Simple ideas for creating a table lamp. DIY lamp (58 photos): options for desktop, pendant and wall lighting design DIY table lamp

If you are tired of boring and monotonous things in your apartment that you see every day, then it's time to diversify the design with the help of hand made. A DIY table lamp is a great option to get you started. It does not require special skills and efforts, and the result often exceeds expectations. In this article we will tell you how to make a table lamp with your own hands, how to decorate it and how to connect it correctly. We have also prepared an excellent selection of photos for your inspiration for creativity.

DIY table lamp: the main structural elements

The most popular and simple materials for creating a table lamp with your own hands are: cardboard, paper, glass bottles, cans, plastic containers, water pipes and cement. We will tell you how to make a lamp out of all this material.

The main structural elements in a table lamp of any type:

  • Electromechanical - provides stability to a homemade table lamp and a safe power supply directly to the lamp.
  • Reference - supports a reflector or illuminator.
  • Illuminator - a light bulb in a lampshade.

The wiring diagram of a table lamp is quite simple: a mains plug, a cable, a switch, a light bulb holder. Sometimes a voltage regulator is added. The cartridge for the narrow E14 minion base is also mounted on a thread or on a lamella in the form of a steel strip. For a do-it-yourself table lamp, the best option is chandelier cartridges with captive threaded flanges: between them you can clamp a steel faceplate with a lampshade frame or a clamp for mounting on a hinge.

A do-it-yourself table lamp must be electrically safe. This is especially true for lamps on hinges and consoles. You can create the safety of a table lamp using a simple scheme:

  1. The cable must be round, double insulated
  2. The conductors of the cable are flexible, made of numerous wires.
    The cross section lived from 0.35 sq. mm.
  3. Cable entry points must be protected by dense dielectrics.
  4. Before entering the cable, the cable is tied in a knot or pulled through the holes of the dielectric fixing washer so that it cannot be torn. The next step is finishing and decorating.

Original lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands

The lampshade must be made taking into account not only the aesthetic aspect, but also the practical one. It is important to fix it correctly, as well as make a convenient hole for the light bulb. Paper, plastic and thread are the materials most often used to make a homemade lampshade.

The simplest and most convenient material is paper. To create such a lampshade, in addition to paper, you will need: threads, PVA glue, a sewing needle and scissors. There are many ways to make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands out of paper. The simplest method is to collect a ball of paper strips on the ceiling, while gluing them together and at the poles. The shape in the form of a sphere will additionally strengthen the fragile lampshade made of paper.

It is also elementary to make a lampshade from disposable plastic cups, which are fastened with a stapler. This lampshade has quite good lighting characteristics, but at the same time the view is quite utilitarian. Such a lampshade is well suited for rooms in which high-quality lighting is necessary, but an aesthetic appearance is not necessary.

When making a lampshade from threads, you will need at least 100 m. It makes no sense to use balloons as mandrels, because after 10-20 turns the ball will begin to bulge in different directions and ruin the shape. It is best to use a tightly inflated, durable ball for the mandrel. The mandrel must be lubricated with Vaseline. Next, pre-lubricated with glue, wind the thread around the ball. When winding, do not forget to leave a hole for the cable and cartridge. After a day, you need to blow off the mandrel, which, thanks to the Vaseline, will not stick to the threads. Also, the threads can be replaced with jute, sisal or propylene twine.

These lampshades form an even soft light and therefore are perfect for any room.

How to update a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands

Old, tired, worn and burnt lampshades can be easily updated with the help of improvised means or even create a new one. We will tell you how to do it correctly and beautifully. As materials, you can take any textiles. Using fabrics and threads, you can sew or knit a lampshade in the form of a dress. It is easy to decorate a table lamp shade with your own hands using: buttons, stickers, butterflies, beads, flowers and various braids.

If you want to create an original lampshade from improvised means, then there are a lot of ways. To create such a lampshade, you can use: lids from tins, disposable tableware, your favorite pictures from a photo album, paper with drawings, or just a lampshade decorated with your own hands.

It is enough to turn on your imagination and you will get an original lamp in the interior of your house or apartment. In the photo below, see a selection of lampshade options for a table lamp with your own hands.

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Each piece of interior, which is made by hand, is able to fill the house with special comfort and warmth. In addition, such crafts will not only look great in any room, they will become a completely exclusive thing. Chandeliers made on their own with the help of improvised materials will look very original in the house. This is a wonderful idea!

To create such a beautiful product, discover the inimitable design talent that exists in every person. It is this revealed quality that will bring into the house not only bright light, but also a cozy atmosphere.


DIY kitchen chandelier

Such a product of needlework will look very elegant and graceful in the kitchen. And when guests come to the house, they will not even be able to guess that such a chandelier was made by hand, and not purchased in an expensive designer store. Imagine their admiration if they find out that it was you who could create such a masterpiece as a chandelier with your own hands. In the kitchen with such a product is always fabulous.


You will need the following materials:

  1. A leg that can be removed from an old chandelier.
  2. Hemisphere, which is made of metal.
  3. Any light fixture that has been used in the home in the past. You can disassemble and remove the necessary part. If this is not available, then an old school globe, previously cut in half, will do.
  4. Sandpaper. It may not come in handy, but it should still be available just in case you need to do some sanding to get the surface perfect.
  5. Wallpaper glue. Use this particular type, because, after drying, it will become completely transparent.
  6. Ordinary sponge.
  7. Dye. For the manufacture of a chandelier, you can take a matte one, which is also used for painting walls.
  8. The fabric is white.
  9. Artificial leaves as well as flowers.
  10. Half beads.
  11. Beautiful tape.


So, all the necessary materials are at hand, you can go directly to the manufacture of a beautiful chandelier for the kitchen.

  1. First, dilute the glue and lower a piece of fabric there. All material must be completely saturated with glue. Now you can lay out a sticky piece of fabric on the previously prepared hemisphere - this is the future ceiling. In order to make it more convenient to make folds on it, you can use any sharp object to make small cuts. Everything that remains to stick out, wrap it inside the product. The lamp must be glued absolutely completely.
  2. Give the product time to dry.
  3. We take a sponge and paint the surface with it (inside and out). As soon as the paint is completely dry, it is better to apply another layer for reliability. Now you can attach the resulting product to the leg.
  4. The next step is to decorate the lamp. But first, think carefully. Decide what the final product should look like. You can make several sketches on paper with different design options. When you have decided, you can proceed to further work on the lamp. First glue the decorative leaves in random order. Then comes the layer of flowers. If you have ladybug figurines, for example, you can attach them too.
  5. To complete the composition, you can decorate everything with a beautiful ribbon. But fasten it in such a way that it is under the leaves, it is more beautiful.
  6. At the end, you can add half beads to the composition. The lamp is ready.


Chandelier made from old plastic cups


Many people are involved in creating amazing and beautiful things that are perfect for decorating the interior of the house. But often everyone forgets about chandeliers and lamps. Or maybe there is simply no idea for creativity ... That is why people so often ask the question: is it possible to make a chandelier with your own hands using what is at hand? Yes, sure!

Necessary materials:

  1. Plastic glasses (about 300 pieces).
  2. Staples and stapler.
  3. Bolts.
  4. Washers (one large and small).
  5. An energy-saving light bulb (it is this type that is taken, since the usual one is very hot).
  6. Cartridge with wire.

We proceed to the manufacture of the chandelier:

  1. Use a stapler to staple three glasses together. It is best to start the connection from the bottom, and then go to the very top. What happened is the basic design. The resulting product is attached to the rest of the cups. The conical design provides a sphere. And we must not forget that when everything is ready, you need to leave one hole for the cup empty. It is in this last glass that you burn a small hole. Put a large washer inside.
  2. The electrical wire is tied in a knot and then pushed through the holes to the outside.
  3. Now attach the cup with bolts and small washers. If there is any breakdown, then you can easily disassemble it all. Using the same technology, you can also make a floor lamp by finding a suitable and beautiful stand.


Openwork sconce or floor lamp

Chandeliers (lamps) and sconces, which are made from improvised materials with their own hands, always look very beautiful. Any glass jar can be used as a ceiling lamp, and a container for bulk products is also suitable. Knitted openwork lace will be used for lampshade decoration elements.


To make a lamp, you will need the following materials:

  1. Glass container and tin lid.
  2. Hex nut.
  3. Drill with drills.
  4. Electric wire.
  5. Bracket and cartridge.
  6. Electric lamp.
  7. Napkin or any lace product.
  8. Aerosol glue, as well as paint.

You can get started:

  1. It is necessary to drill a hole in the very center for fastening. And also you need to make four holes in a circle to avoid overheating.
  2. Now we fasten the bracket, nut and cartridge, and then install the light bulb.
  3. A layer of glue is applied to the surface of the jar, and then lace is applied. They can be applied to any part. Everything depends on the imagination.
  4. If you plan to make a sconce, then an openwork napkin can be attached with ordinary tape. After that, everything is painted with spray paint. When the product dries, the napkin can be removed, and the painted form will be preserved.


Chandelier of rose petals (pendant lamp with your own hands)


This is a very romantic version of the pendant lamp.

Stock up on the following materials before you start crafting:

  1. Wooden hoop (you will need 3 pieces of various sizes).
  2. Rose petals (you can buy them in a special store for decoration or make your own by cutting them out of thick white fabric).
  3. Silk thread.
  4. Starch for paste.
  5. White acrylic paint.
  6. Fishing line.

Let's get to work:

  1. We cut out white circles from the fabric, and then glue them with a paste in pairs. Lay a white thread between them. The length should be approximately 40 or 50 cm.
  2. Now let's move on to coloring the hoops. You need to use white paint. Then we hang them on a fishing line in the following sequence: the largest ring comes first, then the middle one, and the smallest will be the last.
  3. Now tie the threads with the petals to the hoop. In the place where the binding is made, stick a circle of fabric. This process is very labor intensive. But the result will be excellent.


Wire butterfly chandelier

This is a very original chandelier that will bring a constant feeling of summer and warmth into the house. Flocks of butterflies will literally come to life after a slight breeze blows. And the best part is that such a chandelier is very easy to make with your own hands. The idea of ​​using a beautiful butterfly when making a lamp is very good.

Necessary materials:

  1. A lampshade that has two rings.
  2. Chains are decorative.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Silver paint (preferably in the form of an aerosol).
  5. Very thin marker.
  6. Transparent plastic.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Silver wire.

Completing of the work:

  1. The lampshade is painted with silver paint.
  2. A stencil is made in the form of beautiful butterflies. Here you can use your imagination and do everything yourself or find ready-made samples on the Internet.
  3. We cut out butterflies from plastic according to stencils.
  4. Several butterflies need to be painted silver. The rest should remain transparent.
  5. You need to cut chains 10 cm long. Now you need to put transparent beads on them. So, the product can be given a very beautiful look, since the beads will shimmer every time the sun hits them.
  6. Next, attach the butterflies with pliers and wire. We attach the remaining end of the chain to the lampshade.


Making from disposable spoons


Such a simple item as a plastic spoon can become a real masterpiece in skillful hands. Consider how to make a chandelier from such material.

Necessary materials:

  1. One plastic bottle with a volume of 3 liters.
  2. Glue.
  3. Wire cutters.
  4. Plastic spoons (one large package).

Chandelier assembly:

  1. Using wire cutters, separate the heads of the spoons.
  2. Next, cut out the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Starting from the very bottom of the bottle, we proceed to sticking the heads of the spoons over the entire surface of the bottle. Each new row must be glued so that it goes on the previous one. Arrange the spoons in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. When you come to the neck of the bottle, you need to stop. In this place, a ring is made that resembles a bracelet. We make it from well-glued spoons.
  5. For this chandelier, only energy-saving light bulbs should be used, as ordinary ones get too hot. And this will ruin the design.


Original idea: thread lampshade


Threads are another very beautiful and simple material at hand that can be used to make a beautiful DIY chandelier. You will get a very unusual ceiling. You need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Balloon.
  2. Knitting.
  3. Starch glue.
  4. Lighting fittings and wire.
  5. Foam brush.
  6. Yorshiki.
  7. Scissors.

Transforming the interior with the help of lamps created according to your own project is an exciting and at the same time useful task. A small luminous detail of the living space invariably attracts attention and the whole life of the house is concentrated around it in the evening and at night.

How to get started

They draw up a step-by-step plan, a sketch of the future device, purchase materials for installing electricians and decor, prepare tools and a workplace. Carefully work out all the points related to safety during the operation and operation of the lamp in everyday life.

Unnecessary and already used things in the household can become a necessary help for the planned electrical appliance and with their help you can not only save money, but also give them a second life in designer lamps.

Instructions on how to make a lamp with your own hands

Loft-style lamps (the simplest designs) are gaining more and more popularity and are well suited to many types of interior. Factory-made lighting fixtures in this style cost a lot. But a person with assembly skills can easily assemble from scratch, a do-it-yourself 220-volt table lamp that combines metal and wood.

For the stand, a board is selected that is suitable in size, at least 5 cm thick. Processed, trying to preserve the natural texture of the tree - polished, stained.

To attach the legs in the board, make a hole with a drill (diameter 19 mm) half the thickness and screw the adapter into it. A hole is drilled perpendicularly and an electrical wire is pulled through. On the other hand, connect the switch and plug.

To assemble the lamp, they purchase a copper pipe (12 mm), fittings, a cartridge, a lamp, a can of copper paint, super glue. Of the tools used pipe cutter, pliers, screwdrivers.

The pipe is cut into pieces - 50.60, 150, 350 mm. A wire is pulled through the longest segment and connected to the adapter on the stand. Passing a cord through each segment, connect the remaining parts with fittings in the form of the letter "G". For a more stable construction, the parts are glued.

The cartridge, pre-painted with paint, is disassembled and the insulation is cleaned. Connect ground and phase. Screw in a regular 220v light bulb. In stores there is a large selection of retro lamps: Edison and LED, suitable in style, but with modern characteristics.

With your own hands, you can assemble a table lamp from LEDs. Their use significantly saves energy, and the appearance and nature of the lighting look modern and stylish on the table.

What is a dimmer for?

In the loft style, free-hanging light bulbs are welcome - both on tables, and on walls, and even in chandeliers. Depending on the situation, it is appropriate to change their brightness using a dimmer, a device that changes electrical power.

The dimmer changes interior lighting in a wide range and functions as a switch. There are many types on the market. But if you wish, every master can try himself in fine painstaking work and make a dimmer for a table lamp and other lighting fixtures with his own hands.

Details (triac, dinistor, diode, non-polar capacitor, fixed and variable resistors, LED for indicator) are purchased at any specialized store. Schemes and installation algorithms are available on the sites.

How to make a bottle base

An interesting option for warping the lamp is a glass bottle. Holes are drilled at the bottom and in the lid with a drill. They are connected to a metal support laid horizontally using nuts and washers. An electric cord is threaded through the holes and brought to the neck of the bottle, connecting to the cartridge.

The made ceiling and cartridge are securely fixed at the top of the bottle neck. Glass can be painted with paints or decorated using jute filigree technique.

There is another option. If the neck of the bottle is wide and a cartridge is placed in it, then the wire is led out through it and the laborious operations of drilling glass are dispensed with.

Frames and their decor

Frames are made from various materials - metal, wood, plastic. To make a metal frame for a lamp with your own hands, they take a hard wire.

With the help of pliers, bending the wire and strengthening it, create the intended shape. Wrap with cloth, paper, jute. If there is a finished metal frame, use it. They change shape with a simple twist.

A metal mesh reinforced around the frame will give additional impetus to the development of creative thought. The mesh is attached to the frame with plastic clothespins and decorated with three-dimensional elements, for example, plastic fasteners-collars.

Jute or decorative rope is passed in longitudinal and transverse strips so that a braid is obtained, or they are wrapped around the ceiling. If necessary, paint with acrylic paints.

An original and effective way to decorate a lampshade is to use beer can keys. You need to accumulate a lot of them. A cut is made in each of the keys, then bent in half to hang it on the top wire ring. Thus, the first row is obtained. For two keys of the upper row, the key of the lower row is hooked, etc.

A simple frame is covered with a beautiful and suitable fabric for the interior, gluing it with silicone glue. Corrugated decorative paper looks good. Plastic bottles and spoons, beads are used. Fans of patchwork and decoupage open up the horizons of the practical application of these techniques. The photo shows the lamps made by hand.

In addition to standard lighting with a cartridge and a light bulb, a light, sticky LED strip with a 12 V DC voltage source is attached to the inside of any lampshade.

What to make a chandelier from and how to hang it

You can use junk and specially purchased materials for the chandelier. It’s easy to make ceiling lamps out of them with your own hands, and if you follow the right connection technique and all successive steps, it’s safe.

The manufacture of frame shades and their decor are discussed above. In addition, chandeliers made of wood, plastic and cut glass bottles, CDs, and cans look very impressive.

The chandelier must be hung on a separate rod. Rigid and flexible suspensions, special cables securely fasten even the lightest chandelier to the ceiling.

The cartridge is disassembled, the cable is pulled, a loop is made under the cover and a lock washer is put on to prevent accidental pulling out of the cartridge. They select and screw with their own hands into the finished lamp socket of a led or Edison lamp. Globe lamps with a frosted bulb and shank are excellent, creating bright, but not eye-catching lighting.

Combining various decor techniques and assembly techniques, understanding electrical engineering, you can create amazing and functional lamps that emphasize the style of the interior.

DIY lamp photo

Many designers recommend using multiple light sources in a room, ranging from chandeliers to downlights and floor lamps. This will allow you to illuminate certain areas in the room or create a special spectrum of lighting depending on the mood. But in order to realize the plan, significant financial investments will be needed, since they are creative and cost a lot of money. In this regard, you can make a floor lamp yourself and at the same time not spend a lot of money. You can assemble it from improvised materials, such a product will look good in a country house, apartment or country house. Next, we will tell you how to make a floor lamp with your own hands, providing instructions with photo and video examples.

Step-by-step instruction

Preparation of materials

In order to make a homemade lamp, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • lumber and glue for wood;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill and pliers;
  • knife, screwdriver;
  • fasteners;
  • copper elbow;
  • wooden beam for the frame (approximately 140 cm);
  • copper tube for the frame (about one meter);
  • lamp and electric cord with plug;
  • plastic bucket for garbage (openwork).

To make a floor lamp yourself should be step by step. First of all, it is necessary to start manufacturing the base of the structure.

Making the foundation

So, the base is done as follows:

  1. First of all, two boards should be cut out of the board. One should be 35x5x20 cm in parameters (length, thickness, width, respectively), the other - 30x2.5x15 cm. Other dimensions can be taken, but it must be borne in mind that the base must withstand the weight of the entire structure and not allow it to tip over.
  2. Then you need to glue the two bars with glue. To do this, the smaller board must be smeared with special glue and attached to the larger board. This must be done so that it is in the center. Using clamps, fix the bars until the glue dries completely.
  3. After that, you need to measure 5 centimeters from the edge and make a hole with a diameter of 3 cm. And since the base is relatively thick, you will periodically need to remove the wooden parts from the hole. As soon as the hole becomes through, all edges should be sanded.

We make a frame

For the frame, a rack of almost one and a half meters was chosen. This height is chosen taking into account that a home-made floor lamp can be placed near the sofa and the light will fall on it from above. But you can choose a different height.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the frame, you need to wipe the copper pipe with alcohol. This will remove any remaining stickers and grease.

Then you need to do the following:

We assemble the lamp

To assemble a homemade floor lamp you need:

Inventing a lampshade

Making a lampshade is very easy and simple. To do this, it is enough to have an ordinary office wastebasket for papers with you and follow the following instructions:

The floor lamp is made by hand. Now you can put it near your favorite chair, open a book and enjoy reading. A photo of the finished product is shown below:

A floor lamp for the home can be assembled from a variety of improvised materials. For example, you can simply change an old lamp by adding a new leg or lampshade. For lovers of coziness and comfort, a lampshade made of threads and beads would be an excellent solution. To do this, you need a mesh and threads. Satin threads are wound on the mesh, and the lampshade is installed on the rack.

Also, the lampshade can be constructed from plain white paper or fabric. A homemade frame is wrapped with cloth or paper and with the help of special paints they give it their own style. And handmade jewelry made of beads, shells, rhinestones or buttons will give the lamps their individuality and unusualness.

We recommend watching a video that demonstrates workshops on assembling a floor lamp from improvised materials. Learn how to make a beautiful floor lamp from a washing machine drum, as well as a table model from paper plates:

Such unusual ideas will allow you to create a lamp for any interior of the room. The advantage of a homemade floor lamp is that no one will have such a product. It will be special and personal. Moreover, you can make not only floor lamps, but also build a desktop lighting fixture that can be placed near the bed.

So we looked at how to make a floor lamp with your own hands at home. We hope you liked the provided photo and video examples, as well as master classes and inspired you to make a homemade lamp from improvised materials!

There are table lamps in almost every home, and such a device is considered simple and mundane. And to turn it into a bright designer thing, make a lamp with your own hands!

How to do?

To make a lamp, first of all, you need to prepare everything you need. And since you have to work with an electrician, follow the safety rules. Keep wires and other parts away from water and other liquids, and if in doubt, seek professional help.

As for the manufacture itself, you can fantasize and experiment using different materials and slightly changing the actions and techniques. But it is better not to change the main and important stages, since the serviceability and safety of the device depends on them.

Below are some interesting ideas.

Idea one

An original do-it-yourself table lamp made from a glass bottle.

Here's what you need to make:

  • light bulb with base, wire, switch and plug;
  • Glass bottle;
  • glue;
  • a large clear or white plastic cup;
  • any fabric;
  • drill;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • acrylic paints.

Preparation method:

  1. First you need to make the base of the future lamp from the bottle. To do this, at the very bottom, right above the bottom, drill a small hole that will be used to pull the wire through. Place the wire in it so that the switch remains outside, and the base with the light bulb is above the neck of the bottle. To stretch the wire, you should remove the base with the lamp from it. But it’s not worth returning it to its place yet, as other work is coming. The frame is ready.
  2. Now you can start decorating. Turn on your imagination and paint the bottle with acrylic paints, let it dry.
  3. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of impromptu. His role will be played by a plastic cup. Make a round hole in the bottom, equal to the diameter of the bottle neck. Now decorate the cup using fabric for this. You can cut a circle out of the material and attach it in the center to the edges of the glass. And you can cut a strip and wrap it around a glass, again gluing the material to the edges.
  4. You can move on to the final step. Put a glass lampshade on the bottle base. Connect the base to the wire and use the finished original lamp.

Idea #2

How to make an original colored lamp from an ordinary glass jar? Very simple!

Here's what's required:

  • a medium-sized glass jar (it is best to use one and a half or two liters);
  • lamp with cartridge, wire and switch;
  • self-adhesive colored translucent film of different colors;
  • ordinary polyethylene lid for a jar;
  • scissors.


  1. Everything is very simple. From the jar, both the base and the lampshade will turn out at the same time, that is, it will be, in fact, the only part of the future lamp. And the role of fastening the light bulb will be performed by the cover. Make a small hole in it with scissors, place a light bulb with a base in it so that it comes out from the back. Before pulling the wire, remove the base, and then put it back in place.
  2. Now put the lid on the neck of the jar.
  3. Start decorating the lamp. This can be done in several ways. You can first paste over the entire structure with a colored film of the same color, then cut out multi-colored figures and glue them to the background. Or you can assemble a mosaic by joining together many pieces of film. And so that the wire does not interfere, you can glue it to the jar with a film during the decor.

Idea #3

Try making a trendy and bright lamp out of old CDs. For this you will need:

  • LED strip with USB connector;
  • thick wire;
  • container for disks;
  • awl;
  • glue;
  • self-adhesive colored film.

Preparation method:

  1. First you need to prepare the base for the lamp. Its role will be played by the lower part of the disk container. It is better to immediately decorate this part by pasting it with self-adhesive colored tape. Using an awl, make a hole in the bottom of the container through which the wire with the USB connector will exit.
  2. Now you need to attach a wire to the center of the container, which will act as a frame for the disks. Twist one end of the wire, wrapping it around the base several times. Glue it to the center of the container. Now glue the LED strip to it so that the wire is at the bottom. Immediately pull it through the hole, disconnecting from the tape, then reconnecting.
  3. Now put the disks on the frame with the tape so that they completely cover the structure. Place the lid of the container on top of the discs. It should also be covered with tape.
  4. Such a lamp, which is powered by a computer, will be very popular with the child.

Idea #4

Prepare the following materials and fixtures:

  • several plastic bottles;
  • stapler;
  • cutter or scissors;
  • glue;
  • base from an old lamp with a base, wire, switch and light bulb.


  1. You will only need to make an original impromptu lampshade for a table lamp. To do this, take one bottle and cut off its bottom, capturing 2-3 centimeters of the base. Do the same with the rest of the bottles. It will be much more interesting if you use bottles of different colors. But you can take and transparent. And to refresh the lamp, just paint the bottoms with acrylic paints and dry well.
  2. Now start collecting the lampshade. To do this, connect the two bottoms of the bottles and fasten them with a stapler. Attach another bottom, also attach it with a stapler. Connect all the parts in such a way that in the end you get a spherical structure, but there is a hole in it for attaching to the base.
  3. Put the ball on the base of the lamp and glue it.

Some useful tips:

  • For decoration, you can use a wide variety of elements and details, for example, rhinestones, sequins, beads, beads,. It is best to glue them with universal or silicone glue.
  • Do not connect the lamp to the mains until you are sure that all electrical components are connected correctly.

Let the hand-made lamp please the eye and complement the design of the room!