Products with 0 fat content. Fats in food. Why low-fat protein foods are so important

If you're a weight watcher, this list of 40 low carb foods will help you stay in great shape. Add them to your shopping list!

People who watch their figure know that they are at the very edge of the twilight zone. On the one hand, carbohydrates are essential to fuel your muscles during intense workouts. On the other hand, if you overdo it a little, you can forget about six pack abdominals.

Losing energy, a growing belly, and stuttering muscle growth are sure signs that you're overindulging in pasta, cereal, and other carbohydrate-rich foods. I don't think it's worth pointing out that any trip to the supermarket can turn into a carb hurdle race as you navigate a jungle of dubious food that is full of refined carbs and simple sugars but poor in muscle-building protein.

A key success factor in your war on fat deposits will be a clear understanding of where to look for low-carb foods. Products that are filled to capacity with what your body needs, namely, useful microelements, vitamins and not so dangerous natural ones.

We'll put together a comprehensive shopping list that includes low-carb foods, the perfect choice for active lifestyle enthusiasts. We will go through all the selected positions step by step. So who's hungry?

1. Zucchini

Carbohydrates: 7 grams in 1 medium sized squash

Zucchini, or as the French often call them, zucchini, are green vegetables that will help you cut excess carbohydrates from your diet. Zucchini cut into strings with special peelers for vegetables will be an excellent substitute for spaghetti in side dishes for meat dishes.

Grated zucchini can be put in potato pancakes instead of potatoes, or you can add them to the dough instead of flour. Or you can make an inspiring low-carb snack. Trim the ends off the zucchini and cut into long, wide strips using a peeler or a professional vegetable grater. Then put a piece of smoked salmon or arugula on one end of the strip and roll up.

Good to know. Zucchini is rarely called a "superfood", but they contain a lot of essential substances, including potassium, magnesium and.

2. Cauliflower

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per 1 cup

Cauliflower is called a "low-calorie starch" for a reason. Boiled cauliflower's unique texture makes it a great alternative to mashed potatoes (but you save about 23 grams of carbs per serving compared to potatoes), pasta, cheese, creamy soups, and even a flavorful pizza crust. Or chop up a raw head of cauliflower in a food processor and cook it in place of millet porridge or rice.

Good to know. Cauliflower is a member of the Brassicaceae family, so just like regular cabbage or broccoli, it contains a huge supply of antioxidants.

3. Swiss chard

Carbohydrates: 1 gram per 1 cup

Nutrient-rich dark leafy vegetables should be a must on your shopping list, and chard is no exception. You can steam or sauté it, or you can take raw beetroot leaves and use them in place of the carb-rich tortilla in tacos and rolls.

Good to know. Leaf beet provides the body with a large amount of potassium. A Journal of Dietetics study found that potassium reduces the overall risk of cancer and heart disease.

4. Mushrooms

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per 1 cup

Porcini mushrooms, button mushrooms and the much more exotic shiitake - all mushrooms are low-carb foods with great taste and rich aroma. Large fleshy mushrooms can be used as an alternative topping for a hamburger or pizza, which in the traditional version is detrimental to your figure.

Good to know. All types of mushrooms contain large amounts of substances that stimulate the immune system.

Carbohydrates: 1 gram per 1 stem

Celery is 95% water, so don't be surprised by the almost complete absence of carbohydrates in it. Cut celery into wedges, add to a salad, or just slather some nut butter on it for a nutritious snack without the refined carbs that destroy abs.

Good to know. Celery is an excellent source of vitamin K, which is involved in the absorption of calcium and strengthens bones.

6. Cherry tomatoes

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per 1 cup

Cherry tomatoes taste better than the large supermarket tomatoes, and they offer a great way to add nutrition to your diet without any risk of spinning the carb counter.

You can pop the cherry tomatoes in your mouth whole, or drizzle them with vegetable oil and bake at 200 degrees until the tomatoes shrivel and turn into fragrant baked bombs.

Good to know. These pink balls are a source of the cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene.

7. Pumpkin Spaghetti

Carbohydrates: 7 grams per 1 cup

Think of pumpkin spaghetti as Mother Nature's low-carb answer to traditional pasta. When cooked, pumpkin pulp breaks up into thin, nutty-tasting strips that are very low in carbohydrates. Simply cut the pumpkin flesh into thin slices, remove the seeds, and microwave until tender.

Pat the pumpkin thoroughly with paper towels or parchment paper and microwave for 8-12 minutes, or until the flesh is tender. Leave the pumpkin to cool for 5 minutes, then cut it into thin strips with a fork. Top the pumpkin spaghetti pasta with your favorite protein-rich meat dish.

Good to know. Pumpkin is high in vitamin C, a nutrient that helps with muscle soreness and protects muscles from oxidative stress after intense workouts.

Other Low Carb Vegetables:

  • radish
  • watercress

8. Apricots

Carbohydrates: 8 grams per 2 fruits

Enjoy apricots as a quick snack, or chop and add to yogurt, oatmeal, and even salad for a natural sweetness.

Nutritional value: orange pulp of apricot contains a lot of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that affects brain function.

Carbs: 8 grams per ½ avocado

Unlike their fruity relatives, the avocado contains virtually no sugar. 75% of avocado carbohydrates are dietary fiber and are not absorbed in the intestines.

Good to know. Fatty in a good way, avocados are loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per 1 cup

Of all the berries in the world, strawberries contain the least amount of sugar, making them an excellent choice for satisfying the needs of the sweet tooth. If you are concerned about the possible presence of pesticides in the berries, look for "organic" strawberries on the shelves.

Good to know. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and protects the athlete's body from colds.

11. Red grapefruit

Carbs: 9 grams per ½ cup

It's time for this low-carb fruit. Did you know that a grapefruit has 20% less sugar than an orange? Just don't try to mask its sour taste by generously sprinkling sugar on the slices.

Other Low Carb Fruits:

Meat and fish are low in carbohydrates

12. Catfish

Even tastier than telapia, catfish is an inexpensive option for loading your muscles with clean, high-quality protein. Farm-raised catfish are considered a sustainable choice for those who love fish. Fillets can be steamed, grilled, baked in the oven or fried in a pan.

Good to know. This swimmer is an excellent source, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

13. Canned pink salmon

Carbohydrates: 0 grams per ½ can

Canned fish is an ideal source of carbohydrate-free protein. Pink salmon is considered a budget option with low levels of toxic substances, in particular mercury, which is often found in canned tuna.

Good to know. Canned pink salmon is a great way to get a powerful boost of fatty acids that reduce post-workout muscle soreness and stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

14. Chicken drumstick

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Although the usual chicken fillet can be called the ideal choice, the budget chicken drumstick also has its advantages. It is juicier, has a richer taste and does not become too dry during cooking. Leave the skin on before cooking for even more flavor, but if you don't want the extra fat, remove the skin before eating.

Good to know. In addition to a powerful protein boost (30 grams per 100 grams), chicken drumstick is rich in selenium, an antioxidant that will help you manage post-workout oxidative stress.

15. Minced Turkey

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Inexpensive and ubiquitous ground turkey is an easy way to fill your diet with protein without the carb load. Use minced meat for burgers or meat dishes. To remove fat calories, look for minced white meat.

Good to know. Like any other bird, turkey contains a complete set of essential amino acids that will boost your muscle growth.

16. Pork tenderloin

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

When cooked properly, pork tenderloin is juicy, has great flavor, and is less expensive than beef. It also offers an excellent protein to fat ratio of 6:1. If you're buying pre-cooked pork tenderloin, choose unseasoned meat. This will help you avoid excess salt in your diet and questionable ingredients that may end up on the table along with seasonings.

Good to know. In addition to muscle-friendly protein, pork tenderloin contains a B-vitamin needed to generate the energy you need in the gym.

17. Boneless steak

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Beef tenderloin is one of the best lean meats available in supermarkets. The right choice if you want to saturate your muscles with zero-carb protein. The meat is perfect for marinating, which will make it even more tender. To boost the nutritional value of the dish, choose grass-fed beef steaks.

Good to know. Red meat, including steak, is a natural source of a nutrient beloved by athletes that helps perform miracles of strength in the gym.

18. Roast beef

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

In most cases, roast beef is devoid of sugars that can be added to turkey and other deli meats. You may be surprised, but it is also one of the leanest products in the deli meats department.

For an extremely low-carb lunch, wrap a few slices of roast beef in chard or kale leaves and top with red pepper, Dijon mustard, a little cheese, or avocado.

Good to know. The easy-to-digest beef form will help revitalize your muscles during a grueling series of squat rack sets.

19. Moose meat

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

When it comes to grilled meats or burgers, consider bringing carbohydrate-free sources of protein into play as often as possible. Moose meat is becoming more and more common in the butcher shop, as many are transitioning to the Paleo diet and are actively looking for an alternative to beef and meat from animal farms.

Good to know. Studies have shown that when moose are raised on natural pastures, their meat accumulates much more omega-3 fats than meat from animals from cattle farms that are fed only soy and corn.

Other low carb meats and fish:

  • Chick

20. Gruyère cheese

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Forget about cheeses that are made for the mass market. This unique hard cheese from Switzerland has a great nutty flavor that won't leave you indifferent. Gruyere cheese melts beautifully, making it the perfect way to add variety to everything from steamed broccoli to low-carb pizza.

Good to know. This aged cheese is an excellent source of calcium, a macronutrient involved in bone building and possibly fat burning.

21. Butter

Carbohydrates: 0 grams per 1 tablespoon

With the link between saturated fat and heart disease being questioned to say the least, butter has once again found a place in your kitchen. For a delicious mashed potato, try mixing steamed cauliflower with butter, fresh thyme, and two pinches of salt.

Good to know. Butter substitutes, such as margarine or tallow, raise the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the risk of heart disease to a much greater extent than the saturated fats of butter.

22. Eggs

Carbs: 1 gram per 2 large eggs

What came first, the egg or the chicken? What difference does it make if both products are loaded with protein and contain virtually no carbohydrates? In fact, egg white is considered the highest quality among all natural products.

Good to know. Canadian scientists have concluded that eggs are an excellent source of antioxidants and help fight free radicals that damage the cells of our body.

23. Curd

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per 1 cup

There is a good reason why this product is still considered a favorite among many bodybuilders: cottage cheese is very high in protein (up to 28 grams per 200 grams) with a minimum content of carbohydrates. The amount of sodium in cottage cheese varies widely, so choose your manufacturer carefully.

Good to know. Cottage cheese is rich in slow-release protein, making it a good choice for an evening treat that will fill your muscles with protein during a night's sleep.

24. Plain Greek Yogurt

Carbohydrates: 9 grams per 1 cup

In recent years, Greek yogurt has gone from being a rare visitor to the dairy counters to becoming a cult rock star. Considering that with one serving you get about 23 grams of protein, such popularity of the product only benefits the muscles. Of course, if you don't want to spin the carb counter, you'll have to opt for plain yogurt that has no sugar.

Good to know. Probiotics, the friendly creatures found in yogurt, will work hard for your digestive and immune systems.

25. Goat milk

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per 1 cup

It's time for goat's milk to show its horns. This milk shows great promise because it has fewer carbohydrates than cow's milk, it is better absorbed and, according to recent studies, is richer in nutrients, in particular omega fatty acids.

Good to know. A nutritional analysis of goat's milk shows that it contains , a fatty acid that helps the body burn fat stores.

Other low carb dairy products:

  • ricotta
  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese

26. Tofu

Carbohydrates: 3 grams in 100 grams

Tofu isn't just for vegetarians! It offers inexpensive, low-carb protein to meat-eaters who want a meat-free evening. Tofu is not a very tasty product, but if you add it to vegetable side dishes or other dishes, it will quickly absorb their flavor. Try it as a source of cheap protein - quickly fry the tofu in a pan or marinate it, as you do with meat, and toss it on the grill.

Good to know. Isoflavones, a component of soy, from which tofu is made, can lower blood pressure.

27. Tempe

Carbohydrates: 9 grams per 100 grams

Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans, making it an excellent source of protein. The taste can be described as smoky, nutty, and slightly earthy with a mushroom undertone. Try adding tempeh to chili, tacos, soup, and pasta sauce.

Good to know. Being a fermented product, like yogurt or kefir, tempeh contains very beneficial cultures of probiotic microorganisms.

Carbs: 18 grams per ½ cup

Among beans, pinto beans contain the least carbohydrates but still provide you with an impressive amount of plant-based protein - 12 grams per serving. You can use them as a protein booster in salads and scrambled eggs.

Good to know. A large amount of plant fibers reduces the peak rise in blood sugar caused by food carbohydrates.

29. Pumpkin seeds

Carbohydrates: 5 grams in 30 grams

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of whole-food protein, with one serving giving you almost 7 grams of protein. Note that there are no sugars among the carbohydrates in pumpkin seeds, making them an even better source of extra protein in salads, cereals, yogurt, or cottage cheese.

Good to know. You can use pumpkin seeds as a source of a known testosterone secretion booster.

Other Low Carb Vegetable Proteins:

  • hemp seeds
  • edamame

30. Thread cheese

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

Thread cheese is loved by both adults and children. Packaged string cheese is one of the most convenient low carb snacks available. Your growing muscles will also benefit from an additional supply of high quality milk protein.

Good to know. Like regular cheese, string cheese contains a lot of calcium.

31. Dried meat

Carbohydrates: 3 grams in 30 grams

When it comes to snacks, it's always a challenge to choose a product that offers an impressive amount of protein without the refined carbs as a load. Cured meat will be the best choice. However, you should choose carefully, as some beef or turkey snacks are pre-soaked in sweeteners.

Good to know. Dried meat covers the body's needs for zinc, an essential trace element that supports the immune system and raises testosterone secretion.

Carbohydrates: 4 grams in 30 grams

Not only will walnuts help you have a carb-free snack, but they will also provide you with an impressive portion of very healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and this is another argument in favor of nuts. When buying nuts, choose unsalted ones to control your sodium intake.

Good to know. Nuts contain copper, a trace element that the body needs for energy synthesis.

34. Almond flour

Carbs: 6 grams per ¼ cup

Made from carefully ground almonds, Paleo-worthy almond flour will help you make cookies or other baked goods that are much healthier for your abs.

Good to know. In addition to helping eliminate carbohydrates from the diet, almond flour is high in protein, heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and much richer in antioxidants than wheat flour.

35. Shirataki noodles

Carbohydrates: 0 grams in 100 grams

These translucent gelatin noodles are made from the crushed roots of the Asian konjac plant. Shirataki is predominantly made from plant fibers called glucomannan, which ensures there is no carbohydrate load whatsoever. Shirataki noodles have their own unique taste, which is difficult to describe, but it perfectly absorbs the flavors of other dishes and goes well with various seasonings. Rinse the noodles thoroughly with water before cooking, then briefly dip them in boiling water.

Good to know. Preclinical studies show that glucomannan normalizes cholesterol levels and fasting blood sugar, making it beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

36. Amaranth

Carbs: 23 grams per ½ cup

Cereals will never be the lowest carb food in the supermarket, but South African amaranth contains a small amount of them. Like quinoa, amaranth is a source of essential amino acids that fuel your muscles. Amaranth becomes sticky after cooking as it releases starch. Try it as a breakfast cereal alternative.

Good to know. Gluten-free cereals contain a large amount of magnesium, a trace element necessary for normal metabolism.

Other low carb cereals:

  • hazelnut flour
  • coconut flour
  • Peanut flour

37. Unsweetened ice tea

Carbohydrates: 0 grams per serving

While bottled sweet tea is a sugar bomb, a drink made with just brewed tea and water is a great thirst quencher and contains no sugars.

Good to know. If you choose a drink made from green tea, you will get a boost of antioxidants. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania have shown that when combined with a training program, the antioxidants in green tea increase fat burning.

38. Unsweetened almond milk

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per serving

If you need an extra ingredient for your protein shake or morning cereal, try this nut-based drink. A great choice that won't fill up your cargo holds with unnecessary carbs. Just be sure to check the packaging, it should say "unsweetened milk", since sugar is added to many non-dairy drinks during production.

Good to know. Almond milk will enrich your diet with vitamin E, which is great at fighting cellular damage from oxidative stress caused by exhausting workouts.

39. Maple juice

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per 1 cup

Think of maple sap—the purest liquid from maple trees before it turns into syrup—as America's answer to coconut milk, but with half the sugar. Each sip will give you that exquisite taste that you used to associate with morning pancakes.

Good to know. Maple sap is a natural source of magnesium, which is good for bone health.

40. Tomato juice

Carbohydrates: 10 grams per 1 cup

Good old tomato juice contains half as much sugar as orange juice. Also, don't we need to increase the proportion of vegetables in our diet? Today it's easy to find low sodium juice to reduce the risk of fluid retention. Be sure to drink 100% natural vegetable juice and not a mixture of sugary fruit juices and sweeteners.

Good to know. A study published in the Journal of Dietetics showed that athletes who drank antioxidant-rich tomato juice were less likely to experience post-workout inflammation, which may speed up the recovery process.

Other low carb drinks:

  • Herb tea

This is a close-up of vegetables and fruits.

In order to function properly, the human body needs animal and vegetable fats. Professional nutritionists argue that animal fats can be harmful to the body, while vegetable fats are in most cases beneficial.

So that readers do not think about what fats they are currently eating, we inform about products that do not contain fats.

Fat Free Products

Products that do not contain vegetable fat include almost all fruits / vegetables / berries.

Well, what kind of fat can be in a watermelon, apple, melon, grapes, raspberries / strawberries? Almost all vegetables / fruits contribute to the fact that excess fats are effectively removed from the body, saturate it with useful minerals, vitamins, amino acids.

Based on fruits/vegetables, nutritionists have developed many diets that significantly reduce "excess fat reserves", making the human body more protected from the negative effects of viruses/microbes.

From cucumbers and herbs: parsley, dill, celery, cilantro, basil, you can make a miraculous cocktail that effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from old fecal deposits, restores the correct acid-base balance in it.

You wash 0.5 kg of cucumbers with water and a bunch of the above greens, pass all this through a juicer, and drink it several times. The same amount of food can be passed through a meat grinder and you get a wonderful salad, which has more nutrients than a cocktail.

The only request: do not salt the resulting product, especially if you are over thirty.

Fat-free foods can be consumed in unlimited quantities at one time, unless, of course, you have an allergic reaction to one of them.

But you should pay attention to the fact that the body needs fats of vegetable and animal origin as well as vitamins of different groups. Therefore, it is impossible (more precisely, we do not recommend) to eat only foods that do not contain fats.

You may object that what about raw foodists who eat only foods that have not undergone heat treatment?

Raw foodists get vegetable fats from nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, and flax. Moreover, they gradually switch to a raw food diet, accustoming their body to a different food structure.

You, dear reader, as we understand, eat like other people. Therefore, we warn that nutrition should be balanced.

After all, if on the beach you see a man who has one half of his body “puffed up”, like Schwarzenegger’s, and the other half, like everyone else, you won’t say that the man is “half-handsome”.

Any normal person will say that a man who has pumped up only one part of his body looks, to put it mildly, strange.

Also in nutrition, you can not give preference to products of any group, even if you are a billionaire. Rich people have exactly the same organism as low-income citizens: it works on the same principle. And this principle is simple: if you have a balanced diet, you drink high-quality water, you are as healthy as a bull.

If you hit the gym every day to increase muscle mass or want to get rid of the problem of excess weight, make up a diet of foods that will provide the body with the necessary energy, but will not saturate it with excess calories.

Fats are characterized by increased, because of which their consumption in food should be narrowed to an acceptable norm.

It is impossible to completely refuse fat-containing foods, since these substances are necessary for the body to perform energy metabolism. Give preference to a healthy diet, which includes only.

Principles of a low-fat diet:

  1. When buying groceries in the supermarket, carefully read the labels, which will acquaint you with the amount of fat in grams and calories. Remember that products labeled "no cholesterol" on their packaging still contain and;
  2. Eating foods low in fat, but in an uncontrolled amount, will not help get rid of. Stick to the portion recommendations of the selected diet, since a large portion is a large amount of fat;
  3. Replace your previously favorite fatty foods with vegetables, fruits and cereals that supply vitamins and useful macro-microelements to the body;
  4. Improper cooking turns healthy food into unhealthy food. Stick to the cooking tips.

Choose low-calorie foods

If you want to lose weight, do not limit your food intake to low-fat yogurt and boiled chicken breast. A list of products with a minimum amount of fat (up to 20 g / 100 g of product) will help diversify your diet and increase the nutritional value of food.


Let's start with the choice of meat. The basis of the dietary diet is chicken breast and veal, valuable for their high protein content and easy digestibility. Nutritionists recommend eating as an alternative to more fatty meats.

Rabbit meat contains proteins, vitamins and minerals, and the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids is higher compared to chicken and beef.


Fish in the diet is a source of protein, phosphorus and calcium, which should not be abandoned. Refuse to fry fish in a pan, preferring boiled or steamed fish.

The varieties of fish with the lowest fat content include:

  • Pollock;
  • Salaka;
  • Cod;
  • Pike;
  • River perch;
  • Flounder.

Ideal, but more expensive for preparing a dietary dish, is salmon meat. Salmon is distinguished by a high content of valuable, and at the same time, a minimum amount of fat (1.7 grams of fat per 100 grams of product).


The dairy diet is unlike others because it does not bring the body to exhaustion, due to the fact that the use of dairy products makes up for the deficiency of missing substances. When eating dairy products, metabolism is accelerated and the rate of fat burning increases.

  • We recommend reading about

Choose low-fat dairy products on store shelves (choose 10% fat sour cream). For example, I call it dietary if the capacity of fats in the composition does not exceed 15%.

Manufacturers offer a huge range of skim milk, kefir or cottage cheese. Fat-free yogurt or sour cream is an excellent base for dressing or for a dish. The combination of dairy and berries is a healthy substitute for a high-fat dessert.

Be extremely careful with low-fat foods. American scientists have suggested that a low-calorie diet contributes to weight gain.


Oatmeal, millet, rice and other cereals are indispensable elements of the diet for dreamers of a relief body. The fat content in cereals is minimal (from 1 to 2%). The most nutritious cereal from oats, the amount of fat in which reaches 6%.

These products contain complex carbohydrates that replenish strength and energy during physical exertion. Eating porridge, the feeling of hunger recedes for a long time.


A healthy diet is impossible without vegetables, which can be consumed in unlimited quantities without fear of gaining extra pounds. The exception is potatoes due to the high capacity of starch in the composition.

List of the most useful vegetables for weight loss:

  • Carrot;
  • Broccoli;
  • Spinach;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Cabbage;
  • Leaf salad;
  • Celery;
  • Tomato;


Fruits are also in the low-fat food group, with the exception of avocados and olives. Eating fruits helps not only to fight existing fat deposits, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.

List of fruits needed for weight loss:

  • Oranges and;
  • Apples;
  • apricots;
  • Cherries.


Some diets suggest using mushrooms as an alternative to meat. Due to the low fat content in mushrooms, they are considered very low-calorie (per 100 grams / 20 - 40 kcal). At the same time, a small portion of mushrooms saturates the body and eliminates the feeling of hunger.

Mushroom diet allows you to lose extra pounds without "breakdowns" and mood swings. The disadvantage of such a diet is poor-quality and harmful mushrooms, the use of which leads to unpredictable consequences.


Pasta cannot be called a dietary product, but the amount of fat in their composition is only 0.4 g. per 100 gr. product. Italians claim that eating pasta does not get better. Fans of fatty sauces with which pasta is served are getting fat. Pasta is made up of carbohydrates, and sauces are made up of fats. Those who want to lose weight, these elements can not be combined in food!

To throw off a couple of extra pounds, do not give up your favorite dish. The main rule of a healthy diet is not to eat after 6 pm. You can cook delicious and low-fat pasta with the addition of vegetables, mushrooms or a light vegetable sauce.


Legumes are a source of vitamins and minerals, protein, and high-quality carbohydrates. By adding legumes (beans, soy, peanuts, nuts or peas) to the diet, there is a gradual weight loss without resorting to debilitating fasting.

Legumes contain vegetable fats in a minimum amount (0.1 g per 100 g of product). Representatives of legumes contain useful, accelerating the digestive process. The calorie content of legumes is low, despite the high nutritional value.

Foods that are high in protein are an important part of any meal plan. Without this nutrient, hair begins to fall out, nails begin to break, and muscles become like jelly. As a rule, one average man needs 56 g of protein per day, and a woman - 46 g.

Carbohydrates are also essential for our body as they are a source of energy. However, they stimulate the release of insulin, the main fat-containing hormone, so taking too much of them regularly can lead to weight gain.

As for fats, their excess interferes with the absorption of many elements and leads to a delay in the removal of food from the stomach, which can lead to indigestion. But of course, fats do not need to be excluded, they just need to be in small quantities.

If you want to maintain your weight and develop muscle mass, then you should eat more foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats. Moreover, many of them are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals.

Table of foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats

This table shows the approximate amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats per 100 g of the product.

Product, 100 g Protein, g Carbohydrates, g Fats, g
Eggs 19,6 0,7 10
Pork chop 26,6 0 7
Tuna 23,6 0 0,7
Parmesan cheese 38,5 4,1 10
lamb meat 24,7 0 14
Beef 26,1 0 16
Ground beef 26,6 0 15
Cottage cheese 12,4 2,7 0,6
Chicken breast 31 0 2,8
Beef liver 29,1 5,3 3,1
Cod 22,8 0,9 5
Ham 17,6 0 6
Shrimps 18 0 1,1
Crab 20 0 1,1
Tofu 16 2 5,1

Now let's take a closer look at each of these products.


This is one of the most delicious and healthy foods. First, they are packed with nutrients and all the essential vitamins and minerals.

Secondly, they are a source of high-quality, fast-digesting protein (almost 20%), which is why athletes adore them. They are also low in calories, therefore they do not lead to the formation of body fat.

Pork chop

It also has a decent composition of nutrients - a number of B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and others.

By the way, pork contains oleic acid, which is considered the most valuable monounsaturated fatty acid.

In general, pork chops are a very high protein, low carbohydrate food.


Tuna meat has the highest protein content among all fish - 23.6%.

There are only 128 calories in 100 grams of canned tuna and no carbs.

Like all fish products, it contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

parmesan cheese

Parmesan has more vitamins and minerals than any other known cheese. Consists of 30% water and 70% useful nutrients.

It helps to normalize fat metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels. Cheese contains many fat-burning substances, so it can be an indispensable tool for those who are on a diet.

You can add pieces of it to salad, pasta, pizza, or eat small slices with fruit.

lamb meat

Tender, juicy lamb meat is low-fat, almost dietary, and also low in cholesterol. Like other types of meat, it offers a significant amount of protein, approximately 25%.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking lamb meat: it is fried on the grill, baked in the oven or cooked in a pan. Always comes out with great taste and aroma.


This meat is a source of high quality, low calorie protein. Many diets include it in the diet, because it quickly relieves hunger and is low in fat.

It is best to choose meat no older than two years and eat it boiled or stewed, so the body will get more benefits.

Ground beef

Ground beef is a fairly high-calorie and nutritious product. Raw meat contains many different vitamins: groups B, A, B12, K and E. Steam minced meat to preserve most of the important substances.

In general, minced beef food is very useful for restoring the body after various injuries, skin diseases and anemia.

Cottage cheese

In terms of the amount of protein and the degree of its digestibility, cottage cheese surpasses all dairy products. It should be noted that with a different percentage of fat content, it differs in the amount of protein.

For example, in fat-free cottage cheese, the protein concentration is 28%, with 9% fat content - about 18 g, and with 18% - 15 g. By the way, there is more of it in home-made cottage cheese than in the store.

Chicken breast

On average, 100 g of chicken breast contains about 31 g of protein and practically no fats and carbohydrates.

It's just the perfect food for athletes and people on low-carbohydrate diets and healthy eaters. Chicken meat is easily digestible and can be eaten without fear of gaining excess weight.

Beef liver

The protein in the liver is the same as in beef, but it is of higher quality. It includes iron proteins, which contain more than 20% of iron, which plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin and other blood pigments.

If you cook the liver correctly, it can satisfy the body with a full daily allowance of vitamins and elements, so it is very useful for young children, pregnant women and diabetics.


Salmon is one of the fattest fish that provides a lot of omega-3s, protein and other nutrients. It even contains an antioxidant known as astaxanthin.

Fish should be consumed for anemia, thyroid problems, hormonal failure, great mental and physical stress. In addition, it should be included in the diet for hypertension, cardiovascular problems, poor eyesight, and stress.


Natural pork ham is undoubtedly a delicious product.

However, it is necessary to mention its high calorie content - people with excess weight or metabolic disorders are advised to eat dishes with ham with caution.

It can be eaten as a separate independent dish, or added to dishes.


They are great for diet food, 100 g contains 83 kcal.

Due to the large amount of easily digestible proteins and low fat content, shrimp relieve hunger well without adding extra pounds.

Shrimps can be served as an independent dish, or can be added to various salads, cold appetizers, soups, pizza and pasta.


Crab meat is an extremely healthy food, especially when steamed.

It contains no carbohydrates and at the same time it has a high concentration of protein, vitamins A, B and C, chromium, zinc, copper and other minerals. There are only 98 calories in 100 g.


Tofu cheese is a popular delicacy in Chinese and Thai cuisine made from curdled soy milk.

100 g contains only 2 g of carbohydrates and 16 g of complete protein, which contains all nine essential amino acids. This cheese can be a great alternative to red meat and poultry.

By the way, a recent study showed that high-protein, low-carb foods slow down tumor growth and actually prevent the onset of cancer. And for type II diabetics, adding them to the diet helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. As you can see, they also contribute to the prevention and treatment of such serious diseases.

So what are the low fat foods? Let's start with meat. It is best to choose varieties such as beef, rabbit meat, chicken meat. Elk meat is very suitable for preparing dietary dishes, since it is characterized by a high content of proteins necessary for the human body and at the same time very low fat content - only 1.7 grams of fat per 100 grams of meat (for comparison: 100 grams of pork contains 33 - 49 grams of fat ). Relatively low fat content was noted in such by-products as the liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart.

Most varieties of sausage contain a fairly decent amount of fat, an average of 20 - 40 grams per 100 grams of product. Therefore, these products should hardly be included in the diet menu of a losing weight person.

For cooking fish dishes, crucian, pollock, herring, cod, hake, pike are most suitable. If you want to lose weight by reducing the calorie content of the diet, it is undesirable to cook dishes from fish varieties with a high fat content - eel, mackerel, halibut.

From dairy products, it is advisable to choose low-fat varieties (for example, buy 10% fat sour cream instead of the usual 20-25% fat) or completely low-fat products (at present, in almost every grocery store you can find skimmed milk, kefir, cottage cheese).

All commercially available varieties of bread and bakery products are characterized by a low fat content - approximately 1 - 1.5 grams per 100 grams of product. Approximately the same picture is observed for cereals - basically the fat content in them does not exceed 1 - 3 grams per 100 grams of the product.

But vegetables and fruits can be eaten almost without restrictions and without fear of gaining weight - almost all of their types contain less than one gram of fat per 100 grams of product. Some restrictions should be allowed only for potatoes, and even then not because of the presence of fats in it (their content in tubers is also very low - only 0.4 grams per 100 grams of product), but because of the high content of starch. This carbohydrate is easily absorbed by our body, so eating a large amount of potatoes can lead to the formation of excess body weight.