Funny and funny sms miss you beloved guy, man. I miss and wait for you, beloved - words, prose, text

My dear man, when will you be back? You don't even know how much I miss you. I just can't get used to the fact that you have to constantly go on business trips. Believe that my every day is absolutely meaningless without you. I miss your jokes so much, your laughter and cheerful cries that you urgently need cookies, otherwise you will turn off the movie. Let's get back home, because I want to return to a normal measured life. My dear, I am incredibly lucky to have you, so I want to spend every second of my time with you, and your constant business trips prevent us from enjoying each other's company. Know that I am looking forward to you, my love. I will prepare everything that you love so that you immediately forget about a difficult business trip. I will help you relax and unwind, my dear and most beloved man.

My most beloved relative, I want to say that I'm already going crazy without you, so let's get back to your favorite as soon as possible. I miss your scent so much, which I constantly feel when you are at home, and now I have to walk with your clothes in my hands so as not to miss your scent. I hope you're having a good time, but trust me, you won't be able to spend a single minute better than with me. I want you to return as soon as possible, because without you life seems to me simply uninteresting and meaningless. You don't have to worry, because I'm behaving well, I'm looking forward to seeing you and I'm already thinking about what to cook for you when you arrive. I miss you very much, my dear, so come back already, because I feel very bad without you. I'll give you no more than a week, otherwise I'll come myself.

Rodnulya, I want to say that this time our parting was given to me with great difficulty, so I can’t wait to meet you from a business trip. I just want to drop everything and come to you, because even a minute without you seems like an eternity to me. So imagine what state I'm in right now. I hope that you will take pity and quickly return home to your beloved girl, who has already thought out the menu for this significant day when you return home. I want you not to worry, because everything is fine with me, I just missed you madly. I wish there were no more such breakups in our lives, so this time I can still forgive you, but another time you won’t get off like that. Do not even doubt that I am waiting for you, I love you immensely and miss you. My dear, I feel so bad without you that I just don’t know what to do anymore.

My dear, I am so sad and bored without you, so I sit all the time without a mood and just wait. When will you come back home. I hope that your journey will soon come to an end, and you will be able to come to me. But just know that I will never let you go anywhere else, because I can’t even spend one minute without you, my most beloved and dearest man in the world. I hope you're having a good time, because you still need to take a break from your workdays, but I still feel so sad without you that it's not even worth talking about. Let's go back to your favorite girl, who is going crazy here without you. I miss you very much and I'm waiting for you to return and hug me so that I forget about everything in the world. I know you can do it, so don't even bother. It's only a short wait, so I'm going to have to be patient.

My dear, well, that's why you left for such a long time. You can't even imagine how much I miss you. I have no doubt that you feel the same towards me, so I want the time to fly by quickly, so that you will already return home to my arms. My dear and most beloved man, when you left, I could not even imagine that I would feel so bad. I thought that a temporary separation would even have a beneficial effect on our relationship, but even one minute without you is given to me with great difficulty. Know that I am behaving well here, waiting for you and thinking about how to please you when you arrive. But I am sure that you will definitely like it, because you know what a developed fantasy I have. May every day you spend without me strengthen your feelings for me even more. I'm waiting for you, dear!

My dear, I have never felt so bad. Usually I easily endured our temporary separations, but this time I'm just going crazy, so I can't wait until you come back home. Believe me, I won’t let you go anywhere else, because even one day without you is given to me with such difficulty that you won’t even wish it on your enemy. I want time to fly by so fast that we don't even notice. Very soon we will be together again, but believe me that there is nothing worse than these moments of waiting. But still, I hope you've taken a little break from me, because sometimes I blow your mind. My darling, come on back already, because I already have so many plans for the coming holidays. I will certainly not let you go anywhere else, and if necessary, I will travel with you. I miss you incredibly, my dear. Come back already!

I want to tell you, my dear, that I can’t stand another day without you, so come back quickly, otherwise I myself will drop everything and come to you. This has never happened to me before, because I endured our separations very easily, but now I can’t. I want to spend all the time with you, but you are not by my side. It's such a wonderful weather outside, but I'm stubbornly waiting for the day when you return, so that I can go for a walk with you. Know that I am looking forward to you and preparing for our meeting. I want to wish both of us patience, because there is still enough time before our meeting, but I hope that it will fly by very quickly so that you hug me as soon as possible, and I kiss you. I missed you incredibly, my most beloved and dear. Rest there, but do not forget that your faithful girl is waiting for you. My love for you is limitless.

My dear, you cannot even imagine how bad and sad I am without you. I want to drop everything and come to you right now, but I still can’t do it, so I hope that time will fly by very quickly and we will meet with you again. Know that your girlfriend is already going crazy without you, so go ahead and hurry up the time yourself so that she doesn’t completely go crazy without you. I miss you very much, and it’s even unusual for me that you are not next to me, that you don’t wake up next to me in the morning. I hope that during your business trip you will be able to rest a little, because as soon as you return, I simply will not leave you behind. I already miss you incredibly, so I can't wait until we meet. I have never felt so bad without you. Probably, my love is getting bigger every day, my dear.

My dearest and most beloved man, you left a few days ago on a business trip, and I can’t live without you, so I want to leave everything and come to you to throw myself on your neck. My darling, I'm just suffocating here without you, so let's finish your business already so that you can quickly return to me. I know that it is not so good for you there, because there is no home comfort, warmth and joy. But trust me, I'll make it all up to you as soon as you get back, so it's in your best interest to arrange this. My dear, do not be bored and do not worry so much, because time will fly by so quickly that we both will not have time to look back. Know that I miss you very much, because before that I had not even imagined that it was possible to love someone so much. But now I understand that my life just doesn't make sense without you, that's why I can't stand even one day without you.

My dear, I just don’t know how to bring closer the hour when you knock on the door, because boredom and sadness simply overcome me. I could not even think that I would feel so bad without you, because before we had so easily endured our temporary separations. But still, they say correctly that over the years, love becomes even stronger, which is why separation is so badly tolerated. I want to say that I feel very bad without you, so hurry up some time and come back to me faster. My darling, know that I am incredibly lucky with you, that's why I appreciate our relationship so much. My dear, I hope you are having a good time, because as soon as you return, I will not leave you for a minute and will not let you go anywhere else. I am waiting for you with great impatience and have special hopes for our meeting. Do not worry about separation, so that the mood does not fall.

I mean, I can't take another day without you, my dear, so let's do something there so that we can return as soon as possible. I just can't wait to hug you and tell you how much I love you, so come up with something already to run to me. But this is all a momentary weakness, of course. Take your time, because you need to have time to do everything, and do it at the highest level, so don't fall for my provocations. But just know that I miss you very much, waiting for your speedy return. I so want to hug you, because your hugs give me strength and energy, and in these few days I have been very tired. My darling, you can't even imagine how important you are to me, how much I love you and how much I appreciate every moment spent together. I hope you have a productive time and come back to me.

I just want to scream, because I missed my most beloved boy, who is now on a business trip, incredibly much. I want to say that I can’t imagine a single hour of my life without you, so just imagine how hard it is for me now without you. I really hope that you finish your work soon, because I can't wait to hug and kiss you. You have no idea how much I miss you. Just imagine that at night I sleep in your shirt to feel your unique scent. I want the time to fly by very quickly, because I really want this business trip to end as soon as possible and not start for a long time. I hope that there will be as few such trips in our life as possible, because every time I get worse and worse. Come back already!

My beloved, I have a feeling that time is treacherously dragging on so slowly that we will not meet soon. But you can't even imagine how much I miss you already. I want our meeting to take place as soon as possible, because I can’t wait to hug you, kiss you and hug you. I won't let you go anywhere else, because I can't imagine a single day without you and without your jokes. I missed you very much, so I don’t know how to hurry up time to meet you as soon as possible. May every day bring us the opportunity to meet as soon as possible. I love you incredibly much and want you to come back and never leave again. I hope that your business trips will be as rare as possible, because every time it becomes more and more difficult for me to let you go.

My most beloved boy, I don’t like it so much when we have to part for such a long time. I even want to just drop everything and come to you, because I just can’t imagine a single minute without you. Out of boredom, I'm ready to just climb the walls, I'm so used to the fact that you wake me up, that sometimes you cook in the morning. You can't even imagine how difficult it is for me without your laughter, without your jokes, so let's finish your business already to return to me, into my arms. My beloved, but I hope that you were able to rest a little, because as soon as you return, I will overwhelm you with my ideas, which we will certainly have to implement. And now I want to say that I am behaving well, so you can calmly go about your business, my dearest and most beloved boy. I miss you very much.

My darling, how difficult it is for me without you, you can’t even imagine, so come back already. It seems to me that I simply can’t stand a single day without you, so if you want me to remain normal, that is, not to go crazy, then come to me as soon as possible. I will surround you with such love and such care that you will immediately forget about your problems and questions. Darling, I so want to hug you and hug you, because I missed you incredibly. I've never been so sad and difficult without you, but I'm holding on because I don't want you to worry. I am incredibly lucky to have you, so I want everything to be fine with us. Know that I am looking forward to you, I am already preparing for how I will meet you. I wish you to have a good time, rest and relax, although I can also relax you.

I should confess that I can no longer even spend a minute without you, my most beloved boy. I'm counting down the days until you return. You have no idea how difficult it is for me without you, how sad and boring. I so want to wake up next to you again, and now you are somewhere far away. Even our conversations cannot cheer me up as much as the time spent together. I really want your business trip to end as soon as possible, so that you return home, where your beloved girlfriend will be waiting for you. I will arrange everything so that you can rest after such an exhausting trip, my dear. Don't worry about me because my only problem is that I just miss you like crazy. But this will be decided very soon, and after that I will not let you go anywhere. And I also fall asleep exclusively on your side, because it makes me much more comfortable.

I want to say that there is no person in this world dearer to me than you, my most beloved and dear boy. However, now you are far away from me, so I miss you incredibly, but at the same time, I feel that every day my love for you becomes more and brighter. I want time to go faster, so that we meet as soon as possible, my dear. It seems to me that an eternity has already passed, because every minute without you seems like a real year to me. My darling, just know that I miss you very much, because I want you to come back. Believe me, I won’t let you go anywhere else, because all these separations of ours cost me nerves and tears. I'm ready to just climb the walls, and telephone conversations make me sad. I love your voice so much, but I want to hear it next to me. Come back to me soon.

My beloved, you left just a few days ago, and I can no longer live without you. I can’t imagine how I will endure the rest of the time, because right now I want to drop everything and come to you. Agree that it will be easier for both of us. But I understand that we should not do this, although you can’t even imagine how much I missed you, how much I want to hug you and say that I just can’t imagine a single minute of my life without you. Everything seems so uninteresting to me when you're not around, nothing makes me happy, so come back soon, otherwise I'll just go crazy. And I don't think you want to date a crazy girl, so it's all in your best interest. I want you to be always there, so that I wake up in your arms, and I have already managed to miss all this. May all your affairs be resolved as soon as possible, and you will return home.

Not much time has passed since you left, and I feel really bad without you, and I just want to go after you. Believe that I really would do it, I just don’t want to let you down, but you can’t even imagine what I feel right now, what emotions overcome me at the moment. I realized that you can love a person so much that you literally suffocate from love. Now this is happening to me. It seems to me that your business trips always have a positive effect on our relations, but still let them be as few as possible in our lives. I really want time to fly by so fast that we wouldn't even notice. I miss you very much, I wait and love you so much that you can’t even imagine. Good luck with your business trip, my favorite boy. There will be a surprise waiting for you when you arrive, dear.

My dear, I miss you so much that I'm already starting to hate your work. Your constant business trips annoy me, because they constantly tear you away from me. Of course, sometimes we need separation, but not as often. I really look forward to our soon meeting, because I want to hug and kiss you faster. When will your business trip end? You are so smart with me, come up with something to get home faster, where your beloved girlfriend and your favorite dinner will be waiting for you. I don’t even know which of these motivates you more, but believe me, the main thing is that you arrive soon, and everything else is not so important for me. May your work no longer take so much of our time, dear. I really want you to succeed, and then come home with peace of mind. I miss you!

Words I miss my boyfriend:

Confessions to a guy Good morning to my beloved Good night to my beloved I miss my beloved I miss my husband Apologies to my beloved For mood Love boyfriend

What paths, cowboy,
Have your horses sped away?
I'm angry, dear
Separated... Beware of the chase!

Dear, do you expect me to miss you?
Do not notice the company of girlfriends?
Sit all the time at home, by the window
And nights, waiting, without sleep?

Yes, my dear, you hit the mark!
I sit, do not notice and do not sleep!
Separation has worn out all my nerves!
Come back soon, I miss you, I love you!

When I met you, my dear, I realized that everything - I was gone. And now each of our parting is a solar eclipse on a clear day, and I'm dark and lonely without you. Become a ray of sunshine, appear soon and dispel darkness and sadness in my heart.

Will you visit me, love?
I can't live without hugs!
My dear prince, fearless,
I miss you so much that I run to you!

I'm sitting, shedding tears, my dear,
I miss you and waging battles with longing.
Oh how you don't want to be alone!
Beautiful after all, young, with an aspen waist

And wonderful legs from the ears!
Raising the bust in a romantic impulse,
I confess: I'm looking forward to it! Run quickly!
After all, I'm waiting in one lingerie erotic ...

Maybe I lost my pride, but rather, I lost my head out of love for you. When you are far away, I don’t just miss, I become different: a gray mouse - sad and lonely. Only you, my prince, can make me a fabulous, beautiful princess.

I miss you, dear and dear,
I wander alone under the yellow moon,
I dream of you, dear, to rush that there are forces,
A hint, I want you to understand, and invite you to visit.

How, my love, I'm bored without you,
After all, there is no one to "ride on the ears" at all.
And in your phone with your own hands
On the virtual I can not rummage around the corners.

But seriously, dear, I miss you,
Although we are still so few days apart.
Do you understand what I'm talking about now?
That's right - come back soon!

Darling, I miss you so much! I listen to every rustle, noise and creak of the door, and suddenly it's you standing on the threshold of my house with a huge bouquet of my favorite flowers and a small ring with a diamond.

I don't even feel like eating at night
The cat looks at me suspiciously.
Ah, if only you missed me as much,
How I love you all these days!

Oh, I know you're resting without me
Although, of course, you love and miss.
With you I'm just waiting impatiently for a meeting,
And I continue to yearn silently ...

My love, be there as soon as possible
After all, I really miss your look,
Know that without you there will be no peace for me,
Your golden heart is priceless!

Without you, everything is uninteresting, boring, unnecessary, gray. And with you - bright, unusual, memorable, incredible. Please be there, otherwise I'm already completely sad, bored!

Come back my dear, I miss you
Hold me to your chest
Now I will kiss you
You just don't blush!

You have not been around for half a day,
Not happy with shopping, girlfriends chatter,
There is no desire to discuss the series,
I miss you, my love, but they don't understand.

My dear, give me peace soon,
I will forget all my friends, I will be with you
I discuss the football score of the match
And new gear you choose.

Darling! Come to me soon, because I miss you very much! I want to bathe again in your gentle, warm embraces, to plunge headlong into our pool of passionate and ardent love.

Alina Ogonyok

There is no consolation for my sadness... A little time has passed, but I already miss it! 10

Again it's raining outside the window, again I'm sad a little, tears are falling from heaven, you sent me a text message! 10

Birds miss spring - they are cold in winter,
And I miss you when you're not with me! 10

No more strength, I so want to see you! Rather, take me to our paradise! I'm waiting for you my love! Come soon! 11

To begin with, I will write about my love, and at the meeting I will kiss and strangle in my arms! 11

It’s dark for me without you in this life, the moon looks lonely out the window, snow is falling quietly, everything is wrong when you are not with me ... 10 (1)

To someone - everything ... To someone - nothing ...
And I don't need much to be happy.
I traded the world for you alone.
And I will live as long as you are by my side. 10

In a cozy room under the covers, you sleep so beautifully gently. And I only mentally kiss you and so want to see you, baby! 11

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I miss... Not for flowers-gifts... Not for calls and messages... But for your lively smile, your habits, for you, my most beloved. 10

You know, honey, you and I are like two blind people! You because you don’t see how dear you are to me, and I because I don’t see anyone but you! 10

You are all closer and dearer to my heart and soul. Only with you is it easy for me! Although you are far away, I only think about you, because I love you very much! 10

I can't imagine my life without you! I love you so much! 9

Without you, I'm like a fish without water... A flower without sun, summer without heat... I don't understand almost anything, except that I miss you very much and love you madly. 10

Very! Too much! Limitless!
Extremely boring without you...
Remember me, please come on
Let's be together you and me! 10

My heart will never forget you, you hear me, my dear, dear, beautiful, you are happiness for me, my love! 10

I am writing you words about how dearly I love you, let time bring us closer to you, because without you I simply cannot! 10

So many questions but so few answers and all I know is that I miss you! 10

Kiss your lips, kiss your eyes ... Remember, dear and dear - I'm with you, like in a fairy tale. 11

I always share with you both chuckles and sadness, I just love you, we're just two halves! 10

I love you more than life, believe me, the door is closed to others in my heart, I can’t live a day without you, you are everything, you are the world, you are life for me! 10

Days pass, nights pass. I can't hear the sound of your steps. I miss you so much, when will we see you again? 10

I love you more and more, I want to see you as soon as possible... You answer far and rarely, and I still miss you... 10

Without you, my heart misses, without you, my heart hurts, I don’t know how to continue to live, because I will never forget you! 11