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Writing Roman numerals using the keyboard is an interesting activity. Anyone can feel like a connoisseur of this calculation system.

Need to enter Roman numbers on your laptop but don't know how? No problem! All you need to do is take a few minutes to read this article.

Roman numerals are rarely used today, mainly to indicate centuries and serial numbers of various rulers, for example, the 18th century or Alexander II. You can also find Roman numbers on the dial of watches or in the designation of chapters in books. Often, a large number of Roman numerals are found when writing abstracts. Then knowing how to insert them quickly can save a lot of time.

Writing Roman numerals has been accepted in Europe for two thousand years. Later, when in the Middle Ages, the Arabs decided to replace the number system with a simpler one. Over time, it spread throughout the world.

The era of digital format

Writing Roman numerals on a laptop or PC keyboard is quite simple, because all numbers in this number system correspond to Latin letters. So if you have a keyboard with an English alphabet layout, inserting Roman numerals is easy. In addition, you can write numbers in the Word, as well as put special codes. But first things first.

Standard method

To dial Roman numerals:

  • Switch to English (for a computer, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Shift, for a laptop Alt + Shift);
  • Press the CapsLock key, as all Roman numerals are typed in capital Latin letters.

Then you can try to insert the first number on your computer or laptop:

  • 1 - Latin letter I;
  • 2 - two letters II, 3 - respectively 3 letters;
  • 5 - Latin letter V;
  • 4 - combination IV (that is, 1 less than 5);
  • 6 - formed in a similar way - VI (1 more than 5);
  • 7 and 8 - 2 and 3 more than 5, that is, VII and VIII;
  • 10 - Latin letter X;
  • 9 and 11 - similar to the formation of numbers 4 and 6, that is, IX and XI (1 less than ten, and 1 more than ten, respectively);
  • 12 and 13 - XII and XIII;
  • And so on: 14 - 19 - add to ten (X) the numbers obtained earlier;
  • 20, 30 - two and three tens, respectively;
  • 50 - Latin letter L;
  • 40 and 60 - similar to formation 4 and 6 - XL and LX;
  • 100 - Latin letter C (remember that 100 is a centner, then the letter C (tse) will be easy to remember;
  • 500 - Latin letter D;
  • 1000 letter M is one thousand.

If you need to type a long number, for example, 177, then first make the calculation: 100 + 70 + 7. Type on the keyboard with a higher number. It turns out СLXXVII.

You can write in roman numerals and birthday. For example, 07/23/1978. would look like XXIII.VII.MCMLXXVIII.

If you need to enter a long number, then sometimes counting can be difficult. A special Arabic-Roman number converter will help you here. Such online services using a laptop can be quickly found on the Internet.

ASCII codes

To enter Roman numerals on a laptop or PC, you can use special ASCII codes:

  • Turn on Num Lock mode;
  • Hold down the ALT key and type the appropriate combination of numbers on the additional keyboard.

This method of typing Roman numerals on a computer may seem complicated, but in principle, you will quickly get used to it if you use it constantly. Over time, you will be able to insert any Roman number literally automatically, since there are, in principle, few numbers to memorize, these are:

  • I - code 73;
  • V - code 86;
  • X - code 88;
  • L - code 76;
  • C - code 67;
  • D - code 68;
  • M - code 77.

Obviously, this is a very time consuming method, especially if you have to enter a lot of Roman numbers. But if you do not have other options, then this method will be quite viable.


The easiest way to enter Roman numerals using a laptop is to write them in Word or any other office application. Follow these steps:

  • Press Ctrl + F9;
  • The brackets () appear;
  • Type in brackets - (= required number \ * ROMAN);
  • Press the F9 key;
  • The desired Roman numeral appears.

This is an effective method when you are not sure how to type a particular number correctly, and there is no Internet access from your laptop. But he also has a drawback: you can write only in Word and similar office applications. If you need to enter Roman numerals in Photoshop, then this method will not work. Alternatively, you can type a number on the keyboard, copy it and paste it into the desired document, it is not so difficult to do this.

The easiest method to write Roman numerals on a keyboard or laptop is to put Latin letters in the English layout. The method is suitable for any application. If you use Roman numerals a lot, memorize them quickly. For those who are just starting to learn them, it is recommended to use a converter or a regular draft.

Writing Roman numbers digitally is a difficult task only at first glance. Given that their distribution is rather limited today, you can always take a little time to figure out how to make the correct input.

Many people use the official one, but few know about the interesting and useful features of this application. We decided to collect in one article the hidden features of the Google keyboard. Many of them will help you type faster, because on a mobile device with a touch screen, this is very important.

Using uppercase letters

GIF animation - quickly convert lowercase to uppercase

One word or a whole sentence written in lowercase letters can be quickly converted to uppercase - just select them and press the analogue Shift "a.

GIF animation - fast insertion of lowercase letters

The developers at Google have improved the concept of continuous input and added some handy gestures. To quickly insert a letter in uppercase format, you do not need to switch Shift every time - just tap on it, hold it and lead to the desired letter. After inserting a letter, Shift is disabled.

Fast insertion of symbols

GIF animation - quick gesture insertion of symbols

In order not to switch to the symbols tab each time to insert a number or something else, just tap on the switch button, hold and move your finger to the desired symbol / number. In this case, after insertion, the layout will immediately switch to alphabetic.

Inserting fractional numbers

On the tab with symbols, most numbers by long pressing on them offer the insertion of fractions with them as the numerator or denominator. And at zero there is a cool symbol - an empty set. Read about other hidden symbols on the digital tab below.

Layout like a PC keyboard

Google Keyboard for Android allows you to enable a layout that is typical of typical computer keyboards, but only works in English. Don't be discouraged - it can be used as an alternative English, which is definitely convenient, because such a layout has a string with numbers and additional characters.

To enable PC layout in Google keyboard, go to its settings → View and layouts → Personalized styles. There we add a new style, where in the "Layout" section we select PC, and any language you need.

After adding a style, the application will immediately offer to activate it in the settings. We find it in the list and activate it. After that, you can switch to the new layout using the globe button on the keyboard.

Commands for quickly inserting words or phrases

One of the most handy features of the Google keyboard is creating commands to quickly insert any words or even long phrases and sentences. To create such commands, go to the application settings → Text correction → User dictionary → For all languages.

Click the "Add" button in the upper right corner. Enters the word or phrase you need, as well as a short command that will be associated with them. For example, tb - Trashbox, cd - How are you? When you enter the command "cd" on the keyboard in the suggested words field will suggest "How are you?" Thus, you can enter the whole phrase with three clicks.

A few more hidden chips

Among the interesting shortcuts and hidden "chips" of the Google keyboard, it is also worth noting:
  • Long press on a point - a menu with frequently used symbols.
  • Long press on the comma to quickly navigate to settings.
  • Long press on the space bar - switch between keyboards.
There are many hidden symbols on the tab with numbers that can be called up with a long tap:

  • Dollar - alternative signs of currencies.
  • An asterisk - crosses and a prettier version of an asterisk.
  • Plus - plus or minus.
  • Hyphen - em dashes, en dashes, underscores, and a period in the middle of a line.
  • Long tap on question marks and exclamations - the same symbols upside down.
  • The bold point is card signs.
We hope these little tweaks and hidden features will help you type faster with the Google keyboard.

Also see our video on this topic:

The oldest Latin inscriptions known to science date back to the 7th century. BC e. (inscription on a silver vessel from Preneste, etc.).

According to ancient historical tradition, the art of writing was brought to Latius in the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium BC. e. Greeks from the Peloponnese, who settled on the Palatine Hill in the center of the future Rome. No traces of this letter were found in Italy, but in Greece then syllabic linear writing was used.

In the 18th century. a hypothesis arose of the Etruscan origin of the Latin script. In the 19th century. it was suggested that the Latin letter comes from the city of Kuma (near Naples), from the 8th century. BC e. the largest of the Greek cities in Italy. However, modern archaeological evidence suggests that permanent contacts between Greece and Italy existed as early as the 2nd millennium BC. e., and Greek alphabetic writing, presumably arose at the turn of the 9-8 centuries. BC e., could get to Latius not only through Kumas (for example, near Rome was the city of Gabia, where Greek culture prevailed and where, as the ancient tradition says, the future founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, were taught to read and write). Greek alphabetic writing in Italy developed slowly, without abrupt changes, and only gradually, in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC BC, the actual Latin alphabet was formed (see Fig. 1).

In the oldest Latin inscriptions, the letter has a direction both from right to left and from left to right, and the inscription of the Forum is made by vertical bustrophedon. From the 4th century. BC e. the direction of writing from left to right was firmly established. There were no punctuation marks in ancient writing. There was no division into uppercase and lowercase letters. The words were separated from each other, as a rule, by word-dividing marks, standing at the level of the middle of the letters.

In the Latin script, most of the Western Greek letters have retained their original meaning and style. The Latin letter C is an archaic outline of the Greek scale (in this sense, it was preserved in the traditional abbreviation of the Roman personal names Gaius and Gnei - C, Cn); in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e. the shape of the letter K gradually transformed into the shape of C and thus coincided with the outline of the ancient scale, in the Latin letter the letter C began to transmit the sound "k", and from the late antique time - the sound "t" before "e", "and". Digamma F, which conveyed the sound "v" in archaic Greek writing, was used for the sound "f" in Latin writing. Zeta Z was officially abolished from Latin writing by the censor of 312 BC. e. Appius Claudius, since it fell out of use due to the change in the intervocal "z" in "p". The letter H ("this"), which conveyed aspiration in the Western Greek letter, was preserved in the Latin letter in the same meaning. The letter K ("kappa"), which has an open outline in the inscription on the Forum stele, gradually acquired the shape of C, which coincided with the third letter of the alphabet, which conveyed the sound "g". In the inscriptions of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e. the mark C serves at the same time as the designation of the sounds "k" and "g" (but the mark K never has the meaning of "g"). To avoid mixing these sounds when writing, a vertical stroke at the bottom was added to the ancient C scale - this is how the Latin G turned out; about 234 BC e. Spurius Karvilius officially introduced the letter G into the alphabet, replacing it with the previously abolished Zeta. Inscription C began to serve as a sign for "k", and the archaic outline K almost fell out of use, retaining mainly in the spelling of the word Kalendae and in the abbreviation of the personal name Kaeso - K. From the Koppa (Ϙ) comes the Latin letter Q. From the Greek upsilon (Υ) it turned out the Latin letter V. The letter X ("chi"), which served as a sign for "ks" in Western Greek writing, retained this meaning. The letters Θ ("theta"), Φ ("phi") and Ψ ("psi") were used in Latin script as numeric characters for 100, 1000 and 50.

From the 1st century. BC e. the letters Y and Z were used by the Romans to write words of Greek origin.

The Roman emperor Claudius (41-54) invented and introduced into the alphabet the letters Ⅎ (sound "v"), ↄ ("ps", or "bs"), Ⱶ (sound like the German ü); this reform, which sought to bring spelling closer to pronunciation, did not succeed, and after the death of Claudius these letters were not used. For the classic antique Latin alphabet, see fig. 2.

For many centuries, the Latin script developed spontaneously and smoothly, having widespread use in Roman society, in which literacy was never the privilege of any social strata. By the end of the 2nd - the beginning of the 1st centuries. BC e. a kind of calligraphic pinnacle formed epigraphic letters for inscriptions of particularly important content (so-called. monumental, or square, or lapidary, letter; see fig. 3). Its opposite is italic, that is, fluent, everyday writing, in which the individual handwriting of a person is manifested as much as possible. Sometimes isolated as a special species actuarial letter (letter of documents). In the 3rd century. in North Africa there was an epigraphic uncial letter (ie, "hooked"; see Fig. 4). Ancient epigraphic Latin writing has always been Mayuscule (see Mayuscule writing).

Rice. 3. Inscription 113 on the base of Trajan's column in Rome.

Rice. 4. Uncial inscription of the 3rd century. from Timgad (Algeria).

Latin writing continued to evolve into the Middle Ages, with a wide variety of forms. The inscription W appeared in the 11th century. The letters J and U were introduced into Latin writing in the 16th century. In the post-antiquity, the division of letters into uppercase and lowercase arose, punctuation marks and diacritical marks appeared.

In national writing systems based on Latin writing, its adaptation to the corresponding phonetic systems was carried out mainly through the introduction of diacritics (in French, Polish, Lithuanian and other languages). The modern Latin alphabet has two typographic types: Latin (or antiqua) and Gothic (or fraktura); the first species, close to the ancient, is dominant (see Fig. 5).

Latin alphabet
UppercaseLowercase NamesPronunciation
Cctse[c] and [k]
  • Fedorova E. V., Introduction to Latin epigraphy, M., 1982 (lit.);
  • Calderini A., Epigrafia, Torino,(lit.);
  • Calabi limentani I., Epigrafia latina, 3rd ed., Mil.,(lit.);
  • Popoli et civiltà dell'Italia antica, v. 6 - Lingue e dialetti, Roma, 1978.

E. V. Fedorova.

Handwritten Latin writing in antiquity was at first distinguished by a great closeness to epigraphic. Varieties of capital letters have a consistent majuscule character: rustic(lit. - rough; 1st - 8th centuries) - from letters much free in shape, and square(4th century) - from calligraphic. The widespread use of parchment for writing led to the development from the 2nd century. uncial(up to the 8th century), in which the roundness of the forms develops.

Among the fonts that appeared in the Middle Ages, the round variety of insular writing, that is, the letters of Ireland and the Anglo-Saxon states, has a majuscule character. After gradual displacement from the 3rd century. Mayuscule minuscule (see Minuscule writing) capital letter is fixed as a set of forms that have been used up to the present time mainly for titles. The first types of minuscule were clear in shape. semi-uncial(3rd-8th centuries) and sloppy new Roman italics (3rd-8th centuries). On the basis of the latter, semi-cursive early medieval fonts, the so-called regional fonts, were developed, which were often used in a limited area. At the turn of the 8-9 centuries. (at the beginning of the "Carolingian Renaissance") appeared carolingian minuscule, which is based on the tradition of the semi-uncial. Carolingian minuscule gradually replaced all other types of Latin writing in Western Europe. Since the end of the 11th century. As a result of the development of cities, a broken version of the Carolingian minuscule (the so-called Gothic writing), which dominates until the 15th century, is spreading. The Renaissance, which revived ancient traditions again, caused the return of round forms in writing and the appearance humanistic letters. The latter formed the basis for most of the printed and handwritten fonts of the modern era.

  • Lublin A.D., Latin paleography, M., 1969;
  • Dobiash-Christmas OA, History of writing in the Middle Ages, 3rd ed., M.-L., 1987;
  • Steffens F., Lateinische Paläographie, 3 Aufl., B.-Lpz., 1929.

Many people ask themselves the question: "What are the Latin letters?" In fact, everything is extremely simple. In fact, the Latin alphabet is the alphabetic characters of modern English. The only difference is the pronunciation.

Where Latin letters and numbers are currently used

Today, more than 40% of the world's population writes in Latin. And in fact, Latin letters are generally accepted international alphabetic characters. You don't have to go far for an example, just get your passport and look into it. Under the surname written in Russian, you will definitely see its Latin version.

The numbers are also widely used in all countries. In Russia, they are used in contracts, laws, for numbering items. In order to understand how to write in Latin letters, it is enough to choose consonant letters and take into account complex combinations, the table with which is indicated below. Usually transliterated tables can be found at the information desk of any foreign consulate.

The history of the emergence of Latin writing

It is believed that the roots of the Latin script go back to the Etruscan and Greek alphabets. It is also believed that the Phoenician letter had its influence. Some are inclined to think that it was not without the Egyptian letter signs.

The first reliable studies date back to the 7th century BC. The archaic Latin alphabet consisted of 21 letters.

In 312 BC Appius Claudius Russ abolished the letter Z, after which there were 20 letters at all. In the 1st century, Z returned again, and with it a new symbol Y appeared, and the alphabet took on its usual form. Over the next years, some letters disappeared and reappeared again, some of them eventually combined and gave birth to new symbols. Most often, disputes surround the letter symbol W.

Influence of the Greek language

Speaking of the Latin alphabet, it is difficult not to mention the influence of the Greek language, as it made a huge contribution to the formation of the modern Latin version of the spelling. If you are confused about the question: "What are the Latin letters?", Then you can search or remember the Greek alphabet.

By the way, the letters x, y and z were borrowed from the Greeks. An interesting fact: they wrote in Greece not only from left to right, but also vice versa, which is why they had so many inscriptions that read the same regardless of which end to start from. In fact, this phenomenon is often given a certain mystical character. There is even a magical "SATOR Square". All the words written in it can be read not only from right to left and vice versa, but, what is most interesting, the characters can be read diagonally. There is a belief that by writing all these symbols, you can make a wish that will surely come true.

How to write your first or last name in Latin

Very often, when submitting documents such as visas, you are required to indicate your personal data using exclusively the Latin alphabet, the letters of which should correspond as much as possible to Russian. Let's consider the most common names and their spellings.

Pronunciation of Latin letters

If you are wondering: "What are these Latin letters?", Then, most likely, you will be interested in learning more about how to pronounce them correctly. Here, too, there are no difficulties, since, most likely, you have heard this alphabet back in school.

Despite the identity of the English letters, they should not be confused. There are no difficult or unpronounceable sounds in Latin, so everything is extremely simple. For comparison: in English there is a whole list of sounds that are very difficult to pronounce for a Russian-speaking person.


We have considered the topic: "What are Latin letters?", And now you can easily fill out an application for a visa or for any other documents that are going to be sent abroad. Convenience also lies in the fact that sometimes, when you need to dictate an email address or a link on the Internet by phone, you can use the Latin alphabet - and the interlocutor will definitely understand you. Therefore, there is no need to explain anything on the basis of the "es as dollar" principle, and so on.

Centuries have passed, but we still use this amazing language, developed not by scientists based on opinion polls and other studies, but by people who did not know what electricity is, where the ozone holes are located, and much more. Nevertheless, the heritage of the most ancient civilizations still makes itself felt, charming and amazing with its amazing solutions not only in art, but also in other areas.

Enter the text in Russian letters:

Translate Clear

How to say in latin letters:

Why translate Russian letters into Latin?

Since Russia is not yet a very rich country in our country and most companies cannot afford to organize the distribution of free samples to advertise their goods, at the moment most of the offers for freebies come from abroad.

Since the most common language is English, ordering forms for free samples are often in English.

The address information and full name of the recipient in such forms must be filled in in the Latin alphabet. Since the Latin alphabet will be understood by our postmen and those companies that distribute freebies.

If you write in Russian, then there is a risk that the organizers of the promotion simply do not want to waste time on translation and understand what is written there.

If you write in English, then our postmen will not understand to whom and where to deliver.

The best option is to write the delivery address of the freebie and the full name of the recipient of the freebie in Latin.

Now the Internet is full of different translators, but most of them are either not convenient, or you need to search for them for a long time.

We offer you to constantly use our free translator of Russian text into Latin.

When you order freebies through the forms written in English, then write the delivery address and full name in Latin.

Our free, simple and convenient service will allow you to translate Russian text into Latin characters. When we order samples from foreign sites, we always do this and a freebie, not always of course :-), but it comes. The way is correct.