Rules for the operation of hot water gas water heaters. How to use a gas water heater correctly. The column does not heat the water correctly

During the operation of a gas water heater, situations are not uncommon when it becomes necessary to transfer it to a new place or to replace it with a more perfect sample. All these operations can be carried out in agreement with the services regulating the procedure for connecting equipment to gas communications.

Norms and requirements

Measures for the transfer or installation of a gas unit are conditionally divided into two categories:

  • installation work performed in a room (building) where gas-powered equipment has not been used before;
  • the procedure for connecting the gas water heater, accompanied by the replacement of the old unit with a new model.

In the first case, before starting work, it will be necessary to prepare project documentation, which contains the requirements for the arrangement of branches from the gas and water mains. After the project is ready and agreed with all interested organizations, it will be possible to submit an application to the local department of housing and communal services to connect an already purchased device.

The basic requirements for the installation of such equipment are regulated by the following regulations:

  • Code of Practice No. 42-101 of 2003 establishing the procedure for preparing a project for connecting gas distribution systems.
  • Code of Practice No. 42-01 of 2002, concerning the clarification of the concept of "gas distribution system".

The main provisions of these documents relate to the technical characteristics of the equipped premises, as well as the features of the placement of the column itself. Water heaters installed in bathrooms in accordance with current technical standards do not have to be moved to another place when they are replaced.

This rule does not apply to the case when the user himself insists on moving the column at his own expense.

Where can you install

According to the rules for installing gas water heaters in apartments, they can be installed in kitchens with sufficiently high ceilings and in the presence of a chimney with a diameter of at least 120 millimeters. It is also assumed that these areas have permanent ventilation to ensure a safe operating environment for gas equipment.

The characteristics of modern models of gas water heaters allow them to be operated at high humidity, that is, in a bathroom, dispensing with a traditional chimney.

The necessary changes in the project imply the laying of pipe bends with access to the street, ensuring the flow of air into the closed chamber and the removal of combustion products from it.

Note! It is clear that such a project is only suitable for a suburban economy or a private house.

The following strict requirements are imposed on the premises in which gas equipment is supposed to be operated:

  • the height of the room must exceed 2 meters;
  • the volume of the room can be at least 8 cubic meters;
  • it must have natural ventilation (at least one window), as well as a channel for arranging a chimney.

The shower enclosures available in the rooms are not suitable for these purposes and are therefore immediately excluded from consideration.

We add to this that the pressure of the carrier in the water line cannot be lower than 0.1 atmosphere, and the wall intended for hanging the unit must be made of non-combustible materials. In addition, it is not allowed to install it close to the gas stove (technical standards allow the unit to be fixed at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from it).

Who has the right to install

Special gas equipment cannot be installed and connected independently, since in this case the rules determined by the current technical regulations are violated. According to these documents, the installation and connection of a gas water-heating device is carried out only in agreement with the technical services responsible for the trouble-free operation of the existing highways.

All private owners who have arbitrarily violated this condition may be subject to an administrative penalty with the payment of a mandatory fine in the amount stipulated by the current legislation.

The installation of a geyser presupposes its obligatory connection to existing highways, such as gas supply lines and water pipes. Only companies with a special permit (license) have the right to conduct them. At the first contact with a representative of these services, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the following information:

  • timing and cost of installation work;
  • waiting time for the arrival of the master;
  • details of the organization (including a telephone number for operational communication).

Only after familiarization with all these data will it be possible to issue an application for the installation of a gas water heater.

Preparatory operations

If you have permission to connect the device yourself, the installation procedure looks like this.

You should start by closing the channel for the supply of energy to the gas column using the appropriate valve. After that, it will be possible to disconnect the supply hose (pipe) from the fitting at the inlet to the unit.

Important! If you have the slightest doubt about the reliability of a used hose, replace it with a new one.

At the next stage, it will be possible to proceed to disconnecting the water supply channel from the unit (if there is a shut-off valve on the inlet pipe). If it is absent, it is necessary to close the channel of entering the apartment, having prepared in advance two spare valves (at the input and output of the distribution scheme).

After that, it is necessary to dismantle the connecting pipe at the outlet of the column, and then carefully separate it from the attachment to the chimney hole.

The completely disconnected column remains to be removed from the brackets that fix the product to the wall. After that, you can proceed to the installation of a new unit, hung on the old place in accordance with the rules for installing geysers.

Features of self-installation

In the case of a simple replacement of the unit, its installation can be carried out without the involvement of specialists, since the communication connections are already available and all that remains is to change the equipment.

When carrying out installation operations, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. first, you should outline the mounting points of the column on the wall, for which you first need to remove its mounting dimensions;
  2. the hanging place should be chosen so that the distance to the nearest outlet is at least 0.5 meters (with a room height of up to 2.75 meters);
  3. with a higher room height, this distance can be slightly less (up to 0.25 meters).

For safety reasons, the height of the gas water heater on the wall should not allow small children to reach the control panel. It is very important to accurately measure the distance between the mounting holes, which allows you to hang the speaker on hooks or special brackets without any difficulty. Taking into account all the factors listed above, the installation of the column is reduced to its simple hanging at the desired height.


After the column is delivered and fixed at the place of permanent work, it is necessary to connect the water supply and drainage channels to it. For this, rubber connecting hoses, prepared in advance and measured in length, must be used (sometimes PVC pipes are used instead of rubber).

The use of hoses is preferable because, due to their flexibility, they can be supplied to any point in the column. In addition, for their reliable articulation in the docking area, no special seal (tow or FUM tape) is required.


For the correct connection of the cold water hose, pay attention to the color marking of the valve devices (the inlet valve is marked in blue). And on the shut-off device designed to supply hot water, the marking is red.

After connecting them, check all connections for leaks. To do this, it is necessary to open both taps and carefully examine the docking units for leaks. If there are minor smudges, tighten the fixing nuts on the hose, being careful not to apply too much force (otherwise the gaskets can be ripped off).

If there is a leak, the pipe joints will need to be unscrewed and the threaded parts of tow with paint or FUM tape should be wrapped.


After eliminating all detected leaks, one of the options for supplying gas to the column should be selected, namely:

  • you can call a gas equipment specialist (gasman) who has the legal right to carry out such work;
  • you can connect to the gas line yourself.

What is more suitable for a particular situation depends on the qualifications of the performer, and the final decision is made at his discretion. When choosing the second of these options, take a gas hose of the required length and connect one of its ends to a gas supply with a shut-off valve. The opposite end of this hose connects to the inlet on the column.

When screwing it in, this connection should also not be strongly squeezed, so as not to damage the paranite gasket in the union nut. After that, you need to take a prepared soap solution and coat both gas joints with it.

If, when opening the inlet valve, no bubbles form in the joining zones, the work can be considered completed. Otherwise, it is necessary to slightly squeeze the nut fasteners, and then again check their tightness with soap foam.

Please note: if necessary, it will be possible to turn off the gas supply and change the paronite gaskets.

At the final stage of the installation work, it remains to install a protective corrugated coating. It is put on one end of the column outlet, and the other is connected to the chimney outlet.

Start-up and commissioning

Commissioning involves putting the dispenser into operation, adjusting it and checking its performance (testing) within a certain time. To do this, insert the battery into the piezo ignition compartment specially designed for this, then open the hot water supply tap and set its temperature according to the instructions.

In conclusion, we note that when buying a new speaker, you can use the services of a connection service that works in some stores. Therefore, even before choosing the right model, ask how much it costs to connect it by an invited specialist. If the cost of this service is not very high, you can safely invite him to your home, which will ultimately simplify the registration of the column itself.

If you start up on your own, such an important operation as connecting a gas hose, it is still better to entrust a specialist who is able to correctly configure new equipment.

Which column is considered old? Taking into account the improving models that appear on store shelves almost every day, the modification of last year is already ancient. That is why in this article we will consider the features of igniting a column with an ignition wick - such were burning both in the middle of the last century, and in some modern houses (the function is provided in newer "old" modifications of the columns). Recall that the wick is ignited by the flame of a match or sparks of a piezo lighter.

Security level of old speakers

More recently, gas water heaters were used to equip kitchens of high-rise buildings and entire neighborhoods. Today, in the context of increased requirements for the safety and reliability of units, users are concerned about the safety of their “out of fashion” speakers

On the one hand, they, of course, lack super sophisticated functions, such as a gas catcher, auto shut-off, automatic ignition, protection from everything in the world. At the same time, rumors about the insecurity of the devices now and then appear in the media and online sites. We decided to figure out to what extent they have a right to exist.

Our verdict is as follows: if there is an opportunity, and live peacefully, but in the absence of what you want, the gas water heater will normally “work out” your requirements.

Operation - ignition: everything is simple, but not at all as we thought

Users who are accustomed to the wonders of technology may find it strange the procedure for setting fire to the column, which your grandmother apparently resorted to. Do not give up before difficulties! Once the older generation has mastered, we will not lose face, we will cope with the old technique! We will tell you how to turn on a gas water heater belonging to the modifications of the old model:

1. If it hasn't turned on for a long time, check the level of air exchange in the kitchen. Traditionally, this was solved very simply: a gap of several centimeters was left under the doors to the kitchen. Although sound and odor insulation left much to be desired, safety is guaranteed!

2. Test the draft of the chimney, which gives out the carbon monoxide. Chimney stagnation can be triggered by alterations during renovations, debris accumulation, and even a plug created from cold air. In the first two cases, you will need the help of a specialist. In the latter, it is enough to send a stream of warm air into the chimney. For example, you can restore traction by simply turning on the hair dryer and directing the flow of hot air outgoing from it into the pipe. Chimney columns are still widely used by users today.

3. Check the operation of the gas cock. After opening the valve, there should be no characteristic odor. The connections can be tested by washing with soapy water. Beginning to bubble? Somewhere a leak. Call the master.

Advice: doubting the unit is working properly? Do not use a technique under any circumstances! It would be much better to call a gas worker who will check the serviceability of the gas column, fix breakdowns and demonstrate how to use it correctly for its intended purpose.

No faults found? We light up:

Consider the wick to determine where to bring an open fire and what, in fact, to ignite

Open the water tap on the gas supply pipe beforehand.

If there is a valve button in the structure, press it down with force.

If this item is missing, just count to 20.

Bring a lighted match to the wick. The first time it will be more convenient to use matches with a long handle, which are called fireplaces.

Open the water tap.

Slide the second lever, which is responsible for the operation of the main burner, to the left side.

Advice: note! The degree of water heating is controlled directly in the gas column. The use of a mixer provokes clogging and failure of the heat exchanger.

We hope that the information provided has helped to understand how to light a gas water heater belonging to the old model.

A gas water heater is an indispensable thing for residents of both their own houses and apartments. Hot water enters the water supply system only in winter. In the summer - ice flows from the pipes. Therefore, a device that heats water is the only way out of this situation. But just before operation, you need to learn how to turn on the gas water heater.

There are many types of water heating devices. But most of the houses still have Soviet units, the kindling of which requires some knowledge. It's hard to turn them on. This is done using manual ignition, which requires maximum effort and attention.

Columns produced over the past few years have an automatic system and do not require special skills from the person who uses them.

How to check cravings

The thrust check is carried out in open columns, since all modern units have an automatic safety system. She, in turn, does not allow the column to start in the absence of traction. And it can also turn it off if the traction disappears. But any device can fail, so you should not rely on the perfect operation of an automatic column. It is very important to learn how to independently test. Professionals use a special device when checking. But if it is not available, then it is worth applying the old common methods.

  • Remove the front panel, take a small strip of paper and bring it as close to the chimney as possible. If he tightens it, then there is a craving.
  • Bring the lit match close to the viewing window. If it draws in the flame, then this indicates the presence of thrust.

How to light up a column

Gas water heaters with a closed chamber are easy to start. The situation is more complicated with devices with an open camera. Before igniting the column, you must turn on the igniter.

The sequence of work on columns with piezo ignition is as follows:

  • Turn the gas tap and press the manual piezo ignition button.
  • Set the desired temperature of the received water.
  • Make sure there is water in the heat exchanger.

Sequence of work with electronic ignition of the column:

  • Insert batteries into the hole.
  • Open the hot water supply tap.

And also it is necessary to remove the airlock (if any). To do this, you need to light up the gas column several times in a row. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and not let the device overheat.

Manual ignition method

This method of ignition is only available on old-style gas water heaters. It is not used in modern models. Manual ignition of the column is done using matches. But first, the following manipulations are done:

  • Turn the water tap connected to the column to the working position.
  • Unscrew the valve responsible for the flow of fuel into the igniter.
  • Ignite the wick with a lighted match brought up.
  • Start the main gas supply valve.

The disadvantage of this column is that it is very difficult to use. Hot water will be available only if it is lit by a person who knows how to do it correctly.

With the help of piezo ignition

Piezo ignition speakers can be called a semiautomatic device. To light the wick in the combustion chamber, simply press a button. This creates a spark that helps the filter ignite. But this method of ignition requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • First turn on the main fuel regulator and only then ignite the main burner.
  • Even if the regulator is returned to its original position and the water is turned off, the filter will continue to burn.

The disadvantage of this system is the significant fuel consumption. The most popular models of gas water heaters operating with piezo ignition are Bosch WR 10-2 P miniMAXX-2, Nevalux 5111, Junkers WR 10-2 P.

Automatic method

Such an ignition system is suitable for beginners who are afraid to ignite the gas water heater on their own. After all, the automatic mode allows you to do everything safely and easily. Modern manufacturers use the Hydropower system, which makes it easier to start the device.

The “Bosh Therm 2000 O” model, when the water pressure enters, activates the turbine. She is responsible for automatically starting the ignition system - the wick and the main burner.

The "Bosh Therm 2000 O" and "Bosh Therm 4000 O" models operate with batteries. But they periodically require replacement.

The Bosh AM1E model is produced with a built-in digital panel showing all suspected wrong actions.

But such a convenient system has a significant drawback. Low water pressure negatively affects the normal operation of the turbine. This leads to frequent breakdowns.

Speaker Precautions

Before proceeding to start any equipment, you should carefully read the operating instructions. This also applies to the gas water heater. Basically, they work on the same principle, but the following security measures should be applied to all of them:

  • Carry out maintenance and cleaning regularly. This will lead to safe operation.
  • To do the cleaning correctly, you need to find a specific section on this topic in the instructions for the unit.
  • Monitor the heating of the heat exchanger.
  • Check flue outlets periodically. Make sure they do not clog.
  • If you notice any irregularities in work, immediately call the gas service.

In no case should you repair the damage yourself.

Video: How to light a gas column

Flowing gas water heaters, or gas water heaters, have very different reviews. They are primarily intended for very rapid heating of water using gas. Most often they are used in private houses, for example, located outside the city. Modern (reviews about them are very positive) are safe and comfortable for daily use. It is also worth paying attention to those citizens who are accustomed to using those who were still lit by matches - they are practically gone.

In the 21st century, columns have a thermostat. This is what helps without much

Labor to maintain the required water temperature. In addition, they have multi-level security systems, as well as an elegant look and stylish design. Nevertheless, it is required to carry out at the first signs of a malfunction.

Gas water heaters (consumer reviews confirm) can be not only simple, having two knobs on the body for adjustment and a display, they can also be equipped with a button that is designed to switch modes, for example, "winter-summer". You can find speakers with electronic control. It is these geysers that have reviews

Positive (in most cases). They are in constant demand among consumers. With the help of an additional knob, you can easily adjust the temperature and water pressure. For everyday life, such a mechanism is more practical.

Gas columns (reviews and polls show their relevance) may differ in ignition methods:

1. Piezo or spark that ignites the pilot.

Such a device is very convenient and quite economical, despite the fact that the igniter is constantly lit (gas consumption for it is low). Nevertheless, such speakers most often cost a little more than their counterparts, which can also come with automatic ignition.

2. Electronic ignition. In this case, the burner ignites with ordinary batteries when the hot water tap is open. In this case, you will need to change the food once every six months. This model is very popular on the Russian market.

3. Hydro-generator. Here the burner is activated by a small turbine driven by a stream of water. This type of speaker is the least common since it is more expensive.

It is worth noting that gas water heaters are practically not dangerous. When the ignition burner flame goes out (in case of a malfunction, for example), the operation of the device will be blocked. The room, which is equipped with such a device, must have adequate ventilation. It is unacceptable to use a household gas water heater if there is no draft in the chimney. Also, you cannot make structural changes to the faulty model and leave it unattended. A home with a gas water heater shouldn't show the slightest sign of a gas leak.

The column must be installed by a specialist, since the installation of such a unit requires certain knowledge and skills.

Gas-consuming equipment is potentially hazardous. To avoid accidents, it is important to learn how to use gas water heating equipment. To turn on the gas column correctly, you need to follow certain rules developed by the manufacturer and described in detail in the operating manual.

When to turn on the column

It all depends on what type of gas water heater is installed. The instructions for use indicate:
  • Speakers with a constantly burning wick - ignition is performed at the beginning of the day. Most consumers light the wick in the morning and leave it running throughout the day. After ignition, the column is completely ready for use. The first activation occurs with the opening of the hot water tap.
  • Speakers operating in automatic mode (without a wick) - turn on independently after opening the hot water tap. Classic models refuse to work if there is no pressure in the pipeline. In modern water heaters, they turn on at low water pressure (0.3 atm).
Instantaneous gas water heaters, regardless of the type, have a common disadvantage: time passes from the moment the hot water tap is opened until hot water is supplied to the user. It takes a few minutes before heating to the set temperature.

If the column does not turn on well, the burner and the wick goes out during operation and there is a smell of gas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe piezoelectric element, this indicates a serious breakdown. Turn off the water heater, turn off the gas and call the wizard to eliminate the malfunction.

Rules for switching on gas water heaters

It is important to take precautions when using the column. The wick or main burner is ignited in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Modern speakers have several levels of protection and operate mainly in automatic mode, without requiring special precautions. Ignition and inclusion occurs when the hot water tap is opened.
  • Problems and difficulties arise when using old speakers that need to be set on fire with matches or models with a built-in piezoelectric element.

How to turn on an old column with matches

There are two main types of water heaters that differ in the ignition device. All models, without exception, are equipped with a permanently lit ignition wick. The first inhabitants of "Stalin" and "Khrushchevs" had to use a column with levers. Later, water heaters with a built-in piezoelectric igniter appeared.

Use an old-style gas water heater with caution. Failure to follow the rules described in the operating instructions may result in an explosion, gas leakage and equipment failure. When turning on a flow-through gas water heater, the following rules are observed:

Lighting up an old gas water heater is not so difficult. Switching off is carried out in the reverse order. The main burner is switched off first, then the water is shut off.

For convenience, when lighting up an old gas water heater, it is better to use long fireplace matches.

How to light a column with a piezoelectric element

The classic lever-operated speakers have been replaced with mechanical knob-style switches. A piezo ignition of the wick was provided in the body, which made it possible to ignite a gas column without matches. The ignition procedure is as follows:
  • The solenoid valve is clamped - usually 15-20 seconds are enough for enough gas to accumulate on the wick for ignition.
  • You will need to press the piezoelectric element 2-3 times. With a correctly positioned and serviceable module, it is enough to "click" the piezoelectric element once to ignite the wick.
Further steps are the same as in the case of a column lit by matches. If the piezoelectric element malfunctions, ignition is carried out from matches.

How to light up an electrically ignited column

Those who have used automatic gas flow and storage water heaters know that the user does not need to carry out complex manipulations, as is the case with older models. In modern gas water-heating equipment, an automatic system is installed that gives a signal to turn on when the hot water tap is opened.

A spark is generated by an automatic ignition, either battery or mains operated. Provided that the water heater is in good working order, a few seconds are enough for the burner to start up and hot water is supplied to the consumer.

Why does the column turn on by itself

In every water heater, regardless of the year of manufacture, there is an automatic device designed to prevent the device from igniting itself. For this reason, situations when the gas column itself turns on without water are excluded. The frog water regulator is responsible for this.

If there is a spontaneous activation of the gas column without water, the problem may be that somewhere in the hot water pipeline, possibly passing through the wall, a leak has arisen. Once the leak is repaired, the problem will disappear.

Much more often, users are faced not with the fact that the column turns on by itself without water, but with the fact that after the tap is turned off, it continues to work. The reason lies in the diaphragm hardened by hard water, located inside the water regulator. After turning off the hot water, the membrane is in no hurry to return to its place, continuing to press on the stem that opens the gas supply. The problem can be corrected by replacing the diaphragm.

Is it possible to turn on cold water when the column is running

Doing this is strongly discouraged for several reasons:
  • Manufacturers prohibit turning on cold and hot water at the same time, which is directly stated in the operating instructions. It is necessary to initially set a comfortable temperature, which allows you to do without mixing. Opening the cold water tap affects heating and causes a quick failure of the water heater.
  • The main reason why it is impossible to turn on cold water when the gas column is working is that this disruption of operation leads to a rapid build-up of scale in the heat exchanger.
For ease of use in modern automatic gas flow columns, the "winter-summer" mode is provided. The function helps to quickly change the heating temperature and reduce gas consumption.

Do I need to turn off the column at night

It all depends on what kind of water heater is used. In columns with a constantly burning wick, such a measure is desirable. As a result of switching off for the night, gas consumption is significantly saved.

CO leaks are not associated with the operation of the water heater, but with improper installation and violation of operating rules. It is not worth worrying about the possibility of an accident at night. The technique is safe.

Under the operating conditions of a gas instantaneous water heater with automatic ignition, it is not said about the need to turn it off at night. As a rule, the equipment has several degrees of protection against accidental ignition of the burner device.

It is worth turning off the water heater only if there are obvious signs indicating a breakdown: the burner refuses to turn off when the hot water tap is closed, malfunctions manifested in a long turn-on, and self-shutdown during water heating. In these cases, you should turn off the gas and call the emergency service.