Advantages of metal-plastic windows. Advantages and advantages of metal-plastic windows. Heat and sound insulation properties

Plastic windows have been the most sought-after designs on the market for many years. They are light and easy to care for, they do not need to be painted regularly (like wooden structures), they are also characterized by excellent tightness. A plastic window is a construction made of PVC material, consisting of several elements (double-glazed windows, metal profiles, slopes, fittings, ebbs).

Their durability will depend on the quality of the individual parts.

Advantages of PVC Windows

  • Excellent soundproofing properties - in the manufacture of plastic windows, many manufacturers use a two-chamber or even three-chamber double-glazed window, so that the noise from the street does not penetrate into the dwelling;
  • Excellent thermal insulation characteristics - the same double-glazed window, consisting of two or three chambers, endows the window structure with the properties of a good thermal insulation material;
  • Protection against hacking;
  • Resistance to temperature changes;
  • Attractive appearance.

The special finish of plastic window frames protects the structure from rusting and the harmful effects of precipitation. Thanks to this, you do not have to periodically renew the coverage, and, therefore, save time and money. Another plus in these windows is an acceptable cost. When plastic windows first appeared, their price was much higher. This was due to the difficulties of delivery from abroad.

Gradually, domestic manufacturers adopted the experience of creating plastic window structures from export raw materials. Due to this, the cost of finished products has decreased and at the moment there is a tendency to further reduce it.

Installing plastic windows of modern production will help reduce the fire hazard of the room. Multi-layer double-glazed window does not support combustion and does not let air into the room where the fire started. This prevents the rapid spread of fire inside. Plastic windows open quite easily - and at any time of the year, just turn the handle. In addition, the manufacturers of these structures have provided for the presence of ventilation - you can open it completely or partially.

Structural solutions of plastic windows are now presented in several versions. Sliding window structures and tilt-and-turn windows are offered to buyers. This diversity allows designers to come up with more design options. Most often, manufacturers perform these designs in a universal white color, but sometimes you can find a window with a silver profile on sale. Now manufacturers of window metal structures also offer customers windows with a frame designed to look like natural wood.

Plastic windows will decorate any interior.

Disadvantages of plastic windows

Plastic windows are now installed everywhere, not only in office companies, but also in private houses and apartments. These designs are durable, have an aesthetic appearance, have excellent tightness and many other advantages. However, plastic windows also have some disadvantages. We will talk about them further.

humidity mode. Manufacturers make plastic windows airtight, so these structures do not let cold air into the room. On the one hand, this is good, since all the heat is stored inside and there is no need to overpay for heating. But on the other hand, the window is not ventilated from the inside, due to the temperature difference, condensate accumulates on the inner surface of the double-glazed window. If the window is set for ventilation irregularly and they forget to remove the moisture accumulated on the windowsill with a dry cloth, then very soon you will encounter an unpleasant smell and mold on the windows.

There are two ways to avoid such a problem: the window must be regularly set to the ventilation mode or a special device should be installed on it that controls the temperature and humidity conditions.

Materials. For the manufacture of plastic windows, polyvinyl chloride material is used, which cannot be called environmentally friendly. It is a product of the chemical industry, and therefore does not meet environmental standards.

Special requirements for the installation of the structure. Plastic windows are much smaller in width than wooden ones (only 6-9 cm), therefore, if the master deepens them during installation, a cold slope is obtained. Due to this drawback, the double-glazed window will fog up with a strong temperature difference, and in winter it will even freeze slightly. To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out the installation of plastic window structures in full accordance with the technological requirements.

Plastic windows attract dust. Double-glazed windows have a high level of electrostaticity, so dust is constantly and in large quantities attracted to them.

Fragility. Window metal-plastic structures must be handled with extreme care, since they are too fragile, and a broken mechanism cannot always be restored.

Repair of metal-plastic windows

If metal-plastic windows are installed in your home, then sooner or later you will have to face the need to repair them. When choosing plastic window structures for their home, the consumer must understand that they are equipped with a rather complex mechanism that can fail if mishandled. And if you already had to face the problem of breakdown, then it is better to seek help from professional craftsmen so that the repair is carried out efficiently.

It is best to contact the manufacturer or an official representative of the company for repairs!

Repair of metal-plastic windows is divided into two types - a preventive check of mechanisms and a full repair of structures.

Full repair of plastic windows involves the following work:

  1. Hardware replacement;
  2. Replacing a double-glazed window;
  3. Replacement of broken handles.

When performing preventive repair of a plastic window, a specialist performs the following work:

  1. Hardware lubrication;
  2. Adjustment of the working mechanism;
  3. Installation of handles with a protective locking mechanism;
  4. Replacing the rubber seal.

How to understand that a plastic window needs a preventive or full repair?

First of all, this will be evidenced by poor opening and closing of the structure. Repair is also necessary if the window sill is iced in winter, and when the window is closed, cold air still enters the room. Contact the master even if the window structure falls off the hinges or the window mechanism does not close.

The presence of the above signs is a signal that it is necessary to diagnose and repair a plastic window.

However, this should not scare you, because when contacting an experienced specialist, all work will be performed efficiently and quickly. The cost of repairing windows made of metal-plastic is low and will not be an invoice even for a person with an average income. If you have never encountered such repair work before, it is better to enlist the support of a specialist.

Do-it-yourself plastic window repair

If you are confident in your abilities and you have straight arms that grow from your shoulders, then you can solve the main problems and malfunctions of PVC windows on your own. No special tool is required for this. We recommend that you watch the corresponding video for a particular problem.

Plastic window adjustment

Replacing the handle on a plastic window

Replacing the seal on a plastic window

In order for the seal to serve as long as possible, with the onset of spring, treat it with a silicone spray lubricant!

When glazing an apartment or a private house, the question arises as to which type of windows should be chosen. On sale are products made of aluminum, plastic, metal-plastic and other materials, and each of the systems has its positive and negative sides.

REHAU Blitz profile with metal reinforcement

In this article, we will try to give you as much information as possible about the choice between plastic and metal-plastic windows and provide useful recommendations for buying a specific option for your home.

Plastic windows and their features

For the manufacture of plastic windows, PVC is used. The material is able to provide a high level of protection against heat loss and noise penetration from the street. They are universal for the reason that they can be installed in private houses, apartments and office buildings.

Buyers choose plastic windows, focusing on strength, durability and the advantages mentioned above. This is a good mid-range option.

Metal-plastic windows and their features

The reinforcing frame is the main distinguishing feature of metal-plastic windows. It is made of metal and built into the profile - from the outside, the design is practically indistinguishable from PVC glazing.

The metal profile is distinguished by the maximum level of safety, as it is made of galvanized steel, protected from corrosion. Windows are stronger and last longer, but their weight also increases, and hence the load on the facade of the building.

Comparative analysis

The table below details the difference between metal-plastic windows and plastic ones.

Evaluation criterion Plastic windows Metal-plastic windows
Application area Plastic windows are universal - they can be used for glazing office buildings, residential premises, apartments, private houses Metal-plastic windows are suitable for glazing residential premises, office buildings and industrial buildings. The main difference is the ability to use in buildings with extreme conditions, for example, on the upper floors of high-rise buildings
Term of use Plastic windows will last from 20 to 30 years, depending on the type of profile and manufacturer Metal-plastic windows are designed for more than 50 years
The form The traditional option is a rectangle. Non-standard shape is also possible provided that the angle between the frames is at least 30° The reinforcing profile allows the implementation of various alternative window shapes - from lancet to round
Price Windows of the middle price segment The price is higher than plastic windows

For ease of decision-making, we can formulate a number of recommendations for choosing windows:

  • If you are faced with the task of installing plastic windows in an opening that is experiencing a strong wind load, it is better to opt for metal-plastic windows.
  • For those buyers who are on a budget, the best option would be to buy plastic windows, as they cost less.
  • If you want to implement a non-standard version of glazing in your house, pay attention to metal-plastic windows - there are many more varieties of figured windows of this type.
  • If you want to bet on the durability of the structure, which is especially important in the field of private construction, metal-framed windows are a solution that will surely last for half a century.
  • For glazing rooms in old multi-storey buildings, a high load on the facade is undesirable, and in some cases it is completely unacceptable - the choice is clearly up to PVC systems.

A free measurer visit will finally dispel your doubts: a specialist will assess the condition of the building, give a competent recommendation on choosing the best solution and profile, and calculate the cost of the window.

Behind plastic windows it is warm, cozy and durable

  • Durability
  • Resistance to all types of meteorological influences
  • tightness
  • Do not require additional finishing (during the entire period of operation they retain their original color)
  • High performance in thermal protection and sound insulation
  • Do not require special care
  • No problems associated with the disposal of production waste
  • High manufacturability of finished windows

In fact, plastic windows (scientifically, the material from which the frames are made is called polyvinyl chloride - PVC for short) are superior to ordinary ones in all respects. They provide complete tightness - in other words, no matter how cold it is outside, no matter how strong the wind is, not a single trickle of cold air will seep inside. In addition, PVC windows provide excellent heat and noise insulation.

The second advantage of these windows is that they do not require any maintenance. Wooden, as we know, it is necessary to tint every few years. To wash them, you need to unscrew the frames. Finally, every autumn, ordinary windows have to be sealed with paper, filling cracks with cotton wool. With plastic windows you don't need anything! Just wipe with a cloth occasionally. At the same time, a good window will live for more than one decade - the guarantee, for example, of the German company REHAU for its profile is 40 years.

Thirdly, plastic windows are beautiful. Usually the frame is made white, but any color is possible (smooth or with imitation of precious wood). Along with conventional glass, it is possible to install tinted, mirrored, patterned…

Finally, PVC windows are eco-friendly! To someone who has read newspaper articles about the dangers of plastic, about the unconditional advantages of wood, this may seem incredible, but it is a fact.

Think about the fact that PVC is allowed for use in many areas where its contact with the human body is much closer - electric kettles, yogurt packaging, plastic bottles for drinks are made from PVC. Remember that a tree (which is always presented as a kind of antipode, a standard of environmental friendliness) will definitely be covered with paint, and this is 100% chemistry.

But maybe there are some other modern windows besides plastic ones? There is. These are wooden (according to modern technology, not to be confused with typical "firewood"), aluminum, fiberglass ... They are also good, but, unfortunately, more expensive than PVC, and at times. In a word, in terms of price / quality ratio, there are no competitors to polyvinyl chloride. But, of course, a PVC window will show its best side only if it is produced by a reputable manufacturer and installed correctly.

Why plastic windows are better?

If you figure out at the household level what is qualitatively better than windows packed in double-glazed windows, and why people pay a price comparable to the cost of a used, and sometimes even a new car, for their installation, you get the following.

The house becomes noticeably warmer. The sealed design of the double-glazed window does not allow heated air to fly out of the room into the wind. Due to the lack of gaps in the frames, dust disappears in the rooms.

There is no need to repair, paint and caulk frames forever. When the windows are closed, street noise does not penetrate into the house. You can sleep peacefully, not being afraid to wake up from the sudden roar of a starting car or the rattle of a tram.

There is a qualitatively new usability. Window sashes can: open in several planes, move apart or move at different angles, have a “winter ventilation” mode, be deaf, hinged, turn, etc. Washing windows becomes very simple and easy. It is not necessary to unscrew and screw the frames, peeling off your fingers on poor-quality painted wood, from which dirt is very poorly washed off.

Wins the external and internal decoration of the house. The design of window frames can be chosen according to your own taste. Double-glazed windows are durable. If they are well-made and correctly installed, then you can not remember about their replacement for at least 25 years, or even 50.

Disadvantages of plastic windows

PVC windows are not able to maintain the optimal humidity conditions in the room, they create a greenhouse effect. Plastic is non-repairable - scratches and damage on it are irreparable. The expansion coefficient of the PVC profile is quite large. In other words, this means that in extreme heat the plastic window expands too much, and in extreme cold it shrinks too much.

For comparison: with a temperature difference of 30 C degrees with a window profile length of 2300 mm, the expansion will be: pine - 2300.023 mm, aluminum - 2301.643 mm, PVC - 2305.52 mm. The indicators of sound insulation and heat transfer with equal thicknesses of PVC profiles are significantly lower than those of wood. PVC windows are electrostatic and attract dust.

Residents of modern cities are already quite spoiled by all sorts of amenities.

Sectional glass pane

Many are accustomed to pleasant little things that make life much easier: household appliances and comfortable furniture have long been taken for granted. Plastic windows can be attributed to one of such imperceptible, but at the same time irreplaceable inventions.

The main advantage of plastic windows, which allowed them to become an indispensable part of any modern apartment, can be described in one word - this is convenience. It is achieved thanks to practical materials and thoughtful design.

Features and design of plastic windows

Despite the fact that such windows were developed back in the fifties of the last century, they came to our country relatively recently. The main material for the production of plastic windows is polyvinyl chloride, which is abbreviated as PVC.

This material is one of the types of synthetic polymer and has a number of useful consumer qualities: it does not corrode, is resistant to environmental factors, and is plastic.

The most common designs of plastic windows in our country are three-chamber and double-glazed windows. This feature is explained simply: cold Russian winters dictate increased requirements for thermal insulation.

Sectional glass pane

In addition, a two-chamber double-glazed window can be equipped with glasses of different thicknesses at the request of the buyer. Such an unusual design allows you to achieve the maximum soundproofing effect: high-frequency sounds will not penetrate into your apartment, and the strength of low-frequency sounds will decrease several times.

Also, for residents of apartments with windows overlooking the street, the developers came up with additional noise protection: a split system.

Such a ventilation system makes it possible to ventilate the apartment without opening the window: air circulation takes place even when the frame is closed. However, the wonderful properties of such windows do not end there.

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Reasons why you should install plastic windows

The convenience of plastic windows is undeniable

It is necessary to replace the old wooden frame with a plastic double-glazed window not only for reasons of aesthetics and noise reduction.

The advantages of plastic windows are really impressive:

Despite the numerous advantages of plastic windows, such structures still have disadvantages: two-chamber and three-chamber windows have significant weight, which makes their installation difficult.

Also, even a minor installation error can cause ventilation problems. However, these possible troubles only confirm the already known rule: in order for repairs to please for many years, it is still better to trust the installation of plastic windows to professionals.

Thus, we can say that the advantages of plastic windows are almost undeniable.

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Installation of plastic windows

Now there is no less sensitive issue of installing a window. There are two ways to go here:

  1. Use the services of skilled workers;
  2. Install a plastic window on your own.

Let's talk about installing plastic windows in more detail. In addition to the window itself, we need some tools and supplies. Such materials are:

  • Perforator;
  • Dowel;
  • Self-tapping screws (silver, length - 40 mm and 30 mm);
  • Special mounting plates;
  • Hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • Level and plumb.

First, we remove the double-glazed windows from the frames. This may require some skill as the double-glazed window in the frame is held by four guides (glazing beads). As soon as we have removed the double-glazed window, carefully place it on a specially prepared, clean surface so as not to damage it.

Now our frame, due to the fact that we removed the double-glazed window from it and removed the sash, has become very light. Now we attach a special stand profile to the frame, which comes with the window.

This profile is intended for further installation of the window sill (if we immediately install the frame on the parapet, there will be no room for the window sill).

It's time to install the fasteners for plastic window frames. One of the standard mounting options is the following option: we install the fixing plates at a distance of fifteen centimeters from the edge of our frame.

In order to determine the number of plates when buying, you need to measure the distance between the two plates at the edges and divide this value by 40.

The value must lie within forty centimeters. To fix the fixing plates, we need self-tapping screws (30mm). You should not screw in the self-tapping screw too much in order to prevent the plate from being pressed through.

For further installation of the frame, we need a stepladder, a hammer, a perforator, dowels, self-tapping screws (40mm), and for greater safety during installation, we will need several assistants.

Now the plastic window is directly installed in the window opening, the window is held on both sides by different people.

With the help of a level, a vertical deviation is pretended, after which we fix the first fastener by screwing the screws into the dowel. We fix the rest of the fasteners in the same way.

After the frame is already installed in the window opening, we close up the cracks, install the ebbs, put the double-glazed windows and frames in place. When installing a double-glazed window into the frame, the top glazing bead is installed first so that the glass does not fall out.

Installing windows in winter

It is not always the time to replace windows falls on the warm seasons.

There is no need to be afraid that you can “freeze” your home, that the heating pipes will not withstand such a temperature difference, and the walls will be covered with frost - these are just delusions. Because when installing one window, all the work takes an hour and a half, of which the window opening will be empty for no more than thirty minutes.

In this short period of time, the room will cool down, but the temperature will quickly recover to a comfortable level after the window is installed.

Replacing windows in the premises is not carried out simultaneously, but sequentially - this eliminates the appearance of drafts. It is when installing plastic windows in the winter that it is easier to identify those shortcomings that may not be noticed in the summer, namely:

  • Leaks in the fit of the window frame;
  • fogging;
  • Areas of poor quality foaming.

When installing plastic windows in winter, extra attention is required, since PVC becomes very brittle in the cold.

It should also be borne in mind that the mounting foam used for foaming loses its ability to expand at temperatures below ten degrees.

For such temperatures, on the building materials market, there are mounting foams specifically for mounting windows at low temperatures. By the way, such foams are universal and can be used both in winter and in summer.

Useful information

Window to the courtyard

The energy-saving properties of double-glazed windows strongly depend on the size of the air chamber, so in a single-chamber double-glazed window, condensation occurs at minus eight degrees, in a two-chamber double-glazed window it occurs at minus eighteen degrees.

To reduce heat loss, very often the air chamber is filled with argon or krypton. In such a double-glazed window, the formation of condensate was recorded at minus twenty-nine degrees.

A couple of decades ago, we looked at the opposite houses with an ordinary look: old, covered with a layer of dust, damp frames, overgrown with mold - all this can hardly please the eye, especially when it is cold outside and they do not protect from frost. But not much time has passed, and in our homes you can increasingly see polyvinyl chloride, or in the common people -.

Not the most pleasant look of old windows, rusty bolts, frames that have grown together over the years - they cause a dozen troubles when washing and are not at all pleasing with their appearance. Sooner or later, the thought comes to mind to get rid of the old burden and install new ones - plastic ones.

There is not enough time to list all the advantages, so let's focus on the main ones:

  • tightness. Frames are made from high performance vinyl chloride polymer (PVC). Glasses and a frame are reliably fixed by a rubber casing that will exclude the slightest drafts or moisture hit.
  • High sound insulation. Double-layer PVC frame absorbs more than 50% of outside noise. There is no longer a need to retire to another room during a noisy construction site outside the window or the exclamation of playing children. This is a vital necessity for those who live in the center of a metropolis with busy transport routes.
  • Durability. Theoretically, the service life is hundreds of years. The materials are practically inert to moisture, do not lose their aesthetic appearance on frosty days and do not change when exposed to the hot summer sun.

Ease of use is a major advantage. Installation and dismantling is not difficult and takes no more than an hour. They are extremely unpretentious in cleaning and are washed with any cleaning agent no more than 2 times a month, depending on the region. Please note that when cleaning, do not resort to the use of aggressive solvents and acids.

Also, it should be mentioned that plastic windows are also necessary for glazing balconies and loggias. First of all, the glazing of a balcony or loggia is necessary to expand the used living space, where they equip: kitchens, additional rooms, clothes dryers and even winter gardens. Outside, your balcony or loggia will be protected from snow, rain and winds, and inside - from temperature extremes and noise.

What plastic windows to choose?

The priorities of any choice should include convenience and comfort of operation. The shape, design, method of opening, location in the part of the world affect the final choice. Before choosing metal-plastic windows, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the configuration, learn about their pros and cons.

First you need to decide which way it is preferable to open windows. Open outside, inside the room, or choose a simple type - sliding. The most popular of them should be listed.

closed design

With this type of construction, there is no way to open the window to let in fresh air. In this case, you have to wash the outside and only its outer part. Due to the rather significant limitations in operation, they are rarely used. The advantages include low cost.

sliding type

This type, unlike a closed design, allows you to open a window for fresh air. But it is worth considering that the mobility of the valves is very limited and rarely exceeds 45 degrees. This type is ideal for rooms with limited window space that requires ventilation. Despite the low cost, they have not gained wide popularity.

rotary type

The rotary mechanism is in high demand today. It provides full access to the air flow from the outside. Washing, in this case, is very convenient and access to the inner doors is open. The disadvantage can be considered the requirement for a large space when opening, which is unprofitable in small rooms, on the veranda.

mixed type

The most popular type, which has absorbed the advantages of the two types described above. Windows of any design for every taste are equally convenient at any time of the year, easy to operate, allow you to fully open on a hot summer day and permanently open slightly in frosty weather.

More information about the above types can be found on the website of the Kiev company "House of Windows".

Whatever the windows, it is important to remember that they are the eyes of your home, and in order for them to shine for many years and please the eye, you must carefully consider their choice, taking into account the material, type of construction and climatic features of the region.