Proper nutrition to remove the belly and sides. Video: diet for a thin waist and flat stomach for women. Diet from the belly

Almost all women dream of reducing their waist, and men dream of making relief cubes on the press. In practice, over the years, it is in these places that not just fat folds are formed, but whole rolls, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Often, the weight goes away, and the legs and arms lose weight, but this area still remains problematic. Therefore, the question arises so sharply: is there any effective diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, which quickly and without harm to health dissolves this unpleasant fat, called visceral fat by specialists?

About visceral fat

A saggy tummy and fat rolls on the sides are nothing more than visceral (abdominal) fat. Its danger is not at all limited to aesthetic unattractiveness - first of all, it is fraught with unpleasant complications for health. Therefore, one cannot ignore him.

It consists of brown fat cells located in the abdominal cavity. They envelop the internal organs and must have a protective function.

Visceral fat rates for women and men are different. They are measured along the waist circumference: for the fair sex it should not exceed 88 cm, for the strong - more than 94 cm. So if you have these indicators higher, you need to look for a suitable diet and change something in your life, because in large amounts of abdominal fat are hazardous to health, causing diseases such as:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • oncology;
  • type II diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombosis.

The reasons for its formation:

  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle;
  • improper nutrition;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • love for sweets;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • constant stress, depression, anxiety, nervous breakdowns.

So no, even the most effective, diet for the abdomen alone can cope with such a scourge as visceral fat. Only an integrated approach will allow you to get rid of unpleasant deposits.

In solving the problem, one has to take into account the opinions of not only nutritionists, but also fitness trainers and doctors. Strict adherence to their recommendations is a direct way to get rid of visceral fat.


Before choosing a diet, review your daily routine and lifestyle in general. In order to remove the belly, you need:

  • get enough sleep, and go to bed as early as possible;
  • actively engage in sports;
  • to select for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: women are recommended to twist the hula hoop with weights, men - to pump the press;
  • walk a lot;
  • breathe more fresh air;
  • for sedentary work, arrange a 5-minute warm-up every hour.

Emotional condition

Life in constant stress, quarrels in the family, deadlines at work, lack of vacations and weekends - all this negatively affects the nervous system. And this is one of the main factors of fat deposition. The more you worry, the thicker your waist will be. So you have to either pull yourself together and calm down, or drink antidepressants (it is recommended to do this even before the diet), or undergo treatment with a psychologist / psychotherapist.


And only after all this is it necessary to put in order the food and look for a diet. It should be low-carb, low-calorie, with a minimum of fatty foods. Meals are at the same time. The best option is 5 times a day. Drinking regime - about one and a half liters of water. From the methods of cooking food, give preference to steaming, stewing, baking. It is better to forget about frying in oil.

Good in this matter are mono-diets, separate and split meals. The recommended period for losing weight is a month.

There are a number of foods that have fat burning properties. Be sure to include them in your diet:

  • legumes;
  • (give preference to broccoli and colored);
  • dairy products;
  • red wine (if there is no strict prohibition on alcohol in the diet, you can drink a glass once a week);
  • dried fruits;
  • horseradish;
  • citrus fruits (the leader in fat burning is grapefruit);

Many desperately need a fast diet, so that in a week there is a wasp waist and cubes. It should be noted right away that it is impossible to say goodbye to visceral fat in a short time. So it is better to choose a long hunger strike. If the technique offers to reduce the waist in just 3 days, you should know that this is a myth.

Additional techniques

As soon as you start losing weight on a diet, use other ways to deal with deposits on the stomach and sides in parallel:

  • anti-cellulite body wraps and creams;
  • bath and saunas;

Many experts are of the opinion that the most correct diet for losing weight in the abdomen is the organization of an ordinary healthy diet. Its principles are familiar to everyone: 5 meals at the same time, a feeling of slight hunger when leaving the table, a minimum of fried and fatty foods, no fast foods and soda, dinner - 3 hours before bedtime.

But, if the problem of excess weight is acute, of course, it will be necessary to look for a stricter methodology with the restriction of certain products.

Diet options

What are the diets for losing weight in the abdomen:

  • From E.V. Malysheva

In one of the programs "Health" EV Malysheva talked about visceral fat. A very simple diet was proposed by the nutritionists invited to the studio. Its essence is to eat right, not to exceed the daily calorie content of 1,500 kcal and to include three products in the daily diet.

This avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats and reduces waist size by 30%. Ginger with gingerol, which is a famous fat burner and a savior from flatulence. Blueberries, with their bioflavonoids and antioxidants, which utilize glucose and are excellent at saturating.

  • With a sedentary lifestyle

If you have a sedentary job, you are confined to an office chair and cannot get out on walks in the evenings, a relatively light diet for beginners will help to cope with your stomach and sides. It involves a balanced diet, which contains carbohydrates, proteins, and even a little fat. Weight loss occurs by reducing the calorie content of food, small portion sizes and the elimination of unhealthy foods.

Breakfast options: corn porridge / scrambled eggs / oatmeal in milk with fruit / 2 eggs.

For lunch - a little citrus.

Lunch options: baked or steamed fish / all kinds of light vegetable salads / chicken breast (beef, turkey).

For an afternoon snack - a glass of juice / fermented milk drink /.

Dinner options: seafood / stews / steamed meat (fish) / cottage cheese casserole.

After a few days of such nutrition, weight will begin to go away, after a couple of weeks you will feel how the sides and stomach are losing weight. This is a fairly gentle diet based on the principles of a healthy diet.

  • Tomato Express Diet

Express diets for fast belly weight loss are not recommended by experts in view of their inefficiency and harm. Despite this, you can try to at least slightly reduce the waist by actively consuming tomatoes. Duration - only 4 days. For breakfast - an omelet with tomatoes, for lunch - tomato puree soup, for dinner - a salad of fresh vegetables. From drinks - tomato juice without salt and any smoothies and cocktails based on it.

  • Medical / table number 8

For the treatment of obesity in the 30s of the XIX century, a special nutrition system was developed by the Soviet gastroenterologist and scientist Mikhail Pevzner. The only technique supported by doctors, actively using it in hospitals and sanatoriums. This is a very strong diet that can even cope with visceral fat in a month.

Each of these diets is active, allowing you to reduce the waist in volume, if you approach weight loss in a comprehensive manner. Without physical activity, the fight against body fat is 90% ineffective.

Sample menu

The following serving sizes are suggested for men:

  • 300 gr for breakfast;
  • 100 grams of fruit for a snack;
  • 500 gr for lunch;
  • a glass of protein shake for an afternoon snack;
  • 200 gr for dinner.

For women, breakfast and lunch can be reduced by 100-150 grams. For them, the daily caloric content of the diet should not exceed 1,200 kcal. For men, this figure is 1,600 kcal.

The weekly protein-vegetable diet is easily tolerated, as it allows the consumption of meat and fish. Suitable for men and women, that's why we bring to your attention its detailed menu.

Lunch should consist of any citrus fruit: grapefruit, orange, 2-3 tangerines, pomelo. For an afternoon snack, it is advisable to drink a glass of protein (protein) cocktail with pieces of fruit and mint.

Even the best diet will not be able to remove visceral fat if you do not adhere to the basic recommendations of experts. The problem of its education is not only in nutrition, but also in other circumstances. Deal with them first of all and only then select the appropriate technique. Only an integrated approach can restore your slimness.

Fat in the abdomen and sides accumulates at an incredible rate, but getting rid of it is one of the most difficult tasks for both women and some men. Exercises, massages and other procedures remain in place, but proper nutrition is an important method of fighting obesity and preventing diseases associated with it. Therefore, it is useful for everyone who is actively fighting with fat layers on their body to know how to eat right in order to remove the belly. And also you need to figure out and find out for yourself the rules of healthy eating, permitted and prohibited foods, and start setting a regime.

Proper nutrition and diet for weight loss are equated by many and perceived as one and the same. However, in reality, this is not at all the case: absolutely everyone should eat right and always, and not only the one who suffers from the problem of excess weight. And a diet is a temporary way of dealing with unnecessary pounds, limiting the use of certain foods for a certain period of time.

Experienced specialists have identified the following basic principles of healthy eating:

  • Regular adherence to the regime. Meals must necessarily consist of three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, with two snacks in between.
  • Drinking regime. Drinking fluids is a prerequisite for proper nutrition. A day you need to drink at least 1 liter of purified drinking water and at least 1 liter of other liquid, if possible, refrain from drinking carbonated drinks.
  • Dinner or an overnight snack should take place no later than 2 hours before bedtime. It is not recommended to eat immediately before bedtime.
  • Water on an empty stomach. About half an hour before the first meal, you need to drink a glass of clean (unboiled) water at room temperature.
  • After dinner (about 1.5-2 hours before bedtime), it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk to improve metabolic processes.
  • Eating should not be in a hurry: you need to eat slowly, carefully chewing each micro portion of food.

Diet restructuring is the most important aspect of weight loss work. Also, no less important factors are the diet itself (that is, the composition) of the diet.

read also:

The basis of proper nutrition in the fight against the belly

Trying to build their diet of proper nutrition, many who want to lose weight make a considerable number of all kinds of mistakes:

  1. Fasting. As a rule, it does not contribute to losing excess weight, since after skipping food you want to eat twice as much, which causes large deposits.
  2. Exclusion of healthy foods from the diet. For some reason, it is assumed that meat and vegetable fats in the fight against the stomach and sides cannot be used. However, this is not at all the case - these products are the most essential.

The percentage of the diet of a person concerned about the problem of how to eat right in order to remove the belly should be approximately as follows:

  • Proteins - 45-55%;
  • Fat - 15-25%;
  • Carbohydrates - 20-30%.

Protein food helps the body to assimilate consumed foods, so it is simply necessary for a person who wants to lose extra pounds. Such food satisfies the appetite well and forces the body to consume more energy to digest it. Beneficial proteins include:

  • Chicken and turkey fillet;
  • Eggs;
  • Cod and hake meat;
  • Steamed beef;
  • Squids.

Fats should not scare those who are losing weight, because among all types there are those that are useful in the fight against the hated folds on the belly. Such fats are called polyunsaturated fats, and their sources are:

  • Avocado;
  • Some types of nuts (walnuts and almonds);
  • Flaxseed and olive vegetable oils;
  • Semi-fat fish (mackerel, horse mackerel, sardine, herring, trout, salmon, capelin);
  • Pharmacy fish oil (sold in capsules).

Carbohydrates are the most insidious foods for our body. If you consume large quantities of products of this group, which contain a lot of sugar, you can observe unwanted changes in your body, such as the appearance of the abdomen and sides. Such carbohydrates are called fast carbohydrates, and their consumption is recommended to be kept to a minimum. Instead, it is better to give preference to complex carbohydrates, which will provide the body with the energy it needs, contained in the following foods:

  • Whole grain cereals;
  • Brown rice;
  • Pasta;
  • Yeast-free rye bread.

Fiber is also important in proper nutrition, which contributes to a faster and more effective cleansing of the intestines from unnecessary substances and toxins. Almost all types of vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber.

7 steps how to remove belly and fat from the sides: video

What to eat and how to eat right to remove the belly

A balanced diet has always been considered the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. In order to eliminate problems with excess weight, you need to follow several important rules:

  1. Meals should be fractional. Fractional means little and often, when the portions are reduced and the number of meals is increased. You should try to eat small portions in 6-7 visits.
  2. Calorie content. Food enriched with the right amount of calories and vitamins is a guarantee of health and prevention of all kinds of problems, among which excess weight is in the first place. However, it is important not to overdo it with calories: especially high-calorie foods should be consumed in the morning.

In the fight against the stomach and sides, it is important to choose certain foods for your diet, which not only will not have a harmful effect, but even become useful:

  • Vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, bell peppers, cabbage of all kinds, beets, turnips;
  • Greens: spinach; parsley, dill, green onions, sorrel;
  • Fruits and berries: pineapple, papaya, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit), apples, strawberries, currants, raspberries, cranberries;
  • Other foods: flax, asparagus, ginger, celery, mustard.

It is best to build your menu, in addition to the above, from the following dishes and products that are considered allowed in the fight against excess deposits and kilograms:

  • Meat dishes from boiled or steamed turkey, rabbit, young chicken;
  • Raw and boiled quail eggs, boiled chicken eggs;
  • Low-fat types of fish, boiled or baked;
  • Seafood;
  • Dried fruits and nuts with the exception of pistachios;
  • Water-boiled cereals;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Low-fat fermented milk products;
  • Purified unboiled plain water;
  • Teas - green and herbal.

All these products are well absorbed by the body without causing unnecessary deposits. Many of them contribute to the elimination of unnecessary fluid from the body, are rich in dietary fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What can not be used when losing weight on the abdomen

When composing a daily menu, taking into account all the rules - how to eat in order to remove the stomach and sides, it is necessary to exclude certain types of dishes and products. Among them:

  • Everything fatty, spicy, smoked and fried;
  • Baked goods made from yeast dough;
  • Pasta;
  • Semolina;
  • Carbonated drinks and drinks with dyes, incl. concentrated juices;
  • Alcohol;
  • Black tea;
  • Coffee.

Also, experts recommend significantly reducing the amount of sweets. It is better if it is completely excluded, but if this is not possible, then there are permitted types of sweets that are best consumed in the morning. These are marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade and natural dark chocolate.

Diet for slimming belly

In order to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time, you can follow a special diet for seven days. The first step is to create a menu for yourself, which will allow you to get rid of excess volumes and form a toned tummy.

  • Breakfast should consist of approved types of low-fat dairy or boiled meat and a cup of green tea or weak coffee. You can also include cheese, toast, bread, eggs, oatmeal cookies.
  • Dinner includes a vegetable salad dressed with sour cream or olive oil; for a side dish - a small portion of rice, or boiled (baked) potatoes, or porridge cooked in water; from "roast" - boiled meat or steamed cutlets, you can also steamed or baked fish. Vegetable soup in a weak broth would be a good variety.
  • Dinner should be light: a side dish of eggplant combined with boiled meat, or porridge with added fruit; light vegetable salad; as a drink - tomato or natural fruit juice. Fruit salad is a great variety for dinner.

Such a simple diet will be varied and very attractive, but it will contribute to a noticeable decrease in body fat in the abdomen and sides.

It turns out that the problem of how to eat right in order to remove the belly requires very little: following certain dietary rules, eating only high-calorie and healthy foods and excluding unnecessary dishes from your diet. If you correctly approach the fight against unwanted deposits, then getting rid of excess weight will cease to be a problem - it will become a pleasure, a purposeful process to form a healthy lifestyle.

My name is Lesya, I work as a professional copywriter, and I was happy to start writing an article for this project.

My main feature is that not so long ago I myself went through 7 circles of hell all the way to losing weight and was able to lose almost 8 kilograms in 3 months without mocking my own body. How? - you ask. I'll tell you with pleasure!

Losing weight is not easy. Especially when there are so many temptations around, and there is an abundance of favorite foods in the refrigerator. Nevertheless, if you do not be passive and turn on your brains, then remove the belly and fat from the sides, become slim and fit is quite real. Follow the advice of the article and after three weeks you will have to change your wardrobe to a size lower!

Are you angry that your favorite pants are getting too small? Do you see fit slender girls and understand what exactly you envy them? So it's your time to fight for harmony. And I don't want to fight, it would be better to eat a miracle pill and wake up in the morning with ideal parameters.

Due to laziness, the process of losing weight is repeatedly postponed to "next Monday", and during this time the kilograms continue to grow. Now you begin to feel how your fatty formations sway on your sides and stomach when you walk. Act, otherwise you will join the ranks of the fat men.

Why does fat accumulate on the sides and on the belly?

To understand body fat, you need to answer three questions.

  1. Where? The origin of extra pounds.
  2. Why? For what reason were formed.
  3. How? Solutions for fat loss.

Overweight appears imperceptibly, for various reasons we begin to gain weight. This happens slowly - fat accumulates in problem areas. Some have legs and hips, some have sides and stomach. At first we do not attach much importance to this, but when we realized it, we understand that this is a problem that we must solve ourselves.

Find the reason and try to understand where the kilograms "came" from. The reasons can be stress or nervous strain, when women seize them with sweets, and men eat alcohol. In both cases, foods contain sugar, which contributes to relaxation and, as a result, obesity.

Another reason for many plump people is overeating. Its origin has similar roots associated with daily nervous, mental or intellectual stress. Simply put, gluttony is becoming the scourge of our generation. This is facilitated by gastronomic progress and the development of the food industry. People have become like molluscs or worms, consisting only of the stomach and intestines.

Less commonly, it can be a physiological feature. Eating more than is required becomes a habit leading to obesity. The stomach is stretched, and to fill it, an increased portion is required, which will be even larger. Greed in food leads to latent diseases associated with stagnation of food, unable to digest, undergoing fermentation processes and poisoning the body with decay products.

You already want to overeat less, if so, then you are already on the right track. The habit of eating right is established from childhood. Do not overfeed children, prepare food for them yourself, do not take semi-finished products and do not teach them to bite. Meals should be timed.

A sedentary lifestyle is the reason for an increase in body weight in 21% of urban residents engaged in mental work. We work while sitting, driving while sitting, watching TV, also sitting, etc. We hide behind our busyness, but you can devote at least an hour to sports a couple of times a week. Regular visits to the fitness club and sports nutrition for drying, coupled with adherence to the regime, simply work wonders.

How to part with annoying pounds with the least lifestyle changes? All fat people dream about it.

How to eat while losing weight

To the question "How to eat in order not to gain weight?" It is very difficult to answer unequivocally. Let's start with the fact that everything in the body is interconnected, that's why, and you need to block the problem on all fronts - the daily routine and nutrition, which should be correct. I can directly hear many people say: “How boring! It's boring! " Yes, but if you want a result, you need to act, and not lie and wait for the kilograms to melt by themselves.

Start by setting up your diet. It may sound strange, but in order for fat to leave the sides and abdomen, you need to eat often - every 2-3 hours. You need to eat up to 5 times a day. Under no circumstances skip the main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The right snacks in between. Everyone is interested in dinner time. The last meal during the day should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Do not ignore dietary advice, naively thinking that it doesn't matter when you eat. The body gets used to the time of a meal and prepares for it, and skipping one of them is perceived by him as "save, help, hunger ..."

Dos and Don'ts for Losing Belly and Side Fat

Let's deal with the problem of fat sides and hanging belly. By and large, everyone knows what could be the fault of this phenomenon:

  • white flour baked goods;
  • salt and sugar in all its forms;
  • starchy foods;
  • alcohol.

But, as usual, we know, but we don't. Motivating by the fact that "we live once."

The basis of proper nutrition is a triad of vital substances - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, which ensure the vital activity of the body.

  • Protein (protein). Protein food is a source of energy and the basis for muscle growth and tone. Protein is found in meat, fish, milk, cereals, beans, soy. Protein of animal origin maximally restores strength and muscles, but it is not recommended for weight loss, but vegetable proteins do not contain some amino acids. Average daily protein intake - 60 g. Avoid fatty meats from pork, chicken hams, chicken or turkey breast is best.
  • Fats. Yes, they are dangerous for the figure, but they perform important functions in the body - the production of hormones and cell construction. The source of "healthy" fat is fish and vegetable oils.
  • Carbohydrates. If we talk about them in the light of weight loss, then the most preferable are complex carbohydrates contained in vegetables, fruits, brown rice, whole grain flour, cereals.

The abdominal cube diet should have a balanced amount of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Do not overuse salt, and sugar should be forgotten altogether. If you really want something sweet, then you can use sweeteners - stevia, fructose. Excellent "sweets" for tea - prunes and dried apricots, and in case of extreme longing for sweets, you can have a piece of dark chocolate (80%).

Here are 8 more "gastronomic indulgences" if you can't help feeling your favorite product or dish.

  1. Potato. You can boiled potatoes once a day, but slightly undercooked.
  2. Mashed potatoes can be made with beans or cauliflower. You can't tell the taste.
  3. Pasta. We take only hard varieties and cook until the "al dente" stage.
  4. Replace rice with brown or wild.
  5. Sugar - fructose (limited to 3 tsp per day).
  6. Bread - whole grain rye flour loaves, as a rare exception.
  7. Coffee is chicory.
  8. Mayonnaise - soy sauce with kefir.

It is not so difficult to organize food for a beautiful tummy, the main thing is to understand the rules. Make them habitual and then you will not perceive them as deprivations.

Thank you for the attention! I am sure that my work today will benefit many people, so I don’t even worry about its successful dissemination on the Internet. Although, maybe you should worry ...? If it's not difficult, share the record with your friends on social networks (the buttons are just below), useful articles need to be distributed.

Good luck with your weight loss! See you either on the FitKis pages, or elsewhere on the web.

Best regards, Lesya.

One comment on "" How to eat to remove the belly and sides without starving to death? "

    Nutrition can be advised by a dietitian based on the characteristics of your body.

Anyone who goes on a diet and begins to struggle with excess weight is concerned about the problem of what to eat to lose weight on the stomach. And this is not unreasonable, because there are problem areas that are difficult to get in shape even after dropping a large number of unnecessary pounds. And the belly is just one of them. With the right approach, however, it is quite easy to achieve the desired results.

What foods remove the belly

The correct program of what to eat to lose weight belly should contain the following foods:

  • Fiber foods are good for flattening your belly. The rich menu fills the stomach, as a result of which hunger is dulled. All of this happens naturally, so there are no negative side effects like constipation or flatulence. The basis of such a diet should be made up of fiber-rich vegetables and grains. For example, cereals, legumes, brown rice, apples, cucumbers, seaweed, greens, and zucchini;
  • without fail, fruit must be present in the daily menu for a flat stomach. Moreover, the more there are, the better the result will be. But fruit should be eaten as a separate dish, and not as an addition, for example, to a plate of porridge. Pears and apples, which are familiar to us, burn fat at the waist best of all, but oranges and grapefruits are ideal from exotic ones in this regard. Speaking about which foods remove the belly, one should repeat once again about the prerequisite for obtaining the desired effect - you should not mix fruits with other dishes, they should be eaten separately, for example, with yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast and for an afternoon snack;
  • proteins - are the most important component of proper metabolism. Therefore, at least 2 times a week you need to eat a rather large piece of fish for lunch, 1 time - boiled chicken, and every day for dinner - 1-2 eggs. Plus, you should eat 50 g of seeds and nuts per day;
  • salads and oils among the products that remove the belly, occupy a leading position. It is with vegetable oils, and not sour cream or mayonnaise, that it is necessary to fill all the salads used during the period of weight loss. And first of all, you need to give preference to olive, after it sesame, linseed and corn. It is advisable to use the usual sunflower seeds less often. The oil must be purified. Among the salads, you can eat only those that are prepared only from fresh vegetables. No other ingredients are allowed.

Fast belly diet

Breakfast: unsweetened green tea, green medium apple, 90-110 g of cottage cheese.

Lunch: 180-200 g of chicken breast boiled without salt with a portion of cabbage salad.

Dinner: 400-600 ml of low-fat kefir.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs cooked with tomatoes.

Lunch: 200-320 g of stewed lean fish (no salt), medium apple.

Dinner: salad of bell pepper, fresh cucumbers, herbs and tomatoes dressed with sesame or olive oil (preferably without salt).

3rd day of fast stomach diet

Breakfast: green tea, medium apple, natural unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: 180-220 g of boiled chicken breast (without salt) and 1-2 small oranges.

Dinner: salad with cucumber and crab sticks.

Breakfast: oatmeal, cooked in water (no oil), medium apple.

Lunch: boiled or steamed fish (no salt) and a large grapefruit.

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp without salt (with lemon), unsweetened green tea.

5th day of the program of what to eat to lose weight on the belly

Breakfast: fruit salad dressed with natural unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: medium apple and lightly salted vegetable soup.

Dinner: a large grapefruit and 180-230 g of cottage cheese.

Breakfast: medium orange and 2-3 boiled quail or chicken eggs.

Lunch: 2-3 low-fat small cheesecakes with a glass of kefir.

Dinner: 190-220 g of any baked meat, cabbage and radish salad.

The presented diet can guarantee effective belly weight loss only if it is not violated, the products are not replaced with others and the daily menu is not changed. Also, if necessary, this nutrition program can be extended up to 24 days. It's just that in this case, every time after the sixth day, everything must be started again from the first.

What to drink to remove the belly

Among the products that remove the belly are the following drinks:

  • pure water;
  • green tea;
  • citrus and vegetable juices;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions;
  • ginger tea;
  • cucumber-lemon drink;
  • coffee;
  • chicory;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • kvass (especially lemon);
  • cocoa;
  • oatmeal jelly.

Supplementing your adjusted diet or diet with these drinks, you can achieve effective belly weight loss at an accelerated pace. In addition, you need to monitor the observance of the water balance, drinking 2-3 liters of liquid daily for this. This volume includes the entire recommended list above, not just pure non-carbonated water.

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Fat deposits on the abdomen and sides are deposited very quickly, but removing them is a big problem for most losing weight. Extra pounds is not only an aesthetic drawback, but also the risk of developing various diseases. Therefore, the question of how to eat properly in order to remove the belly worries both those who dream of a thin waist and people who are worried about their health.

What to do and how to eat to remove the belly?

The reason for the deposition of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen, waist and sides is most often an improper diet and diet. In women, the active accumulation of extra pounds can provoke hormonal disorders, in particular the onset of menopause. In both sexes, the cause of excess weight can be hereditary factors and genetic predisposition.

However, this does not mean that such a problem cannot be dealt with. An optimally selected set of exercises, rational and physical activity and correction of the daily diet will help to cope with excess weight. Before proposing the composition of the products, it is necessary to determine how to eat right in order to remove fat from the belly.

The basic principles and requirements of nutrition include the following aspects:

  1. Compliance with the daily diet is compulsory, lunch, dinner and two or three snacks in between.
  2. The last meal should be no later than 18.00.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the serving size, while increasing the amount of food intake up to 6 times.
  4. The volume of water per day should be at least 2 liters, while most of the liquid should be drunk in the morning. Only clean non-carbonated water is taken into account.
  5. In 20-30 minutes. before breakfast you need to drink a glass of water at room temperature.
  6. 2 hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir with a low content of fat.

Rebuilding your diet is one of the most important factors in the question of how to eat in order to remove the belly and sides. An equally important aspect is the diet and the principle of the use of certain products.

The calorie content of the daily diet for each person is calculated based on his physical activity. To determine how to eat right for a girl in order to remove her belly, you first need to reduce the daily amount of calories - up to 1200-1500 kcal per day. In men, this figure is higher, about 2000-2300 kcal, which is associated with the difference in metabolic processes.

What to eat and how to eat to remove the belly?

The daily menu should be designed so that portions are small, and the calories in the morning and lunchtime exceed the total calories for dinner and afternoon tea. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude fatty, fried and smoked foods, hot spices and drinks that stimulate the appetite - coffee, strong black tea, alcohol. From sweets, bitter chocolate, natural marmalade and marshmallows are allowed, their use must be combined during the period of the greatest metabolic processes, that is, in the pre-noon and lunchtime.

Products to be preferred:

When drawing up the menu, it is important to take into account the beneficial properties - zucchini and cucumbers help to remove excess fluid from the body, citrus fruits help burn fat, buckwheat and brown rice perfectly saturate the body, broccoli and cauliflower are the most useful types of vegetables, apples are rich in dietary fiber, which helps to improve peristalsis intestines.