Worldskills professional standards. Improving the quality of vocational education using the World Skills

Prospects of the educational system with WorldSkills Russia, interview with Alina Doskanova, Director for International Affairs of the WorldSkills Russia Union.

Recently, Canada hosted the WorldSkills International forum, which was held within the framework of the congress of the General Assembly - the organization's highest authority, consisting of delegates from all countries participating in the movement. Russia was represented by the Director General of the WorldSkills Russia Union Robert Urazov and Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Training of Workers of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Natalia Zolotareva.

We asked Alina Doskanova, director for international activities of the Union, about the results of the forum and the immediate prospects of the project, both in Russia and in the world.

- Hello! We know that the organization's work plans until 2025 were discussed at the WorldSkills General Assembly. In this regard, what milestones in the development of WorldSkills in Russia await us?

Hello. Yes, Vision 2025 was brought up for discussion at the congress, but this is not just a plan, it is a whole strategy.

An important outcome was the decision that the CEO group of the National Skills Organization will become part of the Strategic Committee. The decision is due to the fact that in many countries there are national organizations that drive the WorldSkills movement. The leaders of these organizations should directly participate in the strategic decisions made by the General Assembly. This is important for the WorldSkills Russia Union, because we now have one of the most productive agendas: as part of the application campaign to host the WorldSkills 2019 Championship, Russia has undertaken to develop its own JuniorSkills and Hi-Tech projects. Now and therefore

In addition to the main list of competencies that meet the requirements of the modern global economy and WorldSkills International, we also have a special list of promising competencies "skills of the future" or FutureSkills

That is, we can state, not without reason, that the very "competencies of the future" are already being introduced in Russia. so far within the framework of national championships, but our initiative is to promote them to the international level. Thanks to this decision, we have additional tools for interacting with WSI.

- Please tell us more about the conceptVision 2025. What are the end points of this strategy?

The concept represents the vision of the development of the international movement WorldSkills International until 2025. When developing the strategy, the committee members were guided by the decision made by the General Assembly in 2014 on the development of WorldSkills in 6 main focuses. Thus, Vision 2025 is a strategic document for the development of these focuses. The central attention is paid to the system of organizing and holding championships according to WorldSkills standards, attracting new participants. The rest of the focuses: research projects, projects related to building a career for championship participants, educational projects - everything is centered around the championships and is interdependent on the competitive part. In fact,

The championship acts as a platform for assessing the quality of the education system of a particular country

The results of the competition are comprehensively analyzed according to several parameters; this is a dynamic indicator of the entire system of personnel training - where and how we teach well and where it is bad. As part of the championships and career development, international cooperation is being built with such organizations as the UN, UNESCO, UNIDO, as well as the exchange of international practices among WorldSkills members. Vision 2025 describes the steps for each focus, strategic goals and how to achieve them. At the 2018 General Assembly in Amsterdam, participants will assess the implementation results by each country, choosing best practices. It is important to note that the document contains several initiatives proposed by Russia.

- Which ones, for example?

We are implementing several areas of work. One of the key ones is the WorldSkills Base Center or the WorldSkills Academy.This is a federal pilot project for training, advanced training and professional retraining of teachers (masters of industrial training) in the most promising and demanded professions and specialties in the secondary vocational education system based on the best domestic and international practices and methods. training of workers. Today, more than 700 teachers are improving their qualifications in 10 most promising and demanded specialties of secondary education. 535 educational institutions and 4 corporate training centers from 76 regions of Russia took part in the recruitment of candidates for the Basic Center programs. Besides,

WorldSkills standards will be recognized nationwide and will become part of the system of national qualifications

We are now launching our international forum for the Career Development focus. It will be held within the framework of the WorldSkills Hi-Tech 2016 championship, which considers entrepreneurial and leadership skills that need to be developed among young professionals among the traditional vectors of competence development.

- You said that the championship WSR will make it possible to radically change the vocational education system in Russia. How will this happen?

Today WorldSkills standards are becoming standards for personnel training. Using WorldSkills technology, we conduct not only championships, but also demonstration exams as part of the final state certification (GIA). Previously, colleges independently determined the practical task, in most cases the final exam was theoretical. We propose to introduce WorldSkills methods into the final exam, i.e. each graduate will actually demonstrate their skills that they have acquired in the learning process. Additionally,

The WorldSkills Russia Union is implementing a project for the implementation of a regional standard, which contains the key stages of forecasting competencies in accordance with the request of employers

The standard also implies the creation of training programs for masters and mentors, which is currently not represented in Russia in principle.

- How many educational institutions use these standards?

Over the current year, 68 educational institutions in 57 competencies from 13 regions took part in the experiment. In 2017, we plan to introduce standards in 100 institutions.

- How will the vocational training process change technically?

Within the framework of the Base Center, the WorldSkills Russia Union trains master mentors in 10 of the most demanded competencies in the Russian labor market, as well as, within the framework of regional stages, sets the requirements for equipment and material and technical base in the educational system - one that meets world requirements. Additionally, through the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the creation of 7 interregional centers of competence (MCC), accredited according to WorldSkills standards in competence groups: industrial and engineering technologists, information and communication technologies, construction, transport maintenance and logistics, art and design , services sector. It is an educational center and training ground in one bottle.

- At the forum, WorldSkills Director David Howie noted the significant success of Russia in organizing the movement, as well as the productivity in cooperation between the United States and Russia. What experiences have helped you to be successful?

I must admit that it was very pleasant to hear these words from the United States, because their experience is impressive: about 500,000 people are members of the SkillsUSA movement. This is one of the benchmarks we are striving for, and in this sense, America should be viewed as best practice.

The development of professionalism of workers in Russia, due to national characteristics, develops along its own path, not all the strategies of other countries participating in the movement can be transferred to our system

And in this sense, we are a unique practice for WorldSkills International. For 2019, we have 2 strategic goals for WorldSkills Kazan 2019: firstly, to hold the best championship in the world, providing the world with the best practices for organizing the competitive part, and, secondly, to change the personnel training system itself. Thus, no country in the world implements WorldSkills standards in the education process. We use an independent assessment system both for graduates of educational institutions and for employees of enterprises within the framework of regional standards. A similar practice is found in two or three countries, but there are differences in the mechanics of the processes.

- The speakers expressed the opinion that in 20 years many working professions will become obsolete, and in order to influence this process, it is necessary to introduce "skills of the future" (FutureSkills) right now. Tell us what it is, how will it help in the development of specialties and their transition to a new level?

- “Competencies of the future” or FutureSkills were not in vain chosen as the main topic of the forum. Even earlier, it was just talk, predictions and guesses about what the skills and professions of the future should be, that several generations will pass between workers with the skills of the present and the future. However, as practice shows, now in colleges it is necessary to teach students not outdated professions that will not be on the labor market by the time they graduate from educational institutions, and to teach them those professions that will be in demand in 3-5 years. The very need to introduce them is now associated not with the development of specialties, but with the preparation of new training programs.


IN AND. Shevlyakova

GBPOU VO "Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College", [email protected]

Modern specialists, in order to be competitive, must master the latest methods and technologies of work, their professional activities must be creative. It was to solve this problem that the international non-profit movement WorldSkills was created. Its goal is to increase the prestige of blue-collar professions and develop vocational education by harmonizing best practices and professional standards around the world through the organization and conduct of professional excellence competitions, both in each individual country and around the world as a whole. The mission of the movement is: "Development of professional competencies, increasing the prestige of highly qualified personnel, demonstrating the importance of competencies for economic growth and personal success."

An analysis of the process of preparing students for participation in the regional championships of the WorldSkills Russia movement in the Preschool Education competence made it possible to conclude that it is necessary to amend the training program for mid-level specialists (PPSS) in the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education, taking into account the requirements of WorldSkills standards. The sources of information for making changes were the documentation of the championships: technical descriptions of competition tasks and infrastructure sheets. Technical description - a document defining the name of the competence, the sequence of the assignment, assessment criteria, requirements for the professional skills of participants, the composition of equipment, components, accessories, main and additional equipment, requirements for health and safety standards, materials permitted and prohibited for use, and equipment. Infrastructure list - a list of materials and equipment required for holding a competition for a specific competence.

First, we carried out a comparative analysis of competition tasks according to WorldSkills Russia standards in the “Preschool education” competence and the content of the professional modules of the Federal State Educational Standard for Vocational Education in the specialty 44.02.01 “Preschool Education”.

The competition tasks of the WorldSkills Russia championships in the Preschool Education competency indicate the need for a modern specialist - a preschool educator - to organize and conduct light construction and robotics classes in preschool educational institutions. In our opinion, the introduction of these competition tasks is due to the need to popularize, increase the prestige of workers and engineering professions in the Russian Federation. And from an early age, it is necessary to form in children an interest in technology, technical creativity: after all, professional self-determination of a person begins at preschool age.

As a result of the analysis, a new interdisciplinary course was introduced into the program PM.02 Organization of various activities and communication: MDK.02.07 Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of technical design for preschool children. As part of this course, future educators acquire the skills of organizing the technical design of preschoolers from building material and large-sized modular blocks, as well as from parts of non-programmable and programmable LEGO constructors (Lego Education Wedо 2.0, etc.).

An analysis of the experience of Voronezh kindergartens No. 74, 188, 164, 33 and 18, etc. showed that children, as a rule, are engaged in light construction outside of organized educational activities, and robotics classes are not conducted at all. Educators explain this by the lack of funds for the purchase of expensive programmable constructors. Preschoolers can only engage in robotics in various development centers, and on a paid basis. I would like to believe that it is the graduates of our college who will have to introduce robotics into the educational process of preschool educational organizations (ECE) in the region, while facing the natural difficulties of innovation: financial, psychological, and methodological.

At present, the methodology for organizing robotics classes for elementary school students has been developed quite well (Lego Education Wedо constructors were created by the developers specifically for schoolchildren), but there are no corresponding methodological publications for preschoolers. Today it is necessary to empirically adapt existing developments to the age characteristics of preschool children.

At the same time, I would like to note the very high interest of preschoolers in the creation and elementary programming of movable models based on the Lego Education Wedо 2.0 constructor. The corresponding classes were developed and tested by students of our college in the preparatory school group MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 33" in Voronezh.

The updated content of education requires new methods of professional training of specialists and assessment of the level of formation of their general and professional competencies, which WorldSkills championships also offer us. For example, college students practice their skills in conducting classes in technical design and robotics on volunteers, in the role of which are classmates. So the operating gamescarried out under conditions that mimic the real ones.Conducting operational games allows you to best prepare future educators to conduct real activities with children.Their use is especially important in the context of the introduction of a demo exam in accordance with standardsWorldSkills for state final certification for secondary vocational education programs. The demonstration exam involves the assessment of graduates' learning outcomes by observing the performance of labor actions in the workplace. This assessment should be carried out by specially trained independent experts. Already today, the final (qualification) exams in the professional modules of the PPSS in the specialty 44.02.01 "Preschool Education" are held in the college with WorldSkills elements.

The criteria for assessing the conduct of classes in light construction and robotics have also been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for VET in specialty 44.02.01 "Preschool education" and WorldSkills Russia standards for the competence "Preschool education". These criteria are: compliance with sanitary standards and safety rules, compliance of the formulation of the goal and educational objectives with methodological requirements, compliance of the tasks with the topic of the lesson and the age of children, implementation of the assigned tasks, compliance of methodological techniques with the age of children, distribution of responsibilities for construction (programming) between the teacher and the children. in accordance with the chosen model, knowledge of terminology, adherence to the timing, organization of the children's workplace, the presence of a problem situation and a creative approach to the lesson, expressiveness and clarity of speech, etc.

Comparative analysis of the content of the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 18.10.2013 No. 544n and introduced in action in 2017, and the content of the discipline "Psychology" in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of VET in the specialty 44.02.01 "Preschool education" led to the need to introduce additional didactic units into the content of the work program of this discipline. So, the professional standard within the framework of the generalized labor function "Pedagogical activity in the design and implementation of the educational process in educational institutions of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education" (labor function "Developmental activity") requires the teacher to master labor action - the use of tools and methods of diagnostics and assessment of indicators of the level and dynamics of child development. Thus, a preschool teacher needs to know the basics of psychodiagnostics and master standardized methods of psychodiagnostics of the personality characteristics and age characteristics of children. According to these requirements, a didactic unit was introduced into the work program of the discipline "Psychology" in agreement with employers - the ability to identify the peculiarities of the development of the cognitive sphere of preschool children. In the process of studying the discipline, students master the methods of diagnosing the peculiarities of the development of cognitive actions in preschool children.

An analysis of the content of the professional standard of a teacher, as well as the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013) makes it expedient to include the discipline “Fundamentals of Correctional Psychology and Correctional pedagogy ”, as well as interdisciplinary courses aimed at mastering the methods of organizing various types of activities and communication of children with disabilities of different nosological groups. As a result, students will be able to master labor action: “Mastering and application of psychological and educational technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for targeted work with various contingents: ... children with special educational needs (autistic people, children with ADHD, etc.), children with disabilities ... ".

Thus, the introduction of new content in the PPSS that meets the requirements of WorldSkills and professional standards will allow preschool education specialists to become more qualified, and, therefore, more in demand, competitive in the labor market. After all, these standards are developed taking into account modern scientific achievements, the requirements of employers and society as a whole.


  1. On education in the Russian Federation: Feder. the law Ros. Federation of December 29, 2012, No. 273 FZ [Electronic resource]: adopted by the State. Duma Feder. Collected Grew up. Federation 21.12.2012 Approved by the Federation Council Feder. Collected Grew up. Federation 26.12.2012 Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus".
  2. Professional standard. Teacher (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher). Approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n.
  3. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013.
  4. FGOS SPO in the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2014, No. 1351.
  5. WorldSkills Russia [Electronic resource]: official site. - URL: (date of access: 04.12.2017).

In the education system, the problem of pedagogical risk is relevant, since it affects all aspects of the application of innovations in methods and methods of teaching at all stages of education.

Today in our country the WorldSkills movement is gaining more and more popularity, and the impact on vocational education institutions and the national qualifications system is increasing.

WorldSkills innovations and standards should lie in the plane of combining two interrelated phenomena, which are usually considered separately, i.e. the result of their synthesis should be new knowledge that allows the teacher to use innovations in everyday practice, calculating the possible consequences.

WorldSkills standards include: technical description (TD - Technical Description), test task (TP - Test Project), assessment criteria, infrastructure list (Infrastructure List), layout of the competition area with equipment (Layout) and safety requirements (Health & Safety).

Experts play an important role in shaping WorldSkills standards. An expert is understood as a person who has certain competencies: knowledge of his profession, knowledge of WS standards and regulations, knowledge of the procedure for holding competitions, participation in the preparation of a test task and in determining the evaluation criteria.

Through TD, the scope of competence (profession) is defined. The experts indicate the key skills, abilities, knowledge, etc. inherent in the profession. Also, the TD specifies the test conditions, requirements for equipment and technologies, criteria groups and their weights, conditions for the rational use of materials and energy, "soft" skills and other information required to describe the competence (profession). At the same time, there is a prerequisite: no specific trademarks or brands of equipment manufacturers are ever indicated. Total changes in TD must be at least 30% of the previous valid TD.

Then, for each competency (profession), a specific task (TP) for verification is formed or updated. It consists of a certain number of modules that need to be tested for a particular skill.

It is imperative that sets of criteria are formed for each part of the test task, which have a weight determined by experts. In total, the weight of all criteria should be 100 (%). Most often TP consists of 9 modules, in each of which separate aspects are highlighted. Aspects are assessed by separate criteria and sub-criteria, depending on the complexity of the modules.

The criteria are objective, subjective and qualifying. Objective criteria are fixed through the measured parameters: mm, grams, pieces, volts, degrees, etc. To assess objective criteria, groups of three experts are always involved. Everyone puts their own assessment. An estimate is selected that falls within the range of variation from the average of these three estimates.

Subjective criteria are determined by points (from 0 to 9), which are given by experts. For these purposes, it is necessary to involve at least five experts for each assessment.

Usually the ratio between objective and subjective criteria is 70 to 30. But in each competence (profession) this is determined at the discretion of the expert community. There are professions, for example, "car mechanic", where there are no subjective criteria at all. There is also, on the contrary, a “hairdresser”, where subjective criteria can reach 80%.

Together, these criteria constitute a competency (profession) assessment plan. Based on the modified TD, the defined TP and the selected criteria, the equipment necessary for the competition is selected.

The safety requirements are separately taken out in the WS standards. There is a clear position that the actual observance of these requirements contributes to an increase in labor efficiency. Reducing trauma and early equipment failure are important factors when evaluating competitors. Therefore, the number of subjective criteria must include the requirements for TB (H&S). In addition, in some cases, non-compliance with TB can be a reason for early withdrawal from the competition.

The WorldSkills movement in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has been actively implemented since 2015. Regional WorldSkills Yakutia championships are held annually in the Republic, in addition, corporate and international championships are held.

In order for the training of highly qualified workers to meet international requirements, students of professional educational organizations must be prepared in accordance with these requirements to participate in WorldSkills championships, therefore, it became necessary to amend the content of work programs that would meet WSR standards.

In the conditions of GBPOU RS (Y) "Vilyui Technical School" we made a comparative analysis of the requirements of WorldSkills, Federal State Educational Standards and the professional standard; PM.01. "Maintenance and repair of road transport" and made adjustments to the content of the program for theoretical and practical training.

This combination of the content of the above standards allowed us to reach a new level of training for future specialists, taking into account the requirements of WorldSkills standards and professional standards in the field of knowledge, skills and practical experience.

In those regions where the WorldSkills movement begins to develop, there is an increase in the number of interested persons in obtaining professional education.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the WorldSkills standards are considered by parliamentarians as one of the tools for an independent assessment of the quality of education of graduates of the vocational education system. Obtaining a "medal of professionalism" in accordance with WorldSkills standards is predisposed to obtaining a certificate in independent centers for the assessment and certification of qualifications. There is also a Junior Skills direction, which will allow the younger generation to try themselves in different competencies, learn from the experience of the masters, decide earlier on the choice of a profession, responsibly and consciously treat professional education in the future.