The project is modern household and industrial electrical devices. Abstract on the topic "Household appliances and their impact on human health." Gas air conditioners

1. About energy fields
2. Household electrical appliances
3. Cellular communication
4. Personal computers
5. How does EMF affect health
List of sources used


The significant growth of all sectors of the national economy requires the transfer of information in a short time. Supply of cities and remote areas, where a car will not pass and an airplane will not fly, with telephone and electricity lines.

Therefore, the new era of technology creates computers, cell phones and other equipment that transmit information over thousands of kilometers in a split second and provides firms, enterprises and families with information that previously could not even be recognized in a year. However, it is now possible.

But all this equipment, wires and various other devices create electromagnetic fields that affect the biosystem of all living things, including humans.

An electromagnetic field is a special form of matter. Interaction between charged particles is carried out by means of an electromagnetic field. It is characterized by intensities (or inductions) of electric and magnetic fields.

Nowadays all over the world the use of devices that propagate electromagnetic fields is increasing. And in comparison with previous years, there are more and more of them. But some countries realizing the danger of this abandon these devices and create newer ones.

We will talk here about the invisible pollution that the electric power industry brought into our everyday life - about harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation (in short - EMP), as well as about natural, geopathogenic radiation.

1. About energy fields

Many diseases are caused by magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic and other energy fields. However, classical medicine does not deal with these issues, and in medical universities, future doctors, unfortunately, are not taught this ...

We are all exposed to weak magnetic fields of industrial frequency in our own apartment on a daily basis. These are radiation from electrical appliances in household appliances and electrical wiring in our apartments.

American and Swedish hygienic scientists, independently of each other, have established a safe limit for the intensity of such fields. This is 0.2 μT (micro Tesla).

What doses do we actually receive?

Table 1. Intensity of the magnetic field from household appliances

This will be discussed in more detail later.

Power frequency magnetic fields are only a tiny fraction of the harmful energy emissions that pollute our environment. Technological progress has brought a lot of useful things to mankind, making life easier and improving the quality of life. These are aviation, cars, television, mobile phones, computers and much, much more. However, along with this, he caused a lot of trouble.

Nature has presented mankind with clean, transparent air, clean reservoirs and a healing natural electromagnetic background emitted by both space and the plant world. It consists of very weak electromagnetic oscillations, the frequency of which causes the harmonization of all systems of the human body. It is this natural background that is suppressed by technogenic EMP, which is especially typical for large industrial cities and entire regions.

As a result of the research, the most important conclusion was made: weak EMP, the power of which is measured in hundredths and thousandths of a watt, also called non-thermal or informational, are no less, and in some cases even more dangerous than high-power radiation. This is due to the fact that the intensity of such fields is commensurate with the intensity of the radiation of the human body itself, its internal energy, which is formed as a result of the functioning of all systems and organs, including the cellular and molecular level. Such low intensities are characteristic of the radiation of electronic household appliances available today in every family. These are computers, televisions, cell phones, microwave ovens, etc. This also applies to electronic devices and devices for industrial purposes, with which almost all workplaces in industry are equipped today.

These radiation can disrupt the bioenergetic balance of the body and, first of all, the structure of the so-called. energy-information exchange (ENIO) between all organs and systems, at all levels of organization of the human body, between the body and the external environment (after all, a person perceives the energy of external sources, for example, solar energy, in the form of heat and light).

The most sensitive systems of the human body are: nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive (sexual). EMFs are especially dangerous for children and pregnant women (embryos), since the child's body, which has not yet formed, is highly sensitive to the effects of such fields. People with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular systems, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immunity are also highly sensitive to the effects of EMF.

Scientists dealing with this problem, especially note the negative impact on human health of cell phones, during the operation of which, the electromagnetic oscillations emitted by them penetrate directly into the human brain, causing inadequate reactions of the body. More details about cellular communication will be discussed later.

2. Household electrical appliances

All household appliances that use electric current are sources of electromagnetic fields. The most powerful ones should be recognized as microwave ovens, air ovens, refrigerators with a “no frost” system, kitchen hoods, electric stoves, TVs. The actually generated EMF, depending on the specific model and operating mode, can vary greatly among equipment of the same type. All data below refers to a magnetic field of power frequency 50 Hz.

The values ​​of the magnetic field are closely related to the power of the device - the higher it is, the higher the magnetic field during its operation. The values ​​of the electric field of the industrial frequency of almost all electrical household appliances do not exceed several tens of V / m (volts per meter is a unit for measuring the strength of the electric field) at a distance of 0.5 m, which is much less than the MPL (maximum permissible level) of 500 V / m.

Table 2. Levels of the magnetic field of industrial frequency of household electrical appliances at a distance of 0.3 m.

Possible biological effects

The human body always reacts to an electromagnetic field. However, in order for this reaction to develop into a pathology and lead to a disease, a number of conditions must coincide, including a sufficiently high level of the field and the duration of exposure. Therefore, when using household appliances with low field levels and / or for a short time, EMF of household appliances does not affect the health of the bulk of the population. Potential danger can only threaten people with increased sensitivity to EMF and allergy sufferers, who also often have increased sensitivity to EMF.

In addition, according to modern concepts, a magnetic field of industrial frequency can be dangerous to human health if there is prolonged exposure (regularly, at least 8 hours a day, for several years) with a level above 0.2 microtesla.

1) when purchasing household appliances, check in the Hygienic Opinion (certificate) the mark on the product's compliance with the requirements of the “Interstate Sanitary Standards of Acceptable Levels of Physical Factors when Using Consumer Goods in Domestic Conditions”, MSanPiN 001-96;

2) use equipment with lower power consumption: magnetic fields of industrial frequency will be less, all other things being equal;

3) potentially unfavorable sources of a magnetic field of industrial frequency in an apartment include refrigerators with a “no frost” system, some types of “warm floors”, heaters, televisions, some alarm systems, various chargers, rectifiers and current converters - a berth should be at a distance of at least 2 meters from these objects if they work during your night's rest;

4) when placing household appliances in an apartment, be guided by the following principles: place household electrical appliances as far as possible from places of rest, do not place household electrical appliances in close proximity and do not stack them on top of each other.

A microwave oven (or microwave oven) in its work uses an electromagnetic field, also called microwave radiation or microwave radiation, to heat food. The operating frequency of microwave radiation from microwave ovens is 2.45 GHz. It is this radiation that many people are afraid of. However, modern microwave ovens are equipped with a sufficiently perfect protection that prevents the electromagnetic field from breaking out of the working volume. At the same time, it cannot be said that the field does not penetrate at all outside the microwave oven. For various reasons, a part of the electromagnetic field intended for the chicken penetrates outside, especially intensively, as a rule, in the area of ​​the lower right corner of the door. To ensure safety when using ovens in everyday life in Russia, there are sanitary standards that limit the maximum leakage of microwave radiation from a microwave oven. They are called “Maximum Allowable Levels of Energy Flux Density Created by Microwave Ovens” and have the designation CH # 2666-83. According to these sanitary standards, the value of the energy flux density of the electromagnetic field should not exceed 10 μW / cm2 at a distance of 50 cm from any point of the furnace body when 1 liter of water is heated. In practice, virtually all new modern microwave ovens meet this requirement by a large margin. However, when purchasing a new stove, you should make sure that the certificate of conformity indicates that your stove meets the requirements of these sanitary standards.

It must be remembered that over time, the degree of protection may decrease, mainly due to the appearance of micro-gaps in the door seal. This can be due to the ingress of dirt and mechanical damage. Therefore, the door and its seal require careful handling and care. The guaranteed durability of protection against leakage of an electromagnetic field during normal operation is several years. After 5-6 years of operation, it is advisable to check the quality of protection for which to invite a specialist from a specially accredited laboratory for the control of the electromagnetic field.

In addition to microwave radiation, the operation of a microwave oven is accompanied by an intense magnetic field created by an industrial frequency of 50 Hz current flowing in the oven's power supply system. At the same time, a microwave oven is one of the most powerful sources of a magnetic field in an apartment. For the population, the level of the magnetic field of industrial frequency in our country is still not limited, despite its significant effect on the human body during prolonged exposure. In domestic conditions, a single short-term activation (for several minutes) will not have a significant effect on human health. However, it is now common for a household microwave to heat food in cafes and similar industrial environments. In this case, a person working with it finds himself in a situation of chronic exposure to a magnetic field of industrial frequency. In this case, at the workplace, it is necessary to monitor the magnetic field of industrial frequency and microwave radiation.

Considering the specifics of the microwave oven, it is advisable to turn it on and move at a distance of at least 1.5 meters - in this case, the electromagnetic field is guaranteed not to affect you at all.

3. Cellular communication

Cellular radiotelephony is today one of the most rapidly developing telecommunication systems. At present, all over the world there are more than 85 million subscribers using the services of this type of mobile (mobile) communication (in Russia - more than 600 thousand). It is assumed that by 2001 their number will increase to 200-210 million (in Russia - about 1 million).

The main elements of a cellular communication system are base stations (BS) and mobile radiotelephones (MRT). Base stations maintain radio communication with mobile radiotelephones, as a result of which BS and MRI are sources of electromagnetic radiation in the UHF range. An important feature of the cellular radio communication system is the very efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum allocated for the operation of the system (multiple use of the same frequencies, the use of different access methods), which makes it possible to provide a significant number of subscribers with telephone communications. The system uses the principle of dividing a certain territory into zones, or "cells", with a radius of usually 0.5-10 kilometers.

Base stations (BS)

Base stations maintain communication with mobile radiotelephones located in their coverage area and operate in the mode of receiving and transmitting a signal. Depending on the standard, BS emit electromagnetic energy in the frequency range from 463 to 1880 MHz. BS antennas are installed at a height of 15–100 meters from the earth's surface on existing structures (public, office, industrial and residential buildings, chimneys of industrial enterprises, etc.) or on specially constructed masts. Among the BS antennas installed in one place, there are both transmitting (or transmitting-receiving) and receiving antennas, which are not sources of EMF.

Based on the technological requirements of building a cellular communication system, the antenna directivity pattern in the vertical plane is calculated in such a way that the main radiation energy (more than 90%) is concentrated in a rather narrow “beam”. It is always directed away from the structures on which the BS antennas are located, and above the adjacent buildings, which is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the system.

Brief technical characteristics of the standards of the cellular radio communication system in force in Russia

Name of the standard BS operating frequency range MRT operating frequency range Maximum BS emitted power Maximum MRI radiated power Radius of "honeycomb"

NMT-450 Analog 463 - 467.5 MHz 453 - 457.5 MHz 100 W 1 W 1 - 40 km

AMPS Analog 869 - 894 MHz 824 - 849 MHz 100 W 0.6 W 2 - 20 km

D-AMPS (IS-136) Digital 869 - 894 MHz 824 - 849 MHz 50 W 0.2 W 0.5 - 20 km

CDMA Digital 869 - 894 MHz 824 - 849 MHz 100 W 0.6 W 2 - 40 km

GSM-900 Digital 925 - 965 MHz 890 - 915 MHz 40 W 0.25 W 0.5 - 35 km

GSM-1800 (DCS) Digital 1805 - 1880 MHz 1710 - 1785 MHz 20 W 0.125 W 0.5 - 35 km

BS are a type of transmitting radio engineering objects, the radiation power of which (load) is not constant 24 hours a day. The load is determined by the presence of cell phone owners in the service area of ​​a particular base station and their desire to use the phone to talk, which, in turn, fundamentally depends on the time of day, the location of the BS, the day of the week, etc. At night, the BS load is practically zero , that is, the stations are mostly “silent”.

Studies of the electromagnetic environment in the area adjacent to the BS were carried out by specialists from different countries, including Sweden, Hungary and Russia. According to the results of measurements carried out in Moscow and the Moscow Region, it can be stated that in 100% of cases the electromagnetic environment in the premises of buildings on which the BS antennas are installed did not differ from the background one typical for this region in this frequency range. In the adjacent territory, in 91% of cases, the recorded levels of the electromagnetic field were 50 times less than the remote control set for the BS. The maximum value during measurements, which is 10 times less than the remote control, was recorded near the building on which three base stations of different standards were installed at once.

The available scientific data and the existing system of sanitary and hygienic control during the commissioning of base stations of cellular communication make it possible to classify base stations of cellular communication as the most environmentally and sanitary and hygienic safe communication systems.

4. Personal computers

The main source of adverse health effects on a computer user is the visual display of information on a cathode-ray tube. The main factors of its adverse effects are listed below.

Ergonomic parameters of the monitor screen:

  • reduction of image contrast in conditions of intense ambient light
  • specular reflections from the front surface of monitor screens
  • flickering of the image on the monitor screen

Monitor radiation characteristics:

  • electromagnetic field of the monitor in the frequency range 20 Hz - 1000 MHz
  • static electric charge on the monitor screen
  • ultraviolet radiation in the range of 200-400 nm
  • infrared radiation in the range of 1050 nm - 1 mm
  • X-ray radiation> 1.2 keV

Computer as a source of alternating electromagnetic field

The main components of a personal computer (PC) are: a system unit (processor) and various input / output devices: keyboard, disk drives, printer, scanner, etc. Each personal computer includes a means of visual display of information called differently - monitor, display. As a rule, it is based on a device based on a cathode-ray tube. PCs are often equipped with surge protectors (such as the “Pilot” type), uninterruptible power supplies, and other electrical ancillary equipment. All these elements, when the PC is operating, form a complex electromagnetic environment at the user's workplace.

PC as a source of EMF

Source Frequency Range (First Harmonic):

Monitor mains transformer power supply 50 Hz

static voltage converter in a switching power supply unit 20 - 100 kHz

vertical scan and synchronization unit 48 - 160 Hz

line scan and synchronization unit 15 110 kHz

accelerating anode voltage of the monitor (only for monitors with CRT) 0 Hz (electrostatic)

System unit (processor) 50 Hz - 1000 MHz

Information input / output devices 0 Hz, 50 Hz

Uninterruptible power supplies 50 Hz, 20 - 100 kHz

The electromagnetic field generated by a personal computer has a complex spectral composition in the frequency range from 0 Hz to 1000 MHz. The electromagnetic field has electric (E) and magnetic (H) components, and their relationship is quite complex, therefore, the assessment of E and H is carried out separately.

The maximum values ​​of EMF recorded at the workplace:

Type of field, frequency range, unit of field strength Measurement of field strength along the axis of the screen around the monitor

Electric field, 100 kHz - 300 MHz, V / m 17.0 24.0

Electric field, 0.02-2 kHz, V / m 150.0 155.0

Electric field, 2 - 400 kHz V / m 14.0 16.0

Magnetic field, 100 kHz-300 MHz, mA / m lfp lfp

Magnetic field, 0.02-2 kHz, mA / m 550.0 600.0

Magnetic field, 2- 400 kHz, mA / m 35.0 35.0

Electrostatic field, kV / m 22.0 -

Range of values ​​of electromagnetic fields measured at workplaces of PC users:

Name of the measured parameters Frequency range 5 Hz - 2 kHz Frequency range 2 - 400 kHz

Alternating electric field strength, (V / m) 1.0 - 35.0 0.1 - 1.1

Alternating magnetic field induction, (nT) 6.0 - 770.0 1.0 - 32.0

Computer as a source of electrostatic field

When the monitor is operating, an electrostatic charge accumulates on the CRT screen, which creates an electrostatic field (ESF). In different studies, under different measurement conditions, the ESF values ​​ranged from 8 to 75 kV / m. This gives people who work with the monitor an electrostatic potential. The spread of electrostatic potentials of users ranges from -3 to +5 kV. When ESTP is subjectively felt, the user's potential is a decisive factor in unpleasant subjective sensations. A noticeable contribution to the total electrostatic field is made by the surfaces of the keyboard and mouse electrifying from friction. Experiments show that even after working with the keyboard, the electrostatic field rapidly increases from 2 to 12 kV / m. In some workplaces, in the area of ​​the hands, the intensity of static electric fields of more than 20 kV / m was recorded.

According to generalized data, functional disorders of the central nervous system occur on average 4.6 times more often in those working at the monitor from 2 to 6 hours a day than in the control groups, diseases of the cardiovascular system - 2 times more often, diseases of the upper respiratory tract - 1.9 times more often, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - 3.1 times more often. With the increase in the duration of work on the computer, the ratio of healthy and sick among users increases dramatically.

Studies of the functional state of a computer user, carried out in 1996 at the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, showed that even during short-term work (45 minutes), significant changes in the hormonal state and specific changes in the biocurrents of the brain occur in the user's body under the influence of the electromagnetic radiation of the monitor. These effects are especially pronounced and persistent in women. It was noticed that in groups of persons (in this case, it was 20%), a negative reaction of the functional state of the body does not manifest itself when working with a PC for less than 1 hour. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, it was concluded that it is possible to form special criteria for professional selection for personnel using a computer in the process.

Influence of air ionic composition of air... The zones that perceive air ions in the human body are the respiratory tract and skin. There is no consensus on the mechanism of the effect of air ions on human health.

Effects on vision. The visual fatigue of the VDT user includes a whole complex of symptoms: the appearance of a "veil" in front of the eyes, the eyes get tired, become painful, headaches appear, sleep is disturbed, the psychophysical state of the body changes. It should be noted that complaints about vision can be associated with both the above-mentioned VDT factors, as well as with lighting conditions, the state of the operator's vision, etc. Long-term statistical load syndrome (SDS). Display users develop muscle weakness, changes in the shape of the spine. In the United States, it is recognized that SDS is the occupational disease of 1990-1991 with the fastest spread. In a forced working position, with a static muscular load, the muscles of the legs, shoulders, neck and arms are in a state of contraction for a long time. Since the muscles do not relax, their blood supply decreases; metabolism is disturbed, biodegradation products and, in particular, lactic acid accumulate. In 29 women with prolonged static load syndrome, a biopsy of muscle tissue was taken, in which a sharp deviation of biochemical parameters from the norm was found.

Stress. Display users are often under stress. According to the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Disease Prevention (1990), VDT users are more susceptible to stress development than other occupational groups, including air traffic controllers. At the same time, for the majority of users, work on VDT ​​is accompanied by significant mental stress. It is shown that the sources of stress can be: type of activity, characteristic features of the computer, software used, organization of work, social aspects. Working on a VDT has specific stress factors, such as the time delay in the response (reaction) of the computer when executing human commands, “learning to control commands” (ease of memorization, similarity, ease of use, etc.), the way information is visualized, etc. A person's stay in a state of stress can lead to changes in a person's mood, increased aggression, depression, irritability. Cases of psychosomatic disorders, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, sleep disturbances, changes in pulse rate, menstrual cycle have been reported. A person's stay in conditions of a long-term stress factor can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Complaints from users of a personal computer are possible reasons for their origin.

Subjective complaints Possible reasons:

1) pain in the eyes, visual ergonomic parameters of the monitor, lighting in the workplace and indoors

2) headache air ionic composition of the air in the working area, operating mode

3) increased nervousness electromagnetic field, the color scale of the room, operating mode

4) increased fatigue electromagnetic field, operating mode

5) memory disorder electromagnetic field, operating mode

6) sleep disturbance operating mode, electromagnetic field

7) hair loss electrostatic fields, mode of operation

8) acne and redness of the skin electrostatic field, aeroionic and dust composition of the air in the working area

9) abdominal pain improper seating caused by improper workstation design

10) lower back pain improper fit of the user caused by the device of the workplace, working mode

11) pain in the wrists and fingers improper configuration of the workplace, including the height of the table does not match the height and height of the chair; uncomfortable keyboard; operating mode

Mainly from the means of protection are offered protective filters for monitor screens. They are used to limit the exposure of the user to harmful factors from the monitor screen, improve the ergonomic parameters of the monitor screen and reduce the radiation of the monitor towards the user.

5. How does EMF affect health

In the USSR, extensive studies of electromagnetic fields began in the 60s. A large amount of clinical material was accumulated on the adverse effect of magnetic and electromagnetic fields, it was proposed to introduce a new nosological disease "Radio wave sickness" or "Chronic damage by microwaves". Later, by the work of scientists in Russia, it was established that, firstly, the human nervous system, especially higher nervous activity, is sensitive to EMF, and, secondly, that EMF possesses the so-called. informational action when exposed to a person in intensities below the threshold value of the thermal effect. The results of these works were used in the development of regulatory documents in Russia. As a result, the standards in Russia were set very stringent and differed from the American and European ones by several thousand times (for example, in Russia the remote control for professionals is 0.01 mW / cm2; in the USA - 10 mW / cm2).

Biological action of electromagnetic fields

Experimental data from both domestic and foreign researchers indicate a high biological activity of EMF in all frequency ranges. At relatively high levels of the irradiating EMF, modern theory recognizes the thermal mechanism of action. With a relatively low level of EMF (for example, for radio frequencies above 300 MHz it is less than 1 mW / cm2), it is customary to talk about a non-thermal or informational nature of the effect on the body. The mechanisms of action of EMF in this case are still poorly understood. Numerous studies in the field of the biological effect of EMF will make it possible to determine the most sensitive systems of the human body: nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive. These body systems are critical. The reactions of these systems must be taken into account when assessing the risk of exposure to EMF on the population.

The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term long-term exposure accumulates, as a result, the development of long-term consequences is possible, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, hormonal diseases. EMF can be especially dangerous for children, pregnant women (embryos), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular systems, allergy sufferers, people with weakened immunity.

Effects on the nervous system

A large number of studies carried out in Russia, and the monographic generalizations made, give grounds to classify the nervous system as one of the most sensitive systems in the human body to the effects of EMF. At the level of the nerve cell, structural formations for the transmission of nerve impulses (synapse), at the level of isolated nerve structures, significant deviations occur when exposed to low-intensity EMF. Higher nervous activity and memory change in people who have contact with EMF. These individuals may have a tendency to develop stress reactions. Certain structures of the brain are hypersensitive to EMF. Changes in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier can lead to unexpected adverse effects. The nervous system of the embryo is especially sensitive to EMF.

Effects on the immune system

At present, enough data have been accumulated indicating the negative effect of EMF on the immunological reactivity of the organism. The results of research by Russian scientists give reason to believe that when exposed to EMF, the processes of immunogenesis are disrupted, more often in the direction of their oppression. It was also found that in animals irradiated with EMF, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is aggravated. The emergence of autoimmunity is associated not so much with a change in the antigenic structure of tissues, but with a pathology of the immune system, as a result of which it reacts against normal tissue antigens. In line with this concept. the basis of all autoimmune conditions is primarily immunodeficiency in thymus-dependent cell population of lymphocytes. The effect of high-intensity EMF on the body's immune system is manifested in a depressing effect on the T-system of cellular immunity. EMFs can promote nonspecific suppression of immunogenesis, enhance the formation of antibodies to fetal tissues and stimulate an autoimmune response in the body of a pregnant female.

Influence on the endocrine system and neurohumoral response

In the works of Russian scientists back in the 60s, in the interpretation of the mechanism of functional disorders under the influence of EMF, the leading place was given to changes in the pituitary-adrenal system. Studies have shown that under the action of EMF, as a rule, the pituitary-adrenaline system was stimulated, which was accompanied by an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood, and activation of blood coagulation processes. It was recognized that one of the systems that early and naturally involves the body's response to the effects of various environmental factors is the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex system. Research results have confirmed this position.

Impact on sexual function

Sexual dysfunction is usually associated with a change in its regulation by the nervous and neuroendocrine systems. This is related to the results of work on the study of the state of the gonadotropic activity of the pituitary gland when exposed to EMF. Repeated exposure to EMF causes a decrease in the activity of the pituitary gland

Any environmental factor affecting the female body during pregnancy and affecting embryonic development is considered teratogenic. Many scientists attribute EMF to this group of factors.

Of paramount importance in studies of teratogenesis is the stage of pregnancy, during which EMF is exposed. It is generally accepted that EMFs can, for example, cause deformities by acting at different stages of pregnancy. Although there are periods of maximum sensitivity to EMF. The most vulnerable periods are usually the early stages of embryo development, corresponding to the periods of implantation and early organogenesis.

An opinion was expressed about the possibility of a specific effect of EMF on the sexual function of women, on the embryo. A higher sensitivity to the effects of EMF of the ovaries than of the testes was noted. It was found that the sensitivity of the embryo to EMF is significantly higher than the sensitivity of the mother's body, and intrauterine damage to the fetus by EMF can occur at any stage of its development. The results of the conducted epidemiological studies allow us to conclude that the presence of women in contact with electromagnetic radiation can lead to premature birth, affect the development of the fetus and, finally, increase the risk of developing congenital malformations.

Other biomedical effects

Since the beginning of the 60s, extensive research has been carried out in the USSR to study the health of people in contact with EMF at work. The results of clinical studies have shown that prolonged contact with EMF in the microwave range can lead to the development of diseases, the clinical picture of which is determined, first of all, by changes in the functional state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It was proposed to isolate an independent disease - radio wave disease. This disease, according to the authors, can have three syndromes as the severity of the disease increases:

1) asthenic syndrome;

2) asthenic-vegetative syndrome;

3) hypothalamic syndrome.

The earliest clinical manifestations of the effects of EM radiation on humans are functional disorders of the nervous system, manifested primarily in the form of autonomic dysfunctions of neurasthenic and asthenic syndrome. Persons who have been in the EM radiation zone for a long time complain of weakness, irritability, rapid fatigability, memory impairment, and sleep disturbance. Often these symptoms are joined by disorders of autonomic functions. Violations of the cardiovascular system are manifested, as a rule, by neurocirculatory dystonia: lability of the pulse and blood pressure, a tendency to hypotension, pain in the region of the heart, etc. There are also phase changes in the composition of peripheral blood (lability of indicators) with the subsequent development of moderate leukopenia, neuropenia , erythrocytopenia. Bone marrow changes are in the nature of a reactive compensatory tension of regeneration. Usually, these changes occur in persons, by the nature of their work, who were constantly under the influence of EM radiation with a sufficiently high intensity. Those working with MP and EMF, as well as the population living in the area of ​​EMF operation, complain of irritability and impatience. After 1-3 years, some have a feeling of inner tension, fussiness. Attention and memory are impaired. There are complaints about the low efficiency of sleep and fatigue. Considering the important role of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus in the implementation of human mental functions, it can be expected that prolonged repeated exposure to the maximum permissible EM radiation (especially in the decimeter wavelength range) may lead to mental disorders.

List of sources used

1. Bardov V.G. Hygiene and Ecology; ed. "Nova Kniga" 2007.
2. Lepaev DA Household electrical appliances; ed. "Light Industry" 1993.

Abstract on the topic "Household appliances and their impact on human health" updated: August 17, 2017 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

Currently, at home we are surrounded by a large number of heating devices: irons, water heaters, kettles, toasters, etc. It's time to get to know them better.

In heating appliances, electrical energy is converted into heat. Compared with other types of electric heating has a number of advantages, namely, it provides a more uniform distribution of heat, as well as a wide range of temperature regulation by changing the current in the heating element. Electrical devices provide the best hygienic working conditions, since with electric heating there is no open flame, smoke, harmful gases, soot, ash, and the risk of fire is also reduced. There is no need to worry about fuel, its delivery and storage, removal of combustion products, etc.

The efficiency of most electric heating devices is 60-70%, and in some cases it reaches 95%, while the efficiency of heating devices operating on gaseous fuel does not exceed 50-60%, on liquid fuel - 20-40% , with steam heating - 45-65%, and with coal - only 12-20%.

The basis of any electric heating device is a heating element, in which electrical energy is converted into heat. As heating elements in household electrical appliances, conductors from special alloys are used that have a high resistivity, a high melting point and do not oxidize when heated in air. These alloys are nichrome and fechral.

Electric kettles and coffee pots

Electric kettles and coffee pots are made with a double bottom, between the walls of which a plate-type heating element is placed. The heating element is covered from above and below with heat-resistant insulating plates made of micanite and by means of a metal disk it is tightly pressed from below to the bottom of the vessel of the device. The ends of the heating element are connected to the terminal pins by means of thin flexible brass strips. Contact pins are installed on the side of the device, in a safety clip.

Teapots and coffee pots are also available with heating elements in the form of a nichrome or fechral spiral, insulated with ceramic beads. Such a device for heating elements is more convenient for replacing it at home in case of burnout.

The latest models of electric kettles and coffee pots are made with hermetically sealed tubular heating elements, which, depending on the design of the device, can be placed under the bottom or inside the vessel.

Electric irons

The electric iron is one of the first electrical appliances to appear in everyday life. Due to their simplicity, durability and the ability to regulate the temperature on the working surface when ironing fabrics, electric irons are most widely used in everyday life.

Currently, the industry produces various types of irons: without temperature control, with temperature control by a thermostat, with temperature control and moistening of the fabric during ironing.

In everyday life, irons with heating elements in the form of a wire spiral, insulated with ceramic beads and laid in the grooves of the iron sole, as well as with plate heating elements, are most widely used. They are simple in design and allow easy replacement of the heating element in the event of a burnout. The service life of spiral and plate heating elements is over 1000 hours.

Electric soldering irons

Electric soldering irons are widely used for soldering at home. They consist of a copper rod, a heating element, a small diameter metal tube through which an electrical cord runs, and a wooden handle. A layer of heat-resistant insulating material (mica or micanite) is applied to the copper rod, on which nichrome or fechral wire is wound. This part of the rod with the heating element is covered with a metal casing. The wire ends of the heating element are connected to a cord to plug the socket into the electrical network.

The power of the heating element, the size and shape of the soldering iron are determined by the nature of the work. For example, soldering irons of low power (from 35 to 60 W) with a straight or angled rod are used for soldering electrical and radio equipment. For soldering large parts, soldering irons with heating elements of higher power (120 - 300 W) are used, in a bowl of "hammer" shape.

The temperature of the soldering iron tip reaches 250 - 300 degrees. Soldering irons are available with a heating element designed for mains voltages of 36, 127 or 220 V.

Electric fireplace

Electric fireplaces are used to heat small rooms with directed heat rays. They consist of a rectangular metal box with legs, inside of which spirals are mounted on ceramic rods arranged horizontally. The ends of the coils are attached to pins attached to the back of the case. A metal reflector is placed in the depths of the fireplace body, which creates a directed flow of heat rays. The reflector surface is polished to give it a mirror finish. The direction of the heat rays is changed by turning the reflector or the body of the fireplace.

Your apartment contains a wide variety of electrical appliances, and their number is growing every year. All devices can and should be used more efficiently, cost-effectively and, most importantly, safely. To do this, you need to know a few general provisions.

Try to remove obsolete devices from use. Modern electrical appliances are easier to use, more efficient and generally more cost effective.

It is important that the appliance you purchase suits your needs. To do this, take into account the composition of the family, lifestyle, number of children, frequency of use, etc., and only then decide what characteristics should an electrical appliance have p that you want to purchase.

It is recommended to analyze and compare the energy consumption of various electrical appliances, the data for which, as a rule, are given on the manufacturer's label or in the instructions for use attached to the appliance.

Make sure that the wiring and safety devices in your apartment are suitable for the installation of the electrical appliance you are purchasing.

Before turning on the appliance, carefully read the instructions for its operation!

Heating devices

We give a comparative description of some heating devices.

Reflector.Consists of one or more heating elements and a reflector. Energy is transmitted by radiation from the reflector ("Mirrors") in the direction where the device is turned. Power consumption - 1200 - 3200 W. The advantages of the device include its relative cheapness, as well as the beginning of heating immediately after switching on.

At the same time, reflectors have a number of disadvantages:

    Heat spreads only in one direction, the room heats up slowly.

    High temperatures can ignite objects in the vicinity of the reflector.

    High temperatures and inadequate heating elements are dangerous for children.

    Lack of a thermostat.

    Dries the air in the room.

Fan heater ... Air enters through openings in the housing, is heated by spirals (one or more) and is distributed with the help of a fan. Power consumption - 1000 - 3000 W. As a rule, the device has a thermostat and a mode switch (changes the number of turned on spirals). The device is safe as the spirals are reliably hidden. It can be used as a fan in the summer. The fan heater, thanks to forced circulation, heats the room quickly and evenly. Disadvantages of the device:

    Dries the air in the room.

    Powerful air blast and operating noise can create an uncomfortable sensation for those with high sensitivity.

Air heater. Air enters through the holes in the bottom of the device, heats up from the spirals and exits from the top. Power consumption - 500 - 3000 W. The device is also safe and can be installed in a children's room. It is also equipped with a thermostat and a mode switch. However, compared to a fan heater, it warms up the room more slowly. An air heater also dries up the air in the room.

Oil heater (radiator). It contains a heating element (one or more) that heats the oil in a closed system. When in contact with the heater, the air in the room heats up. Power consumption - 2000 - 2500 W. The device is completely safe, equipped with a mode switch and a thermostat. The heat spreads evenly in all directions, and the air in the room does not dry out. The disadvantages of the device include high weight, relatively high cost, slow warming up of the room.

How to save energy when using heating devices.

1. Avoid heat leakage. It is important to achieve a tight fit of doors and windows in rooms, for which it is necessary to eliminate the gaps between the window and the frame, the door and the jamb. Air penetration through the cracks leads to heat losses, and, consequently, to an increase in electricity consumption.

2. Do not heat empty rooms.

3. In winter, it is recommended to maintain the room temperature at 18 - 20 ° C, provided that the people in the apartment are dressed in comfortable clothes appropriate for the season. If the heater is not equipped with a thermostat, the room temperature can be monitored using a thermometer installed on the wall. The thermostat allows you to set the desired temperature in the heated room. It turns off the appliance as soon as the temperature reaches the preset level, and automatically turns it on when the temperature is below the preset level.

4. The free flow of heated air from the device into the room must be ensured (especially when using a fan heater). Do not use the appliance to dry clothes, do not obstruct it with various objects.

Do not place flammable materials and flammable objects near the heater!


The power of this electrical appliance is relatively small, however, it can consume a sufficient amount of electricity, since it operates continuously 24 hours a day. To save energy, follow a few guidelines.

    Select the volume of the chambers of the purchased refrigerator in accordance with the required amount of food that will be stored in it.

    The place of installation of the refrigerator must be away from heat sources and protected from sunlight.

    To ensure complete insulation, it is recommended to close the doors tightly and periodically check the insulating rubber gaskets. Deformed gaskets lead to the penetration of warm outside air into the chambers, which in turn leads to increased energy consumption. Open the doors as little as possible and do not keep them open for too long.

    Make sure that the back of the refrigerator is not covered with dust. Provide free air circulation around the refrigerator.

    Do not put warm food in the refrigerator. Wait for food to cool down to room temperature.

    Set the thermostat to a temperature of 5º - 7º.

    Defrost and clean the refrigerator promptly. Ice build-up significantly increases power consumption. Using vinegar diluted in water will help get rid of the unpleasant odor. Reduce the temperature in the freezer before defrosting. This will keep the food cold for a long time after removing it from the freezer.

    It is recommended to fill the freezer to at least two-thirds of its capacity to ensure efficient operation. On the other hand, you should not put too much food in it, as it is necessary to ensure free circulation of air in the chamber.


The washing machine is one of the most common electrical appliances, without which it is difficult to imagine our life. It's so simple - we put in the laundry, pour in the washing powder, pour in the softener, press the button and after a while we get clean, pleasantly smelling linen. It is important to know that not all washing machines are the same, and the washing requirements are not the same in different families. Therefore, before buying a washing machine, you must consider:

    The composition of your family. The larger the family, the more the power of the machine and the volume of its washing tank should be.

    Spin speed. Choose a machine with a higher spin speed, as the higher the spin speed, the drier the washed laundry.

    Machine consumption of electricity, water and detergents. The latest models of washing machines are more economical.

A modern washing machine consumes more than 10 A. It cannot be connected to the general apartment network. Preparing the base for the washing machine includes laying separate electrical wiring, installing a 16 A machine and a separate three-pole outlet.

    Washing at a water temperature of 60º instead of 90º will save you about 25% in energy. Therefore, if the laundry is not too dirty, it makes sense to wash it at a lower temperature.

Electric stove

An electric stove, like a washing machine, requires a separate wiring, installation of a 16 A machine and a separate three-pole outlet. It is recommended to give preference to a stove that is not so powerful, but made according to modern technology - this will allow you to save energy.

For efficient and economical operation, it is recommended:

    The diameter of the pan must match the diameter of the hotplate.

    The saucepan must have a smooth bottom and a suitable lid

    When cooking food, you shouldn't have a lot of water in the pot.

    After the water in the pot has boiled, it is recommended to lower the temperature to the level required to continue cooking.

    It is recommended to switch off the hotplate shortly before the end of cooking, as it cools down slowly to provide enough heat to finish cooking.

    When cooking, try to lift the lid as little as possible to keep warm, prevent waste of energy and shorten cooking time.

    Use a pressure cooker to save both time and energy.

    Refrain from preheating the oven unless the recipe requires it;

    Do not open the oven door unnecessarily.


Living room lighting must comply with hygiene standards. Insufficient illumination is detrimental to health. So, for example, you should not turn off the ceiling lamp, illuminating the room only with a table lamp, turn off the lighting completely when watching television, etc. The lighting element is selected depending on where it will be located and on the function assigned to it (general, local, decorative, etc.). Correctly selected type and power of the lamp will make it possible to efficiently and economically use electricity.

There is a wide range of light bulbs, of which incandescent bulbs are the most common so far. These lamps are cheap and do not require additional components. Replacing a burnt out lamp is not difficult. Incandescent lamps most accurately reproduce the color of the surrounding objects. The disadvantages of incandescent lamps include a relatively short service life (up to 1000 hours). Another significant drawback is inefficiency. Only less than 5% of the expended energy is converted to the emitted light; everything else goes to heating.

Fluorescent bulbs are the most common after incandescent bulbs. Such a lamp consumes 6 times less electricity than an incandescent lamp, with equal illumination, and also has a longer service life. The fluorescent lamp works only with the help of additional devices - a choke and a starter. The disadvantages of a fluorescent lamp also include its large size, insignificant noise and some color distortion of illuminated objects.

One of the most important areas for improving lighting technology is the creation of fluorescent compact lamps. By its design and principle of operation, a compact lamp does not differ in any way from a fluorescent lamp, with the exception of its size. Compared to incandescent bulbs, fluorescent compact lamps can reduce energy costs by 70% - 85%, while their service life is 8 - 13 times longer. Therefore, they will soon replace incandescent lamps in everyday life.

To save energy without compromising the quality of lighting, it is recommended:

    Make the most of natural light. Keep windows clean. Do not clutter up windowsills. Do not cover the window with multiple curtains or shades.

    The use of appropriate lighting devices.

    The use of light shades (reflective) for painting walls, floor ceilings and when choosing the color of furniture.

    The use of lighting controls (double switches for chandeliers, switches with a rheostat, etc.).

    Using one high-power incandescent lamp instead of two low-power ones. For example, using one 100W lamp instead of two 60W lamps can save up to 20% of your electricity consumption, not to mention lower your lamp purchase costs.

A well-thought-out lighting system in the house has a significant effect on energy consumption.

Electronic devices

Electronic devices in your apartment that are sensitive to power surges include TVs, VCRs, stereos, computers, etc., which are assembled from the smallest electronic parts based on progressive technologies. It is they who can suffer primarily from power surges, if appropriate protection was not provided for when they were created. In this case, the service life of the device is reduced, and in some cases, its breakdown may occur. To protect sensitive electronic devices, the following are recommended:

    Do not connect sensitive electronic devices to the same outlet or to the same circuit to which another device with an electric motor is already connected, for example, a refrigerator, washing machine.

    Switch off sensitive electronic devices and disconnect them from the mains (plug) if they are not in use for a long time. It is also recommended that you turn off sensitive electronic devices during lightning storms, storms, and heavy rainfalls, and during power outages.

    Use special fuses to protect sensitive electronic devices from voltage surges. These fuses are fitted between the socket and plug of the sensitive electronic device. You can install them yourself.

    Purchase sensitive electronic devices with special protection. On this issue, you can consult not only with the seller, but also with technicians and other specialists from specialized workshops.

The use of all of the above means does not guarantee complete protection of sensitive electronic devices, but significantly reduces the likelihood of their damage.

15.101. Household film welding appliances with an evacuating device must be designed so that the suction of the liquid does not damage the insulation. Note This requirement does not apply to parts operating under safe ... ...

A device is a device for measuring something, making it easier to use or making something. The meaning of the word Apparatus, device for the production of any work A set, a set of objects, tools for any work or for ... ... Wikipedia

GOST 9817-95: Household appliances operating on solid fuels. General specifications- Terminology GOST 9817 95: Household appliances operating on solid fuels. General specifications original document: 8.5 Permissible control error 8.5.1 Calculations according to formulas (1) (16) are carried out with an accuracy of the second decimal place with ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

GOST R IEC 62301-2011: Household electrical appliances. Standby Power Consumption Measurement- Terminology GOST R IEC 62301 2011: Household electrical appliances. Measurement of power consumption in standby mode original document: 3.2 standby power: Average power measured according to section 5. ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Gas appliances and household appliances- gas appliances that use gas as a fuel for cooking, hot water supply and decentralized heating ... Source: DECISION of the Moscow Government dated 02.11.2004 N 758 PP ON APPROVAL OF OPERATING STANDARDS ... ... Official terminology

RST RSFSR 784-91: Consumer services for the population. Repaired electrical household machines and devices. General specifications- Terminology of the PCT RSFSR 784 91: Consumer services for the population. Repaired electrical household machines and devices. General specifications: Double insulation Insulation consisting of basic and supplementary insulation. Definitions ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

gas appliances- Devices used in residential and public buildings for cooking, heating water, heating premises and creating artificial cold, and using the heat released during the combustion of gas. Note A gas appliance is usually ... ... Technical translator's guide

GOST 15047-78: Household heating appliances. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST 15047 78: Household heating appliances. Terms and definitions original document: 76. Automatic electric burner Electric burner, providing automatic transition from the heating mode to the specified thermal mode ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Devices used in residential and public buildings for cooking, heating water, heating rooms and creating artificial cold. The heat released during the combustion of the gas is used as energy in gas combustion. G. p., ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Household waste- - wastes of consumption, generated in living conditions as a result of the vital activity of the population. [GOST 30772 2013] Term heading: Production waste Encyclopedia headings: Abrasive equipment, Abrasives, Roads ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials


  • Household appliances of time, A. I. Naberezhnykh, V. V. Yarabaev Category: Textbooks for universities Publisher: Alpha-M, Infra-M, Manufacturer: Alpha-M, Infra-M,
  • Household time devices, AI Naberezhnykh, VV Yarabaev, The history of the development of clocks from ancient to the latest molecular and atomic devices is presented. Designs of mechanical, electronic-mechanical and electronic clocks are given, as well as ... Category: Machinery and equipment Series: Service and Tourism Publisher:

The puppy Antoshka entered the kitchen with the aim of examining this room for the presence of electrical appliances. He found a stove, kettle, toaster, oven, electric waffle iron, electric grill, etc.

In heating appliances, electrical energy is converted into heat. Compared with other types of electric heating has a number of advantages, namely, it provides a more uniform distribution of heat, as well as a wide range of temperature regulation by changing the current in the heating element. Electrical devices provide the best hygienic working conditions, since with electric heating there is no open flame, smoke, harmful gases, soot, ash, and the risk of fire is also reduced. There is no need to worry about fuel, its delivery and storage, removal of combustion products, etc.

The efficiency of most electric heating devices is 60-70%, and in some cases it reaches 95%, while the efficiency of heating devices operating on gaseous fuel does not exceed 50-60%, on liquid fuel - 20-40% , with steam heating - 45-65%, and with coal - only 12-20%.

The basis of any electric heating device is a heating element, in which electrical energy is converted into heat. As heating elements in household electrical appliances, conductors from special alloys are used that have a high resistivity, a high melting point and do not oxidize when heated in air. These alloys are nichrome and fechral.

Electric heating devices can be seen not only in the kitchen - these are irons, water heaters, an electric fireplace

Electric kettles and coffee pots

Electric kettles and coffee pots are made with a double bottom, between the walls of which a plate-type heating element is placed. The heating element is covered from above and below with heat-resistant insulating plates made of micanite and by means of a metal disk it is tightly pressed from below to the bottom of the vessel of the device. The ends of the heating element are connected to the terminal pins by means of thin flexible brass strips. Contact pins are installed on the side of the device, in a safety clip.

Teapots and coffee pots are also available with heating elements in the form of a nichrome or fechral spiral, insulated with ceramic beads. Such a device for heating elements is more convenient for replacing it at home in case of burnout.

The latest models of electric kettles and coffee pots are made with hermetically sealed tubular heating elements, which, depending on the design of the device, can be placed under the bottom or inside the vessel.

Electric irons

The electric iron is one of the first electrical appliances to appear in everyday life. Due to their simplicity, durability and the ability to regulate the temperature on the working surface when ironing fabrics, electric irons are most widely used in everyday life.

Currently, the industry produces various types of irons: without temperature control, with temperature control by a thermostat, with temperature control and moistening of the fabric during ironing.

In everyday life, irons with heating elements in the form of a wire spiral, insulated with ceramic beads and laid in the grooves of the iron sole, as well as with plate heating elements, are most widely used. They are simple in design and allow easy replacement of the heating element in the event of a burnout. The service life of spiral and plate heating elements is over 1000 hours.

Electric fireplace

Electric fireplaces are used to heat small rooms with directed heat rays. They consist of a rectangular metal box with legs, inside of which spirals are mounted on ceramic rods arranged horizontally. The ends of the coils are attached to pins attached to the back of the case. A metal reflector is placed in the depths of the fireplace body, which creates a directed flow of heat rays. The reflector surface is polished to give it a mirror finish. The direction of the heat rays is changed by turning the reflector or the body of the fireplace.

The heating elements of the fireplace are protected from touching them by a protected metal or fireplace body.

The heating elements of the fireplace are protected from touching them by a protective metal grate or mesh.

The power consumed by them is 600 - 1500 W, and the fireplace with a fan is 1025 W, of which 25 W is accounted for by the electric motor.

Lighting devices are divided into two groups: devices

short-range - luminaires and long-range devices -


The main task of electric lighting devices is to convert electrical energy into light.

The luminaire represents the totality of the light source andlighting fixtures.Lighting fixtures are intended for: redistributionthe luminous flux created by the light source in the requiredthe board; eye protection from the glare of the light source; fasteningslight sources and electric current supply; protect the lamp frommechanical damage, dust, moisture, etc .; and also forspecial purposes: changes in the spectral composition of radiation, etc.

The next type is electric assistants.

Power tools are devices that are widely used in construction, installation, repair, adjustment, inspection, etc. These include hammer drills, grinders, drills, electric saws, electronic meters, and more. Their primary role is primarily to assist workers in performing jobs and certain specific tasks.

Vacuum cleaner

When the vacuum cleaner is connected to the electrical network, its electric motor starts to rotate with a rotation frequency of 12,000 - 18,000 rpm. At the same time, the fan rotates, which creates a strong vacuum inside the vacuum cleaner and at the inlet. As a result of this vacuum, an air flow is formed, which, together with dust and debris, is sucked into the vacuum cleaner.

According to this principle (electric motor) accelerates the work of the necessary parts of the electrical appliance.

So in augers electric meat grinders the product is advanced by a rotating auger, cut with a knife and forced through the grate. The principle of operation is the same as in manual meat grinders, but the rotation force is performed by an electric motor. The screw rotation speed is 29-30 rpm.

Another kind - uh electrical appliances for personal hygiene and treatment.

Devices for space heating and microclimate creation: electric radiators, electric fireplaces, reflectors, small heating appliances, quartz lamps, room fans, ionizers, air heaters, etc.

Reflector and fan heater

Reflector. Consists of one or more heating elements and a reflector. Energy is transmitted by the radiation of the reflector ("mirror") in the direction where the device is turned. Power consumption - 1200 - 3200 W. The advantages of the device include its relative cheapness, as well as the beginning of heating immediately after switching on.

Fan heater. Air enters through openings in the housing, is heated by spirals (one or more) and is distributed with the help of a fan. Power consumption - 1000 - 3000 W. As a rule, the device has a thermostat and a mode switch (changes the number of turned on spirals). It can be used as a fan in the summer. The fan heater, thanks to forced circulation, heats the room quickly and evenly.

Oil heater (radiator).

It contains a heating element (one or more) that heats the oil in a closed system. When in contact with the heater, the air in the room heats up. Power consumption - 2000 - 2500 W. The device is completely safe, equipped with a mode switch and a thermostat. The heat spreads evenly in all directions, and the air in the room does not dry out. The disadvantages of the device include high weight, relatively high cost, slow warming up of the room.

And the last one - electrical entertainment (educational) devices

They have a very complex operating principle.