After treatment, you can become pregnant immediately. Ureaplasma and pregnancy planning. Treatment and unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant - through thorns to the stars

Nowadays, many married couples approach procreation responsibly. They prepare in advance to become parents both psychologically and physically.

It is especially important during this period to treat all infectious diseases, since in the future, taking antibiotics, especially for a woman, will be extremely undesirable.

It is no secret that antibiotic therapy, for all its necessity, also has negative sides. Therefore, when planning to conceive, it is important to know when to get pregnant after taking antibiotics.

Antibiotics are a group of medicines that destroy pathogenic bacteria or suppress their activity.

Treatment of many infectious diseases is impossible without antibiotic therapy.

The action of these drugs is aimed at cleansing the body of all bacteria that inhabit it.

But in addition to pathogenic microbes, many useful microorganisms live in the human body.

They inhabit primarily the human intestine and form the immune system.

Expert opinion

When these bacteria are destroyed, the immunity is weakened, all kinds of fungi begin to multiply in the place of beneficial microorganisms, and intestinal dysbiosis and various fungal diseases of the organs occur.

Therefore, after antibiotic treatment, it is very important to restore the normal microflora in the body. This is ensured by long-term intake of probiotics and other means for colonizing the intestines with beneficial bacteria, as well as proper nutrition.

The negative effects of antibiotics are common in the liver.The bile ducts of this organ are clogged.

Moreover, the negative effect of antibiotics on the liver surpasses even the effect of constant alcohol consumption.

The liver's buffer systems are depleted, its function changes and instead of cleansing the body of toxins, on the contrary, it pollutes the body.

Also, while taking antibiotics, the kidneys may suffer, as they remove the drug from the body to a greater extent.

This is only part of the negative aspects of antibiotics. In many ways, their effect depends on the specific group of drugs and their action, as well as the duration of the drug intake.

When taking antibiotics, in order to reduce their negative effect, it is important to follow the rules for taking the drug.

Take at the same time, usually after meals, do not quit taking the medicine, even if the state of health has improved quickly, take as many days as the doctor has prescribed.

The antibiotic dose should be appropriate for the patient's age and weight. Usually, short courses of antibiotics are not capable of causing serious harm to the body.

Effects of antibiotics on pregnancy

Antibiotics also affect the genitourinary system of the body.

In men, sperm cells are damaged, in women, vaginal candidiasis can develop, as well as pathologies during pregnancy.

Most often, spontaneous abortion at an early stage or missed pregnancy can occur.

In addition, violations in the genitourinary system of men and women reduce the possibility of getting pregnant.

The effect of these drugs on pregnancy depends on the specific antibiotic group.So research has confirmed that

  • Penicillin series (ampicillin, amoxicillin, etc.) have the least effect on fetal formation and are considered the safest.
  • Cephalosporin have a more pronounced toxic effect on the fetus, especially in the early stages of development. However, due to their effectiveness, antibiotics of this series are approved for use during pregnancy, but only after the first trimester.
  • She showed her safety and macrolide group (Azithromycin, Erythromycin, etc.).
  • Other antibiotics are not considered safe during pregnancy.

Therefore, before using an antibiotic when planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the possibility of further conception and select the appropriate safest group of the drug.

Expert opinion

Polyakova Lyudmila Igorevna - medical worker

Assistant obstetrician-gynecologist, mother of two

On the Internet, you can also find reviews of women who became pregnant immediately after taking these drugs and everything ended well for them. We do not recommend that you rely on luck in this case. To minimize the risk of negative consequences, it is better to postpone pregnancy.

Negative consequences of taking

It has been proven that during pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases.

The load on most organs and systems of the body increases, they work for two.

And since the consequences of taking antibiotics are a decrease in immunity, disruption of the liver, kidneys, the development of fungal diseases and dysbiosis, it becomes clear that it is impossible to become pregnant at the moment.

It is necessary to wait until the consequences of taking antibiotics are eliminated: immunity will be restored, the work of organs and systems will improve.

Only then will it be possible to conceive and bear a healthy child.

If the future dad accepted them

It would seem, what does your husband-future dad have to do with bearing a child and how taking antibiotics with them can affect pregnancy.

It turns out that it has, and the most immediate. Antibiotics can affect the quality and composition of sperm, damaging sperm and reducing their activity.

Therefore, the chance of fertilization with such a sperm is significantly reduced, and there may also be a risk of genetic abnormalities.

If the defective sperm fertilizes the egg, it is likely that the pregnancy will be terminated early, since the embryo will be unviable.

The occurrence of pathologies of fetal development at a later date is possible.

Spermatozoa develop and mature 75 days from birth. Due to the duration of spermatogenesis, the effects of harmful effects may appear after several months.

How long should it take before pregnancy

Sometimes conception occurs during antibiotic therapy and everything is fine with the pregnancy and the baby.

This happens when treated with the safest drugs. Still, it's not worth the risk.

Especially when strong antibiotics are prescribed with a long period of elimination from the body and dangerous side effects.

After how many days or months can you begin to conceive a child?

The negative effect of antibiotics is especially great in the early stages, when all organs of the child are laid. It is necessary to give the mother's body to restore all functions and get rid of toxins.

But the most optimal period for pregnancy after taking antibiotics is 3-6 months. After this period from the end of treatment, you can.

How to prepare for pregnancy after taking antibiotics

After completing antibiotic therapy and evaluating the effectiveness of treatment, you can begin to prepare for pregnancy. This requires:

  1. Wait at least three months before conception after the end of the medication;
  2. Try to eliminate the effect of the antibiotic on the body.

    Restore the intestinal microflora, cleanse the liver, take medications to restore its function if necessary;

  3. The expectant father must also complete treatment at least three months before conception;
  4. Start to temper the body, strengthen the immune system;
  5. Eat right, take.

Prevention of dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is a disease associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora.

In this disease, the intestines are inhabited by harmful microbes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, immunity decreases, candidiasis occurs, and allergic reactions appear.

Dysbacteriosis is a constant companion of antibiotic treatment. In order to prevent this disease for the rapid restoration of intestinal microflora, it is necessary:

  • While taking antibacterial drugs, stick to plant and fermented milk foods;
  • It is good if the diet contains rosehip broth, tea with lemon, fruit drinks;
  • Take a course of taking special drugs to restore microflora (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, yogurt, etc.);
  • Get treated with antifungal drugs.

The health of the unborn child depends on the correct approach to planning pregnancy. Therefore, it is worth taking with full responsibility the recovery of the body after taking antibacterial drugs.

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So the long-awaited pregnancy has come. Behind numerous examinations, treatment. Finally, the pregnancy test is positive, ultrasound confirms the presence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity. It would seem that you can relax, enjoy the happy period of waiting for the baby ... But some expectant mothers, on the contrary, are scared, anxious: what if something is wrong?

Women who become pregnant after fertility treatment can usually be classified into one of three types. Type one - overly anxious patients who are afraid of everything, overly worried about any reason, visit a doctor almost every day. Type two - on the contrary, overly calm women who believe that nothing terrible can happen to them, postpone a visit to the doctor, do not register for pregnancy on time, do not pass the necessary tests, and in bad faith follow the doctor's instructions. Finally, the third type includes women who adhere to the "golden mean" - who are sensible about their pregnancy, to the advice of a doctor.

But, no matter how a woman perceives her long-awaited pregnancy, objective information about the problems that can await her will help her. This is what will be discussed.

Very often, possible complications are interrelated with the cause that led to infertility. It can be:

  • Hormonal disorders
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, in the small pelvis (infertility resulting from such anomalies is called peritoneal),
  • Various gynecological diseases,
  • Immune factors (when in the body of a woman or a man, antibodies to sperm are produced, which stick them together, reducing the ability of sperm to move),
  • Spermatogenesis disorders.

The consequences of hormonal disorders

If the cause of infertility was hormonal disorders in the woman's body (which occurs in 3-40% of cases of female infertility), then up to 14-16 weeks, i.e. before the formation of the placenta, which completely takes over the hormonal function, a woman may have problems carrying a pregnancy; the threat of miscarriage, undeveloped (frozen) pregnancy. Before the formation of the placenta, the ovaries support pregnancy with hormones, and since there were initially hormonal disorders, they can persist after pregnancy. Such women need to take a blood test for hormones (female, male, pregnancy hormone - hCG) and measure the rectal temperature in the rectum in the morning until 11-12 weeks without getting out of bed and without having breakfast, provided that the sleep lasts at least 6 hours (this procedure takes 7-10 minutes). If the temperature drops, the doctor will increase the dose of the medication taken or prescribe a new medication.

Lack of progesterone (a hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary and supporting the development of the embryo) often occurs in women with insufficiency of the second phase of the menstrual cycle (in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, after the release of the egg from the ovary, a corpus luteum is formed in its place, which produces progesterone). With such a pathology, up to 14-16 weeks, a woman is prescribed progesterone analogs - Dufaston, Utrozhestan.

Very often the cause of infertility is hyperandrogenism (excess of male sex hormones in the female body). In this situation, microdoses of drugs are prescribed that normalize the level of male hormones. Without treatment, the frequency of miscarriage in this category of women is 20-48%. At earlier stages (up to 16 weeks), a non-developing (frozen) pregnancy is possible, at later periods, intrauterine fetal death (critical periods are 24-26 and 28-32 weeks). In women with a period of 16-24 weeks of pregnancy, the condition of the cervix is \u200b\u200bmonitored every 2 weeks (and if necessary, more often) with the help of ultrasound and examination on a gynecological chair. At the same time, parameters such as the length of the cervix, its density, the state of the internal pharynx and the patency of the cervical canal are assessed, since this category of women has a high probability of isthmic-cervical insufficiency (pathology of the isthmus and cervix); according to different authors, it occurs in 30-70% of cases.

In isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI), the cervix, which serves as a "foundation" for the growing uterus, a support, gradually softens and shortens. The membranes prolapse (the fetal bladder enters the cervical canal) and become infected, which leads to rupture of the membranes and miscarriage. To avoid this, the woman is constantly monitored the level of male sex hormones during pregnancy. If she is suspected of having an ICI, she is assigned to bed rest, acupuncture is performed, and in the presence of uterine tone - antispasmodic, tocolytic therapy (drugs that relax the uterus are administered). When the diagnosis is established, a surgical correction of the ICI is carried out: sutures are applied to the cervix, which mechanically keep the cervix closed and prevent it from opening before delivery. The sutures are removed during full-term pregnancy (at 37-38 weeks), and before that, discharge from the genital tract is constantly monitored (smears on flora, sowing from the cervical canal, vagina) in order to avoid infection.

If pregnancy occurs against the background of ovulation stimulation, a woman needs a thorough examination: she needs to take blood tests for hormones, undergo an ultrasound scan and regularly visit her obstetrician-gynecologist. When ovulation is stimulated with clomiphene, the frequency of abortion is 24-38%, multiple pregnancies - 8-13%, late toxicosis occurs in 22% of women, fetal hypoxia - in 23%.

Against the background of the use of various ovulation stimulants (more often with stimulation of superovulation with gonadotropins during ECR, less often with the use of Clomiphene or Clostilbegid) with chronic anovulation, when the egg does not leave the ovary, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) may occur. Its main symptoms:

  1. A significant increase in the size of the ovaries, detected by examination or by ultrasound,
  2. Abdominal effusion (fluid) (with significant effusion, women themselves notice an increase in abdominal volume); effusion can also appear in the pleural cavity, where the lungs are located (with difficulty breathing, shortness of breath),
  3. Bleeding from the ovaries into the abdominal cavity may begin due to rupture of the distended capsule,
  4. As a result of increased blood clotting, thrombosis of the vessels of the small pelvis, thromboembolism of large vessels,
  5. Multiple pregnancy.

There are 3 forms of severity of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). With a mild form, patients feel well, the diameter of the ovaries does not exceed 5 cm. With a moderate form of the syndrome, women note pain in the lower abdomen, heaviness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The diameter of the ovaries, according to ultrasound, is from 5 to 12 cm.Severe OHSS is accompanied by a pronounced accumulation of fluid in the abdominal and pleural cavities, where the lungs are located, increased blood clotting, a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate, impaired renal function up to renal failure ...

With the onset of pregnancy, OHSS is more severe than without it. With OHSS of moderate and severe forms, a woman needs hospitalization, constant medical supervision. In the hospital, intravenous infusions are carried out aimed at restoring the volume of circulating blood, stimulating the kidneys, drugs are prescribed that reduce vascular permeability, and with an increase in blood clotting, drugs that normalize it. If there is a large amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity, it is removed using a puncture: a needle is inserted through the back wall of the vagina under ultrasound control into the abdominal cavity and the fluid is aspirated. In severe cases, with significant bleeding from the ovaries into the abdominal cavity, a laparoscopic operation is performed in order to stop the bleeding: an optical device is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a small incision, with which you can see on the screen everything that is happening in the abdominal cavity; through another hole, instruments are inserted with the help of which the bleeding is stopped.

The consequences of peritoneal infertility

If the cause of infertility was obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, then when pregnancy occurs, first of all, it is necessary to exclude its ectopic form. The fact is that due to the initial poor patency of the fallopian tubes or after reconstructive operations on them, the fertilized egg can "get stuck" in the fallopian tube, attach to its wall and develop to a certain size. Then, for a period of 6-8 weeks, either the fallopian tube ruptures, or the tube expels the ovum towards the abdominal cavity (the so-called tubal abortion). The frequency of repeated ectopic pregnancy after microsurgical operations on the fallopian tubes reaches 25%. If the pregnancy test is positive, it is necessary to confirm the presence of the ovum in the uterine cavity using ultrasound. If a woman did not have other causes of infertility and the ovum was in the uterine cavity, then there are no more complications during pregnancy in such women than in other pregnant women.

Consequences of various gynecological diseases

If a woman had sexually transmitted infections before pregnancy, then, even if they were not detected after pregnancy after the therapy, they can worsen during pregnancy, which is associated with the weakening of immunity, which is usual for pregnant women.

Therefore, after the onset of pregnancy, tests are repeated for those infections that the patient has suffered (smear, sowing of secretions from the genital tract, blood for a viral infection), ultrasound monitoring of the state of the amniotic fluid, the placenta of the fetus is carried out (indirect signs of intrauterine infection may be the presence of suspension in the amniotic fluid. waters, polyhydramnios, "thick" placenta, accumulation of gases in the intestines of the fetus, etc.). If an infection is detected, antibacterial therapy is carried out (from 14-16 weeks of pregnancy), with a viral infection, immunoglobulins are injected intravenously, ozone therapy, immunotherapy with drugs permitted during pregnancy and therapy aimed at improving the general condition of the mother and baby are carried out.

Infertility with uterine myoma (benign tumor of the uterus) is most often the result of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages (as a result of which obstruction of the fallopian tubes may develop, chronic endometritis - inflammation of the uterine lining) or changes in the function of the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) as a result of hormonal disorders. With the onset of pregnancy in the first trimester, fibroids grow rapidly, but they often stop at 16 weeks. This is due to hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy. Sometimes there is edema, necrosis (necrosis) of the node. There are constant pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

If conservative treatment is carried out with edema of the myomatous node, then with necrosis - careful removal of the tumor against the background of drugs that relax the uterus, antibiotic therapy. During pregnancy, there is often a threat of interruption, mainly during the period of implantation (when a fertilized egg is introduced into the mucous membrane and attaches to the uterine wall), then at 16-18 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. With uterine myoma, the failure of the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle is very often determined, therefore, with a low level of progesterone in the blood, progesterone analogues are prescribed up to 14-16 weeks of pregnancy.

With uterine fibroids, hypoxia and fetal growth retardation are possible, mainly in the case of attachment of the placenta to the myomatous node, especially when the node tends to grow towards the uterine cavity.

In cases of pregnancy after removal of the myomatous node, if the placenta is located along the scar (especially if the operation was carried out with the opening of the uterus cavity, in the postoperative period there were inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, curettage), fetal hypoxia, fetal growth retardation due to placental insufficiency are also possible , anomalies of placenta attachment, threat of termination of pregnancy (in 1/3 of women), abnormal position of the fetus in the uterine cavity. During pregnancy, ultrasound monitoring of the state of the scar, the size of the fetus, cardiotocography (assessment of the cardiac activity of the fetus) is carried out.

Abnormal placentation (improper attachment of the placenta) often occurs not only with uterine fibroids, but also with chronic salpingo-oophoritis - uterus, endometritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, cervicitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, erosion of the cervix, endocrine diseases, in cases where a woman has suffered curettage of the uterus etc. In these cases, there is either placenta previa (the placenta overlaps the internal pharynx of the cervical canal), or its low attachment. If abnormal placentation is detected, an ultrasound scan is performed for a woman once every 4 weeks. Migration of the placenta very often occurs (with the growth of the uterus, the placenta rises). This process may be accompanied by a threat of miscarriage, bloody discharge from the genital tract, anemia. Such phenomena require treatment and observation in a hospital. (FPN) - a condition of the placenta and fetal-placental circulation, in which the baby does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, - occurs in 2/3 of women with abnormal placentation. In 1/5 of women, fetal malnutrition due to FPI develops, therefore, constant monitoring of the size of the fetus and an assessment of the fetal cardiac activity are required for the timely detection of signs of hypoxia.

Consequences of impaired spermatogenesis

If the fertilization of the oocyte occurred initially by an inactive, defective sperm, which brought incorrect genetic information into the oocyte, which led to the formation of a gross chromosomal pathology in the embryo, there is a possibility of a non-developing pregnancy in the early stages (mainly up to 6-8 weeks).

A woman must necessarily undergo an ultrasound scan in a timely manner, during which the size of the ovum, the presence of a heartbeat) of the fetus, etc., are assessed.

Pregnancy after immune infertility

In this situation, pregnancy usually occurs after artificial insemination with the husband's sperm, when, after special treatment, the sperm are injected into the uterine cavity, bypassing the mucus barrier in the cervix, where the concentration of antibodies that stick them together is especially high. In this case, the pregnancy usually proceeds without complications.

Jasmina Mirzoyan
Obstetrician-gynecologist, medical center "Capital-2", Ph.D.
Article from the February issue of the journal

Comment on the article "Pregnancy after infertility treatment. Features and problems"

really scary. I just have to stimulate ovulation, I kept putting off this moment, it was somehow scary before that. If not for your messages, I probably would not have dared for a long time ...

02/12/2008 11:43:04 PM, Elena

The article is very useful and interesting. I also have a problem with pregnancy. I have been undergoing treatment for 3 years and all without success I have taken many medications (microgenon + dexamethasone, clomefen, clostelbegit, estrofem urogest, dufaston) After that, I recovered greatly and had a cyst, did laparoscopy. diagnosis: (polikistos, infertilitas1, adipositas, sindrom Shtein Levintalja) in the hospital they said everything will be fine. She came to her doctor and prescribed me the same medications again (clomefene, estrophem). I'm afraid it will get worse than it was. Maybe I should change the doctor? I'm desperate, what should I do?

27.01.2007 14:54:21,

Thanks for the frank article! Of course, pregnant women should not worry, but as they say, whoever is aware is protected.

08/27/2006 20:46:31, tatiana

Total 9 posts .

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Chronic endometritis is a type of inflammatory process in the uterus, which occurs when harmful microorganisms enter the sterile cavity of the genital organ. The disease is considered dangerous and often asymptomatic. Patients go to the doctor when they cannot get pregnant with chronic endometritis. It is possible to conceive a baby only after treatment and not in all cases.

Features of the disease

The uterus is an important element of the reproductive system, where during the cycle the soil is prepared for the adoption of the embryo, and after conception a new life develops. Inside, the genital organ should remain as sterile as possible. There is no such variety of microorganisms as in the vagina or intestines. The cervix is \u200b\u200bthe natural defense of the uterus. During the menstrual cycle, it forms mucus, which blocks bacteria and viruses from entering. The cause of inflammation of the uterine lining is often sex during menstruation. Interventions (abortion, IUD insertion, childbirth, cesarean, hysteroscopy) or infection with sexually transmitted diseases can also cause endometritis.

There are two forms of endometritis: acute and chronic. They are distinguished by the intensity of signs and the duration of the course. With primary inflammation, acute endometritis occurs. However, often its manifestations (hyperthermia, chills, abdominal pain, long periods) are confused with prolonged menstruation and a cold. Left without proper attention, the disease takes on a chronic form after 1-2 weeks. The peculiarity of this pathology is that it is difficult to recognize it by symptoms, and it can only be diagnosed during examination. At the same time, the disease continues to progress, disrupting the functionality of the reproductive organs and causing irreversible changes.

Often, patients confuse concepts such as endometriosis and endometritis, their difference in the nature of the disease. Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent pathology in which the endometrium grows in an unintended place. With endometritis, the mucous membrane does not grow, but becomes inflamed.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

With the transition of the disease from acute to chronic form, its symptoms come to naught. At this moment, the illusion of recovery is created, which women usually mistake for improving their well-being. Pathology is accompanied by minor yellowish vaginal discharge, which does not cause much discomfort.

During menstruation and sexual intercourse, pain is felt, which is also usually not paid attention to. Over time, the progressive disease disrupts the menstrual cycle, causing scanty periods, followed by heavy bleeding. The culmination of the pathology is infertility, forcing the patient to still seek medical help.

To diagnose endometritis on time, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist with preventive visits. In the initial stage, the pathology is hardly noticeable. It is important to see a doctor with already minor complaints. The gynecologist conducts anamnesis and manual examination. During palpation, it is noted that the uterus is compacted and enlarged. To confirm the diagnosis, diagnostic manipulations should be performed:

  • determination of the microflora of the vagina;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • hysteroscopy and biopsy;
  • PCR diagnostics.

A pipe biopsy will help to reliably determine that the uterine membrane is inflamed. The resulting cells are sent for histological examination, which gives an accurate result.

How does endometrial inflammation affect conception?

When planning a pregnancy, it is important that the genital organ is healthy. Of course, the ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix play an important role in the process. However, bearing the fetus, its nutrition and growth occur in the uterus. For a healthy baby to be born, the functional layer must have a certain thickness and structure. Pathologies of the uterine mucosa can cause changes in the structure of the placenta or directly affect the growing organism.

  1. Infertility with endometritis is explained by the fact that the altered mucosa cannot accept the embryo. Even with the penetration of the sperm and fertilization of the egg, as well as the passable fallopian tubes, the fertilized egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. The inflamed mucous membrane thickens, grows, is replaced by connective tissue. Often polyps, adhesions, cysts are formed here. In such conditions, implantation is impossible.
  2. If conception still happened, and the embryo managed to find the most favorable area of \u200b\u200bthe uterine mucosa for attachment, there is no guarantee that the pregnancy will end with childbirth. With an increase in the muscular organ, a part of the child's place may fall into an unfavorable zone covered with connective tissue. As a result of poor circulation and nutrition, a miscarriage will occur.
  3. If you manage to get pregnant with endometritis, you need to be on the lookout. There is a risk that an infectious object from the uterine cavity will penetrate the fetal membranes. As a result of infection of the embryo, the natural processes of its growth and development will be disrupted.

Treatment when planning a pregnancy

During the diagnosis of endometritis, an analysis is carried out in parallel, which determines the sensitivity of microorganisms-pathogens in relation to drugs. In most cases, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, antiviral, antiprotozoal and immunomodulatory drugs.

For the prevention of adhesions, absorbable drugs are recommended, and in order to normalize the hormonal background - oral contraceptives. The advantage of large-scale treatment is that it can be carried out on an outpatient basis. Only in some advanced cases, a woman may need surgery, requiring hospitalization.

Pregnancy cannot be planned during the treatment of chronic endometritis. Firstly, the conception that took place may be complicated, and secondly, most of the drugs used are incompatible with bearing a fetus.

Is it possible to get pregnant with chronic endometritis?

Disease alone is not an obstacle to conception. In the early stages of the disease, the ovaries work well, and some areas of the mucous membrane are still ready to receive the embryo. However, doctors categorically do not recommend planning a pregnancy with chronic endometritis, since conception can result in miscarriage, stillbirth, placental abruption, congenital fetal abnormalities and other unpleasant consequences.

For 10% of patients, chronic metroendometritis, in which the myometrium is involved in the inflammatory process, leads to infertility. However, this advanced form of the disease is rare. It is safer and more prudent to plan a pregnancy after chronic endometritis when treatment is complete.

Is it possible to get pregnant after endometritis treatment?

About 60-70% of women who have endometritis, after treatment, do not experience problems with conception. They easily become pregnant, carry and can give birth naturally, if there are no other obstacles for this. In a number of patients, diseases associated with endometritis are found, after the treatment of which the long-awaited conception also occurs.

With a complication of an inflammatory disease and formation, it will not work to conceive naturally. This condition is corrected surgically, and if necessary, assisted reproductive technologies are used.

It is possible to plan pregnancy after endometritis if a repeated study shows that the woman is healthy. You can take tests and perform a biopsy no earlier than 2 weeks after the end of the course of using antibiotics. It is recommended to start conceiving only after the active component of the drugs is completely removed from the body.

IVF after treatment

Inflammation of the uterine lining is not an indication for the use of assisted reproductive methods. IVF and endometritis are mutually exclusive concepts. When conducting, the uterine mucosa should not only be healthy, but also have a certain thickness. If it is inflamed, then even the best embryo conceived in a test tube will not be able to attach.

Treatment of chronic endometritis before IVF is mandatory. After recovery, a woman has a chance of natural conception, the probability of which is no lower than with IVF (if there are no other problems). Therefore, after the therapy, the patient is given time to become pregnant on her own.

In some cases, the IVF procedure after the treatment of endometritis is the only way to realize the reproductive function. This happens when the appendages are involved in the inflammatory process. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes can be complicated by the formation of adhesions, atrophy of the fimbriae, the formation of hydrosalpinx and sactosalpinx. In this case, an operation is performed, after which in vitro fertilization is performed.

Erosion is a gynecological disease that the doctor diagnoses in every second woman of childbearing age. The disease is asymptomatic. A common method of treatment is erosion cauterization.

It is important to diagnose and cure this pathology in time. Failure to follow the instructions of specialists after the procedure increases the risk of complications.

The essence of the procedure

The procedure for cauterization of cervical erosion is a group of therapeutic techniques, the purpose of which is to eliminate the disease by destroying pathological cells. There are several ways:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser vaporization;
  • radio wave coagulation;
  • argon plasma ablation method;
  • electroconization;
  • ultrasound;
  • chemical or drug moxibustion.

Diathermocoagulation involves electrocution. The method is considered outdated and most traumatic.

Cryodestruction is a method of getting rid of erosion using nitrogen burning. The specialist freezes abnormal cells, thereby stopping their destruction.

Laser vaporisation involves laser erosion removal. The method is gentle but effective.

To carry out radio wave coagulation, radio waves are used. The way to get rid of the disease is promising and less traumatic.

Erosion is also treated with argon, the method is called argon plasma ablation.

For implementation, an apparatus is used in which argon is ionized by high-frequency currents and a plasma beam, while the action occurs exclusively pointwise.

Electroconization - removal of erosion by partial removal of the cervix.

Ultrasound is a method of getting rid of erosion by acting on it with ultrasound.

Chemical or drug moxibustion involves the use of a special drug, with the help of which the specialist causes tissue necrosis, forms a scab, which is subsequently replaced by a new layer.

The method of moxibustion is selected exclusively by the doctor, based on the general condition of the woman, her age, the presence of diseases, etc.

It is worth noting that the gynecologist excludes contraindications to the procedure, directs the woman for a full examination and prepares for manipulation.

The moxibustion procedure is performed in the second half of the cycle. First of all, the doctor processes the zone and defines its boundaries, after which he destroys the erosion cells. Further, a scab or film forms on the treated area. After some time, the tissue damaged during the procedure leaves, a healthy one is formed, and a scar often appears on the site of the affected area.

Pregnancy after moxibustion erosion

The main thing women are afraid of when they hear that erosion should be cauterized is the consequences of the procedure on reproductive function. Any of the above methods does not directly affect ovarian function and cell production. After cauterization of erosion, problems with conception arise for the following reasons:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • stress;
  • the presence of a large number of scars.

When can it come

After performing the procedure, pregnancy will certainly occur, if there are no other reasons for difficulties with conception.

However, this will not happen immediately. The performed manipulation involves regular observation of a woman by a gynecologist during the first three months. Further, depending on the state of health and the woman's body, the doctor makes a prescription, only after that an attempt can be made to conceive.

How long can you

The moxibustion procedure itself is not dangerous for the body and for pregnancy, but it takes time for the mucous membrane to heal. Erosion is a pathology that can return again, the girl is under the regular supervision of a specialist.

The wound that remains after the procedure heals for a rather long time, is often accompanied by pain and discharge, in this regard, the woman's sex life undergoes changes - it is recommended to enter into an intimate relationship after cauterization no earlier than a month and a half later. Sexual intercourse before this time is likely to cause unpleasant painful sensations. However, much depends on the woman's body.

When the erosion is small and a point removal of the mucous membrane was used to get rid of, the recovery process is quite short: after a few days the woman goes home, her recovery period is about 3-4 months. After this period and a doctor's examination, you can plan a pregnancy.

If it was located near the opening of the neck, then the removal of such a pathology leads to a violation of the closure, and this has a bad effect on the bearing of the child. In this case, the recovery period is at least six months.

And finally, if it was extensive or multiple and during the procedure large areas of tissue were removed, it will take about a year to prepare the body for pregnancy.

Possible complications

In order for the cauterization of erosion to not cause complications, a woman must follow a number of recommendations.

  • Refuse sexual intercourse for at least a month after the procedures. Otherwise, the cervix will take much longer to recover. Lack of sexual activity will prevent viral infection, which are provocateurs of various diseases;
  • You cannot douch with potassium permanganate, alcohol or iodine, otherwise there is a high probability of cauterizing the tissue, which will delay the healing process.

Pregnancy after cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current: differences

Pregnancy, which, after the procedure of cauterization of the erosion of the cervix with an electric current, is nothing remarkable. The only thing to note is that the number of inspections is somewhat higher.

This is necessary for the doctor to be able to observe the absence of pathological epithelium.

A change in the hormonal background of a woman in position can provoke remission.

How long can you give birth

It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question: how long after the operation it is possible to give birth. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The moxibustion method is very traumatic, and therefore, it is necessary to obtain permission from a gynecologist for conception, as a rule, the body is restored on average from three months to one and a half years.

Can complications arise

The scars that form as a result of cauterization directly affect childbirth, or, more correctly, can become an obstacle to the natural resolution of the situation.

The method of cauterization with current is used only in extreme cases, when other methods of getting rid of the disease are powerless. The likelihood of losing the ability to conceive is high.

Special cases

In the event that the disease was detected already during pregnancy, its treatment should be postponed until the postpartum period.

Dangerous situations after moxibustion during pregnancy

It is necessary to use the most gentle method. It is important to remember that it is not worth treating the ailment while in position. Otherwise, there is a possibility of opening bleeding that is dangerous to the fetus.

Erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot a sentence. It is worth remembering that in the world of modern technology, specialists are quite capable of curing this disease. If a woman is only planning a child, while an ailment was discovered, then with the testimony of a gynecologist he is treated.

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In contact with

Erosion of the cervix, and more often pseudo-erosion or ectopia, is the most common diagnosis that women are given during a routine examination by a gynecologist.

This condition is either a violation of the integrity of the surface (with true erosion), or the replacement of the squamous epithelium characteristic of the cervical canal with a cylindrical one.

Women who have heard such a verdict based on the examination results may be interested in the question: how will erosion affect pregnancy and subsequent childbirth?

Let's take a closer look at whether cervical erosion prevents you from getting pregnant, is it possible and how to get pregnant after treatment, is it possible after moxibustion and when - how long should you wait?

Will it be possible to conceive with this disease

The most common question: is pregnancy possible with cervical erosion. This pathology does not affect the ability to conceive in any way..

If the hormonal level and permeability of the fallopian tubes in the presence of erosion remain normal and there are no other diseases that can prevent pregnancy, then with unprotected coitus, conception is quite possible.

Difficulties with the onset of pregnancy with erosion can be, only they arise not because of the pathology itself, but in connection with the diseases and conditions that caused it.

For example, erosion can be the result of hormonal imbalance, which also prevents conception.

Timely prescribed and carried out antibacterial or hormonal therapy will help to cope with the problems of conception, as a result of which the onset of the desired pregnancy will become possible.

Therefore, if a woman is planning a pregnancy and during this period learns about the presence of erosion, she should not abandon her intentions: ectopia alone will not prevent you from getting pregnant.

However, it is worth finding out why it appeared, perhaps the reasons for the difficulties of conception (if any) lie here.

Ectopia, by the way, does not require treatment, if not complicated inflammation or other medical conditions. However, in favor of treatment before pregnancy is evidenced by the fact that erosion is the entrance gate for infection, which is very dangerous for the fetus.

If, nevertheless, there is a need for treatment, then it should be remembered that some methods of getting rid of erosion are strictly contraindicated for those who are going to give birth soon.

Ectopia can also be an age-related feature., which will take place in just a few years. Quite often, this condition disappears without a trace after childbirth.

Therefore, in the event of such a diagnosis, one should carefully examine and discuss with the attending physician the need for therapy, if required.

Erosion and ectopia of the cervix - what is it and why it occurs:

The fact is that some methods contribute to the formation of scar tissue in the region of the cervical canal, which during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, and during childbirth - to rupture and, as a result, to large-scale blood loss.

And some doctors even argue that the risk of miscarriage accompanies the patient after diathermocoagulation for about five years.

However, this treatment is outdated., and more modern and safer methods are now being used.

They, like diathermocoagulation, are based on the removal or destruction of cells from the ectopic site, but differ in the methods of exposure:

However, in this case, it is still better to consult a specialist.

As already stated, erosion often accompanies the risk of infection and inflammation... If this was found during pregnancy, then therapy is required.

Infection during gestation is very dangerous for the fetus.: infection of the membranes is possible, which may result in miscarriage or frozen pregnancy, and in the case of continued pregnancy, various developmental pathologies.

In particular, infection has an extremely unfavorable effect on the developing nervous system of the fetus, as well as on other systems and organs.

So, is it possible to get pregnant if there is cervical erosion? Erosion or ectopia alone does not interfere with conception.if they are not complicated by any additional diseases.

therefore if erosion is detected, a thorough examination is necessary.

If inflammation or other problems do exist, they need to be treated without delay.

Usually, doctors advise, if erosion is detected during pregnancy, to treat it immediately after childbirth, but it is likely that after childbirth it will pass on its own.

Therefore, the patient who is diagnosed with this do not neglect routine checkups during pregnancy: this can save her from various complications.

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