Proper setting of goals that seek to achieve. How to put a goal in life and achieve her

In order to achieve the task is very important proper setting of goals - Step-by-step instructions for action will help specify their desires and structuring them into a common scheme. In itself, the concept of the goal includes the ability of a person in advance to admire the results of its actions and to look for ways to achieve due to various ways and approaches.

purpose - This is the outcome of the events to which the individual seek, as if forming its future in thoughts, and planning its actions that will be able to bring it to this future. Having defined for itself its own goal, he begins to think through the possible ways to achieve it, as well as evaluate how much money and effort will be needed for this.

If the purpose of the goal will be carried out without analyzing and selecting the necessary funds, it will probably be just a desire and dreams. The same will occur in the case of reluctance to look for various options for its achievement. That is what tells us that the ultimate goal becomes the reason for the implementation of any actions and steps from a person. A person who does not do anything will never achieve his own, as well as the one who does not set themselves specific goals, simply does not have an incentive to perform any actions.

Proper setting of goals

In many ways, the success of a person in achieving the goal and the implementation of his own desire is based on how correctly it gives the installation itself. Proper setting of goals It will help much faster to get the desired. In this material we will talk about how to choose the right to choose the policy of target plants and make sure that the dreams do not remain dreams, but gradually turned into reality. Let us list some rules for the purpose of the goal.

Calculation should only be

If a person puts a certain goal for himself, he must clearly appreciate his capabilities - after all, no one bears responsibility for achieving the desired one. Very common mistake in the formulation of the target - Incorrect evaluation of your capabilities and an attempt to shift responsibility for failure on other people's shoulders. Having built your target policy, it is necessary to thoroughly think about whether to realize it to life yourself, without the help of anyone.

Clear statement of goal

It is advisable to have a separate notebook or a diary, which will clearly formulate all the goals that a person puts in front of him. As not strange, but this method helps to introduce the desired reality much faster, as it has a clearly defined circle of preferences, and disappears the blurred perception of their own desires. The goal that is not recorded, very quickly loses clear outlines and, in most cases, is gradually forgotten, giving way to new desires. In fact, reach the result, focusing on dreams, for example, I want a lot of money or I want to make repairs, it is very difficult, most likely after a while, this dream will fall into the uncomfortable area. It is not for nothing that it is considered that recorded on paper is postponed in the head much better, especially if you regularly view the records.

The subconscious of the person is designed in such a way that in the process of writing desires and aspirations on paper it is activated. A clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat needs to be done is, and a person becomes more confident in the positive outcome of the event.

If the desire is formulated correctly, the positive energy appears, the desire to achieve the desired one appears. Psychologists advise use the admission technique - to prove what I would like to implement, and not the moments that may be negative. For example: you need to be in the form, get an increase or sign a contract. Negative installations are such as: it is necessary to lose weight, avoid dismissal or not to lose the tender. The correct setting of the goal is not based on what a person does not want, but on what he really wants.

Forming your own goalIt is necessary to motivate yourself with certain words that will increase confidence in a positive outcome. Setting a goal based on words of coercion is not always successful. In order to achieve something, a person should want it, and not forced himself. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the word and its analogues, but to replace them on want. For example, do not say: "I need to make money to build a house," and "I want to earn money, as I want a house" and so on.

Each desire should be specified before putting a goal, we must weigh everything for and against, study the nuances and really want to achieve a certain result.

Separation of a big goal into smaller stages

Of course, almost all people are quite large-scale desire, therefore, when a simple manager puts himself the goal of buying a country house in three floors, it seems not logical and rather reminiscent of a dream than the goal. However, if the purpose of the goal will be carried out from another angle, it turns out that everything is quite real and possible. Even the most global and large-scale aspirations can be divided into several consecutive steps, which should be gradually passing.

Suppose, initially a person can put on the target to raise its earnings to four thousand a day, then up to six, and so on. And it does not matter how it will find ways to increase income - additional work in the evening or expansion of the client base and improving the efficiency of its work at the current workplace. The main thing is that consistently a person will increase its earnings, and after some time the purchase of the house will no longer seem to seem unreal. The splitting of the global task for small subtasks is like a step-by-step instruction for action. Having successfully completed each, even the smallest stage, the motivation to achieve the next step is growing, forces appear and.

Moreover, the separation of the task will allow to realize that it is necessary for all time. It is impossible to reset the extra ten kilograms in the week, or increase your income five times. Everything needs to be suitable, and the placement of the goal should be carried out with the understanding of the real possibilities of its achievement.

Errors in the formulation of the target

We give the several most common mistakes that a person admits, forming her aspirations.

1. Many people set common parameters for their purposes, for example, I want to make a lot of money. It is necessary to clearly understand how much the person to make money, what monthly income to have, what is going to spend money and so on. After all, the wording is blurred: for one much money is a million, and for another one hundred thousand;

2. Be sure to put clearly, specific numbers regarding what should be the result. For example, if a person wants to buy a car, he must understand which car, with what characteristics and so on. Setting the goal - I want a car - it is unlikely enough to motivate the individual. Again, all cars are different, as well as prices for them;

3. Before putting a goal, it is clear to limit the period for which it must be achieved. For example, a person who wants to lose weight should clearly establish a timeline: in two months I plan to reset five kilograms. When the goal has a time limit, it motivates a person to get the desired result and not violate the promises given to himself.

Objectives may vary

Setting the goal, though there must be a specific one, have time and clear parameters, but still one should not forbid themselves to change their aspirations over time. Unforeseen events may occur, which, for example, cause a slowdown or change in the target. This does not mean. That a person violated the word given to himself. It is necessary to be able to put up with the fact that life is very fast, and that. What seemed actual six months ago, now it may simply be logical. Therefore, in the formation of aspirations, it should not be instructed to do everything exactly as planned now. You can slightly change the principles of achieving the desired, the very essence of the goal or the term of its achievement.

The goal should like

It makes no sense to set yourself a task that catches melancholy, and the subconsciousness is ready to give up its fulfillment. First of all, the desire must come from the person himself, it should be interesting to him, get the end result. Setting a goal that does not cause Azart and inspiration is meaningless. After all, even having received a positive result, people do not feel happy.

Faith in a positive outcome

Often, a person formulating his desire, is ready to start moving towards his execution, but prevents the lack of faith in his forces. Suppose, putting the goal to increase revenue, subconsciously, he considers himself unworthy in service, or continues to try to remain in the shadow of colleagues. It is necessary to configure its subconscious on the fact that the result can be achieved and will be obtained within the time limit. And it is not enough to simply put the task, it is important to believe in its feasibility.

Time and external changes

The correct setting of goals always includes clear parameters, as mentioned above. But the deadlines for achieving the desired can be quite long, because the goal is not made for a month, two or six months. Sometimes a person can allocate for the achievement of the result and twenty years. Therefore, external factors should be taken into account, and relying on them regularly direct their goals and adjust in accordance with the outside world.

If another ten years ago, put myself a goal to earn one amount per month it seemed rather significant, then in the present period this amount seems just funny. Therefore, at least once a year, it is necessary to view a list of their goals and correct them with regard to changes in the surrounding world. Like life principles and aspirations, need regular revision.

Moreover, life is so much predictable that some desires that seemed important a year ago, now they can become a person not interesting, but what he was not interested, on the contrary, can go to the fore.

In addition to adjustment, it is also necessary to evaluate your achievements. At least once in the year you should view your tasks, and analyze, at what stage a person is now, which reached, and what else to do. Not only the purpose of the goal is important, but also constant control of their own progress. Perhaps there is no progress in some issues at all, then the reasons for this circumstance should be assessed. Perhaps the goal was not real or a person just lost interest to her.

Before, how to put a goal, It is necessary to carefully assess the likelihood that it will be achieved. To put the transcendental tasks that cannot be implemented at the moment are not desirable. A person loses self-confidence, realizing that he cannot advance in achieving the desired one.

Often, changes in life happen suddenly: it can be a move, changing the place of work, the birth of a child and many other life circumstances that were not planned at the time of the formation of goals. This indicates the need to reconsider his desires, think about what has become less relevant, and perhaps some moments need to be slightly changed. For example, if a person changed the place of work, then the income level could change, and, consequently, the desired income, as a goal, will also be adjusted.

The purpose of the goal should be a clear, understandable and simple. Of course, first it is quite difficult to formulate a number of desires in several words and in the list format, but this is how people are much likely to achieve the desired results. The fact that any priorities change, the means and ways to achieve the desired also do not remain the same - it is quite natural. Therefore, the target's adjustment does not mean violation of promises, the data itself, but rather, the redirection of resources for the benefit of obtaining the result. The correct setting of goals is always very important - step-by-step instructions will help to avoid errors and get a positive result.

Tasks performed daily cannot be carried out without setting a goal. Even the most simple and daily actions are initially planned by a person. How to put goals? What helps to realize the reality? Answer the questions will help the information below.

What is needed to set the goal?

Aimedial existence is not enough to taste. Almost every person has its own goal, incentive to life. How to put goals correctly and for this you need to make maximum patience and effort. The correct placement of life priorities, as well as the recommendations presented below, will help create an independent installation for themselves.

Thoughts are material

What we constantly imagine, sooner or later will come to life. Positive thoughts attract good luck, and the negative makes us passive and unhappy. How to put goals and achieve them? Think positively and believe in your own success. Without faith, the setting of goals does not make sense.

Think about the goals set, mentally imagine a moment when they are achieved. The more often you will do it, the faster the conceived will be implemented.

Visualization: Look and do

Laziness - the main enemy

Do not let yourself relax in those moments when you need to act. There was a free minute - once again worked for the embodiments of the task.

How to put to deal with laziness and apathy. Movement is life, and it does not matter, physical it is or mental. Lazy and apathetic people do not reach heights and, as statistics show, are less successful than active individuals. Do not let the ribbon penetrate your thoughts, organize your day in such a way that even during the rest or break at work you were busy.

What should be the deadlines for the implementation of the goals

To properly set targets, you need to establish clear time limits for their implementation. Specific dates will help you become collected and responsible in achieving the desired result.

You can not put goals on a long period of time, since you cannot give warranties that nothing will prevent them from implementing them. That is, if you make the installation that 10 years later, accumulate on the apartment, then the goal is at risk to remain unrealized.

How to set goals: examples

Correct tasks and goals are quickly implemented. For example, if a person gave itself the installation to buy a car of a certain mark in six months, he will buy it. It's not just not only in the formulation of the task, the case in a desire to fulfill the conceived. People, passionately fonding the achievement of the goal, it is easier to get from life what they want.

An excellent example of the correct placement of the goal is how athletes are preparing for competitions. They give themselves the installation that the sports Olympiad will be physically prepared. It uses not only the goal itself, but also the mood of athletes, their dedication.

Another example of the correct installation: "I wish to lose weight by 10 kilograms for 5 months." The full opposite of this setting is the installation of this kind: "I want to lose weight." In the first embodiment, the goal is clear and has a certain time, a tangible end result. It causes a person to work productively, in order to carry out the intended. The second option is an example of how to put the goal should not. Blurred temporary boundaries and fuzzy end result will not help implement the desired.

Several steps on the way to setting and implementing the goal

How to put goals? Before proceeding directly to the formulation of a certain task, it is necessary to choose several (not more than 5) the most important goals. Drop all unnecessary and uninteresting you at the moment. When you decide to correctly create a setup for yourself and implement a few simple steps to implement.

Step 1. Conversation with your own "I"

Place the way you are comfortable, and relax, immerse yourself in the easy pleasant dere. And now ask yourself the question: "What do I want to achieve most?" Filter unnecessary information, eliminate fleeting desires and abstract dreams. Highlight what brings you positive emotions.

Step 2. Fixing the task on a sheet of paper

How to put goals? Fix them on paper. Sewing in detail, select important points. Re-read the written information several times a day - this will help consolidate the task in the subconscious.

Step 3. Wake up global goals for small and fast fulfilled tasks

How to put and achieve them? Take into account the actions necessary for their implementation. Opposite each of the written purposes, fix the microcradisters, the execution of which will bring you to the realization of the intended.

Would you like to earn 10,000 rubles by the end of the next month? Decide that you need to do: find additional earnings or change the generation.

Want to get rid of the extra 15 kilograms for 7 months? Develop an individual workout plan and diets. Do not use other people's work, since only those classes are suitable for achieving the goal.

Step 4. Remedy Barriers

Ask yourself the question: "What prevents me from getting the desired?" Write the answers on the paper sheet and analyze them. And now proceed directly to action.

Daily follow yourself and stop the appearance of laziness, avoid excessive spending time for communication with unnecessary people. Mobilize your strength to achieve the goal and try not to be distracted by stimuli.

Step 5. Drawing up a list of funds to achieve goals

The implementation of any objectives requires certain costs: financial, energy, temporary. Opposite each goal, make a list of tools that will help get the desired faster. It can be money, free time, forces on solving everyday tasks.

Remember that on the way to the realization of the goal you will have to sacrifice something. Boldly reduce day rest, replacing it with the study of questions you are interested in. Try not to regret the spent time, inspire yourself that all this is done for your benefit.

Step 6. Planning a day

What helps to put goals correctly? Plan your day I need competently. A clearly compiled routine on a day helps to become collected, planning allows you to efficiently spend your personal time.

To achieve his goal, it is necessary to make a schedule daily. Within 24 hours you should have time and work on the task, and on solving current problems. Do not forget to take into account the time spent on vacation.

Step 7. Learn to be cheerful

Do not pay attention to small failures and troubles found on the way to achieve the goal. Set yourself to positive, look positive in everything, here for you a big role will play the saying "All that is done, all for the better".

Remember that the goal will be carried out only if it carries a positive charge.

Step 8. Praise

As soon as you allow one of the microstasses, be sure to praise yourself. Encouraging even for small accomplishments helps faster and less energy. Praise yourself for not laughing today to work over the norm.

Speak yourself that there is nothing impossible for you, and soon you will see that this is true. The promotion of own actions increases the confidence and purpose of man. Only in everything you need to know the measure - do not intercept yourself, otherwise the encouragement will start working with accuracy to the opposite.

Is it possible to make adjustments to the goals?

Of course, yes. If the final result is scheduled for a long period of time (for example, from 2 to 5 years), then making small adjustments here is appropriate. This is due to the fact that the world changes, and there is nothing constant in it. Therefore, one should not put a goal in which it is impossible to make an adjustment for a long period.

For example, if you want to buy an apartment in 7 years and decides to save all these years to such a large purchase, but do not take into account that during this period the force majeure can happen, the final result will not please you. Why? Yes, everything is simple: at some point you will need a large amount of money, and you will use your accumulations.

To avoid this, make small adjustments to your goal. For example, write that you need to create another, additional financial "airbag" in the form of an open account in the bank.

What if the achievement of the goal disappointed?

In the process of implementing the task, some people faced the fact that the work done does not suit them, and the goal no longer represents interest to them. What to do in this situation?

You should not lower your hands and think that the work done was useless. Note for yourself that you got tremendous experience and still achieved what I once wanted. If you are completely disappointed in the goal, start implementing a new one. Our whole life consists entirely of an endless turn of undertakings and accomplishments, so try everything and always bring to the end. It will make a purposefulness in you.

Remember one important rule - never stop in the middle. Despite obstacles, condemnation by people, go to the target goal and believe in our hand. Support yourself in all endeavors.

We will not be given to the right goals in school, the process of competent formulation of the task for the future will not be able to explain the parents. Understand how to achieve the desired, you can only through your own samples and errors, self-diagnosis and work on yourself.

Greetings to our regular readers, new guests, all visitors to AV-Finance blog!

The article I suggest you today will be on the one hand the retreat from the main topic of our resource, and on the other directly related to all our undertakings, including on the basis of trading, making money, finance at all. And not only. And they pushed me on writing this note Comments by my last article about the Pyramid of Franklin, where we shared our desires and plans for the future. Each of us has goals, their own, different, and everyone, one way or another, strive to achieve them. But the first step on this path, in any case, is setting a goal. We will talk today about proper setting of goals.

What does this mean? Why is it necessary and so important, and in the end it will give the right setting of goals? It would seem that all possible difficulties expect us during the period of reaching the goal, but not at the stage of its production. But in fact, this is the case: the goal formulated correctly is the first step towards achieving the conceived, and incorrectly formulated, on the contrary, will remove from what we strive for. Therefore, learn how to properly set goals - this is one of the key actions on the way to success.

First of all, let's define what is the goal. Often we do not distinguish goals and ordinary desires, "wants." "I want to earn a lot of money," "I want to travel," "I want a figure of the model" - all this desire, no goal. But one can become different. How exactly? Desires, in contrast to the goals, non-specific, vague. "Many make a lot" - is how much? Million? What is dollars, rubles? In year? Per month? In a day? Etc.

Hence the rule is the first: the goal should be concrete.

The correct setting of goals will help maximum details and specifics in their formulation, so that the subconsciousness and the universe "worked" in the right direction for the implementation of ideas. That is, if we put the goal "go to a cruise on the ship", then this is too abstract wording, because you can also go as technical personnel - wash cabins, for example. In addition, it is necessary to understand exactly what your goal is, for example, "learn a foreign language" is not a goal, not installation, but "talking on a foreign (concrete!) Language" is a completely concrete desire. You also need to present and describe in detail and describe your goal. For example, the goal is your home. In detail, we present and sign the number of rooms, floors, layout, what it will be - new building, or maybe a house with a story, imagine yourself in it on the veranda with a cup of coffee;). Whatever skeptics say, and the visualization is a strong thing, so the drawing or photo of the realized target is a big plus for its proper wording. For a number of goals in different spheres of life, there is even a method for creating a "boards of desires", where all the aspirations are located in a certain order.

Further, the goal must be not only correctly formulated, but also recorded in writing, thereby we make the first step towards its implementation, materialization. Each goal should be recorded - you can start a notebook, as a last resort, the file in the computer, but not to use the tear-off leaflets, which will be lost among other papers and garbage, because if we set yourself a serious, important goal, then relates to it It is necessary accordingly.

Properly formulate the goal in the affirmative form. All psychologists, time managers and just all successful people are proud of this. And not in vain. Our subconscious and world around are arranged in such a way that they do not perceive the negation, the "not" particle is simply skipped, thereby "not losing the competition" the goal will only lead you to constant losses. But the installation "Write victory in the competition" - will already make you closer to success. By the way, pay attention again for an example of the formulation, it shows the following rule of faithful formulation.

The goal is best formulated in the present time, as if it was already achieved. "I earn 100,000 per day," "I am the director of the company", "I am a slight weight of 55 kilograms", etc. Avoid words and combinations "I want", "I will", "I will have" - \u200b\u200bwe do not make the desire for gold Fish, we formulate the goal to which we will move. It will also be not bad if you install approximate deadlines, not exactly up to a second - "I buy an apartment on September 14, 2015 at 13.30 Moscow time" - such accuracy will put pressure on you. But "entering a new apartment in the fall of 2015" - already closer to the truth. But this is not a universal rule, we are all different people, and there is such a type of personality, like irrationals, so here they have any deadlines, borders and deeds only interfere. Listen to yourself. How best to you?

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8 comments to " Proper setting of goals that seek to achieveโ€

    Hello Catherine! Good article! And at the same time a new section on the blog. Hope he will be replenished on an ongoing basis? ๐Ÿ™‚
    As for the purposes, it is true. I noticed such a tendency that many people could not form their goal in life. And if they start, they fall into a stupor or "cognitive dissonance". It is easier for them to live downstream than striving for something. And something strive!
    So on your example I will try to form some kind of purpose, which I put not so long ago.
    By the spring / summer of next year, I plan to become a medium-handed programmer in PHP (programming language for sites to not load it with details). What should be able to:
    1. Know based on HTML + CSS.
    2. To know the designs of the PHP language, operators, functionality, the implementation of the OOP on PCP and other technical nuances.
    3. Can and be able to deal with someone else's code, "screw" scripts to sites, "finish laying or scripts".
    4. To take and cope with the tasks of customers from the Freelance Exchange. Let not be complex and inexpensive, but for experience useful.
    That is the purpose of becoming a "pyrmemist of PCP". Specifically, I have to be able and can be able to paint. You can still more and more detailed, but "colleagues traders" will not understand.

    And last - act!

    When there is a detailed plan, then act easier. Like the market. In the performance of my goal, I have already started to act. I repeat and study HTML + CSS and I begin to delve into the PCP. I have previously studied the Language of PCP, but I scored. Now I come back to him. In addition, I have this hunt ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thank you for the article. Waiting for more. I would like an article about the motivation and "how to defeat laziness." Honestly confess that it interferes sometimes.
    P.S. At night, when everyone slept, and the moon comes out for clouds and not see the starry sky ... I open the source code of the blog pages and peeping, "who does what is doing there." ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hello, Vasily! Thanks for your detailed, thorough comments and attention to various sections of our blog! You formulated your goal, I wish you success in achieving it! I'm sure everything will be OK. An article about the fight against laziness is very relevant! I'll have a closer and immediately accomplish myself about the results))) And if seriously, here you can make a whole series of materials - the technician is a great set, and besides, not all of them are universal: different situations, different temperaments in humans, etc. He myself recently found out that the laziness and procrastination notorious is not the same thing, and the last one also has several types (on this issue, not even one book is written)! In general, the rubric to be!

Dream, cherished desire, life goal - at first glance, this is similar concepts. In fact, these words indicate completely different things. The dream may be unreal, and the desire is impossible. To what you dream about, it is necessary to go from the wishes to go to goaling. However, the goal may also remain unattainable if you misinterpret it. Proper setting of goals and their achievement. This logical chain is the path to success.

How to put goals

Goaling is the process of setting a goal. This concept is devoted to many scientific and popular books. According to psychologists, the true task is true - 50% of the guarantee of its achievement. Many do not know how to set goals correctly. Therefore, it is not surprising that trainings became popular, where professional psychologists are taught the basic principles of goal. Unlike desire and dreams, the goal is a definite, clear, since it costs a specific result. This result must be seen. In achieving a goal, you must believe. Only then can it really achieve.

Formulations: "I want to expand my business", "I want to increase my income" - examples of desires. To translate them to the category of purposes, it is necessary to specifically determine what it means to expand the business. Open new branches? Expand the range of services? Attract a greater number of customers? Increase production? How much to increase or expand: by 20% or 2 times? The result to which you strive should be measured.

The result to which you strive should be measured.

It is best to record a specifically set goal in a diary. For its wording, use active verbs, such as "make", "earn", "achieve". Do not use the words "necessary", "necessary", "need", "follows", as they carry the semantic shade of compulsion, overcoming the internal barriers. This is your goal. You want to achieve it, no one makes you do it.

It's not interesting to achieve too simple goals. The task should be difficult to have to overcome difficulties on the way to it, only so can be developed. But the goal should be real. Therefore, before its wording, it is necessary to analyze the present position of things and evaluate the available resources and opportunities. Open 5 new branches at once or increasing revenues 10 times hardly turn out. First achieve more modest purposes. Over time, you will come to what you did not even dare to dream at the beginning of the way.

The correct placement of the goal necessarily contains an indication during its achievement. For example, the goals expand the client base or increase the volume of production to specify the interest rates (by 30%) and the term (1 year).

If you learn how to correctly and specifically formulate goals for yourself, you can clearly and clearly put them in front of others. The head of the organization should know the basic principles of goal. Then from their managers, he will require correctly formulate their goals of their work. And this is a guarantee that they act their tasks.

How to achieve goals

Methods to achieve the goals are:

  1. The goal leads to obtaining the result. If it is very important for you, it will achieve it easier. Imagine all the advantages from the achievement of the final result. Anticipate the feelings of joy and success in advance that you will experience at that moment. Then no fears and doubts do not interfere with the goal. This technique is called visualization method. It helps to actualize all external and internal resources to achieve the goal, attract the necessary ideas, people, funds. For example, think about the advantages that you get, increasing income by 50%. You can afford more expensive real estate, car, rest, loved presents. Increase your social status. Which of these benefits is the most desirable? Imagine that you have already achieved it. And let this picture motivate you. When you put goals in front of your employees, help them see the advantages of their common achievements. Raising salary, premiums, career growth, receiving additional funds to the company's budget for corporate events.
  2. To go through a long way to achieve a big and important goal, you need to divide it into steps. For this, the global goal is divided into lesson. They, in turn, can also be crushed into smaller tasks. If all this is schematically portrayed on paper, then the real system of goals and corteals will be obtained. You try to formulate each one of them clearly indicating the timing of the achievement, and then this scheme can be easily turned into a step-by-step plan of movement to the main global goal. Such planning will be the basis for compiling the understandable instructions for the action for your subordinates. For example, the goal to expand the range of services can be divided into aim: explore the specifics of new services, to purchase equipment necessary for their provision, choose specialists or train their employees, find an additional place.
  3. Close people can help in achieving personal goals. And when it comes to business-related tasks, do not do without the help of employees and partners. After breaking the global goal for concrete sodes, consider who of the subordinates can cope with each of them most successfully. But remember, the initial goal was set for you, it is important for you, therefore, the responsibility for its achievement also lies, first of all, at you. If you do not come to your goal, because someone from the staff did not fulfill the task set before him, then the fault will lie on you. So, the resources of this employee you overestimated. Perhaps he needs more time to solve his task or need to improve the qualifications. And perhaps, to achieve this scene need a completely different specialist.
  4. Try to appreciate the obstacles that will arise on the way to achieve the goal. Think about how to overcome them or eliminate them. Not all at once, but gradually, one by one. Of course, it will not be possible to predict all the problems. But you will have a plan to eliminate at least parts of them.
  5. Look for additional resources. New information, new knowledge and skills will help overcome obstacles that first may seem the largest. You may have to hire new professionals (marketers, analysts, content managers, business coaches) or your former employees will need to undergo training courses, trainings, seminars.
  6. Make a general action plan for the period of time that you have diluted to achieve the goal. It is reflected in it who and in what time frames will solve intermediate tasks, what resources and additional investments will be involved to overcome obstacles. Based on a common plan, make more detailed plans for each quarter, month and even weeks. Of course, during execution you have to make a lot in terms of. After all, on the way to goal you will have new knowledge, experience, and circumstances can change. Most likely, during the implementation of the plan, you will see errors allowed when compiling. So in the course of the movement will need to work on errors. Maybe you will even have to adjust the goals if you realize that while your resources are missing for the initial achievement. But it is not scary. Anyway, you will pass part of the path, will acquire new knowledge and experience that will help you adjust the goals and move on.
  7. Periodically analyze your goals, methods for their achievements and resources. This is useful for further rational planning of its path.
  8. Weigh the price you have to pay for the achievement of the goal. For the training of employees and buying equipment, financial investments will be needed. To monitor the work of a new branch, you need extra time. You may have to reduce your personal holiday watch or spend less time with your family. To pass the training, you need to spend strength and energy. And the involvement of the partner will make the habit of solving everything yourself. Rate your willingness to donate to all this and get out of your comfort zone.

The goal is always leading to action, because if you do nothing, then the goals will not reach. And on the contrary, to start acting, you need to put myself a goal. It is better to motivate the action.

Our life largely depends on the correctness of the goals for the future. Thanks to thoughts and desires, we can help them achieve the desired result, to realize dreams into reality. Sometimes we should deal with yourself, in what we really go. Therefore, this article aims to ensure that everyone can answer a simple question: " How to set goals? ". We want to prove to you that 10,000 hours Enough in order to achieve everything and achieve your dreams.

Rules for the delivery of goals

  1. Always need to rely on yourself.

This rule must be remembered. Very often, people love to withdraw responsibility, shifting on others, not pay attention to their actions. After all, it is so good to look for extreme and not worry about anything. In order for in the future there was no such feeling, you need to put a goal, knowing that no one except you can implement.

  1. Need an exact wording of your goal.

One of the recommendations - targets must be recorded on paper. This will allow her to be not just a dream, but one day to come true. To do this, you need to make a personal diary of success in which you will record everything you want to achieve in life. They can become an ordinary notebook, a bright and colorful diary, notes in the smartphone and.

Many are mistaken, thinking that you can do without this procedure. No you can not! If the target is not on paper, then it's just empty words. Sometimes it is difficult for us to explain what we want. Making records, we can make sure that you really wish. Such records should be every person. Not in vain say: " What is written in pen, you do not cut down and the axยป.

Correct statement of our goals - the key to their success. What we constantly think about, forms confidence and contributes to the embodiment of desires in reality. The main thing to remember that everything we think should bear positive.

It is important to draw a line between such concepts as " proper goal"And" wrong goal" Do not talk about what you want to get rid of alcohol addiction, excess weight. It is necessary to constantly firmly, that one day you wake up slim and sober.

When the hands are lowered and always spinning in the head: "I don't want anything, I will not succeed in me," I should think about it and frankly answer the question for myself: " If not that, then what do I really want? Is I mistaken without doing it?ยป.

To properly set goals refuse statements: "Must", "Need", "follows". These are the main words that block the concept of "want". You will never be able to achieve your goal, uttering them out loud. Include in your vocabulary use "I need", "I will", "I can" and immediately notice the result.

An example of the right goal may be: "I want to go to the sea this year and relax! And I will do it! ". It would be wrong to say: "I would like to go on vacation this year."

  1. It is necessary to break large goals on small sodes, which will help gradually reach the desired.

When a goal is formed, it may seem so far. This happens until you divide them into parts. For example, you have long wanted to buy a house abroad and move there, but there is a small problem - it is very expensive and problematic. If gradually go to this goal, dividing it, will be real to realize. It is necessary to clearly and clearly put the task: earning at least 3 thousand, and then - 5 thousand and so on. Thanks to these small, but correct chambers, it will be possible to seriously think about buying real estate in another country.

Is this not a motivation to direct themselves to global change? It is important to remember that reaching one set goal, you will be happy. Then the second breathing will open instantly in order to always move forward.

  1. Important moment: It is necessary to specify their goals.

Sometimes people are surprised and upset if their dream was not realized. It is important to remember that one desire is not enough. It is necessary to constantly visualize the result and specifically set the goal. Incorrect wording will lead to the fact that:

  • there is no concrete end result. For example, "I want to learn German." What does this mean for you? Talk on it or just add several dozen words to the dictionary reserve? And maybe learn to understand the native speakers, but do not be able to read and write well to read and competently?
  • it is impossible to measure the results obtained. It is worth recording the numbers that you must be achieved. If you want to lose weight, you must initially decide how much kilogram, and ultimately you need to compare and measure. It looks like this: " In a month I will lose weight by 5 kilograms!ยป
  • there are no execution times. As an option: "I want to get a job and earn twenty thousand" and "I want to get a job and earn 20 thousand for three months" In the first case, the framework of its purpose is not specified, and in the second one, a period that will definitely stimulate you. The main thing is that it be reasonable and real, and not taken from the ceiling.
  1. Editing goals.

You must always make adjustments to your list, so as not to live last, but strive to new. After all, life does not stand still, and we must develop, know the world around. It happens that life situations make us change their plans, therefore it is always necessary to approach the reformulation of the desired.

  1. Charming goal.

The goal itself and its result should always attract and paint. In an effort to her, you should feel that this is exactly what makes you a truly happy man. The goal should encourage the most pleasant feelings and cause positive emotions. It is always necessary to represent the result and how he will delight you.

  1. Vera in what everything will work out.

After successful formulation and setting, it is necessary to believe in its implementation. In the subconscious, everything is possible, the main thing is to remember this. If you strive to achieve the desired, but in the depths of the soul do not believe in its incarnation and your strength, then everything was in vain. Faith will lead to success!

Confidence and properly formulated goal are the basic rules for its achievement.

Success Diary to achieve goals

  1. Self-affirmation and motivation. Thanks to the daily entries, you can watch your results. If they are positive, it will help to overcome a complex of inferiority and love yourself.
  2. Getting rid of depressive mood. Sometimes it seems that another day went in vain. This happens if a person underestimates his abilities. Recalling everything in the diary, you can gradually get rid of it.
  3. Control of personal achievements. You can always look at what was done, and which result is achieved. Pay attention to your ups and downs.
  4. Approach to goal. Those who positively thinking about the dream, you can record different options for the development of the path to its achievement.

Diary is very simple. There are several basic ways:

  1. Setting goals. One main and additional, which will help keep track of the correctness of the direction to the main task.
  2. Dates. Adequately analyze and write a temporary framework to achieve the goal.
  3. Indicators. To always control your results.
  4. Follow the achievements. It is necessary to mark and record in the diary. It may be the conditions, factors, as well as the steps done to meet the dream.
  5. Checking achieved. It is necessary to record digital indicators to control the execution of tasks.

Thanks to the Success Diary on the site " 10,000 hours for dreams"Everyone can most quickly come to their goal, controlling the time spent and attached efforts. The main thing is to keep records every day and do not stop at the result, because every successful person began with the placement of the goal.