Details on how to hide interesting pages on VKontakte. Interesting VKontakte pages: how to manage them

Let's imagine a situation. You subscribed to some VKontakte group (see). It will immediately go to the "My groups" list, and will be available for viewing by other users. But what if you want to hide your participation in it?

Now I'll show you how to hide vkontakte groups.

We go to our page, and go to the section "My settings". Here we go to the tab "Privacy".

Here we are interested in the point "Who sees the list of my groups". Opposite it, expand the list with available options, and select "Only me".

Now other users will not be able to view the list of your groups.

After all, you can just leave the group - then no one will know that you were in it either. Kidding. By the way, you can try in the privacy settings.

Remove a group from the "Interesting Pages" section

The first step is to check if bookmarks are enabled. Again we go to "My settings", and on the first tab we check if there is a checkmark in front of the item.

And unsubscribe from the news. To do this, find the drop-down list just below, and select the appropriate item in it.

Now this group will disappear from the list of interesting pages. And you can always access it from the section, tab "Links".

Now no one will know which groups you are subscribed to.


You have not forgotten that to hide your information, you can simply. In this case, he will not see any information published on your page. Including a list of groups.


In contact with

In modern society, almost every person has a page on a social network. The most popular among young people is the VKontakte network, which allows users to subscribe to public pages and receive news from such pages.

If you are bored with them and want to remove them from the news feed, you should figure out how to hide interesting VKontakte pages. We will also consider the question of whether it is possible to completely hide public pages so that no one knows what you are subscribed to.

Editing Interesting Pages

If you want to hide interesting pages on VKontakte, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. First, open the news feed. Three tabs usually open: News, Updates, and Comments. You need to stay on the News tab.
  2. Under the name of the tab, click on the "+", in the window that opens, select "Recommendations" and uncheck this line. This way you will get rid of the interesting pages that the free choice service offers you. The VKontakte social network selects the news feed that you indicated in your profile. If you want to limit news from a specific group or person, then you will need to hover over the news from this person and click the cross. In this paragraph, specify users and groups whose news you would not like to see in the news feed.

In case you want to view interesting pages again, you need to check the box next to "Recommendations".

How to remove interesting pages from the main page?

Information about subscription to public pages is on the main page of the user. But you must admit, not everyone wants to show all their friends and other users what they are interested in, and put on public display the "Anti-cellulite program" advice page. However, unfortunately, hiding interesting pages in this case will not work. The policy of the site is such that all users can view such pages, and therefore there is no way to block access to them. The only thing you can do is unsubscribe from the pages and just add them to your bookmarks.

Hi all. Today I would like to tell you about how to hide groups in VK on my page. I am sure that many users of the VKontakte network once came up with such an idea.
I myself thought about this once when I did not want to expose my activities on the Internet in front of my friends (the screenshot below does not apply to my VKontakte account, I posted it just for example).

To do this, an item was created in the privacy settings - "Who sees the list of my groups."

So, if you decide to hide groups in Contact, then you need to go to the menu item - "My settings".

On the tab - "Privacy" in the line "Who sees the list of my groups" you must select: "Only me". After this is done, you need to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. After this operation, no one will see your groups.

You can also hide other page elements or completely.

It is also very important to note that it is impossible to hide interesting pages from the user's page, just like groups. However, you can remove recommendations from the news feed. To do this, you need to go into it. On the "News" tab, there is a plus symbol on the left. After clicking on it, a context menu will appear, and in the "Recommendations" line, you need to uncheck it.

In connection with the above, another problem arises. A lot of people on the other side of this issue are trying to find out these hidden VK groups of their Vkontakte friends. However, fortunately or unfortunately, (someone like) such an opportunity has not yet been provided. Any offers that supposedly allow you to view hidden groups of other users in contact are nothing more than a virus. It is also likely that when using these programs, you will be hacked. is a popular social network that is used by millions of users every day, and this number is only increasing every day. Individually for each user, when going to the "News" section, a special block "Interesting pages" is formed. This block is collected from an automatic selection of information that is relevant for this particular user. This information includes both news and pages of other users of the social network to which a person is subscribed or which may be potentially interesting to a person (determined by the pages visited by the user).

How to hide interesting pages on VKontakte from other users

But is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages from other categories of users? Yes, it seems possible and the answer to the question of how to do this is given in detail below.

Ways to hide interesting VKontakte pages from everyone

Many people ask themselves: how to hide interesting VKontakte pages from everyone? To perform this action and successfully hide the necessary from all users, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Now you know how to hide interesting VKontakte pages without leaving access to them to anyone but yourself.

Another way to hide interesting pages is to simply unsubscribe from the communities or friends you follow. This may not be the most desirable action for you, but in the absence of subscriptions, communities and friends will not be recommended to you, and therefore, in the list of your interesting pages.

How to hide interesting VK pages from friends

Many people ask themselves: how to hide interesting VK pages from friends? You can use the method above or it's simple. In order to hide your interesting pages from friends, you need to unsubscribe from friends or add friends from whom you want to hide your interesting pages to the black list. This is a rather unpleasant method, but given the politics of the social network, the most effective.

After that, your interesting pages will not be available to your friends whom you have added to the black list or whom you have unfollowed.

Is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages

Above, we discussed the key ways on how to hide interesting pages in VK in 2017 after updating VK. Unfortunately, the functionality of hiding interesting pages from other users in a social network is much less than the functionality of hiding one's posts in a social network, which is also subject to significant restrictions.

This is due to the rather strict policy of the popular social network, which is aimed at creating greater transparency in the interaction of users with each other. The growing popularity of the social network only increases the need to tighten this policy.

After changing the privacy settings on the Vkontakte social network, it has become more difficult to hide some sections, while others are now completely impossible. So, you cannot hide communities, they will always be displayed in the “Interesting Pages” tab, but you can still close the list of groups. Repeat the steps of the instructions, and the "List of groups" field will disappear from your page.

Find your avatar thumbnail in the upper right corner, click on it and you will see a dropdown list. In it, select the “Settings” field. All possible options of your Vkontakte page will open before you. Now find the word “Privacy” among the lines on the right. Click on it.

Among the many privacy settings you need to find the phrase "Who can see the list of my groups." Click next, and select the desired audience from the drop-down list. So, if you click on “Only me”, only you and no one else will be able to see your groups. The “Friends only” option will allow friends to see your groups, but hide them from page guests who are unfamiliar to you.

Now make sure you made the right choice. Scroll to the very bottom of the same page and select the phrase "See how other users see your page." After that, you will be transferred to your page as an outside observer.

If everything is correct and you are happy with the choice, close the settings menu. You can return them to their original position at any time.