Proper storage of a pvc boat in winter. Correct operation of a pvc inflatable boat How to store a pvc boat in winter

PVC boat now have many anglers and boaters. Someone buys the most expensive model from a well-known brand, and for some, a budget boat is enough. The service life of the product is determined to a greater extent not by the price, but correct operation... Therefore, only a well-trained person should go sailing. Advice on handling boats and proper storage will help extend the life of the craft.

How to handle the boat correctly

  1. Regular Cleaning - After sailing, clean the boat surface of fish oil, grains of sand and algae. Adhered particles and harsh chemicals contribute to tissue destruction. Thoroughly clean seams where debris often clogs.
  2. You need to clean not only the boat, but also the components - the pump, oars and other elements also need care.
  3. Drying - Do not leave a wet boat in the garage. It can become moldy, and in cold weather - an ice crust. As a result, the material will begin to break down.
  4. To dry the surface faster, the boat must be placed on its side. You can wipe it down with a cloth if you like.
  5. Washing With Soap - Never scrub the boat with steel wool or abrasive detergents. Before long-term storage, clean the craft with a soft sponge dipped in soapy water.
  6. Gentle handling - use fishing tackle boxes. Do not place knives and hooks on the bottom that can break through the PVC.
  7. Inspect the shore - remove sharp driftwood and stones from the road before launching.
  8. Keep boat away from fire - heat from a campfire or an unextinguished cigarette can melt the material. Do not smoke near the boat. Burning matter is much easier than restoring it.
  9. Fold the boat gently - keep the product folded. Make sure that twigs and dirt particles do not fall into the package when folding.
  10. Dry the inflated boat - this will make the water drain better.
  11. Roll the boat with the valves open from stern to bow. If you have a model with a motor, the ends of the cylinders should be pressed against the transom.
  12. Do not flood the boat with heavy objects during transportation or storage - such actions often lead to breakdowns.
  13. Do not leave the product under the scorching sun - it is especially dangerous to leave inflated boats in the heat. Look for a shady spot or covered shelter.
  14. Store your boat in a safe place - new boats often suffer from rodents. You can protect yourself from uninvited guests by washing the fabric well. Then there will be no fish smell that mice like so much.
  15. Create optimal storage conditions - the room should be kept at a temperature between 0 and 25 degrees Celsius. If you have left your boat in sub-freezing temperatures, let it warm before use.
  16. Avoid talcum powder - it is suitable for rubber products. PVC will be difficult to clean, making repairs difficult later.
  17. Do not try to tune the tuning hastily with improvised means - if there are no seats in the boat, do not put boards or logs in their place. They will damage fragile material.
  18. Read the instructions carefully, always follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
  19. At freezing temperatures, it is better not to turn around or move the rolled boat, as unwanted cracks may form on the fabric.
  20. If the boat is suspended from the ceiling, it does not experience strong changes in humidity. And rodents will not be able to get to it and make a nest for themselves.

Boat inspection and repair

Damage during operation does not always appear immediately. The web usually does not break through the first time, but after prolonged use. The bottom is rubbed, creases and cracks are formed, which sooner or later make themselves felt. Therefore, after each trip it is necessary to inspect the boat.

If the puncture cannot be avoided, a repair kit will come in handy. It is usually attached to the boat. You can patch up a hole or scuff in the field. PVC material can be repaired and fishing on the same day. The damaged area and the patch must be degreased in advance with acetone. The cleaned surfaces are glued with polyurethane adhesive.

Storing the boat in winter

It is advisable to provide a separate room where the boat will wait for the next season. The product must not come into contact with other things. It is advisable not to fold the craft into a tight package. Otherwise, the likelihood of cracking of the material will increase. The boat must be loosely rolled or partially filled with air.

Do not allow water to enter the surface of the material. A non-flooded room with a normal humidity level should be chosen for storage. Otherwise, the accumulated moisture will turn into ice and destroy the PVC. You can install the boat on a pedestal or flat surface.

You can store the boat in the garage and in a city apartment. However, freezing temperatures will not be beneficial. It is highly undesirable to leave an inflatable boat near heating devices, and even more so, near an open fire. Do not place heavy objects on the bottom, even if you keep the boat warm at home.

Difficulties in caring for a model with a motor

The engine gearbox suffers the most. During the operation of the motor, it has a heavy load. Condensation and various deposits can form on the engine during prolonged storage. Whereas during operation this usually does not happen. Therefore, remember to inspect the engine periodically, especially if it is stored in a cold room.

Failure to comply with the rules of care reduces the life of the boat by 2-3 times. A well-kept boat will serve you for many years. If you store it in a dry garage free from rodents and corrosive liquids, it will last until next season without damage.

The material of such boats is a fabric covered with high-quality polyvinyl chloride. Moreover, there are several layers of such fabric. Such a craft can overcome many water obstacles and serve for a long time if handled carefully.

What fisherman doesn't dream of owning a boat? If funds are available, the boat is purchased first. Unfortunately, not every fisherman can afford such an expensive "pleasure". Therefore, you have to fish in conditions that correspond to reality, although dreaming is never harmful.

Nowadays, almost all boats are made not of rubber, but of PVC material, since it is more reliable and more resistant to the action of the natural environment. Despite this, the PVC boat requires some maintenance, otherwise it will not last long. This is especially true in the winter, when no one uses the boat and has to stay in such conditions for several months.

The presence of low temperatures, when the PVC material no longer has such flexibility, may damage the boat. It will be difficult to repair it, and the boat will not be so reliable. Moreover, if there is water somewhere, which tears even metal when freezing. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly store the boat in winter so that it will serve for many years.

Before putting the boat into storage, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory operations. For example:

  • The first thing to do is to clean the boat from foreign formations, in the form of growths of aquatic vegetation and other dirt. In this case, all dirt and sand should be removed from hard-to-reach places. To do this, you will have to work carefully with a special brush.
  • The boat is washed using special detergents. As a last resort, you can use soap. After that, the boat is filled with air and dries in this state.
  • All devices that have been used with the boat are also cleaned and dried. In this case, it is desirable not to damage them.
  • An equally important stage is the choice of a place to store it. The space must be spacious so that the boat can fit in a semi-inflated state. If this is not possible, the boat can be stored loosely folded so that no cracks appear on it. It is not recommended to store the PVC boat in a tightly folded state.
  • The storage location should be as level as possible so that the boat does not accidentally fall or be damaged.
  • If done correctly, the boat can be forgotten until next summer, when the new fishing season begins.

The conditions in which the boat is stored are equally important.

  • The PVC boat does not have a large list, where the boat storage parameters are indicated: nevertheless, PVC material is quite strong and stable. And yet, there are requirements, but they are realistically achievable. So, the storage space should be spacious and well-ventilated.
  • It is not advisable for the boat to be near radiators or other heaters in winter, so as not to damage the material.
  • It is not recommended to place heavy objects on the boat while it is in storage.
  • The instructions indicate that the optimal temperatures for storing the boat are within + 6- + 16 degrees. Therefore, subzero temperatures are not desirable, as well as high positive ones.
  • The most suitable place to store it in an apartment is the closet.
  • After the storage period, the boat should be carefully inspected. It is not a fact that the boat will come out of this mode without flaws, especially if the storage conditions did not correspond to the recommended ones.

Do I need to preserve?

Preservation of the product is necessary if the storage conditions are not suitable or not appropriate. In this case, you will have to mothball it. Unlike inflatable rubber boats, this process does not take much time, just like the de-preservation process.

Is a PVC boat garage suitable for storage?

To answer this question, you need to have the right information. For example, is the garage heated? If it is heated, then it is not difficult to create conditions in the garage for storing the boat. If the garage is not heated, then the conservation process is indispensable here. And one more, but very important nuance is the presence of rodents, which are very fond of PVC material. If you do not take measures to neutralize them, they will make a sieve out of the boat.

In addition, garages usually contain different liquids that can affect the material of the boat.

If the requirements are considered feasible, then:

  • The boat should be free and not adjacent to any spare parts or parts.
  • The boat can be hung by the bow as it takes up much less space. If the height of the garage allows, then the boat can be suspended altogether, then it will not take up space at all. In addition, rodents cannot reach it in limbo.
  • If rodents appear from time to time, traps can be set on them. To prevent rodents from appearing in the garage, it is not recommended to store food or vegetables in it.
  • In severe frosts, when the temperature is below freezing in the garage, you must not move the boat from place to place, as this can harm it.

Storing a boat with an engine has its own subtleties, which are more related to storing the engine. When the outboard motor is running, this does not affect its performance in any way, and if it is stored for a long time, corrosion may occur due to the appearance of condensation. As for the engine, it is generally contraindicated to store it at low temperatures (minus), especially if the engine has been in operation all season. Even a small drop of moisture, but it could remain in the engine anyway, and this is a disaster. Therefore, the engine is stored only in a heated room at temperatures that do not allow condensation to collect. As a rule, this is room temperature and then there will be no problems with the engine.

In the case of purchasing a PVC boat, the first thing to think about is determining a place for its storage, where there are suitable conditions. This will help keep the boat in good working order for years to come.

An interesting discussion ensued about life on a 40+ yacht. User Alloy boy wondered what it would be like to move from an apartment to a small boat:

“All day long I see yachts from the window of my office, and it seems to me that life on them flows so serenely
- he writes. - Is there really nowhere to turn around, as it seems to me (if you live alone)? How quickly do they depreciate? A quick search shows that the "forty-foot" is comparable in price to an apartment or a small house, but what are the advantages of living on a yacht (other than mobility)? "

Here are the answers he received:


“It's a very relaxed life and quite comfortable, but it all depends on your needs and desires. By the way, in most places you will pay much less for a 40-foot yacht than for an apartment.

Life on a boat is not for everyone. It can be pleasant and relaxing, but it takes a lot of work to make it that way. If there is an opportunity to live on a yacht without buying it, then it is worth doing it.

You must take care of fresh water and emptying the waste tank. For water you will have to run to the shore - sometimes to the marina. In some places there is delivery of water to the boat, but experience tells me that this is rather an exception. Personally, I was so unlucky. When my husband and I stood in one place for a long time, we had to grab 20 liters of water each time we went ashore.

Need electricity? If so, consider wind generators or solar panels - it all depends on the area where you live. Fridge? The most energy-hungry device on a yacht. There are less voracious ones, but they will cost you a pretty penny. Want to have a hot shower on the boat? Think about whether your area is warm enough to get by with a “summer shower” every day, or if you should buy a water heater.

What about cooking? If you have a gas stove, especially a Force 10, two burners and an oven, that's fine, some supplement it with a cockpit barbecue grill. With the stove, you should have a gas sensor in the cabin in case of a leak, gas can accumulate at the bottom of the boat and cause an explosion.

If you are at anchor, then you will have to reach the coast on a brine every day. Take care not to get it stolen. Is there transport ashore? So much the better, you don't have to carry laundry, groceries, etc. on your hump. Do you work every day? Keep in mind that there will be days when getting to the shore by dinghy will be difficult.

Want TV and internet on board? We usually used mobile internet. Sometimes I was lucky to catch an unpaired Wi-Fi. Antenna high enough to receive free TV channels. Naturally, the picture quality will "lame" when the boat moves.

Again, depending on the region, clothing can suffer from moisture and mold. To avoid this, we hid everything in sealed bags.

There are those who prefer to rent marinas, they live on board and get most of the comforts of a regular home. But not all marinas allow it.

I would repeat my experience if the opportunity presents itself and if the right person is around. "


“I’m thinking about it myself. I’ve been swimming for many years, retirement is nearing, and the prospect of having a second home is attractive. If you work, you probably don’t want such a radical change.

If you are not afraid of life in a kennel, then go ahead. On a yacht docked in the marina, you will receive the following: long walks to and from the car with purchases, daily outings to showers in the marina (a drain bank will save the situation, but you cannot empty it in the marina, and it is costly to pay for it weekly) or you can go out to sea every week to empty it there.

Light (or white) interior is highly recommended. The dark tree is depressing in the winter months. In addition, you can suffer from claustrophobia in winter. That is why for those planning to live by boat, I advise not to save on space. The more space, the better your mental health.

It's a lot like living in a camper ... with the likelihood of drowning. "


No washer / dryer. "Interruptions" with water. With cabinets and cooking, everything is modest. The beds leave a lot to be desired. Shower from boxes. Everything is damp all year round. Gasoline smell if you have a motorboat. Knocking on the dock, even if the boat is tied. Many yachts do not have heaters, and none of which I have been have air conditioning. At best, you will be just cramped. Entertainment is tight. Getting a pet is almost impossible. Straighten to your full height? Forget it.

Everything, of course, is so, but I myself would like to live on a boat - but only on a long journey, and not huddle in the marina and wander back and forth to work. Maybe live in the Caribbean in winter and move to Maine for the summer? I would also like to reach Europe from North America. A completely different life!

Think of it this way: having a boat as your home is like having a motorcycle for all occasions. Sounds romantic, but how convenient is it in practice?

william g

You don’t have to stay where you don’t want, you are literally and figuratively “the captain of your ship”, and no one will argue with that.

So the summer season is over. In the cold season, boat fishing is a dangerous activity. So, it's time to start preparing your boat for winter. Because proper storage of a PVC boat in winter is a guarantee of its long and reliable service. We highlight two important stages:

Step # 1:
Cleaning PVC boat from debris

All fishing boats need preliminary cleaning before long-term storage. And it doesn't matter what they are made of. The scent of fish scales and algae will surely attract mice, who will chew rubber, PVC and seats made of bakelite plywood with equal pleasure.

Do you live in a private house? Fine! Take the craft out into the yard, pump up the cylinders and rinse it with water from a hose. Pay special attention to the places where the stringers and seats are attached, as well as the areas where the cylinders are connected to the bottom of the PVC boat: this is where small debris accumulates. Although, for example, boats for fishing of the TM Ladya brand do not have any fasteners on the bottom. The special design allows you to simply insert the bottom flooring (slan mat or slan book) into them. Therefore, buying an inflatable boat of this brand will make your life easier. Taking care of these boats and preparing for launching takes a minimum of time.

But back to cleaning the PVC boat from debris. High-quality polyvinyl chloride is tolerant to chemical attack. If necessary, you can use any detergent:

Gel or dishwashing liquid;
- ordinary soap (household, children's or even expensive brand soap, which has expired);
- washing powder.

Dilute the selected detergent in water. Wipe areas that do not lend themselves to normal water with a sponge soaked in the resulting solution. Rinse off the product, rinse the boat and leave it in the air until it dries completely.

Car cosmetics and PVC boat: "Yes" or "No"?
I am often asked whether it is possible to use special automotive cosmetics for vinyl when cleaning a PVC boat from contamination, seeing the common root in the words "vinyl" and "polyvinyl chloride".

My answer is "No!" Because almost all car cleaners or polishes contain silicone or other synthetic substances that cannot be completely washed off - they remain on the surface in the form of a "protective film". This film is good for the dashboard of a luxury car, but it is detrimental to PVC (over time, it corrodes it when exposed to sunlight).

On the other hand, there are special products for dry car wash, the action of which is based on the biodegradable components included in their composition. These components, as it were, envelop the biomass and allow you to get rid of it without unnecessary body movements. Similar means can theoretically be used to clean PVC boats before winter storage. But this is expensive and impractical. A regular detergent from the above list will do the job just as well, and will cost several times less.

PVC boat in a city apartment
Many residents of high-rise buildings will have to store their floating craft in their apartment in winter, and wash them in the bathroom or shower. I will say right away: this method is suitable for a boat size of 190, 220 or (maximum!) 250. PVC inflatable boats for fishing of a larger size will not fit into an average bathroom.

An important nuance: be sure to check the air valves before you start washing the boat. They must be closed! Otherwise, water may get inside the cylinders. We'll have to look for a special key, unscrew the valves and pour out the water. It's troublesome. And it is not yet known whether it will be possible to return everything as it was.

Step # 2:
Preparing a PVC boat for winter

The craft is washed and dried. Further exercises with it depend on where you plan to store it. There are two options: in a special shed (a garage is also suitable) or at home, in a closet, in a boat bag.

In the first case, it will be optimal to suspend the inflated boat on slings from the ceiling or rafters and store in this way until spring, after lowering the cylinders a little. This storage method allows you to completely protect your fishing boat from rodents. An additional bonus will be the lack of fuss with the preparation of the PVC boat for the beginning of the next season. They removed them from the lines - inserted the seats and the bottom flooring - pumped up the cylinders - attached the oars to the oarlocks - it's done! You can enjoy your favorite hobby again.

Residents of city apartments are forced to store PVC boats folded. But your PVC craft will take up a minimum of space only if folded correctly. And in order to fold it as compactly as possible, you need to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

How to properly fold a PVC boat for the winter?
- Using a pump, remove the remaining air from the cylinders by connecting the hose to the "non-return" valve;
- wrap the bow of the boat inward to the supports of the seat closest to it (as if by a third of the length of the watercraft);
- put the aft part of the PVC boat on top of the bow (this is another third of the length, and if you have a motor boat, first wrap the stationary transom inside);
- now turn the boat sideways towards you. And start twisting the resulting result towards the valves, pressing and squeezing out any remaining air. Again, if you are the owner of a motorboat, then you will not be able to twist it across the transom. But here is the logic to help.

This will drain all the air out of your boat. The result of the effort will be a very compact package. Put it in your bag and put it in your pantry or closet - and you can keep it that way all winter.

Should I use talcum powder?
Until recently, fishermen and hunters poured talcum powder on their craft in preparation for winter storage. This is because these boats were made of rubber, which requires special handling.

With the invention of the PVC boat, the torment of the owners of "inflatable" is over. Products made of polyvinyl chloride do not need to be treated with talcum powder. Moreover, even with an unwashed boat, nothing will happen over the winter. The material will remain intact if it is not gnawed by mice, although such experiments are unhygienic.

PVC boat storage conditions: humidity and temperature
High-quality polyvinyl chloride is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and humidity. You can leave the craft in the closet, in the storage room in the battery area, on the balcony. An unheated garage will do. According to the instructions, the minimum safe temperature for a PVC boat is -30 ° C. In practice, the material can withstand -40 ° C.

Along with this, be sure to remember: polyvinyl chloride is a combustible material. Do you use heating elements or other types of heaters that can heat up to high temperatures for heating? Make sure the place where you intend to store the PVC boat is at a sufficient distance from a potential source of ignition.

Preparation of the PVC boat for fishing for winter storage is completed. Correctly executed, it significantly increases the service life of the craft. And at the same time, it allows you to start the new season in a great mood. Because it is very pleasant to understand that nothing will happen to your beauty over the winter, and to know that the first fishing trip next year will be without incident.

Still have questions? Ask - I will try to answer them in as much detail as possible. And if you have your own secrets on winter "conservation" of PVC boats - share here in the comments!

Yours faithfully,