Signs of gonorrhea in the mouth. Is there gonorrhea in the mouth and throat, what are the first symptoms of the disease? Hepatoprotectors and antihistamines

Despite the fact that gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, its causative agent gonococcus can cause inflammation of the oral cavity and pharynx. The disease is called oropharyngeal gonorrhea or throat gonorrhea.

The infection is caused by a gram-negative bacterium from the genus Neisseria. In addition to the transmission of the pathogen during unprotected intercourse, infection is possible during close household contact with a sick person through common household items and hygiene.

From a sick mother, the disease is transmitted to the child during childbirth. Gonococcus affects primarily the urogenital system, less often - the mucous membrane of the rectum, mouth, throat, conjunctiva.

Symptoms of a gonococcal throat

Gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe throat can manifest itself within a few days (usually 3-7) after the moment of infection. In some cases, there are no symptoms at all, and the disease is latent.

Itching and burning of the mucous membranes, dry mouth are the first symptoms of throat damage. The typical form of gonorrhea in the throat resembles a purulent sore throat or pharyngitis.

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Symptoms of general intoxication appear, a rise in body temperature, chills, after which the first signs of sore throat begin to develop:

  • Sore throat when swallowing
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Bad breath
  • Salivation,
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, tenderness to palpation.

Signs of stomatitis may appear. On the red inflamed mucous membrane of the lips and cheeks, areas with a yellow or gray coating appear. Soon, purulent ulcers form in their place.

Gonorrhea often mimics the symptoms of a purulent sore throat (pictured). What is characteristic, in contrast to angina of a different etiology, the defeat of the tonsils in gonorrhea is bilateral, they are covered with a large amount of fetid pus.

Similar symptoms are clearly visible in the photo of the throat, which was struck by gonorrhea. Pus, as in the photo, can go beyond the tonsils and cover the arches, palate, tongue.

Sometimes the signs of acute inflammation subside, and the disease becomes chronic. Localization of inflammation in the pharynx is one of the most serious complications, since the gonococcus can enter the brain with the blood flow and cause symptoms of inflammation of the meninges.

Throat gonorrhea can become very difficult to cure, especially if the gonococcal strain has become resistant to antibiotics. This situation is possible if gonorrhea was not detected in time, and the symptoms of its manifestation in the throat were mistaken for a common sore throat.

Further treatment may be delayed and require the appointment of a combination of potent antibacterial drugs.

Methods for the diagnosis and treatment of gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is detected on the basis of patient complaints and anamnesis. To confirm the diagnosis, take a swab from the throat for microscopy and inoculation of gonococcus on a nutrient medium. A blood test to detect antibodies to the bacteria is also effective.

Treatment for gonorrhea in the throat generally requires a course of antibiotics. Usually several drugs are used at the same time, for example, the combination of ceftriaxone with doxycycline. Preventive treatment with antifungal drugs (nystatin) is carried out.

Both partners need to treat gonorrhea at the same time.

Supplement the treatment with fortifying agents, vitamin complexes. Local treatment includes rinsing with broths of sage, chamomile, oak bark, treating the throat with antiseptics, such as chlorhexidine.

If necessary, carry out antiallergic therapy, treatment and strengthening of blood vessels. Often, treatment requires the use of detoxification agents.

It is very important for the prevention of infection of infants during childbirth to timely identify the disease and treat gonorrhea in pregnant women.

Do you still think that getting rid of constant colds, FLU and THROAT DISEASES is impossible !?

Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you know not by hearsay what it is:

  • severe sore throat even when swallowing saliva ...
  • constant sensation of a lump in the throat ...
  • chills and weakness in the body ...
  • "Breaking" of bones at the slightest movement ...
  • complete loss of appetite and strength ...
  • constant nasal congestion, and coughing up snot ...

Now answer the question: does this suit you? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? And how long have you already “wasted” on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL BE DECREASED. And the matter can end in tears ...

Irina Kovalchuk

Expert of the project

The prevalence of oral sex has increased in recent years. The result was more frequent infections with gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe oral mucosa and the transmission of gonococcal infections during orogenital contacts.

Gonococcal lesion of the oropharynx can occur both in isolation and in combination with urogenital gonorrhea and gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bother localizations. Damage to the oropharynx can be facilitated by mechanical, thermal and chemical trauma to the oral cavity and larynx.

Specific lesions of the oral mucosa can be asymptomatic, without pronounced clinical manifestations.

Gonococcal pharyngitis

Gonococcal pharyngitis and tonsillitis occurs as a result of orogenital intercourse, less often with a kiss. In this case, infection of the pharynx, tonsils, gums, tongue, palatine arches with the tongue can occur.

Gonococcal pharyngitis and tonsillitis are usually associated with gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe genitourinary system. However, in 1-5% of patients, gonococcal pharyngitis and tonsillitis are detected in isolation.

Gonococcal pharyngitis in a significant number of cases is characterized by a subjectively asymptomatic course. Occasionally, patients complain of a feeling of dryness in the pharynx, pain that increases when swallowing. Physical examination may reveal hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx; areas covered with a yellow-gray bloom and / or individual follicles in the form of bright red grains may also occur. An increase in regional lymph nodes and low-grade fever are possible. Hoarseness of the voice is sometimes noted.

The inflammatory process can spread to other areas of the oral mucosa, soft palate, gums. The tonsils and uvula in the gonococcal process can be enlarged and hyperemic.

Treatment of gonococcal pharyngitis is carried out with the participation of an otorhinolaryngologist.

Gonococcal gingivitis

Gonococcal gingivitis may be accompanied by bleeding gums and bad breath. Such unrecognized asymptomatic forms are extremely important from an epidemiological point of view.

Gonococcal stomatitis

Less common gonococcal stomatitis and laryngitis. With gonococcal stomatitis, the mucous membrane of the lips, gums, lateral and lower surfaces of the tongue and the floor of the mouth is most often affected.

Gonococcal stomatitis often goes unrecognized. This is due to the fact that examination of the oral cavity in patients with urogenital gonorrhea is practically not carried out, and in most cases, gonococcal stomatitis is asymptomatic.

Gonococcal stomatitis can also occur with severe clinical manifestations. The incubation period is usually short. Two days after infection, the patients complain of dryness and burning sensation in the oral cavity, and later on, of increased secretion of saliva, which contains mucopurulent impurities; sometimes - bad breath. The mucous membrane is edematous, hyperemic, covered with a large amount of gray, sometimes greenish-purulent plaque.

In more severe cases, if left untreated, the process can spread; a large number of erosions and ulcers appear on the oral mucosa. The ulcers are superficial, small in size, with irregular, not undermined or slightly undermined edges, slightly painful, with a slight yellow-gray discharge, in which gonococci are found, which confirms the diagnosis.

In young children infected with gonorrhea, gonococcal stomatitis is observed when gonococci are inserted from the genitals into the oral cavity by hand.

Gonococcal stomatitis in newborns

Gonococcal stomatitis can occur in newborns if gonococci enter the baby's mouth during childbirth, while passing through the mother's infected birth canal. The course of gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe oral cavity and pharynx in newborns is usually asymptomatic. The defeat is moderate. The sucking act is not upset.

Oral gonorrhea in newborns can also occur with a more pronounced clinical picture. Hyperemia, edema and even erosion and ulcers appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, tongue, along the edge of the gums.

Soon after the birth of a child, gonococcal stomatitis can manifest itself with a rather strong focal redness of the mucous membrane. A yellowish coloration appears in the epithelial layer, then bleeding excoriations with purulent discharge appear. Usually, the inflammatory process is localized in the soft palate, palatine suture, on the lateral surfaces of the palatine vault, on the back of the tongue. The rim remains free along the periphery of the bridle.

Other gonococcal lesions of the oral cavity

Extremely rare gonorrheal ulceration of the tongue.

Like all sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhea can be localized not only in the genital area, but also extragenital. Lesions of the rectum, mouth, pharynx, larynx and eyes are common and also require urgent treatment.

Gonorrhea is a fairly contagious infection, i.e. to infections with a high risk of infection. So, with a single unprotected vaginal intercourse, the risk of transmission is 50%. With unconventional relationships, in particular, with oral contact, this risk is somewhat lower, but still high.

In addition to sexual intercourse in a traditional and non-traditional form, it is considered possible to transmit the pathogen through the household. Hygiene items and clothing of a sick person, such as a towel, underwear, bedding, soap, etc., should not be used by other people (especially children) and with reduced immunity.

In the external environment, gonococcus dies quickly, but in moisture it can maintain its viability for some time. Therefore, a person with gonorrhea symptoms in the mouth or throat should eat from a separate container.

In addition, the occurrence of gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes (blenorrhea) is possible in newborns when a sick mother passes through the birth canal, if she has not been treated before giving birth. An adult with gonococcal inflammation of the genitals or oral cavity can also bring an infection into the eyes - the contact route of infection is realized.

The incubation period lasts 5-10 days after the moment of infection, after which the acute stage sets in or the disease proceeds asymptomatically.

Features of gonorrhea in the oral cavity

Oral gonorrhea almost never develops in isolation. It immediately spreads into the pharynx and larynx. Therefore, this localization of the process is also called oropharyngeal.

Very often, gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe throat is asymptomatic or sluggish in the chronic phase. Acute symptoms usually occur only in infants who are not immune. In the mouth, gonococcus is most often introduced into the mucous membrane or the back of the tongue or its lower surface in the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor of the mouth.

Lesions are often localized to the cheeks, lips, gums, and sometimes the soft palate. They have the form of erosions or linear excoriation, covered with a fetid crust, which is formed as a result of the release of exudate on the surface of the lesion and its drying.

The surrounding mucous membrane with gonococcal stomatitis looks edematous, often the addition of a secondary fungal and bacterial infection. If the lesion is located on the dorsum of the tongue, it is easy to recognize by the sign of papillary atrophy. This spot on the tongue looks smooth and darker in color.

Gonorrheal pharyngitis and laryngitis

Gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe throat (gonorrheal pharyngitis) also does not have specific features characteristic of it. Patients complain of hoarseness, pain when swallowing and an unpleasant odor. In the acute course of the disease, the temperature rises, weakness and chills appear, and other symptoms characteristic of a common sore throat.

On examination, the palatine tonsils look swollen, covered with purulent discharge. The cervical lymph nodes also increase. It is only possible to identify a specific cause by taking a smear, as well as based on evidence of recent accidental oral intercourse.

If you do not undergo treatment on time and the symptoms of pharyngitis are not eliminated, gonococcus spreads into the respiratory tract, where it causes laryngeal gonorrhea. It does not differ in symptoms from laryngitis developing for other reasons.

Gonorrheal laryngitis is characterized by symptoms such as a barking cough, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath.

Eye gonorrhea

The eye tripper manifests itself as a typical purulent conjunctivitis. It is possible to establish its cause only through additional laboratory tests. For adults who have become infected by contact, a one-way process is characteristic. In newborns, both eyes are more often affected.

Gonococcal conjunctivitis, if left untreated, can lead to corneal opacities requiring a transplant.

The main signs of blennorrhea:

  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • transparent discharge from the eye, to which pus later joins;
  • eye pain, photophobia;
  • deterioration of vision.

Treatment methods

Gonorrhea responds fairly well to broad-spectrum antibiotics. But their selection is carried out individually on the basis of a culture study and an antibioticogram. This allows you to find out to which drugs the gonococcus is most sensitive. So, most often penicillins and cephalosporins are used to treat gonorrhea, less often aminoglycosides.

In addition to oral administration of antibiotics, their solutions are also prescribed topically. For gonorrhea in the mouth, rinses, applications, and tetracycline-based ointments are used. And for the prevention of other infections, rinsing with antiseptics (chlorhexidine, furacilin, chamomile) is recommended. With gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe throat, antiseptic treatment is prescribed in the form of a spray (for example, "Lugol-spray").

With gonorrhea, in parallel with general antibiotic therapy, local treatment with solutions of penicillin or chloramphenicol is used. Moreover, each eye is treated with separate tampons. In the case of unilateral damage, the healthy eye is also treated for prevention. To do this, you can use albucid, sodium sulfacyl or boric acid solution.

Gonorrhea in the mouth is rare. This is an atypical localization of infection, since it belongs to sexually transmitted diseases and manifests itself mainly in the intimate zone. Most often, infection occurs during oral sex with a partner who is sick with gonorrhea, much less common is the household method of transmission of the disease. A newborn can also become infected during the passage of the birth canal if the mother is sick.

Key features

Oral gonorrhea develops 3-7 days after infection. , provoking the onset of pathology, very quickly spread along the mucous membrane, affecting the tongue, lips, cheeks. The throat and trachea are involved in the infectious process. The rapid spread of the pathogen is due to the fact that the oral mucosa is more sensitive to the infectious agent and reacts sharply to its penetration.

The symptoms of the disease are manifested as follows:

Similar signs are also present with pharyngitis or sore throat, therefore it is difficult to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, because oral gonorrhea is very rare.

Diplococci provoke the development of an acute inflammatory process, as a result of which a general reaction of the body is observed. The body temperature rises to subfebrile or febrile numbers, patients complain of:

  • severe chills;
  • weakness;
  • sweating;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the cervical, occipital and submandibular lymph nodes increase in size.

Quite often, patients develop gonococcal stomatitis. Its main symptoms:

You can confirm the diagnosis using a laboratory smear test, during which diplococci are detected.

Differences between gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe throat and other infections

The symptoms that appear when infected with gonorrhea are so similar to sore throat and other ailments that it is very difficult to establish the correct diagnosis. Especially if the patient turned to the ENT, but kept silent about the new partner and oral sex.

Oral gonorrhea can be suspected primarily in the absence of a positive result from the ongoing pharyngitis therapy. After all, rinsing and other methods of treatment will not help get rid of the causative agent of gonorrhea.

The main distinguishing feature of gonorrhea is that only the mucous membrane of the throat and nearby areas are affected. Symptoms include:

At the same time, the typical symptoms of respiratory infections and tonsillitis in the form of inflammation of the nasopharynx are absent. A person does not have a stuffy nose, no rhinorrhea, lacrimation, sneezing and other similar manifestations.

When conducting differential diagnostics with infectious mononucleosis, attention is drawn to the fact that with gonorrhea, only the cervical, submandibular and occipital lymph nodes increase. With mononucleosis, axillary, inguinal and other peripheral nodes are affected.

Despite the fact that the disease is very similar to follicular or purulent sore throat, gonorrhea can be distinguished from them. Primarily due to the fact that gonorrhea is characterized by a 2-sided lesion of the tonsils. In addition, with this disease, purulent plugs do not form, but only a massive plaque.

If you experience a sore throat, hoarseness and other typical signs of angina soon after unconventional intercourse, you should definitely consult a specialist. After all, it may not be an ordinary pharyngitis, but a gonorrheal lesion of the oral cavity. This condition requires immediate specific treatment in order to prevent the development of complications.

Gonorrhea is a specific infectious disease that is predominantly sexually transmitted. The causative agent of the infection is the gram-negative bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae - gonococci. They usually enter the human body through the genitourinary system, but there are other transmission options. Gonococci can affect the mucous membranes of the throat, eyes, oral cavity, causing inflammatory pathogenic processes in these organs.

(oropharyngeal gonorrhea) occurs in women 2 times more often than in men, due to the frequency of orogenital contacts. For the most part (in 70-80% of cases), oropharyngeal gonorrhea is asymptomatic (hidden), in some cases the disease is similar to. Patients complain of sore throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, their tonsils and lymph nodes are enlarged.

The similarity of oropharyngeal gonorrhea with angina presents some difficulties for doctors when making a diagnosis. Like sore throat, gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe throat causes an increased body temperature, chills, and a purulent plaque forms on the tonsils. The first symptoms of the disease can appear within a few hours after the pathogen enters the throat mucosa. This happens because the mucous membrane of this organ is practically unable to resist the gonococcal infection.

In this regard, acute gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe throat quickly turns into a chronic form, which is of particular danger to human health, since inflammation can spread to the lining of the brain. If a gonococcal infection spreads to the brain, the outcome is almost always fatal.

Oral gonorrhea

Oral gonorrhea is detected mainly in persons who prefer oral sex, the course of the disease is often asymptomatic. In rare cases, there is a sore throat and fever. With orogenital infection, gonococcal stomatitis and pharyngitis can develop:

    Gonococcal stomatitis is manifested by edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane, the release of viscous-purulent secretions. If untreated, the mucous membrane of the cheeks, tongue and gums becomes covered with ulcers and erosions. The ulcerations are small in size, they are not particularly disturbing, yellow-gray mucus is secreted from them, in which gonococci are found.

    Gonococcal pharyngitis most often proceeds without any symptoms, sometimes patients complain of sore throat, profuse salivation, difficulty swallowing. A purulent-mucous plaque forms on the reddened pharynx and tonsils, the palatine tongue and palatine arches swell.

When the oral cavity is infected with gonorrhea in a household way, the symptoms of the disease are also similar to stomatitis - similar purulent inflammation occurs in the mouth. Only 3 days is enough for the gonococci to completely affect the laryngeal mucosa and palatine tonsils. The patient's body temperature rises, headaches and chills appear. The tonsils are covered with a purulent bloom.

Fortunately, there are several very effective ways to prevent gonorrhea - this is a constant sexual partner and the use of protective intimate means during intercourse. Although the methods are conservative, they are very effective and time-tested.

Eye gonorrhea

Gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe eye (blenorrhea) usually manifests itself as conjunctivitis, the incubation period after infection lasts from several hours to 2-3 weeks. Gonococci can enter the child's eyes when passing through the birth canal of the mother, and then the disease is called gonorrheal conjunctivitis of the newborn or gonoblenorrhea. Adults become infected with gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes most often through the household route. Gonoblennorrhea of \u200b\u200bnewborns appears 2 or 3 days after the birth of the baby. If the first symptoms of the disease are observed after 5-6 days, then this indicates that the causative agent of the disease was brought in from the outside.

There are 4 stages of the course of gonorrhea:

    The stage of infiltration - it is characterized by the appearance of hyperemia and mucous discharge from the conjunctival cavity, edema of the eyelids, bleeding. The duration of this stage is 3-5 days.

    The stage of suppuration - puffiness and hyperemia of the eyelids decrease, abundant purulent discharge of yellow color is observed. The conjunctiva of the eyeball continues to be edematous. The duration of the stage in time is 1-2 weeks.

    The stage of proliferation - the amount of separated pus decreases, it becomes greenish in color. Puffiness and hyperemia of the conjunctiva are less pronounced, but as a result of the proliferation of the papillae, its surface becomes rough.

    Stage of reverse development - signs of swelling and hyperemia of the conjunctiva disappear, the proliferation of papillae passes by the end of the second month.

However, a common complication of neonatal gonorrhea is corneal lesion, which develops in the absence of treatment at 2-3 weeks of the disease. The cornea becomes diffusely cloudy, a gray infiltrate forms on its surface, turning into a purulent ulcer. The ulcerative process quickly spreads not only along the surface of the cornea, but also deep into it, leading to further perforation of the membrane and the formation of a leucorrhoea. Sometimes the infection can penetrate into the eye, causing the development of panophthalmitis - a purulent inflammation of all tissues and membranes of the eye.