The Orthodox Church of the Mother of God is sovereign. Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning

Of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in Chertanovo. Source:

Often, the construction of churches is preceded by unusual phenomena that are impossible to comprehend with the mind. Of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in Chertanovo- one of these buildings with an amazing history.

One of the local residents several times observed an unusual blue glow in the area of ​​the intersection of Sumskiy proezd and st. Chertanovskaya. This prompted her to organize a religious community (in 1992), and after a while the authorities allocated a plot for the construction of the temple. Of the several places proposed for this, they chose, of course, the one where the unusual light appeared.

Of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in Chertanovo. Source:

The construction began several years later, and now, in 1997, a wooden chapel-church was built and consecrated. It was named in honor of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God for a reason. It was this image that appeared to one of the parishioners near Kolomenskoye in 1917, on the day when Nicholas II abdicated the throne.

In a dream, Evdokia heard a voice that told her about a large black icon in the village of Kolomenskoye, which must be taken and made red. After the peasant woman saw another dream with a white church and a woman majestically sitting in it. The peasant woman decided that such accidents do not happen, and went to Voznesenskaya in Kolomenskoye.

Together with the abbot of the monastery, they found the necessary icon. She was in the basement, among the old boards under a thick layer of dust and really seemed black. When the shrine was washed, the image appeared before all those present in all its glory - the mother of God with a scepter and orb in her hands and with a crown on her head. She was dressed in red royal purple, and held the baby on her knees.

Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning" (old) in Chertanovo, Moscow.

These are the wonderful stories associated with Church of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in Chertanovo... By the way, earlier in this area there was already a small one, although there is no documentary evidence of this.

With all this, it soon became clear that the erected temple of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God does not accommodate all parishioners. Therefore, in the fall of 2001, construction began on a new, two-story building of the temple, which was officially completed in 2013.

During this time, the project changed, and as a result, we can observe a beautiful three-aisled temple with five chapters. Architectural elements of different heights, a combination of slender tents and massive low domes, straight and curved lines create a magnificent harmonious composition. The building accommodates about one and a half thousand people and is one of the most spacious churches in Moscow.

Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning"

The original of the icon of the Mother of God "Reigning" from the Kazan Church of the village of Kolomenskoye

Finding the icon

A peasant woman from the Pererva settlement of the Bronnitsky district, Evdokia Adrianova, in her dreams began to see a white church with a repeated demand to find a black icon and make it red. The peasant woman told about her dreams to the rector of the Ascension Church in Kolomenskoye. After a long search in the basements of the church, a large icon, blackened with age, was found. On the board appeared the image of Christ on the knees of the Mother of God, in the hands of the Mother of God - the royal regalia, the scepter and the orb. In his report to the Synod regarding this incident, Metropolitan Tikhon (Bellavin), in particular, wrote about the icon: “According to information given by the Commissioner from the Church-Archaeological Department at the Moscow Society of Lovers of Spiritual Enlightenment - Archpriest Strakhov: the icon is not ancient, approximately late. XVIII century (not older), in shape (oval at the top) iconostasis, middle, from the third belt (prophetic). In the manner of writing, the icon belongs to the type of the Constantinople icons of the Mother of God. The icon probably remained from the iconostasis that was from the Ascension Church earlier than the present one (and about this iconostasis, the famous archaeologist I. Snegirev reports that it was at one time transferred from one of the churches of the Moscow Ascension Monastery). Soon after its acquisition, the icon was renewed in the workshops of the Moscow Alekseevsky Monastery.

On the same day, March 2, 1917 (15 in the new style), Russian Emperor Nicholas II was forced to sign an abdication in favor of his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich (shot by the Bolsheviks in Perm in June 1918).

The icon became the subject of spontaneous veneration in the area around the village of Kolomenskoye. Soon, almost every church had a list of "Sovereign", a service and akathist for the icon were prepared. Patriarch Tikhon took part in their compilation.

In Soviet times, the icon was kept in the storerooms of the Historical Museum.

One of the lists of the Sovereign Icon

The meaning of the icon

According to a number of Orthodox interpreters, the symbolic meaning of the appearance of the icon "Sovereign" is that the death of the monarchy and subsequent political events were sent to the Russian people as part of the punishment for multiple sins, and in particular, for breaking the Cathedral oath of 1613, but the Mother of God herself keeps symbols of royal power, which gives hope for repentance and the revival of Russia and the Russian state. In the akathist to the icon, in particular, it says "Rejoice, for you always inspire us to wash away your sins with tears of repentance."

Recent history

In 1990 the icon was returned to Kolomenskoye.
After the unification of the Russian Church and the Russian Church Abroad, in August 2007 the icon was transported to Russian parishes in Europe, America and Australia.

In 2003 and 2014. the icon, together with the Port Arthur icon, was brought to the Portuguese city of Fatima, where in 1917 the Fatima apparitions of the Virgin Mary, significant for the Russian monarchy, took place.

List of the Sovereign Icon in the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral



The icon is the main shrine of the monarchists of Russia.

The restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow began with the installation of a chapel in honor of the icon in 1995; now it is the Temple-Chapel of the Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning" on Prechistenskaya Embankment;
In 2002-2006. in the Monastery in the name of the Holy Royal Passion-bearers in Yekaterinburg, a temple was built in honor of the icon, which burned down in 2010, and in 2013 the Moscow Patriarch Kirill consecrated the foundation of a new one;
In 2012, one more church in honor of the icon was opened on the station square of Yekaterinburg;
Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning" in Chertanovo (Moscow);
Church of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God (St. Petersburg);
Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning" at the center for social rehabilitation of orphans "Helios" (St. Petersburg);
Cathedral in honor of the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God (Gdov);
Temple in honor of the Reigning Mother of God icon in Samara (2008);
Temple of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God in Zhukovsky (Zhukovsky);
Temple in honor of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God (village of Gusino, Smolensk region)
and etc.


O Peace Intercessor, Mati Vsepetaya! With fear, faith and love, falling before your honest icon of Thy Sovereign, we earnestly pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who run to Thee. Pray, merciful Mother of the Light, Thy Son and our God, the Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, may our country be preserved in the world, may affirm our state in prosperity and deliver us from internecine warfare, may strengthen our holy Orthodox Church, and keep it unbelievable from unbelief , schism and heresy. Not imams of more help, except for You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the almighty Christians Intercessor before God, softening His righteous anger. Deliver everyone who pray to You with faith from sinful falls, from evil slander, from hunger, sorrows and diseases. Grant us a spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful life and forsaking of our sins; Yes, everyone, grateful to Your glorious majesty, let us be vouchsafed to the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints let us glorify the most honorable and magnificent name in the Trinity of the glorified God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Magnification of the icon of the Mother of God "Reigning":

We magnify Ty,
Holy Virgin,
God's Chosen Otrokovice,
and we honor the Sovereign image of Thy shrine,
also give great mercy
to all who flow to him with faith.

Troparion to the icon of the Mother of God "Reigning":

The city of Sionsk is exacting,
under Thy cover, Virgin of the Pure, now we are flowing,
and no one else is possible for us,
as if hail is strong, if not the God of existence,
and there is another fortress, if not the mercy of the Lady of the Virgin.

Before Your Sovereign Icon
I stand, embraced in prayer trembling,
And Thy royal face, crowned with a crown,
My affectionate glance attracts to Himself.
In a time of turmoil and glorious cowardice,
Treason, lies, disbelief and evil,
You showed us Your Sovereign Image,
You came to us and meekly uttered:
"I myself took the scepter and the orb,
I myself will hand them over to the King,
I will give the Russian kingdom greatness and glory,
I will nurse, comfort, reconcile everyone. "
Repent, Russia, unfortunate harlot ...
Wash your defiled shame in tears,
Your Intercessor, Heavenly Queen,
He regrets and keeps you and the sinner.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning"

Address: Sobinka, st. Parkovaya, 1A

Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning" on the facade of the temple

The church stands on the banks of the Klyazma River in a park area, not far from the memorial to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and the old Church of the Resurrection.

Entrance to the temple

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning"

The community in Sobinka was restored in 1996, services were held in an adapted building.
In 1996, the construction of a brick church in honor of the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God began on the banks of the Klyazma. In 2006, the Orthodox Cross appeared on the dome of the church.
A two-story quadrangle, completed with a small dome, with a refectory and a bell tower.

, Sobinka
, Lakinsk.
, with. Volosovo.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

Temple in honor of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in Chertanovo (the temple was built, construction and installation works completed on the parish house)

ADDRESS: st. Chertanovskaya, ow. 2, building 2


The temple has been built. Years of construction: 2001-2009.

Architect: Voskresensky I.N.

Designer: Creative workshop of the architect Voskresensky (TMA Voskresensky)

The official website of the temple:

January 2019. Finishing of one of the three blocks of the parish house. Sunday school classes will begin in the new premises in the near future. The parish of the church is actively preparing for the rite of the great consecration.

In 2018 the temple is undergoing work on the interior decoration. Two iconostases for the side chapels are already fully assembled. The masters promise to complete the main, central iconostasis by June. Finishing work in the parish house is nearing completion. It will house administrative and office premises, a prosphora, Sunday schools for children and adults, as well as a large assembly hall, where it is planned to hold both parish events (watching films or festive concerts) and general bishops (conferences or meetings).

Parish news:

History of origin

The first information about the Theotokos branch of Catacomb Christianity dates back to 1990, when open testimony and statements by its members began, including through the all-Union society "Knowledge".

The public organization was headed by Sergei Bolshakov (who had the rank of bishop and the spiritual name Peter in the "Community of the Church of Our Lady of the Transforming"), the spiritual care of both the public and the religious organization was carried out by Archbishop John.

In accordance with the Charter of the public educational organization "Theotokos Center" ("New Holy Russia Foundation"), the main objectives of the activity were: " revival of the best traditions of piety, righteousness; charity, mercy and education; assistance in the establishment of new relationships between people on the basis of humanism, brotherly love, forgiveness and other universal human spiritual values».

The activity was carried out through social and educational work (lectures, talks, conferences, seminars, pilgrimages, educational work in schools, boarding schools, etc.); publishing activity (publication of "The Revelations of the Mother of God" and other literature in accordance with the Law on Press and Mass Media); restoration and construction activities (restoration, construction, opening of shelters, monasteries, hermitages, chapels, etc.); charitable activities; formation of a healthy lifestyle; organization of training and retraining of personnel working in the directions of the "Mother of God Center".

Membership in the foundation could be collective and individual. Individual members of the "Mother of God Center" could be citizens who "share the ideas and statutory goals of the foundation." Many members of the foundation considered themselves to be followers of the Theotokos branch of Orthodoxy, but in general, the public association proclaimed the principle of non-confessional cooperation, its members could be people of different views and confessions.

The number of members of the organization

Membership in the organization was not recorded, so there is no exact data. Some media representatives mistakenly attributed to the members of the Moscow public education fund the sympathizers and parishioners of the religious organization “Community of the Transfiguration Church”, the followers of the Theotokos branch of Orthodoxy who lived in Moscow, as well as in other cities of the Russian Federation.

Publishing activities

The Foundation published books of the Revelation of the Mother of God in Russia and abroad, translations of books about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary around the world (Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje, Montihiari, Schio, etc.), literature dedicated to the spiritual path today. Together with members of the “Community of the Church of Our Lady of the Transforming”, the foundation published and distributed literature dedicated to righteous families.

Termination of activity

According to the current Law on Public Associations, the New Holy Russia Foundation makes repeated attempts to re-register. After another refusal due to "improper paperwork", in 1999 the fund ceases to operate.

The religious organization "The Sovereign Orthodox Church of the Mother of God", its Moscow community, as well as communities in other cities undergo state registration in 1999 in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation and continue to operate to this day. When passing state registration, the Expert Council for conducting a state religious examination under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On freedom of conscience and on religious associations" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1998, No. 565 "On the procedure for conducting state religious expert examination »Within six months conducted an examination of the PCMD activity. At the same time, written requests were made to the state bodies of the Russian Federation and positive feedback was received on the activities of the PCMD. Based on the expertise and the positive feedback received, a positive conclusion was made on the continuation of the PCMD activity.

Like a rich and fertile land, the fruitful soul of Father Sava was continuously irrigated by numerous streams. By unceasing prayer and intense liturgical life, he drew on the waters of grace, becoming like a tree “planted by the waters outgoing” (Ps. 1: 3). At night he was awake and prayed almost all the time from dusk to dawn. Sleep was sacrificed on the altar of prayer. Standing like an indestructible pillar and holding a rosary in his hand (...) "angelically and in imitation of the angels" (Gregory Palamas) sang the Divine Trinity. Even if the weak flesh began to protest, ready to fall and indulge in sleep, it was held by rings that passed under the arms of Sava's father and tied to a rope, which, in turn, was attached to the ceiling of the cell. This method of keeping oneself standing and staying vigilantly in the stronghold of prayer was used by many great God-lovers (Father Savva, Confessor).

  • All bishops of the PCBMD and almost all of its clergy have a higher secular education, which is also freely received (at will) by members of their families and church parishes. In its Opinion, the state expertise states: "In relations with the world, the Sovereign Orthodox Church of the Mother of God proclaims the strengthening of marriage, family, health, calls for the observance of the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, and encourages the desire for education."

The "Theotokos Center" aims to create a theocratic state in the expanses of the former USSR - "New Holy Russia".

  • There is not a single fact confirming that the foundation employees or church members were engaged in real political activity either during the foundation's existence or after its closure. According to the followers of the BC, this logic leads critics to accuse the traditional preaching of the Orthodox understanding of Russia as the “House of the Most Holy Theotokos”, led by the Mother Superior Mother Mary, of trying to “change the constitutional order”.

Bereslavsky calls modern Russia "the empire of world evil."

There is a negative attitude towards many achievements of scientific and technological progress. ... It is characteristic to treat women as second-class people, the feminine principle is recognized as sinful (although the path to salvation is open for a woman, it is much more difficult than for a man).

  • Repeated checks have established that there are no facts of infringement of civil rights and freedoms among the members of the "Mother of God Center" fund or the public organization "New Holy Russia Fund", as well as members of the PCBMD. Critics of BC are unfamiliar with the words of the Gospel: “Do not love the world, nor what is in the world: whoever loves the world, in that is not the love of the Father(1 John 2:15). ”, As well as with numerous sayings of St. Fathers and Orthodox ascetics on this topic.

The first duty of a husband is to love his wife, to love sincerely, as himself, and even more. Few husbands are capable of loving their wives like that. One should love a wife (similarly) as the Mother of God. ... A spouse has a duty of love to his wife: to love her as oneself. The wife has a duty of love to her husband: to answer him with the same love - tenderly, sacrificially, mercifully, to be his assistant and his adviser.


At the same time, the Theotokos Church, as an Orthodox new religious movement, wants to be as patriotic and national, as well as historically rooted as the official Orthodox Church. At least the Tver community managed to do this with the emotionality and straightforwardness characteristic of the Church of the “modern prophet” John (Bereslavsky) (similar to the simplicity and straightforwardness, as well as the conviction of the elder played by Pyotr Mamonov in the film “The Island”). The paradox of such NRMs is that they, in their most radical and unusual form, show the true face of popular Orthodoxy with all its miracles and historical heroes that save people from disease, poverty and surrounding despair. At the same time, the followers of the Theotokos Orthodoxy were able to confess Orthodoxy in the form in which they imagine it.
  • Writer, publicist and human rights activist Zoya Krakhmalnikova on the divine service of the Sovereign Mother of God Orthodox Church held in the Moscow House of Culture:
... both archbishops served the same Divine Liturgy, as if expanding its canonical framework and introducing prayers and sermons about Russia. At the same time, the canon was not violated, on the contrary, it was creatively, theologically and liturgically enriched - each clergyman, whether archbishop, priests or deacons, contributed their personal prayer and theological experience to the general liturgy. And the service was so harmonious, so organic, apparently, because everyone who served, and the stage was filled with the clergy, carried, like a gift, their fire of faith and love into this common service, multiplying its saving meaning. ... It was a fiery liturgy: the whole huge hall lived a common life, and each of us, shaken by Christ's love for us and our love for Him and each other, became one Church, and therefore the Body of Christ ...
  • Mikhail Sitnikov, journalist, member of the Council of the International Association for Religious Freedom:

Notes (edit)

  2. The Sovereign Orthodox Church of the Mother of God - the Theotokos branch
  3. St. Petersburg University publication
  4. Theotokos center // Dictionary "Christian dissent"
  5. On the national threat to Russia from destructive religious organizations: Analytical Bulletin / Federal Assembly - Parliament of the Russian Federation: Analytical Directorate. Series: "Defense and Security - 8" .- Issue 28.- M., 1996
  6. Informational material "To a report on the social and medical consequences of the impact of some religious organizations on the health of the individual, family, society and measures to provide assistance to victims" (1996) / Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation // Service of religious information "Metaphrasis". Special issue for the First Congress of Diocesan Missionaries, November 1996 - pp. 5-12
  7. Final statement of the participants of the Russian scientific-practical conference "Totalitarian sects (destructive cults) and human rights" (St. Petersburg, January 11-12, 1996) // Missionary Review (Belgorod) .- 1996.- No. 3.- P. 4-6.
  8. The pastoral word. Conversations, sermons, thoughts about the Christian family
  9. A short catalog of books published by the funds "Bogorodichny Center" and "New Holy Russia"
  10. Sovereign Mother of God Orthodox Church (official site)
  11. Photo: Religious procession at the White House, August 1991
  12. "The trend, however." Quotes from speeches at the Round Table "Religious policy of the Russian authorities before and after the incident in the synagogue on Bolshaya Bronnaya"
  13. Letter of gratitude from the "Committee for the Rescue of Youth" N28 / 11 from 17.03.1998
  14. Letter of gratitude from the "Committee for the Rescue of Youth" N28 / 77 of 22.07.1996.
  15. S. Buryanov. Xenophobia, intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 2006 - first half of 2007 Part I.
  16. CONCLUSION OF AN EXPERT COUNCIL FOR CONDUCTING STATE RELIGIOUS EXPERTISE UNDER THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION On the doctrine and corresponding practice, history and forms of activity of the Orthodox Church of the Mother of God Reign of 25.02.1999.
  18. Certificate of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation dated 11/13/1998
  19. Alexander Shchipkov. Political inversions of religious consciousness. Independent newspaper. 12/09/1993
  20. Complete Church Slavonic dictionary (with the introduction of the most important Old Russian words and expressions), comp. Priest Master Grigory Dyachenko
  21. Open ch. 17: 1, 5
  22. "Unknown Pages of Russian History". 1998 year
  23. “Sleep is death. Sleep grounded, and continuous vigil leads beyond the boundaries of life-death, earth-sky. The awake one is attracted to the spheres of the Mother of God and, as it were, is taken to heaven alive. (Reverend) Nil Sorsky slept while sitting, and in order to sleep shallowly while sitting, he cut out long sticks for himself, with which he propped up his shoulders. " “The triad of VIGILATION, FASTING AND PRAYER is inseparable: you omit one thing - and the fullness of the path disappears, and with it grace. But observe at least one thing. Difficulty fasting (family interferes) - do not sleep at night. The vigil is great before God. It already in this life raises to heaven. (...) At night it is good to put 150 bows to the Mother of God, and then read 24 prayers of Chrysostom with bows (they are instead of the rule) ... "
  24. Ibid: “While such times are that, first of all, your cell, furnish the room as before ((subst: stress)) is false. The most insignificant piece of furniture is spiritual evidence, an aspect of worship and incense. There is a secular book on the shelf, which means you are reading the black gospel, for this book is the chapter of that satanic scripture. A black figurine of a Buddhist god hangs on the wall - it means that this is your idol, even if you do not worship him. Simple furniture, images and books - and nothing else. As little as possible electric light and more lamps, candles. " “A heretic is worthy of compassion, just like an atheist. The atheist dug a hole for himself. Can you think of a more terrible sentence than to consider yourself a piece of meat that must rot in the ground? The heretic received the crooked zodiacal ray of Christ: he, too, is called, attracted - and nothing more. Bring him to the altar of the Lord! Get strong in Orthodoxy so that you can love heretics without a secret deal with your conscience! The elders believe that whoever brought three heretics to the Church goes through the afterlife ordeals without hindrance. This feat is so difficult and pleasing to the Lord - to bring a heretic into the Church. "
  25. Orthodox Review "Russian Resurrection"
  26. Confessor Father Savva. The sixth book of the series "Images of Modern Athos"
  27. Conclusion of the Expert Council for the State Religious Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation On the doctrine and corresponding practice, history and forms of activity of the Sovereign Orthodox Church of the Mother of God of February 25, 1999
  28. Theotokos cathedrals - the luminosity of heavenly love
  29. New Holy Russia, the main section of the official website of the PCBMD
  30. Antonio A. Borelli. FATIM'S NEWS: Tragedy or Hope? Translation from French. Vl. Zelinsky, 1995
  31. “God wished the deification of man, the return to him of His image and likeness. Satan decided to kill the human in man through the cult of reason: the reverse operation was carried out to transform a person not into a chosen angel, but into a homunculus angel. No instincts, no gender, no living life - forgive me, Lord! The age of technology is the temporary triumph of the Antichrist. The enemy has accomplished something opposite to the Divine plan for man. " Archbishop John. Penitential fire
  32. Archbishop John. CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE. From Sermons on the Gospel, 1996
  33. Materials from the publications of the public educational fund "Theotokos Center" and "New Holy Russia", as well as the instructions of Archep. John and the priests of the Orthodox Church of the Mother of God Reigning about family problems and gender relations, see “The Pastoral Word. Conversations, sermons, thoughts about the Christian family "

The Orthodox Cathedral belongs to the Moscow diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, located at the intersection of st. Chertanova and Sumy passage. The structure is distinguished by the elegance of the hipped-roof style architecture. The first cathedral (wooden), divided into two tiers, was born in 1997 at the request of the local Orthodox community in need of divine services.

The main shrine is the "Sovereign" icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, in addition, the relics of St. Andrew the First-Called and the Monk Great Martyr Anastasia are kept here.

Church of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in Chertanovo

Construction history

Chertanovskaya area is located in the south of the capital, it entered the city limits in 1960. The area received its name from a small village located here since the 18th century. The construction of the "Sovereign" Cathedral in Chertanovo was preceded by an amazing history.

  • In the early 90s, a resident of the area repeatedly observed a bright glow on the site where a brick church stands today. The sign prompted the righteous woman to organize an Orthodox community, which was able to persuade the city authorities to allocate a place for the construction of a religious building.
  • The construction of the wooden cathedral "Reigning" icon of the Mother of God began in 1997, in the same year it was solemnly consecrated. It soon became clear that the newly-minted chapel-church could not accommodate all believers wishing to participate in divine services.
  • In 2001, the first stone of a two-tier brick church was laid; construction was completed in 2013. Throughout the entire period of work, the drawings were repeatedly changed. At the end, an elegant five-domed cathedral, consisting of three chapels, appeared before the clergy and the community.
  • The architecture of a religious building combines well fragments of different heights, slender tents with a lowered and overall roof, as well as straight lines with curved outlines. The harmonious church accommodates 1,500 parishioners and is considered the largest religious building in Moscow.

The name of the church is associated with the event of the appearance of this miraculous image near the settlement of Kolomenskoye.

Temple icon on the facade of the Sovereign Church in Chertanovo

  • On the day when the last Tsar of Russia (1917) abdicated the throne, the righteous parishioner heard in a dream the command to make a large black icon in red. In another dream, a snow-white church with the Mother of God seated on a building ceased to her. The peasant woman, realizing the omen, went to the Ascension Cathedral.
  • In the basement of the temple, the brethren found the desired holy face, which seemed black from a large layer of basement dirt. After ablution, the image of the Mother of God with a scepter and orb in her right hands, with a majestic crown on her head, shone on the icon. The robes of the Blessed Virgin were red, and the Christ child sat on his knees. Since that time, the face has been kept in the Ascension Cathedral, in the Chertanovsky Church there is a list.
On a note! The "sovereign" icon is the main shrine of the cathedral. Since the time of its acquisition, the holy face has been patronizing the Russian rulers. He heals serious illnesses, helps to overcome life difficulties and financial problems. Before the Heavenly Queen, they pray for peace in the state and the absence of wars, and also ask to pacify anger and ridiculous enmity.

Current activity

In 2018, work is underway to finish the interior decoration. The work on two iconostases for additional (side) annexes is almost completed. The finishing in the parish house, where the prosphora, Orthodox schools, an assembly hall and an office will be located, is approaching the final stage.

Interior of the Church of the Icon of Our Lady Sovereign in Chertanovo

  • Abbot Mitrofan, together with volunteers, makes various donations for a drug treatment clinic, an orphanage and kindergartens.
  • The parish runs a Sunday school, and pilgrims often travel to holy places.
  • Within the walls of the temple there is a charitable dining room, where disadvantaged and infirm people receive hot food. The tradition has continued for 15 years, but the tables were originally located in the open air.

Since 2004, a family choir has been operating at the church, which is considered an important part of parish life. He takes part in divine services every week, and also congratulates veterans, orphans and disabled people in the relevant organizations, where the community sends donations.

How to get there

The Church of the "Sovereign" icon is located in the capital, at the address: st. Chertanovskaya, house number 2 (building 2).

The cathedral opens the gates for the laity every day, the Divine Liturgy is performed at 9:00, and the evening service with the rite of confession takes place at 19:00.

The baptism ritual is scheduled for the weekend.

To get to the "Sovereign" temple, from the Chertanovskaya metro station, take trams # 1 (# 16) or buses # 28 (# 189) to the Sumskaya proezd stop. The temple is located a hundred meters from the road, to the left of it there is a large pond.

The construction of the cathedral of the "Reigning" icon was accompanied by a miraculous sign. The Moscow clergy allowed to build in Chertanovo, first a wooden, and then a brick church. Today the parish is actively involved in social activities, helping orphans and the poor; Orthodox services are held here every day.

Temple of the Reigning Mother of God in Chertanovo