Benefits of native advertising. native advertising without smart guys. Examples of successful native ads

Leafing through pages in glossy magazines, you can periodically come across direct advertising, and sometimes hidden.

With the first case, everything is immediately clear, they tell you what, where and when to buy. And in the second case, everything is much more interesting, since the material does not look advertising, it is even useful from some side and you want to study it without a pistol at your temple.

native advertising without smart guys

But to achieve it, you need to clearly distinguish between the idea and “. To get results here and now, you need to focus on the second.

Examples of native ads

Let's now see how this is applied in practice and consider different types of native advertising. I am sure that you will have a couple of ideas on how to adapt them to your business.

Moreover, all examples are completely suitable for an ordinary classic business, so the phrase “Everything is specific with us”, you can immediately put aside in a distant box.

1. Product Reviews

Review example

What this article was born from, and what every more or less active user of the Instagram social network sees every day.

It seems to be a common post of one fit girl who “brags” with a sports corset to reduce the waist. However, links to accounts give out an advertising message in it.

I am sure that some of the readers who subscribed to her followed these links and ordered corsets to be the same as her.

After all, if you see an expert or trust a certain person, then you will also be loyal to the company for which he put in a few words. Therefore, the very idea of \u200b\u200bpromoting through leaders is very strong.

2. Sponsored articles

Example of a sponsored article

You can agree with a certain platform so that they write an article on a topic that suits you, and you would tactfully fit between the lines with your proposal.

For example, as they did in the example above, the pills for abdominal pain. And as you may have guessed, the article was written specifically for the request "Stomach hurts".

Article from partner

Or another example of a custom article above. But where it is no longer hesitant to announce that everything is written by the partner / sponsor of the resource.

Native magazine advertising

Final example from the topic “Native Advertising in Magazines”. By the way, this is our leader in the photo more than 4 years ago. You can even see our very first logo at the end of the article. In the material itself, there are no calls to come to our company, but we are simply talking about a non-competitive business model.

3. Advertising in the news feed of social networks

Advertising in Lena

For example, the picture shows native advertising in social networks, namely Facebook, and this is also native advertising.

The fact is that I recently looked through the promotional camp sites on this discount site, but I never bought it. And here's the result.

They are catching up with me with the offer that I watched. But we call this ad native for a reason, it is shown in the news feed in groups about recreation, where I periodically go, and there it looks quite logical and not aggressive.

4. Product-placement

Example product placement

Here we are not talking about 100 thousand rubles of the advertising budget per month. Large companies with huge budgets can afford such projects and prices.

This video ensured sales of talking hamsters to the E5 online store for six months in advance (for example, 6,000 units of goods were sold on the first day of this release).

And as you can understand, the video was filmed literally for 3 kopecks and there is not a single call to buy this toy in it.

8. Video embedding

Example video embedding

In the example above, you can see how the Binoma company embedded their ad into another author's video on the topic “Stock Market for Newbies”.

Briefly about the main

Yahoo research suggests that the share of such ads will be 56% of the share of all ads in Europe by 2020.

And I completely agree with them. She is invisible, natural and unobtrusive. And yet it is everywhere: in books, on the Internet and in films.

If you are going to give advice on the use of native advertising for business in Russia, then I would advise you to do just that part of your advertising.

The main idea is to choose the right platform for native advertising, so that it is at the junction of regular advertising and. Then the result will exceed all expectations.

But you also need not to be fan of the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking all advertising as invisible as possible, because you should not be ashamed of what you are doing.

It is necessary to look for a fine line so that people do not swear at “stealing”, but at the same time clearly realize that they need to make an action towards your product.

Native advertising has become a natural stage in the development of marketing technologies. A negative attitude towards intrusive messages has led to the formation of a fundamentally new form of promoting goods and services.


Native advertising is a way of delivering information to the consumer when it is presented as part of the content and is not identified as advertising. Thus, the target audience does not have a negative attitude towards it.

We can say that native advertising seems to merge with the main information flow, fully consistent with the style and content of the web page. Thus, the appeal to the consumer is natural and unobtrusive. Such advertising does not interfere with the user, but, on the contrary, looks like an answer to his questions.

A bit of history

Despite the fact that native advertising is perceived as a novelty in domestic marketing, in fact, it has a rather long history. So, this phenomenon became widespread in the United States back in the 1880s. It was then that manufacturers of goods and services felt an urgent need to stand out from the standard calls to "buy" or "try".

One of the most striking examples of the first native advertising can be considered the magazine The Furrow, which specialized in agricultural topics. So, between the informational articles, there were separate blocks about the products that are produced by the farm owned by the owner of the publication.

By the 20th century, native advertising had acquired a new form, which was associated with the development of television and radio. So, the most striking example is the use of daytime series by Procter & Gamble as an information platform. Incidentally, this explains the origin of the expression "soap opera".

Main types

To effectively promote a product or service, it is important to choose the right types of native advertising. So, the following are distinguished:

  • Sponsored content means posting information on the site, which is widely popular and trusted. The content of the article corresponds to the general concept of the resource and is not an advertisement, but a kind of useful advice. For this, not only well-known sites and celebrity accounts can be used, but also feature films and TV shows. This is the most expensive technique popular with major brands.
  • Recommended content is currently the most prevalent. So, for example, reading an informational article, you can often see additional links to texts on this topic. In this case, we are talking about really useful information, which contains a mention of a specific product or service.
  • Considering the growing popularity of social media, they have become one of the best platforms for native advertising. Compared to previous versions, this format is the most affordable. In addition, through the organic integration of posts into the news feed, the widest audience reach is provided.

Benefits of native advertising

  • the ability to present the material in expanded form (full text, multimedia data, links, etc.);
  • good perception of the material not only from computer devices, but also through the mobile Internet;
  • due to the absence of aggressive advertising banners and other intrusive messages, the brand's reputation among potential customers is improved;
  • natural advertising cannot be blocked by means of special software products (with the exception of its individual elements);
  • such advertising is characterized by a higher number of views compared to the usual banners that users are used to ignoring.

Negative sides

  • The effectiveness of this type of advertising is difficult to measure, since it does not imply direct sales. At the moment, the result can only be assessed based on the number of views, which does not allow for objective conclusions.
  • The cost of native advertising is quite high. This is due not only to the complexities of the development, but also to the fact that the authors often overestimate the prices for their services. Thus, this mechanism is available only to large firms with large budgets.
  • In most cases, natural advertising is aimed only at increasing loyalty to a particular brand. As for the number of sales, there is no direct impact on this indicator.
  • In order for advertising to be effective, you need to create unique content for each individual site.

Native advertising: examples

People who are far from all the intricacies of marketing may not immediately understand the essence of this concept. Many people do not even suspect that they are dealing with such a phenomenon as native advertising. Examples will help you figure it out:

  • The closest thing to natural advertising comes close to articles posted in print media. So, for example, a well-established author who is trusted by the reader can get an order to write a commercial article in which a particular product will be unobtrusively advertised.
  • Most often, native advertising in Russia is placed on popular platforms like Instagram. This is due to the fact that visual information retains attention for 65% longer than text information. For example, many well-known brands pay popular bloggers to mention products and publish photos of them in their posts.
  • Another option for natural advertising on social media is the logo on your profile photo (this is most often attracted to famous people). Also, informative entries from the page of a brand can be forced to appear in the news field.
  • Some well-known brands release their own mobile applications, which, being useful to users, serve as a constant reminder of a product or service. As for food products, food bloggers are attracted to their advertising, who always indicate mayonnaise, chocolate paste or other food from a specific manufacturer in the list of ingredients.

  • information should be valuable for the consumer, and therefore there should be a minimum of advertising and a maximum of practical information (the brand should be mentioned only indirectly);
  • you need to choose the most effective format for presenting information, which will be appropriate in the context of a particular resource;
  • you should not flirt with the reader and make a fake, claiming that the material has no commercial motive (the consumer values \u200b\u200bhonesty);
  • the multi-platform approach works best, when ads are placed on several sites of different nature at once.

How to draw attention to native ads

  • First you need to build trust. Thus, the first publications should be "loud" and as meaningful as possible.
  • Both the advertising agent and the advertising customer are directly responsible for its content. Thus, the information in the message should be as useful and truthful as possible. Also, before posting information on your site, you should familiarize yourself with the activities of the brand. So, a message from an unscrupulous advertiser can spoil the reputation of a resource.
  • Taking into account the content of the resource, as well as the type of product (or service), a distinction is made between game and information formats of advertising. When forming your message, consider which of the types will be better perceived by the target audience.

Examples of successful native ads

This phenomenon, despite its proven effectiveness, is still poorly understood by domestic marketers. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the most successful samples in foreign practice. The best native ads look like this:

  • The beer maker Guinness has issued a leaflet with information on the main types of oysters and the rules for their use. Thus, the consumer will not be able to pass by this useful information, which will unobtrusively indicate that it is best to use seafood with this particular beer.
  • Users take self-criticism well, which Microsoft employees have successfully used in their viral advertising. Thus, the video calls for the use of the new version of Internet Explorer, honestly admitting that the previous versions were a failure, but the new product will be fundamentally different from them.
  • At one time Target bought the advertising pages of The New Yorker magazine (including the cover). 18 pages featured branded illustrations that grabbed readers' attention.

Problems with native advertising

Unfortunately, the native advertising format is not well developed in the domestic market. This is due to several main problems:

  • There are few specialists who can really give a quality product at the end. Unfortunately, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of many advertising agents are extremely limited, and the approach to creating a product is not always conscientious.
  • In fact, natural advertising is not that expensive. Nevertheless, many agencies, as well as sites for accommodation, significantly inflate prices, citing the fact that this format is innovative. Thus, only a large brand with a large profit can put ads on stream.
  • In most cases, advertising is perceived as an addition to the main content of a publication or information resource, and therefore its content and design are not always treated in good faith. Nevertheless, an effective native format should not get out of the general concept of the site.


Advertising is designed to manipulate the mind of the consumer, but hardly anyone will like it. In this regard, there is a need for new unobtrusive forms of information delivery. It is in native advertising that the future of the marketing market lies. Despite the fact that its effectiveness is difficult to assess, many well-known brands have switched to this format.

Using specific examples, we explain what native ad formats are, how much they cost and what to expect from each of them.

In 2017, 36% of Russian brands want to try native advertising. They talk a lot about her, but the situation with the native can be described something like this:

Even Replies to is already native advertising.

To make life a little easier in 2017, we will tell you what, in fact, are the formats of native advertising and what are their specifics.

  • Working with major media
  • Convenience of purchasing
  • the beauty

What to expect?

Any content can be advertised

An ad unit can lead to a landing page, text, promo page, collect subscriptions, etc. Native-display ad is a replacement for banner formats that have completely stopped generating traffic for brands.

According to statistics, users are more likely to interact with ads that are embedded in the feed. According to research by Sharethrought, 80% of users prefer ads that are organically embedded in the content and do not disrupt the user experience.

Where your ad will be shown

In Russia, native ads can be placed in most top media. RIA Novosti,, Echo of Moscow, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Life, TJournal, Dirty, Expert-partners of Relap. To advertise on them, write to us.

How it works and how much does it cost

A client comes to us with targeting and placement tasks. Brands want to show ads to an audience that will be most interested in buying.

1. Preparation for launch:

Depending on the content that needs to be promoted, the type of placement is selected.

For selling pages, the standard placement in the recommendation block in the article body is suitable.

If a company wants to increase brand awareness, an ad unit embedded in the text of the publication works best.

Example of placement on the page

Example of placement on the page

2. Cost:

The average cost of advertising in a recommendation widget (CPC) is from 20 rubles. for unique. This is a customer-discounted price, but excluding targeting. In the display native, as in special projects, standard seasonal coefficients are used.

In the case of video (CPV), the brand only pays for videos that are fully viewed. The cost of a guaranteed screening is from 1 rub.

If a brand buys a “PR package” - an article in a publication + display of an advertising widget that generates traffic to this article - the cost per unique goes from 20 to 30 rubles.

3. Launch:

Among the sites on which our widget stands, we select those that are relevant to the client's tasks and determine the target audience among the readers.

For 1-2 days we prepare and agree with the brand advertising materials - pictures and headlines for each publication - and launch the campaign.

4. Evaluation of results:

After 2-3 days, we check the results: we analyze the CTR of each ad unit and post-click - how users behave on the advertiser's website. This data is needed to adjust the campaign: change the appearance of ads, placement or segments.

After that, we suggest that customers turn off the less effective ads and leave only the options with the best CTR and post-click rates.

We conduct such an analysis of effectiveness with each client 1-2 times a week during the entire campaign. This allows you to increase the conversion of your pages.

How we find an audience

To place ads, we combine two types of audience segmentation - by user behavior and by site content.

First, we analyze the pages that people are watching, the content of the texts that they read. We take into account the geolocation and the device from which the user came and other factors.

Secondly, for each site with a Relap block, we bring together publications similar in content into thematic arrays. For example, business or cooking. We know where and what articles are read by users. Thanks to this, we can highlight audience segments by interests.

For example, we single out the segment “real estate”: these are readers who have recently been interested in housing prices and related topics.

So, by analyzing user behavior, we will bring to the client's website people who are interested in buying an apartment.

How the result is assessed

The brand pays for impressions (CPM) or unique users (CPC) who clicked on the site. All indicators - clicks / impressions / ctr - by Relap are checked against the client's data.

Native, in other words, natural advertising is one of the most relevant formats in modern digital marketing. View share of native ads than traditional banners, and 18% more users can make a purchase after viewing native ads. Native advertising is much less annoying for users.

At the same time, people pay attention to it and even often share it with friends and family, that is, in addition to direct views from the desired target audience, the company also receives the effect of "word of mouth" through the viral spread of "native".

Native ads everywhere

Everywhere, and every month its number is growing rapidly. Starbucks publishes an article on the benefits of coffee for mental activity, a popular magazine talks about the most useful things for decorating a kitchen, embedding beautiful kits there, designed by a customer company, IBM managers talk in a series of columns about the possibilities of Big Data for business, - native advertising surrounds us in life and work.

In the USA alone, more than $ 5 billion was spent on native advertising in 2016 (estimates by The Statistics Portal). According to experts of the Content Marketing Institute, by 2018 this amount will be about $ 21 billion.And, according to Business Insider, by 2021 in the United States, 74% of advertising campaign revenues will come from natural ad formats (versus 56% in 2016) ...

Russia in the global trend: according to various estimates, the native market in our country has grown from 700 million rubles. in 2014 to 8-12 billion in 2016.

What formats are there?

  1. social media formats,
  2. native-style display,
  3. sponsored content.

Social media has historically been at the forefront of innovation in native ad formats. Publishers and native ad platforms have followed the path of adapting such innovations to the capabilities of websites and mobile apps. At the same time, due to the specific goals of advertising campaigns, publishers divided native formats into display and content formats.

Social media content formats - these are mainly promoted posts, which differ from user-generated content only by marking "Advertising post" or "Sponsored content". Such formats often use the specifics and capabilities of a particular social network. Instagram Story is a topical example of such innovation.

Native display formats, are placed on websites and in applications, and in fact are a more effective alternative to banners. These can be videos, native teasers, or a combination of both. They are used for reach campaigns where quick contact with the brand and advertising message is important without deep involvement in the essence of the message. Such formats are also used to generate traffic to the advertiser's website. The fundamental advantage of a native display over banners is that they are seen and read.

And here is the sponsored content in contrast to the display, on the contrary, it pursues the goal of deeper involvement of the person in contact with the brand. Fundamentally, such content is indistinguishable from editorial content not only in form, but also in content. It should be fun and rewarding. But don’t confuse sponsored content and “special projects”.

Business Insider predicted sponsored content in May 2016 to be the fastest growing native ad format over the next five years.

How to choose YOUR format

That being said, you can confidently expect that native formats will give you a multiple increase in efficiency compared to banners. For example, in the campaigns that we implement, we see an increase in CTR (click-through rate) from 3 to 20 times and a decrease in the cost of an engaged contact by up to 10 times.

It is worth talking separately about lead generation and performance in general. Native ads can work just fine at the bottom of the sales funnel - at the conversion stage - only in conjunction with data on the short and medium term interests of users. Modern native advertising platforms allow you to connect any external data sources to implement such campaigns. At the same time, due to the increase in efficiency from the use of native formats, you can significantly reduce the cost of leads.

The development of content formats has led to the creation of a whole area of \u200b\u200bmarketing - "brand journalism". And the fact that more and more brands around the world order their agencies for annual content plans outside of social networks suggests that this direction will grow in Russia as well.

Rules to remember

"Nativka" is more effective than banners and works better, it looks natural, appears at the right time in the right place, including on smartphones, is flexible in settings, and for the most part is not blocked by adblockers. Consequently, there is more consumer confidence in it and the CTR is much higher.

This can be determined using Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica. According to Walter Dublin of Revcontent, advertiser clients often see differences of the order of 40% between Google Analytics data and other content providers. This is confirmed by Jason DeMers, founder of the media agency AudienceBloom.

He compiled a kind of "golden rule" for native advertising, which reads:

  1. Know your audience and platform audienceyou are posting on, submit the expected content. For example, if you are promoting sporting goods, will suit you, if financial products and services,, and so on;
  2. The "picture" you have chosen should organically fit into the concept of the site and at the same time, the content must be an echo of the brand, it is important to find a balance;
  3. Native ads shouldn't directly advertise your companyotherwise the opposite effect may occur. Do not forget that the “message” that your advertising message carries must be heard by the target client, so keep the line between advertising and recommendation;
  4. Formulate your messages correctly - the reader should not feel deceived after the transition;
  5. Understand your native ad format option - audio, text, "picture", different formats work for different audiences.

According to Steve Cody, co-founder and CEO of digital communication agency Peppercomm, with the right native advertising, you can significantly increase customer loyalty and increase sales - if the content is not about your company, but about how it, your product or service can benefit life or a consumer's business, you will improve the lives of your customers and they will reward you with more purchases.

Where to be located

It is worth noting several platforms specially "sharpened" for the "native":

  • Nativo, which optimizes ads in real time across all devices, in a stream unlike other similar ad platforms. Nativo is used by over 300 brands and 350 publishers.
  • Outbrain benefits from smart filters that carefully monitor ad quality and integrate content from a product-focused ad strategy. More than 80% of the world's leading brands use this platform.
  • Another platform, AdsNative, has over 1000 brands in various industries.
  • Our development for "native" - \u200b\u200bthe Russian platform Adnetic was launched in 2016, it combines the accumulated experience in the advertising market, the developments of the leading platforms for the placement of native advertising and the best practices of international developments in this area. In 2017, Adnetic took third place in the Go To AdTech competition for technology projects in the field of media, marketing and advertising.

What will happen next

The share of native advertising will increase. Social networks and the Internet will become the key to personalized advertising, advertising targeted at one person across all devices at once (omnichannel), and will change both the advertising market and the business as a whole.

Native RTBs - ad units with Yandex.Direct ads, for which the application owner can independently customize the display of each element. Displaying native RTB blocks is possible only on mobile devices, in applications, strictly subject to certain rules and restrictions.

Real-Time Bidding

To display native blocks in YAN, Real-Time Bidding (RTB) technology is used. Real-Time Bidding is a technology for selling and buying ad impressions based on the real-time auction principle. RTB allows you to maximize your ad revenue by automatically selecting the most profitable advertiser offer.

How Real-Time Bidding Works

YAN sites, where RTB impressions are enabled, participate in the auction as sellers. The buyers are DSP (Demand Side Platform) - advertising systems that represent the interests of advertisers. The RTB system accepts bets from the DSP and announces the winner.

The auction takes place in real time. While the user is loading the web page, the RTB system manages to bid for the ad display. A request to display ads is sent to all auction participants. DSP systems have to determine in a split second how valuable the show is and place a bet. The winner of the auction gets the right to display his advertisement.

Benefits of Real-Time Bidding Technology