Rules for the use of pistachio color in the interior. Pistachio wallpaper Photomurals 3D pistachio shades

The pistachio shade has quite a lot of features: thanks to the simultaneous brightness and restraint, it is suitable for any room and harmoniously fits into any style, does not cause fatigue and visual overload, and even sets you up for positive.

This color has many useful properties from an aesthetic point of view. With pistachio color wallpaper you can create a sophisticated background or highlight accents. Want to know what other possibilities this shade opens up in space? Let's figure it out together and get acquainted with some photos of pistachio wallpaper.

Features of pistachio shade

In order to properly use such wallpapers in design, you need to understand what capabilities they have. Perhaps the most important characteristic of this shade is its uniqueness and versatility.

When gluing pistachio wall coverings, it is not necessary to focus on the layout, the size of the space, or other factors that change the perception of color: despite the fact that pistachio can appear in tones of different saturation, it will be perceived correctly in any design.

Another feature of pistachio wallpapers can be considered their unobtrusiveness. Such coatings will never be perceived as superfluous, since even the brightest shades of this color will not create conflicting contrasts.

Thanks to the combination of bright green, calm beige and cool gray, this color can fulfill several roles at once - which means that the harmony of your design is guaranteed.

It is worth noting not only the psychological properties of this shade (which, by the way, is capable of both calming and energizing), but also its stylistic features.

Pistachio coatings are suitable for interior decoration in the style of the classics(the combination with gilded patterns and accessories is especially local here), Provence(popular wallpaper with floral patterns), retro, country, as well as modern trends like minimalism or modern.

Advice: You can emphasize the peculiarity of a particular style through harmonious combinations of shades.

Pistachio is combined with many colors, so do not neglect this opportunity: in tandem with shades of another palette, it will look even more perfect.

Using pistachio-colored wallpaper in the interior is a fairly easy process: this color is not capricious and fits perfectly into any home space. The amazing properties of this shade have already been appreciated by many buyers and designers, and such wallpapers are suitable not only for adults, but also for children.

A color scheme

One of the benefits of using the pistachio shade in your design is the ability to create spectacular combinations with other shades.

With the following list of colors, the pistachio color is combined and will look the most harmonious:

Advice: pistachio color of different saturation can be combined with natural materials. Bamboo, stone, wood and other accents in the home interior will emphasize the natural beauty of this shade.

Wall decor options in rooms

To get the most out of decorating a room – and create an interior that feels comfortable, it is extremely important to focus not only on the style, but also on the purpose of your room. Let's find out what subtleties you may encounter when decorating rooms in pistachio color.

pistachio living room

Before choosing pistachio wallpaper for the living room, pay attention to the proportions and shapes of this room. We cannot always boast of having a large space in the hall, and given that the pistachio color can be dark, it is extremely important to predict the features of its impact on the interior.

Remember! A light pistachio color can expand a limited space, but a dark shade of pistachio, especially in combination with large drawings, will only reduce the interior.

The main role of pistachio wallpaper in the interior of the living room will not be to create a solemn atmosphere (which is most often typical for the design of this room), but to formation of a calm, cozy atmosphere that sets you up for relaxation. Therefore, if you wish, you can always add bright accents to such a design.

Best of all, the pistachio color is perceived in a spacious living room with sufficient lighting, complemented by light shades.

Pistachio coatings can decorate only one of the walls in the room: it will become an accent and allow you to highlight the main area in your interior. As a rule, this technique is used in the area where the sofa is located, or on the wall opposite it.

Bedroom in pistachio tones

The design of the bedroom will look harmonious when using any pistachio-colored wallpaper. Therefore, the design of your room will not depend on the color, but on the features of the selected wall covering.

For example, plain pistachio wallpaper in the bedroom can be present on all walls, and patterned coatings with bright colors will not always be appropriate around the entire perimeter of the room. They are best used as an accent in the bedside area.

In the bedroom, just like in other rooms, it is important to determine the optimal tone that does not violate the size of the space.

Bright and dark tones of pistachio are only suitable if your bedroom is of sufficient size and the room has a wide window.

Since we are relaxing in the bedroom, the best shades for creating combinations here will be white, beige, light green and pale blue. But colors such as red, brown, burgundy and other bright enough shades can be present in the design of the bedroom only in small quantities.

Children's room design

Many designers and psychologists claim that pistachio is the perfect color for decorating a child's room. It is noteworthy that he suitable for children of all ages: in the baby's room it will emphasize tenderness and tranquility, in the bedroom of preschool children it can be combined with bright colors and decorate the play area.

Teenagers often choose this color as the main A: Suitable for both boys and girls.

Judging by the psychological characteristics of this shade, there are a lot of advantages of its use:

  • it calms and promotes restful sleep;
  • increases mental activity;
  • develops imagination and creativity;
  • promotes concentration;
  • allows you to emphasize the romantic (in girls' rooms) and energetic (in boys) atmosphere.

Perhaps the only rule when decorating a nursery in this color will be the need to use wallpaper with a minimum of bright accents in the recreation area. In the place where the baby's crib is located, give preference to a light and delicate pistachio shade.

Accents in the kitchen

Most modern kitchens have a limited area, which means that the pistachio color in such an interior is considered one of the most successful.

Maximize the space and brighten the room you can use spectacular combinations of pistachio and white: firstly, the presence of another light shade in such a room will create a cozy atmosphere, and secondly, the use of several colors will be ideal for dividing a room into several zones.

In the dining area, pistachio color will awaken the appetite and reflect the beauty of the natural and spring atmosphere. Even without additional accessories and textile decorations, such a design will be perceived harmoniously and interestingly.

In the cooking area, pistachio color is useful in that does not apply to brands. In addition, this deep and rich color will mask the defects of the walls.

Pistachio-colored wallpapers in the kitchen will last you much longer, and, in addition to practical properties, they will attract you with their external qualities, since this shade is suitable for both modern and vintage designs.

Pistachio wallpaper in the kitchen can be combined with both dark and light furniture of different shapes and styles. Effectively, such wallpapers also look in. Textiles in such an interior should be as light and bright as possible in order to emphasize the naturalness of the shade used on the walls.

When decorating home interiors, many are wondering which curtains for pistachio wallpaper will look the most interesting and harmonious. Since this shade is combined with many colors, choosing the right textile will not be difficult.

Even in small rooms where dark curtains can reduce space, a delicate pistachio color will take on the function of expanding the room.

Decide what goals you need to achieve when using with pistachio wall coverings:

  • if you want to fill the room with light, use white and beige curtains (light and airy fabrics will be an advantage);
  • if it is necessary to highlight the window area and form accents, use red, pink, orange, yellow and other bright curtains for pistachio wallpaper;
  • darken the interior and emphasize the restraint of style will help blue, brown, burgundy and other dark shades of curtains.

Advice: curtains of different shades can be combined into a single composition to make the interior more diverse.

Regardless of the features of use in the interior, pistachio wall coverings allow you to create a cozy and homely atmosphere. There is no pretentiousness or excessive formality in this shade: it looks calm and peaceful, and therefore suitable for any room in your home.

Pistachio color in a modern interior is one of the most fashionable shades of green. Not yet gray, but no longer green, it softens the space and practically suits any type of room and purpose. Visually, he "does not steal" the space, does not bother psychologically, you can add bright colors to it. Pistachio-colored wallpapers are combined with furniture made of wood, MDF, plastic, glass, as well as gold, silver or bronze fittings.

The catalog of the Espartos online store presents beautiful wall wallpapers of pistachio shades in various designs: plain, with a geometric pattern, with elegant monograms and floral ornaments. You can choose and buy wallpaper for any interior according to your tastes and preferences.

In what rooms do pistachio wallpapers look profitable?

The combination of pistachio wallpaper with other colors in the interior

Knowing the most successful combinations of colors in the interior, you can create an interesting design. Tenderness and aristocracy, extravagance and minimalism, sunshine and frostiness - everything is possible with pistachio color. And the main secret of pistachio shades is the ability to combine with pastel, dark and bright tones of a different color palette.

  • Pistachio and white. The tandem of these two colors will give the room space, the room will be bright even without abundant artificial lighting. For this combination, white furniture is preferable.
  • Pistachio with blue or light blue. The success of such an interior is in an unusual combination of thermal pistachio and cold blue. In the interior, this combination can be used in a 50:50 ratio. Furniture choose light cream shades or bleached wood. Suitable for decorating a nursery for boys of preschool and school age.
  • Pistachio with yellow or orange. Would you like a sunny interior for every day? Experiment! Add bright fragments to the interior: paintings, upholstery, curtains.
  • Pistachio brown. Emphasize unity with nature. You can combine dark furniture and light colors on the walls. Or vice versa - rich colors on the walls, light furniture and bright spots of accessories throughout the room. Furniture upholstery is suitable for a wide variety of textures: from plain to small flowers and complex geometry.
  • Pistachio with pink and white-cream. This is the perfect solution for a girl's bedroom. Pistachio will dilute the Barbie colors, and pink will add youth, carelessness and freshness to the interior.

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Pistachio wallpaper: 6 options for combining shades

Do you think that pistachio wallpaper in the kitchen looks boring and gloomy? If you responsibly approach interior planning, you can get a modern and stylish room design.

The pistachio shade is unique. It is characterized by restraint and brightness.

This color fits well into the interiors of any rooms. These tones are able to tune in to positive emotions, energize. Pistachio walls allow you to create a visual accent.

Color Features

My little instruction will allow you to understand the features of this color:

  • Versatility.
  • Unobtrusiveness. This color scheme does not create contradictory contrasts.
  • If you have chosen a pistachio-colored wallpaper, there is no need to think about the size of the room, about the color combination. In any interior style, pistachio will be relevant.
  • Harmony. Pistachio color combines several shades: gray, beige, green. This means that you can safely select any other tones for it.
  • From a psychological point of view, pistachio color calms and energizes at the same time. It fits perfectly into the interiors of bedrooms and teenage rooms.
  • Pistachio shades can become the main ones for classic style, as well as for Provence, modern and minimalism, retro and country. The perfect combination is gilding. Gold-plated patterns can be found in accessories, curtains, furniture and fittings.

Using pistachio wall coverings, you have a unique opportunity to create bold, modern and interesting interiors with your own hands. You just need to choose the right bright combinations.

Color combination: 6 options

Pistachio-colored wallpapers in the interior are endowed with a significant advantage, they can be combined with a variety of shades and colors.

According to designers, the most beneficial combinations are:

Photo Description

Option 1. Green or light green

A visual unity with nature is created.

It is known that all shades of green are able to calm and balance the state of mind of a person. This combination does not irritate the eyes.

Option 2. Brown

Against the background of pistachio wallpaper, brown pieces of furniture, accessories, curtains and curtains look good.

Option 3. Orange and yellow

The best combination if you want to create a fresh, spring and juicy interior.

Option 4. White and beige

Classic style icon. All light shades can be used in textiles and furniture.

Option 5. Blue and blue

The room will automatically be filled with air, freshness and lightness. You can also use turquoise, aquamarine and mint shades.

Option 6. Red

A bold and original combination will give the room a festive decoration, and the owner - a friendly attitude.

It is appropriate to use red, burgundy, pink and purple scales in small quantities.

You can emphasize home comfort, hospitality and warmth with the help of natural materials. Pistachio wall coverings combine well with bamboo, wood and stone.

Arrangement of different rooms

To get a harmonious interior, it is necessary to build on not only the color scheme and your own preferences. It is important to understand the true purpose of the decorated room.

For different rooms, pistachio shades can be used in different ways. For example, wallpaper in a soft pistachio color will look out of place in the living room, but is perfect for a bedroom or a children's room.

So, in which rooms to apply shades of pistachio:

Photo Description

Living room

For the living room, the pistachio palette is too heavy. In view of this, it is important to correlate it with the size of the living room.

Pistachio color with a large ornament will visually reduce the space of any room, and light plain wallpaper will visually increase it.

This color will allow you to tune in to the wave of relaxation. It is worth using bright accessories in the interior, for example, decorative pillows on the sofa or curtains.

A great option is to stick pistachio-colored wallpaper on only one wall of the living room, for example, behind the sofa.


The best option for using all pistachio shades. You can combine plain wall coverings with textured wallpaper, with images and drawings.

Often used in combination with plain materials and photo wallpapers. The price will depend on the quality of the materials.

It is important to choose similar shades. Dark or bright wallpapers will fit well into the interior of a spacious bedroom.

For color combinations, it is better to use light green, green, blue, beige and white tones. They are the best for relaxation.

I advise you to avoid the use of red and burgundy, brown and black in the sleeping area.


Pistachio-colored wallpapers are well suited for a child's room of any age group.

In the kids' room, it will symbolize tenderness, calmness and tranquility. In the room of a teenager, individuality is emphasized.

With the help of pistachio color it is good to distribute the borders. This color is appropriate in the work and play area.

You can place pistachio wall materials opposite the sleeping area, they will set the owner of the room for a calm and good rest.

Kitchen and dining room

Light pistachio color is ideal for small kitchens. It will visually enlarge the space, as well as brighten the room.

This gamma increases appetite. Pistachio-colored wallpapers are endowed with a unique feature, they are not easily soiled.

Additional accessories

Additional accessories in rooms with pistachio wallpaper can be interior items and furniture, as well as accessories in the form of vases, decorative pillows, small carpets. And, of course, curtains.

Pistachio wall materials go well with numerous colors, which means that it is not difficult to choose the appropriate curtains and curtains:

  • White curtains and beige curtains will help fill the room with light and expand the space. It is worth choosing lightweight fabrics.
  • Red, yellow, orange and pink curtains will make the accent zone of the window.
  • Restraint of style will be formed with the help of brown and burgundy curtains. You can also use other dark shades.


Pistachio tone finish is the best solution for creating a modern interior. This color is great for use in the bedroom, living room and kitchen.

The video in this article will introduce you to the most beneficial combinations of pistachio color with other shades and scales. And if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

January 31, 2018

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The mood and well-being of a person are very closely related to his color environment. It's hard to convince yourself to relax in a room where the walls are decorated, for example, in burgundy or bright red. Pistachio color in the interior of the room is considered universal. It is easily combined with many shades, does not tire, gives any room a special vigor and freshness. It is equally loved by novice designers and masters of their craft.

Features of pistachio color

The use of this shade in interior design is not uncommon. Natural beauty is one of the main features of light green. It will be an ideal option for insufficiently lit rooms with natural light. This tone will not lose brightness even with an artificial light source.

Pistachio color in interior design does not entail an emotional burden. This color has few additional shades, so it is very predictable. Having pasted, for example, lime-colored wallpapers, you will not wonder if they will strongly “beat” your eyes on a white background and whether they will acquire a grassy tint with a black frame.

Natural color does not cause fatigue. This amazing light green the tone is appropriate in a room for any purpose, whether it be a living room, kitchen or children's room. The pistachio color of the walls is successfully combined with both dark and light furniture. Moreover, it does not have to be dominant. A touch of freshness can be added with pale green curtains or other accessories: rugs or decorative pillows.

For several years now, natural shades have occupied a stable position in design, evoking associations with fruits, plants or landscapes. This is due to the ease of perception of natural varieties, which allow you to create the most comfortable atmosphere in the room. Among the entire palette, the pistachio color in the interior is the most common - mainly due to its ability to combine with other colors and the ability to fit into any room.

Features and effects on the psyche

The shell of the beloved nut was the source of the pistachio color. This is a mixture of blue-green and yellow tones, which can be bright or pastel if diluted with white.

Surrounded by this shade, the inhabitants feel comfortable, cosy, and safe. More muted varieties create a calming environment, while saturated ones energize.

Designers appreciate pistachio because of its versatile properties. The fact is that it does not change from different types of lighting - whether it be the rays of the sun or lamps, the coating will retain its original tone. Color can be used for any elements in the interior: decoration, furniture, decor or textiles. Walls will enhance the perception, and compact details will become a noticeable accent that attracts attention.

Pistachio color will fit perfectly into many styles, but with a few reservations. For example, for Provence, you need to limit yourself only to pastel variations in the form of individual objects. In the classics, dark shades look harmonious, and bright ones usually appear in combination with the same tone of other colors.

As part of the modern style, it is better to use it as a compositional center, and in minimalism - small inclusions. Rarely, pistachio color is found in a Scandinavian interior that gravitates towards white, as well as in high-tech hi-tech. If desired, you can add it to the palette of the room, balancing it with neutral views.

Color combinations

As already mentioned, pistachio can peacefully coexist with many shades, and with some of them it forms a very stylish pair. Consider a few successful combinations.

Pistachio with white

An interior dominated by these two colors has a calm, natural feel, as versatile white can softly tint even a rich variation of pistachio, bringing even more light into the room.

Often you can find two options for using this combination. In the first case, one or more walls reflect the shade of walnut, and the furniture is painted white. In the second - on the contrary, and this solution is more preferable for small spaces, as it allows you to visually expand the space, while creating a variety of colors.

Pistachio with blue

This pair usually does not act as the main color range due to the saturation of the final design, but is harmonized with neutral blotches. In the interior, it is often embodied in elements adjacent to each other, creating a lively, natural atmosphere.

It can be a marine or pastel shade - pistachio will form a successful combination with any of them. The success of the “union” lies in the belonging of one color to cold tones, and the other to warm ones.

Pistachio with yellow

Yellow will only emphasize the presence of this shade in the composition of pistachio. As a result, even a few details with such colors will make the room sunny and very warm - ideal for houses with north-facing windows, which let in little natural light during the day. Bright wall cladding will help enhance the effect, but this is a very bold design option.

Pistachio brown

Brown can be presented as an independent color or finishing material - wood. The second option demonstrates a wide palette of not only textures, but also tones, among which warm ones should be preferred. They are better combined with pistachio, emphasizing its natural origin.

In the interior, it can be used for wall decoration - then the wooden set will stand out well against its background. The color can act as a textile, for example for furniture upholstery. This is a great combination that suits the classic style.

Pistachio with pink

A memorable pair is formed by a natural pistachio color with a less natural pink. You can achieve an interesting effect by playing with their saturation. For example, pastel varieties can coexist in any incarnation: partitions, furniture, decor. And saturated ones must be added carefully, balancing with white.

Pistachio color in interior design - photo

The areas of application of the pistachio shade depend not only on the preferences of the owners, but also on the room and its conditions. Somewhere you need to create a calming atmosphere, and somewhere you need to add certain materials.

Pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen

In such an environment, the process of cooking will turn into an exciting experience, as pistachio helps to increase the activity and mood of visitors.

In this space, it is often found in the form of wall tiles - the most versatile material for a work area that is constantly exposed to high temperatures, humidity and various types of pollution.

In a dining area away from work, you can pick up pistachio-colored paint or wallpaper, as conditions are more stable here. Washable wallpapers and other moisture-resistant varieties will do their job perfectly.

The shade is also used for a furniture set, with white, black or wooden countertops. This solution is well suited for Provence, classics, as well as modern style.

Pistachio color in the interior of the living room

In a place designed to relax in the company of loved ones or a good movie, color plays an important role in creating the right atmosphere. Pistachio is a very friendly summer shade, so its presence in the living room is not only permissible, but also highly desirable.

In spacious rooms, you can paint all the walls without worrying that the solution will overload the composition. Pastel colors are especially suitable for such purposes. In small spaces, you can arrange only one part of the living room, for example, the central one, on which the TV screen is located.

If you need to dwell on a more concise design, then the pistachio color can be embodied in one or more objects: a sofa, carpet, curtains or wall paintings. This is an option for modern styles.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom

Since the bedroom should promote relaxation and prepare for the upcoming sleep, it is recommended to limit yourself to pistachio-colored textiles. Bedding does a great job of making the bed stand out as the main center of the room.

On the other hand, the pistachio design can be a real salvation for those who find it hard to wake up in the morning. Walls in such a range will quickly set you in an active mood and cheer you up. To balance the impact, you can weave in white, blue or beige details.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bathroom

In the bathroom, this shade is used for decoration or furniture, as plumbing - the main element of the space - is often presented in a white, glossy version.

Specialty washable paints can survive in humid environments, but traditional tile is the best choice, as it will not only withstand any stress, but also help to diversify a monochromatic finish.

These can be large fragments or small mosaics that alternate with other colors, glossy or matte surfaces. The interior will look harmonious, making a reference to natural landscapes.