Projects of houses with an attic and a garage: maximum convenience and comfort. Roofs of houses with an attic and a garage: photos of original ideas Projects of houses with a built-in garage and an attic

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are aesthetically pleasing and practical. There is simply no better option for rationally using the area. Few people use the attic, except perhaps for household needs. But having improved it a little, you will get a magnificent house with an attic, where you can place a children's room, a bedroom or an office.

Attic in the house

Now more and more often they order a house project with an attic and a garage. Such a compact extension makes it possible to significantly save land space for arranging a cozy courtyard, besides, it looks beautiful. Such a large or not very large mansion can become a kind of visiting card of the owner and tell a lot about his tastes.

We decided to build a one-story house with an attic, get ready for the fact that the roof project of the house will have to be developed very carefully and with the involvement of specialists. After all, warm and humid air that rises from the house forms condensate, and external natural influences (rain, snow, sun) can significantly affect the condition of the interior decoration of the room upstairs. In order to prevent this from happening, reliable steam, heat and waterproofing will be required. But despite some special requirements, the increase in living space is worth it. And the cost is cheaper than the construction of a two-story building with the same area.

So, the roof is ready, it remains to think over and implement its insulation, so that in the future the room would be cozy and comfortable. As you know, the heat loss is the greatest there. This is due to the fact that there is no natural thermal cushion that exists in structures with an ordinary ceiling.

Such a house roof project requires careful and careful selection of materials for insulation. Lots of options:

  • Styrofoam- cheap material, easy to install, good heat insulator, but flammable;
  • fiberboard. Such material is best used if there is a bath under the attic. Fiberboard is an excellent heat and sound insulator, it is easy to work with it. However, its use in residential areas is not recommended;
  • glass wool- Budget option. But laying it is somewhat problematic: a lot of dust hazardous to health, special protection will be required. But the advantage is undeniable - the thermal insulation qualities are excellent, it is resistant to ignition.

The choice of heaters on sale is great. Finding the right one won't be difficult.

Projects of two-story houses with a garage

Typical projects of two-story houses with a garage in large quantities, for every taste, are offered by many construction companies. The owner of the land plot for construction can only choose the one he likes. Well, if the site is large, then you do not have to save space. But there are sites that are quite narrow, it seems that there is simply no way to build your dream house on it. But it's not. There are also projects for buildings with a garage in such areas.

Features for narrow areas:

  • one wall is erected “deaf”, that is, without windows. This allows you to locate the building as close as possible to the boundary boundary of the site with neighbors;
  • outbuildings are recommended to be placed along the longitudinal walls. Thus, bedrooms, living rooms, and other rooms that require bright lighting are located at the ends, their natural lighting is maximum;
  • entrance - gable or from the end, which also saves space by building a porch or a small veranda;
  • if the building faces a noisy highway, it can be fenced with green spaces, and a garage can be built at the front of the site. So it will not take up much space;
  • it is advisable to think about all additional engineering systems in advance (well, lighting, etc.), even before the start of construction, so that you do not have to lay out additional funds. After all, changes in an already approved project will require additional payment.

Well, what is a homestead without a garden? To make it beautiful, original, landscape designers are advised to divide it into zones with arches, trellises, green spaces. However, the zones should not be completely isolated from one another. Otherwise, the site will turn into many, albeit cozy, but cramped corners.

Projects of one-story houses with a garage

The main factor affecting the number of storeys in the construction of a house, most often, the size of the land. Projects of one-story houses with a garage are more in demand because of the ease of movement around the building, especially if there are small children or the elderly - you do not need to climb the stairs every day, especially since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises does not always allow them to be convenient for movement. And screw ones, which occupy a minimum area, are not easy to overcome even for an adult healthy person.

When building a mansion with a garage, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land is also saved. After all, a car house attached to the main building will take up less space in the yard, which will create comfort in its use. In addition to the direct purpose, you can adapt it to a workshop or store unnecessary things in residential premises.

  • You don't have to go outside during the rain to get into the car, because the entrance to it can be directly from the house;
  • no need to worry about your car left on the street or in the parking lot;
  • In winter, you do not have to warm up the engine for a long time to start it.

Is this home your dream home?

If the estimated area of ​​houses is 150 sq. m or 100 sq. m, then they will be quite economical, despite the fact that the roof will require certain costs. In the room itself, it is possible, by designing several corridors, which will also be endowed with a certain functionality, to isolate each room.

The room upstairs will look more spacious if the angle of the roof is large. It depends on this, and in what capacity it will be used as a living space: a nursery, a bedroom or a summer version of the veranda. In any case, the presence of such a room will meet the needs of all family members.

Advantages of a building with a room under the roof:

  • aesthetics, design affects the appearance of a mansion or cottage;
  • a huge range of materials is used for construction (brick, log, timber and other building materials);
  • the cost of roof insulation will be much higher than the insulation of the attic.

Each mansard mansard is unique. For their design, architects use bay windows, exclusive windows, balconies, columns. The interior design of the room can be no less original: non-standard furniture, designer interior delights, functional niches for various purposes, all this will make housing unique, characteristic only for the inhabitants of the house.

Even if you remake an ordinary roof into an attic, a foundation that is not designed for the construction of a second floor, it will not bear a heavy load. After all, relatively light building materials are used for the room upstairs: glass wool, fiberboard, foam plastic, drywall, and other light but reliable ones.

If you intend to live “in the attic” all year round, then you don’t need to save on the quality of building materials. Remember the proverb: a miser pays twice.

House 8 by 8 with an attic

An 8 by 8 house with an attic is an economical option compared to building a one-story or two-story house. This is an ideal option for price and quality. Beautiful projects of such buildings can be found on many sites of construction companies that are engaged in the construction of mansions, cottages, country houses.

A small house with a room in the attic is appropriate for construction both in a summer cottage and for permanent housing, if the space does not allow the construction of a large mansion or cottage. Such houses are rational, have a number of advantages over one-story ones:

  • the area will be almost the same;
  • inside it will be warmer due to the fact that the attic is not heated in vain;
  • construction, turnkey delivery is cheaper - less building materials will be needed, which means that cash costs will be reduced;
  • the communication length is significantly reduced, the costs too;
  • saving land on the site.

Have you decided to build a small mansion, are you deciding between a one-story with an attic and a two-story one? Choose the first option, but be prepared for some features:

  • the optimal attic wall is from one meter to 1.2 m;
  • so that it is not stuffy, the ventilation system must be properly designed, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without specialists;
  • although lucarnes make the house more attractive, they give much less light than windows;
  • without problems, such houses are built initially, but if the roof of a one-story one is being redone, then it is necessary to take into account the features and parameters of the floor (truss structures, roofing pies, etc.).

When erecting all buildings 8 by 8 m, like any other buildings, climatic conditions and soils are taken into account. In accordance with them, building materials are selected.

Projects of houses from a bar with an attic

Already only projects of houses made of timber with an attic look spectacular, original. And the finished buildings are simply amazing. In addition to being beautiful, they are also cozy and comfortable. It is not for nothing that our ancestors appreciated this building material many centuries ago, building their dwellings from logs.

Recently, more and more people have been building housing from a bar - a fashionable, unusual design, a stylish, creative look attracts. But the main thing is that it is profitable, and living in it is comfortable. Photos of house projects can be viewed here.

Each building is thought out in design, you will not find the same. And if the owner also fantasizes, then it can turn out just a fabulous house. Is it possible to resist the temptation to sit in a room with a glass wall on a cold winter evening or a warm summer evening, admire nature outside the window?

Houses made of timber have proven themselves both as summer cottages and as full-fledged housing for year-round use. Typical projects for such log cabins with an attic are designed for large one-story, two-story buildings, for compact 6x9, 8x8 meters of country houses.

Timber buildings are always unique. After all, the requirements that are fully met:

  • originality;
  • beauty:
  • demand;
  • inexpensive price;
  • speed of work.

Buildings are built from high-tech materials, such as profiled timber. Coniferous wood is used for its manufacture. The beam from the inner side is usually planed, flat, and its outer side can be semi-oval. The profile bar can be both for winter buildings and for country houses. It differs in thickness. Thickness up to 200 millimeters is a bar for capital buildings.

As you can see, an almost useless, cold attic can turn into a cozy room where you can retire, receive guests over a cup of coffee, or arrange a comfortable bedroom. And from the outside, such a structure will significantly improve the appearance of the mansion. The attic will make any house unique, original.

  • windows should preferably be located on the south side of the house;
  • the height of the ceilings should be such that a person can walk without bending over three deaths.
  • The most common construction mistakes:

    • the insulation layer is laid taking into account the climatic zone;
    • there should be no gaps in the insulation;
    • it is not recommended to use a heater for horizontal surfaces;
    • in places where the insulation material is adjacent to the walls, its contour must be closed.

    A cottage with an attic, complemented by a built-in garage, is a synthesis of the maximum functionality of a dwelling with the economy of its construction and further living. "Domamo" will offer you the development of buildings of this type - in the catalog of projects of houses with an attic and a garage, there are dozens of options with photos, the ability to preview characteristics and layout drawings.

    Advantages and disadvantages of attic houses with a garage

    Projects of attic houses with a garage are extremely popular in the suburban area of ​​Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. They are valued due to the placement of a spacious cottage on a small plot of land, as well as the advantageous proximity of a car protected from weather troubles. This gives the owner of the estate the mobility necessary for modern man. Such housing is also characterized by the following important qualities:

    • Insulation of the upper rooms from cold and wind with roof slopes, under which bedrooms and children's rooms are often arranged,
    • Savings on the construction of additional walls and ceilings required in a full-fledged two-story house and a separate garage,
    • Possibility of building a unified heating system for the residential area and a warm room for the car,
    • The use of various materials, many options for planning and exterior finishes.

    However, when choosing such housing, it should be remembered that the attic over one-story buildings has a slightly smaller area than a full-fledged second floor. When building a garage into a house, also pay attention to which rooms have common partitions with it. Such a neighborhood will negatively affect the microclimate of bedrooms and guest rooms, where extraneous sounds and gases can penetrate.

    Designing a house with an attic and a garage

    An attic-type cottage with a garage complex is a rather complex structure that requires the mandatory participation of specialists at the design stage. The Domamo catalog contains ready-made works, the results of which can be seen in the drawings and photographs. You can find the project you need using the advanced filter by asking yourself in the search:

    • Floors of the future building,
    • Materials of walls, ceilings, roofs, external cladding, etc.,
    • The area and composition of the premises,
    • The dimensions and functionality of the technical zone (garage for one or more cars, etc.),
    • The presence of balconies, terraces, additional equipment and much more.

    Projects of houses with an attic and a garage, proposed by our architects, are now in high demand. The popularity of attic buildings is due to many factors:

      economy of construction

      building exterior aesthetics

      originality of the interior

      the opportunity to get more usable space

      the ability to conveniently divide the interior space into two zones.

    If desired, you can purchase a development of a cottage with spectacular loggias, bay windows, wide glazing, a two-height living room. Carefully thought-out beautiful projects of houses with an attic and a garage are an excellent basis for respectable housing in elite cottage settlements. We also have projects of simple, concise buildings that do not require large construction costs.

    You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

    The presence of an attached garage provides the house with an even higher level of comfort. A well-designed extension harmoniously fits into a holistic architectural composition. Usually, the entrance to the garage is located next to the main entrance to the house. Often in garages, an exit from the back of the house is provided. In many projects, you will see the internal communication of the garage extension with the residential part of the house. However, some developers do not want to have a garage connected to the house by an internal entrance. For them, we have projects with attached but fully insulated garages.

    If there is a need to expand the house, then developers, as a rule, consider two options.

    The first is the addition of additional premises. But, taken out of the perimeter of the bearing walls, they can only serve as household or auxiliary.

    The second option is more acceptable. We are talking about additional square meters due to the restructuring of the second floor. In this case, the project of a house with an attic is the best option. Having insulated the roof, you can get additional full-fledged residential and utility rooms.

    How functional and economically justified is it? Let's try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

    Projects of houses with an attic: "for"

    • Such housing will save on building space. That is, it is logical to build a house with an attic on a small plot of land.
    • In the issue of rational use of the total area of ​​the building, projects of houses with an attic win compared to one-story and even two-story buildings in which the attic is not used rationally.
    • The second floor of the house and the attic differ in terms of financial costs. In the classic version, the attic is a more economical option. If brick, concrete, timber, insulation, materials for exterior decoration are needed to equip a full-fledged second floor, then the attic equipment is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans a warm attic, then the costs of insulation are added. Only in this case, you can get both a residential floor and a roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 of usable area of ​​a house with an attic is significantly lower compared to other projects.
    • In addition, warm air from the lower rooms rises, which makes heating the attic floor less expensive. We can confidently talk about reducing fuel and electricity consumption, and therefore about savings in the operation of an already finished building.

    Projects of houses with an attic: "against"

    • Some experts argue that the main drawback of the projects of houses with an attic is their poor lighting. We are sure that this minus is conditional. You can solve the problem very simply due to the roof windows. In addition, much more light enters the room through them than through vertical windows. Of course, attic double-glazed windows are not a cheap pleasure. But with the funds saved during construction, you can afford a comfortable organization of everyday life. In addition, there is always the opportunity to design windows and even balconies in gables.
    • The second drawback of projects of houses with an attic can also be considered as conditional. It is believed that sloping ceilings cause depression in the residents of the house. But competent organization and design of the premises easily eliminate this contradiction.

    Drawing conclusions from the above

    A house with an attic allows you to effectively use a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. In addition to rationality, the attic adorns a private country house. Quite often, bedrooms and recreation areas are located on the attic floor.

    The lower floor can be redesigned in such a way that on the same foundation with the house there is also a garage for a car, or even for two.

    The advantage of a garage combined with a house is that:

    • the car is in a warmer room, because at least one of its walls is adjacent to the house;
    • it is more convenient to bring in / take things out of the car;
    • there is additional space for storing the accessories needed by the car owner;
    • savings on pouring the foundation and material for the walls.

    The above factors indicate the demand for such layouts, therefore, various projects of a house with an attic and a garage are offered.

    You can classify projects in different ways, but they all include 3 sections

    1. architectural;
    2. Engineering;
    3. constructive.

    We invite you to take a look at some of the projects.

    The size of the plot for the construction of such a house.

    The project of a one-story house with an attic and a garage for two cars

    If there are often guests in the house, or the family owns more than one car, then projects of one-story houses with an attic and a garage for two cars have been developed for them, the photos of which are presented below.

    The plan and dimensions of the land plot, and the layout of the house on it.

    The material was prepared for the site

    The proposed projects are developed taking into account all the requirements and standards of construction and communications.

    Naturally, each of them provides for changes in accordance with the proposals of a particular customer.

    • minor changes. May include changes to the size of windows, doors, or their location. In this case, in any of the proposed projects, you can make adjustments and start construction;
    • significant changes. Relate to redevelopment, type of ceiling, height of the premises. Here the project will act as a guideline. If you do it yourself, then you will need to familiarize yourself with additional regulatory literature that regulates certain decisions;
    • significant changes. Affect the transfer of load-bearing structures and changes in engineering solutions. This entails the development of a new project.

    The projects presented on this page are examples, we do not develop or modify existing projects. The materials are informational in nature.

    When designing a house with an attic and a garage, you need to study as many projects as possible. This will make it possible to develop a detailed project, as well as take into account all the nuances, so that during the construction phase there are no hitches or problems that will affect the operation of the building or even make it impossible to build it.