Success rules from famous people: Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. Mayer Amschel Rothschild - founder of the Rothschild dynasty Mayer Amschel Rothschild biography

In the 18th century, Frankfurt am Main was one of the most economically developed German cities. Back in 1372, it received the status of an Imperial city, which made it directly subordinate to the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1585, merchants began to gather here to exchange monetary units. This is how the Frankfurt Stock Exchange appeared, and the city itself gradually became one of the most important European financial centers. Numerous bankers and money changers gathered here, large exchange operations were carried out.

Amschel Moses Bauer was a middle-class money changer who kept his office in the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt under a red sign - Rote Schild. Mayer Amschel Bauer (1744-1812) grew up as a worthy assistant to his father. He not only helped his father in the office to conduct business, but also received education, a classic for a Jew of that time, in a rabbinical school. Then Mayer went on the recommendation of his father to intern at the Oppenheimer bank in Hanover, and when his father died in 1760, Mayer Amschel returned to Frankfurt and was engaged in the exchange and sale of coins and medals. In the circle of antiques lovers, he quickly gained fame as a very efficient specialist. In proportion to fame, the fortune of Mayer Amschel Bauer, whom everyone called Rothschild, by the name of the office, also grew.

In 1764, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who had already achieved great authority among the Frankfurt moneychangers by his 20s, began to supply gold and coins to the court of the Prince of the House of Hesse-Kassel, who ruled the territories adjacent to Frankfurt. In 1769, William IX, who ruled Hesse, appointed Mayer as a goff factor - the main supplier of the princely house. In fact, Mayer Rothschild was in charge of all the issues of financial security of the princely house. This gave Rothschild new, previously inaccessible levers of influence - already on political life.

The Landgrave of Hesse Wilhelm IX was a very wealthy man compared to other German princes. He received the bulk of his income from the soldier trade. The Landgrave (like many other German princes) sold young men from peasant houses to those rulers or to those countries where there was a "hot demand" for the Landsknechts. For many centuries Germany traded in its own people, and the Hessian princes occupied one of the first places in the list of slave traders. In 1785, William IX very profitably sold 17 thousand (!) German soldiers to the English crown, which needed "cannon fodder" for the war with the North American colonies that fought for their independence. So he further increased his fortune.

The most serious blow for William IX was the invasion of Germany by Napoleon's troops. However, while the elector was in hiding, Mayer Rothschild, who managed his finances, was even able to increase the fortune of his patron. For example, he paid for the goods with money from the landgrave's account and received a large discount, avoiding the risky operations of transporting money to England and Frankfurt. The brilliant operation brought Rothschild a lot of money, and he was able to earn both on the difference in the rates of thaler, which William received, and the pound, which the British paid.

Mayer Rothschild's closest associates were his five sons - Amschel, Solomon, Nathan, Kalman and James. It was they, nicknamed "five fingers of one hand", who in the 19th century were to strengthen the power of the developing financial empire of the Rothschilds. Five arrows tied with a ribbon are the coat of arms of the Rothschild clan, and the motto is "Concordia, Integritas, Industria" (Concord, Unity, Diligence). The eldest son of Amschel Mayer Rothschild headed the father's business in Frankfurt am Main, Solomon Mayer Rothschild began to develop the Austrian branch in Vienna, Nathan Mayer Rothschild headed the London branch of the house, Kalman Mayer Rothschild - the Naples branch in the Kingdom of Obeschil James Sicierius, Mayothschild subdivision of the house. It is worth noting here that in addition to sons, Mayer Rothschild also had five daughters, but he was a principled opponent of his capital falling into the hands of female relatives. For the Rothschild clan, endogamous marriage has long served as the primary means of preserving wealth within the family.

It was James who turned out to be the most successful among the brothers, and after Nathan's death, the general leadership of the Rothschild financial empire passed to him. James Rothschild began to actively invest the finances of the Rothschild family in transport and industrial infrastructure, for example, in the construction of a railway network around Paris and in northern France. Following the financial successes, political influence came to the Rothschilds. All of them, of course, received the nobility in the countries where they lived, and this introduced them to the highest circles of Great Britain, France, Austria. In 1816, the Emperor of the Austrian Empire Franz II granted the Rothschilds the title of baron. The least successful project was the Naples branch of the Rothschilds. Its crisis and closure were associated with numerous economic problems and the weakening of the positions of the Italian aristocracy that followed the unification of Italy, which previously acted as the main debtors of the Naples branch of the House of Rothschild. Eventually, the Rothschild bank in Naples closed.

Despite the fact that the Rothschilds were active in continental Europe, their success was largely determined by the London branch. Ties with the British Empire played a critical role in the growth of the Rothschild clan's wealth and influence. There is a fairly widespread version that deduces all the activities of the Rothschilds in their modern scale from the projects of the British Empire to expand their influence in continental Europe and in the world as a whole.

The Napoleonic Wars became the most important event for the growth of the financial power of the Rothschilds. It was at this time that the link between the Rothschilds and the British Empire was finally formed. London instructed the Rothschilds to organize financial support for the British army stationed in Europe. Nathan, who ran the London house, and James (Jacob), who controlled France, played a key role in transferring money. The British government owes the latter the success of the brilliant operation. James Rothschild presented the transfer of money by the British side as a manifestation of London's weakness, so Napoleon and his advisers did not even pay due attention to this action. Through France, which is at war (!) With Great Britain, James and Nathan Rothschilds managed to transfer money to Portugal, with which the British side later paid for the gold brought from India.

The British leadership realized that the Rothschilds could be trusted with the most risky operations. For example, after Napoleon was defeated and overthrown, London entrusted the Rothschilds with the transfer of 120 million pounds of French reparations from Paris to London, Berlin and Vienna. No European bank at that time had the financial capacity to carry out such a large-scale operation. Rothschild money began to play an important role in world politics. The bank's operations took on a planetary scale when the Rothschilds sponsored the government of the Brazilian Empire, which fell into financial dependence on the Rothschilds and remained in it until the very existence of the empire. With the money of the Rothschilds in the 1820s. the creation of an independent Greek state was also financed, which the British Empire from the very beginning tried to put under its full control to ensure British influence in the Mediterranean. In 1832 the Rothschilds provided a loan to Greece against British, French and Russian guarantees. And this is not a complete list of the financial participation of the Rothschild house in European and world politics of the 19th century.

The Rothschild operations were invariably carried out in the interests of the British Empire. In fact, the Rothschilds became the main dummy British treasurers who were involved in financing those projects that were politically and economically beneficial to London. On the other hand, the existence of the Rothschild clan made it possible to cover up the financial transactions and political interventions of the British crown. For this, the Rothschilds entered the elite of the British aristocracy, though not so much because of their wealth, but because of their long and useful service for the British crown.

Unlike numerous nouveau riches, primarily American millionaires, the Rothschilds have been keeping the “quality mark” for the fourth century, hiding the true size of their income and abandoning ostentatious luxury. All over the world there are banks and companies controlled by the Rothschilds, but at the same time the representatives of the famous banking family carefully hide the true scale of their empire. Moreover, they do this not so much of their own free will, but at the insistence of the British crown. Otherwise, the role of Great Britain in managing the financial system of the modern world, in numerous economic crises, political upheavals and armed conflicts, would be revealed.

Already in the 19th century, the Rothschilds took up charity work, seeking to ensure their positive image in the eyes of the European and then the world community. For example, James Mayer Rothschild began financial aid to Palestinian Jews in the middle of the 19th century by founding a medical center in Jerusalem - the Mayer Rothschild Hospital. He was also behind the creation of a fund to help the widows of Palestine, built orphan and social homes for refugees. Here it is worth paying attention to the difficult (outwardly) relationship of the Rothschilds with the Jewish national movement in the twentieth century. Most Rothschilds tried to distance themselves as much as possible from Jewish problems and Zionist political organizations. Some of them believed that Zionism would lead to an increase in anti-Semitism in Europe and negatively affect the life of Jewish communities. Lord Victor Rothschild generally opposed aid to Jews affected by the Holocaust. In principle, it was in the power of the Rothschilds to organize the salvation of at least part of the European Jews, but this issue was never resolved by them, possibly because of the positions of the British elite, whose interests, until a certain time, included the strengthening of Nazi Germany and its attack on The Soviet Union, and even possibly the organization of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe.

On the other hand, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild led the first settlement of Jewish colonists in Palestine and contributed significant sums of money to redeem lands from the Ottoman Empire to accommodate Jewish settlers (now these lands are part of the State of Israel). By the way, Edmond de Rothschild spent more than $ 50 million for these purposes, having acquired more than 500 square kilometers of land. The remains of Edmond de Rothschild, who died in 1934, were later, in 1954, along with the remains of his wife, were transported to Israel and buried there. Edmond de Rothschild was also a great connoisseur of art, a philanthropist.

When Jewish pogroms began in the Russian Empire, following the 1905 revolution, Nathan Rothschild, the grandson of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, after whom he was named, provided assistance to their victims. He allocated 10 thousand pounds sterling, but transferred them in such a way as to avoid possible accusations of financing the Russian revolutionary movement.

The restrained policy of the Rothschilds towards the Jewish movement is further evidence in favor of their relative lack of independence. The leading players of the House of Rothschild were afraid to show excessive independence, including in relation to support or protection of Jews, as they followed the mainstream of the policy of the British Empire.

Great Britain, which still plays a colossal role in politics and in the economy of the modern world, today prefers to formally remain on the sidelines. The United States of America and some other states are used as the main "battering ram" of Anglo-Saxon influence; empires like the Rothschild empire are used as financial instruments. However, this does not mean that London, which has played a major role in world politics for many centuries, suddenly decided to loosen the reins and voluntarily retreated to secondary positions. It's just that the British monarchy has finally chosen for itself the role of a "shadow center".

In principle, British parliamentarism is also one of the ways to disguise the true system of government in the British state. One would have to be a very naive person to believe that the highest aristocracy of the British Empire, enjoying all the political and financial benefits for centuries, would allow the real levers of government to pass into the hands of selected politicians of unknown origin. It is another matter if these politicians are "screens" for the implementation of their own political course. Then another matter. The British elite have a similar position in the area of \u200b\u200bfinancial management. Only here, instead of the Laborites, imitating democracy, the Rothschilds are involved - they allegedly created their empire from scratch and act exclusively in their own financial interests.

The sons continued their father's work, they were called "five fingers of one hand"

The founder of the dynasty of bankers Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild was born on February 23, 1744, died on September 19, 1812. At the age of twelve, he began to comprehend the secrets of the art of finance at the Oppenheimer bank. At the beginning of his career, he was engaged in the trade of antique coins and medals. He also started buying and selling goods, in particular, he bought cotton and wool in England at low prices, and in Europe he sold them at a much higher price. Later he began to supply coins and gold to aristocrats, became a personal banker of people famous at that time.

See also: Sam Taylor-Johnson refused to film the sequel "50 Shades of Gray"

Director announced her retirement from the project According to the Western press, Sam Taylor-Johnson refused to shoot the sequel "50 Shades of Gray". Last evening, the director announced her departure from the project. Working on Fifty Shades of Gray was an exciting adventure.

Over the years he founded Mayer Amschel Rothschild & Sons. The financial company was engaged, in particular, in providing government loans on an unprecedented scale. It is noteworthy that at the age of 27, Rothschild got married, five sons and five daughters were born in the marriage. The sons continued their father's work, they were called "five fingers of one hand". After Rothschild's death, his total capital was twice the assets of the Bank of France. His sons scattered across Europe and subsequently created a whole network of banks. Amschel, the eldest son, was in charge of all the affairs of the family home in Frankfurt. Nathan founded his firm in London, James in Paris, Solomon settled in Vienna, Karl in Naples. Formally, they were independent from each other, but had a common communication system - a courier service, which made it possible to receive news of the most important political events, of any stock market upheavals before anyone else. The Rothschilds' ability to quickly gather information and, if necessary, spread misinformation, played a large role in the fact that the history of the house was closely intertwined with the history of Europe.

It is worth noting that the emblem of the Rothschild dynasty depicts five arrows connected by a chain, which symbolizes the union of the five sons of the founder of the clan, Mayer Amschel. Their motto was the words: "Concordia, Integritas, Industria" (Concord, Unity, Diligence).

Below are the rules for the success of the Rothschild dynasty:

It takes a lot of courage and great care to make a big fortune.

Let me manage the country's money, and I don't care who creates its laws.

Who owns the information - he owns the world.

The family should live in harmony, love and friendship, and share the profits equally.

Never chase exorbitant profits and protect yourself from any accidents. Know in all measure and never lose sight of the goal.

In any case, the family's property should not be described, the size of the state should not be announced. Even in court or in a will. All disputes are resolved within the family.

Get one step ahead of your competitor.

Caring for the image is the key to prosperity.

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Today, among conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theorists, there are several names of representatives of the most influential families in the world. As a rule, they are considered separately from each other as distinctive phenomena of successful entrepreneurial clans. But, if we consider the fate of these families in the context of the connections that really exist between them, a very interesting picture opens up to our eyes.

The names of the first influential representatives of the richest families known today emerge after the most important events for the formation of the modern capitalist system. Namely, after the Dutch, British and American bourgeois revolutions, which laid the foundation for the capitalist world. These revolutions were made by financiers, traders and bourgeois representatives of different social (and anti-social) strata, as well as representatives of different peoples. Their names are not mentioned in the media today. Their descendants today either have no influence on world politics and economy, or are taken out of the philistine information field.

The first echelon of "conspiracy celebrities" appeared at the end of the 18th century, simultaneously with the French bourgeois revolution.

First financial echelon: Rothschilds, Schiffs and Warburgs

In the land of the long-defeated Protestantism in the middle of the 18th century in the German city of Frankfurt am Main, a certain Ashkenazi (Jews who moved to Germany during the Roman Empire) Mayer Amschel Bauer (Bauer is a farmer, a peasant in German) was able to deftly infiltrate the credibility of the Hessian to the Protestant aristocrat Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse-Genau on the basis of his passion for antiques. Became the official trade supplier of the House of Hesse. Organized a usurious business (bank) and made a fortune. It was no longer impressive to be called Bauer. I changed my surname to Rothschild (Mouth - red, nameplate - shield). The house where he lived in Frankfurt am Main had a red billboard.

Together with Mayer Amschel, the Schiff family lived in the same house. The descendants of which will sponsor the Russian revolutionary movement and establish the US Federal Reserve.

It is noteworthy that when Amschel Moses Bauer (the father of Mayer Amschel) was 6 years old, the grandfather Moses (Mosche) Meir KaZ Schiff, zum grünen Schiff, or Moses Mayer Schiff Grünen Schild (Green Shield), who was the son of Meir Isaac, died in the Schiff family KaZ Schiff, im roten Apfel (Red apple).

Thus, we have connection # 1: Rothschilds and Schiffs

Mayer Amschel Rothschild not only created a successful financial business, but also spread it throughout Europe. His sons took over the family finance businesses in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. This happened in the midst of the breakdown of the state structure of France, which was exchanging the aristocratic Catholic monarchy for a republic hostile to Christianity.

This scrapping was organized and managed by members of the ultra-fashionable, but extremely dangerous Masonic societies, which were then very widespread in Europe. Sometimes the situation got out of their control, but each time, one way or another, it inevitably returned back under the tenacious Masonic control. This process was conducted from England, since the center of the international network was located there.

In 1782, in the Wilhelmsbad recreation park in Hesse, the famous Masonic convention was held, which, among other things, is credited with agreeing on plans for the future French revolution (started in 1789). This recreation park was built in 1777-1785 by order of Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse-Genau, who was the nephew of King George III of England. Later, Frederick would appear in the well-known quasi-Masonic society Tugendbund. At that time, a fairly large fortune of Friedrich was ruled by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Bauer). It is highly unlikely that Mayer Amschel Rothschild was not involved in the prince's Masonic affairs. As his financial manager, he should have known at least about the prince's financing of the Masons. It is also possible that the prince's fascination with antiques, through which Mayer was able to get close to an aristocrat, also had a Masonic orientation.

Mayer Amschel's close relationship with the Masons is confirmed by the fact that his sons are recorded in the official lists of Masonic lodges. Moreover, many historians attribute Mayer funding to Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the controversial Bavarian Illuminati Order, who also attended the Wilhelmsbad convention.

One way or another, Mayer's connection with the Freemasons is beyond doubt.

So, connection # 2: Rothschilds and Freemasons

Some publicists attribute to Mayer almost the role of inspirer and chief director of the French bourgeois revolution. But this is highly unlikely. The French Revolution was made according to the patterns of the Dutch and English revolutions, as well as immediately after the American Revolution, to which the then young upstart Mayer and his quite ordinary ancestors could not have anything to do with. In the revolution in France, the goal is to establish a screen (constitutional) monarchy similar to the English one. According to a large number of direct and indirect indications, London was undoubtedly the brain and organizational center of the revolution in France. It is more likely that Mayer was involved in the process at some unknown level of decision-making. But it was definitely not located on the upper levels. His financial and image capital was still too young at that time. Therefore, the main customers of the first three European bourgeois revolutions, located in the upper levels of the hierarchy, are the subject of separate research.

Let us turn to the third most important surname, which "pops up" together with the Rothschilds and Schiffs.

In 1480, a certain Anselmo Asher Levi DelBanco is discovered in Venice. He was a wealthy money lender and the main Jewish community in Venice. He was a Sephardic, but it seems that his ancestors did not move to Venice as a result of the Spanish persecution of the Jews, which raged since 1492 after the notorious Edict of Alhambra, which set in motion a process of European persecution. When these persecutions reached Venice, Anselmo gathered his family and moved to the German city of Warburg, whose name he took as a surname instead of the Italian nickname "Banco".

It is noteworthy that he was Levi, that is, a descendant of the Levites (ministers of the Tabernacle of the congregation, and then the Temple). This means that Karl Marx, whose father was Mordechai (translated as "God Marduk lives!") Levi from an ancient rabbinical family, was actually a relative of the Warburgs. This may be of interest to those who are investigating the question of the sources of financing for Karl Marx and why Marx was almost silent about the financial and trade bourgeoisie, unleashing all his fiery anger on the production bourgeoisie.

The first coincidence in the fate of the Rothschilds and Warburgs is that the rise of these two surnames occurs simultaneously. The brothers Moses and Gerson Warburgs opened the M.M. bank in Hamburg. Warburg & Co in 1798, when a bloody anti-Christian revolutionary cauldron was boiling in France for 9 years, and when in the same 1798 Rothschild opened a representative office of his newly-minted banking business in London.

The great-grandson of Moses Warburg was Paul Warburg, who took part in the family banking business, and who in 1895 married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, the founder of the Frankfurt and then American bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co, whose director was Jacob Schiff, who married another daughter of Solomon Loeb ...

A little later, the family union was consolidated. Paul Warburg's brother was another member of the family business, Felix Warburg, who married Jacob Schiff's daughter.

We have connection # 3: Schiffs and Warburgs

The significance of the representatives of these names for the modern financial architecture of the world can hardly be overestimated. Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff are named among the founders of the US Federal Reserve (Federal Reserve System), although Jacob himself was not a member of a secret meeting of bankers on Jekyll Island in 1910, where plans to create a Fed were discussed. The idea for the Fed's configuration is attributed to Paul. In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was tricked into being passed by a minority in Congress and ratified by pocket President Woodrow Wilson.

The Schiff-Warburg family conglomerate in the United States appears to have been a screen and executor of the more powerful Rothschild international financial clan. This connection is not advertised, but emerges in connection with other significant international historical processes.

For example, when the Russian government of Alexander III and later Nicholas II received intelligence that Russian revolutionaries were financed by foreign bankers, a suitable agent (Artur Rafalovich), a member of an Odessa banking family with ties to the Rothschild house, was found for negotiations. Having made contact with the French, and then the English Rothschilds, the agent was redirected by them directly to Jacob Schiff. The Russian government also found a distant relative of Schiff (Grigory Vilenkin), who was able to personally communicate with Yakov, who admitted to financing the Russian revolutionaries, but refused to negotiate on this matter. Russian agents tried to re-enter the Rothschilds, but representatives of this surname assured that nothing could be changed in this situation, hinting that the Romanovs were doomed.

Second financial echelon: Morgan, Rockefeller

The second echelon of the world's most influential financiers are the Morgan and the Rockefellers. It was in the domain of John Morgan that a secret meeting of bankers took place on Jekyll Island. It was John Rockefeller's father-in-law, Nelson Aldrich, who lobbied the Federal Reserve Act in the American Parliament.

The ancestors of the Morgan and Rockefellers were the poor European colonists of America, who were engaged in crafts and trade. The Morgan rose over the course of several generations, initially in the trade. Then, having saved enough money, they started a banking business. The Rockefeller ancestors were also involved in trade. The members of this family rose to the top because they got involved in oil exactly when the oil economy emerged as a social phenomenon. They were carried upward by a black oil wave, as a sudden wind in the forest picks up and carries away an unlucky spider with its cobweb.

In any case, the Morgan and Rockefellers owned younger capitals than the Rothschilds and the associated Schiffs and Warburgs. Therefore, the former had to defend their right to life and integrate into the systems already created by the latter.

Another distinctive feature of the young American financial capital was that their owners were the descendants of even though Protestants, but Christians, while their senior financial comrades were Jews. One way or another, upstart post-Christians had to play by the "Jewish" rules. The Morgana gradually faded financially. Their descendants have honorably joined the American political and military establishment. And the Rockefellers also became more performers than a distinctive subject. They set about promoting globalism, the architect of which was, apparently, not they, but just their senior financial comrades and the forces behind them.

At the same time, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Morgan and Schiffs, apparently, were, if not at one, then at the neighboring levels of the hierarchy of the global world financial and political organization. They were performers. The Schiffs funded revolutionary organizations to destroy the Russian Empire, and the Morgan were associated with Hjalmar Schacht, through whom Hitler was financed, and provided financial loans for Mussolini. That is, both of these names performed tasks of a similar level.

At the same time, there was a quite tangible connection between the first financial echelon and the second in this case. For example, Sigmund George Warburg, a relative of Paul Warburg, mentioned above, and, concurrently, an agent of the British intelligence MI-6, contacted Hjalmar Schacht in Switzerland in 1939 regarding the financing of Hitler on an ongoing basis. George was a representative of another German branch who came from Venice del Banco (Warburgs).

Thus, families are emerging that were at a lower organizational level and whose activities, most likely, were directed by representatives of families of older financial capital.

The circle is complete. The Rothschilds, for whom London is one of the most important headquarters, are closely associated with the old Masons, the Schiffs and Warburgs. Warburgs are associated with the Morgan. The Rockefellers are closely associated with globalism, which is the modern external political expression of the old Masonic ideology.

At the same time, representatives of all the names described in this article, most likely, are performers. After all, they appeared on the stage after the play of bourgeoisization of the world and the beginning of globalization played the first few acts (revolutions in the Netherlands, England and North America). And the subsequent acts were played in the same style (French Revolution, Spring of Nations, Russian Revolution). But who, then, are the customers?

Material from BLACKBERRY - site - Academic Wiki-Encyclopedia on Jewish and Israeli Topics

Mayer Rothschild
Mayer Amschel Bayern Rothschild

banker, philanthropist

Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Date of death:
A place of death:

Amschel Moses Bauer


Gutle Schnapper


Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer

Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild) (((lang-de | Mayer Amschel Bayern Rothschild), 1744, Frankfurt am Main - 1812, ibid.) - financier, founder of the international dynasty of financiers and statesmen.

early years

Mayer's grandfather Yitzhak Elkhanan (died in 1585) was a small trader in antique coins and medals. On his home in the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt am Main there was a red shield - a sign. This shield gave a surname to the entire family. Father's name was Amschel Moses Rothschild; he traded in antique coins and exchanged money.

As a child, Mayer was sent to change coins for his father. He developed an interest in money, both practical and scientific. The parents wanted Mayer to become a rabbi. He briefly studied traditional Jewish studies at the Fürth School. But he soon decided to become a banker and was sent to study in a small position at the Oppenheimer banking house in Hanover.

In 1760 he started his business in the house of his father, who soon died. He married on 29 August 1770 to Guettel Schnapper. They had five sons.

Financial success

He traded in antique coins, works of art and souvenirs, was a business agent and banker. Mayer made acquaintance with a German aristocrat, a passionate collector of antique coins, General von Estorf. Shortly thereafter, in 1775, he met Crown Prince William and began doing small business with him. In 1785, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel died, one of the richest European monarchs of the time (who made a lot of money selling soldiers to the English king for the war against the United States). The Crown Prince became Landgrave Wilhelm IX, inheriting all of his father's money.

Mayer Amschel changed a small amount of English money for him in 1789, and in 1794 accepted at least £ 150,000 for a profitable investment, but not one, but in a company with at least six more Frankfurt brokers. It was only at the end of 1798 that he received sufficient credit from the Landgrave to work alone with any amount of his money.

Covenants to sons

Mayer establish order so that his family will try to do business successfully, preferably with royal houses, and that the father has as many sons as possible who can take care of the family's commercial affairs abroad.

In business, he ordered to always act together and never strive for super profits.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild and sons

Rothschild ... This name in the nineteenth and last centuries was synonymous with wealth, success, luxury and prestige. The entire 19th century passed under the sign of the influence of the Rothschild financial empire, and only towards its end did new financial giants emerge, which made it serious competition. The Rothschild family is still one of a kind today!

Mankind has known about the Rothschild bankers for more than two and a half centuries. That is how long their activity in the world of financial business lasts. Members of the famous clan live on all five continents and maintain family relations. Probably, no one other than the Rothschilds themselves could name the total amount of capital they own, although it is reliably known that this is a fantastic figure. What is the secret of the Rothschilds' success? In our article we will try to figure it out.

The free city of Frankfurt am Main, located in the center of lively trade, attracted Jews from the early Middle Ages. During the last millennium, trade and financial transactions have been successfully conducted here. Before the French Revolution, there were 35,000 inhabitants in Frankfurt, one tenth of them Jews. In 1462 a special quarter was allocated to them, which was named Jewish.

It is from this city that a dynasty of famous financial tycoons originates from. The ancestors of the founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Rothschild, for many centuries lived in one of these narrow ghettos, only 12 meters wide, “sandwiched like in a cage” between the city wall and the moat, in a squalid house on the Judengasse ( Jewish street), where the guards stood near the heavy chains that blocked the entrance and exit.

It was the Khans family, which later formed one of the branches of the dynasty. They moved to Frankfurt in the 16th century. Their Frankfurt name comes from the "house with a red sign" in which the family lived. However, the surname Rothschild is often found in Jewish communities - in Germany at that time, Jews were often given surnames based on some feature related to the family, its way of life. In 1585, Isaac Elhanan received the nickname "at the red sign", while only Elhanan was written on his father's grave. It should be noted, however, that, according to some other sources, “in 1750 Mayer Amschel Bauer inherited his father’s banking business in Frankfurt and changed his name to Rothschild: from“ roten Schield ”-“ red shield ”that hung over the entrance in the office and was a symbol of the victories of revolutionary Jews in Eastern Europe "(N. Bogolyubov. Secret societies of the XX century. St. Petersburg, 1997).

The livelihood of the Rothschild family, like other Jews, was provided by trade, since until the 18th century there were no other financial banking operations. The Rothschilds' fortune was insignificant, their lifestyle was modest. From 1567 to 1580, Isaac Elchanan paid a tax on a fortune of 2 thousand 700 guilders, and his great-grandson Kalman, who died in 1707, in 1690 already had a fortune of 6 thousand florins. In 1733-1735, Kalman's son had in his hands a bill of exchange of a well-known Württemberg court financier for 38 thousand florins, indicating that large monetary transactions took place. But Amschel Moses, the father of Mayer Amschel, had a fortune of only 1,375 florins. All of these are very insignificant sums when compared with the incomes and fortunes of the large court financiers in Berlin and Vienna, many of whom were millionaires.

Young Mayer Rothschild studied the craft in the city of Hanover (Northern Germany), because the authorities there treated the inhabitants of the Jewish ghetto more leniently than in Frankfurt. In 1764, after spending several years as an apprentice at the Oppenheimer's banking house, Mayer Rothschild returned to Frankfurt, where he was immediately reminded of his social position. The young man again had to, pulling his head into his shoulders, make his way through the streets, timidly pressing himself against the walls and removing the pointed cap from his head.

During the time while Mayer Rothschild studied in Hanover, his family finally became impoverished and lived no longer at the "rich end" of the Judengasse in a house under a red sign, but in a dilapidated damp shack with a frying pan hanging from a chain. This house was called “the house under the pan”. It was here that Mayer Rothschild opened his small company. Soon, in the "house under the frying pan", our hero equipped a kind of money-changer's shop, where passing merchants could exchange the money of some German principalities for the currency of others. This is how the first bank of the Rothschild firm appeared - in a small room with an area of \u200b\u200b4 square meters! Rothschild began to collect his wealth literally in a landfill. Even in a pile of old things, sometimes treasures are hidden, but you need to be able to find them, and Mayer Amschel had such a talent. He began to collect obsolete coins, discarded medals, emblems from ancient knightly armor and shields. After cleaning and giving his finds a marketable appearance, Rothschild successfully sold them to collectors. An enviable and quite valuable collection has accumulated over the years.

In one of the trade books for 1778, Mayer Rothschild is already mentioned as a dealer in antique medals and coins. At first, he himself compiled catalogs of such coins and delivered them to customers. The peculiarity of his coin business was that the collection assembled from coins was sold at a higher price than the coins constituting it, which were purchased separately: the added value arose due to the "ordering" of the coins. Among other things, it was also unusual that Mayer Amschel determined the value of coins not by the amount of precious metal, but by their historical significance.

The proceeds from the exchange of foreign currency were used to expand the trade in antique coins. Mayer Rothschild bought up several shops that belonged to troubled money changers, along with a supply of coins. With the "trade reserve" obtained in this way, he again toured all the small Germanic principalities and duchies. Once, during a voyage to Weimar, he was lucky enough to make a deal with the patron saint of Goethe himself - Duke Karl Augustus.

Numerous trips to the small Germanic principalities and duchies, where Rothschild sold his ancient rarities to enthusiastic aristocrats, brought him to see another keen collector, Prince William of Hesse, the future elector and one of the richest people of that time.

It should be noted that in the German states, the typical combination of that time was "prince and Jew" (F? Rst und Jud), and in the hands of the latter were the finances of the state. For more than a hundred years, representatives of the House of Oppenheimers were the court bankers of the imperial court in Vienna. The "Great Elector" Friedrich Wilhelm used the services of the financiers Gumperz, Feith, Rees, Aaron and Brond Wolfe. His son Frederick I entrusted the financial affairs to Liebman, Frederick the Great to Ephraim.

In 1764, Crown Prince Wilhelm took over the independent rule of the County of Hanau. The Landgrave was a great lover, collector and connoisseur of coins and medals. In June 1765, Rothschild delivered the first coins to him, for which he received a reward of 38 guilders and 80 kreutzers. This was Rothschild's first "gesheft" with a foreign head of state. And it was the coin trade that brought the then twenty-year-old Mayer Rothschild closer to his future patron. It took him decades to achieve the full location and favor of the Landgrave, since he was by nature a very suspicious person, especially when it came to financial matters. This is how the greatest court banker of all time began his humble career.

A few years later, the elder Rothschild even dared to apply for some kind of court title, since any title elevated a Jewish merchant in the eyes of the court society and in the society of fellow believers: pleasure. I will make every effort and opportunity to continue to be always ready to render various services to your Prince's Lordship. It would be a particularly strong encouragement for me if Your Princely Lordship would favor me with the rank of court factor [a financial position at the courts of German princes, introduced especially for Jews. - Hereinafter, approx. ed.] Your Grace.

I ask your Princely Lordship with greater confidence also because I do not want to bother you in any way. Thanks to my rank and in view of my commercial business, as well as other circumstances, I could make up my own happiness here in the city of Frankfurt. "

Mayer Rothschild received the rank of court factor. It was a reward for the supply of coins and medals that continued until 1806. After Mayer's death in 1812 Amschel, the Rothschild house sold medals to the Elector twice, in 1813 and 1814.

After being appointed as a court factor, Rothschild took up financial affairs even more actively. Along with this, five of his sons continued to trade in goods. As Landgrave Frederick II, the Crown Prince from 1776 issued bills of exchange from London to hire soldiers for England. When selling such a bill, Rothschild had to work in Ganau. In his next statement to the Landgrave, he informed that "in Ganau he received a higher price from English letters with a benefit for the master's treasury." From 1798, Rothschild became the most preferred purveyor of the princely treasury.

He was greatly helped by the fact that the prince had no prejudices against the Jews. This is evidenced by the significant number of Jews at the court in Kassel. In addition, the prince was a business man, he himself could become a banker. Decisive for the banking house in Frankfurt was also the fact that Rothschild finally managed to win the full confidence of the prince, who instructed him to handle all financial affairs. The existence of any bank depends entirely on whether it succeeds in attracting and retaining solid clients. Rothschild provided his high-ranking client with a variety of services: conducting all business in the free city of Frankfurt, attracting reliable and politically neutral banking ties in the leading financial market in London.

The expansion of business ties eventually led to the fact that a new sign was nailed to the wall of the "house under the pan" in 1769. It already bore the coat of arms of the ducal house of Hesse-Hanau and the inscription in gold letters below: "Mayer Rothschild, manager of the affairs of Duke Wilhelm, His Highness Prince Hanau."

Rothschild's profits grew. Wilhelm himself was also a rather colorful figure. He was the grandson of King George II of England, cousin to George III, brother-in-law to the King of Sweden and nephew to the King of Denmark. But that was not the most important thing. Much more important was something else: he was the first of the German princes, despite his belonging to the aristocracy, to begin providing loans at usurious interest rates, not disdaining coarse and arrogant money-grubbing.

Soon, more than half of the sovereigns of Europe turned out to be Wilhelm's debtors. In addition, he learned to turn even the blood of the Hessians themselves into gold. His non-commissioned officers, who did not know mercy and mercy, knew how to train disciplined and ready for anything mercenaries. And as soon as the new company of the Landsknechts finished training, the duke immediately sold it to the British for big money - to maintain order in the overseas colonies of the growing British Empire at that time. Whenever a Hessian mercenary was killed in a distant English colony, Duke William received a large monetary compensation for him. And very soon the ruler of the tiny duchy became the richest feudal lord in Europe, a kind of usurer banker, creditor to many princes and kings. Gradually, Mayer Rothschild joined this business. Along with other money changers and bankers, from time to time he received orders from Duke William to collect this or that foreign debt (of course, for an appropriate remuneration).

Having become rich, the Rothschild family was able to move into a new house - already "under a green sign" - and began to be called not Rothschilds, but Grunschilds ("grun" in German means green). For some time, the Rothschilds even thought about taking this new nickname as a surname, but then they decided to leave the old one. This surname went down in history.

This is not to say that the Rothschilds grew rich at a fabulous rate. For almost 20 years, Mayer Rothschild paid income tax of only 2,000 florins a year. In 1795 alone, the city's picky financial inspectors increased taxes to 15,000. And this, according to the concepts of the Frankfurt ghetto, meant the highest level of income. In the ghetto, but not in the financial world of the German principalities.

On August 29, 1770, Mayer Amschel married the daughter of the merchant Wolf Solomon Schnaper, who lives near the Rothschild house. The father-in-law's family belonged to the old Jewish families of Frankfurt. The bride's dowry was 2,400 florins. Gutle Schnaper was a simple, modest and very economical woman. She gave her husband ten children: five sons and five daughters. Housekeeping and raising children was very time consuming. Gutle Schnaper spent her entire life in the Jewish quarter, in the very house where their family was destined to achieve the highest prosperity.

Meanwhile, Rothschild's sons grew up and began to help their father in all his affairs.

The eldest son, Amschel Meyer, was born on June 12, 1773; on November 16, 1793, he married Eva Hanau. In the documents, the names of father and son - Mayer Amschel and Amschel Mayer - were often confused. Only upon closer and more detailed study was it possible to establish which of them was meant. Different spellings of Meyer and Meyer are also common. Amschel died on December 6, 1855.

Solomon Mayer, second son, was born on September 9, 1774. On November 26, 1800, he married Caroline Stern and died on July 27, 1855.

Nathan Mayer, the third son, who turned out to be the most talented of the "five Frankfurt", was born on September 16, 1777. He was married to Hanna Cohen from a Jewish family. But on August 8, 1836, he died.

The fourth son, Karl Mayer, was born on April 24, 1788; on September 16, 1818, he married Adelheid Hertz. He died on March 10, 1855. Three out of five brothers passed away in the same year.

Jacob, or James, the youngest, was born on May 15, 1792; on July 11, 1824, he married his niece, Betty Rothschild. Death overtook him on November 15, 1868.

It is characteristic that the sons and daughters of the Rothschilds sought to marry representatives of famous families belonging to the upper circles of the Jewish community. And this policy, characteristic of court factors, contributed to the advancement of the Rothschild House. The daughters entered the families of Worms, Sichel, Baifus, Montefiore.

It was the sons of Mayer Rothschild, who later became the financial tycoons of Germany, England, Austria, Italy and France, who prepared the real "financial explosion."

This was the time when money capital came to the fore. The riches, until then lying in vain, were put into circulation, the demand for money increased significantly. In an era of revolutionary upheavals, some states collapsed, others were created. The intermediaries in this redistribution of cash - banking firms - became the main collectors, and among the firms in Europe, the Rothschild banking house took first place.

But the conquest of a monopoly position was of decisive importance for its advancement. In this he was assisted by military adviser Buderus, who was appointed director of the main military treasury at the court of Kassel in 1802. From that time on, the Rothschild house quickly outpaced all competitors. In 1802, Rothschild Sr. opened a branch in Kassel in order to remain in close contact with the court and palace officials. By a resolution of September 16, 1802, that is, rather late, he was exempted from paying taxes that were imposed on all Jewish merchants. It is surprising that the Rothschild court factor had to wait so long for the privileges usually immediately provided to court financiers.

From 1801 to 1806, Rothschild issued five loans worth almost 5 million guilders. His close relationship with the court of Hesse was strengthened, and he truly used the method used on a wide scale by all court factors of that era. They often resorted to gifts and bribes to win the favor of influential courtiers and government officials. Rothschild managed to attract Hessian officials to cooperate in financial affairs. When Buderus was appointed chief tax collector at the land treasury of Hanau, Rothschild represented him in Frankfurt. After his patron became an authoritative adviser to the Landgrave, Rothschild constantly received lucrative orders in Kassel.

Many court bankers had good relations with the court in Kassel, for example the Christian firms of Rüppel and Garnir, the Betman brothers, Preye and Jordis, Gebgard and Gauck in Frankfurt. Wittgenstein's credit office was located in Kassel, and Van Noten & Gaulle & Co. in Amsterdam. But they did not have such patrons as Buderus. So, for example, the influential house of Rüppel and Garnir managed to maintain its dominant position at the Kassel court only until 1803, that is, until the time when Buderus became director of the military treasury. Officials were already making money with each transaction, since they were entitled to one percent of the amount issued as a side income.

In 1805-1806, Rothschild was already well ahead of his competitors. When Wilhelm, fleeing from Napoleon, was forced to flee and lived in exile for many years, the main court agent Rothschild managed to achieve a monopoly position in financing the Landgrave, of course, not without the support of his patron, who by that time had already become a secret military adviser, Buderus von Karlshausen ... Tom managed to surpass the military adviser Lenier, a friend of Rüppel and Garnir, and become the sole manager of affairs. Putting Rüppel and Garnier at a disadvantage, he tried to emphasize the disinterestedness of the Rothschild house everywhere.

Rothschild went with Wilhelm in exile. During these years, he faithfully served his prince and especially distinguished himself, saving part of the Hessian state. Of course, such a relationship between the prince and the court factor had a beneficial effect on the latter's financial affairs, since in exile, Wilhelm IX remained the largest capitalist among the German princes. In 1808, Rothschild was already so advanced that all the excess and incidental money of the Elector was regularly sent to the bank of the Rothschild house.

The collaboration between the Rothschilds and Buderus eventually resulted in the text of a document dated February 17, 1809, which read:

“The following agreement was concluded today between Privy Military Adviser Buderus von Karlshausen and the Mayer Amschel Rothschild Trading House in Frankfurt.

I. Buderus gave the bank Mayer Amschel Rothschild a capital of 20 thousand guilders 24 florin-feet and promised with the best of intentions to assist the Trading House in all business affairs and, if possible, be useful to him.

II. In turn, the Mayer Amschel Rothschild Trading House promises to faithfully deduct the profits from trading operations due to the invested capital of 20 thousand guilders to Buderus, and allows him to check all books at any time to make sure that the calculations are correct ”.

Thus, Buderus became an investor in the Rothschild house, therefore he was personally interested in that Mayer Amschel received a monopoly on the conduct of the elector's financial affairs.

This agreement, the only one of its kind in the history of the German institution of court factors, was in the interests of all its participants. The capital of the land prince continued to grow, the unnoticed court clerk became a wealthy man, and the Frankfurt banker and merchant laid the foundation for the prosperity of his company. It would be wrong to assess this treaty from the point of view of modern morality. According to the ideas of that time, there was nothing offensive in the custom of presenting and receiving gifts, and, as can be concluded from the surviving memoirs, this was also the case in the 19th century.

When Mayer Amschel began to grow old and sick, his sons often replaced him on business trips. The secrets of all business transactions remained with the family. Already in their youth, both eldest sons were agents of the military treasury of Hesse. But a special difference for the father and sons was considered the appointment of Rothschild as an imperial factor at the court of Franz II for merit, "as an installment payment of what I owe him."

Rothschild did not forget about his roots in the ghetto and his responsibilities to the Jewish community. In contrast, his sons crossed the border of the "old way" and bourgeois moderation, moved to large European cities - Vienna, London, Paris, Naples, expanding the influence of the family and acting across Europe.

On September 27, 1810, Mayer Amschel founded Mayer Amschel Rothschild & Sons, making his five sons co-owners of the company. The contract indicated the fixed capital of 800 thousand florins, while 370 thousand florins were to belong to the father, the sons of Amschel and Solomon - 185 thousand each, Karl and another minor James - 30 thousand each. Nathan, who has lived in London for many years, was not mentioned in the contract for business reasons. In fact, Mayer took over the twelve-fifties due to Nathan. In all matters, the decisive voice remained with Mayer Amschel, since “with the help of the Almighty, thanks to his diligence acquired in his youth, insight in business, despite his advanced age, he continues to work tirelessly and alone laid the foundations for the prosperity of the business, thereby ensuring the happiness of their children. "

Further in the contract followed a definition according to which daughters and sons-in-law should not seek permission to view books and other documents. There was a conventional fine for each partner if he decided to go to court. Disputes between brothers must be resolved within the family in order to preserve the unity of the home. The contract highlighted the merits of Mayer Amschel and said that he laid the foundations for the prosperity of the house. But today it is well known from various sources what an active part Buderus took in this, and the eldest sons also helped in many ways.

Two years later, when Mayer Amschel felt that he would soon die, he called the whole house and instead of the previous one made a new will. It said that he was selling his share in the firm, securities and a wine warehouse for 190,000 florins to his sons, who would become independent owners of the firm. Daughters, their husbands and heirs were completely removed from the activities of the Trading House, and not just from reading books. Of the 190 thousand, seventy Mayer left Frau Gutle, the rest of the money was received by his five daughters. At the end of the will, Mayer Amschel advised his children to live in harmony, love and friendship. Two days after drawing up the will, on September 19, 1812, Mayer Amschel passed away. He hardly suspected that he had laid the foundation for the "power of the world."

There is no exact information about the founder of the banking house, no portrait of him. At the age of 25, Mayer Amschel was portrayed as a tall, slender man of a pronounced Israeli type with a good-natured expression on his face. According to the customs of that time, he wore a wig, but, being a Jew, did not dare to powder it. Like his ancestors, he had a small black sharp beard. Despite his wealth, he did not leave the ghetto, remained unnoticed, patient, not very educated Jew. He even did not speak German well.

In popular literature, you can read that the sons of Mayer Amschel began their activities as already millionaires, and the grandchildren were even billionaires, but all this is greatly exaggerated. At first, none of the sons possessed millions, including Nathan, who lived in London. They, of course, had a solid capital, but the millions that appeared at the end of their lives, they earned themselves. The subsequent generations of the Rothschilds became billionaires, already in the 20th century.

The secret of the success of the sons of Mayer Amschel lies primarily in the strict adherence to the basic principles that their father constantly instilled in them.

The diplomat, publicist and soulmate of Prince Metternich, Friedrich von Gentz, who maintains friendly relations with all the Rothschilds until the end of his life, tried to penetrate the secret of their success and came to the following conclusions:

“The question of how the Rothschild house was able to accomplish in such a short time everything that they actually achieved, no doubt, interested the mercantile and political minds. Apparently, it is not as difficult to answer as it is usually thought. Who, without dwelling on chances, is able to understand that success in all great endeavors depends not only on the choice and use of a favorable moment, but to a greater extent also on strict adherence to the once mastered main principles, it will immediately become clear that there were two main provisions that this house has never lost sight of. Along with the wise conduct of business and the use of favorable conditions, they are mainly responsible for their current prosperity. "

The first of these basic tenets encouraged the brothers to always conduct business in constant fellowship. It was a covenant left by a dying father. And even when a lucky star rose over them, they were determined never to break this rule.

After the death of his father, any proposal, no matter which side it came from, was the subject of joint discussion, they carried out any even the most insignificant operation according to a previously agreed plan, making joint efforts. Profits were always divided equally.

For many years they lived far from each other: Frankfurt, Vienna, London, Paris, Naples. But this circumstance did not prevent their complete mutual understanding. On the contrary, they derived some benefit from this, since they were always informed about the state of affairs in various capitals. And everyone in his city could more expediently prepare the affairs that should have been carried out by the whole firm.

The second basic position, which they never let out of sight, was never to chase prohibitively high profits, to keep any operation within certain limits and, as far as human foresight and wisdom allow, to protect ourselves from accidents. This basic rule: Servare modum finemgue tenare - to know when to stop and never lose sight of the goal - is one of the main secrets of their strength.

The personal moral qualities of the five brothers also greatly influenced the success of their venture. It is not at all difficult to create a large party if you manage to interest others with your business. But in order to unite the voices of all parties and gain their respect, one needs not only material resources, but also certain character traits that do not depend on power and wealth. Due to the fairness of their requirements, punctuality of actions, simplicity and clarity of the presentation of proposals and their precise execution, they have invariably enjoyed the confidence of many governments and noble families in Europe, which is one of the decisive factors for the prosperity of any bank. The brothers' cooperation and mutual support were almost legendary.

In the 19th century, five brothers issued government loans for almost all countries, which gave the House of Rothschild the opportunity to become an absolute financial monarchy. Berne wrote of the five financiers: “A stable equilibrium in Europe was maintained by the Jews. Today they give money to one government, tomorrow - to another, all in turn, and thus take care of the world peace. " We will see further that the grandson of the court factor, Berne, very aptly characterized the position of the Rothschilds of that time.

The question has repeatedly arisen as to why the Rothschild house did not have branches in Berlin and St. Petersburg. In Berlin, the banks of the Jews of Mendelssohn and Bleichroeder were established, in addition to numerous small banks. It was the Bleichroder bank that established close relations with the Prussian state, with the Hohenzollerns and with Prince Bismarck. Therefore, the Rothschilds decided to cooperate with the Bleichroder bank, making it their representative in Prussia. The leading financial force in St. Petersburg was the Stieglitz house. When the Rothschilds tried to settle there, Baron Stieglitz, personally appealing to the king, prevented the opening of a branch of the "Jew" Rothschild.

Without prejudice to close and trusting relationships with each other, each of the brothers was able to maintain excellent relations with competent and influential members of government in his narrower sphere. Until now, their information service is amazed, always informing on time about all political and financial intentions. If the brothers intended to get a large and, above all, a long-term state loan or to achieve a monopoly position in any particular economic area, they were not afraid to win over ministers, parties and even parliaments with huge bribes. James, who worked in France, used this system on a special scale.

But in the 19th century, the five brothers were engaged not only in financial matters, not only "raking in" money for the sake of money, as they said about them. Like Oppenheim's house in Cologne, they were the first to foresee the cost-effective opportunities of the Industrial Revolution. In England, France, Germany and Austria, the brothers developed extensive economic activity, invested their fortune in large industrial enterprises and in land ownership. They were considered the largest landowners in their countries.

The constant unity of the five brothers could not be hindered by the fact that various political currents in subsequent decades influenced their beliefs. England and France, the so-called Western powers, pursued a liberal policy, therefore the entrepreneurial activity of the brothers Nathan and James in relation to the government was freer and more relaxed. Amschel in Frankfurt and Solomon in Vienna, like their successors, remained closely associated with the ruling dynasties, were conservative, and maintained closer relations with the aristocratic circles of their countries. Karl Mayer in Naples, being a Jewish financier, even had connections with the Vatican and was awarded the highest orders of the papacy for the loans provided. It was the conservative power of Austria that elevated the Rothschild brothers to the nobility and subsequently awarded each the title of imperial baron.

Rothschild persistently sought for himself and his sons the title of imperial court factor. On August 28, 1799, Mayer Amschel from Frankfurt sent a request to Vienna, indicating in it that during the war against France he made significant supplies, and mentioning his other merits. In response, Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his sons, Amschel Mayer and Solomon Mayer, received a patent for imperial court factors on March 7, March 8 and May 4, 1800. Each was given a separate patent, which is surprising since father and sons should have received this title in one document.

When the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt was formed by the grace of Napoleon, the Rothschilds became the financiers of the new Prince Dahlberg. For financial support of the contingent of troops in Frankfurt, who fought on the side of France in Spain in 1810, Meyer Amschel was appointed advisor to the department.

Amschel Mayer Rothschild was also the actual court factor of Prince Karl Friedrich Ludwig Moritz von Isenburg-Büdingen from July 15, 1803, and on December 29 of the same year he became the court factor of the Master of the Order of the Johannites, on January 4, 1804 he was appointed to the Prince of Thurn and Taxis.

How much the Rothschilds aspired to become court bankers is evidenced by their position in the house of Prince Isenburg-Birshtein, where the chief financier was Treasury Counselor Wolf Breidenbach. Rothschild worked with him. His son Amschel on August 29, 1803, became a court factor in Isenburg-Birshtein. As a reward, he had to be content with the free delivery of firewood to his apartment in Frankfurt. On November 7, 1803, the prince gave an order to deliver firewood to the newly appointed court factor throughout the year. Rothschild, in turn, provided a loan of 50 thousand guilders to the debt-ridden Birshtein house. For a small country, this was a very large amount. In this case, Breidenbach was an intermediary. He paid the due interest to his Frankfurt colleague. And in subsequent years, Rothschild and his sons worked at the Isenburg-Birshtein court.

In 1815, being intermediaries with Lord Wellington and Lord Castleraffe, the Rothschilds sought subsidies for Birshtein in Paris and London, in order to thus be closer to their money. But here the mediation of Bridenbach and Rothschild was unsuccessful. The very fact that in 1803 the Rothschilds, having by that time a decent fortune, were content with the delivery of firewood as a reward, testifies primarily to the desire to show the whole world that they are in the princely service.

In December 1812, Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his sons became the court bankers of the Grand Duke of Frankfurt.

From recently discovered documents of the state archive of Würzburg it follows that, according to the order of Prince Aschafenburg of December 16, 1813, the court bankers of the Grand Duke of Frankfurt were issued on January 1, 1813 as an annual reward: 72 centners of hay, 72 malters of oats, 10 carts of straw, 30 fathoms of firewood. This payment in kind was awarded to Rothschild and his sons for life for service to the Grand Duchy. In 1813, they also received food from the Aschafenburg wine cellar.

Later, when, in the course of political changes, the principality of Aschafenburg was annexed to the crown of Bavaria, the Rothschilds were asked to keep this payment for them, referring to the fact that they selflessly served Frankfurt, and therefore Aschafenburg, willingly providing significant loans: “At that time, when the treasury was completely devastated and the state experienced great difficulties, no one dared to offer such a loan. No money has been received so far, so such payment in kind could be considered as compensation due to us for the losses that we incurred by lending a substantial capital. "

From the documents attached below, it follows that in 1813 the Rothschild house offered Prince Dahlberg a loan of 200,000 florins to cover the costs of the army's monetary allowance. The Grand Duke accepted this money and, as a token of gratitude, ordered the supply of food for the horses in addition to firewood. All the efforts of the Rothschilds to continue to receive payment in kind, but now from Bavaria as the heiress of Aschafenburg, were not crowned with success. In subsequent documents, the word "for life" is not used. The negotiations ended with an act of 1817. It was believed that at this time the Rothschilds already owned millions, and their petitions indicate that they attached great importance to the state salary.

Dahlberg and Rothschild's cooperation primarily benefited Frankfurt co-religionists. Like all court factors, Mayer Amschel, with his influence, tried to alleviate the fate of the Jews. At the same time, the Rothschilds acted together with Jacob Baruch, the son of the famous Cologne court financier Simon Baruch and the father of Ludwig Berne. Mayer Amschel won Dahlberg's favor by offering him a 5% loan of 80,000 guilders for a trip to Paris, where the Grand Duke of Frankfurt was going to swear allegiance to the new king of Rome. Out of dislike for Napoleon, the commercial world of Frankfurt denied him this amount. "Thanks to this service, he achieved the full confidence of the Grand Duke and was able to take advantage of this favor so that since then the Duke has not refused anything to the Rothschilds," it was written in one of the messages of the French.

The Rothschilds got along well with Herr von Itzstein, Chief of Police of the Grand Duchy. Itzstein was the patron saint of Mayer Amschel and all Jews in Frankfurt. Although Dahlberg issued a new decree with some benefits for the 500 families of Frankfurt, this dissatisfying decision was rejected by the influential privy councilor Israel Jakobson, a passionate fighter for Jewish emancipation.

Mayer Amschel and his fellow believer Humprecht managed to persuade Dahlberg to exempt the Jews from the annual tax of 22 thousand florins and give them civil rights in order to equate them with Christians. As payment for this, Dahlberg demanded a one-time payment of twenty times the amount. Mayer Amschel gave his fellow believers 100,000 florins, almost a quarter of the amount. He also made sure that of the 440,000 florins, 150 were paid in cash, and the rest with 24 au porteur bonds (bearer). This deal was dissatisfied with the senate, hostile towards the Jews. The aristocratic elite of the city believed that Dahlberg received a "gift." One of the agents of the Austrian police allegedly stated that the Grand Duke received 33 thousand Carolinas for emancipation. Dahlberg was so delighted with the "skillfully completed businessman" that he presented the ministers who made the deal and their wives 40 thousand francs each. Privy Councilor Itzstein received 10 thousand francs, the Rothschild house - the same amount "for kind assistance." Dahlberg left 50 thousand "in the hands of the Rothschild house, as an installment payment of what I owe him."

Of the five brothers, the third, Nathan, had the brilliant gift of a financier. He most of all contributed to the prosperity and enhancement of the authority of the House of Rothschild. Thanks to the service zeal shown during the Napoleonic wars, he managed to gain the full confidence of British politicians and enjoyed it throughout all fifty years of his activity. Just as his father Mayer Amschel served the Hessian Elector for half a century, so Nathan in London constantly collaborated with John Charles Harris, who at first was the personal secretary of the British Chancellor of the Treasury, then the chief of supplies for the Allies and British troops fighting on the continent, and at the end ends and the Chancellor of the Treasury.

In 1798, Nathan moved to England, where, as an agent of his father, he bought factories in Manchester, thus becoming a merchant useful to the Rothschild house. Later Nathan told one of the guests about his endeavors:

“There was too little room in Frankfurt for all of us. I did business with English goods. One day an Englishman who completely owned the market arrived. He pretended to be a great man and acted as if he was showing us mercy by selling us his goods. I somehow offended him, and he refused to show me his samples. It happened on Tuesday. Then I said to my father: "I myself will go to England!" I only spoke German, but that meant nothing to me. On Thursday I already left. The closer England got, the cheaper English goods became. Arriving in Manchester, I spent all my cash shopping. Everything was very cheap and I made a lot of profit. I soon realized that there was a triple benefit to be gained from this enterprise: to make money on raw materials, dyes and on our own production. I said to the manufacturer: "I will supply you with raw materials and paint, and you will supply me with the finished product." Thus, I made a triple profit and began to sell cheaper than others. "

In a short time Nathan Rothschild received £ 60,000 from £ 20,000, a double profit. To achieve success, he used only one principle: "What others can, so I can." “So I reached the level of that Englishman with samples and many others. I had one more advantage: I became a businessman impromptu, without any preparation. I took everything with me and signed a contract on the spot, ”he later recalled.

In 1803, Nathan moved to London, and in 1803 or 1804 he founded there the bank, Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Sons, which still exists today. In 1812, James founded De Rothschild Freres (The Rothschild Brothers) in Paris. In 1816, Solomon opened the banking house “S. M. von Rothschild ”, in 1820 Karl Mayer von Rothschild became the head of the branch in Naples. The ancestral home in Frankfurt was led by Amschel Mayer von Rothschild. These five Rothschild brothers, as they were called “the five Frankfurt men,” ran all the banks as one joint venture. Their commonwealth, first of all, reduced the risk of large government loans. The so-called pool agreements (1) ensured a community of interests. The brothers met every three to five years at a community meeting. Until the end of the 18th century, these “five fingers of one hand” were able to enjoy a certain international privilege to issue large government loans.

The largest financial transactions took place between the rise of Napoleon I and the overthrow of Napoleon III. Until his death, Nathan, who lives in London, was the main driving and directing force of all these operations. His success in England is closely linked to the Elector of Hesse, who in 1809 established a connection with Nathan through Buderus. In February 1809, Nathan received an order to buy a 3% English annuity (2) at a rate of 73.5% for £ 150,000. Since the pound was equal to 11 florins, Buderus had to pay Rothschild 1 million 212 thousand 750 florins.

In December, the Elector decided to acquire capital in British shares in the amount of £ 150,000 on the same terms. The Elector was pleased that he had managed to securely invest his surplus, which amounted to at least 750,000 florins annually. In September 1810, a new agreement followed for the purchase of British shares for 150 thousand pounds at a rate of 74%. When Rothschild reduced prices to 73%, capital rose to 250 thousand pounds. Thus, in 1809-1810, Nathan Rothschild was instructed to buy up a three percent annuity for 550 thousand pounds. The purchase price of the Elector was 3,240,875 florins. This deal was the most profitable of all the cases that the banking house of the Rothschilds had with the Elector, which contributed to the rapid promotion of the branch in London.

The purchase of annuities was carried out in such a way that the Rothschild & Sons firm could use the Elector's money for short-term profitable business before their final investment.

In the same years, Nathan in London and James in France carried out large-scale transactions for the purchase and mediation in the exchange of gold for the Allies against Napoleon, so it would be fair to assume that financial transactions were carried out for millions of the Elector. Nathan Rothschild was forced to serve the English financial department. From 1808 to 1816, many millions were transferred from England to the Allies on the continent. In just one year, this amount was 11 million pounds.

The British government commissioned a banking house to transfer money for the English army in Spain. The money had to be smuggled through France. Here James Rothschild showed all his skill as a banker. He managed to mislead the French authorities by presenting the transfer of money by the British as a manifestation of their weakness. Napoleon and the French departments did not even try to grasp the true essence of the matter. This action largely contributed to the defeat of Napoleon, which Nathan was justly proud of: “When I opened trading in London, a company from East India sold gold for 800 thousand pounds. I bought everything, because I knew that the Duke of Wellington needed gold. I purchased a large number of his bills at a low price. I was summoned to the government and said that they needed this gold, but they did not know how it could be delivered via Portugal to Spain. I took up this business and sent the money through France. It was the most successful of all my endeavors. "

It really was one of the most daring deeds of the Rothschilds. Nathan and James carried out the transfer through France so successfully that since then the British government began to trust Nathan with the largest financial transactions. So, for example, on behalf of the government, he bought a bill in Paris for 200 thousand pounds, which was necessary to finance the return of Louis XVIII to the French throne.

After Napoleon was overthrown from the throne, the Rothschild apparatus carried out a transfer of 120 million pounds of French reparations from Paris to London, Vienna and Berlin. The capital of the Rothschild banks was sufficient to offer such millions of dollars. No banking firm on the continent could handle such a financial transaction, let alone large loans.

In 1904, the anniversary year of the London firm, a catalog of loans from 1804 to 1904 was published. How complete it was remains unclear, as well as whether these were loans from all five houses, but it is assumed that the Rothschilds had affairs that their descendants never found out. But even in these loans, the politics of the 19th century are perfectly reflected. The given data completely refutes the statement that the Rothschilds were not involved in politics and were only interested in money. It is known that the borrowing policy of the Rothschild house during the crises of 1830 and 1840 prevented a war in Europe, and in 1866 they did not give money to either Prussia or Austria. Their financial transactions after 1815 were far from any war. But even the financial power of the Rothschild house was beyond the power of even the financial power of the Rothschild family to completely end the bloody massacres in the world.

By offering a loan to Brazil in 1824, the Rothschilds went beyond Europe. Until the end of the 19th century, the Brazilian Empire remained financially the domain of the Rothschilds.

A loan granted to Greece in 1832, guaranteed by England, France and Russia, gave Athens the opportunity to form an independent monarchy.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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My name is Rothschild. The man in the suit continued, “My name is Rothschild, Paul Rothschild. You may have heard this name. The thing is, I'm a producer, and I was interested in your group. Not only fingers were numb, but also tongue, head and whole body. Jim didn't know that