I dreamed of a man in a white suit. If you dream of a man in white. Dream Interpretation - White shirt and black trousers

The article on the topic: “dream book of a man in a white suit” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

According to some dream books, a dream about a man in a suit is a symbol of monetary losses and disappointments. However, depending on what details you saw in the dream, this image can be interpreted differently. Remember what the “main character” of your dream looked like, and interpreters will help you figure out why you dream about such a plot.

What does Miller prophesy?

If in a dream you see a man in a suit, this means that you lack confidence to fulfill your desires, says Miller’s dream book.

Did a woman dream that she was buying a three-piece suit with a tie for her lover? Such a dream may mean her desire to subjugate and dominate. However, the predictor recommends not to “go too far.” If you want to be a leader in your couple, then learn to feel the line that should not be crossed.

Take care of your savings

Deciphering why a man in a suit dreams, and specifically in a black two-piece suit, almost all dream books assure that this is a sign of wasted spending and monetary losses.

Did you see in a dream a guy in a black formal suit, for example, in a wedding suit? This is a symbol of the fact that you place a lot of hopes on something that is not destined to come true, the Eastern Dream Book upsets.

And if you dreamed of a man in black trousers, but without a jacket, then this is a hint: before you do something big, try something small. Take the test, so to speak. This is especially acute for financial investments, because, having risked everything, you may be left with nothing, the dream book suggests.

Spending will bring pleasure

According to Pastor Loff's dream book, seeing a man in a white suit in a dream is a sign that you will have a lot of fun spending your savings. But when explaining to a girl why she dreams of her groom in a white tailcoat or in a wedding jacket and light-colored trousers, the interpreter pleases with the interpretation: you will get what you have long wanted. True, this only applies to material values.

If you dreamed of a guy who buys you a fashionable white suit, then expect an unexpected gift from a close friend in the near future, says the dream book.

Wishes will come true soon

The interpretation of a dream in which you see a man in a red suit will please you with the explanation: very soon all your ideas will come true and your old dream will come true.

According to the Italian dream book, a young man in a new red suit, a girl’s dream, promises a passionate romance with a man with whom she has long been in love. And if in a dream a girl saw her former lover in a new red suit, this means that her plans regarding her current chosen one will be fully justified.

Beware of deception

Explaining why you dream of a man in a suit that looks very awkward - his clothes in a dream are very small or large, the suit is inappropriate for the season or era - the Gypsy interpreter warns: do not believe anything you see until you are sure that it is true.

But a man in a suit found in a trash heap prophesies betrayal or disappointment in his own ideals, says the oracle of the Chinese Emperor.

You will find yourself in a whirlpool of events

If you want to find out as much as possible about why you dream of a man in a suit, then be sure to remember who exactly he was in your dream, dream books recommend. So, see what it is:

  • husband or lover - you should pay more attention to your loved one in reality;
  • father, brother or other relative - for the arrival of welcome guests;
  • friend, buddy, classmate - you will be invited to a friendly sabantuy;
  • stranger - a new acquaintance can turn into trouble;
  • boss, teacher - increase your vigilance and diligence if you don’t want problems.

Why do you dream about a man in a suit?

Did you dream of a man in a suit? A chic, stylish outfit symbolizes success in your professional activities, which will have a positive impact on your personal life and material well-being. Problems will gradually begin to leave you, you will experience a feeling of calm and moral satisfaction.

Fate will not give such gifts too often, so it is not recommended to throw them away. Make the most of the given chance and achieve the realization of your innermost desires.

I dreamed of a man in a white suit

Dreaming of a man in a white suit? You will face problems in the financial sector. Monetary losses associated with excessive wastefulness await ahead. Because of this, you will have to give up the realization of some desires, which will negatively affect your morale.

It is important to approach your purchases thoughtfully and not waste money on purchasing unnecessary, expensive things. Thanks to this, you will be able to maintain your position in a stable state.

Dreaming of a man in a black suit

The meaning of a dream where a man in a black suit was present indicates possible betrayal by a person who enjoys your trust. A stab in the back will be delivered unexpectedly, which will have a negative impact primarily on your emotional state.

It is necessary to pay close attention to the events occurring in your personal life and be vigilant. Thanks to this, you will prepare for dramatic episodes and avoid serious consequences.

  • familiar man
  • rich man
  • ex-man
  • a man in love
  • a tall man
  • naked man
  • man in women's clothing
  • meet a man
  • feed a man
  • handsome man
  • bald man
  • beloved man
  • many men
  • unknown man
  • man without legs
  • a man who likes
  • man hugs
  • man in dress
  • in bed with a man
  • pestered by a man
  • drunk man
  • talk to a man
  • red-haired man
  • gray-haired man
  • fat man
  • man in black

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Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Did you dream of a Man in a suit, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Man in a suit in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

The machine director smiles and takes me to work

I dreamed that my 13-year-old son was going somewhere, and he was wearing a suit and shoes, and I said that shoes would be better. He puts them on. These shoes have been too small for him for a long time.

I saw three unfamiliar men in a stylish black suit. They were rich. I met them at the shopping center. First we passed each other, and then we met in the museum of the same shopping center. I didn’t see the faces, but intuitively I liked one of them. The one I liked entrusted me with some task in this museum... (it was something criminal, but it didn’t influence me and him in any way). I helped him. Then I don’t remember what happened, but I think we separated.

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

White suit - interpretation of the dream book

Why do you dream of a white suit?

If in a dream a person focuses on a white suit, then in reality he is probably worried about certain events where such an outfit would be appropriate. For some peoples, a white suit symbolizes mourning, for others it symbolizes celebration. In order to understand why you dream of a snow-white outfit, you need to take into account all the details and only then determine the most appropriate interpretation of the dream.

Miller believes that a dream in which a man sees himself in a white suit is prophetic and symbolizes only losses. If a young man dreams of losing some item in a dream, for example, a scarf, then in reality he should prepare for failures in love and business. The person who saw himself and his surroundings in white clothes in a dream will also receive sad news.

Love passions

If a woman is worried about why she dreams of trying on a white suit that is cut like a man’s, then in reality she will be immersed in love experiences headlong. Such a dream can predict falling in love, marriage, or a change of partner.

If a young lady dreamed that she was wearing her friend’s clothes, then most likely in reality she is dissatisfied with herself. Feels insecure and cannot carry on a conversation with guys.

Are you thinking about why you dream of seeing yourself in men's clothing? Most likely, a rival has appeared on your path. Be careful, she will interfere with you in every possible way. However, if you like brutality, then the fight will be quite successful for you.

Suit cut

If the dreamer happened to see himself in a dream wearing a new white suit of an outdated style, then he can count on luck in everyday affairs. However, this is only possible if all established rules are followed.

Did you happen to try on an extravagant fashion model in a dream? Get creative. There you will be successful in all new endeavors. New promising connections and love pleasures await you. Your world will be turned upside down.

And if you dreamed of a sports cut, then it’s time to show decisiveness in your actions. The dream book promises routine chores to a man who saw in a dream well-tailored trousers and a jacket. According to the interpretation of the dream according to Medea’s dream book, if the suit was new, then the dreamer will experience success in any field.

But why dream of baggy and tight clothes? Such a dream signals that not all of your attachments are for your good. And in order to avoid a serious mistake, you should be careful in every detail.

Clothes of relatives

People in white clothes who are not your family portend only sadness. So, dream books explain why a boss in a white suit dreams: the death of the eldest in the dreamer’s family. But if in a dream attention is focused on the clothes of relatives, then pleasant changes await the sleeper.

Did you dream of a dressed-up son? Expect a big bonus or career growth. Did you happen to see your spouse dressed up? You can count on happiness and peace in your family. If the groom is mentioned in this way in a dream, then your marriage is guaranteed to be happy.

But if in a dream your husband is wearing light-colored but unkempt trousers and a jacket, then in reality he is cheating on you. To dream of a deceased person in a white suit who is related to you is a guarantee of good news in real life.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday (2018-01-15)

What does a suit mean in a dream - interpretation according to Magini’s dream book

If you dream of a suit, it means preparing for something.

For example, strict business the suit indicates the need to concentrate on the goals set, the given event. New Year outfit, carnival, masquerade - usually seen on the eve of holidays and joyful events. Santa Claus's clothes oblige you to be more generous with gifts and good mood. The image of a bear for a man predicts success with the weaker sex. The appearance of a monkey is for actions that will not bring what you want without lies and hypocrisy. Sports according to Magini’s dream book, a suit is interpreted as the importance of a healthy lifestyle, preparing for heavy loads, and also taking care of your health. Wedding– focuses your attention on the special importance of upcoming incidents.

Male you dreamed about a suit - approach the matter taking into account past experience, yours or your friends’, be sure to arm yourself with the necessary information, collect as much data as possible about the upcoming work. Female The suit suggests the importance of setting yourself up emotionally, being ready to show friendliness, restraint, and calmness to any attack from your opponent. Children's– helplessness in this matter, lack of conscientiousness.

See in a dream trouser men's suit - procrastination and condescension will be out of place. Trouser pants for women - some rigidity in achieving what you want.

White If you dream about a suit according to the dream book, get ready to take on something new, something you have not previously experienced. Grey– leave the laurels to your opponents, act with an eye on the result, and not for the sake of praise. There was a suit light, but you don’t remember exactly what color - your efforts will find a reward. Black the suit has an interpretation as - be prepared for disappointment, negative emotions and troubles. Yellow- the opportunity to gain new experience, expand the boundaries of spiritual perception. Green- your success will depend on the efforts you put in. Blue to see a suit in a dream - do not be gullible, you may be deceived. Blue- get ready to be honest with your partners, a stone in your bosom will only play against you. Pink– it will be difficult for you to take a realistic look at the situation, idealizing what is happening, plans or the people around you. Red– do not succumb to provocations; they will seduce you or, on the contrary, drag you into disputes and conflicts.

Dreaming about a shirt with suit and tie– success for men who are ready to give their all for it; For women, the dream promises a romantic relationship, and if you try on such an outfit, it indicates a man’s acumen in business.

New I dreamed of a suit (in a case, straight from the store, or simply never worn) - to new events. Old– you will have to solve past problems. Beautiful– tempting things, events.

Dress to suit someone - to entrust the completion of a task, to delegate responsibilities, to delegate authority. Put on yourself - take responsibility for execution.

measure trying on a suit according to the dream book means that you are interested in other people’s affairs, you are considering the opportunity to play the role of your neighbor yourself. Buy a suit in a dream, buying - pursuing your career growth, investing in something, expecting profit.

Dreaming man in a suit - to a favorable development of affairs, subject to scrupulous attention and full dedication. Husband or loved one - often a dream tells about the achievements of people dear to us. Former - the need to finish the previous work. In a dream, a guy in a suit means the importance of thinking through your every action. Woman– prepare for serious intrigues and childish slander. Seeing yourself in a suit means circumstances in which you are already “cooking”. Many people in suit clothes - a busy time ahead.

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Dream Interpretation

Man in a white suit

Dream Interpretation Man in a white suit dreamed of why a man in a white suit is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man in a white suit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

Why do you dream of a man in a white suit?

White suit according to the dream book

If in a dream a person pays attention to a white suit, this indicates that he is concerned about some important event for which such an outfit is appropriate. According to the traditions that have developed among different peoples, it can be associated with both mourning and celebration. Interpretations of dream books take into account all circumstances in order to more accurately predict what an elegant outfit means in a dream.

Symbol of loss

Miller's dream book presents the dream as prophetic. If we ignore the details, then for a man to see himself in a white suit is usually a sad sign that prepares him for losses.

A guy who loses some item in a dream, for example, a handkerchief from his breast pocket, will have no luck in love and in commercial matters. A person who saw in a dream not only himself, but also those around him in snow-white clothes, will receive sad news.

Love experiences

Deciphering why a lady dreams of trying on a women's white suit tailored according to men's patterns, dream books focus on personal experiences - they promise big changes in the romantic sphere, a new love or marriage.

If a girl dreamed that she was wearing her friend’s clothes, this indicates dissatisfaction with herself, lack of confidence in her attractiveness, and difficulties in dialogue with guys.

In a similar way, it is interpreted why one dreams of seeing oneself in clothes of a men's cut, which are not to the dreamer's liking: the time has come to fear the intrigues of a rival. But if you like the brutal style, go ahead to victory!

The role of cut in prophecy

For a person who saw himself in a dream wearing a new white suit of an outdated style, dream books prophesy good luck only where respect for rules and instructions is required.

If you dreamed of trying on an extravagant fashion model, it means you should seek fame in creative fields. Moreover, there are new connections ahead, meetings with promising companions and adventurous love adventures - a complete reboot of reality.

A sporty cut is a sign that you should act more decisively. Dream books predict unpleasant and difficult chores for a man who dreamed of well-tailored trousers and a jacket. Medea's dream book promises the guy success in all his endeavors if it was a new thing.

Why dream that clothes fit baggy or were tight? This means that you have to reconsider your attachments. Particular care should be taken in business - there is a high probability of a serious mistake.

Favorable signs from relatives

Strangers in snow-white robes, familiar or unfamiliar to the dreamer, bring sad news. For example, why do you dream of a boss in a white suit? Dream books prophesy the loss of the eldest in the family. When in a dream a person pays attention to the fact that relatives are dressed this way, this can have a favorable effect on his life.

I dreamed of my son dressed up - a sure sign that a bonus or promotion was expected. To see a beautifully dressed husband in a dream - fortunately in the house, a groom - to a successful marriage.

The only exception is the husband in light, but unkempt trousers and a jacket, which predicts the news of his betrayal. It is a good sign to see in a dream a deceased person - an acquaintance or relative - in a white suit: the dreamer will receive good news.

White clothes according to the dream book

White clothes on a person in a dream have no clear interpretation. Although modern dream books foretell the onset of a favorable period, some interpretations of the dream still come down to the loneliness and isolation of the people who dreamed about it. You should always pay attention to the atmosphere of the dream and your feelings. Then it will be much easier to determine what the outfit is for in your dream.

Predictions from Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream in new, beautiful and clean white clothes means success in love affairs and the financial sphere at the same time. Miller's dream book states that such decoration can be worn by people with a high spiritual organization.

In addition, he explains why a man dreams of wrinkled and dirty rags - difficulties in business and delays in payments in the coming days will not be avoided. Dress one of your relatives in white clothes - expect possible problems on their part.

Hope for prosperity and happiness

Not only the color of the outfit is of great importance, but also the gender and age of the person in the dream. For example, why do you dream about wearing white clothes:

  • woman - to a temporary illness;
  • man - to good changes in business;
  • girl - to reconciliation with her beloved.
  • guy - for pleasant gatherings with friends;
  • grandmother - to sad events;
  • elder - to receive important information;
  • deceased - to a profitable event.

It is considered a good sign to see a small child in white clothes in a dream. Dream books promise that your hopes will come true, and new acquaintances will be beneficial.

Be careful

Seeing yourself in white clothes that are out of fashion is a warning about waste and troubles. Black, old, shabby equipment is a symbol of illness and vicious love affairs in dream books. Dressing a man in it in a dream means a series of showdowns with a loved one.

If you dreamed of a starched blouse or shirt of any color, be prepared for nagging from your superiors. Dream books advise finishing all important matters before your colleagues notice your mistakes and report them to management.

Pleasant little things and warnings from above

To find out why you dream of buying white clothes, remember the smallest details and details. Meeting an acquaintance or friend in a store trying on a dress of this color is a sign of a party or a small but interesting evening with friends.

Buying white clothes in a dream is always good - emotional upliftment, moral satisfaction from your own actions and changes for the better await you. People around you will highly appreciate you as a good specialist and an exemplary family man.

A recently deceased relative or simply a deceased person in a light suit warns the dreamer about a promotion. If you dreamed of a priest or another clergyman in white clothes, rest assured that you will be able to correct your mistakes.

Why do you dream of white clothes?

Why do you dream of white clothes? To understand what a dream in which a person saw white clothes promises, you should pay attention to various details and features of the dream. A lot depends on what white wardrobe item the sleeper saw, whether it was worn on him or was drying on a clothesline.

If you dream of white clothes hanging on a clothesline or folded in a pile, then this is a symbol that a person will soon have to overcome a rather difficult period in life. It will be filled with sadness, tears and maybe even the loss of someone close. If there are stains of dirt or blood on such white clothes, then the dream warns of some serious illness - it may even be a chronic disease that will cause complications. But seeing people dressed in white in a dream is a rather favorable sign, which promises a promotion, receiving a bonus or award. Moreover, the more people in a dream are dressed in white clothes, the more money in reality the person will receive or the higher the position he will occupy, and maybe even change his job to a more prestigious and highly paid one.

If you dreamed of a child in white clothes, then such a dream carries some pretty good news. Usually for unmarried people it foreshadows an imminent wedding or the birth of a child. Single people who see this dream will soon meet their soulmate.

But why do people who are sick dream of white clothes? Although this dream looks rather strange and ominous, in fact for a sick person it foreshadows a speedy recovery and improvement in well-being, so you should not be afraid of such a dream. When you dream that a sleeping person is buying some white things, this dream suggests that a person is tormented by rather unpleasant thoughts, or that he does not confess his action to someone and feels guilty. Receiving white clothes in a dream as a gift from a stranger promises the sleeper spiritual protection from above, so he can be absolutely calm and not worry about his actions. If a person sees himself dressed in white clothes, then such a dream has different interpretations depending on what he is wearing in the dream. So, for example, a white dress on a woman promises her a quick date in reality, and the shorter the hem of this dress, the faster she will win the heart of her chosen one.

But if you dreamed of a white wedding dress, then the interpretation of this dream will be completely different than that of everyday white clothes. If a man sees himself in a white suit, this indicates that he will soon experience unprecedented success in business - perhaps he will conclude a very profitable deal. The main thing is that in such a dream the suit is perfectly ironed; if it is wrinkled, then the meaning of such a dream will be the opposite. When a sleeper sees a man's white shirt in a dream, this indicates that a pleasant journey awaits him soon, and a white women's shirt indicates that a long-awaited purchase will soon be made. A white skirt indicates an imminent romantic date, but gloves of the same color warn that a major quarrel with the authorities is possible, which it is better to try to avoid.

If a person dreams that he is putting on white clothes, this indicates that the sleeper needs to pay attention to the health of his relatives, since soon one of them may get sick. But if white clothes are forcibly put on a person sleeping in a dream, you can be calm: nothing threatens the health of your loved ones.

Any white clothes and objects dream of completely different events and warn of completely different things. Therefore, it is necessary to try to solve each dream symbol separately, and then put everything together into one complete picture. In this case, a person will get the most accurate prediction.

Dream Interpretation White Suit

Why do you dream of a white suit in a dream according to the dream book?

When a man dreams, quarrels and troubles may arise in the family, be restrained, calm, do not lose your composure, try to understand, otherwise unpleasant consequences may await you.

If you see a woman, the dream book advises you to think several times before making hasty conclusions on any issue or situation, otherwise you may commit actions that could lead to unpleasant consequences.

The man is wearing a white suit - the dream says: “you are a lucky person, the time is coming for a happy, prosperous personal life, devoid of adversity.”

Man wearing white clothes

Dream Interpretation Man in white clothes dreamed of why a man dreams of wearing white clothes? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man wearing white clothes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - People wearing white clothes

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation – Talking in a dream with a faceless man in white robes

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

New clothes in a dream are always associated with new plans and foretell good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, a new period in life or a profitable business, if you like these things. Such a dream is especially favorable if you put on clothes and see yourself. If you dream that your lover is wearing the clothes that he wore before meeting you, then your relationship will soon come to naught, as his intentions will change.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Shabby clothes that are about to tear - the wife looks away.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction. The success of your business depends on what the clothes were like in the dream: whole and clean, or dirty and torn.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Buying clothes in a dream foretells a happy event in your life. Light clothes mean satisfaction and elation, dark clothes mean sadness in the soul and changes for the worse.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive it is faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead it is his good position near Allah Almighty, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of Paradise. White clothes represent the piety of the one who wore them in a dream. Some troubles, and maybe even death, will happen to those who wear black clothes in a dream, if they are not used to doing this in reality. As for the fact that if he is used to wearing it, then this means honor, power, wealth, greatness and dominance for him. And whoever sees that he is wearing a red robe, he will be given a lot of wealth, from which the allocation of Zakat will become obligatory, and therefore let him fear Allah and give Zakat. If a woman sees herself wearing red clothes, then this is her joy. For the rich, putting on new clothes is an improvement in his life, for the poor it is wealth, and for a debtor it is the payment of debts. And whoever sees that he is wearing old, worn clothes will be overcome by anxiety and sadness. Blue or light blue clothes also represent anxiety and sadness. And taking off dirty clothes in a dream means the disappearance of worries and anxieties. If a woman sees that she is dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, but if a man sees that he is dressed in women's clothing, then he is in great danger from his enemies. Military clothing refers to the husband. Clothing made of silk means acquiring wealth through illicit and precarious means. Woolen clothes in a dream indicate the acquisition of great wealth and a luxurious worldly life. Yellow clothing signifies illness, care and sadness. Wearing short, unkempt and dirty clothes is a violation of Sharia law. Wearing clean, spacious and tidy clothes in a dream means well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

A dream about clothes is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothing, as well as on what it was like: clean and intact or dirty and torn.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive, this is faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead, this is his good position near the Almighty Allah, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of paradise.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Washing viscose clothes in a dream serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can cause you big troubles in the future.

Seeing a man in a white suit

Dream Interpretation Seeing a man in a white suit dreamed of why in a dream See a man in a white suit? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man in a white suit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – A man can see a squirrel

Meet a cunning and deceitful woman.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Man in white suit

Dream Interpretation Man in a white suit dreamed of why in a dream a man in a white suit dreams? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man in a white suit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Seeing yourself dressed in a weekend suit in a dream means that you will be invited to a fun party with many good friends and no less of pickles and strong drinks.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Financial losses await you.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Buying a suit in a store and then discovering that it doesn’t suit you at all is a disappointment. A dirty and torn suit means purchasing something new.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Seeing a new suit with a label denotes feigned behavior, a dapper slyness. A torn suit means frustration about your appearance, dissatisfaction with your appearance, figure, face, hairstyle, etc.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Buying a suit in a store means your boss will ask you something in a veiled manner. Seeing a dirty and torn suit in a dream means buying a new one.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

A men's suit is a financial loss.

Dream Interpretation – Three-piece suit and number three

Trying on a three-piece suit in a dream means that you are not taking your place in life. If a woman sees this dream, then this is a sign that in 3 months she will decide to marry a person she does not love, and her marriage will not be happy. If a schoolchild has this dream, then after 66 days he will show his complete ignorance in an exam or interview. For a businessman, such a dream promises the collapse of ambitious hopes in the next 3 weeks, since he has aimed too high, he should put things in order in his thoughts and plans.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

To be in a carnival or children's costume is extraordinary luck.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

New - to wealth and prosperity, worn - to a stable financial situation.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

The costume, the masquerade, the kitchen are a deception, a good face for a bad game.

Dream interpretation of a man in a suit

In certain countries, white clothing is considered mourning. Based on this, seeing a white robe in a dream is both a positive and a negative dream. You may dream of this outfit in different guises, just as something from your wardrobe that you are wearing, or maybe you dreamed of a man in a suit.

This article will also discuss why a man dreams of wearing a suit of other colors.

The main thing is that the suit fits

As a rule, in dreams we rarely pay attention to the clothes of the people in our dreams. If it is etched into your memory, it means it carries certain information.

Of course, it is worth considering the predictions that dream books give about what the outfit you see in your night vision will lead to.

Predictions from various dream books

I dreamed about men's business style

Before starting to decipher a dream, interpreters advise studying general information. According to the dream book, a man in a white suit is an ambiguous symbol. It’s worth initially finding out what a man dressed in a suit might dream about in general.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you see a men's suit in a dream, you should prepare to spend money. These financial losses will be unexpected for you, but you have time to put aside finances for a rainy day.

Dream book of the 21st century

According to the dream book, a man in a suit means financial losses. If you dream of only part of a suit, for example, a jacket, you should take the upcoming meeting with management or partners seriously. Your future career will depend on its outcome.

Family dream book

Seeing your man in a white robe means he will soon become seriously ill, which will cause a lot of trouble and worry.

In general, white color symbolizes illness, grief, misfortune. When you see a company of smart men in beautiful white suits, happiness awaits you, both in love and in your career.

But one man, dressed in a white suit, predicts a failed deal with partners and troubles in the workplace associated with loss of money.

What did Gustav Miller think about this?

Dreamed of dirty clothes

Did you dream of a guy you know wearing a suit that has long gone out of fashion? This means that soon you will try to break out of your usual social circle, make new acquaintances, and move away from old friends.

Did you dream about a man in a dirty suit, and this caught the sleeping person’s eyes? This means you can expect trouble. Someone will soon try to tarnish your good name and throw mud at you.

If your friend or relative was wearing dirty clothes, then soon it will be he who will need your help.

A familiar man in a white suit who walks with you on his arm - treat him with great attention. This person is not going through the best period in his life right now; he is tormented by physical illness or mental grief.

By the way, Miller believed that seeing yourself in the company of people dressed completely in white is a sign of changes in life that will be for the worse.

Color spectrum

In ancient times, men always wore suits, and this was not something out of the ordinary. Nowadays, only people who work in offices wear them. It is even more strange to meet a person dressed in a bright, unusual suit. Why different colors may appear in dreams:

Other interpretations

If you dreamed of a man in a white tracksuit, you should start acting more decisively. Delay may result in loss of property or social status.

If a man sees himself in a new white tracksuit, then, according to the sorceress Medea, he can start any business, luck will be on his side.

The suit was too small or, on the contrary, too big - urgently reconsider your views, they are wrong. If you continue to be mistaken, you risk losing a lot. You should also be careful in business, now there is a high probability that you will make a mistake.

Recognized the main character of your dream

It’s not enough to say why a man in white dreams; it’s important that you know this character. The interpretation will depend on who exactly was dressed in this way:

  • boss - you may soon learn about the death of your oldest relative;
  • spouse - happiness will settle in your home;
  • son - get a promotion or increase in salary;
  • groom - your marriage will be successful;
  • uncle, grandfather, brother - changes in life for the better;
  • deceased relative - you will receive good news.

Interpreters point out that seeing a spouse in a rumpled white suit is a negative dream. Most likely, he is not behaving entirely honestly towards you, and has an affair on the side.

It is also negative if a man in white calls you to him. This means you will be misled. If there was a stranger in the dream, then do not trust strangers; an acquaintance - take a closer look at him, this person is deceiving you.

If you dreamed of a man in white, then this could mean for the owner of such a dream either a favorable or not so favorable outcome of the situation. White color is a symbol of both holiness, goodness, joy and virtue, as well as illness, cold, exhaustion, empty chores and even death. The dreamer should thoroughly understand who he dreamed about and under what circumstances.

What if you dream of a man in white?

White is the simplest color, but at the same time it is also the most complex, because its spectrum consists of all seven visible colors. Therefore, the white color of clothing can mean completely different clues that came in a dream.

Seeing a neat, pleasant-looking man in a dream is usually a good sign, for both sexes. Such a dream can mean activity, prosperity and good luck in all endeavors. But if this man is a medical worker in a white coat, then you should be on your guard. The subconscious gives a sign that a dangerous disease may develop in the dreamer’s body.

When analyzing any dream, it is always important to consider emotions. If a man in white evoked positive emotions, then most likely this meant positive dynamics in life. If it caused fear, hostility, anxiety, understatement, then most likely this is what awaits the owner of such a dream in reality.

If you see an unkempt young man in white in a dream, you should be wary of complications in your relationship with your life partner.

If you dreamed of a familiar man in white, then he might be the one with the problems. If a good friend comes in your dreams and the dream evokes positive emotions, then the business you have started should bring good results; you should not abandon it.

It happens that a young girl dreams of an unfamiliar man in white who calls her. This indicates excessive gullibility and a high probability of deception. If you dreamed of an aggressive man, it means that the dreamer has hidden enemies who also happen to be “best” friends.

What does it portend?

Seeing a handsome, cheerful fat man in a dream portends great luck, because it means the onset of an abundant and varied life, and if a short stranger appeared in the dream, it means obstacles await.

An elderly man in white clothes is a good sign. It portends excellent health and longevity, while a young man, on the contrary, can promise depression and sadness.

Why do you dream of a man in white if he is the dreamer himself? This sign usually indicates that you need to increase your vigilance so that false accusations, rumors and gossip retreat beyond a safe line.

Each dream where a man in white appears, in each individual situation, can mean completely different signs for the dreamer. A subtle analysis of what is seen and the emotions experienced is always necessary. And the white color of clothing can either enhance or weaken positive or negative probable scenarios.

A good driver always notices all the signs on the roads. Therefore, a man in white seen in a dream can also be perceived as a “road sign” on the path of life. You should not delay in reacting to such a dream, since such a “greeting” from the kingdom of Morpheus is very informative and powerful.

Seeing yourself dressed in a weekend suit in a dream means that you will be invited to a fun party with many good friends and no less of pickles and strong drinks.

Being dressed in a casual work suit means that your salary will be delayed.

A men's suit you dreamed of foreshadows financial losses that will take a long time to replenish.

Seeing a clown costume in a dream - you will find that you were mistaken about a person who was considered serious and obligatory when it comes to business relationships.

Putting on a clown costume is a danger of succumbing to the temptations of an easy life that has a criminal overtones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Strangers

In general, the dream is favorable and means new acquaintances. However, you need to pay attention to details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by, you will have many new friends, acquaintance with whom will never develop into friendship, but may be useful in the future.

If a stranger approached you on the street, the dream foreshadows a new friendship.

If you are single and saw a stranger of the opposite sex in a dream, perhaps you will soon have a bride or groom. If the stranger was of some exotic appearance, then your future spouse will be a very interesting person.

If you dreamed that some strangers came to your home, this means either a change of place of residence or an addition to the family. If at the same time you shook hands with each of them, expect guests who will bring you stunning news. Perhaps this will change your destiny.

Traveling with strangers in the same compartment means you have a long journey ahead of you, on which you will meet pleasant and helpful people.

Flying with a stranger on a plane - thanks to the support of a secret patron, you will be able to occupy a high position.

Seeing the death of a stranger means unexpected surprises from old friends are possible.

Kissing a stranger - entertainment full of thrills awaits you. If you dreamed that you were kissing several strangers, you will have fun in the company of good friends.

Giving something to strangers means you will win the favor of people, even those who have previously treated you negatively.

Fighting with a stranger of the opposite sex - your love search will be crowned with success.

If you dream that a stranger has secretly entered your house and is going to steal something, such a dream foreshadows a new love.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, imagine that you catch a stranger in the act of a crime and hand him over to the police. All your things are in place, the stranger did not steal anything. You can work out a dream in a universal way by imagining that strangers are interesting to you, you have the most friendly feelings towards them.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream of a Man in White in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing a representative of the stronger sex in snow-white clothes in a dream means the successful implementation of all your plans and projects; everything will go wrong on its own.


White suit according to the dream book

If in a dream a person pays attention to a white suit, this indicates that he is concerned about some important event for which such an outfit is appropriate. According to the traditions that have developed among different peoples, it can be associated with both mourning and celebration. Interpretations of dream books take into account all circumstances in order to more accurately predict what an elegant outfit means in a dream.

Symbol of loss

Miller's dream book presents the dream as prophetic. If we ignore the details, then for a man to see himself in a white suit is usually a sad sign that prepares him for losses.

A guy who loses some item in a dream, for example, a handkerchief from his breast pocket, will have no luck in love and in commercial matters. A person who saw in a dream not only himself, but also those around him in snow-white clothes, will receive sad news.

Love experiences

Deciphering why a lady dreams of trying on a women's white suit tailored according to men's patterns, dream books focus on personal experiences - they promise big changes in the romantic sphere, a new love or marriage.

If a girl dreamed that she was wearing her friend’s clothes, this indicates dissatisfaction with herself, lack of confidence in her attractiveness, and difficulties in dialogue with guys.

In a similar way, it is interpreted why one dreams of seeing oneself in clothes of a men's cut, which are not to the dreamer's liking: the time has come to fear the intrigues of a rival. But if you like the brutal style, go ahead to victory!

The role of cut in prophecy

For a person who saw himself in a dream wearing a new white suit of an outdated style, dream books prophesy good luck only where respect for rules and instructions is required.

If you dreamed of trying on an extravagant fashion model, it means you should seek fame in creative fields. Moreover, there are new connections ahead, meetings with promising companions and adventurous love adventures - a complete reboot of reality.

A sporty cut is a sign that you should act more decisively. Dream books predict unpleasant and difficult chores for a man who dreamed of well-tailored trousers and a jacket. Medea's dream book promises the guy success in all his endeavors if it was a new thing.

Why dream that clothes fit baggy or were tight? This means that you have to reconsider your attachments. Particular care should be taken in business - there is a high probability of a serious mistake.

Favorable signs from relatives

Strangers in snow-white robes, familiar or unfamiliar to the dreamer, bring sad news. For example, why do you dream of a boss in a white suit? Dream books prophesy the loss of the eldest in the family. When in a dream a person pays attention to the fact that relatives are dressed this way, this can have a favorable effect on his life.

I dreamed of my son dressed up - a sure sign that a bonus or promotion was expected. To see a beautifully dressed husband in a dream - fortunately in the house, a groom - to a successful marriage.

The only exception is the husband in light, but unkempt trousers and a jacket, which predicts the news of his betrayal. It is a good sign to see in a dream a deceased person - an acquaintance or relative - in a white suit: the dreamer will receive good news.


Dream Interpretation Man in a suit

Why do you dream of a Man in a suit in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of a man in a suit? If the suit has a chic, stylish look, a life that is secure in all respects awaits you.

There will be an end to any needs, from now on everything you want will be achieved. Use the chance given by fate wisely.

What color was the suit in the dream?

I dreamed of a man in a white suit

A man in a white suit in a dream foreshadows financial losses. For a girl to see her boyfriend in a white suit - to the fulfillment of cherished desires, the embodiment of previously outlined plans.

Dreaming of a man in a black suit

A dream about a man in a black suit foreshadows betrayal by a loved one. You should monitor events in your personal life more carefully, this will make it easier to prepare for betrayal.


Dream Interpretation Man

Man, Man without a head, Man without legs, Man without a penis, Man pregnant, Man beating a woman, Man in white, Man in the house, Man in women's shoes, Man in women's clothes, Man in a suit, Man in a dress, Man in bed , A man in uniform, A man in black, A man in military uniform, A naked man, A man cooking, A man giving a ring, A man giving flowers, A man holding hands, A married man, A man with female genitals, A man with female breasts, A man wearing female clothes, A man with a belly, A man he knows, A man and a woman, A handsome man, A man caresses, A man climbs through the window, A man catches fish, A bald man, A beloved man, A dream man, A young man, A man on a horse, A stranger man, A man carries hands, A naked man, A man hugs, A man cries, A man picked up, A man declares his love, A man pesters, A drunk man, A man gives birth, A man with a beard, A man with blue eyes, A man with long hair, A man with a daughter, A man with ring, Man with a child, Man with red hair, Man with an axe, Man with a cane, Man with a mustache, Man with flowers, Man looking, Man older than me, Man in slippers, Man fat, Man smiling, Man courting, Man leaving, Man in a robe, Man kisses, Man kisses a woman, Man kisses feet, Man kisses neck, Man in a hat, Man in a fur coat, Man in a skirt

If you especially remember a certain Man in a dream, Dream Interpretations urge you to remember all the details of the dream you saw. The man present in the dream symbolizes your active activity, and therefore his appearance and age can indicate the state of your current affairs.

I dreamed of a young unknown man- to new promising business; happiness, success and prosperity.

For both women and men, sleep carries an equally favorable prognosis. A traditionally young and attractive man in a dream symbolizes a new, very successful endeavor.

I dreamed of a man without a head or legs- failures in business.

A man whose body was deprived of integrity indicates that in reality you should refrain from some important events and responsible matters - now is not the best time for this.

I dreamed of a man without a penis (for men)- to a decrease in potency.

The dream could have appeared at the moment when in reality you are very concerned about problems with your own potency.

I dreamed of a man without a penis (for women)

The dream could have appeared at the moment when you really missed intimacy (you haven’t had sexual contact with a man for a long time). Or after sexual contact has brought you bitter disappointment (for example, your partner has serious problems with potency). One way or another, a dream is a distorted and exaggerated version of what has already happened to you in reality.

I dreamed of a pregnant man, A man gives birth- to the birth of a new brilliant idea.

Pregnancy and childbirth in a dream for both women and men foreshadow the birth of a new brilliant idea. The dream is doubly favorable because it was the Man who was pregnant in the dream.

I dreamed that a man was beating a woman- internal aggression and anger towards the opposite sex.

Probably, in reality, a lot of grievances and disappointments associated with the opposite sex have accumulated in your soul. The result is such negative relationships between the sexes in a dream.

I dreamed of a man in white- to good news.

I dreamed of a man in black- a messenger of sadness.

A man in a dream is generally a favorable sign, but only on condition that the Man seen was cheerful and dressed in light clothes. The gloomy Man in Black is a clear sign that not the most joyful events await you in reality.

I dreamed of a man in the house, a man climbing out the window (for men)- an opponent will appear; for women - readiness to cheat.

One way or another, the Man who tried to enter your home is a third person (male) who will interfere in your waking relationship (lover or rival).

I dreamed of a man wearing women's shoes or women's clothing, a man in a skirt or dress- distorted ideas about relations between the sexes.

I dreamed of a man with female genital organs, a man with female breasts (for men)- your feminine self prevailed.

It is scientifically proven that two selves coexist peacefully in absolutely every person - the feminine and the masculine. Moreover, at some moments and at certain time periods of life’s path (especially in old age), the opposite of your true essence may prevail. Or (for young and sexually immature people) the dream indicates that you have not yet fully decided on your main sexual orientation .

I dreamed of a man in a formal suit, a man with a cane- to a meeting with an official or a person in power.

I dreamed of a man in military uniform- to a meeting with a military man; have to be held accountable for their actions.

If a Man in a dream was dressed in some kind of uniform, you can make yourself a rough forecast- meetings with people of what specialty and what rank await you in reality.

I dreamed of a handsome man in your bed, a naked man kisses and caresses you, a naked man hugs you in a dream (for women) - sexual dissatisfaction; new sexual partner.

Very often, an Unfamiliar Man in a woman’s dream is the result of sexual dissatisfaction or the absence of a sexual partner in reality. And at the same time, the dream may turn out to be fateful - soon a new boyfriend will appear in your life.

To dream that your beloved man is cooking- to profit; happiness and peace in the family.

Dreams in which you see your Husband or Beloved at home, the Husband is calm and busy with creative work (Cooking), always predict that peace, mutual understanding and tranquility will reign in your relationship in reality.

I dreamed that a man was giving you a ring, I dreamed of a man with a ring- receive a marriage proposal.

I dreamed that a man gave you flowers, A man declared his love, I dreamed of a man with flowers- interest and sympathy; otherwise - a lack of affection and warmth.

You dreamed that a married man you know was holding your hand, picked you up or carried you in his arms- sexual interest.

A man, including an acquaintance, appears in a woman’s dream for three main reasons. First of all, this is the woman’s personal subconscious sympathy for what she saw in her dream (even if it was a really Married Man). The second is boredom, which happens in a woman’s personal life in reality, the moment when she does not have a permanent sexual partner. At this time, the most vivid, unusual, erotic dreams with the participation of Men (both acquaintances, and strangers, strangers) appear. Third, such dreams can really foreshadow events that are about to happen in real life. In this case, you pick up a signal from the Universe that your loved one is going to give you a Ring and after a while the Man actually proposes to you.

I dreamed of a fat man, a man with a belly- to increase well-being; fun time.

Fat Men are considered funny and jokers. In addition, it is generally accepted that obese Men certainly have a rather impressive financial condition. This is a favorable dream in all respects.

You dreamed about an unfamiliar man and woman, they were telling you something- messengers of fate.

It is necessary to accurately remember what you heard in a dream, decipher this message and use it as a hint in reality.

I dreamed that a man was fishing (for women)- to pregnancy.

I dreamed that a man was fishing (for men)- to unexpected profits; otherwise - to hard and monotonous work.

A fish seen in a dream can predict both the imminent onset of pregnancy and profit (if there was a rich catch in the dream). If Fishing in a dream was not successful, this means that in reality you will be faced with grief and disappointment in business, tedious and low-paid work.

I dreamed of a bald man- disappointments and temporary difficulties.

I dreamed of a man with a beard, a man older than you- a wise mentor will appear.

I dreamed of a man with long red hair- emergence of a new promising idea

I dreamed of a man with a mustache (for women)- new acquaintance.

I dreamed of a man with blue eyes- romantic date; state of being in love.

The appearance of the Man Seen in a Dream Will Indicate What kind of events await you in real life.

I dreamed about the man of your dreams on a horse- interesting acquaintance; otherwise - excessive immersion in one's fantasies and dreams.

Probably, in reality you dream so much about a prince on a white horse, That this image even crept into your night visions.

I dreamed that a man was crying- big troubles.

This is a warning dream - refrain from rash steps and rash actions.

I dreamed that a drunk man was pestering you- to an unpleasant acquaintance; annoying suitor.

Very soon you will have an unpleasant meeting with a person who is one step lower on the social ladder than you. This acquaintance will develop into annoying and annoying courtship.

I dreamed of a man with a child, a man with his daughter- the birth of a brilliant idea associated with the realm of feelings.

If a Man in a dream foreshadows the birth of an idea, then the image of his Daughter indicates that this new change will be associated with the area of ​​feelings and personal relationships.

I dreamed of a man with an ax- internal aggression.

An alarming dream, which indicates that in reality you can barely restrain the aggression and negativity that live inside you. They are struggling to find a way out.

I dreamed that an unfamiliar man was looking at you, smiling and caring- lack of affection and warmth in reality.

I dreamed that a man was kissing a woman, kissing her legs and neck (for women)- sexual dissatisfaction.

Such dreams appear at that moment in life when your personal life in reality is not replete with events and joyful impressions - it has become common for you to observe the manifestations of other people's feelings from the outside.

I dreamed that my beloved man was leaving- separation; otherwise - fear of losing a loved one.

Very rarely, such dreams actually foreshadow separation or divorce. As a rule, this is just a projection of your excessive concern about your lover’s fidelity.

I dreamed of a man in slippers and a robe- new boyfriend; for married women - a secret lover will appear; for men - a third person will appear in your life.

A man in Slippers and a Robe in all cases symbolizes a person who in the near future will somehow make his way into your home and take his very strong position in it.

I dreamed of a man in a hat and fur coat- readiness for unpleasant changes in reality.

A warning dream - in reality some unpleasant events are about to happen that will require you to concentrate all your internal forces.


Dream Interpretation Clothes, why you dream about seeing clothes in a dream

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about Clothes according to the dream book:

  • Clothes – “Grow out of your short pants” - become more mature;
  • “they are greeted by their clothes, but seen off by their minds” (social status, behavior in society), “under the counter” (secretly, covertly).
  • “Wipe your pants” - waste time.
  • “roll up your sleeves” - get down to business energetically.
  • “carelessly” - to do something carelessly, without effort.
  • “cry into your vest” - complain.
  • “keep in style” - not to give in, to put on airs, to be fashionable.
  • “try on (some clothes)” - try yourself in a new social role or activity.
  • “to undress in front of someone” - to be frank, to confess.
  • “put it by the collar” - drink, go on a spree.
  • “staying in your underpants” means going broke, being deceived.
  • Play on words: “cowardly” - run, jog, shake (be afraid).
  • “women's panties” - for a man they indicate erotic attraction, the piquancy of the situation.
  • “put in a stocking” - money savings, greed.
  • Stains on clothes are a “tarnished reputation.”
  • “to undress someone” - to deceive, ruin.
  • “with your pants down” - shame, shame, punishment.
  • “holding onto the skirt”, “being under the heel” - a subordinate position in front of a woman.
  • “running after every skirt” is debauchery.
  • “rumpled” - an unkemptly dressed, unsightly person (homeless).
  • “keep your pocket (or hands) wider” - get nothing;
  • “to fill your pocket” - enrichment, selfish consumption, greed.
  • “get into someone else’s pocket” - secretly appropriate someone else’s property. See separately gloves, belt, shirt, cap, hat.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Dream book: Clothes if you dream

According to the dream book, why do you dream about Clothes - Behavioral cultural patterns of others, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Clothes according to the dream book:

  • Clothes - It is important to pay attention to what the clothes were like in the dream: whole or torn, clean or dirty.
  • Dirty and torn clothes always portend deception and warn against communicating with strangers.
  • But you dream of clean clothes for prosperity. If in a dream you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, be careful in reality. Any wrong step can lead you to the point where you will not have enough of even the most necessary things for life. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows deceptive hopes.
  • Wearing excellent but unfashionable clothes in a dream portends luck and, unfortunately, complete neglect of valuable ideas.
  • Refusal of clothes that are out of fashion means that you will soon leave your current environment, make new connections, relationships and novels.
  • If clothes don’t fit you well in a dream, some of your attachments will soon become a thing of the past. Perhaps you will make a grave mistake in some enterprise. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows unpleasant rivalry among friends.
  • If she admires the clothes of others, there may be strong jealousy on the part of her friend.

Symbolic dream book Dream book: Clothes if you dream

What does clothing mean in a dream? It is a certain symbol of one’s position in society and an element of self-awareness. It is how we appear to ourselves and to those around us. It is possible to “expose” your feelings, to “undress” another person (in the sense of making him defenseless or ruining him). What clothes mean in dreams is a social mask, camouflage; what our true self hides behind. Sometimes in relation to clothing, a dream uses a shapeshifter - too expensive, chic or inappropriately dressed clothes mean the opposite - poverty, collapse of aspirations, loss of authority. Clothing emphasizes human attractiveness and can mean property (richness), a career, acceptance in a team, or a trip. In women's dreams, clothing has a special increased additional semantic load, reflecting the success, type or prospect of the dreamer's love relationship and her business connections.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Clothes:

Interpretation of the dream book: What clothes are meant for in dreams - Look at the dress.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream about Clothes in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Clothes - Beautiful, fashionable clothes on yourself or on another person, seen in a dream, indicates that your intimate relationship with your partner is based solely on calculation. If in a dream you wear such clothes, it means that in real life you are striving to occupy an advantageous position, no matter by what means. Torn, dirty clothes indicate that your reputation is being undermined due to your own frivolity and frankness.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericism by E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does clothing mean?

What do you dream of about clothes – (Lingerie) - the more you wear, the greater the trouble; half-naked - to well-being; putting it on in a dream is a sign of good luck or bad luck, a slippery position; brushing a dress is a profit, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Clothes:

  • Why do you dream about clothes - If you dream that you are well dressed, then people praise you, but if you walk around ragged, then people judge you.
  • Beautiful clothes are a disease.
  • Seeing yourself in white means illness.
  • To be in black means sadness, sadness.
  • Black clothes are a disease.
  • If you dress in black clothes, you will be arrested.
  • Red is unkind. Seeing yourself in red means shame, disgrace.
  • You dream that you are dressed in red: for a girl - someone will match; married - any shame.
  • Suite, jacket (outerwear in general) - there will be some news.
  • The clean clothes that the girl is thinking of wearing on the holiday should be placed under the pillow in the evening and made a dream for herself. If you have a dream, then your dear one will love you too.

Psychoanalytic dream book Dream book: Seeing clothes in a dream

  • Clothing – The persona of an individual: his behavior, position and role; his thoughts and desires, often real facts. Clothing also serves as protection against unwanted touch. A dream can reveal a conflict between the internal needs of the individual and the world with which it faces. An indication of the conflict (contrast) between the performer of the role and the individual himself, between the mask and the persona. Clothing conceals nudity and therefore sexuality; thus it often has sexual connotations. The place in which an individual sees a garment can radically change the connotation. For example, if a doctor sees himself in a hospital trying on a military uniform, this means that his aggression is frustrated.
  • Be dressed, perhaps in a uniform or even armor; inability to undress. The danger of expressing conformity to other people's views rather than developing an independent character.
  • To be undressed, half naked. Refusal to play a role. Failure to adopt a collective image or deliberate rejection of an idea. Extreme protection and social distancing.
  • Clothing transferred from one person to another. For example, an individual’s wife dresses in clothes that belong to her mother. The wife plays in the dream the role of the creator (creator), the owner of the clothes. Some repeated early experience.
  • A man dressing in women's clothing. Transvestism. The individual’s desire to demonstrate his feminine side, perhaps incipient homosexuality or regression to teenage homosexuality after unsuccessful heterosexual contact. Conflict with homosexuality can be expressed by wearing women's clothing on the left side of the body and men's clothing on the right.
  • Uniform on a woman. Animus in a woman.
  • Change of clothes. An attempt to change oneself, sometimes only externally
  • A wife who longs to wear her husband's clothes. The desire to keep my husband. Animus of a woman.
  • Putting on short pants. Infantilism.
  • Short or cropped clothing (shorts). Youthful pleasures.
  • Beautiful clothes. Youth, innocence, boyishness.
  • Clothing belonging to a specific person. Indication of a specific person. Even certain details of clothing can help reveal the true identity of someone in a dream, especially if the details of clothing are associated with someone most significant to the individual.
  • Underwear. What is not always visible, hidden (perhaps consciously), has to do with sex.
  • Tie. Phallus. A sign of dominance, as it focuses attention on the chest, but also of anxiety, as it squeezes the throat.
  • Strip. Loss of moral boundaries.
  • The color of clothing is also important. Someone dressed in black. Antagonism and aggression towards a given person: the individual may wish for his death.
  • White shirt and black trousers. May indicate a contrast between the upper, conscious position and the shadow, instinctive and sexual sphere.
  • White patch on black clothes. Conscious approach (white) surrounded by the unconscious (black).
  • Coat (cloak). Warmth and therefore love. A coat in a woman's dreams. Protection of a man (father, husband, etc.). In dreams of men, a man in a coat. A man who is well protected before a risky undertaking.
  • Thick warm shirt with long sleeves. Inadequacy of loving care. Defense, often meaning defense of faith and God.
  • Sheepskin coat, sheepskin coat. It may have a meaning close to the symbolism of sheep and barn. Fear of losing your coat. Fear of losing one's own faith.
  • Hat. Phallus (high hat, bowler hat) or batting (soft hat). Male or female phallic symbol.
  • Something resembling a hat. Coitus. Halo (aura).
  • A child in a strange hat, (with a shine around his head). Christ. Light raincoat. External protection in general, and in particular the membrane surrounding the fetus before its birth, the placenta; womb, fantasy.
  • Shoes. The point of contact between the phallic and female genital symbols, as well as a symbol of freedom.
  • Shoes. Lace up your shoes: a well-known symbol of death.
  • Veil (tulle) or (veil-like cover). Partial recognition of the individual to himself. If the individual is wearing a veil. Something in himself that he wants to keep veiled or only partially revealed, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Clothes?

See in a dream
  • Clothing - Washing viscose clothes in a dream serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can cause you big troubles in the future.
  • Having greasy stains on your clothes means that you have a profitable business ahead of you. For young people, such a dream can be a harbinger of a rich marriage.
  • Black clothes in a dream symbolize illness, white clothes mean good things.
  • Seeing a lot of clothes means that there is a lot of trouble ahead.
  • If you saw a jacket in a dream, it means you might catch a cold.
  • Seeing or wearing a sheepskin coat in a dream means wealth, unexpectedly high income, longevity without decrepitude.
  • A jumper seen in a dream symbolizes the warmth of friendly relations, so putting on a jumper means making a new friend, wearing it means a lasting friendship, taking it off means a quarrel.
  • If you dress in a dream, it means you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
  • Dressing sloppily or inappropriately in a dream means welcoming an unexpected guest.
  • Dressing in new outerwear in a dream means a new wife or mistress; cleaning clothes is fortunate; having upholstered clothes with someone means your wife is cheating; to see many people in violet and purple clothes in a dream - to abuse; Seeing a woman in men's clothing in a dream means the birth of a son.
  • If you see fur clothes in a dream or put them on, it means that you will receive some property legally.
  • Seeing yourself in brocade clothes in a dream is a harbinger of sadness and loss. Burning clothes means loss.
  • If your clothes burn on you, it means loss of property.
  • For a woman to see a man in overalls in a dream means that she will be deceived about the true character of her lover; for a married woman, it is a sign that she will remain ignorant for a long time about the reasons for her husband’s frequent absence, until an incident forces her to think seriously.
  • For a woman, a sundress seen in a dream is a sign that the desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life and mistrust on the part of the spouse.

Egyptian dream book If you dream about Clothes:

What do clothes mean in a dream - If a person sees himself tearing his clothes in a dream, well, this means that he will be freed from everything bad.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of Clothes in a dream:

  • Why do you dream about clothes – Black – a gift // to illness, misfortune, they will denigrate you, poverty, sadness, prison;
  • white clothes - good, they praise you, you will win // disease;
  • red clothes - wait for matchmakers (for a girl) // sadness, illness, shame;
  • green clothes - dignity;
  • new clothes - good, luxury, profit, success in business, joy // illness, sadness;
  • rich clothes - good, true // envy, misfortune (for the poor), death (for the sick);
  • long, long-skimmed clothing - honor;
  • soiled clothes - bad, sadness, misfortune;
  • clothes with holes - trouble, lies;
  • clothes made of matting are a nuisance;
  • smart clothes – honor (for the rich), profit // illness, misfortune (for the poor);
  • losing clothes is a shame;
  • burning clothes - boredom, slander, insult, quarrel with friends; Anyone you see in old clothes is healthy and cheerful;
  • a lot of clothes - a lot of trouble;
  • getting dressed is an unpleasant position;
  • dress sloppily - an unexpected guest;
  • dress someone in white clothes - praise him;
  • in black - there will be a dead person;
  • for a man to dress as a woman means shame, loss, deception;
  • For a woman to dress in men's clothing is a temptation;
  • cleaning clothes is a profit // the matter is in court, you will have to clean yourself.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation Seeing Clothes in a Dream

  • What do you dream about clothes for? – In general – mood; position in society; material level; self-conceit, own claims; reputation, authority; attractiveness for a woman.
  • The color of clothing indicates a specific emotional state (see R. Color). Dressed in red - love for the sleeping person.
  • Clothing with stains, holes, tears, patches - harm, poverty, disappointment, shame, loss of reputation.
  • Original, out of fashion, dressed out of place - a delicate, slippery situation; collapse of the situation.
  • Too chic, expensive clothes - ruin; dishonor.
  • A woman in a man's suit is good luck.
  • A man in a woman means trouble; ailments.
  • Old, worn-out clothes - feelings of fatigue, old age, ruin; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing clothes in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: What do clothes mean in dreams - If you dreamed about your clothes, joy awaits you. Dirty and torn clothes are a warning that trouble will soon befall you. Rich clothes, embroidered with gold and decorated with bright embroidery, -

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Clothing according to the dream book:

  • Clothes - Represents the dreamer's character and concerns about problems that are reflected by the specificity of clothing.
  • New clothes - achieving a goal, success.
  • Old, shabby clothes are difficulties.
  • Being naked or half-dressed and feeling anxious is a fear that someone will reveal your secrets.
  • Blouses, shirts - problems of showing or hiding feelings.
  • Dress, coat, jacket - problems of external relations (with strangers).
  • Pants, skirts - concern about sexual image.
  • Panties, bras - sexual fears, innermost aspirations.
  • Hats - hiding thoughts. (See also Hat.)

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Clothes in a dream:

  • Clothes - Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction.
  • The success of your business depends on what the clothes were like in the dream: whole and clean, or dirty and torn.
  • Seeing excellent but unfashionable clothes foretells that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.
  • If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new affairs, and make new love affairs. All this will change you completely.
  • Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad.
  • Walking with a person in white means illness and grief for him, unless this is a young woman or a child. In the latter case, you can expect pleasant events.
  • Seeing yourself and others portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted travel companions. Commercial activities will not meet your desires.
  • Seeing yellow clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.
  • Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you.
  • Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time.
  • Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.
  • Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future.
  • Seeing ill-fitting clothes in a dream means the end of some of your affections. It is possible that you will make a mistake in some enterprise.
  • Seeing an old man or a young man in well-tailored suits means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business.
  • If a woman dreams that she does not like her clothes, the dream foretells that she will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving social success.
  • If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend.
  • Seeing the loss of some toilet detail in a dream means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.
  • For a young woman to see herself in a black suit in a dream - the dream portends sadness and disappointment.
  • If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, it means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women.
  • Interpreting a dream about clothes. You must pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure to implement important plans will cause you harm.
  • Dirty and torn clothes always portend deception and warn about caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream may also portend an action that could tarnish your reputation.
  • But clean clothes mean prosperity. If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough of even the most necessary things. For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes.
  • Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon not be in your favor.
  • Weaving cotton in a dream is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economical person; for married women it is a promise of comfort in the home and harmony.
  • Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name.
  • Seeing an important person undressed in a dream portends grief and pain for people dear to you.
  • Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you.

Assyrian dream book Why do you dream about Clothes according to the dream book:

Clothes – If in a dream a person is dressed in black, this promises loss.

Love dream book

Clothes - If you feel in a dream that your clothes cause discomfort or have long gone out of fashion, you are destined to learn about the existence of a rival. You will be unpleasantly surprised and disappointed. If in a dream you admire the clothes of others, it means that jealous suspicions of your chosen one await you. If you see in a dream another woman - known to you or unfamiliar - with a mourning veil on her face, this means that you will be surpassed by a rival whom you considered unequal to yourself. Get ready for bitter disappointments and troubles - you will be left alone.

Muslim dream book Why do you dream about Clothes:

Clothes - Good and clean clothes - for a man it means high position, honor, honors, benefit, piety, position and wife, and for a woman - a husband; that is, if a woman sees this clean and beautiful dress, then a good man will become her husband.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream about Clothes according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see Clothes in a dream - One is greeted by clothes... Clothes are a reflection of a person’s inner world and individuality. Does your clothing inspire admiration or ridicule? This is a mirror of your self-esteem. Losing clothes shows your vulnerability. Don't believe me? Try undressing, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel about it. Of course, these can also be sexual or exhibitionist fantasies. Giving clothes is an ambiguous matter. Who has not received clothes as a gift, which later became the talk of the town as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothing that fits you well and makes you feel confident can lead to positive changes in your self-esteem. Sometimes you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are believed to have magical properties. In this case, you are simply seeking understanding or protection.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing clothes in a dream

Why do you dream about Clothes - A waste of money

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Clothes in a dream

What do you dream of about clothes – Buying is happiness; wearing black - sadness; white - contentment; children's - family quarrel.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Clothes:

Seeing clothes in a dream - Seeing a lot of clothes is a lot of hassle, everyday things. New new things. Worn old troubles, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream book: Clothes in a dream

To see clothes in a dream - what does one dream about - Good and clean clothes - for a man it foretells a high position, honor, honors, benefit, piety, a significant position and a noble wife, and for a woman - a husband; that is, if a woman sees a clean and beautiful dress in a dream, then a good man will become her husband.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing Clothes in a Dream

  • What do you dream about clothes for? – You dream about a belt, a belt. - Foretells an appointment to a place. Favorable sign.
  • You put on a new robe, new outerwear. - There will be a new wife or concubine, girlfriend.
  • You put on an expensive and beautiful dress. - Prosperity of children and grandchildren.
  • You wash and clean your clothes. - In all cases, fortunately.
  • You throw a raincoat over your shoulders and cover yourself with clothes from the weather. - It will be a great mercy.
  • The dress gets dirty with oil or grease. - There will be mercy and protection from above.
  • Worn clothes that are about to tear. - The wife looks away.
  • You fold and collect new clothes. - There will be various adversities and failures.
  • You give a person clothes. - There will be illness, illness, grief.
  • You cut clothes, wear mourning clothes. - Portends happiness.
  • The belt on the clothes unravels or unties on its own. - In all matters, good luck and happiness.
  • You put on yellow or golden, wheat-colored clothes. - To happiness and good luck.
  • You put on white clothes. - Someone must make a request to you.
  • You wear blue or green clothes. - There will be help and support from a wise, perfect person.
  • You put on azure, patterned, embroidered clothes. - Portends great benefits associated with a wife.
  • Lots of people wearing violet or purple clothes. - Indicates abuse.
  • Lots of people dressed in blue clothes. - Indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones.
  • Many people dressed in white clothes. - Indicates matters related to service.
  • Many people dressed in red clothes. - Indicates great happiness and good fortune.
  • A woman puts on a man's clothes. - Indicates the birth of a noble offspring.
  • You own the same clothes with some person. - My wife has a lover.
  • Loss of clothing items. - Foretells a difficult birth for a wife.
  • You want to cover yourself with your own blanket, wrap the canopy around you. - Portends wealth and nobility.
  • Choose a headdress or belt. - You will have a promotion.
  • The woman puts on a headdress and a belt. - Foretells the birth of a son

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Clothes in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about clothes? Why do you dream about clothes – Buying is happiness; wearing black - sadness; wearing white means contentment; children's - family quarrel; pure - success in business; dirty - failure

Velor clothing - For a joyful event, for a feast.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Clothes according to the dream book:

Velor clothes – Seeing velor clothes in a dream or buying them in a store means the stability of your business.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Clothes according to the dream book:

Velor clothing – Seeing velor clothing on yourself or others in a dream means that you are living beyond your means.

Dream Book of Yogis If you dream about Clothes:

Interpretation of the dream book: Why do you dream about wearing blue clothes? – The subtle body is associated with the ajna chakra (it is also blue, like this chakra). This is a tall body, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about Clothes:

Solves the dream book: Why clean clothes in a dream - Good luck in business; dirty - dishonor

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about Clothes?

As the dream book interprets: Clothes: losing – Shame; dressing in a new dress is sadness; Dressed in a long dress is a reward.

Seeing clothing trimming in a dream - Trimming, bows - a surprise. Fringe is a nuisance. Brushes are an honor. Beads are joy, winding garus is joy. Buying is news. Selling is expensive. Lace - a date with a friend, joy.

Islamic dream book Why do you dream about Clothes in a dream?

What does it mean to see a pilgrim’s robe in a dream - if a person wears Ihram in a dream, then this indicates his refusal of intercourse, its prerequisites and temptation, as well as from sins, disputes and debates.

Winter outerwear is wealth for the one who wears it, because it protects from the cold, and cold is poverty. And wearing it in the summer indicates a sad event.

An ancient dream book Why do you dream about Clothes according to the dream book?

Seeing different types of clothes in a dream - Different types of clothes, putting on a uniform - changes. Wearing a tailcoat means valuing yourself too highly, gossip. Folk national clothing is a symbol of arrogance. Wearing a robe or cassock means a wedding. To see another in a dream is a warning against a cunning or flattering person. Holes in clothes are a nuisance. To put on a cloak is to accept someone’s instructions.


Why do you dream of a white shirt?

Without any doubt, the color white is associated with purity, harmony and equanimity, and the shirt is associated with both isolation and security. But in a dream this can be interpreted in different ways. As it turned out, the details that occur in a dream greatly influence the interpretation of images and visions.

If you see wearing a white shirt in a dream, then the dream warns that there is a secret admirer. It is possible that this is a sign to look around. Also, a white shirt in a dream signifies a quick improvement in one’s financial condition and a sudden improvement in earnings.

If you put on a white shirt in a dream, then soon there will be hope for a better development of some situation and things will go much better. The dream also marks the arrival of good news or news from distant relatives. If you take off a white shirt from your body in a dream, such a dream says that you will experience deep disappointment in others.

There is an opinion that dreams are not signals from the future, but echoes of the past. That is, moments experienced during the day, any experiences can be reflected in a dream. You just need to correctly decipher them and compare them with reality. Maybe there is no threat.

If in a dream you can see a large number of people dressed in white shirts, it is advisable to think about work: evaluate the honesty of partners or competitors, check the strength of business ties and contacts, and be more attentive in this area.

In general, white clothes on a person are a good sign, indicating a favorable course of affairs in his life. Marriage and family may be one of the things that white robes symbolize in dreams. If such a dream was unpleasant, and negative emotions were experienced in it, then the dream foreshadows sadness and troubles soon in real life.

It’s easy to understand why you dream of a white shirt. This dream could be telling you about a secret admirer. For girls and boys to see a white shirt on their body means they will soon experience great joy in love or even have a wedding.

However, if a young man or girl sees himself taking off a white shirt, then this is a sign that he or she is prone to cheating on his or her significant other.

If you take off a white shirt in a dream, then in real life there may be a loss of part of your income or the inevitability of big troubles related to money.

In addition, a large mass of people dressed in white shirts means that there is excessive control over life.

If you have such trust in dream books and dreams, it is better to adhere to the basic norms of correct behavior. That is, do not provoke a conflict and do not play with fate, do not check whether the dream prediction will come true. This is an unnecessary emotional burden.

Of course, no amount of dreams can radically change anyone’s fate. These are just small hints and signals that people have learned to live by. And in which many people believe. Maybe this way it’s easier to interpret an already complex life with its unpredictability.


Man in a white suit

Dream Interpretation Man in a white suit dreamed of why a man in a white suit is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man in a white suit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Seeing yourself dressed in a weekend suit in a dream means that you will be invited to a fun party with many good friends and no less of pickles and strong drinks.

Being dressed in a casual work suit means that your salary will be delayed. A men's suit you dreamed of foreshadows financial losses that will take a long time to replenish.

Seeing a clown costume in a dream - you will find that you were mistaken about a person who was considered serious and obligatory when it comes to business relationships.

Putting on a clown costume is a danger of succumbing to the temptations of an easy life that has a criminal overtones.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Financial losses await you.

Carnival costume - unexpected news, an unexpected turn of events.

A children's carnival costume is special luck.

For a man to be dressed in a woman's suit is a loss.

If you dreamed about a jacket, a business meeting awaits you, on which your social status and financial success will depend.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Buying a suit in a store and then discovering that it doesn’t suit you at all is a disappointment. A dirty and torn suit means purchasing something new.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Seeing a new suit with a label denotes feigned behavior, a dapper slyness. A torn suit means frustration about your appearance, dissatisfaction with your appearance, figure, face, hairstyle, etc.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Buying a suit in a store means your boss will ask you something in a veiled manner. Seeing a dirty and torn suit in a dream means buying a new one.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

A men's suit is a financial loss.

Dream Interpretation - Three-piece suit and number three

Trying on a three-piece suit in a dream means that you are not taking your place in life. If a woman sees this dream, then this is a sign that in 3 months she will decide to marry a person she does not love, and her marriage will not be happy. If a schoolchild has this dream, then after 66 days he will show his complete ignorance in an exam or interview. For a businessman, such a dream promises the collapse of ambitious hopes in the next 3 weeks, since he has aimed too high, he should put things in order in his thoughts and plans.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

To be in a carnival or children's costume is extraordinary luck.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

New - to wealth and prosperity, worn - to a stable financial situation.

Imagine that the suit fits you perfectly, fits exactly to your figure and looks just like new.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

The costume, the masquerade, the kitchen - a deception, a good face for a bad game.

Success, restaurant business, winemaking.


Man wearing white shirt

Dream Interpretation Man wearing a white shirt dreamed of why in a dream a man wearing a white shirt? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man wearing a white shirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White shirt and black trousers

Fear of losing one's own faith.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - there will be a long-awaited letter-news from someone. Washing shirts means getting sick. Wearing a white shirt in a dream is good news. A dirty shirt is an unfaithful woman. If a betrothed girl sews a shirt for her future husband and there are many knots on it, then the young man’s life will be long. If the shirt is sewn easily and smoothly, then the husband’s life will be short: perhaps he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

There is a well-known expression: “Your shirt is closer to your body,” that is, what concerns you personally is always more important, and the problems of others affect you to a much lesser extent.

The dream of a shirt may be associated in your subconscious with the words: “He is ready to give away the last shirt of himself.” This phrase is usually said to a person who is ready to sacrifice everything he has for the sake of someone who needs his help.

They say about a person who is understanding, reliable and pleasant to talk to: “a shirt-guy”, that is, “one of our own” people.

Trying on a shirt - trials await you, and a lot in your future fate will depend on how you behave in a difficult situation.

In a dream, choosing one from many shirts means in reality you will have to make a difficult choice, in which you will have to sacrifice something dear to you.

If you dreamed that you tore your shirt, then this indicates that you unjustly offended a friend or acquaintance, but did not attach any importance to it, but in this way you can lose the friendship of a faithful person.

Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of troubles that will not only give you worldly wisdom, but will also show which of your acquaintances is a true friend.

If in a dream you put on a shirt inside out, then in real life a trick awaits you that will unsettle you, but having made the right decision, you will quickly cope with the problems.

A dream in which a button comes off a shirt foreshadows the loss of a friend or the breakdown of friendly relations, for which you will blame yourself, but will soon realize that the reason for this was objective circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Buying a shirt in a dream means that you will soon go to visit friends for their family celebration. Giving a shirt portends the love of neighbors and the envy of others. Put on a shirt - look for the reason for your husband’s cooling towards you, take it off - you will be happy in your intimate life.

A white shirt promises good news from afar, a colored one - you will be taken aback by your child’s unexpected statement. A nightgown portends a mild illness. A dirty shirt means you are at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease; a torn shirt means you won’t be able to come to a consensus with your opponents.

Washing a shirt in a dream means you will find a reliable friend in reality; ironing it means you will make enemies with your temper. A lost shirt, which you persistently look for in a dream and cannot find, means quarrels and insults.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

This is a reflection of a person’s character and his behavior in society.

If you are wearing a colorful shirt or meet someone wearing such a shirt: the dream warns that some events may confuse you.

A light shirt in a dream means a good, perhaps even festive mood.

Dark: a sign of possible grief or dark thoughts.

Short sleeves: mean increased activity and neatness, rolled up shirt with long sleeves: calls for restraint.

Seeing an unbuttoned shirt on yourself or someone else: a sign of relaxed communication.

Untucked shirt: indicates poor organization, which can negatively affect your business.

Seeing yourself in a dirty or torn shirt: this is a warning that inability to behave in society or disregard for the rules of decency can negatively affect your reputation and seriously harm you.

Seeing another in a dirty or torn shirt means that your business may be hindered by someone's intemperance or bad manners.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dreaming of a woman's shirt means treason.

Walking down the street in a shirt means unpleasant news.

A dirty shirt is a symbol of a wife's infidelity.

The bride sews a shirt for her future husband and there are many knots on it - his life will be long.

A shirt is sewn easily and smoothly - his life will be short: maybe he won’t even have time to wear this shirt.

Another person in a nightgown - you will hear unpleasant news.

Wearing pajamas in a dream means insufficient activity at work, which will be more than compensated for by love and gambling.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Taking off your shirt means losing a friend.

Losing a button from a shirt means a minor quarrel.

Wearing a bright, clean shirt is a sign of future happiness.

If the shirt is clean, then you are lucky in life.

If you take off your dirty shirt, one of your friends will leave.

If you lost a button from a shirt, it means minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - as they say: “your shirt is closer to your body,” that is, what concerns you personally is always more important. Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of troubles that will not only add worldly wisdom to you, but will also show you who your real friend is. If in a dream, a woman puts on a man’s shirt, it means that she wants to get not only her, but also the wearer of this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

If you put on a shirt in a dream, it means that your infidelity will cause your beloved to cool off towards you.

Losing a shirt means dishonor, both in business and in love.

A torn shirt portends misfortune and an insignificant environment.

If your shirt is stained with something, you are at risk of infectious diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

For a man to put on a shirt in a dream foreshadows his betrayal of his beloved and subsequent separation from her. If you lose your shirt, you will suffer a crushing defeat both in your business and in your personal life. A torn shirt portends troubles and an environment unworthy of you. If the shirt is stained with something, there is a possibility of an infectious disease.


Elderly man singing

Dream Interpretation An elderly man sings dreamed of why in a dream an elderly man sings? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an elderly man singing in a dream by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Elderly

Seeing older men and women means prosperity and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Elderly

If a person sees himself burying an elderly person in a dream, it means prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dreamed of a man, it means that you are in for some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this foreshadows the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If the man you saw in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of plans you have long nurtured.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in your dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying communicating with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a small man tries to start a quarrel or fight with a person superior to him in strength, this means that you are wasting your time over trifles. The dream also promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources provide numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his “Comparative Lives” by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 – c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 70 – c. 140) and many other ancient authors talk about prophetic dreams.

Plutarch’s story from his famous “Biographies” has been preserved about one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune. One night before the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had attached importance to this warning from above given to his wife, he would have remained alive (he was stabbed twenty-three times in the Senate, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a young, handsome man, anxiety awaits you in real life. An old, gray-haired man portends a long life. A very obese, plump man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means illness in the family. A man in a shirt is a sign of an unhappy marriage, in an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive facial features means disappointment in your lover.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that you will encounter many obstacles on the way to achieving your plans. A cheerful and sociable man foretells that you will gain fame thanks to the successes you have achieved.

An aggressive man who rudely seeks intimacy with you means that you will have unpleasant experiences because of the person whom you considered your friend. Seeing a dead man in a dream means big money.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman sees in a dream a pleasant man with handsome facial features, the dream promises her well-being, contentment with fate, and considerable joy. If a man sees such a dream, it is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, and intrigues of business opponents. A man in white clothes promises joy, receiving a fortune, while in black clothes - loss and sadness. A fat man in a dream foretells prosperity in business, and a short man is a sign that you will overcome difficult circumstances. A hunchback does not bode well, because often this dream warns of deception or betrayal of those you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman dreams of a handsome, well-built man, she will soon enjoy a full life and be happy in love and sex. But if the man she sees is gloomy and ugly, she will face disappointments and problems with her loved one.

For a man to see another man (friend or stranger) in a dream means that he will soon have a rival who can destroy the harmony of his relationship with the woman he loves and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Man

“talk like a man to a man” - a serious conversation, a showdown.

“Be a man” is a call to courage and nobility.

“I will make a real man out of you” (a strong, strong-willed person). The word “man” carries connotations of simplicity, rudeness, and boorishness.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If the image of a woman symbolizes the sphere of feelings, then a man is a symbol of active activity.

Meeting a slender, pleasant-looking man: foretells things that will please you. Such a dream is equally favorable for both women and men.

An ugly man in a dream: a sign of failure in business. Most likely, your plans for the future need to be revised.

For a woman, a dream in which she sees her husband can tell her the state of her current affairs and plans.

Seeing your husband cheerful and cheerful: a sign of prosperity in the house.

A quarrel with your husband in a dream: foreshadows some difficulties, which will nevertheless end happily.

Seeing your husband ugly or unpleasant: a sign of acute dissatisfaction with your situation.

Such dreams do not bode well.

If a woman sees herself as a man, this means that she is able to cope with a difficult situation and can safely rely on her own strength.

Dream Interpretation - Man

A bald man means respect and wealth.

A woman dreams of a man in a shirt - foretells troubles in marriage.

Seeing a naked man is good luck.

A dead man on the street means opening new sources of income.

An intimate relationship with a man in a dream means loss of fortune.

Dream Interpretation - An elderly woman in white with a book in her hand

Lost some of my insight.

Now he won't notice my mistake.




There's a big pile of new packaged white shirts in the store, I'm trampling over them. Nearby there is the same mountain of cool new multi-colored slippers, I walk around and look at them.


I dreamed of a well-known handsome man in a clean blue (blue) checkered shirt. What does it mean?


I went to the market, there was no seller near the stall, I took two shirts and ran away.


I approached a man I knew well, who was wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt. I took his hand and we went for a walk together. And they saw a crying girl who liked him. I tried to leave, but he held my hand tightly. What does all of this mean?


I dreamed of a former common-law husband in a white shirt. He was going on a date with another woman. What does it mean


I dreamed that I was helping my ex-husband choose a shirt, he needed to leave for some meeting, and he told me that he would return quickly, we were standing near the closet in which his clothes were hanging, it caught my eye that there were several identical shirts hanging, red in strip and I joked that I bought “five for the price of three”, that I didn’t remember the answer and I don’t remember the continuation, or maybe I didn’t dream of anything...


I dreamed of my husband, how Dudto was sitting in a car and he was wearing a snow-white shirt with red shoulder straps. What is this for?


Good afternoon.

Tell me, please, what does it mean: I dreamed of a man I knew, he was dressed in a white, clean shirt, the shirt was completely unbuttoned, and I buttoned it up….

Thank you in advance.

no no:

My friends and I were at home, in a friend’s room, among his clothes I saw my white shirt (as if it was mine, in fact I don’t have such a shirt), on the shirt I read the words (I don’t remember the words, but something for me), I was surprised, I was just as happy with the shirt, and in his poem to me, I hugged him and he blushed, then he told me to go upstairs


I see myself naked next to a pleasant man (I feel like we know each other), we go somewhere and I feel a sense of shame because I am completely naked. I don’t remember whether I told him about this or not, but I remember that he took off his shirt and gave it to me, I put his shirt on. I have a feeling that the shirt was light, but I don’t remember the color.


in a dream, a husband in a yellow shirt


unbuttoning the buttons on a white men's shirt


Seeing the silhouette of my ex-husband in a blue shirt, he is tall and curly, while he hugs, and we see how the plane crashes, and we are afraid that the blast wave will replace our multi-story house.


I’ve been having the same dream for a week now, I’m walking around the offices of a large office in a gray-brown suit and a white shirt.


Hello. I dreamed that I was standing on ice skating, pregnant. Bandage under the belly. I stood there contentedly, smiling, with a feeling of pride.


Sleeping with an ex-boyfriend. He was sitting on a chair, somewhat out of sorts; it seemed to me that he was saddened by something, but for some reason he was smiling slightly. He covered his face with his hands and leaned his elbows on his knees. I walked up to him, sat down in my arms, started hugging him, stroking the back of his head and back. But unexpectedly, on his back, from the neck to the shoulder blade, I discovered that the light shirt he was wearing was fairly torn and his body was visible. And the dream ended. And I also felt Him in a dream, his smell, energy and that he was nearby, although it had been 4 years since we had seen each other. And from time to time I have strange dreams with him, which over time come true or mean what I later learn about him, his family and his attitude towards me.
Thank you :)


I dream of my ex-boyfriend, bald in a blue new shirt, I dream of his current girlfriend, thin and white-skinned, of her children with gold teeth who wanted to go home (and she lives with him) then I went to pick up my things and found a lot of his DIRTY laundry , and 2 of my things were dirty, and then I started to find my NEW underwear, and there was a lot of it, still on the hanger


At the beginning of the dream, I saw my deceased friend who died in a physical education lesson and then I was inspired by physical education and I was in a shirt and doing push-ups in dirty water


I had a dream on the night from Friday to Saturday. I had a dream that I went into a store and there I saw a man in a beautiful shirt and jacket and I want to choose the same for my man. I walk around the store looking at men's and children's things, but I didn't buy anything because it seemed very expensive and I decided to go to the store next time


The man I love is sitting on the sofa in a red shirt (in reality he never wears that color). The collar of the shirt and the top pair of buttons are undone. He's a little thinner in the face than he actually is and the hairstyle is different (the hair is the same length, but it's styled differently). I approach him and we kiss. In a dream, I note that the taste of a kiss is sweet and I feel it. Then I tell myself that this is enough for today, and I leave, but he does not resist, but look at me with regret. This is where the dream ended.


I take off my beautiful shirt and give it to my son-in-law and wear his torn shirt for myself. what could this mean????


My MCH put on a new shirt (although he never wears them in life). I advised what would be best to dress her with, and he dressed as I advised.

[email protected]:

The bottom half of my lover's white shirt was already being washed in the machine...and I washed the collar...and it became very clean.


I dreamed that I came with someone to visit my friend with whom we were offended at each other. His table was set, I seemed to want to leave, but I couldn’t leave, something was in the way. after that I went onto the veranda and this friend and another friend (but they don’t communicate with each other) are holding a glass of beer in their hands. I asked the friend who appeared why he didn’t call me, he wanted to accuse me of something. I made excuses and he believed me. And the picture immediately opened up that I saw a friend with whom I had a disagreement with washed but wrinkled shirts hanging on a rope. A friend who showed up later helps me set up the table. We set up a table, covered it with a blanket and the iron cord was short. my grandson brought an extension cord from home, connected it to the iron and I woke up. and when I fell asleep again I heard my husband’s voice, he asked me to call the attending physician. What is this for?


Hello! In a dream I saw a black butterfly that landed on my neck, in the dream I ran away from it, my husband, who was wearing a white shirt, helped me with this, at the end of the dream I stained his shirt with black pollen from the butterfly. A very strange dream, help figure out.


I had several dreams at the same time. At first I applied for a job and was interviewed by two Armenian men. To do this, I climbed the wooden stairs to their office, then went down it when I was hired, but I was not happy with the position that was offered to me. At the same time, I was wearing a white shirt and jeans.


I dreamed that I was putting on a white shirt in a dream and fastening the buttons of my hands. and I think my sister gave me this shirt. but this shirt is new, white like a woman's blouse


I was wearing a service shirt with short sleeves, where the right sleeve was a little stained in a colored dream, yesterday my sleeve was just as dirty in reality as in the dream


I don’t particularly remember the dream, I only remember that in a store or market they forced me to buy different shirts that I didn’t like, and I tried as best I could..to escape from them.


I see the right sleeve of my husband’s red T-shirt that I’m wearing. The sleeve is torn. I'm trying to connect the edges with my hands and I woke up


Hello. Today I dreamed that I was wearing what I thought was a blue men’s shirt (it was too big for me) and I posed in it for a photo.


I dreamed of a girl with whom I know, but do not communicate closely. She was wearing my favorite shirt, then I looked at myself, I was also wearing the same shirt.


At my old school, the teacher was sitting in the classroom with a girl who didn’t have time to teach and do her homework, my friend and I went up the stairs and met Katya, she was not very kind, we sat in the classroom, I heard that the physical education teacher and his friend were behind the door , I said hi to him, he said nothing, ran downstairs, I caught up and asked: Why is the shirt wrinkled on one side? He said I don’t know and said hi by the way...... And before this dream I dreamed that I had problems with my legs, I was licking on my stomach, and that I was being prepared for surgery, I cried in front of my dad, he calmed me down, they started doing the operation and immediately I started having a dream within a dream) I basically don’t remember anything else


In a dream, I wanted to buy a white shirt, but what caught my eye was a shirt with longitudinal stripes, stripes of different colors (light green, yellow, blue). I didn’t want to take it, but I decided that it would be useful to me and I took it.


in a dream, the husband gave his shirt to another woman so that she could wear it to sleep. I scolded him very much and did not give him the shirt.


Good evening! In a dream they give me two shirts, I try them on and give one of them to my sister. Peaceful, warm sleep


I had a dream about how I was walking down the street in a clean white shirt and pressed trousers with my head held high! Answer please! What could this dream mean? I had a dream on the evening of May 4, 2014


I was taking off my boyfriend’s shirt, and there was another girl next to him, I put him to bed, I left, and she was throwing up.


my boss had a dream in which I showed her how many men's shirts I washed and hung on a rope


my boyfriend was wearing a shirt that he gave to his ex-girlfriend, but the shirt was torn on his right hand.


I had a dream: my husband was wearing a red checkered shirt. I asked him whose shirt this was, he replied that it was his father’s


my mother, she is 78 years old, dreamed of her father sleeping on a bench, who had died three years ago... he was cleanly dressed and in a bright red shirt...


Today, from Thursday to Friday, I had a dream that my husband was beating me: pressing me against the wall, he was shaking me by the shirt I was wearing. She is blue. He is drunk. He lifts me by the breasts, holding me by the shirt, so that I can hear the material of the shirt cracking and the buttons tearing. He pressed my jaw so hard that he almost knocked out two back teeth; they wobble, but did not fall out. All this happens in some house, in the twilight. In the next room, at the table, I see my mother and child (my son). Then the events get lost, and I see myself already on the street, near the car with my mother and my son, she takes him and takes him to her place, and I am left alone near the car. It's getting dark outside. I’m thinking about what to do and kind of getting ready to get in the car and go for a ride. My husband's car.
I woke up and in my dream I was literally sobbing. My whole body hurts, my jaw hurts, as if it was not a dream, but reality. Everything is so real. Even my whole body hurts, like after a beating.


Hello, I didn’t have a dream about me buying a shirt for my husband (his birthday is in a month), what could this mean? Thank you.


The wolf attacked, growled loudly, but couldn’t get me since I was in the car. I want to call the hunters, but I don’t see anything on the phone, everything in my eyes is blurry. then I’m somewhere near the forest, I take off my shirt and it starts to rain, I hide under a tree, but drops still fall on me. I want to put on a shirt, but it’s dirty and wet, so I threw it away.


The man he loves puts on a dark cherry-colored shirt in front of the mirror. He says that he will go for a walk. He takes a basket with empty bottles in one hand and a bouquet of red roses in the other.


I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, wearing a white shirt, very clean, long sleeves, office style. I just remember that my gaze fell on the white shirt.
Thank you.


The husband came home after being away in a white suit shirt and began to pack his things to go somewhere again


This morning I had a dream. A woman I know gives my men (husband and 2 sons) bright, beautiful shirts, and gives me a pinkish nightgown.



Maria Ppopovich:

I don’t know whose apartment I’m in and I don’t quite know with whom, I only know that it’s a woman. she shows me this shirt that hangs high on a hanger in the room. I look at this shirt with disbelief and understand that I will have to wear it, but for some reason I don’t really want to. Then I feel that someone is taking my hands and I am filled with happiness.


The gray-haired man was buttoning up his shirt (white with frequent blue stripes, long sleeves). And the higher she buttoned it, the closer he pressed. What is this for?


the husband put on a shirt, one person said that he should take it off, that his wife would pick him up from the morgue in this shirt, and the husband took it off


Hello. I dreamed about my ex’s dirty white shirt. And another accusation from him that because of me he cannot buy a jacket for himself. I dreamed that he was in the dressing room, where there were a lot of things, with some kind of list in his hands
, wrote something there. As if my pink dress was thrown to the floor. Then I dreamed that I was going somewhere. And that I wanted to leave before he showed up.


Hello! Last night I had such a dream that I was in a hurry somewhere, I was late for something, I wanted to put on my shirt, it was white, but then I saw blood on the back of my shirt and I kind of wanted to wash it or something, and then I don’t remember what happened, I woke up Thank you!

Agarkova Ekaterina:

Hello. My husband worked as a long-distance conductor. About four days ago I had a dream that I took his white uniform shirt and it was covered in tomato sauce from the pasta. but she wasn't on it. I asked him what is this? to which he replied that it would be like this all the time. What could this mean?


I was wearing my boyfriend’s shirt, it was on me upside down and I tried to take it off, and then I woke up. I don’t remember further.


In winter, I found myself outside in just a shirt. I was waiting for my husband, but he still didn’t come (he was in a car somewhere nearby). Mobile phones and a purse were somewhere, apparently at home or in the car. I went to the nearest office. I asked for a phone number and called my husband. He promised to come. I went outside. She was standing in a nightgown. She was freezing and waiting for him. I live in the city. But I saw around me not multi-story houses, but 2-story old houses. Some were wooden. Snow.


I rarely have dreams. And today I had three dreams. In the first dream, I arrived at the station to go to work and met a friend from work on a motorcycle. We decided to go for a ride, he drove very fast, I was a little scared, in the end he couldn’t handle it and we fell. He left and I rode his motorcycle to the station. There they gave me a bicycle, I got on the train with a bicycle and my left arm was broken, there were a lot of people and it was cramped.

Second dream, my tooth fell out and I didn’t notice it.

Third dream, I came to work, changed into my uniform, went back to the locker room and my shirt disappeared, I looked for it and couldn’t find it, I put on another one, someone else’s, a larger size...


I dreamed that I was buying my husband a light pink shirt with him. I tell him that we said that he already has a lot of things, but he insists on buying this thing.


shopping trip, I saw a shirt on a mannequin, I tried on the color of the shirt, green and blue, the top was green, the bottom was blue, even the sleeves, I bought it after trying it on. in normal life I wouldn’t even pay attention to this style


As if a woman I knew offered to buy her grandson 2 shirts - one with long sleeves, one with short sleeves, inexpensive for 50 rubles, I apparently chose long sleeves


moya mama died v 2006. Segodnya vo sne ona odela novuyu rubashku. Ona poprosila menya prishit` horosho pugovis, chtoby ne boltalis`. Ya prishila. Mama poprosila menya chyut`-chyut` ushit`, No ya skszala, what takoi fashion I ne stala ushivat`


Good afternoon! The dream was this: That I was taking off a gray shirt and a girl (not familiar, fair-haired) gave me a turquoise shirt, I put it on and see myself in the mirror))) And I really like how it sits on me. The action happens as if - in some private house. I don’t know the place and neither does the girl. I’m 30 years old, single. From the heart in advance)


dream: the guy and I go to bed, I’m wearing his shirt, but not buttoned, and somehow it turns out that he lies down on the tip of the shirt, and at that time I turn around, and the shirt tears. something like that!!


I dreamed that I met a man I knew (we live in different cities and do not have the opportunity to see each other often). He was excited and was dressed in a smart red shirt, somewhat reminiscent of a Cossack military uniform...


I was with my mother in a shopping center and a man I know appeared from I don’t know where, and he started choosing a shirt for me and he found a red one, I put it on, I didn’t like it and I don’t remember anymore.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed from Sunday to Monday that I was in a large wooden house. There is another man in the house (I know him). He is wearing a long-sleeve white shirt embroidered with small silver flowers. He looks at me and stretches out his hands to me with tenderness in his eyes. All.
Thank you.


Good afternoon, unexpectedly for me,
In a dream, I am in a clean room, and how in a clothing store a man’s washed shirts hang on hangers (we live together), a woman is sitting at the table and I understand that she washed it in a washing machine and one shirt was very much deformed (shrunk), I ask What’s her name, answers Marianna, or something else, maybe just Marina. To my question why she did not want to answer, I again ask her name, she becomes invisible, although I know that she is sitting on a chair; in her place, another girl appears on the next chair, as if it were the first one. I grab the second one and throw it into a puddle. big, then I think, but she really doesn’t feel sorry for me, it’s cold outside, it’s winter, she becomes my ally, I call the man on the phone and say, how come I washed and put away all the summer shirts, what does all this mean at this moment I was going up the stairs home, but while talking I turned into the wrong corridor and started to come back. There is no floor on the landing and I had to overcome some obstacle so as not to fall down, I reached the door, I want to open the door and the phone rings wake me up, I wake up and my husband is calling -on the announcement.


I saw myself in a dream dressed in my blue shirt. Then my aunt appeared, and I took it off and gave it to my aunt, she put it on and tried it on, the size was too small for her. And that's all.


I found a new, very beautiful turquoise checkered sleeveless shirt at home, I was very happy and was surprised that I had not seen it before.


The current wife of my ex-husband cannot take off his shirt, I go up and take it off, it turns out the button got caught on a thread that I tore. And his toenails are uncut.


I dreamed that my friend sewed a white silk shirt for my sister, and a white-brown cotton checkered one for me. but both are very beautiful and fashionable.


In the dream, my sister and her fiancé, who was wearing a bright red shirt, were present. This is the detail I remember most. Relatives were also present, it seems it was a matchmaking ceremony. In addition, there was the late grandfather, who was aloof from everyone, he cried, and seemed to be from happiness. Why a red shirt?


hello, I dreamed of a teddy bear without front paws and my friend and I wanted to sew them on, then I dreamed of sleeves from a shirt, two together, white and blue, with buttons fastened, clean, not torn


my friend recently quarreled with a guy... almost to the point of breaking up... he removed her from everywhere, stopped communicating... she fell into depression... and recently she had a dream... as if he was trying on either a shirt or a white sweatshirt and asked if she liked it


I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, we made up, and she gave me a red shirt, but in the dream there was also another girl, my friend, who didn’t really do anything


I dreamed that the girls and I were dressing up for a party and I was putting on an orange shirt, it was difficult to fasten the buttons and upon closer inspection I realized that it was a men’s shirt. Next, I dream of a white snake with black patterns on its back, almost as tall as me, it looks at me and follows my movements and we communicate with it...she talks about my ancestor...that he had great strength...Then I let her come to me, she crawls around my neck (I was ticklish, but I endured it so as not to scare her away) and after that there was something like mucus left from it and a skin around my neck... and I began to take off this skin as it became a little difficult for me to breathe.


I dreamed that I was left without money, housing, in only a white men’s shirt. all my friends and relatives refused to help me in my sleep; I cried a lot and felt in a hopeless situation.


We walk around the market and look for a short-sleeved T-shirt for my friend, and for some reason we chose an unpleasant beige color and with a stain on the back. He started trying it on and I went about my business.


In the dream, I wanted to wash my clothes in the toilet and also my children’s clothes; the toilet was full of clothes. And also my washing machine. What is this for?


I am in a quarrel with my loved ones. Today I dreamed that I and my mother were coming to what was supposedly his house, where there were several women, presumably his relatives (from the dream). For example, an elderly woman is lying on the bed, two girls are also busy with something. The house is separate, as if it were your own, with a lot of space. rooms. When we sleep, we are going to another house for a visit. My beloved wears a white shirt for this. which is not typical for him.


I returned to my old job (a waiter in a restaurant). All the other workers were in uniform, but I was in my denim shirt. Everyone tried to hook me and treated me with disdain, calling me bald for some reason... (although in a dream, as in life, everything was fine with my hair). Later she noticed that she had severely torn her shirt, but continued to walk around in it


I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend, with whom we broke up 3 months ago, was visiting me and wearing a white shirt. What is this for??))


Hello! I saw in a dream a guy who I like,
he puts on my shirt, the point is that supposedly, having put on my shirt, he wants to be closer to me and takes out a woman's perfume from the shelf, thinking that it is my perfume and sprays it on himself so that my smell is with him


I dreamed that I wanted to sew a shirt that I like
and at the same time I don’t want to run after him, I want him to run after me


Hello..... in a dream I was cleaning some room with a vacuum cleaner... I vacuumed so that it would be clean... but there were pine needles sticking out in the carpet... I collected them with my hands.. they were very long. I collected a lot of them, just a whole bouquet…. I don’t remember how I threw them away. I remember that then I put on a white shirt with a little pink... the shirt was very clean... but I still couldn’t put my hands into the sleeves.. and then some friend of mine helped me.. I know that he was Korean.. he held the sleeves and I tried to stick my hand into the sleeve through the buttoned buttons... I also thought maybe it would be easier to unbutton the button? but in the end everything worked out for me... I put the shirt on my naked body... I was also wearing dark blue jeans...


Hello! My name is Tatyana. I would really like to know the meaning of my dream. In the dream, I was dressed for office style - a black skirt and a white blouse tucked into the skirt.


I dreamed that I was wearing trousers and a nice shirt, and then I was left without a shirt to the waist, naked, I had to wash it, and then I put it on again, but I also argued with the boys because they laughed at home when I was naked to the waist.


In the store, a man was selecting fabric of the same color for a ready-made shirt. But it was a little darker or lighter, I began to twirl in my hands and touch the fabric and the shirt. And I tried to prove that they were no different. Although there was a feeling that the quality they are different. Then I began to put it on myself in front of the mirror, and there was something in my hand, either a shirt or fabric. When I put it on, the shirt was large and of a different light color. I twirled a little in front of the mirror and something I told someone like a man


Hello! Yesterday I dreamed of my ex-husband in a white shirt, we are divorced, we looked into each other’s eyes and he muttered something to me.


I saw that a friend was pouring salt into an empty pot and a friend was washing a shirt that was in the clothes in my yard


In the morning I had a dream: I saw my son, he is now 12 years old, but I saw him as an adult and in a white police shirt with gold shoulder straps. Why is this dream?


prisnilosi, 4to moi myj xo4et kypiti v magazine rybawky rozovogo cveta, a ia ego otgovarivala ee pokypati


I found an old shirt in the closet, which I haven’t had for a long time, but I loved it very much, I was happy, the shirt was clean.


I saw my late husband in a dream, he was wearing a black shirt as if he was going to someone’s funeral, and I hung a clean white one on a hanger, I wanted to take the children with me, but changed my mind. What does that mean?


I dreamed of a white shirt before an exam at a technical school. What is this for?


Hello Tatiana. I kindly ask you to explain my dream, in which I see that two unfamiliar men are putting on clean white shirts, however, one has a milky white shirt, and the other is completely pure white. Sincerely, Valentina.


I saw in a dream that my husband, who is now in prison, returned. I see him coming towards me in a bright red colored shirt. I looked closer and it was female. And my husband likes it. Beautiful, he says, with ruffles.
That same night my son also saw my husband, i.e. father, and also that he returned in a red shirt.


At first I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were sitting on the sofa. On the contrary - his parents. His mother has an unusual high, antique hairstyle, her hair color is light brown. He allegedly brought me to introduce me to them. On the sofa where we are sitting there are a lot of empty small plates. then he and I ended up on the street. We are standing on the porch of some building. I'm wearing a light green linen shirt. Suddenly I took it off and immediately put it on inside out or vice versa (I lost sight of it. Maybe she was dressed inside out, and I changed her clothes very quickly). Thank you in advance.


I dreamed of my husband, he was beaten by the police, then he came home with bruises under his eyes and in new beautiful clothes and shoes, he was upset, I calmed him down, and they said I don’t remember what, and in this dream I broke my phone and cried, Even in my dream I thought the clothes were very expensive, how much did it all cost...


I was buying groceries in the supermarket and when I started paying with a 5000 bill and saw myself in my red checkered shirt with black stripes and noticed that my left hand was a little dirty in the mortar, I was doing construction and was also cutting myself into a typewriter


A man with whom we had a short relationship, now we are just communicating, was choosing shirts in the store and consulted with me which one to choose. One of the shirts had a dirty collar and I explained to him that it was not worth taking, he listened to me and began to choose others.


I dreamed that a guy I liked brought his shirt to wash, well, it was as if blue paste or paint had been spilled on it, I cleaned everything with a brush, after that there were yellow stains and I was so tired, I was just horrified, then I stroked it, he looked and smiled and


Good afternoon I had a dream that a woman unknown to me was leaving in my red nightgown. And in my head: “Eh, this is my shirt!” And that's it, I woke up.


I dreamed that I was looking at shirts hanging on a hanger in my hands, either in a store or somewhere, I don’t know, I was choosing from several options of different styles, light shirts, white colors predominated, and I intended to buy a few, only the dream was interrupted. In general, I didn’t finish watching the dream.


I had a dream about how my mother threw out my things, but I took out my shirt and said it was good, but closer to the shoulders it was all torn


am visat ca eu cu cea mai buna prietena si cu iubitul meu eram la piata alegeam camasa pentru el ca trebuie sa plecam la nunta si ii alegeam camasa eu ma uitam la camase cu culori inchise dar totusi am ales camasa alba


There are many guests at home, I am sitting behind my wife, my wife gives my blue shirt to the person sitting opposite me and says that he looked like me.




I dreamed of my lover wearing a new red and dark blue checkered shirt, and as if he lit a fire in the stove (very quickly) I had a dream on Sunday morning.


I dreamed that my mother gave me a man’s shirt, and I wondered why I needed it, because I was alone and I didn’t have a man yet...


In a dream, a deceased friend asked me for a shirt, and I took it off and gave it to him, he put it on, and I saw myself naked to the waist, and I had a hat hanging on a rope around my neck. And the deceased gave me some kind of white thing in return. kind of like a stick or something.


I dreamed that I was with my friend in some dugout near the water and then he was doused with water without dirt, but subconsciously I understand that he got dirty. and my boyfriend, with whom I’m trying to break up for a number of reasons, is also nearby. that is, he does not enter this building, but from outside. then my friend and I come to this almost ex. he is lying on the bed. We’re talking about the situation: your shirt is all wet; you need a new, clean one. he opens a closet in which there are many shirts and takes out a similar one. my friend was pleased. I explained it as best I could. Thank you


Today I dreamed of a beloved man dressed in a colorful shirt that was not typical for his image. I looked at him and thought how radically he could change his style. in principle, the colored shirt suited him and I wasn’t indignant


A men's light shirt on a naked body is not indoors, after I see unfamiliar men I run indoors and try to find underwear, I don’t have time and wake up.


My work colleagues and I are going to the theater. And in the hall before the start, my male colleague begins to have oral sex with my female colleague. This all infuriated me and I decided to leave, but I couldn’t find the shirt, i.e. I was bare-chested.


My husband and I were visiting with friends. My husband and I were dancing, then another man came up and invited me to dance. I went outside and saw that the men were drunk and sleeping in the car. At this time, I bought a new shirt for my husband but did not give it to him. The shirt was 2 sizes too big.


I dreamed of a beautiful, clean, ironed, silk, shimmery blue men's shirt on my beloved man and the feeling that he was getting married and going to live abroad. And I can’t get enough of him and I touch and stroke his arms and shoulders. And I feel this silk under my hands


I dreamed of a dad who recently died, wearing a white, clean shirt and tore it a little and says that it needs to be sewn up, I say of course, and then as if it is no longer torn and I stroke it


I dreamed that I was hanging a washed striped shirt, white and blue, in the closet. The shirt is wet after washing and I hang it on a hanger and in the closet.


I'm going on a business trip, a girl I like gets into the car...she says that my shirt is wrinkled and needs ironing, takes the shirt and leaves...in the end I never went anywhere


I dreamed of a boss (former military man) wearing a military shirt without shoulder straps. On one shoulder it was like new, but on the other it was worn out. But her shoulder straps were torn off.

Anna Pronina:

I dreamed that my friend gave me a women’s shirt, gray, with long sleeves. She was wearing exactly the same one. I put on this shirt and fastened the buttons.


Hello, one day I dreamed of a white shirt on my boyfriend, I touched it. The next day I dreamed of several weighty shirts either on a hanger or on a mannequin, and in this dream I looked at them with a guy again. What are these dreams for?


I dreamed of a birch-colored children's shirt for a boy, and in the dream I showed it to my husband.


I dreamed of a man I knew, I was in a relationship with him, wearing a brand new, very beautiful shirt, delicately violet color


while measuring a stranger, she accidentally tore the shirt from the back, it was white with a black pattern, then a friend of mine sprayed me with water from a bucket, also as if it was unexpected


I take off my shirt for my wife to wash. When I took it off, the shirt on my arms began to separate at the seams into parts (sleeves, collar, etc.).


I saw my ex-boyfriend in a cherry shirt, he was standing with friends and saw me but didn’t come up, and I couldn’t just approach him, although I have feelings for him


I bought a white shirt at a discount for 35 rubles in the store. I went in it


In a dream, my beloved gives me dirty shirts to wash, and in return I give him clean and already ironed ones. It was the beloved one who had the dream. Please do not write about female infidelity because it is not true, I am faithful!


Good afternoon - for some reason I had such a vivid dream - usually I don’t remember them at all, but then I woke up and my heart was pounding - I dreamed of a lot of people - some kind of parties - then for some reason I went to buy a shirt for one friend (in honor of what - I don’t remember ) There I also went to the show room and bought two pairs of boots - one was a red-brown boots without a heel with fur, the second one was also without a heel and with fur - milky color with bright colored diamonds - green burgundy and lilac boots - I remember how confused I was by these shopping - I didn’t understand why I needed these boots, especially with fur, but then I thought - they were good quality, I was in some warm country and the boots should have been made by them - but they told me that these were a Russian factory, but they say they are of very good quality for the rich people)))))) I tried on the shirt that I was looking for for a friend - for some reason it was nylon and red-gold in color, or maybe it was already another shirt and also a long sundress, I somehow didn’t understand, half asleep, why I didn’t dream of elegant stilettos and boots comfortable with fur))))))


I was running from some guy in a dream, he knew that I was not a virgin and asked me who was the first or are you a fallen girl, and I ran from him with tears in a white shirt and white trousers and cried loudly. Hiding from human eyes.


Hello! I couldn’t find the answer in any of the sources, so I’m writing to you. The dream made me very excited, I woke up all tense. I dreamed that I borrowed a white shirt, I think with a long sleeve, in order to take something hot as a grip, but there was nothing at hand, it means there are several young men standing, all dressed the same, I approached the last one and took the folded shirt from his shoulder, saying that I’ll return it now, I don’t know him, he’s tall, light-haired, very pleasant, but when I took the kettle off the fire and something red poured out of it into the cup, the splashes of boiling water stained this shirt , literally a few drops, deciding that it was a trifle - I returned his shirt to him, to which he simply asked what it was? I immediately took it and said that I would wash it. Then he decided to help me water the beds, some had just been sown, others had strawberry seedlings, young smotorini bushes, the earth in the dream was very soft, I would say wet, but we kept watering everything evenly, and at the end of the dream he firmly hugged me and said that he liked me.


I saw my late husband come up to me and kind of put his arms around me and I saw him wearing his favorite and very dirty shirt. What does this mean?


Good afternoon, I often have a dream where I put on a new light blue shirt


From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that I was in a new beautiful nightgown and was giving pink nightgowns, new in packaging, to my ex-relatives.”


My ex-husband comes into my house smiling, wearing a white shirt with the first two buttons unbuttoned and with such malice he tells me we didn’t expect it.


Good afternoon! I had a dream in which I introduced my parents to my boyfriend. He was wearing a snow-white shirt - and looked very good. Everything went perfectly and my parents really liked him.


I dreamed of an unfamiliar man of large size. He puts on a beautiful new white shirt, I walk up to him, run my hand over his shoulders and say: how great it fits.


I washed my military shirt. She wet it, soaped it and washed it. She was just dirty from time to time. But it washed out well.


Good afternoon I dreamed of my husband wearing a white shirt and a black jacket.


Hello, I dreamed that I was putting on a brown shirt, as if I understood that it was my husband’s shirt, we were in a civil marriage, but he didn’t even really have the color of a shirt like that.


I took off my shirt, hung it on the car and the car drove away with my shirt


I dreamed of a woman in a white shirt, what is this for?


I dreamed that I put on my daughter a white shirt that was torn and the cheapest and torn skirt, well, like for school


I dreamed that the man I liked was ironing my white shirt and wanted to put it on. He didn’t have his own)


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a pink shirt, not quite new, like mine. She was just hanging in the corner. I went to visit my friend’s mother at work, there was another girl there and they had homemade fabric flowers on their clothes (one for each)