially mercenaries. There is no such thing as an invitation.

“When it all started, in the spring of 2014, we launched the Interbrigade project and began to slowly supply volunteers here. First to Luhansk, then to Donetsk.” The idea that you need to create your own division was constantly present.

Prilepin also asked not to invite him to TV - he refused to give interviews, reproaching the media for misinterpreting his words and "arranging a farce." To prove his words, the man publishes on his blog links and excerpts from materials dedicated to him, where he is either called "Putin's agent", or they prophesy an early cleansing by the Russian authorities.

This social and political situation inspired the author to write a collection of biographies of writers who participated in various wars of the past centuries. The book was published in 2017 under the title Platoon. Officers and militias of Russian literature.

Critics responded to the release of the book and the fact that Prilepin continues to broadcast television, accusing him of hypocrisy, of a frivolous understanding of the war. The writer responded to these claims by saying that if he quits everything and fights quietly in the Donbass, then he, his battalion and his ideas will lose stable funding and a platform for statements, which will not be an “act” at all, as Prilepin’s opponents characterize.

Zakhar donates the money earned by creativity to charity. According to the writer, he has one and a half million requests for assistance to families affected by the conflict. Prilepin contributed to the large-scale music festival "Lava Fest" with the invitation of rappers,

Zakhar is an Orthodox Christian, he constantly goes to church, baptized children. The Prilepins live in Nizhny Novgorod, in a house on the banks of the Kerzhenets River. In November 2017, Zakhar and Maria got married in Donetsk.

In addition to "LJ", Zakhar uses

Zakhar Prilepin biography, photos - find out everything! Name: Zakhar Prilepin Date of birth: July 7, 1975 (age 40) Zodiac sign: Cancer Place of birth: Ilyinka village, Ryazan region Activity: writer, journalist Weight: 88 kg Height: 185 cm



The biography of Zakhar Prilepin (the present is Evgeny Nikolaevich Prilepin) is full of many bright moments and significant events.

The well-known writer today walked towards his literary path for a long time, having tried himself in a wide variety of industries and “tried out” a large number of various specialties. Although, perhaps, it was a life rich in experiences that predetermined the integrity of Zakhar Prilepin as a journalist and writer.

His books are published in huge editions, critics praise his work, and readers admire the philosophical meaning of his works.

Today Zakhar Prilepin is one of the most popular writers of modern Russia. But who knows if his novels would have been the same as they are now, if his fate had been at least a little different.


A LONG WAY TO CREATIVITY Yevgeny Prilepin was born in an ordinary village in the Ryazan region of Russia. His family did not live well: his father was a school teacher, and his mother was a nurse. That is why the future famous writer started working quite early. From the age of 9, he actively helped his parents in any business. And at sixteen he began to EARN himself. The first job of the future writer was a bakery, where he worked as a loader.

Zakhar Prilepin had a difficult childhood - he had to start working early. Despite the heavy workload, Prilepin studied quite well. After graduating from a comprehensive school in the city of Dzerzhinsk (where his family had received an apartment a few years earlier), he left his home and moved to live in Nizhny Novgorod, where he soon entered the local police school. After graduation, Yevgeny Prilepin entered the service in the OMON department. In parallel with his work in a special police unit, the future writer attended evening classes at the Nizhny Novgorod State University, where he first began to study philology. However, the study did not last long. In 1996, with the rank of commander of a special department, Prilepin went to Chechnya.

Subsequently, it was military operations in the Caucasus that would become one of the main literary themes in the writer's novels. But we will not dwell on this episode in the life of a famous writer today. And we only note that three years later, Prilepin will again go to the Caucasus, where he will participate in hostilities on the territory of Dagestan.

After returning home, Eugene will become an active member of the National Bolshevik Party.

Thus, in different years, he visited both sides of the barricades: in his youth, he dispersed demonstrations as part of the OMON detachment, and later he himself participated in them.

Zakhar Prilepin - Ogloblya An active (and very ambiguous) political position did not prevent Prilepin from successfully completing his studies at the Nizhny Novgorod State University. After receiving his diploma, he began working as a journalist in the Nizhny Novgorod publication Delo. ZAKHAR PRILEPIN'S LITERARY CAREER Prilepin's work as a journalist was soon appreciated, and a year after his employment, Evgeny took over as editor-in-chief. Remembering this time, Prilepin says the following: “The newspaper […] was yellow, scary, in some places even Black Hundred, although it was part of Sergei Kiriyenko’s holding. And I realized that I was wasting my life on nothing - and began to write a novel.

In 2000, Yevgeny Nikolaevich began working for the first time under the pseudonym Zakhar Prilepin, preparing his debut novel Pathologies for release. The first works of Prilepin as a writer appear in newspapers in 2003. His novels are published in The Day of Literature, Literaturnaya Gazeta, Limonka and many others. Soon many large Russian publishing houses begin to publish his books.

In the period from 2004 to 2008, the author receives a number of prestigious literary awards. During these years, the writer becomes a laureate of the Boris Sokolov Prize, the Eureka Prize, and the All-China International Literary Prize. His novels are among the nominees for the main prize of such literary awards as "Russian Booker" and "National Bestseller". In 2011, with the novel "Sin", Zakhar became the winner of the "Super National Best" award, and also received the long-awaited "National Bestseller" award.

Zakhar Prilepin has received many literary awards Zakhar Prilepin is currently the author of five novels, as well as a huge number of essays and short stories.


In 2007, Prilepin became a co-founder of the opposition national-democratic association "People". In the same year, he acted as one of the organizers of the Nizhny Novgorod March of Dissent.

In 2010, he took an active part in the activities of the "Putin must go" campaign.

In addition to political activities, Prilepin is known for his work in the field of music and cinematography. As a performer, Zakhar actively collaborated with such groups as 25/17 and Elfank (created by himself).

As an actor, he took part in the filming of the films "Inspector Cooper" and "Eight". Zakhar Prilepin on the elections to the State Duma The last of these films will be released in 2013. The film is based on the writer's short story of the same name.

In 2012, Zakhar Prilepin was engaged in staging two theatrical performances at once - "Interrogation" and "Thugs". The latter became the owner of the main Russian theater award "Golden Mask".


Even at the philological faculty of the Nizhny Novgorod State University, Prilepin met his future wife, Maria. In the third year they played a wedding, and in the fifth year the young couple already had their first child. Today, the Prilepin family has four children (Gleb, Kira, Ignat and Lilia).

After many years of marriage, the couple are still close. As the writer himself says, far from Masha, he constantly misses her, and also calls the guarantee of a strong marriage "the highest possible bar of personal relationships and absolute trust."

Zakhar Prilepin with his wife and children Zakhar Prilepin is related to the current Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladislav Surkov. First › Celebrities › Writers Finding an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter

Name: Zakhar Prilepin.

Place of Birth: village of Ilyinka, Skopinsky district, Ryazan region.

Parents: Prilepin Nikolai Semenovich, history teacher.
Nisiforova Tatyana Nikolaevna, physician.

Place of residence: Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.

Education: UNN them. N. I. Lobachevsky, Faculty of Philology.
School of Public Policy.

Publications: published since 2003
Prose: "Friendship of Peoples", "Continent", "New World", "Cinema Art", "Roman-newspaper", "North".

Writer, actor, musician. Editor-in-Chief of the Free Press website. Secretary of the Writers' Union of Russia. Presenter of the author's program "Russian Lessons" on the NTV channel. Member of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Popular Front. Deputy Artistic Director of the Moscow Art Theatre. M. Gorky.

In October 2019, Zakhar Prilepin creates the Public Movement "For the Truth". Since 2020 - Chairman of the For Truth party.

The Zakhar Prilepin Foundation provides humanitarian assistance to the residents of Donbass.


1. "Pathologies", a novel (2005)
2. Sankya, novel (2006)
3. "Sin", one life in several stories (2007)
4. Boots Full of Hot Vodka: Kid Stories (2008)
5. "I came from Russia", essay (2008)
6. “It concerns me personally”, essay (2009)
7. "Leonid Leonov: His game was huge", research (2010)
8. "Black Monkey", a story (2011)
9. "Eight", short stories (2011)
10. "Book Reader", a guide to the latest literature (2012)
11. Abode, novel (2014)
12. "Flying barge haulers", essay (2014)
13. "Not someone else's turmoil", essay (2015)
14. "Dissimilar poets: Mariengof, Lugovskoy, Kornilov", research (2015)
15. "Seven Lives", a collection of small prose (2016)
16. "Whatever Must Be Resolved...: A Chronicle of the Coming War", non-fiction (2016)
17. Platoon. Officers and militias of Russian literature" (2017)
18. Some Won't Go to Hell, fantasy novel (2019)
19. "Stories from an easy and instant life", essay (2019)
20. Yesenin. Promising a meeting ahead, ZhZL (2019)

Compiler of anthologies and collections:

1. “War. WAR" (2008, "ASTrel")
2. “Revolution. Revolution" (2009, "ASTrel")
3. “Name day of the heart. Conversations with Russian Literature" (2009, "ASTrel")
4. “Lit Perron. Anthology of Nizhny Novgorod poetry (2011, Books)
5. “Ten. Anthology of prose of the '00s' (2011, Ad Marginem)
6. "Lemon in jail." (2012, Centerpolygraph)
7. “14. Anthology of Women's Prose of the '00s' (2012, ASTrel)
8. Leonid Leonov. Collected works in six volumes (2013, "Terra")
9. Anatoly Mariengof. Collected works in three volumes (2013, "Terra")
10. Poets of the 20th century: Vasiliev, Yesenin, Kornilov, Lugovskoy, Mariengof. An anthology in five books (2015, Young Guard)
11. "Lemon in the war" (2016, Algorithm)
12. "I am a wounded earth" (2017, "Terra")


1. "Eva" (KMF, 2019) - Ukrainian oligarch, Eva's father.
2. "Duty" (KMF, military drama, 2017) - militia Cat.
3. "Gayler" (film, 2017) - Dima.
4. "THREAT: Trepalov and the Wallet" (TV series, 2016) - poet Vladimir Lugovskoy.
5. "Eight" (feature film, 2013) - a taxi driver.
6. "Inspector Cooper" (TV series, 2012) - Sergey Vasiliev, killer.

Screen versions:

  • "White square"(director - Ivan Pavlyuchkov), 2012. Screen adaptation of the story "White Square". In 2012, the film received the Bronze Frame prize at the 12th International Short Film Festival Unseen Cinema in Maardu (Estonia) and the Grand Prix at the Metra International Film Festival (Russia).
  • "Eight"(directed by Alexey Uchitel), 2013. Screen version of the story "Eight".
  • "Fucking story"(directed by Mara Tamkovich, Poland) 2015. Short film based on the short story by Zakhar Prilepin "The Fucking Story".
  • "Dog"(directed by VGIK graduate Ksenia Tishchenko), 2017. Short film based on the story of the same name by Zakhar Prilepin.


  • Zakhar Prilepin and the Elefank group - The Seasons (2011)
  • Zakhar Prilepin and the Elefank group - "Coup" (2013)
  • Rich and Zakhar Prilepin - "Pathologies" (2013)
  • Zakhar Prilepin and the Elefank group - "Hunter" (2015)
  • Rich and Zakhar Prilepin - "To the Ocean" (2016)
  • Zakhar Prilepin and the Elefank group - Tsvetnoy (2019)


Prize finalist:

  • 2005: "National Bestseller" (novel "Pathologies")
  • 2005: "Boris Sokoloff Prize" (novel "Pathologies")
  • 2006: "Russian Booker" (novel "Sankya")
  • 2006: "National Bestseller" (novel "Sankya")
  • 2006: Diploma of the Eureka Prize (novel Sankya)
  • 2007: im. Y. Kazakova - for the best story of the year (story "Sin")
  • 2009: im. I. A. Bunina - for the book of journalism "Terra Tartarara: This concerns me personally"
  • 2012: Big Book (Black Monkey novel)
  • 2014: "Russian Booker" (novel "Abode")

Prize Winner:

  • 2005: BRF Prize "Inspire Paris"
  • 2006: "Roman-gazeta" award in the "Discovery" nomination
  • 2007: All-China Literary Award "Best Foreign Novel of the Year" - Sankya novel
  • 2007: Award "Exclusive of the Year" of the site for political journalism
  • 2007: Yasnaya Polyana Prize "For an outstanding work of contemporary literature" (novel "Sankya")
  • 2007: "Faithful Sons of Russia" award (for the novel "Sin")
  • 2008: "Soldier of the Empire" award - for prose and journalism
  • 2008: National Bestseller Award (novel Sin)
  • 2008: OZON.RU Bestseller Award - according to the results of sales in the OZON.RU online store
  • 2009: "Art person" of the year according to the radio station "Europe plus"
  • 2010 National Award "Best Books and Publishing Houses-2010" in the "Biographies" section - for the book "Leonid Leonov: His game was huge"
  • 2011: SuperNational Best Award ($100,000 for Best Prose of the Decade)
  • 2011: GQ Writer of the Year
  • 2012: "Bronze Snail" (2012) in the "Large Form" nomination for the best fantasy novel of the year - "Black Monkey".
  • 2012: Man of the city (Nizhny Novgorod).
  • 2012: award in the nomination "Expert's Choice" (novel "Black Monkey")
  • 2014: Book of the Year Award for The Abode (Annual National Competition)
  • 2014: "Runet Book Prize-2014" in the nomination "Best Fiction Book" (the novel "Abode")
  • 2014: Big Book Award (novel The Abode)
  • 2014: Nizhny Novgorod regional award "Awakening" in the nomination "Leader of the Year"
  • 2014: "Alexander Ivanovich Herzen Prize" (for the book "Peresvet is coming to us")
  • 2015: "Vadim Valeryanovich Kozhinov Prize" (for "Notes from Novorossiya", social and literary activity)
  • 2015: Zakhar Prilepin became the winner of the Yesenin Prize
  • 2015: Zakhar Prilepin's novel "Abode" became the winner of the IV contest "Auditor - 2015" in the nomination "Customer's Choice. Publisher of the bestseller in paper form"
  • 2017: Ivo Andrić Prize (Serbia) for the books "The Abode" and "Seven Lives"
  • 2017: Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for achievements in the field of culture
  • 2017: awarded with the Donbass Volunteer Cross
  • 2017: awarded the highest award of the International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight" (Irkutsk) - gold medal named after. A.S. Pushkin
  • 2017: became a laureate of the Alexander Nevsky Prize. The writer was awarded the first prize for the book “Platoon. Officers and militias of Russian literature.
  • 2018: Award "For the preservation of the traditions of the Russian literary school, educational and social activities."
  • 2018: The military drama "On Duty" (KMF) won the main prize of Best Narrative Short at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York and became an Oscar contender. Director - Lenar Kamalov, starring - Zakhar Prilepin.
  • 2018: Laureate of the international prize of the city of Cassino "Letterature dal fronte" for the novel "Pathologies" (Italy).
  • 2018: Winner of the Lermontov Prize in the nomination "For achievements in literary work that has received public recognition" for the books "Dissimilar Poets" and "Platoon".
  • 2018: Laureate of the international award "Person of the Year - 2018". Humanitarian activity. Donbass.
  • 2020: Winner of the national award "Best Books and Publishers of the Year" in the category "Fiction" for the novel "Some won't go to hell".

The French edition of Zakhar Prilepin's Pathologies won the prestigious Russophonie award in France for the best translation of a Russian book.

The film "White Square" (directed by Ivan Pavlyuchkov) received the "Bronze Frame" prize at the 12th International Short Film Festival "Unseen Cinema" in Maardu (Estonia) and the grand prix at the international film festival "Metra" (Russia).

Zakhar Prilepin's works have been translated into 25 languages: English, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Greek, Danish, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Latvian, Moldavian, German, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Finnish, French, Czech, Japanese.

Books by Zakhar Prilepin are included in the curriculum of Russian liberal arts universities. The textbook “History of Russian Literature of the 20th Century” published in 2013 (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, is the first textbook that fully complies with the Federal State Standard) introduces a separate chapter on Zakhar Prilepin, which completes the course of modern literature.

Activity: journalist (previously: handyman, security guard, loader, commander of the OMON department, etc.)

Family status: happily married.

Achievements: four children.

Beliefs: national Bolshevik, patriot.


Gaito Gazdanov: "Evening at Claire's", "Night Roads", "Ghost of Alexander Wolf"
Romain Gary: Promise at Dawn
Boris Zaitsev: "Golden pattern"
Thomas Mann: "Joseph and his brothers"
Henry Miller: "Sexus"
Anatoly Mariengof: "Cynics"
Vladimir Nabokov: "Hell or the Joy of Passion"
Leonid Leonov: Pyramid, Thief, Road to the Ocean, Evgenia Ivanovna
Eduard Limonov: “It's me, Eddie”, “Diary of a Loser”
Alexander Prokhanov: "Palace", "Third Toast"
Mikhail Tarkovsky: "Frozen Time"
Alexander Terekhov: "Stone Bridge", "Babaev"
Jonathan Franzen: "The Amendments"
Mikhail Sholokhov: Quiet Flows the Don
Russian classics of the 19th century, PSS.

Cesar Vallejo, Pavel Vasiliev, Sergei Yesenin, Eduard Limonov, Boris Ryzhiy.
Russian Silver Age. Greek poetry of the 20th century. Latin American Poetry of the 20th Century.

Marc Almond - "Enchanted", "Open All Night"
Cure - "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me", "Disintegration"
Manu Chao - Proxima Estacion. Esperanza"
50 cent - "Get Rich Or Die Try"
Aquarium - "Radio Africa", "Russian Album"
Alexander Bashlachev - "Eternal Fast"
Alexander Dolsky - "The State of Blue Eyes", "Portrait in a Frame"
"Machine Band" - "Bomb"

As well as:
- A-ha, Nick Cave, Depeche Mode, Rob Dougan, Marley & Sons, Sinead O'Connor.
- "25/17", "Auktyon", Mikhail Shcherbakov, Elena Frolova.

Angel Heart, dir. Alan Parker
Among the Gray Stones, dir. Kira Muratova

Favorite quote:
"Am I my brother's keeper?" (Cain).
“They said that I insulted the Queen of Prussia, not at all. I just told her: "Woman, go back to your spinning wheel and household." I have nothing to reproach myself with. I ordered her favorite Hatzfeld to be released, otherwise they would have shot him ”(Napoleon).
“If you die, you will know everything; or stop asking" (Leo Tolstoy).

Based on interviews and publications by Zakhar Prilepin.

Zakhar Prilepin was born in 1975 in the Ryazan region in a simple family. The father taught children at the school of history, the mother worked as a nurse. A few years later, the family received an apartment in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. The teenager started working early, as his father died. Mother alone had a hard time, most of the time she spent at the chemical plant, so the help of her son was very helpful.


After graduating from school, the young man moved to the regional center, from here he was drafted into the army. This was followed by a police school and service in the riot police. The recruit was distinguished by good physical fitness and high growth. In 1996, Prilepin ended up in Chechnya. Three years later, he happened to use weapons again in an armed conflict in Dagestan. The riot policeman's salary was small, so he had to earn extra money as a security guard in nightclubs or as a laborer. All this time, the future philologist combined his service with studies at the University of Nizhny Novgorod.


In 1999, the graduate left the OMON and began his literary career. Collaboration with the newspaper "Delo" made him a popular journalist. It was published under various pseudonyms, the most popular was "Eugene Lavlinsky". A year later, the novice writer headed the editorial board of the publication.

The writer's first works were published by the Day of Literature newspaper in 2003. Readers of the Literaturnaya Gazeta, the magazines Roman-Gazeta, Novy Mir, and Aurora got acquainted with his work. During this period, he created his debut novel, Pathology, which raised the theme of the Chechen war. The work was printed in fragments and was published in full only in 2005. This was followed by works: "Sankya", "Sin", collections "Boots full of hot vodka", "I came from Russia", "Terra Tartarara". Many consider Zakhar the founder of modern military prose.

The fame of the writer grew every year. The new work "Black Monkey", the books "Eight", "Flying barge haulers" and "Not someone else's turmoil" aroused great reader interest. The Abode novel was recognized as the bestseller and the most popular book in Moscow libraries in 2015, and its author took second place in the Russian Writer of the Year rating. Soon he nevertheless managed to rise to the top step of the literary pedestal. The works of the popular author have been published in large numbers in our country and translated into many languages ​​of the world.


In 2004, Prilepin joined the Nizhny Novgorod National Bolsheviks and even headed their newspaper People's Observer. Soon Zakhar graduated from the School of Public Policy and became a co-founder of the People movement. He continued his opposition activities throughout the following years. He actively participated in mass protests with slogans about "the need to change the system" and "bringing the country out of the political freeze." After the events in Crimea, the oppositionist declared a “personal truce” to the authorities. He explained this decision by the changes taking place in the country, he dreamed about them for two decades. In 2014, the writer, as a military correspondent, personally visited the war zone in the south-east of Ukraine, his notes were published in Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Journalism and TV

In the second half of the 2000s, there was an active period of Prilepin's journalistic activity. In Nizhny Novgorod, he headed the editorial office of Novaya Gazeta and the Free Press website. At various times, he was published in Ogonyok, Novaya Gazeta, and Izvestia. In 2013, the Prilepin program was broadcast on Dozhd radio. The author's programs of the writer were presented to the audience by the TV channels NTV, Ren-TV and Tsargrad.

Music and cinema

The writer tried himself as a rap artist, starred in the video of the group "25/17". In 2011, Prilepin created the Elefank group, the guys recorded three albums. In the musical biography of Zakhar, there are several collaborations with popular Russian rock artists.

His film debut took place in 2012 in the film Inspector Cooper. The following year, director Alexei Uchitel offered the writer a small role in the film adaptation of his novel The Eight. According to the creator of the picture, the aspiring actor has demonstrated exceptional comedic talent.

How is life today

The personal life of a celebrity remains in the shadows. It is known that he is married and is the father of three sons and a daughter. He met his wife Natalya while studying at NSU, they got married in their third year.

Not trusting the media too much, he refuses interviews and TV invitations. Devoting most of his time to literary work, Zakhar pleased his fans with a new collection “Platoon. Officers and militias of Russian literature. The book is dedicated to the biographies of Russian writers who distinguished themselves on the battlefield.

Zakhar lives on the money earned by his labor. Following Christian principles, he does not skimp on donating to charity for affected families. The writer dreams of holding a rock festival in the Donbass and seeing this region flourish again.