I dreamed of a Christmas tree with toys. Why the tree dreamed: how to correctly interpret the dream books

The magic of night dreams plunges you into a special world. All dreamers and dreamers meet in visions with their imagination. Many new, unusual images can give us night travel.

Fairy tale visions always give us a sense of celebration. One of these alluring and uplifting images is a shaggy Christmas tree. Since childhood, it has been associated with the smell of tangerines and a family holiday - the New Year.

Spruce is a mystical tree, in some ways even magical. The ancient Slavs considered the Christmas tree a symbol of eternal life. This tree was sacred and was used as a talisman against diseases and evil people. In dreams, this symbol has a slightly different meaning. Let's try to find out why the tree is dreaming. As the dream book says, a Christmas tree is a symbol of calmness and the absence of any events.

But is this so, let's try to figure it out by examining all the details of sleep. When you wake up, you need to fix the dream, and after the whole plot is formed, proceed to the interpretation.

So, the details without which the analysis cannot be done:

  • Simple or Christmas?
  • Where did you meet?
  • Chopped or dressed up?

Simple or New Year's

First you need to remember what kind of spruce was in front of you. Seeing an ordinary green spruce means that nothing bad and nothing good will happen to you in the near future. Everything will go on as usual.

A beautiful, slender blue Christmas tree in a dream means that you will be promoted or a new, but very interesting position. Also, such a dream speaks of financial stability.

If you dreamed of a very small Christmas tree, then this indicates the emergence of new, interesting acquaintances in your life. Your relationship will develop slowly, but will give excellent results. If you dream of spruces, then this indicates that you will soon start a family. In addition, such a dream can symbolize your friends and loved ones who are always ready to help you.

Seeing spruce branches means that you have to endure a loss. But do not worry: what you lose is not needed for a long time and takes a lot of time and effort from you. Remember: everything that happens in our life is only good for us.

Many are interested in what the New Year tree is dreaming of. As the dream books say, such a vision portends a holiday. Soon you will feel a magical and aching feeling, like in childhood, in anticipation of gifts on the eve of the New Year. An artificial Christmas tree is a sign that something is not real in your life. Or maybe you yourself are trying to live a life that is not your own. Also artificial is a symbol of your self-deception.

When exploring the question of what the tree is dreaming of, you need to pay attention to exactly where you saw the tree. Seeing a tree in means that everything is natural in your life and you are doing what is destined for you by fate.

Seeing a spruce in the city, among asphalt paths, means that you devote a lot of time and effort to work. You need to take care of yourself, home and family from time to time, do not disturb the balance and harmony. Herringbone in says that you will find a period of calm and quiet rest with your family. You will finally be able to do what you have been looking for a free minute for a long time.

Seeing an artificial spruce in the forest suggests that you are trying hard to adapt to a new team, but you are having a hard time doing it. Do not strive to be like everyone else, it looks unnatural, try to be yourself, accept your features, your pluses and minuses.

Chopped or dressed up?

Whatever the tree, it is important to interpret dreams in detail and accurately, taking into account all the nuances. One of these nuances is how you interacted with the spruce.

  • If you just walked around the spruce, it means that everything suits you in your life. You do not want to change, transform and develop anything.
  • If in a dream you grew a Christmas tree, watered it, it means that soon you will have a new, promising project. Do not spare your strength on him, and it will pay off in full.
  • Chopping or sawing spruce in a dream suggests that you are frankly ruining your future. You do not allow yourself to develop, from which you suffer a lot. Do not cut off the shoulder - think about whether you need such changes in your life.

Dressing up a Christmas tree means that a holiday awaits you, to which you will be directly related. Soon you will be the organizer of a wonderful event that will unite your entire family.

Decorating an artificial tree with toys means that you are trying to spice up your life with a holiday, but you don’t really feel happy. A feeling of decline and some kind of depression lives in you, the reason for this is that you do not follow your dream, but try to please other people. Remember that until you start thinking about yourself, no one will think about you.

Visions in which a New Year's or artificial tree appears are dreams that bring you new knowledge. Remember that the more you learn about yourself, the more harmonious your life becomes.

Why is the tree dreaming, does this mean joy and change, or, conversely, unpleasant events are coming? Referring to the interpretation of the dream book, we can conclude that, as a rule, such a dream indicates the beginning of a new stage in a person’s life or, more obviously, longing for past holidays. There is also a version that the New Year tree is dreaming in a dream, symbolizing renewal, happiness and joy in the house. In order to accurately interpret the dream and understand what the tree is dreaming of, it is necessary to remember all the details of the dream. Let's start interpreting dreams.

Why is the Christmas tree dreaming?

In the event that the New Year's tree was dreamed on New Year's Eve or Christmas and the dream was not remembered by anything remarkable, you should not decipher it in any way. It's just part of the experience. Such a dream is empty and will not affect the dreamer's future in any way.

However, if a sleeping person noticed in a dream something unusual and memorable, for example, a broken toy or a needle prick, such a dream should be remembered and deciphered. As a rule, the appearance of Christmas trees speaks of family happiness, future troubles, the fulfillment of hopes and plans for the future, as well as the fulfillment of conceived desires.

Why dream of a decorated Christmas tree, if not for the upcoming joy and luck? Also, such a dream portends receiving gifts and good news from loved ones.

Location of the Christmas tree

If in a dream a sleeping person dreams of a Christmas tree standing outside the house, this is a harbinger of the fact that the right person will appear in a person’s life, who in difficult life situations will be able to provide all possible support and assistance.

We saw in a dream that you were planting a spruce in the garden - in reality, expect good news. In the event that a tree begins to grow in a dream, such a dream should be interpreted as career advancement. Also, this dream can be a dream for the birth of a child.

The number of firs in a dream

Why dream of a lonely tree outside the window? Such dreams, as a rule, are dreamed by lonely people who are disappointed in friends and have failed in their personal lives. If, after waking up, the dreamer experiences pleasant feelings, the dream may indicate a resumption of relations with an old friend or girlfriend.

To get lost in a dream among a large number of coniferous plants - to a loss of balance and harmony in life. The dreamer needs to reconsider his plans, otherwise the current situation may lead him to a dead end.

Who is dreaming?

A girl to see a dream in which she decorates a Christmas tree portends a happy family life or an acquaintance with a young man.

A woman in the position of a New Year's tree may dream of the birth of a daughter who will grow up beautiful, but with a difficult character.

For older women, a dream with a Christmas tree speaks of the imminent wedding of their daughter. If she has sons, such a dream portends the appearance of an obstinate daughter-in-law in the house.

A man has a dream in which he chooses a spruce - this is a symbol of the fact that he will soon have a new companion. The girl will be short, but smart and beautiful. For a woman, such a dream portends joy and good news.

Appearance and color of spruce

The appearance of a Christmas tree in a dream is a favorable sign. A healthy beautiful spruce in almost all dream books is associated with the appearance of good news and good news.

To dream of a New Year's tree and a holiday around - the dreamer loves entertainment and dreams that his whole life should be like a holiday.

A snow-covered Christmas tree is an indicator of a calm, protected and harmonious life.

Why dream of a green and fluffy tree? Such a dream portends for the dreamer a rapid development of events for the better. A green Christmas tree with cones in a dream - in reality speaks of the possible appearance of gifts from fate, which may appear in the near future. A fallen cone from a tree is a harbinger of possible slander.

Why dream of a living Christmas tree in the snow? Such a dream prophesies to a sleeping person an unexpected win or inheritance. Sleep with the advent of a green tree should be paid utmost attention to people who have not visited a doctor for a long time. Most dream books claim that it is impossible not to notice the signs of the subconscious. People who have health problems who remember a dream by the strong smell of a Christmas tree can hope for a speedy recovery.

Small Christmas tree - portends good news. If in a dream the sleeper sees a pot with a small tree - to the realization of long-forgotten desires.

A dreamed blue spruce appears in a dream to people who subconsciously strive to make some kind of choice in life.

If in a dream you see a dried coniferous plant - in reality you will experience disappointment in your personal life.

To see an artificial spruce in a dream - the dreamer is a trusting and kind person who is often used by other people. After this dream, you need to reconsider your social circle and start trusting your own intuition more.

A broken New Year's beauty in a dream should be regarded as a hint received from the subconscious about the development of a possible illness or a deterioration in general health.

Actions with the Christmas tree

To see and receive gifts while at the Christmas tree in a dream - in reality, find love and prosperity. Sharing New Year's gifts in a dream - to a series of pleasant surprises, family happiness and, possibly, mutual love.

To hear Christmas songs is a harbinger of great happiness.

If in a dream the sleeping person sings songs himself - this is a sign of harmony and peace in the family.

To see in a dream people dancing near a green tree is a possible injury.

To buy a New Year's beauty for the holiday in a dream - in reality, the sleeper makes every effort to maintain calm and peace in the house.

Selling a coniferous plant to someone in a dream - in reality, learning about the illness of a close friend or relative. Light a fir tree in a dream - to the recovery of a loved one.

Why dream of decorating a Christmas tree? Such a dream symbolizes the emergence of happy changes in life. Seeing in a dream how toys are removed from the Christmas tree is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing the beginning of a black streak in the life of a sleeping person.

Why dream of a Christmas tree with toys? A beautifully decorated fir tree with a lot of toys and garlands dreams of a fun event in life.

Throwing away a coniferous plant in a dream - to sadness and sadness.

To take the Christmas tree out of the house after a series of New Year's festivities - to maintain a balance in relations between relatives and close people.

Who brought the Christmas tree?

A dream in which a familiar person brings a spruce tree to the dreamer's house indicates the appearance of news from this person. How pleasant it will be or not can be judged by the appearance of a coniferous plant. A spruce with broken branches speaks of bad news, a thick and lush tree promises good news.

If in a dream the household or the dreamer himself takes the New Year's beauty out of the house, this is a harbinger of a real loss. The crumbling needles near the spruce speak of a significant problem that will be very difficult to solve. To remove crumbled needles in a dream - perhaps the dreamer subconsciously knows how to resolve the current situation.

A dream in which the dreamer carries the Christmas tree into the house on his own indicates that the sleeper is in a hurry to solve all the problems he has alone. If in a dream someone else is trying to help in choosing or buying a coniferous tree - in reality you should not refuse the help of loved ones, their support is very important for you.

Why dream of Christmas trees in the house? Such a dream in dream books is associated with the dreamer's relationship in the family. If during sleep a person feels calm and peaceful, family ties will become even stronger. A dream with negative feelings after waking up indicates a deterioration in relations in the family circle.

If in a dream a coniferous plant is in the house, and snow flies on the street, this may indicate that a sleeping person should be more attentive to his friends and not rush to make new acquaintances.

Chop or plant spruce?

If in a dream the dreamer cuts down a coniferous tree - in reality he will have a quarrel or a serious conflict, the initiator of which he himself will be.

Why dream of a tree cut down or uprooted? Such a dream speaks of solving existing problems that the dreamer will finally eliminate from his life.

Planting a green tree in a dream is an auspicious symbol that portends the development of a business or the solution of an issue that has long been of interest. Also, such a dream may indicate an increase in the career ladder. The dreamer may be transferred to another position or increased funding.

A dream in which the dreamer plants a fir tree in his own house promises good changes regarding the material wealth of the family.


Based on most dream books, we can conclude that a dreaming New Year's beauty is a favorable and good harbinger that promises pleasant emotions and good mood in the near future. After sleep, changes in life are also possible, but since New Year and Christmas are considered family holidays, and the green beauty is an indispensable attribute of these holidays, sleeping with a Christmas tree leads to changes in personal life (unmarried) and changes in family relationships (married).

Particular importance should be given to feelings after a dream, if a person wakes up with pleasant emotions, changes for the better are coming. Feelings of anxiety and fear - they say that the dreamer should reconsider his beliefs and, maybe, change something in his lifestyle.

Usually, a tree is dreamed of shortly before the holiday itself, and this is not surprising for a person who has such a dream. But what can a dream mean if he had a dream long before the holiday, and there were no thoughts about the New Year at all? In most cases, such a dream is a harbinger of good changes and positive joyful events.

If in a dream you dreamed of a Christmas tree decorated with New Year's toys, then this may mean that pleasant surprises and pleasant events will begin to occur in the dreamer's life. In general, a new period can begin in life, favorable and successful in business and undertakings. You need to be prepared for surprises and gifts from friends and strangers. The dream portends changes in both the professional and personal spheres. That is, a dream can be a signal that it is time to deal with the issue of creating a family or having a child. But there is also such an option that a New Year tree in a dream indicates that the person who dreams of it wants to change his life for the better without making any effort.

If we turn to an intimate dream book, then in it the New Year tree is the personification of passion and sexuality. It can signal in a dream that the dreamer is fed up with the monotony and routine in sexual life, there is a desire for new unexplored sensations.

If in a dream the dreamer decorated the Christmas tree on his own, then this suggests that in the future in life he will make new friends, and it will be fun and interesting to spend time in their company. After such a dream, a girl can expect to meet her soul mate. But before that, you need to be mentally prepared for such a meeting so as not to miss your opportunity. It is likely that the dream indicates that in real life the dreamer will become the owner of an inheritance or profit. But there is also an opinion that a dream directly speaks of a person’s hope for new, more favorable times in his life.

If in a dream someone else decorates the Christmas tree, then you can take this as a sign of danger. Harm or trouble can be caused by loved ones, and without prior intent to do so. If in a dream the dreamer danced around the Christmas tree, then the dream also does not bode well. A dream portends a possible illness or a cooling in relations between loved ones. If in a dream the dreamer watches his loved ones dance around the Christmas tree, then this may signal an illness or a possible unpleasant incident with one of them.

If a Christmas tree is burning in a dream, then this may portend the beginning of a new turn in relationships that have ended, their re-start, reconciliation between quarreling people. Such a dream indicates that a person yearns for his past, wants to return everything.

If in a dream a person acquired a New Year tree, then this indicates that harmony and tranquility reign in his family.

If the tree in a dream is artificial, then this may be a sign that in the future a person will be disappointed and unjustified expectations.

The main thing is to determine the accompanying details that were in the dream, then it will be possible to guess what he was a harbinger of.

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Everyone associates a Christmas tree with holidays, having seen a Christmas tree in a dream, one wants to prepare for joyful changes. But dream books interpret the dream in a different way. To understand why the tree is dreaming, you need to take into account all the details.

Why a Christmas tree can dream: interpretation of dream books

A Christmas tree decorated with bright garlands is a symbol of change. But what they will be, the appearance of the tree will tell: lush and green - health problems. Dried Christmas tree - problems in the sexual sphere.

To dream of an artificial Christmas tree - gullibility in life, there is a possibility of betrayal by a close friend or relative.

Why can a married woman dream of a green Christmas tree? Such a dream often portends an unexpected pregnancy, but for a young girl, decorating a Christmas tree is an early meeting with a soulmate.

Miller's dream book

Walking among the Christmas trees - in real life, recovery from the disease.

If you dream that toys are falling and beating from a decorated Christmas tree, then this is a symbol of future troubles. Sleep promises quarrels with close relatives, as well as trouble in seed matters.

Planting a Christmas tree in a dream is a very good sign. The dream promises career growth and increased well-being. But chopping a tree is always a quarrel and unpleasant situations.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

A falling tree means family happiness. To light candles on it is to please others, and to clean the Christmas tree after the holidays is to live a happy seed life.

Seeing a burning Christmas tree in a dream - fate will give you a chance to build a relationship with your loved one. But in another dream book, this symbol means the desire for sexual relations with a stranger.

Needles are served from a decorated Christmas tree - an unfavorable outcome of events. The existing problem will be resolved soon, but not in your favor.

Russian dream book

A Christmas tree with numerous cones is a gift of fate. But whether a person notices him or not depends only on him.

If the tree in a dream is covered with snow, then this is a sign promising an inheritance or a good win.

Danger is predicted by a dream in which a person gets lost among dark green Christmas trees. This means that someone from the closest circle of acquaintances is trying to deceive you. After such a dream, it is advisable to refuse any adventures.

Blue spruce is a symbol of making a difficult decision. Such a dream means that in the near future it will be necessary to make a choice. It will entail losses, but this will be the only way out.

Christmas trees in a dream are interpreted in completely different ways, depending on which Christmas trees you saw. After all, you can see in a dream a Christmas tree decorated with toys and gifts, or you can see a dream of wandering through a dark spruce forest, you can see a beautiful green lush spruce, or you can see it shabby and dry. Agree, these are completely different dreams. Some dream books consider the interpretation of dreams of a Christmas tree exclusively from the negative side, and some vice versa, from the positive side. The main thing is to remember what feelings you experienced in a dream when you saw a Christmas tree and what you did while being near it. All this will affect the interpretation of sleep.

Why dream of an ordinary Christmas tree? This is a dream prediction, which is a symbol of lies, falsehood and negative energy. Such a dream cannot be ignored, it clearly lets you know that you will commit a rash act that you will greatly regret, in the near future be especially careful, trust only yourself and do not participate in dubious adventurous activities. You will not achieve the result, but spoil your reputation for a long time.

  • Why dream of a Christmas tree in the forest - fake two-faced people will deceive you.
  • Why - a dream-prediction - a symbol of fear, deceit, darkness, suspense.
  • Why do a lot of Christmas trees dream - similarly with a spruce forest, expect a dirty trick from the outside, do not get involved in adventures, be extremely careful at least a few days after seeing a dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a Christmas tree in the house - family comfort and harmonious relations both between parents and between children.
  • Why dream of a decorated Christmas tree at home - a symbol of family calm happiness, peace and harmony reign in the family. The New Year tree is associated with a family holiday, all the people you love gather around it.
  • Why dream of a Christmas tree with toys, and under it mountains of gifts - you are experiencing an emotional upsurge in reality, what is happening now in your life suits you perfectly.
  • Why dream of an elegant Christmas tree - if it shimmers all over, too much light comes from it, then such a dream is interpreted differently - you are running away from reality, you don’t want to solve accumulated problems, on a subconscious level you want a holiday, fun and idleness.
  • Why dream of decorating a Christmas tree - joyful events, family well-being.
  • Why dream of a decorated Christmas tree falling and toys shattered to smithereens - a bad sign - tomorrow or the day after tomorrow family problems will begin, misunderstandings, quarrels and scandals will escalate the situation to the limit. If you are patient, do not go on about emotions, then this will soon end.
  • Why dream of an artificial Christmas tree - hopes will not come true, be careful soon you will encounter deception. You expect a lot from the upcoming event, but they will not live up to your expectations and will not bring any moral satisfaction.
  • Why dream of needles from a Christmas tree - you will soon plunge into chores, small, unpleasant, which will “make” a lot of nerves.
  • Why dream of a dry Christmas tree - after idle days, everyday life will come full of problems that you have to solve alone.
  • Why dream of tree branches - for a quick funeral.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a Christmas tree with cones - if they were big and beautiful, then changes for the better in business and in the family.
  • I had a dream of a Christmas tree in the snow - not today, tomorrow you will have a chance to receive money, or an inheritance, or a win, or an award, or a valuable gift.
  • Why dream of a felled Christmas tree - to the sad news.
  • Why a Christmas tree in a dream - you are trying to get close to relatives, you will succeed.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of cleaning the Christmas tree at home - if you take it away - the loss of either material values ​​or a loved one.
  • Why dream of a big Christmas tree in a dream - for the interpretation of a dream, the size of the fir tree, its height, whether it was fluffy or shabby, elegant or simple does not matter.
  • In a dream, the trees are green - if in a dream it struck you that the trees were green, fluffy, beautiful, then this dream is interpreted as follows. Green is the color of renewal, and the green tree is a cheat with renewal, i.e. you look healthy, but your body is on the verge of exhaustion, add vitamins to your diet, otherwise there will be serious complications.
  • Dream Interpretation: the tree is on fire - you are in a state of quarrel with a person dear to you, if you want to make peace with him, do it right now. A burning tree in a dream gives you this chance.
  • Why is a man dreaming with an ax around him, a Christmas tree - a bad sign - you do not know how to listen to other people's opinions and decide things mutually, there will be a serious quarrel with a man or a guy. (cm. )
  • Why dream of planting a Christmas tree in a dream is a good sign - I can promote myself very soon. Do not relax, look for new ways of development, if you have your own business, a dream portends good luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting a Christmas tree at home - the time for positive changes is coming, perhaps peace in the family will be restored after a quarrel, perhaps the financial situation will improve.
  • Dream Interpretation: in a dream I just saw a tree that was shabby, but decorated - a bad outcome of any business started at a given time. You will worry, make efforts, try to do something, but all in vain, everything will be decided not in your favor.

Spring dream book

Why dream of a New Year tree in the spring - you will not get what you expected, vain hopes, disappointment.

Summer dream book

Why dream of a New Year tree in the summer - hope for the best can come true. If you removed toys, then a serious loss awaits you.

Autumn dream book

Why dream of a Christmas tree in the house in the fall - expect a joyful event. If you took off jewelry, then you will be disappointed in something.

Freud's dream book

The "tree" dream suggests that you cannot build sexual relationships without love, you are a romantic and therefore feelings play the most important role in sex for you. You can't enjoy sex with someone you don't love. It gets in the way of your life a little.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This dream book considers exclusively Christmas trees, dressed up and festive.

  • The dream "Christmas tree" carries the image of a holiday, joy, gifts, the beginning of a new life.
  • The dream "tree with inedible toys" says that you will face deceit, falsehood and duplicity.
  • To dream of a decorated Christmas tree and a holiday around it is a desire to change your life for the better, without putting any effort into it, so that overnight life becomes better and more beautiful. Alas, this does not happen.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

I dreamed of a Christmas tree - get a gift.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a Christmas tree in a dream - wishes will come true.

Generalized dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a living tree in a dream is a warning about a possible deception.
  • The dream of a "tree in the house" promises a family hearth that burns with an even, calm flame.
  • Trees in a dream dream book - if it is a forest - you will fall into a dubious story, having got out with great difficulty, you will not be able to clear your reputation for a long time.
  • Christmas tree needles in a dream - you lose control over the household, they show independence and you really don’t like it.
  • Artificial Christmas tree in a dream - the person you trust will deceive you.
  • Dream Interpretation: artificial Christmas trees in the market (bazaar, shop) - there are false hypocritical people around you.
  • The dream "a huge tree" - if it was a chic huge tree - a big happy event will turn your life upside down.
  • Why dream of a green tree - green is considered a symbol of renewal, your health is deteriorating due to a lack of vitamins, you need to drink a course of vitamin preparations to strengthen yourself, otherwise you will suffer a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: green trees in the forest - a cry of prayer from your body, it is exhausted and in a terrible state, help it urgently.
  • Dream Interpretation: trees cut down - the loss of a friend or an extremely sad message.
  • Dreams of "trees, branches" - the loss of a loved one.
  • To plant a dream book Christmas tree is to start a business that will bring peace and happy days to life.
  • I dreamed of a New Year tree with toys - a harbinger of a noisy holiday (unless, of course, this dream happened on the eve or immediately after the New Year).

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

To see a Christmas tree in a dream - to family happiness. In a dream, light candles on a Christmas tree - bring joy to a stranger. Dismantling a Christmas tree in a dream is a calm family life.

Ukrainian dream book

A dream about a Christmas tree is a bad dream, portending bad news. Dream Christmas tree dressed up - gifts. In a dream, I dreamed of a Christmas tree in the forest - go to a strange place.

Erotic dream book

I dreamed of a Christmas tree dressed up - sensuality and sexuality. You want new sensations in sex and tell your partner about it. You will be surprised how readily a calm and cold partner will respond to this proposal. He will provide you with an unforgettable experience, striking with the originality of his erotic fantasies. Also, this dream suggests that by attending a party with friends, you will suddenly begin to change in life.

Eastern dream book

Christmas tree dreams - loneliness, due to circumstances beyond your control, it pleases that it is not for long.

Russian dream book

In a dream, I dreamed of a Christmas tree in the snow - an inheritance. Why dream of a Christmas tree, dressed up - to joyful events. Dream Interpretation: dress up a Christmas tree in spring - dream interpretation: to see a Christmas tree out of season - events that you did not expect at all. (cm. )

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Christmas tree dressed up - you are in constant anticipation of the upcoming event.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

This dream book, the interpretation of dreams "Christmas tree" gives the following:

  • The dream of "decorating the Christmas tree" says that you will receive an invitation to a fun feast that will be especially pleasant for you.
  • Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream is fun and joy.
  • The dream "we take out the tree without toys from the house" is sad news.
  • Trees to cut down a dream book is a loss.
  • A dream about a queue for buying a Christmas tree - you want to improve damaged relationships with people close to you, do it in the next period of time, the dream says that everything should work out for you.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book considers only a Christmas tree. Dream Interpretation: a Christmas tree with toys in the house - gloomy everyday life will be replaced by a lot of joy and fun. I dreamed of a Christmas tree without toys - if they were filmed with you, then after a fun holiday, sorrows will come.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing a green Christmas tree in a dream - changes in your life will only be positive.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

  • A Christmas tree in a dream, which means - if it stands alone in a forest or park - minor chores due to trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams New Year tree - home comfort, harmony between spouses, well-mannered and polite children.
  • Why dream of a Christmas tree with toys - to have fun with gifts.
  • To remove toys from the Christmas tree in a dream - fun will be replaced by sad.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

To dream of a Christmas tree with toys (also to see a woman in shiny jewelry, cheap, not gold) - you will get completely different from what you expected.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

A dream to decorate a Christmas tree with toys - joyful events are coming.

I dreamed of a Christmas tree with toys, and I take them off - soon there will be a strong disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation dreamed of a Christmas tree, and I dress it up - a justified expectation of the best.

Dream Interpretation New Year's tree, and I take off the balls and tinsel - the loss will be irreparable.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

  • Dream Interpretation: a Christmas tree in the house - well-being in the family, mutual understanding.
  • Dream Interpretation: a Christmas tree dressed up - joyful fun.
  • Dream Interpretation: Christmas tree with toys - gifts.
  • Dream Interpretation: clean up the Christmas tree - achievements in the business field.

Schiller's dream book

  • Decorated Christmas tree dream book - do not judge people by their appearance, it is deceptive. Perhaps someone who was considered a friend will turn out to be a traitor.
  • Dream Interpretation: Christmas tree branches - to the death of a dear person.
  • Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of Christmas trees - deception at work, in the family, everywhere.


In conclusion, I would like to say that in most cases a dream about a lonely spruce or a Christmas tree growing in a forest or park, as well as a spruce forest, is interpreted as deceit, lies and falsehood. The New Year tree is associated with joy, fulfillment of desires, fun and happiness. The main thing is that the Christmas tree is lush, green, beautiful.