I sweat at night during. Excessive Sweating During Sleep: Causes of Excessive Sweating? Night sweats due to medication

Within normal limits, the amount of lost fluid does not exceed 500 ml.

At night, when a person sleeps, body functions slow down and the amount of secretions decreases. Heavy sweating during sleep or hyperhidrosis is a pathology that requires timely treatment.

The exception is household factors: too warm a blanket, stuffy room, high humidity. Wet spots on the pillow and sheets can indicate infectious and transmissible diseases, so the anomaly cannot be ignored. Not only the health of the patient, but also his loved ones depends on this.

Only a specialist is able to correctly determine why a person sweats a lot during sleep and prescribe the appropriate procedures.

The function of sweating is thermoregulation. An increased temperature level provokes the development of disorders in the functioning of organs and body systems. The brain sends a signal to the sweat glands to increase sweating. This removes toxic substances and cools the body.

Hyperhidrosis differs in intensity of manifestations:

  1. Soft form. In order to continue the rest, it is enough to turn the pillow or remove the blanket.
  2. Moderate form. Rest is interrupted by the desire to wash. There is no need to change clothes.
  3. Severe form. The discharge is abundant, during rest it becomes necessary to change clothes. Wet stains on the bed linen.

A variety of reasons can contribute to the occurrence of a violation. They are divided into external and internal. Having determined why a person sweats in a dream, you can quickly get rid of an unpleasant anomaly.


External or non-medical causes of night sweats in humans are not indicative of a disease. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to adjust the lifestyle.

In rare cases, a visit to a somnologist is required. He will help you choose the right tactics of behavior so that the process of falling asleep does not cause difficulties, and the rest is complete.


An improperly fitted blanket causes not only severe sweating during rest, but also allergic reactions.

The synthetic filler keeps you warm, but prevents the body from breathing. The lack of air circulation at night causes skin irritation and the body overheats.

Wrong microclimate

Violation of the temperature regime provokes hyperhidrosis and interferes with proper rest.

In the summer, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room and not close the windows at night, in winter, it is enough to ventilate the room in the evening.

Warm clothes

When choosing pajamas, you should pay attention to the material of the product. Satin and silk clothes are not suitable for night rest. Thick tissues also provoke hyperhidrosis.

Underwear capable of providing good rest should be made of breathable fabrics.

For example, cotton and linen. They are able to allow air and vapors to pass through, preventing overheating.

Linen absorbs moisture well and dries quickly, so it is also recommended to choose such clothes for sports.


Improper diet is another reason why a person sweats during sleep. Particular attention should be paid to the last meal. Products that increase blood circulation, in addition to hyperhidrosis, can provoke insomnia. Among them: spicy dishes, coffee, chocolate, garlic, sweet carbonated drinks.

The use of certain medications can be one of the provocative factors of the reason why a person sweats a lot at night.

Among them are antidepressants and sleeping pills, in which, among the side effects, increased sweating is distinguished.

Hyperhidrosis is also triggered by nicotinic acid, nitroglycerin and aspirin.


If the condition is caused by other factors, the root of the problem is the development of pathological processes in the body. This is a series of acute and chronic diseases, the main symptom of which is excessive sweating at night.

In such cases, the body experiences severe stress and immediate assistance of specialists is required to determine the causes.

Infectious diseases

The condition is accompanied by fever. The active work of the sweat system is caused by an increase in temperature.

Drinking plenty of fluids to help the body fight infection will help reduce fever. It is recommended that you take your temperature frequently and, if necessary, take antipyretic medications.

The most common reason a person sweats profusely during sleep is brucellosis. This is an infection that animals carry.

It can be contracted by eating unboiled milk, lightly fried meat, close contact with animals. Up to 2.5 million patients are admitted to hospitals annually with complaints of night sweating due to brucellosis.

Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease that is accompanied by profuse night sweats. Any person can get infected, the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, so it is almost impossible to protect yourself. If there are suspicions about the cause of hyperhidrosis, you need to urgently go for a consultation with a specialist.

Endocrine Disorders

An imbalance in hormonal function is the main trigger for sweating during sleep.

Active body secretions at night signal or.

Changes in hormonal levels during menopause, andropause, pregnancy and PMS in 80% are accompanied by increased sweating at night. This is not a pathology, but it causes discomfort during sleep.

Kidney disease

Patients who have suffer from severe sweating at night. The organs do not cope, because of which sweating increases. Excess moisture is removed through the pores.

In this case, the cause provoking nocturnal hyperhidrosis is a dangerous pathology. If timely treatment is not started, the patient's condition will quickly deteriorate, people who ignore medical care risk a number of complications.

Somnological disorders

Frustration can be provoked by external factors, but if nightmares are the cause of severe sweating in a dream, you need to contact a psychologist and somnologist.

Nightmares indicate the presence of childhood fears or arise from the background of the stress experienced.

Plots of visions frighten a person and adrenaline is released into the blood. It activates the work of the sweating system, which is why increased sweating appears.

Sleep apnea syndrome

This is a dangerous condition characterized by snoring during sleep accompanied by holding of breath.

The violation provokes the development of tachycardia and arterial hypertension in a person. Holding your breath causes excessive sweating and can be fatal.

To determine why such an anomaly has arisen, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Attacks last from 20 to 30 seconds, in a neglected form 2-3 minutes and are repeated 10-15 times an hour, interfering with proper rest, causing impairment of memory and attention.


Finding out on your own why a person sweats a lot, one should not forget about the likelihood of developing oncology.

The active work of the sweating system at night is caused by tumors in the area of ​​the lymphoid tissue.

In this case, skin irritation occurs, and weight decreases rapidly.

Also, night sweats in men can be accompanied by pathology of the testicles or prostate gland.

This is a formation that independently produces biologically active substances and hormones. It can be malignant or benign.

It does not have a specific localization and it is found with the same frequency in different areas of the body. Its small size does not interfere with the full-fledged life of a person, night sweats are caused by hormones produced by it.

Another symptom of carcinoid syndrome is flushing. This is a condition when an adult's head sweats when he sleeps. Additionally, the disease identifies bronchospasm (attacks of respiratory arrest) and diarrhea.

Hyperhidrosis in children

Parents, identifying the reason why the child sweats a lot at night, should not forget about the peculiarities of the child's body. This is a physiological phenomenon and does not indicate the presence of pathology.

In adolescence, a person's sleep differs in the duration of the phases. In an adult, they are much shorter. However, if a child was exposed to severe stress, sweating during sleep signals a psychological disorder and the presence of nightmares.

If a child's head sweats, this is a symptom of rickets. The disease has a number of additional manifestations:

  • weak muscle tone;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • frog belly.

Before the age of one year, the baby sweats a lot. The condition is caused by the development of the sebaceous glands.

If the child is covered with cold sweat when sleeping, this is the first sign of a cold. The condition occurs before the first symptoms appear: a runny nose and cough. Particular attention should be paid to stories about "nightmares when I sleep." Frightening visions will push parents to the cause of the nervous breakdown.

Common causes that cause heavy sweating when sleeping in children:

  • Hyperactivity is a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system. The increased activity in the daytime is caused by an abundance of false signals from the brain about insufficient heat in space.
  • Sun vitamin (D) deficiency - the discharge has an unpleasant odor. The violation occurs at the initial stage of the development of rickets.
  • Premature babies - During breastfeeding they have to expend more energy than other babies. Fatigue causes hyperhidrosis.
  • Premature babies - feeding causes them great difficulties, they have to spend much more energy than other babies. Overwork provokes hyperhidrosis.

Treatment methods and whether a doctor is needed

Abnormal work of the sweat system can signal the presence of a serious illness. But, before going to the clinic, it is recommended to eliminate all household factors that provoke a violation.

If, despite this, a person still sweats a lot in the evening and at night, you need to seek help from a specialist.

If the examinations did not reveal why the patient is worried at night with abundant discharge in different parts of the body - the root of the problem lies in a genetic predisposition to hyperhidrosis. This is an independent disease. The essence of treatment is the elimination of symptoms.

  • - affects the membranes of the cellular structures of sweat, damaging them and causing death. The effect lasts up to two years.
  • - This is a partial removal of the skin together with the sweat glands.
  • - the anomaly is eliminated with Botox injections in places with increased sweating.

In the absence of diseases, you have to come to terms with the fact that you sweat a lot during sleep or decide on radical methods of treatment. However, there are a number of recommendations that will help you slightly reduce the amount of sweating you sweat while sleeping.

Preventive measures:

  • Care must be taken to ensure that the temperature in the recreation room does not exceed 20 degrees.
  • When going to sleep, you cannot eat. Regular snacking later than 2.5 hours before lights out will intensify the problem. A late-supper lover will have to come to terms with the fact that they sweat a lot.

You have two questions. Why do I sweat a lot at night? Should I go to the doctor? Moderate sleep sweating is normal if the room is warm and the blanket is too thick. But if it is not hot at all in the bedroom, and sweat literally pours like a river, and this happens regularly, then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Abundant often accompanies various diseases: from the common cold to deadly ailments. Therefore, if you sweat during sleep, then you should play it safe and get tested.

In a dream, it occurs with the flu, ARVI, taking antipyretic drugs. This state is familiar to everyone, without exception, and is the norm.

Sweating at night can be associated with taking drugs for hypertension, any antidepressants, heart medications with nitroglycerin.

Infectious diseases are another cause of profuse night sweats. This phenomenon is typical for tuberculosis, but it can also occur with osteomyelitis (bone damage), endocarditis (inflammation of hepatitis, AIDS.

Endocrine diseases are often accompanied by sweating during sleep. This happens when the function of the thyroid gland is dysfunctional, namely, its increase. Patients with diabetes mellitus experience strong sweating. In addition, night sweats are associated with insulin intake and lower blood sugar levels. Hormonal changes in the female body during menopause lead to severe sweating at night.

Almost everyone can say to themselves: while sleeping, I sweat, when I experience stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Increased secretion of sweat during sleep is characteristic of cancer affecting the lymphatic system.

Often, nocturnal hyperhidrosis occurs with stroke, abscesses, heart, neurological, and intestinal diseases.

Excessive sweat at night can be caused not only by illness, but also by the use of fatty, spicy, salty food, alcohol, and hot drinks before bedtime. In order to avoid sweating, do not engage in intense physical labor and take a hot shower at night looking.

What can you do to avoid sweating at night? If sweat is associated with diseases, then, unambiguously, - to be examined and treated in a medical institution. If the reason for the night sweat is menopause, then you need to contact a gynecologist for a course of hormone therapy.

There is such a thing as idiopathic hyperhidrosis, that is, sweating during sleep for no apparent reason. In this case, you need to take the following measures: ventilate the bedroom well, do not engage in tedious tasks and do not eat immediately before bedtime, take a cool shower, if possible, sleep with open vents.

Traditional medicine, as always, gives a lot of advice to help get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. If you sweat while sleeping, try the following simple recipes.

It helps with sweat. It is mixed with water (for a part of vinegar - two parts of water) and wipe problem areas before going to bed.

The people used horsetail for sweating. To do this, a decoction of horsetail was mixed with vodka in a ratio of one to ten and insisted for several days, wiped sweating areas at night.

Peppermint is another remedy for hyperhidrosis. Pour boiling water over the grass, leave for an hour, make lotions or baths.

Recipe with (one hundred grams) pour water (one liter), boil for ten minutes, let cool and apply to problem areas.

In order not to sweat and calm the nerves, you need to take a bath with chamomile and sea salt at night.

A proven remedy for sweat is clary sage. Sage is poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour and a half (for three tablespoons of sage - two glasses of water), filter and make lotions. Sage can be mixed with yarrow equally, pour the resulting mixture with boiling water (two tablespoons of herbs - half a liter of water), leave until it cools, then use it for baths or compresses.

Instead of a washcloth, take a two-layer gauze, put oatmeal and salt (two tablespoons each) in it, take a shower with such a washcloth every day without soap.

Sweating at night while sleeping is a problem that worries many. But it is far from always the result of a serious illness, in which you need to see a doctor. Sweating a lot is not at all a pathology. Therefore, in most cases, this problem can be solved independently at the household level.

Types of excessive sweating

Excessive sweating can be carried out through any part of the body where sweat glands are present. In general, there are two types of this phenomenon:

  1. General hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating is observed throughout the body, that is, in the armpits, back, head, trunk, inguinal folds, etc.
  2. Local hyperhidrosis - only the head sweats.

Another classification involves the separation of hyperhidrosis, depending on the reasons for the separation during sleep:

  • Primary - the reason is the individual characteristics of a person, his emotional mood (for example, if I sweat at night because of nightmares);
  • Secondary - in this case, sweating during sleep occurs against the background of a disease.

Provoking factors

To treat the problem, you must first understand why a person sweats at night. The main reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  1. Use a very warm blanket and other bedding. The blanket may not allow air to pass through at all, which even in winter it will cause sweating during sleep. Therefore, you need to carefully choose this product. Particular attention should be focused on the quality of this accessory if it is cheap and made using artificial fillers, for example, padding polyester. Also, if a person sweats a lot during sleep, it can be caused by the use of sheets with terry cloth. They disrupt the body's thermoregulation, which leads to excessive sweating.
  2. Heavy sweating during sleep can be associated with poor nightwear. For example, pajamas and other underwear made from synthetic materials and even silk and satin can cause severe sweating at night. Therefore, it is worth changing this underwear to cotton and see if the situation changes.
  3. Temperature in the bedroom. Very often, increased sweating during sleep is associated with an uncomfortable air temperature. Normally, the room should be about 20 degrees Celsius. Also, the room must be constantly ventilated before going to bed so that there is enough fresh air. If this is not done, problems with the skin and other organs of the body will begin. This will result in excess sweating and other possible skin problems.
  4. Improper diet and bad habits. Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis and consume spicy and spicy foods, chocolate, carbonated drinks and alcohol before bedtime are advised to avoid these foods. They dilate the walls of blood vessels, which increases the local blood flow. In order to normalize the blood temperature, the body has to start the process of sweating.

Hyperhidrosis and internal diseases

If, after adjusting your lifestyle, excess night sweats remain, it is still recommended to go to the doctor. Indeed, sometimes this problem is associated with serious malfunctions within the body or even with the presence of hidden internal pathologies.

First of all, it should be noted that slight sweating at night is a normal process that provides thermoregulation of the body, maintains the blood temperature within the desired range. But sometimes a malfunction occurs, and the sweat glands begin to overwork.

So, if there is an infection in the body, a process known as fever begins. The body temperature rises significantly, therefore, the mechanism of increased sweating is triggered in order, firstly, to maintain the temperature values ​​within acceptable limits, and secondly, to remove toxins and other products of the bacteria's vital activity. If a fever is present, it is important to find out the cause. After all, it can be both a cold and more serious diseases (tuberculosis, AIDS). It is the profuse sweating at night that forces specialists to prescribe a number of procedures, in particular, X-ray of the lungs, in order to exclude tuberculosis.

A more rare cause of excessive sweating at night is the presence of cancer (lymphoma, pheochromocytoma, and other tumors). The thermoregulation center is damaged, which leads to malfunctions. Often, the patient lives for years with this problem and does not even realize that he is undergoing an oncological process. Of all types of tumors, increased sweating most often accompanies lymphogranulomatosis and other similar tumors.

The presence of excessive sweating during sleep may also indicate problems in the endocrine system - metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, glandular pathology. For example, this phenomenon may indicate the development of thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus and other diseases.

Excessive sweating and other medical conditions

There are many other reasons that cause excessive sweating at night. For example, it can be associated with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This manifests itself in tachycardia, respiratory arrest at night, hypertension and other phenomena.

Often, night sweats are associated with psycho-emotional abnormalities in the patient. For example, he may experience stress, anxiety, overwork, and other problems. As a result, an excess amount of adrenaline is released, which must be taken out with sweat drops. These are minimal disorders, but more serious ones are possible - hysteria, depression, schizophrenia, nervous exhaustion, and so on. They also lead to serious disruptions in the body's thermoregulation.

Autoimmune diseases are another cause of hyperhidrosis. The problem arises against the background of acute rheumatic fever, multiple sclerosis, aortoarteritis and other pathologies.

It causes a sharp release of adrenaline into the bloodstream, which leads to short stress. After that, the body begins to excrete excessive sweat.

Certain medications also stimulate night sweats. Most often this is done by cytostatics, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents.

Measures to combat increased sweating at night

If the problem of increased sweating at night bothers you constantly, it needs to be addressed, because it causes some discomfort to the patient and his partner. To begin with, you can use the methods of independent struggle, and if they do not help, then you should consult a doctor. In general, all methods of treating this problem can be divided into several types:

  • traditional methods of treatment;
  • medical approaches;
  • cosmetology techniques and means.

Before deciding which of the above methods to use in your case, you need to try to understand why there was increased sweating during sleep. After that, it is worth eliminating the factors that caused it, and then treating the problem itself. But it must be remembered that persistent hyperhidrosis indicates a possible serious pathology. This means that it is better to go to the doctors for a consultation. They will help you find out if there are any serious illnesses. If they are not there, the following recommendations can be followed to get rid of hyperhidrosis:

  1. It is recommended to take a warm bath every time before going to bed. Thanks to this procedure, the pores will expand, and through them excess moisture is removed from the body. Next, it is worth treating the skin with cooler water to narrow the pores.
  2. Relaxing herbal baths are a great solution. They can also be taken in the evening.
  3. Analyze your diet. Eliminate spicy foods in the evening. It is recommended to make dinner as light as possible, excluding heavy foods. In addition, you should not drink alcohol in the evening.
  4. Purchase sage herb and make a decoction of it. It is recommended to use the remedy in a glass every day for two weeks. Thanks to the use of sage, the nervous system calms down, is put in order, which is reflected in sweating.
  5. Another remedy for excessive sweating is a decoction of oak bark. Prepare a drug and rub it on the skin before bedtime. Alternatively, you can use apple cider vinegar.
  6. It's also worth picking up a good antiperspirant deodorant. Thanks to its use, the pores will be narrowed, which will have a positive effect on the work of the sweat glands. It is necessary to choose the optimal composition of the deodorant, and then sweating can be reduced by 10-20 times. It is best to use sprays as they are convenient. But it should be borne in mind that over time, the skin gets used to the deodorant, and it is no longer as effective.

Many cosmetic products are much more effective, since this industry does not stand still. So, with severe hyperhidrosis, you can make several injections of special drugs that will permanently relieve sweating at night. Injections are carried out in the armpits, palms, as well as in other parts of the body. At the same time, such an intervention will not be expensive. As a rule, the positive effect lasts up to six months, after which the injections are repeated.

Excessive sweating is quite often the first signal that serious changes begin in the body, and often not for the better. Many dangerous diseases begin with night sweating. In this article, you will find out what happens to the body when you sweat a lot during sleep, why a person sweats more. After all, as you know, nothing happens just like that. Let's look at the causes of sweating.

Perhaps the most common reason a person sweats at night while sleeping is colds and other viral and infectious diseases. Any infection comes out with sweat, as people say, so there is nothing supernatural in the fact that you sweat while sleeping with a cold or flu. This is the body's natural reaction to an internal threat. However, there are a number of more dangerous diseases that also cause sweating.

  • Abscesses are a bacterial disease that manifests itself in the appearance of purulent inflammations on the body.
  • Infection with dangerous viruses. Such as, for example, HIV.
  • Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone marrow caused by infections.
  • Endocarditis is inflammation of one part of the heart caused by symptoms of another disease or bacteria.
  • Tuberculosis.

Important! If you feel a general malaise and at the same time sweat a lot, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Household reasons

In addition to purely medical reasons, there are a number of common, everyday ones that play an important role in a person's sweating at night.

  • The room is too poorly ventilated and the room is too stuffy... The banal lack of fresh air and oxygen can also cause severe sweating due to stuffiness. Therefore, before going to bed, the room must be well ventilated. In the summer it is generally recommended to sleep with the windows open. If there are electronic devices in the room, such as computers, televisions and other things, then the window should be opened for an hour or two.
  • Warm blanket... In winter, we all take out warm, woolen blankets from our closets to keep warm and not freeze. However, if in warmer months you sweat profusely, then you should change the blanket to a lighter and cooler one. If the problem persists, keep looking.
  • clothing... Heavy and warm pajamas for winter are also unlikely to be practical in summer, so you can also sweat because of the abundance of clothes on your body. The best option for any weather is cotton pajamas, and if you are cold, you can buy cotton pajamas with long pants.
  • Nutrition... Heavy sweating at night can also be the result of improper and unhealthy diet. Pay attention to your diet and eliminate hot spices, carrots, chocolate of any kind, coffee, garlic and soda.

If none of these reasons suits you, then, most likely, the matter is in the internal state of the body.

Neurological causes

  • Autonomic dysreflexia- An unusual disorder of the nervous system resulting from damage to the spinal cord. There is a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses, which becomes a consequence of most symptoms, including sweating.
  • Stroke... During a cerebral hemorrhage, the body temperature is greatly disturbed, which is why sweating begins.
  • Posttraumatic syringomyelia- Similar in nature to dysreflexia, a disease of the nervous system that creates cavities in the structure of the spinal cord, however, it is often accompanied by a decrease in sweating, but in some cases the opposite reaction occurs.
  • Autonomic neuropathy- impaired functioning of the nervous system, who suffer from diabetes. Among the symptoms, there is increased sweating, as some nerve fibers are damaged.

Causes of sweating in women

Men and women are different among themselves, not only externally, but also internally. Therefore, each sex has its own, individual causes and reactions to various external stimuli.

One of the most common female diseases is hyperthyroidism... It manifests itself in a disease of the thyroid gland, where two hormones are synthesized - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. In addition to the fact that a woman's neck, chest, back, legs and arms sweat in a dream, this syndrome also causes tremors in the hands, weight loss, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, which is why the chest is constantly heaving. Sometimes the head may hurt.

In order to accurately diagnose this disease, you need to be tested for hormones. According to statistics, this syndrome is more inherent in women than men, but there are cases when the stronger sex also suffers from this ailment.

During menopause, and also during menopause, hot flashes often occur, which mainly cause sweating during this period. It should also be noted that hot flashes can appear even several years before the onset of menopause itself. By the way, with menopause, women often suffer from insomnia. We wrote about this.

Causes of sweating in men

A decrease in testosterone in the body in men is called andropause... Usually this process occurs closer to sixty years. In addition to age, it is believed that the course and occurrence of this process can be strongly influenced by stress, difficult living conditions and many diseases. But, one way or another, the symptoms of andropause, along with increased blood pressure, muscle weakness and disorders in sexual and urinary functions, is also increased sweating.

However, this should not be taken lightly. Sweating in men may be due to other serious illnesses.

Other medical causes of sweating

In addition to the above reasons, there are still a fairly large number of diseases, a symptom of which may be sweating.

When an adult does not sleep well and sweats at night, this, among other things, may mean the development of cancer. In this case, sweat pours from the patient in a hail (cold sweat), while there is an increased body temperature, fever, and rapid weight loss occurs. With these symptoms, in any case, do not postpone a visit to the oncologist. But don't be intimidated. Just check it out.

You can't let everything go by itself. It is necessary to deal with the symptoms of heavy sweating immediately without winding yourself up, as women often do. Men do not react so sharply, but you should not postpone a visit to the clinic.

Low blood sugar, called hypoglycemia, also throws a person into sweat. Those who have diabetes and take pills to lower their blood sugar are at risk of this disease. And also those who eat little or eat junk food.

Sweating itself also has a scientific name, namely idiopathic hyperhidrosis... The causes of this disease are still unknown to scientists, but a person with this disease sweats not only when he sleeps, but throughout the day.