Practical lessons with girls on home economics presentation. Development of an open lesson on home economics on the topic: "Our helpers at home" for students according to the main adapted general education curriculum for children with intellectual disabilities. expand knowledge


Correctional educational:

  • to summarize the knowledge of children on the topics: "Dishes", "Clothes", "Cleaning"
  • clarify and activate the dictionary on these topics;

To intensify speech activity

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop visual perception and attention, memory, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, articulatory motor skills through the use of breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, exercises that activate brain activity.

Correctional educational:

To form life support skills,

· Develop personal qualities: mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, responsibility, interaction in the game and in the classroom.

· To teach to help those in need of help, adults, parents in everyday life.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, a presentation on the topic, a magnetic board, envelopes with cut pictures, images of dishes, clothes, plates with a mixture of beans and pasta according to the number of children + two plates each, a broom, a trash can, a paper ball, a didactic game: "Mittens", socks 4 pairs for each.

Preliminary work:

  • planned work on home economics, on the topics "Dishes", "Clothes", "Cleaning"
  • learning complexes of respiratory gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement;
  • reading and viewing the tale of Ch. Perrault "Cinderella", conversation on the content of the tale, conversations on moral education.

Course of the lesson

Slide 1

Organizational moment.

Physical minute:

Outside the window - look (clap their hands on the sides)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (hands clap chest)

Dissolve the feathers - (twist with outstretched hands, fingers open)

They bask in the sun.

They turn their heads, (they turn their heads)

They want to fly away.

Flew, flew, (flap "wings" as if they were flying)

Behind a blizzard, behind a blizzard!

And they sat down quietly.

Check how the children sat down: Sit as students. How do we sit in class? What do we do when we want to answer a question?

Slide 2

ü Guys, please tell me what time of year it is? (Winter) is correct, today is February 6th and February is the third month of winter. Let's remember all the months of winter (they count on the fingers: December, January, February −1,2.3)

ü And what happens in winter in nature, on the street? (Together, as far as possible), compose a story about winter: It's cold outside. Snow covered earth. The trees are bare. The sun is shining, but it does not warm. Children go downhill, sledding, ice skating, skiing, playing snowballs, making snowmen.

ü Today is February 6, the day of the week is Wednesday, and on Wednesday we have home economics classes. What is Home Economics? Ability to keep the house clean and tidy.

ü What do we do with you in home economics classes? (wash desks, dishes, toys, wash clothes, clean the classroom, learn to take care of clothes, shoes, eat right ... that is, we learn to be clean and tidy)

ü Today our lesson is not ordinary, but fabulous! Today we will take a trip to the Fairy Tale. This is an amazing, magical land. Whoever visits it becomes kind and sensitive, intelligent and attentive. But the fairy tale does not like gloomy and angry people. Let's smile like the sun and give these smiles to each other and our guests. And now you can go on a journey. (Closed their eyes)

Hush, hush, silence:

The fairy tale comes to us by itself.


Who is she? Who can tell you here? (Cinderella)

So, what kind of fairy tale are we in? Into the fairy tale "Cinderella".

Who will tell us about this tale?

Slide 4

Today the stepmother and sisters are going to the ball at the palace. Cinderella wants to see at least through the window how they will have fun. But she can't. The stepmother has given a lot of work!

Guys, it's not for nothing that we have an unusual occupation, now I will turn you into little helpers! Little helpers are little people who know how to do everything. Fairy tales say that they are jack of all trades.

1-2-3- turn into little helpers! (Touch each child with a "magic wand" - turn him into an assistant) Well, now we will definitely help Cinderella to complete the tasks!

ü Assignment: "Sort beans and pasta"

And now attention to the task. You have plates on your table. What's on the plates? (beans, pasta) What is made from beans? From pasta? And do they cook them together? No! The evil stepmother mixed beans with pasta so that Cinderella would go through and not get to the ball !!! Let's help her! They took the beans in their hand, put them on one plate, in the other - pasta - put them on another plate. Now we iterate over.

Well done, we completed the first task! ( Click - the bag disappears)

Cinderella's sisters are so sloppy, they scattered all their clothes.

ü Task: "Find a Pair"

The task is to find a pair for your mitten. Each child receives his own mitten, looking for a second mitten on the common table.

You need to help Cinderella put clothes for winter in the chest! To do this, you need to select pictures with winter clothes from the pictures with the image of clothes. and in order to remember what kind of clothes they are, we will spend a physical minute!

ü Game "Winter Walk" - exercise minute

It's very cold in winter (pat your shoulders)

But we'll go for a walk with you. (steps in place)

I will put on a hat, (we imitate the movement "put on a hat")

I will put on a fur coat (we show how we put on a fur coat)

I will put on a scarf

I'll tie it up. ("Tie" a scarf)

And then beautiful

Warm, fluffy, (showing hands)

Crumbs - mittens

I'll pull it on the handles. (stroking the back of the palms)

And although I'm small (hands on my belt)

I have felt boots. (legs alternately put on the heel)

I'll take a sled with me

I'll go to the hill. (steps in place)

I'll climb the hill (raise your hands up)

And I'll ride down the hill!

Ooh-ooh-ooh! (rapid downward movement of hands)

Do you remember? Well, now we will help Cinderella!

ü Quest "Put your winter clothes in the chest" analysis of the completed task.

ü Exercise:"Divide in pairs" The task is to spread out the socks in pairs, if possible, connect (roll up).

(Click - clothes disappear)

Thanks guys! And now we will help to put things in order in the kitchen.

Guys, a lot of dishes have accumulated in the kitchen. Let's help Cinderella spread her out.

ü Find by name game

I will name the dishes, and you will bring them to my table. ( Children by name find dishes, bring the teacher to the table: a saucepan, a colander, a ladle, a kettle, a teapot, a cup, a knife, a fork, a tablespoon, a plate, a grater).

One two three four,

We laid out the dishes.

(Click - dishes disappear)

On the table - dishes in a slide

Under the table - a basin with water


It starts with us.

ü Assignment: "Cleaning"Using a broom, lead the paper ball to the trash can, move it onto the scoop, and from there into the trash can.

Ay. Yes, well done. Now let's continue cleaning:

ü Fizminutka

We will take brooms together (sweeping the floor)

We need help Cinderella.

We'll pull up a little (hands up)

Wipe off all the dust at the window. (hand movements left and right)

Sweep both here and there (turns the torso left-right)

Let's not forget about the closet.

Now let's blow off the cobwebs from all angles.

ü Breathing exercises.

We'll blow high (Children raise their hands up, reach after them and blow).

We're blowing low (Lean forward and blow)

We'll blow far away (Put your hands on your belt, bend forward and blow)

We'll blow close. (They put their palms on the chest, press their chin against it and blow on their hands).

Well done! Let's check, are we clean everywhere now?

ü Exercise for the eyes.

We look up and down (three times), left and right (three times). We circle three circles clockwise and three circles counterclockwise with our eyes.

They removed everything, put things in order. Now Cinderella can go to the ball.

(Click - the broom disappears)

Slide 5

Guys, is it really possible to go to the ball in this form? Of course not! What clothes do we wear on holidays? (festive: boys in white shirts, ties, waistcoats, trousers; girls in smart dresses!)

Let's see if we can get Cinderella a dress for the ball.

ü The game "Cut pictures"

(Children collect cut pictures depicting Cinderella in an elegant dress).

Discuss with the guys who to give the "magic wand" to turn Cinderella's dress into a ball gown.

Guys look , Cinderella's old dress has turned into a lovely ball gown, and the wooden shoes have been transformed into crystal shoes! Now our Cinderella is ready to go to the ball. Let's wish her a happy journey.

Slide 6

ü Guys, thanks to you, our Cinderella attended the ball and sent you her pictures (coloring pages) as a keepsake. Let's then paint them beautifully and hang them in the classroom as a keepsake of our journey.

Guys, what fairy tale have we been in? What they were doing? How did you help Cinderella?

Did you enjoy being helpers? Did you enjoy doing good deeds and helping people? Well done.

How many of you will help with homework at home? Who will help me? And what about the Teacher? How can you help us? And if you help in this way, then your parents and we will be very glad that you have grown and become real great helpers.

And I want to give you handkerchiefs so that you are always clean and tidy! Where do we put them? (in a pocket)

Home economics lesson in the 5th grade on the topic: "Inventory, devices and means for floor care."
Purpose: to provide information to students on how to properly wash the floor, depending on the coverage, by drawing up a technological plan.
- educational: to reveal the sequence of actions when washing the floor; show the features of floor cleaning, depending on the coverage; to consolidate with the help of a game and educational situation;
- educational: to show the importance of the importance of work for people;
- correctional: to develop spatial representations and orientation in the room, use exercises to develop hand motor skills.
Equipment: bucket, rag, mop, cleaning agent.
During the classes
Lesson stage Teacher activities Student activities
organizational moment Knowledge actualization Questions on the studied topic:
- name the types of flooring.
- Where in our boarding school have you seen these types of coatings?
- Will we be able to see these types of floors in our correctional unit, look around?
- Guys, if Buratino came to visit us, where do you think he would want to play?
Where it is warm, light and clean (hygienic requirements for the living space) or where there is disorder? (dirty floor, papers).
- Guys, to keep it clean, what should you do? Children's answers - there is a floor: wooden plank, tiled, linoleum.
Wooden planks - in the classrooms, tiled - in the corridors, linoleum - in the kitchen of social and domestic orientation.
They come out and show with a pointer.
Pinocchio would come to a clean room.
Cleaning of premises.
Mopping the floor and cleaning up after yourself.
Remember the proverb: "Cleanly not where they wash every day, but where they clean up after themselves." New material. Today I will tell you and show you how to care for different types of floor coverings and together we will draw up a technological plan.
- painted plank floor (look under your feet and around). The floor can be painted with different colors.
How should we care for him?
The painted plank floor is washed with warm water, a clean cloth, using a special product.
- We have to wash it.
We write down the topic of the lesson.
We draw a bucket, a rag, a cleaning agent.
Look at natural items - inventory.
Vocabulary work: inventory. Inventory - equipment necessary for cleaning.
Bucket, rag, mop, cleaning agent.
Physical education. The sequence of actions when cleaning the floor:

- The ceramic floor is also washed, in addition, it can be cleaned with various cleaning agents (Soda-effect, etc.)
- Linoleum is washed with warm clean water. The practical part: the teacher shows how to clean the floor, or one of the students shows (optional). Gloves are used.
Conclusion What did we learn in lesson today? Why it is important to work - to wash the floor with different coatings. Lesson summary.
The sequence of actions when cleaning the floor:
- pour warm water into a bucket;
- add a cleaning agent to the water;
- wet a rag in a bucket, wring it out;
- wrap a rag around the mop;
- wipe the floor with strokes, periodically wetting the rag;
- wipe the floor dry with a well-wrung cloth;
- rinse the cloth (first in this water, and then in clean water, wring it out and hang to dry;
- pour out the water and rinse the bucket;
- put the inventory back in place.

N-serginsky district of the Sverdlovsk region

Topic: "My Little Homeland".
Grade 5.
Purpose: To form an idea of ​​the Motherland - Russia and the Little Homeland.
Objectives: 1. Educational: to expand the initial concept of our Motherland; show that your personal story is part of your country.
Correctional and developmental: to promote the development of attention, memory, logical thinking.
Educational: to foster a feeling of love for their homeland, its people and for their family.
During the classes:
Stages of the lesson Teacher activity Student activity Org moment Greet students after summer vacation. New Material Before the start of this year's first class hour, let's talk with you about the rules of school conduct.
1.Assign. Crossword.
We need to finish the phrase, and we will write the last word horizontally into the crossword puzzle.
1.Only we enter the office, we say to everyone (hello)
2. Early in the morning to class at the window (Sun)
3. You want to answer - do not shout, but only your hand (lift)
4. To get 5 lessons for everyone (learn)
5. Our class has a law
6. The desk is not a bed And you can't (lie)
What word is hidden in the crossword vertically.
Guys, this is the word that will be the topic of our class hour.

Find the extra of 3 expressions:
- dear side
- native people
- Homeland
- foreign land.
Define the root in the first three expressions. Genus is a group of relatives who have common ancestors, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, from whom children were born, they grew up, got married, got married and had children, too, the clan continued. Let's take together the same root words for the word "genus". Genus - parents, relatives, relatives, pedigree, homeland. Homeland is a person's place of birth, his country, his Fatherland. All together the inhabitants of the country are a people or a nation.
2. Do you know what our Motherland is called?
Russia is the country in which we were born and raised, we live here. We are all Russians, here is our family, relatives, Motherland.
3. Many peoples live in our country. What nations do you know?
Are there many nationalities in our country?
More than 100 peoples live in our country. All of them are also Russians. They need a lot of space to live, so we have the largest territory, the borders of which are guarded by border guards. People should be tolerant, that is, treat each other with respect, be tolerant of other people's shortcomings.
4. Each country has a main city - the capital.
Select the capital of Russia: Moscow, Paris, London.
The government and the president work in Moscow
Do you know the name of the President of Russia?
5. Do you know the capital of our Middle Urals?
6. The main city of our area?
7. What is the name of the city in which you study?
Why is our city called that?
The founding of Mikhailovsk is associated with the name of a private plant owner, merchant Mikhail Pavlovich Gubin (the Gubins were from Oryol merchants). In 1789 Mikhail Gubin came to the Urals. He acquired the Nizhneserginsky and Verkhneserginsky metallurgical plants from the Demidov brothers Ivan Ivanovich and Peter Ivanovich. In 1790, Gubin builds the Atigsky factory. And in 1805 he began to build the construction of the Mikhailovskaya Dam. In 2015, our city celebrated 210 years.
You guys all come from different places.
Tell us about them. These small cities, towns, villages are your Small Homeland. Children's answers.
One student reads out loud the resulting word (MOTHERLAND)
The students' answer is "foreign land", since the first three expressions are close in meaning.
The root in the words - "dear", "native", "Motherland" - genus.
Relatives, relatives, that is, a group of people united by consanguinity.

Our Motherland is called Russia.
Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Mari and many others.
Our country is multinational.
Children answer - "Moscow".
President of Russia - Vladimir Putin (showing a portrait).
The capital of the Urals is the city of Yekaterinburg.
City - Lower Sergi.
City - Mikhailovsk.
Report on Mikhailovsk
Game "Chamomile" (make a chamomile from petals, on each petal the name of the village where the children came from)
Game: "The thread of friendship."
Children's stories about their native places.
Individual task We will summarize the result in the form of a creative task. On the resulting piece of paper, please draw a picture "My Little Homeland". As you understand this phrase, your drawings will help me to understand.
Did you enjoy the class hour? Draw a drawing.
Drawings are posted on the board.
The name of our country. (Russia).
In difficult times, all people rise up to defend their father's (native) home, to defend their Fatherland.
The place where the person lives. (House).
The place where you study and live. (Boarding school).
The name of the district center. (Lower Sergi).
The note on the envelope, through which the postman brings the letter. (Address).
Galina Arkadyevna Zakharova, teacher


Home economics lesson.
Subject: Business letter - writing an address on an envelope.
Purpose: to give the concept of a business letter in the design of the signing of an envelope by students.
educational - familiarizing students with the rules for writing the address and index on the envelope;
correctional - the development of fine motor skills in students;
Educational - respect and support of loved ones through communication through writing letters.
A sample of a correctly completed address on an envelope.
Dictionary: zip code, envelope, post office, postman, recipient, sender, addressee.
Organizational moment.
Find an extra word: letter, telegram, package, address.
A superfluous word is "address", since a letter, telegram, parcel are postal items. Every letter, telegram, parcel has an address.
2. New material.
What is an address?
- An address is a detailed information about a person's place of residence.
- I invite you, popsicle,
Come to visit me yourself,
Come when I call
I'll tell you my address. What happens if the address is not spelled correctly?
For example,
Street curve
Three-storey house
And the apartment is in it. (The letter will not reach the addressee)
A business letter is a tool for business correspondence, in this case, the correct spelling of the address.
- The address indicates:
1.) street, lane, passage, avenue, highway;
2) number of the house, apartment:
3) city, village, village, settlement;
4) republic or region.
- When registering the address, abbreviations are used, for example,
Region - region, city - city, village - village, village - village, settlement - settlement, street - street, house - d., Apartment - apt. Consider a sample of writing a letter.
Letter to a post office box

The envelopes were not always in the form of a rectangle; in the Great Patriotic War, envelopes were triangular (show a sample).
4. - Securing the material.
Assignment: enter your details on the envelope.
About the index.
- Please note that the envelope contains the postal code - the digital index of the post office. The index has six digits. These numbers indicate: the first three are the region and the city, and the next three are the post office. Special machines read the numbers and sort the mail.
- Please note that on letters and postcards with a code stamp, the addressee's index is filled with stylized numbers in all paste colors, with the exception of red, yellow and green.
Complete the letter assignment:
"O" - where the letter is sent
"T" - the name of the city
"P" - write from whom
"H" - the name of the street
"A" - to whom the letter is addressed
Vocabulary work: envelope, sender, recipient. addressee, zip code, post office. Parse the word "envelope" and make a sentence with this word.
- The speed of delivery of postal items depends on the correct spelling of the address details. It is important to comply with the rules for writing the address and index, especially today, when the Russian Post is introducing new automated technologies for sorting mail.
- Who is the poem talking about? (about the postman)
She walks with a leather bag and a pile of newspapers, Simple ones, with an attached answer, which are not there! And people write letters to the west, to the east, And the postmen carry that rustling stream.
Who are postmen? (people who deliver mail to their homes)
Homework. Sign an envelope for grandparents.
Galina Arkadyevna Zakharova, teacher
GKOU SO "Mikhailovskaya boarding school implementing adapted basic general education programs"
N-serginsky district of the Sverdlovsk region

Home economics lesson on the topic: “Nutrition. Vinaigrette "(grade 6)
The purpose of the lesson: To give an introduction to students about the preparation of vinaigrette using a technological plan.
- educational:
to give information on how to prepare the dish "vinaigrette", to list the list of ingredients included in the dish, to work on the preparation of the vinaigrette according to the technological plan;
- correctional and developmental: develop hand motor skills, develop the ability to classify various objects according to various criteria, improve spatial orientation, develop creative thinking;
- to bring up accuracy in work, to expand the child's social experience.
Visual aids: cards with words, a picture of a snowdrop.
Equipment: movable word board, dining table, plates, knives, forks, pre-cooked vegetables.
During the classes
Teacher activities Student activities
1. Introductory word of the teacher.
- Tell me, what time of year is it?
- It won't be long before the first spring flowers will appear.
- What spring flowers do you know?
-In the forest, on the thawed patches, these flowers are not yet available, but a snowdrop has already appeared in our class. It is unusual, questions are visible on its petals, they are addressed to you.
Children answer the teacher's questions.
1st petal of snowdrop
-What topic are we studying in the third quarter?
2nd petal of snowdrop
-What does a person need food for?
3rd petal
-Food do people cook in the kitchen or tableware?
4th petal
- Name and show kitchen utensils.
5th petal
- Do I need to take care of the dishes?
6th petal
- What is the sequence of washing dishes?
- And my last petal is not easy. The word "riddles" is written here. Let's guess what they are about?
... In the hot sun, he dried up-
Now it will only go to soup ...
... He is in pimples little Emerald ...
... Even though I am called sugar,
But I didn't get wet from the rain, I'm large, round, and sweet in taste. Did you know
... I grabbed the bushy tail deftly,
He pulled it and now ... The student cuts off the petal and answers with a full answer. We are studying the topic "Nutrition".
A person needs food in order to live.
Food is prepared in kitchen utensils.
The kitchen utensils are on the table along with the utensils. The student needs to select, set aside and name the cookware (classification of objects)
Need to look after.
The order of the dishwashing is called.
Guess riddles on cards with vegetables
New material.
What can be prepared from these vegetables?
Salad appetizer
Vinaigrette soup
Choose the correct answer
What is a vinaigrette?
Compare the definition of the word "vinaigrette", said by the students and the definition, which is given in the Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova
- What geometrical figure can be depicted as a "vinaigrette"?
Get out from behind the desks, stand up holding hands. What happened?
- Before you start preparing the vinaigrette according to the technological plan, Vinaigrette. Hang the card on the board.
Write down the topic in the notebook.
Give definitions.
They work with a dictionary.
We talk about safety precautions when working with cutting objects
Preparation of vinaigrette according to the technological plan. The game. The teacher shows vegetables, if they are present in the vinaigrette, then the students clap their hands.
Carrots are here! - The beets are here! - Turnip here! - The potatoes are here! - The cucumber is here! - Radish here! - Green peas are here! Playing
Lesson summary. What new have you learned in today's lesson? Can you make a vinaigrette yourself at home?
Commenting on marks Students respond with a complete answer.
Annex 1.
Technological plan for the preparation of vinaigrette.
Products: potatoes, onions, pickles, beets, carrots, dill, vegetable oil. Inventory: knives, cutting boards, bowls, plates, knives, spoons, salad bowls.
Wash the potatoes, boil in their uniforms, cool, peel and cut into cubes.
Wash the beets, boil, cool, peel and cut into cubes.
Wash the carrots, boil, cool, peel and cut into cubes.
Peel the onion, wash and chop finely.
Cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes.
Put everything in a bowl, salt to taste, add vegetable oil or mayonnaise and mix.
Put in a salad bowl, garnish with herbs (greens can be chopped and added to the vinaigrette)
Appendix 2.
The vinaigrette. Beetroot - 1pc. Potatoes - 4 pcs. Carrots - 1 pc. Pickled cucumber - 1 pc. Onion - 1 pc. Salt to taste. Vegetable oil-50 gr. (1 table. L)
Mode of application
Boil vegetables.
Peel vegetables.
Cut into cubes.
Add salt, vegetable oil, stir.
Galina Arkadyevna Zakharova, teacher
GKOU SO "Mikhailovskaya boarding school implementing adapted basic general education programs"
N-serginsky district of the Sverdlovsk region

Home economics lesson on the topic: "Preparing the festive table"
The purpose of the lesson: to form the skills and abilities of students when preparing a festive table.
- educational (informational): to provide information on what the word "serving" means, the purpose of serving, the rules for installing a tea device on a festive table;
- correctional and developmental: develop the ability to classify, improve the spatial orientation of students, develop fine motor skills, enrich vocabulary;
- educational: to expand the child's social experience.

Equipment: movable board for placing words. Dining table, electric kettle, tea set, cutlery (teaspoons), two candy dishes, cake spatulas, knife, a set of napkins.
Stages of the lesson Activity of the teacher Activity of the students
- Compare the definition of the word "holiday" given by children and the definition from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova. Make a conclusion if the children answered correctly?
Students' answers: - “a holiday is when you accept gifts, eat treats.
The answer is from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova:

-Name the next holiday for children.
-Who are the heroes of this holiday.
- Game "Magic Bag", name the accessories of Santa Claus.
- Game "Take away unnecessary" Holiday - New Year. The heroes of the holiday are Santa Claus.
The students take things out of the bag and choose those that Santa Claus needs.
They leave those things that they need to decorate the table.
The main part of the lesson
Consolidation Work with the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov. Find out the meaning of the word "serving". We post the card with the word "serving" on the board.
The teacher explains the purpose of the table setting and the technological plan "Table setting sequence". The plan is posted on the board.
- Practical work: make festive napkins, decorate the Christmas tree, determine its place on the table, put tea utensils (improving spatial orientation). In the center of the table, together with the children, we put a cake, candy dishes, put napkins, cut the cake (we say t / safety when working with a knife), take pieces of cake with a spatula and put them on plates for the children (we preliminarily say the rules of behavior at the table)
Remember or read on the chalkboard what the word serving means?
Why do you need to know how to set the table?
Did you like the festive table?
Do you want to set the table at home as we did in the lesson? Students find the meaning of the word "serving", read aloud, pronounce it in chorus.
The plan is discussed with the children.
The teacher shows, the children repeat and fold the napkin.
Helps to place cutlery on the table.
We speak t / safety when working with a knife
we speak the rules of behavior at the table
Students answer the teacher's questions with a complete answer.
Galina Arkadyevna Zakharova, teacher
GKOU SO "Mikhailovskaya boarding school implementing adapted basic general education programs"
N-Serginsky district of the Sverdlovsk region 2016

Lesson topic: "Behavior in a museum, in a library." Grade 5.
Purpose: to familiarize students with the rules of conduct in public places, such as a museum and library. Lesson objectives: 1. educational - the acquisition of knowledge about various spheres of life and everyday life of people;
- accumulation of practical experience and its use;
- expanding social experience;
- obedience to the norms of behavior;
2 educational - development of communication culture skills;
3 correctional - the development of spontaneous dialogue speech;
- the formation of the habit of analyzing the conditions, finding the right solutions.
Lesson progress: 1. Acquaintance with new material. Introductory speech of the teacher.
What is a Museum? (students' answers). SI Ozhegov's dictionary says that “a museum is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects ...” On the whole, you answered correctly. Have you been to a museum? Tell us what you saw there.
Modeling the situation in the museum. The teacher's story about the behavior in the museum.
Behavior in the museum: (write in a notebook).
- take off your outerwear and hand it over to the dressing room;
- do not touch exhibits and shop windows with your hands;

- listen carefully to the story of the guide;

- after the tour, thank the guide.
Role-playing game in the library.
- What is a library? (Students define.) Let's compare it with the definition in the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov. The library is a cultural institution with printed works.
One student is a librarian (optional), he sits at the table, he has samples of cards for children. Children ask permission to enter, enter the library class one by one, greet, choose a book, go up to the librarian. The librarian writes books on a card. Children sign for it.
2. Proposed dialogue. Librarian: - hello, which book would you like to choose ?;
- student: I would like to read interesting stories about Dunno, by N. Nosov.
- librarian: - let's go, I'll show you which shelf these books are on, choose.
- student: I have chosen, write the book on my card.
- librarian: you will return the book in 10 days. Good luck!
- student: goodbye.
Teacher's story. Write it down in a notebook.
Library behavior:
- you can enroll in the library and take the book home;
- it is forbidden to make noise, run, borrow books without the permission of the librarian;
- be polite and accurate;
- having taken a book from the library, you are obliged to return it within the prescribed period;
- be careful with the book at home (do not stain, do not tear), after taking the book home, wrap it in a cover;
- if suddenly you spoil the book, then notify the library workers, they will decide what can be done with it;

3. Summing up the lesson.

- - do not take off your outerwear in the museum or hand it over to the dressing room;
- touch exhibits and showcases with your hands;
- if you and the group do not leave it;
- do not listen carefully to the story of the guide;
- if something is not clear, ask permission to ask a question;
- after the tour, do not thank the guide.
Choose true and false statements:
- you can enroll in the library and take the book home;
- it is customary in the library to make noise, run, borrow books without permission;
- be impolite and sloppy;
- the library book is not obliged to return on time; - be sloppy with a book at home (dirty, tear) it;
- if you spoil the book, notify the librarian, she will decide what to do;
- you don't have to take the book home, but use the reading room.
- What words are hidden here? M..ey,

Galina Arkadyevna Zakharova, teacher
GKOU SO "Mikhailovskaya boarding school implementing adapted basic general education programs"

Topic: "Rules for washing and cleaning dishes." Grade 5
The purpose of the lesson: to give an idea of ​​the sequence of actions performed in the implementation of the washing process, the correctness of their implementation.
Tasks: educational. Teach children how to remove dirty dishes from the table, clean off leftover food in one plate, stack plates in a pile, take the dishes to the sink and wash the dishes, observing the stages and sequence of washing;
Educational. To teach accuracy, thoroughness when wiping the table, when rinsing a cloth.
Correctional. Develop spatial awareness and orientation in the room, at the table.
During the classes.
Stages of the lesson Activities of the teacher Activities of the students Org moment Targeting children for the upcoming activities. New material. Recall the hygienic requirements for living quarters. Answer. The room should be light, warm and clean.
Remember the title of the work, which tells how it was dirty everywhere in the house, on the table. The hostess did not want to clean up, and the dishes ran away from her.
Read an excerpt. This is the work of S. Marshak "Fedorino grief".
Assess whether Fedora did the right thing by washing and tidying up all the dishes.
Game "Put things in order". In the kitchen area, various dishes are laid out on the table, you need to arrange them in groups and tell why you did this. Children classify the dishes and explain why they do it.
In everyday life, there is a sequence of washing dishes: - glassware; - tea ware; - plates; - forks, knives, - spoons; pots and pans. Write it down in a notebook.
Washing dishes:
Turn on warm water;
Wet a sponge with water and apply the product to it;
Sponge the dishes from the inside and then from the outside; rinse the dishes thoroughly in clean water;
Put in the dryer;
Put dry in the closet.
Monitor the teacher's actions according to the plan.
Then the children are divided into groups. Each child performs a certain stage of the labor process: one organizes the workplace, the other washes the dishes, the third rinses, the fourth wipes or places in the dryer.
Then they change places.
Anchoring. A learning situation with deliberately made mistakes, for example, the teacher shows how to wash first a pot, then a teacup, etc. Students correct mistakes.
What detergents do you know? Name them and show them if they are here. Students find and name funds.
Lesson summary Did you learn something new, interesting, useful for you in the future today?
Did you enjoy the lesson?
Can you wash the dishes yourself at home? Can your older brothers and sisters help you? After all, close people help, support each other in different life situations.
Children respond and comment on their answers and those of classmates.
Homework Draw a sequence of washing dishes.
Galina Arkadyevna Zakharova, teacher
GKOU SO "Mikhailovskaya boarding school implementing adapted basic general education programs"
N-Serginsky district of Sverdl. region

Home economics lesson on the topic: “Party at home. Choosing a birthday present "(grade 7)
The purpose of the lesson: to develop practical skills and abilities of students when choosing a birthday gift, by filling out the table, by applying the rules for accepting gifts.
- educational: to provide information on what a “gift” is, what to give for a birthday, to reveal the rules for presenting a gift;
- correctional and developmental: continue to develop the ability to classify; develop hand motor skills; enrich vocabulary; correction and development of students' personal qualities, the ability to express their feelings;
- educational: to carry out the aesthetic development of students.
Visual aids: flashcards with words.
Equipment: movable board for placing words.
During the classes:
Stages of the lesson Activities of the teacher Activities of studentsOrgmomentThe teacher encourages students to study activities Actualization of knowledge about choosing a gift for a birthday Conversation with the class.
- Compare the definition of the word "gift" given by children and the definition from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova. Make a conclusion if the children answered correctly?
Students' answers: - gifts - this is what is given for the holidays, for a birthday.
The answer is from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova: "A gift is a thing that is given or presented"
Students conclude that they answered correctly.
Test. When are gifts given?
- on Sunday
- for birthday
- on the day of jam
- when they want
Choose the correct answer Gifts are given for birthday
Main part of the lesson Teacher's story. Joint discussion and filling in the table.
Recommended donation Not recommended
Subscription to an interesting magazine Give too expensive gifts
Beautiful calendar The first things that came to hand
Original toy Perfumery (varnish, lipstick)
Bag Ties
Wallet lighter, ashtray
Animal cosmetic bag (without consulting parents)
Flowers Loud Musical Toys
Fixing Game: "Magic bag".
The teacher takes out various objects from the bag or bag, and the children answer whether they are suitable for a gift?
Everyone knows that the best gift is a handmade gift.
Students together with the teacher make a birthday card.
Topic: "Rules for presenting and accepting a gift" (posted on the board)
Add sayings about gifts
Attention is dear to a gift horse
Roads are not a gift expensive love
A gift in the teeth is not expensive, but they do not look; Write it down in a notebook
Lesson summary Marks and home. exercise. Write in a notebook what you would like to give your mom, dad, brother, sister for your birthday. Galina Arkadyevna Zakharova, teacher
GKOU SO "Mikhailovskaya boarding school implementing adapted basic general education programs"
N-Serginsky district of the Sverdlovsk region 201

Topic: “Transport. Traveling in public transport ".
Grade 5. (2 hours).
Purpose: To acquaint students with the rules of travel in public transport.
Tasks: - educational. Remind students what types of vehicles are used in Russia, what route can be from school to home, how to travel to a boarding school, what should be the behavior in transport and on the street: to teach students adequate behavior in various public places, including transport in various life situations. Reproduce the fare in transport, calculate the fare.
- Educational. To foster a culture of behavior in transport.
- Correctional and developmental. To form spatial representations and orientation in the bus and at the bus stop, correct and develop coherent oral speech (the regulatory function of speech) on the example of telling the rules of behavior in transport, conducting a role-playing game "Bus ride".
During the classes.
Teacher activities Student activities
1. Organizational moment2. - Homework survey.
I will name the main means of transporting passengers: bus, car, motorcycle, bicycle ... continue
Choose a key word, what, in one word, can you call these vehicles for the transportation of passengers? Transport vehicles. We are studying the topic "Transport".
- Define the types of city transport: bus, trolleybus, tractor, taxi, excavator.
- Payment for travel in transport:
Travel card, bus ticket, cinema ticket.
-To avoid an accident, there are road signs on the road for order. What road signs do you know?
- Do you know the rules of conduct in transport.
3. New material.
- Game "Ride on the bus".
- Lesson summary. What have we learned today? What did we do in the lesson? Answer test questions. Determine the modes of transport.
Examples of road signs are given.
Answer test questions.
Give a complete answer.
Determine the modes of transport.
Give the answer.
Give a complete answer and give examples of road signs.
Student story.
Pupils give a conclusion with a complete answer.
Galina Arkadyevna Zakharova, teacher
GKOU SO "Mikhailovskaya boarding school implementing adapted basic general education programs"
N-Serginsky district of Sverdl. region

Home economics lesson in 5th grade

Leisure event: "Come on, girls!"
Home economics lesson.

The material of the lesson will be useful for educators of orphanages, for teaching girls of primary and secondary school age to home economics. This lesson can be used outside of school hours.

Target. Diversified preparation of pupils for a dignified independent life.


Identification and development of children's abilities in various types of work.

Formation of a variety of knowledge and skills in cooking, handicrafts.

Raise interest and need for work.

To foster a desire for a full and varied leisure time.

Individual work.

Teach Sasha to sew a button in different ways.

Methodological support.

Envelopes with cards, task tables, recipes, cooking kits, self-service crossword puzzle, small flashcards with explanations of words. Material for a practical task (buttons, fabric, needles, threads).


Proverbs and sayings.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the acquired craft.

Small bee, and even that works.

It is not enough to want, you have to be able to.

Take matters in hand out of boredom.

You can decorate with balls, children's crafts.

The course of the event.

You study at school, play different games, like to walk with friends - now this is your life. But sooner or later, everyone grows up. You will grow too. You will certainly have your own family and your own home. And to become a wife, mother and mistress in the house, you need to know a lot and be able to do a lot. Please tell me who is the mistress of the house, what do you think she should be able to do? Children answer the question. Listen to the children's answers, add. I show the table (on it the responsibilities for the house are written). I propose to choose what a woman, a mother, a hostess and a man, a father and a master should do. Children choose female and male responsibilities. I would like to know your opinion on the following question: "Is it possible to divide responsibilities at home into women and men?" Listen to the opinions of children, take stock. The family should have harmony, understanding, mutual assistance and love, then the responsibilities at home will not have to be shared.

Today in the lesson we will show you what we know, can do and what we have learned in the orphanage.

I propose to split into teams of three people, choose a foreman who will take any envelope with the task.

How to cook pasta.

How to fry potatoes.

How to make tea.

The envelope contains small cards with the names of actions. Each group needs to answer the question using small cards, and put them in order. Children choose cards, arrange them in accordance with the procedure for preparing this dish. Now I propose to the foreman to choose the necessary technological map, check the correctness of the assignment and inform everyone. Well done! I see that you have coped with the task, you know the technology for preparing some dishes.

III. A moment of safety.

Now - ATTENTION! Do you know the safety rules, now we will check it. Stand in a circle. We throw the ball to each other and repeat the safety rules when working in the kitchen. OK! And our girls know it! So it's time to move on to our mini - kitchen.

There are three identical sets of foods on the tables here. Go to the tables, put on overalls, wash your hands and listen to the assignment. In ten minutes, you need to prepare a light two-course breakfast. You need to show your knowledge, skills, and also imagination when decorating a ready-made dish. Children, after listening to the task, prepare breakfast (salad, sandwiches). Wonderful! Guests, see and appreciate the skills of our girls.

V.Relaxation pause.

(Slow, beautiful music sounds). Work hard, now you can relax. Housewives know not only how to treat, they must also look good. To do this, we will meditate a little. Close your eyes. Relax. Smile. Tell yourself that every day you become more beautiful, attractive, slimmer, more energetic; every new day will bring joy. You will always be young. Stop. Open your eyes. You are ready to go again.

The woman in the family works hard every day. Her work is different. We met and studied different types of work. What is the name of labor when a person serves himself: he washes clothes, takes care of himself and his home? That's right, this is self-service. I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle. Tanya, write down the key word. The girls guess the crossword puzzle. Well, all the cells are filled, everything worked out. You made me very happy.

Now we will play with you. The game is called Siamese Twins. Stand up two people at a time. One of you will do the task with your right hand and the other with your left. You need to thread a needle, make a knot, sew on a button. Children sew on buttons. Sasha, today you and I will learn how to sew on a button in different ways. I show and explain. Sasha sews on. Clever girl! Today you did it! I am glad that the girls did well even with one hand!

Do you all love flowers? Who loves the field? Which? Children answer questions. I also love chamomile. So today I have a chamomile for you, but it is unusual. Tear off one petal each of you. Read the assignment and answer the question. Children receive a task, answer questions, complement, help each other.

What to do if water runs from the heating pipe, there is a flood?

Where and how to pay for an apartment, electricity, gas?

Where and how to send a letter, a parcel?

The phone does not work, what should I do?

Tooth ache, your actions.

The temperature has risen. What can you do yourself?

The lock at the front door has broken, how to get out of this unpleasant situation?

There was a smell of gas in the kitchen. What are you going to do?

Hooligans are fighting at the entrance, what will you do?

Very good! I am glad that you know a lot and that you will not be confused in any situation.

So our lesson has come to an end. You and I have shown that we have already learned a lot. I am sure that all girls will be real, loving and caring mothers, wives and housewives. Thank you for your work. Did you like it? Are you satisfied with yourself? What's your mood? Choose the same ball for yourself.

Municipal government educational institutionVIII view of the city of Kirov

Special (correctional) educational school №50


Class: 5 "a"

Teacher: Buldakova Irina Fagimovna, I qualification category;

Item: housekeeping

Didactic theme: "Party at home"

Lesson topic:"When Holidays Happen."

Lesson type: Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge

General didactic goal: Organization of students' activities to summarize and systematize knowledge on the topic "Party at home"

Educational purpose:

Summarize and systematize the knowledge of students on this topic

Correctional and developmental goal:

Create conditions for the development of oral speech of students through the preparation of a coherent story based on presentation slides;

Create conditions for the development of verbal and logical thinking by filling out the table;

Create conditions for the development of cognitive activity of students through interdisciplinary connections;

Educational purpose:

To educate the ability to ………………… .;

Instill tolerance and foster interest in the subject;

Lesson structure:

    Organization of the beginning of the lesson:

motivation and goal setting;

    Preparation for the main stage;


generalization of knowledge and systematization of knowledge through the protection of project work;


    Summing up the results of the lesson;

Forms of organizing cognitive activity:

frontal, individual;

Means of education:

PC, multimedia projector, screen;

Student-prepared presentations;


Basic teaching methods: reproductive, partly exploratory;

Introduction to the lesson

One of the most promising and effective methods of teaching students of our school is the use of elements of the project method. This contributes to the development of the ability of students to set goals, independently plan work, apply the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as transfer them to new changed conditions. Students develop skills of independence in the thinking and practical spheres, dedication, tolerance, individualism, responsibility, initiative, and a creative approach to work are brought up.

Class characteristics:

There are 11 students in the class. According to learning opportunities, students are divided into two groups according to the classification of V.V. Voronkova. The majority - 8 people - belong to the first group: they understand the frontal explanation, remember it easily, reproduce well, give examples from personal experience. They need activating help in their work (Byakov Vadim, Chernenko Andrey, Soloviev Slava, Saltykov Maxim, Rassokhin Dmitry, Kodolova Vika, Ogorodnikova Masha, Bovykina Nastya)

2 people belong to the second group. They basically understand the frontal teaching of the teacher, remember, but without help they cannot draw elementary conclusions and generalizations. They are provided with stimulating and guiding assistance. (Evgeny Maltsev, Maxim Belozerov).

Studying the theme "Party at home" children were offered creative work. I set myself the task - to teach children to plan the upcoming holiday, to form in them an idea of ​​the variety of holidays and their features, to develop cognitive activity, communication skills and creativity. Each student independently chose a holiday that was most significant and interesting for him, and he had pleasant impressions about it. There were no restrictions, so someone chose one specific holiday, and someone combined several in one work. On the chosen topic, the students worked with various information sources (from literary to Internet resources), it was homework. Then, in the computer class, the students, according to the indicated plan, completed the project work in the form of a presentation. Taking into account the capabilities of the students and the technical capabilities of the computer class, the children worked individually and in pairs. The purpose of their work is to protect the project, so that through the story about a particular holiday, its features, history of appearance, traditions and other interesting facts, all of this could interest others.

During the classes

motivation goal setting


Checking readiness for the lesson.

What is a holiday?
These are smiles! They are gifts! This is a good mood!
These are happy memories!
The holiday decorates our life, makes it brighter and brighter.
The holiday gives us unforgettable moments of joy and fun. Do you agree with me?

Today we will talk about the holidays. What it is?


A celebration in honor of an event

    Preparation for the main stage:

In this lesson, we'll take you on a calendar trip and you'll take it yourself.

You will have the opportunity to tell about the holidays of each month of the year. Your task - so tell to interest everyone present!

We all have desk calendars. We will fill them in after each performance.


generalization and systematization of knowledge through the protection of project work

So! Let's go on a trip on the calendar:

1 point of our route - month of January

You have listened to the story about the New Year's holiday. And now

2 point - the month of February.

You have listened to the story about Defender of the Fatherland Day

task: fill in the columns of the table

3 point - the month of March.

You have listened to a story about International Women's Day.

task: fill in the columns of the table

4 point - April.

You've heard the story about April Fool's Day.

task: fill in the columns of the table

5 point - May.

You have listened to the story about Victory Day.

task: fill in the columns of the table

6 point - professional holidays.

You have listened to the story about Teacher's Day.

task: fill in the columns of the table

Answer ……….

Everyone fills in the second column of the table

Answer ……….

Answer ………

Answer ………..

Answer: Glory

Answer ……..


The journey has come to an end.

You are all smart and smart people!

You've done a great job!

I think the guests will agree with me!

We learned a lot of new, interesting and useful things.

Summing up, I ask you to think about what holidays you learned new, which you did not know before. Mark this holiday with a "+" in the last column of the table.

Everyone fills in the 3rd column of the table

    Lesson summary

How many wonderful holidays there are in the calendar. They are celebrated by everyone, but every family also has its own holidays - family holidays, family holidays. And remember that a holiday is not idleness and wasted time, but a change in the type of activity. Celebrate the holidays and do not forget to congratulate your loved ones and friends on the holidays. And in the next lesson, we will make a postcard for the holiday. Thank you all for your work! The lesson is over.


Using the project method, it is necessary to take into account the psychophysical capabilities of students with a lack of intelligence. For students, conditions were created to enhance cognitive activity and perform work from the initial stage to the final result. Working on the project, students could maximize their creative potential, show their individuality, relying on the knowledge gained in other subjects and on their life experience. However, mastering project activities for some students can cause certain difficulties. Therefore, stimulating, guiding, teaching help from the teacher is required. This work was done by the students over the course of several previous lessons.

At the first stage, a goal was set. The students were interested in the work ahead.

At the preparation stage, children had the opportunity to feel not only a student, but to be on a journey and appear in the role of a guide. Children received route sheets and clear instructions on how to work with them. Everyone, preparing his presentation, knew about it more than others and was able to prove himself as a “competent specialist”. To interest everyone in their work - this was the task before each student.

During the defense, the children built monologue statements based on slides. On the geographical map, it was possible to view the route of movement.

After each presentation, the students filled out a table in the route sheet. At the stage of reflection in the itinerary, it was necessary to mark with a plus sign the one of the points where I liked the most. Then these sheets were handed over for checking.

As a result, the students, through the use of various sources of information (from literary to Internet resources), independently coped with the task. The joint work aroused interest and united the guys. The lesson gave impetus to creativity. As a result, everyone got computer presentations that aroused genuine interest. In addition, given the social status of the main contingent of students in correctional schools, children have the opportunity to travel on a virtual basis. Not all children will have the opportunity to go somewhere in the summer. But everyone can dream about a vacation, and everyone should learn how to plan a vacation.

In working with presentations, a personality-oriented and differentiated approach to learning is carried out, the process of socialization and self-affirmation of the personality of students through the created situations of success is more active.

Desk calendar

7a grade student _________________________________________________(Surname, name)

Holiday date

Holiday name

Holiday traditions

Route sheet


What we liked

I want to visit

St. Petersburg

presentation for the lesson in home economics grade 5 (8th type)

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"Summary of a lesson on home economics in grade 5 Makhankova L"

Summary of a lesson in home economics in grade 5 (students in the basic general educational adapted program for children with intellectual disabilities)

Developed by a teacher-oligophrenopedagogue Makhankova Lyudmila Andreevna

Lesson topic: “Daily cleaning of the apartment (dry and wet). Vacuum cleaner."

Target: the formation of students' understanding of the daily cleaning of the premises; rules and sequence of cleaning, rules for using a vacuum cleaner.



- to form the concept of dry and wet cleaning, its sequence, to teach how to choose means for cleaning an apartment.

2. Correctional - developing:

- develop thinking through the use of correctional tasks and exercises, the development of speech through the expansion of vocabulary, the introduction of new words, the construction of grammatically correct sentences with oral answers.


- instilling social and household skills and abilities.

Equipment: computer, projector, vacuum cleaner, table for d / h.

Dictionary: vacuum cleaner, daily cleaning, dry, wet cleaning.

During the classes

1. Organization of students.

Greetings, check of readiness for the lesson, report of the attendant.

Psychological moment: "Hello!"

Students alternately touch their neighbor's fingers of the same name, starting with the thumbs and say:

    wish (thumbs touching);

    success (indicating);

    large (medium);

    in everything (nameless);

    and everywhere (with little fingers);

    Hello! (full palm touch)

Guys, in order for us to speak correctly and beautifully in today's lesson, I propose to do articulatory gymnastics for our tongues! (Slide 1) - students perform articulation exercises: "painter", "mushroom", "pussy", "fence", "swing".

2.Repeating previously learned.

What topic did you cover in the previous lesson?

What contaminates the air in the room?

How should the room be ventilated?

What should be a student's corner?

3.Communication of new material

- Today in the lesson we continue to study the section "Housing", you will get acquainted with the concept of "everyday cleaning" of the premises; with its types, with the rules and sequence of cleaning, with the rules for using a vacuum cleaner (slide 2).

Now let's write down the date and topic of our lesson.

But in order for us to write smoothly and accurately, we will do finger gymnastics (slide 3).

The mice came out one day
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
Then there was a terrible ringing -
The mice scattered away.

Writing the number, the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

4. Learning new material

Vocabulary: daily cleaning cleaning, putting things in order every day (daily).

It can be dry or wet (slide 4).

Dry- remove and put things in place, vacuum.

Wet- use water, damp rags (rag, sponge) (slide 5).

What is needed for cleaning? The task on yellow cards will help you answer this question.

Assignment for work in groups:

Students are divided into two groups and make up words from cards with syllables.

1st group (rag kavedrovenik)

2nd group (mop ra vacuum cleaner with wok)

Now let's check if you have formed the words correctly. Let's take a look at the slide and find pictures of the words you have composed! (slide 7).

The task of cut pictures:

Well done guys, they correctly named all the equipment that is needed above for cleaning.

Remember to wash your cleaning equipment after cleaning.

Now let's digress a little and take care of our eyes. Physiotherapy for the eyes (slide 10-11). And now they closed our eyes, mentally counted to ten and slowly open our eyes.

Vacuum cleaner. Device. Terms of use.

Guess the riddle and find out the name of another cleaning assistant!

Mystery. Guess what this is about:

He has a rubber trunk, With a canvas stomach

His motor will hum, He swallows dust and debris.

I have a robot in my apartment. He has a huge trunk.
The robot loves cleanliness, and buzzes like a TU liner.
He willingly swallows dust, does not get sick, does not sneeze!

Vocabulary: Vacuum cleaner- an electrical household appliance designed for cleaning floors and carpets.

Vacuum cleaners are universal (for cleaning premises) and special (for performing one type of work - carpet cleaner, automobile, etc.)


Vacuum cleaner preparation and work procedure:

    Thread the hose into the bushing of the lower housing.

    Build up the hose with pipes.

    Connect the pipe to the nozzle.

    Connect the plug to the mains socket.

    Turn on the vacuum cleaner and get to work.

    Turn off the vacuum cleaner after an hour of operation for 10-15 minutes (slide 12).


What parts does the vacuum cleaner consist of? Sign its components on the picture.

(slide 13).

Exploitation. Rules for writing in a notebook.

Clean the dust container.

Do not leave the vacuum cleaner with the nozzle firmly pressed to the floor or wall.

After 15 minutes of work, you need to take a break for 10-15 minutes to cool down.

Do not pull the vacuum cleaner by the cord, use a cord with damaged insulation (slide 14).

5. Consolidation of students' knowledge

How to clean the apartment every day?

What is the difference between dry and wet cleaning?

What is a vacuum cleaner used for?

What are the rules for handling a vacuum cleaner?

Individual work (2-3 students)

Complete the sentences

    Routine cleaning is done (how often?)….

    It can be of 2 types ... and .... ...

    Wet cleaning equipment: ...

(slide 15).

6.Result of the lesson

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What have you learned today?

7. Reflection.

Look, there is a train with carriages on the board, put your smiley on the carriage that you see fit. ("I liked the lesson", "I had difficulties in the lesson", "the lesson material was useful to me").

7.Evaluation, d / z.

Trace and mark with a plus sign the business done at home.

Cleaning types




Sleeping place

Sweep / Dust

Cleaning your belongings

Mop up the floor

Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye.

View presentation content
"Housekeeping Makhankova L.A"

articulatory gymnastics


  • lips in a smile
  • open your mouth
  • stroke the palate with the tip of your tongue

Let's catch mouse

  • lips in a smile
  • open your mouth
  • pronounce "ah-ah" and bite the tip of your tongue


  • to smile
  • suck a wide tongue to the palate

Let's catch mouse


  • lips in a smile
  • open your mouth
  • click with a narrow tongue
  • lips in a smile
  • mouth open
  • the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth
  • bend the tongue "slide"

Let's catch mouse

  • lips in a smile
  • open your mouth
  • pronounce the long "s-s-s" with tension

Daily cleaning of the apartment

dry and wet

Developed by the teacher-oligophrenopedagogue Makhankova Lyudmila Andreevna

finger gymnastics

Walking fingers

The mice came out somehow once

on table

See which hour.

Wipe eyes

We bend over queue fingers

One two three four,

We cover the fists with our palm and pull on string

The mice pulled on weights.

Then there was a terrible ringing -

Clap in palms

Walking fingers on table

The mice scattered out.

dress up and this

putting things in order every day (daily).

cleaning wet dry

Wet cleaning - with using water, wet rags (rags, sponges).

Dry cleaning - this is

put away and put things on a place, vacuum.

Dry cleaning

Wet cleaning

  • airing the room
  • cleaning the bed
  • cleaning the workplace
  • cleaning things
  • taking out the trash
  • cleaning the room with a vacuum cleaner

Airing the room

Watering flowers

  • sweeping the floor
  • dusting

Floor cleaning

electric household a device designed for cleaning floors and carpets


Vacuum cleaner preparation and order work:

  • Screw the hose into the bushing of the lower housing.
  • Build up the hose pipes.
  • Connect the pipe with nozzle.
  • Plug the power plug into a wall outlet networks.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and start work.
  • Turn off the vacuum cleaner after an hour of operation at 10-15 minutes.

Button launch





Brush attachment


  • To cleanse dust collector.
  • Do not leave the vacuum cleaner with tightly pressed to the floor or wall nozzle.
  • After 15 minutes work needs on Take a break for 10-15 minutes cooling.
  • Do not pull the vacuum cleaner by the cord, use a cord with damaged isolation.

individual work

Complement suggestions

1. Do everyday cleaning (how often?)…. 2. It can be of 2 types ... and .... .

3.Inventory for wet cleaning: ...