Correct layout of the kindergarten. Built-in kindergarten on the ground floor of a residential building: architectural and technical solutions

Given with some abbreviations

When designing preschool institutions, it is necessary that the premises meet their purpose and meet pedagogical and hygienic requirements.
Everything that hinders the implementation of the regimen, violates the principle of group isolation, deprives children of adequate light and air, makes it difficult to care for children, cannot be considered acceptable. It is necessary to take into account such an important factor as the climatic features of the region.
To a certain extent, they determine the nature of the design and construction of buildings for children's institutions.
The entire territory of the Soviet Union, on the basis of average temperatures (isotherms) of the coldest (January) and the hottest (July), is divided into four climatic regions.
Buildings of preschool institutions built without taking into account climatic conditions according to standard projects of the central zone of the Soviet Union, for example, in Central Asia or in the Far North, cannot meet the basic requirements of this climatic region.
It is known that solar energy, light and heat increase the vital activity of the human body. The growing organism of the child especially needs sunlight. However, excessive exposure to sunlight, as well as their lack, can have an adverse effect on the child's body (burns, overheating, etc., on the one hand, lack of ultraviolet radiation, on the other).
Meanwhile, in a hot climatic region in summer, the air temperature in a room under adverse conditions can reach +40 ° and higher. Such temperature indicators, close to the temperature of the human body and even exceeding it, place increased demands on the body, the most important function of which is to maintain normal body temperature.
Some rooms, such as glazed verandas, provided for the middle lane, have not been used in the south due to severe overheating since May.
For hot areas, open verandas, terraces, awnings are more acceptable, allowing you to organize sleep, games and outdoor activities for children. Green climbing plants covering terraces and awnings also serve as reliable protection from the sun in the hot climatic zone.
In a hot climatic region, in order to protect children's rooms from excess sunlight and, consequently, from overheating, protective devices are needed on window openings in the form of shutters, blinds, and visors.
At an outside air temperature of +35, +40°, the temperature in the room decreases by 4-4.5° due to closed shutters, blinds by 3-4°, canopies by 1-1.5°. In their absence, the temperature in the rooms can rise by 7 ° in the evening.
When designing buildings for preschool institutions in the southern zone, it is also necessary to provide for the orientation of children's rooms only to the south; convenient connection of children's rooms with the site; increased requirements for natural aeration of the building; separation of the kitchen, laundry and other utility rooms in a separate block.
The most successful solution should be considered a one-story pavilion layout, which ensures the fulfillment of the above requirements.
The specificity of the microclimatic and meteorological conditions of the Far North (strong winds, blizzards and snow drifts; low outdoor temperature from November to March (from -40 to -45°C); polar night and day, permafrost, etc.) does not allow efficient use building projects intended for the middle zone of the USSR.
For example, in order to create normal temperature conditions in children's institutions in the Arctic, in addition to rational heating, it is necessary to provide reliable thermal insulation of the floor of the first floors of buildings and place not children's, but utility rooms on them.
When planning children's preschool institutions in the Far North, it is necessary to provide for some additional premises, as well as an increase in the size of the existing ones.
Sufficiently sized drying rooms are needed for the clothes and shoes of children and staff.
It should also not be forgotten that in the children's institutions of the Far North it is necessary to allocate space for the supply of food and fuel. In the Arctic, the polar night lasts for several months, which causes ultraviolet deficiency. In these cases, it is necessary to apply artificial ultraviolet irradiation of children. For this purpose, all children's institutions in the Far North should provide appropriate devices for irradiating children with mercury-quartz lamps of the PRK-7 type or fotaria (premises intended for mass irradiation of children).
You can apply ultraviolet irradiation of a child from the age of one and a half months.
There are such photos in preschool institutions in some cities of the North. The area for them is determined by the equipment necessary for this. To install a PRK-7 quartz lamp, the minimum area should be 4X5.4 m. Then the whole group (25 children) can be placed in a circle at a distance of 2.5 m from the lamp.
To maintain the appropriate air temperature (25 °) when irradiating children in the fotarium, “sollux” lamps or ordinary incandescent lamps with reflectors are mounted on the ceiling.
In the premises of the photorium, central exhaust ventilation should be provided and enhanced ventilation should be carried out to remove harmful gases formed during irradiation - nitrogen oxides and ozone.


Due to the fact that the nursery-kindergarten is a new type of children's institution, when designing, questions arise that need hygienic justification: what should be the maximum capacity of the building, its number of storeys, what is the most rational mutual arrangement of premises intended for groups of children of early and preschool age.
In order to test the hygienic expediency of building preschool institutions designed for a large number of children, we carried out a comparative analysis of the incidence in institutions of different sizes: in six-groups for 140 places (7 children's institutions) and in twelve-groups for 280 places (4 children's institutions).
In children's institutions with a larger capacity, the incidence was significantly higher than in institutions with a smaller number of children. In such institutions, in addition, great difficulties arise both in the organization of the educational process and in the work of the head. She must know the life of children, the work of the staff, first of all as a teacher, in order to provide assistance or make certain amendments if necessary.
Thus, for hygienic and pedagogical reasons, the maximum capacity of combined preschool institutions should not exceed 160 places (3 groups of young children and 4 groups of preschool children).
Building regulations (1972) provide for the following types of nursery-kindergarten buildings: for 25, 50 and 90 places (with an increase in the number of places for the summer) and for 90, 140, 160, 280 and 320 places. In some cases (with the permission of the ministries of education and public education), the construction of nursery-garden buildings for 560 and 640 places (the so-called nursery-garden complexes) is allowed.
It was decided to design such complexes in the form of separate buildings, with rooms for no more than 8 groups in each, and an administrative building to serve the entire complex. Between buildings, as a rule, heated transitions are planned. Unheated passages and galleries between buildings are allowed only in warm and hot climatic regions. Height of covered passages and galleries (from floor to ceiling) - 2.2 m.
In the nursery-gardens of rural settlements, it is planned to increase the number of places for the summer (from 25 places to 50, from 50 places to 95, from 90 places to 180) in new buildings, due to the use of veranda bedrooms (with round-the-clock stay of children, veranda bedrooms are used for their intended purpose). in the existing buildings of nursery gardens located in warm and hot climatic regions - due to the additional construction of summer pavilions. Summer pavilions for 1-2 groups are supposed to be built unheated.


Buildings of preschool institutions are recommended to be built in 1-2 floors. As observations have shown, lifting children and staff to the second and third floors tires them and leads to dysfunction of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Children daily climb the stairs at least 2-3 times a day, and, moreover, in outer clothing, which, especially in winter, complicates their climb to the third floor. As a result, the respiratory rate and ventilation of the lungs increase almost three times against the rise to the top floor in room clothes.
Restoration of pulse and breathing after climbing the stairs to the third floor and a three-minute rest of a calm state in most cases does not occur. By the end of the fourth minute, the respiratory rate is restored only in 40%, and ventilation of the lungs in 13% of children. For the rest, by this time, breathing remains rapid or slow.
The personnel of children's institutions during the working day also often have to climb the floors, and almost always with all sorts of burdens: with children, food, linen, equipment.
It is very difficult to climb stairs with babies in your arms. Observations of physiological changes in adults who climbed from the first to the second and third floors with children in their arms showed that the nature of the load depends not only on the age and weight of the child, but also to a large extent on the weight of his clothes and the height of the lift.
Children waiting to be led or carried down stairs require supervision, which is difficult to provide. Dressed children, being indoors for a long time, sweat. Thus, to ensure the exit of young children from the third floor for a walk and return after it is physically difficult and organizationally difficult.
Children should go up and down the stairs in an organized manner, slowly enough, not to run or overtake each other. It’s good if, when lifting, the children take off and carry galoshes in their hands, unbutton their coats, and untie their scarves. At the site you need to stop for a short respite.
In order not to disturb proper breathing, it is better for children not to talk when climbing stairs.
Stairs should be comfortable for ascent and descent. The most appropriate width of the steps is 28-30 cm, with a slope of flights of stairs 1: 2, and in each of them there are no more than 12 steps.
Straight vertical bars on which the railings are located should be at a distance of no more than 10 cm from one another so that children cannot crawl between them; above the railing, an additional fence 0.5 m high should be made. To ensure that children climb the stairs in accordance with their height, below the railing for adults and at the walls at a height of 50-55 cm, additional handrails are made for children. They must be completely smooth.


When planning a preschool institution, the question arises: on what basis should groups of children be placed on floors? Some educators (and doctors) and architects claim that it is warmer on the upper floors; therefore, small children should be placed there so as not to expose them to colds.
We studied the microclimate on all three floors of the children's institution with central water heating. The temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and the temperature of enclosing surfaces (floor and walls) were measured. The water temperature in the boiler and the outside air temperature were also taken into account.
Measurements were made at two levels: at a height of 1.5 m and 1 m from the floor, i.e., the height of an adult and the height of a child. It turned out that the air temperature at both levels has a slight tendency to decrease from the third to the first floor, both during ventilation and with the windows closed.
The temperature of the enclosing surfaces (walls and floors) changes in the same direction, i.e., it is slightly lower on the lower floors than on the upper ones.
Examinations of the thermal state of children located on different floors showed that the average skin temperature of both children was almost the same.
The analysis of children suffering from influenza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis showed that the number of storeys does not have a noticeable effect on the number of colds.
Thus, to create the best temperature conditions for young children, it is not necessary to place them on the upper floors. When placing the smallest on the ground floor, it is necessary to provide for a rational heating system and reliable protection against the penetration of currents of cold outside air into children's rooms.
In children's institutions, the floors of group rooms on the first floor should be heated to +22°C.


Young children are very susceptible to infectious diseases. But if babies under 3 years old do not communicate much with adults and older children, then the communication of children from 3 to 7 years old is much wider. Therefore, they are more likely than babies to become a source of infections.
Given this, it is necessary to provide two separate sections in the joint preschool institution: for children under 3 years old and for children from 3 to 7 years old.
Nursery gardens can be designed in one or more buildings, interconnected by closed passages. In hot climates, these transitions are not necessary.
When placing a children's institution in the same building, it is most advisable to place groups of young children and groups of older children in different wings of buildings or floor by floor in order to exclude the possibility of contact.
In order to test the epidemiological feasibility of such placement, observations were carried out in a three-story building of a joint children's institution. Younger and older children were housed in different wings of the buildings. Children under 3 years old were located in one wing on all three floors of the building, one group on each floor. In the other wing, groups of children from 3 to 7 years old were in the same way. The wings of the building on all three floors are interconnected by corridors. On the first floor of the central part of the building there was a kitchen and an isolation room, on the second floor there were offices for the doctor and the manager, and on the third floor there was a hall for music lessons and gymnastics.
An analysis of the incidence of children showed that due to the poor layout of the building (connecting the wings with corridors, the absence of group isolation in four out of six groups), some infectious diseases spread from group to group, from floor to floor. The "chain" of the children's institution lasted four months, covering all groups, in both wings of the building, on three floors. With this layout, it was difficult to isolate the affected group, since the rooms for children were connected by a corridor.
We called the chain the transmission of infection from one age group to another.
Obviously, the layout of the nursery gardens along the wings of the building, in the presence of transit corridors and communication between them, does not provide the necessary isolation of groups. The location of groups on floors, when there are no separate entrances for each of them, also does not protect against the spread of infection.
It is best to place young and older children in separate buildings connected by covered walkways. When designing a preschool institution in one building, it is necessary to separate the premises for young children from the premises for older children, placing them in different, non-communicating wings of the building.
According to the existing sanitary norms and rules in the nursery-gardens, each group of young children must have a separate entrance. The device of a common entrance to two groups is allowed only if they are located on the second floor. For children from 3 to 7 years old, a common entrance is allowed for no more than 3 groups.
Group isolation not only reduces contagious diseases in institutions by preventing the transfer of infection from one group to another, but also contributes to the health of children, ensuring their greater organization and peace.


One of the main hygienic and pedagogical requirements for the design of buildings for preschool institutions should be considered the compliance of the set and size of premises with the actual need for them.
When the norms of space are underestimated, and even more so in the complete absence of the necessary premises, difficulties arise that interfere with the fulfillment of various hygienic and pedagogical requirements for the care and upbringing of children. In this regard, large sums of money are often spent on all sorts of alterations and adaptations of certain premises to the real needs of the children's institution.
Each age group in a children's institution should have its own set of rooms, isolated from the rooms of other groups. At present, the buildings of kindergartens are being designed as universal ones (for daytime and round-the-clock stay of children). In such children's institutions, a group cell for young children is isolated and consists of a reception room (16 m2), a playing-dining room (50 m2), a bedroom-veranda (36 m2), a toilet (12 m2).
In the buildings of the complexes, it is allowed to design a common entrance to 4 group cells of preschool age.
The composition of the premises for each group of children from 3 to 7 years old includes a dressing room (16 m2), a group room (50 m2), a bedroom-veranda (50 m2), a toilet room (16 m2).
In each group cell there is a pantry (3 m2), located on the group area in an isolated room.
Convenient (without passing through the premises of other groups) internal communication of each group with the hall, the room for a sick child (isolation), administrative and utility rooms is provided.
They should have a direct connection with each other: in group cells of toddler age - a playing-dining room with a reception room, a bedroom-veranda or a bedroom, a toilet and pantry; in group cells of preschool age - a group with a dressing room, a bedroom-veranda or a bedroom, a toilet and pantry. It is allowed to connect a bedroom-veranda or a bedroom with a toilet and a dressing room with a toilet.
1. Between the bedroom-veranda (or bedroom) and the playing-dining room or reception room, a glazed partition is allowed.
2. Between the group and the bedroom-veranda (or bedroom) it is allowed to install a slow-burning or fireproof sliding partition.

Reception area for young children and dressing room for preschool children

In the reception and dressing room, children are received and examined, their outerwear is stored, children are dressed for a walk and undressed upon their return. In the morning, a nurse measures the temperature of young children daily, and in case of a suspected illness, talks with the child's parents.
It is not recommended to use a common reception (or locker room) for two or more groups, since with an increase in the number of children in the room, the possibility of various kinds of infections in a preschool institution increases.
In addition, the concentration of a large number of children inevitably increases their nervous excitement, causes deterioration of the air in the room, an increase in the amount of dust and microorganisms.
The floors in the reception and dressing rooms should be smooth, but not slippery; the best coating is linoleum. Painting the walls with an easy-to-clean oil paint will make it possible to maintain their constant cleanliness.
For a better arrangement of furniture, it is desirable that the reception room be rectangular in shape.
The main equipment of the reception (or dressing room) can be either built-in, attached, or free-standing wardrobes for storing children's clothes.
For each child under the age of three, an individual locker is allocated. It consists of three compartments: the upper one - for linen and room clothes, the middle one - for coats, trousers, headwear and the lower one - for shoes, preferably with a hinged lid on which children can sit while putting on shoes. Openings are cut in the door of the box at the top and bottom for air movement.
To dry children's clothes, lockers are equipped with heaters (they are connected to the hot water supply system) and an exhaust hood (from general ventilation).
With such equipment, the need for special drying cabinets is eliminated.
For preschool children (3-7 years old), open-type hangers can be used. In this case, the clothes are not hung on hooks, as usual, but on hangers; shoes are placed below, in boxes.
On open hangers, the coat on the "shoulders" is well dried and ventilated. The bottom wall (bottom of the hanger), intended for shoes, is not made solid, but from slats, so that moisture and sand from the shoes do not linger in the cell. The bottom is raised 10-15 cm above the floor to make it easier to wipe the floor under the hanger.
The height of hangers and lockers from floor to top is 115-120 cm. The length of an open hanger for seven coats is 127 cm, a locker with five nests is 126 cm. In any case, it is necessary to ensure individual storage of children's clothes.
In the dressing room you also need to have a wall mirror. For self-shoeing of children in the dressing room, low (15-20 cm high) sofas or step-ups (2X1 m) are required; they are placed in the middle of the reception room (or dressing room), after use they can be pushed under children's coat hangers.
In the reception area, changing tables are set up for examining, undressing and dressing young children and a well-lit area for breastfeeding children is allocated, where there is a table, chairs, footrests, hangers for bathrobes and outerwear for mothers, washbasins with soap and a rack for towels.
In the reception area for older groups, a sink for washing the hands of a health worker after examining children should also be installed.
In the dressing room should be stored brushes for cleaning clothes and shoes, brooms for brushing them in snowy weather. They should have closed boxes.
At the entrance to the dressing room there should be a foot mat, and in dry weather it is good to use a special device made of brushes to remove dust from shoes.

Group room and its equipment

The group room is the main room where most of the child's day takes place: eating (feeding), being awake, playing, studying, working, and in the absence of verandas or bedrooms, sleeping. The area of ​​the group room should ensure the arrangement of the necessary furniture, building materials, large toys, as well as aids for the development of the movement of children. Group rooms are designed at the rate of 2.5 m2 per child under 3 years old and 2 m2 for preschool children.
The height of the premises in preschool institutions should be at least 3 m.
The air in low rooms heats up faster than in high rooms, especially during the hot season. Therefore, in a hot climate, according to hygienists, the height of the premises should be 3.5-3.75 m.
Lowering the height of the premises causes an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air.
Airing group rooms with a reduced height in the presence of children at sub-zero outdoor temperatures is difficult due to a sharp drop in air temperature in the room at the level of the child's breathing.
It is very important that the group room is bright. It depends not only on the number of windows and lamps, but also on the color of the walls in light warm colors: light yellow, cream, pale pink, etc., which give the highest reflection coefficient of light rays.
The walls must be smooth and at a height of 1.5 m from the floor covered with oil paint so that they can be easily wiped with a damp cloth. The ceiling is painted with white glue, and the doors and window frames with oil paint.
Floors should be warm, dense, without gaps, preferably painted with oil paint or covered with linoleum. Parquet floors in children's rooms are not recommended, since in this case it is impossible to make daily wet cleaning of the room.
In recent years, polymeric materials have been used to cover floors in preschool institutions. It has been established that not all synthetic materials used in construction meet hygienic requirements. For example, some types of linoleum, relin, PVC tiles used for flooring are often a source of indoor air pollution with harmful substances. In addition, the floor, covered with PVC tiles, is too cool, children are uncomfortable on it.
Polymeric materials are sometimes used for finishing children's furniture. If laminated paper plastic can be used as a finish for wooden furniture, then particle boards should not be used for these purposes, since they are made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resin, which is harmful to children's health.
When choosing polymeric materials for finishing floors and furniture in nursery-gardens, one should be guided by the list of materials and products approved by the USSR Ministry of Health for use in construction.
Items of equipment and furniture in group rooms must be placed in a certain order in order to maintain the relationship of one item to another when using them.
The shapes and sizes of the equipment should be such that the group room is free and at the same time cozy and convenient for children to play and practice.
Taking into account the need for children to move, the amount of equipment in group rooms should be limited.
The basic requirements for children's furniture are well known. Furniture should meet the objectives of the educational process, be simple in form, uncomplicated in design, durable, stable, small-sized, and also inexpensive. It is necessary that the furniture be with rounded edges and corners, without protruding screws and correspond to the dimensions of the room.
Painting and coating of furniture must be hygienic, allowing cleaning with a wet method, and, if necessary, with disinfectant solutions.
In the premises of nursery gardens, built-in or attached equipment should be provided. It releases some area, increases the volume of air. Using it is not only more convenient, but also hygienic: surfaces that serve as a place for dust accumulation are reduced to a minimum; the work of the staff is facilitated; reduces the number of corners and protrusions that can cause injury to children.
At the same time, stationary built-in or attached equipment (for example, cabinets, shelves, racks) is much cheaper than ordinary furniture. In the practice of standard design, built-in furniture should be: in group rooms (in-wall cabinets for manuals, building materials, narrow tables along the windows); in dressing rooms and reception rooms (wardrobes for outerwear with a device for drying it, hangers for mothers' clothes, wardrobes for staff); in toilets (household cabinets); in the bedrooms (wardrobes for bed linen).
For the design of in-wall equipment, it is necessary in the planning process to leave as much as possible the length of the internal walls that are not crossed by openings, corners, etc.
In a group room for children of the first year of life, there should be the following equipment: a playpen, which is installed 50-60 cm from the windows, an individual playpen, 2 washbasins (for washing children and for washing hands), 1-2 dressing tables, a wall hanger for children towels, 2 tables with retractable armchairs, a four-seater children's table and chairs for it, sofas, 2-3 beds for children who are temporarily contraindicated to sleep on the veranda.
You also need chairs or stools for adults, a closet for clean linen and a tank with a lid for dirty.
The dressing table is recommended to be made with two drawers: one for care items (scissors, a jar of cotton wool, a jar of pipettes for drops, etc.), the second for stockings, tights, shoes. Under the table cover there is an open shelf for linen, clothes, diapers.
On the dressing table it is necessary to put a soft mattress, sheathed with oilcloth on both sides. The dressing table must be well lit. For children of the second and third years of life, you must have: five four-seater tables and chairs for them according to the number of children, a toy cabinet, a low sofa for children, a slide, a dressing table, a cupboard for dishes, linen, a distributing table, a table and chairs for the teacher and nannies.
In a group room for children from 3 to 7 years old, you must have: cabinets for manuals, dishes, shelves for toys, building materials, a table for a corner of nature, for books, a stand for pictures, a board on the wall for drawing with chalk.
The main equipment of children's rooms - tables and chairs. It is very important that the sizes of tables and chairs correspond to the height of each child. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the data obtained from the annual (in September) measurement of the height of children, and mark the furniture (make a mark, a sign) so that children with a big difference in height do not sit at the same table, on the same chairs. In the same period, furniture is selected according to the growth of children.
The height of the seat of the chair above the floor should be equal to the length of the lower leg together with the height of the foot plus 1.5-2 cm for the thickness of the heel and sole of the shoe. The depth of the chair is equal to 2/3 of the length of the thigh, the width of the seat is 5-6 cm greater than the width of the child's pelvis. The back of the chair should be slightly tilted (by 8 °) and reach the lower edge of the shoulder blades.
The height of the table is selected in accordance with the height of the chair, sitting on which the child can freely put his arms bent at the elbows on the table.
Differentiation - the distance of the table top from the seat of the chair - must be strictly observed. If the table is too high, the child is forced to stretch out, raise his arms high, and if the table is too low - to stoop, lower his head low.
It is also important not to violate the distance, that is, the chair should be placed against the table so that the front edge of its seat goes under the table cover by 3-5 cm, then the child will sit at the table without tension.
In each age group, you must have at least two sizes of tables and chairs, while 2/3 of them are provided for the main height group, the rest - for children below and above average height. In some cases, when there is no necessary furniture for children below and above average height in the group, it is necessary to adapt the existing tables and chairs, reducing or increasing their height.


To wash, sterilize, dry and store clean dishes well, as well as lay out food for children, you need a special pantry. It is advisable to place it next to the group room, but behind a partition with a tightly closing door, in order to avoid accidental contamination of dishes, food, to ensure timely and thorough cleaning of dishes without disturbing the daily routine.
The calculation of the pantry area depends on its equipment. To wash children's tableware and tea utensils in the pantry, you should have a two-cavity sink (or, even better, a three-cavity sink) with folding wing shelves on the sides for folding dirty dishes on one of them and clean dishes on the other.
The length of a two-cavity sink with wings is approximately 1 m 60 cm with a width of 55 cm.
You also need a cabinet for storing clean dishes about 1 m long and 45 cm wide; table for serving food - length 1 m, width 72 cm; passages are required between the specified equipment. Therefore, the area is about 4 m2.
Cold and hot water is supplied to the sink. Currently, pantry rooms are provided for each group cell on the area of ​​​​the playing-dining room or group room in an isolated room of 3 m2.


The importance of fresh air for children's health is well known. According to the daily routine in the cold season, with preschool children, it is supposed to walk twice a day for 1/2-2 hours. However, with the smallest, walking during these seasons is difficult.
Dressing and undressing babies takes so much time that exposure to the air is significantly reduced. In case of bad weather, children should not be taken out for a walk at all.
Walks, even if they are regular, are insufficient in time. Sleep on the veranda with open windows can increase the duration of your stay in the fresh air. Sleeping on the veranda allows children to enjoy fresh air regularly in all seasons of the year and in any weather.
If a children's institution does not have a specially allocated room for children to sleep, then this has a negative impact on the air quality in group rooms. In the absence of verandas or bedrooms, it is necessary to change the arrangement of furniture several times a day, depending on the regime, for example, when preparing for bed, lay out children's beds and bedding, move tables, chairs, large toys; after sleep - fold and clean beds and soft equipment, arrange tables and chairs again.
At the same time, a lot of dust rises, the composition of the air in children's rooms worsens.
Therefore, in the absence of separate rooms for sleeping (verandas, bedrooms), especially careful ventilation of group rooms and care of bedding is necessary.
If there are unheated verandas in children's institutions, sleeping bags, mattresses, pillows, blankets intended for sleeping outdoors must be stored in a warm room, otherwise they can cause severe cooling in children during sleep.
The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where bedding is stored should be at least 5 m2, so that on especially frosty and rainy days it is possible to bring folding beds there, freeing the veranda for children to walk. The area of ​​​​the veranda should be such that it is possible to arrange beds for all the children in this group.
In order to maintain the thermal regime in children's rooms, access to the veranda should be arranged from the reception room or dressing room, and not from the group room, otherwise the room will become supercooled if the doors are repeatedly opened from the group room.
In the conditions of the south, the unheated glazed verandas recommended by us for the middle lane are unacceptable: in the hot season they overheat greatly.
Sometimes, instead of verandas, glazed pavilions are built on the site outside the building. Experience shows that it is difficult to use them for sleeping children in the air: pavilions are located far from group rooms and it is very difficult to carry or lead children dressed for sleeping there, especially in winter or in rainy weather.
It should also be taken into account that some groups are located on the second floor and this makes communication with the pavilions even more difficult. The organization of sleep in the air under such conditions requires a lot of effort and time.
In some children's institutions, heating is arranged on the verandas. Hygienists object to replacing unheated verandas with heated ones. On the veranda, the windows should be open when the children sleep.
A heated veranda does not provide this, since at low outside temperatures, opening windows is not safe for the heating system. Heated verandas are most often used as ordinary bedrooms, where children sleep with the windows closed or the transom open.
In the premises of heated verandas, additional groups are sometimes placed. In such cases, the main groups are left without verandas, while additional ones exist with a limited set of premises, which always worsens their sanitary and epidemiological condition.
All this leads us to believe that the installation of heated verandas in children's institutions in the middle zone, and even more so in the south of the USSR, is inappropriate.
However, for the cold climate zone, partially insulated verandas can be recommended, provided that fresh air is constantly available and the temperature is maintained from -1 to +8 °. For the middle climatic zone, the presence of unheated verandas and their proper use will ensure that children sleep in the fresh air and walk in inclement weather.
Unheated verandas should be separated from the main premises by a warm vestibule.
To store bedding (mattresses, pillows, blankets, cotton bags) in an insulated vestibule or rooms adjacent to the veranda, there should be built-in wardrobes - racks with individual slots according to the number of children.

Veranda bedroom

At present, the buildings of the nursery-gardens are designed to be universal (for daytime and round-the-clock stay of children).
Each group cell is allocated a special (separate) room for sleeping children - a bedroom-veranda. The area of ​​the bedroom-veranda for toddlers is 36 m2 for each group, for children from 3 to 7 years old - 50 m2.
In nurseries-kindergartens designed in regions with a cold climate, bedrooms of 40 m2 are provided for sleeping children of toddler age, in each group cell of preschool age - 54 m2.
For a night's sleep of children, it is necessary to have stationary beds with a hard bed, if possible flat, slightly raised at the head end. Beds with a soft bed are harmful. Clamshells covered with fabric are especially harmful. Sleep in such conditions is harmful to the child, as it contributes to the curvature of the spine. Folding beds can only be used for daytime rest (sleep).
The beds should be arranged so that there is space between them (preferably 50 cm) and the same distance from the windows. It is advisable to place all beds parallel to the windows in order to provide better insolation and ventilation during the daytime.
Under the windows of group rooms, bedrooms, verandas, it is forbidden to place the windows of the laundry or washing room, kitchen, and toilets.

Room for music lessons and gymnastics

Nursery-kindergarten institutions provide a hall for music lessons and gymnastic exercises with an area of ​​75 m2 for buildings with 140 and 160 places and 100 m2 for buildings with 280 and 320 places. Children's holidays are also held in the hall.
It is important that this room has good natural and artificial lighting, and is easily ventilated. However, it must be associated with all groups.
In the hall, it is necessary to have aids for the development of the movement of children - a gymnastic wall, racks for jumping, benches for exercises in balance. The specified equipment must be appropriate for the age characteristics of children, be durable, smooth, free of cracks and burrs and be kept in unequal condition. Gymnastic walls are firmly attached to the floor and wall. Small aids: balls, jump ropes, sticks, hoops - are stored in racks or cabinets.
In the hall it is necessary to have a musical instrument (piano, grand piano) and a cabinet for musical aids, children's chairs.

Swimming pool

In the buildings of kindergartens with 140 or more places, designed for cold climatic regions, as well as in the administrative building of nursery gardens for 560 and 640 places, it is allowed to design indoor pools to teach children to swim.
The dimensions of bathtubs in such pools must be at least 3X7 m, with a depth of not more than 0.8 m. Along the perimeter, the bath is fenced with a side 0.15 m high, 0.3 m wide. Bypass paths have a width of no more than 1.5 m. the bottom of the bath and the walkway must be non-slippery.
In indoor pools, rooms are provided: a dressing room, a toilet, a shower room, a swimming pool room with a bathtub.
At the exit from the shower to the bypass path, there should be a walk-through foot bath with dimensions that exclude the possibility of bypassing it. In the direction of movement from the shower, the width of the foot bath should be at least 0.8, the depth should be 0.1 m.
The temperature of the floor surface of the bypass paths is not less than 26°C and not more than 30°C.
The water in the pools must be constantly updated. Its temperature should be at least 29°C and not more than 35°C. The amount of water supplied to such a pool must be at least 20% of the volume of the bath.

Toilet and its equipment

The toilet combines a washroom, a shower room, and a toilet. According to existing standards, the toilet area is: for children under the age of three - 12 m2; for preschool children 16 m2.
In washrooms, showers and latrines, the floors are covered with metlakh tiles, the walls are lined with tiled tiles at a height of 1.5 m.
The toilet for children of the first year of life should have the following equipment: a washbasin with a large sink for washing children; dressing table; rack with individual cells for children's pots; bath for children enameled on a stand (0.9 m from the floor to the side of the bath); faucet for washing hands of staff; cabinet for storage of cleaning equipment; a fenced-off drain with a tap above it - for washing children's pots.
In the toilets for children of the second and third years of life, it is recommended to have the following equipment: two children's washbasins, located in accordance with the height of the children (the height of the sink above the floor is 40 cm, the width is 30 cm); hangers with individual cells for towels 90 cm high from the floor, a shower tray (horn installation height above the tray 1.5 m) or a flexible hose; foot baths of various types with a mixer.
In the toilet for children of the second year of life, shelving with pots is needed; fenced drain with a tap for washing pots; washbasin for adults.
Children of the third year of life, in addition to pots, can use low toilet bowls.
Pots and toilet bowls should not be covered with lids. They must always be kept clean. For cleaning and disinfection of pots, it is good to have special chambers with mechanical dousing of their internal surfaces with a disinfectant solution. This will improve their cleaning and reduce the contamination of the hands of personnel.
In the washroom for each group of preschool children, it is supposed to have 4 washbasins (height above the floor 50 cm), preferably with an island (in the center of the washroom) location - then it is easier for children to approach them and it is more convenient to wash, and it is easier for staff to clean. Each washbasin should have a place for soap dishes. It's good to hang a mirror here.
Children's towels and personal hygiene items (toothbrushes and powder for sleeping children) are stored in open lockers with individual cells (mouthwash cups are put away in the cupboard). It is desirable that the hangers for children's towels have devices for drying.
In the washroom there is a shallow shower tray (0.3 m from the floor to the side of the tray) with a horn at a height of 1.6 m from the bottom of the tray or a flexible hose; foot baths; washbasin for adults.
The restroom should have 4 children's toilet bowls with open cabins measuring 0.8X0.75 m with screen partitions between them. The height of the partition is 1.2 m, the distance to the floor is 0.2 m, from the ceiling - 0.15 m. Toilets for older preschool children should be designed with separate latrines for boys and girls.
The height of the toilet bowl for younger children is 25 cm, for children of the middle group - 30 cm, for the older one - 35 cm. Seats must be made on screws, rubber plugs are arranged on the inside of the seats. To prevent contamination of the seats, be sure to make cutouts in the front (6-8 cm). Descents are better to do pedal. In case of impossibility of their device, ordinary descents must have a handle or a ring.
For boys 5-7 years old, it is advisable to have urinals.
A closet is placed in the sanitary unit or a niche is arranged with closing doors for storing household equipment of approximately the following size: height 170 cm, width 55 cm, depth 45 cm. Buckets, brushes, rags, disinfectant solutions should fit in it. The cabinet should have a device for drying cleaning equipment and extracting air.

Isolation room or room for a sick child

In a preschool institution, a room for a sick child or an isolation room should be provided. The sick child's room should be located on the ground floor near the staircase or one of the exits. It is intended to isolate children with non-communicable diseases. Children suffering from acutely contagious diseases should not be detained in the isolation ward.
According to the current standards, in the nursery gardens for 25, 50 and 90 places, a room for a sick child is provided, ranging in size from 8 to 12 m2. In all other buildings of the nursery-gardens, an insulator is offered. In children's institutions for 140 and 160 places, the isolation ward consists of two wards of 6 m2 each, a reception room (4 m2) and a toilet room (2 m2). In the nursery-gardens for 280 and 320 places, the isolation ward consists of three wards of 6 m2 each, a reception room (6 m2), and a toilet room (4 m2).
In preschool institutions for 560 and 640 places (a complex of nursery-gardens), the isolation ward consists of 4 wards of 6 m2 each, a reception room (6 m2) and a toilet (4 m2).
The isolation ward is located on the first floor of the building, near the medical room or the manager's office. For the isolation ward, it is necessary to have an independent entrance from the street. The best floor covering in the isolation room and the medical room is linoleum.
To ensure wet cleaning and the use of disinfectants, the walls of these rooms are covered with oil paint at a height of 1.5 m.
The isolator equipment consists of: beds, washbasins for children and adults, devices for washing and disinfecting dishes, a drain with a tap above it for cleaning and washing pots, a bath or shower tray.
In the room of a sick child, a washbasin for children and a tap for washing dishes are needed.

medical room

In the medical room, children are examined, weighed and measured, all kinds of medical procedures are performed, as well as conversations with parents.
The area of ​​the medical room is 6 m2, with a capacity of 50 and 90 places for a children's institution, 8 m2 in an institution for 140 and 160 places and 10 m2 for 280 and 320 places, 12 m2 for 560 and 640 places.
The medical office should be equipped with scales, a stadiometer, a cabinet for storing instruments and medicines, a couch, a table, chairs. For boiling tools, you should have an electric stove.
The doctor's office should be located on the first floor, closer to the exit from the building, so that parents who come to the doctor do not pass through the premises of the children's institution. It is good if the doctor's office and the isolation room (or the room of a sick child) are located in adjacent rooms.

Head's office

The area of ​​the manager's office is 9 m2 in a nursery-garden with a capacity of 90 to 320 seats, with a capacity of 560 and 640 seats - 10 m2.
Cabinet equipment - tables, chairs for adults, a sofa for visitors, two cabinets (one of them is for pedagogical and children's literature), a hanger.
The variety of functions of the manager causes a large influx of visitors. Therefore, the manager's office, like the doctor's office, should not be located next to the children's rooms (especially on the second floor). It is better if the manager's office is located on the first floor, near the entrance to the building.

Catering unit and equipment

The structure of the catering unit includes: kitchen, harvesting, washing, distributing, storerooms for dry products and vegetables.
The catering unit in the children's institution should be as isolated as possible from the rest of the premises. This is dictated, on the one hand, by the need to avoid the penetration of gas and odors from the kitchen into children's rooms, and on the other hand, to protect the food unit from any kind of pollution.
Air pollution with carbon monoxide, even in small concentrations with systematic exposure, affects the health of children and food workers.
Given this, it is necessary to apply a variety of measures to protect against the penetration of gas, heat, noise and food odors from the kitchen into children's rooms.
When designing, it is very important to foresee where the catering unit will be located. From a hygienic point of view, it is unacceptable for it to be located next to the passage corridor. In such cases, a large number of people pass by the kitchen. This creates undesirable contacts between catering workers and staff serving children, contributes to the pollution of the premises near the catering unit.
During one of our observations in the passage corridor of the nursery, where the catering unit with the dispensing window also opens, from 7 am to 1 pm people passed 179 times, resulting in 46 unwanted meetings. The next day, from 13:00 to 20:00, staff and unauthorized persons passed by the kitchen 147 times and 23 meetings took place.
In another children's institution, the kitchen is located on the ground floor with access to a small corridor, near the lobby, leading to auxiliary rooms. The general entrance to the building, except for the kitchen workers, was used by all the administrative and housekeeping staff and two groups of children, whose rooms were located on the first floor. There was no separate entrance to the kitchen.
Such a layout of the catering unit, close to the lobby, where there is a busy movement throughout the day, cannot meet the requirements of hygiene.
On one of the days from 7 am to 1 pm, the number of passages through the lobby was 668, of which 144 meetings were held between passers-by. On another day, from 13:00 to 19:00, 565 people went there, there were 131 meetings.
In the same stream of people, the staff has to distribute food into groups.
Therefore, the catering department, especially in a joint children's institution, where a lot of various food is cooked and from where they are distributed to groups, must be isolated from places of large concentrations and movement of people.
It is necessary that each catering unit has an isolated service entrance from the yard for the delivery and delivery of food, fuel, water (in the absence of running water) and the removal of food waste, slops, slag, etc.
The absence of a separate entrance adversely affects the sanitary maintenance of the children's institution: products, including vegetables, are brought into the catering department through the common passage, which pollutes the vestibule and the entrance to the kitchen.
According to the existing sanitary norms and rules in joint preschool institutions with a capacity of 90 seats or more, as well as in buildings designed for a hot climatic region, it is recommended to arrange a separate entrance to the kitchen from the yard. Near the door leading from the catering unit to the internal passage to the children's institution, a place (distributing room) is allocated for dispensing food in groups, where it comes from the kitchen through a special window.
For this purpose, a table is placed in the distribution room for staff to receive food for children. In the absence of a special dispenser, food is dispensed through a window in the door leading to the kitchen.
The size of the catering unit (kitchen, pantry, etc.) is determined by a number of factors that are directly dependent on the nature of the children's institution, its capacity, type (with daytime or round-the-clock stay of children), frequency of meals, the number of meals per child per day, the range of food products, local conditions, seasonality, meteorological factors, the type of fuel to be used, the size of its daily supply, etc.
When determining the size and layout of the catering unit in children's institutions, it is necessary to take into account the most important requirement - ensuring the correct sequence of culinary processing of food products, the separate promotion of prepared food and raw materials to be thermally processed, as well as the implementation of sanitary rules for the storage and processing of food products.
To this end, it is necessary to determine a place for storing the products issued for the current day, to allocate an area for a pantry (storage of dry products), a vegetable store, refrigeration units, empty containers. It is also important to keep in mind the number and dimensions of kitchen utensils and provide for a place for distributing food in groups.
The specificity of the microclimatic conditions of the Far North (severe frosts, snowstorms, snow drifts, etc.) forces in nursery gardens to slightly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe catering unit, including pantries for a constant supply of food.
It is desirable to locate the premises of the catering unit in the following sequence, starting from the service entrance: food pantry, harvesting, washing, kitchen.
The kitchen with washing, harvesting and distributing should be separated by equipment or partitions - screens.
In the catering facilities of kindergartens for 560 and 640 places, the blank should be placed in a separate room. A pantry for storing vegetables and dry foods is located in the catering unit. Walk-through pantries and passage to the pantry through the kitchen are not allowed.
The walls and ceilings of the working rooms in the kitchen should be plastered and whitewashed, the wall panels of the production rooms, cooling chambers, near washing rooms, etc., should be covered with light-colored oil paint or lined with tile tiles to a height of 1.8 m. Paste the walls and ceilings with paper or wallpaper is prohibited.
Make the floors in the kitchen waterproof (ceramic, metlakh tiles or marble chips). They should be even, smooth, without cracks, cracks, protrusions and potholes. It is very important that the premises of the catering unit are well lit.
In addition to general lighting, it is desirable to have local lighting above the tables, the lamps of which are enclosed in safety caps (to avoid accidental contact with glass fragments in food). Particular attention should be paid to refrigeration units that provide storage of perishable products.
Refrigeration should be grouped in a block or chamber. In the refrigerator compartment, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature depending on the nature of the products, for example, for meat 0 °, for fruits + 4 °.
Natural lighting is not allowed in refrigerated cells.
The pantry room for dry products must be clean, dry, well lit, and have ventilation. Products in the pantry should be arranged in such a way as to ensure sufficient ventilation. Therefore, the pantry is equipped with racks, chests with holes for air access, ordinary shelves, cabinets and appropriate containers.
Storage of products on the floor (even in containers) is unacceptable. Racks, chests, shelves and cabinets must be raised above the floor by at least 15 cm.
Storage of vegetables and fruits in winter in unheated premises on the site is unacceptable. They become unfit for food. If there is a basement in the building, it can be taken away for a vegetable store. But at the same time, appropriate devices must be made for protection against groundwater, insulation of pipes with hot water, as well as ventilation.
The normal air temperature in the vegetable store is +2°C, relative humidity is 90%. The room should be convenient for loading and unloading vegetables, as well as for moving them if the vegetables need to be sorted out.
Natural lighting in the vegetable store is not allowed. The vegetable store is provided with forced-air and exhaust ventilation with a mechanical stimulator; in the cold season, heating with electric heaters is used.
Close attention deserves the kitchen equipment of preschool institutions.
The presence, quantity, size and placement of sanitary equipment in the kitchen should ensure the correct sequence of the technological process for preparing baby food.
With the irrational arrangement of equipment in the kitchen, the staff has to do a lot of unnecessary work during the working day. It is estimated that when a person works in a bent position, energy is consumed 14 times, and standing - 3 times more than when working while sitting.
Therefore, in the kitchen it is advisable to equip special workplaces in the form of retractable seating boards 65-70 cm high. The height of appliances and kitchen equipment (stoves, sinks, work tables) is determined at 85-90 cm.
The degree of improvement of the kitchen largely depends on the perfection of individual elements of equipment.
It is highly advisable for the catering department to use electric heating stoves (instead of gas or solid fuel fire stoves).
The first and main advantage of electric stoves is the improvement of indoor air. But this is not their only merit. A modern electric stove is more powerful, therefore, you can cook food faster on it; in addition, it allows you to regulate the temperature of the burner over a wide range and, when preparing each dish, create the most rational temperature regime. This, of course, will affect the quality of cooking.
Currently, sanitary standards provide for the design of a kitchen with mainly electrical equipment.
1. In gasified areas, the use of gas stoves of a closed type is allowed.
2. In nurseries-kindergartens up to 50 places (inclusive), designed for rural settlements, it is allowed to use solid fuel stoves, provided that the firebox goes into a separate room.
In gasified kitchens, in order to avoid the accumulation of products of incomplete combustion of gas in the air, including very harmful carbon monoxide, it is necessary to have special devices through which gases hazardous to human health are discharged into the chimney.
In the absence of such appliances, the kitchen should be intensively ventilated, and in summer the windows should be kept open all the time. To prevent gas from entering children's rooms, the doors to the kitchen must be kept tightly closed.
Gas appliances require regular technical supervision. The criterion for the correct placement and operation of gas stoves is the complete absence of carbon monoxide in the air of the kitchen and adjacent rooms after 30 minutes of operation of the stove, established by the laboratory analysis of the sanitary and epidemiological station.
Replacing flameless burners in existing stoves with flameless ones will significantly reduce the pollution of domestic premises with toxic products of incomplete gas combustion and improve their microclimate.
The distance from the stove to the work tables must be at least 1.3 m when using fire and gas stoves and at least 1.0 m if the stove is electric; it is necessary that the distance from the plate to the dispensing window be at least 1.5 m for the frontal and 1.7 m for the end position of the plate.
The width of the workplace at the stove for one worker is at least 1.25 m.
Above the stoves, it is necessary to design annular exhaust ducts both with and without side shields. It is also allowed to design curtains. Ring ducts remove 60% and air curtains 75% of the heat generated by the stove.
In children's institutions, restaurant-type stoves are used. From a hygienic point of view, the use of household stoves in children's institutions is unacceptable: the size of kitchen utensils is larger than the burners of these stoves; therefore, one pan is installed on all simultaneously lit burners; while the excess gas remains unused and enters the kitchen.
The stove should be conveniently located in terms of lighting and access to it and have the required number of burners depending on the number of children in institutions.
In cases where the slabs are made on the spot, the following must be taken into account: the brick slab is covered on the outside with tiles or iron, painted with oven varnish. This ensures that the plate is kept clean.
Metal handrails are placed around the perimeter of the stove to avoid burns (on the heated parts of the stove); it is unacceptable that there are cracks, bumps, cracks on the surface of the plate; ovens must provide a good thermal effect (at least 180 °); at fire plates, it is better to make fireboxes remote (into an adjacent corridor or vestibule).
Kitchens where the stove is heated by solid fuel should be equipped with special boxes for storing a one-day supply of firewood or coal. Cleaning of furnaces is carried out when cooking has not yet begun. This procedure, like breeding, maintaining a fire, should not pollute the kitchen. Scoops, an axe, shovels and other equipment related to maintaining the fire and cleaning the firebox must be carefully folded in a certain place.
The layout of the rest of the kitchen equipment must be strictly subordinated to the sequence of the cooking workflow.
Technological equipment - electric boiler, vegetable cutter, potato peeler, etc. - must be located in such a way that they have free access and safety rules are observed during their operation.
To process food, you must have at least two tables: one for raw food, the other for boiled food. When covering tables, it is recommended to use aluminum, duralumin or galvanized iron (for raw meat and fish): they lend themselves well to cleaning and disinfection.
It is absolutely unacceptable to use old wooden tables with slots or covered with old oilcloth. They are difficult to clean, dirt and microbes linger in the cracks, which, at a constant high air temperature in the kitchen and humidification, can remain viable for a long time and become a source of gastrointestinal infections, in particular acute food poisoning (toxic infections).
Where the size of the kitchen does not allow the installation of several tables, you need to use special cutting boards made of hardwood (oak, beech, ash, etc.), smooth, without cracks. Each of them should have on the handle or side of the designation: SM (raw meat), SR (raw fish), CO (raw vegetables), VM (boiled meat), BP (boiled fish), VO (boiled vegetables).
Board dimensions: length 50-60 cm, width 30-40 cm, thickness 3-4 cm. It is strictly forbidden to use the boards for other purposes.
Cutting boards after use should be thoroughly washed with hot water, a washcloth or brush, dried and stored in a dry, clean place. To prevent cutting boards from getting dirty and from touching each other, they should be placed in a special cabinet or on a shelf with nests. For the same purpose, some children's institutions use special gauze covers for each board or hang them in a row on separate hooks.
Cabinets are installed in the premises of the catering unit: for storing a one-day supply of dry products and for kitchen utensils. In small children's institutions, where the kitchen area does not allow for cabinets, for the same purpose, removable shelves are arranged under the table covers and hinged doors are made that open along the entire length of the front wall. The catering unit must be equipped with a sufficient number of kitchen utensils. It is best to use aluminum and stainless steel cookware. It is harmless, does not change the color of food, and is easy to clean and wash.
To wash kitchen utensils, you should have a special large (80 X 80 X 50 cm) two-chamber bath (iron, tin-plated, stainless steel, duralumin) with a mixer. In the places where the bath is connected to the sewers, an air break of the jet (10 mm) should be provided to prevent sewage from entering the bath in cases of clogging of the sewer.
So that the drain hole in the bath is not covered by dishes, it is better to arrange it on the side. The bottom of the tub should slope towards the drain. In the absence of running water and sewerage, washing is carried out in tanks, basins or buckets specially allocated for this purpose. Previously, the dishes are mechanically (with a brush, wooden spatula, washcloth) freed from food debris, then washed with hot water (temperature 45-50 °), rinsed with boiling water (not lower than 70 °), put on racks and dried in a drying cabinet on specially made lattice shelves or on the stove.
The dishwashing tub must not be used for other purposes.
Above the sink, lattice metal or wooden (on brackets) racks for dishes are arranged, from which water flows after washing. For larger dishes and inventory, a 3-tier rack is installed next to the bathroom. The installation of gratings over the plates is prohibited.
Small wooden objects (oars, rolling pins, spatulas) after work should be washed, scalded with boiling water and dried.
In cases where there is no hot water supply or no running water, boiling water should be prepared in advance in the catering room, which is necessary for washing dishes (kitchen and children's dining room and tea room), floors, toys and other items. To do this, in the kitchen you need to have a boiler.
An electric boiler serves this purpose best of all, but a fire boiler can also be used.
To avoid the frequent arrival of personnel in the catering unit for boiling water, it is recommended (where possible) to install a second water heater outside the catering unit or to bring a collapsible tap for hot water with a sink through the wall into the adjacent room (corridor or vestibule). To avoid burns, children are not allowed in this room.
Cleaning and preparation for cooking vegetables, meat should be carried out only in the harvesting or in another place specially designated for this purpose.
To wash vegetables and other raw foods, you need a special tap and sink, and where there is no running water and sewerage, a special place and utensils should be allotted. The faucet and sink for washing vegetables should be located at such a distance from the sink that splashes do not fall on it.
All taps for washing dishes, food, hands should be labeled and located in different places in the kitchen, as far apart as possible to avoid contact of unprocessed products (unwashed and unpeeled vegetables, meat, fish) with products that are not subject to heat treatment (oil , bread, ready meals).


In the combined nursery-kindergarten, children's underwear has to be washed. Placing a laundry in one building is undesirable, since the air in children's rooms is polluted, its microclimate worsens, and excess moisture in the rooms leads to the destruction of the building. Therefore, it is better to build a laundry separately.
If the laundry room is located inside the building, steam and odor must not be allowed to enter the children's rooms. To do this, before entering the laundry, you should make a vestibule and keep the doors closed while washing clothes.
You can not have the entrance to the washing-disassembling room opposite the entrance to the children's rooms or the kitchen. To ventilate the laundry, it is necessary to provide modern supply and exhaust ventilation.
Washed linen should not come into contact with dirty. Therefore, the entrances for the delivery of dirty linen and the receipt of clean linen in the nursery gardens should be separate.
In buildings of nursery gardens for 90 places or more, as well as in buildings designed for a hot climatic region, a separate exit is designed from the washing-disassembling and drying-ironing rooms.
In the laundry room, it is necessary to have a spacious chest for storing dirty linen, a drying room, an ironing room (it is possible in a room for storing clean linen).
The size of the laundry area is normalized as follows: in a nursery-kindergarten for 90 places - 16 m2, for 140 and 160 places - a washing-disassembling room of 14 m2 and with it 10 m2 of a drying-ironing room; for 280 and 320 seats - 18 m2 and a drying and ironing room 12 m2.
In the complexes of nurseries-kindergartens for 560 and 640 places, a washing-disassembling room is provided with a size of 25 m2 and a drying-ironing room of 15 m2.
In a nursery-kindergarten for 25 places (up to 50 places in summer), the area of ​​the washing and dismantling room (combined with the drying and ironing room) is 10 m2; for 50 seats (up to 95 seats in summer) - 14 m2; for 90 seats (up to 180 seats in summer) - 20 m2.
The washing-disassembling and drying-ironing rooms are located adjacent.
For the delivery of dirty linen, a special gateway with a window opening towards the washing and disassembling room is required. It is not allowed to locate the entrance to the washing-disassembling room opposite the entrance to the room of the group cell or catering unit.
Laundries are equipped with washing machines, centrifuges for squeezing clothes, baths for soaking and washing clothes.
Disinfection of linen deserves special attention in children's institutions. Contaminated linen usually contains a significant number of microorganisms, among which pathogens are often found, as well as helminth eggs.
For the purpose of prevention, and even more so in the presence of certain diseases, linen in a children's institution is subject to mandatory boiling. When designing buildings for children's institutions, it is necessary to provide for this.
Equally important is the arrangement of drying cabinets. The currently designed drying cabinets do not always meet the needs of a children's institution. They are insufficient in volume, ineffective in terms of temperature capabilities, and have an inconvenient device.
It is most expedient to design drying rooms with a rocker cabinet (retractable). They are larger and more convenient to use. For trouble-free drying of baby clothes, the drying cabinets must always be at a high temperature.
You can also wash baby clothes in the centralized laundry. For this purpose, it is better to use a specialized laundry service exclusively for children's institutions.

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - .
Land area 0.98 ha
Built-up area 1695.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4633.0 sq. m
number of storeys 1 - 3 floors
Capacity 280 seats (12 groups)

RUB 35.971 million
RUB 153.13 million
Total area for 1 seat 16.6 sq. m
RUB 0.124 million
RUB 0.547 million
RUB 0.0108 million
RUB 0.033 million

Typical project of a kindergarten for 250 places (code VI-71)

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - Department of urban planning policy of the city of Moscow.
  • The constructive solution is a monolith. The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility is provided to all floors. Developed in 2012 - 2013 Recommended for use.

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 220 places

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.

Access for people with limited mobility is provided to all floors. Developed in 2010. Recommended for use in AIP for 2013 and beyond.

Land area 0.63 - 0.68 ha
Built-up area 1727.8 sq. m
3733.7 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 220 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 40.602 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 172.154 million
Total area for 1 seat 16.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.184 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.783 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.007 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.031 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 190 places

  • Customer - Department of urban planning policy of the city of Moscow.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2012. Recommended for use in AIP for 2013 and beyond.

Land area 0.45 - 0.5 ha
Built-up area 1250.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement and terraces) 2935.3 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 190 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 28.635 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 121.414 million
Total area for 1 seat 15.4 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.151 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.639 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.007 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.031 mln

Typical project of a kindergarten for 120 children (code VI-70)

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - Department of urban planning policy of the city of Moscow.
  • The constructive decision - large-panel. The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2012. Recommended for use in AIP for 2013 and beyond.

Land area 0.42 ha
Built-up area 881.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2410.0 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 120 seats (5 groups)
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 22.379 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 95.27 million
Total area for 1 seat 20.08 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.186 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.794 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.009 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.039 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 115 places

  • Developer - NABAD Design LLC.
  • Customer - KROST LLC.
  • The constructive decision - large-panel.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.
Land area 0.56 ha
Built-up area 1274.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2180.5 sq. m
number of storeys 2 floors
Capacity 115 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 22.347 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 73.968 million
Total area for 1 seat 18.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.194 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.642 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.010 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.034 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 90 places

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2010 Recommended for use.

Land area 0.3 - 0.4 ha
Built-up area 1073.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement and terraces) 2167.2 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 90 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 25.707 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 108.997 million
Total area for 1 seat 24.0 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.286 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 1.211 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.032 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 168 places (correctional type)

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided.
Land area 0.85 ha
Built-up area 2328.9 sq. m
Total area (without basement and terraces) 4374.5 sq. m
number of storeys 2 - 3 floors
Capacity 168 + 12 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 53.777 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 228.01 million
Total area for 1 seat 24.3 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.299 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 1.267 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.035 million

An individual project of a kindergarten for 350 places (15 groups) with a room for variable forms of preschool education (a short stay group for 20 places) at the address: Moscow, Biryulyovo Vostochnoye, Zagorye, microdistrict. 3

  • Customer - KP "UGS" of the Department of Construction of Moscow.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.
Land area 0.95 ha
Built-up area 1834.65 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4701.03 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 350+20 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 48.597 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 219.574 million
Total area for 1 seat 12.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.131 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.593 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.036 million

An individual project of a kindergarten for 350 places (14 groups) with a room for variable forms of preschool education (short stay group for 20 places) at the address: Moscow, TiNAO, pos. Resurrection, der. Yazovo

  • Customer - JSC "Yazovskaya Sloboda Invest".
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2012 - 2013 Recommended for use.

Land area 0.86 ha
Built-up area 1782.29 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4344.53 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 350+20 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 45.542 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 205.772 million
Total area for 1 seat 11.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.123 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.556 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.035 million

Individual project of a kindergarten for 125 children (YuAO, Chertanovo Yuzhnoye, microdistrict 18, building 5)

  • Developer - JSC "Mosproekt".
  • The customer is the investor's funds.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2011-2012. Recommended for use.

Land area 0.54 ha
Built-up area 1400 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 3940 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 125 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 37.0 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 180.4 million
Total area for 1 seat 31.5 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.333 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 1.4 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.0094 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.045 million

Individual project of a kindergarten for 115 children (SWAO, Nametkina St., intersection with Khersonskaya St.)

  • Developer - NABAD Design LLC.
  • The customer is the investor's funds.
  • The constructive solution is prefabricated-monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2011 Recommended for use.

Land area 0.56 ha
Built-up area 1274.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2180.5 sq. m
number of storeys 2 floors
Capacity 115 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 20.559 million*
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 68.051 million*
Total area for 1 seat 18.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.179 million*
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.592 million*
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.009 million*

The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012
* - preliminary data of the investor

RUB 0.034 million*

Individual project of a kindergarten for 95 children

  • Developer - OJSC "TsNIIEP residential and public buildings".
  • Customer - JSC "Moscow Combine of Bakery Products".
  • Constructive solution - monolithic, attached to an individual residential building. The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to the first floor is provided. Developed in 2009 Recommended for use.

Land area 0.52 ha
Built-up area 838.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2066.8 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 95 seats (5 groups)
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 24.72 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 105.31 million
Total area for 1 seat 21.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.26 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 1.110 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.012 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.051 mln

The equipment of preschool institutions includes items related to the life of children and the pedagogical process in the institution: furniture, toys, building materials, didactic aids, as well as inventory for working on the site, cleaning the premises.

The equipment should correspond to the growth of children, contribute to their development and health, and not cause excessive stress and, moreover, injuries; it should be safe in epidemiological terms, not clutter up the premises, not interfere with the free movement of children.

Dressing room equipment (reception)

In the reception area of ​​junior and middle groups of early age there should be changing tables, wardrobes for children's outerwear, wardrobes for staff. For storage of outerwear individual lockers 120-135 cm high. Lockers are equipped with shelves for hats, shoes and hooks for outerwear. There is a separate hanger for clothes of staff and parents. The dressing room should have low sofas or benches 18-20 cm high. Devices for drying clothes and shoes are provided, racks for toys, a washbasin, and a place for mothers to feed babies are installed.

Equipment for group (game) rooms

Furniture is made of light durable materials (dry aged wood, aluminum, plastic, etc.), covered with light harmless paints or varnishes that are resistant to water, soap and disinfectants. The surfaces of children's furniture should be smooth, all corners of tables, chairs, cabinets, etc. rounded or with softened edges.

Currently, all furniture that is used in the preschool educational institution must correspond to the main sizes of tables and chairs for children of primary and preschool age (Table 2.2). For preschool educational institutions, certain types and sizes of tables and chairs are approved: four-seater tables - for children 1.5-5 years old; double tables with tilting lids and a box for teaching aids - for children 5-7 years old; double trapezoidal tables for children from 1.5 to 4 years; tables single - for use in everyday life. Chairs should be profiled according to the shape of the hips and buttocks.

Color coding of tables and chairs is recommended so that the child can independently find a table and chair that matches his height. To this end, furniture of the same size in each group is marked with the same color pattern or symbol.

Table 2.2

The main dimensions of tables and chairs for nursery children

and preschool age

In each of the groups, it is desirable to have a “Map of seating children at tables”, which reflects the child’s last name, first name, body length, state of sight and hearing, a group of furniture, a row and a place that is assigned to it. When placing children, the state of health, vision and hearing are taken into account. Twice a year, a nurse and an educator, based on the measurement of body length (height), control the seating of children with an entry in the Card. Each group should have at least two or three sizes of tables and chairs.

For better natural lighting, it is advisable to arrange four-seater tables in two rows with a narrow part towards the windows, double tables in three rows. In winter, the tables are placed closer to the windows (50 cm from the window), in the spring, to protect the eyes of children from the bright rays of the sun, they are moved deeper into the room.

The light source for right-handed children should be on the left, for left-handed children - on the right.

Children are seated at tables corresponding to their height so that the smallest and those with impaired hearing are closer to the teacher, those with visual impairments are closer to the light source and the blackboard. You can not put children with their backs to the light. The first row of tables for the best visibility of the demonstration material is placed from the board at a distance of 2.0-2.5 m.

In the playing and group rooms, tables and chairs are placed according to the number of children in the group, they must be of the same marked group. In addition to tables and chairs, in the playing and group rooms there are cabinets and shelves for linen, toys, didactic and building materials, a board for visual activities, a cupboard for dishes. Distance between rows of tables - not less than 0.5 m; the distance of the 1st row of tables from the window is 1 m, from the board - no closer than 2.5-3.0 m; the hanging height of the lower edge of the wall board is 0.7-0.8 m, the size of the wall board is 0.75-1.5 m.

If there is a 1st group of young children in a preschool institution, it is necessary to have at least two changing tables, a double table for feeding children from 7 months to 1 year, a washbasin (for adults) with an elbow mixer, as well as one or two collapsible playpens for awake children under the age of 4-5 months and from 4-5 to 8-9 months.

In early age groups, for the development of movement in children, it is necessary to have slides, bridges, boards, as well as special equipment for physical exercises. Chairs with footrests are recommended instead of chairs in these groups. For young children, single tables are made.

There is a pantry in each of the group rooms for serving food and washing dishes. It includes the following equipment: a cabinet-table with a sink, a kitchen cabinet-table, a wall cabinet, a wall cabinet for drying dishes and a serving table.

In a group room, in a specially designated separate room, a “wildlife corner” may be provided, which must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN (clause 6.13).

Bedroom equipment

The design of cribs (wooden or metal) should correspond to the growth of the child, and the elastic surface of the bed should help him fall asleep quickly.

Two types of beds are used to equip nursery-garden bedrooms: with a railing and a variable bed height for children under 3 years old (length 120 cm, width 60 cm, height of the railing from the floor 95 cm - it is possible to reduce the height of the side rail by lowering it at least than 15 cm); for children 3-7 years old (length 140 cm, width 60 cm and height 30 cm).

A chair is placed next to each bed, on which the child can take off and put on his clothes. The beds are placed in compliance with the minimum gaps: between the long sides of the beds - 0.65 m, from the outer walls - 0.6 m, from the heaters - 0.2 m, between the headboards of two beds - 0.3 m.

The most hygienic are mattresses made of hair or seagrass, pillows - soft feathers, small sizes (30 x 30 cm). Bed linen should be marked at the foot end. It is necessary to have 3 sets of linen and 2 change of mattress toppers. Bed linen and towels are changed as they get dirty, but at least once a week.

Toilet equipment

Toilet facilities are divided into a wash area and a sanitary unit area. In the toilets intended for toddlers, there are three children's washbasins, one children's toilet bowl, a drain, a shower tray, a cabinet with marked nests for pots, one adult washbasin, a drain, a children's bath, and a utility closet. It is recommended to place the dressing table and the dirty laundry bin close to the sink in order to avoid wasting time on the children's toilet.

There should be four children's sinks in toilet preschool groups (five in the senior and preschool groups) and one washbasin for adults, one children's toilet bowl for 5 children, one heated towel rail. Children's toilets are equipped with closing cabins, but without constipation. The size of the cabin for the children's toilet is 1.0 x 0.75 m. And the height of the cabin fence is 1.2 m (from the floor). The height of the side of the toilet bowl above the floor is equal to the length of the child's leg with the foot (28 cm), and the width (transverse dimension) corresponds to the distance between the large skewers (22 cm). The toilet is equipped with child seats or hygienic pads made of materials that are harmless to the health of children (with the possibility of disinfecting). There must be boxes for toilet paper, cabinets for storing equipment intended for cleaning the premises.

In accordance with the new requirements, separate toilets for boys and girls must be provided in senior and preparatory groups for school. Considering the average height of toddlers, the side of the sink is placed at a distance of 0.4 m, for preschool age - 0.5 m above the floor.

In the washroom there should be hangers with insulated nests for storing individual personal hygiene items for the child. Deep shower tray for children of middle and older toddlers - 0.9 m; shallow shower tray for preschool children - 0.3 m. shower nets must be with a flexible hose.

Hygienic requirements for indoor air

The need for children in clean, fresh air is very high, because due to the high frequency and small volume of respiratory movements due to the structural features of the chest, the intensity of gas exchange between blood and air is somewhat lower than in adults. It is necessary that the chemical, physical and biological composition of the indoor air, i.e. the microclimate, meet the established hygienic standards.

The qualitative composition of the indoor air environment is made up of chemicals of anthropogenic origin, components migrating from modern polymeric and paintwork materials, and children's toys.

The composition of the air in preschool institutions as a result of a long stay in them of children gradually worsens: the amount of carbon dioxide, water vapor, heavy ions increases, the temperature, dustiness, bacterial contamination increase, organic impurities appear, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc., which worsen the child's well-being.

Changes in the chemical composition of indoor air are caused by the fact that the air exhaled by a person differs significantly from atmospheric air (Table .......).

Table …..

Chemical composition of atmospheric and exhaled air

(Percent of total air volume)

Organic substances: ammonia, volatile fatty acids, hydrogen sulfide - a person releases through the skin, mouth and intestines. In the air of the premises, the more they are, the worse the care for the body and children's clothing. Especially a lot of organic substances are formed in toilet rooms, laundry, kitchen. If there are gas stoves in the kitchen, the air can also deteriorate due to the ingress of products of incomplete combustion of fuel and the formation of carbon monoxide.

In rooms, the ionic composition of the air gradually changes. Light ions, which have a positive effect on humans, are adsorbed by the respiratory tract of children, water vapor, dust particles, their number gradually decreases, while the amount of heavy ions contained in the air exhaled by children increases, thereby worsening air quality.

The danger to the body is air saturated with dust, in which a huge number of microorganisms released during breathing, coughing, and sneezing linger. You should carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in children.

Group rooms should be well lit by the sun, as under the influence of its ultraviolet rays, many pathogens die, and the child's body becomes less susceptible to diseases.

The chemical composition and physical properties of indoor air tend to change as carbon dioxide (CO2) levels increase. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air does not exceed 0.1%. When calculating the required volume of air per child in 1 hour, it is customary to proceed from the amount of CO2 exhaled by him during the same time and its maximum allowable concentration in indoor air. The emitted CO2 should be distributed in the air of the room and not exceed the maximum permissible content. The amount of carbon dioxide released in 1 hour depends on the age of the child and the nature of the work performed by him. Children of preschool age exhale about 4 liters of CO2, of primary school age - 8-10 liters.

In order for the air in the premises of preschool institutions to be of high quality, their sufficient cubic capacity and proper air exchange are necessary. For each preschooler in a group room, there should be 7.5-8 m3 of air. Such a cubic capacity is achieved in cases where the floor area per child in a group room is 2.0-2.5 m2, and the height of the room reaches 3 m.

The natural exchange of air in the premises (through the pores of building material, cracks in windows, doors under the influence of wind, etc.) is insufficient, so the premises are ventilated through open windows, transoms and vents.

In cases where the ambient air temperature is not lower than -5 ° C and there is no strong wind, the preschool educational institution conducts extensive aeration of the premises in the presence of children. When ventilating, drafts must be avoided.

In the absence of children in the premises, through or corner ventilation is carried out (open transoms, vents or windows). Such ventilation is especially necessary after children sleep, eat, and also at the end of the day, when indoor air is especially polluted.

The duration of ventilation is determined by the outdoor temperature. Through ventilation at very low outdoor temperatures (below -20 ºС) is carried out no more than 2-3 minutes, in warmer weather - ventilation should be carried out simultaneously with wet cleaning of the room and end 30 minutes before the children arrive.

For effective ventilation of the premises of preschool educational institutions, windows are equipped with folding transoms with lever devices and are used for ventilation in all seasons of the year.

The ratio of the transom area to the floor area is 1:50.

When airing through the transoms, the speed of movement and the volume of incoming air increase. Air through the transom enters the upper part of the room. Cold air, due to its relative mass, descending, penetrates through the warm layers of room air, takes away some of the heat from them and has time to heat up. This allows you to keep the transoms open in the presence of children in the autumn and early spring months, and partly in winter, in the absence of wind and not a very big difference in the temperatures of the outside and indoor air.

In the cold season, in no case should transoms and vents be sealed. In group rooms, it is recommended to leave one window unsealed, so that if necessary, you can quickly ventilate the room (in the absence of children).

All transoms and vents must have special devices (cords, sticks, levers) for their free opening and closing.

To improve the ventilation of premises in preschool institutions, central exhaust ventilation is equipped. With its help, polluted air is removed from the premises. Central exhaust ventilation is used in the autumn-winter period, from the beginning of the heating season until the onset of warm weather. It works on natural draft due to the temperature difference between the outdoor and indoor air.

Constant ventilation of group rooms and bedrooms is also carried out through supply cabinets, which are built into one of the outer walls of the room.

Hygienic requirements for the thermal regime of premises of preschool institutions

The ambient temperature has a great influence on the child's body. If it is too high, the release of heat by the body is difficult and the child overheats. Too low a temperature, on the contrary, increases the heat transfer from the body and the child is supercooled. This adversely affects the well-being, performance of children, complicates any of their activities. Heating in a preschool educational institution should create conditions for thermal equilibrium without a sharp tension in thermoregulation (thermal comfort).

Comfortable thermal conditions are limited to certain temperature limits in accordance with age and depend on the state of health, type of activity and temperament of children.

In rooms intended for healthy children from birth to 7 years, certain air temperature standards are established (Table ......).

Table ……

Temperature and frequency of air exchange in the main premises of the preschool educational institution

Premises Temperature Air exchange rate
C I A, B, D climatic regions In other climatic regions
inflow hood inflow hood
Reception, gaming

nursery groups:

- junior 22-24 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
- middle and senior 22-24 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
Reception, gaming junior preschool group 21-23 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
Group, changing rooms: -
- junior, middle 21-23 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
- senior, preparatory 21-23 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
Nursery bedrooms 19-20 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
Preschool bedrooms 19-20 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
Toilet nursery groups 22-24 - 1,5 - 1,5
Dressing preschool groups 21-23 - 1,5 - 1,5
Halls for music and gymnastics 19-20 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
Walking verandas At least 12 calculated, but not

less than 20 m3 per child

Hall with pool bath At least 29 calculated, but not

less than 20 m3 per child

Dressing room with shower basin 25-26 by calculation
Medical premises 22-24 2,5 1,5 - 1,5
Heated transitions At least 15 calculated, but not less

20 m3 for 1 child

In playrooms and group rooms located on the ground floor, the temperature of the floor surface in winter must be at least 22 ºС. Relative humidity in children's rooms 40-60%, air speed - no more than 0.1 m / s; air humidity in the kitchen and laundry room - 60-70%.

Various heating systems are used in preschool educational institutions: central or autonomous water, gas and, rarely, stove.

All these systems must meet the following requirements: provide sufficient and uniform air temperature and humidity, do not pollute it with products of incomplete combustion of fuel, and be fireproof. The most widely used central low-pressure water heating with a water heating temperature in boilers not higher than 95 ºС. The fluctuation of temperature in various premises of the preschool educational institution during the day does not exceed 2-3 °C. As heating devices, radiators, tubular heating elements built into concrete panels can be used. The design of radiators should provide sufficient and uniform heat transfer to the surrounding air and the possibility of easy removal of dust from them. To maintain optimal temperature parameters, heaters are equipped with adjustable taps.

The average surface temperature of heating devices should not exceed 80 ºС. In order to avoid burns and injuries in children, heaters must be protected by removable wooden grates. The device of protections from chipboards is not allowed.

Hygienic requirements for the organization of water supply

The water supply of a children's institution should provide enough water for drinking, cooking, hygienic maintenance of premises, and instilling hygiene skills in children. The quality of water used in a preschool institution must meet the requirements of the current standard.

In nurseries-gardens with daytime stay of children, the water consumption is 75 liters per child per day, with round-the-clock - 100 liters. Cold and hot water supply should be provided for group cells, a medical unit, a catering unit, toilets, laundry rooms, and a swimming pool. The temperature of the water supplied to washbasins and showers must not be lower than 37 °C and not higher than 60 °C.

Each preschool group must have fresh drinking water. It is stored in a closed glass container (decanter, jug). For children in older groups, on a tray, next to the water, there should be clean cups turned upside down. Water is updated daily.

Water supply to preschool institutions is provided through urban (in cities) and settlement (in rural areas) central water supply systems. Where there is no central water supply, nurseries and kindergartens are supplied with water from the nearest enterprises or institutions that have water supply. Only in extreme cases is a local water supply system built for children's institutions or water is taken from wells.

Water from local water sources is subjected to a thorough chemical and bacteriological analysis. Water should not contain: organic substances that indicate contamination of the water source with animal waste (feces, urine, sewage), along with which pathogenic microorganisms and helminth eggs penetrate into the water. Assessing the quality of water, they also determine the content of lime and magnesia salts in it, which determine the hardness of water (hard water does not pose a danger to the body, however, some products (meat, vegetables) are poorly boiled in it, soap does not lather well, it leaves a large scale on the walls of boilers and kitchen utensils).

Sanitary maintenance of preschool institutions

Cleaning of the site is carried out daily: in the morning 1-2 hours before the arrival of the children and as the territory is contaminated. Garbage is immediately removed to the trash bins. In the summer, at least twice a day (before the arrival or rise of children and before daytime sleep), it is necessary to water the site. Garbage removal from the PEI site should be carried out daily 1-2 hours before the children arrive or after they leave, with the windows of the main building closed.

At the entrance to the children's institution, there should be removable scrapers and wooden grates outside for cleaning dirt from shoes, in the vestibule - mats, and in the lobby - paths for the final cleaning of shoes from dirt and dust. Coming to a children's institution, children must change their shoes.

Cleaning of the premises is carried out daily 2 times in a wet way with open windows or transoms using detergents.

Floors should be washed at least 2 times a day, and once with the obligatory removal of furniture; furniture, radiators, window sills are wiped with a damp cloth; lockers for children's clothes are wiped down daily and washed once a week.

General cleaning of all premises is carried out once a month: washing floors, lighting fixtures, windows, doors, wiping walls with detergents and disinfectants. In the room for music and gymnastics, cleaning is carried out after each lesson. Windows outside and inside are washed as they get dirty, but at least 2 times a year (in spring and autumn).

Louvre grilles of exhaust ventilation systems must be open and systematically cleaned of dust; they should be covered only when there is a sharp difference in the temperatures of indoor and outdoor air. Exhaust ventilation shafts are cleaned twice a year.

Tableware and tea utensils are allocated for the day of each group. It can be made of faience, porcelain (plates, saucers, cups), and cutlery (spoons, forks, knives) - stainless steel. Defective utensils must not be used.

Food waste in groups is collected in marked metal buckets with lids or pedal tanks, which are cleaned as they are filled to no more than 2/3 of the volume. Every day at the end of the day, buckets and cisterns, regardless of filling, are cleaned.

Dishes and cutlery are washed in two or three nested baths installed in the pantry of each group room, with the addition of detergents (the first bath) with a water temperature of at least 40 ° C, rinsed with hot running water with a temperature of at least 65 ° C (the second bath ) and dried. Dishwasher allowed

Clean cutlery is stored in pre-washed metal cassettes in a vertical position with the handles up.

Tables are washed with hot water and soap before and after each meal with specially allocated rags, which are then washed, dried and stored in a special labeled container with a lid.

In nursery groups, the bottles after milk mixtures are washed with warm running water using a ruff and detergents, then they are sterilized in an autoclave or boiled in water for 15 minutes and stored in a labeled closed enamel container. After use, the nipples are washed, soaked in a 2% solution of baking soda for 15-20 minutes, then washed with water, boiled for 3 minutes in water and stored in a labeled container with a closed lid.

Washcloths, brushes for washing dishes, rags for wiping tables in case of a complicated epidemiological situation are boiled for 15 minutes in water with the addition of soda ash or soaked in a disinfectant solution, then washed at the end of the day with detergent, rinsed, dried and stored in a special labeled container.

In the premises of the catering unit, daily cleaning is carried out: (floors, window sills, Radiators), weekly with the use of detergents they wash walls, lighting fixtures, clean windows from dust and soot, etc., monthly carry out a general cleaning followed by disinfection of all premises, equipment and inventory.

In pantry, washing canteens and kitchen utensils, as well as near all baths that are used for processing inventory, they post instructions on the mode of washing dishes and processing inventory, indicating the concentrations of detergents and disinfectants currently used, the rules for preparing working solutions.

Floors in toilets, toilet bowls are washed twice a day with hot water and detergents. In nurseries and younger preschools, floors should be cleaned after each use of the pots.

Sanitary equipment is subject to disinfection regardless of the epidemiological situation. Toilet seats, cistern handles and door handles are cleaned with warm soapy water daily. The pots are washed after each use with kvachas and detergents. Bathtubs, sinks, toilet bowls are cleaned twice a day with kvachas or brushes using detergents and disinfectants (Liolit, Domestos, Belor, Ampholan D, sodium hypochlorite, PFC).

Premises Area of ​​premises, m 2, with the number of seats
1. Premises of group cells of toddlers:
reception room 18´2 18´2 24+(18´2) 18´4 24+(18´5)
play-dining room 50´2 50´2 50´3 50´4 50´6
bedroom 40´2 40´2 40´3 40´4 40´6
toilet 12´2 12´2 12´3 12´4 12´6
pantry In an isolated room with an area of ​​3 m 2 on the area of ​​​​the game-dining room
2. Premises of group cells of preschool children:
dressing room 18´2 18´4 18´4 18´8 18´8
group 50´2 50´4 50´4 50´8 50´8
bedroom 54´2 54´4 54´4 54´8 54´8
toilet 16´2 16´4 16´4 16´8 16´8
pantry In an isolated room with an area of ​​3 m 2 on a group area
3. Room for music and gymnastics - 100+50or 75´2 100+50or 75´2
4. Pool for teaching children to swim:
swimming pool room with bath size 3x7m -
dressing room with shower and toilet at the pool -
5. Methodical office
6. Medical premises:
medical room
reception room of the isolation ward -
chambers 6´2 6´2 6´3 6´3
7. Food block
kitchen with washing, harvesting, distributing
storage room for vegetables
pantry for storage of dry products
8. Laundry:
dryer-ironing -
pantry of clean linen
9. Manager's office
10. Office-accounting - - -
10. Staff room -
11. Dressing staff
12. Household pantry

On the ground floors of kindergartens, nurseries should be placed group cells for toddlers, a medical room, an isolation ward, the manager's office and utility rooms. Under the windows of the premises of group rooms, game-dining rooms, bedrooms and bedroom-verandas, it is not allowed to place the windows of the kitchen, washing and toilets. The width of the corridors must be at least 1.4 m.

group cells. The entrance to each group cell for toddlers should be arranged separately. For toddlers, it is necessary to provide places for storing strollers and sledges. For preschool children, a common entrance should be arranged for no more than three group cells. There must be at least two emergency exits from each group cell. The premises of each group cell must be isolated from other cells, while internal communication with medical rooms, a room for music and gymnastics, as well as with administrative and utility rooms must be provided. In group, game-dining rooms and bedroom-verandas, window sills are arranged at a distance of 0.6 m from the floor level.

In the premises of group and play-dining rooms of kindergartens designed for construction in all climatic regions, except for IA, IB and IG climatic sub-regions, natural through or corner ventilation should be provided (in IA, IB and IG climatic sub-regions, direct cross-ventilation in these rooms, as well as in the bedrooms is not allowed). In the IV climatic region, in addition to group and game-dining rooms, through or corner ventilation should be provided in the bedroom-verandas, kitchens, washing-disassembling, drying-ironing and toilet rooms. Through or corner ventilation of group or game-dining rooms is allowed: through bedroom-verandas, reception rooms or dressing rooms - in IB, ID climatic subregions, II and III climatic regions; through the bedroom-verandas - in the IV climatic region.

In toilets for children of older toddlers and preschool age, toilets should be arranged in open cabins with dimensions in terms of 0.8 × 0.75 m, separated by screens 1.2 m high from the floor and not reaching the floor by 0.15 m. The smallest width of the passage between the front side of the cabins and the opposite wall ( in the absence of sanitary appliances on it) should be 1.2 m. Toilets for children of older preschool age should be designed with separate latrines for boys and girls.

Administrative and economic premises. The entrance to the administrative premises may be combined with the entrance to one of the group cells of preschool children. The width of administrative and utility rooms (with the exception of utility pantries) must be at least 2 m.

Medical premises. The medical room is located adjacent to one of the isolation chambers with a glass partition between them. The lower part of the glazed partition with a height of 1 - 1.2 m from the floor level is deaf. The chambers of the isolation ward must be impassable. From the insulator, a separate exit to the outside should be provided.

Dining room and washing. The kitchen with washing, harvesting and distributing should be separated by equipment or screen partitions. Storerooms for storing vegetables and dry foods are located in the catering unit. Walk-through pantries and passage to pantries through the kitchen are not allowed.

The washing-disassembling and drying-ironing rooms should be located adjacent to each other. In buildings of kindergartens with 140 or more places, the entrances to the washing-disassembling and drying-ironing rooms should be separate.

From the catering unit and the washing-disassembling room, independent exits to the outside should be designed.

Stairwells , used for evacuation, must be closed in stairwells and have natural light through windows in the outer walls. In buildings of the II degree of fire resistance, the installation of staircases with overhead natural lighting is allowed. Stairwells with overhead light must have an independent exit to the outside. Stairwells without natural lighting (provided that they are provided with ventilation) are allowed to be provided in nurseries-kindergartens designed for IA, IB and IG climatic subdistricts. In nurseries-kindergartens designed for the IV climatic region, it is allowed to install open stairs leading directly to the site.

Railings and handrails of stairs in kindergartens must meet the following requirements:

The height of the railing of stairs in group cells should be taken as 1.35 m;

handrails for children should be provided at the walls of the staircase at a height of 0.5 m, counting from the top of the tread to the top of the handrail vertically;

handrails for adults should be provided at a height of 0.85 m;

· in the railing of stairs, vertical elements should be placed with gaps of no more than 0.1 m; horizontal divisions in fences are not allowed.

External entrances in buildings designed for IB, ID climatic subregions, II and III climatic regions, must have double vestibules. In the buildings of kindergartens designed for IA, IB and IG climatic subdistricts, entrances should be provided with triple vestibules, and in the buildings of kindergartens designed for IIIB climatic subdistrict and IV climatic region - with one vestibule or without a vestibule. The depth of the vestibule must be at least 1.6 m.

In the nursery-kindergartens designed for IA, IB and IG climatic subdistricts, the fotarium is placed near the room for music and gymnastic classes. For IA, IB and IG climatic subdistricts, glazed walking verandas for several groups should also be provided. Walking verandas can be designed as extensions to buildings or superstructures at the level of the second or third floor. Walking veranda must have at least two emergency exits. The area of ​​​​the veranda is designed at the rate of 2.5 m 2 per child for toddlers and 2 m 2 for preschool children.


Kindergarten drawings. The correct layout of the kindergarten

The development of standard design is one of the priority tasks set for the professional community by the President of the Russian Federation.

The advantages of using standard designs in construction practice are obvious. First of all, this is a reduction in the cost and terms of design, as well as the time for consideration in the state expertise of linking a project to a specific address. The promising architectural, technological, constructive and engineering solutions used at the facilities have already passed the examination as part of standard projects. Also important in the application of standard projects of social facilities is the possibility of using federal subsidies in construction.

Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Yuri Reilyan noted at a round table on March 24, 2015 that the average cost of building one place in preschool educational organizations can be reduced by forming a register of standard project documentation. The register includes information about the projects of residential and administrative buildings, social facilities, in the preparation of which modern technological and organizational solutions were applied.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia approved the Plan for the Formation of a Standard Design System in the Construction Industry, which is aimed at creating the conditions and methodology for the application of standard design documentation and design documentation for reuse. “In accordance with the plan, the Ministry of Construction of Russia will continue to work on the formation and maintenance of the relevant register. At present, information on the design documentation of 92 capital construction facilities has been entered in the register, of which 50 are objects of preschool institutions., - Yuri Reilyan emphasized.

The Deputy Minister drew attention to the fact that the main problem for including projects in the register remains the lack of exclusive rights for the regions to the submitted project documentation. To solve this problem, as well as to minimize the costs of reusing documentation developed at the expense or with the involvement of funds from the federal or regional budgets, it is proposed to supplement Federal Law 44 with provisions on the possibility of multiple use of project documentation without the consent of the contractor (the author of a work of architecture, urban planning, the author of a design documentation), as well as on the transfer of exclusive rights to the created project documentation to the subject of the Russian Federation or municipality, on behalf of which the state or municipal customer acts.

"Completion of the activities provided for by the plan for the formation of a standard design system in the construction industry is planned by 2016"- said Yuri Reilyan.

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 No. 791 "On the formation of a register of standard design documentation and amendments to some Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation"
  • Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 13, 2015 No. 108 / pr “On entering information on standard design documentation into the register of standard design documentation”
  • Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 13, 2015 No. 170 / pr "On approval of the Plan for the formation of a standard design system in the field of construction"
  • Extract from the Minutes No. 118-prm-yur dated March 25, 2015 of the meeting of the regulatory and technical council for the selection of standard design documentation under the Ministry of Construction of Russia

In the regions of the Russian Federation, catalogs of standard projects began to be created. At the federal level, the album of standard projects is formed by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

In April 2015, the Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region published a catalog of reusable (standard) projects for social infrastructure buildings, which included projects for kindergartens with a capacity of 100 to 320 seats, schools from 450 to 1600 seats, sports and recreation centers and clinics. These standard designs are recommended to developers for reuse in the region.

Buildings will not completely copy each other. “Reuse projects today are objects with address architecture,- said the head of the Main Architecture of the Moscow Region Vladislav Gordienko. - The finished project must be tied to a specific site, which means that its individual look must be created, taking into account the surrounding buildings, the cultural and historical features of the territories..

When choosing projects for the catalog, their architectural, artistic, planning, technological solutions were evaluated, the estimated cost, characteristics of building materials and structures were considered.

The use of standard projects, according to the calculations of officials, will reduce the time for designing buildings and save regional budget funds for coordinating new construction. As a representative of the press service of the Main Architecture of the Moscow Region told RBC-Real Estate, the savings can be up to 20% of the cost of the object.

A re-application project is a documentation for a capital construction facility, for which a positive conclusion from the state examination was received, the facility was built and put into operation no earlier than seven years before the day the decision was made to re-apply this project documentation.

The construction of reusable facilities is beneficial to the developer in that the costs of design and expertise are minimized. The reuse project can be modified. But these changes should not affect the design and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of the capital construction object. The examination of such a project is carried out according to a simplified scheme and its cost is much less.

In order to intensify the capital construction of objects for various purposes, the current legislation on urban planning provides for the possibility of using standard design documentation (design documentation for reuse). The advantages of its use are:

  • use of already tested and proven design solutions;
  • reducing the cost of designing an object;
  • reduction of design time;
  • partial exemption of project documentation from the state examination in case of repeated application.

At the same time, standard design documentation has significant limitations for reuse, which are associated with:

  • suitability of design solutions for implementation in the conditions of a new site (for example, based on the natural and climatic features of the territory, engineering and geological characteristics of the area (including seismic characteristics) and the land plot (including relief, soil bearing capacity, the presence of flooding, permafrost phenomena, etc.) .);
  • rights to use the "primary" design documentation, including its reuse and modification.

Examples of reuse projects from the catalog

Implementation at the address: Moscow region, Volokolamsk, per. Novo-Soldatsky

Developer of design and working documentation: Grazhdanproekt-plus LLC

Customer of project documentation: Administration of the Volokolamsk municipal district

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, per. Novo-Soldatsky


  • capacity - 100 seats
  • number of groups - 5 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors
  • plot area - 0.4068 ha
  • building area - 1,005.86 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 1,397.25 m²
    • total - 12,300,000 rubles.
    • 1 place in basic prices - 123,000 rubles.
  • cost (in current prices for the 4th quarter of 2012 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 78,000,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - 780,000 rubles.
  • constructive solution - enclosing structures - brick walls, ceilings
    • precast concrete, pitched roof

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, per. Novo-Soldatsky. 1st floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, per. Novo-Soldatsky. 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, per. Novo-Soldatsky. 3rd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 120 places

Implementation at the address: Moscow region, Domodedovo, md. Vostryakovo

Developer of design and working documentation: SE MO "Institute "Mosgrazhdanproekt"

Customer of project documentation: municipal preschool educational institution No. 12 "Birch"


  • capacity - 120 seats
  • number of groups - 6 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 2 fl.
  • plot area - 0.6 ha
  • building area - 1 319 m²
  • total area - 2,000.5 m²
  • (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 12,412,906 rubles.
    • 1 place in basic prices - 103,440 rubles.
  • cost (in current prices for the 1st quarter of 2015 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 94,141,740 rubles.
    • 1st place - 784 510 rubles.
  • constructive solution - walls - brick, ceiling - prefabricated reinforced concrete

Children's preschool institution for 120 places. Moscow region, Domodedovo, md. Vostryakovo. 1st floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 120 places. Moscow region, Domodedovo, md. Vostryakovo. 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 150 places with a swimming pool

Implementation at the address: Moscow region, Schelkovsky district, village Oboldino

Developer of design and working documentation: LLC "PromStroyEngineering SPb"

Customer of project documentation: MKU Shchelkovsky municipal district "Construction and investments"


  • capacity - 150 seats
  • number of groups - 8 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 2 fl.
  • plot area - 0.8603 ha
  • built-up area - 1,835.5 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 4,373.6 m²
    • total - 28,123,730 rubles.
    • 1 place in basic prices - 187,491.53 rubles.
  • cost (in current prices for the 2nd quarter of 2014 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 157,533,420 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,050,222.80
  • constructive solution - the stability and immutability of the building is ensured by the joint work of the vertical frame elements and stiffening diaphragms

Kindergarten for 150 people with a swimming pool. Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Oboldino village. 1st floor plan

Kindergarten for 150 people with a swimming pool. Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Oboldino village. 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 150 places

Implementation at the address: Moscow region, Ramenskoye, st. Instrument makers

Developer of design and working documentation: Design Workshop "Project 18" LLC

Customer of project documentation: UKS Administration of the Ramensky municipal district


  • capacity - 150 seats
  • number of groups - 8 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors
  • plot area - 1.4 ha
  • built-up area - 1,908.3 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 3 152 m²
  • cost in base prices in 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 28,241,130 rubles.
    • 1 place in basic prices - 188,274 rubles.
    • total - 151,201,220 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,008,010 rubles
  • constructive solution - monolithic reinforced concrete frame

Children's preschool institution for 220 places

Implementation at the address: Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Bryanskaya, section number 12

Developer of design and working documentation: Era Project LLC

Project documentation customer: Administration of the Naro-Fominsk municipal district


  • capacity - 220 seats
  • number of groups - 4 groups (including 1 compensatory group for 10 places) and 160 children of preschool groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors
  • plot area - 0.9469 ha
  • building area - 2 593 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 4,983 m²
  • cost in base prices in 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 37,929,220 rubles.
    • 1 place in basic prices - 172,405 rubles.
  • cost (in current prices for the 3rd quarter of 2014 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 221,019,820 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,004,635 rubles
  • constructive solution - consists of a system of external and internal brick walls, as well as monolithic structures (walls and columns), rigidly connected by floor disks

Children's preschool institution for 320 places

Implementation at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Verkhne-Proletarskaya, 37

Developer of design and working documentation: Techno-Aritek LLC

Project documentation customer: Department of Education of the Administration of the Odintsovo Municipal District


  • capacity - 320 seats
  • number of groups - 16 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors
  • plot area - 1.2061 ha
  • built-up area - 2,288.5 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 5,481.1 m²
  • cost in base prices in 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 61,225,360 rubles.
    • 1 place in basic prices - 191,329 rubles.
  • cost (in current prices for the 3rd quarter of 2012 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 352,843,240 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,102,947 rubles
  • constructive solution - a monolithic frame, consisting of a system of external and internal walls (stiffening diaphragms), columns and disks of floors and roofs rigidly connected to them

Comprehensive school for 450 students with a swimming pool

Implementation at the address: Moscow region, g.o. Odintsovo, p. Romashkovo


  • capacity - 450 seats
  • number of classes - 18
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors
  • plot area - 1.456 ha
  • building area - 4 506 m²
  • total area - 14 620 m²
  • swimming pool - 16.6×8.0 m
  • total cost (in current prices for 2014):
    • total - 665,000,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,477,777.8
  • constructive solution - walls - monolithic reinforced concrete, brick, block; floors - monolithic reinforced concrete, corrugated truss, porcelain stoneware

Comprehensive school for 1510 students with a swimming pool

Implementation at the address: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, p. Putilkovo

Developer of project documentation: SE MO "Institute" Mosgrazhdanproekt "

Project documentation customer: Leader Development LLC


  • capacity - 1510 seats
  • number of classes - 60–61
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 4 floors
  • plot area - 2.66 ha
  • building area - 8 670 m²
  • total area - 31 609 m²
  • swimming pool - 25.0×11.0 m
  • estimated total cost:
    • total - 1,736,500,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,150,000 rubles
  • constructive solution - ceilings and walls - monolithic reinforced concrete, metal. trusses, corrugated board, ventilated facades, porcelain tile

The layout of a kindergarten, boarding school, or complex must first of all comply with hygiene standards. In any children's institution, maximum safety for the health and life of children should be ensured. For the aesthetic design of such premises, there are rules that must be followed. A children's institution can be equipped in a specially built building or a ready-made building can be replanned for this.

An example of a typical kindergarten plan

The main tasks of a private kindergarten are raising children, teaching them the basic skills of being in a team, communication, and social behavior. Primary preschool education and preparation for school is another important task of modern children's centers.

In addition, classes in various kinds of creative circles can be held in kindergarten. In them, children will learn to draw, sculpt from plasticine, etc. The main thing is to initially determine the main directions of the kindergarten's work, the range of services provided. This will help with childcare. In kindergarten, children are brought up in different age groups.

The layout of the kindergarten with the designation of the premises

For each group, a separate space is needed in which children will study with their teacher according to the main program, relax, and communicate with each other.

When planning kindergartens or centers, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between rooms for children and office space.

Premises for different purposes (children's, administrative, service, utility, etc.) must be located separately from each other. It is advisable to equip utility, utility rooms in a separate building. All interior decoration of children's centers is made only from environmentally friendly materials of high quality. In addition, rooms should be easy to clean. All surfaces should be durable and easy to clean. This will protect children from accidental injury and the spread of infection.

Variant of the project and layout of the kindergarten

Cleaning should only be done with chemicals approved for use in children's rooms. and should be carried out on the basis of the main purpose of the children's institution.

Hygienic requirements and safety standards

Kindergarten or boarding school should be located in a residential area among residential buildings. It is strictly forbidden to equip children's institutions near parking lots, roadways, boiler houses or production facilities.

The basic sanitary and hygienic standards prescribe the following:

The main and additional premises of the kindergarten

The main premises in the buildings of kindergartens are:

Conditions for a full-fledged daytime sleep can be created in group rooms. In this case, it is better to purchase rollaway beds. To store beds and bedding, you will need a built-in wardrobe or a small closet. For a small kindergarten (no more than 30 children), you can equip a common dining room. For more children, it is more convenient to arrange a place for eating in a group room. At the same time, dining tables can also be used for classes or board games.

A medical office with an isolator is mandatory for kindergartens where children will stay all day or around the clock. If the institution operates in the "short day" mode, the first-aid post can be abandoned. It will be enough to conclude an agreement with a nearby clinic for the provision of medical care if necessary.

Group and sleeping quarters

Group rooms of the kindergarten should be isolated. It is desirable for each group room to equip a separate entrance from the adjacent territory. You can arrange a common entrance for two or three groups of different ages. Near the common entrance, it is desirable to equip a dressing room for outerwear and street shoes.

Reception of children should be carried out in a separate room or in a dressing room. In the latter case, it is necessary to provide conditions for examining children. Entry of parents into group rooms is discouraged in order to protect against infection and maintain cleanliness in the room.

In the group room, the arrangement of a sufficient number of window openings of the required size should be planned. This will provide good ventilation, natural light and access to ultraviolet rays, through which the room will be insolated.

It is preferable to equip the bedroom on a covered, insulated and or. You can allocate a place to sleep in the main room of the group, separating it with a sliding partition. For children aged 5-6, bunk beds are allowed. On the upper berth, the arrangement of a protective side is mandatory.

Restrooms and swimming pool

The toilet room is adjacent to the play area. It is advisable to equip a small separating corridor between them. For toddlers from nursery groups, pots are used. For older children, toilets are placed in open cabins. Cabin dimensions - 80 by 80 cm, dividing wall height - 120 cm.
When arranging a swimming pool in a kindergarten building, it is necessary to plan the arrangement of a shower cabin, a dressing room and a toilet room.

A special bathroom for learning to swim should be equipped with an area of ​​​​3 by 7 m or a little more.

Layout of a kindergarten in buildings of various shapes

The simplest option for planning a small kindergarten in a square building is done according to the following principles:

  • the front door leads to the hall;
  • the doors to the catering department, the first-aid post and the manager's office open into the hall;
  • from the catering unit, an external exit is required for the delivery of products;
  • a corridor from the hall leads to group rooms (no more than 4);
  • group rooms are located around the multipurpose room.

Additional group rooms are arranged on the 2nd floor. In the 3-storey building of the kindergarten, only utility rooms are located on the top floor. In this case, an attic can be additionally involved. Here you can equip the pantry. The layout of the elongated building of the kindergarten assumes the presence of a central corridor passing between the end walls.

Design and layout of a kindergarten for 150 children

The central entrance is located closer to the end wall. Nearby is the manager's office. Further along the corridor, on one side, there are utility rooms: a dressing room, a kitchen, a first-aid post, a toilet room for staff, a pantry for things and products. Along the opposite wall is a multi-purpose room that opens onto the lobby. Further along the corridor, rooms for children are being arranged: group and sleeping rooms, toilets for girls and boys, a washroom, etc. At the end of the corridor, you can equip another large room for sports, dancing or active games.

Play and sports grounds

For a playground for games and sports, you need enough space to ensure the comfort and safety of children. For each group of children of primary preschool age (up to 3 years old), it is necessary to equip a separate playground for games and walks with a size of at least 150 m².

Example of sports ground equipment in kindergarten

For children from older groups (up to 7 years old), the size of the playground increases to 180 m².
The playground must be protected from direct sunlight. This is done with awnings. For the design of the playground, garden figures, game devices, and green spaces are used.

All items used in landscaping must be made of high quality and environmentally friendly material. For green spaces, you should choose safe plants: without thorns, poisonous fruits and allergenic substances.

Each playground must have a dedicated area for the teacher. It is positioned so that the entire site falls into the field of view of the teacher.

This will allow you to control the behavior of children and prevent unwanted situations. From the kindergarten building to the walking areas, it is necessary to equip straight paths, asphalted or lined with special tiles. Paths to utility rooms should be located separately.

For sports activities on the territory of the kindergarten, it is possible to equip a separate sports ground with a size of approximately 250 m². On it you can put a small pool with a depth of no more than half a meter and an area of ​​about 30 m². Children from different groups should use these objects at different times, according to the schedule.

Utility rooms

A catering unit, a laundry room, a refrigeration room for fresh products, pantries for dry products and storage for linen and necessary things in the kindergarten building are located separately. You will also need a room for drying and ironing bed and kitchen linen. These rooms require a special entrance.


The territory of the kindergarten should be fenced. The height of the fence is at least 2 m. It is necessary to equip at least 2 entrances: central and auxiliary. The main entrance is for parents with children and staff. Auxiliary entrance - for the delivery of products, garbage disposal, etc. Here you will need an entrance and a turnaround area for vehicles.

Entrance gates must be equipped with an intercom. They should only open when needed. This will prevent unauthorized people and stray animals from entering the territory of the kindergarten.

Kindergarten landscaping project

If the size of the common area allows, you can arrange a living corner. Near the kitchen, it is desirable to plant vegetables, fruit and berry trees and bushes. All outdoor utility rooms, a drying area, etc., must be equipped at a distance from the kindergarten building and the playground.

In 2014, an important social task was solved in Moscow: every resident of the city aged 2.5 to 7 now has the opportunity to visit. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this in his report on the results of the activities of the Moscow Government and the main parameters of the draft city budget for 2015-2017. But no less important is the fact that the growth in the number of places in the capital's kindergartens is accompanied by their radical modernization, taking into account new requirements for the design of kindergartens.

Back in 2010, a third of little Muscovites were deprived of the opportunity to attend kindergartens. From 2010 to 2013, the number of places in the capital's preschool educational institutions almost doubled - from 288 to 415 thousand. This year, the city plans to build another 34 gardens: 24 at the expense of the budget (4,270 places) and 11 more are being built at the expense of private investors. Normative indicators have also changed - today Moscow is successfully mastering the norm of 50 places for every thousand inhabitants.

Although the standard has been met, the construction of kindergartens in the city will continue in the future. In 2014-2016, under the Targeted Investment Program (AIP), that is, at the expense of the city budget, it is planned to build another 60 kindergartens for 12,000 places in Moscow. These plans are in line with the demographic forecast, and also make it possible to provide places in preschool institutions for residents of new areas of complex development.

exemplary, unique

The first standard designs for preschool institutions in the USSR were developed in the 1930s. In the 60s, during the period of mass industrial housing construction, which coincided with the almost complete employment of women in the national economy, panel uniformity also spread to educational institutions: lines of the same type of schools and kindergartens followed one another through the same faceless residential districts.

In the 1990s, many kindergarten buildings (mainly the so-called departmental kindergartens) changed their profile from educational to office, and those that remained faithful to preschool education became outdated morally and physically. Therefore, when the question of increasing the number of places in preschool institutions again became acute in Moscow, the City Government made a far-sighted decision to develop a new generation preschool educational institution.

In order to speed up the process of modernizing kindergartens without loss of quality, in 2012-2013, new projects of kindergartens for Moscow were developed by order of the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the Department of Urban Planning Policy of the city, as well as a number of large private developers.

These projects have been updated in accordance with modern ideas of society about the content and forms of preschool education, and also meet the new architectural and urban planning requirements for the urban environment adopted in the capital in recent years.

New projects are collected in the Album of basic projects of kindergartens recommended for construction in Moscow. If someone is disgusted by such definitions as “standard project” or “reuse project”, you can use the phrase “exemplary project”, because in fact, according to these “album” projects, outwardly very NOT similar children's rooms are being built in Moscow gardens. The practice of working reviews by the chief architect of the city Sergey Kuznetsov is aimed at individualizing the appearance of each new building of the kindergarten. Designers are strongly encouraged to develop and submit for consideration facade solutions that correspond to the nature of the surrounding buildings and allow individualizing the appearance of the building, so that each child eventually develops his own image of the kindergarten - not boring, friendly and memorable.

Architecture and coloring is also a tool for aesthetic education and emotional impact on a small person. Therefore, by giving young Muscovites the right guidelines in the perception of the architecture of the city, we, thereby, show concern for the future appearance of Moscow.

Gardens for new generation Muscovites

What is the fundamental difference between the new projects of kindergartens and the previous ones? One of the main requirements of modern society is the upbringing of a healthy generation. Therefore, the new projects of kindergartens provide not only medical units, but also special offices for a psychologist, a speech therapist, as well as specialized sports and gyms, swimming pools. In the adjacent territory, in addition to traditional walking areas with verandas, mini-stadiums, football and volleyball courts, etc. are being designed.

Designing a developing educational environment that promotes the all-round development of a child's personality is another trend of the times. In the new projects of kindergartens, special premises are being created for circles of various kinds, music, choreography, and theater classes.

The typology of preschool education itself is also expanding, the so-called preschool educational institutions of a complex type are appearing. In their planning structure, as a rule, on the lower floors, there are special rooms for short stay groups, counseling and rehabilitation centers.

Another most important feature of modern design practice for Moscow is the creation of a barrier-free environment in the kindergarten, accessible to people with disabilities - both for pupils and for visitors - parents, grandparents, etc. All premises of the new generation kindergarten on any floor are accessible to people with disabilities. To move between floors, modern kindergartens are equipped with elevators - as a rule, there are no elevators in old projects of kindergartens.

Accessible environment provides, meanwhile, and the development of the so-called. inclusive forms of education, that is, opportunities for children with some health problems to attend a regular kindergarten with healthy children. Moscow is already implementing kindergarten projects designed with inclusive preschool education in mind. We will tell you more about these DOEs in the following materials.

Another new trend is the creation of educational complexes in which the educational process continues from 2-3 to 18 years of age. Such an educational center includes one or more kindergartens (DOE), a block of elementary grades (BMK) and a secondary school. (By the way, the first kindergartens that appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century were also created mainly at the gymnasiums, so everything new is well forgotten old). It is assumed that such polyfunctional educational complexes can become cultural centers of microdistricts, which should also be reflected in their architectural appearance.

Kindergarten close to home

The principle of commissioning housing simultaneously with social and cultural facilities is accepted as one of the fundamental ones in the capital. Moreover, today there are already examples of advanced commissioning of social infrastructure. One such example is the 32nd Zeleny Bor microdistrict in Zelenograd. A full-fledged educational center for children from 3 to 18 years old has already been put into operation on the territory of the new microdistrict, which is still being built up with residential buildings. It includes a school, a block of primary classes and a kindergarten for 280 places (12 groups).

For the school and the block of elementary grades, the architects of the Zelenograd AM design bureau developed an individual project (GAP Madi Agadzhali).

The kindergarten was built according to a typical "album" project developed by State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP in 2012, but at the suggestion of Sergey Kuznetsov, the authors came up with an individual facade solution. Colored striped fiber cement boards gave a typical kindergarten building in Zelenograd a cheerful, positive and very “preschool” look.

According to the author of the project, architect Madi Azhigali, the kindergarten delights children, their parents, grandparents. “It is amazing that by changing only the facades of a typical garden, we were able to bring such joy to the residents of the microdistrict,” the architect is surprised.

Private equity leads by example

Private investors are also actively involved in solving the problem of kindergartens in Moscow. So, this year, the city plans to put into operation 11 kindergartens built at the expense of private investors, this program has already been partially implemented.

As a rule, large construction and development companies that are engaged in the integrated development of urban areas are ready to invest in social infrastructure. Thus, one of the first preschool educational institutions of a new generation in Moscow was the Children's Educational Center (DOTS) built by the KROST concern (82nd quarter, Tukhachevsky St., 45). In addition to a kindergarten for 150 places (6 groups), the complex includes 4 classes of an elementary school for 100 places. The main space-planning solutions were developed by the design bureau of the KROST company - "A-Project". The original façades and interiors were created by the Dutch architectural firm 70°N arkitektur, which became the winner of a closed international architectural competition organized by the concern.

The DOC is conceived as a socio-cultural family center where sports activities, parent meetings, psychological consultations, children's parties, open creative studios and technical circles are held. Well-known child psychologists and educators participated in the development of its concept.

The educational complex includes several functional blocks grouped around the courtyard - an atrium and a separate kindergarten block. Thanks to this layout, kids and younger students live according to their own schedule, without interfering with each other, and at the same time they can communicate at common events.

In the interior layout, modern technology of room transformation was used, which allows more flexible use of the compact interior space, combining or zoning it as needed. Specialized premises are provided for theater and choreographic studios, there are children's workshops for sculpture and pottery, a painting studio, linguistic classes, a natural science class equipped in accordance with modern teaching methods.

The educational complex also has a library with a media library, spacious play spaces with a variety of tools for intellectual development. The music hall with artistic rooms and a transformable stage space is equipped with modern means of organizing show programs.

Two bowls of the pool are designed for learning to swim and for practicing synchronized swimming.

The goal of the project was to create a bright and modern educational environment that takes into account the needs of the child in sports and art, and contributes to the development of multifaceted independent personalities, says a representative of the KROST concern.

The creators of the complex took care of the physical and psychological health of the staff of the educational institution. Two halls are equipped for group sports activities and equipped with the necessary service facilities.

The educational complex "Khoroshevskaya gymnasium", due to its diverse functionality, technological equipment and high-quality architectural "packaging" that meets the general style of the surrounding buildings, has become a city-forming socio-cultural and architectural center of the "Union Park" quarter.

Images: Moscow Committee for Architecture, Zelenograd AM, KROST Concern

  • Themes:
  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - .

Typical project of a kindergarten for 250 places (code VI-71)

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • The constructive solution is a monolith. The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility is provided to all floors. Developed in 2012 - 2013 Recommended for use.

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 220 places

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.

Access for people with limited mobility is provided to all floors. Developed in 2010. Recommended for use in AIP for 2013 and subsequent years.

Land area 0.63 - 0.68 ha
Built-up area 1727.8 sq. m
3733.7 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 220 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
RUB 40.602 million
RUB 172.154 million
Total area for 1 seat 16.9 sq. m
RUB 0.184 million
RUB 0.783 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.007 million
RUB 0.031 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 190 places

  • Customer - Department of urban planning policy of the city of Moscow.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
Land area 0.45 - 0.5 ha
Built-up area 1250.0 sq. m
2935.3 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 190 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 28.635 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 121.414 million
Total area for 1 seat 15.4 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.151 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.639 million
RUB 0.007 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.031 mln

Typical project of a kindergarten for 120 children (code VI-70)

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - Department of urban planning policy of the city of Moscow.
  • The constructive decision - large-panel. The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2012. Recommended for use in AIP for 2013 and subsequent years.

Land area 0.42 ha
Built-up area 881.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2410.0 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 120 seats (5 groups)
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 22.379 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 95.27 million
Total area for 1 seat 20.08 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.186 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.794 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.009 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.039 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 115 places

  • Customer - KROST LLC.
  • The constructive decision - large-panel.
Land area 0.56 ha
Built-up area 1274.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2180.5 sq. m
number of storeys 2 floors
Capacity 115 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 22.347 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 73.968 million
Total area for 1 seat 18.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.194 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.642 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.010 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.034 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 90 places

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2010 Recommended for use.

Land area 0.3 - 0.4 ha
Built-up area 1073.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement and terraces) 2167.2 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 90 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 25.707 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 108.997 million
Total area for 1 seat 24.0 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.286 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 1.211 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.032 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 168 places (correctional type)

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided.
Land area 0.85 ha
Built-up area 2328.9 sq. m
Total area (without basement and terraces) 4374.5 sq. m
number of storeys 2 - 3 floors
Capacity 168 + 12 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 53.777 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 228.01 million
Total area for 1 seat 24.3 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.299 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 1.267 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.035 million

An individual project of a kindergarten for 350 places (15 groups) with a room for variable forms of preschool education (a short stay group for 20 places) at the address: Moscow, Biryulyovo Vostochnoye, Zagorye, microdistrict. 3

  • Customer - KP "UGS" of the Department of Construction of Moscow.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.
Land area 0.95 ha
Built-up area 1834.65 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4701.03 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 350+20 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 48.597 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 219.574 million
Total area for 1 seat 12.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.131 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.593 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.036 million

An individual project of a kindergarten for 350 places (14 groups) with a room for variable forms of preschool education (short stay group for 20 places) at the address: Moscow, TiNAO, pos. Resurrection, der. Yazovo

  • Customer - JSC "Yazovskaya Sloboda Invest".
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2012 - 2013 Recommended for use.

Land area 0.86 ha
Built-up area 1782.29 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4344.53 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 350+20 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 45.542 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 205.772 million
Total area for 1 seat 11.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.123 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.556 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.035 million

Individual project of a kindergarten for 125 children (YuAO, Chertanovo Yuzhnoye, microdistrict 18, building 5)

  • Developer - JSC "Mosproekt".
  • The customer is the investor's funds.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2011-2012. Recommended for use.

Land area 0.54 ha
Built-up area 1400 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 3940 sq. m
number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 125 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 37.0 million
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 180.4 million
Total area for 1 seat 31.5 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.333 million
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 1.4 million
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.0094 million
The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.045 million

Individual project of a kindergarten for 115 children (SWAO, Nametkina St., intersection with Khersonskaya St.)

  • Developer - NABAD Design LLC.
  • The customer is the investor's funds.
  • The constructive solution is prefabricated-monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to all floors is provided. Developed in 2011 Recommended for use.

Land area 0.56 ha
Built-up area 1274.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2180.5 sq. m
number of storeys 2 floors
Capacity 115 seats
Cost in 2000 base prices
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 20.559 million*
Cost in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 68.051 million*
Total area for 1 seat 18.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices of 2000 RUB 0.179 million*
The cost of 1 place in the prices of the 1st quarter of 2012 RUB 0.592 million*
The cost of sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.009 million*

The cost of sq. m of total area in prices of the 1st quarter of 2012
* - preliminary data of the investor

RUB 0.034 million*

Individual project of a kindergarten for 95 children

  • Developer - OJSC "TsNIIEP residential and public buildings".
  • Customer - JSC "Moscow Combine of Bakery Products".
  • The constructive solution is monolithic, attached to an individual one. The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access for people with limited mobility to the first floor is provided. Developed in 2009 Recommended for use.

Land area