Correct cultivation of cabbage seedlings. How to grow cabbage seedlings from seeds at home Features of growing cabbage seedlings at home

Depending on the ripening period of cabbage, the timing of its sowing also differs - remember this.

2. Buying quality seeds

Last but not least, the quality of the seedlings will depend on the seeds, and therefore the yield of cabbage. Therefore, get good seed.

How to buy seeds correctly, so as not to acquire expired, lost germination due to improper storage or generally counterfeit seed, is described in detail in the publications:

3. Preparing the correct soil mixture

To grow strong cabbage seedlings, you need to properly prepare a nutritious soil mixture. Ideally, the soil for cabbage seedlings should be prepared in the fall, but if for some reason you did not have time to do this, you can start compiling it right now. Mix 1 part sod land and add a little (10 tablespoons for every 10 kg of soil) and mix the substrate well. In this case, ash will be a source of not only micro- and macroelements, but also an excellent antiseptic that can prevent the appearance of cabbage seedlings.

Of course, you can make any other nutritious soil mixture - not only turf-based, but also, for example. The main thing is that the resulting soil is breathable and fertile. And also, when preparing potting soil for cabbage seedlings, never use the garden soil on which cruciferous crops were previously grown: it probably contains infections characteristic of Cabbage, and the likelihood of getting seedling diseases increases significantly.

And in this video, our expert Tatyana shares her experience in compiling soil for seedlings:

As you can see, it is really undesirable to take land from the garden.

Want to know even more about the intricacies of preparing soil mixture for seedlings? Then read these articles:

4. Choosing the optimal sowing time for cabbage seedlings

There is no point in sowing cabbage seedlings in early January - it's too early, or at the end of May - it's too late. Every gardener knows this common truth. But, although we know the approximate dates for sowing seeds, sometimes it is quite difficult to determine a specific date. Let's talk about everything in order.


  • early varieties of cabbage should be sown for seedlings from the beginning of March until about the 25th-28th of the month,
  • seeds of medium varieties can be sown approximately from March 25 to April 25,
  • well, cabbage of late varieties - from the beginning to the 20th of April.

If such terms for sowing cabbage seeds seem overly blurred and incomprehensible to you, then you will appreciate the recommendations from the article - it describes an algorithm that helps to calculate the optimal sowing time for your particular conditions.

Well, I will give one more hint: you can determine the time of sowing cabbage for seedlings based on the fact that about 10 days pass from the time of sowing the seeds to the emergence of seedlings (plus or minus a couple of days), and from the emergence of seedlings to the time of planting, about 50-55 days. Based on this, it is necessary to sow cabbage for seedlings 60-65 days before the desired planting in the ground.

Our market, which contains offers from the largest online stores, will help you choose seeds for sowing cabbage for seedlings. ...

Thanks to simple manipulations, you can practically eliminate dangerous cabbage diseases (such as black leg, and so on) already in the seedling period, which means you will be able to grow healthy and strong seedlings.

If you purchased already processed seeds (this should be indicated on the package), it will be enough just to warm them up for 20 minutes in hot water (at a temperature of about +50 ° C). After warming up the seeds, cool them in cool water for 5 minutes - this will increase the cabbage's resistance to various fungal diseases. Just keep in mind: not all seeds processed by the manufacturer can be wetted! For some species, this is completely unacceptable, therefore, in order not to be mistaken, read about which ones are used and what are their features.

6. Correct seeding

It would seem that there is no need to bother there: I bought the seeds, prepared the soil mixture and go ahead - this as you want. Not certainly in that way. In order for cabbage seedlings to be strong and stocky, it is better to grow it with - only then the volume of its roots will be large, the seedling itself will grow more squat and strong, and it will be easier to transfer the transplant to a permanent place. How to sow cabbage correctly?

Early cabbage seeds should be sown in a tray or grower. Before sowing, we water the soil well, and we try not to moisten the soil until the shoots appear - this will prevent the disease of the seedlings with a black leg. Why water the soil abundantly before sowing? The thing is that for germination, cabbage seeds need a lot of water - about 50% of their weight.

When shoots appear, they are needed, leaving each feeding area of ​​about 2x2 cm.After 2 weeks, when the seedlings have already grown a little, they must be dived, planting according to the 3x3 cm scheme, for example, in cassettes. When diving, do not forget to deepen the stem of the seedlings to the cotyledons! After another half month, the seedlings must be transplanted again, but already in pots (peat pots, plastic or paper cups, or any other) - ideally, the size of the new container should be 5x5 cm.

Before picking seedlings, it is advisable to treat the cups with a weak (blue in color) solution or any other drug that prevents the appearance of fungal diseases.

If you do not have the desire to dive cabbage, then it is better to initially sow it in separate pots. When the time comes for planting seedlings to a permanent place, its root system will be of a large volume, and due to the fact that the plants grew in separate pots before transplanting, it is almost not injured (transplant will result).

7. Light for seedlings

For cabbage seedlings to grow strong and stocky, it is not enough to plant them correctly - you need to carry them out, because there is little usual daylight at home for cabbage. Using an ordinary fluorescent lamp, we illuminate the seedlings for about 12-15 hours a day.

8. Timely watering

"Cabbage loves water and good weather" - this proverb-statement is equally true both in relation to already grown cabbage heads, and in relation to its seedlings.

Plants as needed, but try to avoid both drying out of the soil and waterlogging. In order not to overdo it with watering, loosen the soil more often.

9. Maintaining optimal temperature

When growing cabbage seedlings, you need to monitor the air temperature in the room. The optimum temperature before the emergence of cabbage shoots is considered to be +18 ° C ... + 20 ° C, when the shoots appear, the temperature must be reduced: during the day to +15 ° C ... + 17 ° C, at night - to +8 ° C. .. + 10 ° С (we are talking only about white cabbage!). Such seemingly sharp changes in day and night temperatures will make it possible to strengthen the seedlings and help prevent the seedlings from pulling out.

Regarding seedlings, keep in mind: it does not tolerate low temperatures, and this will only lead to a decrease in yield - the heads will be small and loose. The temperature regime for growing cauliflower seedlings, of course, can also fluctuate during the day and night. On average, the temperature should be kept 5-7 ° C higher than that of the white cabbage.

10. Mandatory feeding

When growing cabbage seedlings, do not forget to feed them, because it is during the seedling period that young plants really need a balanced set of various nutrients, which should come in the most easily accessible form.

First feeding should be carried out approximately 7-9 days after the pick. You can prepare fertilizer as follows: dissolve 2 grams of ammonium nitrate and 4 grams in 1 liter of water. One liter of nutrient solution is enough to feed 50-60 plants. In order not to burn the young roots of the seedlings, water them first, and only then feed them.

Second feeding should be carried out 2 weeks after the first. For her, we prepare a new nutrient solution from the same fertilizers, we just double their amount per liter of water. If the cabbage seedlings begin to turn a little yellow, they can be fed with a solution of fermented slurry (1:10).

Third feeding you need to spend a couple of days before planting cabbage seedlings in the ground, and for this we prepare a solution: add 3 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of superphosphate and 8 g of potassium fertilizers to 1 liter of water. The dose of potash fertilizers in this case is increased so that the seedlings better take root in the open field, which is why such a top dressing is called hardening. If you do not want to bother with the preparation of dressings, you can use a ready-made liquid complex fertilizer, for example, "Kemira Lux".

11. Hardening

The hardening of seedlings means a set of measures due to which the root system of plants develops better and their high survival rate is ensured. Cabbage seedlings begin to harden about 10 days before planting in the ground.

In the first day or two, we simply open the window in a room with cabbage seedlings for 3-4 hours. In the next few days, we take out the seedlings on the balcony (loggia, veranda, etc.) for a couple of hours, thereby exposing them to direct sunlight. Taking out the seedlings in the sun for the first time, we slightly shade them with gauze so that the bright spring sun does not burn the young plants.

From the sixth day of hardening, we reduce watering (we control so that the soil does not dry out) and take out the seedlings to the balcony. There she will be until the moment of landing in the ground. By the way, before planting in the ground, cabbage seedlings should have 4–5 leaves, and before planting, they must be well watered.

Regardless of the type, the cultivation of late-ripening, early and medium-ripening cabbage is carried out by seedlings. It is possible to grow cabbage seedlings quite successfully at home, but in order to get high-quality and productive young plants in an apartment or on a balcony, it is very important to sow properly prepared seeds in a timely manner, as well as provide decent care for the culture grown at home.

As a rule, before planting, the seeds of cauliflower, white cabbage, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts and other cabbage undergo several preparatory pre-sowing measures, which are not difficult, but have a very positive effect on the resulting seedling material.


The seed is calibrated in a 3% sodium chloride solution for about five minutes. As a result of such an event, all emerging defective seeds are discarded, and the most complete ones that have settled to the bottom are washed with running water and very carefully dried to a loose state.

Germination test

It is recommended to check full-weight seeds for germination rates. For this purpose, the seeds are laid out on the surface of a damp cloth or culvert paper, and germination itself is carried out at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. The total number of seeds germinated in three days indicates the indicators of germination friendliness or germination energy. The volume of germinated seeds per week - the level of seed germination.


The process of disinfection of cabbage seeds is a must., aimed at protecting the seed from pathogens of bacterial and fungal infections. As a rule, disinfection is carried out by immersing the seed in a sufficiently strong solution of potassium permanganate, followed by rinsing in running water.

The heat treatment process is no less effective, in which the seeds are immersed in water with a temperature in the range of 48-50 ° C for about a quarter of an hour. Seeds that have been heated should be washed in cold water and dried. Garlic infusion obtained from 50 g of minced garlic and a glass of water can also be used for disinfection. Soaking should last at least an hour, after which the seed should be rinsed and dried.

How to speed up the germination of cabbage seeds

In order to accelerate germination, the seed material is soaked in warm water for twelve to fourteen hours. The water is changed every three to four hours. The best results, according to experienced gardeners, are shown by soaking in snow water until it swells.

The process of soaking in a solution based on nitrophosphate, dissolved in an amount of a teaspoon per liter of water at room temperature, has a good effect. Also, for soaking, you can use an ash infusion obtained from a couple of tablespoons of wood ash, diluted in a liter of water at room temperature and infused for a day.

Hardening procedure

Particular attention should be paid to hardening procedures, which involve keeping the seeds for 24 hours on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Such pre-sowing treatment allows not only to accelerate the germination of seed material, but also contributes to an increase in the cold resistance of the garden culture.

When to sow cabbage seeds for seedlings (video)

Sow cabbage for seedlings should be at the optimal time, which may vary depending on the region of cultivation:

  • early varieties of cabbage are sown from the beginning of March until the last days of this month;
  • seeds of mid-season varieties are sown from late March to late April;
  • late-ripening varieties can be sown on seedlings throughout April.

Different types of cabbage have a different growing period for seedlings, therefore The time from sowing seeds to planting plants in a permanent place can vary:

  • white and red cabbage of early varieties are planted at the age of 45-60 days, mid-ripening varieties - 35-45 days and late-ripening varieties - 30-35 days;
  • broccoli seedlings are planted at the age of 35-45 days;
  • young plants of Brussels sprouts and cauliflower should be planted at the age of 45-50 days;
  • We plant kohlrabi at the age of 30-35 days;
  • Savoy cabbage should be planted between 35-50 days of age.

It is important to remember that sowing cabbage for seedlings may imply further picking or the elimination of this event, while the differences will be in the depth of sowing, as well as in the distance between rows and plants.

Growing at home

If you have to cultivate cabbage seedlings on a windowsill, then you need to prepare a soil mixture based on equal parts of peat, sod land and coarse sand. In order to grow the most healthy seedlings, it is very important to subject the prepared soil mixture to decontamination by calcining or processing with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

So that the seedlings grown on the windowsill do not stretch, develop well and have a healthy appearance, it is necessary:

  • it is possible to provide optimal lighting for plants on windowsills with a southern direction;
  • on windows facing north, west or east, it is recommended to use reflectors to compensate for insufficient sunlight;
  • cabbage seedlings are compact enough and on a windowsill with an area of ​​0.1 sq. m it is allowed to have about thirty plants.

Cabbage seedlings: picking (video)

An increase in the landing area without loss of illumination indicators gives a very good result. In this case, it is required to make additional shelves in several tiers from boards or plywood of sufficient thickness, and arrange them along the entire height of the window. Periodically, the plants should be rotated around their axis, which will reduce the risk of pulling cabbage seedlings. You should also make sure that the plants are not adversely affected by the draft, and when tiering it is important to regularly check the level of illumination of all plants.

Until the emergence of mass shoots, you should adhere to a temperature regime of 18-20 ° C. After the first shoots appear, the seedlings must be transferred to the most illuminated, but cool place, with a temperature regime of no more than 16-17 ° C. Transfer of seedlings to the shelves of the insulated balcony or loggia is allowed. In this case, inhibition of the growth processes of the aboveground part and active development of the root system occurs. After about a week, the seedlings need to be transferred to a warm place again.

Growing on the balcony

For growing cabbage seedlings, you can use the area of ​​a glazed loggia or balcony:

  • seedling boxes are optimal for balcony growing, the height of which should be five to six centimeters;
  • boxes must be filled with soil with neutral acidity;
  • the depth of the cut planting grooves should be about one and a half centimeters;
  • sowing of prepared seed material is carried out in steps of a couple of centimeters;
  • the temperature before germination should be 18-20 ° C, therefore, it is recommended to cover the crops on the balcony or loggia with a film.

Two-week-old seedlings should be dived into individual planting containers measuring 7x7 cm or 8x8 cm. Compliance with further care will allow you to get strong and healthy seedlings.

Seedling care rules

As a rule, caring for cabbage seedlings is not difficult and consists in the implementation of the following activities:

  • for the first feeding, 2 g of potassium sulfate, 2 g of ammonium nitrate and 4 g of superphosphate are used, diluted in a liter of water at room temperature;
  • about a week after the pick, a second feeding is carried out with a solution based on 4 g of potassium sulfate, 4 g of ammonium nitrate and 8 g of superphosphate, diluted in a liter of water;
  • the third feeding should be carried out a couple of weeks before planting the seedlings in a permanent place using a solution of a liter of water and 8 g of potassium sulfate, 3 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of superphosphate;
  • watering is carried out as the soil dries up, with water at room temperature;
  • a couple of weeks before planting cabbage seedlings in a permanent place in the ground, it is advisable to start hardening activities.

Planting cabbage seedlings in the ground (video)

High-quality cabbage seedlings suitable for planting in a permanent place must necessarily have a dark green color, have 4-7 leaves and a well-developed root system.

The process for growing cabbage seedlings is almost identical for all cabbage varieties. This article will consider an example of growing white cabbage seedlings.

In terms of ripening and time, it can be divided into:

  • Early maturing (sown in the first half of March);
  • Mid-season (sown from March 15 to April 15);
  • Late ripening (sown in the first half of April).

How to sow cabbage for seedlings?

For planting cabbage seeds for seedlings, a soil mixture is recommended, which consists of one part of sod land and two parts of humus. It is recommended to add ash to this mixture, based on 1 kg of the mixture 1 tablespoon of ash. This enriches the soil with additional trace elements and prevents the appearance of some seedling diseases.

Sowing cabbage for seedlings must begin with the preparation of the seeds. Before proceeding with the seeding process, the seeds must be processed using the generally accepted methods of preparing the seeds before sowing.

Seeds are carefully selected before sowing. Cabbage seeds are poured with 3% sodium chloride solution for 5 minutes. The floating seeds are merged with water, and the rest are thoroughly washed and dried. For sowing, seeds of a large and medium fraction are selected.

Planting cabbage for seedlings is carried out with disinfected seeds. From pathogens, seeds can be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then rinsed with water. But such processing gives a small percentage of probability. A greater effect can be achieved with heat treatment. For this, the seeds are placed in a gauze bag and immersed in hot water for 20 minutes. The water temperature should be in the range of 48-50 о С, because at lower temperatures, the desired effect will be lost, and at higher temperatures, the seeds may lose their germination.
There is another way to disinfect seeds: they are kept in a garlic solution (30 g of crushed garlic is dissolved in 0.5 glass of water) for one hour. After that, the seeds must be rinsed with clean water and dried thoroughly.

Seed packaging may indicate that it has already received the required treatment. In this case, it is necessary to carry out only heat treatment, which is necessary to increase the resistance of seeds to fungal diseases.

Seeds are planted in boxes 20 * 30 * 7. In the soil, grooves up to 0.7 cm deep are pressed at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Seeds are sown into these grooves. After sowing, the soil surface is leveled and covered with foil. The first shoots appear on the fourth day after sowing. It is recommended to display boxes with seedlings in the most illuminated places.

The main methods of growing seedlings

There are two common ways to grow cabbage seedlings:

  1. The first way... As soon as shoots appear, the seedlings are discharged (excess shoots are removed). The distance between the remaining seedlings is 1.5 cm. After a week, the remaining shoots are transplanted (dived) into. When picking, the plant must be deepened into the ground to the cotyledonous leaves. After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings from the cassettes are transplanted into cups, the size of which is 6 * 6 cm. The sprouts are removed from the cassettes with a lump of earth, after which they are placed in cups until the cotyledon leaves and sprinkled with soil. The last stage will be the transplanting of seedlings directly into the ground.
  2. Second way... Cabbage seedlings from boxes are transplanted directly into cups, bypassing the stage of transplanting into cassettes. The size of the cups for early maturing seedlings is 5 * 5 cm, and for late maturing - 8 * 8 cm. When transplanting, the main root must be cut by 1/3 of the length. This is necessary in order for the root system to be better branched. The sprouts are buried in the cups to the cotyledonous leaves with the help of a lance.

Growing early cabbage seedlings

To grow seedlings of early cabbage, you must follow some rules.

Seedling feeding must be carried out in three stages:

  1. After 7 days from the moment of picking into cassettes. Based on 1 liter of water, 2 g of ammonium nitrate, 4 g of superphosphate, 1 g of potassium fertilizers are dissolved.
  2. After two weeks have passed since the first feeding. The dosage of the components is doubled.
  3. Two days before planting seedlings in permanent soil. At this point, the seedlings already have a developed root system and 6-8 true leaves. For 1 liter of water, 2 g of ammonium nitrate, 4 g of superphosphate, 6-8 g of potassium fertilizers are dissolved.

Watering the seedlings is carried out in moderation. Excessive soil moisture should not be allowed.

To obtain healthy sprouts of cabbage, it is necessary to provide it with a 14-16 hour light regime. Depending on what power the artificial lighting lamps have, they are located from the seedlings at a distance of 10 to 50 cm (as the plants grow, the distance must be adjusted). The recommended turn-on time for artificial lighting lamps is from 8 am to 11 pm.

For friendly germination of seedlings and plant development, the following thermal regime must be observed:

  • Before the first shoots appear - 18-20 о С;
  • Sprouted seeds - sunny day 15-17 o C, cloudy day 13-15 o C, at night 7-10 o C;

Caring for cabbage seedlings at home practically does not differ from standard measures. Before the seedlings are planted in permanent soil, they must be hardened two weeks before the intended transplant. At the first stages, the plants are gradually accustomed to cold air, for which the vents are opened.
At the second stage, the plants are taken out to the balcony for 2-3 hours in the daytime, but protecting the seedlings from direct sunlight. Gradually, the time increases, and the sun protection is removed. When hardening, seedlings are practically not watered. At the last stage of hardening, if the night temperature exceeds 2-3 ° C, the seedlings are left in the fresh air overnight, covered with a film stretched over the frame.

Planting seedlings in permanent soil

Planting seedlings in permanent soil is carried out:

  • For early maturing varieties - late April-early May;
  • For mid-season varieties - late May - early June;
  • For late-ripening varieties - mid-May.

It should be remembered that cabbage is very susceptible to cold, therefore it is recommended to cover it at night. After planting, the seedlings must be protected from direct sunlight for the first days.

Video: technology for growing cabbage seedlings

To grow cabbage in your garden, you need to choose a variety and start planting seedlings. at home, it is possible with the observance of agrotechnical measures: seed and soil treatment, watering and disease prevention. She is capricious in her care and is susceptible to many diseases and pests.


How to choose the right cabbage variety for sowing?

When choosing a cabbage variety, you need to focus on the climate of the region in which it will grow. Also, the varieties differ in terms of planting and the purpose of the vegetable itself.

There are 3 types of cabbage in terms of planting dates:

  1. Early maturing, ripens in 50–80 days. Heads of cabbage reach 1.5 kilograms and cabbage is not stored for a long time.
  2. Mid-season, ripens in 80-100 days. Cabbage is used for salad and pickling. The weight of the vegetable is 3 kilograms.
  3. Late ripening, ripens more than 110 days. The varieties of this species are high-yielding, the cabbage can withstand winter storage. Heads of cabbage gain weight from 5 kilograms or more.

Dates of sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings

Sow cabbage according to the manufacturer's recommendations. They are written on the packaging. On average, seeds begin to be prepared 2 months before planting in open ground.

Usually sowing dates:

  • for early maturing - early March;
  • for mid-ripening - late March and early April;
  • for late varieties, mid to late April.

Sowing cabbage

Sowing seeds for growing at home can be organized on a windowsill. The main conditions are light and warmth. The seeds are planted in boxes, or immediately in separate glasses. The boxes, after planting the seeds, are covered with foil and put in a warm place.

Selection of capacity and soil

You can grow seedlings in an apartment in any wide containers.

Each container has its own pros and cons:

  1. Boxes. It is convenient to take care of the seedlings in them: you can provide them with the same air temperature and transfer the entire box at once.
  2. Cassettes and mini-greenhouses. Separate containers are convenient due to the absence of a transplant stage. Seeds planted in cassettes will still receive the same conditions. And if planted in mini-greenhouses, then at the first stages the seeds will receive ideal (in terms of temperature) conditions for growth. If some seed has not sprouted in a glass, you can plant a new one in this land. It is convenient to treat and remove severely ailing seedlings separately.
  3. Peat glasses and tablets. Least time consuming growing method. There is no need to transplant seedlings anywhere, peat containers in the ground decompose. The only negative is that peat tends to grow moldy.

Cassettes with pallet Seedling box Mini-greenhouse Peat tablets Deep seedling pots Peat pots

Plastic containers, before adding soil to it, must be washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Cabbage prefers a certain type of soil, such mixtures are sold in gardening stores. It is better not to take land from your own garden. If you want to make the earth yourself, then you need to know that cabbage seedlings grow in non-acidic and fertilized soil.

Seedling mix recipe:

  • sand - 1 part;
  • sod land - 4 parts;
  • peat - 13 parts;
  • ash - 10 tablespoons per 10 kilograms of soil.

Presowing preparation

The soil, before introducing seeds, must be disinfected. To do this, heat the oven to 200 degrees, place the soil in it and heat for 15 minutes. Then you need to place the soil in containers and pour it with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

When using peat tablets and pots, you need to treat the soil from mold with a solution of phytosporin. Dilute according to the instructions.

You can wait for the cabbage seeds to hatch before planting. To do this, they are placed on a plate with a damp cloth or cotton pads soaked in a root-forming solution. Cover with foil and place warm. After three days, all seeds that have hatched are planted in the soil.

Sowing technology of cabbage seeds

When transplanting into common boxes, grooves are made in the ground at a distance of 2-3 centimeters. The seeds should also be planted at a distance of two centimeters from each other.

If they are planted too close together, they will be small and unviable.

Seedling care

Different types of cabbage require special care, this information can be found on the seed packaging. But there are general rules for growing all varieties of cabbage. Without compliance with agrotechnical requirements, cabbage will bloom or begin to rot.


Watering the seedlings is required only after the emergence of shoots. The ground should be slightly damp. Excess moisture leads to rotting of seedlings.


It is necessary to fertilize the seedlings with superphosphate, potassium and ammonium nitrate. During the growth of seedlings, it is fed three times.

Feeding schedule:

  1. Two weeks after the seeds have sprouted.
  2. Two weeks after the first feeding.
  3. Two weeks before landing in open ground.

It is necessary to monitor the seedlings, you can see from it what trace elements it lacks. Plant leaves always react to a lack and excess of fertilizers.

With a lack of potassium:

  • leaves curl down;
  • dry up;
  • acquire a blue tint;
  • dark necrosis appears.

With a lack of phosphorus:

  • leaf veins turn red;
  • purple spots appear on the leaf;
  • leaves dry out at the edges.

With a lack of calcium:

  • leaves turn black;
  • dark, burnt spots appear on the leaf.

With a lack of nitrogen:

  • leaves turn pale;
  • old leaves turn gray;
  • leaves fall green.

Water the plants correctly after fertilizing, not before.

Supplementary lighting

Cabbage loves light. At home, daylight hours for seedlings should be 14-16 hours. In the spring, it must be supplemented with additional lighting.

Creation of optimal temperature conditions

To grow seeds, you need warm air - 18–20 degrees. For young seedlings - 15 degrees. Cabbage develops well in the cool, but it does not like temperature changes.


Tempering helps the seeds to adapt to the air temperature in the open field. Also, the seeds are not pulled out during hardening.

2-3 weeks before the expected disembarkation, you need to start taking the seedlings outside. The air temperature should be 8-10 degrees. Cabbage is taken out in the daytime, for 10-12 hours, and brought back to a warm room at night.

Cabbage seedlings should be in partial shade or shade. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves of the seedlings.

Seedling picking

1-2 weeks after planting the seeds, cabbage sprouts dive. The land where the sprouts will be transplanted must be cultivated.

The sprouts should be transferred carefully without damaging the roots. If the seedling is stretched out, it is buried in the ground, leaving only the leaves above the ground. Sometimes it is necessary to re-pick into a wider container if the seedlings are planted too early and go into active growth. Cabbage sprouts need to be planted after 3-4 leaves appear, they will take root without stress in a new separate pot.

Seedling picking on the Lyubimaya Dacha channel.

Diseases and pests of cabbage seedlings

Cabbage aphid

Aphids settle on the lower parts of the leaf and drink juice from them. At the same time, the leaves dry out and turn yellow. For prevention, it is necessary to process the seedlings immediately after planting.

If the aphid has already started, insecticides can destroy it:

  • Spark;
  • Karbofos;
  • Karate.

Cabbage aphid


They spoil the appearance of the fruit, eat out holes. They hide inside the cabbage and at the junction of the leaf with the trunk. Collecting them by hand is almost impossible. For prevention, the cabbage is covered with a fine mesh.

The popular way of dealing with caterpillars is ash tincture:

  1. You need to take 10 liters of warm water and dilute a glass of ash in it.
  2. Leave this infusion until morning.
  3. In the early morning spray the plant on the top and bottom of the leaves, base and attachment of the leaves to the trunk.

Chemical control methods:

  • Butizan;
  • Decis Profi.


The plant turns black at the base of the root, then rots and breaks off. The disease is contagious. It will not be possible to cure a diseased plant.

Prevention of the disease consists in treating the soil and seeds with disinfectants.


Root rot

Root rot is similar to black stalk and is caused by excessive watering. For treatment, you need to treat the plant with trichodermine and limit watering. You can also treat cabbage with Rhizoplan to boost the plant's immunity.

There is still snow outside the window, and the gardeners are already puzzled by the question: how to grow cabbage seedlings at home so that it does not get sick and gives a good harvest. Of course, you can go to the market in the spring, purchase ready-made plants and immediately plant them in the garden, but it is much more interesting to do everything yourself.

Many gardeners advise not to forget about energy: all seedlings are alive, they can love or hate their owner. You can conduct an experiment at home: take two identical cassettes, one for the husband, the other for the wife. You can plant the same white cabbage seeds, you will take care of the same, on the same days, and the plants will be different. The result is especially evident if one person loves and wants to do this business, and the other does everything without mood, just out of duty. You do not know who has grown the seedlings sold on the market, how they will react to the change of owner, so it is better to plant yourself and grow from the very beginning.

Long before sowing

When the time comes to plant, there will be a huge amount of worries, every minute will be worth its weight in gold. In order not to get into complete time trouble, preparation should be started in advance. In winter, it's time to buy planting material: some companies reduce the prices of seeds during the cold season, and you can look through the offers of different companies without haste and choose the best ones. If you want to order seeds in another region, do so before the New Year. Not all firms are in a hurry to send the ordered goods, mail in some regions is also not in a hurry. It will be very disappointing to receive the long-awaited package when the dates for sowing white cabbage have already passed.

Now think about how much of which cabbage you need to plant. You can not live without fresh salads - plant as much white early, Peking and; if you like to cook cabbage rolls at home - stock up on Savoyard. Vegetable soups and stews are much better when broccoli, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts are added to the usual ingredients. In order to feast on juicy crispy leaves on winter days, constantly have all kinds of pickles, sourdoughs and marinades on the table, grow a sufficient number of late white and red varieties.

We figured out the types of cabbage, but all alone are subdivided into a huge number of varieties. Such a variety is not a whim of breeders, because they create plants for specific conditions. Each locality has its own climate, soil composition, daylight hours. One gardener needs large forks, another - small; for someone, an early harvest of white cabbage is important, but for someone, the ripening time does not matter, but resistance to drought and disease is important. Take your time to familiarize yourself with the features of the offered assortment and choose the best options. It is advisable to purchase seeds of local production, they often grow seeds of regionalized varieties. Of course, you shouldn't buy seeds from random sellers who offer goods in dirty, wrinkled bags with poorly readable text. Use the services of specialized firms, there is less risk of buying low-quality goods, and managers can give the necessary advice.

To be sure that the seed is of high quality and the seeds can be safely planted, check them for germination at home in advance. Take 10 seeds of each type, place them between wet wipes and put away in a warm place (about 23 ° C). The number of seeds that released roots in 3 days, multiply by 10, you get the germination percentage. Some seeds may hatch later, they will sprout, but they will not give strong strong plants.

In the winter, you have plenty of time to find soil specifically designed for cabbage seedlings. Choose a product with a detailed annotation, which should indicate how to properly prepare the land for sowing and what top dressing will need to be done. At the same time, purchase growth stimulants, fertilizers, means for combating diseases and pests and other necessary drugs. Prepare tools and containers at home, everything must be thoroughly washed and disinfected. Better to grow, the cells should be spacious enough: about 5.5 cm long and wide, at least 6.5 cm deep.

It's time to sow

Everything is ready for you, it remains to determine the timing of when to sow cabbage for seedlings. If for some reason you have not purchased soil and want to prepare it yourself at home, you will need an equal amount of humus and sod soil taken from a site where cruciferous crops have not grown for several years. For each kilogram of the mixture, you need to add a tablespoon of ash, it contains many essential nutrients and antiseptics that prevent the pathogens of fungal diseases from developing. You can add perlite, it picks up liquid from too wet soil and gives it away when the soil begins to dry out. For disinfection, spill the ground with a solution of light pink potassium permanganate.

Choose the correct sowing days. There are general recommendations: for early white cabbage - at the beginning of March, medium - at the end of the month, the late one should be planted in April. Only any gardener understands that the distance between the borders of our country is enormous, and the time for planting vegetables in the Sochi region and in Siberia differs by 2-3 weeks. To accurately calculate the timing of growing seedlings, you will have to believe the weather forecasts for the next 2-3 months, and if they turn out to be false, there will be someone to blame for the poor harvest. Choose the day you plan to plant in open ground and count back 2 months, at which time you need to sow cabbage for seedlings.

Take a packet of seeds, and carefully read all the recommendations before opening. The seeds may have already been treated for contamination or are covered with a nutrient medium and should not be wetted before planting.

If there are no restrictions, training is carried out according to this algorithm.

  1. Etch in a dark pink potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes.
  2. Rinse with running water.
  3. Warm up for 20 minutes in water with a temperature of + 50⁰.
  4. Place in cold water for 5 minutes.
  5. Dry so that the grains can be sprinkled on the ground.

Fill the containers with soil and water very well, the seeds germinate only in a humid environment. If you are going to grow seedlings without picking, immediately put 2-3 seeds in the cell. Then leave the strongest specimen, the rest can be destroyed or planted in another place. If you are going to dive, sow them in a tray so that the distance between the seeds is about 2 cm. Sprinkle with soil about 1.5 cm thick and moisten with a spray bottle. When sowing too shallow, the seed skin will not remain in the ground, but will come out with the sprout and interfere with its development. Now you need to close the cassette with a special transparent lid or place it in a plastic bag and do not water until the seeds germinate - this usually takes about 10 days.

From seedlings to the garden

In order for the seeds to sprout quickly and amicably, the temperature of the house should be around 20⁰. Sprouts have appeared - urgently transfer the seedlings to a cool room. During the day, you can pamper her with warmth of about + 16⁰, and at night let: from + 8⁰ to + 10⁰ will be enough for her. If compassionate housewives take pity on the plants and leave them warm at home, instead of strong stocky seedlings, thin long stems with stunted leaves will turn out.

Such cultivation of cabbage seedlings from seeds is suitable for white cabbage, red cabbage and Savoy cabbage, sharp drops are contraindicated for other types. It is difficult to provide the necessary conditions at home - if there is no glazed loggia, it is better to relocate the seedlings to a heated dacha.

Cabbage seedlings need light for at least 12 hours a day. To provide good lighting and easily move plantings from one room to another, purchase a fluorescent lamp that is easy to carry and fix on any surface.

You can dive sprouts after the appearance of 2 true leaves. Make deep holes in pots with soil, the roots should be freely placed in them without folds or bends. Often the main stem is too long, the depth of the cup is not enough for it - pinch off no more than a third of the root. With such an operation, the underground part of the plants is injured, and so that recovery is faster, dip the roots into a growth stimulator.

When watering is done correctly, the earth will not dry out, but it will not be constantly wet. Sometimes it is better not to water, but to loosen the soil. It is imperative to moisten the soil before applying fertilizers so that the concentration of the solution decreases. The first time the seedlings are fed when 2 true leaves appear, at this time the seedlings especially need nitrogen, you can use urea or slurry. If you are using a special soil for cabbage, apply fertilizer according to the instructions. A fourth leaf has appeared - feed. Pour the composition only on the ground, drops should not fall on the plants.

There are different guidelines for when to plant cabbage outdoors: there are tips for both 4 and 6 true leaves. Most likely, both methods can be used, it all depends on the climate, soil composition and many other conditions. Choose an early or late planting option that is convenient for you, but grow several seedlings in a different way. Then you will know exactly at what stage they are properly planted in open ground. Before planting, white cabbage seedlings must be gradually accustomed to new conditions. For a day, take the seedlings out into the open air, shade the first days with gauze, then leave to get used to the cold, wind, and sun. Move to the street 2-3 days before the transfer, around the clock. Listen to the weather forecast at night: there may be severe frosts in the north and in Siberia in May, protect your plantings.

Disease prevention

Basically, seedlings of white cabbage and other types of cabbage are susceptible to diseases caused by fungi. These microorganisms love warmth, humidity and stagnant air. The most common diseases that leave gardeners without cabbage seedlings are root rot and black leg. Treatment can be very laborious and often does not bring results, it is easier to prevent these problems.

The rules of prevention at home are not very complicated.

  1. Buy seeds and soil from trusted manufacturers.
  2. Seedling containers and tools must be clean and disinfected.
  3. Before sowing, dress the seeds and sprinkle the soil with disinfectant solution.
  4. Keep enough space between the seedlings.
  5. You do not need to water often, the soil should dry out.
  6. Keep seedlings in a cool, ventilated place.

If the infection does occur, measures must be taken in the first days, until the infection has spread. It is better to destroy infected plants, but when the disease has affected valuable specimens or a significant part of the plantings, there is a desire to save the seedlings. Move the diseased seedlings to another window sill, treat the rest of the plantings with a solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkle with ash and loosen the ground to dry.

Sick plants can sometimes be saved at home, try watering them with Rizoplan or Trichodermin. They are created on the basis of a special mycelium, which prevents pathogens from developing. Processing will improve the soil, kill the pathogen. If the disease is captured at an early stage, perhaps not too damaged seedlings will be able to overcome the disease, recover, and white cabbage will still delight you with juicy tasty leaves.


Before growing cabbage seedlings at home from seeds, evaluate the size of your plot: how many seedlings will fit on the beds allocated for this culture. Calculate how much you need early white cabbage for salads, mid-season for summer borscht and late for winter storage and sourdough. Please note that the distance between the heads of cabbage should be about 60 cm. Do not forget about other types: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, colored, kohlrabi. Store the required amount of seeds, soil and containers for seedlings in advance.

Each region has its own date when to sow cabbage for seedlings. In order not to be mistaken, do this work 2 months before the expected date of planting plants in open ground. Special preparation of seeds will increase the immunity and endurance of plants. When growing without picking, immediately sow seeds into individual cells. The distance between the seedlings should be sufficient for their normal development.

Further care for cabbage seedlings consists in watering, feeding and loosening the soil. The seedlings should be grown in cool, well-lit rooms. In the north and in Siberia, where light days are too short in spring, install fluorescent lamps above the boxes. Do not water too often, pathogens develop in waterlogged soil. Be sure to feed the seedlings, and when using special soil, apply fertilizer according to the instructions. If you follow these rules, you will plant good healthy seedlings in the garden bed, which will quickly take root and delight you with dense crispy heads.