Professions where physics is not needed. What specialties do you need to take physics for? Who to work in the specialty "Physics"

A physicist is one who uses his education and experience to study and apply the interactions between matter and energy in the fields of mechanics, acoustics, optics, heat, electricity, magnetism, radiation, atomic structure and nuclear phenomena.

Karl Darrow

The popularity of technical specialties is growing every day. To become highly qualified specialists in this field, you need deep knowledge in the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science. Any modern specialty is related to physics. Today, each specialist must be able to work with the equipment necessary for this profession, as well as understand the essence of technological processes.
Physics is a fundamental science. In one way or another, all technical sciences are based on physical laws and phenomena. Physics is closely related to engineering, programming, radio engineering, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, aircraft and rocket engineering, electrical and heat power engineering, mining and oil and gas business. Specialists with knowledge of physics are needed in the field of construction, medicine, mechanics, automation and electronics, high technology and many other areas.


Physicist- a scientist whose scientific research is mainly devoted to physics. Physicists work on a wide range of problems, from subatomic particles to the behavior of the universe.

The subject of professional activity of a physicist is the field of science and technology, which includes a set of tools, techniques, methods and methods for obtaining complete and reliable information about the nature and quantitative laws of the course of physical processes in the surrounding world, existing and new technical systems for different industries.

A physicist is engaged in the study of objects of the surrounding world and the laws of their interaction. He considers objects as physical bodies, and their interaction as physical phenomena. Conducts physical research through experiment, builds mathematical models of physical phenomena, describes the basic properties of the surrounding world. The study of physical phenomena allows physicists to discover general laws and use them in order to progress.

For a physicist, observation and curiosity, persistence and desire to learn new things, patience and critical thinking, a tendency to experiment, interest in nature and the ability to scientific creativity are important. The profession requires from a specialist mainly intellectual costs. Activities are related to the analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, the development of new solutions.

Within the profession of "physicist" there are many specializations.

Nuclear physicist conducts scientific research on the problems posed in the field of nuclear physics. The subjects of professional activity of a nuclear physicist are nuclear physical phenomena and processes (nuclear reactions, radioactivity, interaction of nuclear radiation with matter, nuclear isomerism, nuclear magnetic resonance, interaction of neutrons with nuclei, thermonuclear reactions, controlled thermonuclear fusion, etc.); radioactive substances; devices, mechanisms and equipment of the nuclear power complex. The nuclear physicist develops, implements and controls the state of the production and technological process at the enterprises of the nuclear power complex.

Biophysicist- a specialist in the study of biological problems, the cause of which is physical and chemical life processes.

Biophysics- a field of science that studies physical and physicochemical phenomena that occur in living organisms. This area of ​​science is related to the study of various biological processes or phenomena using laboratory experiments and mathematical calculations. The main task of a biophysicist is to study the physical and chemical processes that can cause a biological problem.

A biophysicist studies physical and physicochemical processes in living organisms at all levels of the organization of living matter, as well as the fine structure of various biological systems. The biophysicist is also studying the effect on the body of such physical factors as vibration, acceleration, weightlessness, studies the biological effect of ionizing radiation, carries out a physical analysis of the activity of the sensory organs and analyzes the work of the organs of movement, respiration, blood circulation as physical systems, and solves the issues of strength and elasticity of tissues.


The engineering profession has always been the foundation of world development. The level of technical equipment even before the beginning of our era determined the superiority of one civilization over others. And today it is technical innovations that ensure the development of civilization.

Today engineering professions are the most numerous professions of highly skilled labor. In our country, more than a third of specialists with higher education are engineers. The engineer participates in the production of all material goods of society - from food and consumer goods to complex computers and space rockets.

A modern engineer is a specialist with a high culture, well-versed in modern technology and technology, economics and organization of production, who knows how to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and at the same time has the ability to invent. The work of an engineer is the link between scientific discoveries, developments and their practical application. Engineers manage production sites in industrial enterprises, in construction, agriculture and other industries, work in design bureaus, laboratories and research institutions, are involved in the organization of production, planning and economics. They design technologies, industrial equipment, machines, participate in the design and development of production control systems, production automation, business, management processes. They study the causes of deterioration and disruptions in production, test products, determine their quality, etc.

For a full-fledged and high-quality work, an engineer needs mathematical and technical skills; Analytical mind; concentration of attention; abstractness of thinking; a penchant for research activities; drawing skills.

There are many engineering specialties.

Energy Engineer- a specialist with a higher technical education in the development, production or operation of systems intended for thermal or electrical supply. His job responsibilities are largely determined by the position and specifics of the enterprise. In design and commissioning enterprises, power engineers restore and design the power grids of enterprises. At the energy enterprises themselves, they ensure the uninterrupted operation of the system, are engaged in its repair, and also determine the technological process of working with energy equipment.

Design engineer- an engineering specialty, whose activity is necessary for the development and creation of the final (target) product from the products and resources of existing material production. He creates new objects of material culture from the available resources, organizes and technically equips the labor of other people.

Design engineers create, check and edit drawings, calculate the design of structures, participate in the approval and protection of the project, conduct technical and architectural supervision over its implementation. The responsibilities of the designer also include testing and adjustment of experimental products and parts that are planned to be used in the future. Develops draft, technical and working projects and products of varying complexity, organizes technological processes for manufacturing parts and assembling machines, conducts research in the field of design, determines indicators of the technical level of designed products, calculates the economic efficiency of projects being implemented, prepares technical documentation for the developed structures.

Mechanical engineer- a specialist with a higher technical education in the design, construction and operation of technological equipment.

A mechanical engineer designs, designs and operates mechanical equipment, machines, devices and apparatus, automatic lines, means and systems for complex mechanization and automation of production, organizes and conducts their installation, adjustment, testing. He develops, plans and organizes technological processes, chooses the optimal conditions for their implementation. His responsibilities also include planning and carrying out repairs of machines, drawing up technical specifications for the reconstruction of existing and creation of new installations. In the field of agricultural production, a mechanical engineer directs machine operators, manages the entire mechanization of agriculture.

The main purpose of a mechanical engineer is the design of mechanical equipment and technological processes and the organization of equipment maintenance.

An engineer of this specialty is a highly qualified specialist with deep knowledge of the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, the theory of automatic control, industrial electronics and computer technology.

Civil engineer works in general construction and specialized construction, construction and installation, commissioning, operational, design, engineering and scientific organizations.

He carries out production, technological, organizational and managerial, design and construction and research activities in the field of construction. These specialists solve problems related to the design and construction of buildings and structures, systems and devices for water supply and sewerage, roads and pipelines, power lines and communications and other facilities.

In the course of his professional activity, a civil engineer calculates, designs and develops building structures, foundations and foundations, underground parts of structures in various soil conditions. Develops and implements technologies for the manufacture and installation of building structures, projects for the organization of construction and the production of construction work using complex mechanization and advanced labor methods.

A civil engineer supervises construction, installation and commissioning works, controls their quality, exercises technical supervision over the implementation of design solutions and the implementation of construction and installation works. He is engaged in labor rationing and budgeting in construction, engineering support for brigade cost accounting, draws up orders and calculates labor costs and wages of workers.

Metallurgical engineer studies and implements technologies for the production of various metals. The responsibilities of the metallurgical engineer include determining the chemical composition of the alloy, choosing the appropriate temperature and processing time, controlling the casting and stamping of the finished alloy, and welding several finished parts. He is responsible for carrying out the technological process, offers new technologies to reduce the cost of the finished product and reduce energy costs.

The subjects of professional activity are technological processes of the metallurgical industry, processing of raw materials and the production of metal products with increased consumer properties, technologies for obtaining and processing metals and materials, studying the structure and properties, equipment for mining and metallurgical production, automatic control systems for metallurgical production and quality control of final products.

Process Engineer is engaged in the organization of production processes or the development of a specific technology in manufacturing enterprises. He himself chooses a set of equipment on which he carries out the technological process, the optimal mode of operation, methods for assessing results and quality control, maintains technological documentation. The process engineer is in charge of the rationalization and inventive work of the enterprise for the development of production capacities.

Welding Process Engineer is a specialist in the field of welding technology. He supervises the technological preparation of welding in the manufacture of products; organizes the development and introduces advanced welding methods into production; monitors the observance of the technological modes of welding, the rate of consumption of materials.

Electrical Engineer is able to perform any work on the design, installation, commissioning, repair and modernization of power lines and substations from low to super- and ultra-high voltages, high-tech, safe and economical maintenance of electrical networks, thermal and nuclear power plants using new progressive technologies, equipment and automated systems ...

Mining engineer (mine surveyor)- a specialist in carrying out spatial and geometric measurements in the bowels of the earth and on the corresponding sections of its surface, followed by displaying the measurement results on plans, maps and sections during mining and geological exploration.

A mine surveyor works in the exploration of mineral deposits, at construction and operating mining enterprises, at the construction of underground structures. He is engaged in geodetic measurements and markings, and the quality of the work of tunnellers, builders, etc. depends on their accuracy.

Mining Mechanical Engineer Is a specialist in the design of mining and processing machines and mechanisms used in concentration and processing industries.

These specialists are engaged in the design, operation and repair of mining machines and mechanisms used in the development of mineral deposits by open and underground methods.

Metrology engineer is engaged in checking and adjusting the accuracy of measuring devices and devices. The main goal of his activity is to bring measuring instruments in full compliance with the established standards. A metrologist needs to develop verification diagrams for various types of measurements, instructions, techniques and other metrological documentation, as well as check, repair and calibrate measuring instruments. He monitors the compliance of measuring methods and instruments with legal requirements, conducts metrological expertise.

Standardization Engineer Is a specialist in the field of ensuring and assessing product quality, as well as monitoring the operating conditions of technical means (devices, equipment), fixing rules in standards and regulations to achieve resource savings while observing production safety.

Standardization is a whole science that studies, analyzes, generalizes and formulates the laws of production processes in order to achieve their optimal degree of order.

A standardization engineer controls technical documentation, develops new and revises existing standards, specifications and other documents on standardization and certification, works on their implementation at enterprises. Studies the technical level of products, production features and the results of operation of standardized products and their individual elements.

Radio engineer is engaged in the design, development and operation of specialized electronic devices, instrumentation for digital transmission lines, software and hardware for organizing digital radio communication channels.

Radio and television, computer technology, devices for scientific research and medicine, mobile radio communication systems - this is not a complete list of those areas where it is impossible to do without a radio engineer. They are interested in academic and industrial research institutes, computing centers, design and engineering organizations, manufacturing enterprises, directly or indirectly related to electronic devices and apparatus, computers, automated systems, software, and various applications.

Software engineer carries out activities in the field of design, production and operation of software based on modern information technologies. The main task of the software engineer is the development of programs based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, applied, economic and other problems that ensure the implementation of these algorithms and tasks by means of computer technology.

The responsibilities of the software engineer include the development of technology, stages and sequence of problem solving; selection of a programming language and translation of the used models and algorithms of tasks into it; determination of information for processing on a computer (its volume, structure, layouts and input schemes, storage and playback method). He is engaged in preparing programs for debugging and debugging, checking programs based on logical analysis, correcting them in the process of revision. Provides support for implemented programs and software. Develops instructions for working with programs, prepares the necessary technical documentation.

Physics teacher

Physics teacher carries out training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of teaching the academic subject "physics". Conducts lessons, additional optional classes, leads subject circles. Draws up a thematic work plan for the subject, ensures the implementation of the curriculum. Participates in methodological work, uses the most effective forms, methods and teaching aids. Analyzes student progress, ensures compliance with academic discipline. Forms the skills and abilities of independent work of schoolchildren, stimulates their cognitive activity and educational motivation. Achieves a lasting and deep assimilation of knowledge on the subject, the ability to apply knowledge in practice. Equips and decorates the classroom. Studying and taking into account in the work the individual characteristics of students, participates in work with parents.

Physics is considered one of the most difficult subjects of the school curriculum, as it is a dynamically changing scientific field. Therefore, a physics teacher needs to follow all the news in the world of science, get acquainted with new discoveries, technical achievements and inventions.

The main task of a physics teacher is to teach children to understand the world around them, the processes that occur around them in everyday life.

Today there are many professions that you can choose from. But physics-related professions are an integral part of our entire life.

A physicist is, first of all, a scientist whose main research is, of course, physics.

Physicists deal with a wide range of topics and problems, such as subatomic particles or the behavior of the universe as a whole.

A separate term for a scientist who is engaged in physics must be attributed to the middle of the 19th century. It was at this time that physics emerged as a separate science with its objects for study, as well as the methods of study used.

The first explorers of these questions were scientists of the ancient world: Heraclitus, Anaximenes. It was Heraclitus who first suggested that all the bodies that surround us consist of the smallest indivisible particles called atoms.

In the beginning, physics was inextricably linked with philosophy. The birth of physics as a separate science happened in the era of enlightenment.

Those times are associated with the names of Hooke, Newton and Leibniz. A physicist is studying objects from the world around us, as well as the laws according to which they interact.

He studies objects as physical bodies, and the interaction of objects as physical phenomena.

The study of physical phenomena provides an opportunity for physicists to discover general laws, as well as apply them to general progress. Physicists study physical objects through experiments.

Within the framework of such a profession as a physicist, there are a large number of specializations.

An example is a nuclear physicist who examines the properties and structure of atomic nuclei.

Or a laser physicist who studies the theory of how lasers work.

But the most widespread and developing direction in physics today is, of course, quantum physics, which enables us to learn new microparticles.

And the sphere in which a physicist can apply his abilities and knowledge is determined by the specialization received in an educational institution.

Every technological innovation used by modern mankind requires scientific and experimental work from a physicist. That is why at every large enterprise that produces modern technology, the position of a physicist-engineer is provided.

And those who work in research institutes patent all their discoveries. And any interested manufacturer can take advantage of its scientific development if it pays for a patent.

People who seriously want to deal with issues in the field of physics need to have a number of abilities and qualities.

First of all, these are analytical abilities, a tendency to analyze, mathematical abilities, well-developed long-term and short-term memory, the ability to concentrate, self-organization, responsibility, developed intuition, curiosity, emotional stability.

Physics can be divided into theoretical, experimental and applied physics. Each, in turn, is divided into several areas: nuclear physics, micro- and nanoelectronics, materials science, energy, aerospace technology, nanotechnology, etc. Students choose one of them and, if possible, after graduation work in their specialty. If not, then our list of additional options will help them.

Physics teacher, teacher

The most obvious option: you could not find a job in a specialty that you studied for several years, you can go. In order to get a job at school, a teacher's diploma may be required. But as far as physics is concerned, it is more important to be a practitioner, to know the laws and their operation, to be able to solve problems, analyze formulas, demonstrate experiments.

You can teach at a university without postgraduate studies. But building a career without a PhD is almost impossible. Most positions require an academic degree.

Laboratory employee

There are scientific laboratories in universities, research institutes and design bureaus at huge factories of the military-industrial complex. It is worth going here for those who want to devote themselves to science and technology, since it is in such institutions that new and innovative things are created, researched, tried, implemented and developed. Employees are frequent guests of thematic conferences. The prospect is to grow up to the head of the laboratory, the head of the center.

Author of popular science texts

Practitioners become the best authors in narrow topics. For a physicist who knows how to put words into sentences, and sentences into texts, there is scope for part-time work or basic earnings - from freelance cooperation with the author of a section of a thematic site to writing manuals like "Physics for Children" and compiling a collection of problems, from articles to VAK journals to editor of a popular science publication.

Project Promotion Manager / Grant Applicant / Consultant

V recent times The Russian government, represented by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, allocates an incredible number of grants to support scientific schools, young scientists and researchers. The bill goes to hundreds of thousands of rubles a year for a student or graduate student and millions for employees with a candidate or doctor of science degree. But to get such a grant, you need to justify it. And this is no longer so easy to do. It is necessary to draw up a detailed application, in which it is necessary to list the final results of the proposed research, the required equipment and material costs at all stages of the project, a list of performers and a reasonable groundwork on the topic of the allocated grant.

A competitive application is written for at least a month. But a competent drafter can work on multiple grant projects at the same time. For each grant received, the applicant can receive approximately 10-15% of its amount. Translated into rubles, this is 100-150 thousand from the millionth grant.

Organizer and host of a science show

Shows of experiments and physical phenomena have become popular in recent years. If you have a business acumen and organizational skills, you can open a similar company yourself and involve fellow students in the work. Or get a job in those that are already known in your city.

Children react enthusiastically to such shows. And it is not difficult to surprise them to an experienced physicist. "Rainbow" glasses, artificial snow, invisible ink ... Similar experiments can be carried out by any freshman of physics and technology. A minimum of props, a white robe, spectacular glasses, a bright wig to create an image - and the Professor is ready to amaze children.

Depending on the city and the number of children, such shows are paid from 5 thousand rubles and more.

Tour guide in scientific or experimental museums

The Polytechnic Museum in Moscow, Experimentariums, Einsteiniums, scientific and technical expositions, lecture halls ... People are moving to a new level of development. It is not enough for us to look at the pictures and bones of a mammoth. We want to learn new things, learn, comprehend and expand the horizons of our consciousness. That is why such establishments are so popular. And who, if not an expert in a scientific topic, can tell the best how the material world works?

Consultant in popular science programs and cinematography

TV shows like The Big Bang Theory can provide you with a job for several years

Explain, decipher and show with an example, disassemble in stages, retell in "simple" words, see and eliminate errors - this is what consultants and experts do. Where can such services be needed? On television and film studios, in the editorial offices of scientific publications, authors of videos and texts for websites, etc. Or you can create your own website on a scientific topic - an analogue of a polytechnic museum.

Expert opinion

Cand. phys.-mat. Sci., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Materials Science and Physics of Metals, Voronezh State Technical University

A physics student from the 1st year studies the secrets of matter, the laws of physics and the cause-and-effect effect of any experience. He is taught to independently comprehend, propose and set up a physical experiment according to well-known laws and methods. If the results of the experiment do not correspond to the physical canons, he looks for the cause of the negative effect and tries to figure out what he did wrong, using the literary sources of the “great ancestors” and information and communication resources. After realizing the reason, he repeats the experiment. The result is usually beneficial. But if not, he delves deeper into the secrets of laws, physical formulas and equations, takes into account his mistakes and introduces external factors. Does the experiment again, trying to get a positive result.

A physicist can do what is written in his technological plan. But this can be done by anyone with certain knowledge and skills. But if a deviation from the technical process suddenly occurs, a marriage appears, the entire batch of expensive products can be ruined and the company incurs huge losses to the customer, then a person who understands the processes can correct the situation.

If a problem has arisen and you need to urgently solve it, a physicist will help, who will find the root of this problem and fix it as soon as possible or propose a solution to eliminate it. Because he was taught that way from the first year.

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The first discoveries in the field of physics appeared in ancient Greece. The very name of this science was derived from the work of the same name by Aristotle, who developed many physical hypotheses and theories. Physics in translation from the ancient Greek language is nature, and the purpose of the first experiments was to explain natural phenomena and laws.

This word appeared in Russian thanks to Mikhail Lomonosov, who translated and for the first time in Russia published a textbook on physics. The talented scientist made many useful discoveries in this area. For example, he developed a batoscope, which made it possible to examine the river bottom, measure the depth of a reservoir and take samples of its soil. Lomonosov was in many ways ahead of his time: one of the first ideas for creating a helicopter belongs to him, and modern developers are still guided by many of his optical inventions.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Physics are in high demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Physicists.

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Description of activities

Physicists study environmental objects and the laws of their interaction with each other. The most important way of research for them is experimentation. Each of the specialists, with the help of experimental observations, verifies certain ideas that can be applied in many areas of modern man's activity. Since there are a large number of areas in physics, such scientists, as a rule, specialize in a particular one. So, there are nuclear physicists, radiophysicists, nanophysicists. They are also classified according to what physical phenomena are being investigated: biophysicists, geophysicists, physicists-oceanologists.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

Most of the respondents believe that the profession Physics cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, there has been a demand for representatives of the profession in the labor market Physics despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Two or more (two higher, additional vocational education, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies)

In order to work Physicist it is not enough to graduate from a university and receive a diploma of higher professional education. The future Physics you need to additionally obtain a diploma of postgraduate professional education, i.e. complete graduate school, doctorate or internship.

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Labor responsibilities

The main task of a physicist is to conduct an experiment and create new, truthful scientific ideas. Workers in physical laboratories need, first of all, to prepare a workplace and the necessary tools and equipment. The specialist must develop an idea and procedure for conducting the experiment. When working, he must comply with all safety requirements. During the experiment, he should take notes or a detailed description of the laboratory work. For this, a scientist can use audio or video recording equipment. He should process the received information. If it carries some kind of discovery, it is important for him to notify the scientific community about this and it is possible to continue development in this area.

Labor type

Exceptionally mental work

Profession Physics refers to professions of exclusively mental (creative or intellectual labor). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. Physicists they are distinguished by erudition, curiosity, rationality, analytical mindset.

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Features of career growth

A physicist can work in both scientific and applied fields. His workplace can be a research institute, laboratory, educational institution, manufacturing enterprise, design or design office. The level of salary of a representative of this profession will depend on experience, efficiency and place of work.

Career opportunities

Good conditions for a career

According to the majority of respondents, the profession Physics has good conditions for a career. Having come to the position of a simple worker in this area, you can quickly climb the career ladder, but, of course, if you have interest and personal efforts.

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A radiophysics student on how physicists become developers, why it is not necessary to go to a technical university and how much nuclear graduates receive

Studying radiophysics at Voronezh State University

We live in a wonderful time when physicists and engineers are becoming idols of people. Along with rappers and bloggers, we hear the names of Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and Steve Wozniak. Even in fictional worlds, engineers and physicists occupy the main roles - remember at least Tony Stark or Sheldon Cooper.

But they still fear physics as something terrible and continue to queue up for admission commissions of humanitarian faculties. Let's figure out what physics education gives and where to work later.

What do physicists do

Physicists and Engineers. I'll make a reservation right away that in this article the physicist and the engineer will be close in meaning. But in fact, you have to separate: physicists are mostly theorists, and engineers are practitioners who design devices, maintain equipment, and write programs.

Where are physicists needed... A smartphone is an understandable and accessible gadget for everyone. Engineers develop this device from scratch: battery performance, the latest displays, processors, optics in cameras, face and fingerprint recognition systems, cellular standards. All this is physics. After the development of these components, programmers come into play. They write operating systems and applications.

Developers with a physical education are engaged in nanomaterials, quantum dot TVs, build nuclear power plants and come up with designs for new electric cars. The list can be very long. Once my teacher said: "Physics is everything that we see around us" - this phrase best describes the breadth of the profession.

Where do physicists work

There are several large areas in Russia in which it is easiest to find a job:

🚀 Defense complex. In our country, the army remains the main driver of new technologies. There are huge budgets and a great demand for technology: new communication systems, engines and space developments are needed.

🚘 Automotive industry. We do not have such popular cars as in Germany, but the technology still needs to be developed. A lot of physics in self-driving cars. They are worked on not only by neural network programmers, but also by engineers. The latter are developing sensors, communication systems, and powerful GPUs.

🔆 Nuclear power. One of the most paid areas, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, is nuclear energy and technology. This is not surprising, because Russian engineers are building stations all over the world: in India, Finland and Turkey.

📡 Scientific institutes. The Russian physics school remains one of the strongest. We have many research institutes, laboratories and academic towns, we have our own synchrotrons, colliders and cyclotrons. And physics still holds many secrets that have yet to be discovered.

What do you have to do

Physicists often work as design engineers and less often as programmers.

Developers usually design new devices. This could be a new engine or a new processor. There are a lot of profiles that are now being graduated by physics departments. I study at Voronezh State University, we train radio physicists, nanoelectronics engineers, nuclear scientists, opticians and specialized programmers. These are only the most popular profiles, there are others.

After graduating from the physics department, they often become programmers. This happens because the faculties provide a very good mathematical and physical basis. Programming is a language that describes a process. You cannot write a firmware for a transmitting module in a smartphone without understanding radio physics. It is impossible to create an airplane autopilot program without knowledge of aerophysics.

How much do they pay

Salaries are highly dependent on the area in which you will work. The Ministry of Education and Science calls the most paid among young specialists at least two physical specialties:

💰 Nuclear energy and technology - over 48 thousand rubles per month.

💰 Aviation and rocket-space technology - more than 46 thousand rubles per month.

These are the salaries of university graduates. According to, specialists with over 5 years of experience can receive up to 150 thousand in Moscow and 60-80 thousand in the regions.

Where to go to study

Many applicants go to technical education at polytechnic universities. There really are specialties that cannot be found in classical universities. But in recent years, all universities have been living in a competitive struggle, therefore they open up the same areas that employers need most of all.

Therefore, when choosing a university, do not pay attention to whether it is technical or classical. Better study specialties and curricula.

For example, there is the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a classical education and the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman with applied. Both universities compete with each other for the best applicants and train personnel for similar employers.

What you need to enter

1. Decide if you want to go to science- do research and scientific work or you need an applied specialty. This will help with the choice of a specific university.