Prostate gland code according to µb 10. Prostate adenoma. Malignant education: preventive measures

Any diagnosis that is made to a patient during examination has its own designation. Adenoma of the prostate gland according to ICD 10 has the code N40. In medicine, there is a special collection that describes all the codes of diseases. It is called the "International Classifier of Diseases 10th Revision" or ICD 10 for short.

Ease of use of the collection lies in the presence of additional disorders of the body. In order not to record a large number of pathologies, doctors use special designations.

What is prostate adenoma

When making a diagnosis, many patients only know about prostate disease and do not understand the features of the disease. The full name of the disease is “benign prostatic hyperplasia”. In common people it is referred to as "prostate adenoma" or "prostatitis".

The disease is formed in the male reproductive system during the development of the stromal component from the glandular epithelium.

The problem is the gradual enlargement of the nodule that appears in the prostate, which compresses the urethra and makes it difficult to drain fluids from the bladder. In ICD 10, prostate adenoma is classified as class N00-N99, since there are no metastases in the development of BPH.

Who gets the disease

According to expert research, the main spread of the disease occurs in men over 45 years old. At an earlier age, prostatic hyperplasia is extremely rare. The main reason for visiting a doctor is acute pain when urinating. Canal swelling occurs solely due to the person's age and the content of androgens in the blood. However, the exact causes of the formation of the prostate have not yet been identified.

Stages of development of prostate adenoma

Despite the fact that the ICD 10 code for prostate adenoma is a benign disease, the symptoms of the disease depend on the location of the tumor. It affects the contractile function of the bladder in different ways.

In total, there are three stages of BPH:

  • Compensated... It consists in a delay in the onset of the urinary act, after which lethargy is observed with a change in the pressure of the jet. This is especially noticeable at night.
  • Subcompensated... The development of a prostate tumor leads to dysfunction of the urethra. As a result, the bladder contains residual urine, and its walls are compacted. Toilet trips become frequent, with short flow of fluid. There may be rare blood levels in the urine or cloudiness.
  • Decompensated... Ultimately, the constant appearance of residual urine causes severe distension of the bladder walls. Toilet visits become very frequent with drip.

A neglected prostate disease leads to serious dysfunction in the body. Renal failure is a serious consequence.

The patient has dry mouth, weakness, an unpleasant odor of urine, poor appetite, and more.

The main methods of treatment of prostate adenoma

According to ICD 10, BPH code N40 includes many pathologies. The main indicator is enlargement and benign prostate adenoma.

There are several ways to deal with the disease:

Medication... Treatment of prostate adenoma is carried out through the use of drugs. The main agents are inhibitors (blockers) or adrenergic blockers.

Surgical intervention... An operative method of treating the disease, which consists in excision of hyperplastic tissues or even the prostate itself. Operations are divided into open and minimally invasive. The choice of surgery depends largely on the stage of the disease.

Non-operative treatments... With a timely visit to a doctor, you can avoid complex operations or expensive drugs.

In the initial stages, to exclude the further development of prostate adenoma help:

  • balloon dilatation of the prostate;
  • prostatic stents;
  • thermotherapy of the prostate;
  • massage;
  • microwave coagulation;
  • cryodestruction and so on.

Depending on the stage of development of BPH, as well as additional complications, the doctor prescribes certain methods of treating the disease. Self-directed attempts to get rid of prostatitis can lead to complications, one of which is kidney failure.

The start of the disease usually leads to the formation of metastases with the further development of prostate cancer.


Chronic prostatitis according to ICD 10 refers to inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland and has number 41.1. This group includes several more diagnoses such as acute prostatitis or abscess. All these are rather unpleasant pathologies, due to which the sexual function of men suffers. They are not found in the weak half of humanity, because she lacks such an organ as a prostate. Specifically, according to the symptoms, the aggravated form is most severe, the patient during it feels all the manifestations of prostatitis very clearly.

Treating a disease is hard work, especially if it is chronic. A variety of techniques are used for therapy - taking medications, physiotherapy procedures, diet, non-traditional methods (folk medicine, apitherapy, hirudotherapy). The choice of one method or another is behind the doctor, while independent decisions can lead to complications. In our article we will tell you more about the classification of the disease, its symptoms and causes of development, and methods of treatment.

Features of the disease

According to the international classification of the disease or ICD, chronic prostatitis refers to diseases of the male genital organs, or to be more precise, of the prostate gland. The number of prostatitis itself is 41, and along the course it is divided into acute (41.0), chronic (41.1) and unspecified (41.9) forms. The group also includes prostate abscess (41.2), prostatocystitis (41.3) and other inflammatory diseases of the prostate (41.8).

Prostatitis is an inflammatory pathology of the prostate, the genital organ, among the functions of which is the production of a special secretion and control of urination.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Pain when urinating, stinging and burning
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • Increased urge to use the toilet at night
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Weakening of an erection, its disappearance in the morning

For the acute form, an increased temperature and signs of intoxication could be added, but for chr. prostatitis according to ICD 10, such symptoms are not typical. Sometimes even the listed ones do not make themselves felt for months, because of which the patient begins to think that he has recovered. However, this is not the case, inflammation continues to spread through the tissues, and the organ itself is less and less performing its functions. The result of the lack of treatment can be infertility and impotence.

It often happens that due to stagnation of semen in the prostate, microbes begin to multiply in it, or the substance is converted, together with the accumulated salts, into calculi (stones). In the latter case, calculous prostatitis is diagnosed, and it will not be possible to cure it with simple pills. As for the symptoms, the man feels severe pain when walking or sitting for a long time, with sudden movements, shaking.

Sexual inadequacy can lead to the fact that a representative of the stronger sex will develop some kind of complex or develop depression. Therefore, it is important to start treatment on time and monitor the psychological state of the patient, and not pay attention only to the physiological aspects.

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Causes of occurrence

In most cases, prostatitis occurs in men over 40. The older the age, the higher the chances of its development in the stronger sex. Until the age of 40, the disease rarely appears, but recently such a tendency has taken place. Due to the fact that the ICD 10 code for chronic prostatitis is 41.1, we can say that the cause of its development is the inflammatory process. Various factors can provoke it:

  1. Hypothermia
  2. Sedentary lifestyle
  3. Long sexual abstinence
  4. Conscious frequent interruption of intercourse, ejaculation
  5. The presence of inflammation in neighboring organs
  6. Chronic constipation

The cause of the disease can be improper diet and bad habits, hormonal disruption, stress. If the ICD code in chronic prostatitis changes to 41.0, it is possible that an infection was the cause. It enters the body sexually or is carried by blood or lymph flow from an already infected organ of the person himself. Weakened immunity, deficiency of vitamins and trace elements are also called among the culprits of the disease.

They lead to the fact that blood circulation is disturbed and the body's immune response decreases. It becomes easier for pathogenic bacteria to penetrate the tissues of the prostate, and there they begin their harmful activity. When diagnosed with chr. Prostatitis according to the ICD, first of all, the doctor determines its cause. Indeed, in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, antibacterial therapy is necessary, and in case of stagnation, physical activity is required first of all, and not drugs.


To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct several examinations and pass a couple of tests. Before that, the doctor should ask the patient about his complaints, find out his history and conduct an external examination. Chronic prostatitis in men according to ICD 10 is characterized by the presence of an enlarged prostate, sometimes irritation or rashes on the genitals, soreness in the genitals. With the help of research, you can find out what caused the pathology, how much it managed to spread. What the patient needs to do:

  • Pass blood and urine tests (they will determine the presence of inflammation, tumor formations, stones)
  • Donate a sample of prostate secretion (helps to find out its bacterial nature, to assess the response of pathogens to antibiotics)
  • Prostate ultrasound and CT (helps determine if cancer is present)

Sometimes, to exclude the likelihood of the presence of an adenoma or oncology, an organ biopsy has to be done. Spermogram, urodynamic studies, ureteroscopy, etc. are also common.

Possible complications

The long course of the disease almost always ends with some complications. In the absence of timely treatment hr. of prostatitis with ICD code 10 41.1, the patient may experience the following consequences:

  1. Serious urinary disorders, up to acute urinary retention
  2. Development of an abscess (purulent process)
  3. Infertility, whether curable or not
  4. Pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases
  5. Impotence, decreased sex drive

Inflammation can spread to neighboring organs, then the patient will not only have chronic prostatitis, but also vesiculitis, urethritis or cystitis. The most serious complication of pathology is the appearance of malignant neoplasms. They try to avoid this by any means, even by removing part of the organ.

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Treatment methods

Chronic and acute forms of the disease are treated in the same way, except that if you have more symptoms, you need to drink more pills. The rest of the complex includes the same activities: taking medications, visiting procedures, adhering to diet and exercise therapy. Additional techniques include traditional medicine, acupuncture, mud therapy, etc.

Drug therapy

Taking medications is considered the primary concern in the treatment of prostatitis. Only they are able to quickly stop the signs of the disease and eliminate its cause. If there are pathogenic microorganisms in the tissues, it is imperative to take antibiotics. They will help stop the reproduction or destroy bacteria, prevent them from producing harmful substances that poison the body. Antibacterial agents of several pharmacological groups are used:

  • Penicillins
  • Macrolides
  • Tetracyclines
  • Fluoroquinolones
  • Cephalosporins

Each of them has its pros and cons, as well as a fairly large list of side effects, so it is best to deliver an antibiotic choice for HR. prostatitis with ICD code 41.1 to the attending physician. Such medicines as Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Tetracycline are popular. In addition to them, the patient needs to take anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. Their peculiarity is to reduce inflammation, stop pain and reduce local temperature.

Among NSAIDs, Ibuprofen and Diclofenac are considered effective. They should be taken strictly according to the instructions. the opposite can lead to adverse reactions. Muscle relaxants and alpha-blockers help facilitate urination and improve urine flow. However, unlike other drugs, their effect begins only after a couple of weeks. To eliminate symptoms, a specialist can prescribe rectal suppositories that can have any of the listed effects: pain relief, relieve inflammation and edema, get rid of dysuria, etc.

Suppositories are considered a fairly effective treatment because when they are introduced, useful substances enter the prostate after a couple of minutes (it is separated from the anus by a thin wall). The most popular drugs among the locals are Prostatilen, Propolis DN, candles with ichthyol and sea buckthorn oil.

Physiotherapy procedures

Each patient should try to undergo the procedures, because many of them help increase the effectiveness of the pills. What exactly is used for chronic prostatitis:

  1. Electrical stimulation (helps to tone the genitals, improves blood circulation, but is quite painful)
  2. Laser therapy (allows crushing stones in the prostate, improves metabolism, helps tissue healing)
  3. Magnetotherapy (normalizes blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration)
  4. Ultrasound therapy (positively affects the reproductive system, improves metabolism)

Separately, here it is worth mentioning prostate massage, with the help of which you can not only eliminate prostatitis, but also prevent its appearance. It can be carried out at home and in the hospital, as it is more convenient for anyone. If there is a loved one who is ready to massage for you, you can do it at home. Before starting the sessions, be sure to ask your doctor about the correct technique for conducting, as well as how to properly prepare for the massage.

It should be repeated every other day, the duration of the method should not exceed 2 minutes. If during the procedure the patient feels severe pain, discomfort, it is worth stopping the procedure and changing it to an indirect massage. It is forbidden to perform it with an exacerbation of inflammation, as well as in the presence of hemorrhoids.

Physical therapy can also be attributed to physical effects. It is especially relevant in the chronic course of prostatitis, when fluid stagnation is fraught with complications. Classes should be repeated daily, giving them only 10-15 minutes. Among the exercises you should pay attention to the "Bicycle", "Birch", "Scissors", "Bridge", swings and inclinations, step in place. You should not lift weights, strongly strain the pelvis.


Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis have a huge variety. Healing plants and herbs can be used independently, in the form of herbal preparations, taken orally or used to make microclysters, rectal suppositories. Acceptance of decoctions and tinctures must be agreed with the doctor, because some of them may not be compatible with the medications you are taking. According to ICD cron. prostatitis belongs to diseases of the reproductive system, so it will be useful for men to take medications that increase potency and eat foods that have the same effect.

To increase erectile function, the stronger sex should eat more zinc-rich foods: pumpkin seeds, seafood (oysters, squid), nuts, buckwheat.

Among plants for prostatitis, you can prepare decoctions of nettle, celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile, calamus and burdock roots, rose hips, hazel bark, etc. Alcohol tinctures may be allowed to be taken in the chronic form of the disease, but with an exacerbation they cannot be treated. You can find some ready-made products in pharmacies if you are too lazy to prepare them. Their cost is not high, so you should keep them in mind.


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The classification of the disease "Prostatitis ICD" exists in order to fully and qualitatively assess the situation with respect to prostate diseases in men. For the statistical analysis of this data, there are entire departments in medical institutions that check the correctness of the coding of any disease and draw up statistical reports. Based on these reports, a conclusion is made about the quality of medical care and its effectiveness.

N41 - ICD prostatitis code. This is a general code of a pathological condition, which does not indicate a complication and speaks only of an inflammatory process of the prostate. In most cases, this code is displayed when signs of inflammation and ambiguous conclusions about the age of the process are detected.

Acute prostatitis ICD 10 is coded with code N41. 0. Often this code indicates an acute process that responds well to treatment. This condition is associated with bacterial inflammation and requires immediate antibiotic therapy.

N41.1. - ICD 10 code, which indicates the presence of inflammation of the prostate gland for more than 6 months, which means the chronization of the process.

You can often see the diagnosis “Chr. prostatitis ", which is exposed by a urologist and requires constant dispensary supervision of a doctor and passing physiotherapy procedures once every six months.

N41.2. - the international code of prostatitis, which is accompanied by abscess formation. Often, such a complication accompanies an acute process without adequate pathogenetic therapy prescribed on time.

The prevalence of chronic prostatitis ICD 10 is very high. This is due to the fact that most men do not want to undergo preventive examinations once a year with a urologist. The situation is aggravated by constant hypothermia, which contribute to the appearance of the disease and its latent course. At the same time, there is often a decrease in sexual function, depression of mood, impaired urination. In the absence of medical care, the disease progresses and may end with the formation of benign or malignant changes in the prostate.

Acute prostatitis is very rare and is often associated with bacterial damage to the gland. More often these are staphylococci, streptococci. These microorganisms do not cause a gradual dysfunction, as in the case of a chronic course of the disease, but a sharp and sudden pathological condition. In the case of the provision of proper medical care, the chronicity of the process is rare, but failure to provide assistance in the first 24-48 hours can lead to complications that will even entail surgical removal of the gland.

The classification of prostatitis with the ICD 10 codes allowed not only to improve and clarify the types and complications of this disease, but also contributed to the solution of this problem at the state level.

Now in each clinic there is a urologist who, thanks to his qualifications, can provide the necessary assistance in time to maintain men's health.

Due to the simplification of diagnostics and advanced training of employees on the issue of non-specific inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, prostatitis has a positive trend towards a decrease in the frequency of the disease among the population of the country.

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Prostatitis is one of the most common problems in urology. For this reason, it is important for the doctor to know the classification of the disease, this helps to correctly diagnose and determine the tactics of treating the patient.

This pathology is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, affecting in most cases men over 50 years old. Usually, prostatitis is chronic and is associated with an adenoma of the gland; acute inflammation is quite rare.

The disease is triggered by stagnation in the prostate, which creates an ideal environment for pathogenic microflora. In the pathogenesis, the presence of concomitant chronic pathologies is important, as well as the peculiarities of the patient's lifestyle.

Inflammation of the prostate in the international classification of diseases has a place under section N 41. This heading consists of subheadings that help to accurately formulate the diagnosis, determine the treatment tactics that will be most effective for the existing form of pathology.

Section N 41 in the international classification of diseases has 6 subsections.

Acute inflammation is not common usually affects young men... They will complain of frequent urge to go to the toilet, pain in the perineal region, aggravated during urination.

Also, yellowish filamentary impurities will be observed in the urine, and blood may be released along with the sperm.

A distinctive feature of acute prostatitis is that the general condition of the patient also suffers. Patients become lethargic, weak, possibly fever. Sexual function often suffers, which can ultimately lead to infertility.

This condition often requires hospitalization, as there is a high risk of serious complications..

Acute prostatitis in ICD 10 is coded as follows - N 41.0.

How do you know that prostatitis has begun?

Chronic prostate inflammation is much more common, especially in older men... Therefore, xp. prostatitis in ICD has a separate subsection.

With this course of the disease, patients will observe its periodic exacerbation, during which they will have complaints of painful sensations of an aching nature, mainly in the perineum. Possible irradiation of pain in the lower back or the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner thigh.

With relapses, there are complaints of discomfort during urination and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent nighttime urges. The symptom of "wet shoes" is characteristic, in which residual drops after urine discharge remain on the shoes.

ICD code 10 for chronic prostatitis N 41.1, this form is often associated with prostate adenoma. This should be remembered, because such patients need to be constantly under the supervision of a specialist in order to prevent malignancy of the process.

Read articles about treating bacterial and infectious prostatitis in men.

This complication can be triggered by both poorly treated acute prostatitis and other causes.

For example, infectious diseases of the genitourinary and other systems of the body, some surgical interventions.

An abscess of the prostate gland is under code N 41.2 and is characterized by the formation of a purulent cavity in the tissues of the prostate.

In addition to severe pain in the perineal region, patients' general condition will significantly worsen.

An abscess is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body, which is manifested by weakness, high body temperature, rapid heart rate and respiratory rate.

If untreated, there is a very high risk of an abscess bursting into the abdominal cavity and pelvic area, which can provoke an extremely dangerous condition - inflammation of the peritoneum, or peritonitis. In such cases, the disease is often fatal, so hospitalization and treatment should not be delayed.

Code N 41.3 reserved for the pathology of prostatocystitis, in which the inflammatory process is localized in the prostate gland and bladder. The clinical picture is characterized by the presence of symptoms of acute prostatitis and cystitis at the same time.

The above symptoms are accompanied by complaints of characteristic pain of a dagger after the completion of the act of urination, as well as the release of blood in the urine.

This encryption in medicine is used quite rarely and in cases where the patient is diagnosed with asymptomatic prostatitis or an aseptic inflammatory process of the organ.

Subsection N 41.9 includes prostatitis of unspecified etiology. In such cases, specialists fail to identify the causative agent of the disease, or patients have a symptom of chronic pelvic pain.

In such situations, it is also not possible to determine the cause of the disease.

Learn from this article how to do a massage at home.

This disease occurs very often in males and can cause various serious complications.

The international classification is of great importance in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate of any etiology, since the ICD 10 code of prostatitis makes it possible to determine the type of ailment as accurately as possible, formulate a diagnosis and conduct an effective therapy of pathology.

The ICD 10 contains such a disease as prostatitis under the number 41. Also under the number 41.0 is indicated acute prostatitis.

According to the method of dividing diseases of one group according to their origin, favorite by doctors, there are quite a few types of prostatitis: chlamydial, bacterial, candidal, mixed, etc. They are all united by a rather similar clinical picture.

In the international directory of tenth generation diseases, prostatitis is divided into several main types:

  • sharp (N 41.0);
  • chronic (41.1);
  • unspecified (41.9)

Of these, the first two are of greatest interest.

In the international classification of diseases, this ailment is numbered 41.0. This means that he is characterized by a rather aggressive symptomatic picture.

As a rule, men have to experience the following sensations:

  1. Pain in the perineum, lower back, groin.
  2. Very frequent and incomplete urination.
  3. Nocturia.
  4. Fever and accompanying symptoms (dizziness, headache, etc.).
  5. Constipation.

Acute prostatitis always results from a bacterial infection of the prostate tissue. Moreover, pathogenic organisms in most cases are initially present in healthy organ structures.

The development of the disease is accompanied by a weakening of local or general immunity. This can happen due to many different factors, including hypothermia, inflammation in other parts of the body, genetic abnormalities that negatively affect the immune system.

In addition, a prostate biopsy can provoke an exacerbation.

Acute prostatitis, according to ICD 10, can cause complications in the form of the spread of the focus of inflammation to other organs, which can lead to cystitis, pyelonephritis or, even worse, blood poisoning.

Prostatitis test

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    Question 2 of 13

    Question 3 of 13

    Question 4 of 13

    Question 5 of 13

    Question 6 of 13

    Question 7 of 13

    • It never happened
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Usually
    • Lost count

    Question 8 of 13

    Question 9 of 13

    Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in your perineum?

    • Did not have
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Is always

    Question 10 of 13

    • Never
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Is always

    Question 11 of 13

    • Do not affect
    • Almost do not interfere
    • To some extent influenced

    Question 12 of 13

    • I didn't think at all
    • I hardly thought
    • Sometimes
    • Often

    Question 13 of 13

    • Would not pay attention
    • I would live normally
    • Satisfactorily
    • Mixed feelings
    • Very bad
    • Awful

    Chronic type

    Chronic prostatitis is listed in ICD 10 under number 41.1.

    This form of the disease is characterized by the presence of persistent symptoms of varying severity. When the disease reminds of itself only by sluggish potency and impaired urination, they speak of the asymptomatic type of the disease.

    If there is an inflammatory process with all its accompanying manifestations, then they talk about bacterial chronic prostatitis, the ICD code 10 of which, despite the obvious differences from the asymptomatic type, looks exactly the same: N 41.1.

    Chronic prostatitis ICD in the same way affects the patient's body, like other varieties of this disease: it changes the composition of blood, semen, urine.

    At the same time, various sexual dysfunctions can be observed, because of which a man may feel inferior.

    Prostatitis test

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    Inflammation of the prostate gland has specific symptoms. During the inflammatory process, the gland swells and increases in size, which contributes to the increased frequency of urination. If a man has such signs, it is worth taking a prostatitis test immediately. Then you can assess the state of your body and visit specialists in time.

    You can do the prostate test yourself at home. With inflammation of the gland, not only problems with the outflow of urine appear, but also erectile function worsens, which leads to infertility. Early diagnosis of prostatitis will avoid the development of serious complications.

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    You must complete the following tests to start this one:

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    • The results of the passed test show that you have moderately expressed signs of prostatitis. See a specialist and get tested. Keep in mind that most health problems can be eliminated early on!

      An urgent need to see a doctor!

      You have severe prostatitis symptoms. See a doctor as soon as possible!

      Question 1 of 13

      Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in your perineum?

      Question 2 of 13

      Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in your scrotum?

      Question 3 of 13

      Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in your penis?

      Question 4 of 13

      Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen?

      Question 5 of 13

      Over the past week, have you had such signs of prostatitis as pain, burning sensation during urination?

      Question 6 of 13

      In the last week, have you had any signs of prostatitis such as pain or discomfort during ejaculation?

      Question 7 of 13

      How many times in the past week have there been pain or discomfort in the above places:

      • It never happened
      • Seldom
      • Sometimes
      • Often
      • Usually
      • Lost count

      Question 8 of 13

      How would you rate the intensity of pain at the time when they were disturbed on a scale from 1 (no pain) to 10 (unbearable pain).

      Question 9 of 13

      Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in your perineum?

      • Did not have
      • Seldom
      • Sometimes
      • Often
      • Is always

      Question 10 of 13

      During the last week, how often have you had a desire to empty your bladder earlier than two hours after the last visit to the toilet?

      • Never
      • Seldom
      • Sometimes
      • Often
      • Is always

      Question 11 of 13

      How do the above signs of prostatitis affect your lifestyle?

      • Do not affect
      • Almost do not interfere
      • To some extent influenced
      • Significantly disrupt the usual way of life

      Question 12 of 13

      How often have you thought about your symptoms of prostatitis during the past week?

      • I didn't think at all
      • I hardly thought
      • Sometimes
      • Often

      Question 13 of 13

      How would you live if the above symptoms of prostatitis worried you throughout your life:

      • Would not pay attention
      • I would live normally
      • Satisfactorily
      • Mixed feelings
      • Would feel unsatisfactory
      • Very bad
      • Awful

      What is chronic prostatitis in men: definition, symptoms and treatment

      According to the latest data, the incidence rate of chronic prostatitis among the population has reached 35%. Moreover, if 15 years ago the disease was found among men over 45 years old, then, as of 2015, the disease is diagnosed even in young people aged 20-25 years. Most often, chronic prostatitis occurs in men over the age of 30. The reasons for the pathology, methods of its diagnosis and characteristic symptoms will be discussed in the article. For ease of perception, the material contains photos and videos on the topic.

      What is chronic prostatitis? This term in medicine is called a lingering inflammation of the prostate gland. The form of the disease occurs in the absence of treatment for an acute course, aggravated by the rapid development of pathogenic microflora in the prostate.

      In 90% of cases, microorganisms are the cause of prostate inflammation. In nonspecific prostatitis, the cause of the disease is the usual pathogenic or opportunistic microflora. Bacteria of this type are constantly on the body and in the body of a man, but their concentration is insufficient to infect the prostate.

      Specific microflora (Trichomonas, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, etc.) is the cause of infectious chronic prostatitis.

      In the mechanism of development of the disease, urologists distinguish two ways of infection.

      Microorganisms enter the prostate gland through the urethra. Normally, the secret of the prostate is sterile, that is, there are no bacteria in the fluid. With the penetration of microflora into the prostate, infection occurs, and the inflammatory process begins.

      Another danger is the lymphogenous pathway, in which microorganisms enter the prostate gland with lymph. This usually occurs when the organs adjacent to the gland become infected (cystitis, hemorrhoids).

      This pathway is characterized by the presence of a pathogen in the body, which enters the prostate gland with blood flow. Diseases that provoke the development of prostatitis in men are very different: from dental caries to flu. A prerequisite for the development of inflammation is venous congestion in the prostate.

      Predisposing factors are divided into two groups:

      1. Congenital - associated with the anatomical features of the prostate gland (circulatory system and the structure of muscle tissue).
      2. Acquired - previously transferred infectious diseases, organ trauma, alcohol abuse, smoking, hypothermia, and so on.

      These causes, alone or in combination, cause acute inflammation of the prostate gland. At this stage, men, as a rule, do not pay enough attention to treatment, or use folk remedies without visiting a urologist. As a result, the disease goes into remission (with no pronounced symptoms). A sick man stops treatment, microflora continues to develop in the gland, chronic prostatitis occurs.

      In Russian urology, chronic prostatitis is classified using the scheme proposed by the US National Institutes of Health in 1995. The same scheme is followed by urologists from other countries, due to its convenience.

      Stages of chronic prostatitis:

      • 1 degree - bacterial prostatitis in acute course;
      • 2 degree - chronic bacterial;
      • Grade 3 - chronic abacterial prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome of CPPS. There are two subcategories: A - chronic inflammatory prostatitis, B - non-inflammatory;
      • 4 degree - chronic prostatitis without symptoms (histological).

      Russian doctors sometimes replace the word “stage” with “category”. Ignorant men have confusion about the classification, so know that these words are the same.

      According to the international classification of diseases ICD 10, chronic prostatitis has a class N 41.1. The information will help if you look for a description of the disease in medical reference books.

      The symptoms of the disease are different for different types of chronic prostatitis. See the table, in it the symptoms are described for a specific case.

      In the stage of remission (without exacerbation), some of the symptoms disappear, pain decreases. The man calms down, writes off the situation for self-healing. But without treatment, foci of infection in the prostate gland remain, during the period of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, the symptoms become more pronounced. Temperatures may rise to 37.5 ° C.

      The consequences of the disease are different. Often there is sclerosis of the bladder neck and prostate gland, organ cancer and the appearance of adenoma. The risk of developing erectile dysfunction and infertility increases - the reason is a decrease in testosterone levels. Such complications fully answer the question of why chronic prostatitis is dangerous.

      It is impossible to cure the disease without diagnostics. No folk remedies will help if the type of pathogen is not identified and the overall clinical picture is not established. The situation is complicated by the fact that chronic prostatitis often has a latent course in which there are no symptoms. A blood test and instrumental examination helps to reveal the disease in a latent form.

      The symptoms of chronic prostatitis in men are similar to those of other prostate diseases:

      • adenoma;
      • tuberculosis;

      Therefore, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnostics in order to know exactly what pathology has arisen. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental research is used in modern diagnostics.

      After the doctor takes an anamnesis (interviews the patient), the man will need to pass the following tests:

      • general blood analysis;
      • blood test for PSA;
      • general urine analysis;
      • study of the secretion of the prostate.

      To obtain prostate secretion, a man is asked to empty his bladder, then a rectal organ massage is performed. The released fluid is examined under a microscope to detect leukocytes. If there are 2-3 leukocytes in the field of view, this indicates the absence of prostatitis. Quantity more than 10 pcs. indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

      A blood test begins with a general analysis. The suspicion of chronic prostatitis will arise with the following indicators:

      • erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) - from 5 mm / h;
      • stab leukocytes - more than 4 pcs .;
      • hemoglobin level - less than 110 g / l;
      • leukocytes - more than 10 in the field of view.

      To clarify the diagnosis and exclude other diseases, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for prostate-specific PSA antigen. Depending on the age of the man, the indicator has different meanings:

      • under 40 - less than 2.5 ng / mg;
      • 40-50 - more than 2.5 ng / mg;
      • from 51 to 60 years - more than 3.5 ng / mg;
      • 61-70 years - more than 4.5 ng / mg;
      • over 71 years old - more than 6.5 ng / mg.

      Changes in the level of PSA in blood and urine, and related diseases, see the table.

      Additionally, for chronic prostatitis, a general urine test is performed. With the development of inflammation in the prostate gland, the following compositional changes are noticeable:

      • leukocytes;
      • epithelial cells;
      • nonspecific bacteria;
      • trichomonas, gonococci and other pathogens.

      In modern urology, it is customary to take a three-glass urine sample, in view of the greater accuracy of the method.

      The most accurate definition of chronic prostatitis allows the method of TRUS - transrectal ultrasound. The essence of the technique is to introduce a device with an ultrasound sensor into the anus. Due to the adherence of the prostate gland to the rectal wall, it becomes possible to study the organ in detail and identify pathology. If TRUS is not possible, ultrasound is performed. In this case, it is possible to reveal a change in the size of the prostate gland and its density, the presence of calculi, abscesses, fibrous foci, and so on.

      Additionally, the doctor may refer you to CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). These methods allow detecting prostate cancer and serve as an auxiliary way of making a differential diagnosis.

      If a man was previously diagnosed with IVO (bladder outlet obstruction), an X-ray examination will be required to more accurately find out the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

      Chronic prostatitis in men is difficult to treat. A range of measures is needed, including medication, physiotherapy and diet. For more information on treating the disease, see this article.

      There is a set of exercises aimed at improving blood microcirculation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe prostate gland and promoting health. Kegel exercises help with the disease, which are useful not only for women, but also for men.

      Use the following exercises instead of morning exercises:

      1. Legs shoulder-width apart, hands join behind the head. On inhalation, slowly squat, spreading your knees, on exhalation, return to the starting position.
      2. Legs together, arms along the body. Bend your knees alternately, raising them as high as possible. Up to 10 repetitions.
      3. Sit down, lower your hands to the floor. While inhaling, slowly stand up, spreading your arms. Legs alternately to the side. On exhalation, return to the starting position.
      4. Lie on your stomach with a tennis ball underneath. Resting your hands on the floor, roll the ball across the floor. Up to 7 times.
      5. Lie on your back, bend your knees, placing a ball between them. Squeeze your knees while inhaling, while exhaling - relax. Start with three exercises, working up to nine.
      6. Net on the floor, resting your hands. Put a ball under the buttocks, roll it with the genitals and buttocks.

      Watch a video on exercise for chronic prostatitis at the end of the article.

      Chronic prostatitis in men does not require surgical treatment. The exception is complications that threaten the patient's health and life. Nowadays, endoscopic surgery is used for surgical treatment. With this method, minimal invasive intervention occurs, a man recovers faster after treatment, and less damage is caused to the body.

      In what cases is an operation necessary:

      1. Sclerosis of the prostate.
      2. Calcifications in the prostate gland (stones).
      3. Sclerosis of the seed tubercle.
      4. Prostate adenoma.

      In the stage of exacerbation of the disease, surgical intervention is contraindicated. The need for surgical treatment is determined by the surgeon, based on the general clinical picture.

      Doctors are cautious about predicting the outcome of the disease. Complete recovery is rare. More often, chronic prostatitis enters the stage of long-term (protracted) remission. Symptoms disappear, blood and urine counts return to normal. Despite this, if you do not follow the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor, chronic prostatitis can intensify and cause complications.

      Most men, not seeing the need to monitor their health at the proper level, until the time when they develop serious diseases that threaten their lives. There are quite a few such ailments, but the most difficult of them is prostate cancer. The World Health Organization classifies all diseases according to the ICD 10 code, and also includes prostate cancer. Such a disease of the prostate does not show any signs for a long time, therefore, most often it is found in the last stages. But you can regularly visit a doctor to protect yourself and find out about the development of such a dangerous disease as early as possible.

      This ailment of the prostate is an active process of tumor formation and growth that takes place in the prostate gland. The development of this process is always accompanied by a rather specific reaction of the body, thanks to which a diagnosis can be made at an early stage.

      Most often, oncology in the initial stages develops almost asymptomatically, so it is rather difficult to diagnose it by any signs. Obvious symptoms begin to appear in the last stages, however, in special cases, they can be observed in the first.

      If prostate disease is diagnosed as early as possible, then all measures of influence on it will be exclusively therapeutic in nature.

      This ailment of the prostate, like any other prostate disease, has certain groups. Risk groups include those people who are most likely to develop it. Most often, the factors contributing to development are:

      • Changes in hormone levels.
      • Postponed infectious diseases.
      • BPH.
      • Age group from 60 years old.
      • Hereditary predisposition.
      • Hypertrophy.

      As a rule, it is almost impossible to determine the presence of cancer of the first or second degree by symptoms. But as the disease progresses, the level of pressure on the bladder increases, which leads to problems with urination.

      The main symptoms of cancer are:

      • Significant urinary problems.
      • The appearance of a small amount of blood in the urinary system.
      • Weak jet.
      • Burning sensation when going to the toilet.
      • Feeling of full bladder.
      • Frequent urge to urinate.
      • Incontinence.

      The diagnosis of such a serious disease as cancer should be approached with full responsibility, as a rule, it includes conducting such studies:

      • Ultra-sonic.
      • Biopsy.
      • Tumor marker.
      • Rectal examination.

      It is the passage of these studies that will most accurately determine the presence of the disease.

      ICD 10 is a document that is an international classification. It is used as one of the foundations of the most complete classification of diseases. Its revision is carried out once every 10 years. The use of this document at the international level ensures equality of approaches to the treatment of the disease. In addition, due to its use, the so-called material comparability is ensured. Classification according to the ICD 10 code will help to determine the disease as accurately as possible.

      Prostate cancer is classified in the second section in this document. In this section, various neoplasms are indicated, which in the course of their development may go beyond the limits of one organ.

      The ICD code of this prostate disease is c61.

      It is customary to distinguish 4 stages of cancer development. They can be characterized by ICD 10 as follows:

      1. Accidental diagnosis during the examination. The cells are not much changed, they look like healthy ones. Symptoms are not observed.
      2. It is characterized by the appearance of the first symptom - problems with urination. On palpation, a node can be found. The development of metastases has not yet begun.
      3. Active development of the disease and its spread to other organs. Accelerated process of metastases formation. The defeat of the lymph nodes, the occurrence of specific symptoms.
      4. Greatest disease progression. Affected cells spread throughout the body.

      One of the main preventive measures for this prostate disease is regular check-ups.

      This is especially true for men over the age of 45. This group of men should be screened annually. Typically, such a survey includes:

      • Determination of PSA level.
      • Rectal examination.
      • Ultrasonic diagnostics.

      Correct treatment of chronic prostate diseases plays a very important role in cancer prevention. This is due to the fact that quite often the cause of the development of this disease is constant inflammation or recurrence of inflammatory processes.

      And, of course, the right way of life. This is one of the most effective and simple measures for the prevention of this disease of the gland.

      Summing up, we can say that prostate cancer is one of the most insidious male diseases. It is rather difficult to diagnose it in the early stages, since it practically does not show symptoms. As a rule, it is diagnosed in the early stages by accident. This disease is characterized by the manifestation of symptoms already in the last stages of development. The unity of approaches to the treatment of this prostate ailment is due to its inclusion in the ICD code. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the prognosis is quite favorable.

      Every modern doctor needs to know the international classification of diseases. Naturally, it is not necessary to memorize it, but you need to understand the general principles. After all, the ICD 10 code is needed to fill out various medical documentation (for example, a sick leave or a statistical coupon for registering final diagnoses).

      As you know, ICD 10 has a hierarchical structure in which diseases are divided into classes depending on which organ system is affected. Each code consists of a letter of the Latin alphabet and several numbers, separated by dots. The pathology of the genitourinary system in this classification belongs to the XIV class.

      The block "Diseases of the male genital organs" includes codes from N40 to N51. These include congenital and acquired diseases of the testicles and their appendages, the penis and the prostate. These include the following items:

      • 40 - benign neoplasms of the gland, including hypertrophy, adenoma, myoma, fibroma, fibroadenoma;
      • 41 - inflammatory lesions of the prostate and their complications, including acute and chronic (or XP - as it is usually called) prostatitis, prostate abscess;
      • 42-other diseases of the gland, which are most often complications of HR;
      • 51 - lesions of the prostate caused by the pathology of other organs or systems.

      Fact!Diseases of the prostate gland should be sought not only among diseases of the male genital organs. Sometimes they are caused by a completely different pathology. In this case, the ICD 10 code will be in other classes.

      This disease belongs to block N.41 according to ICD 10 and includes prostatitis with an established and unknown etiology. It is classified depending on the form (acute or CP):

      • acute inflammation of the gland –41.0;
      • XP in ICD 10 can be found under code 41.1;
      • unspecified inflammation of the prostate gland –41.9.

      This block also contains abscesses and prostatocystitis, a condition in which inflammation also spreads to the bladder. Complications of HR of a non-infectious nature are assigned to block N.42 according to ICH 10:

      • the presence of stones in the prostate gland 42.0;
      • congestion or hemorrhage - 42.1;

      Important!This article describes the most common prostate diseases and their complications. The rest of the pathological conditions can be found by downloading or buying the book "International classification of diseases of the tenth revision".

      In men aged 25-40 years, acute inflammation of the prostate gland quite often develops due to infection with chlamydia or Trichomonas. In the classification of diseases of this pathology, its own code has been assigned, referring to point I, block A.50-A.64 (Infections, predominantly sexually transmitted). Acute or XP is coded as follows:

      • caused by gonococcus - A.54.2 +;
      • arising from infection with Trichomonas - A.59.0 +.

      In patients with tuberculosis, HR may appear due to the ingress of an acid-resistant bacillus into the prostate gland. In this case, it is coded with A18.1 +.

      You can assign a code to a particular disease only if you have justified reasons. That is, the diagnosis must first be confirmed. To do this, you need to carefully interview, examine and examine the patient, assign him additional clinical examinations. Only having the results of analyzes and instrumental methods of examination, it is possible to reliably and correctly establish a diagnosis.

The classification of the disease "Prostatitis ICD" exists in order to fully and qualitatively assess the situation with respect to prostate diseases in men. For the statistical analysis of this data, there are entire departments in medical institutions that check the correctness of the coding of any disease and draw up statistical reports. Based on these reports, a conclusion is made about the quality of medical care and its effectiveness.

Classification of the disease

N41 - ICD prostatitis code. This is a general code of a pathological condition, which does not indicate a complication and speaks only of an inflammatory process of the prostate. In most cases, this code is displayed when signs of inflammation and ambiguous conclusions about the age of the process are detected.

Acute prostatitis ICD 10 is coded with code N41. 0. Often this code indicates an acute process that responds well to treatment. This condition is associated with bacterial inflammation and requires immediate antibiotic therapy.

N41.1. - ICD 10 code, which indicates the presence of inflammation of the prostate gland for more than 6 months, which means the chronization of the process.

You can often see the diagnosis “Chr. prostatitis ", which is exposed by a urologist and requires constant dispensary supervision of a doctor and passing physiotherapy procedures once every six months.

N41.2. - the international code of prostatitis, which is accompanied by abscess formation. Often, such a complication accompanies an acute process without adequate pathogenetic therapy prescribed on time.

ICD 10 Prostate Disease Statistics

The prevalence of chronic prostatitis ICD 10 is very high. This is due to the fact that most men do not want to undergo preventive examinations once a year with a urologist. The situation is aggravated by constant hypothermia, which contribute to the appearance of the disease and its latent course. At the same time, there is often a decrease in sexual function, depression of mood, and impaired urination. If medical care is not provided, the disease progresses and may end with the formation of benign or malignant changes in the prostate.

Acute prostatitis is very rare and is often associated with bacterial damage to the gland. More often these are staphylococci, streptococci. These microorganisms do not cause a gradual dysfunction, as in the case of a chronic course of the disease, but a sharp and sudden pathological condition. In the case of the provision of proper medical care, the chronicity of the process is rare, but failure to provide assistance in the first 24-48 hours can lead to complications that will even entail surgical removal of the gland.

Oncological diseases of the prostate

The classification of prostatitis with the ICD 10 codes allowed not only to improve and clarify the types and complications of this disease, but also contributed to the solution of this problem at the state level.

Now in each clinic there is a urologist who, thanks to his qualifications, can provide the necessary assistance in time to maintain men's health.

Due to the simplification of diagnostics and advanced training of employees on the issue of non-specific inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, prostatitis has a positive trend towards a decrease in the frequency of the disease among the population of the country.

Frequent urination with stabbing cuts in the abdomen - inflammation of the prostate gland, which affects men of 30-40 years of age. In the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, prostatitis has code 41. What is this disease, and what types are distinguished?

A man should pay attention to urination in several steps.

Varieties of prostatitis according to ICD

In medical practice, there is a special edition-reference - "International Classification of Diseases", containing all the necessary information about a particular disease. Inflammation of the prostate gland has its own coding: ICD 10 prostatitis N 41 - a disease of the urinary system.

The following typology of the disease is applied:

  1. Acute prostatitis (number 0).
  2. Chronic prostatitis (number 1).
  3. Abscess of the prostate (number 2).
  4. Inflammation of the prostate gland in combination with cystitis (number 3).
  5. Other diseases of an inflammatory nature (figure 8).
  6. Unspecified prostate disease (number 9).

For the reasons for the onset of the disease, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Prostatitis associated with infection (chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasma); viral (sinusitis, kidney disease); combined.
  2. Congestive prostatitis - appeared due to other factors:
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of a cold and allergic nature;
  • hypothermia and overheating;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • surgical intervention.

International Classifier of Diseases - Prostatitis

The course of the disease in an acute form

In ICD 10, acute prostatitis refers to inflammatory infections, the appearance of which is provoked by harmful microorganisms that have invaded the tissue layer. The mechanism of development of the acute form includes direct bacterial damage, exacerbating the course of the disease. Prostatitis may worsen after a biopsy analysis has been performed.

Signs that allow you to recognize an acute form of inflammation of the prostate gland are as follows:

  • significant increase in body temperature (measure axillary and rectal);
  • pain in the lumbosacral segment, groin;
  • spasmodic contractions during emptying;
  • nighttime urination is not fully mixed with blood and pus;
  • general deterioration in well-being;
  • persistent migraines.

If you find the above symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance at home, because the man needs urgent observation in the hospital. Medical personnel diagnose the inflammatory process by visual examination, without fail measuring the body temperature. Additional tests are prescribed: laboratory blood and urine tests, cytology, cultures for the selection of antibiotic drugs. Additional methods are widely used, such as ultrasound diagnostics of the prostate, biopsy of segments of the prostate gland, computed tomography of the pelvic organs.

Prostate gland photo

Mandatory treatment of the acute form is antibiotic therapy for a period of one and a half months ("Doxycycline"). They use a therapeutic purpose in a complex with immunostimulating drugs (tincture of echinacea), bactericidal drugs (Miramistin), anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Nimesulide).

During treatment, the patient must consume enough fluid so that the genitourinary system is constantly working. This will help prevent other urinary ailments and kidney problems.

The key to a good course of therapy is the correct selection of drugs. In order to productively prescribe drugs, crops are inoculated for the body's sensitivity to antibiotics. Medicines of this type are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

The course of the disease in a chronic form

Chronic prostatitis code according to ICD 10 does not occur with such severe symptoms as the acute form. There are two types of the disease: bacterial and non-bacterial inflammation of the prostate.

With prostatitis caused by bacteria, the symptoms are expressed as follows:

  • severe cramps and pain when urinating;
  • a burning sensation and itching in the genitals;
  • violation of physical desire and erectile function;
  • headaches;
  • cramps in the lower abdomen with shooting in the thigh and lower back;
  • low level of quality of intercourse.

Metastases in the prostate gland

With these signs, you should consult a doctor so that you can conduct an examination and make a diagnosis. During a palpation examination, the doctor will determine the size of the prostate gland, and, if necessary, prescribe other types of diagnostics.

On a mandatory basis, doctors take urine and blood tests. The increased leukocytes, erythrocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate show that an inflammatory process is observed. Ultrasound diagnostics of the prostate is effective... Thanks to this method, the size and boundaries of the location of the prostate gland are clearly determined. They also resort to studying the prostatic secretion, where they find the bacteria that caused the inflammation of the gland. The index of erythrocyte cells will exceed the norm.

The non-bacterial form is characterized by a decrease in sexual function and periodic pain in the abdomen. For the correct statement of the conclusion, it is also necessary to pass laboratory tests, in which a large number of leukocytes are determined.

ICD 10 chronic prostatitis is effectively treated with the help of complex therapy in compliance with the rules of behavior:

  • eliminate the frequent change of sexual partners;
  • do not overcool the groin area;
  • treat genitourinary diseases;
  • increase physical activity;
  • avoid stressful experiences;
  • lead an intimate life regularly.

What is prostatitis clearly

A non-bacterial type of prostatitis is much easier to eliminate than a bactericidal form. The main place in the treatment is taken by drugs that relieve inflammation and block pain (Ketonazol, No-shpa) and antibiotics (Macropen, Azithromycin). In addition, medications are prescribed for strengthening cellular action ("Methyluracil", "Timalin", "Levamisole"). The duration of treatment is one and a half to two months.

In order to prevent violations of the intestinal microflora, drugs with prebiotics are used.

The complex uses massage of the prostate gland using a special technique of finger technique. Physiotherapy sessions (warming up, therapeutic enemas), which normalize the circulatory system of the pelvic organs, are considered useful.

What to eat during prostatitis?

From the very beginning of urinary disease, you need to follow a special diet that excludes alcoholic beverages, fatty foods, sweet pastries, baked goods, salty and spicy foods, tea and coffee drinks. Mushrooms, legumes, semi-finished products are prohibited.

The menu should contain foods high in zinc: pumpkin seeds, seafood. Preference should be given to cereals with whole grain cereals, vegetables (the exception is cabbage, as it is involved in flatulence), dried fruits and dairy products.

Operational methods of treatment of the prostate

Surgical intervention is used in cases where drug therapy has been ineffective. Basically, the operation is resorted to in situations where complications have arisen (abscesses, prostate adenoma). The modern surgical industry offers the following options for removing the prostate gland:

  • prostatectomy (complete removal of the prostate);
  • resection (removal of a segment of the gland);
  • cutting off the foreskin;
  • puncture of a purulent formation.

To consolidate the result of curing prostatitis, it is necessary to protect your body from provoking factors. The main condition is regular sex with one partner. At the first manifestations of prostate inflammation, you need to contact a urologist for an examination.