Outdoor games in the children's camp. Games for children in the summer school camp

Before working in the camp for gifted children of different ages, I faced a problem: how to organize a new team of different ages, in which all children would be comfortable.
Kids of all ages love to play! Therefore, I studied various sources of information on the methodology of playing games, the result of this work was a selection of games for acquaintance, for rallying the children's team, as well as joke games.



A selection of games

Dating games

Often many children in the first days in the camp feel uncomfortable, they are not familiar with everything here and really want to go home, to family and friends. Because of this, the guys are too constrained, almost afraid of each other, and the request to tell about yourself is perceived as something impossible. There is simply no time to wait for everyone to get to know each other and make friends, because in eventful days it is necessary to do something together (decorate a corner, prepare for the opening, etc.) from the first day. And it’s not very pleasant if the children address each other: “hey!”, “Girl in a yellow jacket” or “uh, come here”. It is better, after all, when they call them their own name, which is so pleasing to the ear. Yes, and for the counselor it is very important from the first minutes to remember all the children by name, as well as to get the first idea of ​​the child.

Undoubtedly, business cards (badges) for each child and joint activities (the same preparation of the corner) will help you to get to know each other faster. But the best way is to get acquainted during the game. This section contains games that will help in the early days to remove the "tightness", overcome the constraint and get to know each other. Therefore, a block of games is presented here for memorizing names, and for identifying the interests of children, and for identifying leaders, both business and emotional. This is necessary so that the counselor can rely on them in his future activities. On the one hand, this will facilitate the work of the counselor, and on the other hand, it will enable the child to realize his leadership abilities.

This block of games is intended for the first days of the shift - orgperiod, but you can use some of them on other days of the shift (for example, if guests come to you).

Mutual choice game.

All are paired. Within one minute, one tells the other about himself, and during another minute, at the signal of the leader, on the contrary. All couples do this at the same time, without interfering with each other. After that, everyone sits in a circle, where, in turn, each couple tells what they learned about each other. The game can be played on the spark of dating.

Variant of the game: "Dutch performance" - a person telling about his partner can insert some kind of fable into his story.

Game "Border".

The goal of the game is to get as much information as possible about the guys.

The course of the game: a border is drawn (determined), the counselor proposes to go to one side for those who are united by some common feature.

The counselor sets simple criteria for unification, for example, you can go to the other side of the border by:

who loves ice cream;

who has a dog (cat) at home;

who likes to watch cartoons, etc.

At the same time, during the game, the counselor can find out:

who loves to sing;

who loves to dance;

who is how old;

who is the first time in the camp.

and a lot of other useful information, asking these questions interspersed with the simple ones written above.

Game "Ten I".

The letter "I" is written in a column on a piece of paper. A certain time is given, and each participant must write 10 qualities inherent in him. For example: I am honest, I am strong, etc. After that, everyone walks chaotically, gets to know each other and shows each other what they wrote. At the end, you can ask who remembered what.

Game "Blackbird".

The players form two circles, equal in number. The inner circle is boys, the outer circle is girls. The inner circle turns its back to the center, and the outer one faces the center (pairs are formed). Then all together pronounce the following words (while also performing certain movements): “I am a blackbird and you are a blackbird (with an open palm they show themselves and a neighbor). I have a nose and you have a nose (they touch their fingertips to their nose and to the nose of their neighbor). My cheeks are scarlet and your cheeks are scarlet (they touch their cheeks and the cheeks of a neighbor). My lips are sweet and your lips are sweet (they touch their lips and the lips of a neighbor). You and I are two friends, we love each other (hug or shake hands, while calling their names). " The outer circle then steps to the right and new pairs are formed. Game continues.

The game "Friendship".

They all stand in threes. The driver is determined. He bypasses everyone, chooses one player, and takes their place. An acquaintance occurs. The freed player becomes the driver and the game continues. If there are many players, then there may be more drivers.

Game "From point" A "to point" B "".

The goal of the driver: to take a certain number of steps, go the distance. The goal of the group is to delay him (the distance is determined arbitrarily, for example, from shop to shop). The leader will stand still as long as the group asks him questions (any, about himself).

Game "Name to Center".

The first player goes to the center of the circle, says his name and makes a gesture. Everyone else should then also step forward, say his name and repeat his gesture as accurately as possible. So everyone shows it in turn.

Game "How can you say hello".

Everyone walks chaotically. The driver says how to say hello and everyone starts to say hello in this way, learning the names of each other. After a few seconds, the task changes. You can greet: knees, little fingers, ears, backs, etc.

Game "Goat".

The players form a circle with the driver in the center. He chooses a pair for himself from the circle under the words:

The goat walked through the woods, through the woods, through the woods

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Come on, goat, jump, jump, jump

And we kick up, kick up, kick up our legs,

And clap, clap, clap,

And we drown with our feet, we drown, we drown

Let's go round with you, go round, go round,

And we will be friends forever, make friends, make friends.

An acquaintance is in progress. The pair breaks up, and each participant chooses a new pair for himself. The game continues, but there are two pairs in the circle. And this continues until all the couples are in a circle.

The game "Chukh-chukh" Engine.

The driver comes up to any of the circle and says: "I am a chug-chukh train, but what is your name?" The player calls his name and joins the "train", and they "go" on, and everyone pronounces his name with the same intonation. This is how they "reach" the next player. And everything continues until all the players "cling" to the "train".

The game should be fast and fun.

Snowball game.

Everyone is in a circle. One says his name. The next participant, clockwise, says the name of the first one and his own name. The third says the name of the first, then the name of the second and his own name. So the game continues until the first one calls all the names in a circle.

The game "Wall".

All are divided into two or three (equal in number) teams. Task: a player from the team runs to the wall (or a certain place) and stops. The team should say his name in chorus. After that, he comes back. After returning to the team, the next player runs. And so the whole team. The first team to complete the task wins.

In order for the dating game not to turn into mechanical cramming, ask the children to look at the person whose name is being pronounced at the moment of pronouncing the name. Also, the game will become ineffective if the number of participants is too large.The game "Vanity-vanity".

All participants are given cards, which are divided into 9 - 16 cells. Each cell contains a task. The bottom line is: write in the box the name of a person who (here there is room for your imagination) loves fish, keeps a dog at home, loves stars. The more unexpected the task, the better. You can put in this card what you need, for example, to identify lovers of drawing, singing, playing the guitar, etc. The winner is the one who collects the names faster.

The game "Someone like me."

Props: a sheet of paper and a pen (pencil). A two-column table is depicted on a piece of paper. On the left side, certain criteria (characteristics) are written. For example, hair color, eye color, first letter of the name, favorite food, hobbies and others. The right side is empty.

Each player must find himself a person with whom he coincides with this or that criterion. For example, my name is Pasha, and her name is Polina (the first letter in our names is the same). People who have found each other exchange sheets and on the right side of the table, opposite a similar criterion, write their name, and then return the sheet back. In this way, the entire right side of the table is filled.

The task of the players for a certain time to collect as many signatures as possible.

A variant of the game. A third column is added to the sheet: "Other". A player (let's call him Dima) can approach everyone only once. Approaching one of the players (let's call him Sasha), Dima has to choose only one criterion by which he will compare him with his own criterion (for example, a hobby). If it matches, then Sasha writes his name on Dima's sheet. If it does not match, then in the third column Dima writes down Sasha's "hobbies". Then he goes to another person. Note, now Sasha will need to choose a different criterion than “hobby” when meeting this Dima. The winner is the one who first bypasses all the players.

Game "U!"

Everyone is in a circle. Someone starts: he says loudly: "Ou!", And at the same time points to someone from the circle. Two players standing side by side (one on the left, the other on the right) say "Ou!" The person shown gives his name. After that, he points to the other player, saying "Uh!" Everything is repeated again.

The game should be fast and fun.

The game "Clapperboards".

All players stand in a circle. The counselor learns the following rhythm with the children: two blows to the knees, then hands are thrown out twice with the gesture "Vo!" (hands are clenched into a fist, the thumb of each hand is raised). Having mastered the rhythm, you can start the game itself. After the first two slaps on the knees, the counselor calls his name (simultaneously with throwing out the "Vo!" Etc. To avoid the problem with duplicate names, you can replace the gesture with a pointing one.

The options are:

the player can call himself (after the second claps, call his name again), but no more than 2 times;

without naming yourself immediately pass the baton. In case of an error, the player leaves the game; as one or another player is eliminated, his name cannot be called.

The game "It's Me!"

The presenter quickly says some statements: “movie lover”, “food lover”, “lazy person”, etc. If the player agrees, he answers “It's me!”. Those who play in chorus and quickly answer. You can catch the player: for a long time to name what he will answer “It's me!”, And then suddenly ask a provocative question and the child, without hesitation, can answer the truth.

Game "Me and my neighbors".

Props: chairs according to the number of participants, paper, pens and pencils.

Chairs are arranged in a circle, participants take places in a circle. The host of the game suggests drawing a table on the sheets. The first column records "The name of the player sitting across one person to the left"; in the second - "Your name"; in the third - "The name of the player sitting across one person to the right."

It is proposed to write the names of neighbors through one, so that the players do not have a desire to spy on what the neighbor is writing. The meaning of the game is as follows: the host of the game asks questions, and the players answer them in writing on their sheets of paper for themselves and their neighbors (trying to guess the correct answer). During the game, any conversations between players are prohibited. Questions, in principle, can be any, the number of questions is 8-10. Sample questions:

Favorite color.

Does he like discos.

Favorite movie hero.

Favorite pet.

Does he know how to sing well.

Does he like to watch TV series.

Does he know what "exaltation" is (Exaltation is an ecstatic-excited state)

Favorite sport (two).

At the end of the game, the participants are given time to evaluate how much their answers coincided. The game can be carried out not only during the organizational period, as an acquaintance game, but also during other periods of the shift to see how well the children know each other.

Team building games

Game "Atoms - Molecules".

The host explains: an atom is the smallest particle. In the game, every player will be an atom. A molecule is made up of atoms, which is why a chain of several players in a game is called a molecule. The presenter says: "Atoms." All players start to move chaotically. After the word "molecule of three," the players should join in groups of three. The one who cannot get into the threes is eliminated from the game. And the leader continues to change the number of atoms in molecules. The game can be complicated: the atoms must move with their eyes closed.

Family photography game.

The group is asked to pretend that they are a large family and need to take a photo. The "photographer" is selected. He should arrange everyone for photographing. First, he chooses "grandfather", who also helps the constellation. Then the children must independently decide who to be and where to stand.

This game is about identifying leaders, tracking group dynamics. It is also interesting to look at the distribution of roles, activity - passivity in choosing a location.

After placing and distributing the roles, the game can be finished like this: the "photographer" counts to three, everyone claps their hands. On the count of three, everyone shouts cheese.

Indoor games

Game "Lady".

The hall is divided into four parts. Each gets her own words.

1: "The brooms are moistened in the bath."

2: "The spindles are chiseled."

3: "But the wash is not dried."

4: "The lady is the lady, the lady is the madam."

The presenter "conducts" the audience, pointing first to the third, then to the third. To whom he points, he must pronounce his words. Before the start, words are rehearsed with each team.

Game "Gnomes".

The hall is divided into two halves: "Petki" and Vaska ".

The words "Petek": "Petka, I have a shirt in a cage, I came to you kids to eat candy."

The words of "Vasek": "Vaska, I have polka-dot pants, I came from a fairy tale, because I'm good."

Words are rehearsed with every half of the hall. Then the following words are said to the presenters: “There is a beautiful house on a high hill, and a cheerful gnome lives in a beautiful house. Gnome, gnome, what is your name? " The answer follows from one half of the audience, then the other. After that, both halves of the audience shout at the same time, who will shout down whom.

Game "Nose - floor - ceiling".

The presenter takes turns calling "nose", "floor", "ceiling", pointing with his index finger. The task of the players is to carry out the tasks of the presenter accurately (if the name is "floor", everyone must point to the floor). So it is with the rest of the words. The presenter tries to confuse the players by pointing out not what was named to him. For example, he said "nose", but pointed to the ceiling. A game for the most attentive.

Volume control game.

The presenter depicts the volume control with his hand. The maximum hand raised means maximum noise. A lowered hand means silence. The counselor raises his hand up, lowers it down, and the players make sounds of the appropriate volume.

Game "Titanic".

It is proposed to stage a new film "Titanic".

Host: “Let's take a sea voyage on the Titanic. For this, two people are invited to the stage. They will be the boards of the Titanic. Then another actor is invited. He gets the role of a lifeboat. The boards join hands, and the boat hangs in their hands. The bow of the ship must be decorated with a female figure; a beautiful girl is needed.

A girl comes out. Then two tall people are invited, they are invited to be on the ship. The ship is built but not equipped. It is very important not to forget the flare. A little girl is invited to this role. She knows how to make a loud, piercing cry. Two actors in white are invited to play the role of an iceberg. He gets in the way of the movement of the ship. Finally, a couple is invited to play the role of lovers. Lovers on the bow of the ship depict a scene from the movie "Titanic" (flight on the bow of the ship over the ocean). He: "Trust me" (trust me). She: “I trust you”. Host: “But then the ship crashes into the iceberg and splits in half (the sides uncouple the hands, the boat falls into the water). There is panic on the ship (spectators shout). Rats flee from the ship (spectators stamp their feet). A signal flare takes off. Signal rocket: “HELP! HELP! " The rocket jumps off the chair and screams. Host: “And our lovers are saved on a boat. A happy ending. Everyone is kissing. "

Chica Boom game.

The presenter asks to repeat the words and movements after him. On the first word - clap your hands, on the second - clap your knees, then the movements are repeated. First, the presenter says the line, and then all the players repeat it, not forgetting to make movements. The words:

Chica - boom - cool song

We will sing it all together

If you want some cool noise

Sing chick with us - boom

I sing boom, chica boom,

I sing boom, chica boom,

I sing boom, chica - cancer, chica - cancer, chica - cancer, chica - boom.

Oh - e,

A - a,


Joke games

Lunokhod game.

The players stand in a circle. The driver, moving on all fours, goes around the circle with the words: "I am a lunar rover - 1. Pi - pi - pi". The one who laughed, or at least smiled, is attached to the lunar rover. The game continues until everyone becomes "moon rovers".

Variant of the game: The driver walks in a circle and meows. Can go up to any player, and this player should pat him on the head and say: "My kitty is sick today." Whoever laughs also joins in as a "kitty".

Game "School of garden scarecrows".

The players repeat the movements for the leader. Host: “Now we are going to do a little warm-up. Raise your right hand up, shake the brush. Raise your left hand up. Shake your hands, make a noise, how birch trees rustle: w - w - w - w! Spread your arms out to the sides. Buzz like planes: w - w - w - w! Wave your hands like birds. Shout: ksh - ksh - ksh! " Congratulations! You graduated from the school of garden scarecrows.

The game "Hypnosis".

The presenter calls those who wish to undergo hypnosis, and one assistant. Those who wish stand in front of him, the assistant is next. The presenter begins: “Imagine that a wonderful flower is blooming in front of you: pink buds, carved leaves. From its blinding beauty, you close your eyes (perform) and in admiration go down on one knee, pressing your hands to your heart (perform). The flower gives off a delicious scent. You feel? Stretch your nose towards the flower (perform). You wanted to rip it off to give it to your best friend. But be careful, the stem is prickly, so reach forward with your relaxed right hand (perform). You feel hot! You are thirsty and there is a large dewdrop on a flower petal. So I wanted to lick it off. Stick out your tongue (perform). They froze: they opened their eyes! " With the last words the leader approaches the assistant, gives him military honor and says: “Comrade Sergeant Major! A group of guard dogs has been built to guard the state border! "

Game "Giraffe - Elephant - Bird".

Everyone is in a circle. The driver unexpectedly points at someone and says one of three words (giraffe, elephant, bird). If the word "giraffe" is pronounced, then this player raises both hands up, and his two neighbors - on the right and on the left - must squat down. So they portrayed a giraffe. If "elephant": the player makes a trunk out of his hands, and the players on the right and left make ears to him. If "bird" - the player himself makes a beak from his hands, and the neighbors bend one leg, farthest from the player, and take his hand aside.

The player who hesitated or made the wrong piece is eliminated from the game.

Svetlana Gonchar
Synopsis of the outdoor game "Two camps" senior preschool age

Abstract of an outdoor game"Two camp»

Target: Formation of patriotic feelings by means outdoor games.


Develop psychophysical qualities (endurance, speed, strength, dexterity, quickness, coordination of movements).

Raise a sense of pride in your small homeland

To foster love and respect for close relatives, as defenders of the Motherland.

Audience: children senior preschool age.

Preliminary work:

Conversation "Our army is dear";

Examining pictures on theme: "Kind of troops";

Reading books about the army;

Outdoor games.

Place and inventory:

Hall, playground; ball (mace, chock).

Preparing to play:

The players are divided into 2 teams, which line up each at its end of the site, behind the line camp... Distance between lines camps 15-30 m... In the middle of the site, a circle is outlined where the balls are placed.

Description games.

Educator. Dear guys, we will now play a game with you "Two camp» .

Guarding peace, happiness and freedom

A soldier of the Russian army is standing!

We are brave guys

Friendly, skillful.

We will serve in the Army,

Let's keep the Motherland!

To serve in the army, you need to be strong and courageous. We will now split into two commands: "Pilots and Sailors".

At my signal, two players (one from each team) run out to the middle of the site. The player of the first team makes various movements in order to distract the attention of the player of the second team and carry the ball into his camp... The player of the second team must repeat all the movements of the first player and at the same time follow the ball. If the first player grabs the ball, the second player trying to tarnish it... If he manages to tarnish the first player, he gets a point for his team.

If the second player fails to stain the first and he manages to escape to his camp, then the first team gets a point. Then the next pair of players come out. The team with the most points wins.

If the game repeats, the teams switch roles.

rules games:

1. You can run to the ball in the middle of the court only on signal.

2. The player guarding the ball must repeat all movements, otherwise he loses.

1. You can catch the escaper to the point camp... If the runner drops the ball before reaching his camp, he is considered caught.

You guys are great, I think that in the future you will be worthy defenders of our Motherland.

To everyone who protects our world,

For great deeds

Glory, glory and honor!

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Summer outdoor games for children of senior preschool and primary school age

Day and night

Purpose of the game

Game progress: all players are divided into 2 teams. Some are the team of the Night, others are the team of the day. Two lines are drawn on the playground. Each team lines up at their own line. At the command of the host "Night!" - the Night team catches the players of the other team and takes them to itself. At the command "Day!" - the right to catch is transferred to the other team. The team that will be larger by the end of the game wins.

Special notes: Salted players go to the opposing team.

Gnome and children

Purpose of the game: development of communication and creativity, creative thinking.

Game progress: all players are children. One player is "gnome". The children leave the "gnome" and agree that they will show him so that he does not hear. Then they come up to the "gnome" and say:

- Hello, Gnome!

You have a beautiful home

Big white beard.

We came here to visit!

- Hello children!

Where have you been-walked?

What did you see?

- And we won't tell you,

We'll show you!

After these words, the children make those movements that were agreed in advance. When the "gnome" guesses it, he tries to catch one of the children in order to take them to his underworld. Children scatter.

Special notes: "Gnome" chooses to replace the most dexterous and fastest, in his opinion, player.


Purpose of the game: development of motor and creative abilities.

Game progress: Players become pairs, facing the center, forming 2 circles.

Arrangement of children in circles

Those standing in the inner circle join hands; those in the outer circle take one step to the left so that each child stands opposite the joined hands of the players in the inner circle.

The game begins with the words of the host:

- Here is the fun in the square.

With these words, the players standing in the inner circle, raising their joined hands up, step back 4 steps, and the players in the outer circle walk under their arms to the center, also taking 4 steps. The host continues:

- The merry-go-rounds were in full swing.

All players with these words, making 4 steps, return to their places. Children standing in the inner circle hold hands and lift them up, passing the players in the outer circle under the arms.

And the people are buzzing like a bumblebee

Oh, what a carousel!

All players repeat the previous movements. After that, the children standing in the outer circle turn to the right and extend their right arms to the sides, and put their left hands on the right hands of the players standing in the inner circle. The players in the inner circle hold hands tightly.

After that, both circles move slowly at first, and then faster and faster under the words of the leader:

Barely, barely

The carousels spun.

And then around, around,

All running, running, running.

All players move in a circle. The presenter says:

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel.

The players slow down and start walking slowly to the appropriate words of the leader:

One and two, one and two

So the game is over.

The carousel stops. Children change places: the players in the outer circle form the inner circle and join hands; the players of the inner circle stand in the outer one and lower their hands.

Special notes: The words can be spoken in chorus by all players.

Flower garden

Purpose of the game: development of attention and motor, communication and creative abilities.

Game progress: each player chooses the name of a flower: rose, tulip, daisy, carnation, etc. Each player has his own flower. The "rose" game starts. She names any flower, like a tulip. "Tulip" runs away from "rose". When the "rose" catches up with him, he must have time to name another flower, and that now runs away from the "tulip".

Special notes: The caught player changes the name of his flower and returns to the game. The winner is the one who has never been caught.

Bees in the garden

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Game progress: players, holding hands, stand in a circle facing the center - these are "trees". 4-6 players form a small circle inside a large circle - these are the "bees" in the garden. They also face the center. At the same time, all players say the words:

Who is in the garden? Who is in the garden?

A bee in a rose garden.

At the same time, children-"trees", standing in a large circle, go in one direction, and "bees" - in the other. Everybody says:

- Crawl, little bee, from branch to branch, from branch to branch, from leaf to leaf.

The outer circle stops, the children raise their clasped hands up. The "bees" standing in a small circle disengage their hands and go like a snake into the collar, that is, under the raised arms of the players - "trees" from the outer circle. At the end of the words, each "bee" is behind one of the "trees". They switch places and the game continues.

Special Notes: children should walk in an even snake and stop only at the end of the words.

Flowers and animals

Purpose of the game: development of motor and cognitive abilities.

Game progress: in the center of the playing area, two lines are drawn at a distance of 2 m from each other, and two more lines are drawn behind them at a distance of 15 m. Players are divided into two teams -. "Flowers" and "animals", each player chooses a name corresponding to the name of the team. Children stand in front of the inner lines facing each other. The "flowers" start the game. "Hello, animals!" They say. "Hello flowers!" - the "animals" answer. "Animals, animals, guess our names!" - they say "flowers". "Animals" begin to list the names of the colors. As soon as they guess right, the “flowers” ​​run away behind the second line, and the “animals” try to catch them.

Special notes: When most of the players from the team of flowers are caught, the game starts over, only now the guessing is of the flowers.

Flower sellers

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication skills.

Game progress: players are divided into two groups. Some children represent flowers. They sit in a circle at some distance from each other. Another part of the children are flower sellers. They stand up each for their own flower. The driver is chosen - the buyer. He approaches one of the "salesmen" and starts a conversation:

- Hey, buddy, sell the flower!

-— Buy!

- How much money should I give you?

- Give me three!

The “buyer” 3 times (or as many as the “seller” called, but no more than 5) touches the “seller” of the flower with the hand, and they begin to run in a circle in different directions. The circle is run around as many times as the "seller" called. Whoever reaches an empty seat faster becomes a "seller", the second player becomes a "buyer".

Special Notes: you can only run in a circle without crossing it. The "buyer" starts running in any direction, and the "owner" of the flower - in the opposite direction.

Jumping Grasshoppers

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities.

Attributes: blindfolds.

Game progress: on the playground, 2 parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 0.5 m from each other - this is a ditch. All players are "grasshoppers", they are divided into 2 teams, which need to jump over the moat without falling into the water. At the beginning of the game, all the "grasshoppers" stand on both sides of the moat at a distance of 5 steps from it. Players are blindfolded. Saying the words: “If you want to be healthy, jump over the moat with us!”, They take turns - one player - “grasshopper” from the first team, then the player - “grasshopper” from the second team - jump over the moat.

Special notes: The team of "grasshoppers" wins, in which more children were able to jump over the moat without stepping on the line.

Gardener grandfather and children

Purpose of the game: development of motor, creative and communication skills, figurative thinking.

Game progress: the players are divided into 2 teams and line up in ranks, one is headed by the "gardener grandfather", and the other is the captain of the children's team. The captain addresses the "gardener grandfather": "Grandfather, grandfather, are the grapes ripe?" - "I was ripe in time, but not for you!" - "And what should be done so that you treat us too?" - "Come by train!" The team of children, led by the captain, holding hands, depicts the sounds and movements of the train. All of them pass under the hands of the “gardener” and the player closest to him from his team.

The last player, without letting go of the “gardener's” hand, lets all the children go, and he turns after them, his arms are crossed in front.

The second time, the “gardener” asks the guests to come with a song, gallop on horses, come in formation, etc. Each time the players of the “gardener” team turn so that their arms are crossed. This continues until both groups are lined up with crossed arms. Then the "gardener grandfather" offers to get to work. He says: “We need to peel the onion. Cry! " Children pretend to cry from a bow. "Now laugh!" - orders "grandfather". Children laugh. "Now eat grapes!" - the "grandfather" permits, and the children depict how they eat grapes.

At the end of the game, children begin to pull each other's hands in opposite directions. The team wins with more children holding hands.

Special notes: during the whole game, you must not give up and leave the row. The questions should be answered amicably and the tasks should be completed together.

Cossacks - robbers

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication skills.

Attributes: black bandanas, several colored ribbons.

Game progress: the game is recommended to be played in open areas, preferably on forest edges or clearings. Players are divided into 2 teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". In a certain place there is an outpost of "Cossacks". The "robbers" tie bandanas, take colored ribbons and run away. "Cossacks" after a certain time go to catch "robbers". The "robbers", running away, mark their way with colored ribbons tied to bushes or trees. The "Cossacks" catch the "robbers" and bring them to their outpost. The game continues until all or most of the "robbers" are overfished.

Special Notes: bandanas are removed from the captured robbers.

The king and his subjects

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities, creation of a good emotional mood.

Game progress: on the playground, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 20 steps from one another. One of the players is the "king", all the rest are his "subjects". The "king" stands behind one line, the "subjects" - behind another. There is a conversation:

- Hello, great king!

- Hello people! Who are you?

- We are your subjects!

- What can you do?

- Any job.

The players represent some kind of work that has been agreed in advance (for example, they show how they sew clothes or chop wood, etc.). If the "king" guesses what his "subjects" are doing, the players run away, and the "king" tries to catch up with them. The one he caught up with becomes a close assistant to the "king". The game continues until all "subjects" are caught.

Special Notes: The "subjects" run away only after the "king" guesses the work they are doing. All the losers go over to the side of the "king".

Shepherd, wolf and sheep

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities, creation of a positive emotional mood.

Game progress: players choose "shepherd" and "wolf". All the rest are "sheep". The "wolf" has a house in the forest, and the "sheep" have two houses at opposite ends of the site. "Sheep" shout:

Shepherd boy, shepherd boy

Play the horn!

The grass is soft

The dew is sweet

Drive the herd into the field

Get free!

The "shepherd" drives the "sheep" out into the meadow. They walk, nibble grass, run, frolic. Suddenly the "shepherd" shouts: "Wolf!" All the "sheep" scatter to their homes, and the "wolf" is trying to catch someone. The "shepherd" tries to save the "sheep" by driving them into the houses.

The "sheep" caught by the "wolf" remains in his lair, and the game continues.

Special Notes: The "sheep" must flee to their home. The "shepherd" cannot push the "wolf", but only drive him away with his hands. The "wolf" takes the caught "sheep" by the hand and leads to his den.

Squirrels and Bear

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities, speed of reaction.

Game progress: all players are squirrels, one is bear. Along the edges of the site, there are 2 houses. 2-3 chairs or play pedestals are placed on the site. "Squirrels" run out of their houses and frolic all over the playground. The "bear" tries to grease them. During the game, the "squirrels" can run into their houses or climb on the pedestals - "trees" where the "bear" cannot reach them.

Special notes: if the "bear" has bitten one of the squirrels, then that one becomes a "bear", and the "bear" takes its place among the "squirrels".

Bears and sandals

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication skills, speed of reaction.

Attributes: 6 pairs of bast shoes.

Game progress: put sandals in a circle. 7 players-"bears" move in a circle to the music.

Fragment of the game

At the signal of the presenter, the music stops, and the players put on bast shoes as quickly as possible. The player who did not get bast shoes is eliminated from the game. Then one pair of bast shoes is removed and the game continues.

Special notes: Players put on their bast shoes only at the end of the music. Players should move to the music in a circle for bast shoes, depicting bears.

Bears and ball

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, agility and speed of reaction.

Attributes: Medium rubber ball.

Game progress: a circle is drawn on the playground, in which the participants of the game - "bears", stand. The driver - "hunter" - throws the ball with the words: "Bears, ball!" After the command, the players run away as far from the center of the circle as possible. The driver catches the ball and shouts: "Stop!" Everyone should stop, and the "hunter", without leaving his place, throws the ball at the "bear" that is closest to him. The "bear" hit by the ball becomes the "hunter". If the "hunter" misses, he remains the driver, returns to the center of the circle, throws the ball up - the game continues.


Difficult - for those who do not like children, do not know how to plan their time, who are overly irritable and touchy, who are trying to do too many tasks at the same time. After all, you have to work 25 hours a day - and it always turns out that something is not done, not completed, not in order. Attention is taken away by everyone: children, leaders, other counselors. The counselors are intimidated by responsibility and duties, but their rights and salaries are scanty. The counselors are very young - in fact, this is another senior squad. The leader of which (deputy director or senior counselor) is also responsible and reports to the director. If you don't maintain a certain level of discipline, all work will fall apart. On the one hand, a counselor is the most insignificant position. On the other hand, it is the leader of a large team, a mentor of youth, educating a personality. Dozens of families have entrusted him with the most valuable thing they have. But that is not really what we need to think about. A significant part of the responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the camp administration, and counselors are usually punished only for gross intentional violations. However, the counselor bears a great moral and ethical responsibility: to the children's team, to the child's soul, to the parents. Finally, he is responsible to clients (and the children in his squad are not "small fry", but dear guests and clients) - for the quality of their stay in the camp. It is more convenient for someone to imagine himself in relation to his squad as a leader, guru, supreme judge, elder brother or pop idol. But we should not forget that a counselor is also a manager who provides clients with access to all the opportunities for recreation, recovery and development in a given camp.

Undoubtedly, the organization of summer vacations is of great importance for children of primary school age. Every adult understands that the cold season, constant mental stress and the child's life within the walls of the house and school for 9 months greatly deplete the psychological, physical and emotional strength of elementary school children. Therefore, summer holidays are, first of all, a time for relaxation. However, in the summer, a different, additional educational program should be implemented, which, in addition to mental rest and health improvement of children, would ensure the development of their self-determination, contribute to their creative self-realization, and would also provide them with social adaptation. That is why the most serious requirements are imposed on such health-improving and educational summer-type institutions for children. Children's summer camps must solve a number of important and significant problems. Their activities are aimed, first of all, at the implementation of the positive socialization of children, as well as at their physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development.

A special form of existence of all these aspects of human life is play. Play is the most important cognition and learning process for a child's development. Therefore, games for children in the summer camp do an excellent job with the tasks listed above, set for additional educational institutions of the summer camp type.

A child's age - 6-10 years - is the period when he is more or less independent. At this age, children are interested in the world around them and actively interact with their peers and with adults. They already know how to critically reflect, reason and structure their thoughts. They have already formed basic life values ​​and skills. At this age, children are quite mobile, curious, open to communication and to assimilate new information. They are happy to agree to any experiments, to everything new and unusual. Therefore, outdoor games that teach collective interaction, develop reaction, strength, endurance, imagination, memory and dexterity are acceptable for children aged 6-10 years. Summer camp games for children are creative activities where they express their vision of life, they reveal their thoughts, dreams, aspirations and feelings. This is an independent activity of children, where they are united by a common goal and joint efforts. Therefore, individual and computer toys at this time fade into the background, freeing up the entire field of activity for active and plot-based role-playing games.


When choosing a game, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

1. The age of the players. When choosing games, one must proceed from the need for a gradual transition from simple games to more complex ones.

It is impossible to establish for each game, for the children of what age it is intended. There are games that cannot be attributed to a certain age at all. For example, games such as "Fishing rod", "Second odd", "Squirrels, nuts, cones" can be carried out with equal success both with kids and with older students or even with adults.

Small children, for example, will gladly clap their hands and stomp their feet in song games, but with no less pleasure, as experience has shown, students in grades 7-8 do all this. Of course, this does not apply to all games. Older schoolchildren will not imitate bees or bunnies in their games, imitate the voices of animals, etc., which first graders do with pleasure.

2. Playroom ... When choosing games, you always have to reckon with the size of the room. If the games are held in a large hall, there are no restrictions on the choice of one or another outdoor game. You can play circular and linear games with running, jumping, ball, most of the relay races. You can combine two or three groups for games and hold a competition between them.

In a small room, the possibilities are limited. If there are a lot of children, you have to select only sedentary or quiet games, games for attention, observation, etc. Mobile games can also be carried out (for example, competitions-duels), but only with a very small number of players, provided that all the rest children - spectators, fans. In these cases, the participants in the game should be changed as often as possible. The room in which the games are held must be ventilated and thoroughly cleaned so that there is no dirt and dust in it.

3. Inventory for games . Many games require inventory: balls, clubs, pins, hoops, jump ropes, relay sticks, sandbags, flags, ropes of different lengths and thicknesses, chalk, etc. , what kind of inventory they need, prepare everything you need in advance.

In some games, individual participants have to be blindfolded. For this, caps or knitting are usually used. The caps can be glued from colored paper, they must be of such a size that they cover the face. If bandages are used in games, then whenever the bandage is passed from one player to another, a blank sheet of paper must be placed under it.

The choice of the game also depends on the type of activity of the children before and after the games. If the children have been sitting for a long time, doing mental work, they need relaxation. We need games with running, jumping, throwing and catching a ball or other movements. After doing physical labor, it is better for children to play calm, sedentary games, games to test attention, intelligence, etc. If, after practicing outdoor games, children will have mental work again, they need to calm down beforehand. Singing games and round dances are very suitable for this.

When choosing games, the counselor should know the favorite games of the children. To this end, you can interview all the children and write down the responses of each according to the following scheme: where they play (at home, on the street, in the garden, in the park), when they play and how often, with whom they play (with parents, brothers, sisters, comrades, girlfriends living in the same house), which games (list the names), which of them are the most favorite (list 5-6 names), are there board games, toys (which ones) at home.


When talking with children, the counselor should stand so that all the children can see him and he can see all the children. It is best for this to stand in a circle with the children (but not in the center of the circle, so as not to stand with your back to anyone). The explanation of the game should be short, clear, but understandable, vivid and imaginative. Whenever possible, it should be accompanied by a show, demonstration of individual stages of the game.

If there are many rules in the game that are difficult to grasp at once, you can deliberately omit some of them and add additional information during the game. It is not possible to start the game immediately after the explanation, but to pre-conduct a rehearsal, warning the children that the results will not be counted for now.


Choosing the right driver is essential in many games. His activity and ingenuity often determine the course of the game. The role of the driver is especially great in amateur games that children start without the participation of adults. The counselor, organizing a game with the children, in which much depends on the driver, can appoint him himself. You can offer to choose a driver for the participants in the game, prompting at the same time what qualities he should have (one who runs well; who will not miss the ball; the most fun, etc.). This method is especially good, because the chosen driver always tries to justify the trust of his comrades as best as possible.

But there are games where anyone can become a driver, especially since he will often change during the game. In these cases, the best way is to resort to a counting rhyme. The very process of choosing a driver with the help of a rhyme is a game for children.

Counting rhymes are always rhymed, sometimes children themselves come up with them, but most often children use those that were specially written by poets. They can be instructive, humorous, funny. The latter are most liked by children.

The procedure for choosing a driver with the help of a reading room is not the same. Sometimes someone reads a funny rhyme and, saying each word, points to the participants in a circle. The one of the children who gets the last word goes to drive. For example:

The bees flew in the field, Buzzed, hummed, The bees sat on the flowers, We play - you drive.

But there are also such rhymes, in which the player who had the last word leaves the circle, and the calculation is done from the beginning. They count until one participant remains, who becomes the driver. (This method is used only when there are few participants). For example:

Once upon a time, there were a hundred children, One hundred good October boys, Everybody sat down to dinner, Everybody ate a hundred cutlets, And then went to bed. Start counting again.

Here are examples of several counting rhymes:

Tara-tara - tara-ra! Come out into the tractor field! They began to harrow arable land, We run, you drive!

I'll go buy a pipe, I'll go outside. Louder, pipe, pipe, We play, you drive!

Where have you been so far? Stopped a traffic light. Red - clear - The path is dangerous. Yellow is the same as red, And green is in front - Come in!

Rolled a vitamin named Marinka. Didn't teach lessons And she got a "deuce". And when I went for a walk, I got the number "five".

A month came out of the fog, He took out a knife from his pocket: "I will cut, I will beat - You still drive!"

Scenarios of some games:

  1. Dating games

"And I am a hare." Players sit in a circle on chairs, one of which is not occupied by anyone. The person who sits to the left of this chair is transplanted onto it with the words: "And I am going," the next one - in his place: "And I too," the third: "And I am a hare", the fourth - "And I am with ..." ( pronounces any name of a person from a given circle who transplants into an empty chair). The game begins anew from where there is an unoccupied chair.

"When I was a child". The presenter offers to remember and tell an incident from early childhood that happened to you, and could pretend to be the most entertaining. A baby pacifier is passed around in a circle, and the players take turns telling funny childhood stories. The game can be played on one of the lights.

"How can you say hello." Everyone walks chaotically. The driver says how to say hello and everyone starts to say hello in this way, learning the names of each other. After a few seconds, the task changes. You can greet: knees, little fingers, ears, backs, etc.

"This is me!". The presenter quickly says some statements: “movie lover”, “food lover”, “lazy person”, etc. If the player agrees, he answers “It's me!”. Those who play in chorus and quickly answer. You can catch the player: for a long time to name what he will answer “It's me!”, And then suddenly ask a provocative question and the child, without hesitation, can answer the truth.


"Fishing rod". A group of children should stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader, who, holding the end of the rope, twists it, and there is a tied ball on it. He must twist it so that the ball hits the rest of the players on the legs. They should also jump up and not let the ball hit their feet. Whoever hit the ball loses and leaves the game. And the winner is the last one remaining.

"Crow and Sparrows". A circle is drawn on the asphalt or scratched on the ground. The driver enters the center of the circle - he is a "crow". All the other children are behind the circle - they are "sparrows". The "sparrows" jump into a circle, and the "crow" catches them. The caught "sparrow" becomes a "black".

"Hold the ball." The guys in pairs stand in a circle about 1 meter in diameter. They take a balloon. And they hold him above them without the help of hands. They should blow on it without touching the line of the drawn circle and trying not to go beyond it. A pair of children wins, which will hold the ball longer.

Claps. All children have serial numbers. They stand in a circle, and then in turn clap their hands 2 times and knees 2 times. When a person claps his hands, he says his number, and when he hits his knees, he says any other number. The player whose number was named claps. If he didn’t react and didn’t manage to continue the game or called the number that was already said, he loses. Thus, the last two people are considered the winners.


Bulldogs. This is a simple, but quite dynamic and fun game. 2 Bulldogs are selected. They stand guard and catch all other players who must run from one side of the conditional field to the other side. If a child who tried to run is caught by a "bulldog", he himself becomes one. The game continues until the Bulldogs catch all the players. The latter wins.

"Homeless Hare". It is necessary to choose a "homeless hare" and a hunter. All other children are hares, which are each in their own house. A house is a circle drawn on the ground or asphalt. One hare is running, and the hunter is trying to catch up with him. A "homeless hare" can hide from a hunter in a house he likes. But the hare, into the house of which the "homeless" ran into, becomes one himself and he already runs away from the hunter. When the hunter finally catches the "stray hare", they switch roles and the game continues.

"Sardines". This game is something like hide and seek, in reverse. First, one person hides, and everyone else is looking for him. Then the one who finds the first hides with him. And so everyone hides in one place, and the last one is considered a loser and then hides first.

"Empty place". All children stand in a circle, and one remains behind him. He is a driver who walks around and touches any person, which means a challenge to the competition. Both of them must run in opposite directions to each other, and having met, say hello and race to take the vacant place.


"Yes-no-ka" One of the children is the presenter. He asks a few simple questions that the rest of the participants must answer without using the words "Yes" and "No".

"Dispute". It is necessary to divide into 2 groups. Group 1 asserts and proves something. And the 2nd group confronts them and proves the opposite.


"I know five names." Children take turns hitting the ball on the ground and at the same time say: “I know five names, boys” - and list what names they know, with the words: one, two, and so on up to 5. You can increase to 10. And so in turn. Then, girls' names, cities, animals, plants and whatever. The one who pauses for a long time and cannot remember loses.

Repeat. First you need to choose a theme for the game - whatever. For example, animals. Then, one player says an animal, the second must repeat what the first said and add his own animal, the third player must repeat the animals that have already been named before him and come up with his own, and so on. The one who has forgotten what was said before him or cannot come up with his own loses.

Most of these games involve not only physical, but also mental stress in the child. A child, participating in a particular game, develops his imagination, logic and attention. He reveals himself as a person and shows his individual traits. Therefore, these games help to identify children with organizational skills. They liberate children and help everyone to express themselves, to join an unfamiliar team and find friends.


Physical education in a summer health camp is one of the means of today's education of the younger generation, is one of the most important areas of work with children. It has a number of features that are due to the relatively short period of stay of children in the camp, the diversity of the contingent of children by age, health status, level of physical development and physical fitness, wider opportunities for swimming, tourism, outdoor games and games on the ground. The material for this course work selects mass sports events that correspond to a certain age of children, and fills the remaining free time with other activities from the general work plan of the camp (work of various circles, preparation for competitions, etc.)

In each camp, the organization of mass sports work will have its own property, depending on the location of the camp, the sports base, on the abilities, knowledge and skills of the physical culture leader. It is important that the plan for organizing mass sports work was drawn up in the first days of the children’s stay, and the whole team fought for its implementation. In the process of work, some activities cannot be carried out, and some will have to be postponed from one date to another. Deviation from the plan is permissible depending on the prevailing situation.

Physical culture work in a summer health camp, on the one hand, is an integral part of the physical education of schoolchildren and adolescents, and on the other hand, it has a very strong influence on the formation of morality in children, their intellectual and spiritual qualities, and fosters their readiness for future work. activity and in this sense is a means of comprehensive and harmonious development of adolescents.

Outdoor games, relay races, games for quick wits in children's recreation camps

Children in the camp may refuse to eat porridge or go to bed. They can become capricious or quarrel among themselves. But the children always react with great interest to the offer to play games in the summer health camp. The case is small - among the rich arsenal of game scenarios, choose the one that will captivate children. And if they came to a children's health camp, then outdoor games will be very useful for their health. It can be children's sports games or even outdoor endurance games. If it's late in the evening, or the kids are already tired of running, you can offer them games for quick wits or arrange a children's art competition. So, to help the counselor - scenarios of various games in the summer health camp.

Outdoor games

Fishing rod
The players form a circle. The driver, standing in the center, rotates the rope with a sandbag (fishing rod) tied at the end. The players jump over the rope as it passes under their feet, trying not to hit it. The one who touches the rope becomes the leader.

Children randomly move around the territory - they jump, run, shout. The presenter shouts out: "We unite in groups of four! (Three, five, seven, etc.)"
Everyone should quickly form groups - grabbing hands or hugging. The one who remained "superfluous" - must complete some task. For example, running around a circle or loudly crowing, etc.

Hunters and ducks
Two parallel lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 10-15 meters. All players are divided equally into "hunters" and "ducks". "Hunters" stand outside the line, and "ducks" between the lines. The "hunters" throwing the ball try to hit the "ducks" with it. Salted "ducks" are eliminated from the game. When all the "ducks" are salted, the team changes roles. The team wins, which in less time will sack all the "ducks". This outdoor game is sometimes also called "Bouncers".

Jumping sticks on one leg
A sophisticated version of the usual tag. This outdoor game can be played in a small area. The driver, jumping on one leg, tries to catch up with the players who also jump on one leg. After the tag has caught up and touched any player, they change places. The one who touches the ground with two feet either becomes a tag or is eliminated from the game (for example, for 3 tag changes).

Turtle nips
A less agile version of the regular tag. The basic rule is not to run. You can only move with a step and dodge the tag so as not to become a driver yourself. Whoever broke the rule and ran becomes a tag or is eliminated from the game. This outdoor game is also suitable for indoor use.

Relay races

Happy Kangaroo Relay
Players are divided into teams. To play you need small objects - small balls or matchboxes.
A player from each team needs to hold this object between his knees and jump a certain distance to the mark and back to his team. After that, he passes the item to the next participant. If the player dropped the item, he returns to the place and starts over. The team warmly supports its player, it is advisable for the leader to ask the team to choose a name for themselves before starting.

Spoon-potato relay
A team member needs to run a certain distance, while holding a spoon with a large potato in an outstretched hand. You can't run without a potato! If it falls, the player returns to the starting position.

The counselor draws two lines at a distance of about half a meter from each other. The squad is divided into two teams and chooses the two strongest players. Determine which team will be the "tractor", which will be the "cargo". The selected strongest players will be the "rope." The "tractor" is trying to move the "load" from its place and drag it to its side. At the same time, the "load" resists in every possible way. The "cable" tries to withstand a double load.
Children line up in this way: the players, playing the role of the "rope", join hands. The "tractor" team is lined up as a "train" one after another, each player holds the "cable" in front of the waist on one side. In a similar way, only on the other side of the "cable" - the "load" is built.
The winners are those who have coped with the task more successfully. If the "rope" is broken, the "load" has won. Teams change roles.

Two teams of six people play. The rest are fans. Each team has a grandfather with a grandmother, a bug with a granddaughter, a cat and a mouse. On each of the two chairs, set at some distance from the lined teams, a turnip sits. For example, a child in a hat, which depicts a turnip.
The grandfather starts the game. At a certain signal, he runs to the turnip in order to run around it and return. Then the "grandmother" clings to the waist of the grandfather - and now they run to the turnip already together. Then the granddaughter clings to them, then the Bug, etc. When the whole company in full force, including the mouse, runs around the turnip, the latter clings to the mouse. The winner is the team that "pulled out the turnip" faster than the other.

Living bridge
Children stand in two opposite lines facing each other. Children from opposite ranks hold each other's hands as tightly as possible. A "living bridge from the hands" is formed. One person lays down on this bridge and moves to the end. Then the next one. The counselor does not forget to joke. Children should cheer someone on the bridge. There are no winners or losers - this game brings children together well and develops the strength of the hands. Observe safety precautions.

Match tournament
This is a set of fun relay races suitable for all ages. The optimal number of participating teams is three. The winning team is awarded three points, the second place is awarded two points, and the third place is awarded a point. The winner is determined by the sum of the points after all the stages.
And you can also stick matches in the potatoes of each team for each stage. In the end, calculate how many needles these "hedgehogs" have. The relay ends when the last player on the team delivers the matchbox to the place where the movement began. If this box falls during the movement, then the relay participant stops, reinstates the boxes in place and continues on the way. If the task is to build from matches, then the teams are given a certain time for execution. In this case, the teams execute the task in turn.
Assignments for stages:
1. Put out the words from the matches: "Matches are not a game for children!"
2. Bring the box on top of the head.
3. Carry two matchboxes on your shoulders, like shoulder straps.
4. Bring the box, before that putting it on the fist butt-end.
5. The task is to quickly collect the scattered matches. For teams, 3-5 boxes of matches are scattered in certain places.
6. Carry a box of matches, lifting it on your back in the lumbar region.
7. Carry the box on your leg, placing it on the instep of your foot.
8. Whose team will build a "well" of higher matches in two minutes?
9. Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck. To rest the ends against the neck and chin of the boxes.
10. Bring the "cover" of the box (outer part), fastening it on the nose. You need to pass the baton hands-free. The participant must remove the box from the person passing the relay.
11. Build a locomotive with several cars on the ground or on the floor from matches.
12. Place an empty matchbox on the ground or floor and blow on it so that it moves by itself. It is necessary to move the box with the breath of only one side, return back running.

Smart games

Animals on the back
A picture (or a written name) of the animal is hung on the back of each player so that he cannot see it. In order to guess, a person asks questions to others. The answer is only "yes" or "no". For example: "Do I have feathers? And fins? Am I a predator? Do you have horns? Do I swim?" It is better if questions are asked to everyone. You can make it so that two questions in a row and the same cannot be asked. If the player guessed the animal, you can hang the following on his back. And score a point. The winner is the one with more points.In addition to animals, you can make up objects, sports equipment, tools, etc.

What can be done?
Players name variations of what can be done, for example, with a glass beaker. You can drink from it, squeeze circles out of dough, crush potatoes, use it as a stand for pencils, make a terrarium for beetles out of it, etc. Each player in a circle calls his own variation. The counselor determines whether the option is suitable or not (for example: "a glass can be put on the shelf" is not suitable because it is not useful). Those who cannot name an option are eliminated from the game.

This game requires a ball and a stopwatch. The players are divided into two teams.
The players sit in two lines opposite each other at a distance of about two meters. The counselor takes the ball and throws it to the end player of either team, pronouncing the beginning of any word, for example: "Ko ..."
"... rabble!" - the player must quickly finish the word and throw the ball to the one sitting opposite: "Ar ..."
"... booze!" - he must quickly answer and pass the ball to the opponent, shouting the beginning of a new word ..
The counselor notes any hitch with the answer. If it lasts more than 4-5 seconds, one penalty point is awarded. The counselor also monitors compliance with the rules. He makes sure that the ball is passed accurately, so that there are no prompts. The whole game should run no more than 3-5 minutes - as agreed.
In order to facilitate or complicate the game, you can limit yourself to guessing, for example, the names of animals, plants, cities, musical groups - for which there is enough imagination.
The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Who's in charge here?
According to the counting, the driver is determined who leaves the room or simply moves away and turns away. The rest of the players choose their "boss". Become a circle. As soon as the driver returns, the "main" begins to show any movements, all the other players immediately repeat after him. The driver must determine from two attempts who is "in charge" here. If he succeeds, the chief becomes the leader. It is highly desirable to play to the music - children will be much more willing to move.

Do not hurry
A game to develop attention. All players become a semicircle. The presenter shows various movements - physical culture or dance. The players repeat, while lagging behind the leader by one movement. While it shows the first move, the players are at attention. When he shows the second move, the players show the first, etc.
As soon as someone makes a mistake, he is out of the game. The one who ultimately remains alone wins. It is also advisable to play the game with music.