A simple homemade cherry wine recipe. Cherry wine - successful recipes for fragrant homemade alcohol

Cherry wine, thick and fragrant, will always be a valuable drink for any feast or a quiet evening of a hard day. Cooked at home, it is guaranteed to retain the valuable properties of fresh berries, preserve its color and unique spicy aroma.

What kind of cherry can be used for home winemaking

The quality of the raw materials directly affects the final result. from a cherry will take all the best from a berry, but it is easy to spoil it with inattention when selecting fruits.

Principles of preparation of an alcoholic drink:

A cherry wine recipe may involve removing the pits. In the process, a large amount of juice is lost, as well as time and effort. A drink prepared with whole berries has a specific "tannin" flavor, which gives it nobility. This method is definitely worth a try.

Easy Homemade Cherry Wine Recipe

To make cherry wine at home, you should get simple kitchen utensils, such as:

  • stainless steel container with a capacity of at least 10 liters;
  • a wooden spoon that easily reaches the bottom of the pan;
  • gauze or filter paper;
  • rubber gloves.

All dishes should be treated with boiling water and wiped dry. Calculate the amount of ingredients based on the available stock of cherries and the capacity of the dishes. It should be remembered that the pan is not filled with wort to the top.

Product bookmark proportions:

  • 3 kg of cherries;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of filtered water.

The step-by-step cooking process looks like this:

When the berries and turbidity settle to the bottom, an important stage begins - the removal of the drink from the sediment. Drain the wine slowly and carefully, trying not to shake the yeast suspension with the pulp at the bottom of the container. To do this, use a tube or scoop out the liquid with a ladle, periodically allowing the mass to settle.

The drink is placed in a dark place where the temperature is maintained no higher than + 16ºС. A week later, again drained from the sediment and filtered. Only now is it possible to pour young wine into beautiful glass storage containers. All bottles and corks must first be sterilized.

It will take at least 60 days for the drink to reach its aged taste. The best is the wine that has settled for more than six months.

Fortified wine recipe

Cherry table wine has excellent taste qualities, but stronger drinks can also be prepared from the same raw materials. Natural "wild" yeast, which ensures the fermentation of drinks, can only raise the degree of alcohol to the level of 15 °.

If there is a desire to try a stronger cherry, then they resort to two methods: introducing special yeast cultures into the recipe or adding strong alcohol.

Strong cherry is prepared from the following components:

  • ripe sorted cherries - 10 kg;
  • clean drinking water - 5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • dry wine yeast according to the instructions.

When buying "cultural" dehydrated yeast, carefully read the instructions for them, strictly follow the dosage and method of application.

The entire preparatory process takes place in the same way as in the previous recipe, until the berries are crushed. Next steps:

  1. The mashed raw materials are placed in a colander and part of the juice is filtered into a saucepan.
  2. Add all the sugar, put the dishes on the weakest fire and stir until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. First, water is poured into the syrup, and then all the pulp is laid out and mixed thoroughly.
  4. Pour dry or pour yeast prepared according to the instructions.

The fermentation process is more active than in the previous method, and the wort should be looked after more carefully. The rest of the steps for plain and fortified wine are the same. Only the maturity period is different. A strong drink takes longer to acquire excellent quality. Such a wine will reach a balanced taste only after a year.

Frozen Cherry Wine

You can cook from cherries using ready-made alcoholic beverages from frozen berries. Chilled to sub-zero temperatures, cherries retain all their properties. You can fill the raw materials with sugar without defrosting. The proportions of the ingredients are taken from the first recipe, this is a classic combination. Further, wine from frozen cherries is prepared in the same way as from fresh.

If you need a fortified drink, then to add alcohol, choose the moment when fermentation stops. At this time, the highest degree is reached and the must fermentation process can be stopped.

The amount of alcohol is calculated per 1 liter of wort, depending on the strength:

  • 40° - 100 ml;
  • alcohol 96 ° - 50 ml.

Many winemakers advise using good quality vodka for fastening homemade drinks. But the fusel flavor will be felt for a long time in the finished drink. Therefore, gourmets prefer to add alcohol distilled from the same culture to wine. Since kirschwasser (pure cherries) are rarely made and it's unprofitable to buy a German original drink, pure alcohol remains the best option.

After adding alcohol, the wine mass is defended and drained in the same way as without fastening. Store the finished product in sealed bottles at a temperature not exceeding +16ºС. The best bouquet is distinguished by fortified wines aged for 2 years.

Pitted cherry wine

The kernels in the wort give the drink a slight bitterness and almond flavor. Therefore, the best recipe for homemade cherry wine is the one that takes into account such subtlety. It is important not to destroy the shells of the seeds during the cooking process, which makes the drink not only bitter, but also unsafe.

Cyanide, or hydrocyanic acid, according to scientists, is not formed in cherries immediately, and only after six months can it penetrate through the dense shell of the core into the pulp. This is dangerous, rather, for jam and compote than for wine.

The exact exposure time and compliance with the proportions of sugar will neutralize possible harm. After removing from the wort, the pulp is simply thrown away. The time spent removing the nucleoli is not worth the quality of the product. The hand-made wine from cherries with pits surprises with a rich bouquet reminiscent of amaretto.

Due to the widespread availability of cherries, cherries are often used in amateur winemaking, and very successfully. I will tell you how to make wine from cherries at home using the right technology. The recipe is very simple, and the resulting drink will delight you with excellent taste for a whole year. Rare ingredients are not required for cooking, as long as there is a sufficient amount of fruits.

Dark sour cherries are ideal, but if this variety is not available, take any ripe berries. First, they need to be carefully sorted out, removing spoiled, rotten and moldy. Even one bad berry can spoil the whole wine. The containers should be washed with boiling water and wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

The pits of cherries contain a lot of tannins, so only pulp and juice are needed for the recipe. But lovers of a light tart taste can crush a few seeds and add them to the must (cherry juice before fermentation) in the second stage.


  • ripe cherries - 3 kg;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Attention! For normal fermentation, it is advisable not to wash the cherries so as not to remove wild yeast from the skin.

cherry wine recipe

1. Sort the berries, remove the stalks. Squeeze out the bones, trying not to splash the juice, it should remain in the same container as the pulp.

2. Heat water to 25-29°C (not higher, so as not to kill the yeast) and pour over the processed cherries. Add 500 grams of sugar. Mix. Tie the neck of the container with gauze (to protect against flies), then put the wort for 3-4 days in a dark, warm place (18-27°C).

After a day (often earlier), signs of fermentation should appear: hissing, foam, sour smell. This means that everything is going well. It is necessary to mix the wort 2-3 times a day with a clean wooden stick or hand, drowning in the juice the pulp that has floated to the surface - a “cap” of particles of skin and pulp.

3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a fine strainer to filter out any remaining cherries. Press the cake well, it is no longer needed.

4. Add 0.5 kg of sugar to the future cherry wine. Stir until dissolved.

5. Pour the juice into a fermentation container. Fill to a maximum of 75% of the volume to leave room for foam, carbon dioxide and fresh sugar. Install a water seal or a glove with a hole in the finger (pierce with a needle). Leave the vessel in a dark, warm (18-25°C) room.

Fermentation under a water seal glove example

After 4-5 days, add the next portion of sugar (250 grams): remove the water seal, pour 150-200 ml of juice into another container, dilute sugar in it, pour the resulting syrup back and close it again with a water seal. After another 5 days, add the remaining sugar (250 grams) according to the described technology.

Depending on temperature and yeast activity, homemade cherry wine fermentation lasts 25-60 days.

If the process takes longer than 55 days, the wine must be carefully drained from the sediment through a straw into another container, then put under a water seal to ferment, otherwise a bitter aftertaste may appear.

6. After the end of fermentation (the drink has become lighter, the water seal does not blow bubbles for several days or the glove has deflated, sediment has appeared at the bottom), drain the wine from the cherries through a straw without touching the sediment.

To taste. If desired, sweeten with sugar or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% by volume. The addition of hard liquor aids storage, but changes the aroma and makes the taste harsher.

Fill the storage container with wine, preferably up to the neck, so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close hermetically.

7. Transfer the vessel to a dark room with a temperature of 6-16°C and leave for 6-12 months for maturation, which will significantly improve the taste.

As sediment accumulates (2-4 cm), first every 15-20 days, then less often filter the wine by pouring (always through a straw). The finished drink can be bottled and corked tightly.

Finished black cherry wine

The output is cherry wine with a strength of 11-13%. The shelf life in the refrigerator or basement is 5-6 years.

It is quite possible to make cherry wine at home, the main thing is to follow the technology. As raw materials, you can use fruits grown in your own garden, or bought in a store. There are many recipes for cherry wine, but so that the first experience does not become the last, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the features of preparing a delicious aromatic drink.

Features of making homemade wine

The technology for making wine at home is almost the same. A detailed description will be given in this section so as not to dwell on the features in each recipe.

Homemade cherry wine is prepared in several stages.

Raw material preparation:

  1. For wine at home, depending on the recipe, you can take fresh cherries, jam, fermented compote, juice.
  2. Fermentation requires sugar, yeast, and boiled water.
  3. The use of yeast is optional, it all depends on the recipe.
  4. Fresh berries are not washed, because there is a whitish coating on their surface. This is wild yeast.

Tableware. For fermentation at home, plastic or enameled containers are used. The fact is that cherry juice oxidizes in metal dishes.

Adding ingredients. Sugar and water are added to the resulting mass according to the recipe, put in a warm place at a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees for fermentation.


  1. The must is stirred daily.
  2. On the 4-7th day, strain through gauze and add sugar again.

Further fermentation:

  1. The filtered liquid is poured into jars, leaving a third of the volume free in each of them so that there is room for fermentation.
  2. Install a water seal or pull on a glove (a hole is pierced in it with a needle) and cleaned in a warm place.

Adding sugar:

  1. After 5 days, 200 g of wine liquid is poured, sugar is added.
  2. Then the syrup is poured into the total mass for further fermentation.

Removal from sediment:

  1. After 6 days, sediment will appear at the bottom of the jar.
  2. The wine must be disposed of by pouring it carefully into a clean dish.
  3. The rest of the sugar falls asleep, the glove is pulled on again or a water seal is installed.

Re-sludge removal:

  1. After 25-55 days, fermentation stops.
  2. The wine is poured into a clean container, being careful not to damage the sediment.
  3. If necessary, add granulated sugar, mix.


  1. The drink is poured under the very neck into bottles or jars, tightly closed and put into a room with a temperature of 6-16 degrees.
  2. In this form, the wine will mature for 4-12 months.

Third skimming:

  1. During maturation, the wine is removed from the sediment several times.
  2. When the bottom of the bottle is clean, the cherry wine is ready to drink.

Important! When preparing raw materials, it is not necessary to crush the bones, they must remain intact so as not to spoil the taste of the wine.

This is what a water seal is.

Each recipe has its own nuances that must be taken into account when making a homemade drink.

How to make cherry wine at home

As can be seen from the technology of making wine from cherries or other berries, the process is quite lengthy and complex. Each recipe contains its own nuances that should not be missed. Further, recipes for making homemade wine from cherries, not only from fresh berries, will be given. You can use last year's jam, juice, compote, as well as frozen cherries.

Classic recipe

To make homemade cherry wine according to the recipe, traditional winemaking methods are most often used. You will need:

  • 3 kg of ripe berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.

Recipe secrets:

  1. A third of the sugar is dissolved in warm water, the syrup is poured into a bottle, the pitted cherries are poured over.
  2. Cover the container with gauze and put in heat. Fermentation will start in 24 hours. So that the mass does not become moldy, the pulp of the berries is lowered daily to the bottom.
  3. When the hissing and foaming stops, the liquid is filtered and 0.5 kg of sugar is added. The next 250 g of granulated sugar fall asleep after 5 days, the rest - after another 5. For 25-60 days, cherry wine at home is kept under a glove.
  4. When the wine begins to lighten, and the sediment is at the bottom, the wine is poured into a clean bowl. The sediment will have to be removed several more times. By the time it is ready, the drink will have a strength of 1-13%.

Important! Homemade cherry wine can be stored for up to 6 years.

Homemade dry cherry wine

Winemakers call dry wine cherry. For cooking you need:

  • 10 kg of cherry berries;
  • 4 kg of granulated sugar.

Recipe Features:

  1. Remove the seeds from the berries, cover with sugar and place in a bottle. Be sure to tie the neck with gauze folded in several layers to prevent insects from entering.
  2. Within 30 days, fermentation will occur, the mass is stirred. Then filtration is carried out to remove the pulp. The wine is placed under a water seal or a medical glove is pulled on.
  3. After 7 days, the cherry drink is removed from the sediment, tasted. If the wine is too strong and thick, boiled water is added and sugar is added.
  4. Left for another week under a glove, then poured into bottles and sent for maturation.

Wine from frozen cherries at home

If you have frozen cherries in your freezer, you can use them to make homemade wine.


  • berries - 2 kg 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. l.

According to this recipe, cherry wine has been prepared since ancient times:

  1. The berries are thawed at room temperature, then the seeds are removed, crushed with a blender.
  2. Pour into a jar, add raisins. It does not need to be washed, so as not to remove wild yeast. The container is kept warm for 2 days.
  3. After 48 hours, water (40 degrees) is added to the puree, mixed and filtered through cheesecloth. The squeezed cake is no longer needed. The liquid is poured into a clean sterile jar.
  4. After falling asleep sugar, pull on a glove and remove the fermentation container in a dark, warm place for 20-40 days.
  5. Several times the drink is drained from the sediment. When the fermentation process stops, the drink is poured into bottles and put on maturation.

Important! The longer the wine stands, the more the taste and aroma are revealed.

Cherry wine at home with stones

True connoisseurs of homemade cherry wine always prepare it with pits. They give the finished drink a special aroma and taste, astringency and spicy bitterness.


  • cherry - 1 bucket;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg.

Attention! If mold appears during the fermentation process, the cherry mass will have to be poured out.


  1. The berries are sorted out, bones are left.
  2. Knead the cherries with your hands, transfer to a fermentation container, add water and sugar. Put gauze on top.
  3. Stir the wort for a week to lower the pulp to the bottom and prevent the development of molds.
  4. On the 8th day, filter the mass, squeeze the pulp to the last drop of juice.
  5. Pour into a bottle, put on a glove. During fermentation, it will inflate and stand upright, as in the photo below.
  6. A month later, when the glove hangs, the young wine is poured into bottles and put to ripen in a cold place.
  7. After 30 days, the drink can be tasted.

Wine made from fermented cherry compote

Do not throw away fermented cherry compote. If there is no mold on the surface, it can be used to make wine.

Comment! They take less sugar, because the compote is sweet.

What is necessary:

  • 6 l compote;
  • 0.4 kg of granulated sugar;
  • a handful of raisins.

Features of the homemade cherry wine recipe:

  1. Pour sugar and unwashed raisins into the compote, put on a glove or water seal.
  2. Put in heat and do not touch the bottle until the fermentation process is over.
  3. Strain off the mass, being careful not to touch the sediment. Pour the young wine into bottles.
  4. Drink tasting can be done after 5 months.

After watching a video about making homemade cherry wine at home, you can learn more about the secrets of winemaking.

Cherry wine at home without yeast

On unwashed cherries, yeast fungi are present, due to which fermentation occurs.

Products for making wine:

  • cherry - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cherries with pits are poured with water, sugar is added and put in heat, covering the pan with gauze.
  2. After a week, the mass is filtered, ground to remove the bones.
  3. Pour into a bottle, pull on a glove.
  4. When fermentation stops, remove from the sediment and pour into clean bottles.
  5. As the young wine matures, the sediment will have to be removed several times. Be sure to taste the liquid. If sugar is not enough, it must be added.

Cherry wine at home: a recipe with yeast

The recipe will require:

  • berries - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • pressed yeast - 200 g.

How to cook:

  1. Crush cherries, remove pits.
  2. Pour the mass with water and add sugar.
  3. Add yeast.
  4. Close the bottle with a water seal or a glove.
  5. At the end of the fermentation process, filter the young wine and pour into clean bottles, seal tightly.
  6. In this form, the wine will stand in a cold place from 20 to 60 days.

Advice! The drink will last longer if you add a small amount of alcohol to the wine.

Homemade cherry wine from juice

To make wine according to this recipe, you need sourdough. It is prepared in advance:

  1. Pour 500 ml of warm water (25 degrees) into a 2-liter jar and add 200 g of unwashed raisins, a little sugar.
  2. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put it in a warm place.
  3. The contents must be shaken for a week so that mold does not form on top.

Wine composition:

  • 3 liters of cherry juice;
  • 0.5 l of sourdough;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • alcohol.

What do we have to do:

  1. Combine juice, granulated sugar and sourdough. Leave warm to ferment for a week.
  2. On the 7th day, carefully drain the liquid so as not to disturb the sediment, add a little alcohol.
  3. Pour fortified wine into clean bottles, close.
  4. After 6 months of storage in a cold place, young wine can be tasted.

Cherry jam wine

There is always a jar of last year's jam in the cellar. It can be put into the production of wine:

  • cherry jam - 1 l;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - ½ cup;
  • raisins - 100 g.

Recipe Features:

  1. Combine all the ingredients (except sugar) in a saucepan, put to ferment in a warm place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
  2. After 10 days, filter the pulp, and pour the liquid into a large bottle. Do not top up! Pull a glove over the neck.
  3. After 1.5 months, the glove will deflate. This is a signal to strain the liquid and add granulated sugar.
  4. After another 2 months, the wine from cherry jam, prepared according to the recipe at home, is removed from the sediment. Poured into bottles, hermetically sealed and put on maturation.

Advice! After 2 months, you can invite guests for a tasting.

Fortified cherry wine

In order for the wine to retain its qualities longer and to better reveal its aroma, winemakers add vodka to it.

Prescription products:

  • fresh or frozen cherries - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 8 l;
  • vodka - 100 ml.

Comment! Frozen cherries do not need to be thawed before making a fortified drink.

Cooking features:

  1. The berries are poured with sugar immediately into the bottles, left warm so that the juice stands out.
  2. Add water, mix, put under a water dispenser or put on a glove. Fermentation lasts 2.5-3 weeks at room temperature.
  3. After the set time, the wort is filtered, the berries are thrown away.
  4. Vodka is added and young wine is poured into bottles, hermetically sealed.
  5. After 2 days, the wine that has stood in the refrigerator is ready for tasting.

How to make homemade cherry and raspberry wine

For making delicious homemade cherry and raspberry wine, this recipe is quite suitable.


  • fresh raspberries and cherries - 2.5 kg each;
  • water - 4 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Attention! The number of berries can be changed depending on taste preferences. If you take a lot of cherries, then you need a little more sugar.

The nuances of winemaking:

  1. The sorted berries are not washed. Bones are removed from cherries.
  2. The berry mass is crushed separately with a blender, the juice is filtered.
  3. Drain the liquid into the bottle by 2/3 of the volume, add half of the granulated sugar.
  4. Cover with gauze and put in a room with a temperature of 23 degrees. Fermentation continues for 7 days.
  5. Strain off the must, remove the pulp. In a small amount of juice, a part of granulated sugar is dissolved and combined with the total mass.
  6. A water dispenser is installed on the bottle or a glove is pulled on. Fermentation will continue for about 45 days.
  7. The young wine is drained from the sediment, poured into another container, tightly closed. Harvested for ripening in a cool room for 2-3 months.

Important! Every 2-3 weeks the drink is removed from the sediment.

Cherry and white currant wine

Another homemade cherry wine recipe.

Ingredients of the drink:

  • 1 liter of juice of sour cherries and white currants;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

How to make cherry-currant wine:

  1. Cherries are crushed and put in heat for a day.
  2. Then squeeze the juice and combine it with currant. Add water and granulated sugar.
  3. Drain into a prepared container, cover and leave to ferment. Mix several times.
  4. When fermentation is complete, add water. After a few days, when the drink becomes transparent, it is drained from the sediment and poured into clean bottles.

Store cherry-currant wine in a tightly closed container in a cold place.


Cherry wine at home is a tasty and healthy drink. With proper storage, it does not lose its qualities up to 3 years. You can pour the drink only into glass bottles.

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Homemade wine is made from berries and fruits, but cherry wine recipes are the most popular. You can prepare a drink from fresh berries, fermented compote and cherry leaves. For wine, take only good berries.

Pitted cherry wine

This wine tastes like almonds and is slightly bitter.

If the wine is aged properly and more sugar is added, the harmful substances are neutralized. Do not wash the berries so that wild yeast remains on the skin.


  • 3 kilograms of berries;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 liters.


  1. Gently knead the cherries with your hands, put the mass in a container, add sugar - 400 g, pour in water.
  2. Mix well, cover with gauze and leave for 4 days in a dark place at room temperature.
  3. In a day, the cherry will begin to ferment, it is important to stir the mass every 12 hours and lower the floating pulp and skin to the bottom.
  4. Strain the juice through gauze, squeeze out the pulp.
  5. Put ¼ of all the seeds into the juice, add sugar - 200 g, stir until it dissolves.
  6. Pour the liquid and leave free 25% of the volume of the container, leave in a dark room.
  7. Pour another 200 g of sugar after 5 days: drain some juice, dilute with sugar and pour back into the common container.
  8. Strain the liquid after 6 days, remove the stones, add the rest of the sugar and mix, put a water seal.
  9. Fermentation lasts from 22 to 55 days, when gas ceases to be released, drain the wine through a straw, if necessary, add more sugar or alcohol - 3-15% of the volume.
  10. Fill containers with wine and close. Put in a dark and cool place for 8-12 months.
  11. Filter young wine through a straw to remove sediment. Pour into containers.

The shelf life of homemade cherry wine is 5 years, the fortress is 10-12%.

Cherry leaf wine

You can make good wine not only from cherry berries, but also from its leaves.


  • 7 l. water;
  • 2.5 kg. leaves;
  • several branches of cherries;
  • 1/2 stack. raisins;
  • 700 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 ml. alcohol ammonia

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the leaves in running water, break the twigs into pieces and add to the leaves.
  2. Pour water into a container of 10 liters, when it boils, put the leaves and crush with a rolling pin.
  3. When the leaves are at the bottom, remove from the stove and leave for three days in a warm place.
  4. Squeeze the leaves, strain the liquid through cheesecloth, add unwashed raisins with sugar and alcohol.
  5. Stir the must and leave to ferment for 12 days.
  6. Taste the wort regularly during fermentation to avoid sour wine vinegar. The taste on the third day should be like a sweet compote.
  7. Pour the wine into a glass container and close. When the sediment sinks to the bottom, the liquid will brighten, pour through a straw into plastic containers. During the maturation of the wine, it is necessary to drain it from the sediment 3 times.
  8. When the containers become solid, open them to release the gas, pour the finished wine into bottles.

Take for wine only whole and beautiful fresh leaves without damage.

Frozen Cherry Wine

Even frozen cherries are suitable for wine.


  • 2.5 kg. cherries;
  • 800 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. raisins;
  • 2.5 l. boiled water.


  1. Defrost the cherries and remove the seeds, turn the berries into a puree using a mixer.
  2. Add unwashed raisins to the mass, put everything in a three-liter jar and leave for 48 hours in a warm place.
  3. After two days, pour warm boiled water to the berries and mix, drain the liquid through three layers of gauze, squeeze out the cake.
  4. Pour sugar into the liquid, stir and install a water seal. Put the wine in a warm and dark place to mature for 20-40 days.
  5. Pour the drink through a straw, pour into containers and let it brew in the cellar.

Store frozen cherry wine in your cellar or refrigerator.

Cherry compote wine

Fermented cherry compote can be turned into wine, so don't rush to throw it away. When the compote begins to exude a light wine aroma, start making wine.