Simple propelling glider schematic drawings. Alula is a ceiling tile glider. Glider drawings - a brief introduction

What boy does not admire such constructions as airplanes? Do-it-yourself aircraft models made from ceiling tiles are a great gift for children who are fond of aviation. Especially if they took part in the assembly of the airframe. The article will tell you how to make a simple airplane model from ceiling tiles.

aircraft modeling

Aircraft model building is a popular technical sport that is of interest to schoolchildren, students, workers and engineers. At the same time, everyone chooses for himself a class of aircraft models that meets his interests.

In aircraft modeling, three rather large groups of aircraft models are distinguished, presented in the table:

Model class Peculiarities

In such models, the intervention of the designer is impossible during the flight. All adjustments and settings of the aircraft are completed when it is launched. They can be: - non-motorized - gliders; - with the simplest, very small, internal combustion engine, which is attached to the body with an elastic band. The motors on the models work for several seconds to throw light-winged structures up to a hundred meters up, and then they smoothly descend.

Timers or special clock mechanisms are used to turn off the engine and transfer the steering wheel to planning.

With such models, the athlete controls wire threads, which are called cords. The vehicles fly in a circle with a diameter of about 40 meters. The “pilot” is located in its center with a control stick. When the handle is pulled towards you, the elevator is deflected, and the device obediently flies up. And the deviation of the handle from itself causes the model to decrease.

The devices are:

  • Aerobatic, able to perform all aerobatics.
  • High-speed, developing speed up to 300 km per hour.
  • Racing, combining efficiency, reliability of engine start, serviceability and high quality in flight.

Controlled remotely, without wires. To do this, there is a set of radio equipment, which includes a transmitter, in the hands of the operator, and a receiver with steering mechanisms mounted on board the model.

Aircraft model device

Tip: Before you make an airplane out of ceiling tiles, you need to get acquainted with its design.

The device of all models is very similar. The main components of the radio-controlled aircraft model are shown in the photo.

This is:

  • Fuselage. This is the basis of the entire model, on which are attached:
  1. bearing structures;
  2. tail section;
  3. chassis.

Installed inside:

  1. engine;
  2. aircraft control equipment: receiver, steering controls, batteries.
  • Wing. Serves to create lift. The wing keeps the model in the air.
  • ailerons- control surfaces located on the rear end of the wing and deviate up or down in antiphase. They allow the aircraft to tilt left and right.
  • Tail unit. It consists of a vertical part - the keel, and a horizontal part - the stabilizer. This device provides the aircraft with stability so that it can fly straight and level, without tumbling in the sky, randomly changing its direction of movement.

A rudder is mounted on the rear end of the keel.

  • Chassis. Allow the model to take off from the surface and then land on it.

Tip: If there is no landing gear, the model should be started from the hands, and the aircraft should be landed “on its belly”.

  • Engine. Creates movement for the model, allows it to gain the desired height, and then maintain the specified speed.
  • Tank. Serves for the fuel needed to run the engine.

  • Receiver. Receives the transmitter signal, amplifies it, processes it. And then transfers to steering machines.
  • Steering cars. Convert the signal coming from the receiver into the movement of the model's rudders through the connected rods.
  • The receiver and the machine are powered from the onboard battery. Usually these are four "finger" elements.

Model selection

Tip: When choosing to make an airplane from ceiling tiles with your own hands, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, the reliability of taking off and landing, and then satisfying aesthetic needs.

The aircraft model must have the following properties:

  • Be stable: keep well in the air without much pilot input.
  • It is easy to repair, which is provided by model aircraft from ceiling tiles.
  • Sufficient strength, but without sacrificing flight qualities: withstand hard landings, and fly well.

We do it ourselves

For work you will need tools and materials:

Making any design, including an aircraft model, with your own hands begins with the development of drawings. To do this, you can use the services of specialists or copy them from sites by printing templates on a printer or drawing to size.

After printer:

  • Printouts on A4 sheet formats are laid out on a flat surface in serial numbers. The result should be an image of the elements of the aircraft in full size.
  • All the necessary sheets are glued together.
  • When gluing sheets without violating the dimensions and geometry of the future aircraft.
  • Cut lines are marked by connecting special crosses drawn at the corners that define the boundaries of the image.
  • The resulting drawings of aircraft from ceiling tiles with structural fragments are connected, glue is applied to the uncut edges of the sheets, and all parts are carefully glued together so that their joints match very exactly.

  • This is how all fragmented elements of the model are glued together.
  • Paper templates are cut with scissors.

Manufacturing of blanks

From the ceiling tiles, according to the prepared templates, blanks are cut out for assembling the aircraft.

Tip: To prevent the sheets from moving off the tile, they must be fixed to the surface of the material with glue. After marking is completed, the glue does not have time to dry and the paper is easily removed without damage for further use.

  • To mark a simple part, with straight lines, it is enough to pierce all its corners with a needle.
  • Remove the stencil and using a ruler from adjacent puncture points on the tile, cut through the material with the tip of a knife.
  • The ruler is shifted to the next neighboring points, until the complete cutting of the part is completed.
  • A workpiece of complex shape with rounded sides can be completely cut out according to the template.

  • Each part is desirable to be marked, to facilitate its appointment, according to the assembly drawing.

Aircraft assembly

Before proceeding with the assembly of all the parts, it is better to watch the video.

The aircraft assembly technology can be roughly described as follows:

  • Double partitions are glued together, consisting of several parts, which increase their strength. For example, fuselage partitions.

Tip: Titanium glue should be used for work, its price is the most affordable for beginner modellers. It is more convenient to apply glue with a syringe without a needle, using it as a dispenser.

  • To ensure that the ends of the cut parts are even, they are cleaned with sandpaper.
  • The side of the fuselage is placed on the table so that the front side is outside the aircraft. All mounting holes are cut on it.
  • For this part, the same holes are made on the second half of the fuselage.
  • Glue is applied to the glued side of the blank of the front partition of the compartment and the part is pressed into place. After spreading the composition on the mating part, the workpieces are separated and left to partially dry the glue, for about 30 seconds. The parts are again connected and pressed with a force of about 10 seconds.
  • When assembling the aircraft, it is necessary, if necessary, to adjust the dimensions of the battery compartment, constantly checking the squareness of the joined parts with a square or ruler.
  • So gradually all the partitions of the fuselage are assembled.

  • After installing all the partitions, the second fuselage sidewall is glued.
  • The nose of the aircraft and the mounting of the frame under the engine are being completed.
  • The upper part of the fuselage is installed.
  • The tail blanks are glued together. At the same time, reinforcement from reinforced tape is immediately laid to fix the rudder and toothpicks for rigidity.

  • The gluing is clamped with a board and clamps, which will ensure even gluing.
  • The tail is glued into place.
  • The vertical of the elements is controlled and strictly maintained.
  • The elevator parts are glued together. At the same time, a bamboo skewer and adhesive tape are laid inside to fix the steering wheel. For the reliability of gluing the halves of the ceiling, the adhesive tape can be perforated with holes.
  • The elements are compressed with a board and clamps, and left for about a day until the glue dries completely.
  • The edges are ground with sandpaper or a stone at an angle of 45 °, which will allow them not to rest against each other when the planes of the model are tilted.
  • The wing is assembled, lines are marked on it for gluing stiffeners, ribs, spars.

  • A wooden axis or spar can be made from a wooden ruler 50 centimeters long.
  • The spar rail is glued.
  • The joint in the center is reinforced with two small slats.
  • Styrofoam strips are glued on.
  • The desired shape of the wing plane is set. To do this, the material of the substrate or ceiling is rolled on a piece of pipe.
  • Glue is applied to all mating elements and final gluing is performed. The wing at the time of setting the adhesive composition is fixed in any way possible: cargo, clothespins, adhesive tape.

  • The small dents formed from the clothespins are sanded with sandpaper.
  • In the center of the wing, the cavities are closed, inserts are glued.
  • After the glue dries, the ailerons are marked. In this case, it is necessary to additionally look at the node in the light, so as not to get on the partition.
  • They are cut on both sides with a cutter, the finished aileron is removed.
  • Opened cavities are sealed with strips of tiles.
  • Ailerons can be glued immediately with reinforced tape or later, before the main fitting of the aircraft model.
  • The front part of the wing can be reinforced with reinforced tape.
  • The whole model is covered with adhesive tape, which serves for beauty, and most importantly, gives the structure greater strength, which will allow the product to withstand falls.
  • The adhesive tape is smoothed with a warm iron, which will permanently attach it to the ceiling tile.
  • A slot is made in the body of the aircraft into which the wing is installed.
  • Servo machines are installed on the wing. To do this, the elements are applied and outlined with a marker, a seat is cut out.
  • The wires are pulled with a homemade wire hook.
  • On the contrary, horns are mounted on the ailerons and connected to the servos with a rigid wire.
  • Two servos are installed in the fuselage of the aircraft, for the rudder and elevator.
    For fixing, it is better to use double-sided tape, glued to all contact areas of the servo.
  • The elements are installed in place and the supporting walls are additionally glued. They are laid from a rigid wire of thrust to the rudders.
  • A frame is made for mounting the motor.
  • Thin plywood is glued from the motor mounting side, bolts will be screwed into it for fixing.
  • The frame for the motor is glued into place.
  • The motor driver is mounted in front of the fuselage, wires are brought out through the ventilation window and connected.

Car modeling, motor glider, foam planes. Motor installation

  • The direction of rotation is checked.
  • The fairing is put in place and fastened with adhesive tape.
  • To strengthen the installation site of the wing, it must be fixed by gluing plywood or thin shingles.
  • The receiver is placed, and all the wires are assembled from all the electronics.
  • The bottom of the fuselage is glued, a hatch for mounting the battery is cut through.
  • The total weight of the model is approximately 450 grams.
  • You can fly over a model aircraft. The video will show you how to do it.

Assembling airplanes from ceiling tiles is the easiest option that a novice aviation enthusiast can do if desired. The main condition is to do everything carefully, adhering to the assembly technology, but it is better to take the advice of a specialist.

Here's what we did (video)

Headwind, clouds, natural scenery, grace and serenity. No, this is not every hippie's dream (although... who knows). This is familiar to anyone who is interested in the sport of gliding. Well, sport or not sport, it's up to you, but the hobby is great. Gliding - what is it? Designing models of "airplanes" and their practical implementation. Launch, flight, adjustment, launch again and so on. For the most part, gliding is a child's game for adult uncles and aunts. The designs of the airframe are not repeated, each airplane is individual. Hence the interest: to build something new, not seen before. In general, the main center around which all actions are tied is the glider. It is in it that the philosophy of gliding lies. And how to do it, this plane? A question of effort and desire.

Model selection

A homemade glider must have some qualities that can be noted in its commercial counterpart. Firstly, the plane, as planned, must fly, and for a long time. Secondly, the model must be strong so that when it hits the ground, it does not break into its component parts.

And, thirdly, no one has yet canceled the grace of flight, the more “correctly” the glider flies, the smoother its trajectory, the better. At first glance, it's easy. But no. It is these characteristics that glider pilots have been trying to achieve from their offspring for years, improving and improving their models.

It would be nice to immediately deal with the design. What will the glider be like? It is difficult to achieve correctness with your own hands, so you should at least somehow adhere to the general rules. It can be difficult for beginners to make complex models, so it’s worth coming up with something easy, but no less elegant than store-bought options. So, there are two designs of gliders that do not require special forces and costs. Because of this, they fit great. The first glider is very light. It is based on the constructor example. This copy will be assembled, corrected, launched right at the place of "testing". The second plane will be prefabricated, solid and more stable. But, as you know, its manufacture is hard and painstaking work. Not every beginner glider builder will build one with ease.

Glider drawings - a brief introduction

For the first and second airframe, the set of resources will be almost the same. Wooden blocks, twine, be sure to glue (in fact, it is not recommended to save on it both in quantity and quality), ceiling tiles, a piece of plywood. In general, you can start.

Dimensions of the first airframe

As you know, the first plane will be very light. Its knots will be attached with stationery rubber bands and glue.

Therefore, accuracy here should not be adhered to. It is worth remembering just a few rules. The length of the glider should not exceed a meter, and the wingspan - one and a half meters. The rest is for personal presentation.

Second airframe dimensions

Here it is worth thinking about the quality of production. After all, the details of an integral aircraft must be adjusted to the millimeter. The drawings of gliders must always correspond to the models being made, otherwise they will not fly. So, a complex model should have the following dimensions.

In length, the aircraft will be able to "grow" by eight hundred millimeters. The width of the wingspan will be one thousand six hundred millimeters. Attention, the new value is the height. What does it include? "Growth" of the fuselage and stabilizer. All this will come out a hundred millimeters. The main numbers are known, so it's worth getting to work.

DIY glider - simple version

Nobody has canceled the practice yet, therefore, in order to achieve something, it is worth working hard. With the design of gliders, everything is the same. But do not forget that there is an easy way: to create an aircraft that does not require painstaking work. Aircraft constructor - the easiest way to make a lightweight glider with your own hands. Very simple. Firstly, it will not be large, which will significantly reduce the processing time.

Working process. First you need to cut out the base of the airframe from the ceiling tiles, that is, its wing-shaped parts. Rectangles should be made from the above material in such a way that they measure seventy centimeters by one hundred and fifty (in fact, this is the wing itself), one hundred and sixty by eighty centimeters (this is a horizontal stabilizer), eighty by eighty (this is a vertical stabilizer). The main parts should be cut out carefully, grind the perimeter with sandpaper so that there are no nicks. Each narrow edge should be rounded, and the airframe will look more elegant, and the aerodynamic qualities will improve. Next is to move on to the manufacture of ribs. These are specific parts that give the structure a fortress. Ribs can be made from ordinary chips, turning and giving them the desired shape in advance. Actually, next you need to attach a piece of wood to the middle of the wing with glue so that it peeks out over the edges. The main part is ready. Now it comes to making the airframe body. It will consist of just a long thin stick and stabilizers. Small rounded squares should be glued together to form a kind of three-dimensional letter "T". It must be attached to the tail. So, all parts are ready. It remains to connect everything together with rubber bands.

Complex airplane

It is easy to make a children's glider with your own hands. "Adult" models require some effort and more time to design. But the result is worth it. Making a full-fledged glider begins with the preparation of the wings. They are carefully and accurately cut, polished. The shape of the wing can be very different. Flat to round. Complex gliders are distinguished by the presence of counterweights. They give stability to the model. The body of the airframe can be streamlined wooden blocks. The rest: wings, stabilizers, keel - everything is the same as in the previous version. With only one small difference: these parts are fixed with glue. Therefore, any changes after launch are not possible. That is why it is so important to calculate everything in advance.

Making a radio-controlled glider from the ceiling with your own hands is very simple!

In fact, for manufacturing, you only need to download the model aircraft drawings located at the end of the article, cut out the parts and glue them together!

The drawings are a general view and a breakdown of the A4 following picture.

As a result of manufacturing, you will get such an aircraft model.

If you wish, you can scale the drawing to fit your needs, for example, enlarge it.

Let's dwell on a few moments of production.

The fuselage is quite simple to manufacture - in fact, a rectangular box.

Plywood or a piece of wooden ruler is glued to the nose of the aircraft model, and the engine mount is attached to it.

The wing has a pronounced V, usually on a model aircraft without ailerons from 3 to 5 degrees.

KFM5 profile, see more about such profiles.

Additional layers of ceiling are glued where the wing touches the fuselage. The wing is fastened with rubber bands; bamboo skewers or pieces of a wooden ruler are used as protrusions for attaching rubber bands.

The servos and the receiver are placed under the wing, the battery is placed in the center of gravity (CG) of the aircraft model, this allows the use of batteries of different weights without shifting the CG.

Servo machines 5-9 grams, any receiver from 3 channels. Motor 2205-2208 with 1800-2600 rpm. Propeller 6x3-6x4, preferably folding, battery 2S 350-450 mAh.

  • Download glider drawings can .

A little about the model. Before doing something more serious, especially in modeling, you need to practice on a simpler one. Let's make a glider out of plain paper and cardboard. A properly adjusted model can take off up to 6 meters in the air and fly a distance of up to 25 meters. These characteristics in our case depend on the thickness of the cardboard, the mass of the load and the quality of the assembly.

To make this paper model of a glider you will need:

  • cardboard (preferably not thin);
  • PVA glue;
  • plasticine;
  • scissors;
  • pencil with ruler.


The first thing you need to start designing a model is a drawing. Figure 1 shows all the components and dimensions of the model (dotted line - places of bends, dotted line - axis of the center of gravity of the model). Having drawn a sketch of the future model on cardboard in compliance with all sizes, you should get 4 blanks.

  1. Wing;
  2. stiffening rib;
  3. Keel;
  4. Fuselage.

Rice. 2. All details are already cut out.

Now it is necessary to bend the edge of the wing along the dotted line (blank 1) and smear it with glue. Next, the glued and bent edge of the wing must be pressed well so that it sticks.

The next stage is the assembly of the fuselage (blank 4). The build sequence is:

  • bend the stabilizer 90 degrees along the dotted line (in the tail of the model).
  • we coat the stiffener on both sides (blank 2) and the lower part of the keel (blank 2), as indicated by hatching in Figure 1.
  • we insert the stiffener and keel into place and clamp the fuselage with clothespins so that all parts stick well.

Fig.3. The result should be like this.

The next stage is the connection of the wing and fuselage. The build order is:

  • bend the wing holders at an angle of 90 degrees (along the dotted line);
  • apply glue to the upper sides of the wing holders;
  • connect the wing and fuselage, allowing them to stick together (Figure 4).

After all the details of the aircraft are glued, you can proceed to the final stage - adjusting the center of gravity of the model. In order to do this, it is necessary to stick the weight to the fuselage, as shown in figures 5 and 6. Then, with the index finger and thumb, take the model and check the location of the center of gravity.

If the center of gravity is shifted from the axis of the center of gravity to the nose of the model, it will go down like a stone. If the center of gravity is shifted to the tail of the model, the model will simply tumble in the air and will not fly. Therefore, the optimal position of the center of gravity is under the wing of the model. However, a slight shift is allowed.

To launch the model, you simply need to take it with your thumb and forefinger under the wing, and with a sharp movement of your hand forward, launch the model into the air. As practice shows, almost always the model flies along a normal trajectory the first time.

Recently, small models of gliders made of EPP, in other words, from ceiling tiles, have begun to appear in toy stores. Of course, such a toy flies beautifully, withstands many flights and can be launched everywhere, but the prices bite - $ 9 apiece. But you can also make a homemade model by spending no more than 30 rubles on a plane! So, let's start sculpting our toy.

*ceiling tiles without relief pattern
*PVA glue
* pine rail 4x4 mm
* clothespins
*pins or needles

*pens, markers, etc.
*stationery knife
*small skin on a bar

First you need to print and cut out templates for the plane.

It is advisable to stick the printout to the cardboard. Then attach them to the tile, fix with buttons and draw a wing, stabilizer and keel.

After we remove the templates and cut them out with a clerical knife (or a medical scalpel) with an allowance of 1-2 mm of the workpiece.

Try not to touch the lines of the blanks.

Now you need to process the blanks. We mark the boundary lines, take a bar with a skin and give a profile to the wing and stabilizers with back and forth movements.

You need to process confidently, smoothly, without jerks, otherwise you can ruin the part. Of course, you can give a profile with a heated iron, but this method does not always work.

If you have given the details the desired shape, then you can start gluing. In no case do not grab the glue Moment! Solvents will turn the plane into a mess, so you need to use PVA glue. A rail 18-25 cm long is smeared with glue on one side and the other, and left for 5 minutes so that the glue is absorbed into the tree. At the stabilizer and wing, the middle is marked and smeared with glue along the center line from below. Next, we fix everything with clothespins, the keel is attached with pins to the wing also along the midline.