Losing weight by 5 kg in a week is real. Sample menu of the last day of the diet

The issue of losing weight at home is of concern to many people who are overweight and who want to correct their figure. But not everyone can afford the services of expensive nutritionists and visits to fitness centers with personal trainers.

Therefore, we offer you the most useful tips for fast weight loss without harm to health using folk remedies.

Fast weight loss by 5 kg per week with folk remedies

If you need to lose weight quickly, then you can use common home diets, a simple set of exercises and effective folk remedies.

A week is an extremely short period for losing weight, but even during this period, with the right approach, you can lose about five kilograms.

In theory, there are plenty of options for losing weight with folk remedies. In practice, you only need to strictly adhere to the established rules and systematically go towards achieving the goal.


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  • How to lose weight at home without harm to health

The list of folk remedies traditionally includes:

  • a glass of water with lemon and a spoonful of honey half an hour before breakfast;
  • the use of low-calorie foods;
  • wrapping;
  • the use of herbs;
  • taking special baths.

The fastest way to lose 5 kg in a week is to arrange extremely low calorie diet. The amount of calories consumed should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal per day.

But you don't need to overdo it here and reduce the daily intake, for example, to 800 calories. The body will not be able to withstand even three days at such rates, the ability to work will decrease, the person will feel psychologically depressed and will break down very soon. At a rate of 1000-1200 calories, the process of fast weight loss is viable and will show good results.

Another popular way to quickly lose weight by 5 kg per week at home is fasting. A short-term refusal to eat not only quickly gets rid of accumulated fat, but also has a healing effect. To do this, you need to arrange a fasting day and drink only water.

With a complete refusal to eat while losing weight, it is allowed only to drink water. With the onset of severe weakness during the period of weight loss, it is permissible to consume a folk remedy - one spoonful of honey.

Weight loss methods for teens

Recently, there are a lot of overweight teenagers. Therefore, the following question is very relevant: how to quickly lose weight by 5 kg in 3 days at home without diets for a teenager.

In the process of losing weight in children, it should be remembered that the adolescent's body is actively developing and growing, therefore, severe dietary restrictions can harm the child, even when using folk remedies for losing weight.

They have a mild effect on the body, but at the same time, herbal preparations, salt baths with essential oils, a contrast shower and dousing and a correct drinking regime are no less effective.

Ways to lose weight for adolescents with folk remedies:

  1. Replace sweet compotes and soda with herbal infusions of chamomile, linden, lemon balm, rose hips and raspberry leaves.
  2. Do salt baths 2-3 times a week. You can alternate with baths of baking soda (dilute 300 grams of baking soda with water and enjoy the water treatment for 45 minutes). Add a few drops of lavender, lemon balm, orange, lemon essential oil for a change.
  3. Douse with cold water every morning. First, try water at room temperature, gradually lowering the degree to +2 degrees.
  4. Arrange shock therapy in the form of a contrast shower.
  5. Every morning, 30 minutes before meals, drink a glass of warm water with a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon.

Nutritionists assure that a teenager to lose 5 kg in a week without diets the following recommendations will help:

  • Completely give up high-calorie meals 3 hours before bedtime;
  • Practically give up fried, high-calorie desserts, baked goods, and confectionery. If you allow yourself such dishes, then no more than once in 7 days and in the morning;
  • Drink plenty of clean water. The required minimum is 1.5 liters per day;
  • Eat often, in small portions. Instead of the usual three portions, it is recommended to divide the daily volume of food consumed by 5-6;
  • Do sports at home for 40 minutes at least three to four times a week.

Popular recipes

Popular recipes for folk remedies for weight loss:

  • Herbal decoction... Take a teaspoon of dry wormwood and pour boiling water over it. The mixture is infused in a thermos for about half an hour. The infusion is taken three times a day, a few minutes before eating;
  • Bath with aroma oils... The bath contains herbal teas, such as sage and calendula, a few grams of cream, lemon drops. To this mixture are added five drops of various oils - fir, pine, ylang-ylang. The bath is taken daily for 20 minutes.

The following folk remedies that are readily available to all citizens will become absolutely harmless when losing weight for the health of people who have no contraindications:

  • Between meals, drink freshly squeezed juices of carrots, celery stalks, spinach as a snack.
  • 3 weeks drink infusion of corn silk 2-3 times a day. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the dry product. Insist 10 minutes and drink before meals.
  • Mustard wrap - dilute 200 grams of mustard powder with 5 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to problem areas. Wrap with cling film and blanket. Soak for 30-40 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then apply a nourishing cream.

Losing weight with exercise - how to lose 5 kg in a week

An effective alternative way to lose weight quickly is intense physical activity. No matter how exhausting diets are, with their help it is difficult to completely get rid of excess weight.

All calories are burned during sports. You can exercise under the supervision of a trainer in the fitness center or at home. Any of the complexes are effective enough to help you lose weight and lose 5 extra pounds in a week.

To lose weight and achieve results, you need to combine training:

  • On the first training day, you can sweat well with cardio;
  • In the second, go swimming;
  • On the third - work with weights.

A set of exercises

A set of exercises at home to lose weight:

  • Warm up. Rotation of limbs and trunk in order to warm up the ligaments and muscles - about 10 minutes;
  • Incomplete plank. You need to rest on the left elbow, keep the left leg in the support, bent, and the right leg - on top and extended. The body comes off the floor. Time - about 20 seconds;
  • Position with the stomach to the floor, lying on straight limbs... To lose weight, you need to do push-ups three times, then lift each of the legs for five repetitions. Then you need to push up 3 times, fixing one of the legs in the instep;
  • Squats... For weight loss, you need to take a bar from a barbell or any stick at home to make it heavier. Then perform squats several times, while, in the final phase, raise the stick above your head. When squatting, you need to bend in the back and take the pelvis back. The exercise is performed 5-8 times for 3-5 circles;
  • Jump squats. You need to sit down and jump out of a sitting position with throwing up your arms. The exercise is performed 5-8 times in 3-5 circles.

Methods to quickly lose weight by 5 kg per week with folk remedies received generally positive reviews. People who have experienced various methods on themselves note their effectiveness, general health improvement, and availability.

Just 5 days is enough to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight, following the principles of the express diet and without torturing yourself with restrictions. This is a great way out for those looking to regain their slim figure after a festive culinary excesses or a food tour.

The basic principles of all express diets are based on the biochemical processes underlying metabolism and on reducing the calorie content of the foods consumed:

    An important rule of any fast weight loss diet is to consume 2 liters of pure water daily.

    To speed up the process of weight loss, you need to eat fractionally, observing equal intervals between meals.

    Before starting a strict diet, the body needs preparation, you can arrange a fasting day, or at least a light dinner.

Gymnastics, massage, scrubs and other cosmetic procedures are used to keep the muscles in good shape and give the skin elasticity. You should not rush from one extreme to another, because the combination of a low-calorie diet with increased physical activity leads to poor health, a feeling of weakness.

Pros and cons of express diets for 5 days

The main plus of all five-day diets is the reduction of excess weight at an accelerated pace and a noticeable change in the parameters of the figure.

Other advantages of accelerated weight loss methods:

    Since the restrictions are imposed for a short period of time, there is no or minimal psychological stress;

    There is no need to prepare special dietary meals, because the essence of the diet is in the moderate use of certain foods, and this condition is quite simple to fulfill;

    Simultaneously with weight loss, a complete cleansing of the body occurs;

    Correct eating habits appear, the volume of the stomach decreases.

Disadvantages of accelerated weight loss:

    Working capacity decreases, a breakdown is felt;

    The body creates a deficiency of vitamins and minerals;

    Requires a long exit from the diet;

    The probability of restoring the original weight is high.

When choosing a method of fast weight loss, you should take into account the characteristics of your body, predisposition to diseases. The presence of any pathologies, weakened immunity is an absolute contraindication to using a weight loss diet.

Before using any 5-day diet, you need to consult your doctor, because only perfectly healthy people are ready to lose weight quickly.

The 5x5 diet includes 5 daily mono-diets, built on the principle of separate nutrition. While following this diet, fats are burned at a high rate, muscle reserves are not consumed, and the body is not dehydrated. For 5 days, those losing weight alternately consume only meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, cottage cheese. When using natural products and an optimal diet, excess weight at the beginning of the diet goes away very quickly and does not come back.

If you choose a diet in accordance with the individual needs of the body, it is not difficult to lose 5 kg of excess weight in 5 days. With a body mass index of 18, it is possible to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. After 7 days, the diet can be repeated, since the body after recovery will easily rebuild by regulating its metabolism.

The essence of the 5x5 diet

The stages of the diet are designed for the most harmless weight loss and burning of subcutaneous fat:

    Eating meat - the start of the weight loss mechanism is turned on, a protein supply is formed.

    Eating vegetables - the body stores fiber, stimulates the breakdown of fats.

    Fruit consumption - the lack of glucose is replenished, weight loss is stimulated, calories are burned, the body rejuvenates against the background of increased tone.

    Eating cereals - the body is cleansed of fats and toxins, saturated with essential fatty acids.

    The use of cottage cheese - there was a maximum preparation in 4 days for a significant loss of up to 3 kg of weight per day, which is completely harmless to the body.

Allowed Products

At the first stage, animal protein is used for nutrition - this is chicken, rabbit, veal. On the first day, do not consume vegetable protein, because in this case, muscle tissue destruction is possible due to a deficiency of amino acids.

When choosing vegetables for the second stage, you should rely on their valuable qualities:

    Fat burning - use, for example, eggplant with garlic, baked tomatoes with cayenne pepper;

    Negative calorie content, when more energy is spent on digestion than is obtained from the product (carrots, radishes, celery, kohlrabi cabbage);

    Rich mineral composition for cleansing blood vessels and breaking down fats (cucumbers, leeks, onions).

During the fruit day, besides fruit, flower honey is used, the diet is enriched with the following components:

    Pineapple, grapefruit - contain enzymes to speed up metabolism;

    Avocado - nourishes, improves the condition of the skin and muscles, making the figure fit;

    Mandarins - enrich the diet with vitamins, but do not whet the appetite.

On the day of cereals, they consume bread, homemade cereal cookies, cereals, seasoning them with nuts and peanut butter (rice with peanut butter, buckwheat porridge with vegetable oil), which stimulates the process of losing weight.

    Meat day:

    Breakfast - cook 150 g of beef, lightly salt;

    Lunch - cook up to 100 g of chicken, lightly salt;

    Dinner - boil or stew up to 200 g of rabbit meat.

Vegetable day:

    Breakfast - cucumber salad with radish;

    Lunch - stew eggplants, season with garlic, olive oil;

    Boil kohlrabi cabbage.

Fruit day:

  • Tangerines

    Grapes (up to 200 g)

Cereals day:

    Boil rice, add 2 tbsp. l. Pine nuts;

    Boil rice, add almonds;

    Boil rice, add 2 walnuts.

Curd day:

    2 tbsp. water, low-fat cottage cheese (100 g);

    3 tbsp. water, cottage cheese (140 g);

    2 tbsp. water, cottage cheese (100 g).

Positive aspects of the diet:

    the diet is short-term;

    the menu does not require the preparation of special dishes;

    the condition of the skin improves, it is tightened and elastic;

    metabolic processes are accelerated, immunity is increased.

Cons of the method:

    absolute health is required, without a history of gastrointestinal diseases;

    defecation becomes more frequent;

    side effects occur in the form of weakness, fatigue, headache.

Kefir diet for 5 days

To reduce at least 5 kg per week, you need to take fresh kefir, because kefir with different characteristics will lead to constipation. Supplements are allowed, the use of sugar, flavor enhancers, fruits is prohibited.


    Fractional food in equal portions at regular intervals;

    Using 1% kefir;

    Ban on salt and sugar

Permitted Products. Fruits (apples, unsweetened pears), boiled potatoes without sauces, salt and dressings are allowed. It is recommended to choose vegetables without starch (onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage). Use only still mineral water.


    Day 1 - unsweetened fruits (1 kg), kefir (1.5 l);

    Day 2 - boiled potatoes (4 pcs.), Kefir (1 l);

    Day 3 - kefir (1 l), mineral water (1.5 l);

    Day 4 - chicken fillet (500 g), kefir (1 l);

    Day 5 - apples (1 kg), kefir (1 l);

    Day 6 - vegetables (1 kg), kefir (1 l);

    Day 7 - Wednesday unloading diet.

Positive aspects of the diet:

    Prevention of edema;

    Kefir contains a maximum of protein, a minimum of fats, carbohydrates, calories (59 kcal);

    Prevention of constipation;

    Improving intestinal motility, maintaining the balance of microflora.

Disadvantages of kefir diet - contraindications:

    Diseases of the digestive system;

    Increased acidity of gastric juice;

    Kidney problems;

    Propensity to diarrhea.

Acting diet for 5 days

This diet is common among show business stars, actors, artists, which is why it got its name. It is considered one of the most extreme and effective fast weight loss diets.

Diet principles. The method of extreme weight loss is based on a decrease in the volume and calorie content of food in combination with a complete cleansing of the body from toxins. Since the diet does not contain more than 2 foods, it is considered a mono diet.

All days of the acting diet are different from each other:

    Tomato-rice day;

    Milky day;

    Meat day;

    Wine (or juice) day;

    Fruit day).

Since the diet is quite strict and monotonous, there are contraindications:



    Somatic illness, viral infection;

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    Weakened immunity.

Weight is reduced very quickly while maintaining muscle tissue, although there is no food restriction. If you do not follow the rules of a healthy diet, the results obtained as a result of this diet will not last.

Allowed Products

What you can eat during an acting diet:

    Unsalted tomato juice;

    Boiled rice;

    Wine (alternatively, freshly squeezed orange juice);

    Green tea;

    Boiled lean meat;

    Sour milk products of low fat content;

The sequence and content of the menu:

    Day 1 - unlimited amount of boiled rice + 200 ml of tomato juice, or unlimited amount of fresh tomato + a glass of boiled rice.

    Day 2 - yogurt or kefir (1 l), cottage cheese (800 g);

    Day 3 - unlimited boiled meat;

    Day 4 - orange juice, dry red wine (700 ml);

    Unlimited apples or pears.

The result of such nutrition is a weight loss of 5 kg. It is planned to gradually withdraw from this diet within 10 days. Since the diet is quite strict, nutritionists warn against its frequent use and recommend using it only before serious events.

Positive qualities of the diet:

    The muscle tissue is preserved;

    There is no feeling of hunger;

    There are no restrictions on the amount of food;

    In a short time, excess weight quickly goes away.

Cons of the diet:

    After the restoration of the amount of fluid in the body, the weight returns;

    With rapid weight loss, the skin sometimes looks stretched;

    If you apply the acting diet for a long time, there is a deficiency of fat, protein, vitamins.

English diet for 5 days

The diet is based on counting calories and alternating protein foods and vegetables. For effective weight loss up to 2-3 kg and enhanced fat breakdown per day, it is recommended to consume no more than 1000 kcal.

Diet principles:

    Do not eat after 19.00;

    Drink at least 2 liters of water per day;

    Use natural spices and herbs instead of salt;

    To cleanse the intestines, take 1 tbsp before bedtime. l. Olive oil;

    To preserve the beneficial properties of the food, it is recommended to steam the food.

Permitted and Prohibited Products. Vegetables such as pumpkin, onion, beans, cabbage, parsley, eggplant, cabbage, celery are allowed. Recommended fruits - tangerines, lemons, kiwi, grapefruit, lemon, apples. Additionally, the use of pine nuts and walnuts, pistachios, spices (black pepper, cardamom, basil, cinnamon, mint) is recommended

What is prohibited: drinks with caffeine (tea, coffee), salt, sugar, flour products.

You can make it yourself, alternating protein and vegetable ration. The beginning of the English diet is a protein day, just like all odd days, vegetable days are even.

Protein day - an approximate diet:

    Breakfast - whole grain bread (50 g) with 1 tsp. Honey, unsweetened tea or coffee;

    Lunch - chicken broth (200 ml) with boiled chicken (100 g), or fish broth with a piece of fish, whole grain bread (50 g);

    Afternoon snack - a glass of unsweetened tea with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Dinner - boiled fish or chicken (150 g), or 2 boiled eggs, cheese (50 g), whole grain bread (50 g), a glass of kefir.

Vegetable day - sample menu:

    Breakfast - 2 oranges, apples or pears);

    Lunch - vegetable cuts, vegetable soup, whole grain bread (50 g);

    Afternoon snack - 2 oranges, pears, apples;

    Dinner - vegetable salad, whole grain bread, unsweetened tea with honey (1 tsp).

In a stricter version of the diet, the first day is considered a fasting day, when you can eat up to 2 kg of vegetables or fruits, drink 1 liter of herbal tea. Next, vegetable (2, 4 days) and protein days (1, 3 days) alternate.

Diet benefits:

    In 2-3 weeks, you can lose 20 kg of excess weight, subject to the principles of diet and refusal of high-calorie foods;

    Metabolic processes and skin condition are improved;

    Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins from the body.

Cons of the English diet:

    Contains strict restrictions, it is psychologically difficult to endure the days of fasting;

    A breakdown in the form of eating sweets obliges you to start all over again;

    Among the contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding, gastrointestinal diseases;

    You cannot make your own changes, because the menu is drawn up strictly in accordance with the calorie content of products.

On this diet, weight goes away quickly and comfortably, although excess protein can negatively affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. A short-term diet for 5 days will not do any tangible harm, but will allow you to get rid of 5 extra pounds.

Diet principles:

    In the morning, drink 200 ml of water and eat 2 tbsp. l. Bran;

    Eat fractionally, in small portions;

    Alcohol and carbonated drinks are prohibited;

    Sleep at least 8 hours, last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime;

    Drink at least 2 liters of any liquid;

    Set yourself up to get the desired result, attract visualization.

Permitted Products. The diet contains lean meat, boiled eggs, fish and seafood, canned fish without oil, fermented milk products of reduced fat content. Food preparation method - boiling, baking without oil in the oven and on the grill.

An approximate menu of a protein diet for 5 days:

    Breakfast - scrambled eggs, coffee with milk;

    2 breakfast - cottage cheese, kefir (or yogurt);

    Lunch - boiled meat, fish, canned food in its own juice;

    Afternoon snack - fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, boiled eggs;

    Dinner - fish, meat.


    No hunger;

    Appetite is automatically regulated and spontaneously decreases towards the end of the diet;

    Weight is reduced by decreasing fat, not muscle;

    The diet is suitable for those who are experiencing great physical activity.


    The diet is suitable only for healthy people up to 35-40 years old;

    Due to the overload of the kidneys and liver, do not diet for more than 2 weeks;

    Due to the deficiency of vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates, a person becomes irritable, memory suffers, the condition of the skin and hair worsens;

    Cholesterol levels rise;

    Blood clotting increases, the risk of blood clots increases;

    Bad breath appears;

    Constipation occurs due to fiber deficiency.

Wine diet for 5 days

This diet is for red wine lovers looking to lose weight. Following a wine diet, you can get rid of 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bin 5 days. For this method of losing weight, only natural dry wine is used.

Fundamental rules:

    Salt and sugar are not consumed;

    The only accepted liquid is wine and clear water;

    The menu is strictly adhered to.

Use dry red or rose grape wine:

  • Cabernet


    Muscat, etc.

In addition, the menu includes low-fat hard cheese, fruits, vegetables, quail eggs (chicken).

    Day 1:

    Breakfast - a tomato and 2 boiled quail eggs;

    2 breakfast - green apple;

    Lunch - fresh cucumber, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese;

    A glass of wine, 30 g of cheese.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - 150 ml of wine, 100 g of cheese;

    2 breakfast - toast with cheese;

    Lunch - 2 glasses of wine, dried bread, cheese;

    Dinner - 2 glasses of wine, 75 g of cheese.

Day 3:

    Morning - glass of wine, boiled egg, tomato;

    2 breakfast - cottage cheese, baked apple;

    Lunch - toast, fresh cucumber, glass of wine;

    Dinner - cheese, a glass of wine.

Day 4:

    Breakfast - toast with cheese, a glass of wine;

    2nd breakfast - 200 ml of kefir;

    Lunch - 2 glasses of wine, 150 g of cheese;

    Dinner - 2 glasses of wine, 100 g of cheese.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - boiled egg, cucumber, glass of wine;

    2nd breakfast - natural low-fat yogurt;

    Lunch and dinner - 2 glasses of wine, cheese.

Positive points:

    It is convenient to combine your diet with the holidays;

    In 5 days you can lose 5 kg;

    Refusal from salt normalizes metabolism;

    Red wine has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Cons of the diet:

    Perfect health required;

    Salt excretion is contraindicated in some diseases;

    Weight is unstable, as it goes away due to the excretion of fluid;

    Forbidden for pregnant women;

    Forbidden for alcohol addicts;

    There is a risk of buying low-quality wine;

    It should not be carried out more often than once every 3 months.


List of diseases for which the wine diet is contraindicated:

    Diseases of the liver and digestive tract;



  • Depression;

    Ischemia of the heart muscle.

Buckwheat 5-day mono-diet is simple and effective, it does not limit the amount of food, it is easy to use. Buckwheat should be cooked according to a special recipe.

Within 5 days, you can eat any amount of buckwheat porridge without spices, salt and sauces.

Diet principles:

    Last meal 3 hours before bedtime;

    Before going to bed, you can drink 200 ml of kefir;

    Porridge can be poured with kefir and there are these products together;

    It is forbidden to eat bread and baked goods.

Buckwheat diet options:

    Classic diet - during the day there is only porridge without salt and sugar, cooked in water from 1 glass of cereal (more is possible), drinks - green tea without sugar, drinking water, 200 ml of juice for an afternoon snack.

    Combination with a kefir diet - add 500 ml of kefir to the required set of 1 cup of buckwheat.

    Combination with dried fruits - add 150 g of dried fruits to 1 glass of buckwheat.

    Combination with avocado - to 3 tbsp. l. buckwheat, half-cooked, add the pulp of half an avocado, a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Buckwheat diet with vegetables.Together with buckwheat and kefir, you can use apples, celery and cabbage to lose extra pounds. To compensate for the loss of fluid, it is recommended to drink vegetable juices, up to 1.5 liters of drinking water, smoothies, green herbal tea.

    Day 1 - the cereals are brewed with boiling water:

    Breakfast - 200 g of porridge, an apple, a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - 200 g of porridge, 200 g of salad with olive oil;

    Dinner - 200 g of porridge, an apple, a glass of kefir.

Day 2 - buckwheat is poured with kefir overnight:

    Breakfast - 200 g of porridge, an apple;

    Lunch - 200 g of porridge, green vegetables;

    Dinner - porridge with kefir, tea.

Day 3 - eat only buckwheat with kefir;

Day 4 - steamed porridge overnight:

    Breakfast - 200 g of porridge, 100 g of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - 200 g of porridge, 150 g of boiled white chicken meat, 200 g of vegetables;

    Dinner - 100 g of porridge, a glass of kefir.

Day 5 - they eat only buckwheat with kefir.


    The level of cholesterol is normalized, the blood is purified;

    Fiber cleanses the intestines;

    Toxins are actively removed from the body;

    Hair and nails are strengthened;

    The skin becomes fresh and well-groomed;

    The level of hemoglobin rises, vision improves.


    Monotonous eating causes apathy;

    Refusal of salt provokes a decrease in blood pressure, headache, weakness;

    Lost weight quickly returns if you do not adhere to restrictions.

    Decreased attention and memory.

Absolute contraindications:

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    A history of colitis and gastritis;

    Pregnancy and lactation.

This simple diet is difficult to follow. It is designed to reduce weight by at least 5 kg. In this case, the body is saturated with useful substances.

Fundamental rules:

    Food is steamed, in a slow cooker, baked in the oven or microwave.

    A minimum of salt is used in cooking;

    You need to eat 5 times a day, in small portions;

    You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

In addition to cabbage, the following foods are included in the diet:

    Lean meat (beef);



    Olive oil;

    Milk, fermented milk drinks.

    Day 1:

    Breakfast - 2 egg omelet, cabbage salad (150 g), seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil;

    2nd breakfast - boiled Brussels sprouts (200 g);

    Lunch - cabbage soup;

    Afternoon snack - seaweed (70 g), seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil;

    Dinner - cabbage stewed with seafood (200 g), a glass of milk.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - cabbage casserole (150 g);

    2nd breakfast - Peking cabbage salad with oil and lemon juice dressing;

    Lunch - fish soup (200 g), steamed Brussels sprouts;

    Afternoon snack - sauerkraut (100 g);

    Dinner - buckwheat porridge (150 g), boiled beef (100 g), cabbage salad.

Day 3:

    Breakfast - cabbage salad with carrots and beets with traditional dressing;

    2 breakfast - steamed broccoli (200 g);

    Lunch - lazy cabbage rolls (150 g);

    Afternoon snack - boiled cauliflower (100 g);

    Dinner - buckwheat with stewed cabbage (250 g).

Day 4:

    Breakfast - cabbage smoothie (200 ml), boiled egg;

    2nd breakfast - fruit salad;

    Lunch - baked cabbage with cheese;

    Afternoon snack - kohlrabi salad seasoned with soy sauce and sesame seeds;

    Dinner - a ragout of different varieties of cabbage with sweet peppers.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - cabbage salad with carrots and apples (200 g);

    2nd breakfast - boiled cauliflower (200 g);

    Lunch - cabbage soup;

    Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt;

    Dinner - boiled chicken breast (200 g), seaweed (150 g).

The most valuable thing about this method is that it is extremely effective. Disadvantages - an imbalance in the diet, which causes a headache, weakness. Another disadvantage is the lack of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C, found in abundance in lemon, breaks down fat deposits, slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from food. Stimulating intestinal motility helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

Exiting such a diet should be done very carefully, as it significantly alters the metabolism. The planned result is a weight loss of 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bin 5 days.

The diet includes 2 phases:

    On the first and second day, you should drink a specially prepared lemon-honey drink to cleanse the body and saturate it with vitamins and minerals, to restore disturbed metabolic processes.

    In the second phase, you need to eat low-calorie meals for 3 days, actively using lemon in all drinks and dishes.

The lemon diet is not used with increased acidity of gastric juice, the presence of kidney stones, allergies to citrus fruits, and diseases of the digestive tract.

Preparation of a drink from honey and lemon for the first phase of the diet - squeeze juice from 15 lemons, dilute it in 3 liters of drinking water, add honey (70 g), stir. In phase 2, you should eat fractionally small portions.


    7.00 - tea with lemon;

    9.00 - cabbage salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice;

    11.00 - vegetable stew with lemon zest;

    13.00 - fruit salad with lemon, vegetable juice with zest;

    15.00 - vinaigrette seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil;

    17.00 - vegetable puree soup with chopped lemon;

    19.00 - stewed cabbage with zest and lemon juice;

    21.00 - fruit smoothie with lemon juice.

Diet benefits:

    The metabolism improves;

    Food is better digested, vitamins and minerals are absorbed better;

    The body is cleansed of toxins, and the intestines from food debris.

Disadvantages of the lemon diet:

    Leaves no more than 5-7 kg of excess weight;

    Citric acid causes heartburn, abdominal pain;

    Tooth enamel can deteriorate;

    It is forbidden to combine a diet with alcohol and smoking.

An extremely effective diet, despite its complexity. It is required to drastically reduce the calorie content of the diet and minimize the set of foods. The expected results are a drop of 6-7 kg in 5 days.

Diet principles. Calorie deficiency forces the body to break down fat deposits intensively.

Fundamental rules:

    Minimum salt;

    The rate of drinking water is not less than 2 liters;

    The calorie content of food per day is no more than 1000 calories;

    No food is allowed after 15.00;

    Meals 5 times a day;

    With a strong feeling of hunger, a snack with herbs (parsley) is allowed.

Permitted Products. It is allowed to eat lean fish, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables (except for potatoes).

The menu is the same for all days of the diet:

    7.00 - boiled egg, coffee, tea;

    9.00 - a glass of kefir;

    11.00 - cottage cheese (150 g), tea;

    13.00 - 1/2 cup of meat or fish broth, boiled meat or fish (100 g);

    15.00 - any fruits or vegetables.


Diseases and conditions:



    Lowered hell;

    The presence of somatic diseases;

    Treatment with antibiotics and other powerful medications.

A dairy diet will allow you to get rid of not only excess weight, but also a large belly. It exists in 2 versions - hard and gentle, which minimizes negative consequences.

Diet principles. There are 2 variants of the milk diet - the strict diet is based on the use of only natural cow's milk. It can be used by healthy people. A diet where milk is combined with vegetables and fruits is considered more balanced and easier to tolerate.

With a strict mono-diet, you only need to drink milk according to the following algorithm:

    1 day - 200 ml every 2 hours;

    Day 2 - 200 ml every 1.5 hours;

    3-5 days - 200 ml every hour.

The sparing option provides a more varied menu:

    Option 1:

    Breakfast - a glass of yogurt with prunes, green tea with lemon "

    2 breakfast - a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - vegetable salad, egg, glass of fermented baked milk, cottage cheese (100 g);

    Dinner - cottage cheese with grated apple (150 g), a glass of milk.

Option 2:

    Breakfast - a glass of yogurt with a banana, tea;

    Lunch - cucumber salad with yogurt dressing, boiled egg, a glass of kefir;

    Afternoon snack - oatmeal (100 g), cottage cheese (100 g), a glass of milk.

    Dinner - a pear, a glass of kefir.

An abundance of protein does not lead to loss of muscle tone and deterioration of the condition. Calcium deficiency, which is absent in many diets, is replenished. The lack of solid foods stimulates more intense weight loss.

Cons of a dairy diet:

    The diet requires an effort;

    A large amount of milk disrupts the intestinal microflora;

    The diet is contraindicated in case of lactose intolerance, gastrointestinal pathologies.

The favorite porridge of the English aristocrats is exceptionally healthy. It satiates well with a minimum of calories.

The oatmeal diet normalizes bowel function, cleanses the digestive tract.

Fundamental rules:

    Only traditional oatmeal can be used;

    Last meal no later than 4 hours before bedtime;

    You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

    You do not need to drink oatmeal porridge, they drink water between meals.

There are several options for the oatmeal diet:

    Mono-diet, when oatmeal is consumed unlimitedly, washed down with 2 liters of water or green tea. Removes up to 5-7 kg of weight in 5 days. Minimal additions of honey, dried fruits, nuts are allowed to give a pleasant aftertaste.

    With fruits - for 200-250 g of porridge, you can put 100 g of chopped fruits, or 50 g of nuts, or 2 tsp. honey. Fruits (1-2 pieces) are allowed as snacks.

    With vegetables - raw or boiled vegetables are added to the porridge, or a salad of them, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. These are zucchini, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, herbs.

    Multi-menu is a more gentle option.

Permitted and Prohibited Products. Almost all types of fruits and berries are allowed. Allowed fruits include apples, pears, oranges, apricots, and grapefruit. You can also take any vegetables except potatoes, carrots and beets.

The use of grapes, mangoes, melons, bananas is prohibited. Dried fruits are allowed in the morning.

    Day 1:

    Afternoon snack - vegetable salad;

    Dinner - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal with berries.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal

    2 breakfast - a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Afternoon snack - 1.2 grapefruit, green tea;

    Dinner - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of flakes with dried fruits (figs, prunes and dried apricots).

Day 3:

    Breakfast - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal

    2 breakfast - a glass of natural yogurt;

    Lunch - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Afternoon snack - orange, green tea;

    Dinner - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal with raisins.

Day 4:

    Breakfast - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal

    2 breakfast - a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Afternoon snack - salad of leafy vegetables, green tea;

    Dinner - porridge on water from 1/2 glass of cereal, pear.

Day 5:

    2 breakfast - nuts (50 g), green tea;

    Lunch - porridge on water from 1/2 cup of cereal with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Afternoon snack - fruit salad;

    Dinner - porridge on water from 1/2 glass of cereal, a glass of kefir.

Indications and contraindications for the oatmeal diet

The diet is indicated for the following conditions:

    High blood sugar;

    High cholesterol;

    The presence of cardiovascular diseases;

    Digestive tract pathologies;



    Individual gluten intolerance;

    Peptic ulcer;

    Colitis, gastritis;

    Lactation and pregnancy;

    Significant physical activity.

The diet is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins. First of all, it heals the body, and then it cleanses.

The diet can be applied by everyone, especially people who do not adhere to the principles of a healthy diet in everyday life.

Fundamental rules:

    Refusal from prohibited products;

    Last meal no later than 20.00;

    You need to prepare for a diet in advance - a week before it starts, switch to eating vegetables and fruits.

The principles of quality cleansing:

    Adequate sleep;

    A glass of water before bed to stimulate digestion;

    Balanced diet;

    The menu is based on vegetables and grains;

    Drinking a detox cocktail;

    Having positive motivation;

    A smooth exit from the diet and further adherence to the principles of healthy eating.

Allowed and prohibited foods

    Any fresh, frozen and canned vegetables without salt;

    Low-calorie berries: raspberries, cherries, cherries, grapes, kiwi, currants;

    Lentils and beans;

    Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, brown rice, rice noodles;

    Fruits: melon, nectarine, apples, plums, peaches;

    Herbal tea, medicinal fees;

    A small amount of protein (poultry, 2-3 eggs, seafood);

    Unsalted nuts and seeds;

    Fermented milk products, low-fat cheese and cottage cheese;

    Natural yogurt and biokefir to restore microflora.

Prohibited Products:


    Fatty dairy products;

    Bread and bread made from premium flour;

    Sauces, mayonnaise;

  • Sweets, sugary carbonated drinks;

    Alcohol, packaged juices;

    Black tea, coffee.


    day 1 - drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid - fruit juice, green tea, water;

    day 2 - add fruits with soft fiber - plums, mangoes, peaches;

    day 3 - add raw vegetables, herbs;

    day 4 - add boiled vegetables;

    day 5 - add porridge and fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk).

To easily go to the usual diet, you should include boiled fish, lean meat in your menu.

The Express Cleansing Diet:

    Breakfast - detox cocktail;

    Lunch - vegetable soup, salad;

    Dinner - repeat breakfast;

    In the evening - 200 ml of chamomile tea.

Detox Recipes - Diet

All dishes are prepared immediately before use on the basis of herbs and vegetables.

    Detox cocktail - in 200 ml of warm water, grate a small piece of ginger root, squeeze the juice of half a lemon, mix;

    Vegetable smoothie - chop a cucumber, green apple, 2-3 white cabbage leaves, 1/2 lemon, a small amount of ginger root, a piece of celery with a blender, add 200 ml of water, beat again.

    Cleansing Soup - Boil chopped zucchini, carrot, celery, tomato, 1 clove of garlic in 500 ml of water for half an hour. Add black pepper, parsley, chopped Chinese cabbage, boil for 3 minutes, turn off.

    Mixed salad - chop the boiled chicken breast, tomato, cucumber, spinach, onion, Chinese cabbage, grated carrots, almonds, parsley. Season with olive oil and lemon juice.


A detox diet is contraindicated:

    Children under 18;

    Young women and girls 7 days before menstruation and 7 days after;

    With cardiovascular diseases;

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

    With gastritis and peptic ulcer;

    With cholecystitis and stones in the bladder;

    With autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis);

    When preparing athletes for endurance competitions.

The diet of fruits and vegetables is one of the methods that strengthen human health. The body does not feel hunger and discomfort. Fiber removes toxins, normalizes metabolic processes. There are no shortcomings inherent in many mono-diets, when the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals.

Fundamental rules:

    You should eat fractionally, 5 times or more per day;

    Fruit is consumed without peeling the peel, rich in fiber and vitamins;

    You need to drink up to 2 liters of water, herbal tea, fruit and berry decoctions.

Cooking method - boiling, stewing, steaming. Raw vegetables are very healthy, but not filling enough.

Dishes do not require careful preparation; their options can be varied as you wish.

    Day 1, 3:

    Breakfast - cabbage and cucumber salad, dressing - lemon juice with dill;

    Lunch - a glass of fresh fruit;

    Lunch - vegetable stew, a glass of tomato juice;

    Afternoon snack - salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with bell pepper;

    Dinner - stewed cauliflower, unsweetened fruit.

Day 2.4:

    Breakfast - baked peppers, a glass of carrot juice;

    Lunch - fresh vegetable salad;

    Lunch - stewed cabbage, a glass of orange juice;

    Afternoon snack - salad of leafy vegetables with herbs;

    Dinner - tomato salad with olives, unsweetened fruit.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - 2 apples, carrot salad;

    Lunch - grapefruit-pear juice with pulp;

    Lunch - zucchini stewed with tomatoes and bell peppers, an apple;

    Afternoon snack - a salad of any vegetables, a glass of fresh fruit.

    Dinner - 2-3 oranges.

This diet is highly effective, it saturates the body with minerals and vitamins. Helps improve skin condition, reduce excess weight.

Cons of the diet:

  • Weakness,

    White coating on the tongue

    Tremor of the limbs.

The diet was created by Danish nutritionists for those who cannot tolerate hunger. Eggs are a source of low-calorie protein, their use does not affect the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

Diet principles. The basis of the diet is chicken eggs, which are useful with a high content of vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants. They are low in calories (only 70 kcal). It is recommended to eat only permitted products, drink herbal teas, fresh juices.

Permitted and Prohibited Products. The diet includes soft-boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese or cheese (no more than 14%), lean rabbit meat, veal, chicken, low-fat milk and kefir (no more than 1% fat), fruits (apples, plums, oranges), vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes).

It is forbidden to eat potatoes, bananas, sweets, flour products, baked goods, all cereals except buckwheat, bananas, beans, mangoes, dates.

There are several options for a five-day menu, boiled eggs are used everywhere.

Classic version:

    Breakfast - 2 eggs, orange, green tea;

    Lunch - 1 egg, 100 g of boiled chicken, fish, herbs, 2 oranges;

    Dinner - 2 eggs, vegetable salad, 2 grapefruits.

Snacks consist of cucumber, carrots, herbs, drinking water or a glass of kefir.

The mono diet prescribes to exclude any foods and eat only eggs in unlimited quantities. You can only drink water.

Egg-citrus diet - The egg diet is diluted with the use of citrus fruits, whose enzymes break down lipids.

Contraindications and indications

The diet is indicated for those who go in for sports, as well as all healthy people who do not have a lot of time to prepare food.


    Allergy to chicken eggs;



The 5-day diet is based on a low-calorie diet using herbal infusions to promote metabolism and weight loss.

Diet principles.The phyto-diet is designed for a sharp decrease in the amount of protein in the diet. A minimum of calories stimulates the breakdown of fats, accompanied by a drink prepared according to special instructions.

Fundamental rules:

    Cook porridge in water;

    Do not swap days.

The expected result is a loss of 5-8 kg in 5 days due to the acceleration of metabolic processes.

Effective Diet Herbs:

    Fat burning - lemongrass, ginger, turmeric break down lipids in problem areas;

    Diuretics - senna, chamomile, burdock remove fluid reserves;

    Biliary - remove toxins, normalize liver function;

    Metabolism accelerators - sea buckthorn, dill, fennel act as laxatives, lingonberry, licorice, rhubarb normalize metabolism;

    Reducing appetite - algae fucus, spirulina, kelp, increasing, create a feeling of satiety, angelica, marshmallow imitate the state of satiety.

Use one dish for the whole day, accompanied by herbal tea.

    Day 1 - boil a glass of rice, divide into 5 receptions, wash down with green tea with cinnamon and ginger;

    Day 2 - divided into 5 doses of 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese, washed down with a mixture of 0.5 liters of milk with 0.5 liters of infusion of 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers;

    Day 3 - divide into 5 receptions 300 g of oatmeal, pre-poured overnight with water, washed down with an infusion of 1 tsp. chamomile flowers in a glass of boiling water;

    Day 4 - divide into 5 receptions buckwheat porridge cooked from 200 g of cereals, wash down with an infusion of St. John's wort from 200 ml of boiling water and 1 tsp. herbs with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

    Day 5 - Divide 1.5 - 2 kg of raw apples into 5 meals. Half an hour before eating apples, drink rosehip infusion for 10 - 12 hours.


You should not follow the diet for pregnant women, people with allergies, patients with liver and kidney pathologies.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after NI Pirogov with a degree in General Medicine (2004). Residency at Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

You always want to get rid of extra pounds faster. First, because dieting for a long time is boring and tiring. Secondly, because they often think seriously about losing weight at the moment when you need to look good now. And the goal, as a rule, is not a modest 1-2 kilograms, but 3-5 (sometimes more). There are many ways to quickly lose weight by 5 kg; you can achieve such a result even in a week. But is it worth doing and how will such a rate of weight loss affect health?

Often it is women who are looking for ways to urgently lose 5 kg per week. Can you guess why? Because it will allow you to fit into your favorite dress or last year's jeans. Having lost five kilograms, the body decreases in volume by about a size. Although this rule does not always work.

The problem is that 5 kilograms is an absolute value, and doctors advise evaluating the results of losing weight as a percentage, relative to the initial body weight.

A safe rate of weight loss is considered to be no more than 1% per week. With a weight of 100 kg, this is about 5 kg per month. Losing 5 kg in a week can be considered extreme, and any extreme is a threat to health.

A little more math. Nutritionists have calculated that in order to get rid of just one kilogram of fat, it is necessary to create a deficit of 7000 calories. If you multiply them by 5, you get 35,000 kcal, with an average daily intake of about 2,000. How many days do you need not to eat at all and still sweat in the gym to lose 5 kg in 5 days, as some newfangled diets promise? And how is such a result achieved when some still manage to achieve such a goal?

Dangerous for health

As you already understood, you can quickly lose 5 kg in a week, if you really want to. But such weight loss has nothing to do with burning fat. Getting rid of such an amount of fat in 7 days is unrealistic! So what happens in the body when we starve or go on extreme diets, and what goes away with the weight? The answers to these questions will definitely not please you!

Therefore, before you say to yourself: “I want to lose 5 kg in 7 days!”, Think about the consequences and really assess your capabilities. It is very difficult to maintain the obtained result, as well as to rebalance the organism, upset by the strongest stress.

Slimming methods

Are there healthier ways to lose 5 kg in a week? With a fair amount of skepticism, these include fasting, extreme diets, and strenuous exercise. Moreover, these methods must be used with great care, constantly monitoring your own well-being. If it deteriorates sharply, extreme weight loss must be stopped urgently!


It is possible and necessary to use fasting to unload the digestive system. But in order to lose weight by 5 kg within a week, you will have to give up food for at least three days, and completely - fasting is carried out only on pure still water or unsweetened green tea.

Ideally, these days should follow in a row. But for an unprepared organism, this is too much stress. Therefore, as an option, you can alternate the vegetarian day during the week. In total, we get three hungry days and four vegetarian days. For three days spent without food, it takes about the same amount of kilograms, and the other two are lost during vegetarian days.

Whichever of the fasting options you choose, about a week before it, you need to give up too fatty and fried foods and reduce the amount of meat consumed. This is necessary in order to relieve the liver and kidneys, which are subject to an increased load during fasting.

If you managed to lose weight in 3 days, you need to return to your usual diet in the same way - gradually adding familiar foods to the menu. You can practice such hunger strikes no more than once within two to three months.

Extreme diets

For those who are not ready to completely give up food, even for the sake of quickly gaining harmony, softer methods are suitable, how to lose 5 kg in just a week. Nutritionists call them "extreme diets." And this is no coincidence: abrupt changes and severe restrictions on the usual diet are the strongest stress for the body, which not everyone can easily tolerate.

Any express diet is actually a mono diet or a combination of several types of mono diets. This is the secret of their effectiveness, this is also their main disadvantage - in seven days a deficit is created not only in calories, but also in valuable nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the body.

On the seventh day, almost everyone notes a significant deterioration in general health and other signs of vitamin deficiency: pallor, weakness, dizziness, dry skin.

The most popular express diets are:

Features and detailed diets for each of these diets can be easily found on the Internet. And at the same time, find out about contraindications, the list of which is quite long.

But the most difficult thing is not to sit for a week on the chosen diet, but to maintain the result achieved in this way. For seven days of malnutrition, metabolic processes have time to slow down and a return to the usual portion sizes will immediately affect the figure.

Physical exercises

Without making major changes to your usual diet and sports, you will not be able to quickly lose weight. And for those who want to lose 5 kg per week, exercise should be done with great care. Training on a low-calorie diet greatly overloads the body and can lead to dizziness, tachycardia, and injury.

The other extreme is no less harmful - when people who have not been involved in sports before suddenly begin to train for hours in the gym, forcing the body to work hard. Already on the second day, such would-be athletes are in for an extremely unpleasant surprise - the strongest dizziness, muscle spasms, and often sprains.

But the saddest thing is that incorrectly chosen loads lead to a set of muscle mass, and not to a loss of fat.

Fat is quickly burned with regular aerobic exercise, the intensity and duration of which gradually increases. With their help, you can lose 5 kg in about a month or a little more. But on the other hand, this will be a real reduction in fat reserves, and not a formal short-term result.


An extreme weight loss regimen is categorically contraindicated for people with:

  • hypertension and / or diabetes of 2-3 degrees;
  • any diseases of the digestive system;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • oncological and autoimmune diseases.

In no case should pregnant women and nursing mothers lose weight, especially so rapidly. You should not expose the body to such tests if you have recently suffered serious injuries or surgeries - first you need to give it the opportunity to fully recover.

Fast weight loss techniques will be ineffective for those who have metabolic disorders - they will have to solve the main problem first.

Optimal mode

But it's best not to initially set goals such as losing 5 kg in just a week. If you already have not kept track of your own body and gained a lot of excess, do not make it suffer even more, trying to bring the weight back to normal as soon as possible. It is better to listen to the advice of nutritionists and lose weight gradually, keeping within the norm acceptable for the body:

At this rate of weight loss, the body has time to adapt to new conditions, and metabolic processes do not slow down. This means that immediately after the end of the diet, the weight will not return back, as after express weight loss.

Important! Intense physical activity is contraindicated in people with a large overweight. But for them, it is quite possible to lose 5 kg in two weeks on the principles of a healthy diet, which is better to learn about from a nutritionist.

Extra pounds on the body always cause a lot of problems. They are recruited very quickly, but discarded with great difficulty, which is why few can cope with this task. The dress is small, the trousers cannot be pulled on the legs, the blouse is not fastened - this is only a small part of the problems that people face after gaining weight. And at one turning point in the head there are clear words "enough, you need to do something", because further the weight will be even more.

Therefore, the first step is to find for yourself the best way to lose weight, which will not harm and improve your well-being. Below is a quick weight loss in just five days. Such dietary food will not be harmful to the body and will help remove toxins.

Just a week for weight loss, rules

Is it possible to lose 5 kg in a week, but avoid fasting and hard training? Of course yes. A week is a very short time, so great physical activity, breathing exercises, a correct daily routine and other methods will not give a visible result.

The only and correct solution to this problem is to observe a certain diet. There are many charts for building proper nutrition, so everyone chooses their own diet.

To find out how to lose 5 kg in a week, you must adhere to four basic rules, namely:

  • Choose a diet that contains foods you are used to. It is forbidden to switch to very meager, monotonous diets, as they harm a person.
  • The new meal schedule should not be completely opposite to the previous one. You don't need to test your willpower for strength.
  • Realistically assess your capabilities, because you will not be able to lose 20 kg in just a week. Very often, with such a quick loss of extra pounds, they quickly return.
  • The diet should be selected in such a way that excess weight does not return again. After losing weight, do not stop and stick to a healthy diet at all times.

We use a mono diet

Quite a difficult way to lose weight, which not everyone can withstand. This diet is psychologically difficult as only one product is used. But if you need an effective diet that will help you lose 5 kg per week, then this is not a bad option. Its very often

are used by artists who need to bring themselves back to normal in the shortest possible time, or get better again. In this case, a person eats only one product for a week. Therefore, it is better to immediately tune in to it as a medicine and endure it for 7 days. There are two main foods that are suitable for this diet.

Kefir diet

The kefir diet is considered the toughest, so strong, strong-willed people choose it. If you stick to it, then one kilogram per day goes away. The essence of the diet is to drink 1.5 liters of kefir every day. As an additional snack, you can choose cottage cheese, baked potatoes, fruits, chicken breast. Only one product is selected and can be added for the first 5 days. On the 6th day, you can only drink water and kefir.

Buckwheat diet

The second version of the mono-diet is the use of steamed buckwheat. To do this, rinse the buckwheat well and pour boiling water over it, leaving it for one night. There are no restrictions on the use of steamed buckwheat, but it is advisable to eat it in small portions six times a day, the last intake of the product three hours before bedtime, that is, until 21 or 22 hours.

It is allowed to drink low-fat kefir during the week, preferably with 0% fat, maximum 1 liter per day. Kefir can be replaced with green apples, a maximum of three pieces per day.

Low-calorie diets

To lose 5 kg per week without exercising, you can use a diet that has a minimum calorie content. That is, the body begins to take energy from its internal reserves, which have been accumulating over the years, reducing excess weight. People call such a diet hungry. What is the essence of the diet?

Of course, there must be proper nutrition and adherence to the rules. For example, the norm of a common dish for women should not exceed 200 grams, and for men 300 grams, meals six times a day. According to the calories of consumed products, for women: 1300 kcal, and for men 1700 kcal. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Weekly diets - we get a beautiful figure in just 7 days

At its core, the weekly diet is similar to any express weight loss method. Of course, a person greatly restricts himself in his favorite food, but on the other hand, he gets rid of the hated kilograms and acquires a beautiful figure in just a week. To achieve the result, you need to hold out for 7-10 days of the diet.

Lemonade-kefir diet

The day begins with breakfast, for which a special lemonade should be prepared. To do this, juice is squeezed out of two pieces of lemon and 250 ml of water is added to it. It is forbidden to add honey or sugar to the drink.

  • Half an hour before breakfast, you should drink a glass of this lemonade.
  • Then you can eat a salad made from such products: apple, pear, tangerine, orange. The salad is seasoned with yogurt with a minimum fat content, that is, no more than 2%.
  • For lunch, you can eat fresh fruits or vegetables, but potatoes should be excluded. It is forbidden to salt food. If desired, season the vegetable salad with olive oil and lemon juice. Portions should not be large, so you should put troubles on a medium-sized plate.
  • You can drink low-fat kefir throughout the day.
  • Dinner starts at 18-19 hours. The ideal option is not sweet green tea, or a little fruit salad. This lemonade-kefir diet gives excellent results in shedding extra pounds in just a few days. It is very important to switch to proper nutrition correctly, without causing much stress to the body.

Buckwheat diet

If extreme weight loss and diets did not work, then you should use a strict buckwheat diet, thanks to which you can really lose 5 kg in seven days. After all, buckwheat is the most suitable product for burning fat.

It provides saturation and cleanses the body, removing toxins from it. To do this, boil buckwheat porridge in water and eat it 3-4 times a day in small portions. Zero fat cottage cheese is used as one additional product. An obligatory rule is that porridge cannot be seasoned with salt and spices.

The second version of the buckwheat diet is steaming buckwheat overnight. In the morning, kefir is poured into it and eaten. Such dishes are consumed during the day. Do not add oil, sugar, salt and spices. Bread is strictly forbidden to eat.

You can drink low-fat kefir throughout the day, but not more than 1.5 liters per day. Thanks to this effective diet, you can lose five or more kilograms in just a week. And if the first two days of such a diet went well, then you can continue it for 10 days, and then repeat it in a month. Additional foods and drinks cannot be added to this diet, alcohol is prohibited.

Five steps to losing weight without dieting

Fitness and physical education

Any physical activity has a positive effect on overweight. Therefore, learn one main rule - you need to run every morning. Of course, at first it will be very difficult, excuses will appear: bad weather, a headache, no time, a bad mood - all this needs to be thrown out of the head.

After all, you can lose 5 kg without dieting and other torture. Conquer your laziness and run every morning. In literally three weeks your body will get used to it, and you will easily run several kilometers, and your kilograms will melt before your eyes.

As an alternative method, classes in a fitness club are suitable, which are selected for a person on an individual basis. Despite the fact that fitness shows excellent results in the fight against excess weight, it has certain contraindications.


If you have health problems, then you should be careful with physical activity. But even in this case, you can find a solution to the problem, because in case of any disease, the doctor can allow special complexes of physical education that will help to lose weight and improve health.

Positive attitude

How to lose 5 kg in a week and remove the stomach? Regardless of what is used - physical education or a protein diet, a person must be positive, since this is half of his success. All of our results lie in the head, as they depend on thoughts, mood, motivation.

Therefore, if a person is serious about losing weight, then meat, cakes and sugary drinks will not be able to stop him on the way to his goal.

To do this, you need to create a suitable mental form for yourself, that is, an image of your future ideal figure. And in the most difficult moment, when you are on the verge of breaking down, imagine yourself slim, beautiful, in a chic outfit in your mind. After such motivation, the desire to eat a piece of meat, bacon or cutlets will immediately disappear. Believe in yourself and your body will not let you down.

Rational nutrition for every day

The first thing to start losing weight is to revise your diet. Eliminate all fried foods, fast food, desserts, cakes, bacon and fatty meats from your diet. Give preference to lean boiled meat, vegetables and fruits. Make berry jelly and fruit smoothies for breakfast.

Your daily menu should include berries, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

In order not to forget anything and not to abandon your body, hang a list of foods by the glycemic index on the refrigerator. For example, the higher this index, the more dangerous this product is for the figure. Constantly monitor the index of products, choosing the right ones.

Ban on fat burning drugs

Many have seen pharmacy ads for effective fat burning drugs, pills, powders, dietary supplements, and more. Supposedly these miraculous teas, tablets, coffee drinks and powders give excellent results. According to their manufacturers, a person does not need to go to the gym, but you can eat anything and as much as you want.

Just a dream, not a pill. However, in reality, all these drugs become the beginning of the development of dangerous diseases, as they can destroy the liver, disrupt metabolism and cause malfunctions in the body. Diarrhea and abdominal pain are only minimal symptoms of these drugs. Therefore, never buy a miracle fast weight loss pill.

Cosmetics, all pros and cons

If you need to lose 5 kg and get rid of cellulite, then the first thing to start with is proper nutrition and exercise that will tighten the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, abdomen and other parts of the body. All kinds of cosmetic gels, scrubs, masks and wraps will not reduce your volume, and your skin will not become smooth. All this money wasted. It is better to purchase a gym membership for this amount and slowly watch how a full figure turns into a slim and fit body.

Most often, they resort to special weekly diets. All of them can be conditionally divided into three types:


Hungry diets;

Protein diets.

Diets of the first group are associated with the consumption of any one product. These include weight loss programs based on daily drinking a liter of kefir, eating a kilogram of apples, a plate of buckwheat and other products. However, despite the rapid weight loss, such weekly unloading is not only not effective enough, but also often dangerous for the body. Due to limited nutrition, the body may not receive a large amount of important trace elements and minerals that it needs every day. In addition, not everyone can survive seven days of consuming one product.

The second type of diet is based on a sharp decrease in the level of calorie intake to 800-1000 kcal per day or less. At the same time, for a healthy woman, depending on the initial body weight, age, lifestyle, at least 2400 kcal is needed. Hungry diets stress the body by acting too aggressively. Fat does start to burn quickly enough, but when you return to your normal diet, you can notice the same accelerated weight gain.

Many doctors recognize protein food as one of the best types of diets. The protein diet regimen provides for limiting the use of carbohydrates: not only fast ones (sugar, starchy foods) that are harmful to the figure, but also healthy slow ones (vegetables, fruits). Meals for a week can consist of egg proteins, fish, cottage cheese, lean poultry meat.

The advantages of a protein diet are a quick plummet of kilograms, a lower risk of losing muscle mass, and long-term preservation of the achieved results. The protein diet also has significant drawbacks. These include an increased risk of constipation, bad breath, and heavy stress on the kidneys due to water loss.

How to properly lose 5 kg in a week

To lose 5 kg quickly within one or two weeks, it is best to skip strict diets. Cleansing the body of toxins and proper nutrition will come to the rescue.

Oat bran and vegetable salads will help to effectively cleanse the intestines. The first course can be eaten for breakfast, and the second, in addition to meat or poultry, for lunch and dinner.

To prepare porridge for weight loss from oat bran, you need 3-5 tablespoons of chopped flakes, pour boiling water for twenty minutes, and then drain the excess water. You can add berries and fruits to such porridge, as well as several nuts.

A salad to cleanse the digestive system can be made with large carrots, green apples and beets. All ingredients must be grated fresh, seasoned with a spoonful of lemon juice and olive oil.

Another variant of panicle salad can consist of a stalk of celery and fresh cucumber with herbs, vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Cleansing the body of toxins will allow you to remove from 3 to 5 kg of excess weight in the first few days without much effort. However, it is almost impossible to achieve serious results without proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition is not a diet. With this, the result is achieved more slowly, but the body does not experience stress, and the result is fixed for a long time.

Proper nutrition means that the body receives the optimal amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Nutritionists have concluded that this ratio should be approximately 2: 4: 1.

If you want to lose 5 kg in a week, you need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition:

1. You need to eat food at least 5-6 times a day in small portions. Small snacks should be arranged between breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can include several nuts, a glass of kefir or yogurt, an apple or citrus.

2. It is necessary to observe the optimal amount of calorie intake, which is calculated individually depending on the lifestyle, weight, gender, age. In order not to harm the body, this level cannot be reduced below 1200-1400 kcal.

3. Food should be not only moderate, but also varied, rich in minerals and vitamins. Most of all you should consume vegetables and fruits.

4. In the morning, you can eat more carbohydrate foods (cereals, fruits), in the evening - protein foods (fish, poultry, low-fat cottage cheese or kefir).

5. Avoid animal fats (fatty meat, fish), flour, sweet, fried, canned. Bread can be replaced with whole grain, sugar with honey, salt with natural spices.

6. Drinking alcohol should be kept to a minimum.

Is it possible to lose 5 kg in a week with exercise

Various exercises can be used to lose 5 kg in two weeks or less. Calorie restriction cardio workouts will help you burn excess fat more efficiently, and strength training will tighten your muscles, which will visually help you achieve beauty and harmony.

However, daily grueling exercise in the gym will not help if you do not adhere to the principles of good nutrition.

To consolidate and increase the effectiveness of weight loss, you can also use cosmetic procedures. Among them, honey massages, body wraps, salt and soda baths should be noted separately. If you want to know how to lose weight by 5 kg per week with the help of cosmetics, contact your beautician and massage therapist.