Full information on the date of birth. What tree did you fall from by date of birth

G The Druid oroscope, sometimes also called the Gallic horoscope, is more than two thousand years old.
In addition to the horoscope, we also owe the druids the custom of the New Year tree. Little is known about them. In ancient Gaul, Ireland and Britain, they constituted a closed caste of priests who inherited the traditional beliefs and rituals of the Celts. Passed over the centuries by word of mouth, these traditions are largely lost to us.

Before starting their Kaplan activities, the Druids were required to spend twenty years in solitude. Usually they lived in the forest, which was sacred to them. This test was to strengthen their character and was considered the first stage of initiation.

The highest category was made up of priests who enjoyed the glory of sorcerers. They established a calendar with happy days for the tribes and were revered as guardians of the past, as well as predictors of the future.
Druids attached great importance to the forest, trees, among which they had to live. Hence, obviously, the connection they carry out between human characters and trees. They argued that each person, like a tree, has its own specific traits, advantages and disadvantages. Each one requires certain living conditions.

The Druids attached great importance to the winter and summer opposition of the Sun, the spring or summer equinox. On these days they organized solemn processions and sacrificed white bulls. In general, the position of the Sun relative to the Earth serves as the basis for their horoscope. In accordance with it, the fate of a person, his future, character and abilities depend on the removal of the Sun from the Earth on his birthday. Therefore, each sign has two periods of action.

Apple tree: December 22 - January 1, June 25 - July 4.
Fir: January 2 - January 11, July 5 - July 14.
Elm: January 12 - January 24, July 15 - July 25.
Cypress: January 25 - February 3, July 28 - August 4.
Poplar: February 4 - February 8, August 5 - August 13.
Kartas: February 9 - February 18, August 14 - August 23.
Pine: February 19 - February 28/29, August 24 - September 2.
Willow: March 1 - March 10, September 3 - September 12.
Linden: March 11 - March 20, September 13 - September 23.
Hazel: March 22 - March 31, September 24 - October 3.
Rowan: April 1 - April 10, October 4 - October 13.
Maple: April 11 - April 20, October 14 - October 23.
Walnut: April 21 - April 30, October 24 - November 2.
Jasmine: May 1 - May 14, November 3 - November 11.
Chestnut: May 15 - May 24, November 12 - November 21.
Ash: May 25 - June 3, November 22 -. December 1.
Hornbeam: June 4 - June 13, December 2 - December 11.
Figs: June 14 - June 23, December 12 - December 21.
Oak: March 21 - the vernal equinox.
Birch: June 24 - Summer Confrontation.
Olive: September 23rd - autumnal equinox.
Beech: December 21-22 - winter confrontation.

(23.12-01.01; 25.06-04.07)
She is rarely tall, pleasing to the eye, there is a lot of cute in her, well-built, a lot of charm and cordiality. Inspires the idea of ​​love, even when she herself does not think about it (which rarely happens).
APPLE is a very sentimental and sensitive tree. Love interests her both theoretically and, of course, and practically. Often she decides to marry without feeling great feelings for her partner (APPLE is a very versatile tree), but this does not mean a final rejection of love and feelings.
If she accidentally meets a partner that matches her spirit and taste, then their marriage will be bliss. The apple tree is always faithful in love (both in free and in marriage) until a late age.
Unselfish, imprudent, easily deceived. Give me my own shirt, share my last piece of bread. With all this, however, APPLE is not a simpleton. Not thinking about tomorrow, she lives from day to day, sometimes makes debts and forgets about them, which is generally natural for her. She is a philosopher full of fantasy, enjoying life and not wanting to surprise or convince anyone.
Do not mistake her, however, for a frivolous being. Intelligent, thoughtful and logical, APPLE-tree has a penchant for science. Reads everything related to the area of ​​interest to her. The amount of her knowledge is surprisingly large, but she does not try to amaze anyone, she just reads everything in order to satisfy her curiosity. Scientific theories,.
Loves variety in the emotional sphere. Monotonous happiness without flaw is boring. You should know that this spontaneous girl or handsome guy likes to complicate things in her life from time to time.
Traits of those born under the sign of the APPLE-tree: cordiality, intellectuality, thoughtfulness, logic, analytical mind.
Under the sign of the APPLE were born: Rubens, Henry VIII, Rousseau, Georges Sand, M. Nexe.

(02.01-11.01; 05.07-14.07)
She is rather beautiful with cold, austere beauty, loves old jewelry, as well as dimmed lamps, the smell of perfume, old things and celebrations full of grandeur. She is capricious, and not always easy in communication and life together. A sense of isolation is developed, so he often feels lonely, even in a large team. It lends itself little to outside influence, but rarely expresses its opinion, does not differ in great talkativeness and gaiety. She is very proud, persistent in achieving her goals.
In love, she is rarely satisfied. Demanding and not accommodating. She always wants to get a lot from life, because she knows about her merits, and she usually succeeds. She also happens to fall in love without memory, and then her whole world is wrecked. Her love can be limitless.
She is exceptionally smart, has analytical skills, scientific inclinations, but does not always achieve success. It happens that she works in a field that has nothing to do with her inclinations and specialty.
He takes work seriously and reaches certain heights with conscientiousness and scrupulousness.
Confronted with a choice, among the various decisions she usually chooses the most difficult. Creation of difficult situations for herself and others is, in fact, her vocation.
Noble, no matter what happens - you can rely on her entirely. In any situation, he knows how not to lose his presence of mind, hope and faith. FIR is above the little things. She is picky and prefers satisfaction to large ones over small pleasures. Traits of those born under the sign of FIR: an intellectual mindset, a tendency to analyze, logic, asceticism.
Born under the sign of FIR: Jeanne d "Ark, A. Tolstoy, J. Galsworthy, Napoleon Bonaparte.

(12.01-24.01; 15.07-25.07)
Big, slender, beautiful. Very attractive to those around him, but has something of a deterrent in himself. Not too much, however, looks after himself, dresses with some simplicity, often cannot part with his old favorite sweater.
ELM is not pretentious and does not like to complicate its life. They are characterized by calmness and poise. The most notable drawback is slowness. The inclination to moralize is the most unbearable trait.
Straightforward and open, disarms with generosity. Believes in human kindness. The cause that he defends is always noble, and he believes that sooner or later he will achieve recognition. Failures are harder than others. He knows how to do a lot for the benefit of his loved ones, has a developed sense of responsibility.
In feelings he is passionate, maybe even ardent. If his choice is successful, he will be able to create conditions for love in his house to survive the diamond wedding.
Likes to lead and to a much lesser extent - to obey. Influences others and often uses his influence. Skillful in managing people. His demands are as great as the love he gives himself.
Treat him patiently, he is worth it. Knows how to be very devoted. Has a sound mind and skillful hands. Differs in a lively mind, specific and practical. He has a sense of humor and often this feeling saves him in moments of disappointment.
His life will be pleasant and without any upheavals, that is, the way he wishes for himself.
Traits of those born under the ELM sign: observation, organizational skills, realism.
Under the sign of ELM were born: Moliere, Edgar Poe, Albert Schweitzer, Stendhal.

(25.01-03.02; 26.07-04.08)
Slender, strong, with a chiseled strong silhouette and simple, regular features. It is not devoid of sophistication, but there is something in it from a person unspoiled by civilization. Satisfied with little and adapts to the situation. Can live in any conditions and be happy at the same time. It quickly reaches maturity and independence.
Does not attach importance to success in life, does not pursue fame, money. The only thing he wants is to be happy. Avoids everything that would pose problems to him. Loves summer walks, animals and hunting. This can be seen in a boat, thinking about a fishing rod. And, despite this, he does not like being alone. He tries to arrange his life in such a way as to be among a large family or (from a young age) in a constant company of friends. Not sentimental. Most often, a somewhat rude, but not devoid of spiritual warmth person; harsh, but at the same time calm. Pleasant in society. His presence is soothing.
KIPARIS loves to dream and, rather, lets himself be carried by the course of life, than organizes it. Immersed in dreams, thoughts are always somewhere else. Avoids heated discussions regardless of the subject of the dispute. Actually, the elasticity of his character is what they are looking for in him. Out of reach in our loyalty. He is faithful to his love, friendship, memories, and if he gives someone feeling, then you can not hesitate to turn to him for help.
His intelligence is speculative. Favorite hobby - reasoning on any topic. Judgments are thought out and sensible.
His life most often flows calmly and evenly among those whom he loves.
Traits of those born under the sign of KIPARIS: constancy of feeling, loyalty, reflexivity, intelligence, analytical mind, logic.
Born under the sign of KIPARIS: Schubert, Mozart, Romain Rolland, Roosevelt, Louis Armstrong.

(04.02-08.02; 05.08-13.08)
Decorativeness, harmony and beauty from early youth. Over the years, however, he creates problems for himself. He is very sensitive to the passage of time, begins to be afraid of old age too early, from this fear he grows old even more. Only a good influence of others can help, so you need to carefully choose the people with whom you have to communicate.
It is also necessary to be careful when changing the place of residence: not every environment is conducive to the development of POPLAR. POPLAR feels bad in cramped conditions, but does not like to live apart. Feels the need for comrades, but suffers from being surrounded by persons not chosen by him. He is very sensitive to the infringement of freedom and easily falls into pessimism. He tries not to show it, but cannot mislead anyone for a long time.
His love is sensitive to the slightest nuisance and even the smallest things can throw him off balance. At times he is touched by himself, but more often he manages to hide it, and in this reticence he finds a kind of pleasure.
Courage and pride help him tackle the most difficult tasks, and you rarely see concern on his face. Those who know him little often mistake him for a cheerful and calm person.
He is not a materialist, he has a penchant for altruism. At the same time, it is superbly organized and does not forget about the future. In marriage - difficult happiness, too sensitive and too independent. His weapon in marital clashes is indifference, complemented by a smile and a joke. If he cannot do otherwise, he has a tendency to behave hostilely towards his partner.
He has a subtle innate mind that does not age at all. His discernment and critical mindset can even sometimes influence his ambition. A lot of POPLES are found among doctors.
Traits of those born under the sign of POPLAR: the need for independence, a tendency to neurasthenia, dreaminess and synthesis, intuition and fantasy.
Born under the sign of POPL: Mendeleev, Jules Berne, A. Hitchcock, Salvador Dali.

(09.02-18.02; 14.08-23.08)
Sprawling, powerful and, although not very slender, gives the impression of a solid and beautiful plant. Easily adapts to all conditions. True, he also dreams of amenities, but if necessary, he can spend the night in the open air. Has good health. Everywhere he feels at home and does not know what shyness is. Dynamic, confident, makes him reckon with himself, at the same time he is very sensitive to jokes about his person and does not really understand them.
Likes to amaze, take by surprise, be the center of everyone's attention, ready for any sacrifice to achieve this. He believes that it is he who must make decisions and pronounce the decisive word. Solves the most difficult questions brilliantly. He does not know danger, is inconsiderate and has the gift of getting involved in unforeseen situations. Fortunately, however, he knows how to easily get out of them. Proud, proud, straightforward, at the same time an incorrigible optimist, which often leads to careless actions both in business and in personal life. Has a nature prone to excesses. With apparent independence, he is inclined to succumb to outside influences. It happens that, guided by an experienced hand, it becomes a weapon of someone else's will. Among the KARTAS there are many heroes, but there are also many martyrs.
Subjected to other people's influences, he himself also has the ability to influence others. Has a stimulating effect on others. She is very persistent and belongs to those who are always right.
Sensitive, receptive and sentimental - he can become attached forever and perceive this love with a capital letter. The rest is perceived as a pleasant and devoid of much value way of spending time. Intelligent, and has the ability to synthesized perception of problems. The speed with which he thinks and makes decisions is amazing. Often shows a penchant for artistry, mainly in the field of music. In any case, he has a great sense of rhythm. Born for adventure, he usually leads an active and varied work life. Traits of those born under the sign of KARTAS: impulsiveness, optimism, intelligence, the ability to deduce.
Born under the sign of KARTAS: Galileo, Brecht, Darwin, Kosciuszko, Goethe, Gleuren.

(19.02-28/29.02; 24.08-02.09)
Refined silhouette, beautiful, decorative. Knows how to emphasize their merits. Loves home, valuable items, beautiful interior. Often that sweet home, without which she could not develop, she creates for herself. They say that she knows what she wants, that she does not allow herself to be carried by the will of the waves, that what life itself gives is not enough for her. There is nothing submissive in her, she is able to plan and subordinate conditions to her needs.
She is brave, meets resistance with her head raised and does not allow bad luck to overcome her. Thanks to courage and the ability to take risks, he always goes ahead. In work, she is able to be successful, regardless of the type of activity that she chooses.
PINE is distinguished by persistence with which it follows the chosen path and from which it is difficult to knock it down. Knows how to get out of the most difficult situation. Very fast and accurate in action.
Despite her friendliness and the ability to be a nice friend, there is no unnecessary complexity and generosity in her. Your own well-being and convenience comes first. The failures of others do not drive sleep from her eyelids, although it happens that she mentions them with sympathy in friendly conversations. Only in one thing does he show weakness - in love. Sensual and impulsive - easily carried away, and then it is too late.
With all this, he has a penetrating mind and well-ordered thinking, he is a good organizer. Knows how to make the necessary efforts to achieve the goals and, as a rule, achieves them. He knows how to get out of any, even love, troubles with honor. The PINE sign is extremely female-friendly.
Traits of those born under the sign of PINE: aesthetic mind, organizational skills, a tendency to analyze.
Under the sign of PINE were born: Copernicus, Washington, Chopin, Schopenhauer, Caruso, Elizabeth Taylor, Confucius, Napoleon's mother.

(01.03-10.03; 03.09-12.09)
With its singing melancholic beauty, IVA is very attractive and original. Even if only the appearance determines the basis of her charm (especially if the IVA is a woman), you feel something mysterious in her. She is full of vague thoughts, unconscious desires, which sometimes she herself cannot define.
She is very sensitive, loves the warmth of the sun, being near the water. Reacts to all odors and tastes. Like no one else, he can use momentary joys and does not deny himself any of them. One should not believe the outward meekness of the Willow. Despite her, she is businesslike and decisive, knows well what she wants. She never imposes anything on anyone, since she has a developed sense of respect for others and has no desire to command.
There is something of a poet in it. Her melancholic maxims about the approaching autumn and fast-paced life should not be taken too seriously and considered a manifestation of pessimism. IVA can be a very difficult partner, as it does not have the ability to quickly adapt and does not like compromises.
Her defenselessness and helplessness are often only tactics. Sometimes for fun, and sometimes for personal gain, she brilliantly knows how to play a weak creature out of herself. In general, in life he knows how to defend himself perfectly.
In feelings, she is more romantic than sentimental. Loves sensual pleasures, brings a poetic coloring to them. IVA does not like everyday, colorless feelings. She has artistic ability, intuition and a rich imagination. Sometimes she is a good psychologist, which, with a certain insight, allows her to guess other people's thoughts and desires. Her life could have flowed completely calmly, if not for the excessive attraction to love suffering. However, one should not take her sting seriously: feelings that are not embellished with suffering are not appreciated by her.
Traits of those born under the sign of Willow: intuition, rich imagination.
Born under the sign of IVA: Smetana, Elizabeth I (English), Maurice Chevalier.

(11.03-20.03; 13.09-22.09)
She is incredibly charming and knows how to use her charm. It can turn everyone's head. She dreams of a stable, secured, full of comfort life and often does not realize that all this does not matter much to her. It easily adapts to any conditions. It is enough for her to have a tent to create an atmosphere of home comfort. Calm in appearance and even somewhat weak-willed, silent, fearful, at the same time serene and pessimistic. LIPA often goes through life with a feeling of boredom. This is her main enemy.
Sometimes unstable, especially sensitive to flattery. Full of contradictions, very difficult to decipher. One thing is certain about her: she is very pretty. It is very pleasant and easy to communicate with her, there is a feeling of mental comfort. LIPA patiently listens to the interlocutor, respects his neighbors, does not seek to command them. Everyone loves her very much, even when you can't really rely on her.
Has a practical mindset, apt for technique, resourceful and accurate. If he meets a soul mate on the path of life, conjugal love can restore her balance, relieve her of contradictions. At the same time, he has a highly developed sense of his own dignity. Sometimes she is jealous, often for no reason.
Traits of those born under the sign of LINDEN: observation, realism, organizational skills.
Born under the sign of LINDEN: A. Einstein, Louis XIV.

(22.03-31.03; 24.09-03.10)
Often weak, inconspicuous. Does not impose his "I" on the opinion of others. But if you get to know him better, then it is impossible not to succumb to the charm that he radiates, not to see his original mind.
HAZEL is content with little, adapts to all possible living conditions and understands everything. His appearance produces an almost magical effect. If he wants, he can like him, knows how to make him love himself. He knows how to be kind, wise, patient, but he can also be dangerous, evil, harmful. Everything in him is witchcraft - white or black, depending on his momentary mood or his own whim. Without a trace of good or sophisticatedly evil - such is the HAZARD, and not without reason people born under this sign were often accused of witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Having tied the sewing to someone, he will do everything to make his life easier. But be careful if you don't win his sympathy.
Despite modesty and restraint, she never goes unnoticed. Extremely original, unlike anyone else, he interprets life differently than everyone else, and sometimes - “in spite of”.
Even when he is loved, he awakens a sense of anxiety. He is able to guess the most intimate thoughts, come up with unexpected proposals, acts in such a way that one can expect everything from him. He is very unbalanced, he can be very proactive, or he can leave everything and go with the flow. He is aware of this, even if he pretends to be a very prudent person.
In love, it can be the most beloved or most painful partner. Susceptible to rapid mood swings. Take it if you are not afraid of risk. If living together with him does not bring peace, it will be very exciting.
He has versatile knowledge, learns and comprehends everything unusually quickly and easily. But it depends only on his goodwill whether he will apply his knowledge usefully and completely.
Traits of those born under the sign of HAZEL: a tendency to synthesis, intuition, fantasy.
Under the sign of HAZEL were born: Toscanini, Marcel Marceau, Raphael, Goya, Van Gogh, Haydn, Prosper Merimee, Graham Greene, Nelson, Sophia Loren, Cervantes.

(01.04-10.04; 04.10-13.10)
An unusually persistent nature is hidden behind a fragile appearance. She is sweet and charming, and you can judge and recognize her from afar by her easy gait. The smile almost never leaves her face, not so much because of inner gaiety, but because of self-control. He knows how to emphasize his own merits, likes to dress well. Good taste.
Quickly gets used to changes in the environment. Likes to bring joy to others, even to the detriment of himself. Not selfish, but somewhat self-centered. Independent, but sometimes allows you to put yourself in a dependent position. He strives, however, to live an independent life. A great sense of responsibility makes her feel guilty about everything that happens (guilt complex). Contacts with her are difficult and relationships are difficult. It lacks simplicity.
She is distinguished by sensitivity to external influences, love of beauty, loyalty and friendliness. You can always rely on her. Sometimes she is naive and allows herself to be exploited. In love, it gives a lot, but it also requires a lot. Constantly testing the feeling. She cannot be deceived.
RYABINA will not sell. Her personal life is very rich. Full of worries about tomorrow. She is prudent, which often suggests a marital relationship with her. Very smart and often very effective. It happens that some of his plans do not realize, mired in everyday affairs.
Traits of those born under the sign of ROWAN: sensitivity, intelligence, fantasy, a tendency to synthesis, intuition, imagination.
Under the sign of RYABIN were born: Gogol, Kollontai, Rachmaninov, Andersen, Zola, M. Brando, Gregory Peck, Diderot, Le Corbusier, Verdi.

(11.04-20.04; 14.10-23.10)
Neat, well-groomed, sometimes even a little flirty. It often happens where it is most interesting. Follows fashion. Not an ordinary person. Full of energy and cheerfulness, tireless. MAPLE, as they say, is always on top of the situation. He can be counted among the individualists. Although by nature MAPLE is restrained and timid, he can make the most risky decisions, which are based not so much on a material factor as on a vital interest. Does not like to stay at home, willingly gets to know new people. Has the gift of challenging people to be frank. But one should not be afraid if he told him something - he never condemns other people's actions and does not talk about other people's secrets.
Usually he is full of plans, often unusual, extravagant. He loves all kinds of novelties, enthusiastically defends all sorts of new ideas, but he rarely implements his own projects. This, however, does not prevent him from receiving satisfaction from his wide horizons. There is also a drop of cynicism in him. He does not love or fear public opinion. On the contrary, he likes to be talked about.
In love, he is difficult. It goes on amazing and unforeseen roads. But this does not mean that he will not be able to find happiness if he meets a partner with a similar mindset and taste. The mind is clear and discerning. Despite the fact that he is full of problems, he is not devoid of either imagination or intuition. In a word, the character is multifaceted.
Traits of those born under the sign of MAPLE: a lively character, a sense of humor, the ability to deduce, an analytical mindset.
Born under the sign of MAPLE: Catherine de Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Anatole France, Ch. Chaplin, Lucrezia Borgi, Leopold Stokowski.

(21.04-30.04; 24.10-02.11)
Naturalness in his eyes is not a virtue. He cares about style, subtle and sophisticated manners, in reality, he is just timid. The WALNUT often consists of contradictions, it is capricious, aggressive, selfish. But he is just as hospitable, polite, daring in his plans.
He can be both loyal and loyal, and fickle. It is never known how he will act in a particular case and how to deal with him.
Without any reason, he gives and deprives of his friendship and love. Sometimes he himself loves to suffer and gladly makes others suffer. He must make the situation more difficult. Tormented by the need to manifest his exclusivity, jealous and affable, WALNUT is not distinguished by balance. If you love him or are on friendly terms with him, you will constantly be subject to surprises. Take care of him if you feel that you can resist his influence, otherwise he will completely subordinate you to his will.
In life, he knows how to be a great strategist. He assesses the consequences of his intentions well, decides on very insidious actions, does not allow himself to be restrained by unnecessary remorse. Often captivates others with the speed of action. However, there are also NUTS-QUIETS.
He strives to make his life not ordinary. He is not afraid of risk, does not try to please, does not accept compromises, does not walk the beaten path. The WALNUT has many friends, as well as many enemies. He believes that he can only rely on himself. He takes care of maintaining his own independence and isolation. Sometimes there is a special one that cannot be overlooked and that you have to reckon with.
Traits of those born under the sign of the NUT: decisiveness, observation, organizational skills.
Under the sign of the NUT were born: Kant, Catherine II, Elizabeth II (English), Shakespeare, Paganini, Columbus, Dostoevsky.

(01.05-14.05; 03.11-11.11)
Agile, lively and sociable, attracts to himself with a free and skillful conversation, in addition to his desire, he becomes the center of attention.
Usually it is he who is expected to create a relaxed atmosphere in society. Everyone seems to be balanced, cheerful and without problems in life. Only the closest ones know how, in essence, he is sensitive and capable of being disappointed. Therefore, no matter how hard JASMIN tries to hide it, he is a pessimist from birth.
What is distrustfulness in others turns into prudence and leads to cautious and far-sighted actions.
What others have is suspicion, he has only a deeply hidden reserve. He, like no one else, understands the advantage of diplomacy and the ability to organize harmonious relations with others. Unfortunately, these virtues are less often manifested in his own home. Here he seeks to satisfy his needs for independence. He does not like to feel bound, does not like restrictions, duties depress him, despite the fact that he always obeys the duties of his duty.
A sense of responsibility is not alien to him, but it does not always cause the best mood in him. Married life with JASMINE is not easy. Moreover, he quickly becomes disillusioned and accumulates prejudices. Loves children and feels good with them. Not expecting much from life, he pins great hopes on children. He knows how to explain the most difficult questions to them simply and clearly, does it diligently and judiciously. Children bring him the greatest joy and satisfaction in his life.
JASMINE is not a materialist, but often makes good money. He is not afraid of work, his intelligence and liveliness of thought are highly valued by his superiors.
Traits of those born under the sign of JASMINE: critical mind, intelligence combined with fantasy, intuition.
Born under the sign of JASMINE: Machiavelli, Senkevich, Frost, Martin Luther King.

(15.05-24.05; 12.11-21.11)
CHESTNUT is very beautiful, even decorative, but does not try to conquer others with its attractiveness. Needs space, is full of liveliness and strength. He has an innate sense of justice, any violation of it will be an incentive for him to involuntary protest. He is ready to defend his innocence by any means, regardless of the consequences. Dislikes prudence, all tactical and diplomatic tricks, which often inadvertently turns people against himself. The lack of flexibility in communicating with others leads to the fact that he has a lot of activities and experiences a lot of disappointments, which he thinks for a long time, as he is very impressionable and sensitive.
Despite perseverance and endurance, there is no stubbornness. He knows how to be prudent and prudent, thanks to which he usually has no financial problems. He attaches great importance to the rules of morality and is often inclined towards Puritanism, despite a certain sensitivity. An unexpected attraction in him is the attraction to the comforts of life. Sometimes it gives the impression of being unadapted to life, but this is only a consequence of hostility and lack of trust in oneself and others.
CHESTNUT is too intractable to find mutual understanding, and often enjoys the fame of an unscrupulous person. Perhaps this is due to his addiction to shock others. It requires a lot of love, but he himself can truly love only once, and therefore it is difficult for him to find happiness. The need for love and, at the same time, the fear that he may not be loved, complicates his relationship with a partner. His complexes are manifested in defiant behavior and are often incomprehensible to others.
Mental life is lively and concrete, based on observation. He is gifted, quick and accurate, but has a tendency to daydreaming and philosophical reflections. In his life, a lot depends on the environment. He receives full development of abilities only when he finds sympathy and understanding from his loved ones.
Traits of those born under the sign of CHESTNUT: courage, realism, observation and insight, organizational skills.
Under the sign of CHESTNUT were born: Voltaire, Rousseau, Balzac, Henry Fonda, Pierre Curie, Lomonosov, Stevenson.

(23.05-03.06; 22.11-01.12)
It is a beautiful, powerful tree. Looks good, has a slender silhouette, elegant and free in movement. I like myself. However, it is not easy to live with him all the time. He has a lively character and is very demanding. He strives to be taken care of, thought and lived the way he likes best, to do only what he wants. And since it has a gravitation towards an independent and independent life, not everyone tolerates it well.
Laughs at life's difficulties, which gives the impression of irresponsibility and lack of will. But this is only an appearance. ASH knows very well what he wants, and even better - what he does not want. Proud in everything related to his own success and well-being.
In pursuit of his own happiness, he is so selfish that he can trample everything that interferes with him on the way to the goal. Selfish but not stingy. Generous, shares everything.
This capricious nature in the field of love shows completely different features: it can be circumspect, constant, prudent. Actually, in this area ASH has the greatest success and knows how to choose well, weigh all the pros and cons. His marriage for love is at the same time a marriage of reason. He rarely makes mistakes and makes a lot of efforts to organize family life, and he often succeeds. His mind is based primarily on intuition. Original and full of fantasy. Just like ROWAN, WILLOW and WALNUT, ASH has an extraordinary gift of discernment. Often he likes to play with the prophet, and when his predictions are fulfilled, the glory of his mind and discernment is even more strengthened.
ASH always plays a little with fate. But this tree is reliable, do not be afraid to hide in its shade.
Traits of those born under the sign of ASH: intelligence, desire for synthesis, intuition, fantasy.
Under the sign of ASH were born: de Gaulle, John F. Kennedy, Mark Twain.

(02.12-11.12; 04.06-3.06)
A beautiful tree, but without much charm. From a young age it is often very beautiful, but over time it loses this quality. GRAB treats the world around him with condescension. This is the type of esthete. Its attention is attracted by the form rather than the content. In his personal life, he is primarily interested in his own superiority. Has a pronounced tendency towards discipline and obedience. Loves differences, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. Most of all, he likes to obey the established order and therefore rarely takes the initiative. Making decisions is accompanied by the fear of making a mistake. At the same time, he has a sense of responsibility and justice. He does not like deviations from generally accepted rules, he reluctantly leaves the straight, well-trodden and proven road. And he treats new ideas with caution, at the same time being an opponent of the attitude: "ah, it doesn't matter."
In love, he is distinguished by great decency. He regards feeling as a responsible matter. He makes a sweet and pleasant partner. But if life offers him a choice between love and duty, as a rule, he chooses the latter.
Traits of those born under the sign of GRAB: intellectuality, intuition, fantasy, a tendency to artistry.
Under the sign of GRAB were born: Cornel, Musset, T. Mann, P. Gauguin, A. Khachaturian, Schumann, W. Disney, Maria Stuart, Horace, Robert Koch.

(14.06-23.06; 12.12-21.12)
This tree is delicate with expressive features. Does not possess beauty, but does not go unnoticed. The fig tree is not so much impressionable and with some complexes, it does not always and everywhere feel good. Requires living space and warmth. Fading in adverse conditions. Poorly tolerates difficulties. Becomes sad, overwhelmed with bitterness, dries up.
In such conditions, its security system weakens, and it is necessary to be very careful not to destroy the tree.
Possesses highly developed family feelings. Feels the need for constant contact with his loved ones, even if they are not able to appreciate it and justify his hopes. It has a need for stability, despite the fact that it itself is not very constant in many ways.
The character is emotional and condescending. Sometimes he pays for this with peace of mind and the joys of life, especially since he shows resistance to temptations. Although he is fickle (more often in his thoughts), he tries to clearly fulfill his daily duties. You can rely on him. Works diligently, although at heart he is lazy. Impulsive and full of good intentions, but life passes in a constant struggle with his own weaknesses.
FIG is a realist and is always businesslike and adventurous. This tree is a real treasure for your loved ones. It bears good fruit. Plant it in your garden and take good care of it - you won't regret it. It is one of those with whom it is worth marrying. But do not expect miracles from him, he does not belong to the number of romantic lovers. She values ​​simple feelings higher than "some fantasies." Any tree without complexes that understands it goes well with it. But attention: the FIG TREE is very touchy!
Traits of those born under the sign of FIG: impulsiveness, practical mind, observation, realism, organizational skills.
Under the sign of FIG were born: G. Heine, Beethoven, E. Piaf, B. Brandt, F. Garcia Lorca, Grieg, Stravinsky.

OAK (21.3)
Full of life, strength and beauty, which has nothing fragile in itself. Movements are majestic and full of dignity, awaken respect in people with their solid appearance. He is absolutely healthy, which is very important in his case, since he does not tolerate weakness and illness, and the sight of blood can lead him to faint.
Very courageous, but his courage comes not so much from his spiritual qualities as from excessive pride. He does not want to be considered a coward and, warning acute circumstances, reacts more sharply than required. He is self-controlled and strong-willed, does not have the habit of deviating from a previously made decision and, as a rule, always achieves the set goal. But his intransigence also has bad sides: OAK does not know how to be flexible and his intransigence gives him trouble. I would have achieved a lot if I could have been a diplomat even a little.
He himself is more than independent. He does not tolerate any restrictions and his actions often border on arbitrariness, nevertheless, he respects the opinion and independence of others. He is affable and hospitable, faithful in friendship, but not always so in love. It is a fickle creature, a victim of the next hobbies, confident that "now it is already forever." Marriage can settle down over time.
One who stands firmly on his feet, as if grown into his environment, continues and develops the existing situations. Does not strive for change and with dissatisfaction accepts changes caused by the actions of others. He is a conservative. Despite the fact that from time to time he is capable of disinterested acts, he always remembers his own benefits and concentrates all his attention on personal problems. He is not interested in someone else's life.
They absorb his concrete deeds, thinks clearly and in a business-like manner, is a man of action, is not devoid of intuition. Refers to the number of people who, regardless of the circumstances, always "remain in their own interests." Usually, he provides his loved ones with a life in full prosperity.
Traits of those born under the OAK sign: decisiveness, accuracy in Actions, practical intelligence, realism, observation, organizational skills.
Born under the sign of OAK: I.S. Bach, Benito Huaraz.

BIRCH (24.6)
Flexible and aristocratic, light, sweet in life together. Taking advantage of success, he never abuses anyone's courtesy, knows how to be delicate and restrained, does not impose his sympathies and moods, does not demand anything and does not want anything.
Modest to the point of puritanism, but always elegant, without any moralizing. She is full of a sense of proportion and tolerance, she cannot stand one thing - vulgarity. Luxury and any window dressing are alien to her. There is not even a shadow of snobbery in it. She would most like to live in a village, but she can get used to any place, if only to be able to work calmly. Despite its graceful appearance, BEREZA grows up in labor and loves to work.
Her humble and delicate nature determines her penchant for love with a calm flow. Sentimental, not afraid of too passionate feelings. Sometimes she is loyal and faithful, knows how to create an atmosphere of comfort and home happiness at home. It happens that he enters into marital relations somewhat recklessly, but never regrets his choice.
The trait most distinctive for BEREZA is intelligence. The powers of her imagination and ingenuity truly have no boundaries. She always perceives work creatively. The ability to think creatively and translate one's thought into life, combined with her efficiency, opens all the doors for her.
Despite the fact that he can engage in any kind of activity, he achieves the greatest success in the field of art. She is uncommunicative, and this is her only drawback. Social life, contacts with influential people do not attract her attention. BIRCH is often happy. She demands so little from life - a close heart and a good library are enough for her.
Traits of those born under the sign of BIRCH: softness of character, synthesis, intuition, fantasy.
Born under the sign of BIRCH: Gutenberg, Matejko, Streletsky.

Small, sometimes on the border of the beautiful and the ugly, but not devoid of charm. Often he is bothered by rheumatism, therefore he loves the sun very much and suffers from its absence. Balanced, calm, there is nothing aggressive in him and all this is due to the unwillingness to complicate his life. He knows how to be tolerant, although he has his own views on life. Allows the possibility of having one's own judgment as well for others. Never interferes in other people's affairs.
OIL is so delicate that it is easy to accuse her of indifference, but she is not indifferent at all. On the contrary, if necessary, anyone can turn to her for help.
In any situation, he does not part with a smile. Partly due to the ability to control oneself, but primarily because he considers it pointless to upset the nervous system. Has the ability to convey his state of peace and serenity to others.
Although OIL is kind and warm, she has enough intelligence and common sense not to allow her kindness to be exploited. Differs in an innate sense of justice. She understands everything, knows how to enter someone else's position, and her inherent impartiality makes her forget about herself. She knows about it and puts up with it in advance. Therefore, she is loved and appreciated, although she herself does nothing in order to impress others. In dealing with them, she is restrained.
In love, MASLINA tries not to be jealous, respects the independence of the partner, even if you have to suffer tacitly because of this. It happens that he makes far-reaching concessions, up to the renunciation of his own love. But this does not at all mean her weakness and humility. Peace is simply essential for OIL.
She is distinguished by great intelligence, devotes a lot of time to reflection, loves to read, study and expand her horizons. Although she does not strive for this, she always attracts attention and sometimes becomes famous. Belongs to the number of people who bring peace and happiness to those around them, leaving behind a good memory.
Traits of those born under the sign of OILS: fidelity of judgment, analytical mind, the ability to deduce and reflect.
Emperor Augustus was born under the sign of OIL.

Slim and handsome. Refers to those who live to a ripe old age, retaining all the qualities inherent in youth. He manages to maintain good shape, stately silhouette, agility and flexibility of movement. Always well-groomed, does not shy away from some coquetry.
If he finds himself in favorable conditions, then he manages to achieve success in any area. Shows agility and resourcefulness in any situation. He is full of various plans that he knows how to successfully implement. Doesn't let you be led astray. He knows how to organize his life well.
There are fits of generosity with him, although he is usually calculating and unmistakably organizing his budget. He does not really like to share his property, he spends it sparingly.
BUK is a decent creature, has many solid qualities, always weighs all the pros and cons, never relies on chance. In love, he lacks imagination. The ideal husband (or wife). Strives to have children, roughly organize his home, have a good vacation. In adulthood, one or two adventures may happen to him, and even then more from the desire to prove to himself and others that he remained young, attractive and cheerful.
He is intelligent, has organizational skills and common sense. Pronounced materialist. First of all, he wants to be rich, and then, if possible, happy.
Traits of those born under the sign of BUKA: thoughtfulness, accuracy, organizational skills, realism.
Born under the sign of BUKA: Puccini, Stalin.

Many of us are used to checking our plans against the zodiac horoscope. But not everyone knows that a person can be influenced by certain trees by date of birth. Such a horoscope is considered the legacy of the Druids, who lived in harmony with nature and believed that man was made of wood.

Some general information

In 18 signs-trees. The time of each sign comes 2 times a year. These times depend on the position of the sun. In addition, there are 4 trees that are associated with the main events of the year: summer and spring and autumn equal days. These are oak (21.03), birch (24.07), olive (23.09), beech (21-22.12)

Celtic tribes believed that the fate of a person depends on the patron tree. They spent as much time as possible with their patrons in order to strengthen the spirit and improve the body. Even a child knew by heart the tree calendar, and even more so his druid tree by date of birth. Asking for help and advice from your tree was normal. No one was afraid or ashamed of their talismans. Druids drew their magic from the surrounding nature and tried to preserve it for posterity.

We have long forgotten that nature can and should be trusted. And if someone is interested in how to recognize your tree by date of birth, then it is enough to familiarize yourself with this calendar.

Apple tree

Those born from 23.12 to 01.01 and from 25.06 to 04.07 are patronized by the Apple tree. Children born these days are light and cheerful. They look at problems like true philosophers and are highly intelligent. The apple tree makes a person gullible, emotional and sentimental. He may be quick-tempered, but he does not remember evil for a long time.

Evergreen fir

Those born in January from 2 to 11 and on July 5 to 14 are patronized by Fir. Characteristic features are pride, individualism, exactingness. But these are not egoists, but balanced and attentive people. They are heavily joining the new company, real friends may not happen at all. A person favored by Fir is a good family man and a faithful companion in life. If your chosen one Fir has a talisman tree by date of birth, then you can safely marry him.


Those born in January from 12 to 24 and in July from 15 to 25 are patronized by the majestic Elm. They are simple and calm people. Passion and vanity tire them. Their strong point is practicality and consistency. Elms are trees that give people confidence and optimism by date of birth. They will not complicate and aggravate the problem, but will ponder the situation and resolve all issues. In a relationship, Elms are very constant, they are ready to love even without reciprocity.

Exotic cypress

If you were born in the interval of 03.02 or 26.07 to 04.08, then the mascot is Cypress. You are attractive, well-built, and take good care of yourself. Cypresses are trees that, by date of birth, endow people with irrepressible imagination and creativity. The nature of these people is conflict-free and easy, they like to relax and are not very hard-working. But they are lucky.

The man, whose mascot is Cypress, longs for recognition and love. He cannot be in the shadow of a partner, his vocation is to be the "first violin".

Slender poplar

The person that appeared in February from 5 to 8 and in August from 5 to 13 is Poplar. endows with modesty and indecision. But at the same time it gives you the desire to adjust your life. Often this desire finds expression in experiments with appearance.

Poplars are not conflicting, they would rather laugh it off than get into a fight. But these people make very high demands on their environment.


Are you born between 9-18 in February or 14-23 in August and wondering "What is my tree by date of birth?" Know this is the Cedar. Look at yourself - you are a kind, cheerful optimist, you don't have depression, you don't like to dig yourself. These traits have been endowed with a talisman tree.


People who appeared in February from 19 to 29 and in August-September from 24 to 2 receive the beautiful Pine as their patrons. They are stubborn and persistent, instill their point of view and love when everyone agrees with them. Flatterers and sycophants often linger around such people.

Pine gives confidence and a desire to communicate. Women of this sign cook well and create coziness around.


Does your birthday fall on one of the days in March from 1 to 10 or September from 3 to 12? So, Willow protects you.

People of this sign tend to get carried away. They are good actors and gamblers. Such people build life according to their own understanding. They can be insincere and often get depressed. But the penchant for creativity allows you to become successful artists, directors, poets.


A person who celebrates his birth in March from 11 to 20 or in September from 13 to 22 receives fragrant Linden as patrons. He is a realist and a fatalist. Hardworking beyond measure, does not tolerate idlers. Such people love comfort and value a beautiful life. They do not go into open conflicts, sometimes they are contradictory, but they are well versed in people. They have no life principles. They always need an authoritative mentor.


Those born in March from 22 to 31 and in September-October from 24 to 3 got the hazel mascot. These are hidden and rarely show emotions. They can be unsociable and difficult to make friends. They are comfortable working and relaxing only in silence and solitude. They are reliable partners, but they are not too eager to raise children.

Modest Ryabinka

From 01.04 to 10.04 and from 04.10 to 13.10 Ryabinka patronizes the person. They are energetic and cheerful people. They love an active lifestyle, go in for sports and walk a lot. Rowan is fair and caring. Rowan people will always reach out to those who need it. Their marriage is only possible in love.


People who celebrate their birthday in April (11-20) or October (14-23) fall under the patronage of Maple. They are curious and well-read. They love to study, but are not too assiduous. They often forget about these promises and do not mind giving orders. Maples are merry fellows and jokers, but they do not value friends and relatives. They are often lonely.


Were you born in April between 21-30 or 24.10-22.11? Your mascot is Walnut. The character influenced by such a talisman is complex and contradictory. A person's mood is constantly changing, he is quarrelsome and uncompromising. However, he is capable of compassion and can help in trouble.


For those who were born in May from 1 to 14 or in November from 3 to 11, Jasmine becomes the mascot. He is hardworking and able to overcome difficulties, but often goes with the flow. Such a person is able to find a common language with everyone. However, if life does not work out, then he becomes vindictive.


Born in May from 15 to 24 and in November from 12 to 21 live under the attention of Chestnut. Trees by date of birth give them a bright appearance, a mocking character and a love of communication. They don't accept rules and don't like to obey. They love children very much, create strong families.


From 25.05 to 03.06 and from 22.11 to 01.12 Ash is the talisman. He makes people realists and pragmatists. Druids prophesy a good life for them. They are born leaders and bosses. But they are lucky not only at work, but also in family life.


If your tree is by date of birth and - Hornbeam, then you were born in the period from 01.06 to 13.06 or from 02.12 to 11.12. You have a strong-willed and serious character. You tend to be pragmatic. Difficult life changes.


Figs favor those born in June from 14 to 23 or in December from 12.12 to 20.12. They are free and independent people. They love idleness and value pleasure. Their lives are spent in a constant war with weaknesses. There is often depression, then Figs require attention and care.

Oak, Birch, Olive, Beech

These are the equinox and solstice trees. They are strong talismans that give confidence and good luck in life. Each of the trees endows its wards with different traits, but the common ones are luck, happiness and success.

Celtic or Gaulish) is built according to the principle of "own" tree for each person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the druidic calendar that you will use is associated with trees. The priests of the cult of nature divided the year into periods according to their calendar. The signs of the Druids strictly correspond to a certain time period and each was patronized by a tree sign. Interestingly, in the horoscope of the Druids, the signs had two periods of action, corresponding to two annual solstices. It was believed that the greatest strength was in the tree, which at the time of the appearance of a person into the world was active. You can draw vitality from this plant by communicating with it. The connection between the characters of trees and people is considered to be just as close. Each plant has certain traits (advantages or disadvantages). These features are indirectly inherent in people. In addition, everyone needs certain conditions for development, prosperity, and fruiting. It is good to plant a patron tree near the house. And if this is not possible, purchase crafts from its wood.

Druid horoscope chart
by date of birth determine the name of your tree
Name of the mark1 validity period2 period of validity
Apple treeDecember 22 - January 1June 25 - July 4
FirJanuary 2 - January 11July 5 - July 14
ElmJanuary 12 - January 24July 15 - July 25
CypressJanuary 25 - February 3July 26 - August 4
PoplarFebruary 4 - February 8August 5 - August 13
CartasFebruary 9 - February 18August 14 - August 23
PineFebruary 19 - February 28/29August 24 - September 2
WillowMarch 1 - March 10September 3 - September 12
LindenMarch 11 - March 20September 13 - September 23
HazelMarch 22 - March 31September 24 - October 3
RowanApril 1 - April 10October 4 - October 13
MapleApril 11 - April 20October 14 - October 23
NutApril 21 - April 30October 24 - November 2
JasmineMay 1 - May 14November 3 - November 11
ChestnutMay 15 - May 24November 12 - November 21
AshMay 25 - June 3November 22 - December 1
HornbeamJune 4 - June 13December 2 - December 11
FigJune 14 - June 23December 12 - December 21
OakMarch 21 - vernal equinox
BirchJune 24 - summer confrontation
OliveSeptember 23 - autumn equinox
BeechDecember 21/22 - winter confrontation

Description of signs in the horoscope of the druids

Apple tree(23.12 - 01.01 and 25.06 - 04.07)
The apple tree is beautiful, charming and friendly. From her emanate fluids of warmth and positive, charming and attracting people to her. The people whom this tree patronizes are sensitive and emotional, honest, disinterested and open, therefore it is quite easy to cheat them, however, they cannot be considered naive simpletons. Most likely, these are typical philosophers and dreamers who love life, are satisfied with what they have, and therefore they have not the slightest desire to surprise anyone or convince in anything. They are smart, thoughtful, erudite and have excellent logic, which is why there are so many people among them who are successful in scientific activities. Although, it should be noted that culinary experiments attract them no less than scientific theories. Apple-tree people are hedonists and are very fond of the little joys and pleasures of this world, therefore they prefer to live for today. They often have a penchant for fantasies and some illusions, however, powerful intellect and logical mind do not allow them to completely escape from reality, directing them to the sphere of meditation and other spiritual practices. The Druids under the sign of the Apple tree were born: Rubens, Henry VIII, Rousseau, Georges Sand, M. Nexe.

  • Men:
    Usually they are not tall, but they can boast of an excellent physique and perfect posture. They can hardly be called handsome, but they do not lack charm. Due to their friendliness and sociability, these men rarely go unnoticed by the opposite sex.
  • Women:
    In early adolescence, the apple-tree girl is very active and emotional, she wants vivid impressions and strong emotions, although often this only brings negative experience. Having become a mature woman, she still strives for great and bright love, but already more soberly and judiciously. Apple trees are very charming, and therefore they never have a shortage of fans.
  • Relationship:
    If the apple tree is lucky to meet a person who fully meets its requirements, then their harmonious union and ideal couple can only be envied in a kind way. Both the woman and the man whom the apple tree patronizes are very reliable and loyal in any relationship.

Fir(02.01 - 11.01 and 05.07 - 14.07)
The fir is capricious, because it is far from always easy to communicate with it, and even more so to live under one roof. Fir people are not afraid of isolation and loneliness, and in a large company they often feel uncomfortable, preferring to isolate and retire away from noise and traffic. They often feel lonely, even when they have a lot of friends. In the horoscope of the Druids, Fir is a noble tree, therefore you can rely on these people without hesitation. In any situation, they retain their presence of mind, hope, and faith. These people are highly intelligent, analytical, and love research work. They are proud, ambitious and stubborn, which is especially evident in the way they move towards their goal. They are very solid individuals who know how to work hard and hard, as a result of which they can easily make an amazing career. These people are also distinguished by some intractability, and it is quite difficult for them to please. They are sharp-tongued and categorical in expressing their opinions, although they are not particularly talkative. They are also quite demanding and stubborn. Under the sign of the Fir were born: Jeanne d "Arc, Napoleon Bonaparte, A. Tolstoy, J. Galsworthy, Maupassant.

  • Men:
    These are hardworking people who persist in achieving success, since nothing is given to them for free and just like that. They are characterized by somewhat hypertrophied responsibility, and when solving life or work problems, they manage to choose the most difficult decisions. Fir men are famous for their ability to create difficult situations, and then heroically fight them.
  • Women:
    A man who married a woman-fir ​​can be safely called a successful person. She is very responsive, knows how to support and encourage and always find a way out of an almost hopeless situation. Of the minuses, it is worth noting its excessive legibility, pickiness and meticulousness.
  • Relationship:
    The love of a person who is patronized by a fir can be boundless and all-embracing, but in any relationship they are quite demanding and do not accept compromises. They always want more, because they know their own worth, and this price is quite high.

Druid horoscope by date of birth, which has other names, such as the Gaulish, Celtic and woody horoscope, dates back to a time when such a traditional concept as "astrology" was not even conceived yet. The ancient Celtic priests are known for their nature loving and respectful people who had a tremendous influence in the northern British Isles. Some rites and ceremonies of the Druids have survived to this day and today are bright events, among them the rather popular Halloween holiday.

What tree according to the horoscope druids is your sign, it is quite simple to determine, despite the fact that in this horoscope there are 22 symbol-signs, 18 of which have two periods of activity during the year, and 4 signs associated with the days of the solstice and equinox, and having one per year period of their activity. Each of the horoscope symbols is associated with a specific tree.

Druid horoscope signs

Druids are a closed class of ancient Celtic peoples, divided into castes, shrouded in mystical, mysterious legends. Among them were priests, astronomers, chroniclers, healers, clergymen, judges, musicians and poets.

A distinctive feature of these tribes was the cult of the worship of forest gods, the desire for unity with nature, the animation of the plant world. All rituals, teachings, festivals were necessarily performed in the thickets, among the herbs and mighty trees, from which the druids drew energy and the necessary emotions. Moreover, it was believed that man himself originated from a tree, and was endowed with its strength from birth.

The interaction between the date of birth and the position of the sun during this period influenced the fate of a person, and was reflected in the tree horoscope of the Druids, which has survived to this day. Knowing the patronizing tree, you can track the relationship between certain events in life, determine the character of a person and even correct some points. In addition, having found your plant, you can be charged with its pure energy, ask for health and well-being.

Druid horoscope by date of birth - which tree is your horoscope
How to calculate the horoscope of the Druids by date of birth and find out which tree according to the horoscope is an embroidered sign. The horoscope is based on ancient knowledge about trees and the surrounding natural world.

Source: astrounion.ru

Druid tree horoscope: character by birthday, compatibility of signs

For the druids, trees were of great importance: in their cult, they were considered living creatures with unique characteristics. The Druids firmly believed that humanity took its origin from wood. On the basis of this worldview, as well as the tree calendar, the horoscope of the Druids appeared, according to which each person was endowed with a guardian tree at birth.

In total, in the horoscope of the druids there are 4 unpaired and 18 paired signs. This is due to the fact that each plant has two points of realization - flowering and fruiting.

According to the druid calendar, each person has his own tree symbol, depending on the date of birth:

The presence in the horoscope of the Druids of 4 unpaired signs (oak, olive, birch, beech) is associated with dates such as:

  • the day of the vernal equinox (oak);
  • summer solstice (birch);
  • the day of the autumnal equinox (olive);
  • winter solstice (beech).

Each sign of the zodiac, according to the horoscope of the Druids, has a certain behavior.

A person born under the sign of an apple tree is easy-going, cheerful, has a philosophical mindset. According to the horoscope of the druids, people who are patronized by an apple tree are endowed with outstanding intellectual abilities, have a broad outlook, and are very well-read. However, they do not seek to impress others and prefer not to flaunt their erudition.

By their nature, apple trees are quick-tempered, but they have the ability to quickly cool down. The apple tree is a sensitive, unforgettable person. For a comfortable life, she definitely needs to share her experiences with others, to be in the center of events. She needs emotional uplift and lack of silence. Loves fresh flowers. Tries to make plants as much space in the house as possible.

The apple-tree man's motto is "Live one day."

Among people born under the auspices of the fir, introverts and individualists predominate. This characteristic does not speak of the fir as an arrogant person. She just needs a certain amount of time to start trusting a person and let him into her life. A woman born under the sign of the fir is not capable of flirting. Her pride and tact do not allow her to flirt with the opposite sex, in connection with which it may seem that the fir woman is a very cold and arrogant person. She does not seek to attract everyone's attention. She has many acquaintances, but there are almost no real friends.

Excessive demands, emotional coldness are the main distinguishing marks of a person born under the symbol of a fir. The Fir Man often sets himself challenging tasks. His dedication and ability to sacrifice personal comfort for the sake of achieving a goal guarantee success in any endeavor. In a love relationship, the fir is devoted and loyal to its soul mate.

One of the calmest woody signs. Elm does not tend to complicate everything in its path, high goals, the intensity of passions and fussiness are alien to it. Constancy, stability and practicality - these are the three basic life principles of this sign.

An elm needs to keep everything under control, it will make an excellent leader. He knows how to gather courage in time and meet any troubles with optimism. In relationships, he does not strive for thrills. For complete happiness, romantic feelings in response are enough for him.

Most people born under this sign are attractive in appearance. The cypress has a beautiful body, he constantly looks after himself. Caring for his appearance has been raised to the rank of a cult. Cypress is sociable, he usually has many friends. By nature, he is a dreamer and always hovers in the clouds. The highest happiness for a cypress is a strong family and many children.

Cypress has good luck in many endeavors, he is able to receive income from nowhere. Therefore, despite some idleness and negligence, the cypress never remains without a livelihood. The cypress man has excellent intuition, is able to see through people. And thanks to his charisma, he is always surrounded by reliable people who are ready to help at any time.

According to the tree horoscope, this sign is very fond of experiments with appearance. He easily changes his hairstyle, clothes, gains or loses weight, tries on various images and styles. He appreciates his youth and is afraid of old age. He understands that old age will entail a loss of beauty, and in every possible way tries to slow down this process. Poplar is very influenced by the world around it. And this influence is far from always positive.

Under the mask of brightness and originality, poplar most often hides complexes and a sense of their own inferiority. This sign needs constant support and encouragement. Otherwise, he darkens, withers before our eyes and falls into a prolonged depression. But among his friends there are never those like him.

The thing is that poplar surrounds itself with extremely strong personalities with positive thinking, choosing friends for a long time and scrupulously. Tends to make claims and unreasonable demands to others. In conflict situations, he hides emotions behind a mask of indifference and jokes. The emotional state can change depending on the period of the year.

A kind, sympathetic, cheerful and optimistic sign. Not prone to self-delusion and depressive mood. Does not create or invent problems from scratch. Outgoing and attractive. At the same time, the cedar is notable for its vulnerability, inability to laugh at oneself and sensitivity. He is very gullible, which is readily used by ill-wishers. He does not tolerate the role of a subordinate and often conflicts with his superiors. The cedar man is the embodiment of true masculinity.

He is reliable and able to solve the problems of both his own and his family. He knows how to rely only on his own strength, solve important issues and settle problems. He is purposeful and always knows how to solve a given problem. However, in the event that he tries on other people's principles and goals for himself, he is able to begin to fight for an idea that will not bring him happiness.

A very stubborn and persistent sign. He is able to enter into a discussion on any issue, he has a personal opinion on any argument. Shows favor only to those who completely agree with his every word. As a result, sycophants and flatterers prevail in the pine society, who want to earn her approval by all means.

Possesses a very peculiar manner of communication. He always knows what he wants, achieves what he wants in any way. The pine woman is a wonderful housewife, she cooks well and knows how to create special comfort in her home. The cedar man is not prone to adultery. He knows how to make money, so his family always lives in prosperity.

Born under the sign of the willow, he is the consummate actor. Man by nature is a player and an adventurer. He always lacks passion, so he creates them himself. Willow lives according to her own scenario, which often runs counter to the world around her. A person who is patronized by a willow tree has extraordinary creative abilities. He will make a wonderful poet, musician or artist.

A distinctive feature of the willow man's creations is that they are all saturated with the melancholic mood of their author. Most often, the willow prefers to solve its problems with someone else's hands, relying on others. Rarely makes decisions personally. At the same time, this is a person who is able to determine the consequences of any step even before it is completed. By taking a strategic approach to life, the willow avoids serious hardship and trouble. Has a weakness for precious stones.

Druid horoscope. Horoscope of trees by date of birth

The Druidic horoscope is also called the Gallic or Celtic horoscope. The Gauls - descendants of the Celtic tribes - created an annual solar-lunar calendar dedicated to the horoscope of trees. We have recreated the calendar of our ancestors as it is today.

Like the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, the Egyptians or the Chinese, the Celts had their own view of the sky and the stars. But unlike the Middle East and Africa, where the civilizations of Sumer and Akkad, Babylon and Egypt flourished, deserts were rare in Europe. Generous nature divided the rival tribes to one degree or another by natural boundaries. They were dense and mysterious forests.

Therefore, it is logical that the Celtic tribes did not include stars in their zodiac, they attributed their destinies to a certain tree. They endowed the trees with certain characteristics. Each tree was dedicated to a period of the year, and its characteristics are inherent in those whose birth coincided with that period of the year.

Of course, no one can understand the meaning, principle and structure of the Celtic calendar without reference to the Druids. Being at the same time priests, scientists, healers, as well as educators and teachers, storytellers and poets, they passed on their knowledge exclusively by word of mouth. They taught their followers to read the garden of nature, which was and remains extraordinarily rich in Europe.

But if you really think about the variety of species of flowers, plants and trees growing in Europe, it is easier to understand the admiration of the Gauls. But we may mistakenly assume that they were fatalists. In fact, they were more prone to admiration than we are today.

This is how the Druids developed the annual lunar calendar. It consisted of 13 moons or lunar periods, each of which was assigned a tree, and five nights. The first of them corresponds to the first day of the year, while the other four mark the winter and summer solstices, as well as the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Horoscope of trees by date of birth

Based on the Celtic calendar, we have recreated the zodiac of trees for you. They follow each other counterclockwise, like the 12 signs of the zodiac in astrology, from 0 degrees Aries, March 21st.

Druid horoscope
Druid horoscope for trees, depending on the date of birth. Trees table.

Source: prostotak.net

The Druids knew that each of us has a patron tree that bestows certain characteristics. Which tree it is depends on your date of birth.

Druids are the forest dwellers that populated northern Europe. Their civilization had tremendous power over the population. Druids were oracles and healers, overseers and guardians of the law. The pagan canons of this tribe deified everything around.

According to their belief, trees possessed magical powers. And it was from the tree that man originated. The Druids created their own Celtic horoscope, with which you can not only learn about a person's character, but also change your fate for the better. They created a love compatibility horoscope that will tell you how happy your relationship can be. According to their teachings, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, go to the forest, find your tree, lean against it and feel how the energy of the plant is given to you. Thank a tree, start fakes from its wood at home, and happiness will not keep you waiting long.

Tree - patron saint by date of birth

The tree has its maximum strength on the date of birth. Each tree in the Celtic horoscope has two periods: spring and autumn, or winter and summer. Twice a year, summer and winter, the Sun declares war on the night. Summer and spring equinox in the Druid tribe were considered the main holidays.

Fate, according to the judgment of the priests, directly depended on the location of the Sun on a person's birthday. The year was divided into several periods, each of which is patronized by a certain helper tree. Druids believed that the patron plant endows a person with character and personal qualities, and communication with "their" tree will help change life for the better.

Druid horoscope

Fir: January 2 - January 11 July 5 - July 14. People born under her patronage are conservative. They are devoted to the foundations, protect their habits and do not chase after fashion, preferring the proven ones. Demanding and capricious, exactingly looking for the best for themselves and their loved ones. It is quite difficult for them to like them, and if you get their attention, expect a fabulous life.

Elm: January 12 - January 24 July 15 - July 25. Elm people are distinguished by simplicity in words, deeds and life, external and internal beauty. They try not to attract unnecessary attention, they get tired of constant admiration. They are attached to things and are constant in choosing a partner. From childhood, they know what they will do in life, and purposefully go towards their dreams.

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Cypress: January 25 - February 3 July 26 - August 4. People who are patronized by cypress usually do not pursue success, fame, or financial well-being. The goal in life is to be happy. They move mountains to avoid problems and enjoy life longer.

Poplar: February 4 - February 8 August 5 - August 13. People born under the auspices of poplar develop rapidly, standing out among their peers. The charm, bestowed by nature, gradually fades away from eternal fears and reflections. They need the need to be loved and needed, otherwise they fall into despondency.

South Frame: February 9 - February 18; August 14 - August 23. Dynamism and confidence distinguish people born during this period. Lovers of comfort, they have excellent health and love to be the center of attention. They have the gift of attracting problems to themselves, but they quickly solve them. Born for adventure.

Pine: February 19 - February 28/29 August 24 - September 2. Those who are patronized by pine are always in sight. Their love of life knows no bounds, but they are very scrupulous about everything new. They are the creators of coziness, adore beautiful things and try to arrange them all around them. According to the horoscope of the Druids, the owners of this tree do not lack merit, but they lack generosity. Their main goal is their own well-being.

Willow: March 1 - March 10 September 3 - September 12. The originality of people under the auspices of the willow is bestowed upon them from above. They stand out for their charm and mystery. Impulsive, but devoted to hobbies. They have a lot of fans. They are contemplative to the depths of their souls, often immersed in thought. But they are vulnerable and touchy, sometimes they overstep the boundaries in this.

Lipa: March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22. People born under her patronage are pleasant and sweet, they perfectly understand this, they know how to benefit from it. Know how to impress and gain respect. They make excellent psychologists. But they are not able to understand themselves.

Oak: March 21 - the vernal equinox. Oak endows people with colossal energy strength, but softness is alien to them. They are proud, fair, do not forgive anyone for a flashed weakness. They are more often respected than loved. Great leaders, can lead people.

Hazel: March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 3. Hazel people are among those who are usually overlooked. They do not make an impression; they can only charm those people who have known them for a long time. Silent, squeezed, but smart. Do not chase other people's opinions, having their own judgments about everything.

Rowan: April 1 - April 10; October 4 - October 13. Rowan, according to the horoscope, bestows a calm disposition and pleasant appearance. People born at this time have friends in different parts of the world. They are constantly in a good mood and with an optimistic attitude. But all experiences are passed through themselves, without annoying anyone.

Maple: April 11 - April 20 October 14 - October 23. According to the horoscope of the Druids, the maple rules over people with cheerfulness, curiosity and activity. They are always at the center of events. They are constantly looking for adventure, they do not sit in one place. Charming, funny and slightly weird.

Walnut: April 21 - April 30 October 24 - November 2. People under the auspices of the nut are endowed with exquisite manners, a sense of style. Loyal, faithful, unique strategists. They like to arrange unexpected surprises. They constantly work on themselves and their inner world, bringing everything to perfection. Financially independent, trying to solve their problems without involving other people.

Jasmine: May 1 - May 14 November 3 - November 11. Jasmine radiates tenderness and kindness, attracting to itself. Such people are very vulnerable, although they give the impression of a frivolous "darling of fate." They create a relaxed atmosphere with their presence. Life problems bypass them, but at heart the owners of this tree are pessimists, despite the fact that they try to seem cheerful.

Chestnut: May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21. Under the auspices of the chestnut, there are people who value honesty and modesty. They have an inner core and vitality, but they do not know how to use it. Fighters for justice, achieve their goal regardless of others. They are very silent and like to take fame from other people, but they do it unconsciously. In love, they are unhappy because of jealousy and feelings of fear.

Ash: May 25 - June 3 November 22 - December 1. Ash according to the horoscope is distinguished by complacency. People who are patronized by this tree are very demanding and selfish. It is impossible to start a dispute with them, since they are sure only that they are right. They live only to satisfy their desires, in the good sense of the word.

Hornbeam: June 4 - June 13 December 2 - December 11. People who are patronized by the hornbeam are interesting, but they do not know how to express themselves, therefore they often fade, merging with society. They dream of fame or public gratitude, but do nothing to achieve the goal.

Figs: June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 21. Figs bestow extraordinary character traits that stand out from the crowd. Many people who, according to the horoscope, fell a fig, feel like strangers in society, cannot find themselves. The slightest difficulty throws such people out of balance, into which they then cannot return.

Birch: June 24 - summer solstice. The people of this patron are pleasant, open, kind. Calmness is their strong point. In their endeavors, they are constant, faithful, demanding attention and love. They cannot stand vulgarity in any form, because they themselves are full of a sense of proportion. They love to work and, without any doubt, would calmly settle in the village. Sentimental, not afraid to openly express their feelings.

Apple tree: December 23 - January 1; June 25 - July 4. The apple tree is a symbol of sensuality. People under the auspices of this tree strive for marriage and family formation. They are joyful, not subject to other people's opinions, purposeful. Their disinterestedness is often used, because they easily succumb to deception. They do not think about tomorrow, they live here and now, they often forget about their debts. These natures are characterized by philosophy, they are full of hope and joy.

Oliva: September 23rd is the autumnal equinox. People born under the auspices of the olive cannot stand the cold, dream of warm countries, because of this they can often get sick. However, they are calm and reasonable, always ready to help. In love, they risk becoming dependent on a partner.

Beech: December 22 - winter solstice. Beech gives strength and longevity to people born under its canopy. Such people are independent, they will never ask for help, but they will always offer it. Beech people are successful, purposeful, thrifty and reliable.

The Druids created their own personal horoscope, but, unfortunately, until our time, only echoes were able to survive, because earlier teachings were transmitted orally. The form in which the horoscope has come down to us is a simplified version of the great teaching. But it is no less effective.

The tree has always been considered a symbol of life, the divine was found in it and was worshiped in many religions. The tree is also mentioned in the Bible. In addition, each zodiac sign has a personal patron tree. In the center of paradise stood two powerful and beautiful trees: one was the tree of life, and the other was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And this is no coincidence. Every plant has strength, and maybe a soul. That is why the tree is a treasure of great magical secrets and a source of strength for many people. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Druid horoscope: how to determine your patron tree
The Druids knew that each of us has a patron tree that bestows certain characteristics. Which tree it is depends on your date of birth.

The priests of the Celtic tribes were called druids. These were sages who possessed secret magical knowledge. Trees, plants and animals were of great importance in their belief. Druids believed that a person, like, for example, a tree, has its own merits and demerits, and character.

On the basis of this, the Druids created a calendar of trees and flowers by date of birth, by which you can not only find out the future and fate, but also determine your patron.

Druid horoscope principle

The Druidic horoscope is more than 2000 years old. Its main principle is based on belief in the unity of man and nature. The Celtic priests believed that a person born in a certain period of time was patronized by his tree, plant, stone or animal. The calendar is based on the movement of the earth relative to the sun.

The fate and character of a person, according to their beliefs, depend on the location of the heavenly body from the Earth at the time of birth. A distinctive feature of this is that each sign has two periods of validity.


According to the druidic calendar, each tree corresponds to the characteristics of the people whose patrons they are. The Celtic horoscope of trees is designed to determine the fate of a person and strengthen his spirit and body. Communicating with his patron tree, a person will be able to develop positive character traits, gain good health and peace of mind.

  • Apple tree (December 23 - January 1; July 25 - July 4)... This tree endows with optimism, high intelligence, responsiveness and openness. People born during periods of Apple tree patronage lead an active lifestyle. They are sociable and inquisitive. Of the shortcomings, one can single out excessive naivety and gullibility.
  • Fir (January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14)... More often than not, introverts are born during these periods. They love loneliness, peace and quiet. Representatives of this horoscope sign are tactful, polite and practically do not show emotions, especially in public. Despite this, people born under the sign of Fir are very motivated and patient.
  • Elm (January 12 - January 24; July 15 - July 25)... Practical calm people who value comfort, stability and constancy are born under the sign of Elm. They easily manage to conduct business in work and business. They tend to achieve financial success quickly.
  • Cypress (January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4)... These people are distinguished by a slender figure and attractive appearance. Representatives of this sign value family and life. They are sociable and have many creative talents. A well-developed intuition helps people of this horoscope sign avoid mistakes and choose true friends in life. Their disadvantage lies in the excessive lightness of character and compliance.
  • Poplar (4-8 February; 5-13 August)... These are mask people. To society, they want to appear successful, courageous and fun. But in reality, deep down, they are modest and indecisive. They often need the support of loved ones to achieve their goals. If it is not there, then they can become depressed. People of the Poplar sign pay special attention to their appearance - they like to experiment with hairstyles, makeup and wardrobe.
  • Cedar (February 9-18; August 14-23)... Kind, open and cheerful personalities are born under the sign of the Cedar. Sincerity and gentle character often attracts people to them, who want to take advantage of their responsiveness and kindness. They value freedom and take work and goals seriously.
  • Pine (19 to 29 February; 24 August to 2 September)... Those born under the auspices of this tree are very stubborn and persistent. They clearly know what they want from life and make long-term plans. They love to defend their point of view, argue and protest. It is difficult to lead them astray or to persuade them to change their minds.
  • Willow (March 1-10; September 3-12)... These are people whose decisions often depend on mood. If they are bored, then they embark on adventures and come up with their own adventures. Along with this, Iva endowed them with creativity and a rich imagination.
  • Lipa (March 11-20; September 13-22)... Hardworking, down-to-earth people. They do not like to conflict and try to avoid the intensity of emotions. Along with this, they often do not have clear goals in life and principles by which they could make decisions.
  • Hazel (from 22 to 31 March; from 24 September to 3 October)... Trustworthy friends, responsible workers and caring spouses. They are of little interest in money. Family, love and friendship come first. The nature is secretive. About such people say - "on his own mind."
  • Rowan (from 1 to 10 April; from 4 to 13 October)... Active, sociable and emotional personalities. A pronounced sense of justice helps them to defend their interests. Such people achieve success in their careers and personal life, because they are clearly aware of what they want to get in the end.
  • Maple (April 11-20; October 14-23)... Those born under the sign of Maple are drawn to knowledge from an early age. They are well-read, erudite and smart. However, to achieve success, they often lack patience and perseverance. In communication, they are pleasant and interesting, but they often forget about their promises.
  • Walnut (21 to 30 April; 24 October to 2 November)... They are leaders by nature. They crave recognition, respect, demand support from loved ones, but they themselves, as a rule, are rarely interested in the problems of others. Very contradictory, moods change often, as do decisions.
  • Jasmine (May 1-14; November 3-11)... People of this sign are hardworking, sociable and not afraid of difficulties. However, their nature often depends on the circumstances. When everything in life is good, they are kind and welcoming. If a black stripe comes, the representatives of this sign become insidious and evil.
  • Chestnut (May 15-24; November 12-21)... Freedom-loving, outgoing and self-centered. They love to be in the spotlight. They are easy-going, always find a way out of a difficult situation. Often they do not accept generally accepted rules and foundations.
  • Ash (May 25 to June 3; November 22 to December 1)... These are career people. They think logically and practically, weighing all the pros and cons. Self-confident, valuing their time and energy. Reliable and responsible in any business.
  • Hornbeam (June 4-13; December 2-11)... Strong-willed and strong-willed individuals. They do not like changes, preferring to be content with old foundations, principles and traditions. They value stability, calmness, etc.
  • Figs (June 14-23; December 12-20)... This sign of the horoscope includes freedom-loving and independent personalities. They have extraordinary thinking, unstable mood and creativity. The support and care of loved ones is important for them. They often give in to temptation.
  • Oak (March 21)... These are physically strong and spiritually strong people. They are distinguished by the desire for justice and the desire to live according to their conscience. Simple, open-minded, truth-loving, with a pronounced sense of responsibility and duty.
  • Birch (June 24)... Under this sign people are born with pure souls. They are patient, easily make concessions, are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a loved one. In addition, they have a rich inner world and creativity.
  • Oliva (September 23)... This tree protects cheerful people. It gives them courage, responsiveness and easy character. Women of this sign are often happily married.
  • Beech (December 21-22)... People of this sign are used to taking everything from life. They are maximalists, self-confident, and often take risks. Their goals, at the same time, are simple and practical - a roof over their heads, a profitable business, family and children. Beech never stops at what has been achieved, constantly dreaming of something more.


The flower horoscope of the Celtic Druids consists of 30 signs, each of which is the patron saint of a certain period of the year. Information about your flower calendar sign helps you find out your negative and positive sides of character. In addition, your patron plant can be used as a protective amulet.

  • Foxglove (March 21 to March 31)- prudent and thrifty natures. They are distinguished by perseverance, activity and desire for independence.
  • Magnolia (April 1-10)- have pronounced leadership qualities. They are hardworking, appreciate comfort and coziness.
  • Hydrangea (April 11-20)- these are people who are generous, kind and magnanimous. But often they lack perseverance and patience to achieve.
  • Dahlia (April 21-30)- have an analytical mindset. They do not like criticism and are afraid to be rejected in society. At the same time, they quickly adapt to circumstances and people.
  • Lily of the valley (May 1-10) Are modest, sensitive and vulnerable individuals. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies. Demanding both to themselves and to those around them.
  • Purslane (May 11-21)- changeable natures. They often look for personal gain without caring about the problems of loved ones. Adventurers in life, often get into trouble.
  • Chamomile (from May 22 to May 31)- successful businessmen and careerists, always find a way out of a difficult situation. They are confident in themselves and know what they want from life.
  • Bell (June 1-11) Are conservative people. They honor traditions and moral principles, value family, love and friendship. Reliable and responsible.
  • Daisy (June 12-21)- individuals who value stability, calmness and measured life. They prefer to spend time at home in a cozy armchair to a noisy party.
  • Tulip (from June 22 to July 1) Are people who are open to everything new. They are energetic, active and outgoing. Whatever they undertake, success is always guaranteed.
  • Water Lily (July 2-12)- these are people who quickly get used to circumstances. No matter what changes around them, they will always find a place for themselves under the Sun.
  • Violet (13 to 23 July)- friendly but uncommunicative personalities. They only trust close friends. In front of other people, representatives of this sign are in no hurry to reveal their true essence.
  • Rosehip (from July 24 to August 2)- stubborn, complex people. They rarely compromise and concede in disputes. Along with this, they are very brave and sincere.
  • Sunflower (from 3 to 13 August)- are often born selfish and ambitious individuals. Despite this, they are quite self-critical and know how to work on their shortcomings.
  • Rose (from 13 to 23 August)- leaders by nature. In difficult situations, they rely only on themselves. At heart, they are sensitive and vulnerable.
  • Delphinium (from August 24 to September 2)- love loneliness. These are modest and timid people who do not know how to stand up for themselves.
  • Clove (September 3-11)- hardworking and responsible people. They love to command and lead. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies, and they themselves always speak the truth in the face.
  • Astra (from 12 to 22 September)- economic, thrifty and thrifty people. They often occupy leadership positions or strive hard to do so. They are distinguished by courage and perseverance.
  • Heather (from 23 September to 2 October)- people who all their lives strive for the ideal in everything. They value beauty, art, love. They are often very self-critical and have a lot of complexes.
  • Camellia (October 3-13)- adventurous and courageous people with easy character, tenacity and perseverance.
  • Lilac (October 14-23)- representatives of this sign retain their youth and energy for a long time. They are confident in themselves, in love they are often fickle.
  • Freesia (October 24 to November 2)- hardworking, responsible people who can be relied on in difficult times. In business, they are prudent and practical.
  • Orchid (November 3-12)- mysterious and secretive people who know how to achieve their goals.
  • Peony (November 13 to 22)- confident and motivated individuals. Very loving, gentle and attentive natures.
  • Gladiolus (November 23rd to December 2nd)- they often hover in the clouds, dream of the best, but make little effort to achieve their plans.
  • Dandelion (December 3-12)- are distinguished by their desire for everything new and unknown. They are independent and persistent, but often suffer from their laziness.
  • Lotus (December 13-22)- people with conservative thinking who value stability. They are very organized and tidy in work and business.
  • Edelweiss (from 23rd to 31st December)- think clearly, set clear and realistic goals, decisive and reliable.
  • Gentian (January 1-10)- loyal and sensitive people. In society, they are often modest and closed, they trust only close people.
  • Thistle (January 11-20)- value family comfort, friendship and love. Good-natured, generous and open-minded people.
  • Immortelle (January 21 to 31)- strong-willed and physically strong people with a tendency to loneliness and solitude.
  • Mistletoe (February 1-10)- reckless, cheerful natures, living one day. They don't make long-term plans, but they like to dream.
  • Belladonna (February 11-19)- have a good sense of humor, sharp mind and quick wit. They are sociable and able to find a common language with any person.
  • Mimosa (from 20 to 29 February)- capricious and fickle natures. They are very sensitive and touchy. Do not tolerate criticism.
  • Poppy (from 1 to 10 March) Are people-diplomats. They try to resolve any difficult situations and conflicts peacefully.
  • Lily (March 11-20)- sophisticated and elegant persons who attract representatives of the opposite sex.


The horoscope of stones consists of 13 signs, which determine the pronounced character traits of a person born under the auspices of a particular mineral.

  • Rhinestone (December 24 to January 20)- people of this sign are distinguished by their desire for freedom and independence.
  • Olivine (January 21 to February 17)- nature has endowed these individuals with developed intuition and extraordinary thinking.
  • Coral (from February 18 to March 17) Are spiritually rich individuals with a deep inner peace.
  • Ruby (from March 18 to April 14)- people who are strong in spirit and body. They are driven by great goals and extraordinary ideas.
  • Moonstone (from April 15th to May 12th)- people born under this horoscope sign are very sensitive, vulnerable, often have extrasensory abilities.
  • Topaz (from May 13 to June 9)- disciplined and organized individuals. They are very punctual and responsible.
  • Diamond (from June 10 to July 7) Are individuals with a developed sense of duty and responsibility. They value family and love.
  • Red Carnelian (July 8 to August 4)- creative natures who do not tolerate lies and betrayal. They are very sensitive and moody.
  • Amethyst (from August 5 to September 1)- wise, creative people with a rich inner world. Good counselors and interesting interlocutors.
  • Emerald (from 2 to 29 September)- beautiful in soul and body of the person. They have good taste and are drawn to art.
  • Opal (from September 30 to October 27)- people born in this period of time have strategic thinking, endurance and prudence. Dangerous enemies and loyal friends.
  • Jasper (from October 28 to November 24)- these are people striving for constant development. They are energetic and determined.
  • Lapis Lazuli (November 25 to December 23)- cunning and calculating individuals. They will always find a way out of any difficult situation.


According to pagan beliefs, each of us has our own totem - an animal similar to us in character. Like other Druidic calendars, the animal horoscope is divided into periods. There are 13 of them in this calendar.

  • Deer (December 24 to January 20)- those born under this sign love to travel and learn something new. They are proud and noble.
  • Crane (January 21 to February 17)- harmoniously developed people with many talents and abilities. They can find their vocation both in creativity and scientific activity.
  • Seal (from February 18 to March 17)- these people are constantly striving for excellence. They want to change the world for the better, they are driven by lofty goals and utopian dreams.
  • Bear (from March 18 to April 14)- physically strong, strong-willed and self-confident people. They value family and friendship, prefer stability rather than something new, unknown to them.
  • Snake (from April 15 to May 12) Are people who are inventors. They have healing abilities, wisdom and prudence.
  • Bee (from May 13 to June 9)- creative individuals, very energetic and curious. They often hold leadership positions and have authority in society.
  • Otter (June 10 to July 7)- are distinguished by a broad outlook and extraordinary thinking. Always positive, they love change and travel.
  • Cat (from July 8 to August 4)- honest, loyal and talented. They do not care about public opinion and other people's advice that is not asked for. They go their own way.
  • Salmon (August 5 to September 1)- discerning and attentive natures. They quickly climb the career ladder due to their stubborn nature.
  • Swan (from 2 to 29 September)- calm, sensitive and kind people. Loyal, loyal and honest.
  • Goose (from September 30 to October 27)- have a sharp mind and a good sense of humor. They often find themselves in creativity and art.
  • Owl (from October 28 to November 24)- emotional and passionate natures. Wise and smart beyond their years. They attract people, especially members of the opposite sex.
  • Raven (November 25 to December 23)- prudent, practical and sometimes insidious people who are looking for benefits in everything. There is a predisposition to extrasensory perception.