Attraction of those who are understandable with an administrative offense.








However, since the hotels of drunken drivers in the early days of the new year will certainly take a wide range, there is a suspicion that traffic police officers want to deprive the rights not only really drunk (using the corresponding traffic police station), I decided to write this article in which the correct procedure for examining drivers








In cases stipulated by Chapter 27 and Article 28.1.1 of this Code, the presence of understandable or applying video recording is required.
3. {!LANG-10a8a80ddbec8a7368592498a93d1743!}







If there are violations of compulsory requirements, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the official who conducted an audit issues a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur in respect of which a test was conducted to eliminate the identified violations, indicating the timing of their elimination, and also takes measures to attract persons,





  • {!LANG-29cb4781dd838dbee600742f42616ca0!}
  • {!LANG-807f46d93cf7b288a700a81643654b67!}
  • {!LANG-e6aecc9c1505d739a2b3195699a3fe72!}

When making a definition about the initiation of an administrative offense and administrative investigation, the AP protocol is drawn up at the end of the administrative investigation.





  • {!LANG-cdd90b4c39acd6eba7c66db37127e392!}
  • A copy of the protocol on the offense differs from the document presented by DPS: already in the absence of a driver, the DPS inspector entered the protocol "re-", correcting, respectively, a record of violation - from Part 1 to Part 4 of Art.
  • {!LANG-fbfb52fb08568484e4cae1243ef31cc1!}
  • {!LANG-54764afaf85ecfb2db5acc65b1815c77!}


  • {!LANG-31ba743a3f4edf732e41bf68a76e54a5!}
  • {!LANG-b2edb352a4d13343a437a02c4ca3e2eb!}


  • The inspector did not indicate, on what basis sent the driver to a medical examination.
  • {!LANG-1b1d5711c4c6e9dd956d16d1218ffcc4!}



Whether the presence of witnesses is required in drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense for a comprehensive, complete and objective clarification of the circumstances of the offense, the existence of testimony in some cases is extremely necessary, their absence is impossible to fill any other evidence.











  • {!LANG-29cb4781dd838dbee600742f42616ca0!}
  • {!LANG-807f46d93cf7b288a700a81643654b67!}
  • {!LANG-e6aecc9c1505d739a2b3195699a3fe72!}

When making a definition about the initiation of an administrative offense and administrative investigation, the AP protocol is drawn up at the end of the administrative investigation.


Currently, in connection with the tightening of punishment for some administrative offenses, up to the deprivation of the right to manage the vehicle, police officers are trying to use such articles on any occasion and what is the most interesting and without reason.










I will emphasize that your decisive attitude in 90 percent of cases will scare the traffic police officers, and there will be no survey to intoxicate at all.





If not, then in the complaint about the prosecutor's office, then indicate that in obtaining legal assistance the inspector refused you.





  • {!LANG-0d34d17d2280d3f94dbde93ddd51421e!}
  • {!LANG-c182eb114b011cefb387ace0f0147d93!}
  • {!LANG-9d5a940e0561842223b326589937028a!}
  • {!LANG-64d3bf49ce03efb3268e905379bb6c68!}

In accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the execution of the state function to control and oversight compliance with the participants in the road safety requirements in the field of road safety, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 02.03.2009 N 185 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 18.06

  • {!LANG-91cb54f69e688be9010bd659c91bb917!}
  • {!LANG-29cb4781dd838dbee600742f42616ca0!}
  • {!LANG-807f46d93cf7b288a700a81643654b67!}
  • {!LANG-e6aecc9c1505d739a2b3195699a3fe72!}








  1. {!LANG-b4e6e97ffa375ea0beddd49de0099fb8!}
  2. {!LANG-74cef9dc18cd461f3501ebdf789a7756!}
  3. personal inspection, inspection, inspection of a vehicle in physical face;
  4. {!LANG-35f4890b039f91759e16dfd7b0ec8630!}
  5. {!LANG-7634a2ee85068cec1d183be9f90fe007!}
  6. {!LANG-99fdf63d59cb2e77600fe9f1caf3e392!}
  7. {!LANG-c966f7eb95d777911d60b8dee409a0c3!}
  8. {!LANG-cf34b285dee49538db901db0cc573048!}
  9. {!LANG-64d451ebb8d1c7b481612c54161edc84!}
  10. {!LANG-a0929f3c8712e70937ace902f309e666!}
  11. {!LANG-b062776b116d12ee2195d5801bda57c3!}










When drawing up a protocol on the AP before receiving an explanation to the person in respect of which the case of an administrative offense was initiated, as well as other participants in the proceedings, the rights and obligations provided for in Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation should be clarified, as recorded in the protocol.










At the same time, the general rule may not be appealed by the document (protocol on the AP), but the actions of the traffic police officer, which made it.







{!LANG-d2b734296a8978a3b8b47709e532cc39!} {!LANG-b06cbd06ddb22711645f173e9f9efc53!} .

Under such circumstances, the Protocol on the direction of Oganesyan F. to the medical examination and the protocol on removing it from the management of T / C cannot be admissible evidence in the case, since it was obtained in violation of the law.


