Natural gas in cylinders for home heating. Gas boiler for heating from a gas cylinder - rules for connection and operation. Types of products by location

Heating a country house with bottled gas is usually used when it is impossible to use other types of heating. The fuel in this case is butane or propane. Gas cylinders are connected to the heating system using a reducer - a special device that serves to reduce pressure.

Since gas occupies a solid volume only when in a gaseous state, it takes up much less space in a liquid state. From this it follows that quite a lot of it fits in the cylinders. The gas that comes out of the cylinder through the reducer, due to the ongoing rapid decrease in pressure, again turns into a gaseous state, after which it is burned in the boiler. During this process, a lot of heat is generated.


Attention: Thanks to the use of bottled gas, it is possible not only qualitatively, but also to heat water for any domestic needs.

But in the latter case, a heat exchanger will be needed. However, such a heating system is usually used only when it is not possible to connect the heating boiler to the gas main. But on the other hand, such heating of a private house allows you to achieve complete autonomy. Thanks to him, the warmth in your home will not depend on various external factors.

Also, among the advantages of heating a private or country house with a gas cylinder, the following can be distinguished:

  • low fuel consumption that can be adjusted;
  • full autonomy;
  • the use of environmentally friendly fuels;
  • ease of management and ease of use;
  • constant pressure in pipes.

Such heating can be installed both in a new and in an old house. This requires only minimal work. In addition, it is much easier than connecting to the gas main. After all, for this there is no need to lay pipes to the building, draw up and approve a project.

But despite all the advantages of this type of heating, it is advisable to heat the building with gas cylinders only if it is not possible to use other heating options for one reason or another. For example, in the absence of electricity.


Heating a house with gas cylinders has not only numerous advantages, but also some disadvantages. Among them are the following:

  • impossibility of placing containers in rooms without stable ventilation;
  • in the event of a leak, gas can sink, for example, into the basement and accumulate there, which can be fraught with serious consequences;
  • they must be kept indoors, because in severe frosts, if they are located outdoors, condensation may freeze and the system will turn off.

When using gas cylinders to heat a building, great attention should be paid to safety. In particular, it is recommended to place them outside the house, in a separate insulated building. Alternatively, install them in a metal or plastic box of the correct size. There must be a ventilation hole in its cover.

As a heater, you can use foam, about 5 centimeters thick. During use, it has proven itself excellent. They should sheathe the walls of the box in which the gas cylinders are located. In extreme cases, they can be located in a residential building, but under them there should not be a basement or a similar room.

Heating organization

If you intend to heat your home with liquefied gas, you should remember that not every boiler is suitable for these needs. Indeed, in this case, you will need a special burner capable of functioning from cylinders. Its power should be approximately 10-20kW. This indicator is directly related to the area of ​​the heated room.

Attention: The boiler must be connected to a gas cylinder using a special reducer, which can significantly reduce the consumption of gas spent on heating the house.

For example, with a gearbox it is 0.8 m 3 per hour, and without it 1.8-2.0 m 3 per hour. As you can see, the difference is quite significant.

The burner can be used one that is designed for the operation of a boiler operating from a gas main. But in this case, you will have to adjust its valve for proportional gas supply. After all, the pressure in the line is slightly lower. It should not be forgotten that each burner must be individually controlled.


If you intend to heat a country house with gas cylinders, you should calculate the gas consumption. Typically, a boiler to obtain 1 kW of heat energy requires 0.12 kg / hour of gas. If the building has an area of ​​100 m 2, then the required boiler power should be 10 kW, and the gas consumption for heating the house is 1.2 kg / hour. As you can see, the gas consumption is quite substantial and if the boiler consumes such an amount of gas around the clock, then such a heating method will be unprofitable.

But if the boiler is set up correctly, you can significantly reduce the use of gas, while maintaining the desired temperature in the house in which you will be comfortable. The maximum fuel consumption in this case will be observed only when the heating system is warming up.

Also, a lot depends on the quality of the house insulation. After all, if the building is poorly insulated, then the heating will have to be turned on at high power in order to achieve a temperature at which you can feel comfortable. This means that gas will be consumed much faster. How to properly insulate a building, you can see in the video below.

To achieve a good reduction in the consumption of reduced gas, you can equip the boiler with automation. She is responsible for regulating fuel consumption depending on the temperature in the house. Also, a lot depends on the time of day. Thanks to the installed automation, the consumption can be reduced by about 30%. On average, one container will be consumed in about 5 days, and about 7 units will be required per month. That is, thanks to the presence of automatic control, it will be possible to save a lot.

If gas cylinders are heated for a private, and a country house, in which people live only from time to time, then the gas consumption will not be large at all. If there are no people in it, you can set the boiler to a temperature of +8 degrees. It is possible and a little lower. The main thing is that the temperature in the building is positive. At this temperature, the gas consumption per week can be less than one cylinder.


In order for heating with gas cylinders in a country or private house to be effective, it is required to have a constant, irreducible supply of fuel. In this matter, this heating system loses to other heating systems. For example, if an electric boiler is installed in the house, then for its uninterrupted operation only access to a source of electricity is required. But if, heating occurs by means of gas cylinders, then they will need to be regularly refueled or bought new ones. And this implies unnecessary trouble and is one of the main disadvantages of this heating system.

Quite often, special organizations are engaged in the sale and delivery of containers with reduced prices. Of course, you can do it yourself. If you intend to refuel a gas cylinder, you will need to find a gas station that has the ability to liquefy gas.

Attention: As practice shows, it is possible to save on this type of heating if the cylinders are to be filled, and not to buy new ones.

But here it should be borne in mind that some gas stations, wanting to save money, fill them only half, citing the fact that there should not be a lot of gas in the cylinders, since it is dangerous and there is a risk that it can boil even at a temperature of 40 degrees. This can cause the container to rupture. But you should not believe in such an explanation, since if you buy a cylinder, then it will be filled to the limit and its rupture does not occur. But many people who are not too versed in this issue believe and buy cylinders that are only half filled.

To achieve lower gas consumption, it is recommended to install an automatic boiler control system. It will automatically increase or decrease the power of its work depending on the temperature in the building. In addition, if you want to save money, you should turn off the boiler at night. Whether it is equipped with automation or not, in this case it does not matter.

Reasons for heating with gas from cylinders

The main reason for the demand for this type of heating is the low cost of gas compared to electrical and other systems. At the same time, it is possible to achieve efficient heating even at low consumption, which can significantly save on gas cylinders.

Another advantage of heating with reduced gas is the ability to connect the system at any time. Including if a different type of boiler was used before. For example, if at first the heating was carried out using coal or firewood, then you can install a gas cylinder at any time, without making any significant changes. While the connection to the gas main will require some additional work.

Despite the presence of a large number of different types of heating systems, heating a private or country house with bottled gas is still popular and the demand for it is not decreasing. This is due to the reasonable cost of gas and the ability to install a heating system in a house, which is located in any area. This is especially convenient if alternative types of heating cannot be installed for one reason or another.

Spring is coming, but the question of how and how to heat a country house does not lose its relevance.

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Despite the fact that there are many heating systems on the market, many residents would like to heat their homes with mains gas.

However, it is not always possible to connect to the “blue fuel” pipeline. If there is no gas and the gasification of your individual housing is “not shining” in the near future, the alternative will be liquefied gas from cylinders ..

Is gas cylinder heating beneficial?

It seems that autonomous gas heating of a private house is easy and simple to organize. All you need is:

  • Purchase a gas boiler. Most of the boilers operating on main gas can also operate on liquefied gas. To do this, you need to change the nozzles and, if necessary, reconfigure the control system;
  • Purchase a reducer, gas equipment and shut-off valves;
  • Connect and adjust the heating system.

The main questions that arise for any homeowner thinking about an LPG heating system are:

  • Will I be able to heat the house;
  • How long the boiler can work on one cylinder.

Autonomous gas heating of a private house is best organized using liquid gas cylinders with a capacity of 50 liters.

The practical experience of members of the forum suggests that it is unprofitable to heat a private house with gas from cylinders if the cottage is poorly insulated and the building has large heat losses. It is necessary to take into account the total area of ​​the country house. Heating with gas from cylinders of a cottage with an area of ​​150-200 sq.m. can cost a pretty penny.

In this case, solid fuel boilers can be an alternative.

- I heard that one capacity of 50 liters is enough for 1-2 days of operation (and this is without taking into account the use of hot water supply).

- I heard that one cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters is enough for 1-2 days of operation (and this is without taking into account the use of hot water supply).


- I heated the house with gas with an area of ​​70 sq.m. On average (depending on the temperature outside), one 50 liter bottle was enough for me for a period of 1 to 7 days.


- I have a well-insulated frame house. I heat about 140 sq.m. At outdoor temperatures down to -20 ° C, three cylinders are enough for 5-6 days. At - 5 ° C - for 10 days.

- I have a house with an area of ​​145 sq. M, foundation - USHP, underfloor heating plus hot water supply. The boiler was turned on twice a day, for 2-3 hours. 50 liter cylinders are filled with 20 kg. The temperature in the house was set at 23 ° C. The costs per month are as follows:

  • November - 4 cylinders left. Outside temperature + 5-0 ° C.
  • December - 10 pieces left. The temperature outside is -10 -27 ° C.
  • January - 8 pcs left. The temperature outside is -5 - 20 ° C.
  • February - 7 pieces left. The temperature outside is -5 -15 ° C.
  • March - 6 pieces left. The temperature outside is -5 + 5 ° C.

One gas cylinder can hold from 35 to 42 liters of gas, in liquid form it is 22 kg. The consumption of liquefied gas for any boiler is 15 liters per day per 100 sq.m. heated area.

Before you understand whether it is worth the candle and whether autonomous gas heating of a country house will pay off, you need to familiarize yourself with the following data, which presents the economic feasibility of one or another type of heating.

1. = 33 kopecks / kW * h.

2. An electric boiler operating in conjunction with a TA (heat accumulator) at the night rate = 0.92-1.32 rubles / kW * h.

3. Pellet boiler = 1.20 -1.32 rubles / kW * h.

For comparison, the efficiency of heating on liquefied gas is only 2.32 rubles / kW * h.

When calculating the efficiency of a particular heating system, it should be borne in mind that the suburbs of Moscow and other regions may have their own priorities for the choice of fuel, which depend on its availability and climatic conditions. Somewhere it is cheaper to heat the house with coal, and somewhere with wood.

When calculating the profitability of heating with liquefied gas, many forget that the cylinders will have to be transported to refueling on average once a week, and these are additional costs - both monetary and temporary. Therefore, heating with liquefied gas can be beneficial if 4 conditions are met:

  • Small area of ​​the house - up to 100 sq.m .;
  • The house is well insulated;
  • In the near future, it is planned to gasify your settlement, the main gas will be connected. In this case, heating with liquefied gas is a temporary measure to avoid buying two different boilers;
  • The boiler, which runs on liquefied gas, is a backup and works in conjunction with other heating devices.


- When I leave for work, I turn off my home gas boiler and turn on the heaters powered by electricity, because in frosts below -20 ° C, the gas quickly runs out. In such a "sparing" mode, two cylinders are enough for me for 7 days. Moreover, this includes the preparation of hot water. I recommend purchasing at least 3 cylinders. One - for the operation of the boiler, one - as a reserve, one - for refueling.

You can also mount a bundle from an electric and gas boiler.

Despite the increase in the cost of such a heating system, the overpayment is not for the sake of saving, but for increasing comfort.

In this case, the need to travel and refuel containers partly disappears.

Features of gas cylinder heating

To install a reliable and safe liquefied gas heating system, it is necessary to understand its features, which are due to the properties of this fuel.

The cylinders are filled with a mixture of propane and butane. This mixture, at high pressure, is in a liquid state, which is necessary for its transportation. Also, containers can be filled with different types of fuel - depending on the season:

  • technical butane (BT);
  • summer technical mixture of propane and butane (SPBTL);
  • winter technical mixture of propane and butane (SPBTZ).

Liquefied petroleum gases (propane-butane) are abbreviated as LPG.

Gas cylinder heating requires special attention in winter.

- We decided to heat the house with an area of ​​120 sq.m. using a gas boiler running on liquefied gas. Gas cylinders are on the street in metal cabinets. There is one for the stove, and a bundle of 5 cylinders is made for the gas boiler, but so far only 2. When the temperature drops to -2 ° C, a problem arose - the gas does not flow, and the boiler, accordingly, does not work. I think the gas is frozen.

The gas does not freeze either in pipes or in cylinders. It simply does not evaporate, and again turns into liquid inside the gas pipe if it has a negative temperature.

This happens for the following reason. The boiling point of butane is about 0 ° C. The boiling point of propane is -40 ° C. At an outdoor temperature of -10 ° C, the propane-butane mixture in the cylinder boils, giving out the gaseous fraction necessary for the operation of the boiler. The propane will evaporate first, and only then will it turn to butane. Heat is absorbed during this process. The balloon begins to freeze. As a result, the gas remaining in the cylinder (butane) also cools down. This leads to a decrease in the degree of its volatility. Accordingly, the pressure required for the operation of the boiler drops.

There is only one way out - to prevent the cylinder from freezing and to warm it up to a positive temperature necessary for the evaporation of butane. This can be done as suggested by a forum member with a nickname Ruslan2.

- In my opinion, the best way to deal with this problem is the forced blowing of gas cylinders with warm air from the room (boiler room) where the boiler is installed: with a fan through an aluminum corrugation or plastic air ducts brought into gas boxes, etc.

You can also heat the cylinders (only not with open electrical cables!) On the principle of a warm water floor, placing them in an insulated gas cabinet.

Safety measures when using gas equipment

A propane-butane mixture is much heavier than air. Liquefied gas from cylinders always accumulates at the bottom. In the event of a gas leak, if the cylinder is in the room, its smell can simply not be felt until it reaches an explosive concentration. Therefore, it is provided for the installation of the container on the street, vertically in an iron box with holes at the bottom and top for ventilation.


- I know of a case when a man lowered a gas cylinder into a cellar. One day the landlord decided to collect potatoes. He climbed into the cellar. He did not feel the smell of gas; the switch was not there, he simply screwed the light bulb into the socket. There was an explosion. The man was lucky, he found himself in the epicenter of the explosion, escaped with only a shell shock, and a pile of construction debris remained from his garage and two neighboring ones.

Safety regulations prohibit: placing gas cylinders in the underground, basements, cellars, holes dug in the yard or next to the house.

  • Do not use electric heaters, heating cables, heating elements, etc. for heating gas cylinders.
  • Gas cylinders must be placed in special cabinets installed on the north side of the house.

  • The cylinder must not be filled more than 80% of its volume. Liquid gas has a high volumetric expansion coefficient. This means that as the temperature rises, the volume of gas in the vessel increases. The expansion coefficient of the propane-butane mixture is about 7%. According to Russian standards, 15% is left for expansion. A balloon of any thickness and strength will rupture if it is filled more than 93% in a frost of -20 ° C and brought into a room where it is + 20 ° C.

  • All detachable connections on the gas line must be tested for leaks by soaping.
  • Detachable connections are made at the points of connection of various elements, where other connections are not possible (taps, meters, gas appliances, etc.)

  • Gas pipelines are made of steel pipes with a wall thickness of at least 2mm. When passing through the walls, the pipe is placed in a case, foamed with a soft material. The connection of the boiler to the gas pipeline can be done with a flexible hose specially designed for this purpose. The connection of the reducer to the gas pipeline is done with a rubber-fabric sleeve (durit hose).

  • If the cylinder is located in a room next to the boiler, then the connection is made with a rubber-fabric sleeve.

FORUMHOUSE users can find out what to do if, discuss the details, learn about such gas in the house, take part in the discussion of the issue. "
From our video you can learn how to heat a large house in the absence of main gas.

Stoves are no longer used as often as a home heating system. They give up their positions not only in small towns and villages, but even in dacha cooperatives. The stove becomes rather an attribute, a beautiful piece of furniture. It was replaced by gas heating in a private house. Buying all the equipment today does not require exorbitant sums like, for example, 15-20 years ago. In addition to gas, heating with solid fuels, waste, gas cylinders and electricity is becoming popular. Each of these systems has a right to exist. One owner needs complete autonomy, another needs a minimum heating bill, a third needs comfort, and someone else needs environmental friendliness.

Heating with bottled gas

Main gas for many residents of country houses remains a dream. A gas storage tank is a very expensive pleasure, like a pilot boiler. It is also not always possible to connect the heating system to electricity. A few years ago it was profitable to heat a house with diesel fuel, but prices for it have increased significantly and the savings have come to naught. An economical waste boiler remains, but you will not leave it unattended. Here are almost all the options for heating systems. The stove can not be taken into account, it cannot be autonomous a priori. , heat pump, solar panels - these are expensive and difficult to maintain and install systems.

By the method of elimination, we come to heating with gas cylinders. Such a system is autonomous to some extent: it all depends on the time of absence of the owners of the house. In principle, the issue can be solved by connecting several cylinders. But in winter, you can leave her unattended for a week or two.

Heating a house with an area of ​​120 m 2 costs about 6-8 thousand rubles a month. The initial costs for the entire system (boiler, reducers, hoses, combs and cylinders) are forty to sixty thousand rubles.

We heat the house with convectors

The heating system can be based not only on boilers, but also on convectors. Most often, they are selected depending on the area of ​​the room at the rate of 1.0 kW of power per 10 m 2. True, if the house is not heated in winter, but, from early spring to late autumn, you can get by with a lower value. But, if the house is intended for permanent residence, it is better to calculate the heat loss for each room. Then, even in severe frost, the system will cope with the work.

A metal cylinder storage cabinet can be installed in the house, but for safety reasons it is better to place it against an outer wall

The convector is installed permanently on the wall of a room or other room. In addition to it, you will need fittings for wiring, a reducer, at least two cylinders with a propane valve and a metal cabinet for storing them. For storage of gas, containers with a volume of five to fifty liters are produced. The latter, of course, are most suitable for heating a house. The reducer must be of high quality and work stably in the operating pressure range at an external temperature of up to minus twenty-five degrees Celsius.

You can find information on the principle of operation and design of gas convectors in our material:.

The cylinder cabinet can be placed against the outer wall of the house, in the kitchen or on the terrace. The first option is preferable both from the point of view of safety and for the sake of saving space. From the convector to the cylinder, the wiring is carried out with one-piece bent steel pipes (½ "or ¾"). There should be no threaded connections or corners on them. In the places of branching, fragments of pipes are welded.

The cylinder cabinet must not be installed in rooms with an underfloor or cavities. Propane is heavier than air and will accumulate if leaked. An explosive concentration can be reached within a few days.

A cabinet for storing gas cylinders is a mandatory safety requirement. It is better to install it either near the outer wall of the house, or in a warm boiler room with a concrete floor and thick walls.

Experts advise placing cylinders in special rooms - boiler rooms. They should have a concrete floor and thick walls. This is to ensure the safety of the occupants. And for the efficiency of using this fuel to be higher, the temperature in the boiler room should be +20 C.

What kind of boiler is needed and how long does one cylinder last?

Most boilers can operate on both mains and liquefied gas. Depending on the type of fuel, one of the two burners that come with the kit is installed.

When choosing a boiler, it is better to give preference to those that have a lower lower threshold for the working gas pressure. This will maximize the use of the balloon. With correctly selected settings, the heating system consumes one in three to four days.

For heating an insulated house with an area of ​​130 m 2 and hot water supply 3-4 cylinders are consumed per week. At the same time, the temperature in the house is maintained around the clock +21 ... + 23 ° С, and outside from minus 18 ° С to minus 23 ° С. This is about 9,000 rubles a month.

How to reduce gas consumption?

Fuel consumption can be reduced by the same methods as in any other:

  • install automation;
  • install propane sensors in a room with cylinders, which will allow timely detection of a leak;
  • insulate the house if this has not been done;
  • observe the temperature regime in the room with cylinders, because at minus 25 ° C and below the system can render;
  • purchase gas from trusted suppliers, since low-quality fuel at low temperatures simply will not catch fire.

If the above measures are observed, it is reduced by 20-40%, therefore, the balloon will last four days.

An example of programmer settings: in a frame insulated house (135 m 2) from 23:00 to 6:00 the temperature is maintained at +14 ° С, from 6:00 to 9:00 it increases to +21 ° С, from 9:00 to 16:00 while everything at work and at school drops to +12, and from 16:00 to 23:00 in the house +23 ° С. On weekends from 23:00 to 8:00 - +14 ° С, from 8:00 to 23:00 again +23 ° С. With such settings, about 6-7 cylinders are consumed per month. However, vacations and holidays significantly increase consumption in December-January. On average, during the heating season per month (taking into account hot water supply and a gas stove), 9-11 cylinders are needed.

Two or more cylinders can be connected to the system at the same time, however, it must be borne in mind that the pressure in the cylinders is high. Safety first

We heat a country house with natural gas

Natural gas is the leader among other fuels. With a modern efficient boiler, a well-insulated house is heated at minimal cost. Of course, there are cheaper energy sources, but they are not autonomous: solid fuel needs to be constantly put in, electricity can be turned off, gas in cylinders periodically runs out.

Features of using gas boilers

When choosing a boiler, one must proceed from the area of ​​the house and the hydraulic calculation. The wall-mounted convection boiler copes with the heating of a three-hundred-meter house. Condensing equipment can be installed. It is suitable for houses up to 400 m2. Such boilers use not only fuel energy, but also steam condensate. Their energy efficiency is much higher. If suddenly the performance of the equipment is not enough, you can use the "connect in cascade" function.

A few years ago, the cost of a boiler for heating was very high. But now that this equipment has become quite affordable, it is more profitable to use natural gas to heat the house and organize hot water supply than any other types of fuel.

Hot water supply can be provided by an electric boiler, but if the heating of a private house is based on the use of natural gas, it is more economical to use it to heat the water. To do this, you need to purchase either a double-circuit gas boiler, or supplement the existing tank. You can choose the volume based on your household needs. Boiler columns keep the water supply at the required temperature. A flow-through gas boiler heats up the water at the time of supply. After opening the tap, cold water will first go down, and only then will hot water go.

Diagram of the device of such a system

The scheme of the gas heating system of a private house includes a heat source, from which the coolant first diverges through the collector through pipes to the radiators, and then, cooling down, returns to the boiler. The fluid is under pressure. In this case, circulation is forced. Additionally, air vents, shut-off valves, flow and temperature sensors, thermal heads can be installed. Automation helps to regulate the temperature.

The system can also be developed for natural circulation, then an expansion tank is included in the circuit at the highest point of the house. Here you can save on temperature sensors, air vents and expensive pumps.

Heating distribution can be radial or tee. The first one is more expensive due to the larger footage of the pipeline, but it is more efficient and mobile, it is easier to repair it during the heating season. The second is cheaper due to fewer pipes, but it does not provide such ample opportunities for temperature control in individual rooms, as radiant wiring.

The number of radiators in the system is determined on the basis of calculations. This is the most correct option both from a technical and economic point of view.

Do not rely on the advice of unqualified sellers and outsiders: you do not need to select based only on the area of ​​the premises.

Natural gas heating equipment requires minimal maintenance, which, by the way, can be carried out on your own. The fuel burns without forming a solid residue. In order not to install a chimney, you can purchase a boiler with a closed combustion system.

If by the end of the construction of the house there is still no gas main, you can purchase a boiler for two types of fuel. After gasification, the transition to economical and efficient natural gas will not require significant material costs. At most, you will need to call a specialist from a service company.

Liquefied bottled gas, which is propane-butane mixture, is one of the most profitable ways to heat private houses, garages and apartments in the price / quality category.

Features of heating from gas cylinders

Used as a heat source butane or propane. After the gas is liquefied, it is distilled into cylinders. Then they are connected to the heating system via reducer- pressure reducing device.

In the process of passing through it, the gas again assumes its natural state. Then it is burned in a boiler, giving off a large amount of heat.

Reasons for choosing

  • Low cost;
  • low fuel consumption gives a large amount of heat;
  • connection of such a heating system is permissible at any time and after the operation of other types of boilers;
  • the use of this type of fuel permissible in any area and building.

Gas or electricity

This question is faced by everyone who considers various analogs sources of heating. To make a decision, it is important to compare them in terms of key indicators.


By cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than electricity. The financial side of the issue will be especially noticeable if the building is of a large area.

Autonomous heating works by means of tank-gasholder located underground. It can hold thousands of liters of gas. The gas tank is refueled by specialists twice a year.

The underground reservoir does not interfere with the full-fledged exploitation of the territory and does not emit an attention-grabbing smell.


The costs are high since this energy source is considered one of the most expensive.

Sometimes the power consumed by the heating system is overestimated for the suburban electrical network, there is not enough energy to heat the whole house.

In bad weather, it often happens power surges what leads to a failure in the heating system.

It follows from this that liquefied gas is a more profitable, economical and reliable option.

Storage of liquefied fuels

Gas is contained in gasholders or special containers with spherical or cylindrical above ground or underground type of installation.

Such reservoirs necessarily welded.

LPG storage cylinders are manufactured sheet steel... They consist of a neck, two bottoms, a shut-off valve, a plug, a cap, a shoe, and a shell.

Photo 1. Gas cylinder for storage of liquefied fuel with a neck, shut-off valve, plug.

Each cylinder is marked with its type, weight and capacity, permissible pressure, stamp of OTK of the company and Gosgortekhnadzor, test pressure obtained during the hydraulic test, the date of the completed and subsequent surveys, the name of the manufacturer.

The balloon has red coloring and white signature"Propane - butane".

Reference! Before shipment, cylinders are stored in specialized one-story warehouses in the form of premises or open areas under a canopy.

Advantages and disadvantages of balloon heating

  • freezing of condensate at low temperatures;
  • placement of cylinders is strictly provided in ventilated areas;
  • in the event of a leak, the gas is lowered into the basement or subfloor leading to serious consequences.

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Fuel consumption: how long is it?

For heating a building with a total area 100 sq. m per week on average it takes 2-3 cylinders, each with a capacity 50 l... Based on these calculations, you can determine the required number of gas tanks for a house of any quadrature and how long it is enough.

A device with a boiler for heating with your own hands

To form a heating system with your own hands of this type you will need:

  • Gas boiler with liquefied gas burner. Models with low pressure and highest efficiency are suitable.
  • Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters.
  • Shut-off valves.
  • Reducers.
  • Ramp(used to connect several tanks).
  • Gas pipeline, formed from hoses and pipes and designed to connect elements to the heating system.

Boilers are floor and wall, single and double-circuit. The latter allow not only to increase the temperature in the room, but also to heat the water.

The cylinders are connected to the system by means of a reducer with a capacity 2 cubic meters m / hour. The reducer can be one or separate for each tank.

Connecting several cylinders to a gas boiler increases the period of their necessary refueling. For such a connection is used ramp - a device that divides tanks into main and reserve. At first, gas is taken from the first group, and as it ends, from the second. The moment of transition is sounded with a signal.

To fix a gas boiler with a gas pipeline, use flexible eyeliner, and for the reducer - a durite hose. The wall thickness of a gas pipe made of metal is not less than 0.2 cm... In the wall, such pipes are brought into a case and foamed.

The boiler fuel consumption is about 9 kg of gas per day. A large amount of resource will go away at the very beginning to warm up the heating system, and later - will decrease by 4 times.

Photo 2. A red gas cylinder and a flexible hose that is used to connect to the boiler.

Refueling cylinders produced weekly specialists. Before this process, condensation is removed from the tanks. You can independently take the tanks out into the open, ground and remove the reducer. 2 hours later when the remaining gas has disappeared, and the water has dropped into the ground, the cylinders can be taken to the refueling station.

Important! Not allowed for simultaneous refueling more than three cylinders.

Features of use

In different rooms there are own rules operation of gas cylinders.

In the apartment

The installation of a gas boiler is only permitted under the following conditions:

  • obtaining a number of approvals on this process from specialized services;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • preparation of the apartment;
  • heating system change- its disconnection from centralized communications;
  • chimney and ventilation installation.

In this case, the room itself must meet the requirements:

  • an area of ​​at least 4 sq. m;
  • the presence of good natural lighting, vents;
  • ceiling height not less than 2.5 m;
  • entrance door with a width of at least 0.8 m;
  • cold water pipeline;
  • smooth walls.

Gas cylinders are allowed to be placed in the apartment, but no more than one... In this case, the building itself should not exceed 2 floors. Such containers fix 50 cm from the gas stove and 100 cm from heaters... The limiting temperature of the room in which the installation process is carried out - not higher than 45 ° C.

Attention! Independently carry out the process of installing a gas heating system Absolutely forbidden, this is done by employees of special services.

Dacha ... For some, this word is associated with physical work, for others - with rest and a wonderful place to travel. But in any case, sooner or later the owners of the suburban buildings face a solution to the issue of creating comfortable climatic conditions in the cold season. Stoves more and more remain in the last century, but heating a summer house with a gas cylinder, boiler or convector is becoming more and more popular.

Gas is a powerful energy carrier that has been and remains the most relevant and efficient energy resource.

In arranging gas heating in the country, you can use:

  • boiler;
  • cylinders;
  • convectors.

Gas boiler

The laid gas line allows you to create a heating system using a boiler. In this case, it is important to determine the power of the unit itself. Approximately 1.7 kW of power is needed for heating 1 sq. m of premises (this is with a margin). With a dacha area of ​​30 sq. m to handle a gas boiler of 51 kW.

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There are floor-standing and wall-mounted boilers. Floor standing ones are more suitable for large summer cottages with frequent attendance, they do not depend on electricity, but they take up a lot of territory and require additional equipment. Wall-mounted units are compact, easy to use, almost all models are double-circuit (they heat domestic water in parallel), but have low durability.

Gas heating of a summer cottage with a boiler requires the construction of a boiler room (Figure 1). It is not necessary to build a separate building for this, you can also use part of some kind of dacha room.

For autonomous heating of a summer cottage you will need:

  • pipes for coolant;
  • radiators;
  • chimney;
  • pump for water circulation and others.

The advantages of this heating system:

  • autonomous work;
  • simple use;
  • saving;
  • stable fuel pressure.

Gas cylinders in the country and a boiler

Many territories, including summer cottages, are far from gas pipelines. Gas cylinders are a good option for building a heating system in your home.

The whole system is quite complex and includes:

  • boiler;
  • cylinders;
  • reduced gas burner;
  • pipeline fittings;
  • gas pipeline.

The choice of the boiler is carried out in the same way as in the case of the gas main.

But there are three important differences in choosing a boiler:

  • replacement of the "native" burner with one that runs on reduced gas cylinders;
  • choose a unit with low pressure to obtain high gas utilization from cylinders;
  • the highest possible efficiency (in the case of using the trunk, it is not so important).

It is advisable to attach several cylinders to the boiler in order to "mess around" with them less often. Gas heating with cylinders in the country requires special safety measures: it is important to install them in some warm building, but not in the basement. If the cylinders are installed outside, the fuel pressure will decrease, which will turn off the boiler burner operation. And if the installation is carried out in the basement or near living rooms, then the dangers lie in a possible fuel leak and the consequences.

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Storage of gas cylinders in the country should be carried out in a separate room (Fig. 2), where there is both a ventilation system and a flat concrete floor.

Approximately, for 1 month of heating the cottage, you will need 2 cylinders for an area of ​​50 sq. m., and for 100 sq. m - 3 cylinders.

Gas convectors in the country

Gas convectors have a number of advantages over other heating devices (boiler, wiring, pump).


  • energy saving;
  • no additional equipment;
  • easy installation;
  • does not need electricity;
  • does not burn oxygen.

The equipment works automatically, keeping to the set heat temperature. This heating method only requires control and replacement of gas cylinders.

In the metal heat exchanger of the structure there is a chamber in which the reduced fuel is burned. The combustion products are discharged to the outside by the chimney. These devices are often equipped with fans, which help to heat the premises as soon as possible. The gas convector (Fig. 3) can operate from a gas main or from cylinders with reduced gas. The convector saves 50% of the energy carrier, unlike other similar heating systems.

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Convectors do an excellent job of heating a small area, each separate room implies the installation of the unit, which is not entirely economical in terms of installation. Among the heaters of temporary housing, convectors remain the leaders due to their safety, efficiency and low price.

Heating for a summer house without gas is possible using solid fuel boilers, stoves, electricity, solar and wind energy, as well as geothermal heating. The choice is wide enough, so everyone has the opportunity to choose the best option for their capabilities and needs.