The correct effective sequence for cleaning moonshine. How to cleanse moonshine from fusel oils: useful tips

Making homemade good quality moonshine is a very responsible and difficult process. In addition to making the mash and distilling it, it is important to have skills in additionally processing alcohol. There are many ways todaycleaning moonshine from fusel oils at home... This process allows you to get rid of the drink from harmful impurities, unpleasant smell and taste. This solution allows you to get better quality moonshine and avoid pickling.

The process of removing harmful impurities and fusel oils is an obligatory and integral process for making high quality moonshine. Most of the methods involve the separation of harmful components in the interval between distillations, that is, in the future, the purified moonshine is re-distilled.

For the best result, professionals advise, dilute the drink to a strength of no more than 40 degrees, and in some cases up to 20 degrees of strength. This is due to the fact that fusel oils in this concentration are separated much easier and more efficiently. It is better to stand for 2 days before cleaning and cool to a temperature of 15-18 degrees.

Each method presented below for cleaning moonshine works to varying degrees of effectiveness. Therefore, for greater effect and better result, it is worth approaching the issue in a comprehensive manner and applying several options at once. Good quality moonshine should be crystal clear, if the drink remains cloudy, then there are still harmful components in it.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils at home

Craftsmen have come up with many options that allow you to cleanse alcohol from fusel oils and harmful impurities. Each of them involves the use of one or another sorbent.

Pasteurized milk

The most common and commonly used cleaning method. Milk allows you to remove unpleasant odors and make the taste of the drink more noble. The main difference of this sorbent is that its use does not require repeated distillation, since no third-party products of the interaction of milk and alcohol are formed.

The cleaning process is as follows.

  • Pour milk into alcohol. You need to use only pasteurized raw materials, otherwise the moonshine becomes cloudy. For 10 liters of alcohol, 100 ml of milk is enough.
  • Stir the mixture and close the lid.
  • Place the container with alcohol in a dark, cool place for a week and shake it daily.
  • Drain off sediment and filter through cotton wool or a clean flannel cloth. You can add additional sorbent in the form of crushed coal.

The result is pure moonshine ready for use.

Egg white

Chicken egg white contains components that have a unique ability to absorb excess substances and bind fusel oils. As a result, harmful constituents fall out as a residue, and the filtered alcohol is obtained pure.

  • Separate the yolks from the whites at the rate of 2 eggs per liter of beverage.
  • Mix eggs with a little warm water or milk, beat with a mixer.
  • Pour into alcohol and leave in a cool dark place for a week.
  • Twice a day, you need to shake up the purifying alcohol to maximize the separation of fusel oils.
  • Filter the drink through cotton wool several times.

Moonshine can be drunk immediately, but for greater effect it is better to repeat the distillation, separating fractions.

Activated or charcoal

The fastest way - use coal. In this case, there are two options for organizing the process. You can set up filtration immediately during the distillation process. To do this, the moonshine dripping from the tap is directed into the container through a funnel, in the base of which a cotton disc is inserted, on which coal is located. Cotton wool is also laid on top. The alcohol is cleared immediately.

The second option involves adding coal directly to the can of moonshine. After the liquid has settled (within 1-2 weeks), it must be filtered. Re-distillation required.

Potassium permanganate

Another way to cleanse a strong drink of excess impurities. To achieve the desired effect, it is required to dilute 1 g of potassium permanganate in 100 ml of water for each liter of alcohol. The liquids must be combined and left for 12 hours. After the specified time, you need to filter the composition through a few layers of gauze. In this case, re-distillation is required.

Freezing fusel oils

Everyone knows that during freezing, water first freezes up, and alcohol freezes at lower temperatures. This feature allows you to rid alcohol of harmful impurities. Fusel oils freeze together with water, and in time the strong part of the liquid can be drained out of it. It is better to drain the alcohol several times. It should be remembered that the degree of the drink rises.

Baking soda

To clear moonshine from fusel oils at home soda will help, this product is available and is in almost every home. For every liter of alcohol, 10 grams of baking soda is required. For a complete cleaning, it is necessary to let the moonshine settle for at least 12 hours. As a standard, we filter the liquid and send it for re-distillation.

Vegetable oil

An original approach to purifying moonshine. The oil must be refined and odorless, otherwise the third-party aroma will fix in the moonshine. The essence of the effect of this component lies in the fact that fusel oils merge with vegetable oils, and water and alcohol are exfoliated from it.

For every liter of strong drink, you need 20 grams of oil. It is important to thoroughly mix the ingredients, mixing the components is necessary 3-5 times with an interval of 5 minutes. Then let stand for 12 hours. Then carefully drain the alcohol through a tube without disturbing the oil film.

Water filter

The easiest way to clean moonshine is with a regular water filter. The filtering process must be performed twice, using a new filter each time.

Rye bread

In the not too distant past, fresh rye bread was considered the perfect way to purify spirits. But upon closer examination, it turned out that this approach implies combined cleaning. First, moonshine is cleaned with an egg or milk, and then 100 grams of bread are crumbled for each liter of drink. Then the container is placed in a dark cool place to settle for 3 days. Then the liquid is filtered, if necessary, you can repeat the process to get rid of the yellowish tint.

Fruit and vegetable mix

Remove impurities andto clear moonshine from fusel oils at home fruit will help. In addition, this approach allows you to add fruity notes to the drink. Fruit peeling can be used as an intermediate option between two distillations, as well as for final purification before use.

Usually, one carrot and an apple are added to 3 liters of moonshine. They are cleaned, cut into large pieces, and a center with seeds is cut out. The drink settles for no more than 3 days, until the fibers begin to separate from the contents, then filtration and distillation or consumption.

Any business requires skill and a competent approach. You need to be able to make homemade moonshine with your own hands so that it does not have an unpleasant taste and smell. A strong alcoholic drink must be cleaned of the fusel oils and harmful impurities contained in it, which affect the quality of the final product and can cause poisoning.

How is moonshine purified? There are a lot of ways: starting from the well-known potassium permanganate and charcoal, ending with brown bread and vegetable oil. One condition: to effectively purify the alcoholic distillate, regardless of the chosen absorbent, it will turn out if the strength is not too high. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute it to 40, maximum 50 degrees before processing.

Cleaning moonshine with milk

Purification of moonshine with milk will help to remove the characteristic smell and refine the taste of the product. It is a safe, reliable, easy-to-use method. It is allowed to combine it with other methods of cleaning home-made moonshine. It is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not require double distillation.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils using ordinary milk is performed in the following order:

  1. Pour non-fat pasteurized milk (100 ml) into a container with alcohol (10 liters) with a strength of 40-50 degrees.
  2. Mix. Close the can with a lid.
  3. Keep for 5-7 days in a dark cool place. Stir the solution daily (shake).
  4. After the allotted time, carefully drain off the sediment (white flakes), filter through cotton wool, flannel cloth.

To purify moonshine more efficiently, you can crush and sprinkle powder of wood (birch) or coconut charcoal on cotton wool, which absorbs fine molecules of fusel oils well.

If the distillate becomes cloudy, which occurs when using unseparated home milk, it must be subjected to combined purification. In this case, the best option is to clean the moonshine with activated carbon.

Take 50 g of coal per liter, grind it into powder, pour it into moonshine. Insist 7 days, stirring twice a day. Poured off the sediment, passed through a filter material (cotton wool, blotting paper). After double cleaning, the taste becomes softer, the pungent smell disappears.

Cleaning moonshine with soda and salt

Quick cleaning of moonshine from toxic impurities and fusel oils is performed with ordinary baking soda. The advantage of this technology is its short duration, since the preparation of the absorbing solution and the cleaning process itself takes less than a day. The disadvantage is that home-made home-made moonshine when cleaning with soda can not be freed from all harmful impurities, which affects the taste of the product. Some fusel oils remain in the liquid, which requires additional purification, filtration, and distillation.

The technology for purifying moonshine with baking soda is simple:

  1. For a liter of strong drink (40-50 degrees), take 10 grams of soda dissolved in pure water (100 ml). The proportions cannot be violated!
  2. The alkaline solution is poured into a can (bottle) with moonshine.
  3. Cork, shake well.
  4. Allow to settle for 30-45 minutes.
  5. Shake again, set the container for 14 hours in a cool dark place.
  6. Poured carefully from the sediment, filtered through cotton wool folded tightly in several layers. It is advisable to put charcoal or activated carbon, crushed into powder, into the watering can over the cotton wool.

A slightly modified version of this method is cleaning the moonshine with soda and salt. The practicality of the method lies in the fact that salt softens water. The taste and smell of the product does not change.

Purification of moonshine with potassium permanganate

The combined method works much more efficiently, namely, cleaning the moonshine with potassium permanganate and soda. Soda removes acetic acid, manganese - fusel oils. Plus, less processing time is spent.


To exclude from the composition of all harmful substances formed as a result of the interaction of ethyl alcohol and manganese, a repeated distillation of the product is required.

Conditions, procedure:

  1. Potassium permanganate is diluted in water (200 ml). For a liter of moonshine, measure 1.5 g of dry powder.
  2. Prepare a soda solution as described above.
  3. The alkaline solution is poured into the moonshine. Stir.
  4. Manganese solution is poured in, mixed again.
  5. Defend the alcoholic beverage for half an hour.
  6. Close the container with a lid, transfer to a dark, cool place. Leave to infuse for 12-14 hours.
  7. During this time, harmful impurities, oils will precipitate. All that remains is to filter the product and re-distill it.

Thanks to the combined cleaning, the quality of the final product improves, the unpleasant smell of alcohol disappears, and the taste becomes thinner.

Purification of moonshine with vegetable oil

Some harmful impurities, including fusel oils, can be removed with vegetable oils. Refined sunflower or olive oil is used for cleaning. It is important that it is not fragrant, otherwise the third-party smell will pass into the moonshine.

Cleaning technology:

  1. Moonshine is diluted with water to a strength of 15-20 degrees.
  2. Take 20 ml of sunflower oil per liter of drink. Pour the measured amount into the moonshine.
  3. The container is closed with a lid. The bottle is shaken for a minute. Defend for 3-4 minutes and again vigorously shake the jar for 1 minute.
  4. Transferred to a cold dark place for a day.
  5. Before re-distillation, after 24 hours, remove the oil film with harmful substances formed on the surface of the liquid. To do this, a funnel is lowered into a container with moonshine and through it, a thin tube is introduced to the very bottom of the can. The distillate is drained off through a tube.

The moonshine purified with oil, filtered through cotton wool and charcoal is distilled a second time, separating the fractions at the outlet.

Moonshine cleaning by activated corner

The next method for cleaning moonshine is the use of activated carbon. This procedure can be done when distilling a drink. You should buy simple activated carbon at the pharmacy. We grind the coal to a powdery state, take a funnel and put cheesecloth in it. Pour powdered charcoal onto cheesecloth and place the funnel to the place from which the moonshine drips. From this moment, cleaning begins. If the mash has already been distilled, then the coal is poured into the finished drink. Proportional ratio: 50 grams of activated carbon to one liter of moonshine. It is necessary to let the moonshine stand for 14 days, while the liquid should be constantly stirred, and at the end of cleaning, strain through 3-4 gauze layers.

Cleaning moonshine with egg white

Chicken egg whites contain casein and albumin - substances with excellent absorption properties. The fusel oils bound by egg white precipitate as white flakes.

Process steps:

  1. Eggs are broken into a bowl (1 pc. Per 0.5 l of drink). Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. The proteins are mixed with a small amount of warm water (100 ml per 1 liter of alcohol product). Beat with a mixer.
  3. Poured into moonshine. Stir.
  4. The distillate is left to stand for a week in a cold, dark place.
  5. In order for the fuselage to be better absorbed by the protein, the mixture is shaken daily at intervals of 12 hours. Do not stir a day before filtration - the precipitate should accumulate at the bottom.
  6. Filtered twice through thick layers of cotton wool.

Moonshine purified with protein can be drunk immediately, but it is recommended to re-distill it to improve its taste and smell. In addition, the purification of moonshine will be much more effective if you use a combined method - combine proteins with milk or soda.

Cleaning moonshine with rye bread

In previous years, the most effective, practical, and safe cleaning of moonshine was considered to be freshly baked rye bread. After such cleaning, the moonshine becomes transparent, loses its specific fusel taste, characteristic smell.

With this cleaning method, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Moonshine is pre-cleaned with eggs or any other absorbent product.
  2. The amount of bread per 1 liter of moonshine is always taken exactly 100 g.
  3. The crust is cut from the bread, only the crumb is used.
  4. For better interaction with the distillate, the crumb is crumbled.
  5. Pour the bread crumbs into a bottle of moonshine, mix.
  6. The container is closed tightly, left in a cool dark place for 2-3 days.
  7. The precipitate is filtered off. You do not need to squeeze the bread pulp. The yellowish tint in which the moonshine has stained disappears after thorough filtration.

To improve the taste, it is advisable to filter the moonshine twice. Then you can start re-distillation.

Purification of moonshine with a water filter

The easiest and fastest cleaning method is cleaning with a conventional home water filter (Aquaphor, Barrier). We run the resulting moonshine through the filter twice. Be sure to buy separate filters for the moonshine.

Freezing moonshine

And finally. Moonshine can be cleaned from harmful impurities by freezing. This is the simplest, but quite effective method. All you have to do is freeze the liquor. Water, together with harmful substances, will turn into ice, while the alcohol component remains liquid. It is poured into another container and the process is repeated until ice forms on the walls of the can.

Consecutive steps for cleaning moonshine at home

  • Pour 2-3 grams of potassium permanganate into a 3 liter jar, close the container, shake and put on a steam bath up to 70 degrees. After 15 minutes, a precipitate will fall out, and the pure drink must be poured.
  • Add 8-10 grams of baking soda to 1 liter of moonshine, mix and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After that, stir again, after 12 hours, drain the drink and remove the sediment.
  • Pour the moonshine into a container with thick walls, for example, a champagne bottle, close it and put it in the freezer for a couple of days. Impurities with water will freeze, and pure moonshine should be poured into another bottle until the ice melts.
  • Add 50 tablets of activated carbon to 3 liters of moonshine, 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark, a little vanilla, a little dried bird cherry, insist for a week. Then strain, put another 40 charcoal tablets and let stand for a week or pass the liquid through a new water filter several times.
  • Beat the protein with water or a glass of low-fat milk, immediately pour into 1 liter of moonshine. On day 4, the composition should brighten, and the impurities will settle at the bottom. Pour pure moonshine into another container.
  • In order for the moonshine to acquire a pleasant smell, it is necessary to take 400 grams of birch coal per 12 liters of liquid, insist until the coal settles. The drink is carefully drained and diluted with water, crushed raisins with walnuts, parsley and apples are added, and then the moonshine is distilled a second time.

Remember, if the moonshine is cloudy, it means that fusel oils remain in it.


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Many believe that we should be obliged to Peter the Great for the appearance of strong alcohol, which he brought from Europe to Russia. Like, until the beginning of the 18th century, there were no such drinks in the country at all. One cannot fundamentally agree with this. The process of fermentation and distillation was known even under Ivan the Terrible. Then the process of making "invigorating potion" was treated with special respect, observing all the manufacturing technology, using secret ingredients, thanks to which the drink was as pure as a tear. Because of the high cost of moonshine, only the highest ranks and nobles could "drive" it, while the local "poverty" could only be content with homemade home brew. Today, many of the secrets of cleaning a freshly distilled drink are forgotten. Although there are still some that are still used by those who know how to drive moonshine. How to clean with potassium permanganate, for example, everyone knows in any village in Russia.

The history of moonshine: from antiquity to modern times

Moonshine - the name itself implies action - to drive, both literally and figuratively. At different times, it was persecuted: it was banned, it was sold only for the rich, it was produced from such a heap that when it was used, people died.

But the beginning of moonshine was encouraging: back in the 14th century in Russia, people discovered that fruits or vegetables left in a warm place for a long time succumb to rotting, emitting carbon dioxide and forming a weak degree of alcohol. Subsequently, it was revealed that when this substance is heated and distilled, a "royal" drink is obtained at the exit. It was also experimentally proven that the use of wheat or rye grains as raw materials significantly improved the taste and quality of moonshine. As for the question of the "purity" of the drink, in those days the increased importance was given to the crystallinity: from 1 ton of raw materials, only 30 liters of the purest moonshine were obtained.

Over the centuries, cooking processes have improved. By the late 18th - early 19th century. Russia became a producer of the best and most delicious moonshines that were in all of Europe: they were presented to ambassadors and nobles, sold to foreign merchants and traders, treated to important guests and nobles.

Today, the processes have accelerated, and special claims are made to quality: the people want strength and a "blow to the head." When asked whether it is necessary to clean the moonshine, today it is worthwhile to say in the affirmative: "It is absolutely necessary, and it is better to use several methods at once."

Required ingredients for making a drink

Why is moonshine good? Strength, clarity, or taste? Or healing properties? The answer is to all of the above. In addition, the drink has truly miraculous qualities:

  • they can be rubbed with a cold;
  • disinfect (do not be surprised, moonshine can be up to 96 degrees, the main thing is to be able to "drive" it);
  • use as an aperitif for better digestion of food.

Moonshine can be made from any raw material. The point is that this drink, unique in all respects, leading in all respects over others (whiskey, cognac, bourbon, brandy, tequila, rum, grappa), can “chase” almost all the available “materials”:

  • berries;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • jam, jam, honey;
  • dairy products;
  • wine, juices, kvass;
  • bakery products;
  • pl. dr.

That is, only those ingredients are needed that are subject to the fermentation process. And the irreplaceable and most important finalizer of all is sugar, which helps speed up the fermentation process. The main thing is that the products are of high quality and natural, then you get the best moonshine. How to clean with potassium permanganate or other methods? More on this in the next section.

Aspects from the production process: from the mash to the final product

Every self-respecting moonshiner has at his disposal special equipment for the production of this divine drink at home:

  • alembic - an iron (preferably stainless steel) vessel that serves to heat the mash;
  • coil - serves to cool the vapors;
  • copper tubes - required to connect the cube to the coil.

The moonshine production process includes the following stages:

  1. Preparation of the basis for the future drink - mash.
  2. Heating the latter and distilling it using a specialized cube, after passing which it will turn into the final product.
  3. Removal of fusel oils.
  4. Removing odors.

Many people want to clean it from impurities and odors after receiving moonshine. Question: "How to clean moonshine with potassium permanganate?" - in principle, it is asked regularly on various forums and pages. To do this, you will need freshly distilled moonshine and potassium permanganate, and several stages of action. But besides the latter, there are many more ways to painlessly and easily remove all unnecessary "particles" from the drink.

The easiest way to remove fusel oils

Having driven out the moonshine, many calm down and rejoice at the received drink. But if life and your health are dear, you should bring what you started to the end. It is necessary to clear the drink from all impurities and fusel oils without delay and a shadow of doubt. Many proposed methods (for example, how to properly clean moonshine with potassium permanganate) or heard recipes are not always convenient and partly costly.

The easiest way to remove all excess from moonshine is freezing. The following ingredients are required:

  • freezer;
  • moonshine;
  • vessel.

Thanks to the severe frost, everything and excess liquid will freeze, and real and pure moonshine will remain. As a result, by removing waste, you get a crystal clear and delicious drink.

Potassium permanganate: one of the best ways to clear moonshine

How to clean with potassium permanganate? There is no easier and better method to find! To do this, you should go to the pharmacy (if you are not at home) and purchase manganese powder, which will help the moonshine drive out all unwanted neighbors from its composition.

The composition is as follows: 1 liter of freshly distilled moonshine will require only 2-3 grams of manganese.

Having poured it into a bottle, it is necessary to shake the contents well - the drink will acquire a characteristic pink-scarlet color. Then leave the vessel alone (preferably a place devoid of sunlight) for 1-2 days. After the expiration of time, a sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle, which has collected all the "extra" consistency.

To improve the effect, you can also, after adding manganese to the vessel, put the latter in a steam bath over low heat (for 20 minutes). Then strain through cotton wool. The drink is cleaned and ready to drink!

The most practical and effective way to cleanse with baking soda

After distillation, moonshine usually has a pungent and not so pleasant smell, which completely discourages any desire to taste it. To get rid of the annoying notes of stench, you should clean the drink with soda. How to clean moonshine with soda is a simple task, and its process is quite pleasant and uncomplicated.

For this you will need:

  1. 10-15 grams of baking soda.
  2. 1 liter of freshly distilled moonshine.
  3. Free time and patience.

It is necessary to stir the indicated amount of drink and soda, and then leave it alone for 40 minutes. Next, you should again shake the vessel with moonshine, leaving the contents in the vessel for a longer period - 12-24 hours.

After the specified time has elapsed, the drink cleans perfectly. It is necessary to remove the top layer (on average, it is 2-3 cm of unsuitable for drinking liquid) and sediment (soda and fusel oils, impurities). What is left between the top layer and the bottom is the purified moonshine, which will be as clean as a tear and with a neutral smell.

As a result, the task of how to clean the moonshine with soda has been solved, and its procedure will not take much time and money. Soda can be purchased at any grocery store and the price is ridiculously low. Because of what this cleaning method is one of the most budgetary.

Charcoal cleaning as the most sustainable method

The use of natural products (environmentally friendly and safe) is the best way to clean moonshine from impurities and harmful oils. One of these methods is the use of charcoal.

This is one of the oldest and most proven methods, since there have always been many forests in Russia, and Russians have always been able to use the benefits of nature.

Since certain stages and procedures should be followed, in which he will lose all negative, ennobled to the level of a "royal" drink.

Stage 1 - you need to get coal. To do this, find a suitable wood, preferably fresh, green. It is better to give preference to linden and birch. Having chosen the required number of branches (it is better to take trees no older than half a century), you need to light a fire. When burned out, hot coals should be placed in any dish with a lid and left to cool completely. Next, you need to crush the coals to a fine state.

Stage 2 - preparation of ingredients:

  • Charcoal - 100 grams;
  • Moonshine - 1 liter.

After mixing the liquid with the component, the container should be placed in a dark place and left for 7 days. Note: shake the vessel at least 4 times a day. After the expiration of the period, you need to leave the vessel in complete rest for another week.

Stage 3 - straining the moonshine with gauze or cotton wool.

from bad smells

Many moonshiners, having “kicked out”, in their opinion, a wonderful drink, are later upset - the strong substance contains incomprehensible oils, and the smell is so pungent that the nose cannot withstand such a test. If you don’t know how to get rid of such “neighbors,” then the whole the products will be unsuitable for further use. Why the next question: "How to clean the moonshine from the smell?" - very relevant.

First, you need to clear the drink from cloudiness and oils. After passing this stage, you can use numerous spices to refine the moonshine. Among them are especially respected: fennel, mint, vanilla, allspice or red pepper, fresh horseradish root, bison, oak bark.

You can also use the ancient method of cleaning moonshine from the smell, which was used in Russia. You will need 50 grams 500 grams of regular black raisins (white will not work). Pour into a vessel with moonshine, keep in a dark place for at least 30 days. After the expiration date, strain through cotton wool several times. The drink will be deprived of all smells and tastes, saturated with pleasant aromas of violets and grapes.

Benefits of using cleaning

Any product made from even the most environmentally friendly ingredients can contain harmful impurities and particles that can harm the human body. How does this happen? In natural products, during their processing (chemical or other), release occurs. For this, a cycle of removing all harmful substances from the final product should be performed.

So, during the initial "race" comes "pervak" - the dirtiest and strongest moonshine. In no case should it be mixed with the subsequent drink after it. Delete only!

Today there are a huge number of ways to clean moonshine from impurities and odors. You just need to follow simple tips, and then the drink will be clean and safe.

Newbie moonshiners often doubt whether it is harmful to clean the moonshine with potassium permanganate? This method is very old and proven, so that the consumer will not receive any negative effect on the body. On the contrary, the moonshine will be cleansed, it will take on its best form.

Numerous ways to improve the drink only prove that you can get a first-class and crystal drink from the nasty "mash".

Storage methods: from temperature to specific location

Driving out moonshine is half the trouble. Next, you need to clean it from impurities and a pungent odor, which can scare off even the most persistent. According to the recommendations of experts, the moonshine should be cleaned with potassium permanganate and soda immediately after its "distillation". But the process does not end there either. Its taste and general condition directly depend on the storage conditions and the container in which it will be located.

So, you need to exclude the following containers from storage methods:

  • plastic bottles;
  • wooden barrels (if you don't want to get cognac);
  • metal vessels (aluminum, copper, steel).

Only glass, ceramic bottles, jars or vessels can be used. Some also use stainless barrels for storage.

As for the temperature, it does not play any role: that with minus, that with positive differences, the drink does not lose its properties.

Moonshine, according to most of its experienced manufacturers, gets better at high degrees. It is even recommended to cork it in a bottle and put it in the attic of the house (where in summer it is more than 40 degrees higher) for 10 years. During this time, the drink will transform, turning into nectar.

You should also exclude places where direct sunlight falls.

The primary reason for prompting is the state of withdrawal, which occurs after the consumption of an unrefined drink. Simply put, abstinence? it's a hangover syndrome. But it should be noted that a hangover is not the worst adverse condition that can be taken by surprise in the morning. An unrefined drink can cause body poisoning, as it contains many harmful, hazardous to health, impurities, fusel oils, and also has an unpleasant odor.

What are fusel oils and how are they dangerous?

During the fermentation process, during the preparation of alcoholic beverages, both at home and in the factory, toxic substances and impurities are inevitably formed. Fusel oil? it is a single complex of one-component substances, which is a by-product of alcoholic fermentation. This collection of toxins is visually a reddish or yellowish liquid with a consistency similar to oil, with a very unpleasant characteristic odor.

These oils not only have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane, but are also really capable of poisoning the human body. Fusel elements, getting into the blood, cause severe dizziness in a person, loss of orientation in space, and also provoke nausea. A properly prepared drink does not contain a huge dose of the presented toxins, but they are quite enough to cause serious damage to the body.

A variety of methods for cleaning moonshine

There are different recipes and methods for cleaning and filtering moonshine at home. Some are physical or chemical methods, while others simply involve multiple distillation of the beverage until the purest result is obtained. In order to purify moonshine, it is necessary to take into account the fact that with a higher alcohol strength and temperature, toxic substances and harmful impurities are more strongly retained in the final product. Therefore, moonshine should be diluted with water so that its strength varies from 40 to 45 °.

Cleaning moonshine with milk

This method will help get rid of the characteristic unpleasant odor and improve the taste of the product. A simple and reliable recipe allows you to combine other elements that contribute to cleaning at home. To clean the moonshine from harmful fusel oils, you will need to follow the steps in a specific order:

  1. You need to take 100 ml of pasteurized milk and add it to a 10 liter container with alcohol.
  2. Mix thoroughly and cover the container with a lid.
  3. Then the solution should be kept in this form for a week, stirring every day.
  4. After 7 days, you should carefully drain the liquid and filter through a gauze cloth or cotton wool.

Cleaning moonshine with soda or salt

This method is short term, using an absorbent solution of baking soda or salt. A huge plus
this method is a quick cleaning of the drink, which takes place within 24 hours. The recipe is simple to implement, this requires:

  1. Take 10 g of soda, dissolved in 100 ml of pure water, for 1 liter of moonshine 40? 45 °.
  2. Then add the alkaline essence to the container with moonshine.
  3. Cap the container and shake or stir thoroughly.
  4. Let stand for about 45 minutes.
  5. Repeat the shaking or stirring procedure and leave in a cool place for 10-15 hours.
  6. Next, it is necessary to drain from the sediment and filter through gauze or cotton wool, after wrapping crushed activated carbon in a filter.

Manganese purification of moonshine

More efficient chemical cleaning is achieved by combining potassium permanganate with soda. This method has a number of significant advantages, namely that soda contributes to withdrawal of such a substance as acetic acid, and potassium permanganate cleans the moonshine from fusel oils. This recipe requires a clear implementation of actions in the prescribed manner:

  1. Potassium permanganate in an amount of 1.5 g is diluted with 200 ml of pure water. The resulting solution is added to 1 liter of moonshine. The proportions are important and it is strictly forbidden to change them.
  2. Next, you need to prepare a soda solution according to the above recipe.
  3. The resulting lye solution is added to a container with moonshine, thoroughly mixing the liquid.
  4. Then the alcoholic beverage needs to settle for about 30 minutes.
  5. The container is corked and placed in a cool place for 10-14 hours.
  6. After the expiration date, the drink should be filtered, and then the product should be re-distilled.

With repeated distillation, this method allows you to achieve a high-quality and pure drink, in which the taste will acquire sophistication, and the unpleasant smell will disappear altogether.

Cleaning moonshine using vegetable oil

The oil purification recipe determines the removal of fusel oils. In order to avoid the transition of a third-party odor into moonshine, it is necessary to use raw materials with a weak aroma, and it is better that the oil is completely odorless. Cleaning technology consists of the following procedure:

  1. It is necessary before reaching a fortress of 20 °.
  2. For 1 liter of moonshine, there are 20 ml of oil, which is added to the drink.
  3. The container is sealed and shaken continuously for a minute, then the liquid is settled for about 5 minutes and the shaking procedure is repeated with the same time.
  4. Then the solution needs to stand for 24 hours in a cool place.
  5. A day later, you will need to remove the collected oily film, then.

The product, purified with oil and filtered through gauze with activated carbon, is re-distilled to separate fractions.

Purification of moonshine using activated or charcoal

Activated or charcoal is great as
cleansing agent for self-made alcoholic beverages. The convenience of this method is the use of a charcoal filter during the distillation process. To create a filter, you need the following elements:

  1. You need to purchase activated carbon. This can be done at a regular pharmacy.
  2. Next, you need to grind the coal to a powdery state.
  3. Then you should take an ordinary household watering can in the form of a funnel, put gauze, rolled in several layers, or cotton wool in it.
  4. In a watering can equipped with a filter, pour coal at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of drink
  5. Place a funnel under the tap of the moonshine still and drip the drink. Or simply pour the charcoal into a container with moonshine, stir and leave for 2 weeks, shaking or stirring daily. After the expiration date, the liquid should be strained several times through cheesecloth rolled into 2 × 3 layers.

Purification of moonshine with egg white

Casein and albumin? these are the main substances contained in egg whites with impeccable absorption properties. Thanks to these elements, fusel oils combine with protein and precipitate,
forming a substance in the form of white flakes. The method is not difficult to implement, for this you need to do the following:

  1. For 1 liter of the drink there are 2 eggs, followed by the separation of the yolk from the protein.
  2. The proteins must be added to the water and beat with a mixer (100 ml of water goes for 1 liter of alcoholic drink).
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into the alcohol product and stir thoroughly.
  4. Let the moonshine stand for a week in a cool environment.
  5. For better absorption of fusel oils, shake the container every 12 hours during the allotted time.
  6. After the moonshine has settled, and the sediment accumulates at the bottom, the drink must be drained and filtered through a cotton or gauze filter.

Cleaning moonshine using rye bread crumb

In the old days, the most effective way was to clean the alcoholic drink with the help of freshly baked bread crumb. Subsequently use
this method, moonshine lost its unpleasant odor and fusel oils. A recipe for this type of cleaning requires strict adherence to certain actions:

  1. First of all, you need to purify alcohol using an absorbent product: egg white, coal.
  2. For 1 liter of moonshine, there is about 100 g of bread crumb.
  3. It is necessary to crumble the crumb, pour it into a container with an alcoholic drink and mix thoroughly.
  4. Next, you should reliably cork the container and put it in a cool place for 2–3 days.
  5. Then the moonshine is filtered.

An alcoholic drink should be strained twice, and then? re-distill, thanks to this, the taste will improve and the unpleasant odor will disappear.

Purification of moonshine with a water filter

Aquaphor or Barrier water filters are great as a homemade alcoholic beverage cleaning agent. Its use does not require any skills or additional equipment, it is enough to run the moonshine through the filter twice in order to obtain purified alcohol.

Frosty cleaning of moonshine

Basically, this method requires nothing but low temperatures. To cleanse moonshine from harmful impurities, fusel oils and others
toxins, you just need to freeze the drink and drain the unfrozen alcohol residues. This procedure should be repeated until frost forms on the container and the sediment in the form of a liquid stops forming.

Moonshine cleaning process? this is the very last action that produces the purest drink. There are a huge number of methods, and every moonshiner will find a suitable one for himself. The main thing to remember is a simple truth: if alcohol, created with your own hands, has a cloudy color, then this means that it contains fusel oils, which must be disposed of. The above recipes will help you achieve the best result.

Such a well-known craft as moonshine has its roots in ancient times, so it has been improved by centuries of testing, testing, and methods. For those who are professionally engaged in this business these days, it has long been no secret how to clean the moonshine from fusel oils. And if you seriously decided to make the purest homemade vodka, then you won't hurt to learn a couple of secrets about how this is done. Below you will find a lot of interesting and useful information that will help you familiarize yourself with all the effective methods for cleaning moonshine.

The best way to clean moonshine: recipes and proportions

There are a huge number of recipes for cleaning moonshine at home, and each of them has a main component that performs the function of filtering the drink. Some of the listed methods are used even in production, and you can choose the only correct one in your opinion, or you can try everything to bring out the best one. The main condition for the competent use of this or that method is strict adherence to the indicated proportions and recommendations. Read more about the cleaning recipes below.

Cleaning with potassium permanganate: the benefits and harms of this method

There are two main ways to clean moonshine with manganese, but not everyone considers sodium permanganate to be an effective and harmless means that can be safely used in the craft of moonshine. The fact is that manganese, precipitating along with the rest of the vodka impurities, takes away not all substances with it. But that's not the worst part.

Scientists have proven that potassium permanganate is an oxidizing agent that interacts with alcohol (ethanol), while releasing very dangerous substances and alkali. When the process of oxidation of potassium permanganate in moonshine is activated, a very complex alkali is formed, which in the food industry is called potassium hydroxide or food additive under the number "E-525". This substance is an effective preservative and acidity regulator.

Additionally, as a result of the described reaction, manganese oxide and acetaldehyde (acetaldehyde) precipitate. The latter is a very dangerous carcinogen found in tobacco smoke and is highly addictive in humans. If you talk to chemists on this topic in more detail, you will find out a lot of negative reviews, which will testify to a bad effect on the health of someone who will then use such moonshine. Therefore, think carefully about the benefits and harms of the methods that you are going to use to cleanse this drink. Check out the recipe below.


  • Liter of moonshine (40%).
  • 0.3 liters of hot water.
  • Two grams of potassium permanganate.
  • A tablespoon of salt (absolutely do not use iodized).
  • A tablespoon of baking soda.

Description of the cleaning method:

  1. Dissolve potassium permanganate thoroughly with water.
  2. Combine moonshine with water tinted with manganese, stir with a wooden spoon (exclude metal dishes), leave overnight.
  3. Filter in the morning. This can be done with a regular filter or multilayer gauze, for example.

How to clean a drink with charcoal

The properties of wood ash are compared to activated carbon in tablets: it is an excellent adsorbing agent that effectively absorbs and removes harmful substances. An additional advantage of cleaning moonshine with charcoal for barbecue (the name of charcoal in the people) over other adsorbents is a short process time. You can also use coconut charcoal in this process. There is absolutely no difference with which coal to clean the moonshine, because they are equally effective substances. Required Ingredients:

  • Freshly cut young tree stump (less than 50 years old). Beech, cedar or birch wood is preferable (you get birch charcoal).
  • A liter of 40-degree moonshine.

How to clean moonshine with coal:

  1. Peel the bark from the tree, cut out the core, twigs.
  2. Light a fire. It is necessary to pull out the uncooled coals when the heat is still there. Chip off the ash, cover the charred pieces of wood, wait until it fades.
  3. Grind the resulting charcoal through a sieve.
  4. Dissolve the powder in moonshine, leave for three days.
  5. Filter.

Getting rid of smell and fuzz with milk powder

Purify the moonshine using coagulation (the process of binding fusel oils with albumin and casein, which are found in milk). When milk reacts with alcohol, a precipitate forms as flakes and the drink becomes soft, the unpleasant inherent odor is removed. This method uses milk powder because it is the safest way to get skim milk. It is important that the moonshine does not become cloudy during the filtration process. Explore a detailed recipe for cleansing homemade alcohol this way.

What you need:

  • 10 liters of 40-degree moonshine.
  • 6 grams of milk powder.
  • 10 liters of warm water.

Cleaning process:

  1. Dilute milk powder with warm water. Stir the mixture thoroughly, break all the lumps, leave to infuse for three hours.
  2. After the specified time, mix the resulting milk with moonshine, leave for a week.
  3. Remove the deposited precipitate by filtration.

Soda and salt cleaning method

One of the most popular ways to cleanse moonshine due to its availability and low cost. As a result, you will remove most of the fusel oils from homemade alcohol, as well as the unpleasant smell. In the process of drinking, the drink will have a mild taste, due to which it is pleasant to drink. Be sure to try this cleaning recipe to appreciate all its advantages, and how to clean homemade vodka with soda, the step-by-step recipe will tell you further.


  • 1 liter of 40-degree alcohol.
  • A tablespoon of salt.
  • A tablespoon of baking soda.

How to clean moonshine with soda:

  1. Dissolve the soda and salt thoroughly in the moonshine. Leave to infuse for half an hour.
  2. After the specified time, stir the liquid again, remove in a dark place for 12 hours.
  3. The liquid of a cloudy consistency should have exfoliated within the allotted time.
  4. Drain the top gently.

How to properly clean moonshine with egg white

Egg white is known for its coagulating property, which is precipitation together with harmful substances during a reaction with alcohol. Many people compare this method of purifying moonshine with a method that involves the use of milk (dry or whole). This is an effective opportunity to qualitatively separate fusel oils from moonshine. Learn more about how easy it is to cleanse your drink with egg whites.


  • A liter of alcohol (40%).
  • Two egg yolks, separated from the white.

How is cleaning done:

  1. Whisk the whites, but no foam.
  2. Add to moonshine and mix thoroughly.
  3. Feathers with sediment should fall out immediately.

Rye bread instead of a filter

This method of purifying moonshine is more effective after separating fusel oils from alcohol using milk. However, if you try to use this method as the only way to cleanse, the result will be good too. It is believed that the gluten in bread is a wonderful way to remove all impurities and debris from homemade vodka. Use only fresh bread so as not to spoil the taste and aroma of the drink. Here's how it is possible to clean moonshine with rye bread.

Method components:

  • A liter of homemade vodka (40-degree).
  • 100 grams of rye bread.

How to clean:

  1. Break the bread into small pieces.
  2. Throw them into the moonshine, shake well.
  3. Defend for two days.
  4. Get rid of the precipitated sediment by filtering moonshine.

Freezing method without distillation

Freezing is one of the cheapest and most affordable ways to clean moonshine. During this simple method, all harmful substances freeze and fall out on the walls of the vessel in which the homemade vodka is located. Alcohol will not freeze at the freezing temperature of the freezer and even at high frost outdoors up to -13 degrees, so it will be easy to separate it from impurities and fusel oils by draining into a clean container. Find out how the method of freezing moonshine without distillation works further.

What you need:

  • Moonshine - the quantity is not important.
  • Pan.
  • Freezer.

The algorithm of your actions:

  1. Pour the available amount of moonshine into a saucepan, put in the freezer or outside on a frosty day.
  2. Wait until part of the drink freezes (at least three to four hours, or better, put it overnight).
  3. Drain the unfrozen portion of the moonshine into a clean container.

Cleaning with vegetable oil at home

Scientists claim without doubt that fusel oils and other impurities are effectively dissolved in vegetable oils, separated from alcohol diluted with water, and can be quickly removed from moonshine. It is important to remember that only sunflower or olive oil that is odorless (refined) will help. Please note: this method is good because it is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly, so use it boldly for cleaning homemade vodka. And then you will find how to do it.


  • Liter of moonshine (40%).
  • Water is three liters.
  • 80 ml of sunflower oil.

How the cleaning method is done:

  1. Dissolve moonshine with the indicated amount of water.
  2. Add sunflower oil, shake for one minute.
  3. Let the moonshine brew for three minutes.
  4. Shake again for one minute.
  5. Leave the container with the contents in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 16 degrees. Let it infuse for a day.
  6. After the specified amount of time, you will see how an oil film appeared on the surface of the moonshine (it already contains impurities, fusel oils).
  7. Gently make a funnel through the formed film, then lower the tube or thin hose. Try not to touch the oily film. Drain all the moonshine.
  8. Filter the homemade vodka in a double way to finally remove any remaining oil droplets.

Second distillation

If you want to get a crystal clear alcoholic drink at home, the stage of re-distillation of moonshine is an inevitable process. So you will finally remove all heavy fractions from home vodka, deprive of foreign odors, give the drink softness and a pleasant taste. Even if you use very good equipment for distilling moonshine, the excellent result is still worth repeating the whole process a second and maybe a third time. Only in this way will you achieve high quality moonshine.

Is it possible to clean cloudy moonshine with Barrier or Aquaphor filters?

If you are not a supporter of chemical cleaning (bentonite, for example), you can clean the moonshine from cloudy sediment using ordinary filters "Barrier" or "Aquaphor". They contain excellent cleaners with soda, charcoal, calcium and other components that are used in some methods at home. This is not difficult at all: just pass the homemade vodka through a special container with a filter cartridge to get the purest drink in the end.

How to make a charcoal filter column with your own hands

The carbon column filter is a means for cleaning moonshine using coal. It gives excellent results, and immediately after distillation the product is ready for use. It is not difficult to make such a device at home. Thanks to the detailed description that you will find below, the manufacturing process will be possible. Check out the step-by-step algorithm for making a charcoal filter column with your own hands.

What you need:

  • Two necks from plastic bottles.
  • A pair of caps (one must be with a spout).
  • Plastic bottle 5 l.
  • Plastic pipe with a diameter of 32.
  • Scissors.
  • Saw.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Coal for cleaning moonshine.
  • Drill.
  • Cotton wool.

Manufacturing step by step:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a 5 liter eggplant.
  2. Insert one end of the tube into the throat of the eggplant, wrap with electrical tape.
  3. Insert the plastic necks into each other. Drill holes in the lid with a drill, screw on the neck and insert into the second. Wrap the parts with electrical tape. Close the second neck with the second cap with the drinker (first put cotton wool in the extreme neck).
  4. Tape the resulting part with electrical tape to the other end of the tube.
  5. Hang the tube by the handle of the bottle (the eggplant should be on top).
  6. Place the container at the bottom.
  7. Pour the charcoal into the pipe through a 5 liter bottle. Cover the neck of the eggplant with a cotton swab.