Signs about birds, superstitions about birds. Signs about birds

If a dead bird caught your eye, a sign will tell you what will happen. It is important where you found it and how the bird died. This can promise trouble on the road, or warn of changes in the house, find out what folk wisdom portends.

Dead bird on the road, balcony, in the house

Noticing a bird at the carriageway for yourself, you should not decipher the sign. Perhaps someone knocked her down and superstitions are relevant for the driver, but not for you. They found a bird in their yard, apartment, on the balcony - these are beliefs that deserve attention.

  • On the territory of the garden or yard - a warning of trouble with friends and colleagues. Before you say something, think, otherwise the quarrel will be the beginning of a series of failures. A cat could have brought a dead bird, then this does not warn of anything.
  • Near a window or door - someone is trying to annoy, to spoil. An unfortunate event is about to happen. You have to be "in the know".

A dead bird on a balcony or in a room - a sign offers several options for decoding.

  • They found a dove - someone living in the house will get sick. The finder will lose a large amount of money, but this will not be a critical loss (if there is an additional source of income, most likely lose it).
  • Magpie - hear a lie, you should not express your opinion about outsiders, you will earn a reputation as a gossip.
  • Swallow - on the one hand indicates tears, sadness, mourning. On the other hand, a good year.
  • Owl - you should listen to the voice of reason, trust only trusted people.

The bird crashed into an obstacle

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When a bird crashed into the window, fell and died - it's very scary. However, wait to panic. There are three common transcripts of the event.

  • The first says that the tenants are waiting for a series of troubles, failures and suffering.
  • The other is a joyful event, a meeting with friends, relatives who have not been seen for a long time. The larger the bird, the more joy you will experience from the rendezvous and the more noisy the feast will be.
  • If a dead dove lies on the windowsill, and a lonely young lady lives in the house, she will go down the aisle in a year or two. Contrary to the omen, they will play a wedding earlier than in a year, then the marriage will be unhappy.

Flew into the house and died

Beliefs have a negative interpretation if you contributed to the death of a bird. For example, they hit on purpose or accidentally. A dead bird portends a series of negative events in all areas of life.

If the bird flew in without the intervention of the residents and released the spirit already in the room, this does not bode well. The exception is if it was a titmouse. This is a bad sign.

Bird drowned in water

In this case, pay attention to what kind of bird it is. Forest always portend failure. If you saw a similar sign outside your home / garden / yard, it has nothing to do with you.

It only matters if it happened in your territory. For example, a bird drowned in a deep drinking bowl, a small fountain. Signs advise getting rid of the fountain in which the bird died. However, few people believe that this neutralizes the negative effect of belief.

Why does a dead bird fall from the sky?

A dead bird that has fallen next to a person warns of troubles, difficulties associated with finances, the work area, and communication with people.

In the near future, you should not make any spontaneous purchases, you should carefully consider all your actions, do not make spontaneous decisions, do not get involved in conflict situations.

How to neutralize negative superstitions

An effective way to get rid of the consequences of bad omens is to consider whether you really need to believe in a negative transcript. You will not believe in a bad omen - you can build
reliable protection that can block exposure.

If you find a bird, make sure it is really dead. If you hurt your wings, paws, try to get it out. Take a bad omen. If it was not possible to save the bird, it should be carried as far as possible from the house, after which the place of its location (floor, window) should be thoroughly washed so that no traces of the incident remain.

Not always a dead bird can warn of negative changes. Take the advice of our ancestors, psychics and try not to trust the negative transcripts.

Previously, humanity was very dependent on nature. It was then that folk signs about birds appeared. Previously, people worshiped various gods, animals, so they tried to notice even the most insignificant natural phenomena, which, one way or another, could affect fate. Thus, various signs about birds appeared, passed from mouth to mouth. After such a large amount of time, they managed to reach our days, retaining their relevance.

If the bird hit the window, then you should expect guests, a noisy feast. Not just hit, but busily knocked? For news from afar. Chickens drink a lot of water - a drought will come soon, they go to bed early - expect prolonged rains. You can also learn about the upcoming rain by the low flight of swallows.

Birds can fly into the house through an open window. Get ready then for the unpleasant news of the death of someone close to you. Did the pichuga just hit the glass on the balcony or sat on the windowsill? Very soon you expect unforeseen cash embezzlement. A poultry that died at someone's wedding promises an unsuccessful marriage or a divorce that happened soon. You can not keep any wild bird at home, except for the dove, because the rest attract misfortune, suffering.

During the walk, do not forget to raise your head up, watching, because if a flock is circling above you, then you should expect an imminent illness. If the bird is alone, beware of treason or betrayal from loved ones. If the birds, flying above you, abruptly changed their direction of flight, then some kind of danger lurks nearby. To see a dead bird on the way home means that misfortune will come to you soon.

Rejoice in the shitting bird, because this event is considered one of the few lucky signs associated with feathered creatures.

Sparrows bathe in puddles or in dust - to heat. And if, going out onto the balcony, you see that a bird has flown in there and is now crashing into the glass, looking for a way out, release it into the wild: this is good. In the heat, birds do not bathe in puddles, but sit ruffled and puff up their feathers - to a cold snap.

What does a bird knocking on the window portend?

Often there are situations when birds knock on the windows of houses. Most often this happens when it is cold, dark, so the birds want light, warmth and food. Considering such a situation from the point of view of nature, such a situation does not have any negative prerequisites. They seem to remind us of the need to help the animals around us. Hang a feeder outside the window in winter - and admire how tits and bullfinches will fly there for a treat. And let them knock on the window: this will only be a reminder that it's time to update the menu in the bird canteen.

Beliefs on the same topic can be both positive and negative. For example, a swallow is considered bright, so she brought only good luck and prosperity to the house, and if she knocks on the window, then good news should be expected. Tits can be added to this list, as they have always been considered messengers of happiness.

On the other hand, before the window (like the mirror) was considered the boundary between our world and the other world. Spirits remind of themselves with the help of birds knocking on the window. Such incidents are clearly a bad sign, as many beliefs say.

Especially beware of the crow, the cuckoo - these birds do not bring good into the house.

But the popular sign would not have been such if the wise ancestors had not figured out how to avoid trouble. There are at least six options to choose from. You can perform a ceremony of removing damage and the evil eye, thus clearing the aura, or put a bunch of mountain ash on the windowsill of each window - a natural amulet from evil.

It was also proposed to turn to the brownie for protection, pay off a negative event - with small coins scattered at the crossroads, or take it to the nearest church and feed the birds all the bread available in the house. A church candle could be lit on the window sill to clean the house, while the eldest member of the family read cleansing prayers at that time. And the ancestors also claimed that if each member of the family ties a red ribbon on the window handle, famously bypasses the house.

Heavenly Messengers

Throughout our lives, fate sends us many signs that we need to listen to. Signs about birds are only a small part of them. For example, there is a situation when a crow sat on a person. A crow sitting on its head is considered a bad sign. Especially when at the same time she also began to peck, because crows have always been famous for their ability to find sick and weak people. And in itself, it was considered “dark”: the appearance of a raven was often taken by evil entities.

A bird crashed into a walking person - a stormy and passionate romance awaits you. A dove sitting on its head or shoulder portends a quick enrichment. Expect news when you dreamed like this. And the titmouse sitting on the hand - to the fulfillment of a dream. If the bird also chirped at the same time - feel free to make a wish: it will come true with one hundred percent probability!

All signs about birds

Yard bird is plucked- to bad weather.

The bird knocks on the window- to the news.

The bird hit the window- there will be a guest.

If a wild bird beats through the window- then there will be a decline in the house: a person or cattle will die.

Wild bird flying through the window- portends a dead person or a great misfortune.

If a bird in an open field flew into the hands- that's good.

Birds are plucked- to the bucket.

If the birds land on the ground- to the bucket, and if on the roof - to bad weather.

On the Annunciation - every bird, except for the cursed sparrow, which does not know the holiday, does not nest; if she builds a nest or sleeps through matins, then her wings are taken away for a while.

If anyone suffers from any external skin diseases- it is very useful for him to sit on the place where the bird rested.

If someone kills a little bird- then that one will not get along with cattle.

Birds have always been considered messengers, transmitting any information. By the behavior of crows, doves, sparrows, swallows, storks and other birds, they learned about the weather, the future, and even the atmosphere that reigns around the house. That is why a large number of folk signs and superstitions are associated with birds. What do they mean?

  • Sign - a bird flew out the window. If a bird accidentally flew into your house through a window, then this is a bad omen, indicating an imminent accident. But don't get upset. If a bird flew out the window, then this is just a sign, a warning, taking into account which you can avoid trouble.
  • The bird hit the window- a good omen. In this case, you are waiting for good news or the resolution of an important matter or problem for you.
  • If a bird hits the window and does not fly away, then this is an unkind sign. It can mean a lot. Probably the bird wants to warn you about something. You should be careful and careful.
  • Do not keep wild birds in the house otherwise you will attract misfortune to your house. A bird needs freedom, and even if you keep it for good reasons (found an abandoned chick or a bird with a damaged wing), then this will not bring you happiness.
  • If a flock of crows is circling over your house or jackdaws - expect trouble or illness.
  • The bird has made a nest above your window is a good omen. It is believed that birds feel the energy of people and settle next to those houses where kind and happy people live.
  • See a dead bird on the road- to failure. To knock down a bird tightly - to the imminent misfortune or illness.
  • If a bird shit on you, then this is a sign of happiness. You will find financial well-being and the resolution of all troubles. So do not be upset because of soiled clothes - fate itself has marked you!
  • At all times, birds were considered the most noble and pure creatures. Messengers of God - that's what our ancestors called them. Listen to folk signs and be more attentive to the signs of fate! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    14.08.2014 09:16

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Folk omens are the best method for warning against the unknown. The life of our ancestors was closely connected with nature and they always watched any changes in the environment.

Signs have been formed for centuries and they should not be neglected. Let's talk about the signs associated with birds.

Not only a fallen fork or spoon speaks of unexpected guests. There is a belief that if a rooster comes up to the gate and at the same time cries loudly, then soon someone will come to visit you.

If the roosters crow at the wrong time, then either they see an evil spirit and drive him away, or they predict a dead person, or there will be new decrees, or bad weather will begin. If a rooster crows at midnight, an angel of death flies over the house.

If the chickens get off the perch at night - be in trouble. If the chickens cackle loudly, then beware of quarrels with your neighbors or household members.

There is also a belief that if chickens drink a lot of water, then the coming year will be dry, and at the same time the harvest will not produce rich fruits. If the chickens go to bed early, then on the contrary, this indicates that the year will be rich in rains. This is also evidenced by the fact that turkeys bathe in sand or snow. Then there will be a lot of rain in summer, and a prolonged thaw in winter.

It has always been a bad omen if a mother hen puts all her chickens under her - this is to bad weather and serious troubles in the coming year.

But if you saw chickens calmly walking in the rain in the yard, then you should know that the bad weather will end soon.

It is very bad if a bird in a cage or just any poultry dies on the wedding day. Such a marriage will be unhappy, the spouses will constantly quarrel and eventually disperse.

Previously, it was often possible to meet some kind of black bird in the yard, because according to popular beliefs, it serves as a talisman for the house against troubles, fire, thieves and crop failure.

wild birds

If a bird flew into the house, then this is not a very good sign, because then someone may die this year. The bird is a symbol of the spirit of deceased relatives who are trying to warn the household about the impending disaster. However, a flown bird is not always to death, sometimes it's just some kind of news. But only if she flew into the window and immediately flew back.

Ravens have never been loved and have always been feared, and for good reason, because according to the sign, if this bird circles over the house, then this is to death or a serious illness. But not always a raven is bad, for example, if they croak long and mournfully, then it will soon rain. And if a raven bathes in the yard - unfortunately.

But if a dove got into a house where there is a free girl, then this is not at all a reason to grieve, but rather rejoice. According to ancient beliefs, a dove portends a quick wedding. In general, these birds were very loved, as they usually foreshadowed only good things. For example, if a dove walks on the porch, on the windowsill, or on the balcony, then there will never be serious quarrels, troubles and misfortunes in this house. After all, it is a symbol of family well-being. In addition, if the dove did not come to you with an empty beak, then harmony and joy will reign in your house. And, here, if a white dove flies around the house - a sign of imminent death.

When a bird knocks on the window, especially a titmouse, this is good news. However, be careful, because if it is a crow or even worse than a crow, then the news will be bad.

The next sign is also associated with a tit. It is believed that if this bird sat on your hand, then you must immediately make a wish. If after that she is silent, then nothing will come true, if, on the contrary, she voiced, then be sure that the conceived will come true.

A sparrow, who flew into the house of an unmarried woman, also spoke of an imminent wedding. However, this will only come true if the bird chirps and flies away. In other cases, this is for the news. If sparrows have built nests above the house, then the future husband will soon appear in the house.

Magpie is always deceit or gossip. So, if this bird jumps on the porch or on the balcony, then the owners of this house will either be slandered or embroiled in intrigues. But she did not always portend trouble, since they used to believe that if a magpie sits on the roof of a house where there is a patient, then this is for his speedy recovery.

The stork, according to superstition, brings only joy and happiness to the house. It is not for nothing that when asked by children where he was born, they say that the stork brought them. And all because if this bird builds a nest near the house, then its owners will be happy all their lives, and they will also know neither poverty, nor bitter tears, nor serious losses.

Until now, many are frightened by a dead bird found in their yard, however, according to popular beliefs, such an event can bring only minor losses. But, they were attentive to the fact if they found a dead tit, which always personified happiness. Indeed, in this case, happiness in the house will disappear for a long time, and laughter will change to tears.

An owl hoots loudly near the house about the imminent addition to the family. This is also evidenced by a flock of crows or magpies that soar above the roof. However, if one crow or magpie soars over the roof, this is a deception and betrayal. But if a lot of jackdaws and crows come together on the roof, then there will soon be a wedding in this house.

We all know from childhood that if you hear a cuckoo, you must definitely ask her: "Cuckoo, cuckoo, how long do I have left to live?" However, as it turned out, there are several more signs associated with this bird. For example, if you hear it near your house, then this is the death of one of the household members. If you just hear the cuckoo, then you need to have time to ask not only a well-known question, but also ring a trifle in your pocket, they say - this is to wealth and wealth. It’s bad if you hear this bird on an empty stomach, because then it will be a misfortune.

But since ancient times, the swallow has been considered a symbol of good luck and success, so if suddenly this bird made a nest under the roof of a residential building, then its inhabitants tried to protect it. After all, if this event happened, it means a good wife and a good atmosphere in the house. But when this bird abruptly left the nest, then this is only to bad weather and troubles. This also applies to storks, if they leave the nest that they made on the pipe of the house, then soon there will be a fire or poverty.

Three seagulls flying overhead at the same time is a warning of death.

An eagle hovering overhead is a harbinger of happiness and a major victory.

The woodpecker is hammering the roof of the house - to be in trouble.

Before we get acquainted with the most common signs about birds, let's try to figure out how birds used to be treated. In fact, mostly birds were associated with goodness and joy, it was believed that it carries only positive in itself. However, this does not apply to all birds, there are some types of birds that do not carry anything good in themselves.

The most common opinion was that any bird is the souls of the dead who arrived on Earth to inform a person about something. In this regard, birds began to be associated also with messengers.

But here, for example, a raven or a magpie is always something bad. The first, as you know, is a symbol of misfortune, grief and misfortune, and the second means slyness and deceit. But the crow should not be confused with the crow, which has always personified the mind, creativity and connection with the otherworldly.

The most positive in terms of symbolism are the oriole, the starling and the rooster. The first brings a person the positive energy of the Sun, light and joy in the house. And the starling is always energy and the ability to maintain good and kind relations with all the people around. The rooster personifies real beauty, as well as the harmony of soul and body.

And love and family happiness are symbolized, of course, by a swan and a dove. They bring peace, tranquility and happiness to this world.

All these symbols appeared for a reason, but as a result of the observations of our ancestors. People have always tried to predict the future, and birds served as one of the signs, well, let's find out what superstitions existed before about them.

Notes about poultry

  1. Not only a fallen fork or spoon speaks of unexpected guests. There is a belief that if a rooster comes up to the gate and at the same time cries loudly, then soon someone will come to visit you.
  2. But if you saw chickens calmly walking in the rain in the yard, then you should know that the bad weather will end soon.
  3. It is very bad if a bird in a cage or just any poultry dies on the wedding day. Such a marriage will be unhappy, the spouses will constantly quarrel and eventually disperse.
  4. There is also a belief that if chickens drink a lot of water, then the coming year will be dry, and at the same time the harvest will not produce rich fruits. If the chickens go to bed early, then on the contrary, this indicates that the year will be rich in rains. This is also evidenced by the fact that turkeys bathe in sand or snow. Then there will be a lot of rain in summer, and a prolonged thaw in winter.
  5. It has always been a bad omen if a mother hen puts all her chickens under her - this is to bad weather and serious troubles in the coming year.
  6. If the chickens cackle loudly, then beware of quarrels with your neighbors or household members.
  7. Previously, it was often possible to meet some kind of black bird in the yard, because according to popular beliefs, it serves as a talisman for the house against troubles, fire, thieves and crop failure.

Signs about wild birds

  1. If a bird flew into the house, then this is not a very good sign, because then someone may die this year. As we have already mentioned, the bird is a symbol of the spirit of deceased relatives who are trying to warn the household about the impending disaster. However, a flown bird is not always to death, sometimes it's just some kind of news. But only if she flew into the window and immediately flew back.
  2. Ravens have never been loved and have always been feared, and for good reason, because according to the sign, if this bird circles over the house, then this is to death or a serious illness. But not always a raven is bad, for example, if they croak long and mournfully, then it will soon rain.
  3. But if a dove got into a house where there is a free girl, then this is not at all a reason to grieve, but rather rejoice. According to ancient beliefs, a dove portends a quick wedding. In general, these birds were very loved, as they usually foreshadowed only good things. For example, if a dove walks on the porch, on the windowsill, or on the balcony, then there will never be serious quarrels, troubles and misfortunes in this house. After all, it is a symbol of family well-being. In addition, if the dove did not come to you with an empty beak, then harmony and joy will reign in your house.
  4. When a bird knocks on the window, especially a titmouse, this is good news. However, be careful, because if it is a crow or even worse than a crow, then the news will be bad.
  5. The next sign is also associated with a tit. It is believed that if this bird sat on your hand, then you must immediately make a wish. If after that she is silent, then nothing will come true, if, on the contrary, she voiced, then be sure that the conceived will come true.
  6. A sparrow, who flew into the house of an unmarried woman, also spoke of an imminent wedding. However, this will only come true if the bird chirps and flies away. In other cases, this is for the news. If sparrows have built nests above the house, then the future husband will soon appear in the house.
  7. Magpie is always deceit or gossip. So, if this bird jumps on the porch or on the balcony, then the owners of this house will either be slandered or embroiled in intrigues. But she did not always portend trouble, since they used to believe that if a magpie sits on the roof of a house where there is a patient, then this is for his speedy recovery.
  8. The stork, according to superstition, brings only joy and happiness to the house. It is not for nothing that when asked by children where he was born, they say that the stork brought them. And all because if this bird builds a nest near the house, then its owners will be happy all their lives, and they will also know neither poverty, nor bitter tears, nor serious losses.
  9. Until now, many are frightened by a dead bird found in their yard, however, according to popular beliefs, such an event can bring only minor losses. But, they were attentive to the fact if they found a dead tit, which always personified happiness. Indeed, in this case, happiness in the house will disappear for a long time, and laughter will change to tears.
  10. An owl hoots loudly near the house about the imminent addition to the family. This is also evidenced by a flock of crows or magpies that soar above the roof. However, if one crow or magpie soars over the roof, this is a deception and betrayal. But if a lot of jackdaws and crows come together on the roof, then there will soon be a wedding in this house.
  11. We all know from childhood that if you hear a cuckoo, you must definitely ask her: "Cuckoo, cuckoo, how long do I have left to live?" However, as it turned out, there are several more signs associated with this bird. For example, if you hear it near your house, then this is the death of one of the household members. If you just hear the cuckoo, then you need to have time to ask not only a well-known question, but also ring a trifle in your pocket, they say - this is to wealth and wealth. It’s bad if you hear this bird on an empty stomach, because then it will be a misfortune.
  12. But since ancient times, the swallow has been considered a symbol of good luck and success, so if suddenly this bird made a nest under the roof of a residential building, then its inhabitants tried to protect it. After all, if this event happened, it means a good wife and a good atmosphere in the house. But when this bird abruptly left the nest, then this is only to bad weather and troubles. This also applies to storks, if they leave the nest that they made on the pipe of the house, then soon there will be a fire or poverty.