Poses for photos of couples in love. Photoshoot Love Story (40 poses)

Photoshoot Love Story- this is, literally, a Love Story. It is chosen by couples in love to give each other a gift or just have a good time with a photographer.
In photographs of couples in love, the main thing is to show the connection, interaction and feelings of two people. Usually these are passionate and deep feelings that make pictures of couples romantic, filled with tenderness and love, or positive and cheerful.

Traditionally photo shoot Love Story perceived as preparatory photography before the wedding. Such a pre-wedding photography is the best opportunity to rehearse the most romantic options before the main celebration. A couple in love can fill their lives with new unusual colors and sensations, making any photo-fantasies a reality.

2. Ask the couple to stand very close to each other so that you can capture close-ups of their closeness. Do not be afraid to zoom in or crop too much while processing!

3. A very light and sincere pose, when a young man hugs a girl from behind. The couple can look directly into the camera or at each other. They can even kiss to create a more emotional shot.

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4. Joyful and sensual posture when she hugs him from behind on the back and shoulders. Pay attention to the placement of the hands: it should be simple and natural.

5. Another variation of the previous pose. Remember that the couple does not need to look at the camera. For best results, get them to interact with each other through conversation, flirtatious glances, laughter, etc.

6. Create a romantic mood. It is best to work outdoors with a skyline in the background. Shoot a little from behind. Try to shoot from such an angle so that the eyes of the lovers are visible.

7. Find some high ground and photograph your subjects from above. The most common pose in a shot from an unusual angle is always creative and very often rewards the photographer with surprisingly great shots.

8. Another gentle pose. Works best outdoors in an open area. A silhouette against a bright background, for example, against the background of a sunset, will also look beneficial.

9. A fun and positive pose. An important element is the position of her legs. Each leg should bend at a different angle. It is advisable to take a picture at the moment when he picks it up.

10. A couple is lying on the ground / grass, looking tenderly into each other's eyes and possibly smiling.

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11. A good example of how two people can be well and asymmetrically positioned in the frame. Although, you can try without the asymmetry of the position.

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12. An informal and fun way to pose for a couple is lying on your back.

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14. A very good way to show feelings is a moment of meeting.

15. Another option for a fun and positive pose. Try different framing, take full-length, waist-length and close-up photos.

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16. An easy-to-implement pose - full-length photo. Creates a calm and sensual mood. Try cropping the image to your waist.

17. Take pictures of a couple walking by the hand from a long distance.

18. Never forget that there is always the possibility of a good shot when you are just photographing models from behind.

19. This pose is similar to the previous one. But this time, the couple is walking in an embrace, although you can not walk, but just stay in place, slightly embracing.

20. Ask the couple to get very close to each other. Shooting is carried out in profile. Lovers can kiss or just touch their foreheads.

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21. Playful and flirtatious posture. The young man, leaning slightly towards the girl, wants to kiss her when she tries to evade at that moment.

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22. The hands of two crossed arms create a heart. Close-up!

23. A gentle shot with an asymmetrical arrangement of people.

Nikolay Shemarov

24. You can greatly diversify the number of working poses if you use all the possibilities presented on the spot. In this example, the young man uses a tree as a support, and the girl rests on his shoulder.

25. Simple and natural pose. Couple kissing while sitting. Try to take a photo both close-up and at a distance.

26. Quite a simple but interesting pose. The young man hugs the girl around the waist, and she crosses her hands behind his head. Shooting is in profile.

27. Intimate and sensual posture. Make sure you capture the eyes of both (even if they are closed), otherwise your photo may lack feeling.

28. To take this shot, ask the couple to hug each other very tightly and kiss each other. He can even lift her up a little.

29. Another version of the pose when he hugs her from behind. The pose only works when there is emotion or a kiss.

Karina Bondarenko

30. To show an emotional connection in a photograph, ask the couple to get very close to each other. Shooting is carried out in profile. This position looks best when the lovers have their eyes closed, and he gently kisses her on the forehead.

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31. Full-length shot of a kissing couple. You can diversify the pose with various ideas, for example, as in this example.

32. Ask the couple to show you what “falling in love” looks like. It is likely that they themselves will pose for you in one way or another.

Payment for the photo session and the remaining amount for the studio is made immediately after the completion of the photo session in cash to the photographer or by mobile transfer to the card. You can get acquainted with the prices for our photo sessions.

Retouching and processing of Love Story photos

We want you to feel beautiful and relaxed during the photo shoot, and we cherish your final shots. Professional retouching is included in the cost of services and you do not have to worry about any defects, such as, for example, pimples, stretch marks or some body contours. We are engaged in the most complete and detailed processing that will enhance and turn your photos into a work of art.

All captured photos will undergo basic processing: color correction, light correction, cropping and elimination of minor defects, toning, etc. Photos that have undergone basic processing are placed in a personal folder on a "cloud drive" on the Internet, from where you can view and download them from any device anywhere.

From the processed photos, you choose 10-20 pcs (depending on the tariff) for hi-end retouching (speaking in Russian, artistic, detailed processing). We also upload retouched photos to your personal folder on a "cloud drive".

Processing and retouching photos takes up to 3 weeks (this is the most time-consuming part of the work), we try not to delay the process and upload pictures as soon as they are ready. If you want to do hi-end retouching of additional photos, then it is easy to agree by phone, e-mail or WhatsApp.

* Accelerated retouching is possible with an additional payment of 30% to the cost of the photo session.

Below is an example of our portrait retouch so that you understand what it is. Pay attention to the folds of the skin on the body, the quality of the skin in general, defects of the face and beard, etc. We eliminate a lot of small annoying details while maintaining your natural look. Each of these little things creates a big picture. By eliminating defects that people do not notice in everyday life, but which are striking in photographs, we show you natural, beautiful and alive!

From personal experience, I can say that photographing a couple is much more difficult than photographing people alone (with the exception of small children - this is a separate topic for the article).

For an amateur photographer, who to one degree or another are all readers of this article, you need a starting point, where to start shooting, and simple examples of poses in this case are very helpful.

When photographing a couple in love, the main thing for a photographer is to show in the photograph the feelings of people, their interaction with each other.

Take care of the atmosphere of the shoot ahead of time so people don't feel embarrassed or stressed.

As a rule, a friendly attitude of the photographer is enough.

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So, if you have to photograph your friends in love, mom and dad, grandparents, or any other couple, it will not be superfluous to use ready-made tips.

Below are the main good couples poses that you can take with you as a printout or save on your tablet.

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By the way, when my husband and I, all hotel photographers used these basic poses for shooting hotel guests.

Surely, you also met many of them in the incarnations of various photographers. These symbolic sketches are the starting point, the alphabet for the photographer, then where to start.

1. A simple but very beautiful pose. The lovers stand facing each other, and at the same time look into the camera lens, and the girl holds her hand on the guy's chest. This shot will be good both close-up and vertical full-length.

2. Position the couple very close to each other for an emotionally charged close-up shot. Try to shoot as close as possible, and don't be afraid to crop your frame!

3. A simple but very sensual pose: a guy hugs a girl from behind. Lovers can look into the camera lens or at each other. You can also ask the couple to kiss for a more sincere shot.

4. A joyful and sensual pose is a girl leaning on her partner's back and shoulders. Pay attention to how the hands are positioned, it should look simple and natural.

5. Suggest one of the options - the girl hugs the guy from behind. Lovers do not have to look into the camera lens. For live shots, ask people to interact with each other: let them talk, laugh, exchange glances.

6. A couple looking into the distance is very romantic! This technique works best in open spaces. You need to shoot a little from the back. Remember that the photographer needs to be close enough to the couple so that the near eye of the people you are photographing is visible, otherwise you will get a faceless shot.

7. Find some high ground and photograph your subjects from above. A shot with a familiar pose, but from an unusual angle, always looks creative and can often reward you with an unexpectedly good result.

8. Another romantic pose. It's best to shoot people outdoors: at sea, in a field, in a park, on a beach.

9. Simple pose for lovers - full-length shooting. Convey the depth of sensuality and tranquility!

10. Very funny pose! Offer this fun pose not only to younger people. Try different frame structures, take full-length, waist-high and close-up shots.

11. A great way to express feelings at the moment of meeting lovers. Works well in public places such as famous city meeting points near a monument, train station, metro station, at a public transport stop, or just in a park.

12. A pose with an element of fun. The most important point is the position of her legs, her legs should be bent at different angles. And while she is still in the air, take a close-up photo as well.

13. Take a picture of a guy with a girl from afar, walking by the hand. Take pictures exclusively in high-speed mode! However, most of your footage will still look awkward due to the movement of your legs. Thus, your task is to choose the photos in which the position of the legs is the most successful.

14. Another option with a walking pair. This time they walk side by side and hold on to each other. Again, take a few shots and choose the ones with the legs in the most elegant position.

15. Never forget that there is always the possibility of a good shot when you are just photographing models from behind.

16. A couple lies on the ground close to each other. Ask them to raise their upper body slightly, using their arms as support. He can hug her a little. Shoot from a low angle.

17. Another option with a couple lying on the ground. This time there is a very small distance between them.

18. A good example of how two people can be well and asymmetrically positioned in the frame.

19. An informal and fun way to pose for a couple is lying on your back.

20. Sincere posture. Ask the couple to sit comfortably on their favorite couch.

21. Sometimes photographing a couple can mean photographs of motherhood. Some of the series of poses presented here might work well for this occasion. Just adjust them in order to show the feelings about the new life that has not yet appeared and their interaction with it.

I wish you creative inspiration and successful photo sessions!

She dreams of holding a wonderful photo shoot to capture their crazy and ardent love forever. A professional photographer will reveal the true beauty, charm and tender feelings between two people. He will easily dispel your shyness and awkwardness so that in the pictures you can see only loving and natural faces.

Good shooting positions

The ingenious masters know a few more secrets of how to make the photo irresistible. These are the correct postures. So let's take a look at ideas for a photo shoot for a couple from famous professionals:

1. Standing face to face (but looking at the camera), the girl holds her hand on the boy's chest. Taking a close-up can help you achieve a tremendous effect.

2. They should be close to each other so that the photographer can catch the loving glances.

3. In the "heart" pose, a man hugs his beloved from behind. For more emotional effect, they can kiss.

4. The woman grabs the back of her beloved by the shoulders. Pay attention to keep your hands natural and simple.

5. When hugging, the couple does not have to look into the camera. For best results, they may smile, wink flirtatiously at each other, or have a pleasant conversation.

Love in the photo

Romantic ideas for a photo shoot for a couple can be completely different:

1. For example, lovers might hold hands and gently touch their heads.

2. And for a calm and affectionate photo, you need to shoot a man and a woman in full growth at the moment when they embrace.

3. If the models are creative people, then to add a touch of fun the girl should jump on the back of the guy. It will turn out to be very funny.

4. Either she grabs him by the neck, bending his legs.

5. A great way to show love is, of course, a bright kiss.

Magical autumn photo shoot: ideas for a couple

Many will agree that autumn is the most beautiful time of the year: colorful leaves lie all around, fabulous sunsets captivate the soul, and the lighting is ideal for photographers. If you want to replenish your photo album with colorful photographs, then check out the amazing autumn ideas that will not leave you indifferent:

1. The beloved should stand in an embrace on a bridge surrounded by trees with yellow leaves.

2. You can achieve an enchanting effect by steaming in a corn or wheat field.

3. Well, of course, how can you do without a charming autumn forest. Capture full-length young people on a natural gold carpet.

4. They can also have fun tossing leaves and looking up.

5. Another symbol of autumn is the pumpkin. A snapshot where lovers kiss surrounded by orange "barrels" will look elegant.

6. Think creatively, then your autumn photo session will be great. Ideas for a couple will spontaneously emerge. For example, put a girl and a guy under a tree. They can talk sweetly, smile or just hug.

7. Lovers look very romantic looking in one direction by the river or lake.

Unmatched ideas for a couple's photo shoot in nature

Nature is lovely and gorgeous. No one can resist the beautiful chirping of birds, lush greenery, stunning flowers and endless fields. Have you decided that there is no better background for your photo shoot than the surrounding area? Then check out these interesting recommendations:

1. To capture an amazing kiss of lovers is surrounded by a mysterious forest.

2. Who said that faces should be visible in the photo? Going into the sea or river, lift your legs up. You have not seen anything more original!

3. Play in the city park with your loved one and come up with fresh ideas for a photo session for a couple.

4. Even rain cannot spoil your photo session, and a cute umbrella will only decorate it.

5. Blooming sakura is the most charming background.

6. On the field with marvelous flowers, show how you love your soul mate.

7. In winter, you can add playfulness to your photos by playing snowballs, riding a sled, or simply lying in the snow.

Lovers in the studio

Delightful portraits and extraordinary shots are best obtained, of course, in a professional photographer's studio. A real master will help you hide all your flaws, free yourself from constraints, so that the photos are more natural and attractive. Many people arrange photo sessions for couples. Ideas in the studio come up, as a rule, involuntarily. But there are still a few secrets:

1. Get creative: the shot can be taken from above while the couple is hugging and looking at the camera.

2. Sitting slightly to the floor, lovers use their hands as support. This will create a very harmonious photo.

3. Another option: the girl and the guy lie on the floor and look into each other's eyes.

4. A good example of tenderness is hugging from above.

5. The most original ideas for a photo shoot for a couple involve the use of different objects: chairs, sofas, swings, frames, toys, books, umbrellas and much more. The main thing is to stay natural!

So, we can conclude: only a photograph will always cheer you up, remind you of ardent feelings, and maybe even transfer your thoughts to bygone times. Therefore, try to have a breathtaking photo session with your beloved person, so that in a few years you will have something to remember. And the above tips will definitely help you with this!

It can be difficult to choose successful poses for a photo shoot, especially if there is more than one person in the lens frame. What is the best way to photograph couples, what poses for photography to choose? In this article, a photography workshop with illustrations of the 20 best poses for a photo shoot.

Sometimes a couple can easily be involved in the filming process. If a girl and a boyfriend feel constrained in front of the lens, ask them to talk about how they met, or remember funny stories from their life together. This will help the models to relax, and the photos will turn out natural and get a bright emotional coloring. As for the poses themselves, in which photography will turn out most successfully, the 20 best poses for photographing couples are for your attention below.

1. Ask the couple to stand opposite each other, embracing, and direct their gaze to the camera lens. A girl can put her hand on a man's shoulder or chest.

2. To take a close-up portrait of the couple, invite them to stand as close to each other as possible with their foreheads touching.

3. To shoot a frame up to the waist, a guy can hug the girl by the waist, and she can touch her cheek to his cheek. You can play a little with this pose. A woman should hug a man sitting on a chair by the shoulders, pressing her cheek to his cheek and look at the camera.

4. To create the effect of intimacy, the girl hugs the guy by the shoulders from behind, and let him put his hands on hers.

5. The next option is similar to the previous one. Only this time the woman stands behind the man and hugs him by the shoulders with only one hand, and he just smiles motionlessly.

6. This pose is good for taking pictures in nature, such as watching the sunset. The couple stands huddled to each other - a man behind a woman, their gazes are directed into the distance in the direction opposite to the lens.

7. An excellent solution to take a couple off the platform. An unusual angle will give good results even with the simplest pose.

8. Try filming a couple among a large crowd of people, for example, on the subway, in a shopping mall or on the street. So you can convey the desire of partners to each other. They will need to hold hands and touch their foreheads.

9. To create a romantic mood, you can take pictures of nature in an open space. It can be a park, an embankment or a clearing in the forest. To prevent the image from being impersonal, try to get the models' eyes into the frame.

10. Add an element of humor to your pictures. It doesn't matter how old your models are. Aged couples are not devoid of a sense of humor. Try different angles and angles, your photos will only benefit from this.

11. Ask the woman to take this position so that the position of her legs is at different angles. It is quite obvious that the facial expressions should also correspond to the pose. In this case, you can take a portrait from a close distance or full-length.

12. Let the guy carry the girl in his arms - if not in real life, then at least in the frame.

13. The portrait of a couple walking hand in hand looks very harmonious. Tip: To avoid seeing the movement of your legs, you need to shoot at a fast shutter speed. Take a few shots so that later you can simply choose the most successful from the many shots.

14. Once it is allowed to photograph a couple from behind. Let them stroll slowly, and you take a few shots from the back.

15. For shooting on the ground or floor, shoot from a low angle. The couple can recline on the ground using their hands. A man can hug his partner by the shoulders.

16. The next option is similar to the previous one, with the difference that the couple are no longer looking into the lens, but are looking into each other's eyes. Let love in their eyes decorate this shot.

17. The girl lay down, and the man bent over her, as if carefully covering her with himself and protecting her from adversity.

18. A photo of a couple lying on their back in a jack pose will look good.

19. Take pictures of the couple on the couch at home to create an atmosphere of coziness and family warmth.

20. Sometimes couples are filmed when the woman is in position. This is a great way to convey the couple's attitude towards the upcoming event and to each other, as well as capture this wonderful moment.