Calendar protection. The safest days from pregnancy: how to calculate? Calendar method of pregnancy prevention: safe days. What are dangerous and safe days of the cycle

Modern means of contraception against unwanted pregnancy are divided into the following types of contraception: hormonaltablets and injections, barrier contraceptives,like a condom , intrauterine devicesor "spiral" , natural methods of contraception, including the calendar method of contraception, chemical agents prevention of pregnancy, and surgical methods of contraception.

Contraception (from the Latin "contraceptio" - protection, prevention of conception) - prevention of unwanted pregnancy with the help of various contraceptives.

As is often the case, the most reliable methods of contraception either have unwanted side effects, are difficult to use, or cause irreversible consequences. Therefore, despite its lower reliability, a simple and understandable calendar method of contraception, when used correctly, gives good practical results. What is it?

This method is based on the fact that the maturation of the egg or ovulation occurs in a woman's body in a strictly defined period of the menstrual cycle. With a 28-day cycle, the follicle in the ovary matures on day 14, counting from the first day of menstruation.

It is quite physiological if the moment of ovulation deviates from this period by 1-2 days. A mature egg retains the ability to fertilize for about one day, after which it dies. Spermatozoa can be in the female genital tract for 3-4 days. Therefore, the most dangerous period for unwanted pregnancy or favorable for conception is 9-16 day of the cycle.

Temperature method of contraception

For a more accurate determination of the day of ovulation, especially if the cycle is irregular, you can use the temperature method - keeping a graph of basal temperature. The temperature method is based on a sharp change in the hormonal ratio in a woman's body and a jump in basal temperature at the time of ovulation. The essence of the method is clear from the figure:

Measurement of the concentration of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones in morning urine most reliably determines the moment of ovulation. But it requires the use of either less accurate tests or more accurate laboratory tests.

What methods of contraception are used in an emergency

Emergency contraception is used after unprotected intercourse, unsuccessful or inappropriate use of contraceptives, or after sexual assault. There are two such methods:

  1. Emergency contraceptive pills
  2. Copper-containing intrauterine devices

It should be remembered that they are effective only before pregnancy, within 24 hours or even hours after intercourse.

Contraception after childbirth or abortion

The relevance of contraception for women after childbirth, caesarean section, miscarriage or abortion is due to the fact that the ability to conceive can recover quickly, but the uterine lining is injured and the woman's body is under stress. Therefore, during this period, pregnancy is not just undesirable, but contraindicated!

Lactational amenorrhea method

This physiological method of contraception after pregnancy and childbirth is based on the absence of ovulation during breastfeeding. Its deep natural meaning lies on the surface: feed the baby first, and then think about the next pregnancy. The method is effective no more than 6 months after childbirth, subject to constant and exclusive breastfeeding without interruption.

The best and safest contraception

New methods of contraception appear every year. And each has advantages and disadvantages, different degrees of reliability and availability. Some of them are preferable for girls just entering life, others are suitable after the age of 40.

Yet the most effective contraceptive is common sense, mutual respect for partners, and an understanding of the physiology of sexual relations. Only in this case, both the calendar method of contraception and the latest methods of preventing pregnancy and family planning will lead to the desired result.

Calendar method without formulas and calculator

The safest time for pregnancy is the first 2-3 days after your period and 3-5 days before your period!

The most favorable time for conception is the middle of the cycle.

Many women prefer to use so-called natural family planning methods, which are based on observing the physiological signs and symptoms of the fertile (when a woman is fertile) and infertile (when a woman is not fertile) phases of the menstrual cycle.

The purpose of this method is to determine the "dangerous" period when the ability to fertilize is highest. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe calendar (or rhythmic) method is simple: avoid sexual intercourse during a period when there is a chance of getting pregnant. The rest of the time, you can not think about the methods of contraception and do not use any of them.

Successful application of these methods requires self-discipline and careful record keeping, in addition, it is not a method of contraception, but a method to determine the fertile period, abstinence from intercourse during this time helps to prevent pregnancy.

Natural family planning methods

Can be applied:

  • women who cannot use other methods;
  • women with regular menstrual cycles;
  • couples who do not use other methods for religious or philosophical convictions;
  • couples willing to avoid sexual intercourse for more than a week during each cycle;
  • couples in conditions where modern contraceptive methods are not available.

This method is far from ideal - for every 100 women who use natural contraception, there are 10-15 cases of unwanted pregnancies per year. In addition, the calendar method of protection cannot be used with an irregular menstrual cycle. And abstaining from sexual intercourse, naturally, can complicate a woman's life.

How it works

Determination of the onset and duration of the period of possible conception is carried out based on the duration of the menstrual cycle over the last 8-12 months (no less!). The beginning of the dangerous period is calculated by subtracting the number 18 from the duration of the shortest cycle (for example, in 12 months, the shortest cycle had a duration of 26 days, so the beginning of the fertile period falls on the 8th day of the cycle).

The end of the dangerous period is calculated by subtracting the number 11 from the duration of the longest cycle (for example, in 12 months, the longest cycle had a duration of 30 days, so the end of the fertile period occurs on the 19th day of the cycle). Thus, the period of possible conception begins on the 8th day of the cycle, and ends on the 19th (in the given example, the menstrual cycle cannot be called absolutely regular, therefore the duration of the fertile period was 11 days). With this period, sexual intercourse without the risk of conception is possible until the 8th day of the cycle (it begins on the 1st day of menstruation) and after the 19th.

It is necessary to avoid intercourse during the "dangerous period", or use additional methods of contraception (condom, spermicide), in extreme cases, resort to emergency postcoital contraception.

For the calculation, you can use the table:

Your shortest cycle was (number of days) Your first fertile (dangerous) day Your longest cycle was (number of days) Your last fertile (dangerous) day
21 3 21 10
22 4 22 11
23 5 23 12
24 6 24 13
25 7 25 14
26 8 26 15
27 9 27 16
28 10 28 17
29 11 29 18
30 12 30 19
31 13 31 20
32 14 32 21
33 15 33 22
34 16 34 23
35 17 35 24
21 3 21 10

Example of using the table

The menstrual cycle is 27 to 33 days. In the table you need to find the shortest cycle - 27 days and determine the first "dangerous" day (in this case - 9 days after the onset of menstruation). Next, you need to find the longest cycle - 33 days and determine the last "dangerous" day (in our example, 22 days after the onset of menstruation). Thus, the "dangerous period" will be from 9 to 22 days of the menstrual cycle (counting from the 1st day of the last menstruation).

The reliability of the method is the less, the greater the difference between the longest and the shortest menstrual cycle in the last 8-12 months. For women with irregular cycles, this method is generally unacceptable.

Surely every woman had the question of how to protect herself from unwanted conception. Medicine knows several ways to help prevent the meeting of the sperm with the egg, but not all of them are reliable and deserve the approval of specialists. Consider possible options for how to avoid unplanned conception.

Protection methods

  • Taking medicines.
  • Use of ointments and gels.
  • Condom use.
  • Calendar method of prevention.
  • Temperature method.
  • Examination of vaginal discharge.
  • Testing method.
  • Diagnostics with an ultrasound device.

Of all the proposed methods, perhaps the most unreliable is the calendar one. Let's consider in as much detail as possible its description, advantages, disadvantages and methods of use.

Calendar method of contraception

This method owes its appearance to the Austrian Knaus and the Japanese Ogino. It was they who proposed this method in the twenties of the twentieth century. The calendar method of protection consists in a clear calculation of the most dangerous days and abstinence from sexual intercourse at this time.

It should be said that the effectiveness of this method is rather low. Many women around the world who use this particular method learn about pregnancy every day.

Who is this method suitable for?

If you want to use the calendar method of contraception, then first you need to determine whether you have a regular menstrual cycle. This method of contraception can only be useful for women with an established cycle.

Also, for the calculation, you will need information about your monthly periods for the last year. If all the conditions are met, then you can proceed to the calculation of dangerous days.


In order to calculate the calendar method of protection correctly, you will need a sheet of paper, a calendar, a pen and a calculator. Write down all your cycles in the past year. There are two ways to help you figure out the dangerous days for conception. Let's consider each of them.

Option one: cycles per year

In order to use the calendar method of preventing unwanted pregnancies, the calculation must be made with the utmost care and take into account each cycle for the indicated time.

So, note how long the longest and shortest cycle was in the past year. After that, subtract eleven days from more days. As a result, you will get a certain day of the cycle, until which dangerous days are observed. To find out the day from which it is necessary to start abstaining from sexual intercourse, it is necessary to subtract eighteen days from the shortest cycle.


Your shortest cycle is 27 days. The longest is 36 days. As a result, you should have the following calculations:

  • 36-11 \u003d 25 (this is the day on which the dangerous moments for conception end).
  • 27-18 \u003d 9 (day of the beginning of the fertile period).

So, as a result, it turns out that from 9 to 25 days you should refrain from sexual intercourse.

Option two: accounting for three months

Not every woman can easily remember all her cycles for a year, and even more so calculate their duration. It is for such persons that this method of calculation was created.

Remember and write down the duration of the last three cycles. Then calculate the average. You need to add the number of days together and divide by three. The resulting number is the average.

Next, you need to carry out the following calculations. Subtract 14 days from the resulting figure. You will get the average day of ovulation. A week before the expected fertile day, you must refrain from contact. A female cage lives on average for three days. Therefore, during this time after ovulation, it is also worth refraining from sexual intercourse.

Pros and cons

It is worth noting that, like any other, this method has its drawbacks and advantages.


  • does not require unnecessary spending of funds;
  • there is no need to use additional contraception;
  • easy to use.


  • long-term (about two weeks) abstinence from sexual intercourse;
  • inaccuracy in calculations;
  • the onset of pregnancy due to a slight malfunction in the body.

Reviews of women

Female opinions on this method of contraception fell into two categories.

For some, the calendar method of protection has only positive reviews. Such ladies have been using a similar calculation of dangerous days for a long time and avoid conception.

Others say that the calendar method of contraception is very unreliable. These women include those who used a similar calculation and still ended up being pregnant.

Experts' opinions

What do doctors and experienced gynecologists think about this?

Most obstetricians and gynecologists urge women to be wiser and more responsible for their health. According to statistics, out of a thousand of the fair sex using this method, about three hundred find themselves in an interesting position. Why is this happening?

"Failures" of the calendar method

Quite often it happens that a woman has made a calculation and uses the calendar method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The table in this case clearly works up to a certain point. A minor malfunction in the work of the female body can lead to the premature onset of ovulation, or, conversely, to the delayed release of the egg. In this case, the chosen method of protection turns out to be completely ineffective. What are the reasons for this failure?

Fertile days are shifted for many reasons. Most often these include:

  • colds;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • long trips;
  • vacation and climate change;
  • banal poisoning and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal diseases;
  • infections and inflammation of the genital organs.


The calendar method of contraception is not officially recognized by doctors, but everyone knows about its existence. Most gynecologists strongly recommend not using this method in order to avoid the onset of conception.

Despite the fact that doctors are opposed to this method, many doctors accept this method as counting fertile days for planning pregnancy. It turns out that the calendar method of calculating dangerous days is very effective when planning a child. At the same time, it is dangerous to use as protection against unplanned pregnancy.

Monitor your health. If you want to properly protect yourself and protect yourself as much as possible from unplanned conception, then you should first visit a specialist. It is the doctor who will be able to answer all your questions and choose the right method of contraception, taking into account the wishes and individual characteristics of the body.

Millions of women are constantly taking hormones to prevent pregnancy. Thus, they not only disrupt their hormonal balance, but also lose touch with their natural cycle. Protection and protection with condoms is also not loved by everyone. Some of the fairer sex choose natural methods of contraception as an alternative. One of these methods is the calendar method of protection.

Austrian Knaus and Japanese Ogino are considered the inventors of this method. It has been used for a long time, since the twenties of the last century.

What is the calendar method?

Not everyone knows that women are only able to get pregnant a few hours a month (about 24 hours). This happens at the time of ovulation. The calendar method calculates the ovulation period, that is, the most favorable time for conception. Unprotected sex is not allowed on these days. The rest of the days are considered safe, that is, proximity is permissible without additional protection. But it should be borne in mind that sperm can be in the vagina for up to 7 days, so the safe period is usually about 15-20 days.

How to create and use a calendar correctly?

To create a calendar, you need to know exactly the length of your menstrual cycle. One cycle covers the period from the first day of menstrual bleeding to the last day before the next period. But this is not enough to obtain reliable information. By itself, the calendar method is not very reliable and in a large number of women leads to an unwanted pregnancy.

An advanced version of the calendar method is the MCI (fertility recognition method). The method of natural regulation of conception (ERP) involves taking into account the following factors:

  • basal temperature;
  • changes in vaginal mucus;
  • position of the cervix and the degree of its dilatation.

MCI helps to more accurately determine the onset of ovulation, since it is during this period that certain symptoms appear:

  • basal temperature rises to 37 degrees;
  • the vaginal secretion becomes thick, viscous, similar to egg white;
  • the cervix opens slightly and softens slightly.

To calculate safe days using this method, you need to observe and record the days of the menstrual cycle and related information for at least 1 year. Only in this situation can you get your own calendar with which you can really calculate the safe days of the cycle.

A woman can use an ordinary notebook to draw up a calendar. You should draw a grid showing the month, numbers, and highlight the days of the menstrual cycle in a specific color. The result is a table with the required data. By observing for several months, it is possible to determine the average duration of the cycle and calculate the day of the release of a mature egg from the follicle, that is, a period that is especially favorable for conception.

The days after the end of ovulation are considered absolutely safe. After 24 hours, the egg dies, and fertilization becomes physically impossible. During this period, the couple can have sex without additional contraception.

The period from 1 to 7 days of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle) are considered safe enough. At this time, the endometrium is rejected, and menstrual bleeding occurs. Many couples refuse sex during this period for hygiene reasons.

The period from 7 to 14 days of the cycle is the time for the maturation of the follicles and the selection of the dominant one among them. Sperm cells trapped in a woman's genital tract can remain viable for up to 7 days. Intimacy during this phase can lead to the conception of a child at the time of ovulation. During this period, it is recommended to abstain from sex or use condoms.

Women with an irregular menstrual cycle will have different cycle times, making it harder for them to identify the dangerous period. With an irregular cycle, the easiest days to get pregnant can be calculated as follows. Eighteen are subtracted from the number of days of the smallest cycle, and eleven from the number of days of the longest cycle. The first number will be the beginning of the dangerous period, and the second will be the end. For example:

If, for example, a short cycle lasts 27 days.

  1. Subtract 18 from 27 to get 9.
  2. The longest cycle is 29.
  3. We subtract 11 from 29, it turns out 18.

The period favorable for conception begins on the ninth day of the cycle and ends on the eighteenth. But it is better not to use this method in such cases.

Today there are many special software for PCs, tablets, mobile phones, which greatly facilitate the creation and maintenance of a calendar. It is enough just to download such a program, answer the prompts, enter the necessary information. The program will automatically detect safe days.

There are special tests to confirm the onset of ovulation. With the help of them, you can quickly and accurately make sure that the dangerous period is calculated correctly, and the egg is ready for fertilization.

A chart that can help you quickly identify dangerous days

Select the number in the table that corresponds to your usual cycle time (for example, 27). Alongside are the days when it is best to avoid unprotected sex. In the column next to the number 27, dangerous days are indicated - from the 9th to the 16th, that is, from the 9th day of the cycle from the last menstruation to the 16th day, there is a high probability of becoming pregnant.

Menstrual cycle. Duration in daysDangerous days from the day of the last menstrual period
21 from 3rd to 10th28 from 10th to 17th
22 from 4th to 11th29 from 11th to 18th
23 from 5th to 12th30 from 12th to 19th
24 from 6th to 13th31 from 13th to 20th
25 from the 7th to the 14th32 from the 14th to the 21st
26 from 8th to 15th33 from 15th to 22nd
27 from 9th to 16th

Pros and cons of the calendar method

The calendar method of contraception has the following positive aspects:

  • this method is free;
  • available for most women;
  • safe for everyone who uses the calendar method;
  • the method allows you to have sex without the use of condoms, making the process more enjoyable for both partners.

Negative side:

  • the method does not give a 100% guarantee, there is a risk of getting pregnant;
  • the method requires strict discipline from a woman, observations have to be carried out monthly and data are constantly entered into a table;
  • during ovulation, women have the strongest desire for a man, and it is especially difficult to refuse intimacy these days;
  • this method can only be used by girls with a regular menstrual cycle;
  • this method may not be suitable for couples who do not want to give up sex for a week or more.

In order not to forget to enter data into the calendar, you can use reminders in your phone. Since minor disruptions in the body can introduce inaccuracies in the calculations, one should not rely entirely on the calendar method of contraception during and after a serious illness, severe stress, long journeys, and climate change. At such times, it is better to protect yourself with additional means.

If you could not resist having sex on a dangerous day according to the calendar, there was no condom at hand or it broke, it is better to use emergency contraception. These medicines are available without a prescription, but they do not give a 100% guarantee. The sooner you take the pill, the more effective it will be. But these funds have an undesirable effect on the hormonal background of the girl and can lead to a violation of the regularity of the cycle.

Women all over the world use the calendar method to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Although many gynecologists, in addition to considering this method to be reliable and effective, do not recommend it as a method of contraception. According to experts, this method is more suitable for calculating the optimal period of conception than protection.

How reliable the described method of protection is, each representative of the weaker sex must decide for herself. In any case, this method will not harm, but will help if you regularly keep records and take into account all the nuances: basal temperature, the state of vaginal mucus, and the general psychological state. Using the calendar method of contraception, a woman will remember her cycle, and it will be better to recognize the signals of her body at certain periods.

Today, many couples prefer the calendar method of contraception, considering it the most reliable. By calculating the days and phases of the menstrual cycle, a woman can both avoid unwanted pregnancy and quickly conceive a child if desired. But only with a high accuracy of calculations, this method is considered effective.

What is the action based on

The essence of the concept of the calendar method is to carefully monitor women's health, note changes in discharge and determine the onset of the ovulatory period.

On favorable days, it is not recommended to have sex if the couple is not planning children yet.

It takes two sex cells to conceive, male and female. Only the most tenacious and active spermatozoa are able to get into a woman's body and wait for the release of an egg for up to 7 days. It is this characteristic of male cells that carries the danger of unwanted conception. But at the same time, the female cell is able to perform its function only during the ovulatory period. Hence the popularity of calendar contraception arose.

With any method of contraception, you need to keep a female calendar, recording the characteristics of menstruation, its beginning, end, intensity. This will make it possible to understand whether pregnancy is possible in this cycle or not, because there is not a single 100 percent method of contraception.

Prevention principles

Based on the basic concept of the method, several different approaches to calculating favorable days have been identified. Among them the most the Ogino-Knaus approaches and the symptothermal.

Ogino-Knaus approach

Critical days are considered safe. Having calculated the moment of onset of ovulation, the days of safe intercourse are determined. It is generally accepted that this period falls in the middle of the cycle, two weeks before menstruation. The life of the egg after maturation is no longer than 2 days, and the life of the sperm is 7.

The safe time can be calculated after carefully observing the cycles throughout the year. To do this, take the shortest cycle in duration and subtract the number eighteen from the number of its days. It is this day that will be considered the beginning of a dangerous period.

The end of the ovulatory period is calculated in a different way. Eleven are subtracted from the number of days of the largest menstrual cycle in a year.

These calculations cannot guarantee high accuracy, because the female body is prone to change. For example, after experiencing stress, you can easily get pregnant due to hormonal disruption. Therefore, in addition to mathematical operations, it is also worth considering the symptoms of ovulation and body behavior. Perhaps the Ogino-Knaus method is better suited for those who dream of getting pregnant.

Symptomothermal method

This principle takes the Ogino-Knaus method as a basis, adding some details. They allow you to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, being more effective.

Method details:

The only drawback of this approach is that it requires increased attention to yourself and your body. It is also recommended to consult with a specialist in order to know exactly the meaning of all symptoms.

Pros and cons

With the correct use of the calendar method, conception can be avoided. The woman's health is under close supervision, the onset of ovulation is calculated. Unfortunately, not all girls are recommended to use it.

An unwanted pregnancy with a contraceptive calendar can occur:

  1. If you don't have the time and desire to listen to your body and track all the changes in it.
  2. Failures of critical days.
  3. Menstrual cycles are intermittent.

The symptomothermal method is quite effective in preventing conception. Only 9-40 out of 100 were able to get pregnant unplanned using it. Protection against pregnancy can be enhanced by using interruption of intercourse.

Other advantages of the calendar method of contraceptive:

  1. Convenience and ease of use.
  2. It is cost-free, so absolutely all couples can use it.
  3. There is no harmful effect on the body.
  4. There are no side effects.
  5. There are almost no contraindications.

Before you start using this method, you should think carefully, because it has several disadvantages.

Only those ladies who have learned to understand their body and began to feel the onset of ovulation can rely on it.

Often on women's forums, girls complain that they nevertheless become pregnant unplanned. Therefore, it is not the best choice for families and couples who do not want children yet. It can only be advised to those who dream of a baby.