Proper weighing and analysis of body fabric composition

How to weigh. Weighed correctly. How to determine the weight.

Ordinary scales outdoor (regardless of model) can become a source of disappointment. When the weighting becomes for the scales, every time he hopes to see the figure less than last time.
Under objective physiological reasons, scales may not just disappoint a strongly seeking to lose weight, but also lead to a breakdown.

In order not to be disappointed in the testimony of a cunning mechanism, thinning thoughtlessly does everything so that the ill-fated arrow is a little dismissed to the left. Either the scoreboard showed a value at least less than yesterday (if our weighting has electronic scales). Avoids solid food volumes and does not drink liquid, even if the caloric content of the fluid is zero, and useful vegetables are present in all senses from food on the table. With disterination sits in the steam room. And what really comes out of reasonable, apply laxatives and diuretic. In the dry residue, everything that not only does not contribute to getting rid of excess fat, but also prevents this process.

When a person, not knowing the subtleties of the processes occurring in the body, is trying to determine the body weight, two situations are possible:

Losing weight sees an increase in weight, despite the fact that, objectively, fat weight or leaves or remains unchanged;
- The weight loss of the body is very significant, although the fat weight either decreased slightly or remained at the same level.

It is logical that in both cases our losing weight will be completely disoriented, and will not know how to objectively assess the result of its weight efforts. That is why both the weighing procedure and the interpretation of scales - things are serious. Determine the weight of a person and find out the real percentage of fatty mass - these are completely different things, so you need to have certain knowledge of human physiology and weighing intricacies.

How to weigh on the scales?

First of all, remember the main postulate of the body mass. A fully object is placed on the scales, with a mass of intestinal content, water, bladder, clothes, and so on. Objective data on the presence and amount of fat in the body. Ordinary scales are not able to give.

Even with the selection of the perfect weight loss regime, the body is physiologically not able to withdraw more than 90 grams of fat per day. Therefore, if you have lost a kilogram in a day, you should not think that this kilogram is completely out of fat. If you are, on the contrary, in the day they scored an extra weight kilogram, do not be discouraged. To gain a kilogram of fat per day in principle is impossible. Reducing body weight due to fat mass occurs lastly.

Human weight fluctuates during the day, and these changes are 1-3 kilograms. They are associated with natural physiological processes - the flow of food and water, the emptying of the intestine and the bladder, the loss of water during breathing and sweating, and so on. Naturally, the question arises, how to determine the weight with an accuracy of gram? The answer is impossible.

There are quite a lot of problems associated with the design of the scales themselves. The overwhelming number of scales provides accuracy within a kilogram, and not always. The results even depend on the surface on which the scales are positioned, the position of the body on the measuring device, some scales even go with the instructions, how to properly weigh.

To eliminate these shortcomings, acquire weights providing the accuracy of weighing at least within 100 grams. It is better to choose electronic scales. Be sure to check the scales before buying. Weigh several times. Did you manage to get the same result? Will the testimony depend on the body's position on them, or on the surface structure on which they are located? The body weight is still unchanged for these 5-10 minutes of checks.

Even if you have chosen the right scales, there is one point that makes even reckoning. This is the delay in water in the body. The increase can be about a few kilograms.

Consider what factors lead to an increase in body weight due to excess fluid.

Eating a large number of acute and salty foods. Cooking salt (sodium chloride) in the body is contained in the form of a so-called isotonic solution with a concentration of approximately 0.9-1%. This means that before leaving the body, each gram of salt will hold approximately 100 ml of water. Naturally, 10 grams of salt will delay the liter of water in the body, which gives an increase in weight per 1 kilogram. For reference, 10 grams of salts are contained in 100 g salty and 50 g of dried fish. If you are fascinated by a herring or salted salsen, do not be surprised that the weights of the floor will broadcast horrors in the morning.

Alcohol abuse. Similarly, the body requires greater fluid flow from the outside. Alcohol decay products are toxic to the body and require dilution with water to acceptable concentrations. Therefore, one of the postulates how to put on the scales will be: do not weigh up after abundant videos.

Many women have a latency of water in the body in the second phase of the menstrual-ovarian cycle, for one or two weeks before the next menstruation. Sometimes fluctuations in weight associated with the menstrual cycle are very tangible and reach 2-4 kilograms.

Status after an unexpected intensive load on the muscles. In this situation there can also be a delay in water associated with an edema of overherentened muscles. During the state of attack weight, the body weight increases by an average of 2 kilograms.

A fairly frequent situation when a person decides to lose weight and adheres to a very strict dietary regime together with extenuating training. He believes sacred. That this method of getting rid of excess fat is the most efficient. Such a program in 100% of cases at first brings brutal disappointment: in the first days, despite the inhuman efforts, the weight either decreases very slowly, or does not decrease at all.

And now consider a number of situations where the weight decreases very quickly. Only not at the expense of fat, but by losing water and solid waste of life:

1. Experiments with diuretic and laxatives. In the first phase of their reception, the intestine is cleared and enhanced fluid removal, weight is significantly reduced. After the active phase of the drug, the phase of loss replenishment occurs, and the weight is returned. Note that the use of laxative and diuretic drugs without objective testimony is unacceptable. Apply them to reduce body weight - stupid and dangerous.

2. Loss of fluid during intensive workout. Frequent cases when a person (himself or under the guidance of the coach) seeks to stand to stand as stronger as possible. And according to the results of weighing, it is naive enough that he lost a whole kilogram. Only this kilogram is not fat, but water. Let's consider. Even the most intense training can not burn more than 900-100 calories per hour. And this is the energy intensity of maximum 100 grams of fat. We add that intensive mode of workouts do not contribute to weight loss at all. Municipal consequence of such a regime of classes are muscle weakness, attachment, lethargy, an increase in appetite. Ideally, it should tell the coach, like how to weigh.

Water loss during bath procedures. In this case, due to the protective reaction of the organism on a sharp rise in temperature, the loss of fluid is loss. Slimming as such such loss of body weight does not apply.

Water loss with hot weather. Reducing weight by 2-3 kilograms - the usual phenomenon in the summer. This is a temporary phenomenon. When heat passes, water reserves and body weight returns.

Not much known about such a physiological situation, but it takes place. Reducing water content associated with carbohydrate margin. Carbohydrates in the body are contained in the form of glycogen. The total mass of these reserves is small, usually does not exceed 100 -150 grams. Energy intensity of such a stock is not more than 600 calories. With standard vital activity, a person spends this amount of energy for 4-5 hours of wakefulness.

But the glycogen in the body is not present in the form of a dry powder, it is diluted with water. The holding in the tissues of such a mass of glycogen requires 1-1.5 liters of water. During the discharge diet, glycogen reserves are spent by the body in the first days. Due to the fact that the body displays water in which glycogen was dissolved, weight loss is observed.

But it is worth increasing the calorie content of the diet, the glycogen reserves are restored for several hours, and the person is gaining all the dropped kilograms back. This mechanism always triggers with unloading days - apple, curd, kefir and others. The kilogram went out in this way will be guaranteed. This feature should be considered when it is possible to weigh after unloading days.

Reducing the specific shares of salt in the body. During a volatile diet or a power regime containing a minimum of the cooking salt, the body displays unnecessary water. The result is observed, sometimes very significant, plumb. However, this is water in its pure form.

So how to weigh the weights? How to minimize unreasonable hopes and there is no vain disappointment?

There are several universal councils:

Unify the weighing procedure. Determine body weight best at the same time of day, without clothes. It is best to weigh in the morning to meals and after the toilet.

Weighing follows on the same scales on the same surface. Better use electronic scales with an error of no more than 100 grams.

Properly interpret the weighing results. If your weight has become more despite all efforts, it can be associated with the accumulation of fluid in the body or with an increase in muscle mass, if you regularly do in the hall.

And most importantly, you should remember. If you wish to lose weight in spite of anything, if you stick to the principles of proper nutrition, if you are regularly moving and staying in good spirit, then the result in the form of real fat weight will be required. And here it doesn't matter how much you weighed a week ago, yesterday, today. The main thing is that positive changes are happening with you.

Thank you! Very much more accurately described in the shelves!

All correctly wrote! Thanks for this article!

Oh, now I understand why I gain weight after the holidays!

About alcohol - right. As a drink of beer or wine, I always find a couple of kilograms.

How much do you drink?

About Glycogen is not clear what kind of beast is this?

Carbohydrates in an acceptable form.

The necessary article, I am nervous and panic, if I type by weight! In general, how many times you need to weigh a week? I get to the scales every morning before meals! Is it right or wrong?

It's written! Fat can lose no more than 90 grams per day. What do you want to see in 24 hours for change?

As children, she is God! Become on the scales before lunch and after. Before drinking a glass of water and after. And what, the result is the same? Imagine, picked fat for half an hour! Haha!

Thanks for the info!

I think weight needs to be controlled weekly.

Very interesting information Thank you! It's nice to learn something new.

Thank you! Now I will not fall into a panic in the lead 2-3 kilogram for the holidays!

Very topical information before the New Year!

And how are you weighed?

Prepared specifically for the site of

Most people are ready for a lot for their dreams of their dreams: grueling workouts and endless diets, restrictions and deprivation. But for no hope, the cherished figures on the scales do not appear in any way. Do not hurry to give up food at all and pierce the coach, perhaps, the problem is only in defective scales. Electronic scales are a mechanism, the work of which is directly related to external factors, the non-compliance of which can lead to the fact that the measurement error will reach two kilograms both in the large and smaller side. Therefore, when weighing is especially important to comply with the recommendations below. But before proceeding to them, we will analyze the most common mistakes.

Errors when weighing

  • get rid of the habit of measuring weight daily. It is necessary to understand that this approach will not reflect the full picture, since daily weight fluctuates due to the physiological characteristics of the body: hormonal changes, water delays in the body due to food or reception of medicines and much more;
  • do not weigh up immediately after eating or receiving any liquid;
  • pick quality scales. When choosing, pay attention to the error declared by the manufacturer. Optimally, if it is within a hundred grams;
  • learn yourself to weigh in the evening, as well as in clothes;
  • girls should avoid weighing during the menstrual cycle, because during this period, due to hormonal jumps, moisture in the body is delayed especially strongly.

Do not perceive this process as execution or punishment. Your mood is largely affected by the process of losing weight and bring the body in due shape.

Basic rules for weighing

So, the main errors were disassembled, now on their basis you can make several universal rules that will become the key to the competent and correct weight measurement.

  1. The procedure should be carried out solely in the morning, pre-emptying the bladder and intestines. In addition, it is not recommended before weighing breakfast and even drink any liquid.
  2. Use to determine the weight every time the same clothes or do it in underwear.
  3. Secure one place behind the places and do not move them. Recall that this device is programmed to one type of work, with constant movements, malfunctions may occur, which enhate sufficiently large errors.

These rules are quite simple and carried out, but when they are fulfilled, you can be sure that the scales do not lie and, in which case, to seek the causes of weight loss or its set follows in other areas.

These rules are a kind of bones, but in addition to them there are a lot of small comments.

To ensure an accurate picture, it is enough to carry out weighing only once a week, it is advisable to do it at the same time, one and the same day. In addition to weighing, volumes should be measured, because, perhaps, extra grams only the water delayed in the body.

Water delay is particularly often manifested in the type of food, rich in protein. This applies to athletes or people in the so-called "drying" period. It also affects Diucan diet.

Important! Girls should track the menstrual cycle. The second phase causes hormonal manifestations. That is why the result is extremely inaccurate.

The day of weighing, as already mentioned, plays an important role. Do not plan the procedure for the next morning after a feast or a dense dinner. Give the body time for rehabilitation and recovery.

Among other things, it is necessary to use the weights themselves correctly:

  • stop it carefully, jump into the scales at all.
  • stand smoothly, do not deviate forward or backward;
  • we remind you, it is strictly not recommended to change the location of the scales.

Weighing on floor scales is an integral part of not only people seeking to bring the body into a form, but also those who want to improve health and maintain it at the proper level. Make it competently and correctly needed, because it is so most fully managed to display the picture and the dynamics of weight changes.

It would seem that heavy in weighing on electronic floor scales or scales-analyzers of body composition? Told the client to get up for scales - and the case was done. But no, in fact, not everything is so simple. If a nutritionist wants to weigh his client correctly and teach it to accurately weigh on electronic scales at home, then you need to adhere to certain recommendations. What? We will tell you now!

Weighing rules on electronic floor scales:

1. First of all, electronic floor scales should stand on a solid flat surface. So weighing on the carpet is not the best idea. The exceptions are scales with special legs for weighing on darous surfaces.

If the scales are installed correctly, the difference between the maximum and minimum result of a person's weight with four-time weighing will be no more than 400-500 grams. In this case, the error of weighing is about 100 grams.

2. To stand on the scales, the client must smoothly and do not move. It is impossible to keep anything and to rely on. Foot feet should stand symmetrically to each other - in this case, the body weight will evenly distribute along the scales platform.

3. Weighing preferably at the same time of the day and on the same scales. Remember that man's weight in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening after dinner may differ by 1-2 kilogram. All because during the day in the human body, the water content changes, and, it means, the weight will also change.

The body weight will be less if weighing immediately after intense physical exertion, provided that the person did not drink water during training. Along with then, liquid came out of the body - that's the result.

4. It is necessary to weigh in the minimum number of clothes and barefoot. So the weight of other things will be added to the real weight of the human body.

5. Control weighing should be carried out once a week, and not every day. The content of fat or muscles in the body does not change quickly, so there is no point in weighing every day. Yes, and for motivation is better to weigh on Monday - it will be a noticeable result.

Weighing rules on human body analyzers and analyzers:

1. Weighing the scales analyzers preferably barefoot to ensure the best electrical conductivity.
2. Analysis of the body composition must be carried out at the same time of the day. It is best to do it in the evening to dinner and after emptying the bladder.
3. Women are not recommended to carry out analysis in menstruation days.
4. It is not necessary to analyze the composition of the body immediately after intense training, visits to the sauna, abundant meals. All these factors affect the resistance of human tissues, and, it means that the results will be inaccurate.
5. The results of the analysis of body composition are distorted when making a person alcohol and a large amount of water.
6. Mobile phones, fans, heaters, high air humidity in the room have adversely affect the operation of the analyzer weights.
7. To become the sca-analyzer, the client must be smooth. Foot feet should be put symmetrically to each other to ensure uniform weight distribution on the scales platform.

If the nutritionist will comply with these simple rules, then with the exact weighing of customers he will never have problems. The same rules will be useful and customers of nutritionists who need to control the results of weight correction results.

So successful to you weighing and pleasant weight readings!

What a pity that many knowledge we get only with experience. This is especially true of weight loss. We go to the same ray paths, stuff the same cones, make the same errors.

When something is very important to us, it is so difficult to distract from it for a second. Almost all thoughts we dedicate one goal. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening only one thing: "I would like to lose weight!" And we are impatiently almost eagerly weighed, hoping to see serious results. But the experience that we often lack, approves the opposite: we can weigh only once a week, and better - in two!

Experienced slides comprehected this truth during samples and errors. Let's justify the reasons and find out why not weighing every day.

Physiological reasons

Even with serious efforts in losing weight, scales can show not only weight stop, but even its increase. This is due to our physiology.

The female organism is so arranged that on certain days of the month you will see the weight gain. Weight growth is associated with a fluid delay in the body before critical days. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this condition can last from 2 days before the week.

The fluid in the body can be lingering for other reasons - food. For example, you were not kept and talked something acute or salty. Not only, you will drink a lot of water because of this, so she is still bound by sodium, will not be able to get out of the body. In the risk to causing edema also fried food. It would seem that all the things were buried, the calories are not enough - and the weight increased!

If you are engaged in sports, then consider: during classes fats melted, but the muscles grow and gradually take away. It turns out a peculiar replacement in terms of weight. Therefore, the plumbings may not be. Either the results will be less than expected.

Alcohol does an amazing thing with our organism. By itself, it is not a calorie product. But even if you drink almost dry or with a small-calorie snack, the result for tomorrow will be pretty surprising. Even after one such gathering, a girl with horror detects 2 extra kilograms. Take these kilograms is then very difficult.

So it turns out: the fat is spent, you lose weight, and the scales will lie to you, considering everything in one heap - and muscle mass, and withheld liquid.

Psychological reasons

Of course, if every day is weighted, these weight fluctuations can bring the girl to despair. After all, all the individual characteristics of the body from the first days of weight loss take into account impossible, this understanding is given over time and experience.

It is clear that frequent weighing will cause a losing weight in despondency. And adult girls from failures do not cry - they eat them. In a situation where hands are lowered, many refuse further attempts, considering them useless. And the weight continues to grow.

The hardest thing - the faith disappears into its own strength. The girl thinks she is not capable of anything that she does not work out anyway. Although in fact it is not.

No one is thinner simply, thanks to everyone thanks to helping something to achieve something: the envy of the rivals, career successes, the admiration of the surrounding, love men. There are plans for harmony - it means that the cherished dream is collapsed ... and instead of losing weight, the girl falls into depression, eats even more and fulfill. That's why it is impossible to weigh every day.

How to weigh up

If you are just entering the path to harmony - let the scales will not be an important argument for you. Assign only one day a week in which you will become on the scales (not Monday). Be sure to take a centimeter tape and measure the parameters of the body. Often, this figure is more objective than hand-scales. It is advisable to make these procedures in the morning on an empty stomach or at any other time (one and the same), but with a hungry stomach and preferably after the trip to the toilet. Recall once again: you can not weigh every day

That's all. The rest is applied with time and subject to patience.

Successful to you weight loss!

Control weighing is best carried out on electronic outdoor scales. Unlike the mechanical, their error is no more than 50 g. Scales need to be put on an absolutely smooth surface. Even the carpet can cause data distortion. Perform measurements always on the same scales, then you can make an objective chart of fluctuations in body weight.

Weighing are carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, but after visiting the toilet. Try to measure weight at the same time. Ideally should not have any clothes, although underwear and lightweight bathrobe are allowed. Become for scales with bare feet, without home shoes. You must stand firmly, in the middle, without touching the walls, and other subjects around you. Try not to move and do not breathe and after 5-10 seconds you can evaluate the result of weighing. As a rule, after your true weight is defined, the figure on the board of electronic scales freezes and no longer changes. This is a signal to the fact that weighing is over.

Lowering people know that the weight is changing hoppy and sometimes even when complying with a strict diet, you can not observe any changes for several days. At certain stages of working on their body, the weight can grow, especially if you started actively playing sports. For an objective assessment of the results, it is recommended to carry out measurements no more than 2 times a week. It is impractical to do it every day. Despite the fact that there is a general tendency to reduce weight, daily measurements can show jumps in the range of 1-2 kg. And for women, it is also characterized by cyclical weight changes: at the end of the menstrual cycle, the body weight increases by 2-2.5 kg.

Why you need to weigh in the morning

Weight in contrast to growth is an unstable indicator. The average daily fluctuations can reach 1.5-2 kg. It all depends on the mode of meals, emptying the bladder and intestines. Even a glass of water changes an objective pattern of weighing. Therefore, the most appropriate time for testing weighing is the morning when you have not had time to eat anything and drink. At the same time, the visit to the toilet is extremely necessary, since overnight the bladder and intestines are filled with recycled food and water that you used the day before. If you are used to the morning to take a shower, then measure the body weight to it, since the water procedures also affect weight indicators.