Attracting and retaining regular customers in the pawnshop business. Concept and types of pawnshops

A pawnshop is a legal commercial institution, the activity of which is based on mortgage principles.

In other words, the client of the pawnshop, in exchange for the amount he needs, leaves his valuable property as collateral. After paying off the debt to the company, the borrower gets his thing back.

An important point in completing a transaction between a pawnshop and a client is to pledge only the borrower's personal property. The loan amount is determined based on many factors, especially the real value of the property.

How the pawnshop business works in Russia

Many pawnshops provide their clients with the opportunity to renew the loan agreement. In this case, the borrower will have to pay only the accrued interest, after which the loan agreement will be extended.

In case of non-repurchase of the collateral object within the terms agreed by the parties, the pawnshop receives the full right to sell the property in order to compensate for its own losses.

I want to open - where to start?

Opening your own pawnshop business must begin with drawing up a business plan.

Only in this case it will be possible to study the current market conditions as accurately as possible and calculate the upcoming costs and potential return on business.

Where is it better and more profitable to open a pawnshop: in Moscow or in the regions?

In Moscow

According to recent studies, more than 550 pawnshops are currently operating in the capital, most of which are private enterprises.

A well-located and organized pawnshop is visited by about 700 potential middle-class clients per week. In this situation, the average net profit of a pawnshop in a residential area of ​​Moscow is about 100-150 thousand rubles.

And in the regions?

To determine how profitable it is to open a pawnshop in a particular region, it is necessary to determine:

· The degree of market saturation;

· The largest organizations;

· Principles and features of conducting pawnshop business in this area.

Thus, opening a pawnshop in one of the Russian cities may turn out to be super-profitable, while in another it may lead to bankruptcy. Therefore, each situation must be considered on an individual basis.

What you need to open a pawnshop in Russia

Is it difficult?

In general, opening a pawnshop consists of the following main stages:

· Company registration;

· Selection of the correct location;

· equipment selection;

With a well-designed business plan and a sufficient amount of investments, it will not be difficult to open a pawnshop.

What laws regulate and peculiarities of taxation

The activities of pawnshops are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 196-FZ "On Pawnshops" dated 19.07.2007.


· According to paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Federal Law No. 196, only a specialized commercial institution can engage in pawnshop activities.

· The main directions of pawnshop activities are: provision of urgent loans and storage of property.

Pawnshops are prohibited from engaging in other types of entrepreneurial activity.

· Pawnshops are participants in the general taxation system, since according to clause 7, clause 3, article 346.12 of the Tax Code, they are not entitled to use the simplified taxation system.

· The use of the taxation system in the form of UTII is also unacceptable, including when selling unredeemed pledged items, since the pawnshop is not the owner of this property.

· Income received under loan agreements or in repayment of debt obligations are not recognized as income subject to taxation of corporate income tax in accordance with paragraph 10 of paragraph 1 of Article 251 of the Tax Code.

· At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 250 of the Tax Code, the funds received from the sale of an unclaimed thing are subject to corporate income tax, as they relate to non-sales income.

· When calculating income tax in the structure of non-operating income, those converted to pawnshop income are also taken into account on the basis of clause 5 of Art. 13 of the law of cash.

Thus, most of the pawnshops receive only interest income on loans that are not subject to VAT (in accordance with subparagraph 15 of paragraph 3 of article 149 of the Tax Code). Despite the fact that VAT is not paid in this case, it is still necessary to submit zero declarations on a general basis.

If the pawnshop will charge a certain fee for the storage of collateral (for example, in the event of a delay in payment), then the proceeds are subject to VAT. In this case, it will be necessary to maintain separate accounting for the amount of tax on taxable and non-taxable transactions (in accordance with clause 4 of article 170 of the Tax Code).

Important: Pawnshops should not provide information on the 2-NDFL form from the sale of pledged items.

Transport tax and property tax are paid only if there are objects of taxation.

How much money does it take to open a pawnshop?

The size of the start-up capital for opening a pawnshop depends on many factors. The main items of expenses that need to be considered when opening a pawnshop are:

· Costs of registering a company;

· Purchase of equipment;

Expenses for utility bills and other monthly payments, including:

o employee salaries;

o rent of premises.

The amount of costs depends primarily on the region and on the type of pawnshop.

Types of pawnshops and their features

The main types of pawnshops are:

· Jewelry;

· Household and digital appliances;

· Automobile;

· Universal.

Pawnshops specializing in watches, antiques and luxury jewelry are much less common.

For the purchase of gold and jewelry

Jewelry pawnshops specialize in issuing urgent loans secured by:

· Jewelry;

· Precious metals;

· Precious stones (rare).

Most often, such establishments are located at shops selling gold.

In most cases, the services of jewelry pawnshops are used not only by middle-class people, but rather wealthy citizens who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. The percentage of cases of non-return of funds in such pawnshops is practically zero.

Household appliances

Pawnshops that accept equipment as collateral attract mainly middle-income clients.

The equipment to be pledged must be in full working order and have a presentation.

Pawnshops are especially interested in purchasing:

· Telephones;

· Video cameras;

· Computers;

· Laptops.


Universal pawnshops do not have clear restrictions on the type of collateral. In the same institution, loans are issued both against the security of jewelry, and against the security of equipment, fur products and the like.

Profitability and payback period

The profitability and payback period of investment is primarily affected by the number of loans issued.

To shorten the payback period and increase profitability, it is necessary to increase the amount and number of loans issued. Experts consider the average payback period of a pawnshop to be 5-7 years.

The pawnshop is obliged to insure all pledged items for the full term of the loan. When transferring things for storage or on bail, the pawnshop must check and evaluate these things. The loan agreement must include information on the repayment period, amount, name and assessment of the pledged thing. When the loan is transferred, one copy of the security ticket remains at the box office, the second is provided to the borrower. The borrower must return the loan received and the interest due on it, within the period specified in the contract. If the borrower has not returned the loan after one month, the pledged property becomes the property of the pawnshop. The loan office has the right to sell the pledged property through sale, and if the value of the thing is more than 30 thousand rubles, a public bargaining takes place, that is, an auction.

A very important point is the fact that according to the law "on pawnshops", such enterprises have the right to issue loans, and in order to sell the pledged property, it is necessary to open a new, separate enterprise that will be employed in the retail trade. The next law that regulates the activities of a pawnshop is RosFinMonitoring Order No. 203. In the field of pawnshops, this legislative act regulates the following issues: Requirements for the education and training of workers, for working with funds and other valuable property. Terms of training of such personnel, forms of training. Accounting for the passage of the learning process. If the conditions of this order are not met, the organization may be held accountable, and in case of repeated violations, it may be closed. Since the activity of pawnshops is directly related to the turnover of jewelry, it falls under the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 68.

We apply this order to those pawnshops that issue loans and take precious stones and metals as collateral. As you may have noticed, legislative acts regulate the activities of a pawnshop in almost everything. You should not try to find a workaround or deceive the existing one, since for not observing the listed laws, the work of your business can be stopped, and you can be forced to pay large fines. There are also some peculiarities in the taxation of pawnshops' activities. In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the work of loan offices falls under the general taxation regime. But it should be borne in mind that the interest on the loan received by the pawnshop is not subject to value added tax. In this case, property storage activities are taxed.

The step-by-step instructions for creating an enterprise include the following points: You will need to register your pawnshop business with the Tax Office. There you can also get more detailed information about the required documents. Within 30 days after registration, your organization must be registered with RosFinMonitoring. After that, your company must register in the Dashboard. This requirement was resolved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 68. According to this order, any enterprise whose activities are related to the circulation of jewelry should be registered. After registering your business, you must insure the things that you accept as collateral from clients. According to the law, it is necessary to insure the client's property offered as collateral at its own expense. It is strictly forbidden to force the client to insure his property on his own!

In order not to insure each pledged item separately, you need insurance for a certain amount of money, which made it possible to cover your obligations to clients. Location of the pawnshop It is clear that the location of the pawnshop plays a very important role. The attendance of your pawnshop will depend on it, and, therefore, how quickly it will pay for itself. These are the criteria that a pawnshop must meet: The premises must be located in crowded places to be noticed. The pawnshop should be located on the first floor of the house. Location in basements is also allowed. It is desirable that the pawnshop be located in a densely populated residential area. The premises must comply with the fire safety rules, as well as the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological station.

With an average loan rate of 10%, the break-even point of the pawnshop is approximately 8.8 million rubles. In other words, to cover all expenses, it is necessary to issue loans in the amount of 8.8 million rubles. In this case, the company's profitability will be zero. To make a profit, the amount of loans issued must be increased.

As practice shows, for the work of a pawnshop "in plus" it is necessary to issue daily loans to 40-50 clients in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. On average, it takes 3 to 6 months for a pawnshop to reach the break-even point. The timing depends entirely on the correct selection of the location of the pawnshop, the presence of competitors and the method of advertising.

Thus, the payback period of the institution based on the volume of loans issued will look something like this:

Average monthly turnover of 9 million rubles:

o payback period: 9 years;

o return on investment: 13.33%;

Average monthly turnover of 9.5 million rubles:

o payback period: 6 years;

o return on investment: 18.95%;

Average monthly turnover of 10 million rubles:

o payback period: 4 years;

o return on investment: 24%.

Important: The higher the monthly turnover of funds, the higher the payback.

How to open a pawnshop: step by step instructions

What documents are needed

To carry out pawnshop activities, you must have:

· Certificate of registration;

· Documents of title to the premises;

· A sanitary and epidemiological conclusion with the attachment of a list of types of services provided.

If a pawnshop works with precious metals and stones, then the organization must register with:

· Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (former name - Financial Monitoring Committee);

· State inspection of assay supervision of the Russian state assay office.

Company registration: which state authorities should you apply to?

According to the current legislation, only legal entities can carry out pawnshop activities. The most common organizational and legal forms are:

To choose an OPF and speed up the opening of an enterprise, it is recommended to seek help from legal offices - in this case, the entire routine of registering a pawnshop will fall on the shoulders of intermediaries.

The procedure for registering legal entities is determined by Federal Law No. 129-FZ of 08.08.2001.

Is it possible to open a pawnshop as an individual entrepreneur?

According to the current Russian legislation, the opening of a pawnshop as an individual entrepreneur is prohibited.

Important: To register a pawnshop, it is necessary to open a legal entity, while the corporate name must contain the word "pawnshop".

Since, according to the law, a pawnshop can only issue loans and store property, but in practice this is not very effective, then a fairly common scheme is the simultaneous registration of the organization of the purchase and the consignment store. In this case, the use of individual entrepreneurship is permissible.

What premises do you need and where to find it?

In more or less large cities, experts recommend opening a pawnshop in an ordinary residential area with a large number of residents.

When choosing a location, factors such as:

· The presence of competitors;

· Passability of the place.

Due to the fact that there are no special requirements for the premises of a pawnshop at the legislative level, the organization can be located almost anywhere.

However, it is more efficient to locate a pawnshop in a detached building or non-residential premises on the first floor of a residential building.

Since commercial real estate requires a large investment, the best option is to rent a space of 30-50 square meters.

Equipment: list of what you need and cost

The list of required equipment depends on the scale of the planned activity.

In most cases, you will need:

· Showcase for goods;

· Cabinets or racks for a warehouse;

· Workplace: counter-counter, table, armchair, table lamp;

· Office equipment: cash register, computer, MFP, telephone;

· Security: metal door, safe, video surveillance;

· Specialized items: scales, materials for checking metals and stones;

Other: stationery, information stand, etc.

Staff: how many people are needed, responsibilities and requirements, salary

For work at the checkout, the gender of the employee is not important.

It is important to pay sufficient attention to the number of employees.

With 24/7 operation, a shift work schedule is required, so one appraiser and one salesperson will not be enough.

What do you need to know about insurance and how much does it cost?

According to article 358 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, pawnshops are obliged to insure at their own expense the things accepted as collateral in the full amount of their estimated value.

The cost of insurance is estimated based on a combination of factors, including:

· Specifications of things;

· Terms of crediting;

· Storage conditions for pledged objects in a pawnshop;

· Information about the protection of the pawnshop;

· Information about the fire safety system;

· Information about the structure of the premises.

The more potential risks of loss of collateral, the higher the cost of insurance.

Pawnshop as a business: reviews, pros and cons

The indisputable advantages of opening a pawnshop include:

· Minimal risk of deprivation of funds (unredeemed collateral can always be sold at a better cost and cover the losses incurred);

· The size of the room does not really matter;

· Demand for services;

· high income;

· Low competition.

At the same time, the disadvantages of investing money in opening a pawnshop are:

The opportunity to lose money if:

o do not recognize a fake in time;

o issue a loan for the pledge of stolen products (the product will be seized, and no one will compensate for the damage);

· A ban on the issuance of loans secured by medals, ingots and precious stones that have not been processed;

· Rapid loss of liquidity of certain groups of goods (fur coats, leather goods, household appliances);

· High requirements for the organization of a car pawnshop: the presence of a guarded parking lot and a highly qualified employee.

Questions and answers

How to get a bank loan for a pawnshop?

As practice shows, the best option is to open a credit line, which allows you to receive additional funds in tranches, thanks to which it becomes possible to regularly increase the turnover of the company's funds.

What problems can you face and how to avoid them?

When creating a pawnshop business, it is necessary to take into account the potential risks that can be encountered while working:

· In the things put on bail, over time, hidden defects may appear;

· Equipment and some other types of collateral become obsolete over time and lose their own value;

· Incompetence of employees can cause serious losses due to the issuance of a loan secured by a counterfeit product;

· The issuance of a loan secured by a stolen thing will bring losses to the pawnshop, since in this case the law enforcement agencies will confiscate the object without reimbursing the losses incurred by the pawnshop.

How much does it cost to buy a ready-made pawnshop business?

What is the payback period for pawnshops in Moscow and in the regions? The range of prices for the purchase of ready-made pawnshops is extremely large. The cost of a ready-made business directly depends on the region in which the organization is located, how developed the business is, how well-organized and well-organized activities are, how well the location of the pawnshop is and many other factors.

Practice shows that in the capital there are many offers to purchase a ready-made pawnshop at a price of 5-10-15 thousand dollars.

At the same time, in the regions, the cost of a pawnshop may differ significantly from the prices in the capital.

For example, at the moment in Chelyabinsk there is an actual offer to purchase a pawnshop for 22 thousand dollars.

Thus, the more profitable the business, the higher its price.

Pawnshop franchise: what you need to know

How to choose a franchisor - what to look for?

To evaluate the franchisor, it is necessary to pay special attention to such indicators as:

· Period of presence on the market (at least 1 year);

· The pace of business development;

· The efficiency of debugging business processes.

You should refuse an offer to purchase a franchise if:

· The parent company has existed for less than a year;

· The franchisor cannot provide the client with the documentation package necessary for an easy start;

· Many franchisees of this company are closed some time after the start.

Thus, if the franchisor is not able to minimize potential risks and simplify the launch of his client's business, then it is better to avoid cooperation with such a company.

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Types of pawnshops


Bibliographic list

The history of the pawnshop

The history of loans goes back centuries, the first prototypes of loans in kind appeared at the dawn of mankind. However, pawnshop activity, as one of the most socially responsible forms of lending, emerged relatively recently - only in the 15th century. The difference between the first pawnshops was that they were created with the participation or under the influence of the church, and therefore were of a charitable nature. The attributes of pawnshop activity are supervision and responsibility, the presence of a special room where items of unredeemed pledges are stored and put up for sale, and public credit conditions that are the same for everyone.

In the Middle Ages, before the emergence of pawnshops, usurers performed their function for a long time. They gave loans to people in need of money at a huge - extortionate interest. The cost of loans sometimes reached 300% per annum, which inevitably led to the ruin of individual small traders, artisans and very quickly led to an economic collapse of a local scale.

The sharp decline in the income of merchants and artisans significantly reduced the cash flow of taxes that they paid to the church. To counteract the financial chaos of the usurers, the church in the 15th century began to look for a way out of this predicament. The monastic order of the Franciscans (Catholic mendicant order) offered to provide small interest-free loans, secured by valuable things. In 1462, the Franciscans founded the first banking firm called “Mont di Pieta”, which made small interest-free loans. After 30 years, these financial institutions have already worked almost throughout Italy, as well as on the territory of the German states. Loans were issued at a low interest rate - about 6% per annum.

At the end of the 15th century, the king of France - Louis XI allowed a monopoly on usury to entrepreneurs who were obliged to take interest within strictly defined limits. It so happened that immigrants from the historical region of Lombardy in Northern Italy received the royal right to issue loans in France. They founded a network of legalized financial institutions throughout France, which are popularly called the "houses of the Lombards" or simply "pawnshops". It is worth noting that the king of France himself, Louis XI, quite often used the services of a pawnshop.

In Russia, the emergence of pawnshops was initiated by Anna Ioannovna (1693-1740), issuing a decree on the issuance of loans at 8% credit to nobles and merchants. The poor were not the lot. However, the conditions were simply impossible. From 1840 only jewelry was accepted. Their clients received a loan at 60% per annum, the collateral was estimated many times lower than the real value, and all more or less valuable things were never returned to the owner. From 1888 until the 1917 revolution, there were state pawnshops. During the reign of the Bolsheviks, the popularity of the pawnshop gradually declined.

A new stage in the development of the pawnshop takes place in the 1990s of the XX century. Many people, in the difficult 90s, needed money and the search for reliable guarantees. Once again, the pawnshop becomes almost the only and reliable guarantor of obtaining a loan quickly and without unnecessary questions.

Types of pawnshops

Watch pawnshop.

In this type of pawn shop, watches are used as collateral. At the same time, in order to ensure the quality and reliability of the pledge, the rules of such pawnshops indicate that the watch must be an expensive brand, made of expensive metals or inlaid with precious stones. Note that antique clock movements can also be used as collateral. The condition and appearance of the watch, as a rule, determines the amount of the loan. It is also worth noting that watches in a gold frame are more readily accepted into the pawnshop of gold, and it is there that most transactions of this kind take place. The watch appraisal process is fairly quick and standard, but some pawnshops may require you to provide title deeds. Usually wealthy people use the services of such pawnshops to quickly solve current problems.

Jewelry pawnshop.

Pawnshops of such a plan are characterized by the fact that items made of precious stones are accepted as collateral, in rare cases the precious stones themselves, but this is more an exception than a rule. Such products must meet certain criteria. Also, each jewelry pawnshop has its own assessment criteria, but in practice, in most cases, they turn out to be the same. Usually, the services of such pawnshops are used by rather wealthy people who have experienced temporary financial difficulties. The percentage of cases of non-refund of funds is practically zero.

Auto pawnshop.

In this type of pawn shop, your car acts as collateral. This type of lending (secured by a car) is interesting in that you can get a fairly large amount of money to settle all financial problems. Both domestic and imported cars are accepted as collateral, but the service life of cars of the domestic auto industry should not exceed 3-5 years, and for foreign cars 5-7 years. These requirements are general, they are individual for each pawnshop. The car must be in good external condition, and it must also be in good condition. Broken, faulty cars in most cases are not of interest to a pawnshop. A separate rule is the question of ownership of the car. Cars are accepted from the owner or from a person with a gender identity. Also, cars with unpaid loan debt are not accepted. Today, customers of auto pawnshops are people from different social strata and with different incomes.

Pawnshop of gold.

A gold pawnshop is a type of pawnshop whose main specialization is gold products. Such pawnshops are usually found at shops selling gold. The widest circle of the population uses the services of these pawnshops.

Household appliances pawnshop.

Home appliance pawnshops provide loans secured by home appliances. To get it, you just need to have documents on the ownership of the equipment and a passport with you. The equipment must be in working order and with a normal appearance. Today camcorders, cell phones, personal computers, laptops are popular. Such pawnshops attract people of average income.

Requirements for creating / opening a pawnshop

A pawnshop is created and acquires the status of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration. The process of creating and registering a pawnshop, like any financial institution, actually takes place in two stages. The first is the state registration of a legal entity with the state registrar at the location of the pawnshop. The second is the registration of a pawnshop as a financial institution by entering the relevant data into the register of financial institutions, with the subsequent receipt of a certificate of registration of a financial institution. The equity capital of a pawnshop must be at least 800,000 rubles as of the date of submission of an application for entering information about it into the register of financial institutions.

The constituent document of the pawnshop is the constituent agreement. In accordance with the law, there are certain requirements for the articles of association of a pawnshop. In particular, the constituent agreement of a pawnshop must contain the following: name and type of company; location; the subject and purpose of the company; the composition of the participants, while the obligations of the participants are determined; the procedure for joint activities of the participants regarding the creation of a company, the conditions for transferring the property of the participants to the authorized capital; the procedure for joining and leaving the company; information on the size of the authorized capital of the company; information on the size of the share (part) of each participant, the form of their participation in the activities of the company, the size, composition and procedure for making, their contributions, the size and procedure for changing the parts of each of the participants in the constituted capital.

The founders (participants) of complete companies can be both legal entities and individuals. The founder who created the pawnshop can be a member of only one complete company.

All participants are engaged in joint business activities and are jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the society with all their property. A participant in a full company (pawnshop) does not have the right, without the consent of other participants, to make transactions on his own behalf and in his own interests, or in the interests of third parties, which are similar to those that are the subject of the company's activities.

The head of a pawnshop must have: complete higher education (educational qualification level of a specialist, master); to undergo advanced training and pass an examination for the compliance of knowledge with professional requirements, according to a standard training program for managers; have at least 5 years of general work experience; not have an outstanding conviction for intentional crimes, crimes in the field of economic and official activities, as well as not be deprived of the right to hold certain positions and engage in certain activities.

The accounting and registration systems of the pawnshop are maintained electronically by using software that provides accounting for consumers of pawnshop services and registers their operations.

The technical support of the pawnshop should ensure the functioning of the accounting and recording systems of the pawnshop and be created on the basis of computer systems that can ensure the performance of technological operations for keeping records in these systems.

What you need to know when contacting a pawnshop

In connection with the almost complete cessation of lending to citizens of the Russian Federation by banks, the popularity of pawnshops has grown to unprecedented heights, which a year ago could not even dream of the income they have now. First of all, if you are forced to apply to a pawnshop for a loan, you need to make sure that this institution is licensed and operates under state control. This is a necessary measure, despite the fact that there are practically no illegal pawnshops in the country. At the moment, the contingent of clients of pawnshops is made up of people with different incomes, while more recently, only the poor have taken out loans in a pawnshop.

Interest rate. The list of items for which pawnshops are ready to give money has grown. Now it is not only traditional precious metals and household appliances, but also antiques, real estate, cars, securities. Because of this variety, there is a huge difference in percentage, and the conditions are also noticeably different. Therefore, before deciding to hand over things to a pawnshop, you should understand how much you have to overpay for a loan. You should ask for the real annual rate, not the daily commission. So, a loan for jewelry costs 0.8 - 2% per day. This is up to 730% per year. The mortgaged apartment will become more expensive by 60-150% per year. Car - 80%.

Loan amount. Like the interest rate, the size of the loan depends on two factors: your status as a client and the collateral. For example, pawnshops give out 30-90% of their market value for gold and jewelry. Pawnshops accept gold as scrap: they have no right to work with jewelry. Therefore, its price is not more than 600 rubles / g (at a jewelry factory, gold is sold at 900-1100 rubles / g). For household appliances, you can get 5-50% of the amount that could be raised by selling this thing. For an apartment they will give up to 60% of its value (but not more than 1.5 million rubles), for a car - from 10 to 70% (depending on the mileage, condition, year of manufacture), for a land plot - no more than 30%.

Fines and sanctions. For each day the foreclosure is delayed, you will have to pay double the rate. They did not meet in 1-2 weeks from the moment specified in the contract in order to redeem the pledge - they sell it.

No right to claim. Unsought household appliances sold by pawnshops at half price (and these are, in the overwhelming majority, second-hand) most often do not have accompanying technical documentation, warranty coupons, etc. If it breaks down, you will have to repair it for your own money.

Stolen things. If a stolen thing is handed over to a pawnshop (and their share during the crisis, as the pawnshop workers themselves say, has almost doubled) - naturally, no one will return for it. Once in a thrift store, it can be sold to unsuspecting visitors. If the police nevertheless come out on her trail and the former owner of the thing recognizes the stolen loss, the new owner will have to part with it forever. And free of charge.

Forced trust. The car, handed over to the pawnshop, remains on the special site of this institution until the owner repays the loan in full. The owner of the car will have to pay for parking (30-100 rubles per day). And another unpleasant moment: a power of attorney is drawn up for the pawnshop employee on the day the loan is issued (so that in case of the owner's insolvency, the procedure for selling a car can be started).


The pawnshop market of our country has repeatedly experienced periods of growth. The first time it was after the 1998 default. Only according to official data, in the two years after the crisis the number of registered pawnshops in Russia increased from 736 to 1800. The second boom occurred in 2002, their number then exceeded 3000. The third “rise” fell on the crisis of 2008-2009, but count , how many pawnshops operate on the market now is not possible, since many of them work illegally. Experts cite numbers from 3000 to 5000. They also name the approximate volume of loans issued: in Moscow it is 3 - 3.5 billion rubles. per month, across Russia - 20 billion rubles. The amount is colossal, especially considering that the clients of pawnshops are individuals. For comparison: in January of this year, the total volume of mortgage loans issued by all Russian banks amounted to 6.6 billion rubles.

The most indicative during the crisis was the surge of interest in car pawnshops. This market has reached the greatest development in the capital (about 65 organizations issue loans secured by vehicles against 8-10 in 2000) and in St. Petersburg (36 companies against 5 in 2004).

loan financial market pawnshop

The number of pawnshops in certain regions (data are presented by the members of the League of Pawnshops)

Number of League participants

Number of League participants

Altai region

The Republic of Buryatia

Volgograd region

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Voronezh region

Komi Republic

Irkutsk region

Republic of Tatarstan


St. Petersburg

Kaliningrad region

Smolensk region

Krasnoyarsk region

Sverdlovsk region

Kurgan region

Stavropol region

Leningrad region

Tver region

Lipetsk region

Khabarovsk region

Chelyabinsk region

Chita region

Moscow region

Chuvash Republic

Murmansk region

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Yaroslavl region

The League of Pawnshops was established in 1996 with the aim of assisting the members of the League in solving legal, tax, economic, managerial, technological and other issues related to the activities of pawnshops in the Russian Federation.

Bibliographic list

loan financial market pawnshop

Babich A.M., Pavlova L.N. Finance. Money turnover. Credit.: Tutorial. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2009

Posted on www.allbest.


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Print inexpensive, branded flyers and distribute them in the mailboxes of nearby homes. Indicate on them the basic information about the pawnshop, opening hours, types of goods accepted. Post posters with similar text on public transport, in shops.

Develop several schemes for the payment of interest and return of pledged values. For some clients it is much more important to get their hands on a large amount for a short time, while for others it is more important to use the money as long as possible at low interest rates. However, in most pawnshops there is only one method of work. By developing a flexible system, you can increase the flow of customers.

Expand the range of goods that you take as collateral. In addition to the most sought-after jewelry, try home appliances, furs, and even cars. Of course, this way of working involves the creation of certain storage conditions and the availability of competent appraisers. However, at the same time, you can earn a reputation as a pawnshop, where it is most profitable to go.


You shouldn't attract customers with low interest rates or other pricing strategies. This way you will hardly be able to significantly increase the flow of visitors, but at the same time you will lose part of the profit.


  • pawnshop advertisement

The traditional pawnshop, which accepts gold products and other jewelry, today has good prospects only in remote Russian regions - the capital's market of "gold" pawnshops is already saturated almost to the limit. But more innovative formats, such as a car pawnshop or a pawnshop that accepts household appliances, are not yet widespread. but it is they who, in case of a successful calculation, can become a real "gold mine" for their owner.

You will need

  • - constituent documents of the newly formed legal entity;
  • - a room divided into a reception area and a warehouse;
  • - one or more safes;
  • - an agreement with a private security company;
  • - several full-time employees.


Choose a specialization for your pawnshop and then stick to it strictly. Your appraisers will acquire the skill of evaluating items of any particular type much faster and will make much fewer mistakes than if the institution is considered universal and accepts a wide variety of pledges. Pawnshops, issuing money on the security of jewelry, benefit from the fact that their functioning does not require large storage capacities, while household appliances, or even more so cars, require a specially equipped warehouse or parking lot, and this is an additional cost item, and quite large ...

Register a legal entity with the tax authority by choosing one of several organizational and legal forms (open or closed joint stock company or limited liability company). Licensing of pawnshops (this is how it is officially called pawnshops) has been canceled, however, the registration procedure can take quite a lot of time. It is especially important to correctly indicate the types of activities of your enterprise in the constituent documents - for complete confidence, you should contact a specialized law firm.

Choose a location that suits your pawnshop equipment. If a traditional jewelry pawnshop can easily fit on several tens of square meters, then a full-fledged warehouse should be adjacent to a pawnshop that accepts household appliances. The pawnshop should be located on a busy street, since only regular customers who have already learned about the location of the mortgage institution will not be enough for the profitability of your undertaking. Having received the premises at your disposal, first of all, install reliable metal bars on the windows, purchase several safes and conclude an agreement with a security company for the provision of the "panic button" service.

Find staff to work in - usually in these types of institutions, two to four people are involved. The receiver of orders, who draws up the issuance of a loan and the acceptance of collateral, can be an appraiser in one person, in addition, an accountant must work on the staff. Large pawnshops also employ one or more storekeepers who organize the storage of such pledges as, for example, household appliances. Finally, a specialist in the sale of pledges that were not redeemed on time may work in a pawnshop - full-time structures

A comprehensive guide for anyone looking to start a profitable pawnshop from scratch. Description of all important points: registration, a list of federal laws applicable to pawnshops, promotion of a pawnshop and possible business risks.

A pawnshop is an institution that provides short-term loans secured by property to individuals or legal entities. Jewelry, photo, video, computer and household appliances and other items of value can be used as collateral. The collateral property of clients is estimated at 25-50% of its real value.

The main clients of pawnshops are middle-income people aged 18 and over who urgently need money, for example, to buy something, repay a loan, repay a loan, pay utility bills, fines, etc.

The payback period for the business is 1.5 years (with an average monthly profit of $ 3000). At the same time, the pawnshop will reach the break-even point in 6 months.

Types of pawnshops

Thinking about opening a pawnshop, you need to understand that they are different.

The classic pawnshop gives out money on the security of jewelry, and the pawnshop on the security of cars. There are also institutions that issue loans secured by household and mobile appliances.

In recent years, pawnshops have appeared that practice the issuance of loans secured by real estate.


The profitability of the pawnshop will directly depend on the primary costs and the amount of possible loans.

The minimum expenses of a pawnshop are: payment for the lease of premises, purchase of the necessary equipment and machinery, and paperwork. All these needs will have to spend no more than 1 million rubles. In the future, the monthly maintenance of a pawnshop will cost 600-800 thousand rubles. - This includes rent, utilities, insurance, security, salaries and administrative fees.

The main and most serious investments are investments in loans. That is, at the initial stage, it is necessary to have funds in order to be able to give money to customers. The optimal amount is 6-8 million rubles.

  • average loan term;
  • percentage of non-repayment of loans;
  • competitors' interest rates;
  • the sale of things received by the pawnshop does not take place immediately.

On all points, you need to conduct a thorough analysis. This is especially true for competitors, since the attractiveness of the interest rate will determine the flow of customers and the monthly profit at the start. For the first few months, it is better to work at reduced rates.

So, at the standard rate of 10%, the availability of 6 million rubles. for loans and 40-50 clients per day, the monthly profit will be approximately 100 thousand rubles. Under such conditions, in six months, income and expenses should be zero, and then a stable and annually growing profit will go.

Preparation for opening

Before you open a pawnshop, you need to take care of the premises and its location.

For a pawnshop, the best option may be a room with an area of ​​40 m 2, located in the basement or on the ground floor of the building. You should also take into account that you can get a good influx of customers in places with high traffic - the city center, busy streets, etc.

It is worth taking care of the sign in advance, which should be located above the entrance to the pawnshop from the first day of work. A sign is one of the tools that is a must-have for capturing the attention of potential customers.

You should also familiarize yourself with the regulations and laws relating to the activities of pawnshops. These include:

  • Federal Law of March 14, 2005 No. 163-FZak. "About pawnshops".
  • Federal Law No. 115-FZ (on training specialists in economic work skills).
  • Decree of the Rosfin of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2000 No. 68 n. (on the storage of funds and precious metals).

You also need to remember that transactions are over 600 thousand rubles. will be controlled by the supervision of Rosfin.

How to open a pawnshop: step by step instructions

You need to proceed to all of the following actions only after making calculations and confirming profitability.

  1. Company registration

The opening of a pawnshop begins with the registration of a legal entity with the tax office. In the case of a pawnshop, it is more expedient to open an LLC with the type of activity according to - 65.23.6., 68.13.5., 74.14.

After registering with the tax office, within a month (31 days), the company must be registered with Rosfinnadzor. This requires:

  • notary card with the register of the responsible persons of the company;
  • application of the established form;
  • signature of the head (director, founder) under the stamp of the company.

Also, a pawnshop must be registered with the Assay Office, since the scope of the institution provides for work with money and precious metals. For this you will need:

  • copy of the registration certificate;
  • statement;
  • lease, establishment and co-ownership agreements;
  • even card;
  • letter with statistics.

A pawnshop license is not required.

  1. Staff formation

The main staff of the pawnshop is property appraisers. The specialist must have experience in valuing jewelry, be able to distinguish counterfeits and know all the important characteristics of precious metals.

The pawnshop staff should be formed from several appraisers, especially if it is supposed to work 7 days a week. It is better to have individual specialists on staff capable of effectively evaluating jewelry, equipment and other possible collateral.

Accordingly, people with a criminal record should not be allowed to work in a pawnshop, and each candidate must be carefully checked - if possible, call previous jobs and submit a request to the police.

  1. Opening a pawnshop

When all the documents are completed and the team is formed, you can proceed to the final stage.

Before the opening of the institution, all premises must be provided with security. To do this, you must conclude an agreement with a security company.

Next, the operating mode is determined. The best option would be to work every day without days off from 9-10 am to 7-8 pm. This will allow you to get more customers, due to the fact that everyone can contact the pawnshop at the most convenient time.

You will also need specialized software for work, which must be installed on work computers or laptops.

  1. Promotion of a pawnshop (advertising)

After opening a pawnshop, you need to launch an effective advertising campaign. This can be done in several ways.


The leaflets contain information about the pawnshop - address, contacts for information, interest rates, etc. Leaflets are distributed by handing out, pasting or distributing to the mailboxes of residents of residential buildings.

Mass media allows you to convey the necessary information to potential customers as soon as possible. Television is the most effective.

  • inside the transport, in specially designated places;
  • on transport;
  • sound advertising in transport.

All three options are effective, as several thousand people use public transport every day.


Advertising on zhivki is a new format of business advertising. However, he has already shown good results. Moreover, such advertising is the cheapest of all of the above. All that is needed is to place an advertising module on the market, which will be seen by more than 10,000 people a month.

Web site

A pawnshop website can be a one-page resource with detailed information, contact details, an e-mail feedback form and any other functions.

To launch the site, you need to contact a specialist who will develop its appearance and functionality. You will also need to use the services of a copywriter in order for the site to advertise a pawnshop and be promoted in search engines for the necessary queries.

Yandex.Direct andGoogle AdWords

In Yandex or Google, like a website, it requires the help of a specialist. This is the most effective way to promote a pawnshop on the Internet. This method is used today in both small and medium-sized businesses. The results will directly depend on the competence of the director.

Such advertising companies allow the site to be displayed in the first positions of search engines for the desired query and for Internet users from a specific locality. Advertising works only for the target audience.

Taken together, all of the above can give a good result. However, the upfront costs can be very high. Therefore, the budget of the advertising campaign must be calculated.

Potential risks

Since the activity of a pawnshop includes the purchase and storage of jewelry, equipment and other property, there will always be a risk.

First, it is impossible to establish the origin of the pledged property. Therefore, there is a possibility that it is stolen. And this can cause a number of problems with the police. For example, the confiscation of stolen gold does not provide for reimbursement of costs to the pawnshop.

Secondly, now some of the jewelry does not correspond to the sample applied to them. Modern sputtering technologies allow jewelry manufacturers to create, for example, rings from cheap metal that are difficult to distinguish from real gold.

Thirdly, the property stored in the pawnshop may become unusable. This applies to mobile devices, computers, laptops, household appliances, etc. However, such risks are easily excluded by the insurance of the collateral.

In the very risk zone there are car pawnshops, since it is not always possible to establish the origin of the vehicle. In this case, when a stolen car is confiscated, the institution suffers serious financial losses that are not reimbursed by anyone. Although here there is also an opportunity to eliminate risks - good connections between the owner of the pawnshop and the traffic police.

In conclusion of the article, we will summarize all of the above.

A pawnshop is a business that can bring in more than $ 3000 a month. Full payback can be expected in 1.5 years after opening. The break-even point can be reached in 6 months. All business risks are associated with the storage of collateral. To open a pawnshop, you must officially register with the authorities listed above, rent and properly organize a room with security.

The purpose of opening a pawnshop (like any other business) is to make a profit. And the greater the profit, the more chances a pawnshop has to stay afloat. That is why entrepreneurs are wondering how to increase their income and use it most effectively.

To begin with, it should be noted that the profit of a pawnshop is formed from interest on loans, penalties for late payments and proceeds from the sale of the pledged property. To increase profits, it is necessary to improve the quality of services and attract more and more customers. All of the methods listed below, in one way or another, affect these two parameters, and therefore are considered the most effective.

This information will be of interest to both experienced businessmen and beginners, as well as those who are just thinking of opening a pawnshop.

So, here are 19 ways to increase the profitability of your pawnshop:

1. Optimization of taxation... Businessmen have long learned how to reduce their expenses through taxes, without breaking the law. Someone does everything himself, and someone turns to a specialist. If you are not knowledgeable, find an experienced accountant who knows many ways to reduce taxes for your pawnshop.

2. Choosing the right place for a pawnshop... If your pawnshop is located in an inconvenient place for customers, this will affect your profit. Businessmen who have opened their first pawnshop very often face this: it seems that there are clients, but it is already clear that elsewhere the profit would be greater. If you are faced with such a problem, consider moving.

3. Convenient and pleasant design of the appearance of the room... If your pawnshop looks like a place for knocking out debts from the outside, be sure you will not have clients. The pawnshop facade, interior, shop windows - everything should attract customers, not repel, and even less frighten. Place a sign in front of the entrance, which will indicate all your services - short and clear, and create a pleasant atmosphere in the waiting areas.

4. Staff training... The staff of your pawnshop should be "savvy" in all matters of property valuation, clearly understand the company's policy and correctly calculate interest rates. Employees with sufficient knowledge are able to attract more new customers and make them permanent. You can hire already trained employees with work experience, or you can "grow" your specialists on your own, or by hiring a professional to conduct lectures and trainings.

5. Employee motivation... It's no secret that all kinds of staff incentives have a beneficial effect on the work of the enterprise. Once employees see their benefits in closing deals, they will dramatically improve their performance. Bonuses, payment of interest from each concluded transaction (sale) motivate employees for the best result.

6. Reduced employee theft... Unfortunately, almost all pawnshops face this problem. But if unscrupulous employees are found in time, then unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

7. Improving the level of service... Service quality is a good advertisement for your business. Customers who like the quality of service will come back to you and tell their friends about you. Therefore, make sure that the pawnshop has a stable working schedule, as well as polite and competent employees. The client must leave with the knowledge that he has been well served.

8. Working with regular customers... Increasing customer loyalty is one of the most important sources of revenue. Clients need to understand that you care about them. Congratulate customers on the holidays, provide them with discounts, gifts, notify about various promotions and sales. By reporting the most interesting events, you prevent competitors from poaching your customers.

9. Work automation... A clear distribution of responsibilities and communication through electronic communication significantly speeds up the pawnshop's activities.

10. New sources of income... In addition to the main sources of profit, you can earn on services such as property storage, sale of related products, jewelry repair, etc.

11. Increase the list of property to be secured on bail... If you offered only a car loan, you will be able to accept special equipment and seasonal transport (for example, motorcycles, scooters). If you carried out only loans secured by gold, then you can offer to pledge mobile phones, household appliances, watches. The main thing is to notify clients about what you accept as collateral.

12. Creation of new jewelry... Customers bring scrap, and you, in turn, can make a new piece of jewelry and sell it in a jewelry store for much more than you bought it from customers. Many pawnshops have their own jewelry store, where they sell products from recycled scrap.

13. Effective advertising... There are many ways to advertise a pawnshop, however, Internet advertising is considered the most effective. Contrary to popular belief, online advertising is not expensive. When launching an effective advertising campaign on the Internet, attracting a client will cost you within 50 rubles. True, in order to work with clients from the network, you need a website, but believe me, these investments quickly pay off.

14. Marketing Applications... Marketing techniques are used in all areas of business. And the pawnshop is no exception. You can create an unusual offer that will attract new customers. For example, if you are buying gold, then offer the highest price when you hand over a large amount of scrap. You can introduce low interest rates on any collateral for a certain period of time (3-4 months), or split the price by writing in your ad “from 0.8% per day” (you must admit, this sounds better than 24% per month).

15. Introduction of discounts... All kinds of promotions and discounts always work for customers. Moreover, discounts may not necessarily be large. If you want to get rid of most of the product, arrange a sale by posting advertisements first.

16. Markdown of goods... Many pawnshops make the mistake of charging high prices for goods. Here it should be borne in mind that many goods, such as household appliances, mobile phones become obsolete, and if the price is not dropped in time, then there will be a risk of not selling them at all or selling them at a price lower than the cost price.

17. Search for new distribution channels... As a rule, pawnshops sell goods in their own stores. To increase profits, you can post ads on free boards on the Internet, create a group in contact, where you would offer your goods. If you are selling cars, it is best to negotiate with a salon that sells used cars or go to the car market.

18. Cutting costs... Review all expense items and cross out what you think is optional, or replace with cheaper (or even free) analogs.

19. Agree with competitors... Many pawnshops, under pressure from competitors, are lowering interest rates. The problem is that one fine moment you cannot make a lower rate, otherwise you will go into a minus. In order not to face such a problem, it is worth trying to negotiate with competitors and establish a common minimum rate.