Postoperative period after cauterization of the cervix. Treatment of cervical erosion by cauterization. Pseudo-erosion or ectopia

Whatever method is used to cauterize the erosion of the cervix, unhealthy tissues are destroyed during medical manipulations so that a new layer of cells forms in this place.

But such a mini operation does not solve all the problems. During the rehabilitation period, a woman additionally needs to undergo a course of local therapy.

After a chemical or instrument has damaged the epithelial layer, an open wound remains.

It gradually tightens and becomes covered with a scab - a crust consisting of coagulated blood and dead tissue.

So the body protects delicate tissues from damage, infection and dirt getting into wounds. To speed up healing this area needs to be softened and decontaminated in case an infection gets there.

For this, rehabilitation therapy is prescribed. It is forbidden to choose medicines for yourself, since inept self-medication can disrupt the biocenosis of the vagina and the healing process.

On average, the rehabilitation period lasts 2 months, during which you must carefully follow all the instructions.

Unauthorized changes in the recovery course are fraught with complications.

The doctor in the early days can invite the patient to an appointmentto treat the cervix on an outpatient basis.

In order to accelerate the recovery processes, additional measures are needed.

For this, immunostimulating, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, enhancing tissue regeneration are used.

Usually, their use begins after the scab has been rejected, but the attending physician determines the specific time to start using the suppositories.

Its decision depends on a combination of factors:

  • the effectiveness of the uterus and vagina to;
  • the presence of complications;
  • the degree of change in the cervix after the procedure;
  • the ability of tissues to regenerate;
  • the patient's immunity state.

Using candles

After that, candles are prescribed with active substances that have disinfecting effects and accelerate metabolic processes.

This dosage form is convenient in that the active substance is quickly delivered to the tissues.

At the stage of scab rejection to relieve inflammation and fight infection, antiseptic hexicon candlesused twice a day for a week.

Hexicon is successfully replaced by the following products:

  • antibacterial synthomycin suppositories;
  • antifungal suppositories Pimafucin, Livarol;
  • combination candles Terzhinan, Polygynax.

The frequency of use of each agent is determined by the attending physician, he also determines the beginning of the next stage of treatment.

After the woman stops smearing, the healing phase begins.

At this stage, use:

  • Methyluracil. These suppositories relieve inflammation, restore local immunity, heal, and improve cell nutrition. They are used both rectally and vaginally. 1-2 candles are prescribed up to 4 times a day;
  • Depantol. They have antimicrobial and regenerative effects. Candles are used in 1 pc. morning and evening during the week;
  • ... Heals wounds, relieves painful sensations, and has antimicrobial effect. Use in the morning and evening for 2 weeks.

After low-traumatic radio wave cauterization, exposure to liquid nitrogen or a laser at the stage of scab discharge, agents are prescribed that accelerate tissue recovery.

For quick healing after cauterization of cervical erosion treatment with Depantol suppositories or methyluracil suppositories is suitable.


For successful and fast tissue regeneration compulsory observance of restrictions after cauterization, cervical erosion, helping to speed up recovery.

Bathing and tanning

Is it possible to swim in the sea after cauterization of the cervical erosion?

You can only wash under the shower, immersion in water is contraindicated, therefore, during the rehabilitation period, you will have to give up bathing in the bathroom, swimming in the pool and open water.

Is it possible to sunbathe after cauterization of cervical erosion?

You can even sit on the shore to admire the sea only in the shade. At all being in the open sun during the recovery period should be limited.

The solarium can be visited in 20 days and only after the permission of the doctor.

Sexual contacts

Is sex possible after cauterization of cervical erosion? It is recommended to observe sexual rest after the procedure for a month and a half.

It is unacceptable to shorten the period indicated by the attending physician on your own.

Sexual life can resume only after reaching a certain stage of healing, which can be determined by a gynecologist on examination.

Sports and carrying weights

Is it possible to play sports after cauterization of cervical erosion?

It is allowed to start doing light exercises one week after moxibustion, but at the slightest deterioration in the condition, all loads should be abandoned until complete recovery.

The exception is professional athletes, for whom a break in classes threatens with detraining, but before starting the load, you should consult a sports doctor.

Other restrictions

We'll have to give up bad habits that cause spasm and vasodilation. it drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

It is better to refuse them for at least a couple of months, as they can provoke bleeding.

During treatment, you should especially beware of infection and the development of bacterial flora. therefore intimate hygiene needs to be paid close attention.

The tampons will have to be discarded and the pads need to be changed more often.

Duration and features of rehabilitation

Since cauterization of erosion is not a complex manipulation, it does not lead to serious consequences.

Natural phenomena will be:

  • small pulling pains in the lower abdomen for several days after the procedure. Severity and discomfort are quite natural, but severe pain is most likely a signal of an incipient complication. Light discomfort is eliminated by taking an anesthetic drug;
  • the natural result of such intervention will be bloody discharge, with which dying tissue comes out... The discharge is usually at first streaked with blood of a dark red color, but gradually the blotches brighten, becoming pink. Discharge stops after 1-1.5 weeks;
  • possible menstrual disorders - the first menstruation may be scarce or even delayed. Most often this happens after treatment with electric shock.

The appearance of a putrid odor indicates pathology and is a reason for an urgent visit to the attending physician.

In most cases, after 1-2 days, women do not feel any consequences of moxibustion, except for secretions that decrease day by day, and the length of the healing period depends on the cauterization method used.

Allows you to remove only damaged tissue. The treated area is covered with a thin film, which is torn away after 1.5-2 weeks.

After the procedure, leucorrhoea or slight brown discharge may be increased. Healing takes place very quickly.

Considered sparing. It is not a scab that forms on the treated area, but a thin film that is torn away after about 10 days.

For a while, there may be smearing brown discharge, but basically (9 out of 10 women) there is no bleeding or purulent discharge. It takes 3-4 weeks for healing.

Diathermocoagulation or electrical cauterization the oldest of all the methods used, therefore the longest healing time.

The formed scab after removal of the erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200brejected after 1-1.5 weeks, during this period there is a discharge containing blood and pus, the inclusion of which decreases from day to day.

But spotting bleeding can be present during the entire rehabilitation period. Healing takes about 2 months.

If used to treat (cauterize) cervical erosion, the scab is rejected after 10-12 days.

Watery discharge is observed for some time after the procedure. Complete healing occurs in 4-6 weeks.

Chemical method... Healing lasts quickly, 20-30 days, which is associated with the use of the procedure only for small erosions.

One month after moxibustion erosion of the cervix, many resume sexual intercourse, since there are no external symptoms, nothing hurts inside. You can not do it this way.

When a month has passed after cauterization of cervical erosion, you should definitely see your doctor, who will give further recommendations and permissions only after examining the healing cervix.

Then it will already be clear whether it is time to resume sex life, start playing sports, swim in open reservoirs or a bath, sunbathe.

The patient does not need to wonder which measures will best affect recovery, it is enough just to obey the doctor and strictly adhere to the recommended restrictions.

The doctor is obliged to instruct the woman, telling about what is possible and what is not in the rehabilitation period. General recommendations include the following:

  • you should give up sexual relations for 14 days;
  • use warm water for bathing and showering (hot water can cause bleeding);
  • exclude the use of hygienic tampons;
  • reduce physical activity (from lifting weights, exercising in the gym and other things, it is better to give up for a while);
  • follow the doctor's recommendations and use the prescribed funds;
  • you should not self-medicate, resorting to dubious restorative methods, all measures must be agreed with the attending physician;
  • compulsory observance of intimate hygiene.

These general rules should be observed until the mucous membrane of the neck is completely healed. This fact must be confirmed by the doctor during the control examination of the vagina.

The diagnosis of a specialist is confirmed by a gynecological examination of the vagina, cervix and vulva using mirrors and a colposcope. Many women believe that after colposcopy, the lower abdomen hurts, and are anxious to carry it out, but starting to experience pain in the cervix when walking, they change their mind.

Even the expansion of the vagina with mirrors causes painful sensations in sensitive women, it is recommended to immediately tell the doctor to use a smaller instrument. Colposcopy is painless, there is only a feeling of anxiety in the patient, a feeling of pressure, a weak spasm.

A pulling pain in the lower abdomen in women can be associated with menstruation, pregnancy, or gynecological diseases.

1. Pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy

In pregnant women, the lower abdomen can pull both in the early and late stages. In the first weeks after conception, the abdomen may ache due to the increase in the size of the uterus: its muscles stretch as the fetus grows, so the woman feels discomfort and pain.

Usually, complaints of pulling pain to obstetricians-gynecologists are addressed either by women who become pregnant for the first time, or by mothers whose interval between pregnancies exceeds 7 years.

If the lower abdomen does not last long, the pain is weak, and there are no other pathological symptoms, there is usually nothing to worry about. But when the pain is accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge, dizziness, high fever, chills, weakness and nausea, you should immediately consult a doctor: there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and premature birth.

A pulling feeling in the lower abdomen may indicate diseases of the male reproductive system. The most common cause is genital infections and prostatitis.

Pulls the lower abdomen with genital infections and prostatitis

In men with chronic prostatitis, the lower abdomen often pulls - this is one of the common symptoms that should be the reason for an immediate visit to the urologist. Pain with inflammation of the prostate gland can be given to the perineum, genitals and rectum.

It is accompanied by various disorders of urination: polyuria, a feeling of a full bladder. Pay attention to body temperature: with exacerbations of chronic prostatitis, it often rises.

Possible causes of pulling pain

Almost 60% of cases of the appearance of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen in women are associated with gynecological problems. To determine what exactly caused the unpleasant symptom, you need to contact your gynecologist.

During examination with a medical mirror and palpation, the doctor will be able to assess the size of the uterus, the density of the cervix, the presence of erosions, polyps and other formations. To clarify the diagnosis, additional studies may be assigned, for example:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, uterus and appendages using a transvaginal sensor;
  • smear on the bacterial flora of the vagina;
  • colposcopy (examination of the vagina and its walls using a special device - binoculars);
  • biopsy (with suspicion of malignant pathology).

In some cases, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs may be required, as well as consultation with specialized specialists, since a lot of diseases can be the causes of pain.


The inside of the body of the uterus (its walls) is covered with a layer of epithelial tissue called the endometrium. Normally, the endometrium is found only in the organ cavity, but with endometriosis, parts of the epithelium extend beyond the uterus.

Clinically, this is manifested by pulling pains, which can be of moderate or rather high intensity - the severity of the syndrome depends on the degree of damage and the individual pain threshold.

Another sign of endometriosis is the appearance of dark brown discharge on the first and last day of your period. Discharge in endometriosis does not have a specific smell, does not contain pus and other impurities, and differs from normal blood discharge only in color. Other symptoms of the disease include:

  • painful sensations during intercourse (when the partner is on top);
  • the absence of pregnancy for a long time period with unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • sharp pain during bowel movements or urination;
  • soreness in the pelvis and lower back;
  • menorrhagia (long and heavy periods).

It is necessary to treat endometriosis in the initial stages, since with untimely therapy, the risk of serious complications, for example, uterine bleeding, increases.

Appendages problems

The disease is common and occurs in most women. Maybe that's why many ladies do not consider it necessary to get rid of such a diagnosis in time, which is extremely wrong.

Let the healing process take some time, but it is simply necessary to treat the erosion of the cervix, especially for those who are going to get pregnant.

The causes of this disease are still being studied by doctors around the world. At the moment, there are several main theories.

The duration of healing differs depending on the method of the intervention.

What should not be done after coagulation? There are several types of restrictions, that is, what cannot be done after cauterization of erosion. These activities are prohibited for one reason or another:

  • Is it possible to play sports after coagulation of the eroded area? The ban applies only to some types of activities. In particular, those that can provoke blood flow to the pelvic area, as a result of which bleeding may begin. Bodybuilding, spinning a hoop with weights, jumping, sharp bends, etc .;
  • Do not lift anything heavier than 1-2 kg on your own. Why not lift weights after moxibustion? This is due to the tension of the pelvic muscles. Theoretically, such a phenomenon can lead to the fact that blood vessels burst and bleeding begins;
  • Also, you must not overheat. This applies to solariums, baths, beaches, saunas, etc. Since all this activates blood circulation, and therefore can cause bleeding and even lead to too early discharge of the scab, when the epithelium has not yet recovered;
  • If the patient has recently been cauterized with erosion, it is worth avoiding massage and acupuncture in the lumbar region, abdomen (especially its lower part) for one and a half to two months. This is also due to the stimulation of blood circulation in the reproductive system;
  • Recommendations after cauterization of cervical erosion separately mention the inadmissibility of being in natural reservoirs. This sometimes contributes to the introduction of infection into the unhealed layer of the epithelium. As a result, an inflammatory process may develop;
  • Do not use tampons after coagulation for 1-2 months. Since they can damage the epithelium that has not completely recovered. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use douching and suppositories. However, suppositories are sometimes prescribed by a doctor to speed up healing. Is it possible to use them in a specific case, the doctor will say;
  • Also, within one and a half to two months after the procedure, there are contraindications for sexual activity. This can not only injure the not completely recovered epithelium, but also lead to infection. Even when using contraception.

How long does erosion heal after treatment? This indicator differs for each specific patient. However, following the simple rules described above will keep the process as short as possible.

What to do after the procedure? There are a number of things to do after cauterizing cervical erosion. This will speed up healing and recovery will be faster.

  • It is important to carefully observe hygiene, since the damaged epithelium is quite vulnerable to infections, fungi, etc.;
  • Tissue immunity drops significantly after the intervention, therefore it needs to be strengthened with local remedies prescribed by a doctor;
  • Sometimes suppositories are prescribed that accelerate healing (for example, Depantol or Sea Buckthorn), their regular use accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • During intercourse, you must use barrier contraception for at least six months after the procedure;
  • Do not skip the medical examinations prescribed by the doctor, because with their help the specialist controls the nature and speed of healing.

Treatment after cauterization of erosion with any specialized preparations is usually not needed, with rare exceptions. Only topical agents are prescribed. If they are used, and the necessary restrictions are observed, then the healing process takes a minimum of time. Sometimes also a specific treatment is prescribed after cauterization of erosion.

Methods for removing erosion: freezing, the method of using a radio knife (Surgitron apparatus), cauterization with electric current, laser coagulation, chemical burning with Salkovagin cream.

The healing period after treatment for radio wave erosion is normally 4 weeks. If the erosion was complex or it was caused by genital infections, then the healing period may be delayed.

During the recovery period, you must follow all the recommendations and not violate the restrictions.

Healing of the wound formed after cauterization of the ESM lasts on average 2-3 weeks.

Normal discharge does not have a pronounced or unpleasant odor. There may be discomfort or mild pain in the lower abdomen, not causing much concern.

The scab gradually sloughs off, its fragments are removed along with the secretions. After the treatment of large erosion, after the scab has completely fallen off (2-3 weeks after the moxibustion), bloody discharge may appear.

It usually stops spontaneously within 1.5-2 hours. If this does not happen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After the final healing of the wound at the site of erosion, the discharge returns to the physiological norm and corresponds to the phases of the menstrual cycle.

A very dangerous signal is weakness, fever, dizziness. Bleeding accompanied by such symptoms is potentially dangerous, you must call an ambulance.

Before treatment, the gynecologist must explain to the woman how the recovery period normally proceeds, what complications may be, what to do if something went wrong.

Whichever method is chosen to remove ectopia, it is imperative to follow some recommendations.

  1. You can't have sex for six weeks.
  2. Sex can be resumed as directed by the doctor.
  3. You can't carry heavy things.
  4. For a certain period, you need to forget about baths and saunas.
  5. Local therapy should be done in the form of using tampons with special medicinal ointments.
  6. Sea buckthorn oil cannot be used in the form of tampons.

After the end of therapy, the patient can plan a pregnancy. But before that, you should still visit a doctor and check again to make sure a complete recovery.

You should always remember that ectopia is not cancer yet, but it is a small sign that a disease can develop into a more dangerous disease.

Curettage refers to simple surgical procedures. Despite this, in the first days after cleaning, the patient may experience pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen.

For some women, the pain is dull. While other representatives experience cramping severe pains that spread to the lower abdomen and back.

If such pain is the only sign, the woman is shown the use of pain relievers. As a rule, she is prescribed drugs that relieve spasm.

The duration of pain varies from a few days to seven to ten days.

After cleansing, the woman experiences bloody and bloody discharge for several days. Normally, discharge with an admixture of blood can last up to ten days. Some patients experience mild lower abdominal pain that does not compromise quality of life.

With the disappearance of bloody discharge and increased pain that extends to the lower abdomen, sacrum and lower back, you should immediately visit a doctor in order to exclude hematomas and inflammation.

After the appropriate diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed treatment.

Curettage may be accompanied by a weakening of the body's defenses. This leads to the activation of opportunistic microflora, which can cause bleeding, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen. A rise in temperature and a deterioration in general condition are not excluded.

The nature of the bloody discharge after curettage may also indicate the restoration of the uterine cavity. The most intense discharge is observed during the first days after curettage.

After a few days, they become bloody and gradually disappear. In the presence of increasing dark-colored discharge with clots, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, complications can be suspected.

Scraping often affects the cycle. As a rule, the first menstruation after cleansing occurs later, which is associated with the complete removal of the functional layer.

If your period is delayed for more than three months, you should visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Within two weeks after curettage, the woman is recommended to have sexual rest. This is due to the fact that the neck remains open due to surgery. Injured tissue and spotting can provoke the development of the inflammatory process. Thus, sexual rest excludes possible infection and injury to damaged tissues.

During sexual intercourse, for the first time after cleaning, the woman experiences minor pain and discomfort, which is the norm. If pain persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor to rule out a gynecological disease.

When to see a doctor: Alarming discharge

Potential complications after ESM treatment are indicated by abundant yellow, greenish or brown discharge.

In such cases, you need to contact your doctor.

Yellow, green

If, after cauterization, erosion of the cervix of the uterus appears abundant yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, you should consult a doctor.

Such changes often indicate a possible inflammatory process of bacterial origin. Among the most common pathologies: vaginitis, oophoritis, salpingitis.

The frothy consistency of yellow discharge suggests the development of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. Sometimes such discharge takes on a greenish tint.

The manifestation of a green tint indicates the transition of the inflammatory process to a purulent-inflammatory process. Purulent discharge is usually abundant, thick, and has a pronounced putrid odor.

Surgical methods for treating erosion are very popular due to their effectiveness, painlessness and speed of recovery. There are several methods of performing the operation, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Suturing the cervix

Helps to determine how successful the suturing was: follow-up visit to the attending physician, ultrasound diagnostics.

At 37 weeks, the doctor will decide on the removal of the suture, to prepare the woman for childbirth, after the procedure, the child can be born at any time.

Attention! If pulling pains and heaviness continue for more than a few days, this is a sign of complications and a doctor should be called.

Cervical biopsy

A follow-up gynecological examination if dysplasia or cancer is suspected is called a cervical biopsy. Only the results of a study on the goodness of cells allow the gynecologist to draw up a treatment plan. The procedure is very painful and is performed under the influence of an anesthetic injection or anesthesia.

If, after a biopsy of the cervix, the lower abdomen hurts and is accompanied by bloody discharge for up to 7 days, as well as pain in the depths of the vagina and the body temperature rises to 37.5 ° C, these are symptoms that the biopsy was performed correctly.

Pros and cons

This operation to remove the erosion of the cervix consists in using an electric current, it is by radio waves that cauterization occurs, which in turn leads to the complete rejection of the affected tissues and the development of new epithelium.

The advantages of this method of treatment include:

  • Low cost;
  • Ease of implementation;
  • High performance;
  • Low trauma;
  • Does not form scars.

The disadvantages include:

  • Can only be done to women who have not given birth;
  • Soreness of the procedure;
  • Endometriosis may develop later.

Amputation of the cervix

Even after amputation of the cervix, a woman retains reproductive function (menstrual cycle, ovulation, fertility), and is able to give birth, the main thing is to follow the doctor's recommendations and be careful in the postoperative period.

If the symptoms persist, and the biopsy reveals the presence of malignant cells, a hysterectomy may be required - amputation of the patient's uterus, in which, after removal, a stump, the remainder of the penis, remains.

Attention! With any, even sparing surgical intervention in the genital organ, the decision to resume sexual activity is made only by the doctor.

Methods for cauterization of erosion

It has been found that the most traumatic way to get rid of cervical erosion is considered to be cauterization. In ordinary human language, this method, in fact, is a burn of the vaginal mucosa. In this case, the current during treatment can cause a spasm of the muscles of the vagina, and besides this, the erosion of the cervix can return again after a while.

Methods of modern medicine

Until recently, erosion was treated by the method of waiting, it was believed that tissues could regenerate on their own and did not require intervention. However, if treatment is not carried out, negative consequences for the woman's reproductive system are possible. Modern experts have a unanimous opinion that pathology must be eliminated so that it does not lead to complications.

Moxibustion erosion is a painless procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. Elimination of eroded tissues fully retains the ability to bear and produce offspring, so this procedure can be done nulliparous.

Commonly used, safe methods of removing erosion include the following:

  1. Freezing (cryodestruction) - exposure to liquid nitrogen on the affected tissue.
  2. Radio wave method - the device "Surgitron" is used (the radio knife excises the damaged areas).
  3. Coagulation (cauterization) with electric current.
  4. Laser coagulation.
  5. Removal of erosion by chemical action - Salkovagin is used.

Any of the methods is aimed at removing damaged surfaces and requires a properly organized rehabilitation. If everything is done on the recommendation of a doctor, then the body will quickly reject the damaged tissue and the formation of new epithelium will occur.

How long does it take to restore tissue

All procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, they are prescribed at a certain period - before menstruation occurs, or immediately after menstruation is over.

None of the methods is capable of instantly healing damaged tissues; after the operation, wounds remain on the surface, which need time to heal. The specialist warns the woman about the possible consequences, gives a detailed description of the recovery period and the processes that accompany this condition. The length of the period depends on the method used:

  1. If electrical (current) coagulation is used, then complete healing occurs in 8-9 weeks. Possible side effects include menstrual irregularities.
  2. When freezing with nitrogen (cryodestruction), it will take 6-7 weeks to completely restore the epithelium.
  3. Laser coagulation is the most gentle method and has minimal trauma to healthy surfaces. The healing period lasts 4 to 4.5 weeks.
  4. Chemical cauterization is indicated for minor injuries, the recovery period is 21-28 days.
  5. The radio wave method, like the laser method, does not affect the healthy epithelium, the wounds heal completely in 6-6.5 weeks.

Despite the complete healing of the cervix, doctors warn that if pregnancy is planned, then it should be postponed for another 3-4 months.

A significant advantage of this method is its safety: after the procedure, no scars are formed, the tissues of the cervix and vagina are not injured.

The disappearance of diseased cells is carried out due to the heat released by the tissues under the action of the Surgitron apparatus.

The rehabilitation period after cauterization with the Surgitron apparatus is short relative to other procedures.

The operation is usually prescribed immediately after the end of menstruation, and by the beginning of the next cycle, the wound on the neck is almost completely healed.

During rehabilitation, you need to pay maximum attention to your health: strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations and carefully monitor all the signals that your body sends.

After the operation, gynecologists usually prescribe antimicrobial and regenerative drugs, if pain appears after the procedure, pain relievers may be prescribed.

Questions that concern women

In no case should you independently diagnose yourself and try to prescribe treatment. The symptoms of many diseases are similar, therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, a specialist examination (with palpation of the abdomen) and other diagnostic measures are necessary.

If the pulling pain is of a physiological nature (that is, it appeared after rough intercourse or increased physical exertion), you can reduce discomfort with the help of rest and taking analgesic drugs.

Paracetamol-based medicines are considered the safest. For severe pain, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used, for example:

  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ibufen.

For the treatment of genital infections, cystitis and pyelonephritis, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy to the woman with antibiotics. The drug of choice in most cases is "Amoxicillin" and drugs based on it, which can be enhanced with clavulanic acid. These include:

  • "Amoxiclav";
  • Flemoxin;
  • Amosin.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics from the macrolide group (for example, "Clarithromycin"). They are more effective, but the side effects of drugs in this group are more pronounced.

For spasms of the bladder, antispasmodics are recommended. These drugs relax smooth muscle muscles, relieve spasm and reduce the severity of pain. The most popular antispasmodic drugs include:

  • "No-shpa";
  • "Papaverine" (recommended in the form of rectal suppositories);
  • "Drotaverin".

Treatment of genital infections is also carried out with the use of antibacterial therapy aimed at destroying pathogenic flora and pathogens. Usually, a woman is prescribed topical agents that are applied to the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals and vaginal tract, and vaginal suppositories, but sometimes systemic therapy may be required.

The list of drugs used in gynecological and dermatovenerological practice for the treatment of women with sexually transmitted infections includes:

  • "Hexicon";
  • McMiror;
  • "Pimafucin";
  • "Gynoflor";
  • Terzhinan;
  • Lomeksin.

If pulling pain is the result of diseases of the digestive system, complex therapy usually consists of the following drugs:

  • digestive enzymes ("Creon", "Pancreatin");
  • proton pump blockers (Omeprazole, Omez);
  • preparations for neutralizing hydrochloric acid (Rennie, Maalox, Gaviscon);
  • enveloping agents to protect the mucous membrane ("Almagel").

A pulling abdominal pain is a common symptom in women of reproductive age. There are a lot of diseases that contribute to the appearance of this symptom, so there is no need to engage in treatment. If pain persists after taking analgesics and lasts more than one day, you should see your doctor.

  1. What can not be done after burning the ectopia with an electric current? During the month, you can not have sex life, take a bath, use tampons.
  2. After the operation to remove the ectopia, it did not go away, since the size of the lesions is very large, what should I do? The doctor should prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Relief suppositories.
  3. Five days after the procedure, pinkish discharge appeared, is this normal? Yes, this is absolutely normal!
  4. Is it possible to play sports and go to the sauna after a month after therapy? Everything can be done after a month, only you cannot lift weights.
  5. Two weeks have passed since the procedure, and now blood has begun to flow, what to do and is it not dangerous? If the blood does not go much, then it's okay, as the healing process is underway.

If you have any concerns, it is better to have a cytological smear. See your gynecologist for any unusual symptoms.

What is ectopia?

Pregnancy and childbirth

Doctors advise not to plan to conceive a child earlier than 3 months after the operation. This period will ensure the complete healing of the ectopia.

Pregnancy will proceed normally only after a complete recovery, so it is worth listening to the doctor's recommendations.

The radio wave moxibustion method is one of the few erosion treatments for those who are about to have a baby.

One of its advantages is that after cauterization, the cervix remains as elastic as before, which ensures a healthy pregnancy and childbirth without complications. The expectant mother should take care in advance of strengthening the immune system and taking vitamin complexes.

Pregnancy after erosion must be carefully planned and regularly visited by a doctor. The main risk is a recurrence of erosion during pregnancy or a complication of an untreated ectopia. Very rarely, pregnancy with erosion can provoke cervical cancer.

Women who have undergone treatment should know what to do after cauterization of erosion - the result of treatment depends on this.

Violation of the integrity of the cervical epithelium is a complex pathology that is diagnosed in every second woman. Such a violation occurs for many reasons and has a background of inflammatory processes in the body. Moxibustion is used when conservative treatment fails.

Methods of radical impact on the cervical mucosa are constantly being improved, becoming more gentle for a woman. The prohibitions that a woman should adhere to after carrying out radical treatment depend on the way in which the moxibustion was carried out.

Moxibustion methods

The doctor, upon examination, establishes a visual violation of the cervical mucosa. Violations are manifested:

  • mechanical trauma to the cervical mucosa - true erosion;
  • spots of atypical red columnar epithelium, which cannot provide protection to the neck and secretes mucus that is uncharacteristic for the vagina - pseudo-erosion;
  • influx of red columnar epithelium on the neck, or congenital erosion, characteristic of young nulliparous women under 25 years of age.

Conservative treatment is the first way to influence the mucous membrane. It aims to relieve inflammation and stimulate the restoration of normal squamous epithelium.

If drug treatment does not work, the doctor prescribes moxibustion. The procedure, which is shocking to the body, “restarts” the process of epithelium restoration: instead of the “wrong” red cylindrical, characteristic of the inner canal of the cervix, the burn closes with a “correct” multi-row flat.

The doctor chooses the method of cauterization based on many parameters - age, the extent of the lesion, the need to preserve reproductive function. Cauterization treats only false erosion, or ectopia.

For treatment, the following methods of hardware exposure to the cervix are used:

  • exposure to high-frequency current (diathermocoagulation) is one of the earliest methods used to treat erosion. The method is considered outdated and highly traumatic for the mucous membrane, painful and requiring a long period of rehabilitation - the equipment used does not make it possible to accurately regulate the depth and area of \u200b\u200bexposure. A deep and voluminous burn imposes long-term restrictions on a woman's life;
  • exposure to liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction, a more gentle method, the disadvantage of which is the inability to accurately influence the affected area. Recovery takes less time than electric shock;
  • laser vaporization - exposure of the mucous membrane with a precisely directed laser beam. It is considered one of the most effective methods due to the ability to pointwise influence the erosion zone and adjust the depth of the lesion. The recovery process after the procedure takes much less time than with cauterization with electric current or freezing. With sufficiently large erosion, the procedure should be carried out in several stages, which lengthens the rehabilitation period;
  • radio wave method - is considered the most promising and sparing, allowing you to form the smallest affected area;
  • the method of plasma ablation (argon) - the effect of a plasma beam on the affected area, which makes it possible to sufficiently accurately affect the epithelium without affecting the "clean" surfaces;
  • ultrasonic method, in which erosion is affected by radiation;
  • the method of drug moxibustion uses the property of certain drugs to provoke a burn of the cervical mucosa, after which a scab forms and the restoration of the epithelium begins.

After the performed moxibustion, a scab forms on the mucous membranes, under which a new "correct" epithelium is formed. After peeling off the crust and strengthening the mucous membranes, the woman can return to normal life.

When moxibustion is not performed

Not all women are shown radical treatment. There are a number of conditions in which the method becomes impractical.

Contraindications to moxibustion are as follows:

  • acute and chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • genital infections and HPV;
  • the presence of bleeding;
  • blood diseases that disrupt its coagulability;
  • neoplasms of the vagina and cervix;
  • carrying a baby and breastfeeding;
  • postpartum period;
  • diabetes;
  • installed spiral;
  • a history of cesarean sections;
  • pathology from the central nervous system;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (in some cases).

If the reason, due to which the moxibustion of erosion is not carried out, can be eliminated, drug treatment is carried out, and then a decision is made on moxibustion. This applies to inflammatory diseases and genital infections, exacerbations of chronic pathologies.

The defect of the epithelium in most cases occurs against the background of inflammation, on this score, doctors do not agree on whether erosion is a provocateur of inflammation, weakening the body's defenses, or vice versa - constant infection affects the reproduction of the epithelium.

Conducting moxibustion

Regardless of the way in which the intervention is carried out, the procedure for treatment is as follows:

  1. After diagnosis, the doctor decides to conduct moxibustion.
  2. A woman comes for the procedure in the first half of the physiological cycle (with the exception of electric cauterization).
  3. The doctor prepares the area of \u200b\u200bthe previous operation - identifies and processes the area with the destroyed epithelium.
  4. Performs moxibustion.
  5. A layer of necrotic tissue forms on the surface - a scab. When exposed to radio waves, a thin film is formed.
  6. After a certain period of time for each method, the scab disappears, in its place an epithelial covering or a full-fledged scar is formed.
  7. After examination, the doctor recognizes the woman as healthy.

For a speedy recovery, restrictions are imposed on a woman's behavior, their meaning:

  • protection of the mucous membrane from damage;
  • prevention of infection, including sexually transmitted infections;
  • preservation of the scab from premature damage;
  • prevention of rush of blood to the pelvis to prevent bleeding;
  • preservation and enhancement of the body's immune defense.

The duration of the bans depends on the type of cauterization and the process of epithelial restoration. To monitor the healing process, the doctor conducts a periodic examination of the patient.

A woman should know that erosion treatment does not end with moxibustion. The duration of postoperative recovery lasts at least 5-6 weeks. The doctor informs the patient after cauterization of erosion that it is impossible to do after the intervention.

Lifestyle change

Strengthening the immune system is important for healing the affected area and preventing the reappearance of erosion. For this, a woman needs to change her lifestyle. To do this, you need to exclude:

  • nervous stress;
  • physical and psychological overload;
  • negative attitude towards life and towards yourself;
  • smoking and alcohol can provoke vasospasm, pain;
  • overeating and heavy food, which contributes to the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, and can provoke bleeding;
  • switch to frequent fractional meals that do not overload the body;
  • observe the drinking regime for the fastest elimination of the inflammatory process.

Excess weight is one of the factors that affects the change in the cervical mucosa and the thinning of the epithelium, so you need to adjust the diet in such a way as to exclude weight gain.

Do not use tampons

After the hardware treatment, the discharge is natural - at first, sacral, then transparent. To maintain hygiene, a woman who has been cauterized with erosion should not use tampons - only external sanitary pads. The period for changing the gaskets - as they become dirty, but at least once every three hours. The use of tampons can promote infection and trauma to the vaginal mucosa. The ban on the use of tampons is imposed for the entire healing period - up to 60 days. Lingerie should be comfortable, in size, and made from natural fabrics. Wearing synthetic underwear, thongs, leads to irritation of the mucous membranes.

To exclude allergies, hygiene procedures should be carried out exclusively with neutral soap without aromatic substances and additives.

In order not to provoke a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and bleeding, it is prohibited for the entire rehabilitation period:

  • hot bath;
  • steam bath;
  • turkish baths.

For hygiene procedures, patients are advised to use a warm or cool shower. Bathing in a bath can lead not only to blood flow to the genitals, but also to overheating of the body, an increase in body temperature, premature scab rejection and bleeding. In addition, water can enter the vagina and trigger an infection.

Restrictions are imposed on douching - they cannot be done after cauterization of the cervical erosion until the moment of complete healing of the epithelium in order to avoid washing out the scab and getting an infection.

Limit sports and physical activity

A woman who is actively involved in sports is prohibited from active physical activities until the body can recover from the intervention.

Strong physical exertion, lifting weights increases muscle tone and provokes pain, bleeding and premature scab rejection.

For a patient who has undergone moxibustion, bathing in open reservoirs and public pools is unacceptable - it is dangerous to become infected through the ingress of water into the vagina and rejection of the scab.

For women who are accustomed to doing light fitness, you can maintain their usual way of life and start exercising already on the 7th day after moxibustion. If this provokes pain or discharge, exercise should be stopped until the wound heals.

For athletes who cannot lose shape, loads can be resumed after a few days with movement from weak to strong loads, but under the close supervision of a doctor.

Sex and pregnancy planning

For the complete healing of the burn after the intervention and the timely removal of the scab, gynecologists prohibit traditional sex until the woman is fully recovered. When having intercourse, there is a high risk of mechanical injury to the mucous membrane, premature discharge of the scab and the introduction of infection. The possibility of resuming intimate relationships depends on how the erosion heals after cauterization, but not earlier than 60-90 days after the intervention.

In some cases, after the removal of the scab and the woman's well-being, it is possible to use non-traditional types of sex and masturbation to improve the general condition and increase the protective properties of the immune system.

Pregnancy can be planned only after complete recovery and the passage of the first menstruation; it should be borne in mind that after moxibustion, menstruation may shift.

Treatment and medical examination

The treatment process requires examination of the woman during the recovery period. It is undesirable to use ultrasound with a vaginal probe for examination and unscheduled consultations. This will act as a prevention of premature scab discharge and infection. The examination can be carried out exclusively by the doctor who cauterized the erosion, all preventive examinations (at work, to obtain a medical book) must be limited.

Until the moment of healing, vaginal suppositories cannot be used for the same purpose; if necessary, they are prescribed after the scab has receded.


  • low immunity, which is provoked by stress, hard work, inflammatory processes in the body, malnutrition, or vice versa - obesity;
  • acute infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • age-related hormonal disruptions or pregnancy;
  • violation of sexual hygiene (many sexual partners, unprotected, rough sex, the use of sex toys).

An initially incorrect determination of the cause of the disease or an incorrectly prescribed treatment can lead to a recurrence of erosion.

Is a general name for a group of therapeutic techniques, the purpose of which is to influence pseudo-erosion and completely eliminate it. Due to the fact that the disease is widespread and up to a third of all women in the world face it, the methods of moxibustion are constantly being improved and expanded. It is the destructive methods of influencing erosion that are most effective in terms of its treatment.

Most women use the term "moxibustion", meaning direct heating and formation of a burn on the epithelium. However, this use of the word is not entirely correct. For example, if a damaged area is exposed to nitrogen, then this is nothing more than freezing, and if the erosion is eliminated with the help of a laser, then its cells are simply evaporated. Nevertheless, all these techniques in everyday life are referred to as moxibustion.

In addition, only pseudo-erosion is cauterized - but not true and not congenital. Pseudo-erosion is formed as a result of a violation of the healing processes of true erosion, when a certain part of the stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical one that "emerged" from the cervical canal. As a result, a plot is formed that differs both in structure and appearance. It is this zone of ectopia that needs to be destroyed.

Methods of cauterization of cervical erosion

Modern clinical gynecology has a set of methods for the physical elimination of the pathological process.

Among them are:

    Diathermocoagulation - method of treatment with electric current. One of the outdated and most traumatic ways to get rid of erosion.

    Cryodestruction is a method of getting rid of erosion using nitrogen. This is a more gentle way to remove erosion by freezing pathological cells and their subsequent destruction.

    Laser vaporization - a method of getting rid of pathology using a laser. A fairly painless and effective way to remove erosion, while having a high efficiency.

    Radio wave coagulation - method of cauterization of erosion using radio waves. One of the most promising and progressive methods of healing damaged areas.

    Argon plasma ablation method - elimination of erosion using argon. It is carried out using special devices in which argon is ionized by high-frequency currents and precisely affects the eroded area with a plasma beam.

    Electroconization, used for the treatment of severe degrees, allows you to get rid of atypical cells even deep epithelial layers.

    Ultrasound. Relief of the patient from erosion using ultrasound.

    Chemical or drug moxibustion. Most often, the drug Solkovagin is used for this purpose, which causes tissues, the formation of a scab, followed by its replacement with a layer of new epithelium.

The choice of a particular treatment method will depend on the condition of the woman, her age, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser

For the treatment of the damaged area with a laser to give a positive effect, a thorough preliminary examination is necessary. Indeed, in one case, a low-intensity effect will be effective, in the other, on the contrary, a high-intensity one, and in the third - carbon dioxide. In this regard, the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected area and the duration of the existence of erosion are significant. The older and larger the pathology, the more intense the impact will be. In addition, a woman should not suffer from an infectious disease of the genital area. If any, preliminary therapy is needed.

In medicine, the concept of cauterization of the cervix with a laser does not exist, doctors call this procedure "laser vaporization". It is carried out in an outpatient clinic, does not require anesthesia, even local. The essence of the procedure is as follows: the doctor outlines the boundaries to be processed (for this, a laser is used, it acts like a pencil), then the systematic evaporation begins. Evaporation of atypical cells begins from the cervical canal, and ends at a previously drawn border (for the purpose of safety net, a healthy zone is captured within 2 mm). The whole procedure takes no more than 7 minutes.

Benefits. The advantage of this treatment is that there is no risk of bleeding: the vessels are immediately coagulated.

Nuances. A woman should know that large-sized erosion cannot be cured at once, it may take up to 2 - 3 procedures, the interval between which should be at least a month.

After moxibustion. After the laser treatment is carried out, the woman may experience slight discharge for some time. They can be observed for no more than 3 weeks. Complete restoration of the mucous membrane of the cervix occurs in 1.5 months. This method is suitable even for nulliparous women. Among the main contraindications: the period after childbirth, pregnancy, inflammation of the vagina, uterus or appendages, as well as malignant neoplasms.

Radio wave treatment for cervical erosion

Doctors dealing with the problem of eliminating the erosive process claim that this particular therapy is the most effective and safe in comparison with other methods. This procedure is non-contact, low-traumatic and painless, does not cause, and possible complications are minimized. However, due to the fact that the method is quite new, it has not become widespread.

Before performing the procedure, it is imperative to conduct a histological examination, pass a smear on the microflora, in order to identify sexually transmitted diseases.

Radio wave therapy is carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle (the optimal period is from 5 to 10 days, after the onset of menstruation). This is due to the fact that the risks of complications are minimized, and the tissues themselves recover faster.

The essence of the procedure lies in the fact that radio waves increase the temperature of the treated tissues by thermal action on the liquid inside the cells. It heats up and evaporates, and the vessels around it coagulate. Direct action is carried out using an electrode, which emits waves. The device itself does not contact the surface of the cervix. Most often, the Surgitron apparatus is used to perform the procedure. Thanks to such a gentle effect, after processing, a scab does not form, but a thin film forms.

Anesthesia, as a rule, is not used, since the sensations experienced by a woman are comparable to slight pulling pains during menstruation. But if the threshold of her sensitivity to pain is too high, then it is advisable to apply local anesthesia. In parallel, existing adhesions or other defects on the cervix and cervical canal can be eliminated.

The recovery process usually does not exceed one month. A woman may be disturbed by insignificant discharge, which completely disappears after 10 days.

For a complete cure, one session is enough. Radio wave coagulation is suitable for all women, including those who are planning a pregnancy in the near future. This can be done already a month later, after a scheduled visit to the gynecologist.

From the recommendations after the procedure: refusal of intimate life for 4 weeks, restriction of physical activity, a ban on swimming in open water bodies, pools and saunas. The only drawback of this progressive and safe method of erosion removal is the high cost of the procedure, as well as the lack of apparatus and specialists in municipal clinics.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current

The most outdated method of eliminating erosion is burning it with a current. In medicine, this method of therapeutic action is called "diathermocoagulation". Of the indisputable advantages, one can single out its widespread availability and high efficiency. That is why it has not yet been completely abandoned.

Before carrying out treatment with current, it is necessary to sanitize the vagina and eliminate any infectious and inflammatory process.

The essence of the method boils down to the fact that the electrode, emitting current discharges, touches the affected surface pointwise until all the erosion is covered with a scab. As a result, a wound is formed at this place, which bleeds, but at the same time it is covered with a crust on top. Two months later, she becomes epithelialized. The scab itself leaves in about 10-12 days. Since there is no instantaneous coagulation of blood vessels during the procedure, the woman has spotting bleeding during the recovery period.

In addition, a serious disadvantage of this method is the formation of a rough scar of connective tissue. This can further negatively affect the course of labor. That is why this method of cauterization is not recommended for nulliparous girls.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with nitrogen

This method is based on cold treatment. Transformed liquid nitrogen is applied to damaged tissues by means of a cryoprobe. The procedure is one-time, most often it does not take more than 5 minutes. Abnormal cells crystallize and then die off. After an average of 2-3 months, they are replaced by healthy ones. The optimal time for the procedure is from 7 to 10 days of the menstrual cycle.

Contraindications include a large surface of erosion - more than 3 cm, cervical injuries, fibroids, any infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitals, as well as pregnancy and tumors.

The procedure is painless, but at the request of the patient, she can be given local anesthesia, as there is a slight burning sensation or slight tingling sensation. This method is applicable to nulliparous women. Among other advantages - speed of carrying out on an outpatient basis, absence of bleeding.

However, the method has some disadvantages: a long recovery process, the appearance of watery discharge, the impossibility of processing deeply affected tissues. In addition, re-therapy may be required.

Chemical coagulation method

The procedure is reduced to the treatment of the eroded surface with medications. If earlier doctors used mainly Vagotil, now it has been replaced by a more modern and effective remedy - Solkovagin.

During the procedure, the doctor uses a cotton swab to dry the damaged area. Another tampon is carefully soaked with the chosen product and the area with erosion is treated with it. The processing time is 3 minutes. Excess drug is removed with another dry cotton swab. For a more accurate application, the entire session is guided by colposcopy.

The procedure is absolutely painless and does not even require local anesthesia. This method of treatment is suitable for a woman who has never given birth. However, this method is not used if the erosion is more than 1 cm in diameter. But due to the fact that drugs are much milder than physical treatments, several treatments may be required for a complete cure.

Any moxibustion process is aimed at destroying abnormal cells, which must subsequently be replaced by healthy stratified squamous epithelium. As already mentioned, the term "moxibustion" is not always correct. However, it is he who reflects the essence of any technique.

If we consider any procedure in stages, then it consists of a number of sequential actions:

    The woman undergoes a full diagnosis to find out any contraindications to the moxibustion session.

    If these are not found, the patient comes to the doctor, most often in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

    The preparation of the treated area is carried out (its boundaries are determined, sometimes the surface is dried).

    Erosion is influenced in one way or another, destroying its cells.

    In place of the treated surface, either a scab or a thin film forms.

    Within a few weeks, the scab leaves, and the damaged tissue is replaced with healthy tissue.

    It is formed on the treated surface. However, modern medicine avoids this unpleasant stage.

    The woman is recovering.

Contraindications to moxibustion

In order to undergo the moxibustion procedure by any of the above methods, you must make sure that there are no contraindications.

Among them are the following:

    Any inflammatory processes of the genital area.

    Having any sexually transmitted disease.

    Any active bleeding.

    Blood clotting disorders.

    Malignant neoplasm of the eroded area.

    Pregnancy, and sometimes a period.

    Uninterrupted lochia and early postpartum period.

    Installed intrauterine device.

    Cesarean section performed.

    Clinical blood test.

    Blood chemistry.

    Clinical analysis of urine.

    Blood test for hepatitis.

    A blood test to detect urogenital infections, including HPV. The most reliable in this regard is PCR analysis.

    Taking a smear for oncocytology (Papanicolaou test) and flora.

    Extended colposcopy, and if indicated, biopsy.

If there are no deviations from the norm according to the results of these analyzes, then the woman will be sent to undergo the moxibustion procedure. If any genital or other infections are found, preliminary treatment is necessary.

Consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion

Although medicine has made great strides in the treatment of erosion, however, the ideal procedure that would not have any consequences for the woman's body has not been found. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is so important to make not only the right choice regarding the method of cauterization, but also to find a qualified specialist.

Among the possible consequences of cauterization of erosion, both immediate and distant symptoms are distinguished.

The nearest, that is, those that may occur in the first 8 weeks after undergoing the procedure, include:

    Exacerbation of inflammation of the fallopian tube or both the fallopian tube and ovaries. Most often, the process is one-sided, although it can develop on both sides.

    Bleeding with significant loss of blood (this complication does not include minor bleeding, which is the norm).

    Menstrual irregularities, in particular development.

Among other consequences that occur two months after cauterization, more often than others are observed:

    Complete scarring or stenosis of the cervical canal.

    Scarring of the underlying layer, this complication is called in medicine "coagulated neck syndrome".

    Re-emergence of erosion in the same place.

It is done by a doctor on the basis of examination and study of analyzes. This is a defect in the lining of the cervix. By itself, the term "erosion" does not mean anything, it unites different diseases of the cervix, which differ in the causes of development, symptomatology, and expected health consequences.

Erosion does not cause cervical cancer, but the risk of malignant neoplasms increases.

Erosion treatment methods

  • Treatment methods for cervical erosion include chemical coagulation, in which the cervix is \u200b\u200btreated with special drugs that destroy the irregular columnar epithelium. The squamous epithelium remains intact and intact and closes the erosion site. This method is considered the most gentle. The disadvantage is that the application for erosion occupying large areas raises great doubts.
  • With the method " cryodestruction»Area,.
  • When laser coagulation the erosional area is treated with a low intensity laser beam.
  • Electricity, acting on the affected tissue, causes a burn. This is diathermocoagulation. It is rarely used now.
  • The contactless method (so far the only one) is radio wave surgery... The erosion site is affected by radio waves. This stimulates the internal energy of the cell, which leads to the destruction and evaporation of the cell.
  • For small sizes of erosion, use mimic coagulation, treatment of erosion with special preparations (for example, solkovagin), which destroy the columnar epithelium. The course includes up to five procedures, however, it does not guarantee complete healing.

What erosion is not treated with is tampons with sea buckthorn and other medicinal preparations.

Medication (medicinal) is produced with the help of topical application of not only anti-inflammatory drugs, but also drugs that are designed to destroy the cause of cervical erosion to restore damaged tissue. If erosion is caused by infectious lesions of the vagina (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.), then only after curing these diseases is it possible to effectively get rid of erosion.

Recovery after erosion treatment

Rehabilitation measures after cauterization of erosion are tied to the inadmissibility of bleeding in the postoperative period. The duration of the healing process depends on the method of exposure to the tissues during the operation, and here you must carefully listen to the attending physician.

Usually the recovery period lasts one to two months. It is important to follow some general recovery rules. The period of sexual abstinence should be at least a month.

Do's and don'ts after erosion treatment

You do not need to take hot baths, in general, it is better to perform hygiene matters during this period in the shower, since recovery after erosion treatmentand - the process is not complicated, but it needs to be done. Do not lift more than three kilograms a month, although you can start doing light sports in half a month. Tampons should not be inserted after erosion treatment; any vaginal procedures should be performed only with the approval of a doctor. In the second month of recovery, have sex with a condom, even with a regular partner. Its flora, though constant, is alien to your organs. It is not necessary to allow the introduction of foreign flora during the restoration of the epithelium.