Full moon in Taurus: the best rites and conspiracies for wealth. Sensual full moon in the Taurus and Scorpion Season

October 24, 2018 at 19:45 Moscow time - full moon in 01 ° 13 'Taurus sign, in conjunction with uranium. Space energies will affect both each individual and society as a whole. Full moon will affect the financial sphere, psychological state. At this time, an excess energy is observed in the world, which means that social life will be ruined, surprised by a series of events.

Taurus in astrology is related to finance, is a monetary sign. Therefore, within two weeks after the full moon in the Taurus, you can take care of financial affairs related to cash prospects in career and business, bank deposits, purchases and sales, hereditary affairs, loans and debts, subsidies and benefits.

October 24, 2018 And 2 weeks after this date, you can safely engage in any investment (with a loan to retro-veneer). Long-term and short-term bank deposits or investments in large projects will bring you profits.

How is our psyche react to a full moon, what to expect?

The maximum power of the moon in aggregate with the influence of uranium gives a greater load on the psyche of man. As a result, frequent mood changes are possible. There are no sharp transitions from the feeling of euphoria to sorrow, the decline of forces. In any case, the emotional life is at the peak. Because of what is possible an excessive transit of personal energy. In the period of decreasing moon, on the contrary, there may be a shortage of forces.

The energy of the full moon is distributed for the period from October 22 to October 26 (+/- 2 days). At this time, many people, especially women, can feel unfortunate concern. Feelings dominate over mind. Under their influence, spontaneous actions are possible, which in the future will have to regret. A variety of ideas may come to mind. No matter how beautiful they seem, you should not immediately throw the forces on their implementation. With a decreasing moon, sober thinking will come and then it is necessary to make decisions.

How does the full moon in the Taurus affect our life?

Since the energy is boilit, wakes up the desire to spill it into others. You can do this in different ways. Some will warm the family time, others will spend time in a friendly company. But there will also be people who will prefer to get rid of excess energy through quarrels, scandals, fights. Especially dangerous is 3 hours before and after the full moon.

Personal relationships come to the fore. An undue jealousy is possible or a rapid manifestation of passion. To avoid quarrels with the second half, it is desirable to plunge into a social life. During the full moon, there are usually many different presentations, prime minister. It costs more time in society.

October 24, 2018, as well as in the days nearest to the date, it is recommended to be cautious on the roads. It is undesirable to appoint responsible, fateful meetings at this time. It is also not worth buying expensive things, they can be short-lived, often breaking.

Impact of full moon on health - where to send energy?

In the days of the full moon, the body is experiencing a strong load. It is necessary to fear injuries, stretching. It is advisable not to overload neither the body nor the psyche. Frequent air will benefit, light exercise. They will make rid of the accumulated voltage, but will not cause overwork.

During the full moon, small children become almost uncontrollable. Do not punish them for disobedience. When the moon will decline, they will again be exemplary kids. It is important to show understanding to emotional, with sharp mental reactions to people. On October 24, they are particularly difficult for them.

With strong emotional excitability, it is recommended to drink sedatives, more walking out in the fresh air, to abandon watching horror movies, militants, reading horror literature. It is important to give the body a full-fledged rest, go to bed in time. Relaxing baths are greater.

If the energies are in excess, you can sign up for dancing, swim in the pool or simply make a cleaning in the house. The main thing to release steam peacefully. This is useful for both health and relationships with surrounding people. During the full moon, it is necessary to be attentive to their feelings, do not ignore bad well-being. Special attention should be paid to food. Food poisoning are not excluded.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer

When full moon in the Taurus sign (November 4 at 8:22 am Moscow time at 12 degrees), we want more comfort and convenience, we want to get more benefits at a lesser price, but you have to disclose your wallet and even put in debts. After all, you need to pay pleasure.

The moon in the terrestrial and sensual sign of Taurus calls to slow down and enjoy the comfort of the material world around us - how about a pleasant weekend in the style of "Pajama Day"? Or buying new furniture, changes in interior details? Add cute pleasing eyes, hands and stomach things?

This moon is active Jupiter, he in Scorpio with the Sun and he teases us with his temptations, increasing the appetite and strengthening his thirst for pleasure. Be careful because the full moon is the time of increased emotions and you can go beyond his sweet promises.

Yes, and Neptune lures their sirens from their songs. What is in your life manit and call? What you can not say "no" or at least "no, not now"?

At the same time, Venus, still abiding in his sign of the scales, opposes uranium and this is an unexpected behavior for us - we can do what they did not allow themselves before and it can be like something from the "non-disabilities" series (as " A pajama day ", for example, when you have so many cases and duties or watching your favorite TV series - immediately several series in a row) or thoughtless spending (how to go on a trip, climbing into debts). Yes, it gives pleasure, but also hits your bank account.

Venus controls Saturn - at the moment it is loaded by information from the center of the Galaxy - and there is an invoice, he shakes it for reckless spending and calls for the order, a clear organization of its resources and a sober look at its capabilities.

While the Taurus reigns, we can afford cute pranks - make sweets or go there, where there is something forbidden and promising pleasure. In the end, our body needs from time to time in such a polarity, you just need to do not hang in these states. Taurus is a fixed sign and finding the place where it is convenient and comfortable, it is difficult for him to leave him. Uranus will do it now and may not be very polite and delicate.

And the poor fellow Mars remains in proud loneliness in an uncomfortable sign of the scales. We are not ready now to active and decisive actions, just not now. Give us a couple more days in order to surrender, in the end, Venus is stronger now and most important.

Neptune exists any borders, but only if you are able to let go of your desire for immediate satisfaction. You can get more, but not at all what you expected initially.

Two oppositions in this moon indicate the topic of climax and completion. And the result may be quite unexpected. You can see the true value of purchased or lost by you. It is now difficult to keep things in the balance sheet. Therefore, just do not cling to the expensive for you. Just open and let go.

In this full moon, we appeal to their feelings and sensory feelings. What does it prevent us from feeling? Feeling guilt or sensation of shortage? Ban for happiness and pleasure? Why can't we afford more than used to?

Or let it? But then scold yourself and shame? Can we enjoy what is in our lives right now, without thinking about the load of the past or tomorrow's concerns?

Taurus always for stopping and sniffing roses. He also grounds, so any contact with the ground, trees and what excuses our feelings will be useful in these full-moon days. If you have entered too far in your traits, it's time to think about the filing of your bank account and no longer buy expensive things.

On this weekend, go for a walk with friends in the park, spread the fire, collect twigs, make your partner massage. The pleasure does not have to devote your bank account.

Northern Indians call this moon of beaver, since at this time there were traps for beavers before the water freezes in the reservoirs to ensure that the fur for the cold winter. Remember that the full moon is harvesting and bring fruits from the new moon in the same zodiac sign six months ago.

In the last new moon in the Taurus, you set goals and filled the forces from the flourishing Mother of the Earth, and now the Taltsovsky energy returns us back to himself, to the feelings of our physical body, so that we come in touch again with this force and stored it for a long winter. Therefore, satisfy your appetites - choose our nature, arrange yourself a belly holiday, treat your body.

Here are some more ways to carry out the energies of the Taurus in your life:

1. Follow the simple process
Nowadays, when everyone is chasing new items and try to hurt patriarchalness, which only complicates things, it is better not to invent the wheel or bike, but trying to change your attitude: do things as it is intended. Full moon in the Taurus reminds us that when we try too much, we are porter process. It is best for us to help usual hard work - want to improve the world and help humanity in the awakening of awareness? Just work and modestly step by step Go to the goal. Then you will receive the result. It works not the culture of hasters, but real work through the application of this effort.

2. Picture presence
You have already heard 100 times the phrase "be in the moment" and it seems almost abusive when we stretch to your ai-background after Shivasana's posture at the yoga class. Buddhists believe that the state of Zen is achieved in everyday life when we follow the flow - "My dishes, cut vegetables, sweep the floor." Taurus manages the sphere of our daily, where there is a feeling Venus. Therefore, look for beauty and wisdom in anticipation, integrity in chaos of the day and patience in testing. Enlightenment is not measured by the number of time you spent in meditation, but as far as you can keep calm in madness of the world around you. Try to breathe smoothly even in the darker days of your life and remember that the darkest time before dawn.

3. Allow yourself to be material
Taurus manages that sphere of the horoscope where our money and material prosperity are located. And perhaps today is considered indecent to demonstrate their wealth and even prompses consumer contempt (well, in addition to branded things). We understand that the pursuit of enrichment is the cause of many troubles on our planet and businessmen more importantly politicians. But we also "spiritual creatures receiving human experience" and this means living in the world of 3d with a support for their five feelings.

In this full moon, let yourself spend money as an act of demonstrating the universe of your generosity and the ability to receive pleasure. You send the message that you trust her in your care for you.

But if you are struggling with fear of poverty and lack of money about money, this full moon reminds you that money is energy and that you need to return daily back for the sake of conservation of circulation.

This moon is a mandatory act. Taurus asks "What else is the joy of life, if not in enjoying the best things?" Turning with you by the royal you demonstrate that "you are worthy" and root it in your psyche. But nothing superfluous, Taurus for simplicity and elegance.

4. Follow your nose
The sensual calf knows the strength of subtle hints and promises, such as the softness of the luxurious fabrics or wealth of the exquisite taste of food, the magic of any fragrance. Especially very smell feeling. You can play with perfume or oils when contacting your skin with chemistry. Apply the probes on the wrists and wait a few hours, watching changes. Spray the fragrance in your home and inhale its smell at the entrance - let him smooth your stress and excitement.

5. Squeeze from the roof
T. elets manages the throat (and a throat chakra), so you use your voice into this moon. Do you come with a speech, sing karaoke or tell someone about your real feelings, the main verbal expression of yourself.

Full moon are highly emotional times, so if you feel the influx of accumulated feelings, lose them before going to someone nearby. Bull can be very fierce when he sees red. How can you convey your point of view without unnecessary destruction? Think about it, then pour your soul.

If you hear you and you do not get the desired result, use the energy of this full moon to balancing your throat chakra. Mantra singing or simply singing can help, as well as abundant drink. The color of this chakra is blue, so wearing a choke of this color or a necklace of blue stones will also help balancing. You can wear a blue scarf. This week is listening to more, even if you disagree with what they say - the collection of information will help with the design of your thoughts.

Any audible therapy - with the help of Tibetan (or singing) cups will be excellent healing practice.

6. Once again decide with your values
What do you believe and stand on? It's time to look beyond this. Sexual inequality, women's rights, civil rights or freedoms, Taurus is responsible for self-esteem and our values. You do not need to put pressure on your morality, but it is important to have several solid principles in stock that lead you in life and ask her direction. And live as they say. Let your values \u200b\u200bbe firm and unshakable.

7. Rock up to truth
The full moon in the caller occurs in the height of the Scorpio season, so it is possible to disclose what happens outside the visible. The secret becomes clear. Often, the energy of the Taurus divides the world to black and white and causes unacceptable behavior. And really the energy of this full moon pushes us outside the limits of comfortable, calling on the ones of their idealized views. In his highest vibration, we can achieve the integrity without the destruction of other people's opinions.

8. Bull up a tree
The globe is associated with our roots and grounding, it helps us develop the ability to build and manifest on a solid foundation. There is nothing more stabilizing than the old tree hunted high above our heads. You can hug his trunk or just sit at the base, relying back on this reliable support. Visualize how you absorb its strength, reliable, calm and the ability to grow and regenerate.

Many people have a full moon associated with a negative, with dangers, causes fear. And this is not with simple. Because for a long time the full moon is considered the most mystical day of the month in lunar calendar.

However, every full moon is especially individually. Full moon in Taurce 4 November 2017 is a bright example. The energy of Taurus will make that positive points on this day will prevail over the negative. And therefore it is worth relaxing and meet the day of the full moon on November 4, 2017 with a smile and positive thoughts.

Taurus is a strong fixed earth sign, it combines incredible power with practicality, softness and tranquility. It is managed by feminine Venus, a planet of love and harmony, which makes it sensual and gentle. At this time, the female power is noticeable - the energy of the earth, feelings and beauty.

Together with the growing moon, biological life is activated, gradually approaching its maximum - full moon. During this period, everything is experiencing a lifting phase, a person becomes more energetic, more exclude, is more impere in the manifestations of emotions. It can easily be offended, easy to refresh or fall into sorrow. In people with an unbalanced psyche, this is evident particularly clearly. The effect of man's lunar light was conceived in antiquity.

November 4 at 8:23 (MSK) On the Taurus-Scorpio axis at 11 ° 59 ', a full moon will take place, which traditionally emphasizes the themes of property and finance, accumulation and returns, and someone else's property, and material relations. The moon in the Taurus, affecting the subconscious, rushes us to stability and stability, beauty and comfort, simple vitality and pleasures.
The Sun in Scorpio focuses the opposite pole, indicating the need for change and transformation, the destruction of the torn, the need for spiritual work on itself.

The habitual passage of passions for the full moon period aggravates the opposition of Venus with uranium. Revenues, expenses, financial relations can be the topic of discussions and new plans, disputes and conflicts. Situations may require new financial cooperation conditions, new steps in order to dispose of joint property or finances, in the subject of security or investment, but caution will now be more useful than adventurism.

This is the period when the accumulated contradictions in relations, cooperation and partnership can lead to the crisis and the need for change for a common good. Extreme positions, disadvantage, now they will not give the right effect: they will have to either negotiate, or the relationship will ruin or stop due to an insoluble contradiction. For the relationship to get a chance and update, you need to take urgent changes. Then changes will be for the better. At this time, the positions of the parties are determined in matters of disagreement and will be able to come to an acceptable solution. But for this, the rational beginning should take the top over emotional. Then you can find the keys to how to make relationships with colleagues, bosses, partners and close optimal.

For sustainable and long-time connections, this period makes it possible to easily feel a partner, each other, settle disagreements. For an unstable relationship, it may be time of parting. In business, this is the completion of projects. It is possible to terminate contracts, termination of cooperation, partnership due to the changed external conditions. Or the need to revise the previous decisions or contracts to bring them in line with new circumstances.

On November 2-4, the risk of injuries in negligence increases, the number of accidents, catastrophe, there is a risk of terrorist attacks, sabotage. We need caution behind the wheel.

It is important to understand that the full moon brings irritability and nervousness not only to us, and all others. Try to keep yourself in your hands and do not succumb to the provocations of others. Important negotiations and clarification of relationships are better to postpone at another time, since emotional impassableness can provoke ridiculous errors and unreasonable deeds. Important financial solutions and large purchases should also be transferred.

Who does the full moon affect the most strongly?

Most of all the influence of this full moon will be subject to fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Lion, Aquarius). If important planets or sensitive points of your horoscope fall at 9 ° -14 ° of the specified characters, then this full moon can be very important and fateful for you, to have a big impact on your future. Although now should be ready for difficulties.

Influence on health

Full moon affects us 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after the specified point. The tension increases to climax at 8:23 (MSK) and then gradually decreases. The exacerbation of emotions, irritability, psyche vulnerability, the maximum strengthening of symptoms of existing diseases is the usual manifestation of the full moon. The use of alcohol should be minimized as much as possible, and it is better to exclude, since now its influence is particularly increasing. It is also recommended to avoid excessive physical exertion and observe a gentle diet.

In this full moon, the bodies associated with the sign of Taurus are especially vulnerable. Any manipulations in the field of the lower jaw, the maxillion joint, on the voice ligaments, on the almonds, on the thyroid gland, the pancreas, are contraindicated. It is not recommended to remove moles, papillomas from the neck. Also, treatment is not recommended and, especially, dental removal, like all surgical operations.

How to make a good moon desire

In order for the moonful desire to be fulfilled, you need to tune in appropriately. It is known that the impact of the full moon causes a tide of strength in humans, aggravates susceptibility, sensitivity and intuition. This often becomes the cause of internal stress and even aggression. In order to use the strength of the full moon itself, you need to direct the spiritual energy to the right direction: during the day you do not allow yourself negative thoughts, concentrate on your desire and imagine how it is embodied. So you will create a suitable energy background to ridd up desire.

Decide exactly what you want to make. It should be your strongest desire, the thoughts about which cause you to have a tide of emotions - only then the energy send will be strong enough to be implemented. If you start rushing from one dream to another or try to make a few desires at once, nothing will work.

Many desire is best at midnight. At that moment, the lunar energy reaches its peak, and the lunar disk itself is well visible in the sky. It is necessary to utter cherished words with a whisper, but clearly and clearly, fully focused on your dream. Handling the desire, look at the moon: the visual contact will install the necessary energy exchange between you and night luminaries, and your words will gain great strength.

The moon has a direct impact on the water balance, and this applies not only to the hydrosphere, but also a person whose body consists of 60%. Therefore, rituals associated with water differ in full molution. The desire can be chipped not to the moon, but on the liquid, pre-charged it with lunar energy: pour water into the glass and leave it on the windowsill, well lit by the moon. At midnight, they say the desire over the water, putting as much energy as possible as possible, then drink it. The full moon power contributes to the rapid embodiment of your dreams into reality.

Full moon rites and rituals in November 2017

Buy on the eve of the full moon a new red wallet, put one paper bill in it. Leave on the windowsill for all night so that the moon long fill its energy. The charged wallet will bring you success and financial stability.

Spend a ritual with the speaker name "Money Magnet". To this end, on the night of the full moon house makes general cleaning, and then put on the clothes that once has already brought you success. The left pocket is put in a copper coin, and in the right one is a small magnet. Light a candle and go around with her all rooms at home. Coeth and magnet carry with them for at least three weeks. They will replace you with a talisman. How to attract money in your life, you will learn from the councils of psychics

If you have an aquarium at home (or you planned this purchase), buy a new fish on the eve of full moon and feed it well. Speak such a plot: "I feed the fish, I pray for a flourish moon. Fish in water, the moon - in the sky, and I am in luxury and happiness! " Then you need to thank the moon as if the desire has already been fulfilled.

Ritual for love "Rosa Love"

As you know, the rose is an ancient symbol of love and it is very often used to attract love in their lives. If you are alone and passionately want to meet the love of your life, then you will certainly need to spend this romantic ritual.

You will need:

  • red rose flower
  • vase
  • 2 Red Candles

On the day of the full moon go to the flower shop and buy a beautiful red rose. Put it at home in a beautiful vase and take a look at the flower from time to time, creating a romantic mood. After the clock is trying twelve nights, burn candles and put a rose between them. Turn on the romantic melody, sit on a chair and look at this "composition", enjoy, inhale pink fragrance, mentally imagining the image of your second half. After that, three times aloud: "Love is in the present, love in the future, love forever. Love-sky is needed by me, Love-Earth under me, love around me. Love attracted, I will tell you! "

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires "Magic note"

This is a very simple ritual, but its effectiveness does not decrease from it.

You will need:

  • small piece of paper
  • a pen

Wait for the full moon offensive. After 12 hours of Night, write on a sheet of paper with a handle your cherished desire. It should be recorded in the present time, without denying and the words "want". For example: "I am comfortable for high-paying work!". Magic note with written desire put on the windowsill, where the light falls from the moon. Leave a leaf on the windowsill for 3 nights in a row (in the morning take it from the window). During this time, your desire is "soaked" with active lunar energies and will soon begin to be carried out. Leaf with desire to hide away, until the desire is fulfilled. After that, it needs to be burned and thank the universe for its execution.

Ritual for execution of desires "Lunar magnet"

With this ritual, you can perform any desire rather quickly.

You will need:

  • 2 candles (green, red or white *)
  • paper
  • a pen
  • dressing tape (green, red or white *)
  • small magnet

*Note: The color of the candles and dressing tape in this ritual is selected depending on the type of your desire (for money - green, for love - red, for the rest - white).

One of the days of the full moon, after the clock is trying at midnight, burn two candles. Write your desire on a piece of paper very detailed, in all parts. Avoid your future time, the words "want" and all types of denials (not, nor never). Put the leaf with the desire between the two candles. Look at the fire and imagine your desire already executed. Enjoy emotions from his exercise! At the end, tell me out loud 3 times the following words: "Moon-hostess is filled with - my desire is already executed!". After that, wrap a small magnet in a sheet with the desire, tie it with a dressing tape and wear in your bag or pocket until the desire is fulfilled.

Ritual for the execution of desires "Lunar Mirror"

One of the strongest lunar rituals who are executing wishes. You will need only one accessory for it - a small mirror.

Wait for the full moon night. After midnight, go out to the street near your house (you can on the balcony). The main condition is the full moon should be clearly visible and you must be in the lunar light stream. Take a small mirror into the right hand, turn your back to the moon, catch the lunar reflection in the mirror, and without looking away from him, say out loud:

"Moon, Beauty, all the stars like. Light lunar Share for me you are a touch. What I want is to come true, your strength will come down to me. Your light on the ground is strengthened, my desalination is executed. May it be so!".

In the lunar mirror, after that, it is impossible to look at the onset of the next full moon. During this time, your desire must be fulfilled.

You can read about other features of full moon and astromagism.

* During the preparation of the material, quotes from SA works were used. Vronsky, E. Zimovets, as well as other Internet sources.

Indicators of an individual horoscope can add their own adjustments to this forecast. Therefore, in cases where there is a need to choose a time for one or another, taking into account all transit influences, as well as indicators of a natal card, it will not be necessary for individual advice. A more detailed description of astrological methods and cards, as well as what is needed for the preparation of the horoscope

The moon in the Taurus gives its owners with extracting, tranquility and tolerance to the environment. For such people in the foreground always stands material stability. They try to get all the best from life, carefully prepare for themselves "warm" and a calm place. This applies to personal relations and business sphere. Huge efforts will be spent to achieve a high position in society, then with advantage to enjoy achieved success.

Influence of the satellite on the character of the moon calf

People with the Moon in the Taurus are ambiguous. Emotional and responsive, they can seek material goods to the detriment of other people. The desire to live in comfort and luxury they have so much that dreams of this sometimes are embodied in life, without much effort.

Lunar tales from childhood can distribute their "pocket money." With age, this ability will develop into talent successfully manage finance. That is why these professions are organic:

  • accountant;
  • trade managers;
  • financial director of large companies;
  • bank employees;
  • own business.

They possess special charm and a welcome character. For friends, the doors of their hospitable house are always open. Realists by nature, they soberly evaluate emerging problems and, showing sympathy for other people's problems, provide special assistance.

Sometimes people born with the Moon in the Taurus have to be nervous and worry because of the life changes arising. They are conservative and do not like to change the usual way of life.

These are persistent, patient and having a strong character of workers. To achieve their goals, do not regret yourself. Physical overvoltage should be avoided, which often leads to nervous disorders. Stresses and strong emotions are able to disrupt the mental balance. Representatives of this group of Taurons can even get sick due to the lack of comfort and positive emotions.

The lunar sign of the Taurus gives its owners with special intuition and the ability to comprehend the secrets of the universe. Philosophical teachings, secret knowledge, mystical practices - all this is very interesting for the Tales, but only as a "spicy seasoning" to the material side of life.

Distinctive features of people whose moon is in the Taurus

The moon in the Constellation of the Taurus develops sensuality in its owners. These people are beautiful lovers, thinly feel their half and fully surpass her sexual expectations. It is very difficult to find a family man better than representatives of this sign. Increased passionate the opposite sex does not prevent them from being loyal and loving spouses. Lunar Tales prefer long and harmonious relationship with one partner. The family for them is a "reliable fortress" in which they hurry to hide from life storms.

The main characteristic qualities of lunar calves can be attributed:

  • attractive appearance;
  • elegance;
  • excellent feeling of taste;
  • goodwill;
  • sense of humor;
  • performance;
  • persistence;
  • conservatism;
  • luxury thrust;
  • sensuality;
  • sexuality.

Another bright feature is a great one. That is why there may be not only successful bankers, but also musical critics, art historians, actors and designers. As a hobby, they are often fond of dancing, as they have a good feeling of rhythm, plasticity and amazing grace.

With all the desire for high position and career success, the Lunar Taurus is very diplomatic, knows how to smooth sharp corners and has congenital, and not acquired wisdom. It often saves it and allows you to get out of confusing and difficult situations with honor.

What career capabilities give the moon in the constellation of the Taurus

If the Lunar Taurus believes in something, he will work every day to work for the incarnation of his dreams. Build a brilliant career, lunar calves help:

  • energetic;
  • realism;
  • the ability to think scale;
  • financial abilities;
  • sharp mind;
  • high intelligence.

"Mistress of the night" in his sign helps him work very productively and focus on the real state of affairs, and not to build air locks. However, this approach to the case appears only after the start of work. Before that, it is the "air locks" move it to labor accomplishments. After the Lunar Taurus is included in the work, he is no longer attached to dreams, and soberly assesses its capabilities. Such people, always try to get to the most tops, understanding well that it may be no month, and the years. This does not upset them and does not stop.

Typical representatives of Tales with the Moon in Natal Map, seek to ensure material stability to themselves, their family, their loved ones. They carefully belong to all relatives, trying to do everything so that their future was also secured and enjoyable.

Moonlight, illuminating the Taurus, gives it an incomprehensible perseverance and the ability to achieve excellent results, even in secondary roles. Regardless of the choice of profession, he is always able to make a brilliant career.

Moon in Taurus in a woman

Woman with Moon in Taurus has many talents that are brightly manifested in work, everyday life and in privacy. As a rule, they are characterized by such traits:

  • caring;
  • cardicity;
  • preferably;
  • attractiveness;
  • artistry;
  • warring;
  • practicality;
  • devotion.

From representatives of this sign, caring hostesses are obtained, capable of creating a real family nest. They respect family values, devotees to her husband, surround the love of children.

Very often, they show their creative potential in the ability to cook perfectly, make various useful trinkets with their own hands, sew and knit extraordinary clothing models. They love to "sow" their children, happy costumes are preparing for them.

The lunar woman-tauris woman can successfully use both the career and as a hobby. It can draw perfectly, play musical instruments, dance or sing. Possessing a good musical hearing, often suits musical evenings for their guests.

Despite artistic inclinations, impressionable and craving for the beautiful, the lunar nature of the Taurus gives a woman with practicality and businesslikeness. She can achieve his career success if they give her the opportunity to show their numerous talents. The main task of the spouse in this case, help your wife on the housework and provide it with the opportunity to realize your abilities. Continued you can read in Article \u003e\u003e\u003e

Moon in Taurus in a man

The moon in the Taurus in a man makes it reliable and responsible. The main features of the character can still be achieved:

  • calm;
  • conservatism;
  • energy;
  • practicality;
  • persistence;
  • caring;
  • sexuality.

In personal life, they always achieve those women who choose their wife. They will long, beautifully and stubbornly care for, until reciprocity becomes. As soon as the "purpose is achieved", the strength of the pressure subsides, and care and tenderness comes to shift.

In order to provide your family, the Moon Taurus will work hard. He will not be interested in stagnation on a little paid work. It will try to quickly climb the career ladder, ensuring a stable financial situation for a comfortable life.

Lunar representatives of this sign analytic mind, good memory and beautiful organizational abilities. However, steady conservatism sometimes becomes a stumbling block and prevents moving on. Ultimately, the sobriety of the mind helps to acquire some flexibility and accept changes to achieve the goal.

Lunar Taurus has a good musical hearing, artistic abilities and other creative talents. He loves to sing and dance in a circle of friends, has a tendency to make something in his free time. Very often, the lunar male Taurus frees his wife from cooking, as it just loves to cook and invent new culinary recipes. It can achieve significant success in the model business, become a famous writer or actor. Continued you can read in Article \u003e\u003e\u003e

Black Moon in Taurus

The Black Moon has a negative impact on all who were born during this period. This can lead to development in their character:

  • greed;
  • cruelty;
  • egoism;
  • energy vampirism;
  • curd;
  • laziness;
  • sexual impotence.

Too sensitive people can succumb to laziness and idleness, demanding from surrounding increased attention to their person and material assistance. The desire to live in a comfortable environment for someone else's expense, ends, as a rule, financial problems. To avoid the negative effect of the Black Moon, you need to engage in spiritual practices, learn to control your desires.

White Moon in Taurus

At the born with a white moon in the constellation of the Taurus a huge supply of energy and mental strength. The moon gives them a good physical endurance, helps to achieve stable material well-being. The character of a person is dominated by:

  • kindness;
  • sympathy for others;
  • desire to help and support in need;
  • unselfishness;
  • dedication.

Having such a set of positive qualities, a person begins to live for the sake of others. He does not leaving for himself, in his own life, free space. It is important not to roll into extremes, but to learn evenly, to distribute your mental energy.

When the black and white moon in one sign

Finding in one sign of the White and Black Moon makes duality in the character of a person. The one who was born during this period will constantly feel insecurity, it will throw it from the extreme to extreme. On the one hand, the Lunar Taurus will be seen for every woman, and strive for sensory pleasures. On the other hand, the constant feeling of guilt before the family will lead it to stress. In the business sphere, the influence of two moons will affect performance and desire to succeed.

Influence of the phase of the day under the moon in the body

Full moon in October 2018 means the opposition and the moon in a peaceful and stable Taurus for 1 degree.

The Sun in Scorpio with all secrets, investigations on the one hand, the moon in Taurus wants comfort in the family and comfort in the shower. Connecting a retrograde uranium in Taurus - Adept of new inventions in everyday life, which can free up time for more evolutionary significant occupations. To work smart technique, you need to press the button, but first you need to know where it and how it all starts and turns off. Lose day, then fly in five minutes. And so in all in order.

Full moon on October 24, 2018 - how to work with negative emotions to work with negative emotions

The negative effect of the moon is manifested in the enhancement of laziness, inertia, and the energy of scorpion is a passionate and zealous attitude to everything. We can cover the sudden storm of emotions, strong desires aimed at converting life, as a rule, someone else's. Only such a "good with fists" will turn into our same way. Many complain that there is a dark background, as if he could smoothed who. Pretty, write down on the papers, paint the house and read: no destructive energy can act on us if we are clean inside. On time, we are released from the conscious and adopted negative savings, emotions, the scorpion period to you what?

If you drive the negative and dissatisfaction with the subconscious, pretending that you are all so good and on a positive, then one day such a "positive" sticks to the temple and the brains knocked - it will not break through in that place and not at that time! So do not invent terrible stories and outcomes of our events. Planetary movements now reflect and strengthen what we have sowed in the previous period. Ourselves and rescuers, ourselves and evil goblins themselves - the planets have nothing to do with it.

Negative emotions - the expression of our internal disagreement with what is happening. It is honest. We do not blame anyone. We express our consent with the fact that we currently have sadness, concern, anger, rejection, hatred and anger. Our emotions are not us. They are only part of our personality, but not the soul. We are given the whole range of emotions, so that one positive is not touched. To get up and change your reality on the "bad" feelings. "Keep your nerves with you" - you hear at work, at study and at home. "Distracted, smile, do not cry, not nervous." Especially YouTube-Santa put "diagnoses": "This is because you are alone / found not the job / unhappy in the relationship / crisis of the 20th years." Also talk about your childhood, supply "specialists in good emotions" by telephones. Where to give bad?

Nowhere. Give them to live them without self-seen and attempts to "rule the sharp razor." Explan to others: it's not yours, but mine. I'm angry, sad, I want to be in myself, and not talk. " You will do so a couple of times - get used and allow you the right to different emotions. They say, mom / wife / colleague angry, it is better not to touch half an hour.
We are people. We are mistaken and learn, lazy and work, hate and love, chatting everything in a row or keep secrets. Up to 31.10, our shadow sides go out. Watch. Black need to distinguish white on his background.

Full Moon October 24, 2018 - Business, Finance, Career

If we have some kind of important goal, even passion (scorpion), it will pave a new rut, in which life will flow further. Only the goal should be creative and clean (Taurus) aimed at developing himself and the surrounding world.

Taurus and scorpion are relevant to finance, both are symbolurable are signs of resources - their own and strangers. We are looking for a balance between what belongs to us and the fact that not our.

Consider the spending of the resource as an investment. Then you can fully feel joy from dividends! Within two weeks after the full moon, some of us (in particular, Lion, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio) will enter the forefront of debts, loans, banks. If half a year ago we gave resources into growth (in debt, under the percentage, secured), now it's time to get these percentages. This is not a mystic, but the law of conservation of energy E \u003d Mc². Or just an accounting balance. Not by chance the day of the accountant is celebrated in the Sun in Scorpio - he considers other people's money!

After the full moon, you can solve issues of construction, repair, medicine, banking sector, loans, science and health. But the sphere of beauty and creativity still slows down and overloaded. All new things are postponing until November 17-18, but a well-forgotten old or fooling renewed, rehytim, make cavities, arrange repeated events, we appeal to the "grandmother's chests". I think they understood the metaphor.

Full moonOctober 24, 2018 - love, Friendship, Communication

In full moon our qualities, good and bad, become more delineated. All the secret can be apparent, so urgently rewind skeletons from the cabinets! And it is better to be extremely honest, because the deception requires good memory.

The moon in Scorpio adds to the relationship of sharpness, demanding, impatience. Property feelings, jealousy, suspicion can lead to losses. At least - nerves! On the other hand, the light will come out what you have to work with what to get rid of. Live in co-dependent relationship - run, or the situation itself will be resolved. Do you want dream relations, with mutual development and inspiration? And what then you choose "something easier to me, with the edge," do not appreciate yourself? Admit that the old infuriates and died for a long time, so what to rely on the desert, but stable? Maybe it is better to sorpe, mourn, and after starting again? Scorpio - a cleaner, Taurus - everything is saved, but a healthy balance is needed. Remove only non-visual, toxic life.

Full moonOctober 24, 2018 - Health

Good days for diet and starvation, as if the moon in Taurus did not pull to the refrigerator. It should be refused not only from meat, but also cabbage, garlic, onions, sharp seasonings, give preference to grain, fruit, dried fruits and berries.
Particular attention should be paid to their health people suffering from diabetes. Pancreas is vulnerable. You can clean it, but you can not operate. Any surgical operations are undesirable if it comes to critical cases. This is due to large blood loss and more complex recovery of organs and tissues. It is better to transfer them for 2-3 days.

Sex on this day also depletes the body and does not improve the relationship. The question is not to the moon in the Taurus, but to the full moon and the abundance of planets in Scorpio.

Increased throat sensitivity and all endocrine system. We need to take care of voice ligaments, drink beverages of moderate temperature, not speak loudly, do not listen to music in headphones. It is undesirable to interfere in the neck, throat, trachea and thyroid gland, esophagus, lower jaws. The inhalation and rinse of the throat are allowed.
For salon procedures, days after October 24 - 25-28 perfectly.

From communication with customers and friends, I realized that October-November was given many extremely difficult. Full moon, apparently, the apogee of all these "miracles". It seems that everything, no strength, would fall, like the November leaf, and lie in the snow. Especially difficult to fixed signs Taurus, Lion, Scorpio (optional) and Aquarius. Slightly easier and clearer fish. Cancer, Capricorn and Devs, but it all depends on the personal card.

I urge you to stay together. Do not consider yourself alone and abandoned, unloved and failed. Do not hesitate your weakness and vulnerability, share, be sincere. Then the sorrow is divided into pieces, and joy multiplied. Here you have a small practice.

Full moonOctober 24, 2018 - Practices

On the night of October 24 or on October 25 (also you can) sit face down to the open window and close your eyes, imagining that you want to remove, burn or transform in your relationship, creativity, finance, inner sensations. Write what you do not want. Right. Let there be 5 written sheets. Write your resentment, claims, traumatic memories, conflict on the paper sheet of paper. Tell me - Stop! I do not want so, I change internally, even if the external changes are coming for the better. Then this leaflets burn on the candle, in the stove or in a fire - who has something. But be careful with fire. Before going to bed again, fasten your wishes in thoughts. In the morning I wake up - you will feel the desire to live, breathe full of breasts and fill the life with new meanings!

This forecast is common. Your personal horoscope with recommendations you can order

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Yours faithfully,

Ekaterina aka Iva Nova
astropsychologist, Blog Author

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