Preparing the wall for wallpapering step by step. Preparing walls for wallpaper. Preparation of walls made of plasterboard and other sheet materials

To prepare the walls for wallpapering, the surface of the walls must be primed and covered with a sealant to prevent glue from seeping into them. Currently available primer / sealant formulations allow both operations to be accomplished in a single application.

When preparing the walls, it is necessary to clean the surface, so it is difficult to do without an elementary construction tool.
This minimal building tool kit consists of the following well-known items:

  1. narrow spatula and wide spatula for removing old wallpaper, cutting cracks, applying putty;
  2. brush - for wetting and priming in places where it is inconvenient to work with a roller, and for applying glue;
  3. a sponge for wetting, smoothing the surface of the wallpaper and rinsing it; rubber rollers for rolling wallpaper and seams at the joints;
  4. screwdriver with a set of bits - for dismantling various wall accessories, including sockets, switches, wall lights;
  5. a pry bar or a hammer with a claw (nail puller) - for removing baseboards and other decorative elements;
  6. sandpaper - for sanding the wall surface;
  7. plastic buckets.

But in any case, the preparation of walls for gluing wallpaper or for finishing with paints must be prepared so that the surface is even and working solutions - adhesives and paint film-forming agents - adhere well to this surface.

Before any repair work, wall coverings must be removed.
all external parts of electrical equipment - switches, sockets, wall lamps and reliably insulate the wires.

If your wallpaper does not have a pre-applied adhesive layer, then you will need one or more types of adhesives. For most vinyl and vinyl-coated wallcoverings, a durable vinyl adhesive that contains anti-mold and mildew inhibiting agents is preferred.

When using vinyl coverings, you will also need glue for gluing vinyl to vinyl in the places where wallpaper panels overlap: in the corners of walls and arched passages.
Special wallpapers will require special adhesives. For example, wallpaper made from plant fibers will require a glue that will be colorless after drying and will not seep through the fibers and leave stains on them.

When a latex mixture of primer and sealant is applied to the walls, they are primed and sealed in one application. Latex mixtures are produced both in the form of a dry mixture and in a mixed paste. Durable vinyl adhesive is used for bonding vinyl and vinyl-coated wallpapers. Vinyl-to-vinyl adhesive is used to seal the seams of vinyl wallpaper. It is also used to adhere vinyl borders to vinyl wallpapers.

When gluing any wallpaper with a pattern, there will be one seam, where the whole panel is connected to the cut piece. Typically, the patterns will not match at this point. Plan so that the seam with mismatched patterns is in a hidden location: behind a door or above an entrance.

Before starting work, mark the seams. Try not to make seams in places where they are difficult to process. A seam that runs close to the edge of a window or fireplace will make it difficult to work. In the corners, the wallpaper should always go slightly against the opposite wall. If one or more seams fall on a problem area, then shift the vertical line a few centimeters.

Mark a spot where the patterns won't match. If the room does not have an explicit focal point, i.e. points of attraction, then start from the farthest corner of the room from the entrance. Measure a distance equal to the width of the wallpaper and mark it with a dot. Move in both directions, marking with dots where the seams will be. Start at a focal point, which can be a fireplace or a large window. Draw a vertical line through the focal point, and then, moving to both sides of the center line, draw up a plan for the wallpaper.

Adjust your plan so that the corners line up exactly with the seams. Make sure there is a minimum of 1.5 cm overlap in the inner corners and 2.5 cm in the protruding corners. Slide seams that fall into areas that are difficult to work, such as near the edges of windows or doors.

Shift the starting point so that the seams go past these areas, and plan the wallpaper on the ceiling so that the cut is on the least visible side of the room. Cutting off the pattern occurs on the last strip of wallpaper, so start gluing the wallpaper on the ceiling from the side opposite to the entrance to the room.

To prepare the walls for wallpapering, you need to free the room from furniture that can be easily moved, and cover the floor next to the walls with a layer of newspaper or cloth. Rent or make your own wallpaper table to make it easier for you to work with it.
Disconnect the electricity supply to the room from the main panel; check all switches and outlets to make sure power is off.

Remove the covers from sockets and switches. To prevent water or glue from getting into the gaps at the outlets, cover them with masking tape.

Do all the work in the daytime, when everything is clearly visible, and the conditions for drying are as favorable as possible. If possible, ask someone to help you. The assistant will be especially useful when wallpapering the ceiling.

After gluing a panel of wallpaper, make sure that it is exactly located, only then proceed to gluing the next one. When the wallpaper is hung on the wall, you can level it, but be careful when gluing it as it will if significant alignment is required, then some of the wallpaper panels may stretch, leading to the formation of folds and tears.

Some premium wallpapers have unprinted side edges to protect the roll. Before starting work, these edges must be cut from the roll using a wallpaper knife with replaceable blades and a ruler. Marks can be printed on the edges for accurate cutting.

How to measure and trim your wallpaper

Press a piece of wallpaper against the wall. Check that the pattern is not cut off at the ceiling line and that the panel has an allowance for the ceiling and skirting boards of about 5 cm. Cut the panel lengthwise with scissors. Align the pattern with the previously hung wallpaper on the next piece. Then measure and cut a new piece of fabric, also with about 5 cm allowances on each side.

How to work with pre-glued wallpaper

1 Fill the tray halfway with warm water. Roll the cut cloth into a roll with the pattern inward, and the roll should not be rolled tightly. Lower the roll into the tray for the time indicated by the manufacturer (usually about 1 minute).

2 Hold one end of the sheet with both hands and lift the wallpaper out of the water. Examine the adhesive side to make sure the sheet is evenly wet.

How to work with wallpaper without an adhesive layer

Lay the wallpaper pattern side down on a wallpaper preparation table or flat surface. Using a paint roller, apply the glue evenly to the panel. Wipe off all the glue from the table before placing a new panel.

How to fold wallpaper panels

Fold the wallpaper, bending both ends of the sheet towards the center, with the glue layer inward. Do not squeeze the folds. Let the wallpaper soak for about 10 minutes. Some wallpapers cannot be folded: see manufacturer's instructions.

For wallpaper panels intended for pasting the ceiling and for borders, use accordion folding. For ease of working with the panels, fold them in the form of an accordion with the glue layer inward. Let the wallpaper soak for about 10 minutes.

How to place and smooth the wallpaper

Unfold the folded wallpaper and align its edge with a vertical line, or run back to back with a previously pasted piece of wallpaper. Move the wallpaper with your palms until it snaps into place. Smooth the top of the wallpaper with a brush.

Smooth out the wallpaper starting at the top; smoothing is carried out from the center to the edges in both directions. Check for bubbles; make sure the seams go back to back. If necessary, remove the wallpaper and re-hang it.

How to crop wallpaper

Hold the wallpaper against a wooden structure or ceiling with a wide trowel. Cut off any excess with a wallpaper knife with replaceable blades. Do not move the knife blade while moving the wide spatula.

When the ceiling is already pasted over, use a wide spatula to bend the strip on the wallpaper that extends onto the ceiling and cut it off with scissors. If you cut it off with a knife, you can pierce the wallpaper glued to the ceiling.

How to roll seams

Let the wallpaper hang for about half an hour. Then carefully roll in the seams with a suitable roller. Do not roll seams on foil, textile or embossed wallpaper. Instead, gently tap the seams with a smoothing brush.

How to launder wallpaper

Use clean water and a sponge to remove the adhesive from the wallpaper. After washing 3 or 4 pieces of wallpaper, change the water.

Make sure that the water does not run off at the seams. Water is not used for wallpapers made from vegetable fibers, embossed and textile wallpapers.

Wallpaper is the most popular type of finishing materials. A huge variety of colors and patterns, a wide range of prices make the described material the most demanded in the construction market.
But you need to know how to properly prepare the walls for gluing wallpaper, so that the most expensive wallpaper looks beautiful on the walls, if it is correctly executed for pasting.
Let's say right away that preparing the surface for gluing wallpaper is not difficult, but requires certain knowledge, skills and special tools. A beginner can easily cope with such a task if he carefully reads the proposed article.

Where to start repairs

Any work begins with a preparation process. You need to purchase the material itself and related products, tools and accessories.

We have talked about more than once on the pages of our site.

From the tools you will need:

  • a mandrel for attaching an abrasive or a grinding block;
  • abrasive material;
  • sanding sponges for hard-to-reach areas.

You can use a sanding mesh as an abrasive material, but it is cheaper to use sandpaper. The quality of work will not suffer from this.
The use of a sanding mesh makes work more comfortable, since the mesh does not become clogged with debris and dust during operation. But the correct paper also gives very good results. In addition, it is much cheaper than mesh.

The abrasive is marked on the back. Numbers 80 ... 200 characterize the coarse-grained structure of the abrasive, and numbers 250 ... 2500 indicate the fine-grained structure of the emery material.

Sanding sponges are available with cut corners for easy handling of hard-to-reach areas.

Of the accessories you will need:

  • stepladder or sturdy table;
  • spotlight or lighting fixture;
  • spatulas;
  • rule or level.

Always Remember Safety

Any work should be enjoyable and not have a harmful effect on human health. Preparing walls for wallpapering is a messy, dusty process.
You cannot do without goggles, respirator or gauze bandage, headgear.

Removing the old coating
If you are going to glue wallpaper in a new room, then the brick surface will need to be sanded and primed.
A drywall surface also requires priming.

A more time-consuming process awaits you if you are going to re-glue the wallpaper or stick it on a painted or wooden surface.

You will need to prepare the surface by removing old wallpaper, paint and nails. The wooden wall will have to be plastered or sheathed with plasterboard.

Everything in order
Any surface is freed from the old coating, dried and primed. If the surface is very uneven, it is plastered.
After drying for a day, the surface is again primed. The primer is applied after each layer of plaster or putty.

Rule 1
To obtain a high-quality surface that can last tens of years, be sure to use all consumables from the same manufacturer.

If you bought plaster from a certain manufacturer, then the putty and primer should preferably be from this manufacturer.

Once again about deleting old wallpaper

You can use different methods to remove old wallpaper.
The easiest and most reliable way is to moisten the surface with a warm detergent solution. The solution is applied to the wallpaper with a sponge, roller, sprayers. With a pause of 15 minutes, you can gently remove the lagging and swollen wallpaper with a spatula.
This method is good for removing thin paper wallpapers.

Do not forget that multi-layered wallpaper cannot be removed in this way. They are removed by using a steam generator or by ironing them with a hot iron through a damp cloth.
Multilayer wallpaper includes non-woven, vinyl, washable wallpaper, since it has a top protective layer that prevents water from entering the surface.

The most important thing

To obtain a high-quality surface for gluing wallpaper, it is necessary to carry out finishing grinding.
To prepare the walls for wallpapering, perform the basic operations:

  1. Install the correct side lighting. The light source must remain in one place throughout the entire work.
  2. Sand the walls from top to bottom with a circular motion of the tool.
  3. Treat strips no wider than 1 meter. After going down the strip to the very bottom, sand the next strip of the same width.
  4. Control the surface for light with a level or rule applied to the surface to be treated.

Never try to sand down pits or depressions. You will only spoil the surface. Better putty the detected defect. With subsequent cleaning of the surface

When preparing walls for wallpaper, small scratches are allowed on the sanded surface.

A few words about the mechanization of the process

The use of mechanical devices is advisable when plastering, rough grinding.

At the finishing stage, it is best for a beginner to use hand tools. It is both more reliable and cheaper, albeit longer in time. For more advanced builders, we recommend using eccentric or orbital sanders.

Preparing the wall surface for wallpapering

You have completed the preliminary steps - you removed the old cover. Where necessary, a layer of plaster was applied.
Let's make a reservation right away. The plaster should only be used on very uneven walls or on brick or wood substrates.
By the way, plaster is applied to the wooden base along the pre-nailed shingles.
Before applying the putty, a layer of primer is applied to the thoroughly dried plaster layer.

Rule 2
The primer is applied to a completely dried layer of plaster or putty.

We have written in detail on the pages of our website about the rules for applying plaster or putty when leveling walls.

Useful tips for beginners when preparing walls for wallpapering

  1. When applying wallpaper in a damp room, treat the surface with an antiseptic.
  2. Apply a layer of plaster for large curvatures of the walls.
  3. Apply the putty to plasterboard or previously plastered surfaces.
  4. Sanding is necessary on the surface under a thin wallpaper or a layer of paint.
  5. Grind in a circular motion with the skin grater, without pressing hard on the tool.
  6. Start sanding with a coarse grit. If deep scratches remain, select a finer-grained abrasive structure.
  7. In hard-to-reach places, use special abrasive sponges. But you can use the old-fashioned method by folding sandpaper in several layers, putting a rag or soft washcloth inside.
  8. Perform surface quality control by applying a level plane or a rule to the polished surface.
  9. After sanding, be sure to thoroughly clean the surface of the formed dust.
  10. Apply a layer of primer to the dried surface. For porous surfaces, several coats of primer are required.

It is ideal to use wallpaper glue as a wall primer when pasting wallpaper. The dilution ratio is written on the adhesive packaging.

Rule 3
How to properly prepare the walls for wallpapering. For coarse grinding, sandpaper No. 100 ... 220 is used, and fine grinding is performed with abrasive material No. 250-280.

The markings on the sanding grid and sandpaper are applied to the back of the material.


  • prepare the surface for wallpapering is available to anyone who has read the proposed instructions;
  • you can get a high-quality surface using related materials from one manufacturer;
  • strictly observe the sequence of work on the preparation of walls for wallpapering;
  • take your time and don't stop halfway.

Our article and video will help you understand

Many people, dreaming of their own home, often fantasize on various topics related to the arrangement of a living space.

Someone dreams of making a bar counter, others seek to create an exquisite wooden interior in an apartment or house using lining and bamboo wallpaper.

Start of renovation in a new apartment, wiring and preparatory work

When purchasing a new home, each person always experiences a large mass of positive emotions, but over time, people begin to think about how to turn this empty room without communications into a cozy family corner.

The main question that every owner asks himself is: "Where to start repairs?"

Indeed, a huge number of cases are "emerging" on the surface. In a new apartment, first of all, as a rule, electrical wiring of lines is done.

Installation of electrical wiring on walls

When planning the power supply system for your living quarters, it is necessary to thoroughly study the features of all rooms and schematically outline where the electrical points (sockets and switches) will be located.

It is this action that will determine how the electrical cable will be traced, and where the junction boxes will be located.

Sketch the installation diagram

Each owner, making repairs in his apartment, should know a number of recommendations and rules for installation, which are regulated by the following editions: "Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE) and "Rules for the Safe Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations" (PBEEP).

These are quite voluminous works, which are a postulate for performing various electrical work. When organizing electrical wiring in an apartment, it is not necessary to study them completely.

Connect the conductors using the terminals

The main thing is to comply with the general requirements and the recommendations below:

  • when mounting on a wall, the electrical cable must run strictly along horizontal and vertical lines,
  • the junction boxes must be removed from the ceiling at a distance of 20 - 30 cm.,
  • when measuring and laying a section of an electrical line between a socket or switch and a junction box, it is always necessary to make a reserve of 20-30 cm conductors for easy connection and installation of elements,
  • all electrical components in the apartment must be 10 - 15 cm away from the corners of the room,
  • electrical switches in the room must be installed at a distance of at least 90 cm from the floor,
  • when mounting the sockets on the wall of the room, it is necessary to climb the wall by 30 cm or more,
  • in junction boxes, conductors are recommended to be joined using terminal connections.

Some of the above requirements can be visualized in the diagram below.

Do not forget that a well-organized wiring of electrical lines in your living space guarantees the safety of working with various electrical devices. Many experts recommend using VVG and VVGnG cables for organizing electrical wiring. The thickness of the conductors is selected according to the power consumption of the connected devices.

Preparing the surface of the walls before finishing

After you have made the electrical wiring in the room, you can start preparing the interior finishing work, which will be carried out on all planes of the apartment.

Before leveling and revetting the walls of a new apartment, you need to take care of the evenness of the flooring. Many construction professionals recommend this process to be performed using self-leveling floors or gypsum-based self-leveling mixtures.

The use of such material makes it possible in a short period of time to create a flat floor on which the topcoat can be installed.

Surface leveling

Today, there are two popular methods for leveling wall bases. This is the performance of work using a plaster composition and the method of creating a plasterboard coating. Both methods are widely used in finishing works.

Leveling walls with plaster is a traditional method of creating even walls that has been used for many years.

On the aligned walls, you can safely mount the finish

Before applying a special solution to the walls for leveling the surface, you need to set guidelines and understand how curved the wall is. The best assistant for solving this problem will be a laser level or rule.

After you have found certain irregularities, you should make the appropriate marks on the floor and ceiling. It is according to the created marks that beacons (landmarks) will be set to create a flat surface.

Having set the landmarks and having decided on the layer of plaster coating (2-4 cm), it is necessary to install a special mesh (using a solution or dowels), after which you can throw a leveling compound on it, evenly distributing it over the surface, relying on the marks (beacons).

Before applying a plaster coating to a concrete or brick wall, the base should be properly treated with a primer. This is necessary to improve the adhesion properties between the wall and the coating.

Installation of plasterboard sheets and organization of finishing walls

Places of seams are sealed with putty

Renovation of premises using gypsum plasterboard is a quick, convenient and inexpensive option for creating a flat wall and an excellent springboard for finishing.

GKL is mounted on a frame made of aluminum profiles or wooden bars. This design is quickly assembled and allows you to create separate decorative elements in the apartment, which may even have a functional value (shelves, niches, built-in wardrobes).

Drywall is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, which, in the future, like the entire surface of the material, are covered with a thin layer of putty, which is a good basis for any finishing material, and wall decoration on such a basis will not cause great difficulties.

Finishing wall covering

By leveling the walls and preparing the coating for the application of the finishing material and various decorative elements, you will take a big step, bringing the repair to its logical conclusion. It is worth choosing one or several types of products with which you will decorate the walls, creating an interior in the room that will suit you.

Plastered drywall and plastered walls are ideal for finishing with the most popular material - wallpaper.

Today there are many varieties of this product:

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. In recent years, people have been striving to use natural materials. These include wallpaper made from paper, bamboo and leather.

Bamboo wallpapers - go well with other decorative elements made with wooden products (lining, imitation of timber). This material is not quite easy to install (after applying the glue, it cannot be bent), but its performance will delight any owner.

In addition to wallpaper, wall painting is often used as a finish. The paint is a versatile material that goes well with any decorative elements (wallpaper, natural stone, ceramic tiles).

When choosing various finishing materials for one room, you need to imagine how they will be combined with each other.

Wall decoration in a new building
Knowing how to decorate the walls in a new building will significantly save on costs and create a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

For finishing walls, non-woven wallpaper is very often now used. This type of finishing material is quite versatile. It is easy to install and operate, waterproof, durable and able to hide some small defects on the wall. The choice of non-woven wallpaper can be made for any room.

Use of non-woven wallpaper for walls

However, despite the simple requirements for the wall covering on which the non-woven wallpaper will be glued, it is still worth preparing it. Today we would like to tell you how to properly work with the walls before gluing the wallpaper.

Cooking the walls

Wallpapering is not the most difficult task, especially if it is a non-woven wallpaper, but it definitely requires a lot of patience. One of the most important stages of work is preparation for gluing. Mistakes made at this stage will certainly lead to a worse result in the future, therefore, it is necessary to withstand the technology, to do everything right. Almost any person can cope with this task, it will be enough to gather strength and show some perseverance.

The main thing is not to overdo it with dismantling work and stop in time

Removing the wallpaper

First of all, we need to dismantle the old wallpaper, for this we need a sharp spatula and a large amount of water. It is better to choose a small but sharp trowel so that it can easily cut into the depth of the wallpaper material. A large spatula will come in handy for the following plastering work.

  • If there is old paper wallpaper on the surface of the walls, then it will be difficult to remove them, use a large amount of water. Before dismantling, apply water and let it soak into the wallpaper, and then remove the old wallpaper.
  • If wallpaper on a non-woven base was previously glued, then, most likely, they will easily come off in whole canvases. However, in order to pour water over the wallpaper, it must be damaged, since they themselves are waterproof.

To create an even and straight wall, after the wallpaper has been removed, we need plaster. It is with its help that we will achieve a flat and smooth surface. Most often, wallpaper from the walls is peeled off along with parts of the plaster, since they were glued tightly.

Not the worst option for dismantling old canvases

Therefore, before gluing new non-woven wallpaper or canvases on a non-woven basis, we need to create a flat surface of the walls. To do this, we use plaster, you can choose the well-known German Rotband, other options are possible.


Wall preparation begins from the very basics, with careful plastering of the surface. The first layer is applied base, up to a centimeter thick, two. The consistency of the plaster must be such that it can get into all the recesses of the wall. Irregularities up to a centimeter high are buried in the solution, and the wall becomes smooth.

Before the next layer of putty, called "finishing", it is necessary to prime the entire surface of the walls. This is done to strengthen the inner layer of the plaster. For the primer, use a special compound that can be easily found in the store.

The second finishing layer of plaster is applied after the primer has dried, the thickness of this layer varies from 1-3mm. This thin layer of putty removes all minor wall defects. Usually at this stage builders recommend choosing Vetonit, but whatever finishing putty you choose, a second thin layer will help create a surface close to ideal.

Works to align the walls in the room

After the second layer of plaster has dried, the surface is sanded, the remaining minor defects are removed. Now the walls should be white and even, it will be easy to glue the wallpaper on any basis on them, it remains only to resolve the issue with the soil.

The plaster walls are behind, now we have to prime the walls again, but already before gluing the wallpaper on a non-woven base. You can prime it with wallpaper glue, diluted in a more liquid consistency, or use a special composition, which is also sold in a concentrate.

This time we are producing a primer to reduce the absorbency of the wall surface. We need to ensure that the liquid from the glue is not immediately absorbed, and the wall does not remain dry.

Anyone can cope with the priming task

Now the walls are completely ready for gluing non-woven wallpaper or non-woven canvases. Recall that no glue is applied to such wallpaper, but only the wall is smeared.

Other options

A very bad option if you want to paste the wallpaper onto a painted wall. Wallpaper does not fit well on a smooth, slippery surface, so before gluing, we will have to remove a layer of paint from the walls.

This is a very time-consuming business, but if we want to make a full-fledged renovation, we will have to sacrifice time. All basic preparation for working with wallpaper will consist precisely in removing paint from all walls in the room.

The paint on the walls is different

We can remove paint from the wall in several ways:

  • The easiest and low-quality option is to sand the surface of the walls, and in some places, use a knife to make serifs and notches. Then a primer is applied and wallpaper is glued, but they will not hold well everywhere.
  • Another option is not the safest - the paint is removed from the walls with a spatula, for which it is heated with a construction hair dryer. This must be done in a respirator and with good air circulation, since when heated, harmful substances can be released from the paint.
  • The third option is very dusty and dirty - the paint is removed using a brush, or an iron brush worn on a perforator or grinder. When sanding the walls, a huge amount of dust is released, so the room must be isolated as much as possible: close all doors, windows and plug the cracks.
  • The last option is the use of special solutions for removing paint and varnish. This method is also quite dangerous, so take care of personal protective equipment.

After removing the paint from the wall, before gluing the non-woven wallpaper, the walls must be primed, since in the original version they absorb liquids very strongly. The concrete-contact primer copes with this task perfectly.

This time the dusty method was chosen to remove paint from the walls.

If the walls were badly damaged when removing the paintwork, then we return to the plaster of the walls. In the presence of extremely large damage, it is even possible to plaster the walls along the lighthouses. However, this method involves the application of a large amount of plastering material.

Often there are walls that require a huge amount of plaster to level them. In this case, it is permissible to consider the alignment of the geometry of the room by means of drywall. Irregularities and defects in the walls are simply sewn up with sheets of gypsum plasterboard.

Use for plasterboard wall decoration

On drywall walls, non-woven wallpaper is glued just fine, but it also needs to be primed, but in this case you will not have much primer. Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base will perfectly fit on even, prepared plasterboard walls.

Proper preparation of the walls before you glue your wallpaper will avoid many problems in the future. Even if the repairs are done by amateurs, many difficulties in the work can be avoided by carrying out elementary work to level the walls. In the future, you just have to enjoy an excellent renovation.

Preparing walls for gluing non-woven wallpaper
How to properly prepare the walls for gluing non-woven wallpaper, the better to prime the surface with wallpaper glue or a special compound

Preparing walls for wallpapering - step by step instructions

Often people try to decorate the house on their own, which as a result gives a pretty good result. Preparing the walls requires a careful approach to wallpapering. In this case, step-by-step instructions will help. It is important to treat the procedure responsibly so that problems do not arise in the future.

Preparing walls for wallpapering

1. Often, in multi-storey buildings, the walls have a far from ideal surface. Therefore, the preparation of the walls for gluing wallpaper must be done properly. In order for the result to please you in the end, you need to get rid of all the flaws and imperfections that interfere with high-quality repairs.

2. It is important to completely dismantle all the old coating. Resist the temptation to glue the new wallpaper onto a supposedly solid base of several layers. It is a mistake to believe that by doing so you will make your job easier. In any case, bulges may have formed under the old sheets in some places.

3. Such trifles lead to unnecessary gluing of a new coating. In places of swelling, the sheets simply begin to lag behind the walls. Also, such little things negatively affect the appearance of the room. Preparing walls for wallpaper is an important component of a quality DIY repair. It is during dismantling that all the flaws that need to be eliminated are revealed.

4. Preparation of walls for wallpapering after dismantling begins with puttying. This is the step-by-step instructions. The surface must be brought to perfect condition with a special solution. As a result, the canvases will lay down much better and smoother. It should also be borne in mind that light sheets will shine through on a dark spotted wall.

5. Therefore, the preparation of walls for wallpaper implies a kind of work order. Dark walls should definitely be lightened, despite the fact that they can be quite even. After filling, proceed to the next step. This will require a primer. After processing the walls with it, the adhesion of the canvases to the surface will increase.

6. In addition to the fact that the wallpaper will stick better to the ground, the directional composition perfectly protects the walls from mold. More professional soil is capable of leveling out some irregularities and holes. To do this, you must resort to the help of a special thick primer. Therefore, during the general preparation of the walls, remove all unnecessary things that may interfere.

Wall treatment before wallpapering

1. Regardless of the type of surface, it must be treated without fail with putty and primer. After dismantling and fixing some problems and little things, proceed further. In any case, the coating must be treated with a putty. If the wall is flat, apply a thin layer.

2. With the help of putty, you will give the wall an even tone that will not show through the canvases. It is also worth paying special attention to the type of putty. The material should easily stick in the future. Therefore, preparing the walls for wallpapering is so important.

3. Step-by-step instructions allow you to avoid common mistakes. Often, an acrylic mixture is used as a universal composition. Such a putty is considered unpretentious and suitable for any purpose. Wallpaper on such a surface holds well enough and for a long time. Also, in the future, you will not need to bother with serious repairs.

4. How to prepare the walls for wallpapering using puttying is clear, now let's proceed to the next step. It is important to handle the surface with your own hands with soil. As mentioned earlier, it provides better wall-to-sheet grip. Also, the soil protects the walls and wallpaper from fungus.

5. As with putty, the primer should be selected on an acrylic base. There are a lot of advantages to this composition, moreover, it has no smell. The product dries quickly enough, the procedure takes 4-5 hours. Keep in mind that such a soil is not suitable for metal elements, corrosion appears.

6. If you decide to coat wood surface elements, an alkyd primer should be preferred. Acrylic mix is ​​also not bad, but alkyd is more suitable for natural materials. Please note that the alkyd base can dry up to 14-16 hours. Often, not many homeowners know how to properly prepare walls. Therefore, the process should be approached responsibly and study the materials market.

Preparing plasterboard walls for wallpapering

1. Do not in vain assume that preparing drywall walls for wallpapering greatly facilitates the task. Step by step instructions are also important in this matter.

2. Such panels must be covered with a composition of directed action against the formation of various fungi.

3. Drywall requires special attention, so wall decoration for wallpaper will be quite difficult. With the help of a special device in the form of a serpyanka mesh and putty, it is necessary to close up all the joints and seams between the drywall panels.

4. This procedure is done without fail, so that the walls are not deformed during the subsequent gluing of the wallpaper. Next, drywall sheets are treated with an acrylic-based primer. Wait for the composition to dry and you can proceed to the final stage.

Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper

1. This question has a number of its peculiarities. Wallpaper in liquid form is distributed along the wall along with all the dirt that is present on the surface. As a result, some irregularities and streaks remain. The appearance of the room deteriorates.

2. Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper requires special patience and accuracy. Therefore, in order not to face the above problems, it is necessary to do everything possible with your own hands. Walk carefully around the perimeter and get rid of any dirt on the walls.

3. If you are faced with the fact that the walls are concrete or plastered and at the same time have sufficiently wide pores and minor irregularities, it is necessary to eliminate this. Use a plaster putty, then go through 2 coats of primer.

4. Wait until it dries, assess the surroundings, whether there are any imperfections in the form of pores and irregularities. If everything is in order, treat the walls with a white base for liquid wallpaper. Such a move will help to avoid shining through flaws that you did not overlook. After the base has dried, liquid wallpaper is applied.

Preparing walls for wallpapering requires patience and some skill. Step-by-step instructions will help you avoid commonplace mistakes. Do not rush anywhere and do everything conscientiously. There is nothing difficult to repair. The main thing is to take into account all the little things, so as not to redo it later. Happy renovation!

Preparing walls for wallpapering - step by step instructions
Preparing walls for wallpapering Means for treating walls before gluing wallpaper Preparing drywall walls - step-by-step instructions Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper

The preparation of the walls for wallpapering occurs in stages. Thanks to this, it is possible not only to bring the walls to a perfectly even state, but also to ensure tight adhesion of the wallpaper to the glued surface.

Experienced craftsmen know that it is important to properly prepare the walls before gluing the wallpaper. The quality of the subsequent work performed depends on this circumstance. These actions do not require skills and knowledge, to cope with them by virtue of beginners. However, you need to be patient and familiarize yourself with the recommendations below.

Why prepare walls before gluing?

The main reasons why it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls before gluing the wallpaper are as follows:

  1. The quality of adhesion to the surface of the walls of the panels increases. If the surface to be glued is porous, the wallpaper will not adhere to it for a sufficiently long time. The first step is to eliminate all flaws on the walls.
  2. Roughness of the surface. Even the densest and thickest wall coverings will not hide visible irregularities (bumps, potholes).
  3. The appearance of fungus or dampness is possible. Fungi and mold are most common on untreated surfaces. This circumstance in most cases concerns external walls that have direct contact with the street.
  4. The connecting ability of materials is improved, due to which the wallpaper on the wall surfaces will last longer.

Step-by-step preparation of walls before gluing

There is a designated plan of preparatory work before gluing the wallpaper, which includes:

  1. Primary processing of the glued surface. After removing the old coating, it is important to carry out the initial treatment. It includes removing nails, screws from the wall, and removing the skirting board.
  2. Sealing dents and holes. Chips, potholes and other defects are often observed on the surface to be pasted. It is imperative to remove them before gluing. For these purposes, use cement or putty.
  3. Applying a primary primer will help glue the microparticles to the wall, after which you can start plastering. This rule should never be neglected.
  4. Plastering the surface requires some skill, especially if the surface of the walls is curved. At the initial stages, beacons are installed according to the level, after which a layer of plaster is applied, which is leveled with guides.
  5. Re-primer is applied after the plaster is completely dry.
  6. The putty is applied to the surface in the case when, after the plastering work, the difference in the unevenness of the wall is no more than 5 mm. In this case, 1 layer of putty is sufficient.
  7. Sanding the wall surface is carried out at the final stage of work before pasting it. After sanding, the surface is perfectly smooth.

Preparing walls in a new building

In this case, preparatory work takes a certain amount of time, since the walls in a new building can be absolutely "bare". Further preparatory work is divided into the following stages.

First, a spray up to 9 mm thick is applied. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream, which will fill all the potholes, cracks and irregularities.

How the plaster will lay on the walls directly depends on the consistency of the spray. If the consistency is slightly thick, reminiscent of sour cream, the plaster will fit perfectly.

Secondly, the surface to be glued is primed. The thickness of this layer should not exceed 6 mm. However, if urgently needed, 2-3 primer coats are applied.

Thirdly, the last layer of plaster (cover) is applied, the thickness of which does not exceed 4 mm. This stand is easily rubbed, which will give the surface additional evenness.

How to cover up the walls

The existing defects on the surface to be pasted are preliminarily covered with a starting putty. After that, the surface is cleaned of additional contamination and primed. By the way, you can blow out large defects with the help of polyurethane foam. This material will perfectly cope with this task.

After the starting putty has dried, the surface must be properly sanded to eliminate unevenness. After applying one or more layers of putty.

Plaster finishing with your own hand

To plaster the walls in your home, you must adhere to the following work plan:

  1. A 5 mm layer of plaster is applied over the entire surface of the wall. All defects and cracks are closed. Before this, the surface of the wall is slightly moistened for greater adhesion to the plaster.
  2. After the first layer of plaster has dried, the second is applied. Particular attention should be paid to leveling the finish coat.
  3. The last layer to be applied should not exceed 3-4 mm. It is he who is used to grout the surface, which gives it perfect evenness.

The cladding is done using a special spatula, with which the solution is taken from a prepared container and applied to the surface to be pasted. The plaster is smeared with smooth movements using a trowel

Requirements for a flat wall

The structure to be glued is clean and uniform. To make sure of this, experienced builders glue a piece of scotch tape to it. There should be no dust or grains on it.

Also, there should be no oil stains, soot or rust on the surface. Otherwise, they will certainly appear on the wallpaper, which will nullify all the work. Such stains can be coated with nitro varnish. It is also necessary to get rid of lime streaks. Wallpaper glue is not absorbed by lime, which can cause the wallpaper to swell later.

How to properly prepare a brick wall after removing old wallpaper?

Preparatory work begins with the application of a liquid plaster solution.

This is called spattering, the thickness of which should not exceed 3 mm. Then the main layer of plaster (primer) is applied.

The solution has a fairly dense consistency, and its thickness reaches 6 mm.

If it is necessary to increase the layer thickness, then it is advisable to apply the primer in several layers. At the last stage of wall preparation, a third layer is applied, the so-called finishing layer (cover).

What is processed?

In damp rooms, there is a very high probability of mold and mildew on the walls. In this case, they are processed by the following means:

  1. Cover the surface with a bleach solution. As a rule, 200 g of lime is diluted per 1 liter. water. Before gluing, all walls are treated with this solution, which will help prevent the formation of unwanted elements.
  2. Fungicide treatment. Today, you can purchase special adhesives that include a fungicide. In this way, you can combine the process of wallpapering and wall treatment.


Technology for finishing plastered brick walls

Preparatory work begins with the removal of the old finishing material. For these purposes, you can use a spatula, having previously moistened the wallpaper with water. It is very important to allow the finishing material to get wet so that it is easier to remove it with a spatula.

After cleaning the brick walls, they are examined for chips, grooves and other defects. If any are present, they are sealed with a plaster solution.

If areas of old plaster cause any doubts in terms of reliability and strength, it is better to remove them with a special tool and apply a layer of new plaster.

Also, before gluing the wallpaper, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of the walls from visible dirt and dust. If there are visual irregularities on the surface, the plaster is rubbed with sandpaper.

At the final stage of work, the surface to be pasted is primed, after which you can proceed to gluing the finishing material.

Preparation for pasting plasterboard surfaces

Before gluing the finishing material to drywall, it is advisable to cover it with the thinnest layer of putty and seal up the visible seams between the sheets. You also need to hide the caps of the screws that were used when installing drywall sheets. They are sunk and covered with a solution.

Removing old paint

To remove paint from a surface, you can use several proven methods:

  1. The paint is dried with a construction hairdryer, after which it is removed without much effort with a spatula. This method requires the use of a special respirator, as toxic substances are released when the paint is heated.
  2. The painted surface can be cleaned with a grinder or grinder. In this case, it is important to use protective eyewear.
  3. Using a flush mixture is the most effective method. However, when working with chemically active substances, you need to be extremely careful.

Features of the preparation of plastered walls

If the walls are already plastered and have a fairly flat surface, it is important to pay attention to the presence of stains. They can be caused by fungus, water leakage or rust.

Only after removing these unwanted stains can you start gluing the wallpaper. Otherwise, these spots will necessarily appear on the surface of the finishing material. Experienced builders recommend covering them with ordinary food foil.

The need for groundwork

There are a number of reasons why walls must be primed without fail. These include:

  1. Having impregnated the surface with a primer, it will be possible to obtain a bonding element. The surface to be pasted will get rid of dust and stop crumbling.
  2. This will prevent the appearance of mold and mildew.
  3. The primer will fill in micro-cracks on the surface of the wall, making it much stronger.
  4. The primer increases the adhesion level.

The primer is best applied to the surface to be glued with a roller. Hard-to-reach places can be treated with a brush. If the composition is absorbed by the wall, another 2-3 additional layers are applied.

When can you glue?

It is recommended to paste over the walls with decorative material only after completing all the above works, which include:

  • elimination of visual elements on the surface;
  • primer;
  • plaster;
  • putty.

After the walls have a perfectly flat surface, you can start gluing.

In addition to surface preparation, it is also necessary to observe the temperature regime - it should not be less than 5 degrees Celsius. Before gluing, you need to tightly close the windows and doors in the room to prevent drafts.

Preparing the surface for pasting is not too difficult a task, as it might seem at first glance, but it must be done. The main thing for these works is to use high-quality material, show attention and patience.

Useful video

Date: 05/01/2017

Repair in an apartment is a troublesome business, but on the eve of the result it is pleasant. And almost no renovation is complete without wallpapering. This process will become more pleasant, and the result will delight for a long time if the preparation of the walls for wallpapering was carried out correctly. To properly prepare the walls, you can hire a construction team, but doing simple work with your own hands will allow you to save on payment for services. By following our instructions, you can handle it as well as a professional.

Preparing walls for wallpapering

The wall preparation procedure is determined in three stages:

  • removing a layer of old wallpaper or paint;
  • plaster, putty;
  • primer.

Let's consider each stage in some detail, taking into account the subtleties and nuances that may arise during work. Removing old wallpaper: removing the previous wallpaper is not just necessary, but very important. If you stick new ones on top of old ones, then there is a high risk of peeling the results of labor from the surface or the formation of air under the wallpaper. All this will lead to damage to the appearance.

Preparing walls for wallpapering: removing old coatings

Since there are different types of wallpaper, removing them will require a versatile approach:

  • Paper wallpapers can be removed easily. Lightly moisten with water from a spray bottle and then remove with a spatula. This option is also good because dust does not form during removal.
  • Non-woven wallpaper is characterized by a waterproof layer and ordinary wetting will not bring the desired result, but if you make cuts along the surface of the glued wallpaper and then wet it, the result will not take long and remove it with a spatula after 15 minutes.
  • Vinyl wallpaper is removed in 2 stages: first, the first layer of PVC is removed, and then the paper base. Use the water method as with non-woven wallpaper.
  • Washable wallpaper can also be removed in layers. Initially, a thin first layer is removed, and then the paper one. The paper layer requires some skill, as it is not afraid of moisture. Using a spatula, you can make notches and try to wet it with water, but using a steam generator or steam iron will be an effective way. After steaming, the paper layer can be easily removed without requiring much effort.

Removing washable wallpaper

  • The liquid wallpaper. Before removing liquid wallpaper, make sure that this event is necessary. Perhaps a great solution would be to paint with water-based paint, before applying a new color, and thereby refresh the room. If you intend to glue others, for example wallpaper, then you can remove this wallpaper in two ways: manually or using an industrial hair dryer. For manual removal, you will need warm water and a scraper. Soak the wallpaper well and remove it with a scraper. If you add a primer to the water, the removal process will take place quite quickly.
  • Removing wallpaper from drywall. Drywall is distinguished by the fact that it firmly holds any type of wallpaper. To remove old wallpaper, dilute ordinary cheap wallpaper glue bought in a store, dilute it to the consistency of kefir and smear the wallpaper. Wait for the wallpaper to swell and use a spatula to remove the old wallpaper.
  • If you find several layers of wallpaper pasted on, then gently dampen the wallpaper with hot water. Considering that the wallpaper will dry quickly, it is advisable to do this one strip at a time to avoid excessive moisture, which will damage the plaster.

After removing the wallpaper, it is important to inspect the walls for irregularities. The presence of major damage requires the use of plastering work. It is easy to knead the plaster with your own hands using sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 1. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, add enough water to make a thick mass. Use this mortar and spatula to close large holes.

Putting on walls before wallpapering

It is important to wait until the plaster is completely dry before applying putty.

Advice. To make sure that the plaster is completely dry, use the following trick: glue a piece of polyethylene with tape on the surface where the plastering work was performed. As it dries, the plaster releases moisture, which will settle on the film. The disappearance of condensation from the film indicates that the solution is completely dry.

Before making the putty, apply a primer, which can be purchased at any hardware store. This will promote strong adhesion of the layers. After the primer has dried, you can start filling the walls.
Putty is a versatile tool for leveling walls and removing minor irregularities. A large assortment of this material is presented in hardware stores. It comes in the form of a dry mix or ready-to-use. If possible, buy ready-made, as this will save you from unnecessary procedures. The putty should be applied on a trowel and then on the wall, creating a thin layer, no more than 1.5-2 mm. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure up to 2-3 times. Allow time for the putty to dry completely

Applying a filler to level the walls

To assess the plane for unevenness, use visual inspection or special beacons.

Advice: if the future wallpaper is "heavy", then 2-3 layers of putty should be applied. Each of them is impregnated with a primer and allowed to dry. After the putty is completely dry, which will take about 12 hours, you can start sanding the surface with sandpaper.

The final stage of preparing the walls for wallpapering: priming. For skeptics who believe that the priming process does not make sense, here are some facts in favor of this material:

  1. The primer protects against fungus, as it has antiseptic properties in its composition.
  2. The primer will solve the problem with excess dust that forms when removing wallpaper or after sanding the putty. This will provide a stronger grip between the wall and wallpaper.
  3. With the help of a primer, poor-quality plaster is strengthened, which guarantees the absence of shedding.

So, after making sure of the need for a primer, you can go to the store for the material. It should be noted that there is a large assortment of this material. Purchase a primer taking into account the peculiarities of the wall material, and you can always find out more information about the properties of a particular primer from a sales assistant.

Applying a primer to the walls before wallpapering

So, we figured out how to prepare the walls for wallpapering. As we can see, these activities are not difficult, and in the case of a flat surface, they do not take much time at all. These manipulations are relevant for surfaces on which there was already wallpaper. But what if the covering consists of drywall or you move into a new apartment and the walls are just plastered?
If the coating consists of drywall, then before gluing the wallpaper, you need to cover the wall with an antifungal compound, seal the seams between the sheets using a crescent mesh and putty, and, if necessary, putty the entire surface to remove minor irregularities. Apply a primer. Allow to dry.

Tip: When covering with plasterboard, nail heads can be found on the surface. To prevent this from causing rust on the wallpaper, paint the caps with enamel paint.

If the walls in the new building are uneven, then you need to do the following:

  • Apply the first layer of plaster by spraying with a creamy structure of plaster, no more than 1 cm thick.
  • After waiting for light drying, apply an additional layer of plaster, not exceeding half a centimeter. Align carefully.
  • Next, a final layer is applied, no higher than 0.4 cm of plaster and, after drying, is rubbed with hard sandpaper or a special float.

The preparation of walls for paper, non-woven, vinyl wallpaper is carried out by the above steps, but do not forget about such types of wallpaper as liquid and photo wallpaper, which require slightly different preparation.

Pasting wallpaper on walls

Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper and photo wallpaper

To prepare the walls for liquid wallpaper, you need to do the following:

  • Remove all dirt, otherwise dirt will cause streaks on the finished surface.
  • Fill all irregularities with a plaster mixture.
  • Prime the walls, if necessary, prime the walls 2 times.
  • Painting. It is advisable to paint with white paint so that it does not shine through the new wallpaper.

Wall murals are considered not only a popular and bold design solution, but require special meticulousness in surface preparation. The walls should be perfectly flat, without the slightest flaws. Otherwise, the drawing will give out all the errors, and the image itself can be distorted in the presence of irregularities. Therefore, when leveling the wall, special beacons are actively used. More details are described in the corresponding article!

Photowall-paper gluing

The whole process of preparing walls for wallpaper is carried out in several stages:

  • Removal of old wallpaper, paint (if available) and collection of coarse dirt. After that, it is advisable to degrease and prime the walls. You can buy a degreaser at a hardware store.
  • Special devices are installed - beacons, which provide a perfectly flat surface during the plastering of the walls. After drying, the surface is sanded.
  • The next step will be puttying. Also apply a primer between the plaster and putty. After drying, sandpaper again. If necessary, the filling can be repeated again.
  • The final stage: priming. After drying, the wall is completely ready for photo wallpaper installation.

In this article, we talked about the main aspects of preparing walls for wallpapering. Following our recommendations, you will undoubtedly enjoy the very process of wallpapering, and the final result will delight you for more than one year.

Preparing walls for gluing wallpaper with your own hands