Split system installation rules. How to properly install an air conditioner in an apartment: location diagrams. Installing the outdoor unit

Before considering the question of how to independently install a split system, you should know how it differs from a conventional air conditioner. The principle of operation of these systems lies in the operation of two interconnected blocks. One is installed indoors and the other outdoors. They can, both cool and vice versa, heat the room. All systems have a small footprint and noise reduction.

The main nuances when installing a split system

The long service life, as well as the efficient operation of the system, directly depend on how correctly the equipment is installed. You can install the system on your own. The most important thing is not to rush and carefully understand the schemes. It is important when performing installation work not to damage the copper pipes connecting the blocks to each other and ensuring their efficient operation. These elements are intended for refrigerant - freon.

For a start, it doesn't hurt to know how the system works. To cool the air, freon will flow from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit, which is located in the room. The included fan provides a strong flow of cooled air, which normalizes the temperature in the room or office.

To drain the resulting condensate, a special drainage tube is used, which extends from the unit located inside the room. It is quite possible to take her out into the street.

Before installing the equipment, you need to choose the right one. Like air conditioners, split systems differ in capacities, therefore, when choosing equipment, you must take into account the following factors:

  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the system will be installed;
  • type of indoor unit - floor-ceiling, wall-mounted, cassette or multi-zone.
  • absence or presence of forced ventilation in the room.

Required tool

To improve the quality of work, it is advisable to prepare the necessary tools in advance so as not to be distracted during the installation process. So in order to install the outdoor unit, as well as the indoor unit of the device, you will need:

  • copper tubes having a diameter of 0.25 and 0.5 inches;
  • electric cable, cross section 1.5 mm;
  • drainage hose - diameter 16mm;
  • insulation for connecting copper pipes;
  • dowel nails;
  • stubs;
  • puncher;
  • vacuum pump;
  • drill with a diameter of 55 mm;
  • rolling.

The first stage of device installation

Before starting the installation work, you need to decide where to install the split system. To determine the most optimal location, it is worth considering some factors.

  1. Under no circumstances should the indoor unit of the system be installed where air circulation is limited. This is possible due to closely spaced cabinets, curtains or partitions.
  2. The distance between the equipment and the nearest obstacle should not be less than 1 meter, since cold air, reflected from it, will quickly return back without changing its temperature. Because of this, the system will quickly turn off, considering that the desired temperature regime has been reached.
  3. It is desirable to locate the internal block of the system away from the place where people spend most of their time.

It is not difficult to install a split system yourself, the main thing is to observe the correct operation during installation. So, when fixing the outdoor unit, you need to carefully follow that:

  • it was located on a flat surface, and there were no sources of heat or steam nearby;
  • the unit was installed strictly horizontally, therefore, when fastening to the surface, it is advisable to use the building level;
  • an outside unit cannot be mounted close to a wall. The distance between the device and the wall should not be less than 10 cm. Air should circulate freely in the space left.

During the installation of the indoor unit, the following rules should be followed:

  • when installing the unit, observe that. so that it is located strictly horizontally, without slopes;
  • try to keep the distance between the outdoor and indoor unit;
  • do not install the equipment against a ceiling or near a source of steam or heat.

So, when the place is chosen, you can proceed directly to the installation work. You should start with the wiring. The split system should be connected to the mains using a separate line specially dedicated for this equipment, with the obligatory installation of an additional machine in the electrical panel.

It should be borne in mind that if the house or apartment was built a long time ago, and the wiring has not changed, it may need to be completely replaced, since the split system is powerful equipment, and the old wiring may not withstand the power and this will lead to constant traffic jams " take off. "

The second stage of the split system installation

It is very important to install the indoor unit correctly, since the quality of the entire system directly depends on it. The best option is to fix the device on the wall with self-tapping screws, if the walls are finished with plasterboard, then you should definitely insert plastic spacers into it, since such material is quite loose and the screws will quickly loosen from vibration.

If the wall is made of brick, then wooden or plastic “caps” are inserted into the holes drilled for self-tapping screws, and then a plate for the block is attached with screws. Be sure to check the evenness of the plate using the building level.

The next step is to drill a through hole in the wall with a punch for the cold pipe. Be sure to provide a slope of at least 15 degrees. It should be outward, not inward.

Next, you need to connect the copper pipes to the indoor unit of the air conditioner, as well as the drain tube to a special hose on the unit. The electrical cable can now be connected to the indoor equipment. For split systems, the cooling capacity of which is no more than 4kW, you should use a cable with a cross-section of at least 1.5mm (5-core).

The third stage of system installation

At the last, final stage, it is necessary to interconnect the indoor and outdoor unit of the system. To do this, do the following.

  1. First you need to measure the distance between the taps of the blocks.
  2. Apply special thermal insulation to the copper connecting pipes. Trim to the required length. It is equal to the measurements that were taken earlier.
  3. At the ends of the connecting pipes, it is imperative to attach plugs to prevent dust from entering.
  4. And the last step is to wrap the electrical cable and drainage system with protective sheaths.

How to avoid mistakes during installation?

It is not enough to know how to install a split system, you should avoid mistakes that can lead to device failure. That is why, it is not necessary to allow frequent bends of the tubes with freon at a short distance, it is also unacceptable to weaken the connections between them. Subsequently, all this will lead to a freon leak.

It is important to ensure that the connecting pipes do not twist into a ring whose radius is less than 100 mm. This will make it difficult for the unit to pump refrigerant.


Now you know how to install a split system yourself. Never forget that there are no minor factors when installing it. And everything that has been done badly or not completed to the end, for example, poor-quality rolling, loose nuts, bent pipes, dirt in them or moisture - all this will ultimately lead to system breakdown.

A split system is a complex electrical device. If it is not connected correctly, then due to a failure in the electrical network, the board may burn in it. Therefore, make sure that a voltage relay is installed.

For preventive purposes, for high-quality and long-term operation of the device, clean the filters in the system monthly. Do not start the device in winter if it is not equipped with a winter set for work at low temperatures.

Check the drainage system before starting the unit. Usually, water is poured into the air conditioner, if no leaks appear under the block, then everything is in order.

With proper use and timely maintenance, the split system may well serve for more than one year. Therefore, if your neighbors claim that all air conditioning systems are designed for a short time period, then perhaps they simply do not know how to use them correctly.

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Split systems provide coolness in the hot season, normalize the microclimate and purify the air. The high cost of installation work prompts you to start connecting climatic equipment yourself. Do-it-yourself sequential installation of a powerful air conditioner is possible only if step-by-step instructions and standards are followed.

Seat selection

The presence of two or more blocks in the climatic equipment provides for the choice of a place for each of them. Before starting installation work, you will need accompanying documentation.

Do I need permission to install an air conditioner

Structurally, the air conditioner is a system with an indoor and outdoor unit, which is mounted on the facade.

Multi-storey building, based on Art. 246 of the Civil Code is a common property with the right of disposal for all owners. Installation of equipment without approval is a violation of:

  • the device makes a noise, hums, disturbing the peace of mind of neighbors;
  • condensation can spoil the facade of the building or get onto the balcony from below;
  • the dimensional block blocks the view or view and windows;
  • there are risks of wall cracking, wiring shorting and fire.

Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 25 ZhK installation of a split-system is considered as reconstruction or re-equipment of the premises. Clause 3.5.8 of Resolution No. 170 informs about the inadmissibility of installing an air conditioner without permission from the management company and neighbors. Consent or refusal can be obtained only after a meeting of the residents of the house.

Important! Residents of private houses can start installing immediately after purchasing the device.

A permit is required without fail if:

  • installation work is carried out on the front of the high-rise building;
  • the user lives in a house of value in terms of history and culture;
  • the split system is located above the footpaths;
  • there are no special fences on the window opening where the block is located.
Important! The management company is not allowed to remove air conditioners. Art. 330 of the Criminal Code considers such actions as arbitrariness. Dismantling of devices is carried out only by a court decision.

Choosing a place for the indoor unit

The installation of the indoor module of the air conditioner is done by hand so that the cold air flows do not cause discomfort. It is allowed to be located above the head of the sofa, to the side and behind the workplace. The building codes determine the order of the indoor unit location:

  • from the structure to the ceiling - not less than 15 cm;
  • from the module to the right or left wall - not less than 30 cm;
  • from block to floor - 280 cm, but for apartments on the ground floor, the outdoor block is mounted at the same level or below the indoor one;
  • from an obstacle on the movement of air flows - not less than 150 cm;
Advice! In a room with a sofa and TV, it is better to put the air conditioner above the sofa.

Where to identify the outdoor unit?

The outdoor module is located near a window opening or on an open loggia. If the balcony is glazed, the block is placed on a fence with good load-bearing capacity or on the facade. Residents of 1-2 floors need to determine a place for the outdoor module as far as possible from passers-by. On floors 3 or more, it is allowed to place the device under a window or on the side.

In a private house, the outdoor unit is mounted on a wall with a high load-bearing capacity. On ventilated facades, a special mount is organized or the block is placed on a plinth.

Determining the distance between blocks

The maximum length of the intermodular route is 6 m; if exceeded, additional freon injection will be required. If the outdoor and indoor modules are located at a distance of 1 m, the route should not exceed 5 m. The excess of the system is formed into a ring and placed behind the block.

Interesting to know! Manufacturers indicate different maximum distances between blocks. For Daikin equipment, it is 1.5-2.5 m, for Panasonic - 3 m.

What you need to install

The sequential installation of a good split system when done by hand should be carried out taking into account ease of access during maintenance and ergonomic criteria - cold air should not have direct access to rest and work areas.

Approximate layouts of split systems

The suitable layout for installing a new air conditioner depends on the type of unit. The indoor module can be hung:

  • to the left of the outside. The track is flat, the block is 0.5 m from the wall. When turning the line to an adjacent wall, the distance can be reduced to 0.1 m. The output and the route are masked under the equipment cover;
  • to the left of the outer wall without cable laying on the facade. Communications are laid in the corner of the room and hidden in a box. They hide it under the curtain;
  • to the right of the outer wall. Typical solution with routing in a box with a wall or laying in a groove.
Advice! Use the technology of laying in a gate if there is a ban on laying a route on the facade.

The outdoor unit can be positioned:

  • on a loggia or balcony. The module is fixed in the front or side way for ease of maintenance;
  • on the glazed balcony. The window sash must be above the air conditioner. To prevent snow, moisture or debris from getting on the block, a visor and plastic are installed;
  • under window. The option is suitable for rooms without a balcony;
  • next to the window. The block is placed at the level of the bottom of the window.

Air conditioner installation options

Advice! Do not use hollow or metallic materials for the visor - they have low sound insulation.


With self-installation of climatic equipment, you will need:

  • perforator for making through holes for the output of pipes, cables, drainage pipes;
  • a pipe cutter with a sharp blade or a hacksaw for metal;
  • file and rimmer for trimming notches;
  • pipe bender or special spring for forming copper pipes;
  • drill with drills of various diameters to make holes for mounting plates;
  • pipe calibrator and flare tool;
  • wall chaser, which can be replaced with a chisel, sledgehammer and hammer;
  • vacuum pump for starting the air conditioning system;
  • screwdrivers, hex keys, level.
Important! Trimming pipes with a hacksaw involves smoothing the edges with sandpaper.

Materials and consumables

Use only high-quality materials, choosing them in accordance with the type of equipment:

  • supply wire for power supply and connection of modules - a 4-core power cable with a cross-section of 2 mm2 × 2.5 mm2;
  • seamless copper pipes with the diameter specified in the instructions. The length of the products is equal to the length of the track, and the stock is about 30 cm;
  • insulating insulation (foamed rubber) - sections along the length of the route;
  • synthetic insulation;
  • a corrugated hose with an internal plastic spiral for drainage or a propylene pipe along the length of the route plus 80 cm;
  • L-shaped brackets (2 pcs.) For fixing the outdoor unit with a permissible load limit 5 times the mass of the device;
  • fasteners - bolts, dowels and anchors, matched to the type of brackets for the indoor module.
Important! To hide the track, you will need a plastic box 60 × 80 cm.

Basic rules for installing and connecting an air conditioner

Do-it-yourself installation and connection of a household air conditioner requires compliance with a number of requirements.

Outdoor unit installation rules

The module is equipped as follows:

  1. Checking a balcony or facade for strength is 2 times more equipment, which weighs from 10-15 to 40 kg.
  2. Inspection of brackets on external insulation - should be hidden in the wall material.
  3. Installation of a damper seal on a ventilated facade or aerated concrete walls.
  4. Accounting for equipment noise - the maximum permissible level is from 25 to 30 dB.
  5. Check for imbalances at each stage of the installation to prevent refrigerant leaks.
  6. Installation in a wind-blown area with a weather protection canopy.
  7. Compliance with the distance of the highway of 15-20 cm if the equipment is located on the roof.
  8. Connecting the condensate collection tube to the sewer.
Important! The distance from the outdoor unit to the wall surface is at least 10 cm.

Indoor unit installation rules

A second module is installed in the room and a highway is laid:

  1. Connection to the mains with the organization of an individual line - the power consumption of the air conditioner is 2 kW.
  2. Laying the mains in external (hidden in a box) or internal (hidden in the wall) ways.
  3. Maintaining a distance between blocks of a maximum of 6 m for efficient operation of the structure
  4. Removing household appliances, curtains from the device by 3 m.
  5. The air conditioner is not placed above the radiators and furniture.
  6. Compliance with the distance from the block to the ceiling of 20-25 cm.
Important! The indoor unit is mounted on a wall or ceiling.

DIY air conditioner installation

The correct installation of a powerful split system will be done with high quality by hand, if the sequential instructions for work are followed.

Indoor unit installation

An indoor unit or hair dryer is installed immediately. Installation activities include:

  1. Taking measurements from the device.
  2. Placing the steel mounting frame on the wall strictly horizontally with a level check.
  3. Marking the points where the fasteners will be.
  4. Making holes in the wall with a puncher.
  5. Fixing plastic dowels with a hammer.
  6. Attaching the mounting plate to the wall and fixing it with self-tapping screws.
  7. Hanging the hair dryer on a special plate and checking if it is horizontal.
Important! In case of distortions, there are risks of condensation accumulating on the pallet and dripping onto the walls.

Laying communication lines

Experts advise users who do not know how to properly connect a household air conditioner without making mistakes with their own hands to start with the preparation of trunk channels.

Electrical connections

The high energy consumption of split systems (more than 1.5 kW) provides for the organization of a separate line and the installation of an RCD. For the line, a cable with a cross section of 1.5-2 mm2 and automatic shutdowns are used. A yellow cable with a green stripe running along is connected to the neutral (zero) wire of the terminal board. The indicator determines the zero and phase. If non-standard wires are used, neutral and phase sections are indicated at both ends.

Air conditioner connection diagram
Installation diagram


It is better to carry out the work together:

  • in block houses, the places for laying the reinforcement are determined so as not to harm the load-bearing walls;
  • the assistant should be at the bottom and report the installation;
  • holes are drilled with a puncher;
  • for houses without thermal insulation, the diameter is 50-60 mm, for thermally insulated buildings - at least 80 mm.

After preparing the holes, you need to put the brackets.


For preparation and styling you will need:

  1. Cut the copper pipe with a bend margin of 1 m.
  2. After cutting, gently bend the product without kinks, observing the maximum radius of 10 cm.
  3. Put flex-thermal insulation on the tubes - polyurethane foam hoses. Foam rubber should not be used due to rapid wear.
  4. Place special flanges on the end of the pipe.
  5. Flare pipe ends.
  6. Connect the pipeline, cold and hot fittings alternately, checking their diameter.
  7. Tighten the fitting flange firmly but not tightly.
  8. Run a drainage channel from a piece of reinforced plastic pipe, connecting it to the drain with a flange or heat-shrinkable pipe.
  9. Make a solder by working in a circle with a soldering iron.
Important! If the pipes are bent severely, the refrigerant will move unevenly, increasing electricity consumption.

Outdoor unit installation

The external module of the split system weighs more than 20 kg due to the compressor. Work at height is carried out with the involvement of 1-2 people:

  1. The markup is organized using a level.
  2. The puncher makes holes taking into account the thermal insulation of the house.
  3. Anchor bolts are screwed into the holes.
  4. The brackets are screwed with a nut to the bolts.
  5. To reduce vibrations, rubber is placed under the feet of the outdoor unit.
  6. The quality of the fasteners is checked and the external module is hung.
Important! If the outdoor unit is installed on the 3rd floor or higher, it is advisable to contact an industrial climber.

Connecting system units

The units are connected through channels in the wall with a cable connected to terminals similar to the color of the main wiring. When the level difference of the modules is more than 5 m, a special loop is made to catch the oil. If the drop is lower, the buttonhole will not be sewn.


Drainage channels are equipped with a branch to the street or to the sewer. The branch pipes are connected as follows:

  1. A corrugation is pulled onto the outlet of the indoor unit (a plastic tube with a tip).
  2. The connection is secured with a clamp.
  3. A hose is put on the outlet of the outdoor unit to drain moisture from the walls.
  4. When using a polymer pipe, an adapter is selected.

Drainage tubes should be laid with a slope. The maximum is 3 mm * 1 m, the minimum is 1 mm * 1 m.

Freon circulation system

The copper refrigerant pipes are bent with a pipe bender or a spring without sharp turns. The connection starts from the indoor unit - nuts are twisted from the ports. As they weaken, a hiss of nitrogen is heard. After it stops, remove the plugs, remove the nuts, put them on the tube and start rolling.


After removing the plugs from the pipes:

  1. The evenness of the edges is checked.
  2. Notches are smoothed out with sandpaper.
  3. The section is adjusted with a calibrator and the edges are aligned by 5 cm.
  4. The end parts are flared for fastening at the inlet and outlet.
  5. During flaring, the pipe edge is directed downward and fixed with a 2 mm protrusion.
  6. The flaring cone is placed on the pipe edge and twisted with effort.
  7. Rolling ends when the cone does not fit into the edge.

The operation is repeated for all segments.

Port connection

The flared end of the tube is connected to the outlet, the nut is tightened. No sealants or additional gaskets are used. For a firm fixation, a pressure of 50-70 kg is required for the copper to flatten and the connection becomes monolithic. Work is being done for all outputs.

Leak test

A solution is used for sealing. You will need 0.5 liters of distilled water, heated to boiling water. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a liquid. l. laundry soap. The outlet nipple is removed, the bicycle pump is put on the nipple. When pumping with a brush, the composition is applied, and the thread is tightened until bubbles stop forming and by 1/8.

Important! It is better to remove soap deposits with a damp cloth.


Evacuation helps to remove moisture, dust, excess air. The system is pumped by a special pump for 60 minutes. During this time, moisture and air residues are completely removed.

Filling and feeding

The system is filled with a coolant bottle. The reservoir is connected via a pressure gauge with an adapter. The pressure is built up to the value specified in the manufacturer's documentation. Electric wires are connected at the terminals - zero to zero or neutral. Phase are connected by color.

Important! Air conditioners with freon are not filled with freon and vice versa.


The check is carried out as follows:

  1. The disconnecting machine turns on.
  2. The air conditioner goes into test mode automatically.
  3. For some models, the test is activated from the remote control.
  4. If there is air at the end of the test, the louver position is set.
  5. Thermal shielding is carried out with thin aluminum - this saves 2-3% more electricity.
  6. The tourniquet and drainage pipe are wrapped in moisture-resistant tape.

At the last stage, the holes in the wall are carefully sealed.

Common mistakes during the installation of the air conditioner

With an unprofessional installation, users can make a number of mistakes:

  • laying pipes with kinks - the load on the compressor increases;
  • installation of an outdoor unit on a balcony with glazing - normal air circulation is lost;
  • the location of the air conditioner next to the welding machines;
  • uneven arrangement of blocks - condensation begins to drain to the floor;
  • choice of equipment with no auto defrost option - in heating mode, the external unit freezes.

For normal operation of the air conditioner, you need to regularly clean the filters and drainage channels. Under excessive load, the system makes noise - the fan is out of balance or the bearings are worn out. The specified breakdowns should be eliminated only by a master.

  1. For split systems, cut-off machines designed for boilers and washing machines are suitable.
  2. Condensation builds up if the drain pipes sag too much.
  3. If you haven't done flaring before, practice on the unnecessary pipe section.
  4. Sealing is best done with two people.
  5. After connecting the pipeline, the holes must be blown out with foam or filled with silicone sealant.

Watch the video on how to install the air conditioner yourself

After the onset of spring, it becomes necessary to cool the apartment. This can be done in several ways. One of them is to open a window. But in this case, you are most likely not to fall asleep at night due to the noise of traffic and the buzzing of mosquitoes over your ear. So it's better to choose the second way - buy a split system. But we all know that the installation price is often unreasonably high. Therefore, let's look at how to install the air conditioner yourself. This is not easy to do, but it is quite possible.

Some general information

We are faced with a serious, but quite feasible task. Almost any man who has done repairs at least several times in his life will be able to cope with the installation. Yes, and a beginner, with the proper approach, will be able to install an air conditioner at home. I would like to note right away that all this is necessary for significant cost savings. Installation, depending on the type and capacity of the split system, can cost from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles, and this, you see, is a lot. We will not talk again about how the air conditioner works, the same applies to its characteristics. Now we are only interested in editing.

The first thing you have to decide on is the installation location. If you bought a window air conditioner, then the area of \u200b\u200bits placement is limited to window openings and vents. If you want to install it further from the window, you will need a rather long outlet pipe (corrugation). You will have to pay a lot for each meter. We will talk about this later, but a little later. As for a conventional, wall-mounted or sub-ceiling, split system, here it is necessary to follow a few simple rules: the distance to the ceiling must be more than 100 millimeters, there should be no objects (cabinets, etc.) 2 meters in front of the air conditioner, this is it is necessary for normal air circulation and maintaining the temperature regime. As for the external block, it must be installed slightly above the window level. It is mounted on special brackets at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the wall. Well, now let's talk about how to install the air conditioner yourself and what tool you need for this. The list will be quite long.

Finding the right tool

In order for our split system to be installed efficiently and reliably, we need to do the job correctly at all stages. To do this, you will have to use a lot of equipment. First you need a rock drill with a set of bits. We will have to drill a hole in the supporting (main) wall with a diameter of 100 millimeters. In addition, there must be an armature detector. Of course, if you hit the iron with a puncher, then all the work will need to be done anew, and this is not very good both for the wall and for you. We also need a pipe cutter. A simple household model will be enough. Do not forget that it is simply impossible to properly install an air conditioner in an apartment without a pipe cutting device. This is due to the fact that the compressor is very sensitive to any foreign objects. Copper shavings that remain in the gap of the hacksaw field will quickly disable it.

If you are going to flare pipes with improvised means, then this is a very bad idea. This will not achieve the 100% tightness you need. For this simple reason, you need to buy a special flaring kit. It is also advisable to have a reamer on hand - a device for stripping a cut copper pipe. The file does not fit as crumbs remain. We will also need a regular pump, which can easily check the tightness of the entire system. A vacuum pump is needed to remove moisture from the system and evacuate it. It is advisable to have on hand a pressure gauge and a simple tester for performing work with electrical circuits. How to install the air conditioner in the apartment yourself? Let's talk about this in more detail now.

Step 1: buying and cutting, scraping and expanding copper tubes

One of the most important points is the purchase of pipes for circulating refrigerant. It is highly recommended to purchase the whole set, you will most likely have some margin left over, but this is better than a lack of any piece. As noted above, cutting a piece is not good, so try to do as little work as possible with a pipe cutter. As for the rolling, then in the bay it must be factory. Pay attention to the absence of defects on the copper pipes (abrasions, cracks, chips, etc.), as this can lead to depressurization of the system during operation. If the pipes are long enough, it will be possible to lower the outdoor unit slightly.

When it comes to cutting, everything is pretty simple. The most important thing is to make an even cut along the entire diameter. As for flaring, it is best to practice first, as you are unlikely to succeed the first time. To do this, buy a small piece of copper pipe on which you will train. The inner surface must be smooth and the flaring itself must be uniform and symmetrical. Cracks, as well as distortions, are simply unacceptable. After you have done everything, you can proceed to the direct installation. In order to install an air conditioner in an apartment and do it correctly, you need to start from the outdoor unit. However, there are several nuances and important points, for example, the Ministry of Health does not recommend installing it yourself on the second and higher floors.

How to install the outdoor unit?

If you do not live on the first floor, experts advise mounting on a balcony or loggia. In this case, you are unlikely to fall, and it will be much easier to maintain the unit in the future. Please note that the balcony visor must protect the air conditioner from sunlight, of course, this is not necessary, but desirable. We will use small or medium brackets, no more than 20 centimeters. As you know, it is necessary to mount on the south side. As practice shows, it is quite difficult to install the block on your own, so invite a friend or neighbor to help you. The only inconvenience that you may experience during installation is the removal of the balcony glazing, if any. In order to install the air conditioner with your own hands, you will need shallow brackets. We will attach them to the frame.

Pay attention to the lower part of the frame, it is there that you will have to drive the root parts of all available brackets. If you can bend the root parts down, then it is quite possible to do without violating the integrity of the balcony sheathing. Do not forget that fastening reliability is very important. Agree, an outdoor unit that has fallen from the second floor can cripple or even kill a person. For correct installation, you must use a level. The horizontal position will ensure proper compressor operation. Look in the product passport, modern models have their own standards. All indents must be respected.

Indoor unit and electrics

To begin with, let's talk about places where it is strictly forbidden to install a split system. In the immediate vicinity of heating radiators, as well as near other heat sources (convectors, etc.). In addition, the indoor unit must not be exposed to electrical noise from microwave ovens, power tools, etc. Curtains should not impede normal air circulation. From this, we can draw a simple conclusion that it is impossible to install an air conditioner in the kitchen, as it has its own ventilation. You probably ask: "Where is the best place to install the air conditioner?" A living room or bedroom is ideal for this. Of course, you can choose any other place, as long as there are no obstacles.

As for the wiring, then there is nothing complicated. Currently, the simplest models of air conditioners have a capacity of 1.3 kW. For the normal operation of such a device, additional wiring with a cable cross-section of at least 1.5 sq. mm, you can take with a small margin. We will also install an automatic shutdown, for example, as on a washing machine or boiler. When you get to work with the shield, then connect the yellow wire to zero (neutral). Do not forget that in some cases non-standard wire colors are used, so you need to add your own phase and zero designations. After we figured out where to install the air conditioner and made an electrician, we move on to the next step.

Correctly mounted piping is half the battle

We have already talked about how to prepare copper pipes for use, and now - directly about installation. First, always leave a 1-2mm margin for bends. By the way, bending the pipes must be extremely careful, the appearance of kinks (depressurization) and wrinkles (increased resistance for refrigerant) is unacceptable. In order to understand where to install the air conditioner in the apartment, without violating the integrity of the fittings, use a special device - an armature detector. After the tubes have been bent in the right places, it is necessary to put thermal insulation on them. Often, special hoses made of polyurethane foam are used. Then we put on the flanges and flare the tube. Next, you need to connect the pipelines to the fittings. It is important not to confuse the inputs and outputs, for example, a cold indoor unit with a hot outdoor unit, and vice versa. Modern models may have different diameters of the fittings, so it will not work to do something wrong.

At the final stage, tighten the nuts. Remember that you are dealing with copper, which is a very soft material that should not be heavily stressed, so do not pinch the flanges. A final tightening will be required during sealing. Up to this point, you should already decide where to install the air conditioner, since it is very costly and time-consuming to redo everything. Move on to drainage. This requires a plastic tube that connects to the waste outlet.

Mobile air conditioner: how to install and where to do it

Everything here is somewhat simpler than in the case of other types of split systems. The fact is that mobile air conditioners practically do not require additional tools for installation. You only need a piece of a special pipe that will go out into the street. But it is not ordinary, but two-layer. Air for conditioning enters through one circuit, and mining exits through the second. If you do not know which air conditioner to install in an apartment with a small area, then definitely choose a mobile one. It does not take up much space and can stand on the floor; special wheels allow it to be moved.

Almost always, the pipe goes out the window, and there is no need to drill or chisel something. For example, it can be displayed in a window, which is especially important. Installation can even be carried out in the kitchen or bathroom, if required. Do not forget that the tube must be free from defects. One end connects to the output in the split system, the other goes outside. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that you do not need any outdoor units, but you have to sacrifice power. That is, perhaps, all that can be briefly said about what a mobile air conditioner is, how to install it and where to do it.

A few words about which split system to choose

Currently, there is a large selection: column, ceiling, multi and other air conditioners. However, for the average person, a wall device will suffice. However, consider the capacity of the unit. It should be chosen with a margin of 5-10%. For the bedroom, the installation of split systems that work almost silently is relevant, which will not disturb your sleep. And what kind of air conditioner to install in an apartment in a children's room? In most cases, it is advisable not to do this at all. And if it is simply necessary, then you should give preference to a model of low power with the function of fine air purification.

As for the manufacturer, the leaders today are companies such as LG and Samsung. Despite the high prices, you will receive a quality product that will delight you for many years. Choose a device with remote control, it is very convenient and saves you time and effort. For apartments of 30-35 square meters, a split system with a capacity of 1.5-4.7 kW is quite enough. We figured out which air conditioner to install in the apartment. Now you can talk about completing the installation yourself.

Do-it-yourself air conditioner installation: vacuuming and sealing

For proper sealing, do the following. Buy half a liter of distilled water and add a spoonful of soap shavings. Then mix everything thoroughly until a soapy solution is obtained. All this can be done after you have decided where to install the air conditioner in the room. Next, you need to open the outlet nipple and connect a pump, even a bicycle one. It is necessary to pump until the air ceases to come out. To understand when this moment will come, you need to apply a little soap solution to the pipe. When finished, tighten the threaded connection 1/8 turn. You probably noticed that it is not so difficult to install an air conditioner with your own hands, especially since almost the entire path has been covered.

Vacuuming is performed as follows. A vacuum pump is put on the nipple, which must pump for an hour. During this time, all moisture and dust will be removed from the system, which, in fact, is what we need. The air that got there during installation will also be removed. That's all, you were able to mount the split system without the help of specialists. It remains only to fill it with refrigerant. It is necessary to fill up to the green mark on the pressure gauge, however, before doing this, look at the instructions, everything is indicated there. Now you know how to install a window air conditioner as well as a split wall system.


So we figured out where you can install the air conditioner. But do not rush to choose a place, since redoing everything later is long and difficult. After reading this article, you could figure out how to install the air conditioner yourself. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and use a quality tool. It is not allowed to use files and files for metal while working with pipes. As this will lead to breakage. By the way, it is worth noting that at the end of the work, you need to perform testing, that is, verification. This will let you know if everything was done correctly.

Testing is extremely simple. You can do everything through the remote control, there is a corresponding button. Also, there is such an opportunity directly on the body of the split system. The air conditioner should enter the test mode, if this does not happen, then something is wrong. Perhaps it is an electrician, a sealing or a vacuum. There can be a lot of reasons. Another important point: if you install it yourself, you risk losing all guarantees for the product, and this is very, very bad. For this simple reason, think twice before doing something yourself. In some cases, it really makes sense to install it yourself, for example, an inexpensive split system. If you buy an expensive and powerful technique, then do not regret 6 thousand to call the masters. In this case, you will be properly installed, and if problems arise, you can call the organization that installed the split system and solve them.

When they mention that it is necessary to install an air conditioner, they usually mean the installation of a split system. It consists of two blocks. Indoor and outdoor. In addition to such a system, there are also monoblock air conditioners, the installation of which is not difficult. They are simply inserted from a pre-prepared hole in the wall or window. The slots are filled with foam, the device is connected to the network and starts to work, cooling the room. Everything is very simple.

But the installation of an air conditioner, which consists of two blocks, is more complicated. And you can't do without instructions. But such an attitude does not require any special skill. It can be easily done on your own. And save some money on this. Depending on the city of residence, sometimes quite substantial.

What kind of air conditioner do you have?

You need to start. And you need to choose very carefully. Here you need to take into account some parameters, such as:

  • the ability to install an external block (or);
  • room volume in square meters;
  • wall thickness;
  • the presence or absence of thermal insulation.

After all, if you purchase an air conditioner whose power is low, then it will not be able to cool the room well. It will still be hot in it. If you install a high-power device, a lot of electricity will be consumed, it will be cold in the room. When choosing an air conditioner, it is best to follow the advice of a specialist or consult a store.

Required tools

Well, the household appliance was bought and brought to the installation site. To install it, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • puncher, drill;
  • self-tapping screws and chopiks;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • tool for cutting and flaring copper tubes.

Now you have to choose again. But this time there is a place to install the blocks. There are rules here. The unit must be installed indoors so that the distance from the ceiling to it is not less than 15 cm. And from the nearest wall - not less than 30 cm. The unit must not be installed over the head of the bed or over a depleted table. Despite the fact that the air flow brings the long-awaited coolness, you can get cold from it.

Do not cover the unit with a curtain. In this case, the air conditioner will not only work poorly, but also break down quickly. You need to install the structure strictly horizontally. Not only aesthetics depend on this. After all, if the unit is installed even with a slight tilt, this will affect the quality of its operation, and therefore, the durability of the air conditioner. In particular, the drainage of the device will not work well.

Indoor unit installation

The indoor unit is hung on a special bar. To fix it on the wall, you need to drill holes, hammer chopiks into them, screw the bar with screws. Before you need to try to hang and remove the block in order to know how this is done. Do not mess around for a long time when pipes are attached to it.

Indoor unit mounting plate fastener

Check the horizontal position of the mount by level

How to install an external air conditioner unit

The location for the outdoor unit is now being selected. In order to facilitate installation, it is fixed either under the window or to the right of it. Mount the outdoor unit on special brackets. It should be noted that the device weighs from 25 to 65 kg. So the help of a second person is required. In addition, people must insure each other when working outside the window.

Air conditioner installation instructions

The distance from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit should be no more than 6 meters and no less than 1.5. The optimal distance is 3 meters. Then it is very easy to blow through the pipeline, freeing it from air and moisture. At a greater distance, it will be necessary to refuel the air conditioner and use a vacuum pump, and at a smaller distance, the devices will transmit mutual vibration to each other, which is undesirable. But if the blocks are mounted side by side, it is recommended to make a one and a half meter loop on the pipeline. The air conditioner works better with it.

Outdoor unit of the air conditioner under the window

First you need to punch a hole in the wall. It is needed in order to pass the air conditioner pipeline. The hole must be at least 5 cm in diameter. It breaks through with a puncher. Fragments of brick or concrete may fall outside, so during this work you need to make sure that there are no people below. When punching a hole, take into account that there should be a slight downward slope. If there is no slope, drainage will not work.

Outdoor unit of the air conditioner on the wall between the windows

Ropes are passed through this hole, to which the outdoor unit of the air conditioner will be tied. But first you need to install the brackets. A rope is passed through the hole to belay a person. One end of the rope is tied to a belt and the other is tied tightly, for example, to a water pipe. The assistant also insures the employee. Holes are drilled in the outer wall and the brackets are secured with heavy duty anchor bolts, taking into account the heavy weight of the unit.

Outdoor unit of the air conditioner on the balcony railing

After the brackets are fixed, ropes are tied to the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, it is lowered onto the brackets and fixed. The distance from the device to the wall should be at least 10 cm. It must be said that the installation of an external unit is the most laborious part of the work.

If the apartment is on the ground floor, then this installation is easier. But to protect against hooligans, the block still needs to be placed as high as possible and closed with a lattice. It is easy to install it even when the apartment has an open balcony.

Attention! The unit cannot be installed on glazed loggias, since the air conditioner will not work well and will quickly become unusable.

Now you need to mount the highway. You must have a device for cutting and flaring copper pipes. If there is such a device, then no difficulties arise. The tubes are cut to the required length, the ends are expanded. Then they are attached first to the indoor unit and then to the outdoor unit.

Photo: trunk for pipes and cables

Attached to the indoor unit are: copper piping, drain tube and power cable. Copper pipes are connected with nuts, the drain pipe is put on a plastic fitting. When connecting a cable, you need to remember where the wire of a certain color is connected. You need to connect it in the same way when connecting to the outdoor unit. To make the highway on the wall look beautiful, you need to use a decorative box. The box is fixed to the wall before the trunk is laid.

Mounting the outdoor unit mount

After connecting the pipes and cable, the entire pipeline is wrapped with tape and passed through a hole in the outer wall. The ends of the tubes must be covered with something so that debris does not get into them while they are passing through the hole. The trunk is connected to the outdoor unit, only the drain tube remains free to hang.

Now you need to bleed excess air from the pipeline to prepare the air conditioner for operation. To do this, simply open the valves on the ports for connecting copper pipes for a second. In order to get to the valve, you need to unscrew the copper cap. The valve is opened for a second with a hex wrench. It is recommended to do this three times.

Wire connection diagram

If the route is long, longer than three meters, then a vacuum pump must be used to purge it, which is connected to the system.

After completion of the work, the hole in the wall is filled with foam and putty.

It is best to connect the air conditioner to the mains using a separate cable. The cable is connected to the switchboard through an emergency shutdown device. Don't forget about grounding.

A properly installed air conditioner can operate for many years without requiring any maintenance. Especially if it is a good quality technique.

This article will discuss how to install an air conditioner with your own hands. Experts strongly recommend preparing the climatic device for intensive operation in advance. Installation of air conditioners is a responsible and rather complicated event from a technical point of view. With a certain desire, practical skills and a theoretical basis, installation work can be done with your own hands.

The efficiency and duration of the split-system depends on how accurately the installation rules are followed. An unsuitable place, improperly selected equipment for installation, its inadequacy to technical operating conditions, violation of technology - all this can ultimately lead to a breakdown of the unit. And even the most expensive devices fail without revealing their potential.

Competently organizing the whole process will not work if you do not have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe principle of operation of this climatic apparatus.

    Show all

    The principle of operation of the unit

    All models of split systems on sale are built and operate according to the same principle. They consist of a compressor and evaporation unit. Special tubes are used to connect them. The outdoor unit is installed outside the wall.

    Unit device

    An evaporator is installed inside the room. More efficient and expensive models are equipped with several with a common compressor.

    The principle of operation of the air conditioner at home:

    1. 1. High pressure refrigerant (freon) is supplied through a nozzle with a diameter corresponding to the outlet pipes.
    2. 2. It goes to the inside of the evaporator, where it gradually expands, and after some time, it completely boils. The generated steam actively absorbs heat.
    3. 3. In the process of absorption, condensation is certainly released in the form of water, which settles on the surface of the radiator.
    4. 4. Moisture is transferred into a reservoir and then discharged behind the walls of the house.

    If the installation of the air conditioner is done professionally and correctly, the compressor will constantly pump out freon vapors from the inner chamber, while the internal pressure rises in parallel. As a result, the refrigerant heats up and converts it into a dense mist.

    The refrigerant is redirected to the condensation chamber, where it is cooled by an integrated fan, transforming into liquid. In this state, it is sent to the evaporator (through the nozzle) and everything is closed in a circle.

    note! If you install an air conditioner inside a room near a heating device, then the power consumption will increase significantly, and the device itself is likely to fail after a few months of operation..

    Even ordinary dust can break the air conditioner. Wet cleaning is not only necessary, but also prescribed, and thorough, regular and thorough. Indoors, it is strictly forbidden to put any products or objects on the unit itself. You can't cover it with a tablecloth either.

    Scheme of work

    Do-it-yourself installation of an air conditioner without fail presupposes sealing of all connecting elements and joints, which will make it possible to neutralize the likelihood of refrigerant evaporation. Experts recommend placing the outdoor unit in such a way that its level is lower than the indoor one. Standard installation of the air conditioner assumes the location of the outdoor unit in a cool place in the shade.

    The device and principle of operation of the air conditioner

    Tools and preparations

    Do-it-yourself installation of the air conditioner cannot be done without preliminary preparation of tools:

    • electrical tester;
    • bicycle and vacuum pumps;
    • pipe cutter;
    • puncher;
    • indicator;
    • example;
    • pipe flaring kit.

    Required tools for installation

    This is just a basic set of components required for the installation of air conditioners. Additionally, a full coil of copper tubing is required (note that the ends must be seamed initially at the factory). Any visual defects (dents, scratches) are simply not acceptable.

    note! Installation of air conditioning systems is impossible without making holes in the walls, damage to the external and internal finishes, so the work should be carried out in parallel with the repair.

    Step-by-step instructions for installing the climate system

    After purchasing a climatic unit and preparing the necessary tools, you can proceed to the main pool of work. The installation scheme is quite simple:

    • choosing a place to install the unit.
    • installation of brackets on which the unit will be installed.
    • the installation of the external (outdoor) unit of the unit is initially carried out.
    • then the indoor unit and other elements of the system are mounted inside the object.

    note! In the process of performing the relevant work, it is extremely important to strictly observe safety standards, especially when it comes to the height of 2-3 floors. Knowing how to install the air conditioner yourself shouldn't go against safety precautions.

    The choice of a place for the installation of the unit is no less important measure than the purchase of the climatic device itself. Experts advise taking into account a number of requirements when choosing a place for the indoor unit:

    • distance from the side wall - from 30 cm;
    • distance from the ceiling - at least 15 cm;
    • to the nearest large object that interferes with the movement of air masses - from 150 cm.

    Unit placement options

    As for the placement of the outdoor unit, a balcony is considered an ideal place, but provided that it is open. In the case of a glazed loggia, you can stop at the option of mounting on a fence, with sufficient bearing capacity of this structure. For residents of the first and second floors, we recommend placing this part of the split system above the window, so as not to cause inconvenience and level the likelihood of theft.

    note! In the case of a private house, no strict recommendations are provided.

    Choosing a place for the unit

    If there are several air conditioner units, then the minimum distance between them should be at least 1.5 m, optimal - 3 m. A number of manufacturers do not regulate this value and you can select it yourself. But it is better to refuse from the "sandwich" option, in which neighboring blocks are located with their backs to each other.

    The distance between the 2 units inside the room is from 6 m. More is allowed, but in this case, refueling with refrigerant cannot be avoided. Better to invest in the specified value.

    Where to install the air conditioner

    Installation of brackets for air conditioning

    Brackets for installing the unit

    So where is the best place to install an air conditioner? - The climatic device is fixed in the unimpeded access zone. Installing an air conditioner on the balcony is the best option. This type of equipment requires periodic and quality maintenance.

    Experts strongly recommend placing the outdoor unit on the north or east side. Installation of a window air conditioner is often performed at the bottom of the balcony. This zone is considered the best, since it allows you to freely open the window and service the unit. The sequence of actions is simple:

    1. 1. The fixing points of the brackets are marked and marked with a level.
    2. 2. Holes are formed for the anchor bolts.
    3. 3. For communications, it is necessary to prepare a through hole, its diameter should be at least 8 cm. Mounting recesses and recesses are best done in the space between adjacent bricks, this will not only simplify the work, but also make them visually neat.

    Bracket dimensions

    The brackets are installed in accordance with the preliminary marking, adjusting them in level and screwing in the anchor bolts. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there should be about 10 cm of free space between the base of the wall and the block of the air conditioning unit. The gaps must be carefully repaired. After making sure that this block is securely fastened, the installation steps continue, but already inside the room.

    ATTENTION! do not skimp on brackets.

    Brackets for air conditioners. What is the difference?

    Fixing the outdoor unit

    When starting to mount the outdoor unit, you need to make sure the structural reliability and strength of the wall. Large models can weigh more than 50 kg, and in some cases even more. Household climatic units weigh about 15 kg, and there are no problems with their fastening. Experts advise to provide a margin of safety for all fasteners and walls at least 2 times.

    Advice! If you have outdoor insulation in your house, you should make sure that the brackets are not fixed to it, but to the wall itself.

    In recent years, aerated concrete has been particularly popular in the private sector. With all its positive qualities, it is not able to provide sufficient strength to mount the air conditioner. The same is the case with a ventilated facade.

    note! During the installation process, it is extremely important to ensure a horizontal level for the product, while you can use the building level. The slightest deviation is fraught with incorrect circulation of the refrigerant.

    Correct fastening of the outdoor unit

    • the outdoor unit of the air conditioner should be blown by the wind from all sides (if possible);
    • the case is better placed under a canopy;
    • residents of the upper floors of apartment buildings can place them directly on the roof;
    • the maximum length of the line is 15 m, if this value is exceeded, then the cold losses increase.

    Professionals pay close attention to the competent arrangement of the drain for condensate drainage. In accordance with the rules and regulations, this pipe must be connected to the sewer system. But our compatriots in the overwhelming majority neglect it, completely in vain.

    The outdoor unit should be at least 10 cm away from the wall surface. It is required to ensure high-quality airflow to the unit. If you do not stand it, then the device may completely fail. Remember that any activities related to the installation of the outdoor unit are associated with high health risks, since this is a work at height.

    Indoor unit fixing

    Professionals strictly forbid placing the indoor unit behind curtains, near electrical appliances, above the battery. Self-installation of the air conditioner in the indicated places is fraught with failure of the device processor. Having decided on the place, it is imperative to check the wall for the presence of other communication solutions (heating pipes, water supply, electrical wiring).

    Indoor unit fixing

    Direct installation of a window air conditioner is possible only if there is a free area. First of all, a metal plate is mounted: at least 10 cm must be retreated from the ceiling, and about 7 cm from the base of the wall. The distances are marked with a pencil. Holes are made for the fasteners and the plate is screwed on securely.

    Fixed plate for indoor unit

    The further installation scheme assumes fixing the indoor unit on the already attached plate. A parallel hole is made in the wall for laying a copper cable, condensate hoses, pipes, as well as electrical wiring. The standard includes all the necessary products, solutions and elements.

    Electrical connection

    Electrical connection diagram

    The indoor unit functions only with its own wiring, the cross-section of which must be at least 1.5 sq. mm. A prerequisite is the presence of an automatic shutdown, especially if it is the installation of industrial air conditioners. The wiring is connected to the shield only when it is completely laid: a yellow wire with a small green stripe is connected to the neutral wire.

    note! In order to determine the phase and zero, it is most effective to use an indicator.

    The rules for installing the air conditioner require the connection of individual units using insulated stranded wires, previously passed through a hole in the wall. Each climatic unit is supplied with an instruction, which clearly indicates the diagram and sequence of wiring.

    Answering the question of how to install the air conditioner correctly, professionals invariably state that the key to the success of this entire event depends on the quality and literacy of the laying of copper pipes. They are cut in such a way that there is a small margin (about 0.8-1 m) for bends.

    Pipe laying

    It is simply not possible to bend them, since dents, wrinkles will form, and the metal may even crack.

    note! Installation of industrial air conditioners, as well as household ones, involves the use of special pipe benders. They preserve the structural integrity of the tubes. For window air conditioners, this moment is the key to effective functioning.

    Only then can the tubes be covered with polyurethane foam hoses, which play the role of thermal insulation. As for traditional foam rubber, it is completely unsuitable in this context, due to its short service life. Thread flanges are worn exclusively on the basis of pipe insulation.

    Installation and installation of air conditioners is carried out with mandatory flaring, while the process itself requires utmost care in order to eliminate the risk of grooves and microcracks. Be that as it may, spare parts and necessary tools should always be at hand. The nut should be placed easily on the rolling, but when tightening it is better to use a torque wrench, which eliminates the likelihood of squeezing out small particles from the treated area.

    Then it is enough to fix the corresponding pipeline at each fitting. A small piece of pipe is attached to the drain branch in a reinforced casing (for such cases, it is better to use heat-shrinkable tubes).

    Advice! An important component of a successful home air conditioner installation is the presence of a drainage pipe located as far as possible from the load-bearing walls.

    The next step is to put pipes into the holes in the wall, while they should be placed as evenly as possible. At the wall, they are fixed with clamps. An air conditioner installed outside the home must be mounted extremely securely. Small holes are filled with polyurethane foam. You can use soapy water to check the tightness.

    System evacuation

    To install air conditioners, it is necessary to evacuate the system. Even if the activities are carried out at home, you cannot do without this, since moisture and fine dust are removed within the framework of vacuuming. During the installation of the air conditioner, connections and threads are sealed, otherwise it will not be possible to remove air from the unit. A vacuum pump is used to evacuate air for 20-40 minutes.


    After the installation of the air conditioner is completed, the refrigerant in the cylinder is supplied to the system. A small adapter is attached to it, and then a pressure gauge. The filling of the air conditioner tank is independently carried out taking into account and correcting for pressure. Upon completion of the process, the automatic disconnector is activated and the system goes into the test mode.

    note! The even circulation of cold air indicates that everything is done correctly. The climate unit can be used for its intended purpose.


    Now you know how to install the air conditioner yourself. This work is quite feasible. Naturally, this is not a simple and easy task. The key recommendation is to strictly adhere to the instructions and if any defects occur, they must be eliminated in a timely manner. In this case, the air conditioner will operate efficiently for a long time. Be sure to watch the video on installing the air conditioner from A to Z.