The benefits of vegetarianism in recent times. Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism, Basis, Cons and Benefits. How to nourish the body with useful substances

Vegetarianism Is a popular food system in the modern world, adherents of which refuse meat and fish in favor of plant food... According to statistics, there are about 800 million vegetarians. Many famous cultural figures, philosophers, scientists, and politicians were vegetarians. Among them are Pythagoras, Plato, Voltaire, Rousseau, Byron and so on.

What is vegetarianism

Vegetarianism- the general name of power systems. It can be different. For example, classic vegetarianism implies a complete rejection of fish and meat. However, you can use eggs, honey.

Distinguish also lacto-vegetarianism- nutrition with dairy and plant foods, ovegetarianism- Eating egg and plant foods.

Another type of food - veganism. Vegan eat only herbal products. Among them stand out raw foodists- these are people who eat only thermally unprocessed plant foods. Fruitians eat only plant fruits (fruits, vegetables, nuts,).

The main idea, laid down in all the indicated directions, is not causing suffering to animals, no need to kill them to meet nutritional needs.

Reasons why people become vegetarians

Typically, people become vegetarians based on various considerations... Most of them are based on philosophical or religious considerations, that is, on the unwillingness to kill animals and cause suffering to living organisms for their own pleasure.

Some people become vegetarians for medical reasons... For example, in most kidney diseases, you need to minimize your intake of animal protein.

Someone can become a vegetarian, as they simply not enough money for the purchase of high-quality and environmentally friendly meat. And someone just doesn't like taste dishes, and can easily refuse them.

There are also followers of vegetarianism who are motivated by desire. join the fashion trend and stand out among friends... In the modern world, being a vegetarian is prestigious and fashionable. One need only mention the celebrities who redefined their diet and forever changed it by becoming vegetarians: Natalie Portman, Liv Tyler, Uma Thurman, Tobey Maguire, Richard Gere, Paul McCartney, Pink, Pamela Anderson, Mike Tyson, Ozzy Osbourne, Avril Lavigne, Josh Hartnet, Demi Moore, Olga Shelest, Nikolay Drozdov, Nadezhda Babkina, Laima Vaikule and many others.

But still, most often they become vegetarians, wanting to benefit, both their health and the surrounding wildlife.

Pros of vegetarianism

Everyone decides for himself whether he should become vegetarians or not. We will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of nutrition.

Cons of vegetarianism

The disadvantages of a vegetarian diet are most often due to unbalanced diets... They can be adjusted by adding certain foods to the diet.

  • A vegetarian diet cannot fully provide the human body with proteins, zinc, iron, calcium and vitamin B12. Vegetarians may be at risk of developing anemia and vitamin deficiencies.
  • Animal proteins are the building blocks of body tissues, and they have their own advantages over plant proteins. For example, they are better absorbed.
  • If you refuse fish, there may be a lack of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, and they cannot be replaced with a vegetable analogue.
  • Excessive fiber intake can trigger poor protein absorption.
  • A vegetarian diet may not always be suitable for pregnant and lactating women, in which case an individual approach is needed.
  • For a full and varied diet, vegetarians need to buy various fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, which requires quite large material costs.

If you decide to consciously take the path of vegetarianism, then you need take into account some points.

The vegetarian type of diet involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and this is a rejection of alcohol, alcohol, drugs, at least minimal physical activity.

As strict vegetarians, we minimize the direct impact of animal diseases, known and unknown diseases. There have already been more than 100 deaths related to the consumption of bovine meat with spongiform encephalopathy, and no one knows how many more such cases will be found in the future. Unless mad cow disease turns into one of the biggest public health disasters of the 21st century, it will simply be a matter of luck.

Vegetarian diets are preferred due to their low saturated fat content, which leads to lower cholesterol levels. Elevated cholesterol levels are a significant risk factor for heart disease. Lowering cholesterol levels can reduce overall mortality by reducing the risk of heart disease. The likely increase in life expectancy is significant.

Strict vegetarianism allows humans to use less land for food production, freeing up land for trees and energy crops in order to reduce the rate of global warming and provide living space for many other species with which we share this planet. A strict vegetarian diet promotes the health of people, animals and the planet as a whole. All vegans should be proud of this.

Vegetarian diets have great potential for maintaining a long, healthy and fulfilling life, but an unbalanced vegetarian diet will not promote good health. It's not uncommon that people who switch to vegan don't feel the way they hoped and are in a rush to return to an omnivorous or lacto-ovo diet.

Often these people followed a clearly ill-conceived diet that could easily be improved by adding appropriate plant-based foods. Thus, it is important that key nutritional issues are clearly identified so that vegans can easily plan diets that best promote health at every stage of life. Good vegan health can inspire others to go vegan - key to eliminating animal abuse.

Much of modern nutritional science focuses on omnivore health, so its findings and conclusions require some interpretation to be beneficial for vegans. Some messages do not need interpretation. Whole grains and nuts are good for your health. Vitamin C is good for you. Eat more fruits and vegetables. All of this is good news for vegans.

Other scientific advice doesn't seem to be particularly applicable to vegans, or even the opposite of vegan principles. "Folic acid prevents birth defects and supports heart health." But don't vegans get a lot of folate from greens and beans? "Eat fish, especially oily fish, for healthy omega-3 fats." Can't Vegetarian Diet Be Optimally Healthy? In both cases, there is positive and useful information for vegans, but we need to dig deeper.

Folic acid does prevent birth defects and may improve heart health. It does this by lowering a toxic chemical called homocysteine ​​in the body. Vegans tend to consume more than enough folate. Vegans prefer unprocessed foods, including green vegetables and legumes, so they get a lot of folate.

However, vegans have been found to have higher homocysteine ​​levels than meat eaters. In vegans not taking B 12 with fortified foods or supplements, low B 12 levels are the main cause of elevated homocysteine. Thus, it is important for vegans to take enough B12. Around 5-10 mcg per day B12 is sufficient to minimize homocysteine ​​levels and minimize the risk of birth defects and homocysteine-related heart disease.

This dose is much higher than is necessary in order to avoid the classic symptoms of anemia and nervous system problems. 5 mcg of vitamin B12 can be easily obtained from nutritional yeast and B12-fortified foods or supplements. Most B 12 pills contain much more than 10 micrograms. The tablet can be broken up to provide the required daily dose at a lower cost. Taking one tablet at a high concentration once a week will have a much worse effect, since less B12 will be absorbed by the body.

So is fish oil necessary to get omega-3 fatty acids? The good news is that plants also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, plant-based omega-3s were found to be the most effective in preventing recurrent heart attacks, rather than omega-3s from fish oil. The daily intake of essential omega-3 fats is found in a teaspoon of flaxseed oil. Mortality among people under 60 years old who use it is reduced by 70%, mainly due to a decrease in the number of heart attacks. Cancer incidence is also declining.

The bad news is that an abundant intake of the omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid, interferes with the absorption of the omega-3 fatty acids needed by the body. Vegans eat more omega-6s than omnivores (two to three times more). Vegans will benefit from lowering their omega-6 fatty acid intake by favoring olive oil, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, and avocados, and limiting their intake of sunflower, safflower, corn, and sesame oils. Vegans should increase their omega-3 intake. A teaspoon of flaxseed oil per day provides the right amount of omega-3s. Green vegetables and beans are also good sources of omega-3s.

There are four other nutrients that deserve special mention. Iodine deficiency is the leading cause of low IQ in the world and can have particularly serious consequences for children under one year of age, as well as before birth. Iodine deficiency also contributes to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which can lead to many health problems later in life.

North America is trying to prevent iodine deficiency by using iodized salt. The UK and Ireland rely on iodine in milk, which is increased by iodized supplements in livestock feed. The recommended iodine intake is 150 mcg per day, for pregnant women and nursing mothers, large amounts of iodine are needed. Excessive iodine intake can have adverse effects, so the optimal intake is between 150 and 300 mcg of iodine per day. Vegans can get iodine from supplements or kelp. Unfortunately, the iodine content in most types of algae is very variable, so only a few species are reliable sources. Brown seaweed (kombu) contains a large amount of iodine. Eat foods containing iodine at least twice a week.

Selena is also lacking in vegetarian diets. Selenium is very beneficial for the immune system and has powerful anti-cancer properties. A vegan needs about 40-50 mcg of selenium per day. Cancer prevention requires about 200 mcg of selenium per day. Selenium intake in doses exceeding 400 mcg per day is undesirable. One Brazil nut contains about 70 mcg of selenium, so a couple of Brazil nuts a day will keep you selenium deficient. Brazil nuts also contain small amounts of radium and barium. It's hardly overly harmful, but vegan selenium supplements are readily available for those who prefer an alternative source.

Vitamin D obtained from sunlight can be stored in the body for several months, but in countries like the UK, there is not enough sun to produce vitamin D from October to February, resulting in vitamin D deficiency. This applies to all vegans as well. who are not taking fortified foods or supplements. This is a serious cause for concern; vegan diets in winter are not conducive to bone health, especially if calcium intake is inadequate.

Low intake of vitamin D increases the risk of autoimmune diseases and cancer, although this has not yet been conclusively proven. Vegans should take about 5 mcg of vitamin D 2 (ergocalciferol) per day from October to February (D 3 is obtained from sheep's wool) or take a winter vacation and head south to naturally boost vitamin D levels. Vegan seniors and vegans not getting sunlight may need 15 mcg per day. Vitamin D 2 can be obtained from fortified foods.

Calcium is a controversial nutrient for vegans due to persistent and unsuccessful attempts by the dairy industry to make us believe that dairy products are the best source of calcium for bone health. In fact, over millions of years of evolution, our ancestors obtained large amounts of calcium from wild plant foods.

Unfortunately, many of the wild plants are not readily available, and modern plant foods contain much less calcium, as well as many other important nutrients such as potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. Vitamin C, potassium and magnesium are essential for health. including for the health of our bones.

How much calcium does a person need? This is a controversial issue, but the optimal intake is unlikely to be less than 800 mg per day for adults, and more than 1300 mg per day for adolescents during peak growth. Scientific evidence suggests that calcium intake in excess of 2,000 mg per day can have detrimental effects on magnesium absorption, especially if the diet is also rich in phosphorus.

Processed dairy products such as cheese are not the best sources of calcium compared to green leafy vegetables because they are high in sodium, which increases calcium leaching from the body. Retinol-fortified milk is produced in Sweden, the USA and some other countries. There is ample evidence that retinol accelerates bone loss in older adults and may be associated with high levels of osteoporosis in Sweden and Norway.

Vegans who eat calcium-rich foods do not have these problems. Green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium - spring greens, cabbage, mustard greens, spinach, rhubarb, beet leaves. Calcium-fortified soy milk contains about 300 mg of calcium per cup. The above recommendations are not difficult to implement. It should not be forgotten that diet is only one aspect of health promotion. You need to invest your energy in what is important to you, spending time with friends and family, and getting regular physical activity. Getting enough rest is also important.

Vegetarian diets: everyday, soup, cleansing Bebneva Yulia Vladimirovna

Benefits of a vegetarian diet

1. A complete vegetarian diet is low in fat and high in carbohydrates.

2. Vegetarians are less prone to obesity.

3. Strict vegetarianism reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular and cancer.

4. People who adhere to this type of diet rarely suffer from hypertension, diverticulitis, liver and kidney disease.

5. A diet that is free of animal products helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and alleviate the symptoms of grade II diabetes.

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Vegetarianism is a fairly popular nutritional system lately, which has both certain advantages and some disadvantages. Adherents of this system assure others that vegetarianism is an inexhaustible source of youth and health, with which you can get rid of a huge number of a wide variety of ailments. However, one should not forget that, in addition to adherents, there are also opponents of this food system. So what are its advantages and disadvantages?

What is vegetarianism?

Behind such a familiar term hides a very common nutritional system, which implies either a complete rejection of food of animal origin (including poultry with fish), or a significant restriction of their use. Vegetarianism is sometimes strict - a similar variety of it is called veganism. All vegans firmly believe that only plant food can be the most suitable and natural for any organism, and they explain the greatest achievements of the most famous people of different times solely by the fact that many of them ate mainly plant foods. It should be noted that adherents of vegetarianism were such great people as Ovid, Plato, Montaigne, Adam Smith, Rousseau, Thomas More, Seneca, Lamartine, Plutarch, Epicurus, Pythagoras, Voltaire, Byron, etc. Vegans claim that vegetarian diet greatly helps to increase intelligence, has a beneficial effect on brain activity, and even contributes to an increase in life expectancy.
In addition to strict vegetarianism, this system includes three more branches: ovolacto-vegetarianism, which implies the use of egg-milk-plant products ("ovo" in Latin is an egg, and "lacto" is milk), ovovegetarianism, that is, nutrition of egg-plant products and lacto-vegetarianism , the essence of which is the use of dairy products. By the way, many nutritionists even welcome such varieties of vegetarianism, considering them as a golden mean between a very unconventional and quite familiar healthy diet. In most cases, people who adhere to such diets are distinguished by good health, surprisingly high performance and a fairly decent life expectancy.
There are also semi-vegetarians - in everyday life they eat mainly plant foods, and on holidays they do not deny themselves fish dishes (and sometimes lean meat).



The main disadvantage of vegetarianism is that it implies a complete rejection of meat and fish, which are irreplaceable sources of vitamin B12, calcium, protein, as well as phosphorus, amino acids, zinc and iron. People adhering to such a diet do not receive these elements in the amount their body needs. And the physiological need for protein is also not covered in this case by plant food alone. Certainly, some nutrients are found in cereals, legumes or soy products, however, firstly, these are not all the substances from the list of necessary ones, and secondly, protein, phosphorus and amino acids contained in meat and fish are much easier to digest. The doctors were able to establish that after five to seven years of strict vegetarianism, the adherents of this system have a rather strong immunity!
Vegetarianism is categorically contraindicated for people involved in bodybuilding - a protein-rich diet is vital for such athletes. If they stop getting the amount of protein and carbohydrates they need from food, they can easily get anemia. However, this fate does not always pass by all other vegetarians.
Vegetarians who eat exclusively plant-based and low-fat foods can cause irreparable harm to their bodies. Vegetarianism is especially contraindicated for children: in order for the child's body to fully grow and develop, it vitally needs both fish and meat.
And one more disadvantage: vegetarianism is not a cheap pleasure. A full diet is possible in this case only with the most varied vegetarian table, respectively, you will have to regularly buy raisins, dried figs, pineapples, healthy dried apricots, as well as nuts and citrus fruits, and such products are not cheap.
And the main motto of vegetarians is "We didn't kill anyone!" now it is also questioned - modern researchers more and more often find evidence that plants can experience pain.

For the normal functioning of both the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole, the diet must be varied, so if you really want to, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating your favorite fish or meat dish! In addition, modern nutritionists have increasingly begun to pay close attention to the individual reaction of the human body to a particular food, and this is correct, because there are people who feel extremely unwell in the absence of meat in their diet, and people who do well without it. ... That is why it is completely inappropriate to jump to conclusions about the advantages of a particular nutritional system - before becoming a vegetarian, it does not hurt to carefully examine only your purely personal nutritional experience!

Photo: vgstudio /, Marco Mayer /, Andriy Popov /, Rancz Andrei /

Both animals and plants can get sick. If the plant gets sick, then it withers and dies. If an animal falls ill, then its owner takes it to the slaughterhouse, where the animal is killed so that its owner does not suffer losses. After that, people pay a lot of money to get this meat into their stomachs.

Animals and plants equally absorb harmful substances with water and air. In animals, these substances accumulate, being deposited in adipose tissues. When buying meat, a person cannot see these harmful substances. And when he eats such meat, he receives a large dose of harmful substances from the environment. Plants do not accumulate harmful substances in such quantities. Even by thoroughly washing plant products, we cannot remove all harmful substances; but, using plant foods, our body receives a significantly smaller amount of such substances. This is the advantage of a vegetarian diet.

A study of breast milk from 1,400 lactating mothers showed that milk from women who ate meat and dairy products contained twice as much environmental hazard as milk from women who followed a vegetarian diet.

Scientific studies, the results of which are constantly published, prove that plant foods are much better suited to the needs of our body and their use reduces the incidence of various ailments. The highest death rates are associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer. These two diseases are the cause of all deaths. There are two main factors that can cause the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer - smoking and unhealthy diet. Improper diet includes:

- excessive consumption of fats, especially animals,
- excessive consumption of high-calorie foods leading to obesity,
- lack of plant fiber in food.

Cholesterol enters the body only with animal food. It has already been proven that the risk of cardiovascular disease increases with an increase in cholesterol intake. Therefore, naturally, we recommend keeping your cholesterol intake to a minimum.

But this recommendation is not all that new! Rather, it is a new discovery of the most ancient nutrition system, proposed thousands of years ago by those who created and maintains our body, and described in the Bible. Read Gen. 1:29. The Lord prescribed: "Every herb that sows seed, and every tree that has tree fruit that sows seed, this will be your food." And these are fruits, cereals, nuts, vegetables and seeds.

At present, our society is under the misconception that eating meat is very important for sustaining life. In this regard, the question arises: can vegetarian food provide the amount of protein necessary to maintain life and strength? Scripture proves that for many centuries, vegetarian food perfectly satisfied the needs of people, and they lived a long life (Genesis 5). After the great flood, clean meat (Gen. 9: 3, Lev. 11), without blood (Gen. 9: 4, Lev. 17:14) was allowed for consumption. In those days, the life expectancy of people was significantly reduced (Gen. 10: 11-32). How strong is the relationship between what we eat and how long we live?

Dr. Bergstrom from the Institute of Physiology in Stockholm has carried out a series of very interesting experiments. He selected several professional athletes. They had to perform work on a bicycle ergometer at a load that was 70% of their physical capabilities. It was checked how long it would take for the moment of exhaustion to come, depending on the various nutritional conditions of the athletes. (Exhaustion was defined as the inability to sustain a given load further, and also as a condition where muscle glycogen stores began to deplete.)

During the preparation of the first stage of the experiment, the athletes were fed a traditional mixed food consisting of meat, potatoes, carrots, margarine, cabbage and milk. The moment of exhaustion at this stage occurred on average after 1 hour 54 minutes.

During the preparation of the second stage of the experiment, the athletes were fed a high-calorie food consisting of a large amount of proteins and animal fats, namely: meat, fish, butter and eggs. This diet was maintained for three days. Since with such a diet, the muscles of the athletes could not accumulate the required amount of glycogen, exhaustion at this stage occurred on average after 57 minutes.

In preparation for the third stage of the experiment, the athletes were fed food containing a large amount of carbohydrates: bread, potatoes, corn, various vegetables and fruits. Athletes could pedal without exhaustion for 2 hours and 47 minutes!

With such a diet, endurance increased by almost 300% compared to a diet high in calorie protein and fatty foods. As a result of this experiment, Dr. Per Olof Estrand, director of the Institute of Physiology in Stockholm, said: "What advice can we give to athletes? Forget about the protein myth and other prejudices ...".

One slender athlete began to worry that his muscles were not as big as the fashion required. Gym mates advised him to eat meat. The athlete was a vegetarian and at first rejected this offer, but eventually agreed and began to eat meat. His body began to grow in volume - and shoulders, and biceps, and pectoral muscles. But he began to notice that with an increase in muscle mass, he loses strength. After a few months, he was able to squeeze a barbell 9 kilograms lighter than his usual - before the change in his diet - the norm. He so wanted to look big and strong, but not lose strength! However, he noticed that he was turning into a large "puff pastry". Therefore, he chose to really be strong, not seem like that, and went back to vegetarian food. Quite quickly, he began to lose "size", but his strength increased. In the end, he not only regained his ability to squeeze the bar 9 kilograms more, but was able to add another 5 kilograms, now squeezing 14 kilograms more than when he ate meat and was larger in volume.

An erroneous external impression often serves as a defense that high protein intake is desirable and important. In experiments with animals, young animals fed on enriched protein concentrates grow very quickly. And this, it would seem, is wonderful. Who wants to be skinny and small? But it’s not that simple. Growth faster than normal for a given species is not all that beneficial. You can quickly grow in weight and height, but just as quickly destructive processes for the body can begin. "Growth food is not the best way to prolong life. Fast growth and short life are always intertwined."

Are there any disadvantages to a vegetarian diet? The first thing that can be perceived as a disadvantage is the need to reeducate gustatory habits. Such re-education takes time. People who are accustomed to fatty, refined food and eat hard-to-digest meat will hardly start extolling millet and beans overnight! Taste habits are directly related to feelings and experiences. Traditionally, in many homes, a dish is placed in the middle of the table with a baked piece of meat, potatoes and vegetables around it. This is a physiological need to which we are accustomed, but perhaps one day we will be able to change our addictions.

The second, which can also be perceived as a disadvantage, is what can be called a feeling of frustration. The level of adrenaline in the blood of a person who eats meat is increased. When meat suddenly disappears from the diet, the adrenaline level may also drop. As a result, lethargy may appear temporarily, which is perceived by some as a result of not getting adequate nutrition. But very quickly the adrenaline level normalizes, and a new sense of the joy of life comes to the person. Moderate exercise also helps bring back that joy.

The third possible "negative" trait of vegetarianism is the "I'm still hungry" feeling after eating. Animal fats make you feel full. In general, vegetarian food is less fatty. Therefore, even if you have eaten an equal amount of nutrient-free food, you may be tempted to eat some more meat in order to feel satisfied. Unpeeled cereals, vegetables and fruits are less high-calorie, it is possible to eat them in one meal in a larger volume than high-calorie foods. As a result, saturation occurs, albeit of a slightly different type.

You have a chance!

Some people inherited the gift of vegetarianism from birth. Others are just beginning to realize that meat is not as healthy and want to change the way they eat. How can this be done in a reasonable manner?

First step. Cut out any red meat and eat fish and poultry instead. Reduce the sugar and animal fat in your family's favorite foods.

Second phase. Limit eggs to three a week. Start cutting back on sugar by reducing the amount in your cooking. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Instead of regular baked goods and pasta, start using wholemeal flours. Cut back on cheese and milk. Make sure your food is varied, but naturally, don't eat all of that variety in one sitting.

Stage three. Now that your family is starting to enjoy a variety of vegetarian foods in your diet, stop eating fish and poultry. Eat fewer eggs. Also, reduce your intake of dairy products. Remember to use cereals, fruits, and legumes with a small amount of nuts and seeds. Be sure to eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables such as beet tops, sorrel, nettle, spinach in the spring, summer, and fall.

In winter, germinate lentil, mung bean, wheat, alfalfa, radish, and clover seeds for a variety of foods.

I would like to warn you right away. Your family members, your church members, neighbors, and friends may not immediately understand your desire for healthy foods and healthy lifestyles. They may not be ready for this yet. Perhaps they will be ready for this tomorrow, or perhaps they will never be ready. How do we relate to those we love when they say that "they themselves know what is best for them"? The confession of one very loving person is touching: "I eat the simplest food prepared in the simplest way ... But other members of my family do not eat what I eat. I do not set myself as an example. I leave everyone the right to have their own view of what is best for him. I do not try to subordinate the consciousness of another person to my own. No one person can be an example for another in matters of nutrition. It is impossible to formulate a single rule for everyone. There are those in my family who are very fond of beans, while for me beans are poison. There is never butter on my table, but if someone from my family wants to eat a little butter outside my table, he has the right to do it. We set the table twice a day, but if anyone "Someone wants to eat something for dinner, there is no rule prohibiting it. No one complains or leaves the table disappointed. Simple, complete and tasty food is always served on the table."

This recognition helps us understand that if we love our friends and family members, then we must let them decide which diet to eat. Each of us as a person has ample opportunities. Please read our recommendations carefully. Then try doing them for 10 days.

In fact, when discussing health and nutritional issues in general, we are dealing with a wider range of issues than vegetarianism. Studies in the United States indicate that 85% of what people eat is refined cereals and flour products, sugar, animal fats, dairy products, eggs, meat, coffee, alcoholic drinks, sodas, tea, etc. The remaining 15% are cereals and flour products of coarse grinding, fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts. I don’t think the situation is different in Russia and Ukraine. The simplest findings from this study are that more than 50% of our food is animal fat and sugar, which does nothing but extra calories. Excess calories are usually found in foods that lack essential vitamins and minerals. These include, for example, sugary soft drinks, sweets, pasta, mayonnaise, butter, cakes, etc. It is not enough just to become a vegetarian; you also need to reduce the amount of unhealthy foods in your diet.